#kharjo watches
kharjo-san · 8 months
Also, the reason Loretta was so GD nervous and distracted at the first table read in ep 1... She was literally staring across the room at Dickie, watching her son in person for the first time, while she should have been reading her line
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She looks across the room at Dickie reading, then both Ben and Dickie look up at her in confusion, and she just smiles back cuz Dickie is looking at her
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venacoeurva · 1 year
How is Wren with kids? Does he find them annoying and steer clear? Or perhaps he’s a Responsible Protective Adult who keeps a watchful eye out for any dangers/creatures nearby? Or, would he be right there in their midst, entertaining them with cool spells or fancy swordsmanship, and regaling them with tales of his adventures? Thank you! 🙂
He's good at watching over them and doesn't get irritated by them very easily, he had to wrangle the younger orphans with other orphans his age or older back home. He's similar to Vavani where kids love him even though he's off-putting to a lot of adults for various reasons. That majorly burnt him out on raising kids, kind of got the older child turned tertiary parental figure fatigue, but he's up for babysitting for friends (he watches over Dusk and Kharjo's new baby when they have to do stuff, though they're usually much less busy than him).
He's responsible, but he will also teach your kid who to cast elemental burst so like.
When it comes to kids and parenting, he also acknowledges the concept of him dying and orphaning his kid or being a bad father because of his variety of emotional hangups and other problems. He especially resents bad parents because how DARE they have the privilege of being around their kids but treating them badly because he never got to be around his parents, and ended up being kind of a father/uncle-ish figure to Serana due to this. He knows there's a very good chance further down the line he might end up negligent due to his mental health issues and won't subject a kid to that.
Given his job and his popular methods, he doesn't talk about it around kids. Any kids who he watches over just think he's a mercenary of some sort if they're old enough to even ask.
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aardvark-123 · 1 year
~The Silver-Heart Chronicles Part 7: Friends Come and Go, Sometimes where they Actually Intended~
Many days had passed in Dawnstar. After helping the local sea captain Leif Wayfinder with his shipment of finely-cut void salts, Adelaisa finally had her partner for importing horker meat. Yngvar had another reason to resent Adelaisa, who'd spent the whole trip calling him Lydia and giving him furniture to carry.
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"Oh, good morning, Yngvar. Have you seen my friend Lydia? I could have sworn she was waiting somewhere around here," Adelaisa did brazenly enquire.
"Stuhn's blowhole... Yes, actually, I think she burrowed under the sand for a nap. You'll see her boots poking out somewhere along the beach," said Yngvar. "Anyway, Adelaisa, I'm heading out today. It's clear that the caravan won't be back for another fifty years, so I've decided to head to Whiterun and seek my fortune there."
Adelaisa's face fell. "Oh. I'm going to miss you, you know, Yngvar. You've been a good assistant, and an even better friend. Not to mention pretend husband."
"Y-yes, well, let's leave that whole business behind us." Yngvar cleared his throat. "So-"
"Wait, did you say the caravan?" Adelaisa cut in. "They just came into town this morning! That's why I wanted Lydia, so I can get her fitted for Lunar Guard armour-"
Yngvar wasn't listening, not even to point out that they didn't have that mod. He was running up to the south gate to hand over Kharjo's amulet.
Ahkari the merchant captain looked up at the sound of his approach. "Ah, would you be looking for a bargain, friend? Once these ones have finished setting up camp, perhaps... Perhaps..." She watched him run past her and huffed angrily. "Perhaps you will bite me, you lovelorn schoolboy."
His heart pounding, not just from the running, Yngvar approached the handsome Kharjo. "Um... Adelaisa and I- Well, mostly I, we went and found your Amulet of the Moon. So, um, here you go!"
Kharjo gasped. "There it is. Ah, home..." he sighed. "If you ever need the skills of a Khajiit warrior by your side, I would be honored to travel with you."
Yngvar dropped the bouquet of purple mountain flowers he'd been saving. "Wh-what?!"
"I've suspected for a while now that there could be more to life than guarding a merchant caravan," Kharjo went on. "Perhaps a travelling sword for hire could have more fun... Although, as I am sure you can see, I am more of a mace for hire."
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Yngvar smiled like an idiot. "W-well, you know what, your mace is more than welcome by my side! In fact, I was just planning a trip to Whiterun. It's a neutral hold, you see. Which is important due to reasons. S-so, how about it?"
Kharjo said he was happy to visit Whiterun; in fact, he knew a shortcut through the mountains. So off they went.
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It was a long hike south towards the tundra, through snowy pine forests into damp, grassy pine forests, past giants' camps and herds of mammoths, fighting an average of three wolves per mile. With his steel armour and shield, Kharjo might as well have been a boulder, unbreakable unless you were a bear or a sabre cat. And they only fought a couple of those every ten miles.
Yngvar wondered what Whiterun would be like. Although it was Skyrim's busiest city- the capital which wasn't technically the capital, a bit like Sydney or Glasgow- he had never been there before. The jarl maintained a stubborn neutrality in the civil war. If that meant an ex-Stormcloak could settle down there without having to throw his lot in with the Empire, so much the better.
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The tundra grew greener and yellower as they descended from the north. On and on they hiked, staying in villages and farmsteads overnight. For me, playing the game, it only took five minutes, but for Yngvar and Kharjo it was a long trek through a vast country.
On the fourth day, Yngvar's concentration started to waver. I won't say it was definitely because of how shapely Kharjo's behind looked in his armour, but Yngvar definitely failed to notice the great city on the hill disappearing behind them. And on the fifth day, Kharjo declared that they had arrived.
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"See?" Kharjo smiled as they crossed the bridge into Riverwood. "Was that a shortcut, or was that a shortcut? Whiterun awaits us, my friend!"
"Er," said Yngvar, a large blue drop of sweat rolling down the back of his head. "This doesn't seem like the agricultural heartland of Skyrim. This seems like a village."
"Well, Whiterun is..." Kharjo laughed nervously. "There is probably more city hidden among the trees. You'll see."
