#tog headcannons
harperbrynne · 1 year
Multiverse Headcanon:
He’d spent months tracking down the book, so tiny it would fit in a doll’s hands, but so precious it had cost him an indecent amount of money. A miniature manuscript, crafted by the skilled hands of the smaller of the lesser Fae—one of the first printed books in existence. (ACOSF, Pg600)
Aelin and Dorian after learning one of the first printed books in existence lays at the bottom of the Sidra:
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nope-the-weeb · 9 months
i love love love tog's theme of games/wagers/tests. it seems to be a tradition in the tower that makes the culture of the tower feel so real.
villains will monologue about their plans. people who have the power to easily defeat their enemies will set up convoluted games, and not as a display of power. it seems to be a matter of honor not to crush your enemies underfoot (rather than just the camp of the story)
maybe this is a remanant of Adventurer Jahad's personality, and the 13 warriors' climb. maybe this is the part of jahad that died when he became king, having to reign with power, rather than prove himself fairly as an adventurer. maybe this is the part of the tower that died when the natural order (administrators, ancients, old kingdoms) were superceded by jahad's rule (actually that doesn't fit thematically but just putting it out there)
can you imagine yurin and eduan pulling a grumpy Traumurei aside, taking bets on whether Arlene would end up with Jahad or V? Gustang is banned from their bets because he always wins, but as the Team Nerd he has to give his pointers. Jahad might catch them but he doesn't take it personally, because it is the end of a hard day of testing, a rare night under simulated stars, rather than under an administrator's harsh gaze. besides, he is the adventurer that would take on anything, or so they thought. of course he would address the challenge head on
What did he find on the 135th floor? How the first team to conquer the tower, the first team (I'd like to imagine) from Outside to even enter the tower, fall apart, and then stagnate? what is really at the top of the Tower?
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im-fostering-it292 · 2 years
Headcanon!: aafter the night court meets aelin’s court feysand children grow up calling her auntie Aelin.
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starryhiraeth · 11 months
Toddler Headcannons
Acotar & Tog
PT 1 here-
Acotar pregnancy Headcannons
(Btw I’m so sorry it’s been so long, I’ve been doing my exams and I’ve been so busy with them but I’m back so please feel free to request anything)
(There might be spelling errors, idk I did read through it but it’s anyones guess at this point🤷‍♀️)
•He might as well shout from the tallest mountain that he has a daughter
•Will bring her EVERYWHERE, even high lord meetings, she’s just sitting there ether on yours or his lap, or she’s playing with toys in front of you
•You cant tell me Rhys isn’t the parent to dress his kids in thousands worth of designer clothes that they are going to grow out of within like a month anyway
•SPOILED FUCKING ROTTEN, she is SO cheeky, most times her giggles will echo throughout the halls. She has absolutely NO FILTER, at the high lords meeting she’ll point a Beron and repeat what she heard Rhys say when talking about him “Ginger cunt” it was quite an awkward meeting after that
• He literally can’t say no to her, and she knows this, all she has to do is the puppy/baby doll eyes and she gets whatever she wants
•Your two daughters are polar opposites, of course they had Illyrian wings and Az’s hair but they have your eyes and Az adores it, he’s very protective over his daughters
• Thea is much more gentle than her sister, when she was younger she was scared of her shadows but now they are a comfort to her and Az taught her how to wrap them around herself like a blanket (she has gotten stuck a couple times tho)
•She usually does that blanket thing whenever she’s snuggling with Az, they are both very calm so she defo a daddies girl
•Petra is a mini psycho, not really but she is much more wild, when she was a baby she would have massive tantrums whenever she wasn’t near you, she’s a mummas girl, and was never scared of her shadows but instead used them to freak out her sister #sistertings
•Like I said, Petra was much more wild, like she would act first and think later, this stresses Az out SO MUCH because he’s scared something will happen to her but it brings him comfort when he sees her finally calm while asleep laying on you whilst your on the sofa
•Goes flying with Jaxs almost everyday, it gives you a mini heart attack every time but you trust that he won’t drop him, Cassian would rather fly into a volcano then put your son at risk
•Jaxs is prone to having tantrums, he doesn’t mean to be stroppy, he is just very emotional and doesn’t know how to explain is and so he cries and sometimes hits
•The first time Jaxs hit you in a tantrum, he was 2, it wasn’t hard and he tried hugging your after but Cassian was pissed, he put Jaxs on the naughty step and was scared his son would just get more violent, to which you had to explains that Jaxs just had big emotions for a small child and is learning
•After that you all fell asleep in an armchair, you in Cassian’s lap and Jaxs in yours, somehow it was beautiful and chaotic, Cassian held you both closer and couldn’t remember a time when he had been so happy
•When he’s not unhappy, Jaxs is the most rambunctious, you can’t count how many times he’s come to you with a red mark on his face because he ran into a glass door, he’s a sweetie though and such a carbon copy of his father, also I can totally see Cassian wearing those baby carries that go across the front, with no shame, he’s comfortable in his masculinity
(Btw, he’s still hung up on the fact that you didn’t let him call Jaxs Cassian Jr)
•Lucien is very warm, idk how to explain it but I imagine him giving very homely vibes
•Kalea is the same, she likes staying close to her parents and really likes nature, so much that every Saturday you all go on walks in the country side
•There, Kalea chases butterfly’s and picks flowers, though the orange ones are always here favourite
•She doesn’t really have a favourite parent, she just finds comfort in both of you and is a little cautious meeting those she doesn’t know but when she gets to know then she is super cute
•You two are Lucien’s entire world, nothing, and I mean nothing could make him happier then playing board games in pyjamas as a family, Infront if the firelight whilst the sun sets
•So-Berons dead!
