#lemme be nonsense incarnate
starr-n-ahh · 2 months
thinkin' about my silly little tma sona,,, marked by the end as a wee babe, then the flesh, then the vast, then the slaughter, only to willingly dive into the spiral cus i think the incomprehensible is just neat
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shreeya22kumar · 4 years
Hello Evryone try and read Epic here:
I am Oceania. Well okay my full name is Oceania Vlamian Norxian Slovlarain Slovelski. I am an incarnation of the princess of the ocean. I am Oceania. Okay, you must be guessing you are the princess of the ocean how are you in the human world? Okay let me explain. Every prince or princes has to go to an human school. Why? Because you teach very cool stuff. I am Oceania and my brother is Summer Vlamian Norxian Slovlarian Slovelski. Okay lemme tell you he’s the coolest big brother. I love him with all my heart. Okay my dad is is king of water he’s Aqua Vlamian Norxian Slovlarian Slovelski. And mom she’s Hydra Vlamian Norxian Slovlarian Slovelski. Oh! You must be wondering I am an mermaid or something no no. I am a very normal like looking human and some like Atlantean. I look very different in human world. Let me describe me I mean how I look like. Okay I have blue hair kind of bluish green and natural streaks of sandy blonde. Yes many girls still ask me where I got this cute hair color of hair. Okay let me tell you how Summer looks like summer? Remember my brother. Summer is like sandy blonde and he’s colour of the lightest of sand of seaside. I mean my brother and me share same colour skin colour and not to mention my bff’s John and Jean you know oh I haven’t introduced them. John or John Winter John Sovanrian Norwanian Ramexian Somorea. Yeah that long. He’s so cute. Okay moving on to his sister Frost Jean Sovanrian Norwanian Ramexian Somorea. Okay, what they look like in your world. Okay Winter looks like cute frost bitten kind of light skin and winters white hair and blue yes and frozen water like. Okay moving to Jean. Jean looks like same as cute and cool. She’s wintery white hair who has bluish streaks. Okay Winter and Summer look like brothers cause their hair color’s same no streaks well me and frost have cute streaks. And she helps me choose clothes she’s like the closest to a big sister. My brother I think is cooler to me. Okay me and John started our school year together. He’s like ready ocean I’m like ready winty he’s like I am ! We go I to our class. Okay our teacher doesn’t know we are the celestial entities. Okay mom and da hypnotized our class teacher. Okay me and Winter share the sam estate. I always jump at the thought of ocean. It’s so boring here I wish I could pet my shark. Okay if I get any closer to water my celestial body is seen. Huh! I can’t even show my powers. Though me and Winter and Summer and Frost have agreed to make team of superheroes. Yeah yeah. Suddenly, a huge wave parts of people I see I can’t believe Summer and frost are holding hands. Oh god! They’ll be in so much trouble but I see some golden tattoo on their hands. The mark of Grandma. I can’t believe. Oh Grandma agreed to their.....? I don’t know what to call them. Uggh. Winter whispers, “ they’ve been here for 5years oh maybe we’ll be like that too.” My instant reaction is EWWW! I was like no no. That’s so not happening. Me and winter? No no no no! Okay he’s a great friend but like Summer and Frost. No no what nonsense? Okay every girl wants to know where did I get that color and highlights. Okay it’s so uggh!!
Okay. I haven’t been here for an week and everyone is asking me do I like winter seriously Dude? Uggh. Winter is better as an friend like he and my brother are season entities and,e and Frost are component entities. I wish I could go back to the ocean. But no a big fat NO. WHY?. Cause daddy thinks I should experience the human life of hostels, and don’t get me started who are my roomies my brother my BFF and his sister. Okay with Summer it’s okay I mean with Frost even but WINTER. oh no!!
So I had a pretty cute day. I was getting a lot of homework. Next day I can’t believe what I saw. The daughter of Fire Fira came to my institution. 😲!! Oh god she’s the princess of fire. I love it. My bro and her are the. Coolest BFF’s ever but Frost and Summer contrast. Fira and Summer like fractions. Okay Hydro is even here. Ohh you won’t know who is Hydro and Fira.?? Fira Fire Corman Norwanian Ramexian Lambeam. Daughter of 1st element’s entity’s daughter. Like me. She looks like red blonde with yellowish streaks. She ‘s fair. Moving to Hydro. Hydro is the son of 2nd water entity’s son. He looks somewhat like Blue hair and blue eyes and fair skin. Hydro and Frost are my friends and not to mention Fira. We can visit each other if only we limit our powers it’s hard but in human world no powers yay!. And Fira nad Hydro are my roomies. Yay! Okay Hydro Klovian Samaritan Ramein Olopian Semalon. Yeah. I once asked dad after studying my own family history that Summer is he my brother? Dad nods he says,” your great great great grandpa married the entity of fire and since then all the sons are the fire entities. Cool?” I ma like Yeah! I say,” how can he be my brother if he can’t come underwater??” My dad said, “ he has to stop his fire and activate the underwater powers. He’s the most powerful entity. Like me!!” I say “you are an fire entity?” he says yes I am . I am like show me I say I extract the land nad make it float then he’s like my brother. I swoon. I wake up 270 days later. Oh god! My mom’s near me. I say to dad where’s Summer? He’s here after I see him. I swoon and fell unconsciously. I woke up 3,700,000 days later. My brother’s like,” Oceania before you fall again he turns his flames on. I am the same person.” I say no no . I remember my brother hugging me. Not showing me off his powers. He’s like” you aren’t angry? I say”no” I swooned and fell because dad’s powers were far more powerful and I couldn’t keep the land on it. And you! I got unconscious because I thought you killed my brother. Huh!! So does that mean I am an changeable entity.” My bro nods. Ohh I can’t feel how I felt that I woke up. Ohh. I try to change but no avail. My bro says my sis can’t do anything without me. He holds my hand me and tells me. And I can’t believe I look I am on fire I change myself back. I am like I belong in water but if whenever fire or my brother needs me I am here. My bro’s lik ok. He changes back to water entity. Okay Fira and Frost and me and Hydro and Jean and Winter and Summer. We are like let’s form a superhero team. I am like sure. Summer looks to me and says is and to says something to al of them. I am like everyone in the room is staring at me. My brother says my sister are the most powerful entities. Suddenly Winter changes into a water entity RIVERIO and Fira into ice entity SNOWY and Frost into Fire entity IGNIS.and me and summer change. I am like we are the supreme entities and guess who says that my long lost friend AIRA!! Aira says another meeting of supreme entities.huh?? I am like no we are changeable entity . Aira says the Book of truth doesn’t lies. You are the supreme entities. You can interchange into your different entities. Yeah cool. Now being a middle school kid and princess and an guardian ohh god!! What did dad and mom think. I bet everyone’s thinking the same thing WHAT WERE MY PARENTS THINKING?? Okay now we are the guardians of the human world too. Oh god!
My day is a nightmare suddenly brother says what’s the big deal? I was always this. I ain’t sacred Fira me and Aira and Hydro and Winter we re scared literally petrified. But, Frost and Summer are like yeah how hard could that. I am saying,” Aren’t you scared brother? I am scared and what do you do you think ? Aren’t you? I am petrified. Ohh please tell me that it’s a prank.” I suddenly froze. I was staring at all the friends and roomies and Winter and Hydro they have an mischievous grin. Ohh I can’t tell how I was embarrassed. I was trying to hide behind Summer. Then Aira is like, hey girl it’s okay. Okay lemme confess. I was always hiding behind my brother girl or sister. Oh god! Then Fira is like Shush!! It’s okay. I know it’s a lot know. I say I ain’t scared for the Guardianship did you forget I am 3750 years old. Thanks but yeah. I am scared I will burn and Summer he’ll cool down. And... For the millionth time my brother embarrassed me. He told my swoon story. OMG!! IN FRONT OF WINTER AND HYDRO. OH 😬. Anyways Good night . A new day tomorrow. Good night.
My Day list!
Bye and don’t go to the OCEAN.
I hope you ‘ll love it! Stay tuned for the Day 2 of Oceania’s Day...
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jewish-privilege · 6 years
@skystonedclouds replied (a lot) to this post:
Well I’m female... So you’re off to a bad start. There also multiple Talmuds. The old one is different. I was referring to the Babylonian Talmud (written after Jesus). Not the old Talmud written long ago.
We do “follow” the Talmud (when Jews say Talmud, they’re referring to the Babylonian Talmud/Talmud Bavli). Jews who believe the Torah to be divinely inspired also believe the Talmud to be divinely inspired. The Talmud explains the Torah. It’s not “basically just random people making up guides for the heck of it.” 
You need to stop learning about Judaism from white and Christian supremacists and separatists. All Jewish people read the Babylonian Talmud, so I guess we’re all Satanic Christ killers who want to cover up how we killed Jesus.
And they were both finalized after Jesus; they both contain teachings that JESUS IS LITERALLY QUOTED IN YOUR BIBLE AS SAYING. The Mishnah is part of both Talmuds. Jesus was teaching the Mishnah (only one version! Same ole Mishnah in both! Although neither covers the entire Mishnah because, you know, Romans wouldn’t let us practice our culture!). Both of them are the recordings of debates amongst rabbis over Torah since, oh, around 550 BCE if not earlier. 
The Talmud Yerushalmi/Jerusalem Talmud (you know it was “the old Talmud written long ago”) was finalized in the 4th century (because Theodosius II decided that Jews couldn’t learn Judaism anymore). Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s after the crucifixion.
As an aside, do you know why the Talmuds exist? The Temple had been destroyed (again), the Jews were expelled (again), and the rabbis knew they had to change Judaism because centering it on the Temple and in Judea/Samaria/Jerusalem was now impossible. The rabbis had to write down all of their discussions and teachings. All of them, both the normative and non-normative opinions. So, even you saying that Jews follow the “old” Talmud shows you don’t really understand what the Talmud is. We study the Talmud (which is made up of the Mishnah and the Gemara) to understand the Torah because we can't just go ask one of the rabbis roaming around Jerusalem any more. A diaspora in 2018 is different than a small, concentrated tribal group in 1st century Judea. You’d start to write shit down too if you realized you no longer had one central place to argue, study, and teach because it had been razed to the ground. 
The reason there are two is that after the destruction of the Temple and the exile of Jews from Jerusalem, the two remaining academic centers of Judaism were Mesopotamia (Talmud Bavli/Babylonian Talmud) and Syria Palaestina (Talmud Yerushalmi/Jerusalem Talmud/Palestinian Talmud). (As an aside, the Talmud Yerushalmi doesn't have the Gemara because Theodosius II decided that Jews couldn’t learn Judaism anymore. It ends rather abruptly.)
The God of the Torah the one true God who had a son. He died for me to take my place so I do not have to die. He is merciful 💖🙏 amazing grace and love for sure 💕Psalm 145:2 Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. Yes the God of the Torah who broke a son to die in my place. I may live now ever praising the one true God 💖🙏 Psalm 145:2 Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.
Do you not know any other tehillim or...?
The G!D of the Torah is indivisible and cannot become incarnate. Explain how Jesus works with that fundamental definition.
I think it’s a Christian responsibility to protect Jewish people and their nation. I don’t agree with you in rejecting the messiah. It doesn’t mean Israel is not chosen. I’m so glad my great aunt protected Jewish people from Holocaust. A lot of the Christians I talk to want to protect Israel. I know Israel is under a of attack. Let us unite in that we both love God of the Torah. I was made aware maybe I don’t understand Jewish culture (I’m not sure). I like that day ”the feast of trumpets”.
We’re not children; you don’t have to protect us like we are. And anyway, what precisely are you protecting us from? Those who would not allow us to be Jewish and practice our culture and religion? Let me know who precisely the Christians are protecting us from if not from you them.
What, precisely do you like about “that day ‘the feast of the trumpets’”? The connection to the resurrection? The idea that the second coming will occur with a trumpet? Because I hate to break it to you, that’s all Evangelical Protestant nonsense shoehorning Jesus symbolism where it doesn’t make sense. Do you know what we actually do on Rosh Hashana?
You said it was the Catholics. They are not filled with the Holy Spirit.
Oh. You’re one of those Protestants. Soteriological exclusivity is quite the drug.
It’s actually pretty tragic. The Catholics did a lot of bad things even to your family 💔. They sinned against your family.
