#lica as five
sepraphel23veiga · 1 year
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𓆩♡𓆪 —— ;˚₊·
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youremy-celebrity · 2 years
fbi open up [mha smau]
bakugo katsuki x reader
amongst search histories and private youtube videos
part twenty-four: being a bitch for bitch's sake
masterlist // part twenty-three // part twenty-five
'tis a long one! i hope y'all enjoy :) also bakugo pls shut up for one second it was going so well,,
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main masterlist
taglist @bakugouswh0r3 @kara062284-blog @nevilila @levylovegood @whore-of-many-hot-men  @whosecaitlin @jazzylove @jasmixs @hypernovaxx @charliepoopyfart @ti-i-ja-izvan-svemira @fallingmoon02 @megnotfound @thankk-u-next @sukislady @fairywriter-oracle @parker-natasha @itgetzweird08 @lagataprrr @203steph @ange-lica-3 @thisrandombitch @mjsnightmares @aelouslvr @thereal-persephone @citrustsuki @nonomesupposedto @bubble-teabubs
an: y’all switched up on bakugo so fast after the last two chapters and i got so many hilarious messages threatening that boy but HONESTLY SAME we only disrespect men in this household 💅 this would be the only upload for today thanks for being patient! we’ll be back in our regular fluff schedule soon 👀
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justauthoring · 1 year
the bond - chapter nine
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*bond: a relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences.
word count: 2795
based off of: 2x05
a/n: what’s this? olivia’s finally updating the bond?
tag list: @ernyaeger - @luvelyxp - @urfictional - @decaffeinatedtealover - @ange-lica-3 - @midzuumi - @leiriswhore - @urfictional - @frasheliza - @echothy​ - @usernamehere91​ - @happygirl5798​ - @dwarfnip​ - let me know if you’d like to be added!
You can’t take your eyes off of her.
Even as your body screams at you in fear.
“Is this real?”
Swallowing thickly at Connie’s whispered question, your nails dig further in the cobblestone of the ridge of the castle. It hurts, pushes against your nail beds, but you hardly notice the pain over the deep burn of surprise that’s running through your veins.
You can hardly believe your own eyes.
“Ymir is a titan, too?”
There’s a shaky exhale that slips past Krista��s lips; “Ymir...”
“Th-That Titan is...”
It’s Reiner who utters the words, and as you manage to tear your gaze off of what’s before you, you notice the familiar expressions of shock and surprise on Bertholdt and Reiner’s faces as the rest of you -- only there’s seems to be a stretch more of horror written in their gazes.
“...From that day....” Bertholdt finishes for him.
You can barely focus on the two them though when you feel the ground rumble beneath you, causing you to stumble over your own footing. It causes Krista to tip over the edge that she’d been practically hanging over, and she would’ve fallen had it none been for Reiner’s quick reflexes; his hand swiftly catches her ankle, catching her just before she falls.
“Th-Thanks, Reiner.”
Only he doesn’t pull her up, or really do anything to help her.
“Ow!” Krista suddenly calls in pain, causing your eyes to widen, “it hurts! Reiner, my leg!”
Your eyes snap to his hand, watching the way it squeezes, tightening around the width of calve, knuckles turning white.
Connie jumps towards Krista, grabbing her by the shoulders; “Reiner! That’s enough!”
Seeing that Connie’s holding Krista steady, you turn to Reiner, “hey, let her leg go! Her leg, Reiner!” Setting your hand on his arm, you move to shake him, trying to snap him out of whatever stupor he’s fallen under.
It seems to work because in the next second, he’s letting go of her ankle.
“S-Sorry!” He stammers, stumbling back on his feet.
“No,” Krista shakes her head, “you saved me.”
And also hurt you... but you elect not to say that.
“Krista,” Reiner stammers, “did you know... that Ymir is a Titan?”
“I had no idea,” she confesses, a solemn look on her face. “I was always so close to her, too. How? How could this be? That... That Titan is Ymir?”
It is hard to believe.
You’ve never been close to Ymir -- surely not as close as her and Krista are. But still... for her to have hidden that after all this time? Just... never saying anything about it?
“In other words,” Reiner sighs, “she knew some of the secrets of our world. And I had no idea.”
You watch as Bertholdt nods, a solemn look on his face as he stares past himself.
“Hey... do you think she’s known about it?”
A new weight falls on your shoulders then, Connie’s words echoing in silence for a moment as everyone hesitates to answer. Nobody wants to answer.
