#kestrel wings of fire
toadslug · 4 months
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It took me so long to figure out how to draw her eyebrows 😭
I used to feel kind of disappointed about her death because I wanted the books to explore her relationship with Peril. While I still think that could be interesting, I now feel way more satisfied about the direction Tui took with her character; cutting off her story so abruptly adds to the tragedy of her story.
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namesareweird579 · 2 months
Hey Kestrel remake
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friend-myth-kill · 3 months
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Friend: befriend them Myth: mythologize them/worship them/they can't kill me if they aren't real Kill: kill them
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mythos321 · 4 months
Another WoF incorrect quote
Clay:Why am I like this?
like this
like this…
Baby Clay:(crying)
Kestrel:Clayyy, what did you do to the seawing?
Baby Tsunami:(family guy pose)
Baby Clay:We were just playing! and then I got outta control…I’m sorry Kestrel
Kestrel showing affection for the first and only time to Clay:No Clay ya did good! having no self control makes you a tough galoot, like me!
Baby Clay:But I don’t wanna hurt nobody!
Kestrel:Well that’s to bad little monster cause you’re gonna hurt everybody!
end of flashback
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floralcavern · 4 months
My opinion of Kestrel
Yknow, I see so many takes on Kestrel, so I thought “Hey, why not throw my hat into the ring of some of these garbage takes on abuse in this fandom?”
This fandom is split in two sides:
People who love and defend her
and people who absolutely despise her.
Now, where do I stand? Kind of in the middle?
Look, I absolutely love Kestrel's arc and backstory (even if it takes place before the series). She's genuinely such an interesting character to me (especially as someone who plans to go into the psychology field).
Nothing can excuse her for what she did to the DoD, and the people who defend her for being an abuser need to stuff a sock in it because she was abusive. In Dragonslayer, we see Sky and Wren observing the DoD. At this point, Sky is a 1 year old, so about the same mentality as Cliff. So... baby. Like, 5 years old in human years? Meaning the DoD are only a couple months older than Bumblebee, so... toddlers. Like, 1-2 years old in human years.
And in this scene, we see the DoD goofing around, laughing, and having fun. Yknow, being kids. And in this scene, we also see Kestrel storm in and physically attack the DoD. No one better try and fucking excuse her for that, because I will throw hands.
So, how do I lean into the love and defend her side? Well, I think this fandom has a problem of not understanding how evil characters can be evil and inexcusable while also being sympathetic for how they became that way.
Let's put on our inspector glasses and see how Kestrel became the way she is:
-Was part of the military in a very brutal war
-Part of a tribe that was known for being aggressive and violent and mean 24/7
and, uh, what else.. oh, ya!
-Forced to murder both of disabled children despite the fact that she clearly did not want to!
So.... ya. I think that is definitely going to put someone on the track of being a not-so-great person! (understatement for her, I know)
After being forced to kill her kids, she was then put in charge of looking after 5 kids that weren't even her's, the only one that could've made her feel a little welcomed, the Skywing, was brutally murdered before it even hatched.
So, trauma over her dead kids while also having lived her whole life in an environment that was entirely aggressive as part of their culture, which also glorified violence (see Scarlet's arena)? What do you get? The perfect mixture for a child abuser!
Now, then comes the question of do I wish Kestrel got a redemption arc?
It's complicated?
Like, no, I don't want the DoD to suddenly be a-OK with how she treated them. In fact, if they gave her a redemption arc with the DoD, I actually would've fucking hated that.
No, what I want was her to have grown as a person through reconnecting with Peril. Do you know how interesting that would've been? And she could have still died, but for Peril's sake.
It would make Peril's entire situation with Kestrel 10x more interesting.
And in the end, Peril would have a sort of soft spot for her, while also feeling so conflicted. This would also add more tension between Peril and the DoD.
And I just like to imagine that when Peril and Sky meet, they have a conversation like:
"So... What was our mother like?"
Peril looks up at the skies, thinking of how to respond. What was Kestrel like? Caring in her own way? Mean and awful? A tough love kind of person? Someone Peril hates? Someone Peril wishes was still alive?
Peril then dips her head and sighs.
"Our mother was a complicated dragoness."
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urfavssins · 6 months
Kestrel from Wings of Fire
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tigertrotter · 21 days
Kestrel and Kestrelflight
A Wings of Fire - Warriors Haiku Sonnet
SkyWing and WindClan,
Kestrel of the SkyWing tribe,
WindClan's Kestrelflight.
