#keeps talking in contradictions
starr-n-ahh · 6 months
thinkin' about my silly little tma sona,,, marked by the end as a wee babe, then the flesh, then the vast, then the slaughter, only to willingly dive into the spiral cus i think the incomprehensible is just neat
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tophats-tea · 30 days
drawing fanart everyday for Danganronpa: A New Generation until the First Episode comes out
Day 215: TalentSwap AU log-writing
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Check out the fangan!
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comraderoscoes · 2 months
why is the worst part of getting hurt just the attention that’s suddenly on you lmfao. i am so averse to this like even if i get hit by a bus please just pretend nothing has happened
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beyondplusultra · 1 year
You ever just join a fandom where you love the thing so much but most of the people in it are just so... set in their headcanons and interpretations of characters that it's useless to try and have meaningful conversations with them... Like, you leave a comment that slightly disagrees with their opinion and they take it as an attack and turn the whole thing into an argument they HAVE to win instead of just like. A discussion. Which is what I wanted to have.
It's happened three times now so I'm just going to give up interacting with meta posts for that fandom, I think.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I need to reread the comics again to have specific arguments/evidence for this, but like
I feel a bit like I could've been sympathetic to the way other Cybertronian colonies view Cybertron, if it weren't for the fact that at least several of them (as in, ones that get notable dialogue/screen time) are so low-key self-righteous?
Like, idk... there's a lot of criticism of Cybertronians because they're so "warlike" and how their obsession with violence and vengeance is just dragging the whole galaxy down with them, but uh. The Autobot-Decepticon war was basically a product of societal ills bubbling over for like 6 million years beforehand and then finally boiling over into a 4 million year war that lasted as long as it did because the people involved had immense social/psychological trauma from being "raised" in an oppressive society.
So when the colonists come in being all 'omg you people are so violent and uncivilized why don't you just like, stop fighting' it kind of pissed me off a little bit as a reader/person like. Idk the colonists really came into this society of people full of massive amounts of trauma where even before the war society was super oppressive and no one has any experience of living "normal" lives unaffected by violence and bigotry. And the colonists were like "ummm wow why don't you guys just??? stop fighting???." Like idk it wasn't EVERY SINGLE MOMENT, in fact I think that when it was played for laughs it's quite a funny "fridge horror" type element. It was just annoying because like.... IDK???? It's just really annoying to watch a bunch of people who lived relatively sheltered lives on their own planets come to a different planet full of traumatized people and be like "omg why are you people so fucked up" IDK BRO MAYBE BECAUSE THEIR SOCIETY WAS OPPRESSIVE AND THEY LIVED THROUGH A LIFELONG WAR???
It also doesn't help that the colonies were literally founded based on imperialism and conquest so like, it's fucking rich to hear colonists scolding Cybertronians for their violence ruining the whole galaxy while literally sitting on planets that their Primes colonized from others. The hypocrisy of this is briefly mentioned in Unicron (literally the FINAL STORY OF THE SERIES) but like, that's basically the only time Cybertronian characters are given a reprieve of sympathy from other characters in universe and it's so tiresome.
I've talked to other people who didn't like the colonists and thought they basically (narratively speaking) existed just to shit on the existing characters, and it's actually really easy for me to sympathize with/outright agree with that assessment of the story considering how much of exRID/OP seems to be preoccupied with "Cybertron/the Primes/Optimus sucks" with very few reprieves for anything positive happening and even fewer chances for characters to get to explain themselves and experience a little bit of justice? Like, as the audience, it's just very frustrating to see the characters you spent hundreds of issues keeping up with get shit on by a bunch of "literally-who"s and then not really get a chance to ever defend themselves, either by literally defending themselves in conversation or having some sort of narrative thing happening that vindicates them at least symbolically
#squiggposting#paused work to muse about this which i prolly shouldn't have lol#oh well i'll still get stuff done#like idk an example of this is how pyra criticized OP for using religion to manipulate people#(lets just ignore how she said she would teach OP but never actually did)#but in the story there's never any sort of confrontation where pyra learns about history or talks with OP#and OP gets to be like. yeah on my planet primes fucking sucked and i'm the only one trying to redeem their image#also ive been fighting an endless war that lasted 4 mil years in which me being a shining figurehead was basically#the sole motivating force keeping my army from just collectively succumbing to endless despair#and i also had to use this shining figurehead image i had to keep the opposing army from genociding a bunch of organics#like not once does OP get to express his side of things he's basically just shit upon endlessly by other characters as he keeps doing plot#i feel like i had another example but i can't recall who/what was involved lmao#like idk it's not just that barber's writing is depressing