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•Anyway, he DOES make tiny thrones next to yours and his for your sons, Idris is the older one but Maël is the one who acts older, Idris is the one accidentally setting trees on fire whilst Maël judges from a distance
• Maël will usually be found in your lap, playing with whatever necklace you have on and trying to relax when suddenly Idris, with the tips of his hair on fire comes running through the hallways yelling like a madman and 2 seconds later Eris is running after him
•After that Maël will probably mutter something like “They crazy mama” to which you just nodded
•Eris will make some serious changes to the decor in your house, whilst growing up all Eris remembers is the lifeless dark hallways so he changes that immediately, he is determined to be better than his father and give his children a happy childhood
•Yuna is the probably one of the most spoiled children ever! And I mean like- if it were a modern AU her room would be worth like 30Mil by the age of 5
•Her favourite colour is gold and she is absolutely covered in it! Gold clothes, gold jewellery, gold glitter, gold everything!
•speaking of gold glitter, it’s everywhere! And if you think for one second that Helion is embarrassed to be covered in gold glitter then I’ll just let you know that he is the one who keeps buying it for her, He wears the glitter and wears it proud!
•Your lives are luxuriant! Just imagine, in a row, Helion, you, Yuna, all in massage chairs with cucumbers on your eyes and face masks in silk robes detailed with golden flakes…you lucky bitch
•Yuna will sit on her fathers throne ALL THE TIME, she’ll be high lady one day and she knows it, actually there were many times where you sat on Helion lap on your throne and Yuna had a mischievous smile on her face as she sat on her fathers throne all by herself
•Okay so- Rune and Zara kind of hate each other, they are always arguing and I don’t mean normal sibling arguments, it actually worries you and since Dagdan thinks that twins are important and doesn’t like them fighting, he’ll sit them in a room and tie there hands together when they argue. Think:
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•and as much as you feel bad for your babies it kinda funny
•the only time the twins get along is when they are making CHAOS
•Setting the throne on fire ✅
Trying to jump into the cauldron ✅
Stealing their great uncles crown and throwing in a nearby river ✅✅✅
•You and Dagdan love them but sometimes you’ll put them in Brannagh’s room and just take off, for her to look after them for a couple days 😂
•soooo- there was a joke on my last post in the comments about Tamlins kid being born with dark hair and purple eyes and as funny as I thought that was, I’ll continue will my original plan😂
•Tamlin originally thought he would want a son but when your daughter arrived he couldn’t have ask for anything more or different, he loves her more than life and have every plant based nickname for her “Petal” “rose” “Lily flower” and the list goes on
•Persephone is the sweetest child that ever was, she had Tamlins hair and your eyes and lots and lots of freckles, she also has dimples ☺️
•She is know an as the “The realms Joy” throughout spring court and the people love the little princess though Tamlin sometimes worries that the harshness of become a ruler will kill her happiness, you assure him that she’ll have people by her side to help her
•She does this really cute thing where she’ll go up to someone, usually you or her father and ask what your favourite flower is, it doesn’t matter if you’ve already told her, she’s little okay? She forgets these things!, anyway she’ll ask your favourite flower and after you say it she’ll nod her head and march out of the room only to return 25 minutes later with basket full of the flower that you named and maybe a couple weeds she’s just so happy she could give them to you and Tamlin will have them put in a vase every time, weeds and all
Im so sorry this took like a century to write 😂
Anyway, exams are over so I can write so much more now and I’m open to requests
I’m honestly kind of surprised how much I wrote for Tamlin, but I guess it’s Tamlin fans lucky day, your welcome 😉
Anyway ummm
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shadowdaddies · 3 months
It seems I'm going everywhere this spring. May I suggest some road trip headcannons from the TOG and/or ACOTARs group?
(whichever you prefer I love them all)
I'm so jealous, I need a trip lol. I went with TOG for this because they'd be so iconic to roadtrip with imo
Throne of Glass Roadtrip Headcanons
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• Aelin plans the trip and insists on driving, only because she lied about where y’all are going and wants to surprise everyone
• She also only packed wine and chocolate for snacks
• Lorcan has packed enough to compensate for everything Aelin didn’t pack (and more)
• Aelin didn’t book a hotel or anywhere to stay, but you’ll be fine because she “knows a guy” literally everywhere you go
• Rowan is riding shotgun at first, but he keeps trying to give Aelin directions with Google Maps so she makes him switch seats with Fenrys
• Fenrys is moved up to shotgun for his superior DJ skills, which even get Manon singing along
• Rowan is frustrated at first that he got moved to the backseat, but eventually gives up and falls asleep for the rest of the ride
• Dorian is watching TikToks on his phone way too loud and showing you all of the funniest ones (he’ll eventually run out of battery and realize he forgot a charger. Manon has one but lies and says she doesn’t so that she doesn’t have to listen to it anymore)
• Aedion starts complaining that snacks aren’t sufficient and we need to stop for real food, and Gavriel agrees
• Manon finds a Waffle House on the route and Aelin agrees to stop there, but Dorian and Lysandra want to go somewhere nicer to eat (they’re overruled)
• Aelin and/or Manon start a fight at Waffle House (but Lysandra is the one who kicks ass)
• You arrive at Aelin’s friend’s house where you are all staying, and it’s way nicer than you all expected
• Lorcan doesn’t trust it and says he won’t stay there, until Elide convinces him it’ll be fine
• It would be the nicest vacation you’d ever been on, and it’s really best if you don't ask Aelin questions about how she pulled it off
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princessbunnib · 1 year
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König |Masturbation Headcannons|
NSFW Under The Cut
Author's Note:
These are very random because I just typed as things came to mind.
On my period which means I'm basically in heat. Here's some filthy König Headcannons.🤤
More König Smut coming. Been taking a break from COD so I can write for a different fandom. Also been taking a break in general. I'll post full smut fics again just wait patiently please. I love all of you♡
Where Does He Do it?
König masturbates at home considering that's always conveniently where he is when an erection accures.
How Does He Do It?
König doesn't have much toys that are for him only. He also isn't the one who goes to the sex store and gets them. You gifted him a fleshlight because you thought it would be extremely hot to know that he uses it.
He hasn't used it much but when he's really riled up- he'll use it and imagine he's fucking you while watching the lewd videos and pictures you've sent to him overtime. He had to buy many phones because he always ruins them by getting carried away when masturbating and accidently finish on them.
Either he come inside the toy for however many loads he can produce, or it's on his phone.
When Does He Do it?
