ketofoodus · 5 years
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Join Chris & Miriam tonight on our FACEBOOK LIVE at 7:30pm MDT to find out who t… Be a part of Chris & Miriam tonight on our FACEBOOK LIVE at 7:30pm MDT to seek out out who the ultimate winners had been for our 2019 Keto Chow Recipe Problem.
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ketocraft · 8 years
starting weight: 210 pounds Current weight: 190 pounds Goal weight: 120 pounds Today, March 26 marks a full month that I have been on a ketogenic diet. On my YouTube channel I talk a lot about how I felt before starting this journey and I can honestly say in a lot of ways it has been a drastic change for me. I have more energy throughout my days, i’m still not a morning person, but I find it’s easier for me to get out of bed in the morning and I don’t feel so tired every day. I’m still not a fan of watching my macros even though I do so practically religiously, but it has really helped me to lose weight. Now I am in the 180s rather than the 200s which is amazing and awesome!! I have actually felt the need to go and work-out! That was a huge change. I don’t think I have ever wanted to work out. Thing is, I had so much energy lately that it just felt natural to start doing so every other day. I like the changes that this diet has helped me make and I don’t see a time that I will ever be off of this diet. I can see my goal weight on the distant horizon, but unlike other times, it does not seem so unachievable. What has really floored me about this diet is that usually on diets I lose little to no weight due to the fact that I have hypothyroidism, but on this diet even without Synthroid, I seem to be losing weight like people with a normal thyroid would (or close to it I think). It takes a huge leap of faith for somebody who is already considered fat, obese, or heavy, to rely on fat to make them skinnier and healthier, but if you’re somebody who is considering this diet I can honestly say it’s a good move to make. Before starting this diet, I considered myself somebody who listens to their body pretty frequently. What I realize however, is that there’s more than just mental analysis and basic physical analysis that one should do to maintain their health. What I mean is, since I’ve been on the ketogenic diet it has made me stop and really listen to the cues my body is giving me. This has made a drastic change to the way that I eat. I would say that if you don’t or have not yet started intermittent fasting and you have been ketogenic for a while, just take a day and really listen to what your body is saying. You might find that you’re eating more often then you need to. I was totally surprised to find out that I was, and how little my body actually needed per day. Again, as I’ve said before, I am nowhere near starving myself. I am however allowing my body to tell me when it is time to eat. I have also learned the importance of keeping hydrated because if you don’t, you will be hungry all the time! Keeping my hydration, electrolytes, and other necessities in check is really paramount on this diet and I find that I’m learning this very quickly. Now I think I can expect more from my body, and my life can expect more from me and that is awesome to feel. One thing I hear a lot of people talk about is mental clarity and after about a month of this diet I wouldn’t say that I have extreme cognizance or mental clarity, but what I will say is that going from feeling sleepy and walking in a dream like state every day to feeling awake and productive every day is definitely a start. If you’re somebody who has never succeeded on a diet, try being ketogenic for a month and I mean really do the diet, don’t half ass it and you will see results, so much so that you will want to keep on going!
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