bobemajses · 9 months
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9th-century Jewish coin from the Khazar Khaganate bearing the Arabic text “There is no God but Allah, and Musa (Moses) is His messenger.”, discovered by numismatist Gert Rispling in a Viking treasure in Gotland, Sweden
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xj4cks · 1 year
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unicornheadnebula · 20 days
The Rus Defeated The Kingdom Of Khazaria Around 965 AD
The Rus defeated the Kingdom of Khazaria around 965 AD. This victory was part of a series of campaigns led by Sviatoslav I of Kiev, the Grand Prince of the Kievan Rus, against the Khazar Khaganate. The decisive defeat marked the decline of Khazar power in the region.
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liberty1776 · 8 months
This article was also presented by the author as a class, as part of the RTF Lecture Series “The Renaissance Principle Across the Ages“. With the fires of potential global war once again erupting across the Middle East, and with obvious anti-jewish rage amplifying to an extreme degree, I would like to take a moment to follow up on a previous essay titled ‘The Peace of Westphalia as a Lesson in Solving Religious Wars Past Present or Future’. The purpose of this investigation into the deep structure historical dynamics shaping our present world is not to simply romanticize bygone ages but … Continue reading →
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starlightomatic · 12 days
ok another question.
why is it whenever someone says that october 7th was bad rather than good, or that jews originate from eretz yisrael not khazaria, or corrects misinfo about jews or israel, or literally anything not in step with the most extreme radical analysis, the automatic response is "you support the genocide"
like i know it's a matter of those statements, for at least some people, not being about conveying facts or truth but rather about declaring your camp, but why do people assume it's always about declaring your camp?
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reality-detective · 4 months
The Complete History Of The ‘House Of Rothschild’ - American Media Group
The Rothschilds “claim” that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia.  
Educate yourself 🤔
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Saint Cyril
Saint Cyril (aka Kyrillos and Constantine the Philosopher, d. 867 CE) was a Byzantine linguist, teacher, scholar and missionary who famously preached Christianity to the Slavs in Moravia with his brother Methodius during the 9th century CE. He created the Glagolitic alphabet, the forerunner to the Cyrillic alphabet that bears his name, and did much to spread the religion, art and culture of the Byzantine empire into central Europe.
Early Life
Cyril is the monastic name the saint chose near the end of his life but he was born Constantine, the son of a military officer called Leo stationed in Thessaloniki; his mother may have been a Slav. He was a gifted linguist from an early age and was sent to Constantinople to further his education and study such languages as Syriac and Hebrew. Looked after by the eunuch Theoktistos, Cyril was ordained as a priest and served as an official at the Hagia Sophia church where he developed a close relationship with the Patriarch of Constantinople, the bishop Photios. The brilliant scholar quickly became the bishop's librarian. Cyril became a teacher of philosophy at the Magnaura university in Constantinople where he gained the epithet “Constantine the Philosopher”.
Cyril was next sent on two diplomatic missions, the first to the Muslim court at Samarra and the second to the Khazars, a Turkic tribe in the Caucasus, c. 860 CE. According to Cyril's 9th century CE biography, attributed to one of his disciples, the scholar monk was enthusiastic for the opportunity to spread the Gospel:
If you command, lord, on such a mission I shall gladly go on foot and unshod, lacking all the Lord forbade Hi disciples to bring.' The emperor answered, saying,: 'Well spoken, were you to do this ! But bear in mind the imperial power and honour, and go honourably and with imperial help.
Life of Constantine (in Shepard, 315)
The trip, unfortunately, ended in failure if it had intended to convert the Khazars to Christianity as the Byzantines only managed to baptise around 200 of them. The Khazaria state eventually adopted Judaism instead. Cyril did bring back souvenirs, though, said to be the relics of the exiled 1st century CE Bishop of Rome, Saint Clement. His ambitions were not dampened either as he promptly set off of his own accord into the Crimea to spread his message to the heathen Phoullai people. It is likely Cyril was not any more popular there, though, especially when he chopped down their sacred oak tree.
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snovyda · 7 months
It will probably not surprise you that the revival of the Khazar thing came out of Russian propaganda about Ukraine. The modern take is that since Khazaria included part of modern Ukraine, something something Khazar/Ukrainians want to drink Russian blood/change Russian DNA with bioweapons/summon demons because [whole list of antisemitic reasons]. Only now that Israel is in the news, the anti-Israeli version that was super popular in the 1970s is catching on again.
Yeah, that tracks. Especially seeing how it's somehow being thrown against both Jews and Ukrainians. Although it's funny because Khazaria also included big parts of present-day russia and even Kazakhstan...