König will masturbate whenever he has an erection like one does. Or other times when he finds himself missing you, he'll masturbate to remember your face until you come home. Although this has a downside, you usually come home to him needing the real thing rather than using a flashlight or his hands. Needless to say, whatever outfit you're wearing will be ripped off of you so he can fuck you.
How Does He Feel About Masturbation?
König doesn't have any negative opinions about this at all. If he needs to come but can't do it the way he usually does it, he will masturbate. He gets tense a lot and chews gum to sooth his nerves. But when he doesn't have any gum the next best thing is to come in order to control himself.
He doesn't tell you about his solo sessions. For all you know, he doesn't do it at all. Since he only does this when you're not home and is very discreet about it, you have no clue.
How Loud Is He?
For the most part König is quiet because his biggest fear is you coming home and seeing him in such a vulnerable state. But when he's on the verge of coming he will say any and everything remotely sexual that he can think of. Rather if it's him talking to himself or talking as if you're the one who's making him come.
"Fuck~ I need to remember how tight you are around my cock- I Miss Youu~ Come home to me already..."
"I'm gonna come- I'm gonna come- I'm so fucking desperate to come, please let me come~"
"Mommy~ mommy please- haah~♡ I'll be good- let me come... ughh fuck..."
"My fucking cock is burning- Coming... coming... coming... c-c-com-coming..."
König's rest time is very short. When he's with you he'll do as many rounds as you'll allow him to. When he's alone, it's the same thing. He won't finish until the bottle of lube he's using Is atleast half empty. Or if he runs out of things to clean up his messes with.
Take A Load Off
He can come a lot. Because of his line of work he has to keep a balanced diet to maintain his physical strength. Daily workouts and a lot of healthy home-cooked meals he prepared himself.
Not only his body is healthy. His balls are too. He can produce a lot of come, therefore his creampies are no joke. When he plans on forcing himself to come a lot he'll use his flashlight to lessen the mess. Although it's a bit tedious to clean up the tog after. Not only he is big, his balls are too. They aren't just for show either. They're big for a reason.
His healthy liifestyle makes him have a higher sperm count. Which means that If you weren't on birth control, you would have definitely had a lot of his babies by now.
Take Me To Kinky Town
König has a lot of kinks already. There's some that you still don't know about unfortunately. He's only told you the ones he didn't think would make you think negatively about him.
Even though König can seem to be emotinaly fragile when it comes to your relationship with him, he degrades himself when he's masturbating.
Part of him reels guilty for coming without you. Why creampie a sex toy when he can give it to someone who will actually enjoy it.
The only time he thinks he deserves Praising is of you're the one doing it. He knows he has a praise kink but is too shy to admit it to you. You always like to make a fool out of him by asking him to do a simple task for you when you clearly are able to do it yourself.
He's always looking to be useful for you so he'll do it no matter how easy it may seem. Telling him he's a 'good boy' or just outright saying he's doing an amazing job will give him an erection in an instant.
He'll have to get away from you and take care of this 'personal problem' so you don't get any ideas and use this praise to your advantage just to get your way. If you tire him out with sex or any form of ejaculation, he'll be like putty in your hands for atleast two days.
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techs-goggles9902 · 4 days
Two Souls Entwined
Part 4 (Eventual) Captain Rex x oc
A/N: HOLY SHIT GUYS IM BACK. I COOKED UP A STORM THIS TIME. These are my personal headcannons so if you don’t like them you’re welcome to leave 🤩 feel free to criticize I love criticism. Not beta read (as always) 😆
Word count: 2883 (went way overboard)
No warnings unless you’re scared of mean Kaminoans
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“If you’re thinking of leaving, Kal, you know the deal. Su’cuy, Niva,” a voice says from beside the pair of stunned mandos. 
Jango Fett stands before them, looking out the window as well. 
“Jango, you said-”
“I said you’ll be training special ops troops. They just happen to be growing them.”
“Clones…” Niva says before Jango can answer Kal. “Clones of Jango.” 
“I knew you were the brains, ad’ika,” Jango chuckles, grinning at the girl. 
“How the fierfek did you get involved?” Kal asks. 
“A good five million and a little something special. Don’t look so surprised, you would do the same.” Jango looks between Kal and Niva before gesturing for them to follow him down the glossy corridor. Niva’s senses are overwhelmed as she looks between the toroids. 
She blinks rapidly as thoughts spiral in her brain. They aren’t her own and they change as she looks between the towers. It’s like the fetuses are speaking to her. She pauses and looks at one tower specifically, squinting slightly as her gaze lands on a certain tube. The fetus floats in the translucent liquid, an umbilical cord abnormally curling around its leg. 
“Niva, c’mon,” Kal shouts from down the hall. Niva hesitantly pulls her eyes away from the baby to jog back to her adoptive father. 
If something was wrong, the Kaminii would know. They would know. The baby’s fine. 
“You’re both dead now, don’t worry about it, Kal,” Jango says. Niva must’ve missed a bit since they’re both mid conversation about something. 
Right… I’m dead. 
“So, Ilippi threw your sorry shebs out?” Jango asks Kal, who’s expression softens slightly at the mention of his ex-wife. 
“Told you, you should've married a Mando girl. Aruetiise don’t understand the mercenary way.” 
Niva’s eyes narrow involuntarily as Jango brings up Ilippi. She refused to let Kal take their 8 year old sons into war with him, and soon, Kal’s family were no longer waiting for him to come back. 
Didn’t let those kids go into battle, what an outsider! I turned out fine, Niva thinks. 
“Ko Sai said something wasn’t right about the first batch of clones. They’ve been tested and I don’t think they’ll make the military grade, but I’ve told Orun Wa we’d look at them before… you know,” Jango explains. 
“I don’t. Please elaborate,” Kal says. 
“You’ll see.” Jango leads them down the hall, ushering them into a nearby room. 
“Welcome, gentleman,” says Orun Wa in his peaceful monotone, not even addressing Niva, with a gentle tilt of his head. The Kaminoan has a bony fin going down the back of his head and to the nape of his neck. 
“So the first batch have been confirmed as below the accepted standard?” Jango asks. 
“These units are defective, I admit there was an error made while enhancing the genetic template.” Orun says, craning his slender neck to call out to someone in the corridor. “Bring them in.”
