#ketu in 4th house
astrosolutions · 1 year
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Rahu is one of the nine planets in Vedic astrology, also known as the North Node of the Moon. When it is placed in the 10th house of a person’s birth chart, it can have a significant impact on their career and public image. The 10th house represents one’s profession, social status, and reputation in the world. Rahu is considered a malefic planet, and its placement in the 10th house can create a lot of confusion and uncertainty in one’s career. However, it can also bring opportunities for success and recognition, especially if it forms a favorable aspect with other planets in the chart. It is essential to understand the influence of Rahu in the 10th house to make informed decisions regarding career and professional growth.
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jeevanjali · 3 months
Ketu In Different Houses: Ketu Can Provide Salvation ( Moksh) To The IndividualKetu In Different Houses: Ketu is a natural malefic planet that often gives bad results. But, sometime Ketu can also give good results. Ketu also supporta and proctect from nagative impacts of Rahu.
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bouquetface · 11 days
Navamsa/D9 Observations
Accuracy will be HEAVILY influenced by the Entire d9 AND natal chart. This is general information, not a personal reading. With that being said, I'd love to know your experience with these placements.
D9 should be read alongside natal for full accuracy.
Saturn in 11th House
You will have a smaller social circle in later life and after marriage. On the bright side, these friends are likely to be very loyal. They may be people with high titles - Doctor, Vet, Lawyer, Professor, Scientist, Business owner, etc.
The friends you do have will be reserved. They could be traditional and older people. Unlike, Jupiter in 11th your friends will not be as likely to go out of their way to help you out/give you opportunities. Saturn requires you put in your own effort.
Your elder sibling can become distant. This isn't necessarily bad, they may live at a distance and/or be busy due to their own personal life. EX: They are busy with raising their own family. They are more mature. Less likely to be spontaneously hang out with you and be able to be there for you.
If Saturn is in libra (where it is exalted), it is likely having a small but loyal circle is your choice. Rather than it being due to you struggling to create friendships.
The marriage will likely be very stable. There may be times where married life is so predictable and routined, you become bored. However, with this placement you will work through it. You and your spouse will fulfill your duties to one another. The couple has respect and admiration for one another regardless of what happens in life.
I have noticed this placement can make up for any malefic planet in 7th House (natal or d9). The couple is always inclined to be there for each other and resolve any issue that occurs. This is even more likely if Saturn is in libra.
Saturn in 7th House
Often, I see people react to this placement negatively. It's important to remember: Saturn is exalted in Libra. Libra is naturally ruling the 7th. Saturn is comfortable unless harshly aspected.
This does not mean you will never have a issues with the spouse. You will. Yet, the spouse will always want to resolve the issue rather than end the marriage. This is the couple that seems to be constantly bickering but when their spouse needs something, they will do their best to provide.
There is karma related to this placement. It is said this indicates marrying someone from a past life. You are met to resolve your issues from the past through making your marriage work.
Mercury in 7th House
This indicates the spouse is younger or looks younger than you. They are likely to be very social. The spouse can be your best friend. Over time they can become almost like a business partner.
The spouse is likely to be very social. They can start a conversation with almost anybody. The negative of this is the spouse will talk your ear off. They can often be moving around/fidgeting and talking. EX: You guys drive buy a farm. They will not be able to stop themselves from interrupting you and saying "Oh look cows"
The spouse can often make observations and complaints. Nitpicky person. Curious person too - they can want to go new places and explore. You will basically always know what is going on this person's head. The couple can bicker a lot.
On the bright side, mercury is adaptable especially if placed in a mutable sign (sag, virgo, pisces, gemini). They can compromise when they want. They are guaranteed to change throughout the marriage. Their hobbies/interests, maybe even career can change.
You can reach higher status after marriage and/or in later life. However, you likely don't care about status. You just desire being able to have enough and not worry it will be gone.
You can become generous and more compassionate after marriage and/or in later life. You can wish everyone was kinder to each other. You let go of anger you had in early life. This is likely due to the fact the home is calmer.
You are likely to adapt beliefs or find a religion that really resonates. When someone questions your belief system, you can be very angry.
I have noticed most people I personally know with this placement have multiple marriages. However, this is NOT always the case. Instead, it may be that you will have to go through heartbreak before finding the one. Accuracy is influenced by ENTIRE chart.
Moon in First House
I've noticed moon influence in first house can indicate someone who loves sweets and being comfortable. They dislike sweets and even minor discomfort such as wearing jeans instead of sweatpants.
This can be an indicator of marrying young - not a strong one though. Regardless of age when married, through marriage they do find comfort and joy. This can change due to moon's fluctuating nature.
One potential disadvantage of this is mother (yours or partner's) tries to influence the marriage. If well placed, this is someone who has the support of their mother - will go to their mom for advice/help. If badly placed, the mother can become an obstacle. Either way, it is likely there are ups and downs in relationship with in-laws.
This can indicate sub consciously finding a partner who has shared traits with their own mom - physically or personality-wise.
A person can gain status through marriage and/or later in their life. They can have good paying career. They may own cars or homes that impress other people.
Generally, these people will do whatever to keep the spouse happy. However, depending on entire chart, they may not agree with spouse if spouse's wishes hurt their own family - specifically their mom and children.
Sun in 10th House
In navamsa, 10th H is the reputation of the marriage (as well as your reputation in later life). This indicates you will have power/authority later in life. Your marriage can be seen as a power couple. You either both are in high positions (possibly in government work) or you work together successfuly.
This can indicate someone who does certain things to prove their wealth. EX: Buying an expensive car, dressing in formal or expensive clothing, etc.
Good news you will succeed despite obstacles and haters. These people tend to gain respect of many people.
Rahu in 8th House
This is a strong indicator of being the most successful in your family. However, you are likely to be secretive about it. You fear people using you and/or asking for help.
Depending on entire chart, you may actually not be able to help it. You could desire that validation - even to your own surprise, you become someone who likes to flash their wealth. Might be in a subtle way - ex: wearing an expensive watch.
Your in-laws could be from a different background. EX: They live in a different country, they immigrated from a different country, they follow a different religion, etc.
Rahu conjunct Mars in 7th House
You or the spouse can become very angry after marriage and/or later in life. Usually, this manifests as thinking violent and angry thoughts. However, this is NOT always the case.
Instead of spouse, this can indicate working with mars-like people. For ex: You could work in a prison or at a gym.
These people can be very successful too. Mars is our drive and if given an extra boost by rahu, this person can be unstoppable when going after their goals.
Saturn in 4th House
This can indicate a strong foundation for marriage and later life. You can enjoy being in the home. You could work from home. You could physically work on the home. You can prioritise the family over work.
However, if harshly aspected you can feel restricted in the home and by family. You may wish to go out but feel you are tied down. This should not happen if a person understands that marriage and starting a family require time and effort. You will have to work with spouse to create balance in the home.
If you hate responsibility and being disciplined but still start a family, you may experience periods of extreme unhappiness. You will feel the spouse and children drain you.
EX: A uncle has this placement in cancer in d9, he got divorced. He says the wife and him fought over who was taking on the most responsibility. He felt she changed after having a kid. She paid "too much attention" to the kid and not him. He's kind of always been a man child/mama's boy. Saturn is in detriment in cancer, it can make it difficult (not impossible) for the person to take on saturn traits. + he only had squares aspecting his saturn. This will not be the case for everyone with this placement.
You can move away/ work away from birth place. This doesn't always mean you'll move to the US or UK/Europe. You may move states or provinces. EX: The same uncle from the first example is now a truck driver. He rarely comes back to this city. He is not the only person I know with this placement. The other person has also moved away from birth city for work.
Mercury in 2nd House
This is a good budgeting and wealth indicator. These people take control of their finances. You may become an accountant. Not always as a career, more often you take on the responsibility of doing your own taxes (including spouse and kids).
You may communicate more with your family after marriage and/or later in life. Checking in more with your aunts/uncles, cousins/siblings, parents.
Ketu in 2nd House
These people often go either 2 ways: They are always worried about money regardless of how much they have. Or they become detached about money and materialism. Both are possible at different times in life - ex: start out worried then learn to value priceless things like their family or their health.
You can be detached when it comes to your own family. You may lose contact or contact family less. This is the family you come from not the one you may create with spouse or long term partner.
Ketu conjunct Venus in 2nd House
This conjunction can make someone feel like they never have enough. They can be critical of partners and themselves. Nothing and nobody can feel good enough. Often, it is RARE for them to be happy in their first long term relationship. These people need that heartbreak to learn to treat their next partner better.