“Eren’s a Titan, too, but he didn’t know until it happened. But Ymir is like... she is aware of being a Titan all along.”
Krista’s wide eyes turn to Connie, face a sickly pale as she whispers, almost as if afraid of the words themselves. “Are you saying she might be an enemy of humanity?”
Stepping forward, you lean over the edge, staring at Ymir.
Or, rather, her Titan.
“I’m saying that’s one hell of a power to hide,” Connie reminds, “who knows what she could’ve been thinking.”
“I wonder...” Bertholdt mumbles, “what could be Ymir’s goal?”
Bertholdt’s words echo, but as you stand there, you start to wonder.
If there was some goal -- couldn’t she have just run off on her own? She’d be able to. You and everyone here knows that for a fact. Unlike you five, who are stuck at the top of this tower with no escape, no means of running away, no ODM gear -- all she’d have to do is run.
And yet she continues to fly herself around, fighting those Titan’s one after the other. Never once hesitating or faltering, just... fighting.
“It’s us...” Krista realizes with bated breath. “She’s risking her life to protect us.”
With a sudden blaze of fury, Krista jumps up onto the ledge, blaring out for everyone to hear but most importantly for Ymir that she shouldn’t live for anyone but herself and she certainly shouldn’t die trying to protect the tower.
Ymir stops at the sound of Krista, listening because in the next second, her actions turn more violent, more erratic, and she scales across the side of the tower, breaking rumble off the side of it.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Krista!” You scream as you feel the first bit of rumble underneath your feet, followed by the unmistakable sensation of the tower leaning. Your body bends uncomfortably as you try not to lose your balance, hands moving to grab whatever you can find, holding on desperately. “But what about us?”
Krista looks back at you, wide eyed.
Your question is answered in the next second as Ymir suddenly jumps up in front of the five of you.
“Want... live?” She rumbles, voice thick and almost monster like. But, you guessed, that’s what she was -- a monster. “Grab on!”
A single look at the rest of them is all it takes. Leaping forward, you throw all your weight, just barely making the distance as you grip onto strands of Ymir’s hair tightly, knuckles turning white with strain. Connie lands next to you, and one by one everyone latches onto Ymir’s Titan, holding on desperately as she begins to move.
It’s hard to hang on, body jerking every which way, your heart practically leaping through your throat at the sensation of it all.
Ymir uses the tower to her advantage, staying on top of it as it slowly topples over, effectively swallowing the Titans beneath it.
You and the rest are knocked off of Ymir from impact. Before you know it, you feel yourself soaring through the air before slamming against the concrete with a cry as you hit your shoulder awkwardly. A sudden shot of pain erupts from your arm and upwards, stinging just where your shoulder meets, a terrifying pop echoing inside your mind.
The sound of rumble moving catches your attention, eyes turning from your arm only to find the rest have stood and are staring in the direction the noise had come from.
“Titans, again?”
“Go, u*ly!” Connie bellows at Ymir, “go and finish the job!”
Ymir doesn’t hesitate to listen, spinning around in her spot and racing towards the Titan that managed to crawl it’s way through the rumble that now is left of the castle. She only lasts a moment, though. While she may be quick, she doesn’t have the strength and you watch with a grimace as her Titan form is grabbed by the head before slammed against the ground, blood splattering in response.
She’s limp on the ground just for a moment.
With that, though, more Titan’s start to stand, breaking through the debris.
Panic surging, you try to stand, only for a cry of pain to leave your lips as you twist wrong. It immediately catches the attention of Reiner who races towards you; “Y/N, you okay?”
Shaking your head, you set your hand on his arm, squeezing; “landed wrong on my shoulder. I can’t...” But your words fade with a sudden huff, the exhaustion finally creeping up on you.
He grabs you by the hips, helping you stand as you nod at him, before your attention is caught by the sound of... eating?
Your eyes fall on a swarm of Titan’s, all surrounding Ymir as they... rip chunks of her off with their teeth. They’re... eating her. Brutally. And even as she struggles to stand, she’s constantly pulled back down by the sheer mass and weight of all of them.
“Oh my God...”
Krista runs forward, Ymir’s name leaving her lips in a shrill cry. She’s heretic, desperate to reach Ymir, crying things you barely make sense of as you watch her all but run into the thick of the Titan’s without a single shred of care for her own well being. And of course you and everyone else goes running after her, your heart sinking to the tip of your stomach when you watch a Titan crawl out from the corner of a wall, inches away from grabbing Krista/
And you think that’s it -- you think that in the next second she’ll be grabbed and pulled apart by teeth just like Ymir.
