#khun headcannons
snickerdoodlles · 1 year
I disagree with your chan headcannon
But I like your other headcannons so can I for macau headcannons if you don't mind
😂 well the good news is that i’m in the fandom minority with my “Chan is loyal to Korn only” camp and rarely ever post about him, so keep asking me about brothers and we'll be delighted together
and yes!!! MACAU MY DARLING BOY!!! i love him SO much, but i will limit myself to only three (3) headcanons for him on this post in a futile attempt to keep it from getting too long
Macau & Kim
his favorite way to piss Kim off is by making club mixes of chinese drama OSTs. he does this with Kim's actual songs too after those start rolling out, but this feud began long before they started posting to social media. Macau also starts off with a larger following for his mixes than Kim does for his covers, and while that eventually plateaus and Kim passes him in their follower counts by the time canon rolls around, Kim is still so fucking bitter. the day Kim starts to let it go is the day Macau posts a video of himself playing hot cross buns on the drama dizi* he stole from Kim years ago.
Macau & Chay
Chay and Macau do Not like each other. i know people like to make them friends, i just don't see it happening without a lot of work first and it's so much funnier to me if they're frenemies. i do love them as online gaming besties tho (before they find out who the other is), because then they both have to live with the mortifying knowledge that Chay once called Macau 'daddy' after he gave him a bunch of turnips in animal crossing, because they are teenagers and teenagers make stupid daddy jokes. any inclinations of trying to be friends because Porsche and Vegas are friends dry up faster than water on a hot pan after that.
Macau & Pete & Vegas
you know what's a great way to bond with brothers and in-laws? movies. you know what's the worst leisure activity to do with Pete and Vegas? WATCH MOVIES. every action scene is scrutinized and criticized and Pete keeps rewinding the same three seconds to mock the character's kick stance. any murder scenes are WORSE. Vegas hates romances and hates ballads. the only things not totally infuriating to watch with him are cooking shows and home improvement shows and the occasional gardening show and yawn. Pete's tastes are much broader thanks to Khun, but he also comes with so many opinions on how to properly watch shows and Macau doesn't actually want to dress up every time they watch a horror film.
so movie nights are almost a bust. they do find some movies they're all into, but it's usually an exercise in frustration. but then, one day while they're queuing up a film they're only 37% sure on, Pete's grandma calls with the hot town gossip--"do you remember Kobb Pete? yes, the nice old man who runs the fruit stand, remember how he gave you a mango on your first day of school and you dripped all down your new uniform? well, you'll never believe what's happened, you know how Kobb passed his stand down to his son Mew and Mew was training up his son Mod to take over one day, except they got into a fight on how to best display the pineapples and papayas and they had a fight, yes, right there in the middle of the road, and Mew fired his son, but Kobb backed Mod, so they opened a rival fruit stand with Mew's wife, but Kobb's wife sided with Mew and got the neighbors involved, and--"
it takes grandma forty minutes to regale the tale of the on-going fruit vendor feud. then she continues to update Pete on the rest of the hometown for another three hours. Macau and Vegas are enthralled. how often does your grandma tell you things Pete, can we be there for the next one, what's the full story behind the thing with Folk's fishing boat, why did you ask grandma if Sine's husband was in the garden--
listen, small town drama is the best drama. and Vegas is having a journey to discover which mafia things are things he likes vs which ones he forced himself to like to survive, and being a nosy cunt sniffing out all the juicy scandals is absolutely something he takes to with glee (he will become grandma's favorite when they visit, they are terrifying together). Macau just loves hearing all the petty drama and neighbors feuds that result in increasingly passive aggressive displays of garden gnomes instead of gunfire. movie night becomes grandma call nights and it's the best family bonding.
*inspired by Jeff buying one of the Wei Wuxian's flutes and the fact that he reportedly learned how to play it because he's a big ol' cql nerd ❤❤❤ this is also a reference to @majestictortoise's fic Middlegame, which everyone should read if they haven't yet and reread if they have
Send an ask, get a headcanon (prev: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
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towerfandoms · 4 years
what do you think khun would be like when he and his partner got into an argument?
Ooooh very nice thank you anon 🥺 N E WAYS sooooo:
-I feel like he’s the silent treatment type 😔 While you guys are arguing and it suddenly gets more heated Khun would just stop and be like yknow what I need some time and leave the room. He wouldn’t talk to anyone not even Bam
- He’d give everyone the cold shoulder including you cuz manz said he wants to be left alone 🤷‍♀️
-Eventually he calms down and recollects his thoughts. If he knows he’s right (cuz let’s be honest he usually is) then he’ll wait for you to come to him cuz although he’s a simp he also loves being right.
-However if he knows deep down he’s wrong, he will apologise. Even though he doesn’t like admitting defeat Khun will do anything for you. He cares a lot about you and would put you first before his pride. 
-So he comes to you, almost sheepishly might I add and; 
“Y/n... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten so agitated over your idea. It was a good idea but I just felt like you could’ve been hurt in the process. Look, we can follow your plan but can we switch some things around. That way it’s safer for everyone.”                                                                                                              
-You agree to his terms and you both compromise. He then wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face into your shoulders.
