#kermit tully x reader
maidragoste · 1 year
3 people you thought you might marry + one of the people you married.
Hi, this is part of the universe of "The Queen and her husbands" but it can be read independently without having read the series.
Thanks for all the support, it always makes me happy to answer your questions and comments. REBLOGS and likes are always appreciated 🥰🥰💕💕💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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I. Jacaerys Velaryon
No one could blame you for thinking you would marry your brother after all it was your family's customs. Aegon the Conqueror married his two sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys; Jaehaerys also married his sister Alysanne; and your great-grandparents Baelon and Alyssa Targaryen were also siblings. So it was only natural that you thought that you and Jace would follow in his footsteps.
Jacaerys would be king and you would be his queen. Your grandfather, King Viserys, told them once when he was sitting on the iron throne with both of you on his lap. From there you and your brother began to imagine what your future together would be like.
Sometimes in the early morning, you would crawl into Jace's bed and the two of you would discuss the things you would do once you were both king and queen. They were silly things like forbidding bedtime or forbidding vegetables in your meal after all you two were just kids. Even so, they both dreamed of being as loved as King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne once were. Then they both began to take their role seriously and tried harder in their lessons, Jacaerys tried to speak her Valyrian more fluently and you tried to pay more attention to numbers so that in the future you could manage the kingdom's currency well.
You were sure you would be happy with Jace. He already made you happy, listening to you, bringing you flowers from the gardens when you were sad, and being your accomplice when the two of you went to steal cakes from the kitchens. You know him better than anyone and he knows you. You two are half of each other. You love him and he loves you.
Every time Jace smiled at you you felt warm. Every time he takes your hand you feel safe and when they hug you, you are sure you can hear both of their hearts racing as if they were just one.
None of that matters because a year after you and Jace began to dream of a future together, your mother forbade you from going to Jacaerys' chambers alone at night again because she was planning an engagement between him and Helaena.
You got angry with your mother but especially with your brother because you thought he would fight for you but he didn't do anything. You locked yourself in your chambers for days without wanting to see either of them. You ended up getting out thanks to Aegon, who took you flying with Sunfyre.
II. Clement Celtigar
You weren't stupid. You knew that your mother was thinking about a possible match between you and Bartimos Celtigar's son. Lately, every time you went to Dragonstone to visit your siblings the Celtigar family was also there and your mother pushed you to spend time with Clement.
You didn't like him. Maybe if your mother didn't force you so much to be with him you'd probably like him more. But you only came to Dragonstone to see your brothers and spending time with Clement took away valuable time with your family. Jace was also upset by this, you think this is the first time you've heard him turn against your mother.
The truth is you were bored spending time with Clement. He didn't make you laugh like Aegon did and his conversations weren't as interesting as the ones you had with Aemond.
Clement seemed more interested in your dragon than you. You didn't blame him, after all, Nix was beautiful and it was normal for people to be curious about dragons since they were such magnificent creatures but you couldn't help but feel irritated because it seemed like the only attractive thing about you was your dragon. He looked at you with boredom every time you talked about something other than Nix, which made you feel insecure because you were starting to think that maybe the problem was you, that in reality, you were the boring one, not him. You even started to think that maybe you were boring Aemond too but he was too kind to pretend that he was interested in listening to you talk about the books you read and your visits to orphanages.
When you returned to King's Landing, Aemond noticed that you were quieter and the few times you spoke it was in short sentences and without elaborating so much. So he knew something had happened on your visit to Dragonstone. He couldn't stand seeing you withdrawn anymore, nothing to do with your bubbly and radiant energy, so he decided to ask you what happened in the hope of being able to help you solve whatever was bothering you so you would be your usual self again.
“Will you tell me once and for all what happened in Dragonstone?” the prince asked, pulling you from your reading. The two were in the gardens reading. Normally the two of you would take turns reading aloud but now you found yourself reading different books because you told Aemond that you were sure your book would bore him.
If it were someone else you probably would have lied and claimed that everything was fine. But it was Aemond and he knew you better than anyone. For some reason, he always seemed to be the first to notice when you were upset or sad.
“Do you think I'm boring?” You closed your book and left it on your lap.
"Of course not," the prince responded instantly. "Who told you that?" he asked, annoyed, already thinking of ordering whoever had bothered you to join him in his training so he could attack him without anyone scolding him.
“Clement Celtigar. He didn't tell me but I think he thinks I'm boring” you admitted embarrassedly, nervously grabbing the necklace that Aemond had given you on your last name day. Now you were afraid that your uncle would think you were stupid for caring so much about a boy's opinion.
"Since when do you care about Clement Celtigar's opinion?" He asked with a frown. Weeks ago you were complaining about having to spend time with the heir of Paw Island and now you were suddenly worried about him.
"I want him to like me. I could marry him one day" you said regretfully. Every time you tried to imagine a future with Clement you always found yourself unhappy. You wouldn't say Clement was a bad man but right now you didn't think you could ever love him. A part of you thought that it didn't matter who you married because you would still be unhappy having to leave King's Landing. You knew it was your duty but you always felt sad thinking that you would no longer be able to see Aemond or Aegon every day. Although you barely saw Aegon lately he seemed to prefer spending more time in Flea Bottom.
Your words seemed to irritate Aemond even more because he seemed angry now.
"You like him?"
"No" you responded instantly and couldn't help but grimace.
"Your mother is a fool," he said, earning a nudge from you.
After your father's death, the relationship between you and your mother was not the same, you were no longer as close as before, and sometimes you couldn't help but hate her, but you still couldn't allow anyone to speak ill of her.
"You are a Targaryen princess, you can't marry just anyone, a Celtigar is beneath you. You should marry someone of your level. Plus we have to keep the Valyrian blood pure" he said passionately.
"So should I marry you?" You couldn't help but laugh as you watched Aemond's cheeks turn red at your question. Normally the prince would be angry that someone was laughing at him but after not having heard your laugh for days He was happy. He looked at you with a small smile, trying to ignore the rapid pace of his heart.
"Someday, if you want" Aemond responded, trying to remain calm but his heart did not return to its normal rhythm and he felt suddenly hot, especially on his face.
You didn't say anything else, you just walked up to the prince and kissed his cheek making him blush even more.
Anyway, you didn't have to worry much about Clement because weeks later any possible engagement between you was forgotten after Jacaerys had beaten him.
III. Kermit Tully
You were tired after dancing with Kermit. You lost count of the number of songs you danced together. Your feet hurt but if he asked you again to be his dance partner you wouldn't hesitate to say yes. You were happy. You enjoyed his company, you liked listening to him talk about Riverrun and the pranks he and his brother sometimes got into. Besides, Kermit was brave, or at least brave enough to be the only one who dared to ask you for your favor despite the angry looks of your uncles and Jace. He was handsome too. Sometimes you felt like running your hand through his red hair and bringing your face closer to his to see what color his eyes were, but that wouldn't be seen well.
You couldn't help but let your eyes wander around the room until you found Kermit, he was talking to his family, and as if he had felt your gaze, his clear eyes soon met yours. He smiled at you and you smiled at him, trying to ignore the heat you felt on your face. You couldn't help but wonder what your children would be like if you two ever had children if they would have Kermit's smile or yours, have your traits, or gain the Tully genes. You loved your family but you were already bored seeing so many platinum hair, so it wouldn't bother you if your children came out with red hair, they would be unique. Anyway, regardless of their hair color, you were sure they would have cute children.
"Oh gods, he's just a boy. There's nothing special about him," Aegon said, sitting next to you, making you look at him.
“He only seems like a boy to you because you're older than him,” you responded, rolling your eyes.
"He is a boy. I'm sure he doesn't even know how to satisfy a woman. I can satisfy you,” he said, taking you by the chin. You suddenly felt warm at the intensity of his gaze. If he came a little closer, his lips would touch yours. You were sure you weren't the only one to notice that so you pushed his arm away.
“Oh, uncle, you shouldn't drink so much. Your jokes aren't as funny as you think!" you exclaimed louder than normal, hoping that the people closest to you would think it was one of Aegon's drunken nonsense instead of thinking there was something between him and you. The last thing you needed was for the court to start gossiping that you were Aegon's mistress. Aemond would be furious with you as would your brothers and your mother. Besides, you might lose the chance to get engaged to Kermit.
The prince frowned at you before taking a long drink from his cup.
“Why do you want a trout when you can have a dragon?” he asked, not bothering to hide his displeasure. He didn't surprise you. Your family's custom was to marry each other, for that reason, your uncles thought that any man who was not a Targaryen was not worthy of you.
Aegon was wrong. You couldn't have a dragon. Your mother needed you to make alliances that's why she wouldn't let you marry Jace and much less would she let you marry Aemond or Daeron. But maybe if you asked she could let you marry Kermit. You'd rather choose your own fiancé before she chooses one for you.
“Maybe I'm tired of so many dragons.”
Of course, you were lying. Actually one of the reasons you wanted to get married was to get away from King's Landing. Riverrun sounded wonderful and you hoped that there you could forget about your feelings for Aemond. Lately, you had spent your nights thinking about him, dreaming about a wedding that would never happen and when you were together you couldn't concentrate on what he was telling you because you got distracted thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. Your heart seemed to jump out of your chest every time he smiled at you or complimented you. Gods, you felt so stupid, you needed to forget him or you'd end up heartbroken because nothing would happen between the two of you. The family wouldn't approve.
You hoped that if you didn't see Aemond every day you would realize your feelings for him would be forgotten. Besides, you believed that Kermit Tully would be able to win you over as well. You could see yourself happy next to him.
What you never imagined was that after the celebration was over, Aemond, jealous of your approach to Kermit, would appear in your room and kiss you. The most sensible thing would have been to kick him out and continue with your plan to marry Kermit Tully, but how could you do that when you now knew that he also felt the same way as you? How could you move on now that you know what his lips taste like? How could you do it when you finally had what your heart longed for? You knew that now that you had tasted what it was like to have him, there was no turning back. You couldn't marry anyone else.
I. Aemond Targaryen
You should be furious with Aemond after how he treated your brothers at dinner. You should be kicking his ass after he calls your brothers bastards. Because of him, your family had returned to Dragonstone, and you were barely able to say goodbye to Jace.
You should want to keep Aemond away after what he did tonight. How could you be with someone who treated your brothers like that? What did that say about you? But you couldn't help it. The heart wants what it wants. For that reason, you find yourself in the middle of the night on the outskirts of the Red Keep with only the company of a septon and you Aemond. Getting married secretly.
If someone had told you that same morning that you would end up marrying Aemond tonight you would have laughed. Sure, you've been in a relationship for a while, and from time to time you talked about what your wedding would be like but you honestly didn't think you two were brave enough to get married and ignore your families' wishes. But today you realized that you were wrong. Aemond was angry because your mother in the middle of dinner asked your grandfather for her blessing to arrange a marriage between you and Cregan Stark. An hour after dinner ended, he entered your chambers and told you that you would marry him, that he was not going to let you go to the North, that he was not going to allow your mother to separate you, that your place was at his side, that you both belonged to each other and most importantly that he loves you.
You never imagined your wedding would be like this. You always thought your family would be by your side. When you were a little girl you imagined your father giving you away but after he died you thought he would be your grandfather. But now you were alone.
You also imagined that you would make your maiden cape with the help of your mother, your grandmother, and your cousins. But not. You were getting married without a cape because there was no time to make one. At least Aemond had managed to take the cloak that Aegon had worn at his wedding to Helaena so when he arrived in time he could put the cloak on you.
Your hand didn't stop shaking as the septon tied the ribbon over both of your hands. You honestly didn't know if your trembling was due to the excitement of finally being able to be Aemond's wife or because of the nerves you had knowing the repercussions that your marriage would have. You just hoped your brothers didn't hate you. Your vision became blurry for a moment due to the tears that were forming in your eyes. Jace couldn't hate you, he would understand, you couldn't let your son be a bastard.
You took a deep breath and focused on ignoring your nerves and sudden sadness. This is your wedding and it is a happy occasion. This is what you wanted. Now no one can separate you from Aemond. You smiled. You would stay at home with him, you wouldn't go North.
When your husband took you by the shoulder and kissed you, you forgot your fears. You focused on the addictive taste of his lips and how he seemed hungry for you like he couldn't get enough of you. You kissed him with the same passion. Now only you two mattered. Tomorrow Aemond and you would face anything together.
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411 notes · View notes
clairifys · 3 months
You are mine, and I am yours.
Benjicot Blackwood x Fem!Targ!Reader
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w.c: 3.0k
18+ minors dni!!
c.w: violence, blood, death, 18+ content, nsfw, tent sex, fingering, making out, kissing, p in v, descriptive words, not-canon (sorry!)
ok guys i finally finished.. lmk if y’all like it!
There had been whispers from the Riverlands. You sat in on your mother’s council as you listened to the lords brabble around you. It wasn’t until Maester Gerardys spoke up that everyone went silent.
“Your Grace, a raven from Raventree came in, unfortunate news.” He spoke slowly, “Samwell Blackwood, Lord of House Blackwood was slain. His heir, Benjicot Blackwood now sits where he once sat.” Maester Gerardys concluded.
“Unfortunate news indeed..” Your mother, Queen Rhaenyra spoke saddened by the fatality.
“..Along with that news, the Riverland houses have expressed concern.” Maester Gerardys added.
“And what concern is that?” Your mother spoke cautiously.
“News that Aemond Targaryen’s dragon, Vhagar has been flying above them on multiple accounts.” He concurred, upon hearing this, you speak up.
“Mother..” You began, “Allow me to go out on Vermithor and keep our troops protected from the sky.” You suggested slowly, your mother looking at you with uncertainty and love in her eyes.
“My daughter, my only daughter,” your mother began before being cut off by Princess Rhaenys.
“Rhaenyra. We are at war, only few of us have dragons and Vermithor would be the best chance against Vhagar.” She affirmed strongly, “Vermithor has been with (Y/n) since she was a babe. She’s been riding much longer than Aemond.” Rhaenys left no room for objection and your mother looked at you with determination and melancholy.
“Alright.” She spoke firmly. “You will go on Vermithor before break of day.” Rhaenyra stood up and softly grabbed your arm to lead you with her to her room.
“My love, be careful and stay concealed until you reach the Riverlands.” She spoke lovingly as she took off the necklace your father, Daemon, gave her when she was a teenager. She fastens it around your neck before speaking, “Take this with you, to remember and to hold when you feel lonely.” She finished as a tear rolled down her cheek. She gives you a kiss on the forehead and holds you in her arms.
Benjicot had received no letter of affirmation from Queen Rhaenyra and only hoped she’d seen it and considered sending a dragon. The Northerners had arrived the previous day with Cregan Stark, the Lord of Winterfell. 
“Oye, Benji get your arse back in and train with me.” Kemit Tully taunted with a smile. He had been training with two of the boys he grew up with, Kermit and Oscar Tully.
“Yeah, yeah keep up with your taunting when I have my dagger at your throat and my foot on your chest.” Benjicot spoke up, a glint of madness in his eyes, the same as when he was on the field.
Benjicot Blackwood was a strange man. Soft and sensitive in any other occasion, even crying after his first battle once he saw all the casualties, but there was a reason he was named ‘Bloody Ben’ when he began his fights.
Kermit and Benjicot were about to start sparring when they noticed Oscar was silent, looking up in fear.
“Oscar..?” Benjicot spoke softly, unsure.
“Dragon.” He mumbled before shouting, “Dragon!”
As the men around them turned to look up, ready to be set aflame by Vhagar, they noticed the bronze color and tan wings. Still weary, the men around them took shelter under the trees as Benjicot, Oscar and Kermit stood planted in their spot, marveling at the sight of the beautiful beast.
You commanded Vermithor to land when you had seen the men cower under the blanket of trees. Flying downwards, your pearly ivory hair whipping behind you as it stayed in the same braided style, lest you need to engage in combat. Guiding your dragon to landing, you slowly climb down off of him as you pull your riding gloves off with your teeth. Your black and red dress blowing behind you as the men who ran to the trees slowly come out. Before you can speak, a man of considerable size, donned in Northern armor approaches and bows before kissing your hand. Cregan Stark you come to realize as he begins to speak.
“Princess (Y/n). It is good to finally meet. I met with your brother, Jacaerys a moon ago. I thank you for coming.” He finishes politely. You feel your face flush at the open show of adoration, it’s never not embarrassing for you, but you give him a soft smile, albeit awkwardly before he leads you to the tent where all the lords were meeting.
Benjicot had already made his way to the tent when Lord Stark greeted you, he was too nervous to go up to you, due to your lineage and beauty. When you made your way in the tent and situated yourself, you spoke confidently.
“I have been sent by Her Grace to ensure the safety of our men who have selflessly put their lives on the line for my mother’s cause. Whilst I am here, I assure you, if Vhagar is to begin attacking, there will be a dragon in the sky for you, to protect you.” You stated confidently, hoping none of the men could notice your nerves. You hadn’t ever been the highest of royalty as your mother was always there. Now though, you needed to keep your promise to your mother to ensure her birthright, even if it caused you to perish to achieve it.
“So..” Oscar started as he and Kermit looked at Benjicot when he met up with them after the short-lived meeting. 
“What?” He asked softly.
“What was she like? It’s not everyday a Princess as beautiful as her flies down from the sky to protect an army.” Oscar pleaded for information.
“Gods, she’s..” Benjicot trailed off as he looked at you from the training ground to see you lovingly caress and speak to your dragon in a language he didn’t understand.
“..we should be glad they sent someone as fierce as they did, she promised that if Vhagar were to return attacking, she’d meet him in the sky.” He finished softly, still watching you.
“Alright you two, let’s stop talking about her before she has her dragon eat us and start training.” Kermit insisted, secretly in awe.
Benjicot and Kermit were up first, not being able to begin their fight due to the Princess’s arrival. The only sound around them was the clashing of steel and the thumping of their hearts, which in turn, distracted the Princess from what she had been doing prior.
You walk over to where you see two men fighting, you notice them as Lord Benjicot Blackwood and Lord Kermit Tully battling it out. Benjicot gains the upper hand eventually as you watch in a trance of the crazed man’s ability and soon, Lord Tully is on the ground with a dagger to his throat. Ser Oscar Tully, you come to believe, begins cheering as Benjicot puts his hand out to the Tully on the ground. His back to you, you begin a gentle clap which sends all three men’s spine straight up. They all turn to you as you focus your gaze on Lord Blackwood while he maintains eye contact before nervously fiddling with his fingers and averting his gaze.
“Princess,” Lord Blackwood speaks up, meeting your eyes again with a slight flush on his face. You wonder if it’s because of the sparring, or maybe because of you. Normally you’d get weirded out when men expressed any sort of adoration towards you, but this time it was different.
“I can see where the name ‘Bloody Ben’ comes from, Lord Blackwood.” You state gracefully. You notice the two Tully’s giving him a look and smirking. His face flushes red as he responds,
“Thank you, Princess, but please call me Benji.. or Ben.. or whatever you wish.” He stumbles on his words and you find it endearing, you hear his friends laugh and you chuckle softly.
“Alright, Benji.” You speak as his face flushes an impossible red, “I’m glad to have you on our side, your swordsmanship is unlike any I’ve seen.” You state clearly before taking your leave to your tent.
“‘Please call me Benji, or Ben, or whatever you want, My Princess, please take advantage of me!’” Kermit taunts him as Benjicot swings around and begins to wrestle with the Tully boy.
You hadn’t lied when you told Benjicot that you’d never seen skills such as his. It was true, you think as you lie awake in your tent. You feel your face heat up as you think about the timid, yet brutal man. He fought without grace, he fought like a real warrior. None of that pansy dancing you’d seen around you growing up in King’s Landing.
You awake in the midst of the night to the sound of your dragon's calls. Something was wrong. Vermithor only ever made noises such as that when there was a threat evident. You rush outside, regretting not getting a cloak as it’s freezing in the dead of night wearing only a nightgown. You notice some of the men stepping out of their tents, sleep ridden eyes soon turning to determined anxiety. Benjicot steps out of his tent and you rush past him, almost knocking into him.
