#keigo is thinking babe i love you but pls
Im just imagining Akari noticing Izuku's hyper fixation on Heroes and All Might and looking over at Keigo like 😏
And Keigo is IMMEDIATELY "No." Because she cannot peer diagnose everyone she suspects could be neurodivergent
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
May I request some hawks headcanons please? 🥺👉👈 I love when people talk about his lil bird like traits or tendencies! I could totally see him cooing and making noises while cuddling or when his girlfriend is sad! He’d totally make a nest on his big ass bed and find random things to give to his girlfriend! You can add some NSFW too if you want! I just love hawks with bird tendencies thank you <3
— bird tendencies w/ keigo takami
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⇝ pairing(s): keigo takami x gn!reader
⇝ rating: mature, 18+.
⇝ genre: smut, fluff.
⇝ warning(s): please read ! this request has been split into sfw and nsfw so please read with caution. unprotected sex ( please wear protection ) oral sex ( male receiving ), male masturbation, mentions of rut, breeding kink, cumplay, dry humping and overstimulation.
⇝ author’s note(s): wew its been a while!! sorry that this took so long but im super excited to be back and posting requests, they’ll slowly be rolling out over the coming weeks so i hope you’re all excited!! i really liked writing this one and hope you don’t mind that i made it gender neutral! 
⇝ masterlist | requests
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sfw !!
okay so we all know keigo is just one giant walking man bird
and one thing about make birds is that they can’t differentiate between reflections and real life, so every time keigo walks past a mirror in your apartment
he thinks it’s another male bird CHALLENGING him for the right to court you
sometimes you wake up to like a whole bunch of hooting like ??? what the fuck ???
so you get up and just see the big dummy squaring up to himself in the mirror HDJSJD HELP
“yn get behind me ! this mother fucker tried to break in !!”
“kei baby, that’s just your reflection.”
defo PUFFS up his wings when you’re talking to someone he doesn’t like.
he’s your big bad bird man and he’s going to protect you!!
because he’s a pro hero he doesn’t really get to see you during the week :( so while your out working he often leaves stuff on your front porch / balcony as a gift
birds love shiny things so it’s often a necklace, a diamond, a bracelet— anything shiny that catches his eye 🥺 you get it
you always call him after and tell him not to spend so much money on you but he claims it doesn’t hurt his pockets ( he must be earning big buck as the number two as well )
“keigo? did you even CHECK the price tag on this necklace??”
“kkrkrkrk can’t hear you babe Krkrkrk you’re breaking up !! *scrunches up paper* too much static will call you later bye!”
like you said, when he senses that you’re sad he’ll often build a nest for you to come home too
fills it with all your favourite snacks and pretty rocks that reminded him of you.
literally tucks you under his wing and sings you a little birdie song to help you sleep 🥺
will probably accidentally wake you up in the morning by cooing :(
but it’s okay cos he brought you breakfast !!
it totally wasn’t a dead rabbit that he caught you lol
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nsfw !!
like any bird, keigo goes through a rut.
when you first started dating he tried to keep it away from you but you ended up going over to his to check on him anddd
there he was, legs spread out wide to jerk himself to orgasm.
and ofc you stayed to help.
gets really possessive of you when leading up to his rut— doesn’t let you leave his sight and hates when you come back from work smelling like other males.
when you’re not around or are away he sends you audio recordings of him fucking pillows, cocksleevs, fleshlights anything he can think of to get some release.
pls just get to this man as soon as you can
fucks you from behind on his bed, cumming on your ass and back until all he can smell is his sex on you.
“look at you baby bird, covered in my fucking cum...you look so fucking delicious.”
will literally hump your leg and end up creaming in his pants when he’s too far gone.
makes you suck him off to clean it up after.
even through his haze he’ll do his best to pleasure you, stimulating your sex or eating you out before hand.
primal urge to have you filled and stuffed with his cum, in your sex or your mouth he doesn’t care.
can go from hours of slow grinding and teasing you to making the both of you cum in a matter of minutes.
his wings always spread out w i d e when he blows his load.
he’s super super vocal too, will whine so brokenly and prettily and but also never stops with dirty talk NEVER
“gonna fuckin take that cock baby? yea? want me to fuck up those insides?” 
cums inside you or on your ass. no in between.
he doesn’t like to waste it okay :(
you have to swallow the whole load if it’s in your mouth, he wants you to fucking savour the taste !!
if you let some drip he’ll defo fuck your mouth again, cream in it and make you hold the cum in your mouth while makes you ride him to over sensitivity <3
leaves bruises and bites all over you and then ends up kissing each and every one of them after his rut.
always cleans you up with a warm bath and plenty of water for you both to drink :(
literally takes the best care of his baby bird, he loves you so much.