If you believe in past lives: people with this placement are commonly said to have stolen money or a possession. This is why they have anxiety over needing more and more. They struggle to feel satisfied with what they have.
This placement can make you feel you never have enough money. These people often end up collecting something like watches or earrings. This placement can make someone dedicated to getting more money, more materialistic things.
Or depending on entire chart, you detach yourself from the materialism and superficial things.
10th Ruler in 7th House
10th house in navamsa/d9 shows us what we will be known for later in life. Ruler in 7th shows you are known for your partnership - the one with the spouse, your friends, your clients, your buisness partner.
Whether it is in a positive, negative or neutral way depends on the ruler, any planets in 10th, and aspects being made to both. EX: No planets in virgo 10th H. Mercury the ruler in gemini 7th H positive aspects being made to 3rd H. Your spouse could be more of a social person than you. Generally, people know you as their partner.
Rahu in 2nd House
Often, after marraige and/or later in life, you cut contact or speak less with family. This can be due to a bad experience with them or you simply live further away and don't care to talk much.
If the ruler if 2nd is well placed along with rahu in 2nd, you could gain a lot in later life and/or after marriage. However, Rahu in 2nd assures it is due to the money YOU make not the spouse. You could end up the sole provider for the family. You could make more than the spouse.
You are likely to make more money through international work. EX: You move away from birth city, or your company works with other cities and/or countries.
You may have bad eyesight. Later in life, you could require glasses.
Rahu in 6th House
This indicates you take on huge responsibilities in daily routine of married life and/or later in life. The sign and ruler of 2nd will tell you what these responsibilities are. EX: Taurus or libra rahu in 6th, Venus in 4th H: You take on the role of renovations/decor in the home.
More general observations with this placement:
You will get revenge on those who attempt to harm you. Almost always have more than 1 kid (that can be the huge responsibility you take on). Spouse and you are or become physically fit.
Moon in 11th House
Generally, these people deeply care about their friends. They will maintain their social life and connections deep into later life and/or after marriage.
They can deeply care about how other's feel about them, they crave outsider validation. This is the person who wishes to be famous artist not due to passion for the arts but because they want attention. However, moon in 11th as far as I've seen does NOT indicate fame. Instead, these are very social and friendly. They party/go out a lot despite being older and married.
However, I have noticed in the sign of scorpio it is almost the opposite. They don't care much about having a social life outside of the marriage. They are more private when it comes to connecting with people.
But we must look at entire chart, I know someone with scorpio moon in 11th and rahu + jupiter in 7th H. Their spouse was the one who deeply valued their social life - constantly wanted to go out with his friends. A few years after marriage, their spouse said they paid more attention to friends than them Later, the spouse found out he was cheating with a female friend.
Moon in 11th H taurus on the other hand is good wealth indicator. These people are polite and pleasant. People compliment them behind their back. These people often have many kids too who are equally as polite and charming. Very good placement to have imo.
Venus in 5th House
Likely to have a baby girl if you choose to have kids. I have noticed, unless aspecting Jupiter, 2 people with this placement only had one daughter.
Creation will bring great joy into their life. Either creating something or like creating a child. Life takes drastic change for the better when they can create.
The spouse can have very good style. In a man's chart, the wife and daughter can be very into fashion.
Sun in 4th House
They are the main authority in your home. If they have kids, they are the main one enforcing any rules. Even if they don't have kids, they can want the final say over the spouse. They wear the pants in the relationship. If the spouse also wants main control, this will lead to conflict.
They may after marriage and/or later in life realize you were wrong in identifying your enemies. You may realize someone from the past who you pushed away was a true friend.
& they will definitely realize someone they kept as a true friend was actually fake. They will be once more betrayed later in life due to this misunderstanding from early life.
This is said to be due to karma & the sun being positioned in a house where it can't "see" who the enemies are and where they are coming from. However, accuracy will be heavily influenced by ENTIRE chart.
On the bright side, these people often experience a good amount of joy after moving away from birth city. They will get better career respect far away from birth city. However, it is likely they will still have family likely the father in birth city that support them - emotional or money.
Another positive, they are likely to be respected in career. In early life, they may have deeply desired popularity. This desire to be liked makes them work harder than others. In career, they will be rewarded for this.
Often, these people feel they are much closer to one parent than the other. One parent is more there for you than the other.
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venussaidso · 9 months
Saturn Dominant Themes — 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟗
In my research, I was delighted to find the magic which resides in the nakshatra Anuradha. Unfortunately, I haven't yet understood Vishakha so I cannot speak on the spiritual journey of Anuradha coming from Vishakha. But there is something about Anuradha that is so powerful that it stands on its own.
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This nakshatra literally has the power of transformation (8H) through imagination (mostly occultism but I will be touching a lot on fantasy in this post). It is symbolized by the lotus, a flower that is able to grow in dirty waters as long as there is stillness. This is interesting as I often associate this water sign with a muddy pond-- which would signify Scorpio's ability to navigate through the murky or unseen aspects of life.
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In Anuradha, Scorpio uses imagination as a tool to explore themes of humanity or challenge societal norms. Reality can be so harsh for Anuradha that it often escapes to pure fantasies, if not the occult, where they can actually take lessons from other worlds and transform for the better. Here, the still waters represent the real world for Anuradha; reality can be so oppressive and unchanging, and yet the lotus still grows despite its powerlessness over the waters. Their real power is learned from other realms. Here it is imagination that develops the resilience of Anuradha, this resilience and their newfound power signifying Saturn which is the lord that rules over this nakshatra.
The best film to first mention is "Pan's Labyrinth", which is written and directed by Guillermo del Toro who is Anuradha Moon. There is also a book version which was written by him and co-written by Cornelia Funke who is also Anuradha Moon.
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The story follows a little girl who lives in the harsh realities of post-war Spain in 1944. She travels with her pregnant mother to go live with a sadistic, psychopathic military officer -- that happens to be her stepfather -- in an extremely isolated area (8H/signs of coming danger).
The little girl discovers a mysterious labyrinth near this remote area, and she meets a mythological creature who reveals to her that she is the reincarnation of the Princess of the Underworld. This faun-like creature then gives her three life-risking tasks to prove herself as the rightful ruler of the Underworld.
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A little similar to Alice In Wonderland, as she navigates this magical, fantasy realm in which she encounters many other mythical creatures. Her reality outside remains the same. She still lives under the authority of her evil stepfather who becomes increasingly violent and overbearing. Yet, despite her unchanging reality, the tasks that she was assigned to in the labyrinth prove to be a metaphor of her strength, resilience, and her transformation which helps her face the harsher real world while still retaining her innocence/imagination and morality.
The oppressive figure in her life is something of a prominent theme for Saturn nakshatras so it is interesting how it plays into Anuradha; and how the tasks she was assigned to in this mystical world push her beyond her comfort zone which is Saturn simply refining her through difficulties and the 8H putting her in extremely dangerous situations.
Despite this story being the epitome of Anuradha, I still have some more examples.
The movie "Bridge to Terabithia"; which is about an artistically-driven boy who befriends a girl who is known for her creativity & imagination (played by Anna Sophia Robb who has Rahu in Anuradha). This movie is based on the book with the same name written by Anuradha Moon Katherine Paterson who literally explores the themes of resilience built from imagination to overcome harsh reality.
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The two friends team up in creating an imaginary kingdom called Terabithia just in the woods near where they live. This kingdom becomes a place they escape to when they go through extreme difficulties that they as kids are powerless in. They use their imaginations to overcome challenges and build their confidence through.
And, "The Chronicles of Narnia" which was written by C.S. Lewis who was Anuradha Sun.
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The story follows the Pevensie siblings during the harsh and challenging reality of World War II. They lived in London but have moved to the countryside due to the bombing raids which have affected their homes. Very interesting how this story also sets in around the times of war where there is loss of all comfort and security -- much like Pan's Labyrinth. Both very 8H themed.
Also, Pevensie siblings are almost all Saturn-ruled nakshatra moons.
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And Lucy Pevensie, who is played by Anuradha Moon Georgina Helen Henley, is actually the one who first discovered the world Narnia through the wardrobe (another gateway similar to the labyrinth in the Pan's Labyrinth).
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C.S Lewis explored many universal moral and ethical concepts by using Narnia as a sort of playground to take the Pevensie siblings through a journey of self-discovery, redemption, and transformations with many dilemmas they have to face which further builds virtuous character/resilience. They come out all the more wiser and better as people from their journey in Narnia -- and this leads to their eventual crowning as kings and queens of Narnia which further signifies the rewards reaped from Saturn from the total refinement and transformations.
