#keeping up a fearances
lumitycanon · 3 months
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GC13, Soren, and David discuss Keeping Up A-Fearances from The Owl House.
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azure-wolf-227 · 3 months
Quick AU idea set when Eda found King.
As they are escaping the tower, Eda notices the arrow fired by Jean-Luc and moves to shield King, getting impaled through the chest or stomach.
The Titan, who was watching everything, uses some of his power to heal the witch that protected his son and also helps her with her curse.
Eda has her “making peace with the Owl Beast” vision quest then wakes up completely healed and with her new Harpy form. She wonders what happened but not for long because her new look is so awesome!
The Titan’s magic purified the corruption that was draining her magic. So Eda gets to keep her magic and has the Harpy Form, making her much more powerful than in canon.
Eda would keep the Harpy secret as a triumph card, since her magic is more than enough to against Lilith and the Coven Scouts. Though, she might have to reveal it during the season 1 finale.
King may or may not still believe he is the King of Demons. On one hand, not having his horn broken off means he remembers what happened in the island. On the other hand, acting like a little monarch is apparently a Titan thing, according to Bill (though it is debatable if that is even true).
Obviously, episodes where Eda’s curse is prominent like the Intruder, the B-Plot of Escape of the Palisman, the season 1 finale and Keeping Up A-fearances are either scrapped or completely different from canon.
Naming this the “Sacrifice’s Reward” AU because the Titan rewarded Eda for sacrificing herself for his son.
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darkmatter-nebula · 17 days
Colli and the coffeeee
Hi, my dear @importantnightwerewolf! 👋😊
Thanks for the request!
This takes place shortly after Keeping Up A-Fearances.
Drabble: Mom's Coffee
It was a quiet morning on the Boiling Isles. A certain small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold was still peacefully sleeping. Eda decided to wake him up. But not before finishing her cup of coffee.
The Owl Lady walked into Colli's bedroom and couldn't help but smile as she noticed the gentle expression on his adorable multi-colored face. It was quite obvious that her darling son had a pleasant dream. "Good morning, Little Star." Eda whispered softly.
Colli opened his kind red eyes and didn't fail to notice the smell of coffee. "Good morning, Mom." The kind and sweet eternal little boy rubbed his tired eyes and smiled sweetly at his mother, who placed a soft kiss on his freckled cheek.
"Do I smell waffles, Mom?" Colli guessed right. The silver haired woman wanted to surprise him with a delicious breakfast. "You do, sweetie!" Eda confirmed and pulled the immortal celestial boy into a tight yet soft hug.
Not that much later, Colli floated into the kitchen. "Mom?" "Yes, Little Star?" "Why do you drink coffee? I mean, it's so bitter." Colli tilted his head innocently. "I like how it tastes, Colli. Most adults do." Eda explained.
The End
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animerunner · 2 years
Honestly part of this whole discussion feels like an example of people forgettng what the shows shortening has done beyond making us miss episodes.
Show was shortened around Keeping Up A Fearances. Ep 4. Eda's Requiem is Ep 7
It doesn't take much to realize that the weird balancing act was in effect from the minute we know them
You want to be annoyed about the lack of characterization its better to focus it on Disney. Because there the one that started the whole act to begin with.
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night-hell · 2 years
Luz’s Palisman - Snake Theory
I know everyone and their mother at this point has made a theory on why Luz’s palisman is going to be a snake, so this isn’t really a theory per se more so a compilation of every single instance in which Luz is associated with snakes or references a snake that I decided to do.
In the very first episode, we see Luz narrating her Azura book report of fighting the Gildersnake.
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And our first introduction to Luz herself:
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We learn that Luz has an affinity for snakes, and that she was in the principal’s office for that reason of bringing live snakes to school and that she has a way with them that Camila later on points out that snakes are (sadly) her only friends.
Camila: How many friends do you have? Real ones. Not imagined. Or drawn. Or reptilian.
