fateboundknight · 1 month
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Just some costume designs for my wizard and their paladin partner.
The first set is what they’re currently wearing, the others are just concept. I might keep the bright orange based set for more formal thing.
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tremendouskoalachild · 11 months
Marda Ro, introduced in a prequel series with the main era’s villain’s physical traits and bearing his last name.
Marda Ro, whose very name evokes motherhood.
Marda Ro, whose idol, foil and main enemy is the character known primarily as The Mother.
Marda Ro, craving but always denied becoming one of the Children, instead forced into caring for the Littles.
Marda Ro, who does not remember her birth family.
Marda Ro, whose mother killed for her and then left her to be raised by strangers.
Marda Ro, tasked with raising the children of her community even as a young teen herself.
Marda Ro, assisting the birth of baby Kessarine and almost dying to save them later.
Marda Ro, whose first question upon learning of Jedi way of life is, you’ll never have children?
Marda Ro, who even as a teenager addresses her writing not to a follower of her by then sizeable cult, but to a descendant.
Marda Ro, who leaves the community she was raised in and feels alone in the one she builds for herself, only thinking of creating a legacy.
Marda Ro, who took a creature’s eggs away from it and regrets it.
Marda Ro, obsessed with finding other members of her species and devoting all her resources to that end.
Marda Ro, who doesn’t speak a word of her own mother tongue.
Marda Ro, passing down her surname like a command.
Marda Ro, screaming and violent upon being referred to as “mother” by the young girl looking up to her.
Marda Ro, who could never have been anything other than the matriarch of the Ro clan, the great-great-grandmother to Marchion Ro.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): General Character Bracket 7
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Jordanna Sparkburn | Identity: wlw | Media: The High Republic Out of the Shadows
Jordanna Sparkburn is a member of a cadet branch of the wealthy San Tekka family. She was born on the frontier planet of Tikkae, which was a San Tekka holding. She grew up with the expectation of succeeding her aunt as the San Tekka deputy of the planet. In the year before the Great Hyperspace Disaster, she fell in love with Sylvestri Yarrow, the daughter of a hauler who was spending time on the planet. When it was time for Sylvestri to rejoin her mother, she offered for Jordanna to join her. Not wanting to abandon her duty, she declined and they separated on poor terms.
Later, when the Nihil attacked and destroyed Tikkae, she joined the Jedi Imri Canatas, Cohmac Vitus, Reath Silas, and Vernestra Rwoh to travel to Coruscant where she could get into contact with the San Teka family. The San Tekka family sent her to accompany a Senate investigation into the Berenge Sector, which used to be owned by the San Tekkas. This investigation included the four Jedi she had already met, Xylan Graf, and her ex- Sylvestri. Xylan believed that the Berenge Sector was being used for Nihil experimentation into a Mass Shadow Generator, which Slyvestri’s mother was helping them build. In the course of all the intrigue and danger in Out of the Shadows, Sylvestri and Jordanna work through the bad feelings they separated on. After the events of the novel, now that Jordanna had no posting, she decides to join Sylvestri and they set off on their new ship to see what jobs Maz Kanata has for them. 
Kevmo Zink | Identity: pansexual | Media: The High Republic Phase II
Kevmo Zink was a Jedi Padawan who traveled to Dalna with his master Zallah Marci to investigate if the Force cult The Path of the Open Hand was involved in the theft of the Rod of Seasons. There, he met Marda Ro, who was a member of the Path. Amongst all the intrigue, the two began a hesitant romance despite their completely opposed theologies. Despite even earning the trust of many of the Path by saving a family of Kessarine when the caves they lived in flooded, the conflict between the Path and the Jedi was unavoidable. When he ran into the Mother’s newly hatched Leveler, it consumed him and Zallah. Marda took his lightsaber and made what justifications she needed to remain loyal to the Path. Kevmo continued to haunt Marda, with it being ambiguous if this was her own guilt or a manifestation of the Force. Kevmo was a promising Jedi Padawan, eager to help and interested in learning about other people. However this came with a certain level of naivety and disbelief when it came to the views of the Path and what such views really meant. He believed he could convince Marda to leave the Path and reveal where the stolen Force artifacts were, while simultaneously being conflicted about what his love for her meant regarding his own future as a Jedi. He had a level of eagerness and openness, including “accidentally flirt[ing] with nearly every life-form he came across”, which tempted with experience meant he could have been a great Jedi.
