#ken 100k
mkjulian · 2 months
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Crystal's outfits, I love him
how can you put his pronouns: He/Her; But the official gender is boy.
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thenerdygirlexp · 11 months
#100KPyramid Hosted by @michaelstrahan Deon Cole vs. D'Arcy Carden and Ken Jennings vs. Mario Cantone S6E13 Preview via @stacyamiller85 @PyramidABC
$100,000 Pyramid is back with new episodes beginning on July 9, 2023. Continue reading Untitled
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babybluebex · 3 months
ughhhh boyf dom is my fav!! I know I mentioned this in the vacay ask but he will always take pics of you!! Candids always, all day every day, but also if you ever want to take pictures for instagram or anything like that he’ll double as your photographer and number one hype man. And those cute couple TikTok fit checks omg just imagine everyone going crazy over the two of you like not even fans but just everyone hyping you up in the comments (she’s everything, he’s just Ken vibes lmao) anyway this is going to be my daydream for forever and a half now (also I hope you have a great time at your show tonight!!!)
ugh i love the thought of hype man boyf dominic, he loves awards season bc you're always dressed up and look so stunning, he can't stop himself from snapping pics of you at all times, no matter what you're doing
and if you ask for posed pictures to post, he's being serious about it, telling you how to turn your head and where to place your hand, and if the lighting isn't good in the place you chose, he'll move you to the side until you reach the good lighting, and he's doing that dorky Thing "work it, girl! yes ma'am, you're slaying it!" and it makes you laugh so hard
and as far as the tiktok fit checks go, he'll crash yours all the time, you're just trying to show off the sundress you thrifted and he stands in the back of the frame eating a sandwich and sweetly heckling you the whole time "who's this smokeshow here? damn girl, you look fire" and omg the whole meme about like "pookie's looking incredible today", dom EATS THAT UP and jokes about it all the time, you're doing a fit check for the baftas and he comes into the video "pookie looks amazing as usual, wearing... balenciaga, right?" and you nod "i like this on you... a quintessential pookie outfit"
i can see like for halloween, you and dom went to one of your friend's parties as western barbie and ken, and back when you posted the video of you two lipsyncing the "take a walk or something!" scene, nobody really knew who dom was, and people find the video after ryan does "I'm Just Ken" at the oscars and you make dom reenact it on the street in philly and the comments are all "IS THAT DOMINIC SESSA???!!!" and your friends comment "100k views on tiktok, she's an influencer"
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blorbocedes · 4 months
just saw your post about uni majors and so true bestie. Also, those stats are most likely counting ppl doing those majors thinking it's gonna be an easy degree because it's """soft science""" and regret their life choices when they find out it's actually challenging and they have to work, so anyone who enjoys social sciences definitely should go into it no matter what people say!
you're totally right, my courseload is soooo intensive and anyone who thinks this is an easy degree is SORELY miss🥩ken
like the realisation that I actually enjoyed my degree and so I'm not gonna regret it later on because I didn't study computer science and get a 100k/yr job was actually so liberating !
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lauramkaye · 10 months
So I watched the Barbie movie and I just need to say Ken (Ryan Gosling)/Ken (Simu Liu) 100k slow burn enemies to friends to lovers
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
Since you said your asks are open, I would love to hear your thoughts on Rosielemmons + too hot to cuddle. Please. And thank you!
I also wanted to say how much I love "There's a Part of You Always Standing By (Mapping Out a Sky)." When I watched episode 9 the first time, I thought about what Lemmons would think when he heard Rosie had gone down over Berlin. 😭😭
So, before we get to my entirely too knowledgeable head canon on too hot to cuddle, I just wanna say that I wrote THAT scene tonight and hit 100k on the fic. I am very pleased.
But, let's talk too hot to cuddle:
I've mentioned this before: I grew up in the same general area as Ken Lemmons. I'm from farther west in Akansas, but the highway that runs through my hometown runs through his. So, I know a LOT about Arkansas hot.
And, look, the bottom of Arkansas has it worse off than the top of Arkansas, but that's like saying the first level of hell has it easier than the seventh level in terms of fire and damnation.
Summers hit 100 when I was a kid. Humidity of 95% if you were LUCKY. The ground cooks and cooks and cooks no matter if it's asphalt or grass or mud or anything. When the sun goes down, the humidity doesn't. And the ground lets out all the heat of the day, so it doesn't really and truly cool down in the way it does other places.
Rosie Rosenthal would show up in Arkansas in summer in his best seersucker suit and WANT. TO. DIE.
Ken, in denim and cotton because he's working the fields in this shit, meets him at the train with a big jug of ice water. By the time they're back to the farm, Rosie's chugged half of it.
Rosie figures it'll be better at night. The sun will be down. Ken promises there are fans.