They headed into the village. It was beautiful and breezy among the wooden houses, with a few people out working or wandering the cobbled streets. Yngvar made a beeline for the first person who looked like she knew what she was doing and began asking questions.
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"Riverwood Trader, you say?" Yngvar said calmly. "Would this place, by any chance, be called Riverwood? And not, in fact, Whiterun?"
Gerdur burst out laughing. "Well, it certainly isn't Solitude! That's right, boys, you've found your way to Riverwood. Whiterun's a few miles north of here."
"I see." Yngvar turned around and gave Kharjo a pained smile. "That hill we walked past, Kharjo, with the city on top of it. That beautiful, bustling city on a hill at the heart of the plains, surrounded by farms and villages. You don't suppose that might have been Whiterun, do you?"
Kharjo looked at his feet. "It may well have been," he admitted. "To tell you the truth, I thought we were venturing too far south, but you never said a word."
"I was preoccupied," admitted Yngvar. "Er, what was that about a break-in?"
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Yngvar and the chagrined Kharjo made for the Riverwood Trader, where they found a man berating the tar out of a put-upon young woman.
"Come on, Lucan, be reasonable-" the woman began.
"No! No! A thousand times no!" Lucan cut in. "What nonsense is this?! My sister, who knows nothing of the world, wants to go thief-chasing without so much as a dwarven armoured mudcrab for company?! Stendarr's teeth, they'll eat you for breakfast!"
"Well, what's your plan, then? Come on, let's hear it!"
"Camilla, just shut up! For once in your life, listen to me!" barked Lucan. "Listen! Just... Please. You don't know what they'd do to you."
Standing in the doorway, Yngvar looked over at Kharjo. "This is..." He bit his lip. "Do you think she's all right?"
"I cannot say," whispered Kharjo. "Brothers and sisters can be like fire and water, but usually underneath it there is love."
Lucan jumped when he heard their voices. "Oh, a-a customer! Sorry you had to see that," he said sheepishly. "Can I help you?"
Yngvar looked at Kharjo. Kharjo looked at Yngvar.
"Well," said Yngvar, "can we help you?"
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It turned out some bandits had helped themselves to one of Lucan's favourite ornaments and stashed it away in Bleak Falls Barrow, an ancient ruin in the hills above Riverwood. Camilla offered to show them the way, and Yngvar and Kharjo accepted before Lucan could say anything.
They followed Camilla to the bridge at the edge of town, where she stopped. "My brother's going to blow his top if I take you any further," she said bitterly. "It's just up that slope, right at the tower and left at the cliff. Have fun... And tell me what it's like up there."
With a sigh, Camilla turned and slunk back into the village, her head hanging a little lower with every slow step.
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"Kharjo... This isn't right." Yngvar's eyes were burning with anger. "The man's treating his sister like a precious little pet snow fox."
Kharjo nodded. "I cannot stand to see injustice reign in small towns. Let's get her out of there. Come on!"
They ran back into the village, past a startled Camilla, and Yngvar kicked down the door to the Riverwood Trader.
Lucan dropped his sales book. "Wh-what are you doing?!" he gasped. "Guards! Guards, help-"
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The words died in Lucan's throat when Yngvar's cold, sharp sword pressed against it. (Please ignore the claw and the fact that it's tomorrow, I had to take these pictures out of order for various reasons.)
"Camilla's coming with us," Yngvar growled. "She deserves an adventure, not the life you've been forcing upon her. For Mara's sake, she isn't a child, she's at least..." Yngvar's brow furrowed. "Twenty-ish, I think."
"Oh, gods... You're madmen!" whimpered Lucan. "Please, wh-whatever you want to do to her, do it to me instead! I couldn't bear it if... If..."
"Er, what?" Yngvar loosened his grip a little. "No, we don't want to hurt Camilla, we want to free her! You were treating her dreadfully."
"I was protecting her!" sobbed Lucan. "From people like you! Gods damn it, Camilla isn't meant to be a warrior, she's only fought mudcrabs and the occasional wolf... You can't do this to her!"
"Well, we- we aren't doing anything to her! Right, Kharjo?" Yngvar said weakly. "Tell him!"
"Lucan, your sister will be fine," Kharjo said firmly. "But if she wishes to accompany us to Bleak Falls Barrow, she will. This is not your decision to make. Are we clear?"
"Go to Oblivion!" Lucan grabbed a broom from behind the counter and started whapping Yngvar on the head. "Get out of my shop! Out! Out! Out, out, out! Get out!"
Yngvar stumbled out of the Riverwood Trader. Kharjo bowled into him seconds later, squashing him flat on the cobbles. They lay there in a daze for several seconds.
Kharjo stood up with a groan and offered Yngvar a gauntleted hand. Yngvar took it and rose unsteadily to his feet.
"That didn't go well at all," Yngvar said quietly. "Kharjo, do you think we..."
"...Did the right thing?" Kharjo finished the question. "I do not know. If we have somehow made things worse for Camilla..."
"Made things worse? Are you joking?!" a voice cried out. "You held a sword to his throat. I wish I'd thought of doing that before!"
Kharjo and Yngvar turned around and gasped. It was Camilla, standing on top of the world, and Frodnar running into my picture before I could stop him.
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"Camilla!" cried Yngvar. "Sorry, we might have ticked off your brother even more..."
"Oh, he's had it coming for years." Camilla laughed a little, then sighed. "I think I forgot how to stand up to him for a while. He could be very determined."
"Am I to assume, by the armour you are wearing, you wish to come with us?" asked Kharjo.
Camilla nodded, practically vibrating with glee. "This time, I'll show you all the way inside Bleak Falls Barrow, then all the way back with my brother's golden claw. Come on, let's go!"
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They went.
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"What's he doing over there?" Yngvar peered through the gloom at a man wrapped in what looked like fifty layers of cobwebs. "It doesn't look comfortable. I'd prefer to sleep on the ground, personally."