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suggiebabe · 4 years
hi there! so um, i've been seeing a lot of tiktok videos in which hawks is cheating on his s/o and getting caught by them. i was wondering if you would be so kind as to make a fic about it? 🥺👉👈 i'm really curious on how it's gonna play out (it's up to you if you want it to have a happy ending). thank you!!
Please Believe Me!
A/N: Not @ me saying I would post last weekend, then not posting an actual fic like a whole week later......... My deepest apologies... but I once again, have little hw, so let's see how this weekend plays out!!!!! I do gotta learn some new music and work on some club stuff tho, pls wish me luck in keeping my motivation <3
Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Word count: 807 > Bad Ending & 979 > Good Ending
Warnings: ANGST!!! Cursing, Cheating but with both a good and bad ending hehe
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It was your 9 month anniversary with Keigo, and you could not hold in your excitement when your boss told you could leave work early that day. On your way home you decided that you should get him a gift too, maybe some candy or a cake, since the two of you decided that getting each other anniversary gifts that cant be eaten was just too complicated. 
When you walked into the cake shop, you couldn't help but smile at the memories it brought. Looking over at the booth that you and your boyfriend sat at when you first came here, chuckling at the time he spilled his coffee on his lap, almost getting burned. When it was your turn to order, you quickly ordered the cake you remembered that he liked, and left the shop with the biggest smile on your face.
The walk home seemed to last longer than it usually would. You thought running, but decided that it wouldn’t be good to show up to the house out of breath, and with the cake all bumped around. 
When you finally reached your doorstep, you placed the cake on the floor along with your things and scurried through your bad for the house key. When you finally found it and tried to unlock the door, you noticed it was already unlocked. Confused, you picked all your things up and walked inside. 
Your stomach sunk at the sight of some small shoes sitting sloppily in front of you. As if the person that took them off was doing it in a hurry. You were frozen in place, the thought of another girl being in your house while you weren’t home, making you insanely uncomfortable. 
You walked in further and set the cake on the table. Silence filled your shared apartment, not a sound to be heard. You walked around looking for the owner of the petite shoes, and when you reach your shared bedroom, your heart fell on the floor. 
Keigo was in bed, but not alone. A small girl was lying next to him. And much to your surprise, they both seemed to not have any clothes on. Tears filled your eyes as the situation marinated in your head. 
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You stood at the door, frozen in place once again, and quietly called out his name.
“Keigo...” You said brokenly. The sound of your voice stirred him from his sleep, and he opened his eyes to see you standing at the doorway of your room. He immediately shot up from his position with a shocked look on his face. 
“Babe? W-what are you doing back from work so early? You on lunch break or something?...” He said frantically searching for some pants to put on, looking up once and a while to see if you would move from your position, which you didn't. 
You nodded your head slowly, “Y-yeah... boss let me go home early, since I told him it was our anniversary today...”  Your voice was quiet, and he could hear the hurt in your words. Guilt stabbed through his hear when you mentioned that it was your anniversary, he had completely forgotten, making his guilt build up even more. 
“Shit... babe... I-” “Don’t call me that.” You interrupted him, “You cheated on me, and on our anniversary too? Did these 9 months mean nothing to you? Was it all one-sided?” You started bawling, falling to your knees, the pain in your chest felt terrible. It felt like your heart was actually getting torn in half.
“No. It wasn’t. Y/N I love you, please believe me when I say th-” “YOU LOVE ME? THE FUCK KIND OF LOVE IS THIS?” You yelled, the sadness now turning into anger. You stood up and marched towards him. “If you loved me, then what the fuck is she doing in the bed next to you?” You pointed to the now awake girl sitting up with the blanket covering her chest. 
“And you, get the fuck out of my house.” You spat out at her. To which she listened to you and left as soon as possible. Looking back over at Keigo, you wiped the remaining tears out of your eyes and shoved your finger in his chest. 
“You have 30 minutes to pack your things and get out of here.” As you were going to walk away, you felt him grab your wrist. “YN, c’mon let's talk this out!” You could hear the guilt in his voice, but that didn’t mean he didn’t cheat on you. You shook off his wrist and scoffed at his attempt to save himself. “Keigo, save the embarrassment, and just leave...” The tears started to weld up in your eyes again, but you knew to break up with him would be the best choice in the end. 
It was only up from here. 
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Not wanting to see the painful sight anymore, you walked out of the room and got your stuff together. You decided you were going to leave without saying a word. The thought of talking to him made your heart ache, you didn’t want to hear any excuse he could come up with. 
Taking one last look at the cake on the counter, you put your shoes on and closed the door behind you. You planned on going to your best friend’s (Asui) house since you couldn't think of anywhere else to go. You moved out here because of him. You’re lucky you were able to make friends at work, you even managed to get a best friend. 