“Princess?” He questions before hearing the roar of a dragon overhead. Vhagar. You rush past him, grasping his arm gently and run up to Vermithor, who is undoubtedly concerned, climbing up him quickly, you command him to fly.
Before you can situate yourself, you hear Aemond.
Suddenly, the trees are ablaze and men on the ground begin to shoot arrows at Vhagar in hopes to weaken him. Commanding Vermithor forward behind Vhagar, you ready yourself.
“Dracarys!” You scream as Vermithor lets out a wall of fire onto Vhagar, Aemond, noticing, turns Vhagar around to attack. You quickly fly up in hopes of Aemond following, you turn your head to see him behind you, gaining on you.
As a last resort you make a hard right and when Vermithor flies close enough past him, you jump. 
Landing on Vhagar’s tail, you begin to try and climb when Vhagar whips his tail around to shake you off. Your dragon, Vermithor, begins to shriek in despair that his rider had ‘fallen’ off. Vermithor, being a war dragon, circles behind Vhagar, before coming to the front of him and sinks his teeth into Vhagars neck. In the midst of this, you had climbed up his tail and when your dragon attacked, so did you.
Vhagar descends down, thick, gallons of fiery blood spewing from his neck as you and Aemond clamber about, trying to plunge your daggers into each other. Noting that Vhagar was descending into The Fork, you grasp onto Aemond and jump. You hear your dragon scream and screech in agony of losing his rider.
In your struggle as you and Aemond begin to fall to your descent, you plunge your dagger into his one good eye, and you let go of him.
You knew dying was a common occurrence, and you had been ready to die for your mother’s cause, but you hadn’t known it’d be so soon. You prepare yourself for the plunge into the deep, cold water of The Fork, and you hope your mother is proud of you for going down with a fight as you close your eyes.
You feel yourself fall as you try to slow your breathing, but before you can feel the hard slap of the cool water, you feel the hard slap of your stomach hitting a dragon saddle. Wrenching your eyes open, your head whips around as you grab onto scales to prevent yourself from falling. Vermithor. He had seen you falling. He came and he saved you from the terrible fate you were about to be bestowed upon. Vermithor flies up and begins to spit fire, unable to hide his joy at saving his rider as your eyes well up with tears that threaten to spill. After calming him down, you fly over where Vhagar and Aemond met their demise. You see Vhagar’s huge body float slowly over the river, but Aemond begins to sink down.
When you land back on the ground, cheering erupts from all around you. Everyone comes up to you and gives you their appreciation, some of the older Lords even ask for a betrothal between you and their sons from your stunt. Once the crowd dies down, and eventually disperses, you fail to see the one person who hadn’t come up to you yet. Benji. You walk around for a little in hopes to see him, but eventually you retire to your secluded tent farther from the rest of the men as they begin drinking at a fire.
Hoping to see him in the morrow, you enter your tent smoothing down your disgruntled nightgown before looking up. Your big, purple eyes meet his stormy brown ones and you make a noise of surprise. The two of you stare at each other, taking each other in for the first time. You notice his eyes hold that crazed look, but something else glosses over them. Love? Lust? You couldn’t tell. Your eyes meet with his before he quickly looks down at your lips. He takes a step forward and you meet him in the middle.
The kiss was sweet, a gentle, sensitive thing. Your hands tangle in his hair as one of his hands cradles your neck, the other coming down to squeeze your waist. You gasp in surprise and when he hears it, he smiles against your lips before gently meeting your tongue with his. Your thoughts are clouded with the thought of him, so much so, you completely forget your near death experience. Breaking apart for air, he leans his forehead against yours and whispers, “You’re mine, and I am yours.” 
He leads you down to your futon in the tent and lays you down gently before pressing a loving kiss on your lips. Your mind is dazed with desire as your body begins to react to the growing bulge in his trousers. You rut up into him, not in control of your body, blinded by the feeling of his body being so close to yours. He laughs softly before asking, “Are you sure? If you want me to stop, just tell me.” Beginning to get irritated at the lack of attention to your body, you grab him by his hair and your lips meet in a searing kiss. He pulls your nightgown down your body with a featherlight touch, leaving you in only your shift. The cool air makes you shiver as you grab his tunic and shove it off of him. Your lips meet again, your mind going dumb. He pulls his trousers off, leaving him in only his breeches before taking your shift off in one motion. Laying bare in front of him, he feels his breeches tighten as he takes you in. 
You begin to feel nervous as his full attention is on only you, and you’ve never laid with someone before. 
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He groans out, looking at you as if you’ve hung every star in the sky. You feel yourself grow impossibly wetter before he pulls his breeches down and leans down on his forearms on top of you. Your lips meet again for the umpteenth time and he begins to slowly rub his fingers through your slit, catching your slick. You moan out in pleasure, bucking your hips up when he pushes two of his fingers inside and groans. He pumps them in and out of you before adding a third finger, and you begin to feel a pressure building in your abdomen. You moan out in desperation when you feel his fingers leave you and you crack open your eyes that had been sealed shut. 
“Well, aren’t you needy?” He purrs before taking his slick covered fingers and shoving them in his mouth. You moan at the sight and let your head fall against your pillow. Suddenly, you feel him hovering over you and something prodding at your entrance. Slowly guiding it in, you both moan out in ecstasy. The stretch is insane, if you hadn’t been so aroused, you’d say it hurt. Once it’s fully sheathed in, you wriggle around, drunk off the pleasure of it all. Benji lets you adjust to his size before slowly rocking into you.
“Benji.. Please” You moan out in pleasure. His eyes darken, as if he had just won a battle and he begins to slam into you. You mewl out sounds as he grunts and groans. Your abdomen begins to tighten and your legs begin to uncontrollably shake. His thrusts get messier, before the white, hot pleasure rips through you. You hear Benji groan on top of you before his thrusts get deeper and faster, overstimulating you. He grabs onto one of your breasts, softly massaging it while his lips connect with your other peak. Your womb is suddenly coated, and you feel the beautiful feeling of being stuffed full.
Benji collapses on top of you, his head on your bare chest as you pull the blanket up over you two. You run a hand through his sweaty hair and he looks up at you with love in his eyes.
“Please, please, come home with me when this war is over. Let me love you for the rest of our days.” He practically begs and you make no objection. Kissing him softly as one of your hands holds his head and the other rests on the necklace your mother gave you.
hope you guys liked it!!
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lydiadeetzgf · 2 months
Invisible String
Oscar Tully x Blackwood!reader
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summary: This is the story of Benjicot's younger sister and Oscar Tully. Some would say it was of coincidence, others would say it was fate.
word count: 1.4k
warning: fluff
Author’s note: please let me know what you think of this in the comments! I’m always open to feedback!
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Green was the color of the grass Where I used to read at Centennial Park I used to think I would meet somebody there
Blackwood Vale consisted of Raventree Hall and the Godswoods, with a large green pasture in between. The lofty, old stone walls of Raventree are covered in moss. The gate is flanked by two enormous square towers, and there is a square tower at each corner of the wall. It is further protected by a stone-lined, deep moat. There is a large timber keep and a filthy outer ward inside the walls. The solar of Lord Blackwood in the keep is spacious and bright, with enormous dark oak beams. Its walls are covered in wool tapestries, and its latticework doors, which have yellow glass windows fashioned like diamonds, gaze out over Raventree Hall's godswood. It has a chair with a high back. There is a massive, ancient, dead weirwood within the godswood. Hundreds of ravens arrive every evening around sunset and spend the entire night roosting on the dead weirwood, just as they have done for countless years. There is a view of two of Raventree's gates from a height overlooking a stream close to the castle.
Her father had asked her that day to get her brother Benji from the grounds by the Godswoods as it was time for their supper. Just nine name days y/n walked down the green pasters with her black dress with ravens embraided on the bottom. As she walked closer, she saw her Benji, who was only two-name days older than her, training with his friends. The two boys were her brother’s age. One had curly hair, the other straight.
“Benji!” She shouted getting her brother and the boys’ attention, causing them to stop fighting.
“What?!” he shouted back rolling his eyes that his little sister was disturbing them.
“Father says it’s supper and that you need to come back.” y/n said coming closer to face him. 
“Fine.” Benji started to gather his things. Y/n could feel eyes watching her as she face her brother. Once Benji gathered his things he place his hand protectively on her back gently pushing her back to Raventree Hall.
“Are you going to introduce us to your sister Benji?” The boy with straight hair asked smirking, “It would be rude not to.”
Y/n glanced to see Benji rolled his eyes and slowly turned to face the boys. She too turned to see them. The boy with curly hair stared at the girl with admiration in his eyes causing her cheeks to turn red. 
“Y/n this is Kermit and Oscar Tully.” Benji gestured to both the Tullys, “Kermit and Oscar, this is Y/n my little sister.”
“Hello.” She shyly waved at the two.
Kermit bowed, “Pleasure to meet you.”
Oscar didn’t speak but softly waved hello back.
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Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see?
By the age of ten and one y/n and Oscar had always seem to end up near each other. One time y/n was in the library reading a book on the Old Gods when she heard the doors smack open. To her surprise Oscar was standing there out of breath. He quickly shut the door and ran over to her. He grabbed her hand and dragged her under the table.
“What’s wrong?” She asked. “Why are we hiding?”
“Mine and your brothers are chase me. They wish to throw me in the river as a happy name day present.”
“It’s your name day?” She smiled at the boy as he nodded shyly, “Happy nameday.”
“Thank you.” The two spend the rest of the afternoon talking under that table.
At the age of ten and two y/n have perfected her embroidery skills, so much that she started to embroider on her dresses. Y/n had a plain dark blue dress in her wardrobe that she wish to dress up for fun. She spent a whole month embroidering the dress for a festival at Riverrun. When the festival came around her and her family arrived at Riverrun. Entering the great hall, y/n noticed Oscar coming over.
“You have fishes on your dress?” Oscar pointed out. Y/n’s plain dark blue dress had be transformed into a dress with fishes dancing with ravens on the bottom.
“Do you like it?” she asked smiling at the boy. “I did it myself. I thought it was fitting.”
“Yes, its very beautiful.” He smiled back blushing, “like you.” He held out his hand towards her, “would you like to dance?”
The girl smiled and took his hand.
Another time was when y/n was ten and three she was walking the riverbank. The Backwoods were in Riverrun as her father had business with Lord Grover. “Y/n!” She heard a voice shout out behind her. The girl turned to see Oscar stumbling along the riverbank behind her, causing her to smile.
“What are you doing here? I thought you would be with my brother and Kermit?” She asked the boy confusedly.
“But I would much rather be here with you.” He smiled brightly. The two continue walking the riverbank enjoying each other’s company.
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And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?
It was a sunny day in Ravenvale. Y/n was in her chambers getting ready excitedly, as it was her ten and four name day. Her maids were putting on her favourite red empire silhouette dress with an ivy pattern on the long sleeves. As her maid, Anne did her hair there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.” She invited whoever was at the door. The door pushed open to reveal a muddy Oscar Tully. “Oscar!” Y/n smiled standing up and walking closer to him.
“Y/n.” The muddy boy said out of breath.
“Why are you covered in mud?” She looked at him confusedly tilting her head slightly.
“I was in the grounds getting you this…” He caught his breath and brought his arm from behind his back to reveal a bouquet of flowers, lavenders, sweet peas and hydrangeas. “Happy name day, y/n.”
The girl took the flowers gently from his hand and sniffed them, “thank you Os. I love them.” She smiled at the boy, who was grateful she like them. Y/n handed the flowers over to Anne and asked her to place them in a vase by her bed. Oscar then said goodbye and ran off to find his brother and Benji. Leaving y/n to her own thoughts.
She realised that she was nearing the age in which her father would marry her of to some lord in some old castle that did not care or love her and only would use her to produce heirs for himself. She wished to be loved and cared for by some who she would love and care for, she wished for someone to grow old with. The more she thought about it, the more she knew who she wished to marry. She wished for it to be Oscar Tully, the boy who had been by her side since she was nine and onwards. She wished for the boy with curly hair who gave her flowers.
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One single thread of gold tied me to you
On a cold autumn afternoon y/n was summoned to the main hall by her father. As she walked the Hall’s corridors, she got more and more nervous. Had she done something bad? Had Benji blame her for something he did and now she had to cover for him again? Is she finally being married of to an old, dying lord? When she near the door to the main hall the guards opened the doors and announced her arrival.
There stood her father and brother along with Lord Grover and Oscar, smiling and laughing. She looked at the gathering in confusion, “you wanted to see me, father?” she asked.
Her father turned to see her standing there and smiled brightly at her, “y/n! come greet your betrothed and his grandsire!”
“Betrothed?” she looked at Oscar, who sheepishly smiled at her.
“Yes, Lord Oscar Tully is to be your husband.” Her father explained. “We just finalised the arrangement.”
“Really?” She smiled at him. Once her father nodded to confirm, y/n ran at Oscar and hugged him tightly almost knocking him to the ground. Oscar chuckled slightly and hugged back. “I’m glad it’s you.” She whispered.
Once y/n was ten and seven and Oscar was ten and nine they had their wedding. It was held at Riverrun and all the noble houses of the Riverlands attended. After the two had said their vows, Oscar passionately kiss her, and she kissed back. As everyone cheered, her brother and Kermit whooping at the two, the happy couple Oscar swept y/n off her feet and carried her down the aisle.
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andromedas-wrath · 2 months
Hi! I saw your post and what you do/don't write and was wondering if you could write anything regarding male hotd characters x Tulley/Riverlands reader? Preferably Tully, they're my favourite house. I don't mind gen neutral but I am fem, either way is okay :)
Hi!! This is my first request (which I’m so happy about, so thank you!! I hope you enjoy! (Edit- yall this took me 3 hours omg.)
family, duty, honor- J. Velaryon
Word count- 2759 words
Summary: Jacaerys travels the river-lands, reaching Riverrun to get House Tully to declare for the blacks. They seem unwilling- until Lord Tully strikes a deal.
WARNINGS: slightly uncanon events, arranged marriage, 18+, speaking of war+violence, medieval customs, romance, p in v, vulgar language, unprotected, but lovey dovey!
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Jacaerys and his men had taken most of the Riverlands for the blacks- securing what seemed to be almost a victory- by blocking out the greens from the majority of the wetlands- it gave them a large upper hand in what battles were going to be.
They took refuge inside the castle of Riverrun, where the Tully’s resided. The large dining hall held many of his men. He stood before the men of house Tully, lord Grover, Oscar, and Kermit Tully all sat in their seats, advisors beside them.
Lord Grover sat on his throne, head propped against his fist, as he spoke, “What brings you to Riverrun, boy?”
Jacaerys remained diplomatic and cool, as he stood straight and replied
“My lord, I come on behalf of my mother, Rhaenyra Targaryen. If you vouch for her claim to the throne, you will earn protection, and be heavily rewarded.”
Whispers spread throughout the court, servants stopping to listen as Jacaerys never slightly turned his gaze from the lords.
Lord Tully licked his lips softly, sitting up straight on his throne.
“You mean to persuade my house, for gold dragons, for protection from whom?”, lord Tully hardened his gaze.
“With your support, my lord, you will have the protection of the men of the north, my men. Alongside that, my mother would gift your people a dragon.”
Lord Tully laughed, leaning back into his seat, a leg thrown over his relaxed one. “Hah! You mean to give me a hatchling, like you did to Lady Arryn?”
Jace’s gaze hardened, yet he remained calm. “No hatching my lord, Vermithor, a fine and aged dragon.”
The lord scoffed, “You dare try throwing a dragon- with no rider into this. You dare embarrass my house- with greybeards and unwanted dragons?”
Jacaerys smiled, slightly angered by the man’s insolence, before replying, “For now he lacks a rider yes, but I assure you, once we find a rider worthy of him, he will be a ruthless one- one who can fight for our claim.”
Lord Tully slammed his cane onto the ground, his grandsons watching him as he leaned onto it, meeting Jacaerys eyes with a dark scowl. “House Tully, will not have such idiocy thrown in our quarters.”
Jace’s jaw tensed, breathing out as he met the lord's eyes. “I mean no harm- lord Tully, I am willing to strike a deal to have your house’s power and land, to fight against the greens.”
Lord Tully’s advisor whispered into his ear, as his face somewhat brightened, as he leaned into his chair, a delighted look on his face, as he spoke, “Prince Jacaerys, it’s come to my attention that you are not betrothed.”
Jace’s gaze hardened, somewhat from surprise and oddity of the question. “I am not.”
Lord Tully turned to his grandson, Oscar. “Go fetch your sister, lad.”
Oscar looked between him and the prince, sensing a rise of tension, as he scurried off, footsteps heard against the cobblestone floors. Jace cocked his head, questioning.
“And just what do you mean- by asking me of my marital status?”
Before lord Tully could answer, Oscar walked back in, a girl trailing behind him, as the court went quiet. She was clad in her house colors, a dark navy dress, her hair done intricately into braids. She curtsied before her brothers, moving beside her grandsire as she sat in her throne next to him, as Jacaerys and her met eyes.
He took in almost every detail he could, her soft features, the way she held herself- it made him swallow hard, before he turned his gaze back to her grandfather.
Lord Tully smiled, a hand motioning to her. “This, is my granddaughter, Y/n. My third-in-line heir of House Tully. She sits here today, a maiden, unbetrothed.”
Jace’s gaze turned from confused, to almost knowing, as he looked between the lords. He held his tongue, as he kept a careful expression.
Lord Tully smiled, “We will take on your- proposition, your gold dragons, grey beards, dragon- if, you take my granddaughter's hand.”
The hall erupted into gasps- whispers- all sorts of muffled noises, as he saw her eyes widen, her gaze falling to her lap. His heart beat in his chest, as shock struck him. He spoke diplomatically, yet fueled with emotion. “Is this some type of joke, Tully? You think that marriage is what it takes- for our support? You mean to throw your granddaughter at me and expect me to agree?”
Lord tullys expression changed, his smile dropping, as his voice dripped venom. “Then Riverrun will have to turn green.”
Jacaerys' face paled as Lord Tully made his threat. His heart began to beat faster and a cold feeling crept through his veins. He didn't want to make more enemies, and the idea of House Tully siding with the Greens was terrifying. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, the girl's face was expressionless, but her eyes gleamed with something he couldn't quite place. He looked back to the lord, his fists clenching so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
Lord Tully sat up, “So now my prince, I must request- take my granddaughter's hand- or leave.”
Jacaerys' mind was a storm of thoughts, his heart and mind battling each other. He couldn't take his eyes off her, his emotions in turmoil. They needed the Tully’s, for they could not win this war without their support. He hesitated, his breath hitching for a moment, before he replied
"I'll take her hand."
Her and her brother’s eyes met, as her mouth gaped slightly open, gasps and whispers spreading through the castle, before lord Tully let out an amused laugh, standing on his cane, pulling her into a side hug. “What a glorious day for Tully history!”
The room erupted into cheers, as Jacaerys gaze locked onto her form, as she squeezed out of her grandfather's grasp, running up the stairs and away from the attention. Jace felt his body move after her, as he followed her down the torch-lit halls.
He found her, standing as she looked out the window, watching the rain. He approached her side, as she turned to meet his gaze. He finally managed to break the silence.
“I wanted to speak to you.”
She nodded softly, turning back to the window. “I assume, this isn’t of your heart’s desire.”
He looked out the window, thinking of how to reply. “It’s- not what I imagined when I thought of taking Riverrun,” he paused “It’s unexpected, is all.” He met her gaze once again, as her face was lit by the torches.
Her gaze hardened slightly. “I never expected, to be auctioned off as such. I, am a lady, I have always been told “Family, duty, honor”, for it is what drives house Tully, my prince.”, she met his gaze, turning to him. “If that means that- I must marry you, then I grant myself to you.”
He met her gaze, taking her hand, his larger hand holding her hand to his lips, as he placed a whisper of a kiss over her knuckles. “If it helps, I never imagined this either.”, he fiddled with her hand. “But I am not against having your hand, my lady.”