"Um, fellows?" Camilla said nervously. "Don't look now, but..."
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"This is different," said Camilla, admiring the wall carvings of the old Nordic gods. "We must be right under the mountain by now!"
"Yes, and I can't entirely see why, given that we already have your brother's claw," said Yngvar heavily. He rotated the heavy gold ornament in his hands, peering closely at its three sharp points and the symbols carved into its curving palm. "Actually, do you see that door, with the circles and the little animal pieces? I have a radical idea."
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"All this for one piece of bric-a-brac! What's wrong with people?!" Yngvar sighed as he fought a climactic duel against the Draugr Scourge Overlord, his sword clashing mightily against her ancient frosted blade as they vied desperately for an advantage.
"Want a hand? Hold her steady for a moment!" Camilla was sneaking behind the draugr with her war axe at the ready. "Stay still... Stay still, and... THERE!"
At that precise moment, Yngvar cut the draugr clean in half. Camilla's war axe impacted on his leather helmet, knocking him out cold.
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"Kyne's leg hair, what a day!" groaned Yngvar, staggering out of the tradesmen's entrance at the back of Bleak Falls Barrow. "I'm glad you haven't invested any perk points into power attacks yet, Camilla, otherwise I'd have been a... Goner?"
Barely visible in the gloom of night, a frost dragon glared down at him. "Hello," she smiled. "You three look edible."
Yngvar breathed a deep, heartfelt sigh. "Why don't we sleep in the cave?"
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yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
watching inigo and kharjo talk to each other is nice
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kinkykhajiit96 · 2 years
OKAY SO Kharjo gets thrown up in the air (who would’ve thought it was Vecna this whole time and not Bethesda bugs?!)
a MUST watch!!
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sonnefuchs · 3 years
Characters seeing you steal cheese wheels
Brynjolf: mild amusement.  Not quite sure about your obsession, but he finds it cute so he just watches you with a smile.
Captain Aldis: strongly disappointed.  He doesn’t call the guards on you though because he really wants you to get that book for him.
Ulfric: strongly irritated.  You were supposed to be listening to him but instead you find cheese more interesting than plans for retaking Skyrim.
Serana: she loves it.  She joins in sometimes when there are too many for you to carry.
Lydia: slightly uncomfortable.  She doesn’t believe in stealing when you can purchase it but she won’t sell you out to the guards.
Tullius: 100 percent will call the guards on you.
Ralof: won’t join in but will laugh heartily at how many you’ve collected from your travels.
Kharjo: will totally steal your stolen cheese wheels until you take him somewhere warmer.
Argis the Bulwark: will roll his eyes but will block anyone from seeing with his huge frame.
Cicero: will absolutely call the guards on you screaming thief! Cackling as he sees you trying to outrun the guards.
Wylandriah: what cheese?  Now if only she could find that spoon…
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dead-finches · 3 years
Do'Zarayya - Character Card
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Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Race: Khajiit (Ohmes-raht)
Occupation: Two Moon's Dance Master, Warrior Guard (Former), So'Rhim's Handmaiden (Former), Caravan Guard (Former), Legionnaire, Adventurer, Head and Owner of Whiterun's School and Orphanage.
Birthdate: First Seed, Fourth Era, Year 175
Birthplace: Southern Elsweyr, In-between Torval and Corinthe
Home: Elsweyr, Khenarthi's Roost, Temple of the Two Moons Dance, Near Laughing Moons Plantations
Calm, level-headed exterior, absolute chaos incarnate interior.
Morally Questionable at times
Very active person, enjoys running, climbing, and hunting around on all fours, thinks it's good to keep her paws strong.
Works out every morning, if she doesn't she immediately go to sleep.
Quite a romantic, but isn't looking for a relationship, as she is still waiting for the day she reunites with a certain someone...
Can be quite devious at times.
Persuasion 100, she could sell you falmer shit for 100 gold and get away with it.
Cares more about plants and animals than she does about humans and mer.
Cottagecore Lesbian, absolutely.
Diet consists of Plants, Chicken and Fish only.
Doesn't like anything too sweet, consumes moon sugar in small doses, and often uses it as garnish or flavoring in meals.
Cooks almost all her food.
Absolute tired chaotic mom energy. Will take care of you and your children, but will also teach them how to throw fireballs out of their asses.
Loves taking care of children, used her money from the brotherhood to open up a proper school and orphanage at Whiterun.
Sick of Inigo, Serana, Lucien, and Auri's shit, but still loves them
Cherishes and prioritizes family, regardless if bound by blood or through choice.
Grew up in Khenarthi's Roost alongside Nabi, she trained under the Two Moon's Priest Inasashu-Jo.
Master of the Whispering Fang
Expert at Desert Wind
Adept at Desert Rain
Apprentice at Gout Fang
She and Nabi were raised to become the next priest/priestess.
However, she was scouted by the Warrior Guard and ends up moving to the capital in order to serve the Mane.
After a few years of service, she was promoted to So'Rhim's Handmaiden, eventually courting the Mane's Granddaughter.
They become lovers, but as the tension between Elsweyr and the Aldmeri Dominion arise, things take a turn for the worst.
So'Rhim was kept under covers all her life, masked as a Maid in order keep her safe, both her and Zara are Ohmes-raht.
With this in mind, as the Aldmeri Dominion storm the temple in search of the daughter, the lovers switch places and Zara is sent for execution in place of the real daughter.
The execution is interrupted by her allies from the Two Moons Temple.
She is sent back to Southern Elsweyr to regroup and is then smuggled to Skyrim through Ri'Saad's Caravan.
She stops by Cyrodill during the trip, before finally arriving to Skyrim as Akhari's Caravan Guard with Kharjo
Her time in Cyrodiil consisted of recovering her Grandmother's weapons and armour in Arbour Watch. Do'Zhayri's sword is passed down onto her, named the Sacred Claw of Jone.
