#keep talking about it keep reminding people that palestinians are still here and still fighting
I'd like to attempt to describe why I think we keep hearing such bizarre and biased commentary from US liberals/progressives on Israel. I'm going to go over some things that #jumblr already knows, but I want this to be accessible to anybody who is interested. I'm not trying to excuse anybody's views or comments - I'm tying to remind myself that while there's no shortage of antisemitism in these voices, there's more going on than just antisemitism.
First, I think it is important to note that these comments are coming mostly from younger folks. These folks want to be on the Right Side of History, and I love that impulse.
They want to believe that they would have protested the war in Vietnam. They want to believe that they would have marched with Martin Luther King Jr- and I love that impulse.
They have been sold a story that this is a similar instance where one side is unambiguously an aggressor and the other side is unambiguously a victim.
They believe this, I think, for a few reasons I can understand. One of these is Hamas' use of civilian shields.
Sinwar (Hamas leader), his predecessors, his allies, and his eventual successors all know they're fighting two wars simultaneously. One is the physical war against Israelis, the other is the PR war fought for the hearts and minds of decent human beings worldwide. By placing all military assets behind/underneath civilians, he ensures that every Hamas material/military loss is a PR victory. This continues to be incredibly effective, and it's not a mystery why. Even those of us who understand this tactic, even those of us who have seen it repeatedly are heartbroken to see the harm done to non-combatants. When people who don't understand this tactic see the same images and videos, they are understandably horrified and want it to stop. It looks to them like soldiers indiscriminately destroying civilian lives.
These optics are made starker by Israel's unquestionable material and military advantage. Young Americans see Israel as powerful, Hamas as weak, and want to root for the underdog, assuming that Underdog = Good Guy.
Racism in Netanyahu's government ensures that Israel loses this PR war
Israel, Israeli international media, and Israel's international allies are not effective at explaining this tactic and are not effective in expressing their shared horror. The efforts to make this case convincingly are rendered nearly impossible by the fact that Netanyahu's coalition government includes theocrats and racists with track records of dehumanizing Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. That's the government giving orders to the IDF. Can we really be surprised when folks in the west see a connection between anti-arab rhetoric and violence which harms Arabs?
Israel's failure to remove these people from government is a tragedy. There seems to be no shortage of Israelis who detest Netanyahu and who protested his attempts to subvert the judicary to erode minority rights and to make it harder to fight his corruption- but there are still too many Israelis voting for parties in his coalition. I say this relating to the pain that the Israelis I know feel about this. I'm similarly humiliated before the world as an American in that nearly half the US electorate is okay with Trump, a racist, a rapist, and a demented demagogue who takes great pleasure in smashing democratic norms and coarsening/corrupting political life. The Israelis I know feel similarly about Netanyahu.
If I feel like it, I may continue this later. I would like to talk about semantic drift and the misapprehensions around terms like colonialism, zionism, genocide, and ethnic cleansing.
Again, my goal here is to remind myself that despite the abundant antisemitism in the comments of many young Americans saying profoundly stupid things about Israel, they are motivated by more than just antisemitism, and that antisemitism is not their primary drive.
Understanding the roots of their views may help identify ways to help remedy and mitigate rising antisemitism.
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saturnsfather · 8 months
the fact that there are so many people posting about the fucking superbowl tonight and taylor fucking swift as if one of the most heinous and disgusting acts of genocide isnt happening Right Now. like i dont even have words for how the bombing of rafah makes me feel. and im not even directly affected by it
the entire western world should be forced to answer for the horror this three month long siege of palestine has been. this has been systematic and planned out. and leaders all around the fucking world have sat by and done nothing while an entire population, an entire ethnic group of human beings have been slowly wiped off the face of the earth.
theyre not gone yet. and they never will be. from the river to the sea
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blackautmedia · 4 months
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Important reminder that in discussing the criminalization of masking, that we need to talk about it with the understanding that it's already here. Please keep solidarity with the people in Ohio in mind.
The purpose behind criminalizing masking is multi-layered. It acts as a way to target disabled, non-white, and queer people who are still continuing to mask. If they don't get sick outside, it forces us out the public eye and functionally acts as another form of ugly laws in many ways too.
It acts as a way to vaguely criminalize people and justify both police violence and also institutionalization of anyone who masks.
It has long already been used as a way to enact medical violence on people by noting their masking as anxious or paranoid behavior in their medical charts.
I can't emphasize this enough. It's not a hypothetical threat on the horizon or up for discussion. It's already here and there are people who need action yesterday.
There is no free Palestine without fighting ableism too as it's one of the primary tools used against the Palestinians.
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bandzboy · 2 months
I feel very demoralized lately bc idk if the boycott is working :( a bts member recently released a new album and the lead single is literally top of global spotify charts rn and will likely rank on top ten of billboard with his new album so it seems like most people are still streaming and buying hybe projects idk
anon... even if things don't look in our favour we have to realize that boycotts take a lot of time to have some effect! and unfortunately there are many people especially outside of twt and tumblr that have no idea that it is happening! and trust me, i have a lot of times where i am demotivated and it sucks that there are a lot of people that know about it and still continue to stream and buy albums like nothing is happening but... there was something that happened recently with a friend that is on my txt boycotters gc that gave me a lot of hope! we were spreading info about samsung and how they are contributing to the congo genocide and also how they are gonna be the sponsor of the olympics and since we wanted to let people know about it (bc txt did a song for them) we tried our best to mobilize people and spread the word to through tags and etc! we called out people that weren't boycotting (bc that's also part of it) some people were very rude as you can imagine... in fact we got into fights bc we couldn't believe how so many people still don't care about congo or wanna get educated on it (someone straight up told one of my friends they don't care about conogolese people and they would be streaming the song anyways truly amazing people /sarcasm) but anyways! my friend posted about it and all of that and someone hours after said they started to boycott the song and joined the hybe boycott too because what of my friend's words and how it made them change their stance and did surprise us all and i think we all had that moment that we thought like hey... maybe what we are doing really matters and trust me it really does. all of this to say that i get how you are feeling... but i also want you to realize that our movement is changing every single day, a lot of people are joining every single day too and it's all due to the fact we keep talking about it in any way we can and i think it's important to keep doing it because i think that's one of the reasons why the movement grows! and i think sometimes we focus on the negatives a lot and trust me i do it a lot too and i have to deal with out of touch kpop stans every day that are constantly doubling down on their awful morals just to keep streaming and mass buying albums but we have achieved a lot in these past few months! a lot of media outlets are noticing our efforts, articles have been made, a lot of people who are very important prominent people in the palestinian movement have noticed it too and to me those are insane wins! i've been here for months, i try my best to spread the message from twt to tumblr in the best way i can because i want everyone to be informed and a lot of things have changed and i am just hoping the movement will grow and the tides will start finally changing... this is very long but you aren't the first person that has come to my inbox to say things like this and i just wanna encourage you to keep going! it's very hard and very challenging because new shit keeps getting in the way but at the end of the day you have to remind yourself why you are doing this and who you are doing this for. it's very important to keep that in mind so yeah i just wanted to leave with you with these words
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itskimngxn-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #7
1. This means that each party fighting for the right to claim ownership of Jerusalem has its own perception and does not want to objectively dissect the problem by acknowledging other views. The religious belief passed down many generations cannot be changed within a day, and as time goes by, these sacred ideologies become almost unchangeable. The reason why negotiation cannot take place is due to each party’s fear of its own limitations in perception, need to prove influence, and extreme protection of its own culture. Upon reading this, I immediately thought about the left and right wing of American politics (how extreme conservatives can rarely sit down, listen to the thoughts of liberals and actually respect them). Conflicts can be found among parties, but then I also thought about my own country. As a country governed by only one party, you will never see protests in the streets if you come to Vietnam. The government never appreciates citizens’ opinions, and even when people express arguments that are persuasive but go against the government’s perception, they will be considered as renegades. Even in education the same thing takes place: I still remember when I attended a scientific contest wherein the judges disregarded my team’s invention because we did not make something that was taught in the textbook (how is doing so considered “an invention”?). Being blinded by one’s subjective views and unable to recognize other viewpoints can be very detrimental, as it leaves no room for acquiring true understanding as well as critical thinking, and this leads to the inability to negotiate with one another. 
2. Jews view Jerusalem as the most sacred land, since the remains of the Second Temple as well as the Wailing Wall still exist here, serving as the core of their religion’s symbol. Christians view Jerusalem under a different lens: it was the land where Jesus sacrificed his life for the sin that humans committed. For Muslims, Jerusalem includes the Noble Sanctuary where Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. It can be seen that each religion has its own story relating to the sacred land called Jerusalem, which makes each view so distinguished and the fight for ownership inevitable. 
3. The prayer starts off softly, accompanied by the strings and solo keyboard, whose first stanza includes the depiction of Jerusalem: “The one with the most beautiful buildings/The flower of all cities”. Fairuz clearly appreciates the natural beauty of this city, as the first part of her prayer focuses on describing Jerusalem’s purity. However, as the prayer progresses, it suggests the ongoing fight over this land, by introducing heavy beats and loud blasts. I think it is really interesting how the prayer shifts from the image of mosques to Christian connection, as in the fourth stanza, the prayer talks about the crying faces of Mary and her child. The act of crying comes from the fact that children in Jerusalem have no shelter, people are forced to leave their homes, and how unstable the political situation at this land is, despite originally being known as the “Land of Peace”. After the fifth stanza, listener can understand that perhaps it is not the Gods that want us to fight over Jerusalem, but war comes from human’s selfishness and their need of power, generalized as “forces of evil”. Jerusalem might be the land where all historical events occurred, but instead of fighting for the right to own it, each faction should try to embrace the value of one another and cherish religious diversity. 
4. The distinctive elements of Palestinian popular music include: ululation (high-pitched tongue trills), improvisation, pure melody performed monophonically (reminds me of medieval chants), complex vocal, percussive beats, and hand clapping. For Israeli popular music, listeners should pay attention to: use of Slavic/Russian melodies, promotion of nation’s identity, and the depiction of social/cultural problems. This type of music shares a lot of similar features to those of Palestinian music. 
5. In rare cases, music is played on TV or radio stations. Music can also be disseminated by transporting tapes across the border and distributing thousands of copies. Censorship placed includes sending artists to underground, complete control over broadcasting networks, banning of nationalistic lyrics, confiscation of personal belongings, and even imprisonment. 
6. I notice the presence of string instruments normally used by artists in the Middle East, and also voice trills performed by the male singer. Although this is a cover, 90% of it resembles the original version. This proves that the artists cherish the authenticity of the song but still work to alter it a bit to achieve the delivery of an underlying message: to bring people together as a whole despite each person’s status of citizenship. I think the song works really well for spreading this idea as it encapsulates both Western and Middle East musical characteristics, signifying a unity among countries. 
7. I agree with the author’s final words. Music is viewed as a temporal escape for the world’s complicated political issues as it is one of the art forms that bring people closer together, despite their differences in ideologies. I still remember the time when China claimed its illegal possession over various parts of South China Sea, aggressively provoked other Asian countries including Vietnam, Japan and Philippines. During that time, lots of Vietnamese grew hatred for the country, including me. I wanted to delete Chinese songs from my Walkman, because it is really weird listening to music performed by people belonging to the country that tries to STEAL an oceanic part of Vietnam. However, I gradually realized that I should keep things distinguished. The fight for territory is the politician/government/military’s fight, musicians are not the ones responsible for starting the conflict. Neither are the country’s citizens. Upon travelling to different parts in Vietnam during that time, I witnessed Vietnamese people hissed at Chinese tourists, which was totally unreasonable. I learn to accept that the conflict affects everyone because we all have patriotism, but there are certain cultural values (including music) we still need to appreciate, not bash due to political tension. 
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schraubd · 7 years
A Modest Speech Before the Zionist Organization of America
Of course, I'd never be invited to give a speech to a ZOA. This, rather, is an advance copy of a speech to be delivered before that august organization of Israel-defenders by my possibly-imaginary-alter-ego, Judah ben Samaria.
Fellow Zionists.
I come before you more optimistic about the survival and success of our beloved Jewish state than I’ve felt at any time since … well, since at least 2008.
I need not remind you of the great victory President Donald Trump—a true friend of Israel—has given us at the end of his first year in office. But perhaps I can take a moment to emphasize its scope.
It is not just his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital, though we have since time immemorial yearned for recognition of this historical truth.
And it is not just that he has abandoned the foolish insistence on blindly pursuing the “two-state delusion,” though it has long since been demonstrated that no peace will come from dividing the holy land.
No, there is a greater accomplishment here still. Through the President’s bold leadership, he has accomplished something that all the talking heads and State Department Arabists had assumed to be impossible: He has gotten the Palestinians to finally accept that they will never have their own state carved out from the territory of the historic Jewish homeland.
The Palestinian’s own chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has forthrightly acknowledged it:  “President Trump has delivered a message to the Palestinian people: the two-state solution is over.”
This is what we’ve fought for, is it not? From this point forward, the question is no longer how much land Israel will have to cede to create some mythic, concocted “Palestinian” state. If you are in Eretz Yisrael, you are in Israel. There are no more “settlers”, and there are no more “refugees”. The era of arbitrary divisions across the entirety of the Holy Land can now enter history’s dustbin, right alongside the arbitrary division of Israel’s capital.