and dark and edgy. i LIKE stories that do that kind of thing#it's just that it feels a bit as if the story is ENDLESSLY depressing and dark and edgy with almost no reprieve#as if it's mostly presenting the flaws of the characters with no chance for them to justify or redeem themselves#idk i feel like there was another better point/example i was gonna make but i can't remember it#like idk i guess a dark depressing story would've been better if the characters at least got to defend themselves#bc as is it basically feels like they (esp OP) get shit on endlessly and never once get to express anything about it#so like. they get shit on in universe. but also as the reader since there's never a contradicting viewpoint or the character defending them#it's as if you're supposed to take this one-sided criticism of them at face value and it just doesn't seem fair AS THE READER#if i read about OP getting shit on by some people and defended by others and also him expressing his opinion on himself#then that just feels like a normal fair narrative where i get to take sides#but if it's just OP being shit on and he hardly expresses much about it#then it feels like i as the reader am expected to agree with the portrayal being shown?#but in reality the portrayal just feels negative and unfair and one sided to me#and why the fuck do i want to read a story that's just the characters i know and like on an endless shame parade#also shout out to 'literally who' aka slide calling OP 'literally fascist' lmao#one of the most cringe moments of the entire comic. wait no. i can think of a more cringe Slide Moment#when unicron is about to destroy the planet and trypticon is getting shot and dying(?) in the background#and the story decides to pause and focus on Slide so she can monologue about how evil and tyrannical OP is
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ryllen · 1 year
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my daughter has no personality other than being timid & poor from the start i kinda want her to pair her with someone manipulative that she trusted only because they are an octoling
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charmwasjess · 5 months
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Still reading The Living Force. I'm actually much farther in now than when I took this pic over the weekend, before I got kicked out of the winery for throwing the book across the room--
No, no, I kid. In fact, there's lots to like about this book. Much of it is warm, funny, and full of Jedi details and lovingly crafted little scenes given to more obscure Council characters. Depa and Mace continue to shine.
I'm still... very much struggling with some aspects, some inconsistencies and contradictions that I can't tell are there on purpose to make a point in the narrative, or just unsuccessful writing. But I'll try to post an actual write up shortly when I'm officially finished.
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good-beans · 1 year
Miscellaneous Milgram logistics headcanons:
The bell rings in the morning and evenings at regular times. At night when it rings, it marks curfew: the cells don’t lock, but Es takes one lap around the panopticon to make sure prisoners are in their cells. The only time the bells ring otherwise are during interrogations, and when prisoners are summoned before Es in the courtroom to receive their verdict.
In the second/third trial, guilty prisoners’ doors do lock. Innocent prisoners are not allowed to spend the night with guilty prisoners, but those with alike verdicts can share cells overnight.
Requests come in from Es’ room. Prisoners aren’t allowed in their, or jackalope’s, room without one of them as escort. Es is never around when requests arrive, but they can’t seem to find any doors or hatches that would allow entry (or exit). There are warm/cool breezes to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the prison, but no one can find any vents or openings. 
“Increased physical restraint” punishments occur at random, unexpected intervals and appear like the trailer shots (aka, more restraints/equipment than just the uniforms are put into place.) The guilty prisoners could potentially leave their cells during this time, but usually they don’t want to be seen like that. Can happen at any point, day or night, and last several hours. This is when Kotoko planned her attacks. Enforced by mysterious Milgram magic – no one remembers how the restraints fastened, only that they wake up trapped.
(I’ve been picturing an interrogation room, but only just realized it may be done in their individual cells? But in my head,) it’s a room near that courtroom at the end of the hall. There’s a table, prisoner chair, and guard chair. The machine is integrated into the wall and invisible until paneling starts separating – when that noise plays in the voice dramas. Then, it reveals wires, tubes and pretty stereotypical sci-fi nodes/needles that Es needs to attach to the prisoner. A screen also becomes visible to play the video.
From some of the prisoner reactions, I’ve pictured the chair itself changing very suddenly to lock/strap them in place.  Es walks to the opposite wall to pull a lever with their famous line.
Someone mentioned it already, but I like the idea that the interrogation is placed before (rather than the more logical after) the extraction because the machine works off of priming. Es is instructed to bring up their crimes and past just enough to get the idea in their mind. They have to finish by saying “sing your sins” to really ensure the prisoner is thinking of their murder before it begins. The prisoners then enter a dream-like state in which they experience the raw emotions and thoughts that go into the video, but they don’t see or hear it. Afterwards, they’re aware of the kinds of things Es saw, but it's more abstract to them.