She spends most of her time as a Caravan Guard and an adventurer, building the orphanage and becoming the Thane of Whiterun. She then becomes a student at the College of Winterhold, wanting to improve on magic, as well as have an actual license for making inventions.
After Alduin's return, she heads up to High Hrothgar, training with them for a few months before heading down to get the Horn.
She stops by Riften and meets Inigo, they become good friends, with him in tow she defeats Alduin.
They buy The Rookery (house mod) in Solitude, they get attacked by cultists at some point and go after Miraak.
They then join the Dawnguard, meet Serana, and defeat Harkon.
They then meet Lucien, and shortly after his quest, they meet Auri.
The Rookery has been renovated at this point to fit all five of them, and she is consistently studying in the College, in her off time she deals with the Civil War, and works with the Empire to drive the Thalmor out, and tries to help the Blades recover.
updated! august 16, 2021
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theflowercrowngirl · 3 years
Writers Month 2021 #13 - A moment of peace
Writers Month (August) 2021 Day #13 Word: Night / Setting: Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU Fandom: TES V: Skyrim Characters: Fem!Dragonborn, Inigo (the one and only), Lucien (the imperialist, scholar goofball) and Kharjo. Pairings: None Warnings: None Rating: K
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Skyrim's nights were rarely peaceful anymore.
All the more reason why she found those rare moments so special.
There, lying on the grass, no roof on top of her head, the Dragonborn lulled herself to sleep, eyes filled with reflections of the starry above. There were so many the sky didn't even look so dark.
She could hear Inigo's and Lucien gentle banter, keeping a low volume as to not 'wake her up'. But she was not asleep. Her consciousness remained, somewhere in the back of her mind. She knew that a couple of meters away, Kharjo, kind, dutiful Kharjo, had finally fallen asleep after offering to keep watch for three nights in a row. She knew that Inigo and Lucien's conversation included her name more than a few times, and that they quietly sang one of the songs they had improvised together.
She knew, deep inside her, that this could be one of their last nights together; or one their last nights alive. But for now, they were all together. She knew she would have to confront Alduin, one day or another-- maybe all of them would need to.
But not that night. That night was for sleep, and dreams, and navy blue skies, filled with stars...
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ladydaedra · 3 years
The Next Move
Part: 7/?
Pairings: Ulfric x Dragonborn; Brynjolf x OC; Cicero x OC; Ondolemar x OC
Warnings: Descriptions of violence and gore; Skyrim takes on a bit of 'Game of Thrones' feeling; may contain controversial themes
Wordcount: 1886
Ayla walks through the gates of Windhelm, stopping momentarily as she looks around, studying everything in the area. The wind blows through her hair as she notes nothing notably different from the last time she visited months ago.
"This way, ma'am," the soldier says and heads off towards the Palace of Kings. As they walk, Ayla can feel the citizens of Windhelm's gaze on her, whispering that she is the Dragonborn and wondering why she is here. She looks to her left and sees a small crowd, watching her with curious eyes. It is no secret that her victory against Alduin has made her a renowned hero throughout all of Skyrim, making her a legend amongst the people.
She sends them a small smile before looking back at the looming palace ahead of her. She glances back at the city and an idea strikes her. She wants to walk Windhelm's streets, visit with its citizens, get to know them a bit more, "Sir, might you be so kind to let the Jarl know that I might be awhile," she says, stopping in her steps and the soldier turns to stare at her, "I wish to explore the city a bit. If he wishes to speak with me now and if it is as urgent as he says it is, he can find me in the city. Or he can wait until I return to the palace,"
But before the soldier can stop her, Ayla turns on her heel and walks back the way they came as a slight breeze blows. She walks down the steps, cloak flowing behind her as she stops there, glancing to her left and right, trying to decide where to go.
She ends up going to the left, knowing that is where the infamous Grey Quarter is. She wishes to see it for herself again, wondering if there were any improvements to the area housing the Dunmer. She walks down the set of steps leading to where the shops and tavern for the Dunmer and Argonians are located.
She smiles as a passing Argonian couple, who return the smile before turning completely, shocked when they recognize who she is. She can't help but smile to herself when she sees the people ahead of her slowly start recognizing her, "it can't be...the Dragonborn?" a Dunmer woman asks as she watches Ayla walk by, a few children hiding behind her, peering up at the Dragonborn.
Ayla stops and smiles at the woman before her gaze goes to the three children, who immediately retreat to hiding behind their mother's dress, "it's alright," Ayla says, bending down and sending the children a gentle smile, "I won't hurt you, I promise," one by one, the children reveal themselves. The eldest, a girl, gives Ayla a toothy grin as her younger brothers come to a stop beside her, "I'm here to help," Ayla adds, handing each child five septims.
"Ma'am, you didn't..." the mother goes to object as Ayla stands up again.
Ayla shakes her head, "I won't be bothered with the loss of fifteen septims, miss," she explains as the children giggle amongst themselves, eyes glued on the gold in their hands, "like I said, I am here to help in any way possible," the woman smiles at her before looking down at her children.
Ayla continues on her trek through the Grey Quarter, glancing up at the buildings and down at the streets. It's been a while since she has traversed these streets, but from what she remembers, they look better than they did before. The buildings that house the Dunmer and Argonians have received a touch-up, mainly to the structural part to keep them from falling. Random holes in the streets have been fixed, weeds popping out through the cracks have been removed.
Ulfric did keep his word. She was impressed, maybe the thought of losing the Dragonborn and two dragons as an ally was what pushed him. Ayla walks into a large, open area with a giant gate to her left that leads to the docks. To her right is another street leading back to the Palace of Kings.
She goes straight and turns left to walk up a flight of stairs to stop in a small courtyard surrounded by three houses. She takes a sharp left and walks down the street that has a large house to the left. If she remembers correctly, that is Aventus Aretino's house. She remembers Taliyah telling everyone the story of how she came to be a part of the Dark Brotherhood and how this little boy hired her to kill an old woman in Riften.