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agustsvga · 1 year
♤ 𝒻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈 aesthetic ♧
➻ main family edition
❛ kinn anakinn theerapanyakun♔ mile phakphum romsaithong
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☀ loyal until the end, artistic, angelic, love always wins.
❛ porsche pachara kittisawat ♕ apo nattawin wattanagitiphat
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☀ breathtaking, alluring in all and every way, charismatic, enchanting.
❛ tan itthiphon theerapanyakun♞ mos panuwat sopradit
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☁ enthusiastic, ambitious, prince charming, personification of sunshine, so very courteous.
❛ jaran arkom theerapanyakun♜ fort thitipong sengngai
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☁ free-spirited, brave, passionate, adventurous, mixture of danger and determination.
❛ tao rangsan theerapanyakun♝ dew jirawat sutivanichsak
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☁ princely, natural wall-flower, bright, affectionate, always full of confidence.
❛ nomi kessarin theerapanyakun♢ prim chanikarn tangabodi
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☁ the elder twin, the world is hers, beauty, princess of the family, pride and joy to dad & papa.
❛ thanong kittisak theerapanyakun ♦ fourth nattawat jirochtikul
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☁ the younger twin, big heart small body, sincere, young wild and free, king in training.
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insomniacmantis · 1 year
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Orla Kessarin Whisper, former pirate who's fallen out with the sea
My character for a Blades in the Dark actual play. We stream every sunday (in Spanish) on El Show de Raz. Her design is a nod to the vampira goth camp style characters that I love so much
TWITCH COMMS INFO | IG (ESP) | IG Illustration (EN)
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vergencescatter · 1 year
Marda and Kevmo: anti-Juliet to Romeo
To continue the thought: if we see Marda as a deeply tragic figure (as emphasised in my last post), I think it becomes natural to see her as the anti-Juliet to the Romeo of Kevmo.
Marda's need to prove herself to everyone around her, to be strong for the Littles (coming from her drive to care for others), and to prove her worth to the Mother, means she cannot allow her conviction to waver. She genuinely loves the people of the Path, because since a young age many of them have been like family. There are also many aspects of the Path as a missionary order, such as believing they should provide for each other as the Force would provide for them in return, that I think attracts and speaks to Marda's better nature. These sorts of principles - like the notion of "gifts freely given" and the belief to always open an extended hand to others - reinforce Marda's resolve that the Path represents fundamental good in the galaxy (a lot of these principles precede the Mother's ascension to power, by the way).
Of course, so much of this becomes saturated by the Path as a cult, and thus by violent ideology. If it is Marda's innocence and endearing nature that drives her blind love for the people of the Path; at the same time, it is Marda's naivety in believing that the Mother has these ideals at heart that translates into her blind ideological devotion, with the Mother seen by members of the Path as a prophet sent by the Force.
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That said, her affection for Jedi Padawan Kevmo Zink almost saves her from her eventual fall into the purely ideological component of the cult. Zink has a way of connecting with Marda through their mutual care for others and their mutual respective for the Force. They are able to discuss the Force and debate their respective interpretations in a manner where they can question each other respectively. Through their engagements there is no hint of violence in Marda's view, with Zink able to extract and focus the good of Marda's deeper nature. In fact, through her relationship with Kevmo we see Marda begin to think that maybe, along with Yana, they could leave Dalna and work as missionaries. In their most intimate moments, one can see Marda opening up (however tentatively) to a different view of the world (while at the same time carrying forward the good principles she sees in the Path); she even begins to imagine being with Kevmo on Jedah. At no point here does she accept the way in which the Jedi use the force; but she at least begins to contemplate and reflect more openly about the world. Kevmo also seems to take a lot from Marda, particularly her altruistic views of the Force.
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As the book unfolds, we see the bond between Marda and Kevmo grow stronger. They begin to develop intimate feelings for one another. Toward the final chapters, it appears as though the ideological grip on Marda is beginning to loosen and her many endearing qualities will be redeemed. I mean, one would be forgiven to think that there is hope for her - that she might actually leave Dalna and find a new direction (or extract a peaceful missionary element from the Path and become a speaker for basic values of care and compassion). Indeed, with Yana exposing the Mother and telling Marda that what the Path has become is wrong, there is a moment where it seems they are about to leave the cult and runaway to Jedha (with Zink and his Master). Marda had even prepared to leave by saying goodbye to the Kessarine family to which she had grown close.