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And Aslan, who was voiced by Anuradha Moon Liam Neeson, is an agent of transformation and great influence on each characters' path to growth/redemption.
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He encourages virtues such as courage, strength, kindness and sacrifice. His character is very pure, and he even acts as a father figure especially to the youngest sibling, Lucy, who is also Anuradha Moon.
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Very interesting how Aslan literally is an important role in the natural order of Narnia as his presence seems to be closely tied with the changing of the seasons and the restoration of harmony in the world of Narnia. This literally bears a resemblance to Lord Mitra's role in maintaining cosmic order and harmony in the universe. Very similarly to Mitra, Aslan embodies virtues like justice and nobility. This character is the embodiment of the retained purity of one's soul in a world full of the push-&-pull of good and evil forces.
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Now onto Alice in Wonderland, which was written by Lewis Carroll who was a double Anuradha.
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Now, Alice does not seem to come from any hardships at all. She is simply portrayed as a curious little girl whose character still grows in Wonderland. The story shows how she struggles with her identity and fitting in in Wonderland, as this world challenges everything she thought she knew. I did establish that Anuradha seems to use fantasy as a canvas to challenge norms, logic and point to the absurdity of societal norms. These themes are leaning in Ketu territories, and it can validate Scorpio being co-ruled by Ketu as perceptions of reality and the fluidity of truth is often highlighted throughout the story. Especially through the characters Chesire Cat and the Mad Hatter.
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A little off topic, but very interesting that Chesire Cat was voiced by Swati Sun Jim Cummings in the 1951 film version and the 2010 version was voiced by Magha Sun&ASC Stephen Fry which is literally just a darker version of the character. This character is very nodal influenced as it understands the madness in Wonderland, shamelessly embracing the absurd nature of the world which may or may not be illusory. (Also, Mad Hatter -- in the 1951 film -- was voiced by Swati Sun Ed Wynn AND Johnny Depp played a darker version of the Mad Hatter in the 2010 film and he has his Ketu conjunct his Moon).
Anyways, Lewis Carroll actually uses the Mad Hatter to shed light on the societal issues of that era. Anuradha utilizing fiction and imagination as a tool to explore Nodal themes would make sense as they have an understanding that the world doesn't really change (but that doesn't stop one from transformation/education). Anuradha is supposed to reject societal norms, but natives can feel really stifled by their reality and even by themselves sometimes.
But this nakshatra literally can unlock the power of bringing imagination to life, which is shown in an obviously exaggerated way in the book "Inkheart" written by Anuradha Moon Cornelia Funke. And the movie based on that was actually directed by Anuradha Sun Iain Softley. This story is about a man, named Silvertongue, who has the ability to bring fictional characters to life from simply just reading a book aloud.
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Very interesting that 'Silvertongue' is portrayed by a Jyestha Sun -- Mercury being a function in him speaking things to life.
Now, Anuradha is a Saturn nakshatra which obviously means that the other nakshatras ruled by the same lord will trine it and pick up on very similar themes. So just gonna throw some examples out there.
Like the film "Jumanji" (1995) which starred Pushya Sun Robin Williams who plays a character that got sucked into the world of a mysterious board game since he was a kid. He's brought back to the real world when he's his adult self (Anuradha/Saturn theme of growing and learning survival in another realm) -- but his release comes with the cost of the creatures from the board game being brought into the real-world to wreak havoc. The movie is just a bit similar to Inkheart, in the element of two different worlds colliding; as in Inkheart, the character Silvertongue brings a fictional villain into the real world which leads to a series of dangerous events.
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The film "Jumanji" is directed by Joe Johnston who has Rahu in Uttara Bhadrapada and the movie is based on a children's book with the same name written by Uttara Bhadrapada Moon Chris Van Allsburg.
The animated film "Caroline" is written and directed by Anuradha Sun Henry Selick, based on the book with the same name which is written by Pushya Moon author Neil Gaiman.
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This story follows a young girl, voiced by Pushya Moon Dakota Fanning, who finds a secret hidden door in the new home she just moved in with her parents. This doorway leads to a parallel world where her 'Other mother' and 'Other father' seem so loving towards her as compared to her real parents who neglect her and are always so busy.
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Her 'Other parents' are so attentive to her every desire but as Caroline explores this very twisted reality, she discovers just how sinister 'Other mother' is and the world that was once so perfect to her was actually designed as a trap to keep her there (4H themes). Despite this film having the Anuradha outline of the native finding a doorway to another world, this trope of the evil mother is literally Pushya-coded. Actually, I'll quickly touch on this as this is what I got so far regarding Pushya:
In the film "Tangled", Rapunzel -- voiced by Pushya Moon Mandy Moore -- has been continuously manipulated and exploited by her mother figure, Gothel, who has designed the tower, with which they lived in, as a way to trap Rapunzel in so that she never leaves her side, so that she'll continue exploiting her for the rest of her life. Very obvious that these are Cancer/4H themes mixed together with Saturn -- making the mother the oppressive figure in this Saturnian's life.
I find it interesting that Pushya Sun Gypsy Rose literally identified herself with Rapunzel, having even once said that "Tangled" is her favourite movie. It makes so much sense with what her mother put her through, she literally is Rapunzel in the real world if you think about it.
There is a movie already out that's based on her life events, and she is of course played by a Pushya Sun actress Joey King, in the film "The Act".
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Anyways back to Saturn nakshatras being otherwordly; the author of "The Shadowhunters" books is Pushya Sun Cassandra Clare.
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There are two media adaptions of her books, and it is fitting that they both star Saturn nakshatra women playing the same character, 'Clary'. At the start of the story, Clary is able to perceive creatures, symbols and buildings invisible to the regular human's eye. She is then involuntarily pulled into a whole new world she didn't think possible, and her character grows from there as she befriends different beings.
In the series version, Anuradha Sun&Moon Katherine McNamara portrays Clary. And the film version, Uttara Bhadrapada Sun Lily Collins plays Clary.
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Clary, in the beginning of the story, being able to perceive what any other human couldn't pick up on and being played by both an Anuradha and an Uttara Bhadrapada makes a lot of sense. Anuradha is the truth seeker and Uttara Bhadrapada's deity contains the truths of the world. In the film "The Golden Compass", a young girl discovers a fascinating device, called Golden Compass, which can reveal the truth and answer to any question asked of it.
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Any truth she seeks, the answer is always so close. The truth will be easily perceivable to a gifted Saturn nakshatra. The movie of this film is directed by Anuradha Sun Chris Weitz.
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Now, my last example. The film "The Neverending Story" is directed by a Ketu in Uttara Bhadrapada native Wolfgang Petersen. The story follows a boy who becomes immersed with a fantasy storybook.
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This boy faces hardships in his reality; not only is he bullied at school but he's also experiencing the grief from the loss of his mother. In this film there is no secret doorway that leads to an otherworldly adventure, but the boy becomes deeply engrossed in the fantasy book. He finds himself deeply connecting with the fictional characters, and especially with the events in the book to such an extent that his own life starts to literally intertwine with the storybook.
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His life begins to not only reflect but also impact the events occurring in the book. The line between his real life and the story literally becomes blurred. This being a theme in Anuradha which emphasizes the bridge of humanity between other worlds and our "real" world.
Anuradha builds a bridge between extremes that most people don't care to consider in their personal lives. Being under Saturn makes it feel impossible to physically overcome hardships and it is in this nakshatra that there is a theme of finding solace in imagination, but also building oneself from imagination as reality/circumstances can make it impossible to grow. This is a profound lesson from all Saturn nakshatras, but this is the main theme for Anuradha being ruled by the 8H. It is the 8H that makes us go within and explore our own realms and face the shadows of our subconscious mind to come out transformed & elevated -- thus rising above circumstances we were once powerless in. In Anuradha, innocence and purity is retained despite how destructive the 8H/Saturn and the reality it creates is. Again, going right back to the lotus growing in the still, muddy waters.
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triangular-eye · 8 months
nodes in the houses🏘
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[book: Moonology, working with the
Magic of Lunar Cycles by Yasmin Boland]
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rouf-4 · 2 years
South Node and how we detached from our partners: Synastry Edition (part 1)
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Ok, I have to say that even though SN is a really karmic point in our chart, I recently found out that all that theory of reincarnation and past life is something really recent (apparently) and in old vendic astrology they consider North Node and South Node shadow planets, I don't necessarily dismiss the reincarnation and past karma theory, but in my little research I found interesting how they see this shadow planets like a challenging energy (malefics), for North Node is mainly known for its obsessive, tricky and materialistic characteristics (due to its lack of a physical body) and the South Node is known for it's detachment, elusive and introspective characteristics (due to the lack of a head).