But then there’s a flash of green, blood splattering everyone, before the Titan falls to the ground with a loud, echoing thump that rumbles beneath your feet, and a figure lands on the other side.
It’s Mikasa.
“Krista. Everyone, get back,” she orders, turning her head over her shoulder to gaze down at the five of you. “We’ve got this. Leave the rest to us.”
In the next second, there’s a flurry of green above your heads, and you watch with amazement as the Scout’s zip around with ease, killing every last Titan.
You’d looked for Jean in the midst of them all.
He wasn’t there.
Armin had assured he was okay, but it didn’t lessen the worry or disappointment you’d felt not to find his familiar face in the crowd. It had been so long since you’d seen him, and even if it was silly, you felt that even just seeing him would be enough to make this all just a little more bearable.
But he wasn’t there and given the state of things, you didn’t really have any other option but to follow and listen. You were sure the Commander and Squad Leader’s knew what they were doing. You would just have to put your faith in them, and hoped that eventually, you’d be able to see Jean.
Besides, it was nice enough to see a few familiar faces.
“I’m okay,” you assure Mikasa with a gentle smile, letting your hand slowly fall back to your side as hers hangs in front of her, having just pulled you up. “I think I just dislocated it,” you explain when you notice her eye on your bandaged shoulder. “They’ve already popped it back in place.”
Mikasa continues to frown down at you, but you just send her a cheeky thumbs up.
Her lips part to say something, but you both turn when you hear Connie coming up over the wall as well, Mikasa instantly moving to help him up over the edge.
“Thanks, Mikasa,” he grins, huffing slightly with exertion.
She stares down at him with concerned eyes. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, but...” You turn to him as his eyes fall on you, “Y/N’s shoulder and Reiner got his arm bit... and well,” he trails off slightly at that, “Ymir is as you can see.”
Head turning slightly, you frown at the sight of Ymir; she’s strapped to a carrier, still unconscious, with her right leg missing. Krista, or you guessed Historia as you found out, was of course next to her side, leaning over her worriedly.
“Who would’ve thought Ymir was a Titan, too?” Sasha echoes, the words obviously heavy on her mind by the look in her eyes. “Does that mean--”
Mikasa stops her before she can finish, and your brows furrow at the interaction.
What was that about?
“Is everyone clear?”
At the sound of a new voice, Hange’s voice no less, you rush to stand; decided you’d ask Mikasa and Sasha to clarify later.
“We’ll deal with Ymir later,” they move to explain and you blink when their attention turns to you. They step towards you, gaze softening slightly as they regard your shoulder. “Y/N, are you fit for duty or should we get you to a doctor?”
Surprised by their question, you’re eager to shake your head -- you had no intention of bowing out of this because of a dislocated shoulder. “I’ll be fine, Captain, don’t worry about me.” 
They offer a short nod and light smile at your response, obviously pleased and proud, before turning to their right. “And Connie... I’ll arrange for a Scout squad to investigate your village later. For the time being, I want you to focus on the mission to fix the wall.” Making their way over to him, they set a hand on his shoulder. “Got it?”
Straightening his shoulders, Connie nods; “got it!”
“Still...” Hange sighs, moving to the edge of the wall, past Connie. “I expected this place to be swarming with Titans.”
True to her word, the field before you is practically empty of Titan’s. And considering everything that’s led up to this moment, it’s hard to believe there isn’t more.
A figure approaches in the distance, your eyes widening at the familiar face.
“It’s the Garrison’s advance squad,” Hange nods, “they came to tell us where the hole is.”
Only there is no hole. There is no breach anywhere.
There’s hardly even any Titan’s on the other side of the wall.
There’s no explanation. None that make any sense anyways. Somehow Titan’s had ended up on the other side of the wall it was trying to protect, with no hole and no damage to explain it whatsoever. 
Nobody has any answers.
Hange leaves it at that, announcing that everyone would be heading back to Trost Distract for the time being.
Without anything else to do, you figure there’s no point arguing.
So you gather what little stuff you have, nodding along to Connie as he rambles on next to you, following the rest of the group as they steadily make their way over. Everyone walks with a certain weight to their shoulders, and you have no doubt that everyone is wondering the same thing -- how had Titans breached the wall? No one says anything though, so you just keep walking.
But then, something catches the corner of your eye, and as your head turns over your shoulder, innocently curious, you squint at the sight of a distant few figure hanging back.
