#keyla as five
gt-icons · 2 years
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"As Five” icons
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djrenard · 4 months
20 Favorite Star Trek Characters:
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Reginald Barclay
Dorian Collins
Elim Garak
Gul Dukat
Seven of Nine, Annika Hansen
Worf, son of Mogh; Worf Rozhenko; Worf of the House of Martok
Kira Nerys
Christopher Pike
Thy'lek Shran
Keyla Detmer
Jett Reno
Montgomery Scott
Hugh, Third of Five
Lon Suder
Peanut Hamper
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First Sentence Tag Game
Rules: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and tag ten people.
Many thanks to @thegreatbajoranschismof2369 for tagging me!!
My most recent fic is technically one I can't talk about publicly yet (still unrevealed in a fanwork exchange event), but here are the first sentences of the other nine, from most to least recent:
Erano accampate da tre giorni su di un lastrone di roccia, poco sotto il Passo Ratosha. (Sotto il Passo Ratosha) this is a Kira/Dax fic I wrote in Italian, in which Kira and Jadzia are camped in the Dahkur Hills, among Kira's recollections of the Resistance. I've been meaning to write an English version of it for months; this sentence can be read as “They'd been camped for three days on a rock sheet, just under the Ratosha Pass.”
There is something not quite right with B’Elanna. (Even when I'm not, I am) a B'Elanna/Seven fic + established B'Elanna/Harry/Tom, my take on the aftermath of the shared consciousness plot from the Voyager novel “String Theory - Cohesion” by Jeffrey Lang (the first chapter is a quote from said novel, so I'm not counting it for the meme).
2230 hours is a good time as any to leave Quark’s, Kira figures. (Mistaken for Strangers) The latest entry in my longstanding Kira/Cretak series of fic that I started five years ago (damn does the time pass). In this one, Kira and Cretak have a secret affair on the station, and Kira is reminded of her old resistance cell.
The doorbell chimes and B’Elanna shoots up from the couch, her body as tense as a compressed spring. (Doing The Unstuck) This is from the 4.5k of B'Elanna/Seven smut I wrote last December—I do love coming up with physics-related images eheh
B’Elanna wakes up with a start, heart-rate spiking as her conscious mind informs her that what she’s hearing is the klaxon of a yellow alert and she needs to get up, get dressed and be out of her quarters. (Let's go back, let's go back and start again) This is from my ongoing B'Elanna/Seven + B'Elanna&Harry time loop fic which... I haven't updated in months but I haven't forgotten it either, I promise!
Harry lifts his mug up to his nose, brows furrowing. (Projecting) A mostly humorous B'Elanna/Seven fic, in which B'Elanna is dared to ask Seven to go bouldering together... they get into climbing (and into each other) more than B'Elanna could ever imagine.
“Did anyone see you getting here?” (Reset) The first B'Elanna/Seven fic I ever posted on AO3! Loved getting to write Seven's POV here, and exploring the messiness inherent in such a (secret) relationship.
Ezri’s first attempt to talk to Seven of Nine had every right to be in Dax’s top ten most awkward experiences. (Patterns of Interference) This is an Ezri/Seven fic set at Starfleet Academy immediately post-Voyager canon, and the first line is pretty indicative of what happens in the fic lol. I loved exploring how these two characters would cope with endings and the messiness of seeing their own 'found families' slowly disintegrate in front of their eyes.
The crew scatters in Discovery’s hallways in small groups, laughter and chatter echoing behind them. (Possession) A Star Trek: Discovery Keyla/Joann fic, a sort of 'episode aftermath' of 3x04 “Forget Me Not”, about the way the Keyla can't seem to cope with failure.
I tag @nebulouscoffee @worflesbian @cordrazine-official @mylittleredgirl @bumblingbabooshka and anyone else who feels like doing this meme (tag me in it so I can see it in that case—but also no pressure whatsoever about doing this!)
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independentzaun · 2 years
One hell of an ex
((Open starter dealing with Sevika's ex. Let me be very clear here. Angst. Content warnings for emotional abuse, possibly physical abuse mentioned at some point later, gaslighting, and just a horrible relationship that left Sevika with some lasting issues.))