Niva turns as the door opens, glancing at Kal. He gives her a small nod, putting a hand on her shoulder. Six pairs of footsteps enter the room. Niva notices: the footsteps are close together, shorter strides instead of longer ones that would fit an adult. 
Kal turns, his eyes widening as he looks down. Six identical boys - maybe four, maybe five at the most - walk into the room. 
These are children, not soldiers… not droids… not units… little kids. 
All had identical curly black hair and dark blue tunics and pants. Both Kal and Niva expected grown men, not… 
“Kids… Kal’buir…” Niva can’t take her eyes away from the boys as she whispers to Kal. His hand leaves her shoulder as Jango inhales sharply. The boys huddle together, one of them holding his arms back like he’s shielding his brothers from Orun Wa, two boys clutching each other as they look at Kal with their big, dark, unblinking eyes. 
Oh… He’s defending his brothers… 
It rips at Niva’s heart, reminding her once again of her brothers. She figured out fast that Kaminoans didn’t tolerate anything that doesn’t meet their society’s principles of perfection. Maybe they don’t know that it’s often imperfection that gives humans an edge?
She hears Orun Wa, Jango, and Kal talk about the boys, but she can’t bring herself to tune in. Not that she understood most of what they said, anyway. Her Basic wasn’t as up to par as she’d like. She spoke with a slight accent, just barely there, pronouncing some letters and words differently than born Basic speakers.  
Three of the boys look up at Niva with their big round eyes. Niva tries to smile and give them a wave, but all three flinch as her hand raises, making Niva immediately put her hand down. 
One of the kids mimics her wave, his scared expression softening a bit. Niva grins at him and he bares his teeth in an attempt of a returning smile. 
“What do you mean by reconditioned?” Kal says, drawing Niva back into the conversation. She obviously missed a lot. 
“In this case, termination. These units cannot follow orders and are simply too unreliable, failing to meet the personality profile required,” Orun Wa replies casually. 
“Terminated? They’re children!” Niva says, gesturing to the boys.
“Niv…” Kal mumbles, placing a hand on her shoulder again. Evil is supposed to be dark and menacing… not soft-spoken.
Then Kal registers what they meant by terminating. Within a second, his clenched fist is at Orun Wa’s chest. “You touch any of those kids, you gray freak, I’ll skin you alive and feed-” 
“Steady,” Jango says, pulling Kal’s arm back. 
“This is uncalled for, we only care for our customer’s satisfaction,” Orun Wa states. Niva watches with wide eyes, instinctively stepping towards the boys. Kal hears his heart thundering in his ears, yanking his arm out of Jango’s grip, stepping in front of the kids, who were silent. His eyes never leave Orun’s yellow irises. 
Jango grips Kal’s shoulder hard enough to hurt. Don’t. Leave this to me. 
“We could do with a few wild cards,” Jango carefully says, stepping between the Kaminoan and Kal. “It’s good to have a few surprises for the enemy, no? How old are they?”
“Two standard years.” 
Niva’s jaw literally drops to the durasteel floor. The boys look older, though. Kal slowly puts his hand back to place his palm on the head of the defending boy’s head. But small fingers clasp onto his calloused hand instead. A helpless gesture. Kal swallows hard. Two years old.
“I’ll train ‘em. What’re their names?” He asks, looking between Jango and the Kaminoan. 
“All units are numbered,” Orun Wa starts. 
“We can… give them names… right?” Niva speaks up quietly. All three men look at her. Kal gives her a discreet hand signal: later. 
“Anyway, our quality control designated them as Null class and-” 
“Null? As in, no di’kutla use?” The veins in Kal’s neck have never been so prominent. 
“Kal, leave this to me,” Jango breathes. 
“No, they’re not units, Jango.” The little hand was holding on for dear life. Another boy comes up and wraps his little arms around Kal’s leg. 
To Niva, the next minute goes by so fast. Before she can even blink, the boy thrusts his fingers into Kal’s boot, taking out the hidden blaster, tossing it to the boy who’s holding Kal’s hand. 
The boy caught it cleanly and pointed it at Orun Wa, his little fingers just barely holding the blaster steady. 
“Osik,” Jango sighs. “Put it down, kid.” 
But the boy held the weapon at the perfect angle, left hand steadying the right, eyes focused on his target. Niva looks between the men, flabbergasted at how calm Jango is. 
I couldn’t protect them… so… maybe I can protect these boys…
“Hey, bud,” Niva says, gently putting a hand on the boy’s arm as she kneels down beside him. “Put it down, yeah? No need for shooting anybody, kyr’ika. Give me the blaster.”
He doesn’t budge, barely blinking.
“You’re safe, lad,” Kal’s voice is soft as he squats down beside the kid, nodding to Niva, a silent indicator that he’s got this. “Come on… put it down. There’s a good lad. Now give me the blaster.”
The boy lowers his arms slowly, “Yes, sir…” He hands the blaster to Kal, who scoops him up. 
“Good lad…” Kal lowers his voice to whisper in the boy’s ear. “Nicely done, too.” 
A small hand tugs Niva’s, making her look down. Two pairs of big eyes stare up at her, one boy mimicking the wave she gave them earlier. Niva grins and waves back with her free hand. She crouches down so she’s eye level with the boys. 
“Hi, I’m Niva,” she holds out her hand. The boys stare at it and then one of them shakes her hand with his little fingers. 
“I’m N-7 and that’s N-10,” he says, meeting her gaze. 
“Pleasure, boys. We’ll work on names later, yeah?” Niva keeps up her smile. N-10 looks at N-7, nudging him with his elbow. Niva can barely hear under his breath as he whispers to N-7, “I wanna shake her hand, let go.” 
Niva lets out a small laugh, N-10 now holding her hand and meeting her gaze just like N-7. These were little boys but were so much like grown men. She’s aware of Kal and Jango speaking behind her. 
“What kind of armor is that?” N-10 asks. 
“It’s made out of beskar. It’s Mandalorian - do you know what that is?” Niva replies. Both boys shake their heads. “Well, I’ll teach you.” 
“You talk funny,” N-7 chimes in.
