davidcuniverse · 1 year
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👀 . . . #Spawn #ImageComics #ToddMcFarlane #SpawnComic #ComicBooks #90sComics #SpawnMovie #SpawnFan #SpawnArmy #SpawnUniverse #BlackBerry#BlackBerryPhone #BlackBerryQwerty #BlackBerryKeyboard #BlackBerryOS #BlackBerrySmartphone #BlackBerryWorld #BlackBerryClassic #KEY2 #Android https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-Q5RJugFa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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capeladev · 1 year
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tgifg-rhysa · 2 years
I'm back!!
I didn't really want to go anywhere but the phone I was using, while having a lovely typing experience was just too dang slow to run the Tumblr app. So I ended up being away for a bit, as scrolling would be super choppy and delayed. I ended up buying what I thought was a Blackberry Key2, but as it turns out I got the Key2 *LE* which doesn't have the gesture controls I grew so fond of and has lower specs than the Key2.
I was using a KeyOne which has 3 gigs of RAM and a Snapdragon 625, while the Key2 has 6 gigs of RAM and a Snapdragon 660, which as you can see is a massive leap in performance. The LE is somewhere in the middle with 4 gigs of RAM and a Snapdragon 636, still a decent improvement but not that massive jump I was looking for, plus I miss my swipe gestures. I'm gonna work with this for a little bit and see if the increase is enough to keep me performance enough in the modern era. So far, I can definitely say that the lighter weight and faster performance is definitely noticeable, but we'll have to see as I use this over a longer period of time.
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lamentable-s · 1 month
˚₊⋅─── 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 ───⋅ ˚₊ pr ︿ ns⁣  :adhesive_bandage:⁣  age worship me in my vanity :cd:  extra ᝰ extra  :key2:
˚₊⋅─── 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 ───⋅ ˚₊ pr ︿ ns⁣  :adhesive_bandage:⁣  age **worship me in my vanity** :cd:  extra ᝰ extra  :key2:
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mirqmarq428 · 9 months
Powershell syntax is not confusing
(you are just confused because posix compliant shells have corrupted your mind)
> do-action -param "string" $variable (do this first) [type]value
To declare a function:
function do-mythings {
$argument + 5
> do-mythings -arg 5
That's all you need to get started.
Numbers are just numbers.
Inline math just works. Parentheses for order of operations.
Strings you put in quotes - double quotes allow interpolation, single quotes don't. This is the same as sh.
All variables are prefixed with $s. Even when declaring them. This makes slightly more sense than sh.
A region in {squirrelly braces} gets the [scriptblock] data type. It's like a lambda but comprehensible by mere mortals.
if (test) {success} else {fail} - the test is always executed first because (). Success and fail conditions only depending on the test. They're script blocks. No weird special syntax, if may as well be a user function.
Functions can be named anything, but the convention is Verb-PlaceThing. Not case sensitive.
Named arguments are specified with a single hyphen, like MIT Unix software (xorg for instance). If there is only one parameter the name is optional, etc. Param names can be abbreviated as long as they aren't ambiguous. This is also easy to follow with your own functions, unlike in sh (fricking hate getopt).
Types are inferred dynamically because it's easier to write scripts that way. If you need to force something (variable, expression, whatever) to have a specific type, put it in [brackets] beforehand. The type names are the same as c# and every other post-algol language. For comparison, posix shell only has one type, String.
To make an array, @(item1, item2, etc)
To make a hashtable, @{
key1 = val1
key2 = val2
Adding strings concatenates them together. Adding numbers adds their values. If this is not satisfactory, declare their types and it will work.
All expressions are technically objects with properties and methods. $var.property returns the value of that property. $var.invokeMethod() runs the method, which is just a function built into that data type by some poor intern 20 years ago.
Pipes (|) work similarly to sh, but transfer objects. The current object in the pipeline is always the variable $_.
As a bonus, here's a one-liner for opening Internet Explorer on Windows 11 (they lied, it's still there, they will never remove it)
(new-object -com "InternetExplorer.application").visible = $true
COM is an old windows api. Com Objects are just instances of apps. We open internet explorer as a com object.
The parentheses sets that as an expression, and its return value _is_ the exploder. It has properties like visibility, which is $false by default. This is boring so set it to $true. Now we have a real working instance of an app they've been trying to remove for years, because they can't actually remove it merely hide it away. As long as the windows api can parse HTML, this will still work.
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plural-templates · 1 year
Helloo!! Could you possibly make a Bendy themed template (Bendy from Bendy and the ink machine!) /nf !