I think this is why, in the final pages, her actions and her decisions are so infuriating. When Kevmo is tragically killed alongside Jedi Master Zallah Macri - they are the first Jedi to encounter the Leveler in the High Republic era - I was left somewhat shocked by Marda's decisions. Upon learning of Kevmo's fate, she is clearly upset - and with Yana recently disclosing uneasy truths about the Mother - I thought this was Marda's moment to finally break free. I thought together they might even try to kill the Mother, and perhaps even rescue their ideal view of the Path. Instead, the death of Kevmo - truly her lost love - is framed by the Mother as though the Jedi's use of the Force was at fault, and that the Leveler is simply an agent of the Force ("the Force must be free"). Pressing on the fresh wounds in Marda's heart, the Mother seems to finally twist Marda into something more extreme - something violent. And it is out of our naivety that Marda believes the Mother, perceiving the loss of her love as a result of Kevmo being a Jedi. So, the Jedi are to blame. Hence, her burning hatred for the Jedi begins (and for all those who abuse the Force). And just like that, the tragedy of Marda Ro is sealed.
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Marda is thus the anti-Juliet to the Romeo of Kevmo. Her tragedy becomes rooted in how she cannot recognise her betrayal of Kevmo. Instead, Kevmo's death fuels a blind sense of hatred, going against her better nature and also what brough her and Kevmo together in the first place.
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otherkessarin · 2 years
Hello, Sunshines
I'm Kessarin. I write the Goblin Emperor fic 'Courier' over on AO3. Since I've gotten back on Tumblr lately, and it's literal years between my fic updates now, I thought I'd make this so you can know I'm still alive and still slowly chipping away at the story. So howdy.
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elisechariya · 2 years
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🌙        𝐈 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐃 …   𝐢𝐬 𝐚 :   𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 !
elise chariya info !
nome completo: chariya "elise" thawornkun.
idade: vinte e três anos.  
local de nascimento: jericho, eua.
pais biológicos: phassakorn "song" thawornkun e kessarin "mee" thawornkun.
extracurriculares: comitê de eventos, jornal nevermore, esgrima, clube de poções.
sexualidade: bissexual.  
línguas: inglês e tailandês.
espécie: bruxa.
dom: clarividência.
casa: ophelia.
familiar: um gato chamado gizmo. além de gizmo, elise tem uma service dog chamada ginger que ajuda a alertar convulsões. 
&.  ━━   𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘   ;
+ corajosa, leal, amigável.
- impaciente, muito honesta, bossy.
mbti: enfj.
signo: sagitário.
likes: animais, blogging, moda, pad thai, outono, casas no estilo vitoriano, patinação artística, esportes num geral, músicas dos anos 50, 60 e 70;
moral alignment: lawful good.
&.  ━━   𝐒𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐄 𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐄  ;
elise nasceu nos estados unidos, mais especificamente em jericho, de pais tailandeses. a cidade sempre foi o seu lar, mesmo que ainda sentisse que o local não era muito gentil com seus pais, que eram imigrantes. ela cresceu tendo como maior inspiração a sua própria família, pois mesmo com as dificuldades, como os altos e baixos financeiros e o preconceito, eles ainda faziam de tudo para agradar a única filha. a infância repleta de memórias incríveis foi interrompida quando elise tinha onze anos. o amor que tinha pelos pais nunca foi o suficiente para que eles fossem completamente honestos com ela. a família materna dela vinha de uma linhagem de bruxas conhecida por todo o sul da tailândia e que fugiu do país por causa da perseguição que estavam sofrendo. porém mesmo com todos os esforços de esconderem sua verdadeira natureza, os sinais seguiram ali e começaram a chamar a atenção de caçadores.
depois da morte de seus pais, elise acabou no sistema de foster care. ela ficou pulando de casa em casa, pois a avó da família não era considerada apta para cuidar dela, ainda muito confusa sobre o que tinha acontecido com seus pais e o porquê de tudo aquilo. com treze anos, entretanto, ela foi adotada por uma família que morava nos arredores de jericho. ela achou que nunca seria adotada, considerando a idade dela, porém o jovem casal mostrou interesse imediato nela e o processo foi excepcionalmente rápido e logo ela estava numa casa, junto de gizmo, que nunca desistiu de ficar ao lado dela. a família whittaker, composta por lucretia e bram, eram definitivamente diferentes. reclusos e amantes da literatura, ambos pareciam ser bons o suficiente e mesmo que a garota odiasse isso, eles eram ricos. e riqueza certamente lhe agradava. ela conseguiu voltar a praticar o esporte que era sua paixão, a patinação artística, e pela primeira vez na vida ela era a menina mais bem vestida da escola.
