#Khojin Arulaq
dear-spider · 3 years
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world domination // ft. @octavel​
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khojin-arulaq · 4 years
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mon cabaret !
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bramble-star · 5 years
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Finished a commission of Javert and Khojin! 
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eaotheelf · 6 years
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Cael’s head is far too large from all the attention, more on this at 5. ((ft @rhalgr and @khojin-arulaq ))
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solidseq · 8 years
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Screenshot dump! ft @northerndahlia / @khojin-arulaq
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olivehlke · 8 years
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Very special Christmas presents @desertguncatte @khojin-arulaq @solidseq, created by the very wonderful @doorway-through. Commission her! I am atrociously happy with this representation of my little RP fam. These are good humans (except @khojin-arulaq might actually be six cats wearing a trenchcoat).
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veliona-xiv · 5 years
@khojin-arulaq Thank you for making that Copied Factory run far more bearable. That was my sixth time in there and it was a special kind of hell LOL  And congrats on the casting top!
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rook-jensen · 5 years
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Hairstyles - Rook Jensen
Rook’s hair never changes, his face just grows more horrified with the passage of time. He’s just a humble mechanic, he’ll leave the crazy warlord battles and weird mind invading junk to everyone else.
Bonus: Shadowbringers
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Tagged by: No one, have been meaning to do it for a while
Tagging: @tidusyumemiru @high-stakes-gambler @yoiku @ylaziel @cadrenebula @elisiaheartnet @elibraddock @nightmaze @rainforest-cat @eorzean-wayfinder @ffxivaltstars @ze-dominant-demon @khojin-arulaq @lalaliya @nozomikei @rinoasdream and whoever else would like to. (I AM PRETTY SURE most of you have done it already. Disregard if you have)
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dear-spider · 4 years
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khojin-arulaq · 4 years
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jestrivoli · 5 years
Pros and Cons of dating Jest
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PROS Loyal to a Fault: Jest would follow the person she cares about to the ends of the earth. Even if it involved something less than ethical.
Affectionate: Jest loves showering the one she cares for in affection in her own weird ways. Sometimes it will make sense, other times it may leave a person scratching their head or with a pet bear.
You never know what you are going to get: Jest enjoys letting her feet take her where they wish. The possibility of being dragged into that wandering and possible antics is high. This also means she will never shy away from an opportunity to try something.
Lack of Empathy: She tries her best to empathize with people and their problems, but always seems to come up short. More often than not, she just feels like she is going through the motions to appease the other person.
Abandonment Issues: Despite being close to her father, she was never truly able to move past her mother leaving. She will hold on as tightly as she can to another, perhaps more than she should.
You never know what you are going to get: See above pro. She tends to be impulsive and mildly neurotic.
Will eat all of your snacks: She may or may not replenish them. It is anyone’s guess.
Tagged By: @kimkomotska & @modestmercenary
Tagging: @ulysses-de-rosier @khojin-arulaq I have no idea who else to tag.
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smolcatte · 6 years
Malachite: Has someone ever been poisonous/toxic to your life? - For Sarnaia!
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“Before I left the Steppes, the khan of one of the Arulaq sub-tribes had wanted me to bond with his eldest son. This boy was arrogant and flaunted the fact that he wanted nothing more than to have me give him many babies. The night before the ceremony he stole into my yurt and tried to take advantage of me. I killed him but was hunted down for my treachery. It is one of the reasons I came to Eorzea. But now I never have to worry about that, because I have my Khojin. So long as we are together, nothing can stop us.”
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samurulantis · 6 years
Five Gifs for Samuru Lantis
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Rules: Find five gifs who can represent your character, post them and tag a few people.
Tagged by: @nightmaze
Tagging: @tidusyumemiru @high-stakes-gambler @nebula1984 @riskibusiness @eorzean-wayfinder @khojin-arulaq @elisiaheartnet and anyone else who would like to. I think many already have.