Her face slightly softened, a soft flush covering the tip of her nose and the apples of her cheeks. “I never imagined you to be such a gentleman.”
He slightly grinned, cocking an eyebrow, as he spoke lowly, “Do I seem so cocky, my lady? How you ail me.”, he teased.
She smiled, and he swore his heart increased double, if not triple. He took in her soft expression, and for a moment, he didn’t feel so guilty about being okay with having her all to himself. She caught his gaze, as they both were lost to eachothers intense analysis.
He felt a wave of confidence, as tucked her stray hairs away from her face, whispering, “I never knew tullys for their beauty, until you, my lady.”
She shivered beneath him, her eyes fluttering, as she whispered. “I wish you to call me by my name, as I should call you yours.”
His breath caught, as he softly smiled. “Y/n. A pretty name, fit enough for your beauty.”, he rested his hand on her face.
She met his eyes, as a soft recognition of want- desire was felt between them. He slowly moved towards her, limits of inches between them, as they could almost hear eachothers hearts beneath their own touch.
She moved her own hands to his face, pushing soft curls away from his face, as she whispered, “Is it wrong for me, to desire your lips upon mine?”
He froze for a second, looking between her eyes, taking a shaky breath as he took her all in. He finally spoke,
“No.” His thumb caressed her cheek. “It’s not wrong, for I long for you too.”
She met his gaze with a small smile. “Then, if I’ve heard right, Velaryon men are men of action.”
His gaze darkened, as he closed the further distance, pulling her close to him, as he leaned down, whispering to her lips, “You’ve heard correctly my lady, for we also have little patience.”
He pressed his lips into her plush ones, as he felt a spark between them, as if all breath was lost to her. He placed a hand behind her head, not prince-like of him no, but all he felt was a pure, pure desire for her, and he didn’t care who they were. She whimpered into him, as a hand grasped his cloak, pulling him impossibly closer.
He felt as if he was swimming in the depths of a dream, her noise urging him further, as his hands explored her soft body, clutching her dress in his hands, finding anything to pull her closer.
She pulled away for air, gasping as she met his eyes, her once bright eyes, darkened with desire. She spook, breathless.
“My room- a stride away.”, she whispered out.
His gaze darkened, his heart beating in his throat. Images of them- in her room flashed through his mind, as he nodded, speaking lowly.
“Lead me, pretty one.”
As she closed the door to her quarters, he was on her in a second, pinning her against the large wooden doors as their lips met in a heated dance. He tangled his fingers in her hair, as he angled her neck open, for his mouth to mark her. She whimpered as he sucked, leaving marks all over. He groaned out, moaning against her.
“You’re mine for the taking.”
She pulled his head away slightly, panting as she whimpered out, “the bed, please Jacaerys.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, as he carried her to her large canopy bed, laying her down on the soft covers, climbing above her and pinning her down, holding her close, as his eyes studied her.
“Gods- I have never seen such a sight as you.”
She sat up, holding his face, speaking softly, “Remove my dress.”
He felt a jolt of heat and desire run through him at her request and didn’t need to be told twice. He helped her sit up, his hands going to the laces that held her dress on her body. Slowly and gently, he untied the laces, revealing more and more of her skin to him. He took his time, his eyes roaming over the newly exposed flesh, his fingers brushing against her skin in the process. Her dress fell off the bed, as she laid amongst the sheets, her nude body shown to him.
He shuddered out a groan, as he simply stared. He was new to all of this- contrary to many thoughts of him. He was a soldier, a dragon rider, yes- but he was not familiar with a gift from Aphrodite- such as her. The mere sight of her sent blood straight to his hardening cock.
He quickly removed his garments, as he climbed on top of her, caging her, his muscular body holding her carefully, as he pressed a scorching kiss to her lips, his hands wandering over her body.
His touch was nervous- gentle, but filled with the need to memorize your curves, everything.
She spoke up, differed from her soft moans, “Gods- I need you Jacaerys- I can’t take this.”
His heart skipped a beat at her words. The urgency in her voice, the need and the desire in her eyes - it was almost too much for him to bear. His own lust and need for her were almost overwhelming, and he knew he couldn’t keep her waiting any longer.
“I’m here.”
He reached a nervous hand down to her heat, watching her reaction, as she swiped a digit through her wetness, as she whimpered. He groaned alongside her, teasing her by accident, before she grasped his hand, and lead a finger into her softly. He groaned, feeling how she took him in, held him so close. He slowly moved his finger, thriving off her noises, as he slowly humped her leg. He huskily spoke, groaning.
“Gods- you hug me so good- can’t imagine how it will really feel.”
She moaned from his talk, shivering. She uttered out a response. “If you keep speaking like that- I won’t be able to keep you away for much longer-“
His cock jumped, as he groaned. From that, he stopped his movements, turning her head towards him. “Do you want me, pretty thing? Want to feel me?”
She moaned in response, meeting his eyes with frequent nodding, and pleading. “Gods yes- just take me now-“
And with that, he pulled his hand away, earning a whimper from which he smiled, he pushed her legs apart, settling between her. He noticed her nervous expression, as he kissed her lips slowly and softly, pulling away to meet her eyes. “Do you want this?”, he spoke softly
She nodded softly, biting her lip. “Im a maiden, Jacaerys.”
He smiled softly, holding her hand. “I’ve never done this either- I want to learn with you.”
She nodded, as he looked down, positioning himself, as he slowly inched in, groaning as she took him in. They both moaned together, trembling.
“Gods you’re- amazing. Never thought it would be this good.”
she whimpered, holding his hand tight. He noticed her tense, as he stopped, meeting her eyes, “are you alright? I can stop-“
“No- no please don’t-“, she uttered out. “You feel- you’re huge, Jacaerys.”
He shuddered, moaning from her praise, as he started to move. “Keep talking like that and I won’t last long-“
They moaned in unison as his movements progressed in speed and depth, his hands trembling as he held her hips, slapping noises echoing across her chambers.
He met her eyes- and that’s where he almost came down. She looked angelic, her eyes stuck on him, her face twisted in pleasure, as her arms wrapped around his neck, her legs pinned behind his back. He pressed his lips to hers in an instant, quickening his pace. She moaned into him, speaking, whilst meeting his eyes.
“Feels so good- gods- I’ll give you an heir, anything you want-!”
And that's where he felt like he almost died. Giving her an heir- fueled him faster, making him groan, his hips snapping into hers as he sucked hard on her neck, popping off as he whispered.
“Fuck- I’ll give you as many as you want- gonna make sure it sticks-“
Their moans pitched higher, as he started to whimper, his head falling into her chest. “I can’t last much longer- you’re too tight-“
“Come down with me- please-“
His movements turned sloppy, as he quickly pressed his lips to hers, his hips stilling, as they moaned into each other's mouths, his seed filling her.
He pulled away, kissing her cheeks, as he pulled out slowly, both groaning from the loss of contact, as he slumped beside her, pulling her into his chest.
She rested her head on his chest, looking into his eyes, with a breathless smile, which he met with a bashful smile.
She smiled, fluttering her eyes shut, speaking, “Quite improper for a prince, bedding his wife before they are married.”, she teased.
He flushed softly, pulling her closer. “You’re saying you didn’t like it?”She laughed softly, shaking her head.
“I’ve never felt more loved, Jacaerys.”, she met his eyes.
They both melted into each other, naked bodies embraced under the might of the gods, old and new.
Houses intertwined for family, duty, honor, and more importantly, love.
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writervaul-t · 1 month
something about you
chapter five: burned trust
summary: benji says the wrong things but tries to amend it that same night. [name] gets cornered with questions and finds a newfound confidence with her relationship with benji.
pairing: modern!benjicot blackwood x f!reader
note: you guys are so cute when i see the comments 😭❤️ thanks for loving something about you as much as i do (also thank you kieran burton for confirming you are in fact tall 🤞). also football = soccer here guys hehe.
if i missed you to be added to the taglist, please go to my asks!! i don't see comments often so let me know on there just in case :)
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Just as predicted, Chiara was in the throes of her hangover by the time [Name] had woken up. Kermit (who she later was able to establish as the calmer of the two Tullys) had been handing her a water while Oscar and Benji were in the kitchen, cooking pancakes and cutting fruit.
"The world is upside down and inside out." Chiara says out loud.
"How much did you drink?" Kermit questions, only earning a groan from Chiara as a response.
[Name] is the one to respond, "Enough for her to forget that Chemistry exam."
"What exam?"
Kermit and [Name] exchange a grin. "Told you."
Once she reaches the first floor, she makes her way over to Chiara, checking on her friend. She looked worse than she most likely felt, with her hair pulled into all kinds of knots and volume.
Chiara seemed to have been pulled in and out of sleep, her mind seemingly wanting her awake while her body looked a couple hours behind from the way she lifts her arm up and lets it go, the limb smacking her across the face. Chiara groans again.
"You always get piss drunk and regret it the morning afterwards. Its like you never learn your lesson. Didn't we have a conversation about you eating bread before you started drinking?" [Name] comments as she pushes the glass of water to her lips again. "Keep drinking water. I know you also have Liquid IV in your purse so pour some in that too while you're at it."
"You're awful good about knowing the cure for hangovers." Kermit comments as [Name] kneels for Chiara's purse to find the powdered packet. "Do you go out often?"
[Name] shakes her head. "My older sister gave me some advice before I started uni and I guess I just remembered it. I tell Chiara all the time but she never seems to get it in her head that protein and bread will keep her from any of this--"
"I do not wish for a lecture now."
An eye roll came off from the girl as she throws the powder on her lap. "You'll get it now or you get it later. Your death."
Benji comes up to them, plates of breakfast on his arms, to which [Name] takes gratefully. He sits beside Kermit and watches the two argue back and forth before chiming in.
"You've been harping since she woke up," Benji says quietly to her. They watch as Chiara gets pulled up by Oscar from behind and Kermit makes a comment about the pancakes being tasty. "Maybe you should ease up on her?"
"Easy for you to say." [Name] says, taking a fork full of pancakes. "I'll be the one dealing with her later if she doesn't follow that routine I so willingly researched to make after one too many hangovers with her."
Benji snorts. "Of course you'd research it. Little miss routine and research."
He bites into his food but [Name] felt her body tense at his comment. "Routine and research."
Benji nods. "Yeah. When you have to figure out a routine, you go and research it. I don't think I've ever seen you do anything spontaneously."
"Us fake dating isn't spontaneous?" [Name] suggests.
Benji laughs. "I mean, maybe, but you sat me down and showed me the probability of people figuring us out and then basically started a lecture about how we should be careful one night and what kind of lies we should have on hand in case we slip up."
It had been our of precaution, [Name] remembered thinking. She had looked into what could have happened in case Aeron and his friends rubbed their braincells together to culminate that they were fake dating. Benji had shrugged off the conversation at the time but she wonders if he changed his mind after last night.
Clearly the precaution had been more necessary than anything after last night. She had nearly been lost in herself when she realized Aeron caught them and knew they were lucky he had been enough in a drunken haze into thinking her and Benji actually did come together.
Routine and research had been her only means of getting her comfortable with this situation. Something just felt right when she had all the information and statistics laid out on the table for her to see. Regardless, the comment left a dry taste in her mouth.
Of course she knew she was perceived as a little strange with her long lists and scheduled times. Even her own siblings made comments on her constant need to wanting to know everything. It kept her sane since she had started university and was the only security she knew that would keep her from losing whatever sanity she had left since the fake dating conundrum.
"Clearly we need to work on it." [Name] comments as she takes a bite of her breakfast, doing her best to avoid anyone's faces, even after she heard Benji groan.
"Please, no. That was so gruelling. Not to mention long. It didn't even work last night."
This time, [Name] sent a burning look to Benji. "Next time I'll just stay quiet then instead of trying to save our asses since my effort trying to keep up this little ruse is all one sided." She says, her voice icy before taking another bite of her breakfast.
The room stilled for a moment. In any other situation, [Name] would have done something like walk away or apologize for ruining the mood. It was too early in the morning for her to be in a hurry to alleviate the tension so she had let her anger be known as she ate in furied silence.
All that was heard was the clanking of the utensils against the plate. Glancing to her other side, even Chiara was eating silently, which was never the case even during moments [Name]'s patience was worn thin. Benji was tense beside her, glancing at her every now and then as be bit into his breakfast.
By the time she finished her plate, she announced that she would be gathering her things in her room and that her and Chiara had to get home. She spent the remainder of her time in the guest room, gathering her items before a knock could be heard.
Chiara stepped in, offering a sober smile as a peace offering. "Thanks for coming to get me."
"That's what friends do." [Name] says as she pulls her sweater over her shirt - Benji's shirt. It almost fit her too well, as if Benji had outgrown it long ago.
His suggestion to bring it home with her last night rang through her head, though she wasn't quite ready to broadcast that she had not only stayed over at his place but also insinuated something to imply she had to wear a change of clothes.
"You know," Chiara starts, settling on the pristine mattress. For an apartment full of boys, they had done well to keep the area decorated and clean. The guest room hadn't a single speck of dust and the sheets smelled like lavender and linen. "I'm sure Ben was just teasing earlier."
"Does teasing also mean hinting that I'm a Class A bore? Aeron Bracken already made me aware of my plight for some time now - and with everyone - and I don't need any more reminders."
Aeron, with all his obsession in wanting to make [Name]'s shifts a living hell, was also a perpetrator for gossip on campus. She knew it had been him who started the insulting stories about her being so boring, she most likely was the only virgin left on campus.
Not that it had been his business, or anyone's for that matter.
"He hadn't meant it that way." Chiara says but [Name] continued to fold her items with tempered patience. "Just that... You know..."
"No, I don't know what you mean, Chiara." [Name] challenges.
Chiara sighs as she lays down on the bed. "Don't take this the wrong way - I love you and you have your reasons to be so distant with men but you have a habit of being guarded with them even during friendly fire."
[Name] only sent her a look of caution. She hadn't been wrong; throughout [Name]'s 20 years of being alive, she hadn't had the best with talking to men. She did her best to limit her experience, subconsciously or not she wasn't sure anymore but every interaction she's had since then had always ended with her being short with them or just keeping conversations short.
Until with Benji, that is. The stories about him were just half truths from how he actually was. With all the rough edges and harshness he harbors, an equal amount of kindness is what she seems more often than not when they're around each other. Between the both of them, [Name] would have to admit she was more talkative than him since they had gotten more friendly with one another.
Sometimes she would even poke at him to see how much it would take him to show that callousness he oh so had. Nothing concerning ever came out of it besides him teasing her endlessly but it wasn't geared toward anything about her insecurities the way he had earlier.
She gnawed at her lip as she thought about this morning again. Chiara was looking at her expectantly, waiting for a response. [Name] only gave an answer by shoving her clothes under her arm and saying, "Come on, I have half a day off and I'd rather not spend it at a stranger's home."
"Technically this is your boyfriend's home so it shouldn't be awkward."
[Name] rolled her eyes, ready to remind her that Benji was technically not her boyfriend before she spied Oscar standing by her door from the corner of her eye. "You aren't working all day today?"
"Miracle, isn't it?" Chiara comments. "Looks like Rhaenyra finally wants her employee of the month to finally take a break."
"I'm her only employee?" [Name] counters, earning a raspberry blown her way. Oscar straightens himself in excitement.
"You should come to our bonfire tonight. We don't do much, just sit around a fire and talk. Sometimes we take night swims if enough of us bring something to swim in." He offers, making Chiara jump up from the bed.
She shakes [Name]'s arm, who nearly dropped the spare clothes under her arms. "We'd love to go!" [Name] opens her mouth in protest, but is stopped when Chiara continues to speak. "[Name], come on. It'll be fun."
Kermit and Benji stroll in, watching as the brunette practically begs [Name]. She bites at her lip, glancing at the three men just outside the door, her eyes meeting Benji's. He was hard to read at the moment, anticipation only tracing his face as he waits for her answer.
Her gaze cuts back down to her feet for a moment, trying to decide if meeting them at the beach was a good idea or if it was going to be as awkward as it was right now. Benji was the first to speak up.
"How about you sit on it and you can let us know later? Besides, the beach isn't just meant for us. You can even go there tonight and not have to be around us the whole night." He suggests, the idea calming her nerves a bit as she nods in response. Benji nods back, as if there was a mutual understanding only they both knew about.
Chiara smiles. "I don't hear a no. We'll need to go now, then; can't stay around here all day smelling like booze and with ruined makeup." She comments as she walks out the door, [Name] trailing behind her.
[Name] offers a quick thank you before leaving, doing her best to avoid Benji's burning gaze as she steps out the door and watches her retreat into the crisp morning air of King's Landing.
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The afternoon shift at Nyra's Nook was mediocre at best. [Name] had done inventory on new books that arrived the day before and reset any books that had strewn about (though she wasn't sure it made a difference with how majority of the books stacked one another along the shelves anyways).
She had been in the middle of counting the till before she finished her shift when Jace had walked in, ready to relieve her. An amused look fell on his face and [Name] had already known what he was going to say.
"Don't--" She starts, but Jace had beaten her to the punch.
"Quite a ruckus happened last night, according to my sources." He comments as he walks behind the counter. [Name] rolls her eyes. Sources meaning Cregan Stark. "Who knew our very own [Name] could pack a punch."
"It was not a punch. It was a bitch slap." [Name] corrects, earning a howl of laughter from Jace. She slapped his chest. "You can either help me clear the items off this counter while I count or you can walk away before I tell Syrax to sic you."
Jace shakes his, though he cast a glance at his mother's cat, who had a clear favorite among the two as she sidled herself beside [Name], who adjusted the large pink bow attached to her. He does as he told, removing new books out of the last box she hadn't been able to finish.
They worked in silence for a moment, giving a bit of respite in his teasing. Jacaerys Velaryon, in all his popularity and golden boy image, was most definitely raised by his mother. He was kind and hadn't minded others opinions too much like [Name].
He kept a good head on his shoulder whenever something went awry, which was a good thing to have whenever [Name] had to deal with people who weren't on their best behavior, at work or on the rare days he wasn't at football practice and was walking around campus.
They weren't close, so to speak, but he had been more or less been like a brother to [Name] whenever he was around. Always teasing her but without any nasty intentions.
"Its good you slapped him, by the way. Aeron Bracken." Jace comments, his nose wrinkling as he mentioned his name.
"This wouldn't have anything to do with your little feud with your family, would it?" [Name] asked, recalling his family drama.
Jace shakes his head. "I mean, the Brackens are technically in partnership with our family in some way, just not us. So to speak." He tries to explain, but [Name]'s blank stare urged him to broach the real subject. "No, I went to school with Aeron and Ben."
[Name] blinked at him, shocked at the news. Of course, it had made sense. Benji had been only a year older than her and if she thought hard enough, so was Jace. She never knew to try and connect the dots until now.
"They were both hot tempered and made the school year interesting, but between the two, Aeron was more cruel. Ben only retaliated in the way he knew, by being as vicious as he needed. But he never took things far the way Aeron had." Jace explains, adding the last part as if remembering he was talking to Benji's girlfriend.
[Name] nods, attempting to not seem interested but she was. Benji's life before he attended Crownlands Imperial College was shrouded in a mystery she didn't wish to press him for. The only information she heard about Benji before college was from Chiara and unrelated stories of his past he had mentioned to her before.
"Why do you think he changed all of a sudden?" She asked Jace, referring to Benji's sudden subdued behavior when he started university.
Jace hums, thinking deeply for a moment before he shrugged. "No clue. He almost felt like a ghost, though. Like he was here but not really. Ben wasn't ever like that before and well, he doesn't seem like that now that you've been seeing each other."
[Name] frowned, not quite understanding the sentence but knew better than to question it at the moment. Maybe Benji had a change of heart in his behavior lately; she could hardly believe she would influence anyones sudden outlook in life that quickly.
But then again, Benji was more sensitive than she was at times; breakfast was enough of an indication that at the very least he felt a sense of guilt. Guilt swept her up as well, the anger from this morning having subsided on her walk back home.
She petted Syrax as she thought on Oscar's offer about coming to the beach. After a moment, she found herself pulling out her phone and texting Chiara that she still wanted to go to the beach but wouldn't bother swimming.