sua vida seguiu sem surpresas ou dificuldades por mais três anos e com quase dezesseis anos ela estava competindo no campeonato nacional, com intenções de trazer uma medalha para jericho. todos na cidade sabiam que a filha do casal whittaker iria competir representando a cidade e ela já estava vendo ela mesmo no meio da praça da cidade, cercada por toda a glória que iria conseguir ao dar o seu melhor. o primeiro dia de competição foi bem, elise fez seu programa curto e ficou em terceiro lugar. estava radiante, mais feliz impossível. no segundo dia, estava na área de aquecimento quando enxergou os cabelos grisalhos da avó no espelho, mas antes que pudesse notar, outra atleta passou na frente e o reflexo da mulher sumiu. quando seu nome foi chamado para o gelo, junto com as outras meninas do seu grupo, elise estava mais ansiosa do que nunca e quando o aquecimento no gelo começou, ela estava claramente fora de si. sem perceber, sentiu o corpo de outra atleta se chocar no seu e depois disso ela não se lembra de mais nada. segundo o que dizem, ela bateu com a cabeça no chão e começou a convulsionar. na cabeça de elise, ela conseguiu ver o pódio final do campeonato, sem ela.
de volta para jericho, o assunto que todos estavam comentando era o episódio de elise se machucando. depois de ter sido retirada do gelo, ela foi direto para o hospital com os pais. infelizmente, a entrevista cedida pelo seu treinador na época foi confusa e fez as pessoas ficarem muito curiosas e fizeram elas começarem a investigar. em questão de dias haviam descoberto que os pais dela haviam sido brutalmente assassinados, depois que eles haviam sido acusados de bruxaria e que a família dela era conhecida por ter bruxas. o problema é que elise nunca tinha procurado saber sobre essas coisas, evitando o trauma para não piorá-lo. lucretia e bram sentaram com elise depois que as notícias circularam. elise teve que deletar as redes sociais, pois estava recebendo mensagens de ódio de padrões e estava sendo acusada de usar bruxaria para ser boa no esporte. os pais adotivos tranquilizaram ela, explicaram que eles conheciam os pais biológicos de elise, pois lucretia também era uma bruxa. isso foi um choque para a garota, mas ela acabou percebendo que isso fazia todo sentido, analisando os hábitos da mãe adotiva. eles explicaram para a filha que procuraram proteger elise daquele lado dela, pois esse era o desejo de mee e song e desejam que a filha crescesse como uma criança padrão. infelizmente, o dom de elise foi ignorado por tanto tempo que agora estava fora de controle e era extremamente necessário que ela encarasse sua natureza. ela foi mandada para nevermore ainda com dezesseis anos e hoje ainda está procurando entender melhor a motivação dos pais biológicos, enquanto procura descobrir quem os matou.
&.  ━━   𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀 .
a excentricidade de elise é que ela tem cabelo loiro desde o nascimento.
gizmo e ginger não se dão muito bem, mas nada suficiente para atrapalhar a paz das pessoas ao redor. 
elise tem um instagram onde ela faz comentários dos mais distintos, principalmente sobre o mundo da moda, filmes e livros. ela tem cerca de 50K de seguidores e ninguém sabe que ela é a dona. ela usou isso como alternativa para seguir conectada com pessoas diversas depois do fim trágico da carreira dela.
hoje em dia ela tem o sonho de se tornar escritora e tem algumas fanfics publicadas e famosinhas no ao3. 
ela sabe que vai ter uma visão quando enxerga a avó e/ou outras ancestrais em reflexos, mas na maior parte das vezes ela não tem a chance de perceber que vai acontecer antes de acontecer e é por isso que a ginger trabalha. a cachorra é bem treinada para perceber quando uma convulsão está chegando. 
&.  ━━   𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 .