This is an opportunity we cannot miss. By ignoring the naysayers and the doubters, President Trump has actually forged a consensus between the Palestinian leadership and the committed friends of Israel who populate this room. Having abandoned the delusion of an independent Palestinian state, and the obstinate refusal to accept Israel’s existence, “Palestinian” leaders are finally taking a different tack. Now, instead of fighting a genocidal war against Israel, they are willing to pursue a path of true peace: working with us to ensure that each and every person currently living under Israeli sovereignty is given all the rights and prerogatives of citizenship inside of a single, unified state. Erekat accepted that this was the only possible route forward following President Trump’s diplomatic powerplay: “Now is the time to transform the struggle for one-state with equal rights for everyone living in historic Palestine, from the river to the sea.”
There’s no need to wait. Now that it is clear that Jerusalem is and will remain an undivided city, the 350,000 Arabs living in “East” Jerusalem who have stubbornly refused the opportunity for Israeli citizenship should welcome the opportunity to integrate into Israel as equal voters, residents, and co-nationals.
But why stop there? There’s no need to wait for “negotiations”—negotiations with who? Getting bogged down in a chimerical “peace process” has only led Israel astray; and in any event, Israel is the sole legitimate governing body between the River and the Sea—it’s time it acted like it. Israel should immediately annex Judea and Samaria—and Gaza, while we're at it—in their entirety, and say once and for all: If you live in any part of our territory, you are an Israeli citizen—with all the rights and freedoms that entails. Whether you are among the 400,000 so-called “settlers” or the nearly three million so-called “Palestinians” will no longer matter. President Trump has paved the way for all to be equal citizens of one, undivided nation. By the next general election, I hope that all those living in Judea and Samaria—regardless of religion or ethnicity—come in hordes to the polls and cast a ballot in a single, unified election. Then we will finally know that our Zionist dream has come to full fruition.
Our enemies have long slandered committed Zionists by accusing us of desiring an “apartheid” state, where Jews and Arabs have unequal rights and the former oppress the latter. But it was the libel of “occupation” that allowed so-called liberals to justify keeping West Bank Arabs stateless—awaiting the conjuration of a non-existent “Palestinian” country. Once the Arabs and the world accepts that there is and will ever be only one state in the Holy Land, then all residents inside of it can enjoy complete and total equality as citizens within.
Now is the time for us here at ZOA to stand up for what a one-state solution truly means. After all, if there is no such thing as “Palestine”, then the only other possible label for so-called “Palestinians” living in Judea and Sameria is “Israeli.” Erekat’s pivot to “one-state with equal rights for everyone” shows that he gets it. Many of us have long observed that, in all practicality, there is only one state already. But it will not be a truly unified state until Israel gives full enfranchisement to the totality of the population of Judea and Sameria. That final coup de grace is all that stands between us and a true, globally acknowledged, “one-state solution.”
We often like to joke that the Palestinians “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” But—in the spirit of the new era of peace and unity that Donald Trump has ushered in—perhaps we can congratulate them for, finally, seeing the writing on the wall. The two-state delusion is dead; Donald Trump has killed it. And in doing so, he has given us an opportunity to seize as well. We must adopt a new slogan, one which can separate the allies of Israel from her enemies, and clearly articulates our vision for a unified state across the entire territory in Mandatory Palestine within which all who reside are equal.
“From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.”
This is the future Donald Trump holds out for us. And whenever we hear anyone sing chant, we here at ZOA will know we've found a friend.
via The Debate Link http://ift.tt/2BXwfYV
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the-record-columns · 5 years
Jan. 22, 2020: Columns
Jerry Lankford writes his obituary every day...
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Ellen Lankford at age 16
Record Publisher
Note:  The following column is taken from remarks made by Ken Welborn at memorial services this past Saturday for the late Ellen Kay Lankford, sister of The Record's Jerry Lankford.
  Good afternoon folks, my name is Ken Welborn and I work for The Record, a newspaper in North Wilkesboro. 
I am sad—yet honored to be here today to speak with you about Ellen Lankford, who died very unexpectedly this past Monday morning at the young age of 57.  Speaking at a service like this is privilege I do not take for granted, and today is no exception, but for some reason, this one feels different.  I will just do the best I can, speaking from my heart.
As I mentioned a moment ago, I work for The Record in North Wilkesboro where I have had the pleasure of working with Jerry Lankford, The Record's editor, for over 20 years. We spend more time together than most married couples do.  I personally value loyalty above all else, and in working with Jerry through these years, I have come know and trust him like very few people in my life—and thanks to him I have had the opportunity of getting to briefly know his relatives.  I never met his brother Gary, who died as a young boy.  Sadly, however, in our years of working together, I have watched him lose his entire immediate family; first his mother Willa Mae, then his brother Mike, and now Ellen, his sister and last sibling. This is the third funeral he has honored me by allowing me to speak.
Jerry Lankford is sad today, I can only imagine how sad he must be, but he sits on that church pew down front today with a clear conscience, because he knows he has spent his entire life caring about—and taking care of—his family.  And a clear conscience is a soft pillow.
I do not profess to have gotten to know Ellen Lankford nearly as well as many here today.  Most of what I know about Ellen came from conversations with Jerry.  He was proud of her—how smart she was, how well she did in school, earning a master's degree in Biology from Appalachian State University and continuing her education further at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.  She made a career as a laboratory scientist at various institutions in Guilford County where she spent most of her adult life.
He also spoke of Ellen with great respect and pride for her willingness to be such a loving aunt to his daughters, and, when Ellen, Mike, and Jerry's mother, Willa Mae, died in 2009, Ellen seamlessly transitioned to a grandmother figure to those girls. She took on the same role for Jerry's grandsons, Sammie and Charlie, years later. 
When Jerry's own health issues prompted his moving in to live with Ellen at her apartment in the Mulberry Community, he will tell you that her medical background, her “Mother Hen” nagging, and her “Fear of God” proclamations, helped get him on the straight and narrow, and has made a substantial difference on his own road to better health.
Again, I cannot profess to knowing everything about Ellen Lankford, but, some months ago, circumstances worked out in such a manner that I was able to do a favor for her regarding some things she had left stored for some time in Guilford County. It really wasn't that big of a favor as far as I was concerned, but Jerry said Ellen was truly grateful and wanted to do something for me. Of course I told him no, that nothing was expected, but she persisted.  Then one morning at work Jerry told me that Ellen had decided she wanted to take me to lunch—and wasn't going to take no for an answer.  When I said no again, he told me I was going to hurt her feelings and would I please meet with her for lunch, as she really wanted to say a special thank you to me.
Well, the lunch went fine, and it turned out I was really glad I went.  Ellen Lankford spent practically all of the entire hour and a half we were there talking about one person—her baby brother, Jerry.  She spoke of his love and kindness for her and of how he had taken such wonderful care of their mother, and everyone else in their family.  She told stories about growing up with Jerry, about the warm feeling of security he gave her just knowing that he was always going to be there for her.  As she continued to speak, it was with tears in her eyes—tears of love—tears comfortably shed in front of what amounted to a perfect stranger—because Jerry meant that much to her. I told her what I could in the way of “Amens” to what she was saying, reminding her that I trusted Jerry with anything I had, and of the countless times he has covered my rear end so to speak, and how I knew he would always keep my confidence. Ellen and me had a Jerry Lankford love fest, and I was a proud participant. 
After that lunch I felt as though I knew Ellen a lot better, and felt better about her. 
We would have an occasional visit if I answered the telephone when she would call to speak with Jerry. I always noticed the little lift in her voice as she would ask “...has my baby brother has made it down there yet?”  It is totally appropriate that when Ellen was in distress this Monday past, Jerry immediately stopped his work and went to her side.  He talked with her, he comforted her, he told her—and once again showed her—that he loved her. 
And he held her hand as she died. She was not alone in her hour of greatest need. Jerry saw to that, as he always saw to everything.
I hope you folks are following what I am getting at. 
I noted earlier that this funeral felt different to me, and it still does. While we are here today to honor the life and memory of Ellen Lankford, I would also like to note the obvious, that funerals are for the living as well. 
As I noted earlier, this is the third Lankford funeral at which I have spoken—I do not want to do a fourth. Jerry Lankford should be there to conduct my funeral. To that end, I would ask, as an appropriate way to honor the life and memory of Ellen, that this family continue to take Jerry into their arms. Hold him close and give him the love, the kindness, and the respect he deserves—simply put, that which he gives every one of you, every day of his life.  He needs it.  He appreciates it.  And I know in my heart that Ellen would certainly approve. 
  Thank you.
Terror and Murder for political gain
Special to The Record
The United Nations designated Monday, Jan. 27, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. 
This day also marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau; two World War II Nazi extermination camps located in Poland where millions of Jews and others suffered and lost their lives. 
Next week more than 40 world leaders will gather in Jerusalem to participate in special events and ceremonies called ‘Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism.’  Why? Because humanity is obligated to make certain that ‘never again’ will there be another Holocaust. 
Recently it was revealed that an official Palestinian newspaper published an article calling for murder on Holocaust Remembrance Day in Jerusalem.  Their goal is to disrupt, and perhaps even cancel, the ceremonies.  We’ve heard nothing of this from mainstream U.S. news outlets but that’s because what Arab leaders say to their people in Arabic is very different from what they say to the English speaking world. 
Contained in the article is the statement, “One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel it.”  The implicit message is that one of the 40 world leaders slated to be in attendance will be a target.  This is unacceptable.
The Palestinians are deeply opposed to the Holocaust Remembrance ceremony taking place for several reasons.  First of all, most Palestinians have been taught that the Holocaust never really happened. In fact, the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, promotes and perpetuates the lie that the Holocaust is a myth. Secondly, the Palestinians believe that Jerusalem, both East and West Jerusalem, belongs fully to them and that it is a place where Jews do not belong. In plain language, Palestinian leaders are promoting murder to further their political agenda.
The international community must reject the Palestinian Authority for promoting terror and murder. They must not be given a free pass. Terror and murder cannot be used, or threatened to be used, in order to achieve political goals. These are the people with whom the world wants Israel to make peace.  It’s outrageous.
Miles and Miles of Hotdogs from an Igloo
Life in the Carolinas
How do you eat a mile-long hot dog?
One foot at a time or at least that’s how Linda Green approaches the process.
Linda Green stopped in at the Igloo shop in Millers Creek to pick up her order. Linda likes her hotdog all the way which includes a split grilled hotdog on a toasted bun with mustard, chili, onions, and slaw. Linda is a loyal customer who has been getting her hot dog, and ice cream fix at the Igloo for the past 40 years.
When I ask her how many she had ordered over the years, it seemed to work out to average two or three for most weeks. With a mile having 5,280 feet it has taken 40 years, but Linda is close to either side of a mile of delicious hot dog bliss.  
Matt Maston was also in line, he has been placing his Igloo order for more than 30 years, he’s another fan of the all the way dog, and he is well on the way to his membership in the Hotdog Mile Club. Matt recalled attending Millers  Creek Elementary   School across the highway from the Igloo and making regular trips.
Nowadays the menu offers up a variety of other options, however the hot dog rules supreme at the Igloo. The business opened in 1976, and was owned and operated by Chancie and Ruth Ashley, who were chicken farmers. The chicken business was changing, and the couple wanted to look at other income sources.
The building was a mail-order novelty concept. When the Igloo opened for business, the people in the surrounding area enjoyed visiting for ice cream. After two years the hotdogs were added to the menu, and over time the chili and slaw were perfected and become a favorite for loyal customers.
Kay Call is the daughter of Chancie and Ruth Ashley, and is now the owner. She recalled the opening days, when for the first two years, ice-cream was the only offering. Hotdogs were the first non-ice-cream food added; the boiled hotdogs were a favorite, however when the grill was added customers loved the extra flavor profile of grilling the dog to finish it off. The chili was, and still is, made from scratch with a slight sweetness and a nice texture. The slaw is made fresh and not complicated.
Cindy Dillard has been employed at the Igloo for 28 years and was working the grill during my visit. Cindy moved around the kitchen and filled order after order with the greatest of ease.
Debbie Whitley has been employed for a few years and said she enjoys being part of the seven-to-eight-person team that keeps the food flowing.
Cindy said the chili and slaw are so well-liked that a lot of the regulars order their dogs sloppy, which is double the amount of an already generous portion.  “It’s sloppy alright, and it’s good,” she said.
I do not doubt that there are many unofficial members of the hot dog mile club. It’s easy to lose track over the years, but one thing is for sure. The modest hot dog has a way of bringing people together and producing a lot of smiles.
Kay has done an excellent job of giving the hot dog its place of honor and respect. She has also preserved a piece of our Americana landscape.
Most of the Igloo buildings have been taken down. However, the one in the Millers Creek Community is standing and is home to a revolving door leading to miles and miles of tasty hot dogs.
You will need a napkin!
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achraf1149 · 5 years
Best Books 2019: The Best of the Year
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With the end of the year upon us, it’s time to talk about the best books of 2019.
Last year when I wrote my best books of 2018 post, I had only been a book blogger for a few months. Consequently, I had to rely heavily on reviews and bestseller lists to decide the best books of the year.
Let’s just say, I was determined not to do that again.
This year, I went all out in my drive to read every 2019 release I could get my hands on. I emailed publishers for Advance Review Copies, I joined NetGalley to get more Advance Review Copies and put library holds on every 2019 new release I could. In all, I read 74 different new releases!