Accordingly to what I already explained, I notice that it makes a lot of sense to see their effect in that area of our chart, and in the area of others chart (synastry), I notice something that change a lot in old vendic astrology is that they don't try to make people erase their SN, instead they encourage people to learn both lesson (Rahu and Ketu) and also Ketu, even with it's malefic energy, is really prominent in charts of great astrologers.
With that in mind, we can say Ketu make us detached from all the material word and the tangible, so it's effects force an introspection (the kind of introspection is going to be dictated by the sign Ketu is in) that is going to take away our physical sense in the area of our life, example: if you have Ketu in cancer in the 5th house, your going to have an emotional introspection that make you detached to your children, your creative project, your childhood or your inner child, this is to gain a sense of reflection and individualism (a head) in that area of our life.
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Now we will see how ketu detachment can manifest in synastry depending of the axis it touch:
Their/your Ketu in the 1st house: With this position there's an obsession with the relationship (Rahu in the 7th house) and a lack of interest in the other person journey and vital energy, the Ketu person may feel an strong disconnection with the house person (this doesn't mean the connection is not stronger, it's more like apathy), the energy of the house person could remembered the ketu person hard lesson and experience they go through in their natal ketu's house, this relationship could feel strong and even absorbent (Rahu in the 7th house) to the house person, while at the same time could feel disregarded by the Ketu person. As close as ketu is to the rising of the house person, as hard is going to be for ketu person to acknowledge house person challenges mastering their rising energy. Ketu person may feel annoyed by the house person needs to assert their rising energy, and at some point Keto person could project their past experiences in the house person.
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Their/your Ketu in the 2nd house: We'll see how hard is to overcome Ketu malefic energy in every area of our life, but I personally think it gets harder in personal houses, this can create dynamics where Ketu person feels house person's likes shallow, while aiming for a more intimate connection where the "we" overshadowed the "I", Rahu malefic nature could use inconsiderately the joint patrimony (Rahu in the 8th), using and abusing house person needs and wants. Ketu person feels totally disconnected from the other person needs, while trying to build a intimated relationships with the other person, there's a confused feeling about the other person, both could feel misunderstood even when there's a strong attachment and security around the other person. I have this synastry with my mother I can tell I hardly understand what she needs, she's well more aware about my need even though I had overstep her boundaries.
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Their/your Ketu in the 3rd house: This is hard to almost every type of relationship, ketu person doesn't feel call to listen to house person daily experiences, and with this lack of communication is hard to settled a good relationship, even when you resonate with their phylosophy (Rahu in 9th house), I mostly seen this in friendships where ketu person talk to everyone but the house person, conversations turn dry after a little time, there's a strong frustration from the house person cause ketu person makes them feel not interesting enough, and this crashed everyone perception of themselves. Rahu in the 9th house do little for this, because while you may sense that this connection could go deeper, or even feeling curious enough to try to get information about house person, when there's a chance to connect, Keto effects make the interaction boring and shallow.
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Their/your Ketu in the 4th house: this is fan-artist synastry most of the time, Ketu person knows little about the house person, but what the see is enough to feel caught up in these glamorous image house person projects (Rahu in the 10th), this could work well if the house person has planets in public houses, but if they have personal planets in the personal houses (from 1st to 6th), house person is not going to resonate with the complements Ketu person can give to them. For most long-term relationships, this can create a burble between the natives, they are there to be seen but not to relate deeply, house person could spend years with Ketu person, but feeling like they know nothing about their life, it's like a tree without roots (exceptions if house person has planets conjunct Ketu, this could bring strong attachment). Ketu may lack warm in their approach to house person, but sometimes when house person lack motivation to grow their careers and fulfill their dreams, Rahu influence in the 10th house is a great influence and can make power couples.
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Their/your Ketu in the 5th house: Another hard placements, 5th house is actually really misunderstood, we'll talk about that later, but, something harder than not being appreciate or listened, it's not being acknowledge for things you consider special about yourself, in 5th we develop a sense of self that define and different us from others, ketu person could not care less about this, usually I see this in friends where house person is interested in a relationship but ketu person just see house person as a friend, a helpful one, someone who's there to help them through challenge, more than a close friendship, this is way more like the house person being ketu person's guard angel. I'd seen this in mother/kids relationships and it's hard cause neither the mother nor kid can have a fulfilling relationship, usually the ketu person try to keep a more impersonal treatment in the relationship.
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Their/your Ketu in the 6th house: ketu here is similar that in 2nd house, but I found this more like a hyper idealized relationship (Rahu in the 12th house), these could be found in dynamics where Ketu person wants a deeply idealistic connection with the house person (obsession is strong with Rahu in the 12th house), but then find out how hard is to function day to day with the house person, ketu creates apathy in every house it is, but in 6th house, ketu tend to be quite distant from the routine of the house person, I've seen this in friends with benefits, where they tend to meet once in a while, so it's hard to be part of someone's life when you don't grow with this person process (adaptation process= 6th house), ketu person doesn't identify with house person daily challenges trying to find a place in this word, they could feel that the house person is way too immerse in their day to day, and can't find more valuable meaning in their life, house person just don't adjust to universe flow, according to ketu expectations (Rahu in 12th house), this placements makes harder to acknowledge one's fault because of 12th house effect.
Disclaimer: This interpretation can change according to other synastry aspects, example: if you have sn in someone 3rd house, if can change if mercury is trine Jupiter, cause Jupiter is going to expand communication in a harmonious way (trine).
Do not copy my content pls
© Rouf
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ironwolfpeace · 1 year
Look in the mirror.
If you feel foggy, or if your vision feels smudged as if you can't see clearly and you are in a constant state of dysfunction.
If time is moving too fast and you are at a slower pace such that you can't answer "what do you do these days?" upon someone's inquiry.
If information you are receiving feels too much to the extent it feels suffocating, look in the mirror. Look into your eyes. Not from a state of listlessness, but from a place of assertion.
Correct your vision. Redefine your will. Breath deeply and get back.
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harmoonix · 10 days
Comforting Astrology
🍁 ~ Short Astrology Observations ~ 🍁
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🍁 Many people forgot that your safe space is found within your moon sign, 4th house, and its ruler
🍁 Everyone has karmic points in their chart, and these are the north node and the south node, respectively ketu and rahu
🍁 Your ascendant sign and its ruler can also be a good indicator of beauty and the way you look/your appearance
🍁 Lots of people with moon - saturn aspects tend to have a really pessimistic mind, but they also try to heal at their own
🍁 Mercury in the 4th house can have good connections with their family members, always being close to them
🍁 Where you have Sagittarius in your chart that's the area you will learn/explore the most, as well if you have Sag Placements .
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🍁 Pluto plays a big role in how does the society perceives you, how much do you impact other people
🍁 Moon Dominants have a healing/kind aura. A moon dominant native is full of nurturing inside and out. A moon's lover
🍁 Sun in the 3rd/5th/11th houses tend to be creative since young, that kid who's always coming with something creative
🍁 Moon/Cancer/Pisces/Neptune in the 6th house natives really get so deeply affected by the things happening in their life
🍁 Jupiter in the 10th house can have so much luck in their careers/life paths, which is one of those really lucky placements
🍁 Uranus - Venus aspects, you may often approach relationships with innovation and an open mind. Also, you may crave love in different ways than others
🍁 Your Lilith and Chiron placements talk about your traumas and, of course, how to heal/get past them
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🍁 Venus in Capricorn/10th house is such a good placement for setting standards in the relationship. Know your worth
🍁 Libra and Taurus Risings have a difficult life lesson, and that is to finally love themselves fully. What does loving yourself mean? To appreciate everything that you have
🍁 Sun in Taurus or Taurus degrees 2° 14° 26° makes the native to be lazy sometimes (its the dark traits of these placements), wanting to rest more than work, craving more free time
🍁 I love to see Aquarius & Leo combo placements in a chart is really the definition of ' bad bithces coming in twos'
🍁 Chiron in the 2nd/6th/8th/12th houses can make the native overall exhausted, too many things coming in your way
🍁 Where you have Leo in your chart is the area you will shine/get most attention from. Also, where you gain more popularity
🍁 Aries/Pisces/Libra/Capricorn Venus has really this vibe of 'I'm yours' or 'Do everything you want with me'
🍁 Sun harshly aspecting the Moon really shows the duality of the native, their complexity, Sun - Moon aspects are some of them most complex placements in astrology
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🍁 Pluto in the 2nd house natives can become wealthy or abundant in life, can also experience up and downs with money
🍁 Uranus in the 2nd house is the moment when the native sometimes is broke, sometimes is financially good, money can come unexpectedly
🍁 Uranus in the 7th house is the moment when relationships can come unexpectedly in your life, soemtimes even when you're not ready
🍁 Uranus in the 6th or 10th house may change their jobs more than usual, but these placements are good because sometimes you get offers for jobs randomly
🍁 Fire Moons definition will be 'Fire to my heart' due to their strong and impulsive feelings. Really passionate placements
🍁 Aries Mars natives have a bold energy, of course because Mars is at home but is also in their personality they will make you feel more confident and strong
🍁 Jupiter - Moon aspects will gift the native with kindness, really genuine souls, often soft but liked by the people
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🍁 Lilith - Uranus aspects can indicate a struggle with the natives freedom. Sometimes, you just crave it, can be any type of freedom like mental freedom, physical freedom, emotional freedom
🍁 Virgo in the 4th/8th/12th houses can create a sense of 'scared of death' to the native, can also talk about the native falling over misconception of death
🍁 Moon in your 6th house is an underatted people pleaser placement since the 6th house represents the service for others
🍁 When Pisces & Capricorn Placements are under stress, they tend to make false illusions of things going worse, they both share it
🍁 A Capricorn Saturn is heavily protected, somehow as a reminder that Saturn is at home here and is more easily for Saturn to send karma back
🍁 Sun in the 10th house can make you more career oriented, raining with money for you. Lots of potential for this placement
🍁 Neptune aspecting Venus, yes, is true that they dream of true love, but most of these natives experience intense relationships with these placements.