❪   𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ; m/f ❫.
outras conexões vão ser adicionadas futuramente <3
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hevearesearch · 2 years
Involvement of HbPIP2;1 and HbTIP1;1 Aquaporins in Ethylene Stimulation of Latex Yield through Regulation of Water Exchanges between Inner Liber and Latex Cells in Hevea brasiliensis
Kessarin Tungngoen, Panida Kongsawadworakul, Unchera Viboonjun, Maki Katsuhara, Nicole Brunel, Soulaiman Sakr, Jarunya Narangajavana, and Herve Chrestin Plant Physiology 2009, 151: 843–856 Download PDF Natural rubber is synthesized in specialized articulated cells (laticifers) located in the inner liber of Hevea brasiliensis. Upon bark tapping, the laticifer cytoplasm (latex) is expelled due…
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fateboundknight · 8 months
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“I am as bound to you, as you are to me.”
“Only if you promise that we are bound not because they made us, but because we want it.”
Something very lesbian happened last dnd session and it was so beautiful and lovely and I’m obsessed with them
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tremendouskoalachild · 9 months
species that have only appeared in high republic media so far:
Taymar (Svi'no Atchapat)
Kotabi (Ceret and Terec)
Pooba (Nubs)
Evereni (Marchion and his family)
Kessarine (Path of the Open hand family)
Mournish (Ambar the medic)
Skembo, Vuman (Starlight Stories)
Lonto (on the Convocation of the Force)
katikoot (Quest for the Hidden City)
Villarandi (Enlightenment barman)
Crulkon and Scalvi (Yoda comic flashbacks)
Vintian (Geode)
Kuranu (Klerin Chekkat and her mom)
Lucem (Ruu)
Banchiians (little guys in Edge of Balance)
species created for thr but mentioned/appearing elsewhere too:
Soikan (mentioned in Sana Starros comic)
Nameless (foreshadowing in Claudia Gray's novel)
Drengir (foreshadowing in George Mann's short story)
cru and bonbraks (in Daniel José Older's stories)
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jomjams · 2 years
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theblindninja · 6 years
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Kessarin Ektawatkul promo pic for the 2009 Thai film Bangkok Samurai The Vanquisher
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daycattocgiare · 4 years
Cuộc thi thời trang-tóc công bố giải thưởng “khủng” lên đến 1 tỷ đồng
Vietnam Top Fashion & Hair 2020 là sân chơi mới dành riêng cho những bạn trẻ đam mê thời trang: nhà thiết kế, nhà tạo mẫu tóc, người mẫu. Chưa từng có trong tiền lệ, một cuộc thi chuyên nghiệp và uy tín đưa 3 lĩnh vực trên bước lên cùng một “sàn đấu”. Chính vì vậy ngay từ khi vừa mới ra mắt, cuộc thi đã nhanh chóng thu hút sự quan tâm của đông đảo công chúng.
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 Theo ban tổ chức, 4 hạng mục giải thưởng bao gồm: Nhà tạo mẫu tóc Việt Nam 2020, Nhà thiết kế thời trang trẻ Việt Nam 2020, Siêu sao mẫu nhí Việt Nam 2020, Hot Face Việt Nam 2020. Bên cạnh giải thưởng “khủng” lên tới 1 tỷ đồng, các Quán quân còn có cơ hội góp mặt tại những sự kiện thời trang lớn trên thế giới.
Ngoài ra, dàn ban giám khảo đều là những tên tuổi trong làng thời trang như NTK Lê Trần Đắc Ngọc, Chuyên gia tóc Thomas Knuf, Chuyên gia tóc Serpil Ertas; Chuyên gia tóc Lưu Hữu Tinh, Nhà thiết kế Diego Chula, Chủ tịch Tạp chí thời trang Alicio Thái Lan Pookij Kong Kessarin; NSND Lan Hương, Nhà thiết kế Quỳnh Paris... Vietnam Top Fashion & Hair 2020 hứa hẹn sẽ là “làn gió mới” giúp các bạn trẻ thỏa niềm đam mê sáng tạo và khẳng định bản thân.
Đạo diễn, NTK Lê Trần Đắc Ngọc – trưởng BTC chia sẻ: “Với Vietnam Top Fashion & Hair 2020, tôi mong muốn không một tài năng bị lãng quên. Chúng tôi sẽ tìm kiếm và đưa họ bước ra hào quang và cống hiến cho nghệ thuật.