Immediately after in Witches Before Wizards, there’s a joke about snake oil.
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Next we interestingly enough don’t get anymore snake references until episode 13, The First Day, where during Luz’s first day of school she has to fight a serpentine-like creature a basilisk, hinting at a future character later on.
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It’s another long while until another snake reference which is in Keeping-Up-A-Fearances. It’s more of a throwaway line that was meant as a joke but when Gwen and Luz try to cure Eda, Luz mentions “flying snakes.” *fingers crossed for a winged snake*
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The next instance of Luz mentioning snakes was another throwaway line meant as a joke in Eclipse Lake where Luz is sick with Common Mold and hallucinates her arms as snakes.
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Immediately after is Yesterday’s Lie, where we’re introduced to another basilik Vee, who from that point on eventually becomes Luz’s snake sister.
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Next up comes Reaching Out where when Luz finally comes clean to Amity about what’s been bothering all day, Amity scrolls through a few photo’s on Luz’s phone and we one of her wearing a snake shirt.
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Finally we get to Thanks to Them, the season 3 premiere having snake references all over the place. First off being Luz’s tshirt that she wears to school being a caduceus, or accurately what Luz is wearing specifically, the Rod of Asclepius, or whatever you want to call it. more hope for a winged snake
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The Rod of Asclepius today is known as the symbol of medicine, which is fitting as Camila is a veterinarian. In addition to Luz wearing a Rod of Asclepius shirt, the rest of the Hexsquad were all wearing outfits at one point that were associated with their palismans.
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I know Gus’ isn’t an exact 1:1 match but it still works
Next being Camila’s nightmare of memories, one of them being Luz playing in the park and digging up a dead snake’s skin.
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After the nightmare we see that Camila kept the snake skin and framed it. Interestingly enough about the frame where we see the framed snake skin Luz places her palisman egg right next to it and she says:
Luz: Give the palisman a kiss too.
As she says that and places her palisman down we can hear a musical chime, which feels signicficant. Like that sound bite wouldn’t be there unless there was a reason.
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Also, as a lot of people have already pointed out, the egg form looks a lot like a coiled snake. Later we cut to a scene of Luz in Camila’s office at the vet looking over a book of what animals come from eggs (egg encyclopedia?) and the picture of the left is pretty on the nose.
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The last scene we get in Thanks to Them is of a sticker on Luz’s laptop of a snake in an ouroboros, funnily enough, next to a sticker of Azura’s staff and of a sticker of what looks like Owlbert in his dormant form.
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One other instance of a snake reference is one that people have been theorizing for a long time since the beginning is the The Owl House logo itself, and how the “O” over the “H” kind of looks like it’s making a staff with an owl palisman and the “l” at the end over the “s” looks like an upside down staff with a snake palisman.
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And finally, Dana’s old twitter bio before The Owl House had been announced:
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Owl House Season 2 Reviewcaps: Keeping Up A-Fear-ances or Eda Sez “For Fuck’s Sake Vacinate your Kids”
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Whelp this is a bit late and early at the same time! Yeah for those just joinnig us first welcome, have David Byrne of the Talking Heads feeding screensaver fish. 
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But yeah orignally I intended to review both this episode and the next monday, as I woudln’t be back from my computer till sunday and would still be recovering from my vacation. For reasons I don’t feel like going into publicly, we ended up having to come back.. after having already driven 10 hours there the previous day in teh dark.. nad the trip was the same amount back. 
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Yup. We managed to have a really good week despite our troubles and I spent most of my week having fun from visiting a farm, to hanging out with a friend and FINALLY getting a copy of “My Summer Story”, the obscure sequel to a Christmas Story. One of FOUR sequels it turns out. Yes REALLY. FOUR. I”m tempted to take a look at them at some point if there’s enough intrest so let me know. Point is I had a good week but figured it’d be silly to still wait till monday to do the two latest episodes. Not only was it silly to wait on something that people enjoy readying the day the episodes come out and are more likely to do so then, but this way It relaxed my schedule enough I could start doing five reviews a week .Everybody wins: I get a more resonable schedule, you get the reviews earlier, and my filing cabinet gets fed. 
