#kenji kishimoto imagines
sweetprfct · 6 months
Hi, sweetie, everything alright? I have a request for Aaron if you don't mind...
I would like something where the reader is sick, one day she woke up with dizziness and a headache but didn't tell Aaron so as not to worry him, and maybe, when she was with Kenji and Aaron away from her the reader feels really sick? basically, something cute about Aaron taking care of the reader(and a little cute and concerned best friend kenji)
Never A Nuisance
Aaron Warner x Fem!Reader
Summary: Food poisoning from a bad sushi. Your boyfriend, Aaron, and best friend, Kenji, weren't exactly friends. One house, one thought of not wanting to worry them. What could possibly go wrong?
Author's Note: This was fun, so thank you for this request! :) Enjoy!
Wordcount: 3.6K
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“Princess!” Kenji called out from the living room. “Are you coming or not? The movie is ready!”
You sat at the edge of the tub, hanging your head low. The throbbing headache you have been feeling since you woke up this morning had been killing you all day. However, you and Kenji already had made plans for today. Aaron was at work, and you certainly didn’t need to bother him either, especially that he has been stressed out with a lot of things. 
“I’m coming!” You yelled out, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
You couldn’t sleep well last night due to the fact that your stomach had been killing you. You couldn’t bear to let Aaron know because you knew he was going to be up early for work, and you didn’t need to disturb his sleep either. The cause of your headache was due to the lack of sleep and the fact that you were hungry, but you couldn’t even look at food right now without wanting to hurl. You knew you shouldn’t have eaten that sushi yesterday for lunch. It had been a while since you had some, and you just wanted to fill your cravings, especially that it was also your time of the month. 
Getting up from the edge of the tub, you splashed your face with some water from the sink and stared at yourself in the mirror. You looked pale. You slowly feel a fever coming in, but you had to go through with this. Besides, you would just be sitting on the sofa, watching a movie. You didn’t need to worry Kenji either. Walking out of the bathroom, you tried to balance yourself as you slowly walked down the hall and into the living room. 
“Popcorn?” Kenji smiled excitedly, handing you the bowl of popcorn.
You felt your stomach turned as you stared at it. You gave him a small fake smile and grabbed the bowl before settling yourself on the sofa. 
“What movie is this?” You asked. 
“Tangled.” Kenji replied, settling comfortably next to you. 
You slowly turned your head at Kenji, giving him a glare. This was the fifth time you both watched this movie, and you honestly weren’t in the mood for a happy sunshine kind of movie at the moment. 
“No.” You stated sternly. “I’m not watching this again!” 
“I thought you liked it?” 
“Not for the fifth time.” You argued, reaching over for the remote.
As you bent over towards the coffee table, you felt your stomach turn again as you clasped a hand over your mouth. Kenji stared at you for a moment, brows furrowing. 
“Are you okay, Princess?” He asked.
“Y…Yeah. Sorry.” You said, grabbing the remote and as soon as you sat back on the sofa, your head started to spin.
Swallowing everything that was starting to come up in your throat, you focused your attention on the television screen, scrolling through the variety of movies. You forced your eyes to stay open, blinking a few times to wake yourself up. However, you felt Kenji’s stare burning at the side of your face, and you knew he was trying to figure out if you were actually telling him the truth or not. Picking out a horror movie, you settled comfortably on the sofa, using a pillow to support your head and forced yourself to eat the bowl of popcorn that was sitting on your lap. 
For a moment, Kenji focused his attention on the television and after fifteen minutes that passed by, you started to feel the sushi from yesterday coming up in your throat again. You reached for the glass of water and drank it slowly before putting down the bowl of untouched popcorn on the coffee table. You felt Kenji’s eyes shift at you again. He knew something was wrong because not only you weren’t eating the popcorn—which was your favorite— you weren’t also very talkative like you usually were. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Kenji asked. 
“Fine.” You replied, running your fingers through your hair.
It was starting to feel hot. 
Your body was heating up, but your toes and fingers were ice cold. You couldn’t understand what you were feeling right now, and your head started to spin again as you slightly moved your body to find a comfortable position. Kenji moved closer to you, his eyes squinting as he stared at your flushed red ears. 
“You’re sick!” He exclaimed, a hand immediately rested on your forehead. “Oh my god! You’re burning up!”
“I’m fine, Kenji!” You swatted his hand away, moving your head away from his touch but that only made you more dizzy. 
“No, you’re not. You’re burning up!” 
You watched as Kenji got up from the sofa and panicked washed over him. He handed you the glass of water, asking you to drink the whole thing before running towards the kitchen to search for some medicine. You sighed and laid yourself on the sofa, rubbing your temples. The loud cluttering that was going on in the kitchen only made your head spin even more. You closed your eyes and exhaled sharply. You didn’t know how long Kenji had been in the kitchen, panicking and opening and closing the cupboards and drawers. Time seemed to freeze at the moment as you felt your stomach turn again as you set your hand over it. Kenji’s panic state wasn’t helping you at all. 
“Kenji.” You called out, but your voice was too weak. 
Feeling the vomit coming up in your throat again, you clasped a hand over your mouth and quickly got up from the sofa. All Kenji heard was your footsteps running towards the bathroom and then the sound of you hurling out all the food that you ate yesterday. Your face flushed and so did your body. You felt your chest heaving as you groaned softly and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. You sat on the bathroom floor, closing your eyes and leaned back against the tub. 
Everything felt like shit. 
You didn’t know how long you were sitting there but suddenly, you heard rapid footsteps coming from down the hall and the bathroom door swung open. Opening your eyes, you saw Aaron walk in the door with his expression full of worry. 
“Love,” He murmured, immediately kneeling down in front of you. “What happened?” 
Your eyes shifted at Kenji, who stood behind Aaron by the doorway. 
“You called him?” You asked, your voice so low, but Kenji could hear the tone of frustration in your voice. 
“I had to!” Kenji shrugged, his eyes widened. “I didn’t know what was happening! Jesus Christ, Princess! I was so scared!” 
“I told you, I’m fine—” You couldn’t even finish your sentence as you went back on your knees and vomited on the toilet again. 
All you heard was Kenji groaning in disgusts as Aaron gently rubbed your back and held your hair back. You didn’t want both of them to see you like this. It was disgusting, and you felt disgusting. Your mouth tasted so foul at this point from all the vomit, and it made you even more nauseous.  Aaron handed you a towel to wipe your mouth as he continued to rub your back softly. You watched as Kenji handed Aaron the glass of water as Aaron helped you, holding the glass and slowly letting you drink it.
“Kenji, could you go to the store and get her some medicine? Also, some soup and gatorade.” Aaron said. “She needs some electrolytes.” 
“Yeah, I’m on it.” 
Just like that, Kenji was gone, and your back was against the wall, your head resting against it. You closed your eyes and tried to breathe slowly. You didn’t want Aaron to see you like this, so grotesque and repulsive. You also didn’t want to bother him either. He was already stressed. Once you feel better, you’re definitely going to kill Kenji for doing this to you. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, staring at Aaron.
He was silent for a moment, his piercing green eyes were full of worry as he stared at you. He then slowly shook his head and wiped your mouth one more time with the towel. His silence was killing you. You didn’t know what he was thinking, and all the possible thoughts that you thought he might be thinking right now was eating you up slowly. 
“Please say something.” You said. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, brushing a strand of hair away from your forehead. “How long have you been feeling like this?”
“Since last night.” You sighed. “I ate some bad sushi for lunch and ever since then, my stomach had been hurting and I got a throbbing headache because I couldn’t sleep last night, and I didn’t want to bother you because you’re all stressed and—”
Aaron repeatedly shook his head and said, “There’s nothing more important in this world than you, love.”
You stared at him. His words made your heart swell. It tugged on your heartstrings as he cupped your face with his hands. 
“Stress or not stress… Even if I’m sick myself or I’m a hundred miles away, I will always put you first.” 
“There’s nothing you could do for me to prioritize you first, always.” Aaron added. “No matter what the situation is, you’re my first priority, you understand?”
You nodded your head, leaning against his touch as he softly brushed your cheek with his fingers. He could feel the heat that was radiating through your body, and he stared at your pale lips for a moment, tracing the outline with his finger. 
“How did you get here so fast?” You asked.