You can barely make out Hange and Moblit who stand nearest to you, behind them is what you can figure is Sasha and Armin, the blonde of Armin’s hair familiar. Slowing your step, the sound of Connie’s voice grows quieter and quieter, your own eyes squinting before you as you try to make out the rest...
It’s Mikasa and Eren at the very end of it, and Reiner and Bertholdt are with them.
You can’t hear what they’re saying, can’t make out anything other then their figures.
But it settles in like a cold, startling realization that something’s wrong as you notice the way they’re standing. You just know it, some far gone instinctive feeling bubbling up in your chest as you feel your heart start to race and this undeniable and yet unexplainable panic that crawls up the back of your throat.
Something’s happening.
You step forward when you see Mikasa move, using her ODM gear to maneuver around and... and she’s attacking Reiner and Bertholdt. You can see it, even from here. It’s a blur of bodies, but you see it and the panic turns into terror as you watch her slice through the air, screaming something that sounds like distant echoes to you.
And then Armin’s racing forward.
“Y/N?” You hear Connie call after you faintly, noticing you no longer beside him; but you’re already running away -- towards Eren. “What’s happening--”
A bright flash is the first thing you see; so bright that it burns your eyes, enough for you to clench your eyes shut, arm coming up in front of you as you flinch away. Then, the slight rumble beneath your feet, growing steadily more and more aggressive, and finally, the gust of wind so strong that it knocks you off your own feet. It knocks you back, flipping you over, until you can manage a grip on the wall, shoulder crying in pain and digging your nails into the wall so hard it hurts and stings, but you don’t dare let go.
For fear that the wind will knock you right off the wall.
And slowly, you blink, trying to get some sort of look through the wind and debris and everything in between -- until you see two large figures, one considerably larger then the other.
But you recognize them almost instantly because you’ve seen them before.
Once when you were twelve, and again when you first joined the Scouts.
It’s the Armored and Colossal Titan.
And it sinks in then, like a stab to your heart.
It’s... Reiner and Bertholdt.
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moonyedits · 1 year
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• Icons Lica (As Five)
curta/reblogue se pegar
crédito no twitter: @/wegjesuita
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rohanseoewe · 25 days
CROATIA CITIZENS - INDIAN ELECTRONIC VISA Fast and Urgent Indian Government Visa - Electronic Visa Indian Application Online - Brza i ubrzana indijska službena eVisa online aplikacija.
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Indijska vlada uvela je eVisa za brza odobrenja od 2014. Ta je mogućnost bila ograničena na nekoliko zemalja, ali sada je proširena na više od 166 nacionalnosti. Postoji pet vrsta indijskih eVisa kao što su konferencijska, poslovna, turistička, medicinska i medicinska pomoć. Ispunjavanje online obrasca za indijsku eVisa traje samo 2 minute. Nakon što izvršite uplatu, potrebno je 72 sata da primite eVisa za Indiju putem e-pošte. Nema pečata ili naljepnice na putovnici koja je potrebna za indijsku poslovnu vizu ili indijsku turističku vizu. Možete se odvesti do zračne ili morske luke i posjetiti Indiju. Imigracijski službenici u vašoj zemlji znaju da je indijska eVisa ili elektronička viza povezana s vašom putovnicom u računalnom sustavu. Ovo je najprikladniji način za ulazak u Indiju. Od vas se može tražiti da prenesete fotografiju lica ili stranicu putovnice, ako je ne možete učitati, jednostavno nam je možete poslati e-poštom putem veze Kontaktirajte nas na našoj web stranici. Naše ljubazno i ​​uslužno osoblje odgovorit će vam i pomoći vam u roku od 24 sata. Ako želite ostati u Indiji manje od 6 mjeseci, onda je ova vrsta elektroničke indijske eVise idealna i najprikladnija za vaše potrebe. Jedina stvar koju trebate provjeriti je da vam putovnica vrijedi 6 mjeseci kada uđete u Indiju i da ima nekoliko praznih stranica kako bi vam imigracijski službenici mogli dopustiti ulazak u zračnu i morsku luku i staviti pečat. Niste obavezni poslati svoju putovnicu kurirom ili dobiti eVisa stmap na putovnicu. Samo zadržite e-poruku odobrenja eVisa na svom telefonu ili možete zadržati ispisanu kopiju. Više od 166 zemalja ispunjava uvjete za prijavu, ovdje je uzorak nekoliko zemalja koje mogu primijeniti 100 posto online postupak za indijsku elektroničku vizu, Finska, Austrija, Saudijska Arabija, Indonezija, UAE, SAD, Filipini, Estonija, Švedska, Brazil, Republika Koreja , Australija, Portugal, Bruneji, Izrael, Španjolska, Japan, Katar, Jordan, Grčka, Danska, Litva, Bolivija, Mađarska, Norveška, Latvija, Argentina, Gruzija, Hrvatska, Singapur, Bocvana, Njemačka, Laos, Cipar, Kolumbija, Meksiko , Belgija, Malezija, Poljska, Venezuela, Oman, Bosna i Hercegovina, Češka, Šri Lanka, Azerbajdžan, Kazahstan, Irska, Čile, Bjelorusija, Novi Zeland, Armenija, Italija, Peru, Francuska, Bugarska, Rumunjska, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Tajvan , Island, Kanada, Paragvaj, Belize, Južna Afrika, Vijetnam, Rusija, Kambodža, Fidži, Švicarska, Nizozemska  Indian Government has introduced eVisa for rapid approvals since 2014. This facility was limited to a few countries, but now it has been extended to over 166 nationalities. There are five types of India eVisa such as Conference, Business, Tourist, Medical and Medical Attendant. The online form for Indian eVisa takes only 2 minutes to complete. Once you have made the payment, then eVisa for India takes 72 hours to receive by email. There is no stamp or sticker on the passport required for Indian Business Visa or Indian Tourist Visa. You can drive to the airport or seaport and visit India.
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jubaer01 · 1 month
CROATIA CITIZENS - INDIAN ELECTRONIC VISA Fast and Urgent Indian Government Visa - Electronic Visa Indian Application Online
Brza i ubrzana indijska službena eVisa online aplikacija
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Address : Boškovićeva ul. 2, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Phone : +385 1 4870 650
Website : https://www.visasindia.org/hr/visa/ 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : Chander Mali Chowdhary
Description : Indijska vlada uvela je eVisa za brza odobrenja od 2014. Ta je mogućnost bila ograničena na nekoliko zemalja, ali sada je proširena na više od 166 nacionalnosti. Postoji pet vrsta indijskih eVisa kao što su konferencijska, poslovna, turistička, medicinska i medicinska pomoć. Ispunjavanje online obrasca za indijsku eVisa traje samo 2 minute. Nakon što izvršite uplatu, potrebno je 72 sata da primite eVisa za Indiju putem e-pošte. Nema pečata ili naljepnice na putovnici koja je potrebna za indijsku poslovnu vizu ili indijsku turističku vizu. Možete se odvesti do zračne ili morske luke i posjetiti Indiju. Imigracijski službenici u vašoj zemlji znaju da je indijska eVisa ili elektronička viza povezana s vašom putovnicom u računalnom sustavu. Ovo je najprikladniji način za ulazak u Indiju. Od vas se može tražiti da prenesete fotografiju lica ili stranicu putovnice, ako je ne možete učitati, jednostavno nam je možete poslati e-poštom putem veze Kontaktirajte nas na našoj web stranici. Naše ljubazno i ​​uslužno osoblje odgovorit će vam i pomoći vam u roku od 24 sata. Ako želite ostati u Indiji manje od 6 mjeseci, onda je ova vrsta elektroničke indijske eVise idealna i najprikladnija za vaše potrebe. Jedina stvar koju trebate provjeriti je da vam putovnica vrijedi 6 mjeseci kada uđete u Indiju i da ima nekoliko praznih stranica kako bi vam imigracijski službenici mogli dopustiti ulazak u zračnu i morsku luku i staviti pečat. Niste obavezni poslati svoju putovnicu kurirom ili dobiti eVisa stmap na putovnicu. Samo zadržite e-poruku odobrenja eVisa na svom telefonu ili možete zadržati ispisanu kopiju. Više od 166 zemalja ispunjava uvjete za prijavu, ovdje je uzorak nekoliko zemalja koje mogu primijeniti 100 posto online postupak za indijsku elektroničku vizu, Finska, Austrija, Saudijska Arabija, Indonezija, UAE, SAD, Filipini, Estonija, Švedska, Brazil, Republika Koreja , Australija, Portugal, Bruneji, Izrael, Španjolska, Japan, Katar, Jordan, Grčka, Danska, Litva, Bolivija, Mađarska, Norveška, Latvija, Argentina, Gruzija, Hrvatska, Singapur, Bocvana, Njemačka, Laos, Cipar, Kolumbija, Meksiko , Belgija, Malezija, Poljska, Venezuela, Oman, Bosna i Hercegovina, Češka, Šri Lanka, Azerbajdžan, Kazahstan, Irska, Čile, Bjelorusija, Novi Zeland, Armenija, Italija, Peru, Francuska, Bugarska, Rumunjska, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Tajvan , Island, Kanada, Paragvaj, Belize, Južna Afrika, Vijetnam, Rusija, Kambodža, Fidži, Švicarska, Nizozemska  Indian Government has introduced eVisa for rapid approvals since 2014. This facility was limited to a few countries, but now it has been extended to over 166 nationalities. There are five types of India eVisa such as Conference, Business, Tourist, Medical and Medical Attendant. The online form for Indian eVisa takes only 2 minutes to complete. Once you have made the payment, then eVisa for India takes 72 hours to receive by email. There is no stamp or sticker on the passport required for Indian Business Visa or Indian Tourist Visa.