It is not better. Okay, fine, Rosie's brain isn't getting fried by the sun, and the house is built to lift the heat up into the ceilings. But it's still 95% humidity, and the ground STAYS HOT.
And, god, all Robert wants to do is roll over and hold Ken and love that he can share a bed with him finally, after years of being desperately in love but in different barracks.
But he's sweating just lying there. And when he touches Ken, he's damp, too.
So night one isn't what Robert had hoped for. Too fucking hot. Too sweaty. The air too damp.
And the next night, it seems to be repeating, but then just around midnight, there's a thunder clap and lightning, and Ken pulls Robert out into the yard as the sky opens up.
It thunderstorms for two hours. They stand out in the rain the whole time, and Robert finds out, it DOES cool down at night. It just needs a little help.
By the time they get back inside, they're soaked to the skin and shivering, and Ken dries them both off and they manage to curl up against each other and fall asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, it's just as hot and humid as the day before, but Robert finds he's a little affectionate towards it. He's never stood in the rain like that, never laughed and kissed and tipped his head back to taste the rain on his tongue.
But now he has. With Ken. At Ken's beloved home. And Robert can find a kinship with the hot and humid and sweaty weather that brings him those things, too.
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
does anyone else remember when ken penders tried to sell julie su and scourge and green knuckles nfts for 100k dollars
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lenreli · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @virgo-dream!! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
92 fics! Dunno how that happened, but sure.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
368k. Wow. That's over many years though, with I'm very sure the latest 100k being dreamling.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dreamling.... and before that superbat, which I'd also like to write more of but uh, dreamling, they've taken over my brain, so. 😅
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Accidental Summoning of Kaneki Ken (1.1k kudos)
The Problem With Clark Kent (631 kudos)
you're every luxury (590 kudos)
want some get some (572 kudos)
the difference between stone and skin (567 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to them! :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think a hk fic, actually. Though it ended more open-ended than angsty, I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Many of them. I prefer it. :D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Think I got hate on one recently. It was just confusing, mainly. 🤔
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Uh, m/m smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? But maybe? I've written many things over the yrs and my memory sucks so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. :(
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. Sounds fun though.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Superbat and dreamling atm.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have ideas that are quite long, but getting the energy and motivation to write is always a toss-up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can do world-building in very few words, so people have told me with my latest dreamling smut drabbles. :D Also, constantly get complimented on how IC characters are, so that too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My brain. :D
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'd probably get someone who speaks that language to help me out with that gfhfgj
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhhhh. YGO I think? Hm.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Idk, I have many. :D
Tagging uhhhhhh @teejaystumbles @blueberrymffn @honeyteacakes and anyone else who wants to I guess. No pressure ofc.
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Countervailing power
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It’s hard not to feel powerless. The rich are getting richer, the middle class is disappearing, and poor people are evermore exposed to labor abuses, predatory finance, police violence, and food-, fuel- and housing-insecurity. Our cities are increasingly segregated into the haves and have-nots, and the haves hoard the parks, schools and clean air:
The rich don’t just own all the good stuff, they also own the political process. The now-classic 2014 paper “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” finds that “ordinary citizens… get the policies they favor, but only because those policies happen also to be preferred by the economically-elite citizens who wield the actual influence.”
How do material wealth and political power relate to each other? Well, on the one hand, it’s obvious that if you have more wealth, you have more to spend on lobbying, both to the public and to lawmakers. As the leaks in Propublica’s IRS Files show, just having a lot of money can scare off regulators and legal enforcers, who know you’ll be able to hire more lawyers than they can.
But the secret to oligarchy isn’t (just) outspending the rest of us. Oligarchs wield a far more important weapon: class solidarity. There is so much solidarity among billionaires, centimillionaires, decimillionaires and even ordinary millionaires, who may jockey with one another for the right to financialize your rent and suppress your wages, but come together with admirable discipline when their collective interests are at stake.
Take taxes. In a major new Propublica IRS Files story, Paul Kiel and Mick Dumke document the behind-the-scenes spending that defeated Illinois’s state referendum on a progressive state tax comparable to the system in 32 other states:
Led by the hedge-fund billionaire Ken Griffin of Citadel (the richest man in the state) the ultra-rich of Illinois unleashed a blizzard of money on deceptive ads that ultimately defeated the measure. That spending was a bargain! Propublica calculates that Griffin’s $54,000,000 contribution saved him $51,000,000 per year thereafter (the IRS Files show Griffin’s average income to be about $2.9 billion per year).
