#kharaa khatayin
finalrespite · 5 months
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rasenkaikyo · 10 months
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Au Ra August 🦎
Day 16
A mythical construct rising impossibly high from Othard's sea is a sort of proving ground, the work of clandestine heritors of Allagan knowledge? An audacious claim, so of course it warranted further expert investigation.
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fantastichaz · 3 years
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You can hang on to me if you don't know
And we’ll go down the line
Don't you move too fast but don't go too slow
I need your love tonight
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yuri-cocaine · 4 years
we’re here to take you home
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with @onwesterlywinds​ and @rasenkaikyo​
The magitek bit beeps. “Alert. Incoming allied presence. B8 should escape immediately.”
“Escape recommended.”
“Escape recommended.”
Ashelia Riot glances at the woman to her right. There’s something familiar about her, she thinks—but she doesn’t have time to ponder it now.
Kharaa jumps down from her yol. “Ai!”
Ai gasps for breath. Her leg gave out shortly after scaling the cliff. Someone is calling her. She tries to remember who it is.
“Targets at the Peaks, Radiata, X 28, Y 28.” The magitek bit is insistent.
Ai Deahli: “Guh….a-approaching…”
Vision One gets a little closer. Her brow furrows from behind her visor. “Ai.”
Ai staggers.
Ashelia Riot doesn’t know what’s happening, but readies her gun all the same.
Ai Deahli: “Miss…One? Grand St-stssss—”
Ai Deahli: “T-targets confirmed. Readying a-attack pro-protocol.”
Vision One glances towards Ashelia and back. “Ai, we’re here to take you home. Back to the Sandsea…Please don’t do this.”
Ai Deahli: “F-for the glory of—the glory of the emp—Ahhh!!”
Ai rushes forward, slashing wildly. She readies Terminus Est, but it fires in the wrong direction.
Vision One: “Gh!” Kharaa jumps back, nicked by the sudden outburst. “Stop!”
Ai Deahli: “Activation long-ranged tur—turrets.”
Ashelia Riot fires.
Ai drops to her knee, winded. Ashelia Riot: “That’s enough.”
Ai Deahli: “Grand Steward…Th-rhank you for the r-room…Someday I’ll…”
Ai staggers to her feet.
Vision One: “You don’t have to do this, Ai…”
Ai Deahli: “Do yyyou have the lissst—A—Arae’sae Evvv----forgot to return a—to the library—”
Ai continues to wildly attack while uttering nonsense.
Ai Deahli: “Akeet made buuz the oth—other—”
Vision One rushes in, using a non-lethal Armor Crush to knock her down. Ashelia Riot shoots the magitek bit down.
Ai Deahli: “No…Finish the mission…For the glory of the—of—”
Ashelia Riot: “Enough. Two dead in Ul’dah? An attack on Rhalgr’s Reach? What did you hope to gain?”
Ai Deahli: “Must report to—protocols engaged—I must!” She attempts another attack, but misses and falls to her knees.
Vision One kneels at Ai’s side. “She’s a clone. Part of an imperial project. One that entered a terminal stage.”
Ashelia Riot’s blood goes cold. “A clone?”
Ai Deahli: “Argh! I’m so—sorry—Pl—go away..”
Ai Deahli: “Sssorry sorry sorryyyy…”
Vision One is undaunted, and she shakes her head. “I can’t do that. You’re not an imperial tool. You’re a Riskbreaker, and you need to return home.”
Ashelia Riot: “…Terminal. What does that mean.”
Ai Deahli: “H-home…? All personnel slated for elimination…going h-home…”
Vision One: “She’s been chosen to wipe out the whole project. Everyone involved in it, even any surviving clones. That’s what I hazard those deaths were.”
Vision One pulls out the tomestone she had been given. “Imperial intelligence is not as water-tight as they think it is.”
Ai Deahli: “Surviving—oh. I remember…”
Ai tears her visor off and throws it away before collapsing. Her eyes are strangely glowing red.