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 Hơn thế nữa, ban tổ chức còn muốn đem đến cho khán giả một cái nhìn tổng thể về bức tranh thời trang Việt Nam. Thời trang không chỉ là những người mẫu sải bước trên sàn catwalk hay trong các bộ hình mà còn được tạo nên bởi những con người cần mẫn và thầm lặng đằng sau hậu trường”.
Chỉ sau gần 1 tháng từ ngày khởi động, cuộc thi đã thu hút hơn 2.000 thí sinh ở 51 tỉnh thành của cả nước tham dự như Hà Nội, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Đà Nẵng, Hải Phòng, Hà Giang, Lào Cai, Gia Lai, Lâm Đồng, Cà Mau... Cũng có không ít các thí sinh đang sinh sống và học tập tại nước ngoài.
Vòng thi online sẽ diễn ra từ 16/7 - 31/8/2020. Top 60 gương mặt xuất sắc nhất sẽ lọt vào Vòng đối đầu (12/9) của Vietnam Top Fashion & Hair 2020. Top 60 sẽ phải khẳng định tài năng của bản thân qua những phần thi khốc liệt tại vòng đối đầu trực tiếp, bán kết Vòng bán kết (13/9) và Chung kết (15/11) để tiến gần hơn với ngôi vị cao nhất./.
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yifysubtitlescc · 5 years
Starring: Nantawooti Boonrapsap Dan Chupong Kessarin Ektawatkul Chatchapol Kulsiriwuthichai and others. Writer: Panna Rittikrai Wichit Wattananon Released • 13 Nov 2014
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dramaplatters · 7 years
Upcoming Thai Lakorns Part IX
Kom Faek คมแฝก – Mark Prin & Kimmy Kimberley
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Kom Faek
Khun Nu Rehn Lek คุณหนูเรือนเล็ก – Thanwa Suriyajak & Pupe Kessarin
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Khun Nu Rehn Lek
Dok Yah Nai Payu ดอกหญ้าในพายุ – Thanwa Suriyajak & Kat Sonya
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Dok Yah Nai Payu
Ninjalakorns has subbed this teaser so they might just be subbing this :) I don't know anything about their upcoming projects I'm just guessing. 
Lhong Ngao Jun หลงเงาจันทร์ -Thanwa Suriyajak, Sammy Cowell
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Lhong Ngao Jun 
Pim's half-sister Khem goes out with guys pretending to be Pim. After getting dumped by Khem, one of the guys dies in a car crash. His friend Aae accuses 'Pim' of being the cause and vows to get revenge on her and gets engaged to Khem so he can get closer to Pim in order to make her life miserable. Pim on the other hand has no clue why she's being stalked/bullied by this psychopath. -
Meu Prab Yeow Dam มือปราบเหยี่ยวดำ – New Wongsakorn & Toon Pimpawee
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Meu Prab Yeow Dam
Sarawat Yai สารวัตรใหญ่ – Es Kantapong & Preaw Tussaneeya
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A young, great policeman moved to the frontier as the new Police Chief Inspector. He tries to solve crimes and be a good role model for other policemen. He has a beautiful wife who's always supporting him.
Saming Jao Tha สมิงจ้าวท่า – Boom Kitkong & Hana Lewis
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Saming Jao Tha สมิงจ้าวท่า – Boom Kitkong & Hana Lewis
Opus Petch, is
a television script
produced by Thailand Television Co., Ltd.
from the first novel by the author of the novel "The Diamond Institute", when the influential businessmen choose to use illegal shipping. Adopt young customs
I have to disguise the evidence. In collaboration with the police, the spy girl was not good at the first encounter. The closer they are, the more dangerous they are. The secret of his birth is being revealed. National Action So, with the heart of the inevitable. Include the concept of love, friendship and commitment in the starring role of Boom Kitty Kong, Hanalee Lewis, the basement, Nat Natha, Gwindarak, Panus Suwanno, Sirilapak.
Dasuke Suki Kawa , Jill Rogers, David Asnonton and other actors IG ch7dramasociety
https://www.asianfuse.net/discuzz/threads/ch7-saming-jao-tha-khon-tv-boom-kitkong-hana-lewis.64779/  *
Summary Credits :http://www.sharerice.com/ & mydramalist  * Please keep in my mind that some images are just symbolic* Image Source: google 
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