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bisaster-energy · 1 year
Merlin but Merlin loses it when Arthur dies and instinctively starts a time loop and every time Arthur dies it automatically resets...for angst purposes it could stay tragic..no matter what he does to change the past kilgharra was right. no one can change their destiny nor can they escape it. or by starting this time loop at all he's doing is preventing the rise of the once and future king so by staving off Arthur's death he's actually preventing anyone from ever really living again. a never ending story with one character aware of the narrative but powerless to change it. a puppet with a brain but no autonomy to put it to use. A tragedy of his own making instead the one prophesized
#so that it doesn't work on the first try maybe morgana remembers and interferes or#maybe future Merlin is a sort of apparition that can only act if his old body lets him. he talks to past him like a ghost or demon even#so what he's saying directly contradicts kilgharra or gaius so present merlin probably distrusts him like crazy#merlin becomes another old annoying person in his own ear#who he doesn't even know if he can trust#OR he ends up sending arthur back by accident and arthur is in the past trying to fix shit#and this CHANGES something because now there's warnings of a great ending of all things coming for Camelot and by extension albion#and arthur knowing about Merlin's powers after keeping his knowledge to himself (cos he died RIGHT after learning about the magic)#finally understands the burden merlin had without having to try and understand based on Merlin's summary of an explanation alone#he understands morgana and mordred even nimueh like he GETS it gets it#anyway time goes on canon events are rewritten and the 'great evil' rips a giant hole in space and time and it turns out#future merlin was the cause. because he was smashing alternate realities to pieces looking for arthur is desperation#not knowing where the hell he even sent him breaking any known laws of time and space and reality consequences be damned#arthur cannot kill merlin. he cannot do it. not even for Camelot#so this can be angsty too like merlin loses himself completely in the search for arthur (paralleling the og timeline where Merlin ends up#singularly focused on Arthur's safety instead of his true mission)#and it literally swallows him and their entire known world up#or they get through to him. arthur AND past merlin. seeing that past him was able to diverge from the set path. live more for himself#than just arthur or for the sake of camelot be a PERSON outside of that. and have knowledge that he DID change arthur's mind.#not just as a useless deathbed confession but as something that actively changed and SAVED albion redeemed him of the mistakes he made and#proved that arthur is the man the KING he told every antagonist he was#future merlin sacrifices himself to destroy the black hole he made and it's like that future never even was.#just a bad nightmare you can't really remember.#just thinking about Merlin god bless#bbc merlin#fic ideas
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longagoitwastuesday · 12 days
ngl it sort of pisses me off the way adults regard Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen at times. Which could be a very interesting and poignant point in a good way if well written, but as it is it becomes mainly just frustrating and sad in a negative way.
Nanami saying Gojo never cared about anything or anyone other than himself crashes interestingly with Kusakabe saying the whole situation was just all his fault because he refused to kill Itadori. The students are very aware of those aspects of Gojo's personality, but overall they seem to regard him with way more kindness and fondness even when at their rudest, not truly coinciding with either Nanami's or Kusakabe's views.
#Kusakabe's words are harsh and negative but there's some true and some logic to them#but in beholding the entire story and the whole context‚ especially with the flashbacks in mind‚ in getting to know the sweet kid Yuuji is‚#the reader is made to find Kusakabe's words a bit outrageous and cruel and Gojo's position becomes the obvious one like Nanami's was#Like Kusakabe's is too in a way since he too says no matter what it's always the adults' fault whatever the cause was#And following the story we see Gojo cared a lot about those kids and them keeping their youthful cheerfulness if in his very flippant way#That's basically his main constant thread. We see it at the very beginning in what he did for Yuta and how Yuta is so fond of him#We see him at the very end in a way too with the letters he left#And his entire motivation was changing the very messed up society to avoid the kids going through what he and his friends went through#and to prevent them from being lonely the way he felt he was. Ontologically alienated. Entirely othered#And of course it's in part him keeping people away like Shoko. Or even Yuta (though here again it's at the core of his action his attempt#at protecting the kids and trying to prevent them from growing too fast)#And of course this is motivated by his own experiences and in that sense not entirely a selfless act#But those things still don't negate that his goal was for the future kids to be... in a better situation than what he and his friends lived#So Nanami's words are very cruel and... blind. Of course it's possible that Gojo's way of approaching the problem is still something#Nanami would regard as selfish (but it could be argued that so is Nanami's)‚ or that Gojo's perception of Nanami's way of thinking#about him would be this negative. But what we see through the story absolutely contradict Nanami's words in that airport#And though both Nanami's words and Kusakabe's are negative in regards to Gojo‚ they in a way contradict each other#The kids' words and way of seeing Gojo is most of the time more... accurate? If also diverse among them#They see him like an idiot. They trust him. They think he's childish and annoying. They love him#They find him flippant. They know he cares about them. In a way they see both what Kusakabe and Nanami say about him#The negative. And the ultimate positive aspect at the core of it all. That Gojo did care and that Gojo did take care#and that Gojo risked and sacrificed a lot for them and that Gojo was doing this in great part because of his own past#Yuta perhaps is the one who sees it best but it's so interesting too the dynamic Maki‚ Yuuji and Megumi have with Gojo‚ his acts and antics#And this whole thing‚ this frivolous and even... cruel way most adults seem to regard Gojo and how it clashes with the kids' deep feelings#about him (beyond the initial 'he's an untrustworthy idiot' though those as well!') is super interesting and super sad and super juicy#OR IT COULD BE bc in the end all that happens is that Nanami says that and Gojo pouts comically or that Kusakabe makes that offhand comment#as if it held no weight‚ as if Yuji weren't present and had never agonised over it‚ as if Gojo hadn't lost his life trying to save the kid#And yes he risked more than his life but he was trying to save a kid bc another kid (bc Megumi!) asked. But maybe it didn't matter if no one#asked. He saved Yuta too. Of course he would have risked it all. In his mix of selfishness and selflessness. Everything is so juicy#yet the writing feels so dry and lame. There's no pondering. There's talk of guilt and grief without any true sense of grieving or loss
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waywardsalt · 25 days
anyways yeah im just. putting everything with the wilds era into a quarantine parallel timeline jesus christ. its so wildly different and contradictory (and kinda just. worse imo) to the already established stuff that it really just works for me to just make it some weird parallel timeline to the pre-existing one
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apoloniaspiegelgold · 8 months
All my life I've been told by all kinds of people that they can never really tell what I'm feeling or what's going through my mind because apparently I'm always just hiding everything behind a smile so that I've become rather unreadable. And then he just. Takes one look at me and goes 'Yeah. I know that face, oh here we go again, she's about to unleash her thoughts. She's gonna bash that theory I just showed her so hard. Where's my popcorn?' I hadn't even said anything yet and he was already laughing.
And to be honest. It's quite nice to be known, actually.
#i only went to his office to ask if he wants to join me for lunch he didn't have time and yet i still somehow ended up staying for 1.5 hours#'thanks for the conversation' he said when i left. 'and thanks for keeping me from my work'#as if HE hadn't kept me from lunch when he kept our conversation going on and on with his 'wait i still wanted to show you this'#talking to him always feels like wellness for my brain somehow. like. we're different people but we think the same way.#i don't have to translate my thoughts to be understood he already gets my point before i've even finished my train of thought#every time work tires me out so much that it feels like i can't think straight anymore then i talk to him and suddenly my brain works again#and i like how he calls me out on my nonsense when i lose myself in a contradiction or don't say what i want to say or say what i don't mea#and he lets me go on extensive rants about statistics despite not knowing anything about it and doesn't even complain#he just always says 'i'll pretend i know what that means' and says i should learn it well so he can ask me for my help with it later#recently he came to me right after teaching saying 'you won't believe how much i just messed up. let me show you how i failed'#and then proceeded to recreate the entire situation and his thought process at that moment and i just#there is a very big word running around in my mind that i dare not speak of but maybe one day#i don't even know if he even sees me as much as a friend maybe i'm just some co-worker he likes talking to occasionally you know#what does it mean what does it all mean#ramblings
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lichtecht · 7 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
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Bökh: „Over 20 years ago, there was also a boarding school here, as you might know. And there were teachers that were good and others that were less good. And there were Externs and Internals. And there was a boy who was as homesick as you, Uli. And who read as much as Martina. Loved cake like Matze. And wanted to become a pop star, like you, Jo. And he had an enemy. His name was Robert. He was an Extern from the town here. And although this Robert seemed the have everything the boy wanted, he still picked on him. Pushed him around and made fun of him… Well, like the Externs have done with the Internals for generations, right.“
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Jo: „And vice versa.“ Bökh: „Exactly. And vice versa.“ Bökh: „…yes. And one day, the boy’s mother got sick. She was brought here to Kirchberg into the hospital and the boy snuck away from the boarding school every day to visit her. And one day he was caught by the boarding school director. And he got grounded.“
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Martina: „Couldn’t he just say what was up?“ Bökh: „No, because it was a very… cold and stern man whom he didn’t trust. And Robert in turn knew from his father, who was a doctor at the hospital, that the boy’s mother was fighting for her life there. So he offered his help."