“Let’s try not to do that again. God that was so stressful.” He mumbles into your shoulder. 
You smile at his cuteness and in turn wrap your arms around him. “Yeah, I was kinda lonely. I was so close to talking to Hatz to kill time,” you smiled impishly into his head. “Y/n,,,,,” he groans lifting his head off your shoulders, “We were having a moment!”
 You chuckled softly. “Awh I’m sorry, let’s go watch a movie and then we can try finalising the plan,”  
“Alright, only if I can choose though”             “If it’s a documentary I’m suing you”            “You can’t sue me, I’m too hot and too rich.” He gave you one of his signature smirks and you felt your face heating up.     “I- precisely why I’m gonna sue you. But yeah you are dashingly handsome. Ok but now come on. We don’t wanna miss anything good. Otherwise we’ll end up having to watch a documentary”        “Why do you think I’m stalling for time babe.”             “Ugh, come on. We definitely do not want that” and with that you grabbed his hand towards your shared room and settled comfortably under the duvet of your extra extra extra large bed 😌
A/n OKOKOK I’m sorry I deffo rambled on at the end but what can I say I’m a simp for this man. I hope this is what you wanted but if not just shoot me another request bby. Ok I’m out ;) 
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fishy-xp · 2 years
Whats your angstiest chan headcannon?
in an alternate universe where big dies (because he's very much alive thank you), the belongings on his person were given to chan.
the head bodyguard sits alone in his study. the harsh lighting of the table lamp casts his weary face in half shadows as his hand tightens around a glass of whiskey. it was one of those expensive ones, a top shelf bottle that khun korn won at an auction from the italians and kept in the cellar like a hidden treasure. he'd given it to chan when he was promoted to head of the bodyguards. chan, not being a fan of whiskey, or a big drinker, accepted it graciously and then kept it in his dresser cupboard never to see the light again. that was, until tonight. tonight, the gold foil seal was broken and the alcohol met with air from the twenty-first century for the first time.
on his table was a black wallet, a packet of cheap drugstore cigarettes, a few hairties and an extra magazine. big was never one for luxury or excess. he was a simple man who accepted long ago he was but a pawn in the unfair game of life. chan still remembers telling a younger big he needed to cut his hair as it would only get in the way. he stands by the boy who stares at himself in the mirror, hairtie hanging between his front teeth and hands busy pulling back the strands of his hair. he ties his hair back, hands moving with practiced ease until all his front hair was secured in a ponytail. a single strand escapes from its confines and falls back over big's sharp features. he blows it away from his face before standing back to face chan.
"with all due respect sir, no."
chan picks up the wallet, the worn leather breaking away under his fingers. he opens it and looks over its contents. there's a few crumpled bills and loose change. in the front window there's a note written on a piece of torn scrap paper.
happy 20th birthday big
- kinn.
that explains the state of the wallet then. chan held what was the culmination of eight years of endless pining and unrequited love in his hands. he ignored the small pinprick of pain that began to flourish in his chest. something catches chan's attention. a small corner of white poking out from one of the inner pockets of the wallet. his fingers gently pull out a polaroid. the picture was of big, back turned to the camera as he knelt down by the pool next to a wet ken in the water. they both had their faces half-turned to the camera as if someone called for them at the last minute before taking the picture. both bodyguards wore grins on their faces that only ever seemed to appear when they were around the other.
chan remembers this, the party the new recruits threw after the completion of their training. chan remembers pinning the signia of the main family to the lapels of their blazers and congratulating them a few hours earlier. he remembers it was pol who was going around with a pastel blue polaroid and taking pictures of his fellow colleagues. he also remembers pol approaching big and handing over the polaroid.
"i thought i should give this to you. it's up to you if you want to keep it or throw it away."
big only nodded as he took the polaroid into his hands and stared at it. it seemed big decided to keep it after all.
chan wonders how it all went so wrong. how the two promising young men in the polaroid he held in his hand were now dead. one, a traitor, and the other, loyal to only the bounds of his mortality. if there was a god, he had no mercy because in the end they both met the same fate. chan doesn't know why big's death affected him as much as it did. he had seen and know many colleagues who died in the line of duty. this was what they were made to do, to either kill or be killed. each and everyone of them knew this. it was merely a game of chance and luck. they were never meant to know who life would bring back and who death's kiss would claim.
and yet, chan was never met to outlive big.
the head bodyguard sighs, putting the wallet and polaroid back before downing the whiskey. he pours himself another glass. the bottle is empty by the time the sun comes up the next morning.