Sure. Just the Catholics. Protestants never did anything sinful against Jews. Nice emoji use. It’s not at all contemptuous.
Not gatekeeping just seeing a pattern. Whenever I use christian apologetics on the flaws of other religions people cry for my execution (metaphorically). To Muslims I’m islamophobic if I find flaws in the Quran. To the Jewish people I’m antisemetic if i find flaws in the Babylonian Talmud which they don’t even use. Apparently finding flaws in a belief system makes people think I must not like them. Meanwhile Christians never yell Christianphobia when the religion is examined find potential flaws
Maybe it’s because you’re cherry-picking passages, taking them out of context, and outright misquoting them. 
It’s news to me, an actual Jew, that we don’t use the Babylonian Talmud. Where’d you get that pearl of wisdom? When Jews talk of the Talmud, we’re talking about the Babylonian Talmud. 
But hey that’s comes with the contract of following a leader who was crucified. He was crucified for finding flaws in the Pharisees who taught well but were kinda hypocritical (didn’t do the commands themselves).
Again I say: Cool antisemitism bro. Modern Jews are Pharisees. If you don’t want to be called an antisemite, don’t be antisemitic. 
One person did want tell me to die so yeah the ill wishes only came from one side. I always knew I’d be crucified one day. I welcome to share in the death of the saviour🙏✝️
People pointing out to you that you’re misquoting their exegetical texts isn’t being crucified. That’s an amazing level of hubris.
Also the crucifixion of Christ is s historical fact and biblical core truths. You just admitted someone believing the bible is offensive.
Nope, @rose-in-a-fisted-glove said “... Did you seriously just try to claim to not be antisemitic while crying deicide in literally the next breath? That's just, wow.“
The Romans killed Jesus the same way they killed all other political criminals. Crucifixion was the Roman punishment for political crimes/crimes against the state. You claimed Jesus was crucified because the Pharisees (again, modern Jews are Pharisees) were upset he “found flaws” in them. That’s... do you know HOW MANY Jews found fault with the teachings of other Jews during the 1st CE in Judea? In the first centuries of the common era the main sects of Judaism were the Pharisees, Essenes, and Sadducees. They all argued with themselves and each other. Jesus, I’m sorry, wasn’t unique in that.
Like you mean Nazis tried to find flaws in Judaism too ? They didn’t stop there though they wanted to dehumanized people. I’m just doing apologetics. I’m mentioning how there was a cover up over the crucifixion of Christ. I even mentioned that the text has other outrageous claims. It ties back to the point that it’s unreliable and not many follow it. Now I can assume this might be a point of insecurity. Do you think only Nazis see flaws? Everyone can see a flaw in beliefs.
Nazis didn’t try to find flaws in Judaism; Nazis believed (and continue to believe) that Jews are racially inferior and impure. Do you really think the Holocaust was due to theological differences? 
I still really want to know who taught you that Jews don’t “follow” the Babylonian Talmud. You should ask for your money back.
Of course Nazis will point our flaws. I one time crashed my friends course on genocide. I know the warning signs of genocide. It’s dehumanization. It’s silencing. It’s treating as second class.
Oh. One time. Cool. Well, then you’re a bonafide expert on dehumanization and genocide. So much so that you seem to believe that the Nazis dehumanized Jews by finding “flaws in Judaism” and not, you know, phrenology and racial pseudo-science. 
I took Astronomy 101 in college; I guess that makes me Neil deGrasse Tyson.
There’s a difference between criticism and debating and being a nazi who wants to dehumanize. In seminars people debate flaws of beliefs. In apologetic posts people mention flaws they see from their perspective. So if people can mention flaws in beliefs no one gets anywhere. Why do muslims day I’m islamophobic when I point out dangerous passages about killing jewish people ? I say ”Woah there Muslim this passage says to kill jewish people! You think that’s cool ?!”. They say ”Islamophobic !”.
And you’re doing neither. And again, they’re probably calling you Islamophobic because you’re taking the passages in isolation and out of context.
Okay if some are made up lemme know which ones. But I know at least the ones about Christ are true. I can understand maybe it could be exaggerated in translation or maybe some invented. I don’t need false flaws or anything since that’s just a waste of time. And if something was made up just by Nazis I’m sorry about that part that would be made up.
What are “false flaws”?
We actually don’t know definitively if they’re about your Jesus or not. Yehoshua (of which Yeshu is a derivation) was and is an incredibly common Jewish name. Different scholars have different ideas of what and to whom those passages refer.
But assuming they (Sanhedrin 43a, Sotah 47a, Shabbat 104b, Gittin 57a) are all about Jesus? The historical context of these passages (which make up an unusually small part of the totality Talmud)? 
“By the time the Talmud was coming into final form, Christianity was the dominant religion of the Mediterranean world and beyond. Negative expressions in such writings reflect negative experiences in the time of their creation. Quoting such texts without explaining these contextual influences can grossly distort one’s understanding of how Jewish tradition views Jesus.” - Jesus in Rabbinic Tradition, Burton L. Visotzky from Amy-Jill Levine’s The Jewish Annotated New Testament.
Christians were legislatively prohibiting Jews from practicing our religion or, you know, killing us with impunity. That’s the context of those passages, not abject, irrelevant Jesus hate. And on top of that, you quoted them incorrectly. 
In Jewish tradition (from the Satanic Talmud) “he” and servant in Isaiah 34:11 refers to Israel the people. You know, the Jewish people in total. Not Jesus.
Tumblr media
This is the graphic you used in this post. It literally says “Become Jew-Wise and learn more at www.national-liberation.org” 
For all your talk that “Jew” is the n-word for Jewish people (it’s not), you use a graphic that says that? And that “Killing and Enslaving Whites is OK”? That didn’t scream Nazi to you?
Well Catholics aren’t Christian (they believe works salvation). I’ll let that pass for now. Christians are oppressed. Statistics show Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world stated by huffington post. We are being killed India by Hindus, in Turk ube Muslims, in North Korea. 6000+ Christians were killed in Nigeria this year alone. 1/12 Christians are persecuted violently stated by daily mail. Independent uk states the estimate is that 11 Christians die every hour of every day.
Catholics are Christian. The Protestant Reformation didn’t de-Christianize them. Sorry. 
Are you a Christian in any of those countries? You seem to be an American Protestant Christian living in the United States. You are not oppressed. 
You also don’t know anything about Judaism and should stop pretending you do.
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Diss Track - HeadShots -
I’ma take a few shots at some rap and hip-hop artist who are not
As cream of the crop; not a heart stops; you wannabe show stoppers; 
Yall just bar hop -and bump hips to hop to the top, 
So lemme get the trigger ready to take a steady shot 
-Head shot number one;
Yelawolf where the fuck did you come from; 
No one even gives a fuck about you son;
Last time you were relevant you were trying to keep up with Tech-N9ne; and Busta-Rhymes;
Now your time to be in your prime has already run outta lifelines;
Then you come and also Diss M.G.K. - I’m Sor-ray your word-play is on-lay okay 
Here comes Headshot number 2; get outta the way 
And M.G.K. you pretend to play, with words even though your cadence is 
Boring making fans snoring as you pretend you are flooring, 
Them with same repetitive nonsense, no one’s in suspense as you repeat clever sentences from a previous artist; don’t start this,
If you can’t finish it; if you ain’t really in it to win it,
Headshot number 3, I used be your biggest fan, Slim-shady sorry,
I said used to be cause honestly as of lately Eminem, 
Been wack and only attacking other artist to continue having a story, 
Marshal Matthers maybe retire and pass down the godly rap glory;
We get it Slim-Shady, Eminem, Marshal Matthers Baby, 
You got a legacy you wanna see thrive, and desperately keep alive 
The problem is you haven’t had a good album since before 2005 
Headshot Number 4; I just gotta settle a score;
Drake your trash; your fake; you’re lame; you only rake and take in 
Money and bitches after some ghost wrote the lines that got you honey and riches;
You’re not raw; you’re not tough; allow me to call you further on your bluff,
Like Jimmy Brooks ima leave you shook as I take the next shot;
You are no 50-cent, Biggie, Or Tupac; stop pretending to be something you not;
Before I give you a reason to not have your legs work; okay I gotta stop 
Head Shot Number 5, 6, and 7 - A trifecta of Music my friend,
Kanye, Dr.Dre, and Jay-Z, can yall just stick making beats, Please?
Kanye you’re already clinically insane believing your Gods gift to us, okay right 
Call me an Indian giver cause get that shit outta my sight, 
God can take back this quack crack-pot gift and lift this curse, 
before I gotta spit another diverse verse so go disburse,
Please just leave and take your barely passable rap skills
At least Dr.Dre has flow and always goes for his kills 
But lets be honest without Slim-Shady coat-tails your ship probably would’ve already set sails 
Jay-Z I respect you freestyle essentially everything,
But could you be a little more interesting?I 
I know your pussy whipped but does Beyonce gotta be slipped into everything, bad enough the illuminati already gotcha nuts gripped, 
I’m just saying I hate when artists step out of there element just to revel in idea of being relevant, 
Speaking of irrelevant relevance 
Headshot number 8 and 9; I don’t give fuck that they are both hella fine,
Kardi-B and Nicki-ménage à trois - we know how yall got ya jobs  
Yall an insult to what women truly represent, saying you are supposed feminist; 
When your words are socially venomous; pretending to be Mean pristine Queens -Mirror Mirror on the wall?
Who is the sluttiest of them all?
That’s a tough question; maybe make more investments in your talent then;
Then your fake asses and barely passes for music my cum-swallowing friends -
Headshot Number 10, this motherfucker doesn’t know if he’s gonna go to hell or heaven,
Marcus Hopsin, you are talented; you can sing, and rip bars and minds apart;c
Cause we get it your fucking smart; being a psychology major I find,
when I see an Ill mind I gotta pull that brain apart;
Your close-minded to what others believe, and even say multiple times weed is the Devil; please, 
Maybe you need to take a few tokes and relax and come to our Level; Marcus see -
you’re becoming Narcissistic, egotistic; eccentric and malevolent  
when you used to be so sentient, and relevant it’s evident you’ve become nothing but bullshit and sediment, 
it fills me with resentment cause at one point I respected your intellect,
Always comparing your cerebral flare to others as though we are mentally bare.
minimal broken individuals, with residual visuals working for subliminal criminals.
when you’re the one becoming a dark individual with critical criticisms becoming catatonic and chaotic, 
a cataclysm of schisms risen out of insecure idioms into introverted introspective Imprisonment, 
Ignorant to inner interference ironically inseminating itself with Ignorance, inevitable isolated intelligence incarnates into immoral idiotic indulgence, 
But honestly,
fuck what I think though speaking relatively, it’s all irrelevant in a universe intertwined in infinite immeasurable possibility,
but seriously though, can we like, stop being so childish and petty? 
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mellicose · 6 years
That Woman Over There - Chapter 2
A You Me and Him Fix-it Fic
Rating: Teen, for some mild w|w eroticism (You bet your sweet ass)
Word count: 4452
Warnings: none
Summary: ~ Set after the birth of Monty, Olivia’s baby ~ A dear friend of Olivia comes to visit for a week, and she disturbs the fragile peace between her, Alex, and John.
Read Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
She woke with a gasp.
The sofa bed was nice enough, but her back ached for her own bed at home. She could’ve gotten a hotel, but Livvie insisted she stay at the house. Her and Alex wanted to take care of her.
Her heart rate decreased to something normal, and she realized why she was scared.
It was too damn quiet.
In her apartment in the meatpacking district, there was always noise. Dump trucks emptying bins full of glass bottles from all the nightclubs and restaurants. Foreign assholes driving around in their souped up sports cars, their engines roaring. Drug dealers screaming to each other from their respective corners. And underneath it all, the thrumming, coked-out heartbeat of the city.
Here, in this lovely little oasis, there was nothing. Not even the big-throated crickets that sang American suburb-dwellers to sleep. It was strange. She rolled out of bed and checked her cell phone. It was a little after 3 AM, local time.
It was 11 PM in New York. She usually went to sleep around that time when she was in the planning stage of her installations. She stretched and looked around at the dark living room. Everything seemed to be in the saturated primary colors of childhood, so different from Livvie’s cool, clean, and pastel. Furthermore, Alex’s influence was clear - in the art on the walls, and the upholstery on the furniture.