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Well I tried. So yeah TLDR: I’m back, i’m better than ever, and i’m ready to crack into this episode so join me under the cut if that intrests you. 
Content Warning: This review will deal with the anti-vax movement, as this episode is a clear take that against it and thus there’s no real avoiding it. So if you’ve had bad past experience with your parents not vaccinating you or with anti-vax protestors, or that movement in general this review might trigger you and you might be more comfortable sitting it out. Like wise as someone who is autistic, I will be drawing parallels ot that since it is commonly blamed on vaccines even though it is not remotely caused by them, so if you’ve had a love one try to “cure you” of your autusim or some other such bullshit, this review might trigger you as well. 
Finally if you are an anti-vaxxer and want to debate me on it... please don’t and please try to think of Science as your friend whose trying to help, but it takes a lot of time and effort to cure something or help ease it and some things just aren’t currable withcurrent technology. 
 Thank you for your time. 
So we open SOME TIME AGO
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Yes ANOTHER one.  I didn’t even realize till sitting down to write this review this was the second one in a row. If it happens again with the next episode I get a free sundae! I’m not even put off by it: it’s needed for both episodes, for last episode as an effective teaser to build up tension and this one sets up WHY Eda hates her mother so much, why she’s so keen to avoid her, and thus make her sympathetic as she pushes the woman away. 
So about that reason why: we meet a young Eda shortly after the curse, whose relating to a healer, naturally from the healing coven, about the nightmare she has, about a monster chasing her and waking up having lost huge flashes of time. 
The Healer TRIES to tell Gwendolyn that they simply CAN’T do anything; This curse is something they haven’t seen before, they can’t just magically remove it.. because they don’t know what magic would magically remove it because they can’t figure out the curse period. The healer offers to talk to the Potions Coven, get a temporary fix to at least combat it, medcine but Gwendolyn wants an all or nothing cure and says to “cut it out of her if you have to”.. which Eda SHOCKINGLY runs away from.. and trips over the portal. Honestly I hadn’t thought much about how Eda had got the portal to the human realm, but I did figure it wasn’t in a way she knew how to replicate or easily track down. My bet was on “won it in a card game” possibly a children’s card game.. though really a card game with souls on the line would be pretty standard boiling isles stuff... what i’m saying is this show should parody Yu-Gi-Oh and that I figured it was by chance and was right, I just didn’t think it was THAT random or that early in her life. So she escaped to our world to avoid her mother... who we’ll talk about in a moment. 
Present day and Eda is grumpy because she’s out of Apple Blood this morning.. which given it’s now expliclty a fantastic version of alchohl as of this episode, tells me she has a problem. She takes some potion to help with her curse then goes downstairs to find Lilith undergoing HER first manfestation of the curse, helping her. It’s a ncie moment: Lilith admits she had no idea just HOW horrible the curse was nor how Eda lived with this. It gives texture to her earlier treatment of it and her doing this to her sister: she felt horrible and knew it was bad.. but had no idea just HOW bad or how painful it was.. and how strong her sister was for living with it. 
Eda shrugs it off though: the potions are working again, she’s stashed tons around the house, and it stops the transformation cold. It also makes sense: the curse can pop up again at any time, so having one handy just in case is just good foresight and presumibly they have so much because Eda could afford a ton after the Selkiegris was cashed in and wisely used the opporunity to power load since apparently it dosen’t go bad. 
Lilith’s arm then comes off, which FINALLY clarifies the limb thing is just a side effect of the curse, and as Eda put sit it can be fun eventually. Eda then runs into Luz whose exausted, having searched her textbooks and all the books they have but found NOTHING about getting home. I’m going to assume this is simply the cumilation of weeks of work and move on quitely. Eda admits she just.. found it like we saw.. and then gets a feeling and runs outside. Outside she admits she was using it to hide someone.. and Gwendy shows up on cue on her own staff, a mighty hawk. 