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'Everything is better after dark'
Good Thursday everyone 🍁✨️ also have a good start of autumn 🍂
Harmoonix 🍂🍂🍂
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sakurapandadreams · 1 month
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
Here's my masterlist
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🌊 Capricorn moons honestly suffer alot due to their family. I have seen cases where their siblings lie to them and scam them. Cases where their family wishes ill upon them. And what's more hurting is they keep forgiving their family and still love them alot. [Same goes for vedic]
🌊 Virgo moons can have mothers who are Virgo moons or Gemini moons [doesn't apply to all]
🌊 Gemini Moon Bestie >>>>>>>>> A group of friends. [This goes for vedic too]
🌊 Many Scorpio Moons are taken advantage of by their mothers, like their mothers dominate their lives before marriage.
🌊 In relationships Scorpio Moon seems like the more dominating person as compared to their spouse to the outsiders. However, their spouse almost dictate their life after marriage.
🌊 12th house shows what you struggle at :-
For example : Cancer 12th house may struggle at showing sympathy to others as well as to yourself
Scorpio 12th house may struggle understanding their intution [may dismiss it as coincidence many atimes]
Libra 12th house may struggle to accept they are intelligent and they also LOOK GOOD.
🌊 Uranus 6th house gives the vibes of someone who carries many erasable ink pens.
🌊 Uranus 4th house people love to keep their house tech savvy, like lights in their rooms will turn on automatically if they enter the house. [If your house isn't like that I'm sure you dream of making it this way ☺️🤭]
🌊 Uranus in the 7th house make great Cyber Crime Lawyers.
🌊 Neptune 6th house may end up looking good naturally even when they put on natural makeup. Their bare face >>>>>
🌊 Many Capricorn Moons are INTPs
🌊 Sagittarius Stelliums and Sagittarius Moons have such superior facial features 😌.
🌊 Mercury opposite Jupiter makes a person overly inquisitive [their thirst for knowledge is never ending]
🌊 Venus trine Pluto people look quite mysterious, like they look unattainable which makes people go crazy over them.
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🌊 Mercury dominant or people with exhalted Mercury may wear very strong perfumes on the contrary people who are Venus dominant or have an exhalted Venus may wear perfumes with a more softer fragrance.
🌊 Gemini Moon women and Scorpio Moon don't get partners they deserve to get.
🌊 Cancer Moons are not only close to their mothers but quite close to their sisters even more than their mothers at times.
🌊 Mars conjunct Rahu also causes alot of arguments with siblings and it also ends up giving an illusion to both the siblings that the other one doesn't love them.
🌊 During your Shani Sade Sati you will have a hard time communicating your problems to others or asking for help, you may often times suffer in isolation. In your Shani Sade Sati Saturn is teaching you to resolve problems on your own
🌊 Many Virgo Moons are into the spiritual community of Tumblr [from tarot readers to astrologers]. I'm trying to tell you Virgo Moons that you have a good intution.
🌊 Moon in the 2nd house also gives beautiful features especially eyes another thing whatever they say sounds intelligent or sophisticated [Also depends on mood]
🌊 Many Uttara phalguni Moons end up doing well no matter what career they choose. They get good recognition for their work.
🌊 Saturn conjunction Rahu, natives with these people attract jealousy easily with their work. Rahu gives people the illusion that they can never be like these natives. Hence people also copy them alot.
🌊 Aquarius Mercuries please go and check your messages and reply to the ones you haven't since 10 months lol [same applies to natal]
🌊 Gemini Moons 🤝 Witty comebacks
🌊 Ketu in the 5th house could've witnessed toxic relationships since a young age and hence may not be into dating.
🌊 Aries Moons are also quite good at maths and calculations.
🌊 Many Magha Moons tend to behave as elders in their family like they give advice but they don't take any also don't like being corrected.
🌊 If a Moon is well placed in the 8th House you end up getting a mother in-law whose kindhearted also psychic to certain extend.
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Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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astrosolutions · 1 year
What Does the 4th House Astrology Represent? - Astro World
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 In astrology, the 4th house is an essential and deeply significant component of an individual's birth chart. The 4th house astrology has considerable influence over various aspects of one's life, shaping the foundation of their personality and innermost emotions. This astrological house is primarily associated with the concept of home, family, roots, and the psychological imprint left by one's upbringing. It delves into the intimate realms of our existence, revealing insights into our private life, sense of security, and connection to our heritage and ancestry.
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moonastro · 7 months
ASTROLOGY notes pt.2
love edition
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˚♡˚₊‧⁺ cancer risings may marry older as their 7th house is ruled by Saturn.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ what i have noticed is that people with ketu/ in 7th house will marry someone from a different culture than theirs. this may apply to someone with rahu here also.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺Asteroid fama (408) in first house of Juno persona chart indicates spouse being famous for their appearance. it can also mean that your relationship together will cause fame because of how you look together.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺vertex conjunct asteroid groom (5129) or briede (19029) in synastry is a very evident placement of them being your spouse and it being destined.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ 7th house lord in 5th house may indicate the individual not taking relationships seriously until marriage. or it may be that they don't date until they find the one.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ Venus in 9th house individuals- this is a bit basic but they are interested in people outside of their race or religion. they may even be interested in their cultural background as well.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ rahu in 3rd house of juno persona chart, your overall relationship will be based on communications and and communication is the glue to your relationship. also this may suggest others talking about your relationship a lot.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ sun conjunct juno in natal chart suggest the individuals marriage being very in the spotlight. people are going to be very interested in your marriage especially if either placement is in a Leo degree (5, 17, 29).
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˚♡˚₊‧⁺ i have noticed that the mc of the Jupiter persona chart (or Venus if you are interested in women) that the sign its in can suggest what your first impression of your spouse will be. for example if its in Virgo, it can suggest that you find them practical, put together, critical, you love their voice and style of thinking.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ people don't talk about the moon in their 10th house in synastry. this is the key placement of you adjusting your comfort according to their career choices. this can suggest you changing your lifestyle, even moving your home country for this persons career.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ Venus in partners 2nd house in synastry, can make you love their possessions and their overall practicality. you can also be obsessed with their voice when they sing.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ their Saturn conjunct your mc in synastry can make them appear very bossy. they can act very strict.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ your partners Venus in your 6th house in synastry can make them love your body and your overall body proportions.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ in synastry, if your groom (5129) or briede (19029) asteroid sits in their 4th house, you may view them as the perfect husband/wife to start a family with. you see yourself as their wife/ husband.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ your partners Venus sitting in your 12th house in synastry is an indication of you dreaming of them. even if you haven't thought about them, they just appear in your dream usually in a romantic way and you just wake up and are so confused (Pisces traits- illusion, confusion, mind tricks). this can make you fantasise about them also- unrealistic fantasies.