∯﹕︶ name ⥾ : age ⁺∕∖ :key2: :candle:, ∠ prns . prns . prns ∿ . ⋘﹐ txtxt ,, ∈ ―:black_heart:︷ txtxt ∝:
◖⊂. boundary 1 .. y|a|n .◜✰ :pencil: :movie_camera:—◟ boundary 2 .. y|a|n ﹒⪨⸝⋆ ᶻz﹢◟ boundary 3 .. y|a|n ﹚:unlock:.
:bulb:﹒▸ txtxt !:black_nib: ★ :thought_balloon:–⊂ txtxt ⸝⸝>:8ball:
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i hope this works!!
(sorry that it took so long i thought i posted this already :headinhands:)
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inkymink · 4 months
What kind of camera do you use for your pics?
Most of the photos I've been posting were taken with a 18 megapixel Schneider-Kreuznach lens autofocus digital camera, which came standard in the now sadly discontinued Blackberry Priv smartphone.
Photos from January 2023 onward were taken with the inbuilt camera in the Blackberry Key2, which is not quite as nice, but has the advantage of being attached to a device that can function for longer than 10 minutes at a time.
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morgue-xiiv · 2 years
got a new phone cos my current phone (unihertz titan) keeps dying so I need to send it in for warranty repair, and my attempt to use a nokia feature phone taught me I need maps and public transport infrastructure is often actively hostile to anyone without access to their apps.
I went for the newly released Unihertz Titan Slim. it has a few compromises. I miss my big square screen, I'm going to be pissed off by the lack of headphone jack literally every time I go outside. The keys feel a little small but they're arched so they're easy to press precisely anyway (cool, isn't it, how physical keys can be designed to be easier to press accurately? can't do that with a touchscreen...) I haven't gotten used to the changed punctuation layout yet but I can already type without looking at the keyboard up until I need punctuation (despite the drastically different keyboard sizes). I think the muscle memory from my Key2 is still loaded heh.
Anyway. cautiously optimistic that Unihertz will continue to make it so I can have a useful phone. But I just found out Nokia makes 4g T9 phones, and I know from a couple of texts on my feature phone that T9 isn't NICE to use but it's not viscerally horrible, so. yay.
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abcd08347 · 20 days
JavaScript: Techniques for Checking if a Key Exists in an Object
JavaScript, which plays a role in web development provides several methods to verify the existence of a key in an object . This ability is vital for coding and effective management of data structures. Let’s explore some techniques that developers can utilize to determine javascript check if key exists in object typescript — a skill when working with this versatile programming language. 1. Utilizing the `hasOwnProperty` Method One used approach to check for the presence of a key in an object involves employing the `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty()` method. This method returns a value indicating whether the object possesses the specified property, as its own ( than inheriting it). const myObject = { key1:’value1', key2:’value2' }; console.log(myObject.hasOwnProperty(‘key1’)); // true console.log(myObject.hasOwnProperty(‘key3’)); // false 2. The `in` Operator Another way to check if a key exists in an object is by using the `in` operator. This operator returns `true` if the specified property is in the object, whether it’s an own property or inherited. const myObject = { key1: ‘value1’, key2: ‘value2’ }; console.log(‘key1’ in myObject); // true console.log(‘key3’ in myObject); // false 3. Direct Property Access You can also verify the presence of a key by accessing the property and checking if it is not defined. However there is a drawback, to this approach; if the property exists but its value is `undefined` it will give an indication that the property does not exist. const myObject = { key1: ‘value1’, key2: undefined }; console.log(myObject.key1 !== undefined); // true console.log(myObject.key2 !== undefined); // false, but key2 exists! 4. Using `Object.keys()` `Object.keys()` returns an array of a given object’s property names. You can check if the array includes the key in question. const myObject = { key1: ‘value1’, key2: ‘value2’ }; console.log(Object.keys(myObject).includes(‘key1’)); // true console.log(Object.keys(myObject).includes(‘key3’)); // false Best Practices and Considerations – Choosing the Right Method: check if key exists in object typescript, The choice of method depends on the specific requirements of your code. If you need to check for own properties only, `hasOwnProperty` is the most suitable. For checking both own and inherited properties, the `in` operator is ideal. – Understanding Undefined Values: When using direct property access, be cautious about properties that exist but are set to `undefined`. – Performance Considerations: If you’re checking multiple keys in a large object, using `Object.keys()` might have performance implications. In such cases, direct property access or `hasOwnProperty` might be more efficient. Conclusion Mastering the techniques to check if the key exists in the object typescript is crucial for JavaScript developers. Each method has its own use case and understanding when to use which method can significantly enhance your code’s efficiency and reliability. By mastering these techniques, you can handle JavaScript objects and JavaScript Web Performance with PartyTown more effectively, ensuring robust and error-free code.