She stretched, arms high over her head, and caught of whiff of sweat and cigarette smoke from the pub.
“I need a shower,” she said softly to herself, and shuffled quietly up the stairs. Alex and Olivia’s bedroom door was open. Their blinds were up, and a breeze stirred the paisley curtains. They were a painting of domestic tranquility - Liv, snoring softly with her hand still on the rail of the small rocking crib. Monty lay on his back, dreaming. Alex slept on her side, hugging her pillow, her bum pressed against Olivia. Olivia’s other hand rested on the soft hillock of Alex’s hip.
Her chest twitched in a silent sob. She was so happy for her. She had everything she wanted, and deserved. Back when they first met, Olivia was resolved that although what they felt for each other was real, it was just a naughty phase. It was a mess - Connie, the more outwardly passionate one, came out to her conservative Catholic parents immediately, but Olivia refused to ruin her parent’s lives with such unpleasant news. She was angry at the time, but she could never hate her. In any case, experience taught her that people have to come out at their own pace - it should never be forced, even by a partner.
Alex was the one who convinced her to do it - the one she refused to obfuscate about.
She was a lucky woman.
After her shower, she went to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. She felt for the light switch, found it, then decided not to flip it. There was enough light coming in through the window to see her way around.
She rummaged through the cupboards for a loose pod and slammed it into the coffee maker. She looked out the window as she waited for the drink to brew.
There was music, very faint, and another sound that was familiar. A high-pitched whine. She opened the window and stuck out her head. John’s house was dark, but in his garden, there was a large shed whose door was open. That’s where the warm light and noises came from.
“What’s he doing in there at this hour of the morning?” she said to herself. Most probably crouched in front of a computer screen, typing filth on his MRA reddit page. She picked up her cup from the coffee maker and walked to the back door, staring out in curiosity, then decided to step outside. She wrapped her robe tighter around her and looked over the low hedge to his garden.
The music was intelligible now - it was pop, but in a language she couldn’t understand.
“Oh my God,” she said, and a half smile made her lip twitch. It was Kpop. She was sure of it. That leather-clad chode listened to Korean boy/girl bands? It was too much. The light spilling from the open shed door painted a warm yellow wedge on the lawn. It looked … inviting.
Her toes curled on the grass. She noticed the whine had stopped. Had that been a different kind of music? She walked to the hedge to take a closer look. The silk of her kimono caught in the neatly trimmed bush. Sticks poked at her hips. She raised her cup for a sip-
“Why you spying on me?” John said, coming up from behind and putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Virgen Santísima!” she said, clutching at her chest. The cup flew out of her hand and spattered hot coffee on her feet.
“Oh my God - I’m so sorry -” he said, his smile fading to genuine distress. He put down the steaming cup in his hand, pulled his t-shirt over his head, and dabbed at her feet.
She slapped at him. “Get off me! Why the fuck would you do something like that? I almost had a heart attack-”
When he saw the skin at the tops of her feet reddening, he nearly started to weep.
“I didn’t mean to scare ye like that. I saw you snooping through my kitchen window when I was making myself some tea-” He pointed to the cup by his feet. “What are you doing looking over hedges at this hour of the mornin’?” he asked, his accent becoming broad by the end of the sentence.
“I was making coffee, and I heard noises coming from here.” She shrugged. The fact was, she was being nosy. She just didn’t think she’d get caught.
“It’s my shop,” he said simply, still inspecting her feet. “And you need some aloe for this burn.”
“I dunno whether Liv’s got that, but I can put some calamine lotion on my legs.”
He stood up, a head taller than her. “That’s nonsense. I have an aloe plant on my back porch. I’ll cut you a leaf or two. You’ll be good as new by tomorrow.”
He walked through a gap in the hedge and beckoned to her. She stared at him, unmoving.
“Come on. You were already snooping. Might as well get a closer look, eh?”
She rolled her eyes, but followed him. The skin of her feet was beginning to sting. He put his shirt back on - coffee stained and damp - and walked quickly across his yard to the back porch. He took a small knife out of his pocket and sliced a long, meaty leaf from the plant, then expertly began to peel and split it. Her eyes drifted to the shed door.
“Sit,” he said, pointing to the steps. “They’re clean.” She lifted the kimono over her knees.
“Alright, sweetie, lemme get a good look at those welts.”
“Don’t call me sweetie,” she said curtly.
He shrugged. “Sorry. Encarnación.”
“Or that. I really don’t like it.” She was surprised he remembered. Most English speaker didn’t, or when they did, they mangled it.
“Why not?” he said, gently rubbing the cooling aloe on her skin. Despite being tense, she sighed with relief. “It’s like a Spanish puritan name. Very prim and proper.”
“It means incarnation, but it brings to mind red, bleeding meat. It’s grisly.” She shook her head. “I don’t know why my mother insisted on it and not a nice easy name, like Maria … or Rosa. Rosa’s nice.”
“You and roses,” he said softly, pressing the translucent heart of the leaf on a particularly nasty burn.
“What do you know about me?” she snapped, pulling the robe tight around her thighs.
“Olivia talked a lot about you, especially right before you came. Both Alex and I were very curious to meet you. The artist who makes magic with flowers. The beautiful New York socialite who took Liv under her wing and made her visit one of the best times of her life. ”
She snorted.“Olivia exaggerates.”
“Not about you,” he said earnestly, shaking his head. “Not even a bit.”
“Uh, thanks,” she said, standing up. “I should get back.”
“Of course. Away to bed with ye,” he said, wiping the aloe juice on his jeans. She resented his tone, but she didn’t know why.
Just as she crossed the hedge into Olivia’s yard, he ran to her, covering the distance in four strides.
“Yes?” she said.
He held up the other aloe leaf. “Forget to give it to you. For later. Again, I’m sorry. That’s what I get for trying to be cute.”
“Right,” she said, taking it. “Thanks.”
She turned just before reaching the back door.
“By the way, what’s in the shed?”
He gave her a mischievous grin, something he was quite good at. “My own magic,” he said, and gracefully vaulted the waist-high hedge to his yard.
Show off.
He watched her shadow as she walked into the house, then went into his shop.
Cedarwood plants, already cut to size, littered his work table. Behind it, his hand tools were neatly hung on pegs, or stored in the cabinets underneath the table and against the walls. He flipped off his radio and stood at the shed door, hands on his waist, like his grandfather used to do. A jaw-cracking yawn made him tremble, and he looked down at himself. His carefully chosen concert t-shirt was stained and wrinkled.
I didn’t much like the Verve anyway.
He took it off and cleaned the sawdust from the bandsaw, then oiled the blade.
Take care of your tools, his grandfather always used to say. They’re your bread and butter. That, and keep your shop clean. A shop is a reflection of the craftman’s mind. Organized shop, organized mind.
He finished sweeping and brushed the sawdust into a trash bag. He liked it there, in that shed - the smells, the memories, the peace. Lately, he preferred it to parties and pointless affectation. Mannism was his bread and butter though, but after the divorce, his anger had faded to bemusement.
Not all women were horrific, soul-draining harpies with silky skin and soft, lovely parts he still ached to touch. Not all of them were out to use and discard. Alex and Olivia had convinced him of that. But that was only them. It could be a lesbian thing.
He thought of Connie’s burn-spackled legs and smiled. He really shouldn’t have scared her. And he felt awful for scalding her, but happy he was able to care for her afterward. Maybe she didn’t see him as …
Scoliosis boy. He sucked his teeth.
Did he deserve it? Maybe a little. But he was more than his business. He hoped he could prove that, even though he didn’t know why he was compelled to do it. He picked up the pre-sanded boards, ran his graceful fingers along the smoothed edges.
“You’ll have to wait ‘till tomorrow,” he whispered, and piled them neatly at the corner of the work table and locked the shed.
He did some back stretching exercises in the dark, focusing on long, lean, and straight. After, he breathed on his lilies, then went inside for a good sleep.
Olivia woke up before Monty, breasts aching.
The morning sun sliced into Alex’s placid sleeping face. She was so lovely. The last bit of pink was growing out of her bleached locks, and it made her look like an ink-watered daisy.
She put her hand on Alex’s belly, let the ache echo to nothing, then nuzzled her.
“Good morning,” Alex said sleepily. She spread her legs and lifted the blanket to give her access. Olivia’s mouth watered at the smooth heat between Alex’s thighs. “Don’t stop. I’ll pretend I’m sleeping again if you like,” she said, and chuckled.
Olivia sat up.“No, it’s - um, I have to pump, ASAP. My breasts are screaming.” She waved her hands over them anxiously. The pale orbs were painted with fine blue veins, something that Alex had found is quite enticing. They were heavy, warm, and filled with life. Alex crawled to her and pulled on her tanktop strap.
“Why don’t you you just feed Monty?” she said, grazing her fingertips on her swollen breasts. “You just had two glasses of wine last night.”
“Dunno. I just want to pump this bit out, just to be sure. There’s enough bottles in the fridge to get to this afternoon.”
Alex pulled down the other strap, and gently undid her stretchy nursing bra. Her beautiful nipples were chapped red and sore with Monty’s voracious feeding. She cupped her breasts gently in her palms, caressing the hot silk of her skin with her thumbs.
“They’re being slowly gummed to oblivion,” Olivia said, flustered. She tried to cover herself, but Alex shook her head and removed her hand. She sat on her haunches in front of her.
“It’s okay,” she said, and kissed the tops of her breasts, brushing her sleep-warm lips on her skin. Olivia let out a soft wheeze that made her smile. She started to undo the tie on her pajama bottoms, leaning into her until she lay back. She pulled them down past her hips and ran her fingers right underneath where her c-section scar was a fading pink line. Olivia tugged at the post pregnancy belly wrap she still wore.
“Monty’s right here,” Olivia said breathlessly.
Alex kissed her, biting her lower lip. “Then be quiet.” Her hand moved down to where Olivia was downy and damp, and she sighed.”That’s yummy,” she said, then quickly removed her sleepshirt. Alex’s breasts were still pert despite the pregnancy - but a bit larger because of it. She was both cursed and blessed, and the glint of steel on her left nipple made Olivia swear. She wanted to give in, but there was something in her that had gone dormant. The thirst she had for Alex before and during the pregnancy had faded to nothing. It’s as if her pussy was broken.
Alex started to pull off her sleep pants, but Olivia shook her head.
“Not now,” she said softly.
“I’ll be gentle, mein frau,” she said, her eyes wet with entreaty. It had been over six months, and oddly, her own experience had not hurt her libido. “You won’t have to do a thing but lay back and enjoy.” She kissed the insides of her thighs. She was so needy that even Olivia’s faint scent made her shiver. Just as her head dipped between her thighs, Olivia popped up.
“No! Please,” she said. Monty began to whine at the noise. “See? Monty’s up.”
Alex sighed, then pulled Liv’s pants back up. “I’ll wash up and prepare a bottle.”
“Nice,” Olivia said, already picking the baby up from the crib and clicking her tongue at him. “Good morning, darling. How are you? How are you?”
Monty gurgled and tugged on her blond hair affectionately.
She watched them from the door, waiting for her blood to cool. She was horny, but so happy. She had Olivia. And a beautiful baby boy. It was not what she imagined at this point in her life - but it was better. The fading pain worked its way to her heart.
It’s what she called it, when she couldn’t face up to calling her by name - Jo. Baby Jo. John knew, and thought it was fitting - it was like having a girl junior. But Jo wasn’t to be. At first, her bitterness made her want to hate all the world in general, and Olivia specifically. After all, if she hadn’t inseminated without consulting her, she wouldn’t have gotten blind drunk and slept with daft John and gotten pregnant.
It was all cause and effect, right?
She wanted to hate her, but she couldn’t. It was impossible, even though she was angry. Olivia was type A to the hilt - a rad barrister, and super-organized and persnickety - but her pregnancy was a mess. She couldn’t be a mum alone. And, even thought at first it hurt to see her own belly shrinking as her’s grew, she powered through, for love.
If she could have no regrets about smoking laced weed at a fucking carnival, or getting pregnant by the dudebro next door, she could stay with Liv. And she did.
She went downstairs and found Connie doing stretches on the living room floor. Her legs were stretched and wide apart, and she leaned into the carpet, breathing slowly. She wore no more than a pair of panties and a tank top with lace cups. In other words, she could see everything. And everything was banging.