You can drive to the airport or seaport and visit India. The immigration officers in your home country know that Indian eVisa or electronic Visa is linked to your passport in the computer system. This is the most convenient way to enter India. You may be asked to upload face photo or passport page photo, if you cannot upload it then you can simply email it to us via Contact Us link on our website. Our friendly and helpful staff will respond and assist you within 24 hours. If you want to stay in India for less than 6 months, then this type of electronic Indian eVisa is ideal and best suited for your needs. The only thing you need to make sure is that your passport has 6 months of validity when you enter India and it has couple of blank pages so that immigration officers can allow you to enter the airport and seaport and put a stamp. You are not required to courier  your passport or get an eVisa stmap on the passport. Just keep the approval eVisa email on your phone or you may keep a printout copy of it. Over 166 countries are eligible to apply, here is a sample of few that can apply 100 percent online process for Indian electronic Visa, Finland, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, UAE, USA, Philippines, Estonia, Sweden, Brazil, Republic of Korea, Australia, Portugal, Brunei, Israel, Spain, Japan, Qatar, Jordan, Greece, Denmark, Lithuania, Bolivia, Hungary, Norway, Latvia, Argentina, Georgia, Croatia, Singapore, Botswana, Germany, Laos, Cyprus, Colombia, Mexico, Belgium, Malaysia, Poland, Venezuela, Oman, Bosnia  and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Chile, Belarus, New Zealand, Armenia, Italy, Peru, France, Bulgaria, Romania, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Iceland, Canada, Paraguay, Belize, South Africa, Vietnam, Russia, Cambodia, Fiji, Switzerland, Netherlands 
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pashterlengkap · 5 months
Men get married at… checks notes… a rat hole
A new Chicago landmark has gone viral and is not your usual tourist spot. It’s a “rat hole” (or maybe a squirrel). But Raj Sarathy and his new husband took the craze to an entirely new level when the pair got married on the sidewalk in front of it. Related: These 6 marriage proposals will warm your heart Plus, we’ve added one cheeky honorable mention… A rat (or squirrel) shaped imprint in the sidewalk has been a neighborhood amusement for 20 years, but after comedian Winslow Dumaine stumbled across it and posted a photo on social media. Never Miss a Beat Subscribe to our daily newsletter to stay ahead of the latest LGBTQ+ political news and insights. Had to make a pilgrimage to the Chicago Rat Hole pic.twitter.com/g4P44nvJ1f— Gatorade Should Be Thicker. (@WinslowDumaine) January 6, 2024 “What I found was very much like Looney Tunes, I guess. Just a full rat splat in the wet pavement,” Dumaine told the local news. “I just busted out laughing when I saw it.” Within two days it had over five million views and dozens of visitors a day who left candles, weed, alcohol, food, stuffed animals at a shrine erected at the site. People tossed coins into the hole like a wishing well, a man proposed marriage to his fiancé, and hours later, Raj showed up with his soon-to-be husband, a wedding planner, and a balloon covered arch. “I wanted something that was very groundbreaking,” Sarathy told Book Club Chicago. “We looked at each other in the eyes and we said, ‘Why don’t we get married at the rat hole?’ That’s when I reached out to my wedding planner to make that actually become a reality.” Lica Sato-Keene, his planner, said the request was unusual, but so is Sarathy. So after a reception, the men headed to the sidewalk indent to make things official. When the entourage arrived at the rat (or maybe squirrel) hole, about 50 people were there and the crowd helped the couple to celebrate. “Everybody at the rat hole is literally the nicest person you’ve ever met,” Sato-Keene said. “As a wedding and event planner, you don’t usually move the decor. Once the decor’s there, it’s there. We had to figure out a way to break it into pieces, put it in the business van and transfer it there. There were people at the rat hole just