Thus, I can definitively say that these are the best books of 2019.
While I still relied on reviews and bestseller lists for the books on my list, I feel much more confident in my selections.
Without further ado, here are my picks for the best books of 2019.
book cover Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane Just listen to this premise: NYPD cops Francis and Brian happen to move next door to each other in the suburbs. Though their children Kate and Peter become the best of friends, Francis and his wife have learned to keep their distance from Brian’s wife due to her precarious mental health. When tragedy strikes between the two families, Brian’s family moves away in shame. But when Kate and Peter fall in love, the two families must learn to confront the tragedy that ties them together. A story of love and forgiveness, Ask Again, Yes serves up the perfect blend of family drama and character study to win it all the stars and a place at the head of the best books of 2019.
A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum Following three generations of Palestinian women, Rum’s powerful story highlights the dangers of beliefs that view women as inferior. The tale begins with the arranged marriage of Isra, forced to move to America where she knows no one. Years later, Isra’s daughter Deya herself faces an arranged marriage in Brooklyn. This raw account of the oppression of women in an extremely strict family is depressing and at the same time beautifully written. Certainly worth a read, and easily one of the best debut novels of the year.
The Girls at 17 Swann Street by Yara Zgheib Yara Zgheib hits the emotions hard in her debut novel. Professional dancer Anna Roux is plagued with uncertainties. In an attempt to take control, she starts controlling her eating and eventually weighs only 88 pounds. Admitted to a treatment facility for her anorexia, Anna meets other brave women fighting their own battles with eating disorders. Once you get past the formatting (short disjointed paragraphs and heavy use of italics indicating thoughts and dialogue), the raw emotion of the story draws you in as you see into Anna’s thoughts throughout her struggle with her disease. A great reminder of the power of mental illness and the awful toll anorexia takes on the body.
The Last Romantics by Tara Conklin When asked what inspired her famous work, The Love Poem, renowned poet Fiona Skinner tells the story of her family. After her father’s sudden death, Fiona’s mother goes into a deep depression for three years, basically leaving the young children to fend for themselves. The four Skinner siblings’ lives forever changed during this period which they refer to as “The Pause.” They emerge closer than ever, but that time changes each one of them, with consequences following them throughout the rest of their lives. A solid piece of literary fiction, I felt just missed the mark of being great, though The New York Times bestseller list seems to disagree.
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren In this hit romantic comedy, the ever unlucky Olive seems to have finally stumbled into some good luck. At her twin sister’s wedding, all the guests end up with severe food poisoning, that is except for Olive and the best man Ethan. Since there’s an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii just waiting to be used, Olive decided to swallow her extreme dislike for Ethan and go with him. When they run into Olive’s future boss, Olive’s plan to avoid Ethan runs amok as she is forced to pretend they are newlyweds. An enemies-turned-lovers romance that Amazon, as well as much of the book world, has declared one of the best books of 2019.  
book cover Normal People by Sally Rooney
Normal People by Sally Rooney Irish millennial Sally Rooney is back with certainly one of the most anticipated 2019 books among critics with her second novel in the new adult genre. Exploring the relationship between two people – Marianne, whose family has taught her she doesn’t deserve love, and Connell, who is too concerned with what other people think – Rooney gives an insightful look at the connection between two people, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. A solid entry into the new adult genre, it delivers plenty of food for thought. Be warned, the romance gets a tad graphic. Also, I spent a chunk of the book wanting to smack the characters in the back of the head for the choices they continued to make.
Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid Already snapped up by Reese Witherspoon’s company to become an Amazon miniseries, Daisy Jones and the Six is making waves this year. After her highly successful novel The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid is back with an addictingly fun read about the rise and fall of a fictional 70s band. With sex, drugs, and plenty of drama, you’ll feel like you are watching a biopic on VH1 – but an extremely well-written one. Daisy Jones and the Six is my pick for the best book of the entire year.
The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo Eleven-year-old Ren is given one final task when his master dies: to find his master’s severed finger and return it, in the next 49 days, or his master’s soul will be doomed to wander the earth. From there, his story will mingle with that of dance hall girl Ji Lin who has found the finger, all while a tiger stalks the town. Mixing Chinese folklore and superstition with historical fiction, Choo brings the time to live in this beautifully written and imaginative story. You’ll feel completely swept away into the slight mysticism of the story, and I agree with Amazon that this is one of the best books of 2019.
The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes From the author of Me Before You, one of my top sob-worthy books, comes a new novel that will charm you. Set during the Great Depression, Englishwoman Alice Wright marries a handsome American and finds herself transplanted to rural Kentucky. To escape her unhappy home life with her withdrawn husband and overbearing father-in-law, Alice agrees to become a traveling librarian, riding around the countryside bringing books to residents. In her new job, she meets other fierce women and gains lasting friendships. Add in plenty of drama, love stories, corrupt businessmen, and even murder, and you have the perfect light historical fiction for anyone who wants a Hallmark Channel style novel to read.
Cilka’s Journey by Heather Morris In the sequel to her highly successful novel The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Heather Morris takes on another remarkable true story. After surviving Auschwitz, sixteen-year-old Cilka finds herself convicted for collaborating with the enemy. Consequently, she is sentenced to a Siberian gulag where the horrors start all over again. Yet, there she meets a doctor who helps her find a purpose in her suffering by caring for the injured of the camp. A tale of love and hope even in the most desperate circumstances, Cilka’s Journey is an inspiring fictional work based on a true story.
The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See On the island of Jeju just off the Korean peninsula lives a society where women are the breadwinners – sea divers risking untold hazards to provide for their families from the ocean. Among them are best friends Mi-Ja and Young-sook, two girls just entering their village’s diving collective. Telling the account of their lives from the Japanese occupation in the 1930s, through World War II and the tumultuous aftermath up to the present, Lisa See’s latest historical fiction novel is a beautifully written account. If you love reading historical fiction about different cultures, this is one of the best books of 2019 that you don’t want to miss.
The Gown by Jennifer Robson Jennifer Robson’s latest book release got rave reviews from almost all my blogger friends. In The Gown, Robson takes a peek behind the scenes at the women involved in making Queen Elizabeth’s famous wedding dress. I love historical fiction novels because I always have so much fun researching facts from fiction. If you are a fan of royal weddings, be sure to try out this one.
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theblendedfun-blog · 7 years
War Zone -  Short Story - Drama / Adventure
The only thing that humans don’t learn the lesson of is war, they keep developing weapons to kill each other instead of helping each other, They think it’s safer when they have the most advanced weapons. 2 year ago, the world started a war, you can say it was the world war three. USA allied with The European Union, UK, Japan , Canada, Israel and some south american countries against Russia allied with China, India, Arab and Muslim Countries and asian countries. Humans used every weapon they had in this war, chemical, biological, nuclear weapons, regular weapons, dirty bombs, it was like if the earth planet was suiciding and it did. Dead bodies everywhere, destroyed cities and countries. A few people and animals could survive the war but sooner or later they will die, biological and nuclear pollution in the water, air and on the land, the planet earth is no more for living.   Location Egyptian-Israeli border, Taba City, Egypt. The small city at the red sea surrounded by the desert was completely destroyed, covered by the contaminated gray clouds that were blocking the sunlight. Hummer military vehicle was being driven in the abandoned city, the Israeli logo was on it. The car stopped at a destroyed egyptian military base, The driver got out of the car wearing Israeli army uniform and a gas mask and carrying a backpack. You can tell from the rank patch on her uniform that she was a major. She was holding a machine gun walking slowly toward the command building. The building wasn’t fully destroyed. She went to the command room, the room wasn’t too big, few desks, computers and big screens on the walls, papers and maps on the desks and on the floor, she looked like looking up for something on the maps in the room but she couldn’t find it, she got mad and threw the maps away. A voice came from behind her “put your gun down!”.  She turned around slowly. “I think you, don’t want to die to night” the voice said, it was a male soldier wearing a gas mask pointing his rifle at her. He was a private and the patch on his shirt says “The Arab Army” and at this point, She knew that she was going to die that night. She slowly put her gun on the ground. “ that’s right” the man said. - “what seems to be right, could be wrong sometimes” the major said. - “what are you looking for?” - “Just a map.” - “map for what?” - “ Are you alone, private?” - “Answer my question?” - “ Listen, I’m not gonna hurt you, you’re alone here, aren’t you?” The man was hesitated to answer her question, she continued “I know, everything out there is gone, your army, country, whatever you think about to come here to help you, am I right?” The private was still hesitated “But you're still my enemy and I can shoot you” he said. - “C'mon man, There’s no people, countries or anything to fight for, you maybe the last human I talk to before I get killed by the contamination” the women said. - “Did you got infected?” he said. - “Yes and in few days, I’m gonna to day, How old are you?” - “19.” - “You started it big, the world war three, that’s f@#%ed up, dude!.  I’m 31, anyways, do you have a safe place, I just wanna take this mask off.” - “First, answer my question, what were you looking for?” - “I was looking for a place where I can find people to live with.” - “It’s been six months since I have talked to someone….  Let’s go to my place” Location Egyptian-Israeli border 40 KM (25 miles) outside Taba city - Underground Facility Storage of The Arab Army. “Welcome to my humble home, Gila.. you can take off your mask” The private said. The major took off her mask, she was blonde with short hair, grey eyes and a few small lesions on her skin of the infection. The place was very wide, very high and empty except at the left back corner there were  three metal beds next to each other and 2 small tables to separate them at the wall by the beds there were some lockers and  in the front of them there were a stand drawing sketch and a small chair, drawing materials and tools on a small table. On the wall there were about 12 paintings of soldiers and people. “You drew them?” Gila asked. The private with a black hair and eyes, dark wheaten skin answered “ yes, it’s my favorite hobby” while taking off his shirt that shew some muscles of his 190 cm (6.2) body  for wearing a clean one. He was taller than her, she was 168 cm (5.5) with slim thick body that makes her hot. The private name was Tarek, he handed her a baked beans tin and a spoon from his bag and he took one. Everyone sat on a different bed. Tarak said ”These people in the painting are real, these three soldiers are my brothers in army, they are heros, we stayed here for helping innocent people. The man on the left, he is an italian, he was a civilian, he came here to help the refugees before the war and he got stuck here when the war started, this another hero. This little girl, she was 8 years old, everyday she was looking for food in the destroyed buildings to feed her injured parents, they got infected and died the girl stayed with me for a while before she died. These two men and women in this painting were a palestinian, israeli and the women was an american they had van, every two days the came to the refugee camp I was serving nearby before the camp  got bombed and gave them free food until one day their van got shot and they were inside, it’s a war zone! Everyone of these people is a hero that refugee camp was for israelis and arabs they were living together in peace after they know they lost everything!. Soldiers are not real hero the real heros appear after the soldiers destroy and leave a town! ” -“You remind me of my younger brother, he refused to join the army believing that helping innocent people is more important than killing them following stupid orders of dump selfish politicians... I’m a war machine, I believe that there is always bad people out there who are waiting for a good opportunity to hurt us so we should be prepared.” Gila said. -“And you ended up staying with your enemy in one room, eating, talking as if we were friends” -“yep.” -“So what happened to you?” -“ I’m an elite soldier, I was in the hardest deadly missions of that war in Russia, Iran, China, Jordan, I always was behind the enemy lines, I have seen cities getting erased by nuclear bombs, I was professional having no feelings just a war machine until one day I found myself pointing my gun to no one, there were no enemies and no people, family, friends or country to fight for. it was just me and my gun and all I believed in were disappeared” -“It confused us, we all walked on  the wrong path, we thought it was right. Fear and hate controlled us. I was lucky that I joined the army and the war was ending.” Next day, Gila was lying on the bed, sick and tired. Tarak was sitting to the bed next to her “Tarak, get my backpack, please” he did. “Open it” there were papers, books and  notes.”This research is about the contamination and how to ride of it and find a cure for the infected people. I found them but I won’t survive to find someone who can make the cure of them.” Gila said. Tarak held her hand ”You will be okay and we will find someone who can help us.” he said. “Open that pocket, you will find a vaccine that can prevent the infection for a month. I wanted to give it to the one who will make the cure but it’s yours now.” -“Gila, why don’t you take that vaccine, it could do something with the infection”. She was a little sweaty “it will do nothing with me because I’ve already got infected” she said. Tarak came closer to her while holding her hand tighter “you are a fighter, you could survive deadly missions, now you can survive this.” he said. She smiled at him then her eyes wept and said “I wish I could, I was a reason of destroying this world.” -“Listen Gila, it’s not your fault” -“I just want to save the people before I die.” she said while she was crying. Tarak laid next to her and hugged her “it’s gonna be alright.” he whispered. No one hugged her before, she felt so comfortable and safe, she put her head on his chest and let him hug her tighter. She was so weak. She never felt like that before in her life, she was strong, tough with no feelings, love is for weak people that what she used to believe in but now she was like little baby between his arms, listening to his heart beating, feeling the human love, she closed her eyes and slept.       Two days later, outside the facility storage. That cloudy windy weather outside with dust in the air made it hard to see for long distances. Tarak was standing wearing his gas mask looking at the ground where were few graves. These were the graves of people he buried himself. He used a piece of lambert for every grave as a gravestone for drawing their country flags and writing their names on them. He looked at a grave that looked new. The israeli flag was drawn on it and the name was Gila....He prayed a muslim prayer for her. he turned around carrying her backpack and walked away. Inside the facility storage, It was empty arranged everything was in its place and clean. At the wall where the paintings were, there was a painting for Gila smiling. The End. Thanks for reading, follow me on social media to get updated for all new stories and tell us your opinion. If you like it please share it with your friends to support us.     Copyright: This story is free to read online on this blog only, you can share it via sharing link to this blog.  You're not allowed to copy and paste my f@%king story to any motherf@#king blog, site or anywhere or f@#king selling it or using it for any other purposes.                      