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Or maybe it’s a falcon. One of the two. Look point is magical anti-vaxxer has a big bird. 
Turns out Gwendy shows up once a year to try to cure the curse, to the shock of Luz, who wasn’t aware Eda’s mom was in her life and desperatley misses her own, and Lilith... who as it turns out has been pretty much abandoned by her mother, with Gwenolyn not even showing up for Lilith’s coven intiation and Lilith being devistated when she finds out this is a yearly thing. Lilith’s concerns aren’t overblown either: Gwendolyn utterly ignores her other daughter and dosen’t even notice she’s also cursed now despite it being obvious, instead going on abotu the petrification ceremony. Eda’s response.. is to send her away and tell her to get the fuck out in as child freindly a manor as possible.
Luz and Lilith are understandably pissed, the former missing her own mother and not having proper context for Gwendolyn’s anti-vax style behavior, and since Eda is abrasive on a good day assuming she just dislikes her mom for some petty greviance and not for VERY GOOD VERY PAINFUL reasons isn’t exactly unfair. Lilith.. is again just plain hurt to find out her mom visits Eda EVERY YEAR, but despite having been the emperor’s right hand, successful, hard working and done everything right from the outside.... she clearly NEVER visits Lilith or even notices she’s alive.
 It honestly helps frame Lilith’s jealously of Eda: Gwendolyn likely ALWAYS faovred Eda on some level given the curse happened and Lilith simply let her resnetment for her sister not only being objectively better at magic with less effort but also more loved by her mom despite how far Lilith came in life crystalize into the toxic resentment we saw in “Agony of a Witch”. it dosen’t make what she did remotely OKAY, and the show dosen’t use this as an easy out for that behavior, but it does help give context of why she sunk so low: the coven.. really was all she had and it’s no wonder she trusted it so much when her own mother, and possibly father, couldn’t care less about her and her own sister she’s trying to desperately help after hurting turns her back on said help for valid reasons Lilith simply coudn’t believe till it was hitting her in the face. 
What’s NOT okay is Lilith taking it out on King, whose eagerly hoping to meet his dad with Lilith claming King Sr abandoned his son and naturally breaks the poor little guy. After he just spent the last episode mentally broken over the fact his whole life was a lie. 
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So they grouse over their shitty parents and eat black market ice cream.. no really Eda got it from the night market..... so it probably has a lot of cocaine in it. I’m just saying those tubs are clearly 20% ice cream, 40% spiders 40% cocaine.  It also made me wonder if they make weed ice cream.. and while they apparently don’t mass produce it YET, you can indeed make that and I shall at some point. Add it to my dreams list such as a three way with two clones of keith david,  getting the archie reboot sonic trades at a cheap price or finally shooting Rob Liefield off into space and to a distant equally douchey moon. 
We’ll circle back to this soon enough. So Luz not realizing what she’s dealing with offers to help Gwendy with her plans, with Gwendy kindly offering Luz info on the human world for her help. So the two go to see her spirtiual guru who heals a ... goblin? Is that what this unvierses goblins look like? Their more pig like so is it an imp? Imps look more like this. 
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So is it more a Moblin? A hobgoblin? A Robbin Goblin? A Scott? The only answer I have is it’s not a robgoblin, aka Rob Schinder’s true species. Maybe. 
So the robe guy gives Gwendy a book that apparently has a cure for true belivers, having been training her and having her gather stuff. So Gwendy and Luz set out to test this cure.. but since Eda isn’t intrested how will they lure her?
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It’s REALLY not that far off: They lure Eda with signs for free appleblood and barrage her with stuff stressing her out and causing her to floof out with Luz getting less and less sure. Eventually after they almost kill Eda with giant crystals, Luz wants to call this off because “Eda can’t be cursed if she’s dead” is not a legit cure. Back at the house LIlith finds all the spare potions missing just as she goes Raven, her curse turning her into one because that’s her motif.. it was even in her mask we only saw once that looked more like an orgy mask I only knew about thanks to my friend Jess. 