“I was just around the corner when Kenji called. I was gonna go home early to surprise you, so we can have a nice dinner.” Aaron gave you a small smile. “I brought your favorite flowers. Pink peonies.”
You couldn’t help but give him a small weak smile. If it wasn’t for your breath being so disgusting and foul right now, you would have grabbed him already and kissed him for being so sweet. You couldn’t explain what it was when it came to him, but he always made you feel so safe and protected. Even if he was just standing there next to you, or his presence was just in the room. Aaron knew you could handle yourself pretty well without him but that didn’t stop him to still take care of you and put you first. 
“C’mon…” He whispered, getting up from the floor, scoping you up and carrying you in his arms. 
He gently set you down on the bed as your cold fingers touched his cheek. His eyes immediately went dim as soon as he felt your cold touch. He didn’t like seeing you sick and the fact that he couldn’t do anything to take your pain away was killing him. Taking your hands in his, he pressed a soft kiss on your fingers before rubbing them softly to keep them warm.
“You’re cold.” He said. 
“Mhmm…” You closed your eyes, marveling at his touch. 
“Get some rest, love.” Aaron pulled the duvet close to your chest before planting a soft kiss on your forehead. 
As you slowly fluttered your eyes closed, Aaron got up from the bed and grabbed the heating pad and quietly entered back in the bedroom. Carefully, he pulled the duvet away from your body and rested the heating pad on your stomach. He smiled softly as you stirred and a soft hum escaped from you. Gently tucking you back in, he walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him quietly. 
In the kitchen, he found Kenji just arriving back from the store. Aaron couldn’t help but chuckle softly from the image of Kenji in front of him. His face was flushed, and it looked like he ran a mile from the way he was breathing at the moment. 
“Did you drive or did you run to the store?” Aaron teased. 
“Shut up.” Kenji rolled his eyes as he started taking out all the stuff from the grocery bag.
“You never had to take care of Nazeera when she’s sick?” Aaron asked, grabbing the can of soup from the kitchen counter.
Kenji shrugged and said, “That woman never gets sick. I… I got scared there for a moment.”
Aaron turned the stove on and started making the soup as he shook his head. His back was turned to Kenji, while Kenji stared at him for a moment. His mind was still running a million thoughts. He never saw you like this before, and it turned on his panic mode. He didn’t know what was wrong. He didn’t know what you needed to feel better. 
“I thought… nevermind.” Kenji bit his lower lip. 
“What?” Aaron looked over his shoulder, brows all furrowed. 
“Stop torturing me and just say what’s on your mind, Kishimoto.” Aaron shook his head as he looked back at the soup he was making on the stove. 
“I thought she was pregnant or something.”
Aaron immediately snapped his head back towards him, his green eyes wide in surprise, “What?”
Kenji saw the look that washed over Aaron’s face. It was a shock expression but at the same time, the idea of it didn’t make him afraid. It softened his green eyes even more. Relaxed his shoulders for the first time since Kenji has known him. He didn’t realize Aaron wasn't opposed to that idea, especially from the way Kenji had known him. Always cold and stiff. 
“I don’t know, man. I was panicking. She was vomiting, and I thought there’s something wrong. I mean don’t you vomit or something if you’re pregnant?”
Aaron couldn’t help but laugh. An actual laugh that Kenji never heard before. Dimples and everything. 
The man had dimples! 
“She has her period right now, you idiot.” Aaron’s voice sounded so amused. “It didn’t exactly help that she ate bad sushi yesterday.”
“Oh.” That was all Kenji could manage as he leaned against the kitchen counter. 
For a moment, he watched Aaron prepare your soup and chopped up some vegetables and other things and cooked them. Kenji could smell the delicious aroma that started to fill up the kitchen. He didn’t even know that Aaron could cook. Not just cook. He could plate it really well too. All fancy and shit like the way they did in the restaurants. 
“Okay, chef.” Kenji teased. 
“One of the things my mother taught me.” Aaron murmured as he finished up your plate. 
Aaron gazed up at Kenji and slid a plate towards him. Kenji stared at the food in front of him for a moment and then gazed back up at Aaron. 
“I can’t eat this.” Kenji said. 
“You saw me cooking it. I didn’t poison it.” Aaron argued back.
“It looks too pretty to eat it.” Kenji commented.
“Don’t act like you’re not hungry.” Aaron rolled his eyes, brushing off the discreet compliment that Kenji gave him. “I know how you are with food. You eat like a wild animal.” 
Taking a piece of vegetable, Kenji took a bite of it and held in his smile. Aaron knew he liked it, and he was forcing himself to not show it in front of him. Picking up his fork, Kenji started eating the rest of the food as Aaron shook his head and started cleaning up the kitchen counters. 
“Thank you.” Aaron said as soon as he finished cleaning, looking back at Kenji.
The silence that was blanketing the room was slowly killing him. Kenji gazed up at him, processing what Aaron was trying to thank him for. Then, he saw the genuine in his eyes and realized that he was actually being serious. 
“Of course, I care about her. She’s literally my best friend.” Kenji nodded. 
Another silence blanketed between them until—
Both of their heads turned at the same time towards the direction of the bedroom as soon as they heard your voice. You were awake, and Aaron immediately dropped the towel and washed his hands. 
“I got the dishes.” Kenji offered as Aaron grabbed the plate of food that he made for you and placed it on a tray. 
Staring at the ceiling, you blinked your eyes a few times to get rid of the sleep. Your headache was slowly fading away, and you had forgotten the memory of how you got back in your bed. You were still in pain when it came to your stomach, and you could feel another round of vomit coming up. Then, you heard the door open to find Aaron holding a tray of food. A small smile tugged on his lips.
“Hey, love.” He sets the tray next to you before stroking your hair softly. “How are you feeling?”
“I… need…” You clasped a hand over your mouth and Aaron’s eyes widened as he quickly ran out to grab a bucket for you. 
It didn’t take long for him to come back as he held the bucket in front of you, one hand clutching on your hair, while you vomited again. Aaron set the bucket down on the floor as soon as you were finished, grabbing the fresh towel and wiping your mouth gently.
“God, I’m so sorry.” You whispered as Aaron gently helped you sit up on the bed, your back leaning against the headboard.
“Don’t apologize, love.” He murmured, “It’ll pass. I promise.”
He handed you a glass of water as you took a big sip of it. You sighed and closed your eyes for a moment, shaking your head. Your headache was slowly fading, but you were still dizzy, and you just wanted this feeling to be over. 
“I didn’t want you to worry or be such an inconvenience. You already have a lot on your plate.”
Aaron moved himself from the edge of the bed and scooted himself over next to you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as he pulled you close to his chest. You exhaled a sharp breath, breathing him in. He smelled so fresh and nice, and his warm body was making you feel so sleepy. You felt warm and safe. 
You were home.
“Didn’t I tell you that you’re always my first priority, love?” Aaron murmured. “You’re never a nuisance to me. Ever.”
You pressed your face on his chest as you closed your eyes, your arm wrapping around his torso as you clung to him. You could stay in his arms forever. 
“Thank you.” You whispered. 
“I love you.” Aaron smiled, kissing your forehead. 
There was a comfortable silence for a moment as you slowly started falling back to sleep. Your breathing started to steady as Aaron rubbed your arm softly that made you even sleepier until you heard Kenji’s familiar voice that made you snap your eyes open.
“How is she?” Kenji asked.
Aaron felt your body jolt in surprise as you opened your eyes. You blinked a few times and saw Kenji standing by the doorway, sliding on his jacket. Aaron shook his head and gave Kenji a death glare for waking you up. 
“You never use your brain do you, Kishimoto?” Aaron said, irritation hinting at his voice.
“Sorry, I thought she was awake.” 
You lifted your head from Aaron’s chest, brows furrowing. You didn’t realize Kenji was still here. This whole time, he was here and Aaron was here, and the house didn’t burn down? That was impossible for your brain to comprehend even if you were sick. Did they have an actual conversation out there, or did they just stare at each other? For sure, you would have woken up if they had started beating each other up in the living room. 
“You’re still here?” You asked. 
“Unfortunately.” Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose. 
Kenji gave Aaron a side eye before giving you a small smile and said, “Of course. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You couldn’t help but smile at your best friend. He truly was the sweetest thing. Although, you didn’t mean to make him panic earlier. You saw his reaction, and he looked like a lost little puppy. 