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hanniejji · 3 years
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| [ khun aguero agnis x s/o ]
| anon: hoi, maybe a headcannon of khun taking care of his sick s/o who collapsed in the middle of a test 'cause she kept insisting that she's fine but sis aint 😔🤚
| note: this has been in my inbox since last year :') | m.list
| warnings: non
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baby is mad worried
before you even took the test, he already had a feeling that you weren't doing so well
"are you sure you're alright? your sweating and your skin is too warm," he frowns at you, a hand on your forehead to further emphasize your temperature
"im fine khun, it's just too hot in here but it's alright"
who the fuck are you kidding, s/o?
but you're also so stubborn and somehow escaped your attentive and stern boyfriend
and now here you are in the infirmary with a frowning khun and a worried bam
"im sorry," bam peeks over khun's shoulder, "i tried to stop him—"
"you are unbelievable"
will scold you for half an hour, most of it is just him saying how he's so worried and that he should've stopped you from taking the test
after his lecture, he'll be grumbling under his breath whilst he wrings a wet cloth and wipes your forehead
he's not too familiar with the act of taking care of someone but he'll do his best for you! cue bam as khun's moral support
he'll baby you :)
he's gonna coo at you while feeding you or wiping your forehead with a cloth just because "you can't do that yet"
"i don't have a fever"
"doesn't matter"
will visit you most of the day and tell you updates about the floor tests, he doesn't want you to miss anything but also doesn't want you to push yourself to catch up with the others while you're still not back to full health
"get back on your feet soon, alright? so we can go up this tower together"
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step-on-me-khun · 3 years
Hear me out, headcannons for reader and team baam on what they will do during winter because its getting really cold here >.<. merry early christmas and have a safe and happy new year!!
hello ❤️ winter headcanon's from someone who's a winter person, these are all platonic btw. I was only planning on doing the main trio, but I decided to expand on that and include Hatz, Rak and Shibsu
Also happy Christmas, I don't celebrate it but oh well, hope you have a good day
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Warning(s): None
No Word Count
It's something new to him, so I expect him to be all cute and curious
Happy to cling or cuddle with almost anyone if they're cold, and will go to almost anyone for cuddles when he's cold - not like Khun would ever say no to a sweet bean like Baam
If there's a small layer of snow on the ground, he will move quickly, sitting at the window and watching the ground as it gets covered in snow
Cute and smiley baby in adult form, his eyes glow as he watches the weather outside
But as soon as there's enough snow outside, he's out, watching every footstep he takes
Super playful with you and everyone else does everything, snowballs fights, making snow angels with his feet, then lies on the ground to do the same
Not a single person wants to hit him with a snowball unless they're Endorsi
Do not go to him for hugs, he will intentionally freeze you, and be a smug bastard over it too
But if you're struggling with warming up, he doesn't mind warming your hands or your feet - as long as you're wearing socks
Complains about everyone needing him, mainly due to them being way too cold
But he's good at hatching plans, so when everyone's all warm and cosy, the heating goes off. He's there all warm and cosy, and just as everyone else gets warm, he makes sure just enough of a cold breeze gets to those he likes toying with
Also intentionally places his cold fingertips on your lower or upper back, just to get your reaction, and he does it to everyone else too
As soon as he sets foot outside, he instantly complains about it being too cold
And it takes him a while to be in the mood to mess around outside
But as soon as he's feeling mischievous enough, he'll join in with what's going on
Throwing frozen solid snowballs - mostly at Shibisu and Rak, and throwing small and soft ones at Baam, and being called out for it
Not as excited as Baam, but it just as eager to get outside and prove how good of a thrower he is
Likes to think everyone would come to him for a hug or to keep warm, but now, even Baam offers him a weird look
But his boast is just for show, he can't throw a damn snowball, and he is prone to slipping and falling
The constant target for most of the snowballs that are thrown by everyone, he's just an easy target
When he's not paying attention to Khun, handfuls of snow are shoved down his coat and sweater, and he squirms as the cold snow hits him
Ends up being the coldest, and the one who ends up ill
Still would do it all again, because he's a nice guy
No Hugs from anyone, he would rather suffer in silence - and probably ends up ill because of his stubbornness
Stays in one spot on the couch for most of the day, slightly shivering, and saying no to anyone who asks if he's cold
Is adamant that he doesn't want to go outside, and refuses to move even an inch, even if it's Baam who asks him to join them
Even Khun's taunts don't do that much, he just listens to him with annoyance growing on his face
You and Shibisu would have to pull him off the couch, with a good amount of difficulty
Stands still, not joining in or saying a word
His whole mood and attitude accurately fits the weather
Acts as the leader, as always, keeping his eye on everyone
No hugs or cuddles from anyone, and he's not cold, why would he be, he's Rak?
With him being the spearbearer, you'd think he'd be good at throwing, but no, he's the target for everyone
Proudly boasts whenever he hits someone with a snowball, then becomes a target again
Khun taunts him a lot, provoking him about how bad he was at throwing snow
Also gets scowls from Khun if a hard snowball is thrown towards Baam
Khun also gets the great idea to freeze him in one place and use him to build a snowman
At the end of the day, when he is shivering and clearly cold, he still denies that he is cold
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{please don't steal what I write}
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@unexceptional-h @jaundrew @koi-chairowo @rizonacigaravenue @aoi-turtle
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shibuya--composer · 4 years
hello, can i request tower of god headcannons? bam, khun aguero, hatz, white/hoaqin seeing their s/o again after a long time because they were separated by some problems, fluff please :3 —✨⭐️💫
Thank you so much for requesting !!! hope you enjoys the headcanons. Sorry it took long to get to it i got some stuff going on and i had difficulty to get ideas for Hatz part.