“So do you, little man.” The boy’s eyes widen as he looks at N-10, who gives him the same wide eyed look. Niva can see N-7 mouth silent words to his brother, We talk funny? She smiles at the pair’s sudden realization. 
“Ad’ika, let’s go.” Kal looks down at his daughter, the little marksman who pointed the blaster at Orun Wa on his hip. Niva nods and stands, her hand slipping from N-10’s much smaller one. 
Niva doesn’t even need to help Kal take the six boys to their quarters. The tiny soldiers silently march behind the two Mandos. 
The walk back to the room was eerily silent. Kal occasionally tried to make simple conversations with the boys, all attempts ending in one word answers from various kids. 
Niva could hear the boy’s thoughts and felt their emotions. Not a clear thought, though, just a jumbled mess entangling with her own thoughts. Multiple voices spoke to her as she walked beside her father figure, some small and quiet, others prominent and deafening. 
As the group walked down the sterile halls of Kamino they passed lines of other clones, all the same age as the Nulls, marching in the opposite direction. One of the boys caught her eye, his shaven head differentiating him from his brothers.
He caught her eye, his amber irises following her green ones as they passed each other. His thoughts melted into her own. The bridge of Niva’s nose pulsed with a deep ache, silencing her overcrowded mind. 
“Ad’ika… Niva, are you okay?” Kal’s voice broke her trance. 
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine. Headache, ‘s all, Buir.”
“Mm… Have you ever finished that story of yours? Remember, the one you wanted to write before we met?”
”I remember. No, I haven’t done much with it since then. Should I?”
”Maybe. Just find something inspiring, like these little lads.” Kal reaches back to ruffle one of the boy’s hair. 
“In… In what?” 
“Something that gives you ideas, ad.” 
The first night with the boys was… something. Niva hardly slept with two little four year old boys clinging to her all night, their little fists white knuckling her sleep shirt. 
Kal settled on names for all six of them, taught them a bit of mando’a, filled their little bellies with uj cake, realized how traumatized they were, and knocked out with Ordo - N-11 - on his lap.
N-7 and 10 - now Mereel and Jaing - clung to Niva as if she were their lifeline. They held her pant legs tightly in their little fists when they walked down the corridors or just to the ‘fresher. Whenever she’d ruffle their mops of brown curls they’d look up at her with a confused look, not aware it was a sign of affection. 
The first time she did so, Mereel looked terrified, his pools of amber going wide, like his eyes were taking over his little face. 
What did the kaminiise do to you boys… 
Niva eventually worked up enough courage to begin wandering the halls of Tipoca City in her spare time, finding training areas and barracks under construction for the millions of clones that will eventually call this sterile place home - or as close to home as possible. 
On her fourth day of exploration, she saw the kaminioan. Of course there were kaminiise everywhere, it was Tipoca City, but this one was different. She sat on a tall bench - built specifically for kaminioans - overlooking one of the few functioning training areas. 
Her skin, a sickly gray, shined in the light. Her large black eyes with blue-gray irises were focused on the cadets through the glass. Niva was intrigued by her, the way she looked at the cadets like they were roba up for slaughter. 
Niva made a habit to walk past her on her walks since the kaminioan always sat there at the same time everyday. A couple days after first seeing her, she spoke up, not looking away from the cadets. 
“Can I help you, Ms. Niva Veen?” She startled Niva, stopping her in her tracks. 
“How do you know my name?” 
“I read your file, Mandalorian. May I ask why you’re always walking about instead of training our troops?” She still didn’t look up. 
“It’s my free time, I finished training one standard hour ago,” Niva says as she walks up to the kaminioan. “What’re you doing?”
“My job.” 
“May I ask what your job is, then?”
“I am Chief Scientist Ko Sai’s assistant. I’m here to study the Generation Ones, seeing what should be improved and changed in later Generations,” the kaminoan answers in the same monotone Orun Wa used several days prior. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Nala Se.” 
“Nice to meet you.”
“Why do you always come here?” Nala Se asks with a sigh, seeming to be done with Niva. 
“I’m-” Niva couldn’t think of the correct word. “You’re just always out here. You look sad sometimes.”
“I am allowed to feel emotions sometimes, Niva Veen.” 
Niva cocks her head. “I’m good at reading people. You seem more than sad, like you’re focused on something important to you, something to prove to someone.” 
Nala Se finally looks away from the cadets, her massive eyes meeting Niva’s. “You’re correct, actually.” She leans back slightly and pauses, her eyes widening as she realizes something. “I need a trainer. Not for myself, but for… special ops troopers. You seem qualified, for a sixteen year old.” 
“I can train troops. I know what I’m doing,” Niva replies, narrowing her eyes slightly. Nala Se hums an acknowledgement, standing and turning her back to the girl. 
“Follow me, then,” she says. 
The private tubing system fascinated Niva, her face nearly pressed to the glass as she zoomed past the water and its inhabitants. 
“Have you never seen an ocean before? It really isn’t that intriguing,” Nala Se says. 
“Not this close…” Niva replies as she unfocuses her eyes to see the water streaming past her. 
The lab was just as sterile as the rest of Kamino, but the dimness was a mixture of soothing and eerie. They entered through the floor, directly in the center of the lab. 
“You remember how the six other Null ARCs were disposed of?” Nala Se asks Niva. 
“Yes…” Where is this going? 
“I saved them. Orun Wa and Ko Sai didn’t think they’d last in combat, you see. One was smaller than the rest, one stockier, two very thin, one a female. The female and one of the lankier cadets had poor eyesight compared to the average clone,” Nala Se explains. 
She walks to a panel on the wall, opening a hidden door. A hidden door in a hidden lab. What else lies in these walls? She continues, “I was tasked with the extermination of those six. Yes, I directly disobeyed orders, but once I show the higher ups, I’ll be rewarded. I will surpass Ko Sai to become the next Chief Scientist.” 
Niva watches as the hidden door leads to a brighter corridor. The hallway leads to another door, small noises can be heard from behind the transparisteel. 
“CT-9903 and the female would’ve never lasted. I’ve done all I could to preserve their eyesight but not much can be done. Both require glasses. In addition, I modified the entirety of the batch so they can’t be traced back to the Nulls.”