Ai Deahli: “Grand Steward. I should have said something but I thought I—I wish I had more time. You have been so good to me and I—”
Ai Deahli drops a crystal at Vision One’s feet. “My memories. I don’t know why she needs them.”
Ashelia Riot: “Who?” Her voice is softer now than it is when she is normally in battle.
Vision One reaches and grabs the crystal. “It’s not over, Ai. Believe me.”
Vision One smiles weakly at Ai. “You have been dear to me. I won’t let you go away so easily.”
Ashelia Riot looks now at Vision One, unsure for the first time.
Ai Deahli: “…Okay. I’ll treat you to tea. Next week. Both of you.”
Vision One: That sounds great. I’ll hold you to it.”
Ai wants to say something, but her breath catches in her throat. She looks up at the pale sky, and closes her eyes against the sunlight. She’s so tired.
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Vision One looks away.
Ashelia Riot checks to see if Ai is showing any signs of life. She sees nothing, nothing at all that might indicate she is still alive. And in fact, she even sees, for the first time—sparks?
Vision One: “We stopped her rampage and brought her to her senses…but the inevitable end of this protocol was thereby triggered.”
Ashelia Riot stows her gun, no longer sensing any threats. “…I know you. You’ve been at the manse.”
Vision One: “It’s Kharaa. Kharaa Khatayin. I wish we could have met under brighter circumstances.”
Ai starts fading into hazy orange light, like the clouds around Azys Lla. Aetherochemical constructs breaking down.
Ashelia Riot: “What—”
Ashelia Riot can’t help but stare at the light, what it’s doing to the body that recently seemed so…organic.
Vision One: “…She was beautiful in spite of her—in spite of the imperial ‘masters’ who dare mock science. And the project had cursed her to a limited lifespan that she nonetheless lived to the fullest.”
Ashelia Riot: “But what happened?”
Ashelia Riot looks to Vision One. “Why all this? And why now, after so long?”
Vision One: “I’m not sure. It seemed someone wanted to erase all evidence the project happened in the first place.”
Ashelia Riot: “She said someone—‘she’—needs her memories. Could that be the person who did this?”
Vision One shakes her head and holds up the crystal in one hand, the tomestone in another. “I was approached by one Yun, who foresaw this eventuality and took measures to ensure her continued survival in another way. I admit, I myself struggled to accept it, as I wanted to find a way to extend the life of her given form…but I had to trust in Yun’s gift.”
Ashelia Riot does know of Yun Khatayin; she’s a contact of a few Riskbreakers.
Ashelia Riot: “But why would the Garleans have created a clone made to…expire? Why now? Why not have her betray us during the fall of Ala Mhigo?”
Vision One: “I’m not sure it was their intention to give them a deliberate expiry, for even their records could give just an approximation. No more than a flawed attempt at recreating Allagan technology.”
Ashelia Riot can’t help but grit her teeth and clench her fist; still, she has nothing more to say.
Vision One: “They have nothing on her time with your group. They wouldn’t have even known how to betray you. Until recently, Ai’s thoughts have been hers and hers alone. I doubt they will know anything other than the fact Ai has completed her mission.”
Ashelia Riot grits her teeth again—at the unfairness of it. Ashelia Riot: “Completed her mission. And they’ll simply keep doing…this.”
Vision One: “I hold no love for Garlemald. They learn from the past to commit a growing list of atrocities. I work for every opportunity to dismantle their efforts. Even as they brought Ai into this world, they dealt her a cruel hand.”
Vision One’s grip tightens around the crystal. “She was suffering so much because of their twisted science…at least now, no matter what, she’s free.”
Ashelia Riot: “Will she still be free even if—”
Ashelia Riot says no more, but looks at the crystal in Vision One’s hand.
Vision One: “Yun’s gambit relied on this crystal. Once I transfer Ai’s memories to the tomestone, I can upload the data into an artificial body.”
Ashelia Riot: “And they won’t be able to reach her again? They won’t be able to control her?”
Vision One nods to Ashelia Riot. “There won’t be anything to control. Whatever trigger they used to start the terminal protocol, is no longer part of her.”