Seeing their s/o after being separated for a long time
25th Bam
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-You were  sure that Bam died on the floor of tests and yet you still had a glimpse of hope that he had somehow found a way to survive. 
-You teamed up with Khun to climb the tower and help him grieve over Bam death, while Bam wasnt there Khun made sure you were safe.
-As for Bam He was still hurt by Rachel betreyal but thinking of you while he was under FUG trainning helped him trough those painful time. Most of the time you were in is toughts.
-When he saw you from afar he was relieved that you were still in the tower and let out a smile. Altough he could'nt be near you as long as Fug had tabs on him.
-It's after escaping from the workshop battle area with everyone that you finally reunited with Bam, he held you in his arms and you were both crying.
-He had a tight grip around you, he missed your presence a lot and seeing you again brought him so much joy.
-You stayed in his embrace for a long time, Khun had to  lead the others out of the room so you and Bam had a private time.
-While he was in coma you went to check on him every single day. You would ramble about how your day went to give yourself a bit of hope.
Khun Aguero
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-Sometime you were accompanied by Bam to cheer you up you even brought your meal. You were hopeful that he would wake up one day
-You were going to see him after finishing you daily tasks, when you saw he was awake you almost drop your dinner. He was surprised et relieved to see you waiting for him.
-He was still confused about what happened to him, and had many questions to ask. He had the impression of hearing your beautiful voice during his long slumber.
-You would take your time to explain him the current situation at hand, and you both train together while doing the floor tests.
-You were helping him come up with a plan/strategy  for one of the future tests and  after some hours he fell asleep on you.
-It felt less lonely to be in his compagny after such a long time, he always made sure to spend most of his time with you.
-The last time you saw Hatz was on the floor of test, you were both on different teams but somehow you got along pretty well.
-During the time you were not around he missed trainning with you. He learned some new sowrd skills while doing so.
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-When he saw you again he was glad to see you were still climbing the tower and was itching to challenge you to a fight and see if you improved your skills.
-He doesn't really know how to start a conversation with you but he will listen to your achievements in your journey.
-He will also try to act cool in front of you and fail because he kept being teased by his teammates especially by Shibisu and Endorsi
-He will follow you around to make sure you are not getting into some sort of trouble or any dangers and because he missed you.
-Some people wonder how you are still alive for being around someone like white. Everything around you was like a mystery  you piqued White curiosity.
-For some reasons he was never bored of you and on rare occasions he even got affectionate around you giving you cute pet names.
-You were one of the few people that  stirred up up trouble into the tower along White when he was in his prime. You were both feared among the Fug slayers and no one wanted to be near you.
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-No one could predict your course of action. As annoying as it sounded for you. you even teamed up with Rachel to board the Hell train.
-When he first saw you, he throwed a tantrum on how long he has been waiting on that train, he wont say it but he is happy to see you again.
-You had to contain your small laughter seeing white so tiny yet adorable you wanted to pinch his cheek. If it had been anyone else he might have cut them with his sword but since it was you he did nothing.
-He would cuddle with you and let you play with his hair when no one is looking, he is not the kind of person to be affectionate in public but he does loves your touch.
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KhunBam Headcannons
Khun developed a crush on Bam after the events of the third episode
Bam never really understood what it’s like to feel romance, he just knew he preferred Khun’s presence in a different way than others
The two never exactly confessed, it just sort of happened. Bam was the one to start the relationship though
Khun’s mom gushes over Bam when she first meets him. She even offers to cook for him (she’s a terrible cook)
Bam catches Kisiea giving Khun the death glare a couple a times so he turned the favor and Kisiea learns to back off
Despite being on opposite sides of the war, even Eduan is interested in Bam’s relationship with Khun. Basically a “If you weren’t my enemy I’d love to have you for a son-in-law”
In public, Khun and Bam aren’t very physical, but in private they’re cuddle bugs
They’re both horrible communicators though. Bam tries to take on too many burdens and Khun’s bad at communicating his needs
When Khun meets Maria again, he has lots of conflicted feelings
But he still chooses to go with Bam. Which Maria agrees with stating that she happy he found someone else
Rak has accidentally bumped into Bam and Khun getting romantic a lot of times. He still consistently does it despite multiple warnings or telltale signs
God forbid you hurt Khun, cause Bam is going to come after you
The same thing happens if you take advantage of Bam.
Hwaryun is perfectly fine with the two of them together. It just means their enemies will fall faster if they hurt Khun (Bam has mixed feeling on this)
Endorsi is all types of pissed at first (she mellows out later though)
They think about adopting a kid, but they’d rather wait for the war to be over
Khun is a very hard person to sleep with, sometimes he’s cold as ice while other times he overheats
When Khun’s overheated, Bam uses a more minor version of Hansung Yu’s skills to cool him off
Khun usually has to drag Bam to bed cause otherwise he would spend all that time training
Bam eventually gets tall enough that Khun has to stand on his tip toes to kiss him
That’s all the headcannons I’ve drummed up so far. I think next one will be Ehwa/Elaine
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dreamindolls · 4 years
So glad to see more writers for khun 🥰🥰 I was wondering if I could request a khun x fem!reader headcannons of like reader and khun are teammates and are in the same class (like yknow the lightbearing one in season 1) and just how he acts with her cuz he has a leeeetle crush on reader 😳😳 (eg tryna get her attention, distracting her, drawing on her notebook, messing with her hair ahah) thanks bbb 😘🤪
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• Khun being in the lightbearers class with you would be very distracting. Granted you guys are all in your light houses and cant physically interact with each other khun would still send messages to your pocket or just talking to you through your lighthouses.