She had the body karate going on.
“Oops!” she said loudly, walking past and into the kitchen. She slammed a bottle into the bottle warmer.
“I’m so sorry!” Connie said. She heard her running around the living room, a zipper, and rustling cloth. She came in wearing a pair of jean short shorts and a t-shirt. She smiled bashfully. “I hate being that bitch, but it seems like I’m her regardless sometimes.”
Alex put her hand up. “It’s totally okay. We don’t do much stretching ourselves lately, but it’s still a nice to watch.”
Connie smiled, and dared to touch Alex’s tangled bleached locks. “I know it’s not on purpose, but your hair looks awesome,” she said, pulling on her fading pink ends. “Are you gonna cut it off, try another color?”
“I wanted to cut it off,” Alex said.
“You going straight then?” Connie said, joking.
“Never! I want to cut the pink out and try something else. I was thinking… green and purple.”
“It’s perfect. You’re giving me all sorts of mermaid teas,” Connie said, fluffing her hair. Her body was pressed against her side, and the softness of her breasts made her feel dizzy. Before she could stop herself, she looked down.
“The Eurythmics,” she said, pointing to Connie’s shirt. She tried to ignore the fact her nipples poked through the fabric.
“You like ‘em?” Connie said, puffing her chest out. Alex blushed. “They’re sick right? Annie is, generally.”
“Yeah, sick. Totally,” Alex said, hoping she didn’t notice her ogling, but Connie seemed oblivious.
“Here,” Connie said, took it off, and handed it to her.
“Shit -you don’t have to do that-” Alex said, but took it from her. She averted her eyes, but she could still see lace and perked nipple in the corner of her eye.
“Naw, man. I want you to have it - something to remember me by. Also, I have another one, with her wearing that rad feather headdress from the Why video. I’m good,” she said, and walked back to the living room to cover up.
Olivia came downstairs, and Alex heard a squeal and the smack of kisses as Connie took Monty in her arms. Olivia went into the kitchen, eyebrows high. She waved her hands over her body, cupping her hands underneath her own breasts in a curvy pantomime.
“I know,” Alex said, wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing her neck.
“She tends not to wear much - she’s been like that since she was a teenager,” Olivia said into Alex’s hair. “I’ll tell her if it bothers you,” she said, but she chuckled.
“Eh … I think I can deal for the rest of the week,” Alex said, winking at Olivia. They both looked into the living room, where Connie swung Monty in her arms to the baby’s delight. She wore an open-sided 90’s MTV t-shirt.
“I get it,” Alex whispered. Monty’s star-shaped hands grabbed at Connie’s breasts. He was hungry.
“Hmm?” Olivia said. Her arm was wrapped around Alex’s ribs.
“I wouldn’t wear much either if I looked like her,” she said.
Olivia swatted her bottom. “You know you’re quite yummy yourself, with your little sailor shorts and see-through tops,” Olivia said. Alex raised her brow. Now she was frisky? But she would take what she could get.
“Maybe I’ll wear something nice today,” Alex said, then gently bit her earlobe. The little gold hoop in Liv’s ear clicked against her teeth. The hand resting on her ass finally squeezed.
“I won’t complain,” Olivia said, flushed. Just a half hour ago, everything was dead underneath her belly button. She watched as Connie lifted Monty’s shirt and blew a raspberry on his belly. The baby screamed and giggled, kicking into her flat belly. She stared at the line of her throat, down to the softness beneath. Hers were the first breasts she ever touched, and tasted. All at once, her muscle memories came back. She remembered the different textures and flavors of her, her sounds. Her arm twitched around Alex, bringing her back to herself.
That was years ago. And she had learned a lot since then. She looked down at Alex, who smiled indulgently as Connie pretended to eat Monty’s chubby feet.
“Om nom nom nom,”’ Connie said, then tickled his sides. He wriggled with pleasure.
Alex’s hair smelled like lilac and smoke, a scent she now found comforting. The byzantine blue of her eyes, her easy beauty, made her giggle out loud like Monty. She was surrounded by love.
Connie looked up. “Like mother, like son,” she said, smiling at her. Alex kissed her cheek and walked into the living room.
“Time for breakfast, peanut,” she said, picking up the baby. Connie pouted, and patted the sofa.
“Commere, Liv,” she said. Olivia sat beside her, back straight and knees clenched tight together … until she saw the red blotches on Connie’s legs.
“God, what happened?” she said, tapping the skin delicately.
“Ah, nothing. I spilled some coffee on myself last night in the dark,” she said, shrugging. She didn’t know why she didn’t say what actually happened.
“You would, “ Olivia said. Connie’s clumsiness was a running joke. “I have some calamine in the cabinet. I’ll go get it.” She stood and walked into the kitchen.
“You don’t need to-”
John walked in, fresh as a daisy, wearing a giant grin. She was beginning to think it was his thing. And it was annoying.
“Morning, beautiful. Sleep well? He said, sitting down in the overstuffed chair in front of the window. He wore loose-fitting pants and a tank top. His freckled arms were slim, but well-shaped. He crossed his ankles in front of him, and his long legs seemed to stretch to the middle of the room.
“You’ve made yourself comfortable,” said sardonically, opening her suitcase and digging through it. She had to keep her hands busy.
“You look great. Classic MTV was the balls,” he said.  She pulled a silk drawstring bag from the bottom and spilled its contents on the sofa.
“What is that tangle?” Olivia said, coming back with a steaming cup of herbal tea and the bottle of pink mud.
“I thought you hated herbal tea,” Connie said, eyeing the cup.
“It’s for better milk production,” she said, but she made a face. Connie and John laughed together, but Connie stopped. The synchronicity made her want to kick his leg. Olivia plucked at the ball of necklaces on the sofa.
“Why would you do this?” she said, trying to separate a pearl necklace from a tangle of gold and silver chains. She held up the pearls and clucked her tongue. “I gave you these! They’re Mikimoto,” she whined.
Connie shrugged. “Don’t have a jewelry box,” she said.
“But what about the one your mother-” Olivia started, then her mouth snapped shut. “Right.”
John looked back and forth between them, curious.
“What is it?” he said.
“Mind your business, Braveheart,” Connie said. It didn’t have the effect she wanted, since he leaned back, holding his stomach and laughing with his whole body.
“Oh, that’s rich … brilliant,” he gasped, slapping his thighs. His face was pink, his large eyes rimmed with tears.
“Oh, fuck off,” she said, and walked into the kitchen, where Alex had Monty in a high chair. She fed him porridge, which he wore more than ate.
“What’s he going on about now?” Alex said, then gently scraped the porridge from his chin with the spoon.
“Something that wasn’t that funny to begin with,” Connie said, walking to where Olivia had started scrambled eggs.
“I’m sorry,” Olivia said, her brow furrowed. “I can’t keep my mouth shut to save my life.”
“No biggie,” she said, and gave her a quick hug, and a peck on the cheek. She stared into the skillet. “I’m starving.”
“I know. You like them with dill and green pepper, on buttered toast?”
“You know me too well,” she said, and sat by Alex. She dipped her finger in the warm porridge, tasted, then made a face. “That’s nasty.”
“It’s for Monty. It’s made with Liv’s breast milk.”
“Oh wow,” she said, her face twisted. Alex and Olivia laughed. Porridge flowed out of Monty’s mouth as he smiled, wanting to share in the merriment. Connie made a thumb’s up at Olivia. “Really prime product. Good job.”
John loped in, curious about the laughter, and took some eggs from the pan. “Ooh, that’s better than your usual,” he said, and tried to get more. Olivia slapped his hand with the spatula.
“That is for our guest,” she said, spooning the fluffy eggs onto a plate.
“Aren’t I a guest?” he said, sniffing at the herbed eggs as she put the plate in front of Connie.
John looked over her shoulder. “You fancy sharing a bit with me? It looks like a lot, and I’m sure you’re watching your figure.”
The kitchen went silent. Even Monty seemed to squeal with disapproval.
“I’m not suggesting she needs to...” His voice cracked. The women stared balefully. He put his hands up. “I think I’ll make my own brekkie,” he said, and backed out the door.
“What a twat!” Connie said, her face red with anger.
“Language!” Olivia said, pointing at Monty.
He poked his head back into the kitchen. “ I wasn’t suggesting that you aren’t absolutely gorgeous, mind you. You sure you don’t want to share?” He gave her a toothy grin.
Alex threw the burp rag at him. “Bugger off, mate,” she said.
Olivia just threw up her hands.
Read Chapter 3
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heavenbursts-blog · 6 years
of simplicity and fortitude. rating. teen and up. ch. 1/23 word count. 5,134 summary. a johzenji-centered / terushima-focused story following terushima’s metamorphosis. as he changes his image to rebel against his parents expectations and regulations, terushima stumbles upon the johzenji volleyball club. what was supposed to be a one time thing suddenly becomes a life consuming thing. he grows, learns, falls, and flies with the rebirth of the johzenji volleyball club.
can also be read here.
Terushima wasn’t a morning person. Not much of a shocker considering he had no concept, or respect , for time. Waking up in the morning was a process. He’d wake up to his alarm only to turn it off and sleep in another fifteen minutes. He would miss school entirely if Bobata didn’t come into his room every morning to drag his ass out of bed. Because best friends did that for one another.
“I’m going to start charging you for this,” Terushima yawned and Bobata rolled his eyes. “How late did you stay up playing video games, huh?”
Terushima began to pick up clothes from the floor, trying to find a shirt that didn’t smell too bad. He grabbed a white one and sniffed, “Ugh yeah no.” he balled it up and threw it into his hamper. “Uh like, a couple of hours? I dunno what time does the sun start to rise—?”
“You’re a mess dude!” Bobata flopped onto Terushima’s bed, pulling out his phone to play some games while Terushima got ready. This was  their daily routine. It started with Terushima being dangerously close to oversleeping until Bobata swooped in to get his ass in gear. Terushima always took extra time getting ready because, if they were to be real, neither one really had the desire to go to school. But they went anyways because Futamata would beat their asses collectively if they didn’t. Again, just best friend things.
“I mean you’re not wrong,” Terushima pulled on a shirt that didn’t smell like ass and pulls on his blazer. He refused to put on the mandatory tie on principle. Ties were a representation of capitalism and oppression! Two things Terushima would never support. “I’m a hot mess, though.” he added in with a wink
Bobata snorted, “Unbelievable. That’s what you are.” Terushima walked over and stood in front of Bobata, backpack hanging off one shoulder. Bobata reached a hand out and urged Terushima to bend down. “Lemme take a look at your hair real quick.”
Terushima’s was going through a metamorphosis. Changing his appearance and dynamics and well, his entire being. A revolution was in process. As Terushima bent he suddenly felt awkward. And he hated it. His transformation was complete now with his hair cut. His natural hair was dark brown. However yesterday, on impulse, Terushima had went to get it cut, styled, and dyed . Now he was rocking a blond undercut that became the cherry on top for his new look. Coupled with his earrings that he got pierced over a week ago and his tongue ring that he got done the same day, Terushima looked like a fully bonafide delinquent.
Which was fine . Delinquent was what he was going for.
Bobata’s hands fell to his hair and carded through Teru’s hair. Teru shut his eyes, stomping down his awkwardness to enjoy the careess. “Mmm, stop that. I might jump you.” Terushima purred.
“Shut up, idiot.” Bobata was having none of Terushima’s shit. Teru laughed, “It feels soft,” Bobata continued his petting slowed. “How’d your parents react?” his voice got quiet. Terushima tensed.
But the tension didn’t last. He was smiling shortly after, standing up straight so they could get a move on. And push through the discomfort of talking about his parents in any way shape or form. “They haven’t seen it yet.” Both his parents were off on a business trip. Nothing too uncommon in the Terushima household. He wasn’t looking forward to their return. But he was looking forward to their reactions once they saw his hair. They would be utterly disappointed and filled with resentment. Terushima could practically see it on their faces now. “Come on, man. Let’s go. I feel like Takeharu’s gonna call us any minute now—”
His phone started going off just as he mentioned their other friend’s name. Bobata threw his head back and cackled while Terushima got his phone. The two were heading out the door as Futamata’s screeching rattled Terushima’s ears. “ How long do you plan on making me wait!? ” Futamata yelled.