The only response she received was a set of heart and wave of emojis, to which she let a small laugh at. Jace had made sure to spot this as he continued to work.
"Did you have fun afterwards?" He asked, smirking over at [Name]. She blinked at him for a moment before understanding the suggestive question.
"What happened after that public display of violence is none of your business." [Name] responds back, face bright red. "Besides, the Tullys and Chiara were with us..."
Jace snorts. "That's never stopped me before."
At this mentioned, [Name] rolls her eyes. "That's because you're a manwhore--"
She hadn't the opportunity to finish the sentence as Jace had covered her mouth the minute Rhaenyra walked out from her office.
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The car ride to the beach nearly gave [Name] a heart attack. Chiara had her license for more than four years, though [Name] was sure her friend only used it for less than a year with how recklessly she had just driven them.
[Name] let out a sigh of relief once her feet made contact with the ground, glaring at a nonchalant Chiara who only said , "What?" before walking toward a small group of people surrounding a fire.
Kermit had been the first to spot them, running up to Chiara and helping her offload the chairs on her as she carefully held the booze she had brought for that evening. Oscar and Benji walked over to them, taking any heavy bags from [Name] as well.
"Looking a little green there, [Name]." Oscar teases.
"I'll throw up on you." [Name] threatens, feigning to lurch forward and a sense of satisfaction rolling off her as Oscar lets our a shriek in terror.
Kermit and Chiara trail after him, the older of the Tully brothers grumbling about his brother being too loud. Benji puts a hand on her shoulder, stopping them from moving to allow a safe enough distance from their friends.
They look at each other and for a moment, the crashing waves and laughter being swallowed around them. [Name] feels as if she couldn't breathe from how long they stood in front of each other, though she couldn't pull her eyes from his as they try to read each other.
Slinging her bag around himself, Benji pulls [Name] to him by her waist, nearly hugging her to him as he settles his head against her own. Faintly, she felt her stomach flutter at the gesture but spies a few prying eyes from the bonfire. She lets her rigid back soften slightly, leaning into Benji's side hug before he leads her toward the group, her hand fiddling with the end of his shirt as they moved.
"How was work?" Benji asks when they walk.
"Good." She responds back. The walk to the bonfire felt like a million miles away. The morning of their disagreement hung between them and [Name] did her best to swallow down any nervousness before it shook her whole body. "How was your's?"
Benji nods along in deep thought, as if trying to remember the fog of his shift at the downtown tattoo parlor today. "Could have been better but we're here now right?"
There was a double meaning behind that sentence, one only [Name] could understand. An allusion to what happened this morning, as if to say Let's not worry about it anymore. Gods if they really were going out, [Name] certainly didn't deserve someone as understanding as Benji.
His eyes cast at the group in front of them, spying something far ahead before moving away from her. "Do you want a beer?"
[Name] nods, settling down a log and letting the fire warm her legs as she watches the orange and pink hues of the sky beating down slowly. Her eyes train over to Chiara, who seems to being having a fun time with Benji's friends.
She seemed to fit right in, with her boisterous laughing and big smiles as Oscar and another one of his friends, Martyn Whent, threw a frisbee around. [Name] smiles at her friend, remembering how much she thrived around being near other people.
"She's very extroverted, your friend." A soft voice says from her right. [Name] turns, her stomach doing an uncomfortable flip as she makes looks up at Ulla Greyjoy.
Up close, Ulla was even more gorgeous. Her black hair was in a windswept ponytail, all the baby hairs jutting out this way and that but she looked as if she just stepped out of a magazine cover. She had makeup on and not a smudge was found on her sharp eyeliner. She had chosen a black tube top and denim shorts that were unzipped to reveal her black bikini.
In layman's words, Ulla looked hot.
"Yeah, Chiara loves people." [Name] comments, moving aside when Ulla takes seat next to her.
The dark haired girl nods. "I can tell; I'm not great at it so I'm a bit jealous."
Nodding, they continue to watch Chiara strike up a conversation from one person to another as they slowly start to grow a circle of frisbee players. At first [Name] used to be envious of Chiara when they had initially been roommates from how well she was able to fit in with a crowd so well.
After some time with her, though, it developed more into admiration from how observant Chiara was. She had been the one to invite [Name] out and made sure she knew just about everything happening at the school. Even today, she had made sure to ask [Name] if she was really okay with the outing before they left.
Jealousy was a feeling she understood but did her best to not take over as she knows she can't force herself to be social the same way Chiara can't force herself to enjoy seclusion the way [Name] did.
She did her best to not contemplate too much and was a but grateful when Ulla continues speaking. "I was a but surprised when I heard you were coming. From all the things I heard, I thought you weren't really the social type."
"I'm not very social," [Name] admits. "But that doesn't really eliminate the fact I want to go out and meet some people."
Ulla nods. "Does that happen often with you and Ben?"
"What do you mean?"
She nods toward Benji, who was unceremoniously stuck between a few people by the cooler, nodding along and laughing at a joke someone said. Benji's all black t-shirt and denim shorts getup was nearly matching Ulla's own outfit. The thought made [Name] tug at the skirt of her pink sundress.
Ulla offered a tight lipped smile. "Its just, I've never seen you two out before besides on campus. Do you guys go on dates or anything? He certainly took me out often after..."
She pauses for a moment, clearly knowing she spoke too much and showed it from the way she offered a faux smile and looked away. A bubble of irritation rises in [Name] as she realizes what was happening. She hadn't cared too much about what Benji did in the past or his off time - after all, this was an arrangement that was only a couple of weeks long - but she knew when she was being made to look like an idiot.
"We go on dates; granted its not every time something happens but I guess that's just the benefit of doing more than sleeping with each other." [Name] says with narrowed eyes, watching as Ulla regarded her with faint surprise before morphing it into overplayed shock.
"I wasn't insuating anything like that--"
"Then what were you insinuating? You're a grown woman, Benji's a grown man. That's not something new, especially at university. As long as it isn't happening now, then I don't really care about Benji's dating history, no matter how questionable that person is." [Name] says, leaning against her palm to look at the dark haired girl.
Ulla regarded her with a calculated stare and [Name] held it with as much intensity. She's had her round of bullies this year. Aeron was easy enough to deal with. She always fought him off whenever he bothered her but the slap and this morning had seemed to have given her a healthy reminder that she can't always plan things ahead of time.
Their stare off at had come to a head when another dark haired girl walked up to them, settling on [Name]'s other side as she says, "Trying to scare off more girls from this group, Greyjoy?"
Turning her head, [Name] met another pair of familiar brown eyes, though it was more intense and they narrowed to an obvious distaste for the other girl in front of her. Her pitch black hair was tied into a bun but she was still just as pretty as Ulla.
Ulla doesn't say a word as she gets up from her spot, sauntering off to the other side of the firepit.
The new dark haired girl turns to [Name], all hostility gone from her face as she says, "Ignore her; she's all bark, no bite. She's also just upset her newest toy lost interest in her before she had her fun. Not to mention, I'm sure you scared her off a bit with that response. Ulla wants to chase off any competition in this group. Not there's anything to scope out with these idiots."
Taking a glance around the men in their wake, [Name] lets out a chuckle in agreement as she spots Martyn and Kermit wrestling in the far distance. For a moment she envisons her brothers back home, who always tussled about with each other that way. "Yeah, you're right, I guess."
"I'm Alysanne Blackwood. Or Aly. I'm Benji's cousin - well, technically aunt but we're only two years apart so it doesn't make much of a difference." The girl tries to explain, taking a sip of beer in her hand. "And you're Benji's girlfriend. [Name], right? Cregan told me about you from last night."
[Name] groaned. Of all people, she hadn't expected Cregan to be so loose lipped. "Does everybody know about last night?"
"I'd wager yes. That was epic. I wish I was there. I'd do anything to see a Bracken get knocked down a few pegs." Aly comments. "Whatever Ulla said to you, don't worry too much. They did have something going on but it was short lived and she's just bitter someone managed to break Benji down before she did."
[Name] raised an eyebrow. "You mean his no dating streak?"
Aly confirms with a smile. "The most he did was sneak around with Ulla and a few girls a couple of months the first year before completely cutting any kind of woman off. Imagine my surprise when I hear from Oscar and Kermit say he started dating a girl whose head isn't full of logs."
"Any particular reason why he decided to do all of that and suddenly break it?" [Name] asked, watching as Aly's face fell slightly.
"I think its up to Benji to talk about that." She says. [Name] takes that as a sign to be patient and wait.
"Fair enough." [Name] says, recalling her own secrets she wants to hold close. "If its any consolation, us dating was a complete accident."
"Yeah?" Aly asked, frowning. "How'd you two meet?"
"At Nyra's shop." A voice from behind them interrupts. Benji sits at the spot Ulla had sat from - a good thing so she could finally swipe that memory of her in exchange for him. Benji hands her a beer, the condensation from the cold bottle running between her fingertips as she takes a sip. He falls easily into their story as she fiddles with the ring on his finger. "I thought she was too pretty and pink for her to take a chance on me but I couldn't resist."
She feels his lips touch the crown of her head, a silent signal for her to say its her turn now. "I thought he was a mute so I didn't really notice him."
Benji's lip twitches in amusement. It hadn't been a complete lie - she really had thought he was a mute the first couple of months they interacted until she heard him garble out a quiet "thank you" on a random evening. It had nearly frightened her, thinking a spirit had made itself known. It had been an embarrassing story to admit but Benji had thought the story was amusing enough.
"You're the most reasonable person in the world and you think a ghost is more likely to show up than me talking?" He had asked her that day. They had gone to the diner for another late night study "date".
"Well excuse me for not realizing you were weren't verbally impaired!" She shot back, nearly falling off her spot on the leather seats from laughing with him. They had gotten absolutely nothing done that night.
"He dropped a few books on my hands when neither of us were looking and apologized after I screamed. He asked me out to dinner as a way to make up for nearly cutting my fingers off." [Name] said, peeking at Benji as she jokes.
"Now you're just being dramatic."
"Fine, my circulation cut off. But still a bit bold to ask someone during a shift."
"You clearly liked it if we're still together." Benji teases, leaning his tall frame over her.
Their noses brushed against each from how close they were and [Name] felt her heart race when she had thought he was going to kiss her on the lips. Her gaze stayed on his lips for a moment before she glanced up at him, realizing her had been staring at her the entire time.
She swallows thickly, hiding it away her nervousness by moving away and pressing her lips against his cheek to avoid any confusion. Her gaze tore to the burning wood afterward, not wanting to meet Benji's eyes.
What was that? She wanted to ask him. Had he wanted to kiss her or was she thinking too much on it? She wasn't sure. She couldn't inquire too much anyways, not with his own cousin (aunt?) right next to them. If Aly suspected anything, though, she hadn't said a thing, smiling at the pair before walking off with the excuse to help Chiara win against Kermit and Oscar, who were well known cheats at frisbee.
Now it had just the two of them, staring at the fire since it was better than looking at each other. The crackle of the fire was the only noise she could hear, conversations around them drowning out as she realized that had been the first time she's ever had to make a move since they first started fake dating.
And for some reason she wanted to do it again soon. It must be the beer, she thinks. Still, it doesn't stop her from taking two gulps to possibly help numb that though.
"Fancy a walk?" Benji asks suddenly, the low baritone of his voice breaking their barrier of silence, making her jump a bit. An amused smile plays his lips at the action, making [Name]'s stomach turn again. She tales another sip of the beer. Then nods after a moment.
He holds out a hand for her to take as they walk a far enough distance from everyone else. Distantly, one of his friends makes an innuendo about straying far enough to do something. [Name] does her best to ignore the comment as Benji turns around and screams at him to get his head out of his ass while sticking a middle finger up.
"I'm sorry about them; they're all from the Riverlands like me. Formalities aren't our strongest suit." Benji explains with a laugh.
[Name] shakes her head. "No, its fine. I like them. They remind me of home."
"Oh yeah? How was life like at home for you?"
"Too many men." [Name] all but comments, chuckling with Benji before continuing. "I have two older brothers and two younger brothers between me and my older sister. We grew up closer to Dorne - formalities are different for us too."
Benji whistles. "And I thought my family was large..."
"There was never a moment of peace with the lot of them." [Name] comments, grinning. "I thought getting away from the noise at school would do me some good but I miss them a lot. Seeing your friends act like that made me a little less homesick. Thanks for inviting me."
"Not a problem. You are always welcome to come, homesick or not." Benji offers, smiling at her. His eyes turn a bit solemn, a thought pulling him away briefly. "And... I'm sorry for not realizing I was going to far this morning."
He looks away, eyes downcast to where the water lulls against the sand, as if ready to receive a scolding from [Name]. She found herself lost again, wondering how many versions of Benji she had seen so far. He was a bit more like what the person she initially met today - gruff and a little mean spirited but whatever edges he sharpened was subsequently dulled (sometimes a little too late but they dulled nonetheless) whenever she was around.
The thought of him being able to let his guard down around her sent a warmth in her chest. She squeezed his hand to signal for him to look at her. "I'm sorry too," She concedes. "I'm not very good when I have to say I'm uncomfortable. And I have little patience when it comes to teasing - my brothers knew of it and did everything they could to push my buttons until they take things too far. I know you didn't intend that so you shouldn't have gotten the brunt of my anger this morning." Benji nods in understanding. "Plus I didn't get to eat a proper dinner yesterday so I was just downright starving that morning."
Benji stops for a brief moment, the cold ocean washing over their feet and lets out a laugh. The orange hue from the sun casted a golden glow to his face and for a moment [Name] felt that same gut twisting feeling in her stomach again. She did her best to neutralize her face as she had unwittingly thought that Benjicot Blackwood was the most handsome man she has ever met.
"I'll make sure you've had a full meal before I try anything next time." Benji jokes but the promise was there: he wouldn't push her anymore than he had this morning.
"Good. I'll be less snappy next disagreement." [Name] replies in return before sighing. She looked back at the group, just mere ants from the distance they stood in. Her feet had grown tired and frankly, she wanted to stay alone with Benji for as long as possible.
So, she settled down on the sand, just a few feet from the wading water. Benji followed suit, settling beside her in the sand. They both take sips of their beers before [Name] says, "Tell me about your family... Are they as noisy as mine?"
Benji grins. "Oh, trust me. They're all a bit mad, honestly. But you'd love them..."
They spent the rest of the afternoon talking about their families, their jobs, and everything in between. For that time, nothing really mattered to [Name]. Aeron, Ulla, everyone who had seemed to enjoy circulating their romance - none of that seemed to have mattered when it was just her and Benji sitting in the wet sand, drunkenly laughing at stories that weren't that funny.
Though, [Name] thought, it might have something to do with it just being with one another that made the stories amusing.
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asumofwords · 1 year
The Sublet - Roommate!AU
Warnings: She/her pronouns, slow burn, angst. Tags will be added as the fic goes along. Drug use, drinking.
Pairings: Modern!Aemond x Reader
Summary: Living with Helaena Targaryen was one of the best decisions you had ever made. Meeting at university, the two of you became thick as thieves and quickly best friends, moving into a flat together. But what will happen when Helaena has to leave, and her quiet, brooding, brother moves in?
Notes: Jesus christ, this is a monster chapter, but I also don't want to cut it down and split it up. Hehe, thank you all for your love for the last chapter! Poor Aemond and poor reader! Anyway, Enjoy! <3
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Chapter 13: Proposition
The evening came quickly, and Helaena had dressed you in a deep green, silk dress. It came to your mid thigh and had a swooping cow neck at the front. Thin straps went over your shoulders and crossed at the low back of the dress, the material light and flowing, soft against your skin.
Helaena told you that she would never wear it when you had argued with her about putting it on, and had even insisted upon you keeping it afterwards. You paired it with some black heels and gold jewellery, with your hair up and away from your face, keeping the nape of your neck cool in the warm air. 
Helaena wore a long lavender dress that almost matched her eyes, a sheer netting over the top of it with embroidered and beaded stars and constellations. She looked ethereal, and you felt over dressed for a dinner with her family. But she had told you to live a little, and that they would all be dressed to the nines, ensuring that you wouldn’t be joined by her sister and her husband.
When you made your way downstairs, heels clicking against the stone floors, Helaena had steered you away from a smaller, more intimate dining hall, and back outside to the long table you had passed that morning. 
The table was covered with glimmering candle light, smaller fairy lights nestled amongst the table whilst large candelabras stood tall in the middle and further to the edges, casting it aglow in a warm light. Fairy lights were strung in the trees in your periphery, and the whole scene reminded you of what an intimate wedding celebration would feel like.
However this was just a normal night for the Targaryen and Velaryon family. 
The latter, already sitting at the table. 
Lucerys’ head had lifted at your arrival, wide smile spreading across his cheeks as he looked up at you. Jacaerys following his line of sight mirrored his smile and stood, younger brother standing, before both came around the table to engulf you in a tight embrace. 
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Jace smiled, flicking his eyes to his aunt and then back to you again. 
“Last minute plans.” You chuckled, hoping they wouldn’t sense any tension from you, or the fact that your chest still felt sudden aches when the thought of a tall, silver haired man popped into your mind.
“Glad you came,” Luc added, “You’ll be able to meet mum.”
Rhaenyra Targaryen, a woman of conviction and power. You would be lying if you said she wasn’t an inspiration to you. Defying all odds and sexism within the industry and profession of law, and surpassing her male counterparts with an ease that could only be graced upon someone from birth or with hard work.
“I would like that.” You smiled back. 
Helaena led you to sit with her in the middle of the table, opposite the two brothers, and the four of you dissolved into comfortable chatter as you waited for the others, the sound of cooking and smell of food wafting from the kitchen just inside. 
When Daeron had arrived, he had chosen to sit beside his sister, nodding at his nephews before asking Jacaerys, with a cheeky glint in his eye, how the Tully boys were. Jacaerys, clearly now aware of his friend and uncles little tryst, asked him back how Kermit was.
“Very good.” The youngest Targaryen sibling smirked.
Lucerys blushed. 
You were mid conversation with Jacaerys before his eyes lit up, looking behind you. You turned to see a vision of blue and silver. Your breath stilled in your chest. 
Baela and Rhaena stood behind you, the twins looking as though they had been plucked from the stars themselves. Rhaena wore a deep blue dress which glimmered as she moved, small flecks of sliver glinting like the night sky. Her locks were long down her back, held together by silver clasps that had small stars and jewels that dripped off of them.
Baela stood beside her twin sister, thigh length silver dress with a high neck and low back, covered in a mesh that dripped off of her like cobwebs. Her silver coils were half up, half down on the top of her head, held by a simple claw clip. 
You had to blink to get yourself to stop staring at them.
No wonder people thought these families were descended from Gods. 
You, in that moment, felt awfully plain. 
You stood and went to embrace the two girls, little squeals pealing from all of your mouths as you hugged each other with joy. It had been a while since you had seen the pair last, and now that they were here, you felt suddenly excited to be at the Keep.
Baela’s eyes roamed over your body, “Damn girl, look at you. If only Cregan could see you now.” 
You instantly blushed, slapping her shoulder lightly, “Flattery won’t get me into your bed, Bae.”
The twin smirked, “Worth a try.”
“You think I haven’t?” Helaena joked, mock rejection on her features. 
You all sat down, Baela beside Jacaerys, and Rhaena beside Luc, chatting excitedly with each other as Daeron popped the cork of some wine, and Helaena, a bottle of champagne, filling up the respecting glasses of everyone who sat at the table. Reaching forth, you took your champagne glass, bubbles fluttering up the glass flute as you clinked yours amongst everyone else’s and sipped. 
It was sweet, and smooth, almost creamy to the taste, and you realised that this was probably the best champagne you had ever had. You took another sip, much larger than the last, deciding to let loose for the evening with your friends, enjoying the warm burn of the alcohol as it passed down your throat. 
You were laughing with Jacaerys, reminiscing how he had gotten too drunk one night and passed out on Cregan’s couch, cuddling a pillow to his chest, when Baela’s perfectly manicured brow lifted, eyes looking behind you. 