• If your out of classes being on his team means hanging out with him a lot along with bam and rak
• Whenever you guys hang out its always in one of your rooms but usually you're sitting on the floor by the bed with rak and bam and khun sits on the bed
• Just a normal hang out til you jump from khun suddenly touching your hair
• He just smiles at you with his hands in the air but you go back into place and let him continue
• Rak would scream something about it being turtles mating season or to stop flirting and fluster you (and also khun but you can't see him blushing nope) 
• Playing with your hair would be very fun for him
• Braiding it and doing different hairstyles for you no matter what length your hair is or even just brushing his hands through your hair
• Very relaxing on both ends
• If you are tired or even just really like your hair being messed with you'd probably fall asleep in his lap from him playing with your hair
• Now if you wanna play with his hair!! He's hesitant at first
• He spends hours straightening his hair and you cant tell me otherwise
• His hair was done so nicely and you wanna mess with it?...OK maybe he let's you-
• He lets you out little braids in his hair and mess with it as long as you fix it after or he likes the hairstyle you gave him
• Absolutely gets sleepy with you playing with his hair
• He's never really had physical affection with people before so it's nice it's comforting to him
• First time he falls asleep on your lap you're not sure what to do other than keep petting his hair and be trapped til he wakes up again
• Gets flustered when he wakes up and sees that he fell asleep in your lap but tries to blow it off as hes just tired from the classes (but we know thats not true those classes are so easy)
• Once he realizes that youre also flustered he will start teasing you to avoid you seeing him flustered
• “Oh? Dont tell me you miss me in your lap already! Should I lean on you more often or perhaps I should be trying to get closer to you?” just overall teasing until you leave or he excuses himself
• He explodes in his room when he gets there and just omg that happened
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Could you do some nsfw headcannons for aguero? Thanks luv xx
as always nfsw under the cut
Khun would be shy at first to be honest
but damn when you get started properly, full daddy mode
p u l l  h i s  h a i r
he likes it a lil rough, but if you ask him nicely he'd be the gentlest person ever
biting? okay
getting bitten? YES PLEASE
Khun really enjoys being submissive, but won't do it unless he's having sex with someone he deeply trusts
he can appreciate a nice set of lingerie
really good at dirty talk
not a fan of doing it in public/semi-public places
his neck is very sensitive and easy to bruise
even though he likes receiving hickeys, he'll die of embarrassment if someone points them out
low-key into masochism
touch starved baby
praise him for how good he's doing and he'd be soft about it for a week
Khun is a big tease, but that should be obvious
placing his hand a little too high up your thigh?
“But I'm not doing anything, baby.”
he's the cuddliest little shit afterward, but don't tease him about it
aftercare master, he will take proper care of you
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dil-a-to-ry · 4 years
Tower of God: House Party AU
Headcannons from the Tower of God Discord server
25th Baam: First time at a party, everyone expected him to be a lightweight but this boy can drink, all the girls lowkey (or highkey) want him, clueless, gets along with pretty much everyone except the one person he really wants
Anaak Zahard: Looks a lot younger than she actually is, very competitive at party games and easily better at them than everyone except Androssi
Androssi Zahard: Sober arguments with Anaak, drunk arguments with Anaak, gets a ton of male attention but is only interested in Baam
Evan Edrok: Carries Yuri home
Ha Yuri Zahard: Expected to be a heavy weight, but passes out after one sip
Hatz: Trains at the party, gets a lot of female attention but also completely oblivious, competitive beer pong with Anaak 
Hwa Ryun: The quiet bartender everyone spills their secrets to, has enough information to ruin lives by the time the night ends
Khun Aguero Agnis: Really isn’t that interested in the party but showed up for Baam, spends the whole night subtly steering Baam away from Rachel
Laure: Got dragged along to the party and immediately finds a quiet place to sleep, couples looking for an isolated place to hook up are very disappointed to find him asleep in the seemingly deserted parent’s bedroom 
Lero-ro: Damage control, either trying to subtly fix Hansung’s drinks before they get served or pulling Quant out of fights depending on whether he’s working on the night, actually bonds with a few people at the party
Parakewl: Talks to everyone, gets ignored, breaks a table and gets thrown out, was he even invited?