“Thank you. I’ll be okay.” You said, giving him a small reassuring smile. “Even if I’m still upset with you for making that phone call.”
Kenji chuckled softly, “Whatever you say, Princess. I’ll get going. I’m sure Warner could handle it from here.”
You nodded your head as Kenji nodded his head at Aaron before walking away. You shifted your eyes at both men and saw the look on their faces. Almost like a silent understanding between them two, and you couldn’t help but wonder what happened between them when you were asleep. 
“I think he almost had a heart attack earlier.” You giggled softly, burying your face in Aaron’s neck.
“You should have seen him when he came back from the store.” Aaron laughed softly. 
You grinned and planted a soft kiss on his neck. Aaron felt your lashes tickle his neck as you closed your eyes. Being in his arms made you feel slightly better. It was almost like his presence was like a drug to you that you couldn't seem to understand, but you were so drunk in it. You just wanted this forever. You just wanted to stay in his arms like this forever.
“You should eat, love. I made you some food.” Aaron whispered.
However, you were struggling to keep your eyes open. You were exhausted from vomiting so much. The thought of food was still making you nauseous, and the heating pad that Aaron had set on your stomach had helped the pain to slowly fade away. Aaron rubbed your arm softly, and it gave you even more comfort. As he gazed down at you, he couldn’t help but smile when he found you asleep peacefully in his arms. 
“Sweet dreams, love.” He whispered, kissing your hair. “I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
The End.
@gracie-221 @his-littlefox @annamatix @hannahmarie71 @ecliphttlunar @indythefandomhoarder @reminiscentreader @hrtsbecca @soulaires @shattermelyhfmlblog
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shattermelyhfmlblog · 6 months
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@warneraaronanderson @warnerslove
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artstatues · 2 months
sweet boy. - a.w‎‎‎‎‎
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wc : 339
pairings : aaron warner x fem!reader
synopsis : unfortunately, aaron's been extremely busy the past couple of days.
warnings : workaholic aaron, nothing much tho.
a/n : short drabble. writing mood today but had 0 ideas for the last hour or two, finally came up with this lmao
taglist : @never-enough-novels @reminiscentreader @kozumesphone @lxvebelle @shuhuaspookie
@off-to-the-r4ces @starrynightsxo @flowers-for-em
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you sat on the office couch, eyes directed at your too focused boyfriend rather than the book in your hands. you loved aaron, you really did, but he’s been awfully busy for the last few days, too busy to give you any attention. only short good mornings, or good nights. he’d be gone when you woke up, and absent when you went to bed. you were sure he’s absolutely exhausted. the bags under his eyes becoming more prominent day by day. only did he look up from his laptop screen, or his papers say “oh, hello love,” or something like that.
you understood him. you knew he wanted to rave about how much he loved you, you knew how he wanted to lay in your lap and watched as you went on about your day. yet, he couldn’t. he has a full time job as the supreme commander. oh how you missed your aaron.
every time you’ve called him over to take a break, he’d simply say “5 more minutes love, i promise.” but did he fulfill those promises? no. just sweet nothings. 
“love?” he called.
“yes aaron?” you smiled down at him, staring at you from your lap.
“how was your day?” he inquired, causing you to put your book down.
“aaron?” you tried, looking up from your book, some form of despair in your eyes, and your tone. “yes, love?” he looked up from his screen. you’re sure that was the first time he made full eye contact with you in the last 7 hours. you've been on this couch for 3. it’s 10.36 pm. “c’mere?” you patted your lap. his eyes looked dead, his eye bags only slightly covered by the frame of his working glasses. he unexpectedly got up and walked closer towards you. soon enough, he found peace on your lap, laying down sideways, staring at god knows what. you gently ran your hands into his hair, playing with a few strands. “oh my sweet boy.” you hummed.
how you’ve missed this…
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jamespottersdaisy · 1 year
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best Aaron Warner/Shatter Me fanart I've seen and I'm not joking. I screamed when I saw Aaron HSKDJSJXKSKZKSJSKZKS
Instagram : palinlineart
tiktok: palinline
2K notes · View notes
milkchocolate-e · 2 months
You know what? I want us to be in a flower field. I want us to dance underneath the moonlight. I want us to to kiss in the rain. I want us to hold eachother while watching the sunset.
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174 notes · View notes
flowers-for-em · 10 months
Kenji: Which country has the most birds?
Kenji: Portu-geese!
Nazeera: That's a language.
Kenji: Portu-gull?
Nazeera: Good recovery.
Juliette: I think you mean good re-dovery.
503 notes · View notes
soulaires · 1 year
I need me some Kenji kishimoto fics!!! Maybe like he's drunk and aarom calls u so u so u have to pick him up and he's being a lil suggestive and goofy and fluffy and stuff!!!
My Girl.
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pairings: kenji kishimoto x f!reader
summary: kenji is drunk and absolutely have no brakes.
warnings: ooc, alcohol, drunk, suggestive themes.
« words: 1,659 ┇ao3┇reblogs are appreciated! »
authors note: I know this ask is ages ago but i just cant write something very similar to my old one so I did some twist to make it different. Enjoy! Also not proofread and I wrote this at midnight. Excuse it lmao.
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Kenji had always been a tough nut to crack, but that night, the alcohol had done its magic, leaving him in a state of blissful inebriation. He, along with Aaron and  Adam, had gathered for a boys' night out. 
Kenji had decided it was high time for a boys' night out. He'd invited his best buddies, Warner and Adam, for a night of fun and revelry. Little did they know that Kenji had a surprise in store for them, something that would shatter their preconceived notions and send their jaws dropping. They didn't know that you and Kenji had been secretly dating for a while.
As the night progressed, Kenji became increasingly intoxicated, his inhibitions fading away like smoke in the wind. He couldn't help himself, and in his drunken state, he decided to let the cat out of the bag. With a wide, goofy grin, he began to regale his friends with stories about his amazing girlfriend (you).
"Guys, guys," he began, clearly intoxicated already, "you won't believe it, but I have the most amazing, pretty, talented, and hot girlfriend in the world!"
"I'm the luckiest guy, seriously." He slurred, leaning heavily on his friend's shoulder.
His friends exchanged bewildered glances. Adam chuckled, "Kenji, man, you've had one too many. Are you sure you're not just imagining this incredible girlfriend of yours?"
Warner and Adam exchanged incredulous glances, thinking that Kenji was simply caught up in the moment, or perhaps he was just too drunk to know what he was saying. "Come on, kishimoto," Warner chuckled, "you've had a few too many. Are you sure you're not just... imagining things?"
Kenji, however, was adamant. "No, I'm not making this up, guys. I'm serious. She's real, and she's mine!"
Adam chimed in, clearly amused, "Well, we've known you for a while, Kenji, and you've never mentioned a girlfriend before. Are you sure you're not delusional?"
Kenji shook his head vigorously, causing his unruly hair to flop around. "No, I'm not imagining. She's real, and she's mine!"
Warner, never one to care, chimed in, "Come on, kishimoto. You've been known to exaggerate when you've had a few drinks. You’re just being delusional."
"No, no, no!" Kenji insisted. "I'll prove it to you guys. I'll call her right now!"
Kenji clumsily fished his phone out of his pocket, fumbling with the buttons and nearly dropping it on the floor. He scrolled through his contacts, searching for the one name that meant the world to him. Finally, he found it— My Pretty Girl 🤍.
With unsteady hands, Kenji pressed the call button, the phone ringing in his ear. He leaned back and grinned at his friends, pride bubbling in his drunken heart. "You'll see!"
As his fingers danced across the screen, Warner and Adam watched with growing skepticism. They fully expected Kenji to dial a random number or play a prank on them. However, they couldn't have been more wrong.
Kenji, with a triumphant grin, put his phone on speaker mode as the call connected. Suddenly, a sweet and soothing voice filled the room, uttering, "Kenji? Baby? Do you need me to pick you up now?"
Warner and Adam exchanged a perplexed glance before their eyes widened in shock. The voice on the other end sounded awfully familiar, and the nickname 'Baby' was a clear giveaway.
Kenji beamed with delight, staring at his friends. "See! I told you she's real!"
Adam recovered from his shock first, shouting, “YOU ARE DATING Y/N ???”