Futamata was the final piece to their trio. He lived closer to their school so he would wait up for the two at school. Bobata had been Teru’s friend for years but Futamata had joined their duo in middle school. They all ended up attending the same high school, Johzenji because the three musketeers could never be separated. Such a fate was unacceptable. The three got into so many hijinks the teachers stopped attempting to discipline them. They acted like a domino effect: if one person was going to do somethingfuckinig stupid , you better believe the other two weren’t far behind.
Bobata’s laughter carried as they walked down the street for the train. “Uh, we just put on our clothes.” Terushima covered his mouth to hold back his laughter, moving it away from the phone to shot a look at Bobata. Bobata was snickering along with him, shaking his head.
“Oi! Yuuji! Let’s just stay home today! I’m already tired!” Bobata played along, hitching his voice higher than usual.
“Hmmm, Kazu~” Teru pretended to contemplate the idea. “That sounds like a good plaj. I was gonna rage play after school but why wait till then? I could just rage play now and skip school all together! You in?”
“Oh I’m so in.”
“ You’re both dumb as shit. You’re already at the train station, aren’t you ?” Futamata wasn’t buying their shit and rightfully so. He had to deal with the dynamic duo’s antics all last year. He was immune to their nonsense.
Terushima and Bobata broke out into laughter while they entered the train station. Businessmen, students, and citizens walked haphazardly throughout the station. “Yeah, how’d you know?” Terushima asked through laughter.
“ Because you’re idiots who aren’t that hard to figure out. Can you just hurry up? I’m hiding out in the convenience store a few blocks away from school and I refuse to walk in late without my squad! ”
“Yeah yeah yeah, we’re coming soon. Bobata! Say goodbye to our child!” Terushima held up the phone and Bobata took it, making kissy noises into the receiver.
“Daddy loves you so much we’ll see you soon son!”
“Oh sweetheart,” Terushima cooed, pinching Bobata’s face as they boarded the train. “You’re gonna embarrass him in front of all his friends.”
Terushima was met with the angry beeping of an ended phone call. Him and Bobata exchanged glances before breaking out into laughter. They were dumb. But they were dumb funny together and that was the best kind of funny to be.
He expected staring. Terushima walked down the halls with his hands in his pockets and his head held tall. As he did, he attempted to pay no mind to the whispers and the pointing from his classmates. Blond hair and piercings were a sure sign of defiance. He knew very well how much he was deviating from the norm with his decision. In the moment, he didn’t give a fuck. Terushima was impulsivity incarnate. He went with his gut first and listened to his head later. He rarely, if at all, experienced regret. Or rather, he didn’t linger long enough on the negative attention to let regret seep into his bones and weigh them down.
Girls stared or moved out of his way as he walked down the hall. Guys tensed, not knowing if they should pick a fight or prepare for a fight. Terushima already had a reputation for being wild. He did what he wanted, when he wanted. But changing his appearance was apparently the last straw for some people. Too bold.  
He walked into his class five minutes late, sliding the door open as his teacher was going through attendance. He ignored the weird ache in his stomach and slapped on his usual, shit-eating smile.
“Mornin’, sensei~! You’re wearing the green suit again? I keep tellin’ ya it doesn’t go with your eyes!” the whispers came again. Some were heated. They asked what he was doing and what the fuck went wrong. Others were envious, commenting how bold of a choice it was to dye his hair blond. He was used to it. He expected this.
The very same thing happened when he pierced his ears. And when people found out his tongue was pierced too? God, he remembered sitting in the teacher’s office for hoursgetting lectured about how appearance was everything and he practically felt his soul astral project out of his body to Pluto.
Keiichi, his teacher, looked annoyed. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his hands on his hips as Terushima lazily strolled into class towards his seat. “Late again I see, Yuuji-san. Rather than sharing unnecessary comments about my fashion, which is great mind you.”
“Lol yeah okay,” Terushima said just loud enough for the few people around him to hear. The class laughed and he felt energized. He loved this. Loved causing a scene and seeing the reactions he earned afterwards. He was such an attention whore and he wasn’t even ashamed to admit it.
“But you’re late!” Keiichi-sensei pressed, scowl deepening. “Consistently, for the fifth time this week. Which is unacceptable. Therefore, meet me in my office after school.”
Terushima acted as if he hadn’t just heard his teacher’s rant. Perking up delayed a few seconds after. Eyes widened and mouth opened in feigned shock, “Oh what? Sorry I zoned out.”  Terushima bit back on his grin as laughter broke out and his teacher’s glare turned deadly . Boy … if looks could kill. But Terushima felt so satisfied .
Sure, maybe Terushima should down the sass a bit.  Give his teacher a chance to, well teach . But Terushima was feeling so antsy. He blamed the staring and whispers from earlier. The negative attention, though he loved attention and swallowed it up greedily with every chance he got, grated on his nerves more so than he thought they would. He bounced his leg up and down as his teacher continued with class, taking the high road by ignoring him. Terushima snorted.
His teacher was going to get his excess snark to balance the universe out. Such was how the world was going to play out. Class went on without much issues. As time passed people cared less about giving glances and more about their schoolwork. Great, for Terushima! Who could turn his attention to the window because he couldn’t pay a lick of attention for longer than five minutes. Especially on boring content. Terushima would rather wax his legs then sit through fifty minutes reading some dead guy’s poetry who was severely caught in his feelings. He’d just get notes from someone later. Maybe from Mimi-chan. She was cute, and they normally flirted a lot during lunch. So he could hit two birds with one stone easy peesy.
Thank God lunch had finally rolled around. Terushima looked down at his notebook. Rather than having taken notes on the math problems they learned, his book was filledwith designs for characters, monsters, anything his mind could think of. He held up his book with a childish-like pride. “Man, Terushima your a Picasso in the making!”
“What’s that, Teru-kun?” Ah, it was Mimi-kun! Terushima lowered his book and in front of him was Yoshida Mimi. They’ve shared classes before their first year of high school. They clicked immediately, Terushima liking her carefree attitude and Mimi liking his no-strings-attached mentality. They hooked up quite a bit last year, and some more continuing into the new school year as well. She was beautiful, in Terushima’s eyes.
Her black curls bounced, framing her round face. Whatever mascara she wore was magical because it made her eyelashes look ten times longer and curlier than what they should have been. And, Terushima’s eyes immediately went to her cleavage and a goofy grin curled on his lips. She had great breasts too.
“Oi! Teru-kun, my eyes are up here.” but there was no venom in her voice. Another thing he digged about this girl was her super chill personality. Any other girl would have slapped him sideways but not Mimi! A true ride or die she was, in Terushima’s eyes. “And you didn’t answer my question.”
“Haha, sorry Mimi-chan. Got distracted,” he stuck out his tongue, leering. but it dissolved into laughter shortly after as Mimi huffed and pulled up a chair to sit by his desk. He laid down his notebook, hands splayed at the ends as he proudly displayed his newest work. “It’s another masterpiece! I title it, Aliens vs Dinosaurs !” he pointed at a T-rex covered in armor holding a sword, facing off against a three-headed alien with a flaming gun. Terushima pointed, “See see! The Aliens have come trying to colonize the Dinosaurs but the Dinosaurs are like fuck that and you man so they’re defending their land!”
Excitement danced through his voice as he rattled off to Mimi more of his story. Mimi laughed, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. “You’re really talented, ya know? Oh, oh! Draw me next!”
“Hmmmm, maybe~” he didn’t comment on the talented part. He leaned closer, lowering his voice in her ear. “Like a … nude portrait?”
“Ewwww, gross! What foul things are you whispering about during lunch time?” A book dropped onto Terushima’s head. Mimi laughed and Teru stuck his tongue out, caught in the act but not even a least bit ashamed. Bobata, who had dropped the book, stared back with little to no amusement. Though Terushima wouldn’t be fooled. He knew that bastard was smirking underneath his fake deadpan.
Futamata was standing behind him, lips pulled up in a grimace. “Why are you like this?” and then he saw Terushima’s notebook and laughed, “Nice notes you got there, dude. What subject ya’ll working on?”
“This is my masterpiece!” Terushima would put more energy defending his artwork than his own reputation ten times over. “Besides, Mimi-chan was gonna gimmie her notes to copy, right?” he batted his eyelashes and Mimi hummed.
“Maybe~ Depends what I get in return,” her foot rubbed against her leg and the two shared a secretive smile. Futamata gagged and Bobata scoffed, reaching out to grab Terushima by the back of his collar. He gave him a good tug, dragging him up by his feet. “Enough out of you two. Save the nasty for elsewhere! If you keep flirting like this they’re gonna run out of weiner pan,” Bobata said.
He didn’t really have to say anything more after that. Terushima was already halfway out the door, running in place as he waited for his friends to catch up. “Oi! Ya’ll gonna stand there or are we gonna make moves ?”
“I hate him,” Futamata sighed. Mimi laughed, moving back to her group of friends now that Terushima was gone like the wind. They heard distant sounds of gasps, screams, and laughter. The general reaction to a wild Terushima on the loose.
“Yeah, same.” Bobata huffed but they were both grinning as they ran after him.
They found Terushima flirting it up with the lunch lady. Who was significantly older than the three of them combined but age never stopped Terushima . He was chatting her up, asking about her day, trying to finesse extra weiner pans. Everyday he tired to get three instead of one and everyday he failed. But today could be different!
“Come on! Pleaaaaaaaaase!” he whined, laying his body dramatically against the counter. “I’m a growing boy! I’ll starve!”
“I doubt that,” the lunch lady laughed. Bobata and Futamata came just in time to see Terushima throw a fit over being rejected. Again. “Now none of this whining! I tell you the same thing I tell everyone else: you can have extras if there are leftovers .”
“Leftovers? In this economy?” Terushima threw his hands in the air, ready to cause a scene. Bobata and Futamata slipped in underneath his raised arms, snatching their own meals and resting them on their trays. They also got a meal for Terushima. Who, no doubt, forgot to get his main one while he was trying to schmooze the lunch lady over a piece of bread.
“Hey, hey, there’s a line ya goon.” Bobata nudged Terushima with his shoulder.
“Let’s goooooo!” Futamata led the fray and the three fell in line as they exited the lunchroom. Their go to spot for lunch was the rooftop. Off limits to students but Futamata had excellent lock picking skills and could get into the rooftop with ease.
The three took their seats on the roof, springtime sunlight shining cooly upon them. The weather was nice. There was a light breeze that made it cool, but not so cold that it was unpleasant. Clouds lazily strolled above their heads , thin and airy.
Terushima took a large bite into his bread as Bobata said, “So your costume change is a big discussion in my class. Well, amongst the girls anyways.”
The blond raised an eyebrow, swallowing, “Why can’t people mind their own business?”
“It’s funny how you act like you’re bothered,” Futamata smirked.
“I am!” a bit, kind of, more so than he’d let on. But also not, at the same time. Because the change was what he wanted. He actively seeked to make a ripple, a disturbance. Just, not from his peers. “Don’t they have something more important to talk about? Like the latest episode of Super Sentai!” another angry bite of his bread, “Now that’s discourse material.”
“Nerd,” Bobata snorted.
“Geek,” Futamata followed suit.
“Shut up!”
“Anyways!” Bobata laid on his back, looking up at the sky. “What do you guys wanna do after school?”
“Hmmm, arcade? We still gotta break the tie between you and Teru on Street Fighter.” Futamata offered.
“Ooo, that’s an idea,” Bobata hummed.
“I gotta meet with my teacher after school.” Terushima jammed his straw into his juice box and slurped, “Apparently my comment on their whack fashion sense was uncalled for   and necessary for reprimand. ” Terushima used air quotes around uncalled for and necessary for reprimand. “But jokes on them! Cause I’m not going.”
“A true rebel with a cause,” Bobata snickered.
“Oi! Can you not come for my neck for like two minutes you little—!” and thus a fight broke out between the two. Like clockwork, their lunches surrounded a two-v-one drag session with the one lone ranger inciting a full out brawl. Terushima had Bobata gripped by the collar, Futamata snapchatting it all, when his phone buzzed.
“Pause!” Terushima, still gripping onto Bobata’s shoulder, pulled out his phone. ONE NEW MESSAGE flashed on the screen. When he opened it and read the message his eyes lit up. “Oh fuck yes!” he typed out his response, his eyes a lit with excitement.