Griffin led the “investment” in starving Illinois’s tax coffers, but he had a lot of co-investors: there’s Richard Uihlein, the billionaire behind Iline, who kicked in $100k. Uihlein’s a shrewd investor in political corruption, having spent $20m on Ron Johnson’s campaign, only to have Johnson insert a last-minute amendment to the Trump tax cuts that saved him $215m in the first year alone:
Sam Zell, whose leveraged buyout of the Chicago Tribune led the newspaper into bankruptcy, kicked in $1.1m and got $1.6m/year in savings every year thereafter. The Tribune now operates out of a windowless cinderblock bunker the size of a Chipotle:
Patrick Ryan gave $1m to realize a return of $2.1m/year. Richard Colburn’s $500k nets him $5.5m/year. He told Propublica that the spending was an investment “to limit the temptation on me to relocate.” Donald Wilson gave $250k to get back $3.5m/year.
Richard Stephenson, who made his nut with a chain of for-profit cancer hospitals and was executive producer on two Ayn Rand film adaptations (you literally can’t make this shit up), gave $300k through his trust.
Another trust spend came from Philip M Friedmann, who cashed out his family’s greeting card business by selling to private equity looters. Friedmann’s trust is a “personal” one, which makes his $25k investment illegal, according to three tax experts that Propublica consulted.
The campaign to raise Illinois’ 5% flat tax to an 8% tax for the richest people in the state was a rare example of billionaire-on-billionaire violence. Democrat Governor JB Pritzker — scion of the Hyatt Hotel fortune — won office by promising to raise taxes on the rich. This sparked a political bidding war, pitting former GOP governor Bruce Rauner (another private equity looter) in a race that ultimately cost more than $250m.
Though the billionaire low-tax coalition lost the battle for the governor’s mansion, they won the war, thanks to $63m in ads that convinced the people of Illinois that they would see higher taxes as a result (the vast majority of Illinoisians would not have seen their tax bills go up).
While Pritzker is a rare class traitor, he still maintained some loyalty to his cohort, continuing to milk his grandfather’s fortune through a system of secret trusts typical of dynastic wealth, which seeks to ensure that merely emerging from a very lucky orifice guarantees you the power to impact the lives of millions of people who lost the orifice lottery:
When even the “good” billionaires favor the eugenic proposition that being descended from someone who made a lot of money makes you suited to leadership and influence, it’s no wonder that this proposition is so durable in our political system.
Now, it’s obvious why rich people would favor a system that increased and perpetuated their wealth and power, but self-interest alone doesn’t explain the rock-solid solidarity of the oligarchs. The other crucial element is in their numbers: when your bloc is small, it’s easier to come to agreement on how it should mobilize.
This is how monopolies rot our society and politics. When an industry is composed of hundreds of companies, they’ll struggle to agree on the catering for their annual meeting. Reduce the number of firms until all their CEOs will fit around a board-room table, and they’ll be able to agree on far more ambitious issues, like whether to raise prices in unison and blame “inflation”:
Collective action problems are some of the hardest challenges we face as a species. Solving collective action problems are why we build institutions: from the Mafia to the Catholic Church, from trade unions to federal governments, from the UN to the Cali cartel, organizations exist to find ways to let groups of people coordinate their activities to do more than any individual could do on their own:
Oligarchs benefit from having a lot of money to spend, but even more important is that their numbers are so low that they can agree on how to spend it. Every time the rich figure out how to coordinate better, they clean up. Take this NBER working paper that shows that when giant funds become company shareholders, worker wages go down:
Once the power of the wealthy is gathered into the hands of a few fund managers, they’re able to direct that power to pick managers who’ll endure the internal strife from slashing wages, benefits and staffing levels. Workers, by contrast, are atomized and can be divided and pitted against one another.
Now, obviously if real wages are declining, then there must have been a time when forces drove them up, when workers were able to hold the line against the power of the owning class. The most familiar tool workers used to exercise this power was unionization, which is why oligarchs hate unions and spend millions to keep their workers from organizing.
Though unions are having a renaissance, they are still far weaker than they were during the period in which workers built and expanded power — and oligarchs are far stronger (richer, more coordinated). Oligarchs have built a flywheel, where more power gives them more money which gives them more power.
