#keeper of the keys
a-life-in-books · 2 years
Earl Derr Biggers
"In those warm islands, thin men were the rule, but here was a striking exception. He was very fat indeed, yet he walked with the light dainty step of a woman. His cheeks were as chubby as a baby's, his skin ivory tinted, his black hair close-cropped, his amber eyes slanting."
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The House Without a Key 
The Chinese Parrot 
Behind That Curtain 
The Black Camel 
Charlie Chan Carries On 
Keeper of the Keys 
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rastronomicals · 3 months
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9:03 AM EDT June 24, 2024:
HP Lovecraft - "Keeper Of The Keys" From the album II (September 1968)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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keikoyume · 9 months
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Lethal Company is a game
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 months
as the resident tsukishima fucker, you are 100% correct. he's a little shit but in the most AFFECTIONATE WAY POSSIBLE. he'd be the type to complain when you haven't given him affection in a little bit and as soon as you do he's go "god you're so clingy." I NEED HIM SO BAD WTH
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SO REAL!!!! like he constantly teases u whenever u hold his hand / kiss him an extra time / hug him in public. “god youre so clingy all the time. what would you do without me. its like you want to be conjoined to me. just glue urself to me at this point. god”
but when u forget to give him a hug in the morning he genuinely thinks ur plotting a break up and that u hate him and hes already mourning ur relationship when he texts you “hey is everything ok… are u mad at me… did i do something…. uve been so distant lately…..”
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keitheaverage · 10 months
tbh nothing cuter/funnier to me than a gorgeous, intelligent, well-rounded woman like Princess Yumyum seeing Tack's Vitamin D-deficient ass get dragged into her throne room like a shaking wet stray dog ready to gnaw its own leg off to escape and her just being like "good god I must have this funny little scarecrow man for myself immediately" and being so down-bad for him she breaks all her shoes just so he'll stick around long enough to fix them. Absolutely inspired. She'd fit right in with the tumblr girlies, I think.
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basiatlu · 11 months
Day 28: Pumpkin 🎃
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Hagrid spent every muggy summer tending to the pumpkin patch in preparation for the annual jack-o-lantern display he carved for the students to spectate in October. The bigger the better to see from the castle’s grand stained-glass windows.
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keykeeperjax · 4 months
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The Beginning of the End...
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cucucucn · 4 months
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Clearing my camera roll
I know nothing about Guilty Gear but damn their duo 🙏
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greenerteacups · 12 days
Just popping in to say thank you for recommending The Lights That Burn! I binged it today and the world building is already so RICH. Roman Empire-inspired fics are always so fascinating, and I think it works really well in this context. I can’t wait to see where she takes the characters. It’s so interesting to get some glimpses of a Draco more heavily influenced by Regulus as opposed to Snape. Really interested to find out what other canon characters from past or present make an appearance. Mary and Reg were a fun Easter egg and I’m wondering about Dietrich/ “Dirk” too 👀
It's sooooooo good. The author has done so much thinking about how magic operates at each level of the imperial system. The absence of Snape is really interesting to me, though; we also don't know what happened to James or Lily (or Harry), which makes me excited for whenever we learn more about those "resistance forces."
This raises more questions about the AU that will probably be answered in due course, but like: if Voldemort rises to power as a government dictator instead of a religious figurehead, does he still have horcruxes? Since the fic's set in 1998, he's still only 72, which is easily a natural lifespan for a wizard without any magical enhancements. Seems like there wasn't a prophecy, which tells me no Trelawney, but also no death-by-toddler and lightning-scar; but then again, if the Statute of Secrecy is repealed in 1945, Tom Riddle would have already killed Myrtle and his father, and potentially used one of them to make his first horcrux, the diary. Who knows!
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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absurdumsid · 8 months
is it weird that I make sure I like every post and reblog you do most recently -
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sorry i dont think his first language is english
Keeper! Sans belongs to me !!
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madcat-world · 1 year
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Nachthunger 16: The Keeper of the Keys (1 of 8) - Dominik Mayer
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rastronomicals · 6 months
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8:32 AM EDT March 21, 2024:
HP Lovecraft - "Keeper Of The Keys" From the album II (September 1968)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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brontekotlcyan · 4 months
Okay so i wrote the Solreef family fanfic. Its very short and surprisingly tragic. Fic under the cut.
He couldn't shake that feeling. The feeling that everything was going to collapse again. Tiergan fiddled with his beaten-up rings, contemplating his life choices as a quiet melody played in the background.
This somewhat peaceful scence was quickly abrubted as someone bust through the front door. Tiergan jumped up, expecting a battle to commence, but it wasn't a Neverseen member at his door, rather a dripping wet linh.
Tiergan immediately assumed she had flooded her parents house again, or something along the lines of that. Except... She was wrapped in a towel. How peculiar.