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nataliesnews · 4 years
Subject: 10th day of quarantine
From: Natanya Sent: Friday, April 3, 2020 9:24 PM Subject: 10th day of quarantine
 In the valley far below I see a patch of red flowers . I wish I had stronger binoculars.
 Vernon for your information 500 steps takes me 9 minutes. I start in the morning with 1000!! Then when I talk on the phone I walk up and down.
 Only 6 kilometer last night. But even and a quarter today. What I find frustrating is when I forget to take my phone with me when I walk. Such a waste of steps. I have now found the exercise program on the tv and it is lovely to see the kids who are doing it too including little ones of three. It is only about 10 minutes but good to do it watching live people. But I realized last night that I also have to sit down more with my legs up as they were very swollen. I think that I spent more time before on the tv chair when I would come in from a long walk or running around and I do so less now. So today I sat down more and it is fine.
 I love the way in the newspaper when they are referring to the Palestinians workers they call them “guest workers. ”   That is one guest I would not want to be …the attacks of the settlers continue
 read article: https://www.timesofisrael.com/virus-season-brings-rise-in-settler-violence-targeting-palestinians/
  I think we should have seen which way the world was going when all the reality shows started. Something really happened to the intelligence of people. One can see it here in Israel when, with all that is happening, every day we are given (they try to give me but at least I still have the privilege of cutting them off ) a whole program about a house in which people live together and each time one of them is chucked out. If this is what grabs people can we be surprised that so many people voted for Trump….and Netanyahu. At least we are spared having to see the blond bitch with him.
 Our wonderful Minister of Unhealth disregarded his own instructions and went to pray in a synagogue. He should be put against the wall and shot as a traitor and a terrorist. Will we  be the first country as a result to have a parliament in quarantine? And Bibi keeps him as minister!! Twice this murdering bastard has refused to be tested when he went into the Knesset. Now they say that anyone who has been together with him has been warned to quarantine themselves. I have no pity for him or any of them. Their rabbis are responsible for their ignorance. Trouble is that even when they are given information they still scream that the rabbis know better. Yes they are living in poverty, in crowded houses, with scores of children. Who told them not to work, that bringing children into the world was a mitzva. Before we paid for them with out money. Now they are endangering our health.
  read article: https://www.timesofisrael.com/health-minister-litzmans-cellphone-tracked-after-virus-diagnosis/
 Next door to me my neighbor died. She was already 100. But I have often thought of what happens to the foreign workers who look after them. Again I asked around and no one seemed to  know and in some cases to care. Eventually I got hold of the social worker and she told me that the young Indian woman who looked after her and who often helped me had the virus but she was getting over it and had been removed to a home though I am not sure what those are. But she said that the house keeps their thumb on what is happening with them and speaks to them often.
 Fay, my friend, has been waiting for a room here for ages. This one would be perfect for her. It is right next to mine  and looks out on the wadi. How ironic that now it falls free. We hear here of young couples who are out of work and have  no income and in one case I heard that the owner of one flat had told them that they would have to leave. Fay I am proud to say told me that she also has people who have hired her flat but she told them that this month she did not want rent. I have heard of other cases where people have done that. The only ones who don’t seem to care to donate to anyone are our members of parliament who have made no mood to help the economy of the country.
 To the residents of the |Migdal Nofim   peace and blessing -
 “Yesterday, Thursday, we experienced another episode of our fight in Corona. Three outpatients in the nursing ward were evacuated to hospitals with distinct symptoms of the disease. The evacuees are not residents of the home, but are hospitalized from the outside.
Although we isolated the patients to the best of our ability - the virus survived in the nursing ward space - and struck again.
And in Hadassah Ein Kerem, our friend Miriam Sachs, 98, apparently died of the Corona virus. Miriam has been living here for almost 30 years.
Amidst the embarrassment and effort to gain experience and knowledge, this time, one can also learn one thing: isolation, isolation, isolation. Because of the structure of the nursing ward the isolation there is not perfect.
In our apartment, the isolation is near perfect. None of the homeowners have been in his apartment since the last virus carriers were taken out about two weeks ago.
  And in the midst of all this - we're preparing for Seder, in the format I described yesterday. To arrange this evening - please let anyone who calls you daily with any of the occupants of the house make the order. This will create a list whereby we can provide the meals and control what is going on, while occupants pass through corridors and elevators en route to their friends.
Good and safe Shabbat for us and all of Israel
Zvi Levy”
 I do not have sufficient interaction to invite anyone for Peisach and I don’t really care. I tried two women I know but one said she preferred to be alone and the other that she had a friend already.
 I was also speaking to a friend I think that now that they found another two people in the sick bay that probably from this moment our quarantine will be lengthened for another two weeks. Seeing that I in any case have another four days that would mean another 14 days for me. If I knew that that was the case I think it would be easier to hold out. Only thing is every time they speak of ending the quarantine for the younger people. If that is to protect us I don’t want it. Only if I were a danger would I feel it right. Again this reminds me of some of the horror movies showing how older people are slowly eliminated. Weird thought? So was the disease.
 Nowhere is it reported that I have seen how burial societies are coping though last  night I saw the first funeral dafke of one of our people. It was done at night and  those who were there videoed it for the family including the husband who could not come. It was at night…reminded me of Tom Sawyer.
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cfijerusalem · 6 years
Watching Over Zion Report 29th November 2018 (21st Kislev 5779)
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Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip.  (Isaiah 60:1-4)
Command the Israeli’s to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the Menorah may be kept burning. In the Tent of Meeting, outside the curtain that is in front of the Testimony, Aaron and his sons are to keep the lamps burning before the LORD from evening till morning. This is to be a lasting ordinance among the Israeli’s for the generations to come. (Exodus 27:20-21)
Please use this report for the purpose of prayer. Please intercede over the areas you feel the Spirit lay upon your heart. As Chanukah draws close, let us give thanks to God for the restoration of Israel in our day! 'Hear the word of the LORD, O nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands: "He who scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over his flock like a shepherd." For the LORD will ransom Jacob and redeem them from the hand of those stronger than they. (Jeremiah 31:10-11). As we continue look at the current circumstances within and surrounding Israel, let us remain watchful and constant in our prayers, and continue to pray that the LORD God would place His Wall of Fire around the Nation and people of Israel.
Please continue to pray for encouragement, strength and perseverance for the Israeli people in the face of constant physical and spiritual opposition.Do keep praying regarding the issue of Iran and Gaza. Hamas continue to add to the despair of many in Israel, along with many of their own people in Gaza by their actions and continued violence along the border of Gaza (see last section of this report). Pray that the truth would be reported by the Western Media. 
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The festival of Chanukah is only 4 days away (it falls early in 2018). It begins in the evening of Sunday, 2 December and ends in the evening of Monday, 10 December.  As the temperature gets colder and we anticipate the icy mornings and even possible snow, the days are dark and people will try to combat the darkness with lights and candles.
It is said that people living without sunlight become weary and gloomy, even suffering with depression. Human beings need the sun, and to experience sunlight, the human being will maintain a positive healthy life.  Many years ago I used to suffer from 'Sad Syndrome' (seasonal affective disorder – a type of depression through lack of sunlight). However, here in the UK our days get 'longer' [albeit very slowly] again in little under a month. That's good news! But spare a thought for those who live in Tromsø (Norway).  As this report is being written, the people living in Tromsø only had 28 minutes of daylight. And, the sun set at 11:45 am, and won’t rise until 11:30am on 15th January 2019. That's 48 days without the sun!! 
One good thing about this time of the year is that we can celebrate the festival of lights.  Both the celebration of the Festival of Lights (Chanukah) and the celebration of the birth of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) are times when houses are especially filled with lights.  But have you noticed that people put their Christmas decorations up early every year?  To me, this speaks of the need to have light and something to look forward to.  The people are crying out for something to pull them out of the darkness.          
In the Scriptures, the Nation of Israel is often referred to as “a light to the Nations” - In his writings and speeches, David Ben Gurion emphasised his vision of the state of Israel as a moral and social beacon to the whole world, and by that, in his view, it would implement the vision of the prophets. David Ben Gurion said, “History did not spoil us with power, wealth, nor with broad territories or an enormous community lot, however, it did grant us the uncommon intellectual and moral virtue, and thus it [the virtue] is both a privilege and an obligation to be a "Light unto the Nations"”.  Even Israel’s emblem is the Menorah which is derived from the image of the state of Israel as a "Light unto the Nations". 
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Chanukah is the celebration of the victory of the Word of God over all pagan and anti-Semitic forces – the victory of the sons of Zion against the sons of Greece!  It may even have been prophesied in the Scriptures as Zechariah 9:13 reads, "I will rouse your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece, and make you like a warrior's sword."  Chanukah starts on the Hebrew calendar date of 25th Kislev, and lasts for eight days. Of course, one of the themes of Chanukah (the Feast of Dedication – see the gospel of John 10: 22vv) is the wonderful miracle of keeping the Menorah Candles burning – to hallow God’s holy Name.
To understand Chanukah, one needs to read Exodus 25:31-40.  An order was given for keeping the Menorah (which stood in the Tabernacle and later in Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem) to constantly burn to represent the light of God.  Chanukah’s theme is of course about miracles. The holiday commemorates two major miracles which took place in the time of the Maccabees: the miraculous victory of the tiny Jewish army over the vast Syrian-Greeks, and the miracle of the small vial of oil which burned for eight days when it should have lasted only one day. It was also during Chanukah that Jesus performed many miracles and spoke of these.  In John 10:37-38 Jesus states, “If I am not doing deeds that reflect my Father, don’t trust me. But if I do, though you don’t believe in me, believe the works: that you may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in Him.”  Yeshua (Jesus) wanted the people of His day to see His miracles and believe in Him as a result. His miracles point to His divine and messianic identity. In this way Yeshua personifies the message of Chanukah: God actively involved in the affairs of his people – surely this must give us hope? 
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Chanukah reminds us that God is a God of miracles, not just of concept and religious ideals. He has broken through into human history and continues to do so today.  Yes, world events do appear to be getting out of control; however there is One, who from the beginning of time has all things under His complete control.  This is the Sovereign LORD God, who was, and is, and is to come – the one who ‘in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things came to be through Him, and without Him nothing made had being… The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not suppressed it. (John 1:1-5).  Let’s pray that Israel is indeed that light shining in the Middle East and even throughout our troubled world, but that they would also see their Messiah – The Light of the world. 
Throughout its turbulent ancient history, and indeed most of its modern history, Israel has seen many battles.  Today, the battle of survival is as great as it’s ever been, however there is also a great battle going on within.
This week, the Knesset was to vote on Culture Minister Miri Regev's controversial "cultural loyalty law" that would strip state funding from any cultural bodies that work to slander the Jewish state or its institutions. Not all coalition members are enthusiastic about the bill, many calling it a violation of free speech. With just 61 out of 120 Knesset seats on his side, and such challenging votes ahead, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon doesn't believe Netanyahu's government can survive for very long. "A majority of just 61 seats is a problem," Kahlon said in a radio interview. "It will be very difficult to push through laws. You can't get everyone to agree on every detail of a controversial law."
Then of course, there is the constant battle of ‘survival’. 2018 has seen many battles for Israel to face. The latest round of fighting in Gaza might be over for now (although there has still been rockets fired this week), but it forced Minister Avigdor Lieberman to resign. The Defence Minister resigned over the cabinet's decision to accept a ceasefire ending the current fighting with Hamas and other Islamic Palestinian militants in Gaza. Avigdor Lieberman denounced the move as "surrendering to terror". Benjamin Netanyahu's government survived the resignation of Lieberman and the withdrawal of his Yisrael Beiteinu party from the ruling coalition recently. But now, Netanyahu governs with the slimmest of majorities, and there are some big votes coming up in the Knesset.
Netanyahu defended the government’s decision of a ceasefire last week and stated that he was “acting on information about Israel’s enemies that he cannot share with the public.” Netanyahu went on to say that “Israel would take action to defeat them at a time and in a manner of its choosing.”  That was certainly an interesting statement – so what exactly did he mean? Could he have been talking about Iran?  After all, the role Iran is playing in Gaza is a very dangerous game. Take for example the Hamas missile strike against a bus recently.  The anti-tank missile that hit the bus is chilling. Had it hit the bus full of people, no one inside could have survived.  But minutes before the missile struck, the bus was indeed full, with 30 young IDF soldiers. One soldier stated, “We began to sing the Chanukah song that speaks of the miracles that took place as God protected Israel.” Moments after all 50 had exited the bus, a Hamas anti-tank missile hit it, turning it instantly into a ball of fire. Speaking of miracles, the Arab bus driver who had been driving the IDF soldiers stated “God loves Israel. I just let off 50 soldiers from the bus. A minute later the bus was hit. 60 seconds earlier and you would have had 50 dead soldiers.”
