#kee oc
allykatsart · 4 months
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The Greatest Magician of All Time!
Meet Houdini! Peccantum's magical assistant/pet! @aspiringcandleartist came up with the idea and design for this oc and I LOVE LOOK AT HIM HES A LIL GENTLEMAN LIL BABY BOIIIII
Houdini is a weird shark/puppy mix and joins the cast of weird background animal pets in Hazbin! (Much to Kee Kee's annoyance) Peccantum didn't originally want him, but got attached very quickly after Houdini refused to leave him alone. They're stuck together now :D
Who is Peccantum?
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bugmatics · 3 months
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floor 121 - sweeper's stop
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sassaffrassa · 8 months
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#give ciri a girlfriend
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theluckybard · 11 months
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Sweet disaster
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ghostwise · 8 days
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wip wednesday tag from @scionshtola and goddamn! these old ass dragons got me again.
drawing her once was just enough to make me miss her so here's a little nel doodle with a more cheerful tone <3
i'll tag... you, if you haven't done wip wednesday in a couple of weeks!
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chachacharlieco · 1 year
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one of the many mophield doodles that I'll never post HAHAHAA.
Shield belongs to @crowind1
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keelime-xiv · 1 month
Just Kee, casually walking back onto your feed like she never left.
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Thank you for 200 followers!!
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I realise with how saturated social media is now, 200 may not seem like much. But imagine 200 people staring at you IRL, waiting for you to do something that entertains them. That's so many people asdfghjkl p r e s s u r e.
I wanted to keep this in context of the Burger universe, so I used your ocs!!! Thank you so much for sharing them with me I really hope I did them justice!
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whiskyarts · 8 months
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meeting a stupid green thing in the woods who makes fun of you for being shit at magic
no shading ver under the cut :3
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wormonastringtime · 6 months
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razzzar · 2 years
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"You have a home in my queedom come"
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thekeatoncadet · 2 months
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Self-indulgent Ren doodles because I love a chronic workaholic
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loudcyclop · 6 months
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P.S I can never remember how tall Ik is he looks gigantic in this
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🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum? (For Seraphet)
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right? (Derres)
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame? (Kee, I already know but I want to hear again!!! :3)
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why? (Seven Seven)
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.? (Ies)
🎨 PALETTE - can they draw? what do they like to draw? (Lioo)
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self? (Derres again >:3€)
🔫 — Despite his demonic origins, Seraphet very easily puts his trust in others. Perhaps because one might call the way he was raised as "sheltering". Perhaps because he knows who exactly to trust with his "sixth sense", so he had never been backstabbed. In either case, if he thinks you are worthy of becoming his friend, expect to hear his voice on your deathbed, for he shall never forget you. That comes with no betrayals as well (at least, conscious ones: you can still get in trouble, but it won't be of ill will). If given an ultimatum... Pray one of the sides doesn't include his family.
☄️ — Derres is the first person that any Spiderberry Hills visitor will meet, so it's very important that the first impressions are good for him! Many assumptions about him are correct, but a few stood out as particularly odd. Some talk of him as naïve or aloof, when it is simply not the case. Others had suspicions as to why he was the only witcher in the entire village, and they had to be dissuaded from the idea of their purposeful elimination. Overall, he is very easy to read, so if you have talked with Derres at least one time, you have a general picture of him.
🔪 — He would be terrified, to the point of freezing in place. Out of all the possible scenarios, this one applies to Keeares' pessimistic mindset the most, and yet facing the reality of it would crush him. As for who would be to blame, the Universe would be first on the list, before him. (I don't rember when I answered that before, sorrey lol)
👑 — Seven wants to be remembered as a magician that is worthy of continuing her family's legacy. That might change after seeing certain people, but hey, at least her passion is staying intact.
🎭 — Not much is different. For strangers she might lean into more mysterious side of themself, but Ies always stays as Ies, no matter the people.
🎨 — Lioo is a tattoo artist's apprentice, so of course she can draw! But on her free time, she rarely does so for herself. She's more into sightseeing. When she does have the inspiration, though, she likes to put down some sketches of more... artistic tattoos. Mainly of skulls surrounded by greenery.
🔥 — Believe it or not, Derres has none of those. You could say he pushes himself too hard to get around everywhere and help the villagers, but it's not done to an extreme and isn't often at all. By his own opinion, Derres is the best version of himself now, and he's glad he had reached that point.
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seagullcharmer · 7 months
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i only have eyes for you
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pufffinn · 5 months
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even more clone ocs 🤯
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