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ai-play · 2 months
import 'package:workmanager/workmanager.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
// バックグラウンドタスクの識別子
const fetchBackground = "fetchBackground";
// バックグラウンドタスクの定義
void callbackDispatcher() {
Workmanager.executeTask((task, inputData) async {
switch (task) {
case fetchBackground:
// HTTP通信のURLとパラメータ
String url = 'https://example.com/api';
var param = {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2',
// HTTP POSTリクエストを送信
var response = await http.post(Uri.parse(url), body: param);
// レスポンスを処理
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
} else {
return Future.value(true);
void main() {
// workmanagerの初期化
isInDebugMode: true,
// バックグラウンドタスクの登録
frequency: Duration(minutes: 15), // 最小15分の間隔で実行
constraints: Constraints(
networkType: NetworkType.connected, // ネットワークに接続されているときのみ実行
このサンプルコードは、workmanagerを使って、最小15分の間隔でHTTP POSTリクエストを送信し、レスポンスを処理するものです。HTTP通信のURLやパラメータは適宜変更してください。また、workmanagerの使い方や設定については、[公式ドキュメント]や[Qiitaの記事]などを参考にしてください。
ソース: Bing との会話 2024/3/2
(1) Flutter How to send Http (post) Request using WorkManager .... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69268232/flutter-how-to-send-http-post-request-using-workmanager-plugin.
(2) 【Flutter】パッケージ『http』を利用したAPI通信サンプルコード .... https://zenn.dev/amuro/articles/c9b564b12f30ca.
(3) FlutterでHTTPリクエストやってみる。 #Flutter - Qiita. https://qiita.com/JunichiHashimoto/items/11b6b3df4925a808bcd3.
(4) undefined. https://getStat.com/chargeStat.
(5) undefined. https://www.kamo-it.org/.
(6) undefined. https://reqres.in/.
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davidcuniverse · 2 years
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These little guys pack a PUNCH!! Brings back memories of my dad and uncle, god rest their souls.. Huge pepper Fanatics... my god they'd pile it on!! I use to joke with them that usually you have pasta with peppers not peppers with pasta. My uncle back in the day would even bring his own stash to weddings 😆.. And back then it felt like we had a wedding every other weekend. . . #teamBlackBerry #KEY2 #BlackBerry https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch2qQaJunfH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cloudastra123 · 2 months
JavaScript: Techniques for Checking if a Key Exists in an Object
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JavaScript, which plays a role in web development provides several methods to verify the existence of a key in an object. This ability is vital for coding and effective management of data structures. Let's explore some techniques that developers can utilize to determine javascript check if key exists —a skill when working with this versatile programming language.
1. Utilizing the `hasOwnProperty` Method
One used approach to check for the presence of a key in an object involves employing the `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty()` method. This method returns a value indicating whether the object possesses the specified property, as its own ( than inheriting it).const myObject = {   key1: 'value1',   key2: 'value2' }; console.log(myObject.hasOwnProperty('key1')); // true console.log(myObject.hasOwnProperty('key3')); // false
2. The `in` Operator
Another way to check if a key exists in an object is by using the `in` operator. This operator returns `true` if the specified property is in the object, whether it’s an own property or inherited.const myObject = {   key1: 'value1',   key2: 'value2' }; console.log('key1' in myObject); // true console.log('key3' in myObject); // false
3. Direct Property Access
You can also verify the presence of a key by accessing the property and checking if it is not defined. However there is a drawback, to this approach; if the property exists but its value is `undefined` it will give an indication that the property does not exist.const myObject = {   key1: 'value1',   key2: undefined }; console.log(myObject.key1 !== undefined); // true console.log(myObject.key2 !== undefined); // false, but key2 exists!
4. Using `Object.keys()`
`Object.keys()` returns an array of a given object's property names. You can check if the array includes the key in question.const myObject = {   key1: 'value1',   key2: 'value2' }; console.log(Object.keys(myObject).includes('key1')); // true console.log(Object.keys(myObject).includes('key3')); // false
Best Practices and Considerations
- Choosing the Right Method: The choice of method depends on the specific requirements of your code. If you need to check for own properties only, `hasOwnProperty` is the most suitable. For checking both own and inherited properties, the `in` operator is ideal.
- Understanding Undefined Values: When using direct property access, be cautious about properties that exist but are set to `undefined`.
- Performance Considerations: If you're checking multiple keys in a large object, using `Object.keys()` might have performance implications. In such cases, direct property access or `hasOwnProperty` might be more efficient.