“Wait,” Niva says, “CT? Not ARC?” 
The door at the end of the hidden hallway behind the hidden door in the hidden lab opens to reveal six clones, the same age as the Nulls, sitting on their respective six bunks, dwarfing them. 
“Clone Force 99, this is Niva Veen. She will be continuing your training from now on.”
Mando’a used:
Kaminii means kaminoan (the se at the end of certain scenes is just plural as in kaminoans)
Fierfek is just some random curse I think
Aruetiise means traitor
Shebs means your rear
Ad’ika is a term of affection for a kid (ad means the same)
Buir is father/mother (no gender in Mando’a)
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @dangraccoon @hellhound5925 @skellymom @angie-is-silly (why did you change your fucking name dude 😭 you gave me a stroke trying to find you)
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bookish-whore · 2 years
Falling Part IV
Azriel x Reader
Words: 4.6k
Warnings: Angst
A/N: This is a rollercoaster of a chapter (so buckle in) and is one of the first big ideas I had for where to take this story and I love how it came out. Thank you all for reading and showing me so much support for this story it means the world. See if you can spot the ToG references. I also feel like I should release some headcannons about this little universe I’ve created. As always requests are open <3
Part I, Part II, Part III,
Winter Solstice was tonight, and the preparations were in full swing. I had arrived at the River House a few hours early to help with decorating, and because Feyre was anxious, it would be the first solstice party here and she wanted to make sure it was perfect (which was driving Rhysand insane) hence why the high lord had mind spoke to me earlier asking if I could help her delegate tasks and set up for the party. After showing me to the designated dressing room, I quickly stashed my gifts along with my dress for later, I joined Feyre in the kitchen where I found her laughing with Nuala and Cerridwen about pastry fillings as they confirmed the menu. While the three of them spoke, I couldn’t help but be nervous for later, so I let my mind wander into a recent memory.
A few days after my outing with Feyre, I had returned to the Velaris markets to finish my shopping. I needed to pick up gifts for the remaining members of the inner circle and the trip turned out to be successful. I got watercolors for Feyre, a crystal decanter for Rhysand, A mobile for little Nyx, it had stars and wyverns and Illyrians that spun to a lovely melody. I got Lucien a new quiver for his arrows, and I had gotten a selection of Cassian’s favorite sweets, but it was the shadowsingers gift that made me tense. After walking for what seemed like an eternity, I had been ready to give up on a gift for Az. I mean what gift would be suitable for your mate who has no idea you are his mate?
I was ready to call it when I passed this small shop, it was hidden out of the way so much so that you wouldn’t know it was there unless you were seeking it out. For some reason, I felt a pull to enter and found a strange amalgamation of items. The shop was dark, only lit by candles placed on random tables and at the front counter. As I looked around, I could see that there were weapons, jewelry, and books, there were so many stacks of books along the walls and other miscellaneous items. The shopkeeper perked up as I entered giving me a sweet greeting before explaining that most of the items in the shop were charmed and imbued with magic of some kind. I stumbled across a pair of fingerless leather gloves, the shop keeper told me they were that the leather was woven with spidersilk so they couldn't be torn, ripped, or cut with any blade and that they were charmed to fit the wearer and could withstand all of the elements, including fire. I quickly purchased them and left the shop promising to return to peruse the book selection. I also stopped in the Velaris apothecary shop for a backup gift in the event that I lost my nerve in giving him something so personal.
“y/n?” I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts as I registered my name being spoken by the high lady
“Hmmm?” I finally met her gaze “I’m sorry did you ask me something I must have been lost in thought”
“I could tell” she joked “Will you grab these trays and bring them to the sitting room?” she asked
“of course!” I picked up the silver trays of glasses and followed Feyre through the house. When we reached the sitting room, I was surprised to find Cassian and Nesta putting pine garlands decorated with ornaments on the mantle of the fireplace. They both greeted me warmly; Cassian pulling me into a bear hug and spinning me in a circle, while Nesta kissed my cheek pulling me into a sweet embrace. After briefly catching up I decided to tell them, since Feyre, Nesta and Cassian were already here, and they had been such a huge part of my journey so far, I figured they deserved a heads up about what was going to happen at the festivities later.
“So…” they looked at me expectantly “I’m going to tell Az. I’m going to tell him about the bond tonight”
“That’s huge y/n” Nesta says “are you sure you’re ready for that?”
“Absolutely not but…he deserves to know” I said giving Feyre a small smile.
“You owe me 20 gold marks” Cassian says holding his hand out to Feyre, the high lady lets out a hearty laugh as Rhysand walks into the room.
Nesta slaps him on the arm. “What?!”  Cassian says “We had a bet, and clearly I know y/n because I just won”
“Technically” the high lord begins “The bet was that she tells him by the end of the year, so if she tells him before midnight then you win… but if it’s after that then we win” he gives his mate a sly wink.
“I cannot believe you are placing bets on this” I say, a smile blooming on my lips as I look at them. “My life could fall apart so if anyone is going to win those marks it is me.” We all look at each other and laugh, it was a nice break from the thoughts that had been eating away at me all day, the rock that had settled in my stomach at the thought of telling Azriel about the bond.
“It will be alright y/n” the high lord says placing a comforting hand on my shoulder “Now, I may not be the best at giving this kind of advice, because well you know.” He smiles looking over at his mate “but if I know anything, it’s that this was the best thing to happen to me. I think Az will feel that way too”
I look around the room and smile at them, my friends who were trying to offer me some kind of comfort, trying to lighten my mood before tonight.
“Now” Feyre says clapping her hands together “It’s time to get ready!”
The high lady led Nesta and I to the designated dressing room to prepare for the evening. She had three soaking tubs placed in the bathing room side by side so we could talk while we took in the sweet smells of the various soaps and oils in the water. Once we were satisfied, and the water had become tepid we put on our robes and moved around the room in tandem; drying our hair, applying simple makeup, and continuing to chat about nothing and about everything. A soft knock at the door halted our conversation; I could tell by the scent that it was Cassian holding Nyx who needed his mother. I opened the door, motioning for the Illyrian general to enter and as he did, I took Nyx from him, cooing to him while I took him to his mothers waiting arms.