Aegon appeared from within, two bottles of alcohol in either hand and a clear ziplock bag hanging from clenched teeth.
Inside, four meticulously rolled joints.
He sat down beside you with a huff, plopping the drinks onto the table noisily with a clunk, one tequila, the other, some sort of amber drink, whiskey or brandy perhaps.
He pulled the zip lock bag from his mouth and threw it unceremoniously into the middle of the table. Baela smirked, and Rhaena snatched the bag up to inspect its contents.
“Fuck yes.” The younger twin, Baela always made a point that she was born first of the two of them, exclaimed.
“The King shall always provide to his loyal subjects.” Aegon joked in mock regality as he looked down at everyone from his nose. 
“Come off it.” Daeron groused, “Is it the good stuff, or the shit stuff you give to people you hate?”
Hand on chest, Aegon gasped, “How dare you insinuate that I would give you bum blunts. An outrage, I say.”
“It’s the good shit.” Helaena confirmed, grimace on her lips, “Egg forgot to tell me that when he offered me one last week. I smoked the whole fucking thing in one hit thinking it was the shit stuff from last time. I had never been so close to greening in my life.”
Jacaerys' eyes widened, “You? Greening? Jesus, must be the good stuff then.”
“Only the best for Daddy.” Aegon smirked, eyes flicking to you. 
Heat rose in your cheeks.
Be a good girl for daddy.
You crossed your legs tightly at the memory of Aemond driving his length into your folds. 
Aegon noticed your reaction but said nothing, the faintest push of his tongue caught in his cheek.
“Right,” He clapped his hands, grabbing the bottle of tequila, cracking open its corked cap, “We are all going to get royally messy this evening because I am tired of seeing my nephews sappy, sullen faces.” 
Jacaerys and Lucerys frowned.
Aegon grabbed your champagne glass from your fingers, a small grunt of disapproval from your lips as you watched him throw the remaining drink down the back of his throat. He then tipped the tequila bottle against your champagne flute and began to pour. 
“Woah!” Your hand lifted the lip of the tequila away from your flute, a drip rolling down your finger.
He had almost filled it half way full. 
Aegon raised his brow at the others as the chefs began to bring out the food and place it on the table, the bag of joints not being moved from plain sight.
You supposed the chefs did not care, and were only paid to cook. 
The smell from the dinner made your mouth water, each dish perfectly made to different tastes and requirements. Baela and Rhaena had fish, Jace and Luc, lamb. Daeron had a vegetarian pasta of sorts, and Hel the same. Aegon was given a large steak with mashed potato and a red sauce that swirled delicately over the plate, baby carrots steamed atop.
And for you, your favourite dish. 
You eyed Helaena in shock and she had shrugged, essentially telling you that she had requested it for you. You smiled at her warmly in thanks, nudging her with your shoulder. 
All around the table, everyone began to drain their wines and champagnes, where Aegon then filled their flutes and glasses with either tequila or the amber alcohol, which you came to learn was a honey smoked whiskey. But in Aegon's case, he took two glasses for himself, and filled them both.
Laughter and smiles were plentiful around the table as you all ate and drank, the warmth from the tequila seeping into your pores. Each sip was smooth, though still hard to swallow. Your face would scrunch each time, and Aegon would almost always snicker at you. You had not been given a chaser nor a mixer.
When dinner had finished, and dessert had been served after, a soft meringue with strawberry puree and passionfruit pulp, Jacaerys had suggested that you all go for a midnight dip. 
You and the girls had raced to Helaena’s room to get changed into your swimmers, drunkenly stumbling and giggling through the Keep, careful to not make too much noise to disturb Rhaenyra and Daemon, and their three younger children, though it would be hard with the enormity of the estate. 
Criston Cole had met you on the stairs when he came to investigate a stream of squeals that Helaena had let loose as she had slipped on a bottom step and landed heavily onto her bum in laughter. 
His deep eyes had narrowed, and Helaena had given him a dismissive wave as she lifted herself, grabbing your arm and Baela’s, who in turn grabbed Rhaena’s, before you all made a mad dash out the kitchen, past the table, alcohol and joints missing from them.
The boys were already inside of the spa, large enough to hold at least twenty people, but intimate enough for you all to be spread apart and for it not to feel weird. Bubbles foamed at the surface as Jacaerys passed his joint to Aegon blowing the smoke from his lips, head tilted back to the sky.
“Took your time.” Aegon teased, joint at his mouth as he inhaled. 
The night sky was clear, bright stars twinkling above you as a quiet settled over the estate. The sound of crickets and cicadas were loud in your ears, and you could have sworn that once or twice, over the sounds of the others and the jets of the spa, that you had heard an owl. It was a warm night, but not too warm to make the steaming, bubbling water uncomfortable.
You climbed in beside Aegon, Helaena beside you, with the twins beside the two brown haired brothers. It was clear that they had a stronger bond to each other rather than their aunt and uncles, having grown up together after their mother had passed, and Daemon had married Rhaenyra. 
“Hel fell down the stairs.” You giggled, taking the champagne flute Daeron held out to you, actual champagne inside this time, not tequila. You thanked him silently and took a steady sip of the drink.
Luc snorted, making grabby hands at Aegon who still held the joint. The eldest uncle narrowed his eyes at the younger boy before reaching across the water to hand it to him, snatching it back teasingly just before the Velaryon's fingers could have grabbed it, before finally letting the youngest of the group have it. 
“Don’t you green out." Aegon teased, "Your mother will kill me.”
Your mother. 
Not sister.
Not Rhaenyra.
Your mother. 
The dynamics of this family was certainly strained, but amongst the sons and daughters, what little tension there had bled away with the steady hum of the bubbling spa, the flowing of drinks, and the high that all got from the joints Aegon had provided.
Jacaerys had offered it to you, and you had taken it with slightly pruny fingers, inhaling a small drag, as per Helaena’s warning, feeling the dry smoke, not at all like cigarettes, move into your lungs. You held in a small cough, and then breathed it out, tingles rippling up your skin. 
Oh shit.
It was the good stuff.
A small littering of giggles exploded from you as you handed it to Aegon, whose smirk only got wider. 
“You should have seen his face!” Jacaerys laughed, watching as Lucerys grumbled beside him, smile working its way on his lips as Jace retold the story of Cerwyn and Dalton Greyjoys propositions to both you and Cregan.
“Did baby Luc get scandalised?” Aegon teased, lips pouting at his nephew. 
Luc’s cheeks flushed as he grumbled, “I wasn’t scandalised. I just wasn’t expecting that.”
“How did you not expect it from Dalton? The man is a walking sex toy.” Baela teased, hand pushing back a stray curl from her face.
The water of the spa was warming you up. That and the alcohol, and maybe also the joint combined. And also maybe because the topic of discussion had suddenly come to your sex life. 
Uh oh.
“So,” Daeron turned to you, “Did you take them up on their offer?” 
All eyes were on you.
You blushed, bringing the champagne to your lips to sip, hoping the cold drink would cool you down.
“No. But I did consider it.” You smirked, feeling a little bolder, “Cerwyn I hadn’t expected, but Dalton had tried his luck before.”
A wet arm wrapped over your shoulders, Aegon pulling you towards him lazily, “And what did the ‘King of The North’ think about this all? Are you two still bumping uglies?”
You turned to look at Aegon, whose face was startlingly close to yours, his lids half shut with ease, violet eyes slightly glassy from the joint. It was clear he was high, and drunk, but there was something else about the way he looked at you. 
You scoffed a laugh, “It’s complicated.” You omitted the part where Aemond was the complicated part, “Cregan actually encouraged me to think about it. And to be honest, I did.”
“No way.” Rhaena smiled widely, “Dude, where do you find these men?”
You laughed, head thrown back, “Rhae, if I knew, I would tell you. They just find me somehow. Annoying sometimes, really.”
“Speaking of annoying,” Baela butted in, “Heard you’ve been sharing close quarters with Aemond.”
Your heart raced in your chest. 
You looked to Helaena as you swallowed thickly. 
Had she told Baela?
“Can't believe Aemond isn’t here. Mummy’s favourite.” Aegon grumped, “Twat.”
“Hey.” Helaena piped in, chastising her brother, “Don’t be a dick. You know he hates it here.”
Aegon clicked his tongue at his sister and lit another joint beside you, fingers lightly tracing over your shoulder, goosebumps erupting on your skin. You felt your nipples stiffen, pressing against the material of your bikini in response, and you sunk lower into the bubbles to hide it.
Everything was heightened, the alcohol, the high, the warmth of his body and the water around you, his touch. And it was hard to not feel some sort of involuntary reaction. 
Baela looked at you expectantly, as did all else. 
“It’s fine. He’s quiet. Keeps to himself mostly.” You explained, suddenly feeling like you were on the witness stand. 
No-one responded, all waiting for you to continue, as though you hadn’t given them the answer they wanted to hear, and so you did, “He can be a dick at times, and we have gone head to head on numerous occasions.”
Jacaerys laughed, and Luc smiled widely. Both knowingly enjoying your answer.
Daeron and Aegon looked at their nephews.
“What?” Aegon asked, curiosity laced in his voice.
“Y/n brought Cregan over after a fight with Aemond, and let’s just say, they weren’t quiet about it.”
Aegon’s laugh exploded across the pool area and everyone else followed, head thrown backwards against the damp tile of the spa as he laughed. His eyes were scrunched closed, and you noticed the faint blush that rose on his cheeks. 
Aegon was handsome, in a soft way. There was nothing sharp about his features, bar perhaps the top of his jaw, and his lips were far less severe than Aemond’s. It was no surprise to you that Aegon got around. A whore Helaena called him. He had this naturally flirty charm around him, and this cocksure personality, but you knew, beneath it all, that there was the same insecurities that Aemond had. Only Aegon was better at hiding it. Or, not really. He was just better at drowning it out between the legs of someone new, alcohol or drugs, or some blissful combination of the three. 
But there was no denying that he was just as beautiful as the others. 
Aegon stopped his laughter and looked at you, your head swimming in the clouds. A smirk pulled at his rosy lips, and his eyes lowered to your mouth momentarily. You snapped your head away, feeling guilty and all too exposed, heat rising within you again. 
The twins raised a brow at you in unison. 
Goddamn twin connection.
“I bet Aemy would have hated that. Or maybe even loved it.” Aegon teased, and Helaena scrunched her face in disgust.
“I’ve heard Y/n and Cregan before. They’re not quiet, let me tell you that much. My noise cancelling headphones are probably my best investment.” She teased, and you felt your face and chest bloom with heat. 
You stood suddenly, water sloughing off your body as everyone looked up at you.
“It’s hot. Is anyone else hot? I’m hot. I’m going to go in the pool. Okay. Yep.” You babbled, flustered.   
One leg after the other you walked speedily to the cool water of the pool, feeling everyones eyes on your back, but most of all, the heated gaze that lingered on the globes of your ass. 
Aegon was not at all being shy with the way he was checking you out. 
You jumped straight into the icy pool feeling the cold water shock you into a more sobered state. You rose to the surface with a squeak, and watched as Baela and Rhaena stood, running towards you directly as they cannon balled, in sync, in front of you. You laughed at the large splash, and soon, in no time at all, everyone joined you in the pool, giggling and joking and splashing around loudly.
The rest of the night was spent in good spirits, but Aegon’s gaze never seemed to leave you. And even in your drunken/high state, you knew that that was a line that you would not cross. 
Could not cross, even if you wanted to.
As the night grew long and you lay looking up at the stars beside Helaena, sharing the last joint, you all decided to pack it in for the night and head to bed, cheeks rosy and eyes glazed. You all but fell into bed with Helaena, not bothering to change into pyjamas, the both of you stripping nude in a tangle of giggles as you slid to each respected sides of the bed facing each other. 
You had the girlish giddiness sneak up on the both of you, and soon enough, your stomachs were cramping with how much you had laughed. Helaena was the first to fall asleep, and you shortly after, pulled down into the warmth of rest alongside her. 
When you rose the next morning, your head felt a thousand pounds heavier, and you struggled to sit up right. Helaena was no better, groaning as she rubbed her eyes, hangover sweeping the life out of the the both of you with no mercy.
Although you were both as dusty as dirt, you felt slightly better about the whole reasoning of you being here. You felt less guilty of being with your best friend and her family, and even felt good knowing that you had gotten some space from Aemond in the mean time. 
You didn’t even really mean to think of him, your chest aching at the thought, but you attempted to brush it aside anyway.
Needing a distraction, and possibly a good morning doom scroll, you pulled your phone from the nightstand which you had left and forgotten the whole day before. 
Clicking open the screen, you were met with a barrage of texts.
From Aemond.
Tumblr media
You looked at the texts for a moment, heart immediately beginning to race in your chest, which caused the headache that had been steadily blooming to thump in the back of your head.
You gnawed at your lip roughly looking at the texts over and over.
What do you say?
Clearly he was feeling bad, and wanted to talk to you, but what if he wanted to tell you that he was moving back with Alys? What if he wanted to talk about her? You didn’t know if you could face that just yet. 
You both needed time. 
And he needed to think about what he had said. 
About what he wanted. 
You fingers hovered over the keyboard. 
Do you text him to tell him you were okay? Even though you were not? 
If you opened up the conversation by responding, he would no doubt suck you back in, and you were not ready for that yet.
“I’m never drinking again.” Helaena groaned from beside you, turning over. Her eyes were red rimmed with shadows underneath, and her hair was an absolute mess of waves and tangles, the chlorine having made the silver strands wispy and dry. 
You locked your phone, not responding to Aemond as you placed it back on the bedside table. That was something you would face later, with a full stomach and a clear mind. Y
es, that’s what you would do, let yourself think of a way to respond. 
And so you left him on read.
You cracked a smile at Helaena and giggled, “You always say that.”
“I mean it this time.” She clutched her head and whined, rolling onto her back, “The day I got you in my bed naked, I never would have imagined it would be like this.”
“You’re such a perv, Hel.”
“You love it.” She snickered, and you laughed.
The next few days in the Keep were spent by the pool with Helaena and her family, your presence acting as some sort of buffer between the Velaryon's and Targaryen’s, who warmed up to each other considerably with each day past. You were thankful for Rhaena and Baela’s presence, who seemed to humble Aegon greatly in a way that Helaena couldn’t. 
Though you had still felt his eyes lingering on you here and there, but it all stopped one day, rather abruptly, no more flirty comments, no more flirty half lidded gazes, no eyes flickering to your lips and back. Not even a mention or liken to being a Gazelle, and instead, Aegon had become the perfect gentleman. You wondered if Helaena had said something, and actually suspected as such when the two would share glances at each other whenever Aemond was mentioned.
However, you didn’t ask because you didn’t want to flog a dead horse. There was no new development to that story. No new change. 
Except the texts from him.
You had not checked your phone since you saw those messages, and in fact, were too scared to even look at it in case there were now more. You had left Aemond on read, and felt a great deal of guilt about it. But you were hurting too. And really, you didn’t want to burden Helaena with another stupid breakdown when her family was readying themselves for a death.
The death of the patriarch at that.
That morning, Baela and Rhaena had crawled into bed with you and Helaena in the early hours, telling you that Rhaenyra and Alicent had organised for the whole family to have dinner that evening, and that their step mother was looking forward to talking to you.
“They’ve heard great things about your work at the firm from Alicent.” Rhaena explained. 
Alicent had spoken about your work at the firm to them? 
That meant Larys had spoken to Alicent about you, or Helaena did. You wondered how often your name came up in conversation between the Hightower’s and Strong’s. You shivered at the image of the latter.
Disgusting little man.
Where the night of your dinner a few days before had made you a little nervous, the prospect of the dinner tonight set you on edge. You had sat in front of Helaena’s vanity and worried over your makeup, taking it off only to reapply it again almost three times, feeling that not once it had been right. Helaena had told you to take steady breaths, and you had, letting her fix your eye makeup before she gave you a deep, red dress to wear. 
You frowned. 
Helaena never wore red.
“Where did you get this?” You asked her, feeling the soft material glide through your fingers. 
“Saw it and thought of you. It would be perfect for tonight.”
Your mouth hung open, “Hel, no. Return this. I can’t wear this, it’s too much.” You held out the dress to her. 
The material alone would have cost a fortune, and you didn’t even want to think about how much it truly would have cost. 
“Oh, come off it. It was going to be your birthday present, but I hate waiting, and tonight seems a good night to wear it.” She insisted, bright eyes shining at you excitedly.
“Hel…” You said uncertain.
When would she stop with her generosity? It was spinning you in circles.
“At least put it on for me.” She sighed, “Please.”
You rubbed the soft material through your fingers, looking at the way it moved like water across your skin, thinking of other options that you had brought with you.
But what else would you wear?
You had some other dresses you could, but they were more going out for drinks kind of dresses, or day drinking ones in the sun. Not at all something you would wear to dine with Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. 
You swallowed dryly.
Why was this making you so nervous?
Looking back up at Helaena, you saw that she was watching you expectantly, with a hopeful eye that she barely contained. 
There was no saying no to her.
“Okay,” You acquiesed, and watched as a bright smile cracked across her lips, “But I’m only going to try it on, and then you need to take this back to the store. It's too much, Hel. I'm serious.”
The Targaryen shooed you with her hands to change, “Yeah, yeah. Scold me after you put it on.”
You stripped quickly as Helaena fixed her hair in the mirror, the material gliding over your skin, clinging to your curves in a way that made you feel like perhaps it had even been made for you. The material was soft and cool, but warmed quickly against your body, thin straps and a low back, the dress coming down to your ankles. 
It was unlike anything you had ever owned. 
You spun around, looking at yourself in the mirror, hearing Helaena gasp behind you, tucking a wavy curl behind her ear as her bright eyes roamed your body.
“You look so fucking beautiful.”
Your hands smoothed down your sides as you looked at yourself.
You felt beautiful. But it was still too much. 
You moved to the bed, looking at the other dresses that you had laid on the sheets.
“Okay, now that I’ve tried it on, you gotta take it back.”
“I can’t.” Helaena said, matter of fact.
Your head lifted, and you narrowed your eyes, "Sure you can. Take it back to the store.” You picked up a soft amber coloured dress. It had sweet ruffles to the skirt and lace trimming, but only came to mid thigh, “Do you think this would be okay?” You held up the dress to Helaena.
“You’re wearing that dress.”
You sighed annoyed, “No.”
“Yes. I didn’t get a receipt. So I can’t take it back.”
“Surely you can-“
“You’re insufferable.”
“You love me.” She grinned, standing, “Anyway, time to go. Can’t change now.”
The Targaryen woman just smirked at you cheekily, and you saw hints of Aegon’s mischief in her eyes.
“You’ve been plotting.” You narrowed your eyes at her.
“When am I not? Besides, like I said, it's a present.”
You grunted, annoyed that she was so stubborn, but also so grateful for something so beautiful. You really could not have asked for a more kind and caring best friend. 
“Fine, but it’s birthday and Christmas.”
Helaena shrugged, watching as you put on some simple black shoes. 
When you got downstairs, the table outside was made and ready, candles lining them again in a similar way that they had a few nights before, only this time, the table setting was more particular. There were three plates stacked atop each other for every person, a large one, medium, and then small, and beside the plates were three different sized forks, knives and spoons. 
Your breath nearly stilled in your chest as you saw her.
Rhaenyra Targaryen.
A living legend.
One of the best of the best in the realm, and beside her, her husband, known for his abrasive, but successful, skills in court. And they were just as beautiful as the rest. 
Rhaenyra had long flowing silver hair, pulled back by braids at the back of her skull. Her nose was sharp and aquiline, and as you looked at her, you saw more Aemond in her than any of the other children of Viserys. They both had plump, yet sharp lips, high cheekbones, and jaws to match. 
Perhaps Aemond wasn’t so much of an outlier as you thought, and perhaps, as Rhaenyra was the first and eldest child of Viserys, the other Hightower/Targaryen children were more Hightower than Targaryen, bar their Valyrian features. 
She was speaking politely to Alicent, and although you could see strain and tension between the two of them, it was clear that it was amicable, and perhaps there was now a standing of mutual respect between the two.