helping us carry these [balloons] across the street. It was so funny and sweet.” Update: the Rat Hole shrine now includes a card, a piece of cheese, a lighter, and a framed memorial among other things. Two people came by and sprinkled some American spirit and a little bit of weed in the hole too. pic.twitter.com/GSG55lGhY9— Gatorade Should Be Thicker. (@WinslowDumaine) January 17, 2024 But neighbors aren’t that thrilled with the litter and noise caused by the fans. Along with coins and flowers, gawkers are also leaving tobacco, drugs, alcohol and condoms. And the food offerings can attract actual rats. “The shrines and everything are nice, but this isn’t like a historic landmark,” one neighbor said. “There’s no one designated to clean up after it, so it’s just been us and the neighbors next door that have been cleaning up.” “Rats run in packs,” she added. “So if one rat were to come and see that there’s fresh cheese here every day, more rats would come. They nest, they burrow. We just don’t want a nest of rats burrowing in the foundation of our house.” “I think the idea of treating it like a wishing well is kind of fun, and I think that might be the easiest way. If you want to toss a coin in, take a pic, I think that’s nice. The leaving of the stuff, it’s just someone has to clean it up eventually. And it’s being put on us, the community.” Sarathy and Sato-Keene cleaned up after the nuptials. Other neighbors have a different quibble with the newfound notoriety. They insist that the imprint isn’t from something as disgusting as a rat. Instead, they hold out that it’s the imprint of a different rodent. “Everyone who’s… http://dlvr.it/T1qVYS
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lezwatchtv · 1 year
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The LezWatch.TV character of the day is "Lica Gutierrez" from Malhação, As Five
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Mount Tai
After a 10-hour trip in a stuffed train, we reach the foot of Mount Tai, Lica loaded down with backpacks to her knees, filled water flasks and enough pork floss to feed a family of five. I peek over the shoulders of a tall Asian tourist wearing a gray stained shirt, his navel exposed, and poke Lica’s right forearm to signal our arrival at the South Gates to Heaven. Only 6000 stairs and the summit of the sacred mountain are left between us. The tradition notes that every teen must mount each step before they reach the age of 18 in order to live a happy life. My mother made it to the top 40 years ago, and my brother and dad five years. With cheap fans against the burning summer heat, we climb the steep stairway. We pass sellers of crafted luck charms and slim Western tourists, equipped with goggles and navy blue bike shorts. They storm up the stairs at astonishing speeds of 6 mph in the form of zig-zags. Halfway through Lica suddenly bursts into laughter, almost stumbling into the Chinese couple ahead of us. To shield her eyes from the pungent beams of the sun, she swiftly pulls down the tip of the green cap she found while roaming through grandpa’s old workroom two months ago. Stunned at her genuine smile, the grin she always wore before the incident, I completely forget to ask for the cause of the sudden outburst but I don't mind the cluelessness. We both buy jade bracelets and traditional youtiao sticks to stuff our energy-drained bodies. After 6 hours of endless breakdowns and encounters with people posing with selfie sticks, we finally arrive at the peak of Mount Tai. Little ramen restaurants line the sides of the large walls encircling us and temples rooted in history are scattered throughout the village. We lean over the stone fence, staring at the green valley beneath us. Lica lifts her right arm and reaches for the clouds just meters above us with tears in her eyes.
“Do you think he’s watching us right now?” She speaks for the first time today.
My eyes meet hers. They seem darker than usual or maybe I just haven't looked at them in a long time.
Lica bursts into laughter again and this time I join her, still clueless.
"He is," I say once we've collected ourselves again. We don't speak for the rest of the trip but it's okay. We'll be okay.