General Kestrel,
Loyal to the SkyWing Queen
SkyWing general
WindClan's Kestrelflight
Medicine cat successor
Succeeding Barkface
Dragon and feline
SkyWing General Kestrel,
Meeting Kestrelflight
Of WindClan and SkyWing tribe,
Kestrel and cat Kestrelflight
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Brazen Bull
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(More old art)
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glassshine · 11 days
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Talons of peace teachers
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carcallingus · 8 months
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Dear sweet daughter of destruction
Kestrel holding peril for the first and last time
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dragoncarrion · 1 year
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the idgaf queen
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oaktrex · 12 days
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First is clay with graphic novel colours and second is clay is my headcannon design!
I really hope no one has done this before XD
Reblogs greatly appreciated!
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zuxver · 5 months
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Hello, my Wings of Fire followers! (And maybe a jumpscare for my SAMS followers. lol) I'm am actually NOT dead. I'm very much alive.
Here is some Kestrel art! ^^
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flawseer · 7 months
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Pair of sketches I did during a Drawpile session with friends. We've got Kestrel, Squid, and a random hamburger. Yum?
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mythos321 · 3 months
The Fourth of my WoF x Persona AU Profiles, this one being just a confidant as opposed to a Phantom Thief(also with a different arcana compared to the character they’re crossed with)
Kestrel: The Hanged Dragon
Arcana: Hanged Man
Birthdate: April 7th, 4981 AS
Backstory:Kestrels backstory starts similar to how it does in the main universe, with her losing both her children at The Diamond Spray river, one to Queen Scarlet, and the other to the river. However, due to the lack of The Talons of Peace, Kestrel instead kept up her search for her son, searching high and low for him almost like a madwoman. She nearly did find her son many times, but each time he disappeared from her sights, and she had no idea what to do, however, she had determined the general area where he stayed, and set up a cavern for herself for the time.
However, the day she finally found her son, she realized he was completely terrified of her, he hadn’t been disappearing from her for no reason…he thought she was trying to kill him. This shook Kestrel to her core, and though she tried to speak with her son, a small scavenger seemed to attempt to ward her off, and Kestrel, in so much shock, willingly fled, however always keeping close to her son as she slowly tried to make him trust her, with very minimal progress in such.
Kestrel felt lost, broken, and ashamed, passing her time by turning her cavern into a sort of cafe/bar she(uncreatively) named Cavern Tavern, serving multiple assortments of dishes, mainky coffee and curry. During this time she met a Mudwing named Asha who was the closest she had to an acquaintance, and one day learned from her about her nephew Clay, who by Ashas accord was being sent on probation due to being framed for attacking an unknown Skywing official.
Kestrel put together from the Skywings behavior they must have been Queen Scarlet, and with this knowledge, volunteered to let Clay stay with her as his guardian, and until his probations up, he shall be taken under her wings(hehe).
Physical Description: Kestrel is overall the same in her appearance, with a minor change in having a small scar on her paw after it was stabbed by a certain scavenger that was with her son. The biggest difference in appearance is actually Kestrels demeanor, having a much calmer abd more approachable face.
Personality:Although she used to be very similar to her main version, Kestrel is much less aggressive now after what happened between her and her son, with her having had the subconscious realization her actions and way of life made her own child afraid of her. She however is still very strict and cold, if only initially when Clay first meets her. Some also claim she has a smooth charm to her, though Kestrel herself admits she lost a lot of over the years.
Goals:To try and make amends with her son, and hopefully find her daughter one day.
-Unlike her main counterpart, Kestrel would never even dream of harming the other dragonets, much less Clay
-Kestrels immediate assumption whenever Clay brings a dragon around his age to her cafe is that they’re his girlfriend/boyfriend, and she often snarks he’s surprisingly uneventful in that regard considering all the other hijinks he tells her about(or what she secretly reads from his journal and letters when he isn’t looking)
-Kestrel has a medical condition that gives her a forked tongue, she thinks it’s weird but does admit it makes for the occasional fun party trick
-Kestrel is a master of curry, her best ones being Beef Curry and(after lots of practice) Vegetable curry, the latter which she mainly makes for Sky
-Kestrel thinks those who do nothing about themself and use the excuse that that is the way life made them are losers who should get thrown off a cliff, she’d know, she used to think that way
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venomwingg · 11 months
Luna and Kestrel things
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