Kenji ignored their comments and continued talking to you. "Pretty girl, I miss you."
You couldn't help but smile. "I miss you too, Kenji. Do you need a ride home?" 
Kenji's eyes sparkled as he leaned closer to the phone, his voice laced with a hint of flirtation. "I need more than just a ride home, Y/N."
As the night came to a close, Kenji's friends decided it was time for him to go home. He was, after all, unable to stand on his own at this point. Kenji's intoxication levels continued to rise. 
Kenji had other plans, though. He was in high spirits and wanted nothing more than to see you. "I need my baby. I can't stand being away from her" he declared, much to his friends' amusement. 
When it was finally time to leave, Warner knew they couldn't leave Kenji alone in his state. He grabbed Kenji's phone and scrolled through his contacts to find the number saved under "My Pretty Girl 🤍."
The call is connected, and your voice on the other end can be heard. "Kenji? Is everything okay?"
“Hey, Y/N, it’s me. Come pick your drunk boyfriend up before he embarrasses himself.” 
“Oh Warner, hey. Yeah I’ll pick him up. Please give him water to drink to sober up.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, voice thick with sarcasm. 
When you arrived, Kenji was in no condition to stand, let alone walk. He practically lunged at you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling into your neck. "You're amazing," he slurred, his warm breath tickling your skin. "So pretty. So hot."
You couldn't help but laugh, feeling a warmth in your heart. "Thank you, kenj."
As Kenji stumbled toward you, he was all smiles, his neediness and clinginess on full display. He hugged you tightly, whispered sweet compliments in your ear, and planted tender kisses along your neck.
You couldn't help but smile, your heart filled with love for this man who, even in his most inebriated state, couldn't contain his affection for you.
As you left the bar, Kenji couldn't keep his hands off you. He was floating, and every step was punctuated by laughter, stolen kisses, and playful touches.
He kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your arm. 
"You're so pretty," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear as he placed sweet kisses on your neck. "So, so pretty." 
You couldn't help but blush at his compliments, despite knowing that he was under the influence. Kenji, always the charming one, had now added a touch of playfulness to his usually affectionate nature. You decided to tease him a little. "Kenji, are you trying to sweet-talk your way into getting a ride home?" 
Kenji let out a soft, tipsy chuckle, his lips grazing your earlobe. "Mhm, no. A way to make you scream my name tonight, though."
"Kenji, you're a mess," you chuckled, wrapping your arms around him as he swayed slightly.
"I'm not a mess, I'm a masterpiece!" he declared proudly, peppering your face with a series of sloppy kisses.
As you guys made your way towards the exit, Kenji kept stealing glances at you, his compliments flowing as freely as the liquor in his veins. "You're the most beautiful person in the world, you know that, right?" he slurred. His words were genuine, even if they were slightly incoherent.
The journey from the bar to the car was a wobbly one. Kenji couldn't seem to walk in a straight line, and he insisted on holding your hand with a grip that told you just how much he needed your support.
Once you guys were safely ensconced in the car, Kenji wasted no time in attempting to become one with the passenger seat. "I love this car," he mumbled as he hugged the headrest.
His antics didn't stop there. Kenji kept stealing kisses every few minutes, his lips landing anywhere they pleased – your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your neck, your hands, even your ear. It was all rather comical and sweet, in a completely ridiculous way. "You taste like strawberries and sex" he remarked with a dreamy look in his eyes.
The car finally came to a halt outside you and his shared apartment building, and Kenji's drunken demeanor was still in full swing. He insisted on being carried upstairs, which was a considerable feat considering his weight. 
When you arrived home, Kenji clung to you, reluctant to let you go. He peppered your face with kisses, laughing and whispering sweet nothings.
Kenji, now sitting on the couch, looked at you with puppy dog eyes. "I need more kisses," he pouted, his bottom lip sticking out.
You couldn't help but oblige. His neediness was endearing, and even though he was drunk, you couldn't resist his affection. 
As you kissed his forehead, down to his cheeks, nose and to his lips, he quickly deepened it, a groan falling from his lips as he pulled you closer to him, sitting you to his lap.
"Kenji.. we can't. You are drunk" you said as you pulled away, while your boyfriend chased your lips.
"But baby, I need you right now, please. I fucking need to feel you." He insisted. 
"We can't. You are drunk, love" 
"My pretty baby, my best girl, my baby doll. Let me take care of you, please. I just need you so bad.." he begged you once again and you could not help but to let out a whimper. 
"I know you want to, princess." 
"Not when you are clearly drunk, okay?" You reasoned out and he pouted. He fucking pouted.
So, you stood up, playing 'Dancing Queen' by Abba as you invited him to dance.
The living room turned into a make-shift dance floor as you guys swayed to the melody, his head resting on your shoulder.
He began to mimic the bizarre dance moves of a famous pop star, twirling around the room with an exaggerated flair that left you both in fits of giggles. "I should audition for 'Dance moms,' don't you think?" he teased, striking a ridiculous pose.
As the hours passed, Kenji's antics faded, and he succumbed to the heavy pull of sleep. You tucked him into bed, his face still wearing a contented smile, and you could not help but smile back.
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i-only-see-daylight · 5 months
Aaron: Juliette is playing hard to get. 
Aaron: Little does she know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
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veri-xo · 2 months
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i’ll be the love of your life - aaron warner x reader
wc: 311 (yes it’s criminally tiny but i wrote this in like 10 minutes bear with me)
summary: inside your head, after your break up, you still have dreams where you’re still together. little do you know, aaron does too.
pairings: aaron warner x reader
warnings: angst, post-break up depression (ish), pining, some swearing, light sexual content (innuendos and referenced wet dreams, nothing actually happens)
tag list: @mp-littlebit @his-littlefox @pockyyasii @kaffeeine @f4iry-bell
@jamcarven @clarissaweasley-10 @benny1989fredd @123letsgobestie @tornqdowarnings (been a minute since I posted anything here, lmk if you don’t wanna be tagged anymore)
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You wake up panting.
Your dream had been rather interesting to say the least.
Ever since your break up with Aaron, every once in a while you would dream of him. It was stupid. You hadn’t seen him in months yet you still couldn’t get over him.
The dreams had a wide range. In some, it was the day of your break up. Others it was some of you favorite memories with him.
Others were more…scandalous.
Just like this last one. Cursing yourself, you get up to head to the bathroom for a very cold shower. This was your third one this week. It was Tuesday.
You didn’t know why you were having such frequent dreams of him. You shouldn’t even have been thinking of him! Yet here you were again, waking up hours before your alarm to take a cold fucking shower.
You wonder whether or not he still thinks of you…
Aaron did think of you. A lot. And not always innocently.
He woke up quite early. Earlier than usual, which meant early that could be considered late. His dream had been very…realistic. He could still feel your skin against his, hear your quiet moans, taste your—
No. He had to stop thinking of you. The two of you were finished. Done. End of story. He got up, sighing, and headed to the bathroom for a cold shower. God knows he needed it.
He looks in the mirror, running a hand through his hair. His phone was on the counter. He still had your number saved…
Before he could talk himself out of it, Aaron picked up his phone and went to your contact. His finger hovered over the call button, unsure whether or not he should proceed. It was an ungodly hour. You were most likely asleep…
Fuck it.
Aaron pressed call listening to the ringing. He had fully expected it to go to voicema—
“Hi, love.”
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itsnocturna · 10 months
I can't believe the lack of fanfictions/oneshots about Aaron Warner. I am in NEED
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sweetprfct · 6 months
Drunken Nights and Awkward Friendships
Aaron Warner x Fem!Reader
Summary: Aaron, your boyfriend, and Kenji, your best friend, could never get along no matter what you did. Until one night, you had an idea...
Author's Note: I've always loved Aaron and Kenji's bickering, so why not make a one shot with the both of them in it? Enjoy! :)
Wordcount: 3.2K
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You were tipsy.
Not drunk. 
Sure, you were lightweight when it came to alcohol, but you weren’t drunk. At least, not yet. You knew your limit, and you had a plan from the beginning. You love your boyfriend, Aaron, and you love your best friend, Kenji, but somehow, those two men could just never get along no matter what you did. 
“Are you really eating a cookie with a knife and a fork?” Kenji raised his brow at Aaron.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion, Kishimoto.” Aaron barked back.
