#kendall vehicular manslaughter on their wedding
grendelsmilf · 1 year
one of the best parts of succession is how marriage and death are irrevocably intertwined. because. they are both ways to enter a coffin
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depressedraisin · 3 months
i CANNOT BELIEVE they made kendall goofily dance with his ex wife and kids at his sister's wedding party his tenderest scene with his family this entire season perhaps the whole show RIGHT AFTER HE COMMITTED VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER. jesse armstrong you evil evil genius
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saipng · 1 year
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gudrunbrangwen · 2 years
posting thoughts on tumblr dot com for the first time in years to say that kendall roy has the most insane and horrible t boy swag and i don’t see it appreciated enough. man is doing donuts in a parking lot with jesse pinkman riding passenger. look at him. “in recovery”. walking like the walking man emoji. how am i gonna honor the achievements of my abusive aging father? by putting on a silly little baseball outfit and doing a fucking rap. my crimes include launching a reputation smear against girls at a startup by calling them whores because they rejected me professionally, ruining my sister’s wedding, committing vehicular manslaughter at my sister’s wedding, and feeding bagel to the rabbit beloved by my adopted children who i barely facetime with. these are the crimes of a trans man. i have more to say. the evidence goes on. yes roman has t boy swag but it is self evident. kendall’s tboy swag is SO self evident it’s been missed. hidden. i am showing you
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sigurdjarlson · 2 years
Please go on re: tomgreg wedding planning 👀
You guys are all enablers!! [affectionate]
First off I know nothing about wedding planning admittedly but I’ll do my best
Tom would be so fussy about everything, maybe even more than he was with Shiv because lbr that wedding was..not good. (Also hopefully no one dies at this one!)
He’s like 99.9% sure Greg won’t ask for an open relationship on their wedding night though. He knows because he’s made Greg swear up and down he’s happy with monogamy
Greg honestly would have been fine with going to the courthouse and getting married like that but he mentioned that to Tom once and Tom didn’t talk to him for a week.
He just kinda happily goes along with whatever Tom wants and watches with amusement (and the occasional twinge of second hand embarrassment) as he acts like a diva about it all
Suit shopping for the wedding at least ends with Tom giving him what Greg can only describe as the worlds’s most sentimental blow job in the dressing room though so that’s neat.
Greg’s favorite part is the food planning though. He asks for a fondue fountain and also a chocolate one. Tom is like what… Greg..okay..fine. He’s smiling though because he’s involved at least.
(I admit I’m projecting. I want those two things at my wedding one day so bad lmao)
Shiv had just stared blankly at him when he asked what kind of food they should serve and said “whatever they usually serve at weddings?”
What? He’s a guy who loves snacks and treats.
Tom mentions Roman wanted to set the rocket launch off at the same time as him and Shiv’s wedding.
Greg grimaces at the mention of Roman but admits he would have thought a rocket launch during their wedding would have been cool and then Tom reminds him it exploded and some people lost some fingers and he’s like oh yeah..
Kendall won’t be there to commit vehicular manslaughter either so that’s cool (although Tom and Greg don’t know about that)
Greg jokes he won’t sleep with any of the waitstaff this time and Tom stares at him so long that he remembers quite quickly that Tom had no idea he fucked one of the waiters at his wedding. Oops?
“You fucked a waiter at my wedding, Greg? A waiter?”
“Uh..I mean I didn’t really um..do the fucking per se?”
Which is quite possibly the worst thing he could have said.
Greg doesn’t really get it. Tom has no right to act so pissy about it. He was literally GETTING MARRIED. What was he supposed to be celibate even before he knew Tom was into him?
But he lets Tom get the jealousy out of his system. Thankfully it’s in the fun way that Greg very much enjoys and they’re fine.
Tom snidely asks him if he’s better and Greg agrees obviously “I kind of feel bad speaking ill of the dead but yeah? Definitely.”
And that’s how Tom finds out he fucked the waiter who died
“You fucked the dead waiter?”
“Uhhh…well, he didn’t die during..so..he was alive when we had sex?”
“Wow, thanks for the clarification you’re not a necrophiliac, Greg.”
Sorry Andrew rip
Tom grudgingly thinks that he was lucky his last fuck was Greg.