You remembered what Cregan had told you about Alicent trying to sue Rhaenyra for Lucerys’ and Aemond’s accident, but there was something more to the tension than just that. 
Alicent’s gaze lingered far too long at Rhaenyra for it to be a step-mother and daughter interaction. You suspected there was another added layer to the family dynamics that you weren’t aware of. 
Hearing your approach, Alicent broke her eye contact with the woman beside her and looked towards the two of you, a polite, loving smile thrown your way.
Daemon didn’t smile at you, but his gaze was more than polite. You suspected he didn’t do pleasantries as the two women did. 
“You look beautiful girls.” Alicent beamed, standing to welcome you to the table with a show of hands.
It felt more like a business meeting rather than a family dinner. 
Was this why Helaena shied away from these things?
You sat opposite Rhaenyra, and Helaena opposite her mum. Jacaerys and Lucerys were already at the table, as was Baela and Rhaena, Daeron and Aegon yet to arrive. 
You smiled at your friends before settling your gaze on Rhaenyra, who was watching you with kind eyes.
“You must be Y/n.” Her voice as smooth as honey, “The boys have told me much about you.”
Heat rose in your cheeks, shyly peaking a glance as Luc and Jace raised their brows at you.
“All good things I hope.” You smiled back.
It was hard to contain your excitement. Hard to act normal and not like you were freaking out about sitting, and eating, and talking with someone you looked up to in the world of law.
“The good, the bad, and the ugly I’m afraid.” Daemon purred, lip twitching into a teasing smirk.
Oh gods. 
You hoped you didn’t look as flustered as you felt.
Rhaenyra shook her head playfully, reaching to pick up her glass of red wine delicately with just two fingers at the bottom fo the stem.
How the hell did she do that?
Shuffling came from behind you and you turned to watch Daeron and Aegon arrive, Aegon fiddling with the buttons at his wrist.
“Sons.” Alicent greeted them.
“Mother.” Aegon responded, tone flat.
The tension was back.
Aegon sat beside you, giving you a small smile before he turned his line of sight to his half-sister who sat opposite him.
“Aegon. It’s good to see you. How have you been?”
Aegon grabbed his wine glass and filled it almost to the brim, “Peachy with Viserys on the fritz.”
Your eyes bulged.
Oh shit.
“Aegon.” Alicent hissed, cheeks red with anger.
“What?” He replied back cooly, sipping the wine, “It’s why we are all together again. One big happy family.” 
Aegon, it was clear to you now, had been drinking before he arrived to the table.
Daemon let out an amused giggle, and you had to bite the insides of your cheeks to not laugh awkwardly as a reaction. 
“I suppose you’re right.” Rhaenrya spoke with resignation, her eyes flicking from Aegon, to Daeron, to Helaena, then back to Aegon, “You’ve grown.”
And as quick as a whip, Aegon replied back, “You haven’t.”
A smirk pulled at Rhaenyra’s lips, and you felt the tension begin to fizzle away, reaching for your own wine to sip at, because Gods know that you would need it. 
“I suppose not. Are you well?”
“Well as I can be, all things considered.” The eldest son of Viserys replied.
The eldest child of Viserys nodded solemnly, sipping daintily at her wine, eyes over the rim of the glass as the servers began to place your entree's on the table.
You all ate quietly, Alicent filling the void with mindless chatter and questions or topics that she used to attempt to ease some of whatever tension was lingering. She asked the twins about their travels, and Daeron about his time in Old Town, despite already knowing about it. And it was then that you realised, that despite her ‘chattiness’ to everyone else at the table, she almost refused to acknowledge the two brown haired men who sat with the twins. 
Alicent did not once, lay her eyes on Jacaerys and Lucerys, nor did she include them in conversation, and it was clear to all that she had done it, but what was clearer, was that everyone was aware and did nothing. 
As though it was a regular occurrence. 
The main course came, with salads and side dishes that filled the table, and new wines brought to match each dish, glasses being filled by the servers intermittently as they came in and out. 
“So, Y/n.” Rhaenyra addressed you, “I heard that you are studying and working full-time? Surely that must be a difficult thing to manage?” She cut at the meat on her plate, a small slice, before bringing it to her lips to chew thrice and then swallowing. 
You placed your cutlery down in a way you had watched Alicent do every time she spoke or was addressed.
“I am. I work at Alicent’s firm and go to KLU with Helaena.” You confirmed, feeling nervous to be speaking to her. You hoped you didn’t make a fool of yourself, “It can be a bit crazy when exams and due dates come around, but I like a challenge.” You let yourself huff a little laugh at the end, not wanting to admit that working and studying full-time was tearing at your sanity, and your wallet.
Daemon picked up a wine glass, leaning back comfortably in his chair as he watched you. 
You fought to not squirm in your seat, suddenly feeling like you were being cross examined. This must be what it was like when people took the stand and had Daemon Targaryen drill them with questions.
He took a sip, then gave you a sweet smile. Daemon was a handsome man, low brow bone, strong jaw, and piercing eyes that didn’t once leave your face. 
“What are you studying?” He asked, taking another sip. 
You saw Alicent in your periphery look at you in interest. 
Not once in all your years knowing her had she asked you that. 
Nor did you even know if she knew. 
“I’m a History Major,” You explained, shifting in your seat as you felt everyone looking at you, “But I chose Poetry as a minor for fun.”
“Poetry?” Rhaenyra’s brows lifted in intrigue, “My brother is a fan." How did she know that about Aemond? "And how did a History Major come to work in a law firm?”
“Oh, well.” You suddenly felt as though perhaps you shouldn’t have said anything, “I needed a job, bills to pay and all that, and I saw a secretary position at Red Keep Law. I applied, and to be honest, didn’t think I would get it. But, here I am.”
Alicent smiled at you before she turned to face Daemon and Rhaenyra, “She’s an excellent worker. Learns quickly, and from all accounts from Larys,” Daemon groaned, rolling his eyes at your boss’ name, “She makes a fine edition to the firm.”
Daemon sipped his wine once again, placing it on the table as he leant forward, hands resting atop the wooden surface, “And how is our dear Larys Strong? Following Alicent’s footsteps?”
Your lips pulled downwards as you tried to not laugh, feeling heat in your cheeks as you swiped up your wine to swallow, hoping it would sink the laugh along with it. 
So it was not a secret then. 
All knew about Larys’ foot inclinations, and his other inclination towards Alicent Hightower.
The auburn haired woman clearly didn’t like where this conversation was going, and jumped in, “Larys is a hardworking and loyal man. It hasn’t been easy since the death of Harwin and his father.” Her eyes narrowed cooly towards Rhaenyra, and you felt the whole table hold their breath, “Losing someone you love is never easy.”
Lucerys and Jacaerys exchanged glances, and you felt that there was more than one thing that was being left unsaid.
Rhaenyra however, did not show that she was affected by Alicent’s comment, and returned her attention back towards you with a warm and practised smile, “Do you have plans to study law after you finish your degree?”
You followed Rhaenyra’s lead to avoid the tension, “I definitely am thinking about it, but its a long degree, and it’s a little more time consuming than what I’m already doing. I worry it’ll affect my ability to work. But, perhaps in the future when I’m more settled.” You ended with a smile, and Daemon and Rhaenyra shared a look, both turning to grin at you.
The rest of the evening went quietly, conversation a little bit stunted after Daemon and Alicent’s silent war, their eyes constantly narrowing on each other. Clearly they did not get along, especially with the Hightower throwing some sort of shade towards Rhaenyra. 
Was it shade about Larys? Or his brother, Harwin? Or some other lover or connection between the two women?
It was clear that Jacaerys and Lucerys looked nothing like a ‘traditional' Targaryen, what with their brown hair and even browner eyes, but you knew that Rhaenyra’s grandmother had brown hair. Jace and Luc had told you this once when you asked, much to Cregan’s dismay, why they looked nothing like their aunt. But genetics were tricky like that, unpredictable. You could remember learning about it once, punnet squares you think you recall from your high school biology class, and you were certainly not a biologist to argue or question it. Nor would you, in case there was another reason for it.
Perhaps Rhaenyra’s previous husband had strong brunette genes somewhere along the line.
Regardless, Daemon clearly loved the boys as his own, and Rhaenyra beamed at Baela and Rhaena whenever she could. Their relationships to their partners children from previous marriages was healthy, sweet, and to you, something that you wished Alicent somehow had with her own children. 
Alicent loved her kids, there was no denying this, but her ability to show it to them was, at best, subpar. But everyone was different, and perhaps her father Otto, Helaena’s grandfather, was not the most warmest or affectionate of men.
Alicent and Rhaenyra were the same age, and the both were so very different. Alicent was stern and stiff, where Rhaenyra more warm and flexible. But both were staunchly protective of their own, and loved them in their own special way. 
You saw a lot of Aemond in both Rhaenyra and Alicent. Alicent’s cool disposition, and Rhaenyra’s fiery passion. Not to mention, Aemond and Rhaenyra looked more similar than any of her other siblings.
Towards the end of the evening, the warm buzz of alcohol spreading through all, most of the table quietly chatting amongst themselves, Criston Cole came out to the garden, walking directly to Alicent where he whispered into her ear.
Alicent stiffened, and Rhaenyra, seeing the woman beside hers reaction became concerned, brows cinching together. 
“Thank you, Cole.” Alicent spoke, voice even. She looked amongst the table, at her children, and then finally to Rhaenyra, “Viserys has asked for me.” She told his eldest child, and you watched as the silver haired woman visibly relaxed, nodding her head, though there was still a furrow in her brows. 
It must be hard, watching your father become sicker and sicker, anticipating that each day would be his last. You had been told that Viserys’ bond to Rhaenyra was strong, and he clearly loved her dearly, especially with what you had been told about him calling her his only child in a moment of drug addled confusion.
But what happened next was something that you could not have imagined nor foreseen. For The Hightower woman was scarce to show affection to her own children, and when she did, most, to what you had witnessed, would shy away from it.
Alicent, in a rare moment of comfort, reached out and held Rhaenyra’s hand atop the table. 
It seemed to shock almost everyone there, including Rhaenyra herself, who after a moment of confusion, grasped the woman’s hand back, placing another on top as she soothed the Hightower’s knuckles with a thumb.
“Thank you, Alicent.” Rhaenyra swallowed, her chest rose and fell, and then, “Shall I see to you after?”
Alicent’s large eyes blinked at the woman beside her as she searched Rhaenyra’s face for an answer, the whole table having stilled to watch the interaction, as though something unlikely was happening, like a miracle from the Gods was unfolding right before your very eyes. 
Daemon was the only one who didn’t look hopeful at the interaction, instead, he looked rather bored. 
All waited, and although it would have only been a few seconds of pause, it felt like an eternity.
Until finally, her response came. 
Alicent breathed, “I would like that. Very much.”
Rhaenyra’s smile would be contagious, if only you didn’t feel like you shouldn’t be witnessing something that felt far more intimate than what it was. 
There was history there, that much was sure to you now, between the two women, and something that you felt made more sense when Alicent’s eyes dropped, if only for half a second, to Rhaenyra’s lips. 
Clearing her throat she stood, excusing herself with polite and poised words before she left in a hurry, flanked by Criston Cole who put a gentle hand at the small of her back, something else you had blinked at, leading her through the kitchen. Alicent’s hand lifted to her mouth as she chewed at the skin of her fingers. 
Conversation took a while to come back amongst the table, all seeming to have sensed some sort of stale mate between the two women of the house. Some sort of unlikely treaty forming between them, and a breath, a long lasting one at that, sighed into the night air. 
Jacaerys and Lucerys excused themselves for the night, pressing a sweet kiss to their mothers cheek, and the twins did the same, but to Daemon’s, who smiled lovingly up at his daughters, watching them all disappear into the house together. 
Aegon leant towards you, wine on his tongue as he whispered, “You want to get blind?”
Helaena, hearing her brothers proposition, and certainly wanting a release after what had just happened, peeked around on the other side of your shoulder, “Please.”
You laughed, watching as Daemon lifted a gentle hand and placed it on the small bump of Rhaenyra’s pregnant stomach, something you hadn’t noticed until that moment as she had leant backwards, chair pushed away from the table. She smiled lovingly at him and put her hand over his. 
Daeron stood, excusing himself, having said not much at all that evening, and left for his room, Aegon following after before casting a look back at you and Helaena, who stood and smiled at her half-sister sweetly. 
Rhaenyra you noted, looked almost sad as she gazed at her younger and only sister, but bid her a goodnight, and asked if she would like to spend some time together, to catch up, or perhaps even join her and the boys back on Dragonstone; Rhaenyra and Daemon’s estate, older than the Red Keep.
Helaena had stood quietly for a moment, shifting on her feet, but then the signature warm smile spread on her rosy lips as she nodded, turning to you to flick her head back, indicating that you were leaving. 
As you moved to leave, the deep and smooth voice of Daemon turned you around.
“Are you happy at Red Keep Law?” 
“Happy?” You asked in confusion, furrowing your brows at the two silver haired people who watched you with curiosity.
Daemon’s brows lifted, waiting for you to answer. 
“I like my job at RKL, yes. The hours are good, and it pays the bills.”
“Pays the bills.” Daemon parroted, and you wished you could kick yourself at your choice of words.
“I only mean that-“
“-No need to worry.” Daemon interrupted you, “My brothers firm is not what it used to be now that it’s ran by the Hightower’s.” His lips curled at the mention of Alicent, into what could have been said was a restrained sneer.
And although you felt the need to defend them, you had to agree. It was not what it used to be, but it wasn’t a bad change either. Sure business was slower, and their clientele had certainly changed to people who were more modest, but it was still regarded as one of the best firms.
It was just… different. 
“Daemon.” Rhaenyra came to Alicent’s defence, low warning in her voice. 
And there it was, the strong, ‘Cruel Queen’ of Law. 
You had not once seen this side of Rhaenyra through the night, and had only ever heard of her ability to cut down others in court without even truly trying.
Rhaenyra Targaryen set defence teams on fire without even breaking a sweat, and had crumbled firms to ashes under her Louboutin heel.
The couple looked at each other, soft silver hair glimmering in the candle light, and you looked at Helaena, uncertain as to what was happening. 
But Helaena looked at you in the way that she usually did, as if she already knew what was coming. You had joked with her many times that she was a witch, and she had always just said she had a strong intuition and followed her gut.
And then, three pairs of violet eyes were suddenly on you.
Had Helaena told them about Aemond?
You suddenly felt very guilty and unsure.
“From what we have been told, you’re a hard worker.” Daemon began, “Something we value at ‘Perzys Ānogār Legal’.” 
You stood straighter, and watched as Rhaenyra smiled at you reassuringly, “Your talents are being wasted at RKL.” Her eyes flicked to her husbands, then back to yours, “We want to offer you a job at our firm.”
A job.
At their firm.
At Perzys Ānogār Legal. 
Blood and Fire. 
The best of the best firms in the realm.
Rival of Red Keep Law.
Your mouth opened and then shut, unsure of what to do. You looked at Helaena, who looked at you with excitement, smile growing wider and wider each second, her pearly white teeth shining at you. 
You swallowed dryly, “I- I’m honoured.” Rhaenyra beamed, “But I’m not a lawyer, I don’t even have a law degree. I’m not even studying law.”
Daemon nodded, “You work at RKL and there seems to be no issue. But you’re thinking about it. Are you not?”
You had, in fact, thought about it.
But your time at RKL and studying made it impossible to think of a future where you could juggle law, a far more intensive degree than history, as well as a 9-5.
“I don’t think I could. I have bills to pay, and the study load would be too much-“
“-Not if you work for us.” Daemon interrupted you again, “You would be in the same position, secretary work, keeping our staff organised and tidy. And in the mean time, we would teach you. You would of course, have to begin a law degree to eventually practice and all that,” His large hand waved around as if it wasn’t a big deal, “But as it turns out, we have a position open, and from what our boys have told us, you would be an incredible edition to our team.”
Your mouth gaped as you looked at them both. 
Holy shit. 
This was-
It was-
You couldn’t even think, and Rhaenyra noticed.
“You don’t have to give us an answer straight away, but I will have Jacaerys give you our number. When you accept,” It wasn’t if, it was when you chose them, “You can let us know and we can begin onboarding you.”
“I-“ You stumbled over your words, tongue feeling like led in your mouth, “I don’t know what to say. I- Thank you. Truly. I have a lot to think about.”
“Of course.” Rhaenyra gave you a motherly smile, and Daemon simply observed you with patient, kind eyes, “I’ll let you girls get back to the others. Think about our offer. We will pay you better, train you up, and if you want to study, we can even discuss potential payment for your learnings.”
Your head began to spin. 
Daemon laughed, not meanly, but in amusement, “You’ve short circuited her brain, my love.”
Rhaenyra swatted her husband, “Sorry. You can see how competitive we are, I suppose. I shall leave that with you to deliberate. We look forward to hearing your answer soon.”
You felt Helaena’s arm wrap around yours as she pulled you back and away, “Night 'Nyra.” She called to her sister, who said goodnight back. 
Your mind raced a million miles an hour. 
“Holy fuck.” You whispered, Helaena steering you through the kitchen and up the stairs to her room, “Hel, what the fuck? What the fuck!”
Helaena simply giggled at you. 
“What do I do? I- Thats- Rhaenyra Targaryen just offered me a job. I- I couldn’t possibly-“
“-Why not?”
Helaena pushed open her door and watched you race inside, pacing in front of the bed, “I couldn’t do that to your mother. I mean- Hel- Clearly there’s something that they- I mean- Oh my gods, I’m not even making sense. I just- What the hell?”
The silver haired woman flopped backwards onto her bed, staring up at the curtained canopy, “It's a good offer. I would take it if I were you. People would kill for that position.”
You flopped down beside her, “But Hel, it would be like betraying your mum.”
She turned on her side to face you, “No it wouldn’t. Besides, you wouldn’t have to work under Larys anymore.”
Sighing, you closed your eyes, “You’re right. But Gods, Hel. Me? A lawyer? I never would have thought that I would even have that kind of opportunity.”
“See?” Helaena nudged your shoulder, “You have to take it. Better pay, more options, plus, though me and Rhaenyra aren’t close, she’s a good person. When she takes someone under her wing, you best believe she will have your back forever. Even when you don’t deserve it.”
You frowned at the last part, but tilted your head back to stare at the canopy.
Rhaenyra was right.
You had a lot to think about. 
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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ramielll · 2 months
I was waiting for you -Part 1
Benjicot Blackwood x fem reader
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Summery: Y/N Stark travels to the Riverlands to spend time with her cousins, only to be met with unexpected turn of events.
Wourd count: 1151
Tw.: nothing yet, I think. Everybody is aged up.
A/n: This is my very first time posting a work of mine. This one is going to be a bit short, but the ones coming are going to be longer. I hope you'll like it! I will be posting the next chapter soon. (English is not my first language)
part 2
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Growing up in Winterfell as a young lady meant a sheltered life. Being secluded with one’s family up in the north. The lady Y/N was lucky for not only being born into a noble family, but for being closely connected to another, through her mother. Sharing blood with the Tullys earned not only for her brother but for her also, to spend time in the Riverlands. Allowing Y/N to see a bit more of the realm before being whisked away to another house, to another family through marriage.
Riverrun was a stark contrast to the always white lands surrounding Winterfell.She welcomed the gentle change in temperature as they travelled to see their cousins in Riverrun and to spend a few months there. The carriage came to stop as they crossed the bridge to the castle overlooking the broad river there.
Their cousins stood at the front of the welcoming party assembled for their arrival. Oscar, always with a smile, quickly stepped forward to offer a hand as lady Y/N stepped out of the carriage, while her brother went ahead to greet Kermit with a hug.
„Good day cousin. I hope your travels were pleasant.” the young man she come to know during their times here, now looked taller, his features more defined, losing some of his boyish charm to give way to a more serious appearance, though his smile was all the same as he looked at her.
„They were.” she sighed as she looked up the familiar towers over her. „Its always worth the journey if it means spending time with you two.” she smiled back at him.