You had decided to host a little movie night because you wanted to see if they both could maybe spend time together and get to know each other, so they could see what you saw in them. Kenji was such an amazing friend and was always there for you, and Aaron, you love him so much and you knew he had a troubled past but you knew his heart. You knew he cared. He was just not good at showing his emotions to other people. 
“Seriously, guys?” You were literally sitting between them, and they both still managed to tick each other off.
“I didn’t say anything.” Aaron mumbled under his breath as he took a bite of his cookie.
“This is okay with you?” Kenji raised his brow at you, his eyes glancing at the fork and knife and then back at you.
“Kenji, just let him eat.” You tilted your head. “We’re watching a horror movie and the only jumpscare I keep getting is from the two of you commenting about each other.”
Kenji slumped his body back on the sofa, arms crossed before stuffing his mouth with some popcorn. Aaron, on the other hand, chuckled softly and shook his head as he continued to eat his cookie and paid his attention back on the screen. They were both such important people in your life, and they both got along so well with you but how come when it came to each other, they just loved to irritate each other all the time?
It was a good ten minutes at the beginning. Kenji quietly ate his popcorn and sipped his drink, while Aaron leaned back against the sofa. His arm found your shoulders as he pulled you close next to him. It wasn’t long until Kenji had turned his head towards the both of you and shook his head. Aaron was softly rubbing your arm and kept glancing down at you.
“Here, love. You’re cold.” Aaron grabbed the throw blanket that was on the other side of him and wrapped it around you. 
As he wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, he pulled you in for a quick kiss, making you giggle softly. 
“Ew, don’t do that in front of me.” Kenji scrunched his face. 
Aaron was quick to reach over you and grab one piece of popcorn and flicked it on Kenji. It only made you more irritated as Kenji let out a soft gasp, his eyes widening in shock. 
“Hey, man! Rude!” Kenji stood up from the sofa, irritation washing over his face.
“Okay, that’s it!” You slid the blanket off your shoulders and got up from the sofa. 
Both men stayed still as they stared at you. Suddenly, the room had gone still and silence blanketed the three of you. The only sound that was echoing the room was the movie that was playing on the television. 
“You know, I brought you two here together because I genuinely thought maybe you two would finally get along and see as to why I love the both of you.” You sighed, shaking your head. 
“Hey, love–” Aaron reached his hand for you, but you were quick to pull your hand away. 
“Clearly, I was wrong. You know what, you two could enjoy the rest of the movie because I’m exhausted. I should have never tried to force the both of you to be friends.” 
Both men watched you walk out of the living room as Kenji slumped back down on the sofa. Silence surrounded the both of them, both their eyes laser focused on the movie in front of them. The space in between the sofa, where you sat, was the only thing keeping them apart. Aaron could feel the air between him and Kenji become thicker as he turned his head to look at him for a second before looking back at the television again.
“I mean… Why do you really have to eat that cookie with a fork and a knife?” Kenji asked, his eyes still on the television.
Aaron couldn’t help but turn to look at him with a raised brow. “Really? That is still what you’re worried about?”
“No, seriously.” Kenji pressed the subject. “Do you not like to get your hands dirty?”
“I can get my hands dirty right now.” Aaron glared at Kenji.
Kenji knew it was a threat, but he wasn’t afraid of Aaron. He knew Aaron wouldn’t make this night worse. You were already upset. Even if they both didn’t get along, at least they both agreed with one thing and that was to not make you more upset. 
Kenji sighed and got up from the sofa. He made his way towards the bedroom and knocked softly on the door that was slightly ajar. Looking up, you saw Kenji gently push the door open and stood by the doorway.
“I’m sorry, Princess.” Kenji said. 
“Don’t apologize.” You said. “I’m sorry I forced the two of you. I just thought—”
“I’m sorry, love.” Aaron interrupted you as he appeared behind Kenji. “We’ll try to get along, love.”
Suddenly, you saw Kenji’s brows furrowed as he looked over his shoulder and gave him a surprised look. Aaron raised his brow at Kenji as if he was telling him to agree with what he just said. Kenji scratched the back of his head and gave you an awkward smile.
“Yeah, we will.” Kenji agreed.
He brought up his fist to fist bump Aaron to try and act like they were cool, but Aaron just side eyed him before walking past Kenji and walked up to you on the bed. Kenji rolled his eyes and followed behind him as Aaron sat at the edge of the bed, facing you. 
“Matter of fact…” Kenji added. “I’ll take you out next weekend. You know to apologize for this shitty night.” 
You saw how Kenji hesitated for a moment. He was staring at the back of Aaron’s head, and you could see Aaron was holding back from rolling his eyes as Kenji continued, “The three of us. We can go and drink.”
You bit your lower lip, holding in your smile as Aaron furrowed his brows at the idea of it. Somehow, this fake effort that they were trying to do was sort of amusing you. You knew Aaron didn’t like going out to bars. He always thought it was too many people, and it irritated him. That was when the idea appeared in your head.
“Just you and me, Kenji.” You said. “Aaron doesn’t like bars.”
“He doesn’t–?!” Kenji had to bite his tongue before making another comment. “Okay… Okay.”
You saw Aaron’s green eyes sparkled as he hung his head low and held in his smile. You reached for his hand, squeezing it lightly as Kenji let out a sigh.
“I’ll see you then, Princess.” Kenji’s eyes shifted to the back of Aaron’s head again and murmured, “Warner.”
Aaron slightly looked over his shoulder, still biting down his bottom lip as he nodded slightly at Kenji. As soon as Kenji was out the front door, Aaron chuckled softly, pulling you into his arms and burying his face on your neck as he breathed you in.
“You’re killing me, love.” He murmured, pressing a soft kiss on your neck. 
You laughed softly, running your fingers through his golden hair. “You were the one who offered. I was ready to give up on the both of you.”
Aaron hummed softly as he pushed you down gently on the bed, his eyes studying your face. 
“I don’t like seeing you upset.” He said. “I want to make you happy, love.”
You couldn’t help but grin widely as you reached to softly touch your fingers on his cheek. Aaron closed his eyes, marveling at your touch as he smiled softly and his dimples slowly appeared on his face. 
“You do make me happy.” You reassured him. 
“So does Kishimoto.” Aaron muttered as he opened his eyes.
“He’s my best friend. Don’t be jealous.” You teased.
Aaron couldn’t help but let out a laugh, almost like he was insulted by your accusation. He kissed the line of your jaw and down your neck before finding your lips and kissed you deeply. 
“I’m not jealous.” He stated sternly. “I just don’t understand how you could be friends with someone so—”
“Hey!” You cut him off, your index finger finding his lips. “That’s my best friend you’re talking about.”
Aaron chuckled softly before pulling the duvet covers over the both of you and kissed you passionately. 
That was it. 
That was the night you thought maybe this plan of yours could actually work. However, you didn’t put too much hope into it because you knew how stubborn those two were. So, when you and Kenji had gone out to get drinks that weekend, after a few hours, you started acting like you were drunk. That you had enough drinks for the night and just in time, Kenji had suggested to take you back home. 
Technically, you were just tipsy. You could fully make out a whole sentence if you wanted to, and you could still walk by yourself if you wanted to, but you needed this plan to work. As soon as the both of you arrived back home, immediately, you heard Aaron’s voice calling out Kenji’s name. You were stumbling out of the car—at least you tried to act like it— as Kenji helped you out of the passenger seat. Your laughter echoed softly in the quiet dark neighborhood. 
“Jesus Christ. How many did she have?” Aaron asked, helping Kenji carry you. 
“Not much.” Kenji shrugged. “You know how she’s lightweight.”
“Hey, beautiful.” You slurred your words as you gazed up at Aaron, his worried green eyes staring down at you. 
You could see that Aaron wasn’t amused at all. He wrapped his arm around your waist to steady you better as Kenji shut the passenger door closed behind him. Walking back inside the house, you looked over your shoulder to make sure that Kenji was following right behind you and Aaron. 
“You got this, man?” Kenji asked. 
He was still standing by the car and suddenly, you knew your plan was starting to fail. Immediately stopping in your tracks, Aaron gazed down at you with worried eyes as he watched you look over your shoulder.
“Come!” You called out to Kenji. 