Mastering the techniques to check if a key exists in an object is crucial for JavaScript developers. Each method has its own use case and understanding when to use which method can significantly enhance your code's efficiency and reliability. By mastering these techniques, you can handle JavaScript objects more effectively, ensuring robust and error-free code.
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tgifg-rhysa · 2 years
Week So Far
DNF Duel came out and it's pretty fun. Definitely fits into the Hyper Fighter genre along with MvC3 and TvC, it helps that ItKs made by the same team behind those games too!!
Funny enough, out of all the cute girls in the game, the character I decided to main is Grappled of all people, though I would like to put some time into learning Dragon Knight as well.
I finally bit the bullet and got myself a phone with a physical keyboard. For context, I've been having ever increasing troubles with touch screens lately and got fed up with having a typo every two words or so. I'm currently rocking a five year old BlackBerry KeyOne, which I got over the Key2 because it was two hundred dollars cheaper lol.
I'm definitely experiencing mechanical culture shock because a bunch of feature I've been gotten accustomed to with newer versions of Android just straight up don't exist. But being able to confidently type what I want to say is definitely worth it. Although I might need to replace this with the Key2 at some point cos boy is this thing behind in terms of performance. If anyone knows of any lightweight Custom ROMs, please reach out.
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elgatofirstperson · 5 months
Movable objects, directions and more.
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I felt like my game was a little bland with no objective, so I decided to make the players need to find the key around the room in order to advance forwards, I decided to hide the keys a little better and add a secondary key to the fridge by simply duplicating the first key and changing the tag of it to "Key2". I added some jump pads that look like normal rectangles on the floor and on the chair in order for the player to get back up if they are to jump down and need to go back up to get the key. In order for the player to gain the first key they need to do a small parkour using some moving platforms and then build their way up using movable objects, once the key is achieved they can progress to the maze which leads them to the next room being the kitchen. The kitchen is bigger but simpler, I hid the key in one of the drawers so the player won't have any issues finding it if they look closely, I added some movable objects for players to reach areas that they couldnt otherwise such as the inside of cabinets and such but I also added movable platforms so they can get on the counters way easier therefore making their task of finding the key easier. I added text objectives for the player telling them what they need to do + some hints such as the kitchen one " forky" because drawers are used to store utensils such as forks and more.
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holyjak · 5 months
Some great advice here. A summary follows, but read the original post for its rich experience and reasoning behind the recommendations. I especially like and/or have been surprised by, but agree with, nr. 4, 6, 7, 8. 11 is wonderful.
DO use plural nouns for collections - /products/<id>
DON'T add unnecessary path segments - e.g. Etsy's /shops/{shop_id}/listings/{listing_id} should have been /listings/{listing_id} b/c a listing_id is globally unique, and what if a listing switches shop?
DON'T add .json or other extensions to the url, use established headers!
DON'T return arrays as top level responses, always wrap them in an object - that way you can evolve it and add other keys in the future (e.g. for pagination)
DON'T return map structures for collections, e.g. {key1: {key: "key1",..}, :key2: ...} - use an array of maps (see also #4)
DO use strings for all identifiers, even if internally they are numbers - strings provide more flexibility, as things change over time (you can num -> str, not always the opposite)
DO prefix your identifiers with a type marker - much more ergonomic, better for troubleshooting
DON'T use 404 to indicate "not found" - non-intuitive (b/c that's what 404 is for!) but logical - b/c 404 could be returned by any intermediate proxy and thus could mean many different things, such as misconfigured client/proxy/load balancer hitting the wrong url. (The author suggests to use 410 gone.)
BE consistent (Shopify has 6 subtly different schemas for an Address in their REST.)
DO use a structured error format, if multiple layers of services are involved. Ex.: {message, type, types: ["Unauthorized", "Security",even a higher-level category for this error], cause: {<nested error>}}
DO provide idempotence mechanisms - ideally via an "idempotency key" or "client reference ID" - a client-provided value that you store temporarily or permanently and ensure its uniqness (by ignoring subsequent POSTs with the same one). Or let the client pick the id. On resubmit, you can either return 409 Conflict (which requires a smarter client that can handle it) or 201 with the original response (=> client can be dumb, but server becomes significantly more complex)
DO use ISO8601 strings for timestamps, not numbers like milliseconds-since-epoch, because human readability matters. And all timestamps should be in UTC. Actually, use ISO8601 for all date/time-related values (durations, intervals, ...). But DON'T trust your language/platform defaults - verify them (e.g. to ensure it use UTC and not the local timezone).