With a sigh, she continues forward, under the little walkway connecting it to the other half of the house and stops on a bridge, in front of a railing overlooking the Grey Quarter. From up here, it doesn't look as large as it feels down there. But it sure looks pretty cramped.
"When I went to Sovengard to fight Alduin," she starts, knowing that she has company, "I went knowing that I might die trying to defeat him. I...struggled with accepting the fact," she pauses as she watches Aaryah fly in the distance. A black dot in the vast snow-covered landscape surrounding Windhelm, "but as I stood, waiting for Alduin to arrive, I told myself that if it took me dying to save Skyrim from the World Eater, then so be it,"
She turns to look to her left to see Ulfric standing there, gaze on her. She takes a deep breath as she returns to watching Aaryah fly, "I think of it now," she pauses as Aaryah swoops down and lights something on fire before flying off again and coming back for another hit, "I will gladly lay my life down to rid Skyrim of the Thalmor. I would willingly die so I can ensure that my rebellion lives to fight another day," she then looks back at Ulfric as a gust of wind blows around them, "will you do the same?" she questions him.
Ayla studies his face for the few seconds it takes for him to answer. She notes how he is standing tall, gaze hardened as he looks at her, blue eyes scrutinizing her; sizing her up, "gladly," is his response and Ayla turns to look back at the dragon.
"The bear is the symbol of leadership, strength, and courage," she starts, hearing him take a few steps towards her, stopping only when she looks over at him, "that is the banner of Windhelm and your rebellion," she pauses as she turns to her right and starts walking back the way she came, stopping only to make sure he is following, "you are the Jarl of Windhelm and right now, during this war, they need to feel safe and secure,"
"Are you saying they don't?" Ulfric asks as he walks beside her, glancing down at her as they turn the corner and walk past the gates to the city.
Ayla looks up at him before looking ahead again, "I'm saying that they don't know what is going on," she explains, returning a smile to Torsten Cruel-Sea, "they don't know how you are faring against the Empire and from simple rumor, they don't know about the alliance,"
"I don't want to drag them into this war,"
"A good excuse to keep the alliance a secret, but it doesn't assure them that they are safe," Ayla replies as they walk through the market. Ayla glances over at the group of people shopping and sees a few of them giving her and Ulfric confused glances, "if they knew that their Jarl agreed to an alliance with the Dragonborn and her dragons, I am sure they would be more...supportive of this war knowing that they are safe,"
"If I announce the alliance, the odds of both the Thalmor and the Empire finding out is pretty great," he reasons and looks over at the Dragonborn to see her shrug.
"They would have found out regardless when both our soldiers attack one or both of them," Ayla says as they return to the courtyard in front of the Palace of Kings. She turns to him, "now you asked me here to discuss something confidential,"
"The Jagged Crown," Galmar says, setting a heavy helmet, no crown, on the table in the war room of Windhelm, "retrieved by a group of Stormcloaks and ripped from the power-hungry hands of the Empire,"
Ayla studies the helmet, head tilted slightly as her index finger rubs her chin, brows furrowed in thought, "this is what you called me here for?" she questions, sparing Ulfric a glance then looking back at the crown, "a spiky helmet?"
Kharjo holds back a laugh while Ulfric sighs, arms crossed in front of his chest, "not just the crown, but the next step in the war," he explains and Ayla looks over at him, raising a single eyebrow and waiting for him to continue, "we plan to attack Windhelm,"
Ayla remains silent for a few moments, looking over at Kharjo, a million thoughts racing through her head. Whiterun. She remembers how Jarl Balgruuf aided her on her mission to stop Alduin. She would prefer not to attack his home, "and why are we attacking Whiterun?" she questions, meeting Ulfric's gaze head-on.
"A week ago I sent a soldier to take my ax to Balgruuf," he explains with a deep breath, "he sent the soldier back with the ax, meaning he has sided with the Empire," Ayla looks back at the crown, her thumbnail now running across her lower lip.
"From what I understand, Balgruuf has remained uninvolved with the war by not choosing a side," she starts, glancing at both Ulfric and Galmar, "why now? And why the Empire?"
Galmar chuckles, "that is a question you will have to ask him yourself,"
"Whiterun will not be easy to take," Ulfric states, "with the whole Whiterun guard plus Imperial forces as well as Thalmor protecting the city, I doubt my army alone will make a big difference,"
"You need my army and dragons," Ayla says softly, mainly to herself.
"Precisely," Ulfric replies, his hard gaze on her, "without your help, we will not be able to take Whiterun,"
"It'll be the perfect time to reveal the alliance," Kharjo points out and Ayla can practically hear the smirk in his voice, "the Stormcloaks charging in to take Whiterun out of the Imperials grasp with the Dragonborn and her dragons fighting alongside them. Sounds like something out of a storybook,"
"So, Dragonborn, what is it?" Galmar asks and Ayla stares at the crown as she debates the risk level of this attack. No doubt there will be casualties, as there always is in war. But this will bring them one step closer to the fall of the Empire in Skyrim and closer to chasing the Thalmor out as well, tail between their legs.
Ayla smiles, looking up to meet Ulfric's gaze, "alright, I'm in. On one condition," she replies and waits a few seconds, "Jarl Bulgruuf isn't killed. He helped me on my quest to stop Alduin and I owe him big for that,"
She watches as Ulfric shares a glance at Galmar and the two nod, "deal," and with that, the war just started.
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tell us bout dah'ni!!
aaaaa brain fog making it hard to decide what to talk about I’ll just say what comes to mind ahdjdbjd
Dah’ni lived most of their life in Elsweyr with their family, but two years before the events of Skyrim, they spoke ill of the Aldmeri Dominion and were then pursued, causing them to flee. During that time, they traveled on the down low and kept a low profile, and ended up enjoying exploring caves and ruins and all that stuff, so they just kept at it, gaining treasures and rewards along the way.
They were actually crossing INTO Skyrim when they got caught in that imperial ambush, and was recognized by the Thalmor and so deemed to be executed alongside the captured Stormcloaks (but obvs they escaped cuz dragons yknow). How they managed to infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy party is beyond me. Elenwen must not be up to speed!