“Love, it’s getting late. He needs to get home.”
“N…No!” You slurred your words again, you pulled Aaron’s arm from your waist and slid yourself away from his embrace before settling yourself on the front steps. 
Aaron, who was watching you, was very confused and didn’t know what was happening with you. In fact, he was a bit stunned from your current state and the little show that you were putting on at the moment. 
“Love–” Aaron tried to reach for you, but you swatted his hand away. 
“I’m… not… going inside unless Kenji comes too.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest like a little kid, who was throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the store. 
You saw as Aaron and Kenji stared at each other before Kenji exhaled a sharp breath and started walking towards the front door. As soon as a small smile tugged on your lips, Aaron reached for you again as he helped you up from your feet and took you inside. Kenji followed behind, closing the door behind him.
“Jesus Christ, Princess. What was in that tequila you drank?” Kenji commented as Aaron took you to the bathroom.
Closing the lid of the toilet, Aaron sat you down as he grabbed one of your makeup remover wipes and started wiping your face gently.  Kenji stood by the doorway and watched Aaron take care of you the whole time. His touch was so gentle that you couldn’t help but gazed up at Aaron in awe as he removed your makeup and brushed your hair away from your face. You could see in the corner of your eye that Kenji was impressed too, especially when Aaron had grabbed one of your scrunchies and put your hair in a ponytail.
“H…How do you learn how to do all that?” Kenji couldn’t help but ask.
“From the many many drunken nights you two would do.” Aaron replied, his voice was flat. 
Kenji chuckled softly, scratching the back of his head. “Y…You do all this? All. the. time?” 
Aaron didn’t say anything as he turned to Kenji and grabbed the door handle. 
“I supposed you don’t want to see me change her?” 
“Absolutely not.” Kenji raised his hands up in the air in surrender before walking down the hall as Aaron closed the bathroom door.
Kenji sat at the edge of the sofa and waited until Aaron finished cleaning you up. He wanted to make sure you were okay before he left for the night. He sighed and waited for a few minutes, hearing your soft laughter echoing inside the bathroom. Then, silence filled the bathroom a few minutes later until the sight of Aaron carrying you in his arms as he walked towards the bedroom caught Kenji’s eyes.
He never realized how much Aaron cared for you. Of course, he heard you talk about it, but he never believed most of your stories since every time he saw Aaron, he was always so irritated or emotionless. 
The man was always cold towards him and for a while, Kenji never understood why you had fallen for someone like him because Kenji had known you for so long now, and he knew you deserve someone so much better. 
However after tonight, Kenji saw the side of Aaron that he never thought existed. It was almost like he finally saw the emotion behind those ice cold green eyes that would glare at him all the time. He was almost like he was a different person. 
Walking towards the bedroom, Kenji stood by the doorway and watched Aaron tuck you in under the duvet. Your eyes were closed, and you were finally asleep—at least that was what they both thought— and you were all freshened up and in your fresh pair of pajamas. 
“Is she asleep?” Kenji whispered.
Pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, Aaron turned to Kenji and nodded his head. For a moment, the two men just stood there and stared at each other. Almost like they wanted to say something to each other, but they couldn’t seem to find the right words or didn’t really know where to start.
“Thank you for taking her back home safely.” Aaron finally said.
“Yeah, of course. She’s my best friend. I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her.” Kenji let out a soft awkward laugh.
You couldn’t help but open one eye and saw Aaron’s back was turned to you. You could barely see Kenji in front of Aaron, but you knew he was there. They were talking. Not just talking but a normal conversation for once without insulting each other. 
“You’re a good friend.” Aaron murmured. 
Kenji was stunned. There was silence for a moment between them as Aaron took a step forward towards him. You quickly closed your eyes before Kenji could notice that you were awake. 
“You’re um…” Kenji cleared his throat. “You’re good for her.”
Aaron let out a soft hum and a small smile appeared on his face as he nodded his head. 
“Maybe you aren’t so bad after all.” Kenji added, rolling his eyes. 
“I guess… you too.”
“Except for the cookie. I still don’t understand that whole thing.”
You couldn’t help but smile as you opened one eye again. You saw Aaron hold out his hand, and Kenji hesitated for a moment before shaking his hand. 
“Anyway, I’m gonna head home.” Kenji pointed to the direction of the front door. “Just tell her that I’ll see her soon.”
Aaron nodded his head and walked out of the bedroom with Kenji. You heard the front door opened and a goodnight from the both of them before the front door closed again. 
Closing your eyes again, you heard Aaron’s footsteps from down the hall and then, the bedroom door closed. You stayed still on the bed as Aaron slid under the covers next to you. Feeling the stroke of his fingers on your hair, you stirred slightly before fluttering your eyes open. You gazed up at him as he smiled and admired you. 
“I know you’re not drunk, love.” Aaron said. 
You smiled sleepily as you buried your face on his neck. Aaron shook his head as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. 
“What’s going on, love?” He asked. 
“I never thought it would work.” You murmured, kissing his neck softly. 
Aaron chuckled, pulling away from you and stared at you with a curious look on his face but at the same time, he looked impressed.
“You did this on purpose?” 
You nodded your head and smiled. “Like I said, I never thought it would work.”
Aaron shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes. He couldn’t believe he fell for it, but he really did. A soft laughter escaped your lips, reaching for his cheek and cupping his face.
“I heard what you said to Kenji.” You murmured.
Aaron’s green eyes caught yours as he let out a sharp breath. He was stunned but at the same time, he was amazed by you. His green eyes sparkled, dimples indenting his cheeks as he leaned in and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
“I meant it.” He admitted. 
Your grin grew wider. “So, what do you think?” 
“Think of what?”
“Of Kenji?”
Aaron shook his head. He couldn’t believe he was saying all of this to you. He couldn’t believe it himself that he was saying all of this out loud. 
“He’s okay.”
Another soft laughter escaped from you as you laid your head on his chest. Aaron pulled you close in his embrace and just stared down at you happily.
“I’ll accept okay.” You smiled. 
Aaron couldn’t help but smile as he stroked your hair softly with his fingers. 
“You have a good friend, love.” He admitted, pressing a kiss on your hair. 
“And I have an amazing boyfriend.” You murmured.
With that, Aaron smiled and thought that maybe—just maybe— he could keep his promise to you that he could try harder when it came to Kenji. He was, after all, your best friend, and he knew how much he meant to you after everything you two had gone through together. Besides, he was telling the truth. He wasn't too bad after all.
Gazing down at you one more time, Aaron tightened his grip around you and saw that you had a smile on your face as you slowly fell asleep.
He couldn't help but think how he’d do anything to keep that smile on your face. 
He’d do anything to keep you happy.
The End.
@gracie-221 @his-littlefox @annamatix @hannahmarie71 @ecliphttlunar @indythefandomhoarder @reminiscentreader @hrtsbecca @soulaires @shattermelyhfmlblog
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shattermelyhfmlblog · 6 months
Remember when warnette
"Are you attracted to him? "
"I'm attracted to you"
"I'm serious"
"So am I"
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pls ANYTHING with Aaron Warner. I'm literally living for him and I love your writing.
never go out of style
aaron warner x fem! reader
after a bit of convincing, you decide to let aaron join you and juliette shopping. maybe you should've thought twice on that.
(no specific timeline, but kind of hinted towards after the series ends)
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a/n: dw bff i understand ur obsession 🫶ik you guys are waiting for pt 2 of my other aaron work but i'm having some issues with it so i wanted to whip up a quick lil fic for you guys and it also helps with my writing blocks. also in this they all kinda of live together in a base like location still. shorter than my other stuff but hope you enjoy and tysm for supporting my work !!! again i envision hayden as aaron but fancast who u like !!
word count: 3.1k
warnings: clingy aaron, suggestive content, aaron and juliette banter, some grammar errors probably
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the sun peaked from the window of your room, shining a light directly toward where you slept peacefully on the bed.
your peace was disrupted by a loud ringing sound coming from your clock on the night stand.
you groaned as you began regaining consciousness from your deep slumber. with your still bleary vision you glanced at the clock, 9 am. you rubbed your eyes and let out a yawn, knowing it was time to get up for the day.
you pulled yourself up into a sitting position, only to be brought back down by a strong arm next to you – face pulled forward into a broad bare chest. for a moment you’d forgotten about your sleeping boyfriend next to you.