„Well, seems it’s not going to be just us four this time. We have guests from house Blackwood and Frey also. I’m sure they’re eager to meet you.” She could hear the mirth in his voice as he finished his sentence with a breathy laugh, but before she could ask for the reason behind it, her brother and Kermit already walked up to them, and her attention was quickly turned towards greeting her youngest cousin.
Oscar escorted her to her chambers and before the young man left her to refresh and settle in a bit, he informed her about their plans to have a sparring session with the other boys in the courtyard and that she would be welcomed to choose a winner if she wishes.
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Y/N turned towards the room she stayed in the last couple of years when she would visit, since her and her brother became too old to share one. She opened the windows looking over the neighbouring forest before she walked to the basin filled with water to wash her face and change into a more comfortable, deep blue gown and to let her hair out of the tight braids she wore for their arrival. Then she made her way outside.
The loud laughs and clinging of swords could be heard from the stoney hallway even before she stepped out onto the low balcony overlooking the yard. She found Kermit already seated there with red cheeks and sweat on his brow, clearly done with his turn of the pretend fighting.
„Which one of these fine warriors bested you already cousin?” Kermit only laughed. She seated herself beside him and looked down onto the match before them. Her brother was trying his hardest to beat the Frey boy as they dance around one another. Meanwhile Oscar and another boy stood with their backs turned to onlookers. From the sigil sawn onto the back of his clothes, it wasn’t hard to realise it was a son of house Blackwood. She just didn’t know which one.
The four of them clapped as the fighting eventually ended with Edmure Frey coming out as victorious.
„Let’s get on with the next one so that we may make it to supper! Especially now that we have a lady watching your sad efforts!” Kermit’s boisterous voice rang through the yard, turning all heads towards the two of them. Y/N could feel her face flush, even though she was trained to get used to the attention she naturally garnered through her life, she never really did well under it. She gave a small smile as she made eye contact with Edmure. The young man bowed his head with a much larger smile than hers. Then she looked at the Blackwood boy, who now stood fully facing her. It was only then she recognised him. The young man standing beneath her looked very different from the scrawny boy she spent time looking at small fish and trying to climb tress with a summer age. She could see the mutual surprise in his dark eyes as he bowed his head before looking back up at her. Their stare was broken when Oscar grabbed the man’s shoulder and they walked to the centre to begin their own match. Y/N kept her eyes on him, thinking about all the time they have spent together before Kermit spoke again, interrupting her thoughts.
„You should have seen his face when I told him you’ll be arriving soon. I swear he was restless ever since. Benjicot Blackwood, fierce swordsman and heir to house Blackwood, reduced to a grinning fool in his excitement.” he said laughing as he leaned closer to her. „He never said it, but I would bet my favourite horse, that it has to do with something about your fathers plan to betroth you.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she whipped her head towards him, her body stilling. Kermit’s smile slowly fell at the shocked expression on the young lady’s face. Realisation hitting him.
„They did not tell you?” he asked, clearly confused.
„Tell me what?” she asked with a tight face.
„Their plans to betroth you. With you, might acquainting yourself with one of the young lords here, so that your brother can choose a match for you. I’m sorry cousin, I thought that you were made aware of these plans.” he sighed, scratching the back of his neck.
She felt dizzy, confusion turning into shock, turning into anger inside her so quickly she could barely keep up with her own emotions. She looked down again, just as Oscar and Benjicot finished with their sparring, shaking hands. She turned her gaze towards her brother then.
„My brother told you this.” It wasn’t even really a question. Disappointment and betrayal colouring her voice as she kept looking ahead. She was aware of the fact that she soon, rather than late, had to marry someone. It was inevitable. Even if she wished to avoid that more than anything. She didn’t want to leave her family, her home, her own room, just to be thrusted into a strange life with a husband chosen by the men around her. She was also aware that her wishes did not matter in this case as a daughter of house Stark.
„He did.” Said Kermit with a much quieter voice.
„I see.”
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the-fiction-witch · 17 days
Do not ever forget to love her P2
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Oscar Tully Couple - Oscar X Reader Reader - Y/n Rivers (Riverrun Maid) Rating - 15 (Sad AF death) Word Count - 1655
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Oscar's eyes shot open, his attention snapping back to his Grandsire. At the sound of his voice, he tensed, hope and disbelief warring for dominance in his expression. He moved forward, his hand still intertwined with Y/n’s, as he leaned closer to the bed. "Grandsire?" he whispered the word barely a breath.
"Sweet... kind... Elsa..." Lord Grover grumbles,
Oscar's heart stuttered in his chest at the sound of his Grandsire's words. He swallowed hard, his free hand coming to rest on the edge of the bed. "Grandsire, it's me," he repeated softly. "It's Oscar. we’re in Riverrun, remember?"
"Sweet Elsa... always so kind..." lord Grover raised his hand but not towards Oscar, towards y/n,
Oscar followed his Grandsire's movement, his eyes widening as the man's frail hand trembled towards her. His mind reeled with confusion, not understanding what was happening. He looked towards her, his gaze a mix of bewilderment and hope. "He's... he's looking at you," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur.
Y/n was just as confused but she moved closer,
Softly Lord Grover took her hand in his, "Sweet kind Elsa... you take ever such care of my foolish boy..."
Oscar's breath caught in his throat, his eyes locked on the sight of her taking his Grandsire's hand in hers. The words that spewed from the old lord's mouth sounded like a fever dream, like a hallucination born of pain and milk of the poppy. He didn't understand, could hardly believe what was happening. And yet, as he watched the scene unfold before him, an unnameable emotion welled up inside him, a strange and unfamiliar mix of hope and fear.
"Sweet Elsa... where would you be without her Elmo," Lord Grover muttered with a smile patting Oscar’s shoulder, "Such... kindness," Lord Grover mumbled, his grip surprisingly tight around her hand. "you must promise me... promise to bring the boys… Oscar and Kermit to see me, the moment they are born. Make this promise Elsa."
And suddenly it all became rather clear to Oscar,
Time seemed to slow down as the realisation hit Oscar like a wave. All the pieces clicked into place, Elmo was Oscar’s father. Oscar didn’t have many memories of him as he died as a young man when Oscar was still a child. Elsa was Elmo’s wife and Oscar’s mother. He had never met her as she had died giving birth to Oscar and his brother Kermit. Neither Elsa nor Kermit survived the birth.
His heart hammered against his rib cage, his breath caught in his throat as he grappled with the implications. He looked at her, his eyes wide, a thousand questions burning behind his gaze. In his milk of the poppy days from death delusions, he thought Oscar was his father and Y/n oscar’s mother.
But before he could speak, before he could find the words, Oscar's heart felt like it was in a vice grip. The words from his Grandsire's lips echoed in his mind, the weight of the request sinking into his bones. He looked at her, his eyes pleading, silently imploring her to answer, to agree to the promise. His jaw was clenched tight, his knuckles white as he held onto the bed's edge, waiting for her response.
"I- I- Of course, My lord," Y/n nodded,
Lord Grover chuckled "That... brings me a sweet peace, and tell my foolish son. to get to work. Once those sweet boys are born house tully needs many more strong boys."
Oscar's breath caught in his throat at his Grandsire's words. It was a command, a plea, and a reassurance all at once. He swallowed hard, his mind racing. So many thoughts, so many questions, swirling through his head like a tempest. But one thing cut through the turmoil the realization that his Grandsire was entrusting him with a heavy responsibility, both as a member of House Tully and as the next in line for the lordship. As he struggled to find his voice, he felt her hand gently squeeze his. It was a silent reassurance, a calming presence in the midst of the whirlwind of emotions. Finally, he managed to find his voice, soft and rough. "I... I promise, Grandsire," he whispered, his gaze never leaving the frail figure on the bed. "I'll do everything in my power to continue her legacy and honor our house."
Lord Grover let a smile slip, he squeezed y/n's hand, and then Oscars. And then brought their hands together so Oscar and y/n held a sweet touch "My angels, our future, be kind and be strong... be better than me."
Oscar's breath hitched as his hand came into contact with y/n’s, his fingers intertwining with hers automatically. The sight of his Grandsire bringing their hands together, the feeling of her skin against his own... it was almost too much for him to bear.
A mixture of emotions - grief, pride, and determination - coursed through him, leaving him feeling raw and exposed. But he tightened his grip on her hand, holding onto her like a lifeline in a storm-tossed sea.
"And promise me one thing, my boy."
Oscar's throat felt tight, his heart in his chest as he prepared for his Grandsire's next words. He nodded, silently vowing to fulfill whatever request his beloved elder would make. "Anything, Grandsire," he replied, his voice hoarse and filled with a mixture of reverence and trepidation.
"... do not make my mistake," Lord Grover said "Do not ever forget to love her."
Oscar's heart skipped a beat at his Grandsire's words. Love. It was a simple word, one spoken casually in countless conversations. Yet, in that moment, it felt like a commandment,
He felt her hand trembling slightly in his own, a quiet confirmation of the words spoken by his Grandsire. Slowly, almost reverently, he lifted his gaze to meet y/n, his eyes filled with unsaid promises and an overflowing well of emotion. "I could never," he murmured fiercely, his voice cracking with raw sincerity. "I could never forget to love her, I... I..." He didn't finish the sentence, the words lodged in his throat, choked by the intensity of what he was feeling. Instead, he simply squeezed her hand tighter, his grip a silent vow of loyalty and devotion.
"Good boy...." Lord Grover chuckled "Now... leave me, Lana has come for me" Lord Grover took his hands away resting them on the bed, and as if someone snuffed out a candle... he was gone.
Oscar could only watch as his Grandsire's eyes flickered closed, His mind was a maelstrom of thoughts and emotions, each one warring with the next. He felt y/n’s hand in his, but it was as if he was watching himself from a distance, disconnected from his body. He swallowed, the lump in his throat so tight he could barely manage. He stared at his Grandsire's body, the stillness of the old lord a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions in his own heart.
"I- I'm so sorry Oscar," Y/n cooed squeezing his hand tightly and fighting back her own tears
Oscar's vision blurred, tears threatening to spill over at any moment. He squeezed her hand back tightly, almost painfully, as if trying to anchor himself to something solid in a world that felt like it was unravelling around him. "I... I just…" He trailed off, his voice cracking. He swallowed heavily, trying to steady himself, but the weight of grief was heavy upon his shoulders. "I don't know what to do," he finally managed to croak out, his voice barely above a whisper. He felt like a lost child, seeking comfort from the only person who could offer it. He turned towards her, his eyes redden and weary, his heart pounding furiously in his chest.
"As he asked of you, My Lord." she sniffled, "He died with a smile on his face, and hope in his heart, few in this world have either let alone both. Hold him in your heart and he will never truly be gone"
Oscar nodded, the words sinking in slowly. He knew she was right. His Grandsire had not only died in peace, but he died knowing that he had done his duty to House Tully. And that... that was a comfort. He took a shaky breath, his grip on her hand relaxing slightly. He allowed himself a moment longer to grieve, to mourn the loss before he spoke again. "I'll...I'll try," he said softly, his voice steadier than before, "I'll honour his memory,"
"As will I," she nodded
Oscar took a deep, shuddering breath, his eyes finally leaving the still form on the bed. He drew strength from her words, finding comfort in the knowledge that she was there, beside him, as a rock in the storm of emotions he was navigating. He turned towards her, his gaze locking with hers, and gave her a small, grateful smile. "I... I don't know what I would do without you," he admitted quietly, the truth of that statement etched in every contour of his face.
"its no trouble, I am here and I will be here as long as you want me to," she cooed "Do you want to go? or stay a while longer?"
Oscar contemplated her question for a long moment. A part of him wanted to stay, to spend a few more minutes in quiet contemplation with his Grandsire. But another part, a part that longed for solace and comfort, beckoned him to leave, to find refuge in a different, less painful place. "I..." he began, his voice shaky, "I think I'd like to go, if that's alright."
she nodded and silently guided him to the door letting him go at his own pace
Oscar followed her lead, his steps slow and heavy. He continued to grip her hand tightly, as if holding onto her was the only thing keeping him grounded in reality. They reached the doorway, and he paused for a moment, looking back at the room, his Grandsire's body a sad and solitary figure. Then, he turned away, his gaze fixed on the hallway ahead.
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apothe-roses · 1 year
I Wanna Ride
Modern Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Part 3
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Summary: the deal is struck between you and Aemond
Warnings: none, really
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I’ve been really busy with work, and this part was kinda hard to write. That’s also why this is shorter
Word Count: 1.6k
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“And he didn’t tell you what he wanted?” Aly looks over at you while adding a slice of turkey to the sandwich she’s making? You shake your head. It had been a few days since everything went down, yet you were still trying to wrap your head around it all. The fact that Aemond would consider helping you at all—foreboding debt aside—just didn’t make sense to you.
“Why does he have to be so cryptic and spooky,” Aly asks, adding a generous amount of mayo to the sandwich.
“Beats me,” you reply. A shout startles you both out of your conversation. You and Aly turn your heads to the living room area. Benji Blackwood and his two friends Kermit and Oscar Tully—“the muppets” as Aly likes to call them—are sprawled across Aly’s couch, cursing at a video game they’re thoroughly engrossed in.
“Oi! You tryin’ to wake your dad up?” Aly calls to them. Currently, Aly’s brother Sam was down the hall, trying to sleep off a migraine. The boys cringe slightly.
“Sorry,” one of the Tully boys stage whispers back to Aly. She sighs. “Anyways, lunch is ready.” In a flash, the boys were on their feet, making their way to the kitchen. Aly pushes the sandwich with the mayo mountain towards Benji.
“Would you like some sandwich with your mayo?” She teases. Benji scowls back, but his expression quickly morphs into a grin. The boys make their way back to the couch. Aly turns to you.
“Listen, if he tries to pull anything with you, just say the word and I’ll kick his ass. Then I’ll call Cregan and he’ll also kick his ass.” You laugh in response. “What’s his deal with them anyways? Are they friends?”
“Acquaintances is more like it. They get along well enough, but Creg’s friendship with Jace sorta puts him on thin ice.”
“…Yeah, I still don’t get it.”
“Look, rich people friendships are weird, okay?” Aly explains. “Sometimes it’s better if you don’t ask questions and just go with it. I find the truth usually comes out on its own time.” She starts resealing containers and putting them in the fridge. You follow suit, deciding to take her advice. You two clean in silence for a couple minutes, until your phone buzzes. You look at the name on the screen, suddenly feeling very nervous.
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You show the conversation to Aly. Her eyebrows raise, and she notes the tense expression on your face. “You know you don’t have to do this right? I’m sure I could find some time to give you lessons.”
You think about it for a moment. Aly would certainly be a nicer teacher than Aemond. But her Raven is much different than your Meraxes. Plus, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking for an excuse to learn more about the enigmatic, handsome Targaryen.
“I don’t want to cut into your time with your family. I know how important it is to you,” you tell her. “Besides, we’re all adults. I can handle a little tough love.”
“Alright then. Lemme know if you change your mind,” Aly relents, leaving the kitchen. You turn back to your phone to text Aemond.
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Saturday morning comes far too soon, and you find yourself heading back to Aemond and Aegon’s shop in the passenger seat of Aly’s truck. One of the doors is rolle up, and you can see Aemond working on a bike. He lifts his head when he hears the engine.
“Well,” you breathe, “here goes nothing.”
“Remember, I’m only a text away,” Aly reassures you. You grin then exit out the passenger side door. Before you turn away, you see Aly glare at Aemond, pointing at her eyes then at him before making a u-turn and driving off. You take a deep breath, then walk over to Aemond. By now, he’s standing and wiping his hands with a cloth. He’s wearing the same outfit as when you two first met, only this time the coveralls are unzipped with the sleeves tied around his waist. The white singlet he’s wearing does nothing to hide the definition of his chest or arms. A few streaks of grime decorate his body, along with a few tattoos. He’s not overtly bulky, but he’s definitely in shape. His biceps flex slightly as he cleans his hands; you try not to bite your lip.
You both stand in awkward silence, waiting for someone to break it. You decide to bite the bullet yourself.
“Where’s Aegon,” you ask, peering into the garage, but there’s no sign of Aemond’s brother.
“He doesn’t typically come in on weekends,” Aemond answers. “Prefers to sleep in.”
“Oh.” You’d hoped he’d be here; his easygoing nature could’ve served as a good mediator.
“So I take it you’re interested?” It takes a moment for you to realize he meant the training.
“Oh I’m yeah. But I want to know what exactly you’re hoping to get out of this,” you reply quickly. Get your shit together you mentally chastise yourself. He’s not worth it.
“Hmm, yes. I’ve been going back and forth on what I want from you,” he starts, setting the rag on a nearby workbench. He turns his back on you.
“And you’ve decided on…” you prompt. He drums his fingers on the table, silent. Then…
“The Conqueror’s Gala. I need someone to go with me,” he states. That’s it? He needs a date to some fancy event? You thought you’d have to do something like clean his house or shine his bike for a month. Not this.
“If you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend, Targaryen-“
“No. Gods no. Nothing like that.” Aemond hastily replies. “My mother is always on my as about bringing a date. Normally, I’d just go with Helaena, but this year she’s decided to side with mum. They want me to prove that I’m capable of spending time with people I’m not directly related to.” His mouth presses into a thin line, and he averts his gaze. He starts drumming his fingers again. It looks like that’s something he does when he’s agitated. You let the silence simmer, silently enjoying the way his jaw clenched.
“Hmmm. I suppose I could spare one evening to get all dressed up and rub elbows with the Westerosi elite,” you sigh in pretend annoyance. He gives you a disgruntled look. “Trust me. It’s not the fun time you think,” he says sharply. Of course a cryptic like him wouldn’t enjoy social events. You try not to laugh at the thought.
“Well, fun or not, I’ll take it,” you tell him. His shoulders relax a little.
“Good,” he says stiffly. “Shall we?” he gestures his hand towards the bike. You realize it’s his own, the bronze coloring of the Vaghar catching the late morning light. You make your way over and take your seat. The bike has the same controls as your Meraxes, but his has extra side mirrors affixed.
Aemond leans over you, one hand on the handlebar and the other on the seat behind you. It takes all your willpower not to gawk at his arm.
“Alright,” Aemond says softly. “Now I want you to start the engine.”
You turn and look at him, incredulous. “You think I don’t know how to start a bike?”
Aemond levels a flare at you. “I’m just being thorough.” You scoff and roll your eyes, but you do as he says.
“Good,” he muses. He’s inches from your ear. The soft timbre of his voice sends a shudder through you. “Now what?” You choke out. You hate the effect he has on you.
“I want you to shift to first gear,” he instructs. All you can do is obey blindly.
“Good. Good,” he praises. He has you go through all the gears and how to break, giving a little praise each time you do something correct. It’s all painfully easy, and you should be insulted he’s making you prove such basic knowledge. Instead, you silently relish the rush of warmth you get with each praise. Hell, you’re almost tempted to get something wrong on purpose just to see how he’ll react? Would he gently explain the correction, or would he go back to being rude and insult you?
“Well then,” Aemond says, pushing off his bike. You mourn the loss of his warmth on your shoulder. “It seems you really do know the basics.” He drawls the last part. Oh yeah, that’s what it’s like when he insults you. You get off the bike, and he starts to wheel it into the garage. “But the Dragon Rally isn’t for the feint of heart. You’ll need to be able to ride long distances in potentially rough weather. You need to be adaptable, ready to make a decision at a moment’s notice. And that’s not even including the Rally itself.”
“What happens at the Rally?” you ask.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Aemond replies, turning his back on you. You scoff. “Yes. I would. That’s why I asked”
He smirks. “All you need to know is that you need to build up your endurance. I’d like to take you on a ride through the Kingswood when you’re next available. Once you’re comfortable, we’ll take more challenging treks. Sound good?”
You nod your head. At least you won’t have to have weird conversations with him when riding.
“Good. Check your schedule, and give me your next available date,” he says before pulling the garage door closed in your face.
You stand there in stunned silence. What the fuck is up with this guy?