When you got to your Asui's house, you fell into her arms and cried. Understanding your situation, she decided it would be best not to ask you for the details. She tried to get your mind off of things by watching movies and eating your favorite snacks. She also took your phone away so you wouldn't notice how much Keigo had been calling and messaging you.
After a week of living with her, the two of you decided that should go grocery shopping since your food was running low, and you two couldn’t live off of fast food forever. 
While at the store, you two were walking around the aisles getting whatever you needed. As the two of you were walking down the frozen foods aisle, Asui brought up how she wanted to go back and get some more chips, to which you agreed with and asked her to get you some too. When she left, you continued to look around.
A pack of frozen fruit caught your eye, and as much as you tried to reach up, you couldn't reach it. Now, you weren't that short, but that shelf seemed higher than it should've been. As you struggled to get your fruit, a red feather flew by and pushed it down to you. You caught it, and held it in your hands, not wanting to turn around to see the man that made your heart break. 
You felt a hand grab your shoulder and slowly turn you around. Looking at the floor, you saw a pair of familiar black sneakers. They slowly moved closer to you, and you felt the familiar warm brace of your ex-boyfriend. You would be lying to say you didn’t miss it. 
“Y/N... I... I’m so sorry,” he sounded like he was starting to cry as he pressed his head into your neck, “this week... It was so hard without you... please... please can you find it in your heart to forgive me? I missed you so much...” His voice sounded broken. As much as you wanted to decline his request, your heart longed for him, and you just had to give in. 
Tears started to run down your face as you hugged him back. Once he felt your arms wrap around him, he squeezed you tighter. “K-Keigo... I... I missed you too...” Once you muttered out those words, you realized how true they were. 
The moment was interrupted by Asui clearing her throat, making the both of you look over at her. She stood next to your cart tapping her foot with her arms crossed over her chest. When your eyes met hers, you lightly smiled, and she rolled her eyes
“Ugh. You two are idiots.” She walked over to Keigo and shoved a finger in his chest. “If you even think about hurting her again, you’re going to pay for it, bird brain.”
He chuckled at the nickname and nodded. 
“You have my word.”
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Another A/N: I’ve been writing this request and another in between classes, I hope you enjoy it!!!!!! When you said I could pick the ending, I was like “well I want happy, but WHY NOT BOTH???”
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libidinous-weeb · 4 years
Black Hawks Down
pairing: hawks x reader
genre/warnings: explicit/18+
summary: reader goes down on hawks, that’s literally it lmao
a/n: okay sooo this is baby’s first smut! pls be kind. idk if i like it but i think it’s alright. sorry for bad editing btw, i’m on mobile :/
There was nothing more that the number two hero, Hawks, enjoyed more than watching the sunrise after a night shift. He loved to sit on a rooftop and watch as the sun rose slowly into the sky. The earth seemed...at peace. At least for the moment. The sunrise was always so...beautiful. Romantic. Beautifully....romantic. Romantically beautiful? Bomantic? Reautiful? Whatever, you get the idea.
At that moment, instead of being Hawks, the number 2 hero, the yadda yadda yadda...he was just a man. A man Keigo Takami. A man named Keigo Takami that has wings. Which...still makes him a man, right? Anyways...a man named Keigo Takami who enjoys the simpler things in life, like watching the sun rise and, well...getting the soul sucked out of him by his girlfriend. So why not multitask, right? Nothing like efficiency! Hawks has always thought of you as his adorable little birdie, and he loves spending every moment he has with you. Preferably with his dick in you somehow.
So all in all, a simple man wanting to share the breathtaking...the breathtaking...the brea-fuuuuck. “How are you so good at this?” he asks as your tongue keeps running down the underside of his cock. You lightly trace it over and around his head before you move your head to suck it all into your mouth and down you throat again with a deep, long moan.
Goddamn...Keigo couldn’t deny that he really hit the jackpot with you. “I’m so lucky,” he sighs, “getting to share this beautiful sight with the love of my life.” You glare at him and suck on his cock even harder, all the way down to the base. He cries out in surprise and furrows his brow, panting out, “Sorry honey....I guess you-hah, oh shit! -guess you can’t really-mmm...see it from down there, h-huh? Oh fuck!” Your pouting face morphs into one of smug satisfaction as you easily reduce your boyfriend to moans and whimpers, leaving him unable to form complete sentences. He may be cocky (heh, bird pun AND a dick joke, that’s clever), but goddamn does he look good like this, face flushed, back hunched forward, wings twitching and fluttering at random. “The sunset is s-so -oh god shit fuck, don’t stop little birdie, don’t stop please! Ah ah ahhh, fuck, i’m gonna-“ Keigo let out a loud moan as his eyes fluttered shut. You swallow all of his cum down your throat as he flops down dramatically on the crate he was seated on. “Oh fuck babe, t-that was perfect. You’re so fucking good to me!” he pants out as he tries to regain his breath. “It’s like...you blew my mind and my dick, and now I can’t even think!” “Well it’s not like you were exactly prone to thinking before...” you mutter sarcastically.