To brake the flywheel, we have to come up with our own virtuous cycle of systems, laws and tactics that build one atop another. “Countervailing Power” is a new series from The American Prospect and The Forge that systematically explores how to build that system:
The debut article is “Laws That Create Countervailing Power,” a discussion between ACORN’s Steve Kest and Benjamin Sachs and Kate Andrias, facilitated by Robert Kuttner:
The discussion is framed by “Constructing Countervailing Power: Law and Organizing in an Era of Political Inequality,” a Yale Law Review article by Sachs and Andrias about laws that can be used to build, fortify and expand worker power:
They propose that there are six categories of law that build countervailing power:
Laws that “grant collective rights in an explicit and direct way to create a frame that encourages organizing”
Laws that “provide for financial, human, and other resources,” including money, but also “information that helps direct the work of the organization and inform its leadership”
Laws that create “free spaces in which movement organizing can occur, free from surveillance and control,” both physical and digital
Laws that “remove barriers to participation both by protecting people involved in organizing efforts from retaliation and also by removing material obstacles that make it difficult for people to organize”
Laws that “provide organizations with ways to make material change in their members’ lives” by “creating ways to engage in bargaining with private and public actors that actually correspond to the way political and economic power is organized”
Laws that “enable contestation and disruptive collective action” including “strikes and protests and other kinds of disruptive activity”
The article and the discussion give good examples of all six, but I’m more interested in how they play into one another — like how the New Deal electrification co-ops created enduring institutions that organized people, incubated leaders, and turned into telephone co-ops. Some of these are around today, providing blazing-fast co-op internet (AKA, the “free spaces” mentioned above) to poor people:
I was recently on an organizing tactics call about the housing crisis, and we got to talking about the wicked panoply of problems that drive people to oppose affordable housing. With the elimination of unions — and thus work — as a path to social mobility, we’ve told working people that everything depends on their house appreciating.
Unless their family home goes up in value, they will not be able to afford retirement, their kids’ college education or emergency medical bills. They certainly won’t be able to put down a deposit for their own kids’ homes.
All of this drives people to want to limit the supply of housing, and also to hoard the benefits of housing, supporting nakedly inequitable policies like funding schools through local taxes, so richer neighborhoods get better schools.
It also drives people to with homes to favor policies that make life worse for people without homes. The worse things are for tenants, the more landlords can extract from them, and the more all houses are worth, because everyone is bidding against landlords who can raise rents, evict, and pass on maintenance costs.
On the one hand, this is dismal, because maybe it means that we can’t improve our housing system until we fix pensions, student debt, for-profit healthcare, and tenants’ rights.
But on the other hand, you can think of each of these issues as a loose end in the gnarly knot of housing dysfunction, a place where we can start unpicking the problem. Like, if we fix student debt, a major part of the reason to favor anti-tenancy policies will disappear (the parents who want to use home equity to send their kids to college also realized that their kids will be tenants, after all).
In other words, the entanglement of all our social problems means that any battle where we can eke out a victory produces tactical benefits for all the other fronts in the war. It means we can build victory upon victory. It means we can tear apart the countersolidaristic coalitions (say, homeowners) by addressing the material conditions that lead people to fight against the human right to shelter.
Uncoupling a dignified retirement, or a decent education, or lifesaving medical treatment, from the need to immiserate others is a powerful tool to build up countervailing power — to create coalitions like the ones that suppressed oligarchy from the New Deal until the Reagan Revolution.
[Image ID: A mountain village that is being trampled under the feet of a tailcoat-wearing giant. The giant is about to be felled by a giant fist made out of the combined raised arms of hundreds of ordinary workers and farmers. The meta-fist is haloed with an aura of red light.]
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maglors-anion-gap · 2 years
Hehehee Morwen and Maedhros and Húrin for the bingo
I love the little "heehee" :) we're just passing bingo sheets back and forth knowing it's going to spawn more WIPs on top of our already long wip list, we know what we're doing to each other.
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Morwen is always right, and she always knows what she's doing. On this we agree. Other characters are not sold on this, and they are thus In The Wrong.
morwen is in the wrong genre not because she doesn't fit in the silm narrative (she does, to the great misfortune of herself and everyone else) but because i want her to have a happy ending and jirt was wrong to deny that to her and her family.
So, most of "Needing therapy" goes hand in hand with "Autism" because Morwen is autistic (this is an objective truth, jirt came to @outofangband and me in a dream and said so). Morwen is not treated well by people who don't understand her and who make no effort to do so, even people who don't have any overt ill will towards her. Trauma of losing her home and her family, the healers in brethil mistreating her, and then being adopted into Hurin's people, some of whom treat her well and some not so much, loss of culture and routine, there's so much to say and my dms with outofangband are like 100k long on this subject.
Something something I wish I had the links to studies on ptsd in neurodivergent children because of the way they're punished for neurodivergence even if it's not recognized as neurodivergence. brief soapbox moment to say that if you think it's okay to bully the weird kids because they need straightening out or w/e, i'm outside your house rn with a knife.
Your honor I love her and her breasts are sublime. Hurin thinks so too. Morwen is the favorite of anyone with a braincell.
Prepare yourselves for not one but two Morwen WIPs that will be dropping in the coming months, both requested by outofangband.