Dah’ni wasn’t welcome in most towns and cities until they had to deliver a message to the Jarl of Whiterun, and were carefully watched the entire time. It was only when they discovered they were dragonborn that they were fully welcome as much as everyone else.
Despite having a love for adventure and exploration, Dah’ni is actually quite timid and cowardly, often flinching at any and all movements or shadows. It’s pretty easy to spook them.
Dah’ni also gets auditory hallucinations, often in the form of the sound of chirping birds, unintelligible whispers, or static.
They’re a lovesick kitty, and fell in love at first sight upon meeting Lydia and Kharjo, but it took a while for them to warm up to Cicero until the two started to get to know each other.
They consider Miraak to be their brother, as they are both dragonborn, and regrets having him die. They want to try and bring him back, hoping to bond over their kinship.
Dah’ni is most closely tied to the Dark Brotherhood in terms of which factions they are a part of. The Thieve’s Guild is a close second.
They are very skilled with a bow, and could probably shoot someone between the eyes from miles away!
It wasn’t until after Alduin was defeated that they started losing their vision and having memories of their past lives, however their first ever glimpse of such a thing was when they first summoned the spectral assassin, Lucien Lachance, and feeling an odd sense of familiarity.
They want kids, but whether or not they ever have them is something I’ve not decided, and probably never will lol.
I’ve been trying to draw them for the past several days and failing miserably cuz this art block is still a thing ughhh aaaaa
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altfire-archive · 7 years
hhhh who should be my second follower
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kharjo-san · 8 months
Penelope in pink sure is making quite a stink, is she trying to throw me off the scent? Though she bats her little eyes is she a killer in disguise, With a diaper full of criminal intent?
Preening Patrick is pernicious with an appetite so vicious, he would bite the hand that feeds him with a sneer. But could that rotten tot be behind this evil plot, Baby-stepping towards a murderous career?
Pouty little Paco's looking coy but he's a bad, bad boy, Could Paco's passion prove apocalyptic? With his paci and his rattle did this pisher go to battle, Proving he's the perp amidst this Pickwick triptych?
~ Please reblog for exposure!
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downsteepy · 5 years
fun facts about all of my tes characters
- stupid as shit. doesn’t know how the FUCK she Saved Skyrim.
- very much a Mom friend. has a knapsack full of everything you could need and More.
- clings to inigo a lot. they’re best friends and are both stupid as shit send tweet
cumkrand (skyrim):
- REFUSES to tell people that her name is cumkrand. only introduced herself as kay or krand.
- very very apathetic. lawful bastard energies
- has been in the dark brotherhood for the majority of her life, doesn’t really know anything else.
- big lesbian. biggest lesbian imaginable.
- she’s really nice and has a garden, teaches the kids in whiterun how to take care of fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
- (goes to a new hold) (adopts every kid she comes across)
cumkrand the first (oblivion):
- MEGA fucking dumbass. doesn’t watch where shes walking and also just runs into shit
- despite being dumb as fuck, she has Eureka moments and figures things out faster than other people
- gets lost constantly in the imperial city. for someone that spends the MAJORITY of their time here, she still somehow manages to get lost. probably lives in the sewers
- the og khajiit with a not khajiit name. not as dumb as backpack though
- kharjo is her best friend alongside serana!
- sleeps maybe 2 hours a night since going to sovngarde.
- lives in raven rock despite not being a major fan of solstheim. just likes how homey it feels in the house.
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aardvark-123 · 1 year
~The Silver-Heart Chronicles Part 6: Two Go Bananas in Dawnstar~
Adelaisa Vendicci was blissfully unaware that half of Dawnstar now believed she and Yngvar were married. Yngvar was painfully aware of the misconception, painfully that the Khajiiti merchant caravan which had just pulled into town was guarded by an absolute dreamboat, and even more painfully aware that Thoring and Karita might send assasins after him if he cheated on Adelaisa.
You know, "cheated" on Adelaisa, with whom he wasn't in a relationship and probably never would be. The misconceptions some people could wrestle into their heads were truly astonishing.
"So," Adelaisa said over breakfast, "what do you feel like doing today, dearest?"
Yngvar choked on his apple pie. "D-d-d-DEAREST?!"
"Yes," Adelaisa said innocently. "Dearest honourary little brother. Do you have any big plans, or medium ones? I'm going to talk to those travelling merchants and see if they've got a way into the horker business."
"I might as well tag along," Yngvar said weakly. "In case they're selling anything."
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Elsweyr had a large mercantile culture in the Baandari Pedlars, and a few caravans traded goods in and around Skyrim. Nords tended to look down on them, though, and the caravans were banned from entering most cities, because Everybody Knew the Khajiit were thieves, drug addicts, in league with the Thalmor, or whatever else was the racist slander of the week.
Yngvar didn't care about what Everybody Knew, and nor did Adelaisa. She quickly got to talking about horkers with the merchants, who told her how a vampire horker had been terrorising the northern shores until a woman with a quarterstaff beat him to death.
Yngvar looked at the Elsweyrese weapons Ahkari was selling for just long enough to seem polite, then, with his heart pounding, went to talk to the caravan guard.
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Kharjo was quite a man, but as Yngvar stammered through a few rounds of polite conversation, he (Yngvar) could tell he (Kharjo) was distracted. He (Yngvar) pressed him (Kharjo) for details until he (Kharjo) explained how he (I'll give you three guesses) had lost his Amulet of the Moons to thieves.
"So another set of bandits stole another amulet?!" gasped Adelaisa, who had been listening in. "Yngvar, we have to do something!"
"Er, you're absolutely right! I was just about to say so myself!" declared Yngvar. "Tell us where you lost your amulet, Kharjo, and I'll give it to you. Th- the amulet."
Adelaisa gave him a withering look. "Sarcasm doesn't suit you, Yngvar. If you think this going to be a waste of time, just say so."