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akku-plus · 6 months
3500mAh BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku passend für BlackBerry KEY2
Der BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku ist ein Austausch- oder Ersatzakku für die neuen Modelle der BlackBerry KEY2. Der wiederaufladbare Akku kann als Ersatz- oder praktischer zweitakku für BlackBerry KEY2 verwendet werden, 100% kompatibel und passgenau zu dem Original-Akku.
3500mAh BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku passend für BlackBerry KEY2
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Mit Vertrauen Einkaufen! Herzlich willkommen in unserem Shop und vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf dieser hochwertigen BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku auf Akku-plus.com! Wenn Sie unsere Produkte kaufen, kaufen Sie das Vertrauen! Für alle unseren BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Batterien bieten wir eine vollständige einjährige Garantie und jede Batterie wird geladen und getestet, bevor sie dem Versand übergeben werden. Wir bieten auch eine 30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie, wenn Sie nicht vollständig zufrieden sind. Bevor Sie Auftrag erteilen, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die Teilenummer oder Modellnummer Ihrer alten originalen BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Batterie wie folgt aufgelistet werden und die gleiche Form wie die in den Bildern gezeigten BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Ersatzbatterie haben.
Ersetzt Folgende Modelle BBF100 Tlp035B1
Kompatibel Zu BlackBerry KEY2 cellphone
Andere Online-Shops: France------------Batterie pour BlackBerry KEY2 cellphone Tlp035B1 Spain------------ BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Baterías Poland------------ Bateria Tlp035B1 do BlackBerry KEY2 cellphone the Netherlands------------BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Accu (3500mAh,3.85V/4.40V)
Tipps Längere Lebenszeit Für BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Akku 1.Bitte die BlackBerry KEY2 cellphone nicht fallen lassen, werfen auseinander nehmen und nicht in das direkte Sonnenlicht legen. Es könnte die Funktionsunfähigkeit der BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Akku verursachen. 2.Der Kurzschluss verursacht die Funktionsunfähigkeit Ihrer BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku. 3.Falls Sie Ihren BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku langfristig nicht verwenden,dann bevor Sie den akku das nächste Mal benutzen, lassen Sie den 2-3 Mal aufladen und schließlich entladen,um die maximale Kapazität zu erreichen. 4.Bitte Ihre BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Akku nicht mit Hitze in Berührung bringen. Ansonsten entsteht die Explosionsgefahr. 5.Normalerweise werden die BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku während ihrer Auf- und Entladungszyklen erwärmt. 6.Falls die BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku in einige Monate nicht verwendet werden, die nur einige Kapazitäten verlieren werden, sie treten keine Störung auf, vor dem Gebrauch sollten akku vollständig aufgeladen werden.
Die Betriebsdauer des BlackBerry Tlp035B1 Smartphone Akku und dessen Ladezeit hängen von einer Reihe von Faktoren ab. Dazu zählen unter anderem: der physikalische Zustand des Akkus, die Bildschirmhelligkeit, die Ausstattung des Notebooks, die Konfiguration des Power-Managements sowie weitere kundenspezifische Einstellungen.
Eine Schutzelektronik und die Verarbeitung hochwertiger Komponenten bieten Ihnen ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit, sowohl gegen Überladung, als auch gegen Kurzschluss. So kann der Akku eine höhere Anzahl von Lade-Entlade-Zyklen erreichen. Dies bedeutet eine längere Lebensdauer Ihres neuen Smartphone Akku für BlackBerry Tlp035B1.
Ähnliche Produkte: T7M_SCUD Akku für Twinhead Durabook T7M CP1654_A3 Akku für Varta CP1654 A3 Bluetoot Headset BTRY-RS50EAB02-01 Akku für Zebra RS507 RS507X SERIES RS50EA 70E-BTSC Akku für Honeywell Dolphin 70e BAT-STANDARD-01 IS743 Akku für KuaiMai KM-701 KM-702 45N1741 Akku für ThinkPad T550 T550s W550 W550s 180W Netzteil für Thunderobot 911M-M1A 911-T1A 911GT-Y3/Y2 911-T1/T2 Power Supply BL8002 Akku für Fly IQ4490I NP-50 Akku für Fujifilm NP-50A F665 F750 F75 F100 F900 XF1 X10 X20 F85 TT03XL Akku für HP HSN-I13C-5 HSTNN-LB8H 933322-855 932824-421 HSTNN-DB8K NF2MW Akku für Dell Latitude 7400 E7260 E7270 9410 0C76H7 G63QN Akku für Google Pixel 6 Pro HBLDT50 Akku für Urovo DT50 PDA MCFP12 Akku für HP BL460C G9 ER6 Akku für Maxell ER6 5-hole 4-wire plug
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