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eirthenhaul · 6 years
RP Preferences
BOLD what you will, italic what you will consider, strike what you typically do not;
I have preference for RP (with) the following themes / genre / styles:
Combat | Injury | Violence | Military | Mature | Casual Social | Dark-themed | Casual Erotic |Adventure | Slice of Life | Political | Heavy Narcotic Themes | Romance | Conflict |Western Themes | Poetic | Villainous | Plotting | Humor | Excessive Vulgar Language |Mild Substance Abuse | Racism | Action | Mystery | Tasteful, maturely-written 18+ | Erotic |Descriptive | Event | Time Skip | Horror | Drama | Pre-Established | Far Eastern Themes |Murder | Specific Scene | One-time | Angst | Short-term | Long-term | Tragedy | Past Scene |Dismemberment | Torture | Perma-Death | Temp Death | Sexually suggestive themes |Training / Skill | Story Telling | Macabre | Paragraph | Multi-para | Mirror | ALL RP | One-line | Monogamy | Polygamy | Script Speak | Older Characters | Crime | Business | Lore breaking | Lore bending
Tagged by @season-of-maha
Tagging: @khojin-arulaq @khokhopuffs-xiv @the-dragon-mom @campcatte @antelopes-and-omens @makeshiftgoliath @khunbish-avagnar
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talesofwight · 6 years
Animal Familiar: Rufus Wightman
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A Grizzly Bear undeniably represents the power of nature, closeness to the earth, and the heart of a brave, persevering warrior. At times, they can seem calm and stable. However, if one hurts them or their cubs, they will fight with some of the greatest ferocity of any animal on earth. In the same way, you will fight until the very end to protect those close to you. However, despite your toughness, you are actually a very soft-hearted, peaceful individual inside.
A Bear familiar is an excellent companion in battle, will loyally protect their master, and fills them with bravery when they need it the most.
This familiar represents:
Take the quiz here! Tagged by: @aethersent and @weepingknight! So, you know. Thanks for that! Tagging: @voidtranced, @khojin-arulaq, @loversmercy, @righthererightzao, @meandering-mind, @fair-fae, @elixirsgelsandherbs, @ylaziel, @bexli-nelhah, @io-saar, @caewen-ffxiv and anyone else who wants to do the thing! Apologies if you already have and I tagged you.
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rook-jensen · 5 years
Voice: Rook Jensen
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Bold what applies. Italicize situational. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
► ACCENT “country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker | 
Rook has a slight southern twang to his voice. While not overly thick it comes out more when he’s tired or around family members. The longer he is away from where he was raised the less the accent comes out. He tends to drop the letter ‘g’ from the end of words as in he’ll say nothin’ rather than nothing.
► ELOQUENCE educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words! │ old English │dependent on mood or setting | stutters
While Rook is an educated man he will sometimes speak improperly out of habit. Reducing words down or merging them together allows him to speak faster, which was handy to have working an unpredictable farm. He will also pronounce words or phrases in a peculiar manner such as ‘did you’ becomes ‘didja’ instead.
► TONE loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky│gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │world-weary  |  brash │ authoritative
He only considers himself loud when rowdy or drunk. Typically he keeps his voice at an indoor level and doesn’t like to yell unless it’s necessary. While he doesn’t have an ultra deep voice it is quite male and a bit youthful, only a touch of grit now and then.
► HABITS refers to self in third person │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others
Rook isn’t a good liar and his voice cues tend to give him away. His siblings seem to have a better knack for it so if he wanted to get away with something they’d have to lie for him instead. He definitely turns up the cheese when around kids or cute animals, inclined toward baby talk or cutesy phrasing. He will give you a nickname if he’s known you long enough and feels comfortable in doing so, usually a term of endearment. He is incredibly polite especially toward those he considers elders or in positions of authority. He will use ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ frequently unless told to do otherwise.
I have had some difficulty finding a precise point of reference for his voice. As I was born and raised in North Carolina I’ve pulled a lot of inspiration from the accents I grew up around. While a lot of my accent has dropped off from living elsewhere, it still comes up when I call family or when I’m tired. I did a little research and found a few videos that come close even if the accents are a bit thicker than Rook’s themselves. In the video below his voice his closest to the gentleman wearing the hat, has similar tone and inflection.
Tagged by: No one, saw @locke-rinannis did it and snagged that one
Tagging: @tidusyumemiru @high-stakes-gambler (Tulala!) @cadrenebula @ylaziel @lalaliya @falquinex @khojin-arulaq @ffxivtribehydrae and whoever would like to!
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