However what is troubling is that Hamas terrorists in Gaza filmed the blast. But according to Israel’s Hadashot news network’s Arab affairs commentator, Ehud Ya’ari, the footage of the blast was first broadcast on Iranian television in Lebanon and only later rebroadcast on Palestinian television. Could this be significant? Well, we know that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not independent actors in their aggression against Israel. Rather, they are Iranian proxies. They receive their orders from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and Iran’s Lebanese army, Hezbollah. And they report to their Iranian and Lebanese commanders. So when Hamas and Islamic Jihad go to war against Israel from Gaza, the reason is because Iran told them to do so. So when Israel decides not to take the bait but rather accepts a humiliating and – in an election year – politically costly ceasefire, could it be that Israel is waiting for the right moment to take out Hamas’ supplier and controller Iran?
Iran also controls Hezbollah. Iran’s chief area of operations in Israel’s neighborhood is Syria, where Iran has a strong hold. The Russian/ Iranian/ Hezbollah-controlled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad reasserts and reinforces its control over much of Syrian territory. As it does, the threat of a major war looms that would put Israel against Hezbollah forces in Lebanon, and against Hezbollah, Iranian, and Syrian forces operating under Russian protection in Syria.  So in many ways, Hamas in Gaza is only one cog in a very dangerous wheel.  One wonders if Netanyahu was hinting that they (Israel) are getting ready to tackle Iran? If so, how do we pray about this?
Despite all this, and even though Israel accepted a ceasefire with Hamas, Israeli Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan warned that Israel is prepared to recapture and reoccupy the coastal enclave in order to root out Hamas and its terrorist allies should the situation escalate again.  Watch his short interview here:
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One of the ways my son and I attempt to ‘de-stress’ ourselves is by watching a game of football. Now of course, as fans of our beloved Norwich City, this can also be distressing too!  However at the moment we are rejoicing as we are top of the Championship League Table. Now of course, back in the 70s and 80s, the UK had a lot of football hooligans to contend with which gave the game a bad name. Thankfully, those days are well behind, and generally most fans and opposing fans will walk along to the grounds in harmony. But imagine if instead of ‘Arsenal, Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Norwich etc. etc., we named our teams after villains, law-breakers or even terrorists? Or what would become if we had our school children playing for tournaments named after terrorists like those who blew up the London underground, or attacked the Manchester arena? Yet this is exactly what is happening in the Arab Palestinian areas – they have football teams named after founders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Black September, the PLO terror organization etc., in Fatah football.
In an article by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, they write, “A football tournament for high school boys in Hebron, arranged by the local Fatah branch, named all 11 teams after terrorists - including terror leaders responsible for most of the deaths from terror Israel has suffered since its founding. Six were top Palestinian terror leaders and founders of terror organizations, while the other five were terrorists or members of terror organizations. The PA Ministry of Education endorsed the event's role modeling of terrorists with a representative who ‘honoured the winning players and teams.’” 
Some of the team names included ‘The Martyr Yasser Arafat team’ (founder of the PLO and Fatah terror organizations in the 1960s); ‘The Martyr Ahmed Yassin team’ (founder of the Hamas terror organization); ‘The Martyr Fathi Shaqaqi team’ (founder of the Islamic Jihad terror organization) and ‘The Martyr Salah Khalaf team’ (head of the Black September terror organization). A full report can be found via the Palestinian Media Watch report here: https://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=26716
Anti-Israel groups say they are furious with Pharrell Williams for performing at this month’s gala in Los Angeles to raise money for the well-being of Israeli Defence Force (IDF) troops, including those injured. Pharrell Williams was among the likes of Ashton Kutcher, Gerard Butler, Andy Garcia, Fran Drescher, Ziggy Marley (son of Bob Marley), David Foster, Katharine McPhee, David Draiman and many more famous names to appear at the Friends Of The Israeli Defence Forces Western Region Gala – which raised over $60million – earlier this month at the landmark Beverly Hilton Hotel.
Pharrell Williams performed his hit song “Happy” after giving a speech, the Hollywood newspaper ‘Variety’ reported, along with NME (New Musical Express).  In his speech he also condemned the recent Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. Williams said, “What happened in that synagogue was incredibly cruel, it was wrong, and it’s not supposed to be what our nation is. This group of people have been tested over and over and over again … but you guys show an incredible resilience.”  Watch the Pharrell Williams hit song “Happy” in Jerusalem here.
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This is a question that HonestReporting have been asking in relation to the violence on the Gaza border. So when is a protest not a protest? What is free speech, really? When the media say "protest", that generally means picket signs and free speech, right? But what if the "protesters" are throwing grenades, launching airborne firebombs and firing high calibre machine guns? What if children are living in fear?  Should the media still call it a "protest?" You can watch this short video by HonestReporting and give them your response to their questions. Simply click here.
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David Soakell Media Correspondent Tweet me @David_Soakell
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battybat-boss · 6 years
Do Bullies Always Win?
Trump's bullying worked with Canada, has half-worked with Iran and North Korea, but has had nothing but malign impact on Israeli-Palestinian relations.
The news that Canada has caved on trade has me depressed. The glee with which Donald Trump has announced his latest “victory” is galling. Sure, he didn't force Mexico and Canada to do everything he wanted in the replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). But he certainly can claim a public-relations coup. And his supporters in Congress are milking the moment for all it's worth.
“While many in Washington claimed it could not be done, President Trump worked tirelessly to bring Canada to the table and negotiate a new trade deal that is better for American workers and consumers,” said Republican Representative Steve Scalise.
Yes, yes, I know: The arc of the moral universe is long and it bends toward justice. The problem is, how long is the arc and how big is the universe? In the shorter term, such as the span of a human lifetime, injustice seems more likely the norm.
I would like to believe that Trump's game of chicken on foreign trade is simply not going to work. But what if it does? What if China blinks? What if the European Union buckles? The game of trade is not simply won by those who can negotiate the longest or write the most detailed treaties. It's often won by those who use crude displays of power.
Geopolitics is not a game for the faint of heart. It's the perfect playground for bullies.
Bullies were on the ascendant even before America's top tyrant won the presidency in 2016. Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Daniel Ortega: These leaders all believe that their might makes right.
But Trump brings it to another level. Russia, Turkey, Nicaragua and the Philippines all have rich histories of strong men imposing their wills on resistant populations. The United States lacks that tradition. The rule of law is supposed to keep the bullies in check.
Now Trump is bringing into government a whole club of likeminded pugilists. John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are running foreign policy. The god-awful Jeff Sessions is rewriting the rules of law. And now Trump wants to stuff the Supreme Court with frat boys like Brett Kavanaugh, someone who has never known the difference between right and wrong and, in his most recent testimony, tried to bully Congress into confirming his nomination simply because he's, well, entitled to it. Ruthlessness got him this far in his career - why shouldn't he stick with this tactic?
It reminds me of my first day in middle school, when an older boy picked me out of the crowd of incoming sixth graders to punch my arm, a display of power that he enjoyed so much that he turned it into a daily ritual. But the current situation is much worse than that. It's like going to school and discovering that not only is that gang of jerks that hates you still controlling the hallways during breaks. Not only are they still extorting lunch money from the weak at lunch. Not only that, but they've taken over the classrooms and the administration, they decide who gets into what courses and what colleges, and they want to make your entire day a living hell.
Bullying Tactics
Bullies are often, though not always, scared of a real fight. They pick on the weak and the easily intimidated. They talk big. Donald Trump has always talked big. And he seems never to shy away from a fight. But those are verbal battles - in the press or in the courtroom. As for actual fighting, he notoriously avoided the Vietnam War, not for moral reasons but because of supposed bone spurs in his heels.
Like most chickenhawks, Trump talks big about blowing up other countries and taking out their leaders. So far, however, he has only attacked some usual suspects - a few targets in Syria, a widespread bombing campaign in one of the poorest countries on earth (Afghanistan), and a continuation of the US drone program.
True, Trump might be gearing up for a war with Iran. He's being pushed in that direction by people inside his administration (like Bolton and Pompeo) as well as neocon hawks like Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (who recently called Trump a “Twitter tiger”).
But I suspect that Trump wants simply to bully Iran into submission. He has hit the country with the sanctions that the previous administration had removed as a result of the nuclear deal. Already, Iran's oil exports have dropped steeply by 870,000 barrels a day since April. The Trump administration has threatened to penalize any country that imports Iranian oil with secondary sanctions. As a result, South Korea and Japan have already stopped their orders. Meanwhile, US oil exports have gone up, in part to fill the gap.
Of course, not everyone has gone along with Trump. China in particular will continue to purchase Iranian products. And Europeans are openly defying Trump by crafting a deal with Tehran to preserve the nuclear deal and keep open trade and investment links. And oil prices are on the rise, which means more discontent at the pump in the US, particularly among Trump's carbon-guzzling supporters.
Trump says he wants a new nuclear deal. But really the end game is regime change in Tehran. For all but the craziest of neocons, the Iraq War has created a new kind of syndrome: maximum pressure, minimum military involvement. It's what some observers have cannily described as “regime change on the cheap.” So far, thanks to some powerful allies, Iran is hanging tough.
Big Stick, Then Talk
Perhaps if Kim Jong-un were Muslim or didn't have nuclear weapons or had made the supreme mistake of being nice to Barack Obama, Trump wouldn't be interested in sitting down to talk with him. As it was, Trump ratcheted up the rhetoric against North Korea in the first year of his term. Then he pivoted, against the advice of many in his administration, toward negotiations. The result was the Singapore summit in June, the first time a sitting American president met with a North Korean leader.
There have been a few interesting changes in the US-North Korea dynamic. The Pentagon agreed to suspend war games with South Korea last summer. Pyongyang has continued a moratorium on nuclear and missile testing as well as dismantled some non-essential parts of the nuclear complex. But the key problem remains the same. Who will make the first bold move?
Meanwhile, North and South Korea aren't waiting for Trump to get off the dime. They've already begun removing landmines from the Demilitarized Zone. At the last inter-Korean summit, North and South agreed to significant de-escalation, from a no-fly zone over the border to a transformation of the DMZ into a peace park. That's bold, and it's happening now.
As for Trump and Kim? They are apparently enjoying those early days in a romance when men's thoughts turn constantly to love. As Trump said at a recent rally in West Virginia: “I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love, ok? No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they're great letters. And then we fell in love.”
So, the two bullies have hit it off. No surprise there. But as in Romeo and Juliet, today's Montagues and Capulets haven't yet ended their generational conflict despite the love of the two principals. Such love affairs usually don't end well.
But let's say that it does, and the mutual bullying works. In reality, the détente between Washington and Pyongyang will have more to do with the patient negotiations of the quintessential anti-bully, South Korea President Moon Jae-in.
Stomping on the Palestinians
Trump has promised a brand new deal for Middle East peace. That's the fraudulent businessman at work. He's slapped a “new and improved” sticker on a product that is demonstrably inferior to its previous versions, and somehow he thinks the world will buy it.
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The Trump administration has put maximum pressure on Palestinians to negotiate from a progressively weaker position and minimum pressure on Israel to make any concessions at all. Trump has moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem (a major Israeli demand), zeroed out $200 million in bilateral assistance for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, cut US financial support for a UN agency that has long helped Palestinian refugees, and closed down the Palestinians' de facto embassy in Washington, DC.
The proper response to this bullying is, of course, to tell the Trump administration to shove its “deal of the century” right up its Foggy Bottom.
And it's not just Palestinians and liberal American Jews who feel this way. Here's what former Israeli military spokesman Peter Lerner has to say: “While it is Trump's prerogative to pick and choose whom to support, and how to support them, the ramifications of these abrupt steps will only empower the radicals. The deal of the century can't be made with Israel alone, and hardballing the Palestinians into submission is likely to blow up on Israel's doorstep.”
It's one thing bullying Iran and North Korea. These countries might be backed up against a wall, but they have choices. The Palestinians, after losing so much and then losing even more under Trump, basically have nothing left to lose - except their dignity. Why should they come to the negotiating table to trade this last resource for a manifestly unfair deal?
So, in the four examples cited, bullying worked with Canada, has half-worked with Iran and North Korea, and has had nothing but malign impact on Israeli-Palestinian relations.
Unfortunately, for Trump and his minions, bullying isn't just a tactic, it's a way of life.
The Comeuppance?
If life imitated Hollywood, the bullies would either experience a life-affirming conversion or get their just desserts.
Let's forget about the first option. Donald Trump, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo: These guys are not going to pull a David Brock and suddenly realize the many errors of their ways. Then what about option two? I'd love to see Trump and his crew escorted from the federal government to the federal penitentiary. But how many members of the George W. Bush administration faced prison time for the mishandling of the Iraq War, the torture policy and the other disasters of US foreign policy? Only one: Lewis Libby, for his role in the Valerie Plame affair. And how many members of the financial community went to prison for their role in the banking crisis of 2008? Again, only one.
It may turn out that a couple more Trumpsters have to face jail time as a result of the Mueller probe. Maybe even the president himself will be Caponed over his myriad tax scams. But I have my doubts that the aftermath of the 2020 elections will provide us with the grand spectacle of a mass perp walk from the White House.
Unfortunately, the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 election disproved the adage that “cheaters never prosper.” Indeed, his whole life stands testament to the grim truth that cheaters, if they cheat on a truly grand scale, can get away with it. The same, alas, applies to bullies.