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asfiveicons · 4 years
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like or © cadeIica
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a5five · 4 years
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icons as five
se pegou/salvou, dê like 💞
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moonyedits · 1 year
faz icons da lica de “as five”? obg ♡
postados aqui! espero que goste 🥰
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swccessful · 4 years
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— lica “as five” icons
please like/reblog if you saved ੈ♡
© rosadixaz on twitter
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jubaer01 · 3 months
INDIAN ELECTRONIC VISA Fast and Urgent Indian Government Visa
Electronic Visa Indian Application Online - Brza i ubrzana indijska službena eVisa online aplikacija
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Address : Mlinovi ul. 135, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Phone : +385 1 4637 011
Website : https://www.visasindia.org/hr/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Chander Mali  Chowdhary
Description :Indijska vlada uvela je eVisa za brza odobrenja od 2014. Ta je mogućnost bila ograničena na nekoliko zemalja, ali sada je proširena na više od 166 nacionalnosti. Postoji pet vrsta indijskih eVisa kao što su konferencijska, poslovna, turistička, medicinska i medicinska pomoć. Ispunjavanje online obrasca za indijsku eVisa traje samo 2 minute. Nakon što izvršite uplatu, potrebno je 72 sata da primite eVisa za Indiju putem e-pošte. Nema pečata ili naljepnice na putovnici koja je potrebna za indijsku poslovnu vizu ili indijsku turističku vizu. Možete se odvesti do zračne ili morske luke i posjetiti Indiju. Imigracijski službenici u vašoj zemlji znaju da je indijska eVisa ili elektronička viza povezana s vašom putovnicom u računalnom sustavu. Ovo je najprikladniji način za ulazak u Indiju. Od vas se može tražiti da prenesete fotografiju lica ili stranicu putovnice, ako je ne možete učitati, jednostavno nam je možete poslati e-poštom putem veze Kontaktirajte nas na našoj web stranici. Naše ljubazno i ​​uslužno osoblje odgovorit će vam i pomoći vam u roku od 24 sata. Ako želite ostati u Indiji manje od 6 mjeseci, onda je ova vrsta elektroničke indijske eVise idealna i najprikladnija za vaše potrebe. Jedina stvar koju trebate provjeriti je da vam putovnica vrijedi 6 mjeseci kada uđete u Indiju i da ima nekoliko praznih stranica kako bi vam imigracijski službenici mogli dopustiti ulazak u zračnu i morsku luku i staviti pečat. Niste obavezni poslati svoju putovnicu kurirom ili dobiti eVisa stmap na putovnicu. Samo zadržite e-poruku odobrenja eVisa na svom telefonu ili možete zadržati ispisanu kopiju. Više od 166 zemalja ispunjava uvjete za prijavu, ovdje je uzorak nekoliko zemalja koje mogu primijeniti 100 posto online postupak za indijsku elektroničku vizu, Finska, Austrija, Saudijska Arabija, Indonezija, UAE, SAD, Filipini, Estonija, Švedska, Brazil, Republika Koreja , Australija, Portugal, Bruneji, Izrael, Španjolska, Japan, Katar, Jordan, Grčka, Danska, Litva, Bolivija, Mađarska, Norveška, Latvija, Argentina, Gruzija, Hrvatska, Singapur, Bocvana, Njemačka, Laos, Cipar, Kolumbija, Meksiko , Belgija, Malezija, Poljska, Venezuela, Oman, Bosna i Hercegovina, Češka, Šri Lanka, Azerbajdžan, Kazahstan, Irska, Čile, Bjelorusija, Novi Zeland, Armenija, Italija, Peru, Francuska, Bugarska, Rumunjska, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Tajvan , Island, Kanada, Paragvaj, Belize, Južna Afrika, Vijetnam, Rusija, Kambodža, Fidži, Švicarska, Nizozemska  Indian Government has introduced eVisa for rapid approvals since 2014. This facility was limited to a few countries, but now it has been extended to over 166 nationalities. There are five types of India eVisa such as Conference, Business, Tourist, Medical and Medical Attendant. The online form for Indian eVisa takes only 2 minutes to complete. Once you have made the payment, then eVisa for India takes 72 hours to receive by email. There is no stamp or sticker on the passport required for Indian Business Visa or Indian Tourist Visa. You can drive to the airport or seaport and visit India. The immigration officers in your home country know that Indian eVisa or electronic Visa is linked to your passport in the computer system. This is the most convenient way to enter India. You may be asked to upload face photo or passport page photo, if you cannot upload it then you can simply email it to us via Contact Us link on our website. Our friendly and helpful staff will respond and assist you within 24 hours. If you want to stay in India for less than 6 months, then this type of electronic Indian eVisa is ideal and best suited for your needs. The only thing you need to make sure is that your passport has 6 months of validity when you enter India and it has couple of blank pages so that immigration officers can allow you to enter the airport and seaport and put a stamp. You are not required to courier  your passport or get an eVisa stmap on the passport.
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piscianizando · 4 years
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boxycons · 3 years
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