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Bökh: „And so every night he layed in the boarding school bed in place of the boy. So that he could visit his mother. And then they became really good friends. Even had a band together. They weren’t all that bad.“ (sighs) Bökh: „I certainly don’t need to tell you who this boy was, right?" All of the kids in unison: „You, Herr Bökh.“ Bökh: „Exactly. And why I’m telling you this story.“ Uli: „I think I understand it.“
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Matze: „So we get Chips and Lemonade?“
Jo: „The Externs today aren’t like that.“ Bökh: „Jo, I obviously care about two things. Firstly; rules are well and good, but not as important as humanity. Ok? And secondly I want you to trust me, that you’re not afraid to come to me. Okay?“
The kids nod.
Bökh looks at his watch.
Bökh: „Alright. I need to get a bit of work done now.“ Martina: „But what happened to Robert?“
Bökh slumps back in his seat with a heavy sigh.
Bökh: „Ach. Robert, he… I think he later studied medicine in the city. Ah, we unfortunately lost touch.“
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Jo: „Why?“ Bökh: „… Well, that- That happens sometimes when you become an adult, then… suddenly, your closed loved ones are gone.“ Jo: „… What, just like that?“
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Bökh nods silently.
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Bökh: „… Mhm.“ Matze: „How sad… I think friends should always stick together.“ Bökh: „Yeah, exactly.“ Jo: „Can’t you prevent that somehow?“ Bökh: „Yes. We need to look out for each other. Ok?“ Bökh: „Alright. I need to get a bit of work done now. Take your lemonades with you.“
The kids scuffle and stand up. Jo takes a bowl of chips with her as well.
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Uli: „Thank you."
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things-methinks · 15 days
FilmCooper should actually stop making videos on serious topics. He has a lot of shit takes on sensitive matters. There's this intense "guy who paints his nails to seem progressive" energy. I don't think he is a horrible person per se, but he is not as nuanced as he tries to come off as. Saying Justin Baldoni should have just "sucked it up" because he asked an important question to keep himself safe from injuries? Man, you should sit this one out. And the comments about Chappell Roan releasing statements telling people to stop stalking her as "statements after statements" "like 30 posts" is very weird from someone who bends over backwards to defend women because he is the only doing "some research" and looking at stuff from a different angle. Honestly, if being wrong multiple times in the expanse of one video was a tournament, his video would be the top contender.
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amikufanlol · 22 days
My brain wants more and more to talk and rant about that one Kirby OC I haven’t finished yet that ‘looks the least like a Kirby OC’. This is because, although she looks the least like one, she is absolutely my favorite out of my Kirby OCs.
I’m still trying to figure out how to draw the hands and legs/feet without it looking…off. After I finally do that, THEN I’ll add the coloring.
I am absolutely up to ranting about this OC I gave the ‘My favorite gets to suffer the most’ treatment if anybody is FINE with it. Might not know how to start the ranting if I do, though.
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arolesbianism · 3 months
I've been thinking abt my critter dupes some more and it was all fun and games until I remembered that I made Mi-ma a beeta and hm. Whoops. Uh oh. (<- Considered the implications for more than 2 seconds)
#rat rambles#oni posting#it's not Too bad. shes fine. but hoo boy. the images my mind showed me were not fun.#it's ok she just needs to keep being the farmer cook that she is and gather stuff for her fellow dupes and itll all be fine#Id provide further context but then itd become too clear what Im talking abt so how abt I dont#its ok shes ok nothing bad happens to her shes just a bit quirky thats all#and even if things did go a lil wonky it wouldnt be irreversible just a bit of an issue for a bit#shes just a silly billy who's genetic makeup is a series of contradictions and anomalies#I also have it as a thing where most of the colony see her as like a baby sister since she was the first duplicant printed after quinn left#so the dupes who were already there were like oh shit there's a new one and quinn isn't here to help them adjust we have to do a good job#in their place and make sure she feels the security they helped us feel while we built this colony together#and meanwhile mi-ma was just sitting there having the joints of an 80 year old woman and the energy of a young and spry bee#some of the younger dupes in that colony actually dont like her much because they see her as kind of spoiled#liam and leira especially constantly give her gifts and let her do things she rly shouldn't do#they eventually get better abt it when it actually starts to threaten her physical well-being but it sort of starts to swing in the other#direction after a while with leira especially being rly obsessive with making sure shes not doing anything that could cause health issues#ada has some light beef with mi-ma but she starts to turn around on her a bit once she learns abt some of the stuff shes gone through#after a lil while they get to be bug buddies who are experiencing joy and whimsy together watching paint dry or smth idk
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