Unsuprisingly, Gwendy STOLE all of them. And it’s with this that it’s time to talk about Gwendolyn and this episodes masterful use of metaphor to pick apart the anti-vax movement. Gwendolyn is a mildly sympathetic version: she wants a cure, not a solution a CURE.. but is so bogged down by wanting that, by not ACCCEPTING her daughter has an illness that can at least be treated till a cure can be found some day and that keeps her healthy and ALIVE, that it’s all or nothing and that her medciine itself and the people who made it MUST Be bad because they can’t fix it only slow her disease down. It’s why the Anti-Vax movement is so popular: Science should be belivived but it’s not an easy solution and sometimes it just STALLS. It fails you and it sucks when it does.  The episode shows how easy it is for a seemingly rational person like Gwendy to be so desperat efor a solution they BLAME science , or magical science in this case, itself and feel it’s bad simply because it failed them or isn’t moving fast enough or just don’t like it on principal. HOw a good person can go down a VERY bad road. 
And let’s be clear here: some Anti-Vaxxers are MUCH WORSE. As someone with Autisim i’ve seen miracle cures peddled for what i have, what I am good and bad treated like a disease instead of simply something that makes me diffrent and something I have to work with instead of against. I’ve seen people blame vaccines over what I have. And most recently while some have had valid reasons to turn down a vaccine (allergies or worries about their body chemsitry), a huge number haven’t simply because Fox News told them to. 
That’s why this episode is important and why I commend Dana for doing this message: Kids NEED to know sometimes their parents are wrong and medicine can help. Kids not getting medicine because of some bullshit distrust of science, not the medical industry is something we NEED to fucking stop before it kills children, be it the ones not getting thier shots or the ones not getting herd immunity and going to the kids themselves is a HELL of a move and a vital one. 
So Luz takes the book and finds the cures are all bullshit, another lesson as many people take advantage of the anti-vax movement to sell dangerous shit, and tries to help Eda with a potion.. and finds Eda’s mom stoll them all. Eda then finds both when they crash and is rightfully livid not only that her mom tricked her but her mom got LUZ involved. I do like that Eda’s not mad at Luz, she knows the kid meant well and was manipulated by an adult.. but it’s enough to turn her. Oh and it gets worse as Monster Lilith Shows up and the two start fighting. 
Gwendy is thrown as she had no idea, which king RIGHTFULLY lays into her over: while lilith was projecting with him... Gwendy is still a shitty parent and adult or not she neglected the hell out of Lilith and had she not they woudln’t be dealing with TWO monsters. Hell had she been a better parent they wouldn’t be dealing with this at ALL. 
Gwendy bakes in this so while Luz goes to deal with this... Gwendy goes to see her mentor.. who turns out to be a bunch of the Roblins wearing a cloak and openly bragging about scamming her. Ah the old Vincent Adultman. Her response.. is to show what a beast master can do. This is where Jess comes in again: See we talk over each episode and general world buliding stuff and a few weaks back she brought up the fact the beast master coven was kind of limiting, after all all you can do is control beasts right? I figured it was partly intetional. .but also countered about summon magic, like in final fantasy: that you can SUMMON powerful creatures, or control them like druids do or simply talk to them. And this episode proved me right on just HOW powerful that can be as the idiots are using the fire hornets from the first episode of this season to warm themsevles.. which Gwendy quickly uses to make a statment, lambasting them for DARING to lie about a cure for her daughter, to dare string people along and use their hopes to try and steal all their savings, and tells them to LEAVE. Never come back or she’ll shove a bear up their ass. Well okay the bear is implied.  My reactoin to all of this is about what you’d expect. 
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It also proves me right in that this magic can be useful as it is awesome which at the risk of doing two gifs in a row but fuck it this is waranted...