Bobata rested his chin on Teru’s shoulder, peering at his phone. “Oh, it’s from your uncle?”
Terushima’s uncle was perhaps, one of Terushima’s favorite human beings to ever walk the earth. They met once a month, sometimes even more, on the weekends to hang out. He was Terushima’s saving grace on multiple occasions. “Yeah! He just confirmed our plans for this weekend. Ah, I’m so hyped!”
“You’re gonna come back with more fox things, aren’t you?” Bobata teased, flicking the little fox charm that dangled from Terushima’s phone.
Teru sniffed, “They’re cute!”
“For now, until you find something new to obsess over.” Futamata said. “Speaking of obsession, what’s up with you and Yoshida?”
“Noooothin,” Terushima drawled. His phone buzzed again, a new message from his uncle. Then one more time, but it was a message from a girl in the neighboring class. He grinned, saving that text for later. Flirting was, of course, all about the reactions and Terushima learned rather quickly in his debauchery that keeping a good distance always made the heart grow fonder. “We’re still foolin’ around, if that’s what you mean.”
“She has such a thing for you dude,” Bobata shook his head. “It’s a damn shame she’s being wasted on you! Mr. Can’t Handle a Stable Relationship.”
“Mr. Doesn’t Date Anyone for More than Three Days,” Futamata added.
“Mr. Doesn’t Believe in Love,” Bobata grinned.
“Mr. Says he Doesn’t Believe in Love but is Actually the Biggest Hopeless Romantic of all—”
“OKAY SHUT UP I GET IT!” Terushima’s neck grew hot and he threw punches at both Futamata’s and Bobata’s shoulders. “You guys are the worst.”
“True,” they said at the same time.
“Just because ya’ll are jealous.”
Bobata snorted. Futamata gave him the dead eyes and Terushima flipped them off. And like that, they fell into casual routine. Finishing their lunches up as the bell rang. But the sound didn’t rush them one bit. They always took their time getting back to classes. Usually because they were fucking around for so long they lost time. Five minutes after the bell rang they finally made their move. The game plan was to meet by the shoe lockers after school and head to the arcade. Invite some girls along and then maybe finish the night with some karaoke. The later they stayed out, the better.
Classes were over and Terushima’s brain sighed in sweet relief. He had no idea what his history teacher spoke about for the last fifty minutes but he could only assume it was something boring and not worth his time. He yawned, leaning back on his chair as the sound of desks being pushed back and chairs being moved echoed in the background. Terushima should stay for cleaning, but then he remembered about his meeting after school. Fuck.
“Oi! Class Rep Izumi!” a brown haired teen with thick, black glasses turned around. “Can you do me a favor?”
Izumi sighed, “I already feel myself aging five years…”
“Aw, love nugget. That’s so sweet. I didn’t know I had such an effect on you~”
“What is it that you want, Terushima-san?” Izumi folded his arms and Terushima grinned, all lazy and catlike.
“Will you—?”
“No I’m not taking your cleaning duties.” Izumi shook his head and went back to moving his desk. Terushima whined, getting up from his feet and walking over to Izumi. Izumi yelped as Terushima’s arms wrapped around his middle, his nose pressing into his shoulder.
“Terushima’s begging?” Nico, their other classmate, laughed. “God Terushima where’s your dignity?”
“Um, at home?” he grinned against Izumi’s shoulder, noticing the red that flushed on his neck. Ooo , he blew air against his neck, watching the hair stand up. Izumi’s reaction was priceless! He dropped his desk and turned around, fixing Terushima with a glare. He was shaking, entire face red, and Terushima was cackling , holding his hands by his sides.
“Class Rep, red is such a—such a good color on you—” he wiped at the tears forming in his eyes and went to grab his bag. “So I can leave my clean up duties to you, yeah?”
“—Thanks a million dude!” Terushima patted Izumi’s cheek and bolted out the door before he Izumi had a chance to complain. He snickered, another excellent escape by none other than Terushima! As he darted down the hall people turned to wave at him. Apparently, a day was enough time for people to get used to his change. Good. He waved back at them, his phone buzzing. No doubt getting messages from his group chat with Bobata and Futamata.
“Terushima!” his teacher slid back the door Terushima just ran by, hands on his hips. “Where do you think you are going? We have a meeting right now, remember?”
“Right now?” Terushima jogged in place  at the end of the hallway, “Mmm, maybe tomorrow? Tomorrow works better for me, ya know? Cause time’s a social construct after all and I’ve got plans so, bye!” and he’s off, darting down the hall. He heard footsteps and when he looked over his shoulder he saw his teacher hot on his heels.
Damn, for someone in their mid thirties they can really haul ass.
Terushima ran at full speed down the hallway, cackling all the while. He turned around a corner, jumping onto the railing of the stairs so he could slide down. “And he sticks the landing!” he posed in front of a group of girls who were standing at the bottom of the staircase. Most of them clapped. One just raised her eyebrow at Terushima, unimpressed.
“Were you not amazed the first time? Should I do it again?” he teased, ready to do it again when he heard the teacher’s voice. “Okay another time! Bye girls!” he stumbled a bit before booking it down the hall and outside.
Johzenji’s campus was pretty big. They had two main buildings that connected with an archway. Johzenji looked the best in autumn, when the leaves were changing. There were so many trees that were planted around campus, some people considered it a forest more so than anything else. Johzenji was best known for their academics, above else, which was why they had two buildings dedicated to academics. Terushima couldn’t escape to the western building, where other classes were held. The teachers would rat him out immediately.
So he went for the gym, which was one of the smaller buildings on campus. With any luck, he could hide in there for a few minutes until the coast was clear and then text his friends that he was safe and sound and ready for debauchery. He slipped into the gym, panting and ran for the nearest hiding spot: the storage room. Thankfully, no—luckily—the door was unlocked. So he slipped inside without a hitch. He hid behind one of the jumping boards and waited.
A few minutes passed before he decided to check his phone. “Dammit! No bars,” he couldn’t even send a hey guys the teacher’s got it out for me so if I die Bobata, you get my games and Futamata you get… all my love text. “I’ll just dip then,” he went to stand up when the door opened. Jumping, he’s expecting it to be the teacher who sniffed him out with their greyhound nose.
Instead, it’s some dude with a buzzcut he’s never seen before. And by his side was, probably, one of the prettiest girls Terushima had ever seen. He blinked. They stared back. Terushima immediately assumed they were staring at him because of his appearance, and he bristled. Ready for a fight when Buzzcut spoke up.
“You here for tryouts?” he smiled softly, but there was a hint of excitement mixed with anticipation in his eyes that made Terushima feel… odd. Terushima was not… expecting that.
“Uh—” words, use your words . “No I—” there’s movement outside. He heard voices. The squeaking of sneakers against gymnasium floors. And above them all, he heard the voice of his teacher. He tensed again. Buzzcut and Pretty Brunette shared looks before Terushima heard the teacher’s voice grow closer. He gasped and ducked back down behind his hiding spot.
“Hey you two,” Keiichi wiped the sweat from his brow, fanning himself. “Have you seen, have you seen a student go by here? Blond hair? Piercings?”
Terushima’s heart flew up to his throat. They were gonna rat him out. He felt it in his bones. That soft smile be damned. All they had to do was mention seeing him and he was—
“Nope,” Buzzcut said. “Sorry, sensei.”
“If he comes by we’ll let you know,” Pretty Brunette followed.
The teacher disappeared. Buzzcut turned his gaze back to Terushima who was rising up again now that the coast was clear. Surprise colored Terushima’s face. He didn’t even bother to hide it.
“What? You thought we were going to rat you out or something?” rather than sounding offended, Buzzcut actually looked amused.
“Yes. 100% absolutely definitely,” his response came with little to no hesitation.
Pretty Brunette, God he needed to know her name out of principle, crossed her arms. “Just like you to not leave a stranger in need, Seiji-san.” she sighed, casting a glance over at Terushima. He winked in response and she scowled. “Even if they’re troublesome.”
“Trouble’s the new sexy, haven’t you heard?” Terushima maybe do less?
Buzzcut—no wait, his name was Seiji, laughed. “He’s funny, Hana-san. And he appeared just in time for tryouts. Which you’ll be staying for, right… ah, what’s your name?”
“Terushima Yuuji. And no! I won’t be staying for tryouts. I got a basketball game tomorrow and I’m running late for it so—Thanks for the offer!”
“Wait!” Seiji grabbed Terushima by the arm as he walked by, releasing when Teru shot him a look. “Ah, sorry. I—it would be a waste if you didn’t try out. Since you’re here after all.”
“Me?” Teru raised an eyebrow, “Try out for volleyball? I’ve never played.”
“That’s fine!” Seiji smiled and Hana shot him a look. “Terushima-san, was it? I actually saw you running into our shed. You’re fast, and you look like you’re really athletic. You’d be a great asset to the team if you tried out.”
This was a joke, right? It had to be a joke. Terushima had never joined an organized sport before. But no, the look in Seiji’s eyes said he was very serious. Ah, his phone buzzed again in his pocket. He looked down and there were ten new messages from his group chat and a few messages from Mimi. He should go. He really should but.
He made the mistake of looking over his shoulder. The team was warming up with sets and spikes. He watched in utter fascination as the ball was set and a player ran up by the ride side, jumping in the air, and spiking it down the other side of the net with great force. The sound of the spike resonated with Terushima. He looked at the spikers jumping and suddenly, he wanted to do it to. It looked fun. And it was just for a few hours.
He turned back to Seiji and Hana, and Seiji was looking at him as if he already knew the answer. Terushima shrugged, feigning nonchalance even though the smile on his face was pure giddy excitement. “Yeah sure. Okay. You saved my ass back there so why not.” He’d try out today, at least to repay the favor. He’d also explain to Bobata and Futamata why he bailed, which they’d hopefully understand. And then tomorrow he’d get back into his routine of fuckery incarnate and avoid the gym at all costs so he didn’t have to go back the next day.
Yeah. That’d work.
“Awesome!” wow, Terushima winced from how bright Seiji’s smile was. He had one of those smiles that made you want to trust him with all your secrets and then some. He patted Terushima on the shoulder. “Let’s go get you a penny and a change of clothes.”
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flameontheotherside · 7 years
"We are all Soulmates and Twinflames"
😆Jesus take the wheel please before I get irritated. *rolls eyes*
Now I've heard some people say we all are soul mates. Yeah we all come from source making us all soulmates. Sure generally speaking, yeah but every now and then some snooty know it all has to ruin a conversation by inputting this technical bullshit nonsense.
Anyway yes generally speaking we as a collective are soulmates... 🤔HOWEVER I always thought we all have our own individual soul families or soul groups who incarnate with us, who serve as incarnates (sometimes spirit guides) in assistance of spiritual growth. Once your lesson is learned, you don't need that soul, you part ways.
Everyone has a twin flame. Idk about you but that's just my belief. ✊ Power to the people. Irregardless some people need to be kicked in the face 😑. To be a twin it implicates 2 people. Not 575%4$8&=#5835!.... The fuck? Did you fail Basic math?
ONE. Lemme repeat that for the slow people.
"Oh but we are all soulmates so we all must be twinflames"
Again some people don't know basic math. A twin flame is who will "complete" you on the soul level. This would be like a soul mate but on steroids. So to speak. This is the other half of you. We are never incomplete but for sake of arguing we don't necessarily feel complete without the other.
Twin flames NEVER part ways like soul mates do.
Not in the same way. Twin flames go through periods of separation and incarnation. It's more likely your TF is serving as one of your spirit guides. In some cases there is the whole "running" and "chasing" detail I don't believe in, because that kind of thinking causes people to think their abusive relationship is okay. They think they are with a TF... Turns out they were delusional (spouse is just a natural dick kindred spirit) or can't see past the fact they need help. Kind of their fault but that's just an opinion and I feel like an 😌 💩 asshole today. If you catch the reference, I love you.
Twin flames can be Soul Mates.
It is often TF incarnate together. It's not unheard of. Your TF is a permanent partner in your soul group or family and they stick around forever and don't leave the same way soul mates do. Like Erik and I for example. We've only have 3 lives together. Because TF relationships are complicated, all three lives pretty much sucked. It gets messy most of the time but the purpose is to speed up spiritual progress in the lessons we learn.