But not always. The #MeToo movement is only the latest reminder that organized resistance can bring down very powerful bullies. It's not exactly a Hollywood ending - not until they make a movie about Harvey Weinstein's rise and fall - but it's a whole lot better than suffering in silence. As for the Trump administration, well, I don't know about you but I'd like to shorten the arc of the moral universe and bend it a lot more acutely toward justice.
*[This article was originally published by FPIF.]
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer's editorial policy.
The post Do Bullies Always Win? appeared first on Fair Observer.
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We liberate the mind, we liberate the land
Alaa Shehada, Mark Thomas and Faisal Abu Alhayjaa. All images © Lesley Martin 2017.
In 2010 Mark Thomas, Britain’s best-known political comedian, was walking the length of Israel’s controversial separation wall, the illegal barrier that cuts an oppressive swathe through the West Bank, when he decided to take a detour to the Jenin Refugee Camp. He’d been told of an unlikely theatre – in the heart of the camp – and couldn’t resist checking it out.
“It was one of the most exciting places I’d ever come across,” he recalls now. “Look, I’m all about trying to create theatre and events that reach out and are relevant to people’s lives. So when you go to a place like Jenin and you see a theatre like this, which has a relationship that’s always in flux with the camp, which puts on shows that remind people of their story, their history, it’s absolutely thrilling.”
The northernmost refugee camp in the West Bank, Jenin was established in 1953 and has around 14,000 inhabitants. According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), Jenin experiences one of the highest rates of unemployment and poverty among the 19 West Bank refugee camps. Many residents previously relied on work in Israel, which has been severely restricted since the construction of the barrier.
The UNRWA adds that ‘protection issues’ remain a primary concern for residents. Both Israeli and Palestinian security forces conduct regular operations in the camp that often result in clashes and violence. Refugees have been killed during these operations. The violence has also had a significant impact on the emotional and psychological well-being of young children.
Sitting within its own compound inside the camp, The Freedom Theatre was founded in 2006, as a community project, compete with theatre school, open to all but particularly the young, for whom it aims to provide “an important set of tools for dealing with the hardships of daily life under occupation.”
Its first performance was an adaptation of Orwell’s Animal Farm. Another, The Siege, which the Freedom Theatre brought to the UK, dealt with the siege of the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem during the second intifada.
In 2010 Mark met the theatre’s director Juliano Mer-Khamis, a well-known Israeli-Palestinian actor. “I found him really charismatic, and his ideas were incredibly exciting,” he recalls.”Juliano talked about raising the leaders of a non-violent intifada, where human rights, not a flag, were the most important thing.”
Faisal Abu Alhayjaa, who was one of Mer-Khamis’s students, adds: “We try to explore the theme of cultural resistance, because we believe the occupation is not only the wall and the physical occupation, but there is a more dangerous occupation, which is in the mind. So I believe we liberate the mind, we liberate the land.”
Unfortunately, even art and culture can be seen as threatening to extremists. In 2011, Juliano Mer-Khamis was assassinated, shot in front of his theatre. The killer remains unknown, but Faisal is clear about one thing: “At The Freedom Theatre we’re talking about Israeli occupation, about community, religion, traditional roles. The killer of Juliano for me is the one who was against our freedom to do that.”
Today we’re talking thousands of miles and a world apart from Jenin, in the rehearsal space of the historic Theatre Royal Stratford East in London, the location of some radical theatre of its own, notably in the 1950s when the legendary Joan Littlewood championed her “people’s theatre”.
Mark, Faisal and another Freedom Theatre actor Alaa Shehada are preparing Showtime from the Frontline, shortly before touring the UK. Thomas says of his work generally that, “I go off and do something, and then come home and write shows about it.” So in 2011 there was the Walking the Wall tour. And the new show is about his decision to return to Jenin and school a dozen Palestinians in the art of stand-up. Or as he puts it: “To fight for freedom of expression in a place that doesn’t have much freedom.”
That was in 2015, when Mark and his friend Sam Beale, who teaches stand-up at Middlesex University, devised a course of workshops specifically for Jenin. Some of their students were already involved in the Freedom Theatre, others had never performed before; none had done stand-up. The result was Comedy Club, two nights of comedy featuring their brand new routines.
The Brits were clear about two things: that teachers from the Freedom Theatre should attend the workshops, so they could continue to train others; and that the workshops would include women, in keeping with the theatre’s policy – controversial to some in the community – to encourage more women on stage. After the success of Comedy Club, Mark says, “There are all sorts of possibilities about what happens long term.”
The stand-up routines in Jenin were not necessarily political. “The whole point was that here’s a group of 12 people, with 12 individual experiences, who share some of those experiences. They’ve got their own voice. Some people wrote material that is very much about camps and the occupation, other people wrote material that was about boyfriends or girlfriends. And if it’s a woman talking, that takes it into a whole other dimension of politics.”
Adds Alaa: “I think the positive thing of Mark’s workshop was that it encouraged us to think more about ourselves as people, as having friends, families, living in a society, thinking more about our daily life. To go deeper into ourselves, and find the comedy there.”
Mark himself didn’t take part. “Yeah, my Arabic is fantastic,” he says ironically, before more seriously: “It’s about them, not me.” Faisal and Alaa did perform. And they will be reprising their routines, this time in English, for the UK show.
Clowning, no laughing matter
Naturally, none of the three want to give spoilers about the content of Showtime from the Frontline, though our chat is littered with examples of the absurdity of repression.
For example, the impossibility of work in Israel.
“There are still some people from Jenin who work in Israel, but not as many as used to be,” says Faisal. “They have this permission system. You have to get permission to go inside, you have to get permission to work. You have to be married, you have to have kids, you have to be 40 if you’re not married. There are a lot of details. Big drama. It’s easier for me to come to the UK than to get the permission from the Israelis.”
And then just travelling, anywhere, in the West Bank is both difficult, humiliating and dangerous.
“It’s an apartheid system,” says Alaa. “There are streets just for settlers, and other streets for Palestinians where it takes hours to reach where you need to go.
“There is a checkpoint, Kalandia, between Ramallah and Jerusalem. Always traffic. You suffer a lot, just to pass through, just to start your day and to lead your life. You see stress in the air all the time. They can stop you at any time – take off your shoes, your t-shirt, your trousers.
“Me and my friend had a clown workshop in Bethlehem. We were driving back in the evening, it was dark, and suddenly we were stopped. Twenty soldiers, three tanks. The main soldier came to us and asks my friend, who is at the wheel, ‘Who’s the driver?’ My friend said ‘Me, I’m the driver’. The soldier says, ‘No, who’s driving?’ Then he looks at me. ‘What’s your connection?’ ‘We are friends.’ ‘Where is the gun?’
“We passed through. But I thought at any moment I would be killed.”
Adds Faisal: “At checkpoints, you’re worried if you’re going to sneeze.”
UNISON’s work in Palestine
The union is supporting local projects to:
organise Palestinian workers in the Israeli industrial zones in the West Bank
educate agricultural workers on settlement farms in the Jordan Valley about their rights, and support them in claims for the minimum wage and other rights under Israeli law
organise and represent Palestinian women in East Jerusalem, in accessing social benefits and employment
education trade union activists and potential leaders
defend and educate Palestinian women employed on the settlements on their labour rights.
The laughter amongst the three of them, led by Mark’s contagious cackle, suggest how easily they will be finding humour in their material.
The trio observe that freedom of speech is compromised ‘on all sides’, whether it’s Israel clamping down on anyone advocating boycott divestment and sanctions, or the Palestinian National Authority’s sensitivity to public comments about its leadership.
Mark is about to give an example and says to the others, “If you guys stood up in Israel and talked about the boycott….” But he is interrupted. “We’d have to get in first.”
Of course someone who’s very free with his views is the president of the United States. “Man oh man, where do you start?” sighs Mark. “We’re going to recognise Arkansas as the capital of America.”
Challenging preconceptions
Thomas says that he doesn’t know anyone from the West who has visited Palestine and “not been gripped by the injustice”.
But he also counters the notion that his shows are preaching to the converted. “A lot of people assume that the audiences in my shows hold the same views as me. Some do, some don’t. The idea that everyone is a liberal or a leftie is just not true.” In any case, he observes, “Theatre works on empathy, it’s about feeling things, about identifying with other people.”
He is hoping that the new show will challenge people’s preconceptions of what a refugee is, what people want with their lives, what their aspirations are. “I think that’s very important. The idea that a refugee is just someone who sits around with a begging bowl is fucking stupid.”
Showtime from the Frontline is on tour throughout the UK until April. And Faisal and Alaa’s stand-up adventure faces a new challenge. “If it was in Arabic we would be more comfortable,” admits Faisal. “But we’re looking forward to it. And I promise you, they will laugh so much.”
Showtime from the Frontline tour dates
Read more about the occupation and UNISON’s projects
The article We liberate the mind, we liberate the land first appeared on the UNISON National site.
from UNISON National https://www.unison.org.uk/news/magazine/2018/02/liberate-mind-liberate-land/ via IFTTT
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the-record-columns · 5 years
Dec. 4, 2019: Columns
A cook book including a couple of recipes for life…
Record Publisher
Through the good offices of Ben Lane of Wilkesboro, I now have in my possession a fascinating relic from 1946. 
No, not Ben, but a fairly well preserved copy of the North Wilkesboro Woman's Club Cook Book.  The Woman's Club was established in 1920 and has been a fixture in North Wilkesboro ever since.  The cook book had recipes from the members and I am sure some others as well.  For me, having grown up on North Wilkesboro in the 50’s, many of the names were familiar.
  Some of the ladies who had recipes in the book were folks I delivered the Greensboro Daily News to as an 11-year-old boy.  Of them, one of my favorites was Mrs. Fred Hethcock.  The Hethcock's were a retired couple who lived on 6th Street in North Wilkesboro, just down the hill a bit and across the street from one of my other favorites, Carl W. Steele.  When I would go by on Saturdays to collect my 45 cents for the previous week’s paper, Mrs. Hethcock would always invite me into her kitchen and give me a glass of sweet tea—a treat like no other.  She would let me sit at her table and I remember she put lots of lemon in the tea the way I liked it.  Her recipe in the cook book was for shrimp sauce.
Another name I saw in the cook book was Mrs. William Marlow, Mary.  I was fortunate enough to get to know Bill and Mary Marlow through my association with the Lions Club of North Wilkesboro, and later, as a neighbor down the street from them.  They were just the kind of people you are thankful to have known and I can remember my daughter, Jordan, remarking about Mrs. Marlow's wonderful cookies, and the fact that the Marlow's always bought whatever stuff the school system had the kids out selling without complaint.  Mary Marlow had her recipe for Dream Bars in the cook book, which I have personally been lucky enough to have enjoyed.  I have also had many opportunities to speak with Mary, who had an accent I won't try to describe, except to say it was a wonderful Southern voice which was perfect for the stately lady she was.
There were lots of other familiar names in the cook book, Mrs. W.K. Sturdivant, Madge; Mrs. A.B. Johnston, Ruby; Mrs. Hoyle Hutchens, Virginia; Mrs. Maurice Walsh, Sina; Mrs. Jack Brame, Virginia; just to name a few.
 However, it is the two nuggets in the boxes I want to call your attention to.  They both caught me completely off guard and I was very pleased to see them.  The first is just past the title page and is called "Club Sandwiches," and the second was in the Pickles and Preserves section and is entitled "How to Preserve A Husband."
  These gals obviously knew their way around life, as well as the kitchen.
Club Sandwiches
A very special recipe from page 2 of the 1946 North Wilkesboro Woman's Club Cook Book
Take 80 club women, well seasoned by the experience of living--these should be firm, yet tender.  Mix well with equal parts of faith and hope.  Sprinkle in the spirit of service and add a dash of pep.  Stir in a heaping cup of tolerance, and let stand until all arguments have dissolved and the mixture has cooled.  Spread between two slices of courage with all crusts removed and wrap in a cloth dampened with the milk of human kindness.  This recipe will serve the entire community.
How To Preserve A Husband
Interestingly enough, this piece was in the "Pickles and Preserves" section of the cook book.
Be careful in your selection.  Don't choose too young, and take only such as have been reared in good moral atmosphere.  Do not go to market for him, as the best are always brought to your door.  When once decided upon and selected, let that part remain forever settled and give your entire thought to the preparation for domestic use.  Some insist in keeping them in a pickle, while others are constantly getting them in hot water.  This only makes them sour, hard and sometimes bitter.  Even poor varieties may be made sweet, tender and good by garnishing them with patience, well sweetened with smiles, flavored with kisses to taste.  Then wrap them in a mantle of charity; keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion, and serve with peaches and cream.  When thus prepared, they will keep for years.
 ‘In A World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind’ 
Record Reporter
Note: This was not my planned topic this week but I have many friends either struggling with the loss, or caregivers dealing with  serious ailments of loved ones, and wanted to rerun this column from a few years back to remind us all to be kind, and be present.
 Tis the season… All the hustle and bustle, rushing here and there, making sure everything is perfect for the gatherings that are getting ready to happen. We sing holly jolly songs, take the kids to see Santa, make plans to see family out of town, and eat enough goodies to stuff a reindeer. We giggle and snort about tacky sweater parties, and maybe we roll our eyes at those that don't share the enthusiasm of the holiday; maybe even muttering "Scrooge" or "Grinch" under our breath.