It had been a perfectly normal day for Sevika. Wake up, coffee, smoke, stretches and a bit of a workout before a shower and getting dressed. Few errands around Zaun, a talk with one or two people, and a trip down to the docks. It was a rare day the tall confident woman didn’t ensure her presence was seen around The Lanes at the very least, and this was just another day. She had ended up at the Last Drop of course settling down in her booth to relax for a bit, and that of course had ended up with a card game.
A normal day like any other… and then She walked through the door of the club.
Eyes on her cards Sevika didn’t notice anything until she heard a soft whistle and someone murmur that some people were just too damn good lucking. Eyes flickering upwards to glance around out of sheer curiosity they widened for a second and her shoulders tensed just a bit as well as her jaw before she forced herself to relax. It’d been such a quick reaction few people would have noticed it unless they had both been looking at her, and knew her rather well. The woman in question should have been up in Piltover working as a super model. A sweet kind smile complete with the perfectly timed little giggle and a nod of thanks as someone complimented her. Eyes bright and welcoming with her dark hair sweeping down along her back, and not a hair out of place. Normally five foot six, with a body that was perfectly proportioned and a pair of heels that helped make her a bit taller and her hips sway as she strutted her way very deliberately past any number of people right to Sevika’s booth. Someone tried to offer her a drink, and with a warm smile she thanked them but motioned towards Sevika getting a laughing shake of the head and a comment that some people had all the luck.
Sevika had completely lost track of the card game at this point, and it’d be easy to assume her eyes latched onto the woman was due to admiration but there wasn’t that easy and confident glint in her eyes. Instead there was almost a glint of uncertainty, and as someone tapped at the table asking if she was going to bet or fold she just tossed some coins without really looking at the cards.
“Sevika, it has been so long. Ah I’ve missed you! I’m sure you missed me as well.” Casually the woman just sat down on Sevika’s leg even as she tapped at Sevika’s metal arm which wasn’t really even close to her and murmured softly. “Arm, darling, arm.” Without thinking Sevika moved her arm further away as she spoke. “Keyla, I, thought you were gone, or busy or… what are you doing here?” Keyla pouted and leaned in a bit looking sad. “Sevika really that’s how you greet me after so long? Tsk.” Glancing to the others at the table she offered sad little eyes. “She really should at least give me a kiss on the cheek or something, don’t you all think? It’s mean not to.” There was a quick series of nods and agreements because obviously it was mean not to give such an obviously sweet, and nice and beautiful woman a proper greeting.
Sevika took a breath. “Keyla, Keyla we…” Her voice was cut off as the woman on her lap purred into her ear seeming nothing but well meaning, and even sexy to anyone watching with no one able to hear unless they were perched on Sevika’s shoulder. “Ah ah ah. You wouldn’t want me to tell them about your little anger issue would you dear? That night you hit me? I’ve forgiven you of course but what would everyone else think? They all know you are violent, poor Sevika and her temper, but it’s okay. I understand.”
The fact that Sevika had never actually hit Keyla didn’t matter.
The other woman had a way of convincing Sevika that of course others would take her side instead of Sevika… and with Keyla’s utterly certain tone it couldn’t help but make Sevika wonder if she had despite never having hit a partner like that before, and had simply forgotten. If perhaps one drunken night with party favors in her system just maybe… It wasn’t as though Sevika had any proof she hadn’t.
Eyes closing for a second Sevika’s shoulders actually sunk down just a touch, but that was just her relaxing and enjoying the woman practically on her lap and purring in her ear right? She couldn’t possibly have been backing down… could she? “It’s good to see you again Keyla.” Turning her head she placed a kiss against Keyla’s cheek which immediately got a bright smile and a kiss against Sevika’s in return. “I knew you still cared, Sevika. Now I’m thirsty, but since you are obvious...busy… with your, card game, why don’t you just give me a few coins and I’ll go get a drink?”
A little nod from Sevika, and she grabbed a few coins offering them to Keyla who just gave a warm smile. Another few coins were gathered by Sevika and she offered them as well at which point Keyla took them and patted at Sevika’s shoulder before standing up. “I’m sure I’ll see you again soon sweetheart.Now don’t forget, temper temper, don’t be a sore looser.” Hips swaying she turned and headed to the bar.