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paganimagevault · 29 days
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Levedi, the first Voivode of the Hungarians, by Tamás Tulipán 2018
Levedi was the first recorded voivode of the Magyars. According to the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine he was also the first recorded voivode in history. I found this interesting given that this term is supposedly of Slavic origin, yet even though the Slavs were known to the Byzantines for centuries it wasn't until a Finno-Ugrian people appeared that it was applied? I searched other sources and came to the same conclusion, which makes me curious. The term was applied to Levedi and to various other Magyar chieftains by Byzantine emperor Constantine VII in his 'De Administrando Imperio' as the Magyars emerged from the Finno-Ugrian and Turkic lands (what is now Russia) and entered Europe proper. The Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine notes that the term voivode was later used by the Kievan Rus and various other Eastern European peoples afterward.
Constantine VII recorded that the Hungarians lived for three years among the Turkic Khazars. During this time Levedi was summoned by the Khazar chagan, given a Turkic wife, and offered a princely title for his valor: "We have invited you upon this account, in order that, since you are noble and wise and valorous and first among the [Hungarians], we may appoint you prince of your nation, and you may be obedient to our word and our command." (Constantine VII, De Administrando Imperio). Levedi said he could not obey and refused the title of prince but he accepted the woman they offered him, though he had no children by her. Instead the new princely title was given to Arpad or Almos (the info varies depending on the source).
The name Levedi seems to probably be Finno-Ugrian in origin, as a similar name was recorded in a Hungarian charter in the year 1138 CE. One of Prince Taksony's great grandson's in the 11th century was named Levente, which is similar.  Though I found an interesting theory in Arnold Toynbee's book Constantine Porphyrogenitus and his World: "Constantine Porphyrogenitus locates the Magyars' habitat in a district, 'close to Khazaria', called Levedhia, before the eviction of the Magyars from there by the Pechenegs. Constantine notes, in the same context, that, in Levedhia, there was a river called Khingilous (alias Khidhmas), and this river is evidently identical with Constantine's River Synghoul and with the river that is now called Cinhul, which joins with the River Tokmak to form the Molochnaya - a river that debouches into the Sea of Azov through a district that is now called 'Lepedika'. The name 'Levedhia' looks as if it were derived from the Greek word livadhia, meaning 'water-meadows'; and this interpretation of the name is confirmed by both Muslim and Western Christian authorities".
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acertainmoshke · 11 months
Redoing the Intro One More Time!
Updated 9/30/23
Call me Moshke Palmoni (they/them). I spend as much time as I can writing, but that is not as much as it might be because there's also a lot of life going on right now. I also like to read, knit, collect vintage ephemera, and play with my cat.
General WIP tag list: [your url here!]
Active WIPs:
7 Days for Fae
Coming October 2024
10-year-old Fae is isolated by her disabilities—autism and ataxia—that causes her communication and mobility issues. She doesn’t have any friends her age, and she’s accepted that. She reads a lot and plays pretend in the forest at the end of the street. Her family loves her for who she is and so far that’s been enough. Until, that is, she meets the new kid. His name is Brownie and for reasons Fae can’t imagine he wants to be her friend no matter how weird or awkward she is. When he still invites her over after a meltdown in class gets her suspended for a week, she decides to take a risk and accept. The ensuing adventures are marred only by the other sudden change in her life—an aunt Fae barely knows has moved in with her family. She doesn’t know how to talk to Fae and, worse, refuses to accept Fae’s nonbinary parent’s identity. But since no one else seems to know how to deal with the mess their home life has become, Fae tries—with Brownie’s encouragement—to sort the situation out herself.
Cold Iron
In 1956, Shakatra Zoawin is 40. Or they might be 20, depending on how you look at it. They are a changeling and their aging is kind of weird, but that doesn't matter to them because they have a good life in the subway tunnel with their brother, Kris. Both of them are changelings swapped as infants for human children and then rejected by their human families. Their wits and powerful magic have kept them alive this long, and Shaka is perfectly content to keep going. After they do one little thing to appease their guilt: find the 40-year-old they were swapped for and free her to have her own life in the human world free from servitude in the courts of the Fae. And so begins an adventure that will have repercussions neither of them could have imagined.
Intro posts for the books in this series: Cold Iron, City of Frost, Song on Repeat, and Future Not Found
Character Intro Posts: Shakatra, Kris, Lynn, Tatiana, Liliana, Harry, Doug, Beth, Aaron, Cassie, and Althea
Tag list: @pga-books
Blades of Ice
In the kingdom of Halara, orcs and elms and slimes and centaurs live peacefully side-by-side with humans. Less peaceful is the relationship between Halara and their neighboring kingdom of Eng. The generation-long conflict has drawn in other nearby kingdoms and stagnated artistic and social works. All Aryel ever wanted to do was be left alone to love who they want and practice sparring with their axe, but as a royal child they have responsibilities, namely leading the entire army. There's no talk of ending the war in any way but victory, just as Halara won its initial freedom from Eng 300 years ago, but this endless fighting is getting them nowhere but too many funerals and not enough bread. And then when a familial tragedy leads to Aryel leading both the army and the kingdom, they know they can't balance the tensions and demands of everyone at once and win this war. Something has to give, and they just hope it isn't the entire kingdom.