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˚♡˚₊‧⁺ enterprise asteroid (9777) in a libra degree (7, 19) in your juno persona chart indicates your spouse being in a beauty related career and whatever sign its in indicates how they portray it. for example if in Virgo they portray beauty using their body, their health, their criticality etc.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ mars in 8th house in juno persona chart will make your spouse very very sexual when it comes to s*x. as a couple you are very compatible when it comes to s*x.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ jupiter in 10th house in juno persona chart can indicate you and your spouse having lots of opportunities in career together. or they may give you lots of opportunities related to career.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ mercury at 29 degrees in juno persona chart can indicate your spouse being famous for their voice and ideas, how they compose their communication and the way they deliver it.
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thank you for reading :))))
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bouquetface · 10 days
Navamsa/D9 Chart Observations 2
Accuracy is influenced by ENTIRE chart. This is general info. NOT a person reading. If you have different experiences, I would love to know!
D9 should be read alongside natal
Saturn 9th House
This is said to delay marriage. This does not mean you won't date or have any relationships before marriage. You could date for a long term, you could have multiple relationships before marriage, you or the partner may not believe in marriage. However, depending on entire chart, this may not delay marriage because this is just 1 indicator.
You can have a troubled relationship with a sibling. If Saturn is badly placed, you may not receive what you believe is yours due to the sibling. EX: Conflict over inheritance, fighting over parent's house, fighting over vehicles, etc.
This can make one decide to go for higher education at a much later age and/or after marriage. Getting higher education will not be easy with this placement. The financial burden of it, maintaining motivation, finding time will all be obstacles.
Moon in 5th House
This can make the spouse romantic. Unless, moon is in a sign like cap or aqua. It is still possible with a saturn ruled moon, however it would need to be supported by other indicators/placements in the chart.
Generally, this is an indicator for a good married life. The couple is happy and has a healthy social life together. They do not stop enjoying life after getting married and entering older age.
If moon is harshly aspected, the person may be prone to overthinking. EX: They are constantly worried something bad may happen to their family.
The moon is exalted in taurus, this placement indicates romance and lust is strong in the marriage.
If you have kids, they are likely to be girls. The child/children will nurture you. The bond will be deep. The child/children will give back to you as adults. This can be in many forms - support/love, caring for your health, buying you gifts, etc.
Venus in 3rd House
You can take a lot of trips with the spouse. You enjoy exploring new places with one another. You could enjoy activities like camping, hiking, beach, etc. If you don’t like outdoors early life, it’s possible after marriage you become open to these activities.
Indicator of a long lasting marriage. You could help resolve issues with the spouse and father in law. The father in law could gift you and the spouse something beneficial. This would occur later in life and/or after marriage.
You could have a charming or flirty communication style. This can lead to many thinking you like them in the workplace.
Mars in 2nd House
A couple that bickers a lot. Not necessarily bad because it isn't full blown fighting. More teasing and little annoyance are expressed because you two are very comfortable in the relationship. You don't hold back opinions.
Reckless financial choices will be made. After marriage and/or later in life, you may find you develop poor spending habits. Likely nothing too drastic - ex: buying a drink on your way to work, online shopping, buying something you already have but in a different style/colour.
Your child won't be the way you want them to be. This does not mean they will be a bad person. If you have an ideal view of what your kid will look like, be like and do in life, you will be disappointed. The child will be their own person. They may rebel against you at older age if you are controlling or aggressive in parenting style. Lots of shouting at each other.
After marriage, you could have a period of time where you are fighting with a parent. Nothing that can't be resolved. You may desire control. This could lead to egos clashing.
Sun in 5th House
This can indicate having kids later than expected. However, not a strong indicator, you should check the ruler of 5th placement.
They can be highly concerned with appearances. These people can strongly desire to stay looking young. They can be very concerned with popularity/social life as well. They wish to be well liked & desired regardless of already having a partner. This doesn't mean they will cheat. They will likely dress up and be very social/friendly.
Rahu in 1st House
Accuracy depends on ENTIRE d9 and natal chart. Keep in mind this is not a personal read for you. It is a general read of this placement alone - no sign, no aspects or other planets considered.
In their early years, they can imagine the prefect career, partner or children. Depending on personal planets, they work hard to get it. They may realize they liked the fantasy of it better than the reality. This can result in drastic life changes later in life and/or after marriage.
EX: career change. You think you really want to be a nurse, however the reality of the work drains/depresses you. This leads to a period of struggle as you worked hard to become a nurse, it may even have been a longterm/childhood dream job. The thought of leaving and pursuing a new career pains you.
For some reason these people can tell themselves they are a failure if they change their mind later in life. However, a major change in direction will be needed to achieve true happiness in their later life.
Very often, these people fall deeply in love with their first partner. They can very seriously discuss and plan marriage with them. They may even marry them. However, married life will not be as they dreamed. This does not mean it is terrible or you will get divorced and be miserable. Simply, married life and/or the spouse is not who you thought they would be. However, you may experience this disillusionment with the first love you planned on marrying and NOT the actual spouse.
EX: You and your bf/gf are very serious about getting married. You discuss marriage/wedding, children/baby names, etc. You and your famillies believe you will be married. However, the bf/gf begins to reveal their true colours as they get more comfortable, thinking that you will not leave them. They start to disrespect you in some kind of way. You break up. While it sucks to be heartbroken, you got that karma out of the way before your real marriage.
EX: You always imagined a traditional household and family. The wife stays with kids, the husband works. Yet, the reality is the husband does not have the kind of job that can provide for an entire family on his own. Or the spouse does not like this idea. Or the reality of raising many kids is not as easy as imagined.
However, with Ketu in 7th you will have a deep connection with the spouse. You will be closely bonded regardless of any issues. If saturn is exalted for ex: saturn libra in 7th, you can resolve any issues that occur. You and the spouse are always willing to compromise and work to resolve problems.
Keep in mind those are just random examples.
Natal/Langa Rahu in 5th & D9/Navamsa Rahu in 10th
This can indicate having children young. These people can put a lot of focus on their children/child. They can be so focused on home life, they lose contact with the outside world. By outside world, I mean things and people that do not involve your family. Like career & reputation.
In later life, when children are adults or even teens, the person may choose to reconnect with the outside world. They can desire advancement in career. They can become concerned with how they are perceived by outsiders.
Rahu in 10th House
Generally, this placement suggests your married life brings you attention/judgement. You can date someone who is from a different background than you. You could marry someone who has a taboo or unique career. You could be poly. You could date someone younger or older. You could be divorced and marrying someone new. It can be many things depending on entire chart.
People (not including friends) could judge you two as a couple. There is something about the couple that they don’t understand. People will think it’s weird or possibly even wrong. You don’t follow what is expected or considered normal in your society.
On the bright side, this is one indicator of rahu bringing you wealth. You can approach your career in a non traditional manner. You will be judged but likely to make a lot of money.
You can look to where 10th H Ruler is to see how rahu’a influence in 10th will affect your life. Ex: Rahu in 10th H Taurus. Venus is in 10th or 2nd. This indicates despite people’s judgement, somehow you will find yourself making money being the way you are. Maybe you share your married life online. Many people judge you but it’s making you money anyways.
Moon in 2nd H
Generally, this is a good placement for wealth. If harshly aspected, you may spend more than you have.
Moon can make it hard for you to say no. Unless, it’s in a sign like virgo or cap. You may indulge in something - shopping, lavish foods, drinking/smoking, etc.
Often, this placement indicates you don’t have much contact with in-laws. Likely you see them on holidays & birthdays but no one goes out of their way to become friends with one another.
Most likely this is NOT due to any conflict between the two. It may be due to the spouse who doesn’t contact their parents much or because you live far from them. Or the in-laws do not want to overstep or in-laws simply don’t care much to befriend you. Either way, it is likely NOT a reason that creates conflict.
Now despite your in-laws lacking an emotional connection with you, the connection you will have with your kids is strong. You may surprise yourself later in life if you have kids. You will feel strongly attached to your kids even when they are adults. You will want to befriend the people they date & marry.
To see if you will like their spouse, check if there are malefics in 11th House. I find this has been a very accurate method. However, you will know when the time comes if you like them or not. The astro can be wrong especially on a general read.
Mercury in 10th House
If aspected to Jupiter, this gives good luck and success in career. You are likely to easily find jobs. You can be offered jobs at random. People simply like you - they want to be your friend. This isn't limited to work place, people in general have a good impression of you. Your bosses think of you highly. This can all occur after marriage and/or later in life - when 35-40 years old.
You and your spouse will be thought of as a social, youthful and active couple. The couple engaged within their community - ex: volunteering, attending church/temple, going to local festivals and parades, etc.
The con of this placement, unless their are planets in 4th, the home life is a bit neglected. You become such an active and prominent member of the community/society. When you come home, you are tired.