Greg isn’t so sure about that because
“I was so fucking stoned on Ketamine? I think I fell asleep for a minute at one point and he had to wake me up?”
“Wow it was that bad, huh?” Tom ignores Greg’s attempt at clarification and takes that as the truth.
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amandayoungdyke · 3 years
shiv roy listens to mad woman and thinks about the time she confessed to infidelity on her wedding night kendall roy listens to mad woman and thinks about the time he committed vehicular manslaughter
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loverboyromanroy · 3 years
Im starting to think a twist in the finale will be Gerri joining Kendall cause she has much more dirt on the company than cousin Greg ever had, and i think she feels betrayed by Logan, cause he sent Shiv to do the dirty work and they will try to push Gerri out of the company, and she will want revenge. Maybe not even exactly join Kendall but reveal some documents on her own and it will somehow help Kendall along the way... idk im spiralling that we have only 1 ep left, succession season is ensing quicker than christmas season 🤪
bestie i think we're past the point of anyone joining kendall 😬
i honestly don't know what happens with kendall in the finale! it would seem to me he is probably still alive given they are all clearly still at the wedding venue and i don't think they would go through with the wedding if he died...i still think there’s room for logan to die (or cliffhanger with the question of whether logan dies…) and maybe the final resolution is kendall confessing to vehicular manslaughter (via that podcast opp?) which gives logan a heart attack? perhaps?
re: gerri, like i said here my guess is that she's gonna try and use her tenure with logan to either spin it down or make some sort of trade/acquiescence that saves both of them for the short-term (with implications that might come back to bite her/them for season 4?)
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pynkhues · 3 years
How do you think Kendall's going to end up by the end of the season? I know he's our Cordelia but I really dont want to see a succession style re-enactment of King Lear Act 5 scene 3 :((((
That truly feels like the million dollar question right now, anon, huh?
So much tends to happen in the last two episodes of a season that it feels impossible to predict where the chips are going to fall by the end of it all. Like, I don't know if anyone could've predicted the bear hug collapsing because Kendall commits vehicular manslaughter at his sister's wedding during the episode with Tom's Bachelor Party, y'know?
Spoilers, kind of, haha, so speculation beneath the cut:
The fact that Kendall's not in the 3.09 promo but it appears Iverson has a scene with Logan feels pretty loaded to me, as does the fact that the 3.09 episode title quotes a different part of the same poem that 1.10 did.
I've seen a lot of speculation that Kendall commits suicide, which I think is a possibility, but I doubt the show would actually kill him off, and I doubt that for a few reasons. He's arguably the main character of the show and he drives most of the narrative conflict because he's frequently the only character who actually acts (even if his acts are often unhinged, haha), his death would drastically shift many of the dynamics of the show and be a catalyst for change, which, as Jesse Armstrong has said a few times now, the show is very much about how people don't change, and while a lot of people I think have seen Kendall's flirtations with suicide as foreshadowing, I think it's more of a Chekhov's gun.
Above all of that though, I don't think it'll happen because Kendall pretty much articulated in 3.07 that death was what he wanted, and Kendall never getting what he wants is really pretty central to the show.
I do think an attempt is likely though, and I think it functionally would set the show up for s4. It would operate well as a parallel to Logan's stroke in 1.10 and while it wouldn't provoke the same business fallout, it'd evoke a similar personal one, I think, especially for Shiv and Roman who've actively been trying to destroy Kendall all season.
I also think there's a chance Kendall might take the fall Logan wanted him to in 2.10. The consequences of the cruises scandal have been simmering in the background now for a minute, and while Gerri was tentatively hopeful in 3.07 that it was close to over, there's no guarantee, so everyone celebrating like it is over feels loaded. If the show is about how people don't change, Kendall hitting rock bottom is usually the first sign that he's about to go crawling back to daddy, and that felt especially pertinent at the end of the last episode. He wants his family, and at least at Logan's side, he has the illusion of it, if not the reality.
Going back to Logan always requires sacrifice - Shiv had to give up her political career and Gil, and Kendall last time had to give up the takeover bid, but the only thing Kendall has to give up anymore is himself. Taking the fall for Logan ties in well with the circular themes of the show and places him firmly back in Cordelia's shoes too - a self-sacrifice for the broken love of a mad king.