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But the show suprises me more as when Gwen shows up with the money to buy more potions and help luz stop the kaiju fight the show shows off another creative use for the magic neither me nor @jess-the-vampire​ thought of: Gwen can give aspects of a beast to inaniamte objects. What tha tmeans is she gives some roof tiles the wings and ears and eyes of a bat so she can fly.. only one of those is necessary but it wouldn’t be as cool. So in a sense she can do a beast takeover on inanimate objects. That... fucking slaps. 
So we get an emoitional moment: Gwen does what any parent who was swept up in an anti-vax movement should do and apologizes for her bullshit, hugging her daughter and allowing eda to take control. Gwen also tries talking to LIlith, saying she thought she was resilent enough she didn’t need her mother.. and was clearly wrong and wants to make amends. This is enough to at least pause Lilith and allow Luz to jam an elixer down her throat and eda’s curing both and causing a tearful hug. 
So with that it’s time for the wrap up: Gwendy is heading back home but is now back on good terms iwth her mom.. and so is Lilith whose going with her. I’m eh about this: it’s clearly for good plot reasons.. but Lilith made such a good additoin to the cast it feels like a waste to just.. put her off with her mom. I feel Dana has good reason for this, but I wish she wasn’t. As does Hooty whose naturally devistated his best friend is leaving and even being Pen Pals dosen’t work because he can’t hold a pen. Still someone is working on the curse.. and more importantly.. Gwen does hold up her end of the bargin as thanks/apology to luz: There WAS a human here once and she read about it in the library, setting up today’s episode i’ll be watching as soon as I finish this. SEQUEL HOOK. LET’S GO. 
Or not. Son of a bitch I nearly forgot the most important part till I was in the middle of the new episode devouring it like a hostess fruit pie. Luz worries about her mom as it’s been past three months and Camp is Long over.... only for us to cut back to the human world.. and find Camilla is fine.. and acompanied by what she THINKS is luz. Uh oh ....I know where this is going. CLONE SAGA!
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Final Thoughts:
This episode continues season 2′s hot streak. It’s emotional, has a DAMN important message and introduces a great new character. It’s not remotely subtle with it’s message.. but given the issue it’s tackling it reallyc an’t afford to be any less subtle than a brick and it carries it well. 
Next Time: LIbrarys1 Gus Master of Illusions! Gay Thoughts! Let’s go!
If you liked this review stick arond for my review of this weeks episode shortly and if you’d like to see me talk about mroe loud house i’m having a fund raising event for my patreon: even just donating one dollar a month helps me reach my goal and when 3 people join i’ll do a review of the entire first season of the owl house! So if you want my thoughts on season one, please sign up today so I can help buy grocries and i’ll see yo uat the next rainbow! My patreon is HERE and details about the membership drive are HERE. 
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sillyilly10 · 3 years
Who else is NOT ready for this impending hiatus hahahaha these past ten weeks have gone by so fast
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passionfruitbowls · 3 years
so this was pretty much the entire fandom’s reaction to That Scene, right?
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 3 years
So we’ve established the Owl Curse gets worse with stress.
So what if the curse wasn’t actually worsening in season 1. Maybe Eda was just super fucking stressed because her impulsive hormonal teenaged surrogate daughter kept putting herself in unnecessary danger.
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micro-atelier · 3 years
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lilith clawthorne my beloved
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authenticcadence18 · 3 years
I just saw a tissue box on my counter and got spooked🙃
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darkmatter-nebula · 27 days
Colli and juice
Hi, my dear @importantnightwerewolf! 😘
Thanks for the request!
This takes place shortly before Keeping Up A-Fearances. Colli almost drinks his mother's alcoholic apple blood.
Drabble: That's Not For Kids!
It was a quiet day on the Boiling Isles as a certain small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold floated into the kitchen of the Owl House while looking for apple juice. "Oh! There it is!" Colli smiled.