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I love hurin as much as I love morwen and it is 100% your fault.
the two that are only half-filled in: hurin is not a himbo because he's very very smart, he just also is very nice and very muscular, and I thought he deserved recognition for that. Fish love hurin and so do women, no one is afraid of him except goblins maybe, who have lots of reasons to be afraid of him.
By the end of his arc he is soggy, both creepy and wet, however you want to call him. Someone get him a towel and a bowl of soup.
He needs therapy for his torture and also for his time in gondolin, which in most verses was likely a net positive experience but also Very Very weird and at a key developmental period in his life. He has some weird feelings about turgon, who he loves like an uncle, but also it's a little like being the poor friend who goes to the house of a rich friend and they show you their walk in closet like - hurin loses his brother so turgon can escape to his palace w/ running water, and he still doesn't give up gondolin's location. Hurin is 1000% a better person than me.
It's not hurin's blood. I mean, some of it is, but it's in his nature to make sure that most of it is other people's. The spitefulness of a wasp facing off with a bear etc etc.
Hurin is a short king and fabulously hirsute. thus gender envy.
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He's 100% feral. His hotness increases with how many years it's been since his last bath. As a Prince in tirion he was, like, aesthetically pleasing but also sexless like a ken doll. Post rescue, there is a devoted fan club, he receives a great deal of mail that ranges from tactless to offensive to scary. This persists literally after his death.
Both fish and women are afraid of maedhros, literally everyone is.
maedhros would not mind if it was his blood, but, like hurin, it's usually someone else's. Eating out of the garbage is sometimes a logical conclusion to his utilitarian state of mental illness.
He's trans *send tweet*
He is Not a himbo despite being a heartthrob because he is way too smart, and also while he is courteous (most of the time) I'm not sure he's always Nice. Your neck hair stands up when he's behind you.
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blackgirl0nline · 2 years
Roman >Shiv or Analyzing a Moment in Succession’s Season 3 Finale
I was watching Succession’s Season 3 finale “All The Bells Toll”, and I thought, the way Shiv and Roman deal with Kendall’s confession gives a microcosmic look at these two characters.
Big take away, Shiv doesn’t dirty herself.
When Ken is crying in front of them, Roman falls to his brother’s level even after grumbling that Shiv is leaving him to deal with all the feelings. Roman makes jokes to help lighten the mood but Shiv fucks off to make a call. In general Roman is willing to get into the weeds. That’s why Roman’s “I’m dumb but I’m smart”, works. Under Gerri’s watchful eye with his feet firmly on the ground, Roman has the most practical wins of the main siblings- despite Shiv telling him he’s not getting the company because “[Logan] thinks something’s wrong with you.” He’s the practical choice.
One of the reasons I dislike Shiv the most of the siblings is her sense of entitlement. I love a female character with ambition, but Shiv starts the show with no business experience and in a differnt field no less! In a very emblematic moment, during season two a gun threat forces a deal to the table in a safe-room. Kendall and Logan are working in tandem to sway Reah Jarrell (who calls Shiv out for being smart… but not as smart as she thinks she is) and Shiv is there… occasionally hindering progress.
Now I do have some love for Shiv because she’s vying for power in a male dominated space, and watching her face sexism from her own family… hits close (her father’s admission that her being a woman is an issue despite having some faith in her, and the frankly vile Nirvana song played over her first speech as company President). But she still rubs me the wrong way- perhaps her leveraging Roman’s dick pick as a sexual assault-shaped-threat against Gerri and her treatment of Tom leave a bad taste in my mouth.
In my opinion her best moves are people, she gets Tom into the company and has him continually work his way up on both of their behalves, but she even fumbles that, underestimating Tom and his wants. Tom works well for Shiv because he can do all the heavy lifting- she doesn’t even seem that miffed that he might be going to jail for the sins of her father (proverbially speaking… no wait literally).
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Her position above her husband works for her (but it might have fuelled his betrayal). Roman in contrast- in his relationship with Gerri- and Logan, seems comfortable working underneath a more competent figure. And so he does the work he can. We see this hidden capability when he’s trying his best to comfort Kendall. He’s a bit to unserious but it’s in his nature to speak frank truths.
The general coldness (mostly Shiv in this episode but Roman carries it too) seems to be a holdover from their mother- the comparisons between Caroline and Shiv abound. They’re both each other’s “onions”, they both have holdups about wanting children- both go through with it anyways, Roman makes weird sexual jokes about both of them, and they both have nuptials that close out a season. Caroline shirks off any emotional attachment to her children going so far as to avoid Kendall after a request for a heart-to-heart. Surely all the siblings are a bit fucked up but Shiv seems to be the one who takes after their mother the most.