I'm not sure though! Again, I think it's so hard to predict with this show, but either way, I don't really see Kendall ending on a win this season. What do you think?
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oatmilkovich · 3 years
KENDALL HAS ACTUALLY KILLED SOMEONE?!?! i thought that was a joke, i even wrote it down on my calendar!
🙏 people aren’t perfect ok sometimes they commit vehicular manslaughter and kill a young waiter at their sister’s wedding 🙏
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zaynharrie · 3 years
not kendall committing vehicular manslaughter at shiv’s wedding
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pollyjean · 4 years
it’s like. reputation is a kendall roy album. 1989 is mostly a tom/greg album except for the bits about vehicular manslaughter which are obviously about kendall. folklore is about kendall and sometimes about kendall/stewy except for illicit affairs which is also tom/greg as are the trilogy of songs about cheating or whatever. lover is pretty evenly split for kendall songs tom/greg songs and gerri/roman songs as well as some songs that are just too genuine for any of them. most of red doesn’t give off succession vibes for me but treacherous is tom/greg the lucky one is kendall the last time is kendall/stewy state of grace is tom/greg except for “twin fire signs” bc we all know neither of them are fire signs and also “this love is brave and wild” bc they’re both spineless cowards. speak now is also very much a mixed bag with some songs that are too earnest for any of the succession crew although innocent and mean are clearly about kendall and the title track is an only slightly different alternate universe where greg not only tries to warn tom before the wedding that shiv is cheating on him but also tells tom he has feelings for him and is like don’t wait or say a single vow your time is running out and they said speak now...
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lovergirl · 3 years
Thinking of iconic music moments of tv/series like the time gossip girl used watcha say by jason derulo on that one episode where everyone was walking out of the thanksgiving dinner and also on s1 of succession where kendall returned to shiv's wedding receptionafter his little ✨vehicular manslaughter✨ accident and they were playing i gotta feeling by black eyed peas and he was looking so anxious but trying to stay calm and the music transitioned to whitney's i wanna dance w somebody!!!!!!!! ICONIC MUSIC MOMENTS!!!!!!!
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succ-season-4-when · 3 years
Also, lmao at Roman discrediting Salgado on the basis that he’s ‘brown’ and Shiv’s ‘a white woman’ backing him.
And who the fuck is Peter Munion? Is the Italian wedding gonna be Caroline’s? At the very least Tom’s going to jail, even if Kendall’s case falls flat on it’s face (which it’s starting to seem like it might).
It seems that even the episode trailers contain takeout scenes, which almost misled me into thinking Ken’s case is dead for certain (it’s very much not, but he apparently also needs someone to back his papers for the DOJ).
So, what the hell made Ken shave his head then?
(Also, I personally refuse to see the similarities between Trump and Mencken, but a very convincing argument could be made here that Mencken’s little confession to Roman was an anti-immigration spiel that encapsulates Trump’s platform against illegal immigration.
I see this, and I don’t think he can win the primary; even if the writers slap the ‘cult of personality’ shtick on him, he’s still a nobody—as much as I hate to say it, this guy is no Trump, a household name known for over a decade as a successful businessman in a reality TV show—he’s an alt-right loser asking someone if they’ve read Plato’s The Republic as a retort. )
Oh, and next week's probably gonna be Ken & Roman (maybe Shiv as well, but we'll see) fighting over Gojo at Ken's 40th birthday party, where he sings a ballad.
With the way things are going...something big is definitely gonna happen in the finale to propel the plot forward, but I can't see what as of now. It's becoming increasingly difficult to gauge a sense for what might happen in future episodes with most of the subplots being resolved: Ken's case with the cruise scandal, the Tom / Greg criminal charges, Shiv being brought into the company, someone being named as the interim CEO (Gerri)...
A lot has to happen in the next 3 episodes to line up for 2 more seasons, and I don't think an accident (e.g. Ken's vehicular manslaughter) is gonna cut it.
I'm getting tired of this 'dance for daddy' (in Marcia's words) back-and-forth, and I want to see the Roy siblings collaborate / duel it out without Logan's hand-holding and see where it takes us.
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