Quant: Drinks too much too fast, picks fights, passes out within the first 30 minutes
Rachel: Wasn’t actually invited but found a way in, spends the whole night avoiding Baam
Rak: COMPETITIVE, initiates all the arm wrestling contests, accepts every challenge for every party game, regrets talking down to Hansung when he gets served with the most disgusting drink but can’t back out of drinking it
Serena Rinnen: Actual life of the party, teaches everyone party games, this girl can drink, has a heart-to-heart with Shibisu, possibly leaves the party with Shibisu
Shibisu: Spends half his time teaching party games and the other half looking out for Anaak and Hatz, steps in to try to stop a fight and accidentally gets punched in the face
Yu Hansung: The other bartender, can make incredible drinks but prefers to troll people by serving terrible to mediocre concoctions, espresso martinis are the best you’ve ever tasted though
Webtoon only characters under the cut
Dowon: Got dragged along to the party and really doesn’t want to be there
Elpathion: Brings the party lights
Enryu: Two people swear they caught a glimpse of Enryu, but everyone else is like ‘Enryu who?’, second biggest mystery after Phantaminum
Garam: Spends the entire night avoiding Urek
Kallavan: Drinks for almost the entire night with zero change in facial expression or demeanour, people almost start to wonder if he’s simply immune to alcohol but then he drops sideways and passes out, wakes up with one hell of a hangover
Khun Eduan: Drinks wine all night, has slept with every girl at the party, everyone expects him to be slapped by at least 5 women but he somehow smoothes everything over, gets all the action Urek cries even more
Phantaminum: No response, not even a ‘read’, does this guy even exist? 
Po Bidau Gustang: Leaves your party invite on read, somehow still knows all the drama that happened and judges everyone silently
Prince: Brags the whole way to the party, has one drink, passes out
Urek Mazino: Tries to impress Garam with party games (he’s actually really good), the guys love him, hits on every girl but gets rejected every time, gets drunk and cries
White: Drinking contest with Kallavan, brags the entire time but passes out seconds before Kallavan, “two years ago there would have been zero competition”
Yeon Yihwa: Lowkey following Baam around but trying to be subtle about it, one of the first to throw up, accidentally(?) starts a fire later in the night that signals the end of the party
Zahard: Doesn’t get invited, acts like he couldn’t care less, actually cares a lot
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towerfandoms · 4 years
khunposting is the best kind of posting so maybe some headcanons when khun's s/o is a huge art freak and writes love poems for him?? like his reaction and if he finds it cheesy or something 😅
-I don’t think Khun is big on doing arts himself but like he deffo understands the appeal to it. He enjoys keeping his s/o other company while they paint or draw. Hell sometimes he’ll join in and yous will have this cute ass painting date. 
-Don’t tell anyone but he high key loves it when you write him random poems. He’s from a noble family so obviously he’s an educated manz. He knows how special and heartfelt poetry is.
-But yknow it’s Khun he cant resist to tease his s/o about it being all like “awwwwh what is this, the Middle Ages?” he laughily (that’s a word now) jokes which causes you to in turn pout a bit. But you can tell how much he appreciates it because he has a massive grin on his face the whole time he’s teasing you and just seems to be in a much more giddy mood.
-Iwl he’ll find it a lil cheesy but he loves the cheesy shit. He hasn’t received a lot of affection so receiving a poem about how much you love him- well that just warms his heart. He truly does appreciate every piece of poetry you write no matter how much he loves messing with you about it. You CANNOT tell me he wouldn’t store all the poems away in a drawer or a folder and whenever he has a bad day he just reads through em all and they calm him down.
-All in all he absolutely adores the poetry but he adores you more so keep writing love poems for this love deprived man 😔
A/N I know I focused a lot on poetry in this hc but I can make a diff post focusing on other arty aspects like painting dates or som. Anyways hope you like it :)))
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
2PM Nichkhun A-Z
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A - Aftercare
Aftercare with Khun would be pretty bare, if anything at all; probably involving just...laying together. Limbs still tangled waiting for your breathing to settle. 
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner)
On himself he likes his hands, he likes seeing how he can please you with his fingers alone. On you, he loves your lips.
C - Cum
In your mouth for sure. He just thinks its so hot seeing your mouth filled with him cum esp if you swallow it oof. Always goes in for a kiss afterwards, he aint afraid to taste himself lol
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Would totally love bringing someone else into your guys’ sex life. Just for one night, and probably a stranger. Most likely someone you had both met whilst travelling. Finds the idea of sharing such an intimate night with someone, totally letting go, then never having to see that person again in your entire lives so liberating.
E - Experience
He’s a pretty popular guy lol so, a fair amount..
F - Favourite Position
Loves being able to just melt into the bed when you're on top of him tbh. Likes a position where he can still kiss you freely.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc)
Somewhat, just because of how he is as a human. He's a total softie which would of course spill over to the bedroom. Expect a lot of sweet comments and giggles throughout.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
on the wilder(?) side but still tidy
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Intimate but still light-hearted. Will look into your eyes for a super long time, but then start laughing bc he felt awkward even though you're like "you’re literally inside me rn how can you feel awkward..."
J - Jack Off (Masturbation)
Not a whole lot, only really if he’s like super stressed and cant see you. 