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To close out, I was looking at the prices for the suit Ken was wearing in that scene. It was Loro Piana outfit over five thousand dollars (not to mention the vaguely upsetting 100k watch). While I was worrying about the suit being ruined I remembered that these clothes- their prices mean absolutely nothing to these guys. But even then I distinctly felt that Shiv, dressed all in white, always prim and proper, hair always well coiffed, with the right opinions, would never sit down in the messy sand with her brothers. She stands a ways away, taking a phone call, or gingerly patting Ken’s head.
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mkjulian · 2 months
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Doodles of Maria and Rebecca, a much older version, and with a daughter! Crystal! I'm going to make the digital version of these drawings soon. The quality is shit.
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thenerdygirlexp · 2 years
#100KPyramid Hosted by @michaelstrahan Ken Jennings vs. Ross Mathews and RuPaul vs. Carson Kressley S6E3 Preview via @stacyamiller85 @PyramidABC #SummerFunandGames
ABC’s Summer Fun and Games is back with the return of $100,000 Pyramid on July 10, 2022. (more…)
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sexlapis · 1 year
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I posted 711 times in 2022
That's 152 more posts than 2021!
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#sexlapis reblogs.🪷 - 85 posts
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#sexlapis loves art - 24 posts
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#toji x reader - 16 posts
#sexlapis laughs - 14 posts
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#sexlapis loves women - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#because you know full well that your opinions are the norm ans you want to feel superior to all the “progressives😡😡
My Top Posts in 2022:
drabble, nsfw
u and nanami havin sex but he’s being so soft and gentle with his thrusts n u so desperately want him to go faster and harder :( ur literally cryin and holding ur legs up higher, begging him to faster. “please please ken, go harder pleaseeeee” and nanami does nothing other than shush u, pressing a kiss to ur cheek, sayin “you’ll take what i give you angel” before only slightly picking up the pace, leaving u writhing in ur torment and pleasure simultaneously n cockdrunk :(
842 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
a tip for fanfic writers.
if you’re going to write a fic more than 1k words, please put “:readmore:” to split the fic so people can choose to read the rest or not. because sometimes i’m scrolling through a tag and a 5k word fic just pops up and i’m forced to scroll though the entire thing!
so again, add “:readmore:” (without the quotation marks) to split up your fic <3 i ain’t tryna read ur 100k fic when i’m just looking for a 600 word mikasa fluff, godbless.
987 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
riding toji for the first time
❀ : toji x female reader
cw : ns4w, riding, a short fic!, actually rlly fluffy, toji referring to himself in 3rd person😵‍💫, big dick toji :)
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you’re on the couch, straddling toji’s thick legs as his calloused fingers run gently along the length of your wet folds. moaning softly, sweaty palms gripping on to his hard shoulders, his hot mouth closed around your perked dark nipples, biting them with the scrape of his teeth. your mouth finds home on his neck, purples marks litter toji’s tan skin.
“fuck.” toji rasps out and one of his hands grab a hold of his hard length, stroking himself slowly. “okay baby, i think you’re ready now.”
you bit your lip and nod vigorously. toji had been playing with your little pussy for ages now, leaving the in between of your thighs and his fingers wet with your sweet mess. your thighs tremble as you straddle him. taking his length in your hand, you position yourself over him, rubbing your velvet folds against him and before you know it you’re sinking down on his thick cock. too overwhelmed to make any noise, your mouth falls open as you bottom out.
it was unlike anything you’ve ever felt. this position had toji feel so deep within you and it made you mind blank. toji brings you back to reality by stroking the side of your face gently, looking at your pretty face.
“you okay sweetie?” he chuckles deeply at your already fucked out expression. you had always been so sensitive, so responsive to his touch. it had him feeling a sense of pride that he could make you such a beautiful mess. his beautiful mess.
shyly, you laugh along with him and nod at this question, face feeling hot at the intimacy of the situation.
you breathe out. “yeah toj, ‘m okay.”after reassuring him, you start to grind your hips slowly. even the slightest of movements made you feel him so deeply. you moan quietly as you continue to ride him. toji’s hold on your hips tighten as you bounce on his cock.
“oh- oh fuck.” toji gasps. “shit..making me feel s’fuckin’ good.” he looks at you, admiring your blissed expression before grabbing your chin softly to make you look at him. his silver eyes were kind as they observed you. “am i making you feel good baby?”
part of you wants to run away from his gaze as you feel vulnerable under his loving scrutiny. but you stay and look him in the eyes, grounding yourself.
your soft hands cup his face as you reply, “yes tojiii…you make me feel soso good!”
toji nods with you and cups your ass in his big hands, forcing you to bounce on his dick faster, harder. sounds of slapping of skin against skin fill the room, only getting louder with each passing second. you attempt to smother your loud moans but that idea goes to shit as soon as toji begins to thrust up into you.