Backburnered and still-in-planning WIPs under the cut.
Time Traveling Anthropologists
(permanent title coming soon)
Set approximately 2 generations in the future. Esther Dahan has her dream job. She gets to time travel with her new team, and against all historical odds they are there to study ancient cultures rather than do anything violent. Their first assignment is 8 months in the 9th century Jewish kingdom of Khazaria. Everything is going great—illicit romance with a Khazarian blacksmith notwithstanding—until Esther finds a plate that doesn't belong in this time. Curious and suspicious but without enough evidence to involve her boss, she investigates on her own, discovering much more than she planned—and leading to far worse consequences than she could have imagined.
Tag list: @amielbjacobs @kingkendrick7 @moonluringfrost @another-white-hole
To Die Among the Stars:
20 people have been chosen to test the effects of faster-than-light space travel on human minds and bodies. They were taken from prisons, wellness centers, and other areas where near-certain death seemed like a reasonable chance to take. Each have their reasons for being there, and their secrets. Against all odds, the jump to FTL doesn't destroy the ship. But the further away from Earth they travel, the more strange things begin to happen that call the purpose of the experiment into question. And then the impossible: a human distress signal in deep space.
Told from 4 rotating perspectives: Pixel, a semiverbal illegal human modder; Ri, whose body and mind are overloaded with mods; Zippy, a young disabled woman desperate to support her family; and Peppermint, a genetic experiment combining human and cat DNA raised in an isolated lab.
Tag list: @hd-literature
Falling Petals
A multigenerational story about trauma, love, and disability set against the backdrop of one Jewish family. Beginning in the 1920's with Ira Katz, who is brilliant and charming with no understanding at all of tact or why the best way isn't always blunt observations and mean jokes. It follows him as he grows up, marries, and inherits his father's drugstore, and then moves on to following one of his sons, Daniel. Daniel grows up in the 1940's and is naturally gentle, kind, and sensitive, but is treated so harshly for these traits he learns to hide himself away inside and only show emotion in explosive bouts of anger. It follows him through adolescence, college, and marriage, before moving on to one of his daughters, Shoshana. Shoshana grows up in the 1960's and is colorful, young for her age, and full of social panic. None of them know how to relate to each other or survive in a world that each of them see the beauty in but aren't allowed to connect with in their own way. And yet through the pain and confusion, they are full of love. And then everything changes for them with Shoshana's niece, Naomi, growing up in the 1990's, who will not be allowed to see herself as broken.
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
Nazi used to be people supporting Hitler's rise to power post 1920's: Ford, Bush, Hearst, Gates, Rockefeller - Zionist financiers of the day; Today "Nazi's" are somebody that Zionists don't like;
BILBO'SBITCH JAN 9, 2024 This post is in reference to this bullshit about Nazi’s on Substack.com; The only Nazi’s I have ever seen on substack.com are the UKRO-NAZI enablers and the Zio-Nazi enablers; Both want a greater Israel Ukro-Nazi in Ukraine, and Zio-Nazi in Lebanon-Palestine; It’s obvious that ‘anti-semitism’ doesn’t work anymore; So now the zionists are calling everybody Nazi’s;
Nazi’s used to be reference to Hitler; But in actuality the ashkeNAZI tribe of Khazaria in 5AD called themselves “Nazis” Hitler claimed “NAZI” was short for National-Socialism his party, but records show his mother was an ashkeNAZI;
Anti-Semitism used to mean hating Jews, but in actuality ashkeNAZI were never semites, and are faux-jews; ashkeNAZI tribe in Khazaria ( later called Ukraine ) was converted to Judaism by Catholic Church in 12AD, but according to Rabbi Scholars the “Vatican” had no authority, and the ashkeNazi were never trained by Rabbi’s is required to become a ‘jew’.