Vision One: “It may not be all the same, but I can hope you can accept her again when the time comes. If nothing else, it would certainly assure the Empire can truly never touch her again.”
Ashelia Riot hesitates, then nods. “Good. Do what you must.”
Ashelia Riot looks back at where Ai once was, and speaks softly in Ala Mhigan: “You deserved better.”
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rasenkaikyo · 10 months
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Au Ra August 🦎
Day 25
Style isn't everything, but a little can't hurt.
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finalrespite · 1 year
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cruel like flint
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finalrespite · 1 year
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finalrespite · 5 months
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The Vision One playlists: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X
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finalrespite · 1 year
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finalrespite · 1 year
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The Vision One playlists: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X
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finalrespite · 1 year
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finalrespite · 2 years
Hina’s Character Roll
Updated 21 Nov 2022
Names are presented alphabetically.
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(she/her) A denizen of Thavnair's jungles, where her tribe came to settle years prior to distance themselves from the Empire. She grew to assume the status of vice captain of the town guard, deftly wielding an alchemically-imbued spear - her efforts to protect the people during the Final Days earning her recognition. Arya acts as a more rational counterbalance to her fiery twin Anisha, who she cares for deeply.
EJI [of the] TORGUD (blog/carrd)
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(she/her)  A passionate Xaela from a line of astromancers in her tribe; a dream of falling stars allowed her leave from her lifelong home of the Nhaama Desert. She often makes ends meet through performing, fortune telling and offering jewelry as cherished by her people. Eji is an amiable, charming individual whose ways may be considered eclectic and... somewhat flustering to outsiders, and she knows it.
HINAKO DAIGO (blog/carrd)
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(she/her) A Raen priestess who had served as the young master of her shrine (kannushi), she is well versed and at home with the esoteric and otherworldly. After she and her countrymen were forced to flee their Yanxian village and the Empire, she has since traveled far and wide to carry on the spirit of her work - at odds with man and monster alike. Hinako is known to be consistently genial with a warm aura.
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(they/he/she) While held captive by trafficking brigands, it is said he had awoken a new power within him after coming in contact with the crystallized head of an oni. It had been owned by none other than the Daigo clan of Hingashi, who rescued, subsequently took in and raised the young Miqo’te. Kurenai has grown to be a distinguished member and an adept fighter; He tends to live life one step at a time when not directly representing the clan in Kugane.
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(she/her) A mixed-clan Miqo’te was once but a street rat in Ul’dah who attempted to steal from a foreign scholar. The scholar offered a way out and adopted her, taking her back to Old Sharlayan. There she got an education and took the reins on her life, becoming an archaeologist and explorer with a keen eye for ruins, inspired by early wanderings in the Sil’dihn subterrane. She is also a big fan of contemporary fashion trends.
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(she/her) A NPC character: The legendary fox Tamamo Gozen is part of great many a tale in Yanxian folklore, among them the story of their bond with the king Shoen. Her devotion to Doma’s people thenceforth came to a head in her act of defiance against the Empire; For better or worse, “Mikuzume” was reborn that day, bereft of many a memory. After crisis was averted following a more recent altercation with onmyoji, the woman has been trying to find new meaning in life.
VISION ONE (Kharaa [of the] Khatayin) (carrd)
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(they/she/any) Near the twilight of the Allagan Empire, Vision One was the first in a culmination of a thousand years’ research and the boon of Omega: Highly advanced, highly adaptive synthetic life. The android only relatively recently entered the stage once again after their discovery in Azys Lla. As Kharaa, she has been working to come to terms with Allag’s complicated legacy and also her own personal identity.
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finalrespite · 2 years
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dropped from the sky
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fantastichaz · 4 years
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It's the dawn of the new future weapon,
I'm after your soul,
𝘐'𝘮 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭.
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fantastichaz · 3 years
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It might not be the 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦
I might not be the 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦
But there's 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘶𝘴 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺
'𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘢𝘺
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fantastichaz · 3 years
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🤖 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒕 🤖
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