“mm, no.” mumbles the man next to you. to make his point cleaer, he slid you closer and nuzzled his face into your neck and naked shoulder comfortably.
both you and aaron rarely ever slept with shirts on. it wasn’t always due to inherently sexual reasons, more-so it’s for aaron’s sake because he’d always make a huge fuss about the fabrics getting in the way of your skins touching directly. aaron is a huge fan of touch, well only your touch. anyone else’s he’d be disgusted by.
much to your bewilderment, he originally wanted to the both of you to slumber bare. much protest came from you for various reasons, including in the case of an emergency everyone needed to evacuate swiftly, the two of you could potentially land in a horribly embarrassing situation.
so, you both settled for a tops off only kind of deal. you were lucky he even let you sleep with your bra on. although, when he was needy or wanted to be a cheeky bastard, he’d take it off in your sleep.
“aaron…” you said in a knowing tone. he was like this almost every morning where you attempted to get out of bed with him. it was really cute, but also really annoying when you had to be somewhere, like right now.
“sorry can’t hear you, very tired. maybe try again in an hour or two.” aaron was very obviously not asleep; but he’s avoiding your pleas of freedom.
you rolled your eyes at his behavior. you couldn’t wait any longer or you’d be late to meet with juliette. so you begun to try and push a hand against aaron’s chest to free yourself of his cuddle prison.
aaron in reaction only squeezed you impossibly tighter. you weren’t weak in strength in any means, but if it’s a competition between you and him; he’ll win everytime.
“c’mon baby, i got places to go.” you tried to coo him into releasing you with a pet name. aaron absolutely loved when you used pet names for him.
“shhh… teddy bears don’t speak.” aaron responds, and puts a finger over your lips for emphasis. man, he was really stubborn this morning.
with the way you are being held hostage, you thought being called a teddy bear wasn’t far off.
that leaves you to your last resort — puppy dog eyes.
you look up at aaron and give him your best pleading eyes, “you know i’d love nothing more than to just stay in bed with you, but please aaron, i really do have to leave.” you plant a quick peck on his lips for extra effect.
aarons eyes soften, you could see he was almost cracking and close into relinquishing his hold on you. so close.
but then the tables turn, he gives you a sad look before saying, “you’re always gone these days doing something with juliette or kenji, is it so bad that i just wish to spend some time with you even if it’s just sleeping in our bed.”
crap, he did a reserve and now pulled puppy dog eyes on you. and worst part is it was working, especially with the sad little voice he was giving.
although, his statement wasn’t all that true, you spend more than enough time with aaron, and barely enough with your friends. but of course in his dramatic mind, any few hours that aren’t spent together felt like a week to him. but you doubt you could even properly compute this argument back to aaron, not while he was looking at you like an injured animal.
juliette was going to kill you for your next words, “how about you come along with me today then.”
aaron face changes tune immediately — a big grin makes it way onto his face. he pulls your face to his and plants various pecks all over your face, making you giggle at his excitement.
it was really hard for you to deny warner at times, he could be really convincing. or maybe you were just easily susceptible to his puppy dog antics.
“well, what are you waiting for, let’s get ready.”
aaron finally releases you and moves to get up from the bed. not even giving you a moment to stretch, he goes on to your side of the mattress and in one movement scoops you you in his arms and walks in the direction to the bathroom.
aaron made quick work of putting you on the counter and getting the water facet to the shower head turned on. he was obviously very eager to join you on whatever you and juliette were going to do.
the two of you showered together. aaron being the clingy man he is, loves when you bith shower together. he likes to wash and scrub your hair for you, lathering it in soap and shampoo. you admit that’s your favorite part because it tends to feel like a nice head massage.
however, showering together can be inconvenient at times because you are sometimes in a rush or just rather be alone. but then he gives you a sad face and you feel bad. even when you try to do it alone while he’s busy, he will manage to worm his way into your space.
aaron helped dry you both off and, ever the fashionista he is, even picked out an outfit for you to wear. he has a habit of doing that, and you can’t deny the pieces he chooses are fabulous.
if you both happen to subtly match, like right now, he’ll claim it was a coincidence — which you do not believe there is any coincidence with that man.
you left to meet up with juliette while aaron finished getting ready, so you could tell her the slight change in your plans for the day.
juliette was longing on her phone in the common place when you saw her. once she noticed you she git up and approached you.
“hey, you ready to go?” julietted asked you as she got her purse from the place she was sitting before.
you chuckled nervously, “uh, you see, about that-“
“so where are we headed off to?” a voice intercepted, wrapping an arm around your shoulder .
your boyfriend had perfect timing as usual.
juliette didn’t let the ‘we’ go unnoticed.
she furrowed her brows, “im, sorry did you just say we?” giving you a quick glance in confirmation.
“oh, y/n didnt tell you i was joining you ladies on whatever it is your doing?” aaron questioned with fame in innocence laced in his voice.
the smug jerk definitely knew you hadn’t got to that yet.
juliette turned her gaze toward you, making a discontented face, “no. it seems she hadn’t informed me of this.”
you winced and gave her a sheepish shrug, trying to say ‘sorry i’m taking my boyfriend along and im springing it up on you right now cus he didn’t even give me a chance to tell you.’
juliette rolled her eyes, "does he even know what we're doing?" she raised a brow in a questioning manner.
aaron once again decided to butt in, looking down in your direction, "yeah, i'd also like to know what it is the three of us are out to do today." putting extra emphasis on the three, likely to annoy juliette further.
oh god. it just dawned on you what juliette and yourself had planned to do today. you realized how much a catastrophe this was a bout to be.
you glanced at juliette, who you deemed also had come to this conclusion.
you turned to face aaron, "we're going shopping."
an hour later.
"nope. absolutely not, change."
you rolled your eyes, you were so close to strangling the beautiful man that was aaron warner. if he spewed out one more opinion on your fashion choices, you were gonna lose your mind.
just as you expected. disaster. you really should've known better than to bring bring along your very honest boyfriend who happens to be obsessed with fashion himself.
in theory, it sounded cute, trying on clothes and showing your best friend and boyfriend all the cute outfits. the avergae boyfriend would say you look great in anything, making you all giddy and happy.
but you didn't have the average boyfriend, you had aaron warner.
to his credit, he had behaved himself on the car ride over (only after stubbornly refusing to drive anything that wasn't his BMW.) he even kept his comments to himself when you entered the store.
the moment you picked up an item of clothing, it was as if the crack in the dam of his mind had finally broken. he started spewing every possible critique that he thought of.
"no, that color will wash you out."
"it's cute you think i'll let you go out like that."
"put that horrendous looking shirt down down and walk away."
"im saying this as a loving boyfriend, are you blind, or do you actually think that's wearable."
juliette was in no way spared from his fashion "advice."
"i'm shooting myself if you pick up another pair of denim blue-jeans."
"i hope your horrible sense of fashion isn't contagious."
both you and juliette ignored him to an extent, she occasionally snarkily replied and then picked something he would hate purposely. aaron eventually gave up on as he put "salvaging the one good percent of juliette's closet" and focused all his attention toward you, much to your misfortune.
you loved aaron's sense of fashion, you really did, but you didn't find it very enjoyable everytime you picked up an item you thought was cute, just for him to snatch it from your grasp
another thing, when it was time to try on your items - aaron refused to wait outside the dressing room, he was very persistent on getting in the dressing rooms with yo he even told the worked in charge of the fitting rooms 'it was nothing he hadn't seen before.'
you gave him smack on the arm for that suggestive remark.
so, now the two of you were cramped into a small dressing room, not that aaron minded - the closer the two of you were, the better.
you did enjoy how he doted on you - zipping up your dressing, helping you put on and remove clothes, planting a small kiss on the top of your shoulder whenever you were dressed.
he would sit down on the small chair in the dressing room and take in your attire, "now give me a little twirl." he teasingly commanded manner.
you shook your head with a grin, then spun around in the flowy fabric of the light pink sundress you were trying on, adorned with small flower embrodiery - it was an "aaron approved" dress on the rack of course.
when you met with his eyes again, he looked as if he were in a trance, hypnotized by your entire being. he was enticed by the clothing that draped you, examining it thoroughly. your face flamed up under his loving gaze.