Soul mates cannot become twin flames.
It's just not possible because at the souls creation we are split in two. Not a million. I mean if you have idk common sense it's pretty self explanatory. Gotta question some times.
(ノ◕ヮ◕) check out the support forums tailored for TFs on the other side: 💻 Flame On The Other Side Support Forum Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog ran by his amazing mom Dr Elise Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and shit.(◕‿◕)♡ channelingerik.com … And YouTube
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honeyedmilks · 7 years
1-12, 14-19, 27-29, 32. 42 and 54 :D You don't have to answer them all hahaha
assiehfaefa ima answer them all! thank you so much angel!
1: favourite kdrama
let’s say that my current favourites are; the princess’ man, and jealousy incarnate!
2: least favourite kdrama
least favourite… hwarang, strong woman do bong soon, and drinking solo. i just dislike these. but if we’re talking one i like but wouldn’t have at the top of my list… then moon lovers. 
3: first kdrama i watched:
it was boys over flowers!!! wow!!! the memories… the tears… so iconic… i couldn’t watch lee min ho in anything for a long time because go jyun pyo broke my heart!!! 
4: last kdrama i watched: 
i’m currently watching school 2017 (!!!!!!!!!!!! kim tae woon i loveth you) and also watching an oldie drama called the woman who still wants to marry. it’s based around female friendship and i’m at ep 11 and still going!
5: kdrama otp (s):
oh boy so here we go!!! in no particular order, here are some pairings i really do love/ cried over/ had lots of feelings over!!
kim shin and eun tak (i miss my sweet souls) from goblin
lee se ryung and kim seung yoo from the princess’ man
park do kyung and oh hae young from oh hae young again
pyo na ri and lee hwa shin from jealousy incarnate
do min joo and cheong song yi from my love from another star
i’m sure there are more but these are whay come to mind right now! :’)
6: kdrama notp (s)
wang so with tragedy and injustice!!!
7: preferred drama genre
honestly it first of all romance, but these days i love a good melodrama! romantic comedies are good too if they’re done well! i do also love a good fantasy… or saeguk, but again it depends on what kind of saeguk… drama’s about friendships… family… they can be really interesting. i’ll be honest and say my least favourite genre are workplace dramas. 
8: first drama i considered my favourite:
ooh… that’s hard… let me think… i think it was reply 1988- until it crushed my pathetic heart into a million pieces.
9: favourite korean actors
ooh… gong yoo (not just because he’s a fantastic actor but he’s also such a lovely awesome guy),
lee joon gi (for his magnificent micro-expressions)
jo jung suk (you all must see him in jealousy incarnate)
seo in guk 
seo kang joon (he played my love, baek in ho)
 and so ji sub!
10: favourite korean actress (es)
zamn let’s do this then!
gong hyo jin (she is sooo lovely and brilliant!!)
kim go eun (again lovely and brilliant!!!) 
jun ji hyun (who doesn’t love her dramas tho) 
shin min ah (i love all these talented ladies so much it’s not even funny)
yoo in nah
kim hee-ae
kim seul gi 
and lee sung kyung!
11: favourite kdrama cliche
ha! i honestly am such a sucker for the main leads doing sweet things like looking after the female lead when she’s hurt- even if it’s buying her medicine, looking after her when she’s drunk. just thoughtful things in general. and i like it when the female lead does the same for the male lead. like just doing lovely things for the other :( 
i am also a whore for long hidden glances and petty silly jealousy or crushing babbling nonsense (not like scary jealousy tho) and honestly who doesn’t love a good hearts racing, cheeks blushing cliche moment? 
when drama’s do parodies of other famous drama’s idhfud they just take the mick it’s so funny
food, everywhere, yummy ramen, yummy spicy rice cakes… yummy… yumness…
oh and a good crying scene… shed those dramatic tears my boy!!!!
12: least favourite kdrama cliche
wrist grabbing oiadhc’iuafh 
MISUNDERSTANDINGS, like the real ugly kind
noble idiocy is just… it rarely works… please stop making my soul suffer… 
evil mothers ;(((((( 
the dreaded make over
14: boys over flowers or secret garden?
boys over flowers!!!! watching secret garden makes me sightly sick now oahiduhfa the main lead :////// plus bof has lee min ho and his perm and i live for that look
15: weightlifting fairy kim bok joo or cheese in the trap?
now what cruel person… i want to say cheese in the trap just because i love baek in ho so much and it was such a thrill at the start… but i’ll have to go with weightlifting fairy… there’s more pro’s in this drama… like the fact i actually finished it when it was airing… 
16: jealousy incarnate or oh my ghostess?
definitely jealousy incarnate, lee jong suk is really brilliant as lee hwa shin and even though i have to admit that i didn’t watch the side stories, and mostly only the stories of lee hwa shin and pyo nari… it’s still better than oh my ghostess in my opinion. the latter show made me uncomfortable- mostly due to the fact the main lead was falling in love with a mix of two people. it just made me a bit itchy :(( and sad :(( because then the romance is a bit of a mess
17: descendants of the sun or w: two world?
hmm.. i actually did start descendants but dihfiadhf for the life of me could not get past the first two episode, maybe it was the dramatic love song at the end of their first meeting that had me both scratching my head and stifling laughter. but i’ve heard good things about w, and did want to pick it up until i heard the ending went a bit lopsided, so to save myself disappointment, i did not watch it. 
18: moonlight drawn by clouds or legend of the blue sea?
okay so this is tricky… mdbc is critically… probably a better drama but despite it’s flaws i really have to say legend of the blue sea. i watched it the whole way through, and i really love the soundtrack (which im actually listening to as i answer these) and the main characters, and it made me laugh a lot even if i did cry a little over the greatness it could’ve been :((
19: strong woman do bong soon or shopping king louie?
dsuigfiddifdfiv shopping king louie! how cute were booksil and louie ::((( so cute!!
27: favourite kdrama bromance
okay so this is an interesting question… probably the friendship between park do kyung and all his male friends from oh hae young again… their loyalty was heart warming, but grimsie and kim shin from goblin were cute friends too.
28: favourite kdrama friendship
i have a few!
oh hye won and her friend ji soo from secret love affair. i really loved their friendship, how ji soo was a pillar of support for hye won, she was a real friend. 
i really truly love the friendship between the three main female leads in the woman who still wants to marry- it’s so warm. 
oh hae young and her friend in oh hae young again are also very sweet, i’m really glad hae young had a friend she could talk to. 
oh and the friendships between shim cheong and all her cute oddball friends in legend of the blue sea :’((( that was pure stuff right there
and let’s not forget the kids and family on the block in reply 1988, its honestly so lovely :’((
i feel like there’s almost always a sidekick friend in kdrama’s but never are they good friendships that make me feel things :( sometimes the friend is just a prop 
29:  favourite actor/actress duo? (one male, one female)
oooh… this is hard… if this was bollywood it would be easier because i would’ve just said kajol and sharukh khan… but here… lemme think… now that i think about it… i really liked gong hyo jin with so ji sub in the master’s sun. i also really liked park hyun sik and lim ji yeon together in high society. but otherwise… my brain is frazzled!! 
how could i forget minah and namgung min in beautiful gong shim :((( they had such great chemistry 
but lets be real jo jung suk and gong hyo jin in jealousy incarnate were hilarious. 
32: do you watch drama’s with 30 plus episodes?
oh boy oh boy… i think i did watch one? but skipped a load of it to watch one couple… i mean i’ve thought about it? especially with father is strange… but it’s a pretty rare case. i know i’ve started some but couldn’t get through them all :(
42: favourite kdrama kiss scene 
ihfr’iue ye’qewu the kisses in coffee prince… are truly something… 10/10
54: recommend 3 fluffy AF dramas
efrhiptfuohf’rgh let us see… this is hard because kdrama’s don’t like being complete fluff… but the woman who wants to marry is a wild bit of fun :((
my girlfriend is a gumiho is a really nice watch, wouldn’t call it 100% fluff because… i cried a little 
oh and splash splash love is short and sweet without being too silly :’)
and i guess my only love song is a load fluff, you can enjoy its strange antics and not take it too seriously! 
thank you for these lovely questions
send me some asian drama asks!  
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
Watching The Husbands of River Song for the first time
(When I started writing the post I messed up my typing and the title said “Watchgin the Husnabds of REierv Sogn for the fitrst time”)
-Oh dear, one episode closer to catching up to the show, and one step clser to a yet unknown source of heartbreak.
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tf is this flying dish
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Wait, they’re celebrating Christmas in 5343?
-Wow Jesus looks like you’ve really outdone yourself
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Why is the music all doom-y and scary like this is something bad That is the best note ever
-HEEEEyyyyy it’s the bald guy from the Series 10 trailer!!
-He looks like he’d be a mouse or a hamster if he was an animal
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“Is there anything on my head?”
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-well hello alien santa under the hood
-wait why is she so pissed-- OHHHHHH
-IT’S BEFORE SHE wait hold on a minute
-This is the first time she’s seeing his twelfth incarnation in-show, yes? No?
-*checks Wikipedia* Yes I’m right but...
-I think I’ll have to watch more before jumping to conclusions
-By the way, this.
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A time travelling alien as old as time and also a fluffy grinning cat.
-”My husband is dying.”  Doctor: wtf is going on am i about to cross my own timestream or what
-”wtf river”
-Ah yes, flurry snow in the middle of a bajillion cogwheels, brilliant intro.
-Oh shit it’s Moffat
-Poor Twelve must be confused so much.
-River looks like she’s faking though. She’s not the kind of person who coos at people like that.
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(unfortunately I could not find a stock photo of a cat looking exactly like this. pity.)
-No, seriously. Look at this cate.
-Anyway who the fuck is that guy in that disproportionately large armor, like, where in the actual sarlacc butthole did he come from
-River Song’s Drama has increased by 100!
-uhhh lemme see I think that’s a mix of Megaman, the old Transformers cartoon and ahh what’s that one videogame I swear there are videogames with people wearing hulky armor like that
-I don’t even
-I don’t even know what I’m watching
-And yet there’s this lingering fear in the back of my mind that’s still scared of the text “Written by Steven Moffat”
-Wait, if she’s talking to the people in the little screens and they react accordingly to her gestures, then it means they’re watching her too, but where’s the camera?
-Doctor: “the fuck”
-”Do you recognize me?”  “No”  So the Doctor said no because of something unrelated but I swear a part of him just wanted to get back at River
-”You’re talking about murdering someone!”  “No I’m not, I’m actually murdering someone.”
-”Do you know who you remind me of?”   “Yes, probably of a chap with a big-” (he means big chin, don’t get any ideas)   “My second wife!”
-The dialogue is top notch in this episode
-Oh no, it’s the robot king who doesn’t look like he can eat his enemies very efficiently and his legion of...
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...sword-wielding Jawas.
-Heck, they even sound like Jawas.
-what the effing head
-”I wondered why we didn’t share a bathroom”
-Well for me it explains the nonsense body proportions
-”Decision overruled. Recommendation: Chill.”
-I love how the robot suit says “Chill”, it’s just so.. chill. It’s actually chilling out. It’s the chillest robot in robot history.
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I have paused at just the right moment
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They’re nerding out together
-Aw the Doctor’s laughing
-He’s having so much fun
-”I haven’t laughed in a long, long time.”  There. All the more merrier because of that.
-Oh god
-Okay how many people are River Song gonna hang around with in this episode
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‘Little do they know the BBC wanted to continue the show for another fifty years.’
-noooo not the bald guy nuuuuu
-What a cynical robot
-Poor Doc
-”Oh yeah I’m SURE I’ll get SOOOO surprised”
-”It’s my girl.”
-The sarcasm is strong with this one.
-”Oh it’s BIGGER on the INSIDE how SURPRISING because I’ve NEVER seen one beFORE”
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-”Wait, my Tardis had a fridge?”
-Sooooo when River was with Eleven she was the better driver (in terms of comfort; no offense to Eleven’s Timelording skills in general) but now Twelve is probably the calmest drver so far and River’s, well... not so much.