"What?! No, the amulet clearly means a lot to him! I want to help!" insisted Yngvar.
"Fine, then, don't come! But it'll be on your own conscience," said Adelaisa severely.
Yngvar groaned. "Don't do this, Adelaisa. I am coming! That's exactly what I plan on doing! It's happening! Don't try and talk me out of it."
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Adelaisa spent the afternoon in a deep sulk. She headed north, occasionally stopping to watch the horkers at play, but mostly trudging towards the shipwreck where Kharjo said he'd last seen his amulet.
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It wasn't until they found the boat, snapped in half and wedged between a couple of icebergs, that Yngvar spoke again. "So. Are you still having a private disagreement with observable reality, Adelaisa, or do you want to go and shake an amulet out of some bandits?"
"Kyaaaaa!" Adelaisa jumped out of her skin. "Y- Yngvar?! Akatosh, you startled me! I- I thought you weren't coming."
"Well..." Yngvar groaned. "I changed my mind."
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The bandits put up a fierce resistance, but were no match for our heroes' combined strength. Yngvar burrowed inside their stolen goods chest and emerged half an hour later with the Amulet of the Moon.
"It was a maze in there," he grumbled. "But this amulet smells just like Kharjo's perfume, so it was easy to find."
Adelaisa smiled. "I knew part of you still cared, Yngvar. You're a good man underneath all those layers of... Yngvar."
They headed back to Dawnstar, only to discover a disturbing lack of caravan.
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"Um," said Adelaisa, "I'm sure they were here yesterday. Have you tried looking in those bushes, or under that log? Or... Oh, no. They didn't get buried in the snow, did they?! I- I left my shovel back in the tavern! Yngvar, come on!"
"For Mara's sake, they've clearly moved on to the next city! We'll just have to wait here until they get back, or leave the amulet with someone in the city we can trust- Aaaugh!" Yngvar was dragged towards the Windpeak Inn by Adelaisa.
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Halfway across the city, Adelaisa screeched to a halt. "Um, what's that?" she said, peering up into the cloudy sky. "Another bird?"
"Adelaisa, there's something deeply, deeply wrong with you! Ysmir's sake, you can't just drag me around and pretend I've said the exact opposite of what... What..." Yngvar looked up. "Oh, that's just typical."
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A hungry storm dragon had descended upon Dawnstar, looking for fresh humans or perhaps a nice, plump horker for lunch. Loath to be eaten or surrender their local walruses, the guards came out in force to watch the blacksmith get chased around.
Yngvar took out his deadliest vials of poison, dipped a dozen crossbow bolts in them and opened fire on the dragon. It opened lightning right back, blasting him into the lake. Adelaisa charged forth to take the terrible beast on, secure in the knowledge that she was flagged as protected and could only die by a player character's hand.
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Eventually, after a battle that saw most of Dawnstar up in flames, the dragon was defeated.
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"Where did you get the hat?" Yngvar whispered as the dragon sank beneath the waves.
"I always had it. My head was starting to get cold," whispered Adelaisa.
"It makes you look like a monkey with a tall head," whispered Yngvar. "Maybe one of the Imga they apparently have down in Valenwood."
Adelaisa grinned. "Thank you! I think it's cute as well."
Once the gawkers had left, Yngvar and Adelaisa agreed to split the dead dragon between them. There might have been a collector somewhere who'd want half a dragon skeleton, or a gullible paleontologist who could be convinced it was the bones of some ancient beast.
Before they'd dragged it very far, though, a messenger ran up to Yngvar and handed him a couple of letters.
"What's this, now?" Yngvar's eyes widened as he examined the paper. "Inheritance?!"
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"Beitild and Leigelf... They're both dead. And they both had me in their wills." With heavy heart, Yngvar folded up the letters and put them in his pocket. "I don't understand it! Did-did the dragon kill them just now?!"
"I'm afraid so. It amazes me, though, how fast the hold governments can arrange these things," said Adelaisa dolefully. "There must be a courier in every jarl's longhouse, every thane's cottage, ready to head out with a letter of inheritance at the drop of a severed head!"
"I can't stay in Dawnstar," said Yngvar, gazing down at his feet. "I want a city without any dragons or a mad, lovelorn publican and his lute-happy daughter! Is that too much to ask?!"
"Probably, yes." Adelaisa nodded. "But at least in Dawnstar you've got me watching your back, right?"
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emathevampire · 6 years
kharjo is quite intently watching lord of the rings with me. i’m having tea and sitting around in a cozy cloak. it’s gonna be ok. i’ve got shit to do but i think i have time to do it in... it’ll be fine.
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m-herra · 5 years
🖊+Helex and Elsinaire?
Omg i forgot about these
Edit: I stg tumblr doesn't post right.
Helex Duilenus
A guard from Cyrodiil training under Commander Maro to guard the Emperor Titus Mede II
Tries very hard to be a good imperial soldier and guard but maybe a bit too hard, he's soon sent to stay with Whiterun Guards Elsinaire and Lovionl Adus to learn how to actually be a likeable guard
Tbh he's pretty young so its a bit understandable why he's trying to be "by the book" but also he's a bit of a bitch about it
Has had multiple run ins with criminal factions and since this is his first time meeting them he has no fucking clue that they were criminals. Example: he's good friends with S'agh, a known Vampire Lord with ties to both Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. It's known and quite obvious because no one tries to do anything but Helex is that dense
Used to crush on a Bosmer named Applewind but was informed that A) he's not interested and B) Old enough to be his great grandfather
He's also a bit of a ditz/gets lost in the clouds a lot, Commander Maro gave him a task to find a prisoner and he still hasn't realized that it was to get him out of Dragon Bridge
To give an idea of his age, he's about 18-19, no one's really sure which but he's an adult at least? Here's a sword go stab something you little disaster
Has no idea what gender he is but leans towards masculine for now
He legit thought Applewind was a girl (and that apparently happened often to the bosmer) and was left shut inside until he got his head together and realized it really didn't matter the gender he just has a type. (And that is anyone who could probably pick him up so that's... more than half of Skyrim)
Has a cream coloured horse named Mara, and another brown horse named Dibella. He adores both. (Old picture but eh)
Can and will die for a doggo, if his death would benefit them in anyway then it might happen
Doesn't have a lot of restraint yet but is working on via Inigo and his braincell (where Inigo got it is unclear, investigation is underway)
Would die for Kharjo bc Kharjo is a good pal.