As she cried, Linh spoke, "I was just in the shower when the hot water ran out- I didn't care but about two minutes later I heard my mother banging on the door. She yelled through the door, There better be hot water left!" Linh stopped for a minute to catch her breath, then continued, "I was immediately scared, so I told her a feeble no...then she unlocked the door with an old metal button! I was exposed-obviously and this shock caused me to instinctively propell water at her, before I could tell what had happened, I was being pulled put of the shower without a towel." Linh fidgeted with her towel, gulping down the knot in her throat. 
"Then she started yelling about how I was a good for nothing child who deserved to die abandoned and alone...she went on to say how much she hated me and my uncontrollable ability, and-" Before she could find the power to continue, she was weeping again.
Tiergan was astonished- but at the same time unsurprisied. How could parents be so hurtful to their children when it's all some people want...? During the crying fest, Wylie had heard and was now at the bottom of the staircase, mouth a gape. (He was visiting Tiergan, like he did nearly every day.)
"Uhm. That is completely unacceptable! How could she do that? Hold on." Wylie said. 
"I'm sorry for coming her unannounced, but I just couldn't bear being around them any longer." Linh muttered through sobs.
"No- It's fine. You can come over anytime." Tiergan told her.
"Do you want me to give them a piece of my mind?"
Linh half-smiled, "No thanks. I'll probably have to be back over there in a while anyways..."
Wylie called Linh from one of the downstairs bedrooms. She walked over, with tears still rolling down her cheeks. Tiergans anger was rising. People just didn't have any critical thinking skills. Never mind common sense. 
Within two minutes, Linh was back and fully clothed, Wylie had found some stuff to fit her. 
Linhs silver-tipped hair was like a satin curtain as she looked at the floor.
"You can stay you know. For however long you want." Tiergan offered her. Linh did a couple little sniffles,
"Could I stay for a couple of hours...?" 
"Of course."
A couple of hours later, Linh was all dry and wrapped in a blanket Tiergan had given her. Prentice had arrived and he and Tiergan were discussing which Star Wars film was the best.
"Yeah I don't care if it has walking robots. That's not as good as Darth Vader turning to the light side!"
"That's exactly what an uncultured person would say. Hmh."
Wylie was watching them, smirking while sipping on cinnacreme. Eventually they stopped fighting and decided to watch The Last Jedi. They all loved Star Wars. It was one of Tiergans comforts, mostly because it was a distraction from everything going on around him.
It was dark now, and all four of them watched the movie peacefully. But Linh's mind was still running. Tam would come back any minute. She couldn't bare to face him. She just wanted things to go back to how they were. She wanted loving parents.
Meanwhile, Tiergan was glancing at his 'family' none of them were his. Linh, Wylie and Prentice would have to go home eventually...and he'd be alone again. Tears swelled in his eyes but he knew he had to force them back. It was his own fault for never making an effort to find a wife. But at the same time, Wylie was thinking about how safe he felt in this make-shift family.
Within the next few hours, everyone had gone home and Tam and Rayni had arrived. Tiergan used to love Tam like a son, but now he was even more closed off and obviously struggling. But Tiergan didn't want to push too far.
Tiergan lay in his bed, the stomach pain had come back and he just wanted someone to be there for him. He wanted a hug. Or for someone to tell him how much he means to them. He stared at his gilded curtains. Wishing the pain would end. It wouldn't. Eventually Tiergan fell into sleep, hoping the next day would be some improvement.
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ambrosia-divine · 10 months
❝𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞.❠ - 𝘝𝘪𝘦𝘸 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰?
💬: "Now that I think about it, why exactly do the allogenes wish to offer their strength to The Creator? Of course, the main reason seems to be out of their devotion to Their Author, but is that all? Surely if The Divine was so powerful, they wouldn't need the help of the beings below them? For this question, I provide an answer. Imagine a scene where The Founder used much, if not all, of their energy to create Teyvat. But without inhabitants, this place would be like a garden without flowers, a sky without stars. This thought deeply troubles The Sacred One, but you can not create something out of nothing. To give, you must take. The Holy does not wish to take the light of the constellations to make sentient beings, that would be far too selfish of them. So, being the ever-generous spirit that they are, The Absolute used their own soul just so that they could breathe life into the occupants of Their World. After such, they no longer had enough energy to sustain a physical form. So, they disappeared from this realm.
'Perhaps with time, The Dawn will descend upon our world once more, having gathered enough energy to be with us in physical form.'
This is what these dear people believe. As such, the reason the beings of Teyvat wish to serve The Composer is not only out of dedication but also as an act of gratitude for bringing them all into existence. They did give everything they had, did they not? It's only right that they give their services to the entity that sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears for them.
So, what do you think? Does this idea satisfy your curiosity? Or do you wish for a different telling of this tale? That is something for you alone to decide."
𝘌𝘹𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰?
┏━✦━┓ ┏━✦━┓
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤ Yes.‎ㅤ‎ㅤ‎ㅤㅤNo.
┗━✦━┛ ┗━✦━┛
Option Yes was selected.
❝𝐃𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠.❠
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
So after four months, Bell's Hells are off the moon
0.5/5 Stars - Some of the locals were nice but activities were shit and needs new management.
But what's this? Aabria with a steel chair!? She's probably cackling looking at the socials right now
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