“Dammit babe, you’re so incredible! My cute little birdie...come here come here come here!” Keigo pulls you into his arms, kissing all over your face, across your jaw, down your neck... His kisses begin to grow more heated and slow as he starts to bite down your neck. “Hold it, bird brain! You promised me McDicks and a nap for waking me up at the ass crack of dawn. You better deliver, dammit.” “A girl that keeps her eyes on the prize...now that’s my type of woman! God, I keep falling in love with you all over again...” “How’s about instead of falling you start flying our asses to McDonalds, hmm?” Keigo sighs. “Alright, alright...but first I gotta say, the “glowing softly in the early morning light” effect looks absolutely irresistible on you, my sweet little love bird.” You meet his soft loving gaze and feel your heart melt. “You look pretty cute when I’m going down on you too, you know? I can’t help but be turned on every single time,” you whisper softly in his ear. “NOW TAKE ME TO THE MCDONALDS AND THEN LET ME SLEEP! And then it’s your turn to make it up to me. I hope you’re ready for that.” “Oh baby...you could just breathe on me and I’d be ready for you anytime, any place, anywhere, but...you know. Breakfast awaits.”
Early that morning, as the sun was rising slowly higher and higher in the sky...if you looked just right at the Tokyo skyline, you’d see an unmistakable blur of red and yellow streaking across the sky, a man soaring high with his entire world held tightly to his chest and a smile that made the sun pale in comparison.
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Pleassssseeeeeeee could you maybe do hcs with Kai, Chrono, Dabi and Hawks with a female s/o that has a VERY small chest but their butt and thighs are THICC pls???? ;-; I'm insecure about it
(Usually I try to do neutral reader, but I suppose this is a bit specific so I can do it! I’ll still try to keep it a little vague though, no worries)
~Kai/Hari/Dabi/Hawks small chest/big thighs/butt S/O~
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-He can be a little terrible at consoling you, but you understand what he’s trying to say. For example we’ll take your current situation and slap his reactions on it. As soon as you speak about your insecurities he’s just like “Oh, I hadn’t noticed.” Which could imply he doesn’t care about your body enough to notice. It can be a sad thing until you step back and think about it. Kai doesn’t pay much attention to that detail because he knows you have more to offer than just your body alone of course. He’s been too busy focused on your personality and how you make him so happy to be on the planet. Once he finally pays more attention to your body, he literally can’t find a single flaw. “You’re being ridiculous my angel. How can you be so insecure about an amazing body such as this?” 
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-He feels at first that it’s such a silly and unnecessary insecurity but eventually he gets a little overbearing with things. You should be prepared to hear hour long lectures about how perfect you are to him. He doesn’t want your insecurity to rule over your quality of life. “Y/N you don’t seem to see how beautiful you are to everyone around you so I guess it’s my goal to show you myself.” He’ll ramble on and on. He’ll reassure you every single day of his life until he dies. Hari will do anything to make sure you know that the insecurity is a false one and that you’re absolutely perfect in every way. You’ll essentially be annoyed into loving yourself lol
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-Aw maaaaan, how could you be insecure while dating this asshole?! I mean, his hands are on you at all hours of the day. Dabi honestly wouldn’t mind how your body was built, but he secretly thanks God everyday that he’s got a thick thighed babe by his side. This man is a slut for your thighs and ass. Not to mention how obsessed he is with your cute chest. Dabi doesn’t beat around the bush! He’s going to make sure you know how hot you truly are, both physically and verbally. “Babe, honestly I don’t understand you sometimes. Look how damn hot you are? I get frustrated going out with you in public because of the way these sleazy people take a peek at that ass as you walk by them. Can you not even see the way the cashiers at stores peek at your chest when checking you out? Just the other day I overheard some asshole talking about taking a squeeze out on you. Sheesh, you’re hot! Get that through your thick skull.”
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-As soon as he finds out about your insecurity, he’s all over solutions for it. Sure he’s not the best at these things, but he’s good at showing you how much he loves you! So his solution is a mixture of things including research online during his off-days, and physical/verbal reassurance. He’s a little annoying about it. He’s going to be up in your face everyday from now on, complimenting you whether you’re wearing a whole outfit or just some regular sleeping clothes. Doesn’t matter what’s happening, he’s going to compliment you. It’s not just to bring you out of this feeling, but it’s mainly because he genuinely feels you’re attractive no matter what. His online research of forums and articles come into play as he tries (and fails lol) to take a therapy side to this. His determination is unbelievable. Keigo feels you’re oh so worthy of self love, so he’s working to show you that.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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