But…maybe they have lost their joy for a very valid reason.  It's hard sometimes to see the melancholy, past all the glitter and lights. For many people, this is a horrid time of year; reflecting on who won't be home for holidays, especially if it’s the first one without them.  
I would like to share with you a song that my friend Brian Brown penned about his daughter, who was the poster child for Christmas, if ever there was one. .She was named "Bria", after her father, was the only daughter, and the baby of the family. Bria suffered from asthma, but that never stopped her from enjoying all things Christmas- singing, playing in the snow, all the fun kid stuff. It was after all, her favorite holiday.
Bria died in February 2015, after suffering an acute asthma attack at the age of 14. Christmas was never the same for Brian and his wife, or the rest of the family.
My Christmas is Gone
My Christmas is Gone
Hard to see the blinking lights
Tough to see the twinkling stars
Hearing them bells ring
just opens up all the scars
Happy families holding hands
humming holiday tunes
I'm Scrooge in the corner
wishing it was June
Please don't happy me this
Please don't merry me that
Cause my Christmas is gone
It ain't coming back
Even if Santa's sleigh landed right here
I'd step right over them reindeer tracks he knows my Christmas is gone...it ain't coming back
Yeah my Christmas is gone
It ain't coming back
This was her time of year
Loved decorating the tree
Singing those old Christmas songs; come adore on bended knee.
Everytime the snow fell
Bundling up to go outside
Fingers went numb
From the snowball fights
I got no more silent nights
No more decking the halls
Every day's now to be the same
Behind these four blank walls
There might be joy to the world
It just hasn't found me
My soul's laid bare
As Charlie Brown's Christmas tree
Brian wrote this song, "to find a way out of the dark pit of self pity while still embracing the sadness that is so important for healing.”
So while you’re out there, take a moment to make eye contact with people.
Be aware.  
Try to be the comfort in another’s holiday grief.
If you are the one grieving, know you are not alone.  
 HOTLINE 800-273-TALK (8255)  
Israel - The U.S. security net
Special to The Record
Those who wrongly consider Israel as "illegal occupiers" of land deeded to her by God Himself, are woefully failing to accept the truth which, in plain language, means a Middle East without Israel would be nothing more than a region filled with overwhelming violence and chaos. 
In 2005, Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip hoping to receive peace in return.  It did not happen.  Prior to 2005, Israel vacated a significant portion of Judea and Samaria leaving the West Bank, which includes the Golan Heights, in the hands of Palestinian Arabs who, with the support of Iran, Turkey and North Korea, turned the area into a giant launching pad for missiles and terrorist attacks threatening Israel and every pro-US Arab regime in the region. 
In 1967, Israel seized the strategically significant Golan Heights from Syria in a defensive war - a war which she did not instigate.  Israel was again attacked by her hostile Arab neighbors without any provocation whatsoever. In only six days and against seemingly impossible odds, Israel emerged the victor. She successfully defended her land and her citizens and even gained land in the process. 
Israel's presence on the mountain tops and ridges and in the Golan Heights serves as a sort of security policy for Jordan and others who are friendly to the United States.  Having Israeli troops in the Golan is also a kind of security safety net for the U.S. negating the need to send U.S. troops to patrol the Golan Heights as unrest and war rage in Syria, as Iran continues to spread it tentacles in Lebanon and Syria with ambitions to control the land all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, as Turkey's president sets his sights on Syria with expansionist intentions, and as Russia continues to expand its presence in Syria, Lebanon and any other place in the Middle East where there is the slightest opening or where leadership is weak.
Controlling the Golan Heights is important not only to Israel but also to the entire world.  Damascus, Syria is less than 50 miles from the Golan.  In the Middle East, Damascus is the center for the proliferation of global terrorism and drug trafficking.  You might remember that Damascus welcomed Nazi war criminals who fled Germany and Poland following WWII.   
Keeping Israel in control of the Golan Heights is essential to maintaining stability in the region.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply not thinking. Israel's presence is one of deterrence from which the United States, and the world in general, greatly benefits.     
It’s a Carolinas Heritage Christmas
Life in the Carolinas
We have been busy elves working on our new Christmas Special.
The 2019 theme is A Carolinas Heritage Christmas. We have been filming on location in historic Gold Hill.
The people of Gold Hill kick off the Holiday celebrations with an annual event they call “The Lighting of the Fall Fires.” The event is always the Saturday before Thanksgiving and is held rain or shine. This year it rained, but that did not seem to dampen the sprits of the attendees.
When people arrive, they exchange their tickets for a bag of gold nuggets (painted gold that is). Once they have their nuggets in hand, they board a trolley that takes guests to their choice of three stops. The nuggets can be exchanged for various food offerings throughout the village.
I met a fellow at the Brunswick Stew station. He so loved the stew that he used three nuggets for three servings. He said it was the best he had ever eaten. Then we met a lady at the chicken and dumpling station who was in line for the second time. She said it brought back great memories.
The village was filled with all sorts of music for people to enjoy as they went from place to place. It was a friendly event with all the charm you might imagine.
Vivian Hopkins at the E. H. Montgomery General Store provided great assistance in our production as well as sharing a look into life in the village. The Montgomery is a popular location during the Holidays and throughout the year with weekly Friday Night Bluegrass gatherings.  
There were three fires. We were on location with three cameras at the largest fire when it was set ablaze. As the fire was set, I chatted with Darrius Hedrick and John Yelton who have been part of the event from the very beginning,19 years ago. Darrius said that the event transitions us into the Holiday season.  John, now in his 90’s, said we need to be thinking about what we can be thankful for.
We were enjoying our chat as the fire grew, so much so that Darrius looked at me and said with a calm smile, “We better move back a bit before my pants melt.” I suppose I was so caught up in the moment that I did not notice that the ground around us was starting to steam from the mist in the air and the growing heat of the blaze.  
It was great talking with Darrius and John as they were both involved in making the Gold Hill Village what it is today. Naturally, there are many people involved; however, at that moment I became very aware that “The Lighting of the Fall Fires” is much more than an event to raise money and awareness for the Gold Hill Historic Preservation Society; it is a celebration of the fact that Gold Hill has significant Carolina history and, most importantly, it stands today as the Historic Gold Hill Village and provides a glimpse into our past and comfort for our future.
We will be back in Gold Hill for more filming during the “Christmas in the Village” celebration which is always the first full weekend in December.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Season!  Let’s make some new friends and traditions this year and if we do maybe depression will not be in our stockings during the upcoming months.
Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award-winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its eleventh year of syndication.   For more on the show visit  www.lifeinthecarolinas.com and join the free weekly email list. It���s a great way to keep up with the show and things going on in the Carolinas. You can email Carl White at [email protected].  
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Day 9 (1/28): Temporary Ban for Muslim Countries Leaves Out Main Countries of Previous US Terror Attacks (Which Trump Happens To Have Business Ties To)
Featuring: -Yesterday, In Trumpland- The Resistance Report- Weekend Actions-
RED ALERT! The Trump administration has demanded that all ads for Obamacare be canceled! That is $5 million of already paid ads just going down the drain. And you know how many procrastinators sign up late. There is always a surge in signups the last few days, so essentially the GOP are being assholes. You have until JAN 31st to sign up on healthcare.gov. So do so NOW!
 Also, Trump signed 2 executive orders yesterday because of course he did:
 - #1 “Extreme Vetting” (No One Knows What That Means Exactly)
Officially dubbed, “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals,” the order includes a temporary 120-day ban on refugees and visas of immigrants from 7 Muslim countries, excluding the ones that he has business interests in because remember he DID NOT divest anything and is STILL PROFITING FROM FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. Where the hell are all these people with these lawsuits!). Ironically enough, the Cato Institute reported that of the terror attacks that have happened, “Foreign nationals from those seven countries have killed a grand total of 0, yes 0, Americans.” In fact, “Terrorism by Muslims makes up one-third of 1 percent of all murders in the US.” Forget the fact that banning refugees from entering this country goes against all American Values, even if he thought he had cause, Trump didn’t even pick the right ones! Some of the countries on the list are known terrorist “hot spots,” but they haven’t committed acts of terror in the US. Vox helps us Break it down:  
San Bernadino shooting that killed 14 people= US Born Pakistani and US legalized citizen of Pakistani descent 
The Orlando nightclub shooter who murdered 49 people= US Born citizen of Afghan descent
The Boston marathon bombers=  Kyrgyzstan, grew up in Boston
The militant who killed four Marines in TN= Kuwaiti Born US Citizen his parents being Jordanian and Palestinian
The attempted Times Square bomber= Pakistani-American
The infamous “underwear bomber”= Nigerian
The man who attempted to blow up a plane with explosives in his shoes= UK born, his mother was white, and his father was mixed race Jamaican
The man who killed 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009= born in Virginia to Palestinian parents
The 9/11 Hijackers= 15 Saudi Arabians, 2 From the UAE, 1from  Lebanon, and 1 from Egypt
Osama Bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia and his top dogs were all from Egypt
NONE of those countries are on this banned list! NOT A SINGLE ONE! And if anything this shows that people who would carry out an attack in the US are already here and are probably citizens.
Not to say that some countries on the list, like Iran, don’t make sense, but these countries are more likely to train other countries such as Yemen and Lebanon, to take out attacks against other Arabs, which is why those citizens are trying to escape the middle east in the first place. There was an incident this year when a Somali immigrant injured 10 people in Minnesota (But In NYC the American Subway slashers injured 11). 
The order did say that the ban would be lifted only for those escaping religious persecution, meaning Christians Only. I wonder what the Pope has to say about this... But, with what the data show, (which i know a lot of people are allergic to facts these days) this is certainly not a serious counter terrorist move and if anything probably leaves us more vulnerable. But still, the likelihood of a US citizen being killed in an attack by an immigrant is 1 in 3.6 million. If you have a republican senator or representative, make them tell you where they stand and come with the facts! This is one of the most Un-American orders put forth thus far, and it’s only week 1.
Whether you are a republican or a democrat, we should all agree that this is NOT the right move!
 - #2 “Military Preparedness” If he keeps this up we might actually need this one.
This one seemed more symbolic than anything else, but the President wants to add $300 billion dollars on top of the $584 billion dollars already budgeted to go towards building up the army for new planes, ships, tools and resources including upping the number of active duty troops by approximately 161,000. Sounds like a primer for war time type activities. So you’re probably wondering if this is a lot of money or what? Well we can tell you how much of our discretionary spending budget is spent on the military because unlike Spicer, we have charts… with actual facts:
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Leaks Are popping up everywhere, and now they’ve extended to Iowa in probably the worst way possible. Less than 24hrs after Trump beamed about getting DAPL and Keystone XL pipelines moving again, IOWA suffered the worst pipeline leak it’s had in 16 years. You think folks might have changed their tune on these pipelines by now? Ugh, don’t hold your breath.
But hopefully IOWA can get some support because Trump still has not issued any Federal funds to help the Red States of Mississippi and Georgia recover from the deadly tornadoes that destroyed hundreds of homes. It’s been days, and still no response from FEMA. Must be because these Governors are not on Trump’s hit list for revenge; No time, gotta get that wall going you know? Thank goodness for Anheuser-Busch InBev for donating water to these poor people. Our thoughts are with them.
- Miami-Dade county’s mayor has lost his damn mind announced they would not be joining the sanctuary cities club and ordered his officials to fully cooperate with Trump. The mayor says he “never considered [Miami] a sanctuary city” despite the fact that they have the 2nd highest number of immigrants in the US. Hmmm… I smell $$$$$. And this is why I never go to Miami. I’d rather take my talents to Los Angeles. Now he also has people outside his office protesting. Viva La Resistance and good luck to that guy.
- Trump and Steven ‘alt-right’ Bannon are putting forward an order for the Secretary of Homeland Security to post a weekly report of every crime that is committed by an immigrant in cities that don’t comply with the Furher. This is SO beyond dangerous; this is what the Nazi’s did to the Jews back in… well you don’t need me to explain. Breitbart tried to do this with the BLM movement, so you know this was all Steve Bannon’s idea. SOOO glad that guy is there pulling the puppet-in-chief’s stings. Chills, literal chills. I know, but her emails though!
- So it looks like Propaganda Today FOX News finally has a legitimate story to run ad nauseam *eye roll.* The official economic performance report came out today, and while it showed the US economy grew by 1.6% in 2016, it’s still chugging along at a very slow pace compared to where we’ve been. In fact, it’s the lowest growth rate we’ve reported since 2011. Of course this is all Obama’s fault, right? Not like we’re still coming back from that one time when we had The Great Recession or anything. Some of you may ask, how can this be? Hasn’t unemployment dropped from 10% in 2009 to 4.7%? Well the economic growth rate is largely measured by the rate of productivity coming out of our country vs the imports coming in. So what this report tells us is that we produced cars, gidgets, and widgets at a slower rate than we have in the past 5 years compared the the amount of imports that have come in. This was one key reason a lot of Trump Supporters voted for him in the first place and why he’s doing things like meeting with major business leaders, and trying to figure out how to keep manufacturing jobs in the US. But he’s made a lofty goal of doubling the estimated economic growth rate from 2% to 4%, which is YUGE! However, trying to summon the second coming of the industrial revolution is not going to be enough to do it. He also is looking to rewrite the tax code to give big business a large tax break and roll back regulations (like the pipelines and other environmentally hazardous practices) to get the economy moving faster. So TBD on this one Donny. I guess we’ll see how great of a businessman he actually is.