Sevika stared at the table for a moment and suddenly a flood of questions came out and she just shook her head. “She’s my ex. Games over. I need to take care of some stuff. Take the pot and divide it up, or whatever.” One of the other players chuckled. “Oh I get it. Take care of some stuff. Shiiiit I’d like to take care of some stuff as well. You enjoy that Sevika. Luckyyy. Come on you all, lets go. An ex, right, just an ex. Wish I had an ex acted like that.”
Moments later Sevika with distant eyes reached for her lighter, and for once it actually took her two or three tries to get it going and light her cigarillo. That was just excitement though, surely, it had to be. Keyla naturally was already becoming fast friends with the bartender, and getting to know people while the Iron Lioness was quietly lost in thought and had pulled her poncho over her mechanical arm keeping it out of sight as she was left for the moment... alone.
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ussjellyfish · 2 years
ao3 categories for the new Treks
Star Trek Discovery and onward.
Post about the legacy Treks (anything before 2017) here.
I compared the 6 ao3 categories (f/f - blue, f/m - red, gen - yellow, m/m - green, multi - orange, other - teal.).
I compared Discovery overall to Discovery in 2022, Lower Decks overall to Lower Decks in 2022, and Picard overall to Picard in 2022. Strange New Worlds started in 2022. Prodigy had so few works that I didn't split it up.
Graphs beneath the cut.
Star Trek Discovery
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The most evenly balanced between f/f, f/m, m/m and gen. Slightly more gen and f/f works were produced in 2022, and slightly less f/m.
Top tagged pairings of all time (f/f, f/m, gen, m/m)
Michael Burnham/Philippa Georgiou
Michael Burnham/Ash Tyler (Voq)
Michael Burnham & Sylvia Tilly
Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets
Top 3 characters of all time (same in 2022)
Michael Burnham
Paul Stamets
Hugh Culber
Top tagged pairings of 2022
Michael Burnham/Philippa Georgiou (I wonder if Joann Owosekun/Keyla Detmer will overtake this next year)
Saru/T'Rina (change from previous)
Sylvia Tilly & Paul Stamets
Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets
Star Trek Picard
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The only Trek to have majority f/f fanworks, and a 17% increase compared to 2022. (I'm curious what the TNG cast returning will do to these numbers next year)
Top tagged pairings of all time (f/f, f/m, gen, m/m)
Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine
Agnes Jurati/Cristóbal Rios
Raffi Musiker & Cristóbal Rios
Elnor/Hugh (Three of Five)
Top 3 characters of all time
Seven of Nine
Raffi Musiker
Jean-Luc Picard
Top tagged pairings of 2022
Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine
Laris/Jean-Luc Picard
Raffi Musiker & Cristóbal Rios
Jean-Luc Picard/Q
Top 3 characters of 2022
Raffi Musiker
Seven of Nine
Jean-Luc Picard
Strange New Worlds
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Mostly f/m. Gen and f/f about even.
Top tagged pairings of all time (f/f, f/m, gen, m/m)
Christine Chapel/La'An Noonien Singh
Una Chin-Riley/Christopher Pike
Christine Chapel & Spock
Christopher Pike/Spock
Top 3 characters of all time
Christopher Pike
Christine Chapel
Lower Decks
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Mostly gen (the most gen in a Trek for adults), then f/m, f/f and m/m. Mariner and Jennifer starting to date might be the reason for the increase in f/f works.
Top tagged pairings of all time (same in 2022) (f/f, f/m, gen, m/m)
Beckett Mariner/Jennifer Sh'reyan
Beckett Mariner/Brad Boimler
Beckett Mariner & Brad Boimler
Brad Boimler/Sam Rutherford
Top 3 characters of all time
Beckett Mariner
Brad Boimler
D/Vana Tendi
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Mostly gen (the main characters are children). The romantic pairings are from other Star Treks.