“ah! oooooo- toji, toji! oh my god!” you’re almost screaming as toji ravishes your body, tits and stomach jiggling with each of this hard thrusts, chests pressed together and it’s like you’re cockdrunk. head thrown back, eyes behind your head, drool seeping from the corner of your mouth, lips glossy and your face sweaty. to toji, you were a sight to behold.
toji reaches his hand to your head, making you look at him. “eyes on me honey.” he coos.
you whine and shiver at the tone of his voice and look at him once more, foreheads touching. “mmmmm. love you toji.”
toji smiles at the confession, silently swooning and heart beating out of his chest at how sentimental you get during sex.
“i love you too sweetheart.” toji responds softly. he kisses your cheek before leaning back on the couch, smirking at you. “now how’s ‘bout you make toji cum?”
1,045 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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♡ : eren jaeger x female! reader
ᨳ  ࣪ . cw : ns4w, dom! eren, sub! reader, eren is a lil mean but not that much :), HEAVY edging -> edging for over a month ♡, squirting, overstimulation, subspace, sex toys, mentions of oral sex, nipple play, spanking, restraints, pussy slapping, ass play & fingering, profanity
ᨳ  ࣪ . wc : 2.9k
. synopsis : you haven’t cum in over a month…but its only what you asked for…
ᨳ  ࣪ . minors & blank blogs DNI
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2,451 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
eren x female reader, ns4w, very short, coming inside, morning sex
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no bc eren would be so whiny in the morning…he’d be so desperate too. his morning wood would be poking against your thigh while he shakes u gently to wake u up.
“babyy” calling out to you in his deep, tired morning voice. “baby wake up..need you righ’ now..haha..”
and you’re just as desperate, letting him pull down your shorts and spread your legs to play with your wet cunt. then he’s laying you two both on your sides, raising your leg to his hip before easing his thick length into hot pussy.
it’s starts off slow..both of you are still drowsy and weak from sleep but that doesn’t deter either of you. your faces are so close together, breathing against each other’s skin, lips brushing against each other, too far gone to even kiss. eren’s pretty eyes are almost constantly rolling into the back of his head at how good he feels. how good you feel. his body is so sensitive, the feeling of your hole around his cock is making him go fucking crazy.
“awh fuuckkk.” eren’s groaning as his thrust start to speed up just a lil bit…the angle has you feeling him real deep, you’re gasping at every gentle thrust, the slap slap slap of skin reverberating around the room. you feel a warmth spread in ur lil tummy, clit brushing against the pubic hairs at the base of his dick and your mouth drops open and eyes roll back at the feeling.
then erens gripping your ass with both hands and thrusting harder, faster, until you’re gripping the back of his neck with small oh my gods and other senseless profanities. eren rolls you onto your back before folding you into a mating press and going to town on you.
balls slapping against your ass with every thrust, long hair falling and draping around you like a curtain.
“shit..” eren whines, borderline whimpers. “shit…oh fuck..fuck..fuck ‘m g’nna cum. baby ‘m gonna fucking cum…” he’s looking at you, cheeks tinted red and lips wet. “can i cum inside? you’ll lemme come inside right?” his thrusts become frantic and erratic and you’re nodding along to his question. he thrusts at an angle that has you seeing white light, squirting and making a mess of him and the sheets. eren curses, rough fingers finding your clit, running circles over it to prolong your high. your hips twitch against his, rolling and grinding and coming to a stop.
“god, i’m cumming.. i’m cumming ‘m cumming…fuck!” his voice goes high pitched towards the end of his sentence and he’s finished. he pounds into you sporadically as he cums, pumping your soft walls white. he keeps thrusting…he comes soo much. his expression is erotic, eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out.
eren huffs and moans as the last few spurts of cum leave him, all fucked out. he pulls out slowly, looking at his cum drool out of your brown folds and fall below you. pulls you close and massages your shoulders and tells you what you and him are going to do for the day and you fall asleep to the sound of his soothing voice 💭
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2,466 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
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deactivatedjjba · 2 years
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gappy | yasuho | norisuke | jobin | joshu | tamaki
jodio | dragona
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sanzulicious · 2 years
My first post i hope you like it!
This story contains
Ill be using bonten sanzu for this ;)
I dont own these characters they are owned by ken wakui.
It was indeed a beautiful day in tokyo Were the city full of people walking. Y/n a girl who works at a cafe with 3 other people your the cashier taking orders while the others prepare.
“Hello there what can i get you today?” You say to them.
“Frappe please!” They said.
“Sure thing” you say while putting it in.
“It will be right out” you say.
“Y/n are you busy tonight? Your coworker erika asks.
“Huh oh Well ive been wanting to watch this show for the longest thats what i have planned for tonight why?” you say.