( The reason catholic church converted ashkeNAZI to Jew was the Vatican needed bankers to fund the “Crusades”; Islam&Christian were forbidden to practice Usury; Vatican came up with the novel idea that Jews could practice Usury, but only the “Vaticans Chosen “faux-jew””. The reasoning was simple like the IRS today (USA) the ashkeNazi were a tribe of cannibals, pedophiles, sodomites an general assholes that everybody hated & feared; They would make the perfect banker & tax-collectors. ) - The irony here is today the USA funds the “Crusades” with USD created by Zionists who run the FED-RES bank in USA;
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bobemajses · 2 years
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Jewish street musicians in Lviv, Galicia, western Ukraine
The Jewish community of Lviv is one of eastern Europe's oldest and largest. Prince Danylo of Galicia founded Lviv in the thirteenth century, and Jews settled in the city shortly thereafter, arriving from places like Byzantium and Asia-minor (modern-day Turkey), Khazaria, and other neighboring lands. Those fleeing from persecution and the plague in Western Europe began arriving during Casimir the Great’s reign, trading in perfumes, wines, silk goods, and other exotic items that they imported throughout Poland. Under the rule of Stefan Batory (1576–1586), Jewish community leader Yitshak ben Nahman built a synagogue known as Ture Zahav, called Di Goldene Roize (The Golden Rose/Rosa) in Yiddish, after the name of the builder’s wife.
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jewishbarbies · 6 months
Since you are a huge blog, can you share this?
The “Khazar myth”, the theory Ashkenazi Jews come from ancient Khazaria, has been thoroughly debunked. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_hypothesis_of_Ashkenazi_ancestry
There’s no evidence of Khazar ancestry amongst Ashkenazis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25079123/
About half of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi, of Middle Eastern origin, genetically identical to Palestinians
I believe I’ve shared posts debunking it before, but it was a while ago.
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vikugnavikugna · 9 months
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Me buddy pal and I are planning to play multiplayer 1000 Year Old Vampire (with memories taking the form of letters and vague messages scribbled on whatever's nearby shared between our two vamps), so I quickly threw together some art for me gal The place's Khazaria, the time's just before the historical mass conversion to judaism. Serah is a balkan jewish immigrant, who lost both her parents and husband on the journey to the empire - finally in a place that accepts her, yet unable to find happiness due to the loss still being fresh in her mind. I have no clue where the game will take me this time but, historically, I mostly managed to squeeze out surprisingly optimistic stories from it, so I hope she doesn't end up Tormented by the Horrors or something.
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ya-world-challenge · 10 months
I was wondering if you had any good recommendations for books containing disability/disabled characters? Fiction or non fiction. I'm trying to put together a little disability literature resource, and I've occasionally seen you share some books on it. I thought your blog would be an excellent place to come to for some more global ones!
Thank you, and I hope your reading is going well!
Oh wow, I haven't been making many lists lately so I'm not searching out books as much as I used to. But here are some more global/non-US ones that I know of/have gathered from various lists ( I haven't read all of these but most are on my TBR if I haven't.) I'd love to see your resource when you're finished!
A Time to Dance by Padma Venkatraman (India) A girl must relearn to dance with her new prosthetic.
One for All by Lillie Lainoff  (France) In 17th-century France a girl with POTS/chronic dizziness wants to become a Musketeer.
The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf (Malaysia) A girl with OCD must survive riots in 1960s Malaysia to find her mother.
Black Bird, Blue Road by Sofiya Pasternack (medieval Khazaria) A Jewish girl defies angels to find her twin a cure for his leprosy.
The Theft of Sunlight by Intisar Khanani (fantasy N. Africa/Arabia-ish series) A girl with clubfoot teams up with a thief to tackle child trafficking.
The Library of the Dead by TL Huchu (Scotland, diverse heritages, series) Magical mysteries with a wisecracking wheelchair-user secondary character.
I Am Not Alone by Francisco X. Stork (Mexican-American) Contemporary novel about an undocumented boy developing schizophrenia.
Scar of the Bamboo Leaf by Sieni A.M (Samoa) A girl with a limp finds a relationship with a delinquent newcomer boy.
Noor by Nnedi Okorafor (Nigeria) A woman with cybernetic enhancements due to disability finds herself on the run.
Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor (Nigeria) A girl with albinism discovers that she has magical powers.
On the Edge of Gone by Corinne Duyvis (Netherlands) An autistic girl worries about being chosen for a survival group before an apocalypse.
Love from A to Z by S.K. Ali (Qatar) Romance where the love interest has multiple sclerosis
Torch by Lyn Miller-Lachmann (Czechoslovakia) 3 teens try to escape communism, including an autistic boy whose father threatens institutionalization.
Beasts of Prey by Ayana Gray (pan-African fantasy series) One of the main characters has OCD.
Dear Fang, With Love by Rufi Thorpe (Lithuania) A bipolar teen and her estranged father search for their heritage in Lithuania.
Long Macchiatos and Monsters by Alison Evans (Australia) Short romance with 2 disabled trans people.
Russian Doll by Cristelle Comby (Swiss author, set in London) Series of mysteries with a duo of private detectives, 1 of whom is blind.
Crazy by Benjamin Lebert (Germany) Autobiographical coming-of-age, the MC has partial paralysis
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