If Mercury is badly placed or in cap, I have noticed the spouse and the person's mother do not get along. A period of time comes when one dislikes the other. They may resolve this issue when it occurs.
4th H Ruler in 10th H
If 4th H Ruler is in 10th, the home/personal life becomes public. The reasons will vary depending on entire chart.
I have noticed when there is mercury influencing 4th or 10th, this can be due to the person publicly posting/publishing photos or stories about their family life. EX: Mom blogger.
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martian-astro · 1 month
D9/ Navamsa chart observations - Part 5
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Moon in 1st house gives a spouse who is emotionally expressive, they can also be very moody. If you're attracted to men, then this can also mean that your husband might be a huge mama's boy, so marry someone whose mom likes you. With this placement, if you manage to maintain a good bond with your MIL then you'll have almost no problems in your married life. Your spouse can be prone to jealousy as well.
Sun in the 5th house gives you an extroverted spouse, I feel like this works the best when the person who has it, has a really high self esteem, because if not, you can be jealous of the attention that your spouse gets. You can also feel as if you're not good enough for them.
Mercury in the 4th House can mean that your spouse will be working as an advisor. They may also come from a family where education is given a lot of importance (I know a few people with this placement and their spouse's family was super adamant about them completing their master's before marriage, this is true for both men and women). If you're an academically intelligent person then your in-laws would be more than happy to help you establish your own business, I have noticed this to be true in a lot of cases.
Venus in the 5th house.....can give you a spouse who may be a little too obsessed with themselves. I used to think this was a good placement but then I met a lot of people who have this and their spouses always downplay their achievements and play the victim in social situations. I know a couple where both of them have this and they constantly talk about things that the other has done wrong and it's like a competition of who is sadder, it makes me soooo uncomfortable. One good thing is that, your children are gonna be SUPER creative.
Mars in the 11th House is great in regards to finances, your spouse knows how to earn AND save money, and even though they may like to live a luxurious life, they're well aware of the limitations. They may also have friends in high places and be good at climbing the social ladder. One negative of this is, that they can be TOO focused on earning money, but if Jupiter and Venus are well placed then you have nothing to worry about.
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Jupiter in the 3rd house can give you a jolly spouse, they can also be the youngest in their family. They may be really close to their family and after marriage, they would like to live close to them. Your family will treat your spouse as their own child. You know those couples where a person's family ends up becoming closer to their spouse than them, yeah, this is what happens when you have Jupiter in 3rd. You guys may also travel a lot together. I think this placement is really cute.
Saturn in the 2nd house gives you an ambitious spouse, very hard working and tough love type person. They may earn a lot of money but refuse to spend it, OR they refuse to spend money on themselves but have no problem spending it on you. It depends on other factors. ( I know a woman with this, and her husband is so fucking rich but doesn't get new clothes for her, and doesn't buy anything for her, I feel so bad ��, Its giving "ballerina farm") BUT you can also get a spouse who is like "here's my credit card, buy whatever you want"
Rahu in 4th is a strong indicator of moving abroad after marriage, I know people who were unable to get a student visa, work visa and then they got married and were able to settle abroad. This also shows that your MIL may be very involved in your married life, whether for good or bad depends on several other factors.
Ketu in the 5th house gives a spouse who won't be that interested in raising kids. They may also be a little emotionally detached, and can believe in traditional gender roles.
I was thinking of not putting this observation, but then.... precaution is better than cure, so...90% of the female celebrities who have been cheated on by their husbands have Jupiter in Gemini/ Aquarius in d9. So if you have this, be very very picky about who you marry, this is for everyone, but especially for those who have this.
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daskolas · 9 months
Rahu and Ketu in houses
Rahu (north node) and Ketu (south node) are always in opposition. Whatever house they are in, they bring emptiness into it.
Rahu in 1st house/Ketu in 7th house
This position gives individuals a lot of wisdom. Here, the person is very clever and mysterious.
Native's priority is to earn fame, being people's first choice and to be successful. They try to achieve these things by hook or crook.
Native's focus is on themselves, their independence, to learn new years and to identify their purpose.
These people also get mature really young because of the hardships they had to face.
People with this placement usually have dental problems and may even some sort of chronic illness.
This placement makes a person different from others in a positive manner
This placement can manifest lots of loneliness in native's life but it also grants them the ability to explore their self
future spouse can be indecisive but they will give good advices
Individuals can face some problems in their married life IF they won't be able to have proper amount of freedom.
Many of people with this placement like to live in dark or may prefer slow songs.
Rahu in 2nd house/ Ketu in 8th house
people with this placement have a harsh tone
native with Rahu in 2nd house, try to earn money even if it is not in a conventional way. This placement makes people extremely materialistic.
they are also prone to addiction so try to stay away from things like smoking
Your life partner can be rich and you can inherit property from your in-laws.
they like to research about different things. Trying to get to know which isn't noticeable
They also live too much inside their head
This placement also grants you good intuition and someone who is a risk-taker especially when it comes to earning money
you will also face fast changes in your life whether it is of health or career
people with this placement have high will and also are very concentrated individuals
ADVICE: changes whether negative or positive are fine. They are extremely common. Even if you facing loss right now then you may earn profit tomorrow. Try to be good and faithful to yourself.
Rahu in 3rd house/Ketu in 9th house
The person is hardworking.
They also face issues related to throat.
This placement indicates a cooperative personality so these people are prone to help someone who doesn't want to improve themselves. "I can fix them" personality.
Natives with this placement will not get support from their younger siblings if they have
Things will get delayed in life such as marriage, having children, or even career.
this placement makes a person religious and someone who respects their teachers
Even though life can get difficult but people with this placement know how to handle whatever gets thrown their way.
People with this placement know a lot of things. In fact some people may even consider them "know-it-all".
They are also good with hands so might be a good artist or do calligraphy or might have beautiful hands
You can know how to express yourself really well
Rahu in 4th house/ Ketu in 10th house
A person with placement is very courageous.
Mother plays an important role in a person's whether it is because she influenced natives a lot or because she had no influence.
people with this placement have a hard time feeling satisfied.
People with this placement face many financial issues or there were many distractions due to which they were not able to complete their studies on time.
This placement indicates that the person can live abroad.
They are also constantly moving so living far away from their birthplace or even marrying someone with different background.
you might also have an obsession with having a fixed asset like having a house, car, land etc.
Have difficulty concentrating.
you might feel like you are not welcome anywhere but mainly have a hard time feeling like you belong somewhere.
lack patience, and want things fast.
Rahu in 5th house/ Ketu in 11th house
This placement is considered very neutral as Rahu is sitting in a triangular house so there will be positive sides as well.
This placement gives a lack of happiness and benefits either from the father or children. Some people can even have difficulties with having children.
You will also not have a good relationship with your elder brother if you have any.
This placement makes a person extremely social and someone who knows how to communicate.
natives here are very good with hands. So you may have skills such as art and craft, sculpting or even some healing techniques like reiki.
person's focus here is to learn new things. They are extremely curious and are also invested in creative aspects.
this placement also makes natives intelligent so they do very well in school and are also good at additional aspects.
You will also be able to do good or achieve success in the entertainment industry so maybe an actor, singer, dancer, etc.
You may get some problems with your undergraduate degree like maybe you took a break.
This placement also makes the native mischievous or someone very active or restless.
Rahu in 6th house/ Ketu in 12th house
people with this placement are believed to be old souls.
when a person becomes old, they become extremely religious and someone who does a lot of charity.
this placement is considered good as people always stand up for themselves and are not easily repressed.
However, you will often feel that you are not surrounded by people who want the best for you. It may or may not be true.
A person's focus is on health, self-improvement, and having rules for themselves, and is also on how to develop good habits to be the best version of oneself.
they are also mature and know what to do in any situation. They also have an idea of the world.
they have contact with foreign companies or you will form connections with people from foreign countries.
you will also fall ill easily. During Rahu/Ketu Mahadasha you will also not be able to get diagnosed properly.
you will get success only by doing a lot of hard work.
You will also not face any mishappening or something happening unexpectedly.
Rahu in 7th house/ Ketu in 1st house
You can have problems in your married life. This can be especially due to misunderstanding or you may have different personality from your future partner.
You can marry someone from a different culture or after getting married, you will become extremely focused on your growth and self-improvement.
This placement makes the native yearn romantic relationships when they are young. However, when they get older they start focusing on themselves.
If Rahu is not afflicted, then you will come only in serious relationships.
This placement makes the person indecisive or someone who sometimes face difficulty in understanding what is going on because of lack of mental presence but you will be very smart.