Top tagged pairings of all time (f/f, f/m, gen, m/m)
Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine
Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay
Gwyndala & Dal Ra'El
Chakotay/Tom Paris | Tom Paris/Harry Kim (each have one fic)
Top 3 characters of all time
Kathryn Janeway
Hologram Janeway
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0nl0n · 2 years
ÆŪ§ (AUs)[solarballs Aus]
You can ask which one do you want me to explain cuz some may be confusing (sub to solarballs my fav animation channel on yt)
!!Aus in order of when I came up with them!!
DS=dark side LS=light side
Swapped au! My Au Genderbent au! Human au! SKE au! (Sun Killed Everyone) DDLC au! Insanity au! The ds' universe au? Light and dark sides au? Cuphead au! Past au! Future au! Dead au! Zombie earth au! Mercury left the solar system AU! (MLTSS) Opposite AU! DS AU! LS AU! DS & LS AU! Theia came back to alive?! AU! (TCBTA?!) Evil Theia AU! Canon AU? (Ig it's an au) Actor AU! Bartender AU! Evil plant 9 AU! Evil Neptune Au! (You know what, Evil au) Evil AU! (Like ds au but… different?) Dead mercury au! Ships au! ig?¿ Cursed AU! Mafia AU! (Cause why not) Prison Au! (Again , why not?) Weird dream AU! anthropomorphize Au! (Luv the art) Fnf au! Baldi au! Fnaf au! Mvrder au! 12 days au! (Book idea lol) Smile hd au! Cupcakes hd au! SUS system au (UrAnus is here SB YTP lol) Weirdcore au! House hold rules au! (Idk why but it exists) School au! Titan in the backrooms au! (TITBR) Yanderae luna au! Past lives au! Robot Ganymede theory Lgballt au! Luna ki11ed earth au! House au! (They live in a house[also part of my au {but there a 2 parts of my au so ye}])
Chibi au!
Pibby au! (Ofc!)
Glitched earth au (inspired by glitchEdd)
Trash earth form
Origin au (it's an old one but it's basically where the solarballs origin came from but....it's different)
Kat mercury au! (LOOK HE NEEDS ONE)
Inner kats au! (Come onnnn lol)
Planetary kats (Y E Z)
Planets?/ P̸͈͑́͛ͅl̴̜̱̱̏̂a̷̫̔n̷͎̜̉̑͘ȅ̶̩̩͝t̷͎͔̞͑s̷̥̱̼͕̊̂̚?̴̨̛͖͖̎͘̕?̷̻̟̼͠?̷̰̔̃Au (inspired buy ura's planets are gone vid)
Kattyanimationz pibby Au (YESSSSS)
Mars garfilled au (R̷̹̩̙͆̇̍͗̕e̸̱̯̳͙͋d̷͚́͒͗̑a̷̡̫͚̤̠̅̆́͑̊č̶̫͕͔̺̼̆̋ͅt̵͚̜͓͌e̷̠̿̋́d̴̹̥͔̓̓͆͘͝ ̵̢̯̀̈́̀̏̎)
Triton in the backrooms  au (TRITBR) garfilled's backrooms edition
Solar–EMO au (💀🖤😫)
Schizophrenic sun Au (it's all just a dream) =)
Casino cups au! (VOAdem 🥲)
Attie animates ! / hi playz' solarballs insanity au (how DARE U VENUS frig ceres for controlling v tho)
Kattyanimationz Mandela catalogue au
Mandela catalogue au (inspired by katty :>)
Mercury "Keyla pixles artist Yt" solarballs sun au (sun and sun lol)
SabrinaisNear possessed Mars au (eh why not)
Theia survived instead of earth Au (TSIOE)
Murder mystery pt 4 Au
Eddsworld au
The sol system au inspired by Kattyanimationz(katty is da best)
Demon slayer au(Yasss)
Piper's uranus Infected au (it slays) Titan villain au (villain arcccc) Eros' love plan (ELP) Corrupted au (Cause YEH)
Lullaby Mercury au(ML)
Venus leaves the solar system (VLTSS)
Planetary gods au
Time travelling Saturn au (TTS)
Superhero au!