"Little Star, don't drink this!" Eda was alarmed as she stepped into the kitchen. Colli was about to take a sip from what he thought was apple juice. "Why?" The kindhearted eternal little boy asked as he tilted his head innocently.
"That's not apple juice. It's not even non-alcoholic apple blood! It's alcoholic apple blood!" The Owl Lady said as she gently took the drink out of her son's tiny hands. "It's not for kids, Little Star." Eda said softly as she handed him hot chocolate.
'You are going to be a kid for all eternity, my precious baby boy.' The silver haired woman thought as she put tenderly her hand on the blue side of Colli's adorable multi-colored face. She caressed lovingly the immortal celestial boy's freckled cheek.
The End
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marypenelope · 2 years
So @drachenfalter​ made a post that posits that the Human and Demon Realms aren’t synced up chronologically. I’m not against that theory, but I do want to provide an alternate take on the time issues.
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(ID: A cropped screenshot from The Owl House, Reaching Out. It focuses on a calendar at the edge of the screen, open to August. The 22nd is circled, and the days before it are crossed out. The top portion features a swan and its baby. /end ID)
Now, obviously this screenshot implies that the date is August 22nd; a Monday in what is presumably 2022, since the last time August began on a Monday and ended on a Wednesday, the way this one does, was 2016. A very reasonable conclusion to make.
However, this is not the only calendar visible during this scene.
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(ID: Another screenshot. Camila faces the camera as she places a flower in a vase on the windowsill. In the background behind her, circled and with arrows pointing at it, is another calendar. Neither the month or dates are visible, though one square is circled. The top portion of this calendar seems to feature palm trees and a beach, though it’s unclear. /end ID)
This calendar is on the opposite end of the kitchen, and it features a noticeably different picture on the top half, implying it is not the same calendar as seen in the previous screenshot. More importantly, this calendar has its own circled date, but it is not the 22nd.
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(ID: A cropped version of the previous screenshot, focused on the calendar in the background. /end ID)
As you can see here, the circled date on this second calendar falls on a Thursday, not a Monday. It is also in the third week of the month, unlike August 22nd, which was in the 4th. Now, looking back at the first calendar, this day would fall on the 18th of August, but as you can see there’s nothing even written on that date, let alone circled.
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(ID: A further cropped version of the August calendar shown previously, this time with the 18th indicated by several arrows. Other than the red slash through the square, similar to all days before the 22nd, it’s empty. /end ID)
Which to me implies that they represent different months.
Now, Luz was supposed to be at camp for about 3 months, or about the entire summer. Based on what I can find, schools in Connecticut end in early June and start again around the last week of August - not quite a full 3 months, but close enough for it to make sense for Camila to refer to it as such.
Assuming time between Realms is synced, Vee has clearly been home for a while now. We first saw her in Keeping Up A-Fearances, which (based on it taking place before Eda’s Requiem, which was ‘a few weeks’ before Follies) was at least a month ago. If that was the case, she would have only spent 2 months at camp, not 3.
(Either way, even if we account for time weirdness, Vee has been home for a week minimum, since, in Yesterday’s Lie, she comments to Camila ‘That’s the 5th trap this week’ - and it’s probably been at least a day or so since the events of YL for them, since Vee seems comfortable being in her base form around the house.)
The point is, August 22nd makes more sense as the day ‘Luz’ would return from camp; not a day a week or more after it. As such, I propose that’s exactly what this represents - Vee returned from camp on the 22nd. Since then, Camila has been too busy/distracted to change this specific calendar, but has changed the calendar on the other side of the room, which is likely open to September.
Assuming that the circled date on that calendar refers to the anniversary of Luz’s dad dying, that puts the date not at August 22nd, but at September 15th - which makes much more sense timeline-wise.
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animerunner · 2 years
Not me just realizing that Luz was able to recognize Gwen getting pulled into a pyramid scheme because Camila got in one at some point.
Didn’t think we would get payoff for that from Keeping Up A Fearances but here we are
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