Despite being shunned and punished for using Magic when he was younger, he has a talent for it.
May or may not be a dragonborn but not like the others. Instead of a Dragon Soul, he has Dragon Blood, and we can thank Sanguine's shenanigans and a Priest for that.
No seriously he's fucking tiny but not like, that tiny, he's more or less a twig so Skyrim Citizens could accidently snap him in half if they aren't careful be gentle with the baby
Elsinaire Adus
He's a vampire thanks to his Grandfather (who died shortly before the events of tes4) and thankfully didn't have to be diseased or deal with Moldy Bitch Balls (he still hates him for what he did to Lamae and his Grandfather he will not hesitate)
Somehow, and I stress the sheer luck of this, evaded being found out by: his superiors back in Cyrodiil, Several Vigilants of Stendarr, the fucking Dawnguard, at least two of the Dovahkiin (tbf, Milonee thought it was an elf thing and Daro'suna is just straight up a dumbass sometimes), and for a short period of time he somehow convinced a fellow Whiterun guard that he wasn't, while he was caught feeding. He's either using vampire powers unknowingly or he's that convincing (or everyone failed several spot checks but his brother helped too)
Joined the Volkihar Vampires to see if he could control his Vampirism but later found out that not only did he have to deal with M*lag B*l, he was lied to and later hypnotised by Harkon to turn on his family and friends. Thankfully S'agh, Lovionl, and Daro'suna literally knocked sense into him (via Lovionl and his love of Warhammers and Vibe Checks)
He's taller than most but is small for an altmer, although this is a family thing, as his Grandmother is actually shorter than him and always has been. It should be noted that there has been no other races involved in his lineage that would be able to affect his height.
Dating a Companion named Metsine Wild-Blade and by the nine he's in love. They get along well but needed some outside assistance (read: counseling) after the Volkihar thing. She can also carry him and the Werewolf brothers so he's very much happy that she can handle herself should something bad happens (also werewolf cuddles are best cuddles you cam fight me on this)
Is in a poly with Metsine (Werewolf GF), Joshabhi (Magic Werecat BF), Mikaer (Musical Himbo BF), and Caysion (Argonian GF) and they get along swell.
Is the sole brunette in a family of Platinum Blondes (his brother used to be brunette but it lightened ever since Cyrodiil)
Got chewed out (along with his brother) by his mom and dad for entering an Oblivion Gate during that crisis, they also were praised because they managed to not only locate the hok (or at least local anime boy Farin Phirois) but save his life and provide some damn good backup while they climbed the tower. It was still idiotic and they deserved the scolding because they were told not to by multiple people but also was told by Farin himself to skedaddle before he realized the brothers were stubborn and lethally stupid but also dangerously brave.
Was trained by his father on combat while his mother taught magic
Hates the Thalmor with a passion and has stolen their clothes before from corpese. Admittedly, it comes in handy when they have to fool them because Thalmor share a braincell and half the time it's stolen by Ji'athra for shits and giggles
He prefers his elven armor over normal guard armor, and wears the thalmor robes underneath for the benefits and quick switch for trickery. Also because he travels a lot and seeing a guard in uniform will draw trouble.
Uses a Sword and Shield gifted to him by his Father but also cannot use a bow to save his life, thankfully, his teammates usually can or have it covered otherwise
Befriended a pair of Nord brothers in Solitude, but when Elsinaire and Lovionl Adus and Hildggr and Sorpr Arrow-Sword get together chaos can and will ensue. That's usually what happens when you pair the sons of a Daedric Prince of Madness (their mother) and two Sheogorath worshippers. Sheo would be proud.
Is training Helex on how to fucking chill and maybe learn to not be so tense.
Was assisted by a young Ji'athra on the way to Windhelm after he found the brothers on the run from Thalmor Agents, a very determined Vigilant of Stendarr who isn't an idiot, and a Werewolf. And this is after they found out their house was on fire. Big Oof
Has been hit by Lovionl's Warhammer many times and somehow has yet to show any ill effects
Carries a few bottles of blood (courtesy of fellow vamps Serana and S'agh) so he doesnt have to feed on people.
Cannot be cured of his Vampirism due to the nature of it. It should also be noted that Lovionl isn't affected by this (but he's about as pale) but then again, he has a whole nother set of issues that we don't have time to unpack.
Outside of Vampirism, he's pale as fuck and even if he wasnt a vampire the sun would be his worse enemy.
According to an obviously lying Lovionl, he's allergic to clouds and cloud magic. (How this managed to work is incredible)
He is actually allergic to fish, which is disappointing because it smells delicious but he doesnt want to be lethally stupid and eat it.
After a set of events involving badass parents, a lost dunmer lady (aka Auntie Gabelie), and several Daedric Princes of Madness and their Artifacts, he now has custody of the main villain of that mess who he intends to raise right and so they don't try to kidnap people from their parents because of what happened during the Oblivion crisis (long story short his mom and some other elf ladies found the khajiit child, cared for them, and were forced to watch as Mehrunes Dagon outright stole the kid, they didn't understand why they didnt save them so they were angry. They didn't age in Oblivion and they're still kitten aged.)
Wants a dog but tbh Metsine and Joshabhi leave enough hair from shedding so maybe not. (Also, not a lot of dogs are available rn)
"Supports" the Empire because the alternative is Windhelm's Polite Citizens And Welcoming Aura. Given the chance, he would fucking deck Tullius and doesn't even need to be prompted to throw down with Mr. Stormcloak and Galmar. None at all. It's on sight really.
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