-”Of course I’m NOT getting frustrated by you doing everything wrong and trying to give you instructions because it’s CLEARLY not my Tardis how can you even SUGGEST such a thing”
-”Yes thank you I am a quick learner and NOTHING else, NOTHING like I’ve flown this Tardis countless times before”
-So if the Tardis can’t take off while someone’s both in and out, then this wouldn’t work, huh.
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(From one of the Bunny Suicides books)
-”What sort of medical school did you go to?”
-A king does not unnecessarily endanger the lives of his people... Unless he is cross.
-”Death initiated.”
-The fuck kind of Star Wars cantina did they walk into
-”They’re still digesting their mother.”
-”--I will rip you open and devour you--”    “It’s my stomach.”
-Even the guy whose wife got eaten by his kids is going ‘wtf’
-The fuck kind of CGI was that
-”This is where genocide comes to kick back and relax.”    Oh boy, that’s gonna get on the Doctor’s nerves.
-”Why are you frowning?”   “How’d you know?”   “It’s audible.”
-”The man who gave me this was the sort of man who’d know exaclty how a long a diary you’re going to need.”  “Oh yeah that’s definitely not me”
-Annnnd River’s supposed to be paid by a Voldemort with a nose.
-For some reason, Credits seems to be the common term for whatever currency is used vaguely in scifi universes. They have Credits in Star Wars too!
-Whoever is playing that pale guy is going to have a royally sore throat by the end of the episode.
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-”Hail Hydra”
-You should probably just give him the head...
-To be fair you crackhead guys did creep them out
-The thing.
-Did the head just run away or something, why are the Doctor and River so uneasy, do they really just don’t want to witness a brain surgery or am I missing something here
-Dang it Doctor.
-”The skyyyy shall crrrrrack”
-Well the head is there...
-what. the. fuck. is. happening.
-”At last I am whole again”  Well I wouldn’t really call it whole if your body’s a robot but...
-Okay.... that happened.
-*hastily muffled Steven Universy screeching*
-Why do his eyebrows make a squeak sound
-”A picnic at Asgard...”  MARVEL/DOCTOR WHO CROSSOVER CONFI-- nevermind
-jesus christ why is that guy so intent on reading River’s diary out loud
-’The Angels Take Manhattan’ was three seasons ago. And yes, that episode was written by Moffat too.
-”An infinite number of faces”   Well, I wouldn’t say it’s infinite per se...
-Besides, if there’s only the head left, wouldn’t that kind of hinder the regeneration, if not stop it altogether?
-Wait, since when was the robot the king and not the head?
-I don’t like the catfish bug guy with the French mustache. In fact, I am liking him less and less by the second.
-Dammit River why would you want to hurt him like that HE IS RIGHT THERE  ;_;
-”Two hearts, stupid clothes--”  Well the latter changed a bit.
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-”I’m an archaeologist from the future.  I dug you up.”
-”What do you think of my new body”  “I’ll let you know, I’ve only seen the face”  Okay it’s either me or Moffat that isn’t aware that this is a family show.
-She caught it in her f-cking boobs
-”So, King Hydroflax?”  (idk how tf it’s spelled)  “I married the diamond!”  (”wE ARE THE CRYSTAL--””SHUT UP!!”)  “So you say.”  “Elizabeth the First.”  “Ramone.”  “Marilyn Monroe!”  “Stephen Fry!”  “Cleopatra!”  “Same thing!”
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Glowing cables.
-”Crashing spaceships, that’s my job.”  I feel like I should write a sentence that rhymes with this, but unfortunately I can’t.
-”I’ve been doing it longer!”  “I do it better!”  Like how you drive the Tardis, for example.  (I can also see the above dialogue used in a very, very, wrong, scenario, but I’ll just keep quiet and hope that it wasn’t Moffat’s intention.)
-river u ok?
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Looks like one of those audio equipment machines.
-Reminds me of the ‘Profit’ memes.
-1. Crash ship  2. Look outside  3. FIRE  4. Nope the fuck outta there and travel forward in time  5. ??  6. Profit
-1. Visit some yet-to-be tour spot  2. Give money to a random guy and tell him to set up a restaurant  3. Travel forward in time  4. ???  5. Profit
-River why aren’t you closing the Tardis door
-Oh look Nardole’s alive too
-”Now that, my dear, is a suit.”  Gotta agree.
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(Screencap of webpage http://www.chakoteya.net/DoctorWho/30-9.htm)
-”Are you crying?”
-i-- yes yes i am  blame moffat not me
-”There are stories about us, you know.”  “Oh, I dread to think.”  Been looking around AO3, have you River?
-m o f f a t   y o u   m o t h e r f u c k e r
-sglsdhgflWEGyglhsghsgFLH;;1 LDG lJHGJLHAGLJhglhgljhglhHS DFHS5134 GLHFGLSDHFGh 454123gshdHFJHgjGSJDFL
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Moffat you deceitful fuck, I won’t trust you until the very end
-But thank you for sparing us from saying goodbye to her face
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You forgot to say ‘forever’
-Please just let them stay together happily for those 24 years
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HA I spelled it right
-Overall one of the best Christmas specials in my personal opinion, and top-notch acting by Capaldi. Really, top, notch.
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rxcusant · 7 years
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well now that i’m actually awake and have had time to process this reveal, lemme actually talk about it instead of going ‘@ ux why’
it’s gon get spoilery for UX so yeah
SMOL EDIT: little run down from one of my party members of this whole nonsense for those of you who dunno whats up: -KH Unchained Chi is being rebranded/rereleased/something to KH Union Cross -Season 2 is  Union Cross -There's "pre registrations" for Union Cross, heavily implying a different app (will avatar stuff transfer??) -MoM wanted Ava to find "5 new union leaders" and we have 3/5 confirmed -multiplayer bullshit
first things first: venven is a super dandelion. i gotta be honest, i really didn’t like this theory just because ven being 1000 years sounded like bullshit. still does IMO. But since the Dandelions are being sent forward in time (or at least that’s the implication I’m getting) I can buy it a little better. since he’s not literally 1000 years old, just moved across that timespan.  and Lady Ava my fox bae picked him to be the leader of a new union, which means something about him had to stand out. be it his skill with a keyblade or whatever else. I don’t know if she picked him because of his ‘light’ since I know before the whole split-vanitas thing i.. think his darkness was stronger....? Don’t quote me, I’m just reading into how MX was like ‘yeah i split ventus in half but his darkness took too much and now he’s dying’. I know before the split too he was pessimistic and sarcastic. A salty 11 year old doesn’t sound like a good choice for a Union leader but I digress.
It’s an interesting move for his character, and I look forward to how it plays it or what they do with it, but it also jsut leaves a fuck ton more questions. How in the hell did he end up with MX, did he break again and forget everything about daybreak town and keyblades?? stop forgetting shit ventus. You probably knew a lot more about Keyblades than MX.
how do they plan to explain all this in time for KH3, they’re creating more questions than answers to already pre existing questions--
aaaaand Union X Cross. It sounds like a whole new game. I’m disappointed if i’m bein’ blunt. Why are they making a whole new game/app? this will be the third incarnation of Browser X, same story, there’s-- no reason for it to exist other than MORE MULTIPLAYER from the looks of it. plus I have no idea if my avatar stuff will transfer, I didn’t work my butt off for cute avatar parts to lose them I did in Browser. I hope it will. the pre-reg has me concerned.
I dunno, my UX party is losing faith but I’ll keep swimming along. I’ve been on this roller coaster for years now, I refuse to jump ship.
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latenightwh · 7 years
Trump v. Thomas Jefferson, Part II
Jefferson: “...perhaps it is well.”
Trump: “Huh? What’s--what’d you say?”
Jefferson: “Hmm?”
Trump: “You just--you’ve been staring at the wall for, like, 20 minutes--I thought you’d passed out on your feet. I do that sometimes. It looks like I’m listening, but--”
Jefferson: “Do not compare the workings of my mind with yours. My eccentricities were legion--I believe some of your present-day alienists have offered to diagnose me in absentia with various mental infirmities--a gross presumption of theirs--but I was never absent from my thoughts. I was deliberate. Always. You are never so. We are as unalike as Day from Night, and yet the same great nation, its people, in their native wisdom, chose both of us to serve the same office. This--perplexes me. Two unalike things cannot function in a like manner--yet the common perception that guides the conscience of the electorate has decided that they shall do so--is this a paradox?”
Trump: “...”
Jefferson: “You’ve passed out on your feet, haven’t you?”
Trump: “Huh? Yeah, no, totally checked out. It’s like when other people start talking, the world just stops being real to me, you know?”
Jefferson: “You are Narcissus incarnate.”
Trump: “I’m assuming that’s a compliment.”
Jefferson: “Of course you do.”
Trump: “So what were you saying.about ‘it is well’?”
Jefferson: “I was ruminating on the knowledge you and this present time have of my...private dealings.”
Trump: “Oh, you mean sleeping with the help--yeah, it’s bad when they find out stuff like that--lemme tell you, Schwarzenegger never recovered from--”
Jefferson: “Stop using what you think of as words. I have considered, and my consideration is this: It is well.”
Trump: “’Well’? ‘Well,’ what? What’s ‘well’?”
Jefferson: “That my shame be known to all. That my...conduct regarding Sally Hemmings be known--and that I be calumniated for it.”
Trump: “OK, look, we all like to make up words--”
Jefferson: “Dear Merciful Maker of World and Time, you are a trial of patience and belief. I am saying that my ownership of slaves, my use of the young woman as a concubine--”
Trump: “--we’re still talking about sleeping with the help, right?”
Jefferson: “YES.”
Trump: “Cool, cool, just making sure.”
Jefferson: “Listen to me: it is the curse of every generation to be the shame of its posterity. What one man does, another, in ages hence, despises him for--though both are men of equal conscience. Do you see?”
Trump: “Man, I wish I still had Bannon around to translate the hard stuff--maybe I can call up Miller--well, maybe not, that guy gives me the creeps.”
Jefferson: “I am saying that I failed to be what I pledged to be when I wrote the Declaration. That I set forth to my people--our people--a promise of universal equality--of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable human rights--and I then completely failed to live up to those ideals in my own conduct as a private citizen.”
Trump: “Wait...hang on...”
Jefferson: “You can do this. Follow the thread.”
Trump: “So, you’re saying, you made a bunch of promises, and then you didn’t keep them?”
Jefferson: “Crudely put, but essentially, yes.”
Trump: “Then we are just alike!”
Jefferson: “No--”
Trump: “No, no, no--we are! We totally are. Like, when I ran for president, I told people a bunch of stuff--like we’re gonna make so much stuff happen, and then I didn’t do any of it, and I’m totally never gonna--I mean, a wall along the entire Southern border?! That’s freaking insane! Never gonna do it! Said I would, but I lied. Just like you!”
Jefferson: “...”
Trump: “Going back to staring at the wall again, huh?”
Jefferson: “I cannot look at you. Because though every fiber of my being pleads, nay, shrieks at me to defy your accusation, I cannot do so. You are an oathbreaker--a traitor to the bright promise of this nation and your office--”
Trump: “Whoa, hang on!”
Jefferson: “And so was I. The more so, because I promised so much more. And that is why I say: it is well.”
Trump: “What? What is ‘well’? You are harder to understand than those generals who talk to me about Afghanistan!”
Jefferson: “When I wrote the Declaration, I made a pledge that I could not keep: a free nation, a free people. I failed--yet my words have merit beyond my own ability to abide by them. You say that I lied, but I did not lie--I told the truth, but refused to believe it myself.”
Trump: “You told the truth? About what?”
Jefferson: “About America. Not about what it was--but what it might, in time, become. That is what even I did not have the wit to see, at the time--that an untruth may, by the work of better men, be made truthful. That, indeed, has always been the best quality of America--we make promises that are impossible to keep--and then keep them.”
Trump: “Wait, so, like, the wall really is going to happen?”
Jefferson: “As I say: Narcissus incarnate. In any event, I am saying that if I am held in low esteem today--if the generation that now lives and strives forward into making that promise true--if they view me with shame, then they must do so because their sense of justice, of virtue, of equality, of human potential must have exceeded the sense of those things from my time. Don’t you see? If I am become a figure of shame, it must be because the America of today has become a better place--and that is a place that I made possible, by making a promise that others chose to keep.”
Trump: “...”
Jefferson: “I wonder if I could just go back to Hell now, and skip the rest of this nonsense.”
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