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks)
Marking. he’d love to mark you somewhere that would be like 90% hidden and would get such a kick out of seeing a tiny glimpse of a deep purple bruise peeking out of the edge of your shirt the next day. A big fan of edging you both as well, will do it multiple times until neither of you can hold it any longer.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Aside from the obvious, I feel like he'd love to have sex somewhere outside. Somewhere totally private, but still out in nature.
M - Motivation (What turns them on)
Catching you sneaking glances at him across the room is something he loves. Or telling him how great he looks when he just finished exercising, all sweaty and flushed. He’ll be sure to invite you into his post workout shower.
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
Nothing in public or with the risk of anyone seeing you by chance, he wants to keep things 100% private.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Would rather use his hands instead of his mouth tbh, just because he’s more confident with them, plus he likes to be able to kiss you whenever he wants. Which is like 95% of the time...
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc)
Fairly slow and deep for the most part but tends to speed way up the closer he gets to finishing.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Not opposed if needs must, but generally not a fan. He can’t edge you as much as he wants with a limited amount of time
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?)
He can be very set in his ways with what he likes so only if you convince him enough I think he'd be down. Would only really interested in it bc he wants to please you tbh..
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc)
Can go for however long you need and probably a lil longer. More the type of guy who goes for one long round rather than a number of short ones. Probably into some form of on tantric sex tbh.
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?)
Doesn’t really see the need for them tbh. He’s not opposed to you owning any of course, but he wont use any on you unless you ask him too, he trusts his skills enough to not wanna use them. Might use a necktie of his on your wrists every now and then but its very rare.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’ll prolong foreplay for an agonisingly long time; waiting until you’re already writing underneath him begging for him to fuck you, just to say with a smirk “you sure you can carry on? you look tired babe”
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make)
Sighs and long drawn out groans, almost a little bit whiny? kinda cute
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon)
One of his biggest fantasies, something that he’s wanted to do with you since forever, is to go skinny dipping, preferably at night. The feeling of being surrounded by water, moving in total sync with each other just turns him on immensely. But he doesn’t know how to suggest it so he just sticks with doing it in the bathtub.
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants)
Average in length and girth, pretty and pink...
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Not a total horndog, but he’s pretty much always down for it if you are tbh
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Fairly quick just because he’s so content and full of love. He just wants to cuddle tbh.
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towerfandoms · 4 years
khun college au headcanons with bam and gf?
-Ok so Khun is that one really rich kid thats super popular. Let’s face it, he’s hot af, super smart, aethletic and lowkey a douche 💀 Obviously he’d be popular... and not just with the ladies 😳
-Manz probably does finance and business. I can definitely see him the type to try and inherit his fathers company yknow the old cliche. I doubt he’d do any after school clubs willingly- you and Bam probably had to force him to join yours.
-Speaking of which yes, you all do after school activities together no questions asked. I feel like Khun would lowkey be like well since he has to do this yall may as well join the book club. Bam would probably also really enjoy the book club as well as other less intense stuff like arts and cooking.
-Khun would 100000% be a disaster in the cooking class (hes a rich kid what do you expect). Bam is canonly good at cooking and you were decent- yknow gotta be a good housewife for daddy Khun🤩🤩 Khun tried super hard to make food for you but... it just wasn’t it... Like you accepted everything he made and tried to eat buuuuut :/ kinda nasty bro. Bams cooking on the other hand was absolutely amazing, spectacular, divine. Khuns very very competitive so he would try to compete with Bam and have you as a judge which put you in a very tight position. Overall cooking with these two dumbasses is an experience that everyone should have 😌✨
-Bam probably does teaching or social studies??- idk the thing to be a social worker. He likes helping people and obvi in the webtoon it’s people he cares about but this is a modern au so shhh.
-He’s one of the quiet kids, doesn’t really talk to anyone. You had known Bam since high school tho so yous we’re still best friends.
-After classes, you three would all go to your local cafe and (attempt) to do your homework. Usually it’d just end up with you and Khun messing with each other and Bam actually doing his hw.
-You and Khun share a class together and lemme tell you this boy is the BIGGEST distraction. He’s super smart so he already knows everything but he’d be super bored. Sometimes he’ll like doodle on your copy, drawing hearts or your name. He’ll try to talk to you and you have to do everything you can to make this boy pay attention. The only time you actually learn something is when he goes to sleep.
-When you two have tests you and Khun both go to the library and he tries his best to tutor you but you’re just too focused on his stunning face. I mean who can blame you like have you seen this man. 
-Besides I feel like Khuns a strict teacher, he takes no bs. So if you’re not paying attention he will not hesitate to whack you on the head with your work sheet questions. Still he’s a good teacher despite how evil he may be.