“Really how boring y/n dont you ever have a club to go in mind? its a friday night. Have you even been to a club y/n?” Erika says with a scoff.
“First off its not boring they said its acutally a good show besides..i rather do that than go to a club and get hit on by gross thirsty men.” You said.
“Well they hit on you because your hot, besides i never seen you with a guy before are you a lesbian by chance?” Erika asks with a hand over her mouth.
“Shut up erika im not gay. And if i was you’d see me with someone im just not in the mood to date anyone at the momment.”
Thats right you werent you will get hit on at a store or anywhere you were at you were indeed hot like erika said but you never gave any guy a chance last time you had boyfriend was back in highschool 11th grade. His name was ryota but eventually you guys broke up since then you havent seen him. You were working to save up money to move out of japan and go to the usa since you have family there and your cousins.
“Let her be erika if she doesnt wanna go its fine let her be boring.” Your other coworker kai said with a wink.
“Ha-ha very funny and stop saying boring im not boring okay i have fun with myself okay..” you say crossing your arms.
“Ouu What kind of fun with youself” kai says with a wink again.
“masterbate” erika says with a whisper.
“HAHAHA” both kai and erika laugh.
“FUCK YOU GUYS im done with you two” you say.
Kai and erika were your coworkers well also friends. You met them at the cafe you were new and eventually yall became friends they would always joke around they are heavy jokesters sometimes they go to far. Like rightnow. They were different than you, you weren’t exactly the going out type you were more into staying home and companied with your dog prince. You make plans of what you were gonna do in the usa once you saved up money but you still had long way to go but to you there wasnt a problem with planning early. And you weren’t exactly a drinker either, you would only drink to a limit your still sober in your own house.
“Oi everyone has needs girl its okay* *wink* kai says.
You roll your eyes with a smirk.
“YO so anyways come to a club with us y/n out of all the times we invited you, you cant skip this one girl it is turned up” erika says.
“Oh yeah its in Roppongi girl you cant miss this one we wont take no for an answer.” Kai said.
“In Roppongi?” You say.
“Yeah they say the club is owned by these two brothers but this one is gonna be different its gonna be under the name kokonoi whos hosting something there supposedly theres gonna be a game and they’re gonna bet money and whoever wins gets 100k” Erika says cheerfully.
“Well im for sure gonna join the game, you should to y/n i mean you might win since you are saving up money to leave us you whore.. this is an opportunity for you, you should go for it.” Kai says.
Im not “leaving” you guys there is something called facetime and i can come visit sometimes. And also there’s no way in hell ill win but i do need money so 50/50 chance. For that ill take a risk. But i hate partys, but..fuck it i need money.” You say with a sigh.
“Thats the spirit!” Erika says with a smile.
“*sigh* so you said its tonight right? Well what time are you guys picking me up im not taking my car so you better give me ride erika if you want me to go.” You say.
“I knew your cheap ass was gonna say that and ill pick you up at 11pm.” Erika says pinching your cheek.
“We barely have costumers today this place looks like desert dry as hell.” Kai says.
“Well yeah we barely had 6 customers today.. what do you think sumiko?” Erika asks the other coworker.
“Hehe yeah i think this place might need an upgrade?.” The girl says.
“Hell yeah” erika says.
“Haha” you laugh.
Later that day you closed the cafe heading home. Once you made it home you threw your keys on the counter and went to your room and landed on the bed *sigh* “im tired i dont even wanna go but what can i do if i need the money theres a chance i might win i might be lucky right prince hehe.” You say to you dog laying beside you. You dog tilt his head to the side. You grabed your phone from your pocket and checked the time just “2hrs 1/2 left before she picks me up” you say. You got up and went to you closet to see what dress youll wear tonight.
“Hmm no not this one”.. “bleh”.. “o-ohh this one looks good havent wore this one yet” you grabbed a pretty black dress. “Ill wear this one i guess with these black heels”. You say.
2hrs 1/2 passed by you were ready and you were waiting for erika. While you were waiting you felt pretty nervous to go well nervous about the game maybe its gonna be hard to win who knows you kept overthinking. *HONK* “Y/N im outside you whore.” You heard erika yelling outside. You look out the window you grabbed your keys and phone and said goodbye to your dog prince.
“Are you fucking kidding me erika my neighbors heard you your being to loud they are asleep at this hour” you say.
“Yeah yeah” WOOOO!*HONK**HONK* erika speeds off.
“Your so fucking childish erika” kai say.
“Yeah but dont be loud and can you slow down before we get a ticket.” You say.
“You guys SUCK” erika says.
“Haha” kai laughs.
*End of chapter 1*
I know its short ill make the other one longer.
I hope you like this chapter thank you for reading.!
•Heres the outfit you chose•
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