You text Aly, and a few minutes later her truck pulls up to the sidewalk.
“Well that was quick,” she observes as you put on your seatbelt.
“You’re telling me,” you reply, looking back at the garage as Aly pulls away.
You were confused. You were intrigued. Something told you this was only the tip of the iceberg that was Aemond Targaryen.
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Taglist: @valeskafics @carriellie @let-love-bleeds-red @wintrr13 @queenofshinigamis @seabasscevans @fangirlninja67 @toodlesxcuddles @almostpurplelady @goldenpanda16 @aemonds-fire @yentroucnagol @tssf-imagines @n4tforlife @mooncalvin @julczimozart @kezibear
Bold means I couldn’t tag you
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divinesolas · 3 months
Good day (or night, ig) ! I would love to say that i love your writing more than anything on earth lol. Btw can I share an idea abt Benjicot x reader (kermit, and oscar's sis ?) i'm really interested in the reactions of the lads when they find out their bestie wants to take their beloved sister’s hand! (Honestly just listening to hoziers song wasteland baby + would that i soft part which isn’t even a love song makes Ben's face float up with questions in my mind like why does no one ever think about this pair? 😭)
It's just an idea so you can write it or not whatever you wish or you can keep this idea for the future! Thank you for all the yummy Benji stuff! Love ya!
- kiss-kiss love emoji bisous -
i want this on my tombstone ur so SWEET !! this was such a fun request i love the tully brothers so much thank you and i hope you enjoy it !! 🫶🫶
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benjinotes · 3 months
Hi! just wanna say that ur work is really awesome! I really hope to follow all of your projects. Actually, I’d like to ask u for some request🥹, Could you write Benjicot x Tully!reader who is Kermit and Oscar’s sister? Maybe some fluff ? Idk (plus I’d love to see Benji fight with overprotective brothers so bad) Btw anything you prefer darling! Tysm 💖✨
Ps. Anyway, don't forget to rest, thank you for your hard work! Take care!
Ps2. I like the chemistry of the Lads for some reason. So I think it would be funny lol
omg this really made my whole weekend, you are so sweet 🥹💘
of course! i just need to finish the other requests, but then i will make it happen !!
thank u, take care <33
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divinesolas · 3 months
The shortest marriage tour pt 2
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summary: After your engagement to benjicot you come back soon after to stay with him for a month. Your dragon causes some trouble and you grow closer to your future husband.
fancast!benjicot blackwood x targaryen!reader
w.c: 4.3k
c.w: fluff, crazy ben but reader is also crazy ! brackens being brackens, the lads are the best, reader basically has rhaenas book dragon, minor nsfw mentions, next part will be smutty i swear, more fluff, not proofread
a.n: the heavily requested pt 2 of 3 okay i did not expect to really get so into this but im so glad it’s received so much love !! next part will be the wedding and will be steamy i swear but i hope you like it 🫶
benjicot taglist: @spider-stark @earth4angels
part one - part three
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You left only two days after your engagement to go return to your mother but not before the blackwood hall threw you a celebratory feast that had you way more embarrassed than you thought you would be.
You managed to meet the head of house tully and very pointedly insisted about a barrier between house blackwood and house bracken to which he eagerly agrees under your harden stare and a very pointed look from your father has him assuring you it will be done before winter and ben thanks you with a sickly sweet smile and you try not to flush.
“i hate being nice.” you mummer to your father and he just laughs.
as you walk to the carriage to leave ben chased after you and handed you the history books you bad been asking for. “you remembered.” “of course i did.”
you could not drop the smile on your face as you read the books the whole way home. “is blackwood history really that interesting?” You did not care about his teasing as you continued to read and you miss the heartfelt look he has as he looks as his lovestruck daughter
Your mother is shocked when you arrive back so soon, almost thinking you quit your tour early as she did as a child but when your father assures her you've chosen a husband she is overjoyed.
Three long weeks go by and summer turns into fall. he began to think he would not see you again until late into the season. He did not expect his life to turn out like this, he had thought he would marry one of the tully girls and he would live his life bored out here until his father died and he will be lord of the house and then his life will be even more boring. but you had come into his life like a lightning bolt. Quick and sudden where it startles you but he was more than happy at your arrival. He wished he got to spend more time with you but you had assured him you would return as swiftly as possible.
One day he is training out in the yard with oscar and kermit as he always was until kermit suddenly looks up and freezes. oscar shakes kermit who keeps his eyes on the sky, “whats wrong with you ?” “dragon”
The two of them look up and he can faintly see it. A dragons shadow heading straight to them. “does it look close really close to anyone else or is it just me?” A dragon shriek fills the air and the three of them stumble back as the dragon lands right next to them. “if this is how i die tell aly i always had a crush on her.” Ben glares at oscar who just shrugs. “what?” “my aunt? seriously?” “what? shes a real looker.”
Ben ignores him and looks up at the rider of the dragon and he lets out a sigh of relief. “did you shit your pants?” “probably.” oscar lets out weakly as he falls on his back laying on the grass and you laugh. he missed you. You slide off your dragon and use your teeth to pull off the gloves covering your hands as you walk towards him with a smile. “sorry it took me so long, my father and brother were acting like fucking nut jobs.”
He laughs as you run your hand down your face, clearly recalling the memories of the men in your life and grins as you glare at him. “what is so funny ser blackwood?” He takes your hand and presses a long kiss to your hand, his eyes staying on yours. he watched as your face softens and you smile.
“i have missed you.” “Smooth talker.” He lowers your hand but keeps his hand tightly in yours as you greet kermit and roll your eyes as you see oscar still on the ground. “oh dont be dramatic oscar.” “the realms flower does not care that a knight has fallen to his death? how heartless.” “if a knight dies from fear he is no true knight.”
You lean over oscar and offer him your hand and he takes it allowing you to help him up. The three of them still flinch when your dragon cranes its head to look at them. “is it going to eat us?” You laugh and shake your head. “she doesnt eat little boys with their trousers full of shit.”
Benjicot could not take his eyes off the light pink dragon. he had heard tales of your dragon, morningstar, hatched right before you were born and you grew up side by side with you until you were old enough to fly around with her. The dragon tilts her head at him but makes no move towards him simply settling herself to lay on the ground.
Oscar and kermit make themselves scarce as the two of you stand side by side, making up some excuse about being needed by his father, “You think theyre scared of her?” “scared shitless im sure.”
You hum and look to ben who continues to have a staring contest with the dragon, “You wish to meet her?” He looks at you as though you are crazy but you simply shrug and smile at the dragon fondly, “you scared?” “shes a fucking dragon.” You huff and cross your arms, “she is my best friend,” he sees you faulter as you speak and look down at the ground. “It would be nice if you were acquainted.”
the weight of your request dawns on him. You wished to share this part of you with him, you honor him by allowing him to befriend your greatest treasure, your other half. He cant help but feel his heart begin to race though it has nothing to due with nerves.
“Do i just go up and say hello?” A grin befalls your face and you grab his hand. You say some words in a language foreign to him, he believes it to be high valryian and he takes a small step back when the dragon turns to face him fully at your words. Her bright green eyes staring into benjis as she leans down further to be face to face with him. “Stay calm, she will not harm you under my command.” He finds himself believing you and he takes a shaky deep breath.
You watch his every move slowly lifting your joined hands and placing his palm on her snout. He is shaking but you don’t think he knows that. You are shocked at how well he manages to keep himself calm knowing even some of your blood relatives would get freaked out at the mere idea of doing this with a dragon.
Morningstar suddenly curls herself into a ball and closes her eyes leaving bens hand hanging in the air. “She likes you.” “How do you know?” “she did not try to bite off your hand.” he whips his head to look at you alarmed and you just laugh at his face, “i felt so awful for the maester that day.” “this actually happened?! and you just let me do that?!” you elbow him in the side before you lace your hand with his again, “I knew she would like you because i like you, you idiot.” He blushes and coughs into his fist as he awkwardly wipes his hand along the front of his tunic.
The two of you walk towards the castle where your sure to get a warm greeting from samwell. What you dont see is a raven landing on one of morningstars black horns and she opens one of her eyes to peer at it as it stares down at her. Normally Morningstar would shake her head to scare off the birds that would land on her but she didn’t simply closing her eyes and allowing the content raven to perch on her horn.
Samwell greets you as expected and is shocked at your sudden arrival. You appear confused at this, much to the confusion of everyone else in the room. “Did the carriage not come?” Samwell assures you no carriage has arrived and this has your scratching your head. “A carriage was sent out days before i even flew out, it was meant to arrive last night to inform you of my arrival.” As if on que one of the guards bursts into the room. “A royal carriage has arrived my lord.”
You let out a sigh of relief. The carriage had all your stuff in it as you did not take anything with you on your flight out you would probably be left wearing aly’s old stuff she never took with her before she left for winterfell. “There is nobody in the carriage correct?” The guard nods, “The only things in the carriage are your belongings princess.” You let out a sigh of relief, you had feared daemon or even jacaerys had snuck their way into the carriage to bother you and torment benjicot though you are happy they listened to your demand that you wished for this to be a solo trip to get to know your soon to be husband a bit more before your winter wedding.
You offer to help the men carry in your stuff though they quickly dismissed you and insisted they could do it until you were left standing alone admiring the room. One month. One whole month out here alone without a family member in site. its odd. but you must remember this is what your life will look like once you are married, you will relocate to the riverlands and live out the rest of your days here. You were even going to leave most of your stuff here as you left knowing you would soon return.
You flop back onto the bed as you lose yourself to your thoughts. You’ll rest your eyes for a bit is what you tell yourself but when you next awake and you look out the window and see the sun still glaring. you guessed you were not out for long but / blanket had been thrown on top of you at some point. as you sit up to rub your eyes a maid walks into the room and greets you asking if you rested well. You affirm you did and she tells you lord blackwood had been concerned since you were asleep for so long. There was no way. you ask her if it was the next day and she nods. Did you truly sleep all through the afternoon into the next day? Dragon riding did tire you out but surely not this much.
Maybe you had simply been so stressed with your mother pressing you about the wedding to your father and brother breathing down your neck about your betrothed you had never really had a moment of peace growing up and it was even worse now a days maybe you simply enjoyed the peace without the ringing in your ears. She asked if you would like some lunch and you agree watching as she rushes off to make you a plate.
Suddenly the room is quiet again except for the chirping of birds. It was so peaceful out here. As you look out the window you admire how gorgeous it truly is. You live dragonstone truly and even the keep you enjoyed but there was something so nice about the greenery and the bright sun, you felt as though it was always rather dull and grey in dragonstone but here? there was nay a cloud in sight and even in fall it looked as if it was early spring.
You did not even notice the maids return until the clanking of glass hitting a table she pulled up besides the bed for you. you thank her and she bows and turns to leave but not before informing you lord blackwood and benjicot were away on business for the morning and would return later in the day. “where did they go?” “one of the minor houses princess i forget the name now my apologies but they should be back before night fall.”
you hum and nod, a part of you sad you wont get to see ben today but you remember you’re here for a whole month not just a couple days. She leaves and you mindlessly eat your lunch. as you think of what to do today. Maybe you’ll go to the library, you remember it was very nice when benjicot had showed you around.
And thats exactly what you do with the history books benjicot had given you in hand, they had been throughly read through front to back a more than once. You hand them to the book keeper before walking around the library and grabbing a random book off the shelve and reading for a while. It just so happened to be a book on winterfell’s history and thought of his aunt aly who left for winterfell to marry lord cregan stark right before your first arrival and you were meant to meet her at your wedding as she just had a new born and couldn’t make the trip out now to see her though she states shes eager to meet you and cant wait for the wedding.
You finish the majority of the book before you grow bored and take a hair pin to keep your place in the book before getting up and stretching your legs. You hear a faint growl and you think morningstar must be growing restless and decide to go greet her.
When you begin to walk over she perks up and purrs at you and you stroke her chin. You press your forehead against her nose and she continues to purr loudly. You pull away at a sudden shriek and look to see a crow resting on her horn staring at you. you tilt you head at it, she normally hates when animals come near her especially birds and when they rest on her horns she grows especially annoyed yet she seems find with the crow resting on her horn. You almost get to ask her why she was letting him rest there until a voice cuts through.
“excuse me princess.” You whip your head to the right and your dragon perks up and growls. You shove her with your hand as you take in the man before you or more like the men in front of you. A group of four standing only mere feet away from you, the man in front catches your eye in particular with his long hair that ends right near his house sigil. The yellow. The red stallion. Brackens.
This is the first time you are seeing any of them in person and you straighten up. You know the blackwoods hate them but you are the princess and you cannot let your peers influence you in relations with the different kingdoms. “I'm so sorry i did not hear you approach.” The man shakes his head and lightly smiles, “I did not wish to startle you princess. i had just wished to inform you that your dragon had wandered its way into our lands yesterday evening.” You lightly gasp and turn to Morningstar who seemingly senses an impending scolding so she quickly fly's away with a shriek and you glare at her retreating form.
You quickly turn back to the bracken boy and apologize. “I am so sorry she is the very curious type. If any of your cattle has been eaten or structures destroyed please tell me i will be more than happy to compensate you.” He quickly shakes his head and his hands, “No no no just gave the cows a good startle, they wouldnt come out to eat breakfast for hours.” You stop the chuckle that boils up your throat and he smiles at your reaction. “She will get a very stern talking to and no blacksheep for a week i assure you. I am very sorry,” your words cut for a moment and you eye the sword at his waist, “ser?”
He straightens up, “aeron bracken.\,” You nod and he holds his hand out. You hesitate. You shouldnt. Benjicot would be furious. But it would be terribly rude to refuse him so you swallow your complaints and place your hand in his to which he brings it up to his lips and places a light kiss on the back of your hand. “my princess, it is an honor to meet you-”
“bracken!” Aeron flinches back, quickly dropping your hand and looking over your shoulder, a pure look of fear coursing over his eyes. You don’t even get the chance to turn around before a hand is gripping onto the fabric on your back and pulling you backwards and a familiar figure stands in front of you, his hand tightly gripping onto the sword on his waist.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Aeron scoffs as he cranes his neck to look at you, “What? Is it illegal to speak with the princess?” “Oh fuck you,” This was the first time you were hearing him speak like this, a harsh gravel in his voice and using foul language it was almost like it was another person. You slowly walk your way to stand facing him to his side where you can see the harsh glare on his face. “you know exactly what you’re doing bracken.” The name is spit from his lips like venom and aeron takes a small step back as benjicot gets in his face.
“Im not doing anything, unless you feel threatened by me. What? you think the pretty princess is going to leave you?” Benjicots hand slams into his chest causing aeron to stumble back and one of the bracken boys stumbles over and falls to the ground. “You will shut your fucking mouth! You are to never speak to her or even look at her you fucking prick! You think she would look at you you’re barely even a man certainly no fucking knight.” You feel a heat rising at your neck and in your stomach, if you were being more than honest you try not to press your thighs together, at his actions.
You did not like being spoken about as if you were not here but it was his mannerisms the way he held himself tall and chest puffed out while the bracken boys cowered in his presence. You should step him, stop them before they go too far but you are too interested in seeing how far they will push it how far he will push it. You are greedy. You want to see him lose it a little more. You look towards oscar who's already looking at you with a smug look. he wiggles his eyebrows at you and makes in inappropriate hand gesture causing you to look away and scoff. Were you really so obvious?
Yet suddenly aeron pulls his sword out and points it at benjicot and you grip your daggers handle and almost go to step forward but suddenly stop as benjicot laughs and steps closer to aeron. A large grin on his face as his tongue is freed from behind his teeth. “You wouldn’t dare.” Oh gods.
Aeron faulters at benjicot’s confidence but suddenly another look overtakes his eyes and you decide to finally step in. “Are you two done licking each other asshole?” The two turn to look at you and you curse as you step in between them, aeron lowers his sword but you pay him not mind as you turn to look at benjicot who does not look at you simply continuing to glare at aeron. “Back down ben, seriously.” He faulters slightly but his glare is still as strong as ever, “He has some nerve-” Your hand suddenly slams into his shoulder and he finally meets your eye in shock. “You will look at me while i speak to you.” The darkness leaves his eyes in an instant and the sweet glow returns to his face and he lowers his head, “I am sorry princess.”
You turn away from him, satisfied and look to aeron who also lowers his head but says nothing in return. You almost miss it if you did not have as keen ears as you did, one of the men behind him murmurs to himself, “Bitch.”
It happens in an instant, your hand is gripping on his hair and your dagger is pressed against his neck, its close enough its drawing blood that runs down his neck into his tunic. “You forget yourself. I am the fucking princess.” A drop of sweat runs down his face as he spews out apologizes you dont care to listen to. You are quick to cut off his rambling. “You are all going to get the fuck out of my sight. and i am never to see you again or hear even a word of you any of you bothering him. You should be thankful i am feeling merciful for the next time i see you i will kill you.”
You shove him away and take a step back, “get the fuck out of my sight!” They all scurry away before you are even finished speaking and you let out a sigh of relief as they are finally out of view. You turn around with a huff and wipe your dagger clean on your sleeve. “Do you think they will complain to lord bracken? ugh i do not wish to send a fucking fruit basket to house bracken. But what would they even say, oh father i insulted the princess and she threatened to murder me?”
When nobody says anything you look at them and tilt your head at their amazed faces. “What?”
“You are the scariest person i know princess.” You lightly gasp and place a hand on your chest. “Oscar you forget yourself.” A flash of fear grows in his face but it dies out as soon as you start laughing. “That was not funny.” “yes because it was hilarious thank you.”
You look at ben who is yet to say anything but he merely stares at you with what you can only call wonder in his eyes. His words speak more words than anything. ‘thank you’ You lightly smile and nudge his stomach with your elbow before you look out into the bracken lands direction. “We certainly need a fence here. Or maybe a hundred foot tall wall. ill have it started immediately and oversee construction myself.”
You begin to murmur to yourself about about making a trip to see the tullys and get someone to come out and make sure the land is divided rightfully, you’re sure both of the lord will also have to be present and that is sure to not be a good sight. A hand is places on your shoulder and you look at benjicot, noticing that it was just the two of you out in the field, you had not even realized the other boys at left. “ben-” He places his lips on yours and you almost stumble back but he wraps his arms around you to keep you pressed against him. His lips are a lot softer than you had thought them to be. You kiss him back of course you do. Your hands grip his shoulders as he hums into the kiss before you pull away. He chases after your lips and you giggle and smile as your wrap your arms around his neck.
“How long have you wanted to do that ser blackwood?”
“For as long as ive known you my lady.”
Your month long visit goes much quicker than you thought it would. You make a visit to the tullys who immediately set up an official deeming of the lands, lord bracken was not happy to see you though you acted like you could not tell. The day where the lands were settled was a long dreadful one where the men would not stop arguing until nightfall. Both of their heirs were present but aeron did not even lift his head with you at benjicots side. The matter is settled and you offer to pay for a speedy production of the wall between them, though both men originally refuse the amount they all were willing to spend would have production done far later than you would like and you throw down a large sack of coins and tell them to get it done quickly.
You and ben spend every second you care together. Sharing secret kisses and going on little dates like he had prepared a picnic for you one day then took to skip rocks with him by the lake another day. Everyday felt like something new and you have never been happier. It was the last night before you left and you found yourself never wanting to leave. You place with the ties on his loose tunic as you cuddle against his chest. the two of you were laying under the weirwood tree. a blanket wrapped tightly around you two but it was really him who was keeping you warm.
“I want to be married here.” He looks at you with wide eyes but you keep your gaze on the ties. “Under the weirwood tree. Like the way of the old gods.” He presses a kiss to your forehead where you can feel his smile, “Nothing would make me happier my lady.” “Then consider it done.” You knew your family would not be happy but you do not care, it is about what you wanted anyway not them.
You leave the next day, dreading saying goodbye to him as you strap a small box onto morningstar while the rest of your stuff would stay here. You take forever to let go of him, keeping your head firmly pressed against his neck and he rocked you the two of you. He assured you he would write to you and you would him. The next time you would see him would be the wedding in two months and it could not come any quicker.
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