-But yeah college is amazing with your sexy bf and cute best friend 🥺🥺 I’m going college next year so please pray I find a khun and fall in love with him and we live happily ever after xx 😍
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towerfandoms · 4 years
Can I uh request some general relationship headcannons with Khun 👉👈🥺? And could you include some nsfw ones too (only if you’re cool with it 😳) thanks babe xx
OFC YOU CAN BABYYYYYYY. Thanks for asking 🥺🥺
-When I say this man is a simp he is a fucking SIMPPPPP. Like he’s so whipped for you because you’re someone he deeply cares about. He’ll literally do anything you want from him because he’s a man of service. He shows his love through small random acts like waking you up on time or making you coffee in the morning. He’d make you sleep tea at night and then you’d would cuddle in bed while reading/ watching a movie. (I headcannon him as a documentary man tbh 💀💀)
-He understands you so well. Like you don’t have to say anything and he’ll sigh and be like lesgo babe. He’s very observant so he knows of your likes and dislikes, what makes you uncomfortable and stuff
-SUGAR DADDYYYY YES! Like yous would go on dates whenever ur both free and he always insists on paying cuz he’s very gentlemanly 😳🥰 I feel like Khun likes very chill cafe dates where you both just talk and enjoy each others company 🥺 But ofc that doesn’t mean he won’t do dinner dates! You both go to fancy ass restaurants together and yknow u both sexy af so everyone staring at you and whew feels like the paparazzi is watching yous.
-SHOPPINGGGGG AND LOTS OF IT. We all know Khun and his extensive wardrobe and although some of his outift choices are a bit ehhhhhhhh he still loves clothes. I feel like he’ll drag you to a ton of clothes shops and you both just try a bunch of things on and he buys you everything. When he’s hot, rich and has a fashion sense 🥵😩 idk if I made it obvious how much I love this man.
-He always randomly surprises you with gifts cuz yuh sugar daddy 😩😩 he loves randomly surprising you with like jewellery, flowers, clothes etc. Like I said he’s a man of doing rather than saying
-He’s a lil but awkward with words but he does say I love you quite a bit. He likes to show his love with the small things he does and how much he understands. Of course he always has a shoulder for you to cry on and he tries his best to make you feel better. You’re happiness and safety is always his top priority. Man if ur lucky enough to be his partner then just KNOW he loves you to the moon and back.
-Ok so now for NSFW so if you don’t like that I suggest you stop reading now 😡✋-I just reread this and this is barely NSFW I’m sorry 😭😭 
-Remember how I said he’s a doing rather than talking. Eheh that applies to while in bed as well. I feel like he’s a switch leaning to top/ dom. Like if you say you wanna top and look at him with ur cute ass puppy dog eyes- I mean who’s he to say no.
-I believe the author of ToG said he’s a virgin but that doesn’t mean he don’t know what he’s doing 😡😡 Snakey bitch Mariah probs taught him something eye- I’m sorry gotta make this nsfw and not incest...
-N E WAYS doing the devils tango is not a rare occurrence with Khun. Like whenever he’s feeling frustrated he likes to take it out on you 😳😳 or if you’s are just cuddling on his bed and suddenly you feel something poking ur back. 🤭🤭
-Often when yous are making out in the security of your locked doors, it kinda just escalates from there. With you both taking each others clothes off, piece by piece til you’re both naked.
-Manz deffo holds hand in public before marriage 😳😳 sometimes he’ll lock pinkies if you’re not big on PDA. I don’t think he’s either, most he’ll do is sling an arm around your shoulder or give you a quick kith on your forehead.
A/n: GDHSJSJS IM SORRY I RAMBLED ON AGAIN 😭😭😭 please don’t stop with the Khun requests i love him sm. Also if you want me to do the NSFW again just shoot me an ask- but yeah I hope you enjoyed my ramble 
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towerfandoms · 4 years
HI GUYS !!! I know I’ve disappeared for a while cuz school is extremely gross. But I have this week off for Halloween so I’ll try and get requests done this week. Also I’ll be opening up requests again in case any of yous want to send in spooky themed requests :))))
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towerfandoms · 4 years
Tower of God Masterlist:
Works: 26
Last Updated: 20/02/2021
*if anything doesn’t have a link attached it probably means it hasn’t been posted yet, if there’s any problems tho don’t be afraid to slide into the inbox ;)
*Bold: means: fics/ scenarios
*Italics means: headcannons
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Khun Aguero Agnis:
-Khun x reader in an argument (HC)
-General Relationship (HC)
-Khun x artist reader (HC)
-Prompt: “We are in public” (Fic)
-College AU, Khun x reader (HC)
-Khun cheering up sad s/o (Fic)
-How Khun met his s/o in college (HC)
-Non-sexual dominance (Fic)
-Jealous Khun (HC)
-Hanahaki disease: (part 1), (part 2) (Fic)
-”Our Children” (Fic)
-Khun x goth reader (HC)
-Khun x sassy/ tsundere reader (HC)
-Khun getting jealous of Ran (HC)
-Khun cuddle (HC)
-khun with an affectionate and clingy s/o (HC)
-prompt: “you wanna kiss me so bad rn” (fic)
-reader comforting Khun (HC)
-khun with innocent reader (HC)
-khun birthday special (fic)
*to be added*
-Jealous White x reader (HC)
Bam/ Viole:
-Bam + Viole as a boyfriend (HC)
Khun Eduan:
-Modern Boyfriend (HC)
*to be added*
-Text Prompt: “I want a baby” with Khun, Bam, Endorsi, Shibisu, Hatz and Eduan
-Khun and Hatz reaction to reader shipping them
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