Insane Neptune au! (Probably canon–)
Hanahaki Disease au! (Haha, ura angst) Faith the unholy trinity au (FTUT bcos yas)
Transfur au (old one and uh F U R R Y) Five light years at benus au Five nights at the solar system au
Yanderae sat au Yanderae simulator au
There's more I just forgot
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dear-indies · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering who would be your top 5 suggestions of body diverse / disabled fcs who have resources to gif? i was looking for some inspo on who to gif and figured i'd ask :)
Plus size / fat:
Taylor Wily (1968) Samoan - has no gif packs!
Keala Settle (1975) Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Raukawa, Rangitāne o Wairau, Scottish, and English - has Moyamoya disease so is also disabled - has one gif pack!
Dana Gourrier (1979) African-American - has no gif packs!
Jolene Purdy (1983) Japanese / English, Scottish, Irish, German, Ashkenazi Jewish - has one gif pack!
Atkins Estimond (1987) Afro-Haitian - has no gif packs!
Samson Kayo (1991) Nigerian - has no gif packs!
Esmeralda Soto (1998) Mexican - has no gif packs!
Keyla Monterroso Mejia (1998) Mexican - has no gif packs!
Daryl Mitchell (1965) African-American - is paraplegic - has one gif pack!
Peter Dinklage (1969) - has achondroplasia - has a few gif packs but has so much more giffable content out there!
Selene Luna (1971) Mexican - has dwarfism - has no gif packs!
Ali Stroker (1987) - is paraplegic and bisexual - has one gif pack!
Rachel Alana Handler (1988) - is an amputee - has no gif packs!
RJ Mitte (1992) - has cerebral palsy - has a few gif packs but I love him!
Lauren “Lolo” Spencer (?) African-American - has Lou-Gehrig’s disease - has one gif pack!
This made me so happy thank you so much for asking! I'm sorry I can't limited plus size / fat and disabled folks to five but I hope this sparks your inspiration. ✨✨
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your-dietician · 2 years
Meet the Latinx Artists Taking Airbrushing to the Next Level
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/meet-the-latinx-artists-taking-airbrushing-to-the-next-level/
Meet the Latinx Artists Taking Airbrushing to the Next Level
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Julissa Aaron wears a tank top and leather coat with custom airbrushing.
Photo: Courtesy of Julissa Aaron
How it started…
“I got my airbrush compressor maybe five years ago. Right before, I started commuting from Bakersfield to LA for this photo lab I used to work at, so I didn’t have any time to play with it back then. But when I finally moved out here and then found myself freelancing for a bit because of COVID, I picked it back up. I started making clothes for myself, and then friends and random people I would run into would be like, ‘Oh, are you selling that?’ And I was like, ‘No—but I could be.’ So it just kind of took off from there.”
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Custom airbrushed sweater vest by Julissa Aaron.
Photo: Courtesy of Julissa Aaron
The inspiration…
“Betty Boop, Pink Panther, anything vintage and cartoonish. I just love tapping into that because it’s so playful and specific but can also hold an underlying message. For example, you can spot Betty Boop anywhere, but many people don’t know the origin of the character, so instead of erasing her identity like it’s been done before, I’ll make a point to represent her as a person of color.”
What’s next…
“I recently collaborated with Keyla Marquez on a collection of zoot suits as one of 10 featured artists. I love how everyone’s style is so different. As for right now, I’m in the middle of wrapping things up on my book, Not Urz, that’s going to be released October 15 with Beyond the Streets.”
A graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute and recipient of the Yale Norfolk fellowship, Ayala creates work that documents and reflects on the working-class Latinx experience in Southern California. His paintings and sculptures have been exhibited in museums and galleries across the United States and beyond, including the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, Jeffrey Deitch in New York, and the Aishti Collection in Lebanon.
Read full article here
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a5five · 2 years
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icons cast de as five
se pegou/salvou, dê like 🤍
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asfiveicons · 4 years
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like or © cadeIica
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swccessful · 4 years
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— keyla “as five” icons
please like/reblog if you saved ੈ♡
© rosadixaz on twitter
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mvadgifs · 4 years
Gente agora que as fives estreou eu vou voltar a ativa então algum pedido de gifs?
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ezrisdax-archive · 4 years
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limanthagifs · 4 years
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lstxrks · 4 years
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- gabriela medvedovski icons
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piscianizando · 4 years
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