- Trump also met with the Brexit Prime Minister… But really nothing interesting happened other than him refusing to answer a legitimate question. It was basically Trump saying, “We’re Isolationists and xenophobic, you’re isolationists and xenophobic. We should get along GREATLY.” She did use this time to express to Donald that NATO is uber important. Never thought I’d say it, but Thank God He Picked Mattis.
Today Donny will talk to his BFF Putin, I’m sure to thank him for the assist. Unclear if he’s taking this one from his personal Android phone (btw he would be an Android user). or his actual secure phone. TBD on what happens there.
- All Senate Dems officially confirm they will vote NO to DeVos! Yes! Now we have to flip the republicans!
- Luckily, This site will allow you to send faxes to every Senator’s office from your phone or computer for free! People are just brilliant! Send one Today, and everyday!
- The Resistance is on the Cover of TIME! Time Magazine has put the Pussy Hat, the symbolic symbol of The Resistance, on the cover of its latest issue and reminds the world that the majority of Americans will always fight for America’s virtues and values no matter who is in charge! YES! Rise Up & Resist!
- If you haven’t seen it yet, somebody bought alternativefacts.com… I won’t spoil the surprise, but this person, whoever he/she may be, is a genius!
- And now there’s a Rogue POTUS staff twitter account! @RoguePOTUSStaff. Let Freedom TWEET! Maybe they are the ones that gave us this Audio leak of the GOP admitting they have no replacement that could work for the ACA.
- The Calls are working! On Weds, the Government backed off on the plan to have the EPA scrub all climate pages from it’s website. Keep Pushing! Keep calling, faxing, emailing. This is a democracy, these people work for us!
- #AdiosStarbucks is trending in Mexico, because face it, they are pissed. I don’t blame them. They are attempting to hurt US businesses located in Mexico by instituting a nationwide boycott. However, this might not go very far. One time my mom tried to boycott things made in China... she lasted 1.5 days...
- This is one geneticist that has had enough. He’s so fed up, he is making a run for the Senate for 2018! I haven’t read up on him yet, but go Michael Eisen for feeling inspired to run for office! 
 - Sunday Join MoveOn.Org’s conference call for planning this upcoming #ResistTrumpTuesday at 8pm est. Last call had 15,000 people on it and there were 60,000 on their first call. Last week’s conference call inspired me to get involved in the 2018 Midterm election efforts to Flip Red Seats Blue! So TBD on that front.
- A fellow Blogger posted an awesome guide entitled “Shy Person’s Guide to Calling Representatives.” Because introverts are resisters too! I know a lot of people are like what?! Call someone… like on the phone… and speak to an actual human? Can’t we just text? NOPE, our government does not text… I mean they still use fax machines and this site will allow you to send faxes to every Senator’s office from your phone or computer for free. But it is not as effective as a call. But this guide will help take a lot of the anxiety out of it! With so many issues at hand, there are plenty of calls to make!
 - I will be researching effective ways to help folks obtain Government issued state ID cards in All Red States. If the GOP votes to enact unconstitutional voter ID laws, we will be ready to mobilize thousands in the Resistance network to make sure people can enact their constitutional right! If you have ideas, let me know.
Well that’s the first week of this circus… whooo I am freaking exhausted and mentally drained. But it’s important now more than ever to remember to take care of yourself. Turn the news off, watch some garbage/ mindless TV, go to the gym, SHOWER. This post does a great job of reminding you how to balance outrage and not lose your mind.
 UPCOMING DEMONSTRATIONS & TRAININGS- Join Events by clicking on links
1/29 (SUN) 8pm est- Moveon.org Conference Call for Tuesday action at our Senators’ offices
1/30 (MON) 7pm- Marshall Training for Protesters. 208 W 13th Street
1/30 (MON) 4:15pm- Stop DeVos (and Other unsavory picks)- 780 3rd Ave
1/31 (TUE) 6pm- What The F*^k Chuck Rally- Grand Army Plaza in BK
1/31 (TUE) 6pm-8pm Women’s March: Write In and Postcard mailing, Dream Baby downtown
1/31 (TUE) 7pm-8:30pm Rise & Resist Meeting 208 W 13th Street
2/2 (THU) 12pm-2pm- Rally. Resist Trump’s Environmental Agenda, 780 3rd Ave
2/23 (THU) 7pm- Organizing 101 (Don’t Panic, Organize)
4/15 (SAT) 1-4pm: Tax March NYC, 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza)
 Washington DC
1/29 (SUN) 10am: Oppose Betsy DeVos! Columbus Circle, Washington DC
4/15 (SAT): Tax Day Rally to demand Trump turn over his Taxes. Everywhere. Link will show you where your local march is
4/29 (SUN): People’s Climate March
5/6 (SAT) 10am-5pm: The Immigrant’s March on Washington
6/11 (SUN) 10am-6pm: National Pride March
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the-record-columns · 5 years
Feb. 26, 2020: Columns
An amazing afternoon, an amazing service...
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Rickard's Chapel AME Zion Church
Record Publisher
  This past Sunday I had the pleasure of visiting the Rickard's Chapel AME Zion Church on Old US Hwy 421 in Wilkesboro. 
The occasion was an annual event sponsored since 2010 by the Rev. Richard Watts and the congregation of the church honoring Wilkes County Pioneers. 
Each year has a particular theme, this one being The Influence of the Black Church.  There are some photographs elsewhere in this edition of The Record, but I wanted to share some more information I gleaned from the beautiful program which was printed for the event.
 The format of the 4 p.m. service was to recognize the over 20 Black churches in Wilkes by displaying a photo of the church and inviting a representative of the church to accept a statuette commorating the event and a brief biography of the church was read to the congregation. The program was compiled from the Centennial Year 1980 edition of the Yadkin Valley Baptist Association, personal stories, church members, church history books as well as the internet and websites.  The program committee responsible for this beautiful full color, 36-page program are Rev. Watts, Dr. Alexander Erwin, Dr. Kim Erwin, and Mrs. Marnita Harris—who also compiled the data and photos.
  As a small boy in the 50’s, my father, Rev. C.S. Welborn, was sometimes asked to fill in for the pastor of the First Baptist Church on B Street (now Main) in North Wilkesboro.  Also, as I went with my dad on his many visits to the Fairplains Community, I knew about the Beulah Presbyterian Church on Sparta Road.  However, I had no idea that these two churches had been around basically since the Town of North Wilkesboro was founded in 1890.  The First Baptist was organized in 1896 and Beulah in 1895. 
The property for the Beulah Presbyterian Church was 15 acres originally purchased from W.F. Trogdon for a school near Trogdon Street in North Wilkesboro.  This is the same Mr. Trogdon who basically started North Wilkesboro in 1890 from scratch around the train depot.  Beulah moved in 1932 to the Fairplains location it still uses.  The original frame building First Baptist began worshipping in was donated by Frank Blair, Sr., who, I think, owned the ice plant in North Wilkesboro.  There is even an old photo of their original building in the program.
  And, while I was aware of some other black churches in Wilkes, I had no idea how many.  There is a small church in Ferguson, the Darby Mennonite Brethren Church which is also over 100 years old.  The list continues, Beaver Creek Methodist Church, 1840; Chapel Hill AME Zion Church on Rock Quarry Road in North Wilkesboro, 1895; Denny Grove AME Zion Church in Wilkesboro, 1901; Mount Valley Missionary Baptist Church in Ronda, 1896; Parks Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Wilkesboro, 1905; Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro, 1906; Poplar Springs Missionary Baptist Church in Roaring River, 1879; New Damascus Baptist Church in Wilkesboro, 1865;  Thankful Missionary Baptist Church, 1869;  and Rickard's Chapel AME Zion Church in Wilkesboro, 1899—and there are many others.
  I cannot begin to imagine the countless hours of work that went into producing this program, both from the churches who researched their histories, and the Rickard's Chapel committee who compiled and edited the program.  I have a couple of copies I will be glad for anyone to see, but, frankly, this event Sunday was entirely too good, too important, and too timely not to do again.  I would encourage the organizers of Sunday’s service to save everything associated with their amazing program and make it a cornerstone of next year’s Black History Month events.  Or, for that matter, anytime they have the time and a venue available, and want to.
  After all, as it says on the title page of their program, "Our Church served as the pillars for our forefathers to persevere over many trials and tribulations.  Through faith and the bond of our religious beliefs, we have come this far, trusting in the Lord.  The Church has, and continues to be, the foundation of the life of Black People."
 The Flag on my desk
Record Reporter
A few months ago, a gentleman cleaning out an abandoned warehouse brought some things by the office.
“I knew you’d know what to do with it and make sure it was given a safe space.”
It was a burial flag, and a small box containing the Memorial book and newspaper clipping from a veteran’s funeral.
Frank Little was a WWII veteran, born in May 1924 in Wilkes County. Frank Little, Jr., was laid to rest on Feb. 2, 2000, in Woodlawn Cemetery. Of the less than two dozen people that signed his book, only two names are familiar to me: Luther Parks, and Ward Eller, two of the finest men I know.
There’s not much more information than that, but the flag sits on my desk, in front of a list of local soldiers lost in the Vietnam conflict, and beside a rock that a local veteran painted for me. As long as Frank’s flag is on my desk, it has a home, and a place of respect.
WWII was a war that touched every life in my family. Both my grandfathers, a great uncle, and a grandmother served in that war. They were indeed the greatest generation, and we have precious few of them left. At many funerals I have witnessed the flag draped casket, the Honor Guard giving the 21 gun salute, and finally the ceremonial folding of the flag, being handed off to a family member becoming the most treasured of keepsakes.
It makes me wonder how this flag on my desk made its way to me. I keep promising the flag that I will find out where it belongs, but for now, it gives me comfort in what seems to be another tumultuous time in our nation’s history, knowing there are still brave soldiers protecting us.  
The flag on my desk sits silently, stalwart and starched, as a reminder of the things we most treasure, and the price for them.
The flag on my desk does not waiver.
The flag on my desk does not judge.
The flag on my desk does not care that I am a civilian.
The flag on my desk does not care about my religion, race, political affiliation, gender, place of birth, who I love, or what accent I speak in.  
The flag on my desk reminds me to honor and serve those that have come before me and worn this flag on their uniforms.
The flag on my desk implores me to hold space for those brave men and women, and not let them be forgotten — especially the ones who are still here, still fighting depression, PTSD, or just need someone to talk to.
A religion married to terrorism
Special to The Record
 Western democracies tend to sacrifice reality on the altar of well-intentioned hope. We approach all our dealings and negotiations with Islamic countries from a Western mindset expecting that fairness, honesty and integrity will be the order of the day.  To those who embrace Islam, these values are meaningless and are, in fact, signs of weakness to be exploited.  A Muslim will adhere to an agreement with an infidel (all non-Muslims) only long enough to buy time to overcome.
According to historical documentation, Islamic wars have not been defensive but rather Jihad-driven offensives.
Since the beginning of this year, there has been an increase in the number of adherents to fundamental Islam such as that which is espoused by the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey’s President Erdogan, Iran’s religious leaders (the Ayatollahs), ISIS and others.  Their brand of aggressive Islam is in pursuit of global imperialism and it’s taught in Muslim schools to children beginning at early ages to include the Palestinian Authority.  It will take generations to detox the minds of young Muslim children who are being taught that Jews are to be hated along with all infidels, and Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state. 
The basic precepts of Islam, as outlined by the Quran and Sharia Law, make it clear that Israel has no real partner sitting with them at the peace table and the United States has no trustworthy Middle East ally aside from Israel. 
Islam is the sole legitimate religion, divinely ordained to rule the world,
Infidels must unconditionally submit themselves to Muslims either peacefully or by force,
Holy war (Jihad) is a commitment every Muslim makes to Allah and Islam.  72 virgins are waiting in paradise for those who die a martyr’s death,
Terrorism is a lawful tactic to defeat infidels, 
Treaties, agreements, accords, ceasefires and so on are non-binding with infidels but are used by Muslims as a delay tactic allowing time to regroup and rearm.
Double-speaking and out right lying is considered acceptable and even honorable if it achieves the end goal of defeating the infidels. 
These are not the types of precepts upon which a real and lasting peace plan can be established.  Again, it’s not peace the Palestinians want with Israel.  Israel is the only one seeking peace.  What the Palestinians want is the total elimination of Israel and terrorism is their method of choice. 
A few days ago, a Palestinian woman from eastern Jerusalem was stopped by passersby when she attempted a stabbing attack at the popular Armon Hanatziv promenade in the city.  While attempting the stabbing, she was yelling “Allahu Akbar.”  Bystanders tackled her to the ground and held her until police arrived. 
In a separate incident, IDF soldiers prevented a suspected car-ramming attack in the Arab village of Beitin, near Ramallah which is less than twelve miles from Jerusalem. The driver was shot when he accelerated towards an IDF checkpoint. Thankfully, no IDF soldiers were injured.
Until the Palestinians stop glorifying death and hating Israel, there can never be peace.  According to Islamic belief, a martyr’s funeral is considered a wedding (remember the 72 promised virgins?). Becoming a martyr represents the highest religious achievement that a Muslim can attain.  Peace is simply not part of their vocabulary and especially not with Israel and the Jews.
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