You will also be kind or someone who likes to help people but at the end of the day, you would want to be in touch with yourself.
You will also have natural talent for astrology and tarots. You will be deeply interested in spiritual aspect.
this placement makes person very successful and creative. They will also be surrounded by many people.
You will also easily able to tell what others are feeling and would help them a lot.
You will also want to be with yourself especially when you get older, you will try to understand deeper aspects of life.
Rahu in 8th house/ Ketu in 2nd house
People with this placement tend to be mysterious and secretive. Even if you tell things about yourself, people around you can feel like they don't know you much.
You can have problem with your voice. Like have a cough or people misunderstand you a lot or you may have badmouth.
You may also talk without thinking so think twice before saying anything to anyone especially when you are angry.
this placement makes someone who spends a lot of money. So saving money can be a problem. If that is not the scenario then there can be fluctuations in finances.
This placement also makes the person money-minded so natives can think about how to generate money a lot.
You may also have some unexplained fears like you may become fearful of many things even if you haven't had a bad experience with them.
People with this placement tend to be scared of animals when they are young but when they get older, they start to love them.
You will be understanding and calm a lot but are also prone to extreme outbursts or some heavy emotional experience.
This placement also makes the person good astrologer or you will definitely study astrology.
You will also research about many things. Or you will like learning about many things.
Rahu in 9th house/ Ketu in 3rd house
this placement indicates the person will settle in a foreign. And they will also be able to achieve most success when they are working abroad.
this placement also makes the natives travel a lot. However, you will start feeling dissatisfied and can feel that traveling brings you a lot of problems.
you can have a problem with your sibling. like a strained relationship even though you love them a lot and overprotectiveness.
You will also study a lot. You may even be inclined to get a PhD.
You will people a lot. So you may donate a lot or even start an NGO to help needy people.
You can also have a hard time saying No especially in financial matters so you may give money to whoever asked you but would never be able to ask them back.
You will also care a lot about nature. This placement makes the person ecocentric.
you will also tend to share your knowledge with people as soon as you learn about them.
You will also love taboo things. You can also start connecting with the higher self. Many people with this placement tend to be agnostic.
You may face delays in your life in some places so you can do certain things like live in a foreign country, try to do meditation and become more in tune with yourself or do not talk to people who are not treating you well. Learn to cut off people.
Rahu in 10th house/ Ketu in 4th house
The person is very clever.
Career will be progressing from short scale to big scale. Long-term growth.
They can also feel very stressed due to work only. The focus is on career.
Might not receive support from parents.
A person will be highly influenced by their father but can have a negative relationship with him.
This placement is an indicator of moving abroad.
people with this placement want to be in leadership positions and have a need to be powerful. Kind of like having it all.
natives with Rahu in 10th house do well in career where you can help people or where you can influence them.
people with this placement can gain benefits from the government whether it is in terms of job or anything.
you will constantly shift between wanting to be more spiritual or wanting to have money and power.
Rahu in 11th house/ Ketu in 5th house
people with this placement can feel unlucky at times. For example, if someone wants to start a business then suddenly you start having financial issues.
relationships will not be successful.
Person's entire focus is on completing their desire like being financially strong or having materialistic growth.
relationships with elder siblings will not be good.
People with this placement should start with a job as doing their business at the start can take a lot of time. So start with a job first then move towards business.
Person is very helpful and cooperative.
they also take care of their parents.
people with this placement gain lots of spiritual and philosophical knowledge from their parents.
you will be able to get more success working with people from foreign country or settling abroad.
people with this placement do not feel satisfied easily. Always wanting to achieve more and more.
Rahu in 12th house/ Ketu in 6th house
This placement is considered very good as this makes a person very successful.
This placement is the indicator for settling in a foreign country or working with people from a foreign country.
person has a desire to live alone or live a highly spiritual life.
Even though they desire to live a detached life, but at a young age they will live a fast-paced life but as they become old, they will live the life that they desire.
Person might also not care too much about their health or even daily life issues.
This placement gives people lots of difficulties but it also grants them the ability to overcome them.
They also spend a lot of money on things that they do not need or require.
you can have psychic dreams or dreams which are extremely imaginative which you might find weird.
You might not be close to your mother or there is some distance between you and your family members.
During Ketu Mahadasha, you might fall ill and not be able to be diagnosed properly.
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cosmicpuzzle · 3 months
Random Astro Notes
Mercury in 7th house- spouse may be either very well educated or may have faced breaks in education.
Venus in 9th house will spend a lot on college education.
Saturn in 2nd will delay marriage and starting a family especially retrograde.
Virgo on 4th cusp will want a neat and tidy home. They may also have a bookshelf at home
Cancer shows where your family interferes. Example Cancer in 12th family influences your spiritual life, in 7th your marriage etc.
A benefic planet in 10th causes Amala yoga.
Planets in trine to a karaka influences them heavily. Example, if Ketu is in 5th or 9th to Venus, then spouse has Ketu traits.
Mars in 5th will lose heavily in speculation due to their inability to curb revenge trades.
Rahu Dasha-Mercury bhukti can make one choose computer related education.
Mars-Moon aspects , mother could be a Aries Moon.
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starsandsuch · 9 days
Astro Observations
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Part 10 I think ! I lost count 😂
1. You’ll notice many astrologers w Saturn prominent in the chart. Saturn represents time, and astrology is the keeping of time.
2. People obsessed w astrology have a strong connection w the 8th house in their chart. Especially Jupiter, rahu, ketu, saturn, mars or their Atmakaraka in the 8th house.
3. Krittika is connected to farming and agriculture , especially the Aries portion of it.
4. Opposition Nakshatras experience similar themes
5. For example Ashlesha opposes Dhanishta (Capricorn portion) they both deal with the perils of abuse in early life and the perils of fame too. Both have challenging connection w mother figure.
6. Saturn is metal, Saturnians have this robotic coldness ab them. With Saturnian nakshatras especially uttarabhadrapada and anuradha they can appear very still and controlled to others, where ppl find them a but off-putting bc of this.
7. The only ppl that loosen Saturnian’s coldness is the luminaries, sun and moon. Saturnians will be mean to everyone but have a soft spot for solarians and lunar influenced ppl.
8. Saturnians also love venusians since Saturn exalts in a Venusian sign
9. Then martians loosen mercurials. This is especially prominent with the tightly wound Ashlesha where they are loosened by mars naks especially Mrigashira and Dhanishta.
10. You’ll see that Mrigashira and Ashlesha is found in the charts of many couples.
11. The 5th house is “the king’s favorite” so for example if a boss, teacher, authority figure etc will have 5th house synastry with their “favorite” student, employee etc
12. This is why Leo’s are considered lucky. 5th house - is connected to Leo- it’s the 5th sign. Leo natives often experience luck in life bc they are favored by higher forces, which is connected to the 9th house , houses 1/5/9 form a trine. They are chosen as the “favorites” when it matters most.
13. Think about in Harry Potter, (the actor is a Leo IRL). In the movie he’s always chosen as the favorite, by hagrid , by Dumbledore , even though he had enemies, was in danger, and was in poverty at first, he was always protected and taken care of by otherworldly forces.
14. Same applies to dating, people date their 5th house sign bc out of all the suitors you attract , 5th house is the favorites out of everyone.
15. Houses 1/5/9 all are related to royalty , 1st house are like the princess (daughter of a king) the 5th house is the children of the princess, and 9th house is the king himself, or the grandfather.
16. Aries-1st house, Leo- 5th house , Sagittarius 9th house
17. That’s why Ketu Nakshatras -Ashwini(Aries) , Magha (Leo) , Mula (Sagittarius), are often seen in the charts of royalty IRL.
18. Princess Diana had Magha lagnesh and Rahu, her son Prince William has Mula Ascendant , Queen Elizabeth was Ashwini Sun.
19. Ppl think only Leo is royalty but it also extends to the Signs that trine Leo - Aries & Sag
20. Your 4th and 9th house are people who are genetically related to you. 4th house is mother, grandmother and female ancestors, 9th house is father, grandfather and male ancestors
21. 8th house is your in laws and how they receive you. 8th house in Leo, your in laws adore you, 8th house in aquarius they can reject you and not accept you at first. Etc
22. Sometimes 4th house synastry can create discomfort btwn ppl. Where 4th house is ur innermost self. So when’s someone’s personal planets are in ur 4th house , you feel like they can read your mind or know u too well.
23. Couples w 4th house synastry find it hard to break up permanently they usually always get back together.
-starsandsuch ✌️💕
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