"well, what do you think?" you asked a bit anxiously, since he hadn't uttered a word since the clothing was put on you.
it was ridiculous to be nervous about your boyfriend's approval, but alas, you couldn't help it when the boyfriend in question is aaron warner.
he was brought back by your soft voice and stared up to you, putting a hand on your hip - bringing you closer to him.
"i think..." he paused, standing up from the small cushion, and cupping your face with his hands, "we should buy it in every color they have."
aaron then started sloppily covering your face in kisses, each one after the next. you attempt to weakly push him away, not putting much force into it.
"aaron you're going to smudge my makeup!" you cooly scolded.
aaron looks down to you, leaning his face closer to yours, "my love, if i always cared about smudging your makeup, i'd never be able to kiss you." he replies smoothly.
little moments like this truly made all of the mayhem of the day worth it. mostly.
"now, love, hurry up and try the next one on. i chose that one myself."
"but juliette hasn't even seen this one yet." you brought up your best friend, who was trying on her on choices a few doors down.
"who cares what juliette's opinion is, her fashion taste is a worn out t-shirt and jeans." aaron sassily retorted.
"i heard that you asshole!" juliette bellowed over to aaron from the inside of her dressing room.
aaron remains unfazed by her disruption, "ignore her, put on the next one."
you give aaron a glare at his behavior to juliette, but comply go to the door in your room to get the piece he keeps referring to.
you gape at the fabric hung before you, doing a double-take to ensure you had seen it correctly. oh you're boyfriend was sly.
you hold the clothing in your hand and turn to face him, "aaron, this is lingerie."
he smirks, "i suppose it is."
heat was beginning to rise from your neck to your cheeks, you played it off with a scoff, "i'm not changing into this unless you turn around."
aaron gives you a disapproving look, as if to say 'seriously?' - "nothing i haven't seen before."
"just turn!" you scolded at him.
"alright love, no need to get so feisty." he teased then finally turn his back to you. you hated when he teased you terribly. you almost gave him a smack on his back for that, but decided against it.
you started removing the clothing on your body, reminding yourself to show juliette the dress later. you grabbed the lingerie aaron picked, it was green colored lace two piece set - the top had lace on the cups, a corset like style for the waist with 3 light green ribbons going down, and a mesh fabric with lace trimming the edges draped from the bottom of your rib area and covered your butt almost fully. the underwear was a simple lace thong the same color as the top.
it was beautiful, and you shouldn't have expected any less since your loving fashion expert boyfriend chose it.
once the lingerie was on, you looked at yourself in the long vertical mirror placed in the center of the room.
you admit you thought you look pretty good in the set. you had a few nightwear pieces, but those looked plain in comparison to the on you had on.
your noticed aaron's back in the mirror and suddenly remembered he was waiting for you to put on the lingerie.
your smooths down the top with your hands, then turned to aaron's direction, "ok, you can turn around now."
aaron mutter a small 'finally' before twisting to see you. the first thing he did was stare at you, his jaw slacking and eyes widening.
he was silent for so long, you started to get insecure if he thought it looked bad on you. you nervously laugh, "do you like it or-"
the question went unfinished because in an instant aaron took one large step towards you, pushed you against the mirror and passionately kissed you. you were thrown so off guard, you stumbled with your feet, stabilizing yourself by placing you hands on aaron's shoulders.
aaron's hands started wandering down your body, leaving goosebumps on your skin. aaron's lips were almost devouring yourself, kissing you with need and eagerness.
you were the first to pull away for air with a grin, aaron's lips followed yours, not ready to end the kiss. you had to gently put a hand on the side of his face to pull him back enough to let you breathe.
the haze that was clouding you for a moment cleared - reminding yourself you still were in the dressing room.
the first thing you did was laugh, then ask, "so i'm gonna assume you like it?"
aaron leans his face towards your, pressing your foreheads together and whispers, "love, if we don't pack up and go pay soon, i'm going to commit some horrible acts to you right here in this dressing room."
"well, i can say with full confidence this was the worst shopping trip, in the history of shopping trips to ever exist." juliette announced to the entire car as she drove back to the base.
"maybe next time you shouldn't come along then." aaron retorted from the backseat where the both of you were seated. (aaron was insistent on both of you in the back instead of one in the passenger seat and one in the back seat.)
"you're the one who wasn't even suppose to come! y/n only brought you along because you're a clingy boyfriend."
"i don't know what you mean by that, i'm not clingy." aaron defended, crossing his arms over his chest, like a stubborn child would.
you couldn't help, but let out a small laugh, you tried covering up with a cough. aaron snapped his head in your direction, furrowing his brow, "do you think i'm clingy?"
"no- well, maybe a little.. but it's not a bad thing." you tried to reassure him. your boyfriend's clinginess could be a little much, but honestly the feeling of being loved so much by someone was worth any small inconveniences.
aaron tugs you closer to his seat, wrapping an arm around you. "well, it's not my fault i love you so much" he tells you, giving a small peck on your lips, "if anything i'm reeling in at least half of my clinginess."
you raise a brow at this, not quite believing that, "i can't imagine how you could possibly top your regular behavior."
"oh, i can always be much worse, love" he cockily says leaning his head down closer to yours.
juliette interrupted your shared moment with a comment, reminding you both of her presence in the front seat, "i'm gonna throw up from all this sappiness."
aaron as always was quick to come up with a cynical reply,"not our fault you and kent have the emotional connection of a brick."
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beautysamour · 1 year
Heyy!! Could i request some fluff witt kenji??
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Only a fool for you.
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Pairing: Kenji Kishimoto x reader
Characters: Kenji Kishimoto
Summary: Your boyfriend leaning on doorframes is one of your biggest weaknesses.
a/n: veryyy heavily inspired by that one tiktok trend, AND IM SO SORRY FOR THE SMALL HIATUS, life has been very eventful for me and we celebrated my birthday last week ! another apology for this being so short, however I’ve been working on the nikolai series and the other Kenji requests and I guarantee that those works are longer!!
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Was this a mistake? You honestly have no idea.
Your boyfriend is currently standing in front of you with his hand pressed against the wall behind you as he looked down at you, whose brain was currently short circuiting.
“Do-“ you choked on your saliva as you began to speak, “Do you have to be so close?”
This earned a snicker from Kenji as a response as he leaned his face closer to yours, he opened his mouth to begin speaking but a laugh escaped from him before he could get out any words.
“Sorry-,” he cleared his throat before regaining his composure, “In my defense, you requested this from me. Am I not supposed to be this close?”
A few hours ago you asked your boyfriend to do this one thing that the male love interests in the books you’ve read do quite often that never fails to make your heart swell.
Now, you can’t tell if you regret asking this of him or if it’s just that you weren’t expecting him to play the part so well.
“Well,” you began to stutter, “I just, you,” soon enough, the words you began to stutter out turned into a bunch of mouth opening movements with no words coming out before you stopped completely; cheeks flushed as you looked down at the floor in front of you with Kenji’ face still close to yours and the heat of his gaze being very well felt.
“Mhm,” he hummed out, clearly enjoying your flustered state.
You cleared your throat in an attempt to calm yourself down, “Just wasn’t prepared,” you mumbled out.
Kenji barked out in laughter at your words before bringing his lips to the top of your head, “You’re too cute.”
His words only made matters worst for you as you felt your face getting even more warmer. You reached out for the hem of his shirt but ended up connecting with the top of his pants, not wanting to look up to see his reaction you opted for just pulling him closer.
“Woah there,” you heard from above you, “If you wanted to take this to the bedroom all you had to do was ask-,”
“Shut up Kenji,” when he was close enough for satisfaction you buried your face into his chest, the warmth of your cheeks going through the fabric.
“This was a mistake,” he heard you mumble out.
“Aw don’t say that, that hurts my feelings,” he replies as he wraps his arms around your body.
“Sorry,” you say even though you knew it didn’t actually hurt his feelings. Neither one of you say a thing as you start to relax in his arms, the rhythm of his heartbeat calming you down from your flustered frenzy.
“Hey,” Kenji says after a while.
“Wanna take this to the bedroom?”
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ant-thebooknerd · 6 months
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kweerkitten · 2 years
sometimes, you have to be not-like-other-girls; sometimes when a guy tells you he's in love with you, you have to shoot him in the arm
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