Cassian had made his way over to his mate, whispering something in her ear as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Based on the quick shift in their scents I gathered that it was all the things he planned to do to her later, when they were alone. Nesta gave him one of her signature smirks as she told him to leave the room, that we would meet them downstairs briefly. Cassian pressed a kiss to her lips, gave Feyre and I a wave and promptly left the room.
After a quick feeding, Feyre handed Nyx to me so she could get dressed and head downstairs to make sure everything was ready for our gathering. The little prince was a dream, he looked up at me with those piercing blue eyes and smiled, before slowly falling asleep as I rocked him in my arms. The high lady emerged in a light blue outfit, it was in signature night court fashion, a pair of high waisted pants loose and billowing with velvet cuffs of silver around her ankles paired with a matching top with long sleeves that were made of sheer material that also featured cuffs of the same silver fabric on her wrists. The top ended just above her navel revealing a sliver of skin as she walked across the room to where I sat with a now sleeping Nyx.
“I’ll take him” Feyre whispered, and I gently shifted the sleeping babe into his mothers’ arms “you two need to finish getting ready and I’ll meet you downstairs” she said walking towards the door, as she opened it, she used her daemati gifts to wish me luck telling Azriel tonight, and that she felt it would all work out in my favor. I smiled at her as she left the room with Nyx.
Nesta and I continued talking, mostly about her sexual endeavors with Cassian. I have to admit I was happy to listen, I was living vicariously through her at this point. I helped her zip up her dress, it was elegant but simple, a floor length A-line black dress with long sleeves, the interesting part being the deep v neckline that I’m sure Cassian would love, while she put on her jewelry I got into my own dress. For tonight I had chosen a long burgundy dress, it was sleeveless and had a high neckline with a keyhole cutout, so I could show a little cleavage. After putting on simple earrings, and a few rings I looked to Nesta who gave me her nod of approval.
“You ready” she asked
“As I’ll ever be” I replied and with that we made our way to the party downstairs.
The party is in full swing, Amren and Varian were the last to arrive, fashionably late as expected. I managed to get a drink before I made my way around the room and found Lucien who introduced me to Vassa and Jurian or the band of exiles as they call themselves. I also found Helion engaged in conversation with Mor, Emerie, Gwyn, Cassian and Nesta. Helion gave me a wink as I walked past. I also saw Feyre and Rhys on opposite couches talking with Vivienne, her mate Kallias and Tarquin, the high lord of the Summer Court.  
I took another look around the room and finally spotted Azriel, who was standing alone in the doorway. I decided to make my way over before I lost my nerve.
“Enjoying the party spymaster?” I say with a sly smile
“Much more now that you’re here” he takes a look at my outfit for the night, raking his eyes from the floor back up to meet my eyes “You look beautiful tonight y/n”
“Stop it” I playfully hit his arm but can’t stop the blush that spreads to my face at the compliment. I see Elain beginning to make her way over and decide now is the time to ask.
“So, I need to talk to you about something, when you have a minute” I managed to say, surprised at myself for how calm and collected I sounded.
“Of course, anything for you” he replies “I’ll find you after gifts and we can go to the roof, away from prying fae ears.” I give him a nod and a smile as Elain makes it to us.
“Enjoying the party y/n?” she asks
“I am so far, and you?” I decide to make polite conversation with the female.
“I prefer the quiet, all the people and the noise. I’m still getting acclimated to having fae senses, so I find it a bit overwhelming to focus” Azriel puts a protective arm around her, and she rests her head against his shoulder.
“There is an apothecary in Velaris and they sell this tonic, usually it’s meant for babes with ear infections but it dulls the sensitivity of your ears. You should try it; you know for events like this” I say
“Thanks for the tip, we should go investigate” she says more to Azriel than myself, he gives her a nod. Pulling her hand to his mouth to press a gentle kiss there. I was proud of myself for remaining there when only a few weeks ago the display of affection would have sent me into an episode.
“Well, you two enjoy your evening” I say scanning the room for Lucien
“You too y/n” they both reply.
I spot the red hair and make my way over; he was now talking with Helion. As I made my way over, I could make out they were planning his move to the Day Court. Since the revelation that Helion was Lucien’s biological father they have been building their relationship and part of that was Lucien learning about the Day Court, since he would one day be its high lord.
“y/n my dear” Helion said grasping my hands in his and making me do a turn “You are an absolute vision”
“And you, are an absolute menace” I say back “But back to the conversation at hand, when am I losing my dear friend to the Day Court”
“I’ll officially be there in a months’ time” Lucien says
“But you my dear, are welcome any time; day or night” the high lord says with a wink
“I may have to take you up on that Helion, I’ll miss my dear Lucien far too much to stay away”
Lucien pulls me into a side hug, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and presses a kiss to my temple “You will be welcome anytime” he says
Our conversation is interrupted as Feyre and Rhysand announce that they will be exchanging gifts for those that wish to. I make my way to the circle forming in the room and seat myself between Mor and Gwyn on one of the sofas as we start passing gifts around. I was overwhelmed at the beautiful gifts I received. I had gotten books from Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie so I could join their smutty book club. Feyre had painted my fondest memory of myself and the Valkyries after the blood rite atop Ramiel. Rhysand had gotten me a gorgeous pair of Illyrian leathers, along that theme Cassian had gotten me a set of throwing knives. Mor got me lingerie “for educational purposes” she claimed, and Lucien gave me a beautiful necklace, it was gold with an emerald set in the center surrounded by smaller stones. I had immediately lifted my hair from my neck and turned around so he could place it on me. Everyone had loved the gifts I had gotten them, all except Azriel because I had opted to give him his privately as he was quite a reserved person. A few people were still exchanging gifts as I got up to go across the room for another drink when I heard Azriel make an announcement.
“I have one more” he says pulling a small box out of his shadows as he makes his way across the room to where Elain is standing.
“Elain Archeron” he says slowly
“These last months with you have been the happiest of my life” he said as he dropped to one knee, and I felt my heart stop and an overwhelming sense of dread settle in my stomach.
“Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife”
Time had slowed. Everything was happening in slow motion. I could hear the applause, and I saw when he slipped that ring onto her finger, and she leapt into his arms their mouths meeting for a hurried kiss. I was vaguely aware of champagne glasses being handed out, but everything seemed like it was happening in slow motion. Was I even breathing? Were my legs still under me? Was my heart still beating? I was aware that the answer to all the above was yes.
The thoughts all rushed though my head at once, and I was quickly spiraling; my breathing becoming uneven, my heart beating rapidly.
She had said yes.
They were engaged.
They were engaged.
My mate was engaged.
Where was Lucien?
Was he alright?
Was he still breathing?
I was going to tell him.
I can’t tell him now.
They are going to get married.
I felt someone come up behind me, the smell of crackling flames and cinnamon flooding my senses. “breathe” he said softly into my ear. “Take a deep breath, you are going to be alright. I’m here- I am here with you” I feel his hand rubbing small circles on my back. I managed to lock eyes with Feyre who gave me a sad look, the same look was plastered on Nesta’s face, and on Cassian’s and if I looked at Rhysand, I could guarantee that his face would have the same look of sympathy. All I can focus on is the soft presence of Lucien’s hand on my back, and the gentleness of his voice as he attempts to ground me.
“I’m alright” I whisper back to him “I’m okay” I don’t know if it’s to calm Lucien of myself, I grasp his hand in mine a silent offering of support as this must be just as hard for him to witness. Lucien leans in again “I am so sorry y/n, but the bond makes males incredibly territorial, and I can’t watch this without wanting to kill him. I have to go” I give him a solemn nod “I’ll write to you” he promises before disappearing completely.
I don’t really remember getting up here, I just knew I needed to leave that room. The congratulations and the joy was beginning to suffocate me. I grabbed the small gift I had intended to give him and I made my way to the one place that felt grounding: the roof.
I made my way to the edge, seating myself on the railing as I let the events of the evening replay in my mind. Engaged. Cauldron boil me what was I going to do, if I tell him, he will probably resent me for ruining his happiness with Elain but if I don’t and the bond snaps for him what will he think then? Would he tell me? I am so lost in thought that I don’t notice the swirling darkness making its way to me until I feel the gentle caress of Azriel’s shadows on my arms. Fuck me. In my haste to get away I had completely forgotten about our meeting up here after gifts. I decided I needed to be the first to speak.
“Well, I guess a congratulations are in order” I say plastering a smile on my face and hoping that he can’t tell it doesn’t reach my eyes as I turn to face him.
“Thanks, y/n” he says bringing a hand to rub the back of his neck
“I’m happy for you both Az. Elain is…great”
“I wasn’t expecting this thing between us to become so real, it just came out of nowhere” the smile on his face doesn’t falter once as he talks about her. I can’t help but wonder what that must be like. “I never thought I would marry, unless I found my mate, but after the war and after what almost happened to Feyre with Nyx, I realized that life was meant to be lived, that maybe I was holding back.”
“You deserve all the happiness in the world Az” I say, “but can I ask you something?”
“Anything y/n”
“What if one day you did find your mate? What if one day out of the blue the mating bond just snapped into place? What would you do then?”
“I guess in that scenario, I would want to know her. I think I would owe her at least that. I would hope that she would want to know me before making any decisions. I mean mates are rare to have a mating bond is supposed to be unlike any experience in this world” he said
He had no idea. I thought to myself.
“What about Elain in this hypothetical situation”
“I would tell Elain about her and hope that she would understand and respect my decision. After all, I would never object to her getting to know Lucien and have tried pushing her to spend time with him, to make sure she has explored all her options before just rejecting the bond”
“What happens if the bond is rejected?” I ask
“Why the sudden curiosity about all this y/n?”
“I guess I just never learned about all of this, it’s all still so new to me. I mean I was raised in a temple remember? and while the priestesses were in no means celibate. Mates and mating bonds were not a part of the curriculum.”
“Point taken” he raises his hands in a playful surrender as he continues “Well, from my understanding if the bond is rejected. The male will go mad, and the female doesn’t come out of it unscathed either. There isn’t much known really about rejected bonds because we hold mates to such a high standard. It’s the most precious thing to us besides children. I mean from what I have seen and read about it; mates are your perfect equal in every way. The other half of your soul. Some tales even attribute them to the beginning of time, believing that when the mother spilled the contents of the cauldron to create our world and when she created us, the fae and the Illyrians, she made them of the same soul splitting it in two thus forever giving us the gift of finding our other half.”
“Do you believe that?” I asked
“I did…for a long time.” He replied
“What happened to make you stop believing?”
“I guess it was Cassian and Rhys. Seeing them, my brothers, find their mates who turned out to be sisters was so unbelievable. Then to find out there was a third sister, I must admit I had hoped that Elain would turn out to be my mate. I mean three sisters for three brothers; it made sense to me. I guess the cauldron had other plans.” He took a breath before continuing “When Elain came out of the cauldron in Hybern and Lucien- when Lucien realized that she was his mate. It was when I knew, that finding my mate was never going to happen for me.”
I nodded along as he spoke, suddenly not trusting myself to not reveal the bond. Especially when he was looking at me like that, it was like his hazel eyes were peering into my soul melting me from the inside out.
“By the way, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?”
I suddenly feel a pang of panic in my chest. “Oh! Right! I just wanted to” I quickly run through the things I can say before settling on “to give you your solstice gift in private. I know how you can be with people” I said summoning the package from behind me.
He gently took it from my hands, tearing the festive paper and opening the box that contained the gloves I had gotten from the strange hidden shop. He gave them a quizzical look for a moment before slowly folding them over in his hands studying the material.
“They are woven with spidersilk” I said, “so they can’t be torn, ripped, or cut with any blade, and they are charmed to not only fit the wearer perfectly but also to withstand the elements.”
He remained silent, just looking at them. I began to feel nauseous the longer he remained quiet. “I know how you feel about your hands, about your- about your scars and I thought that new gloves might help. Also, they would keep you safe because apparently spidersilk is rare and the most protective material in existence and they won’t be slick when it rains, and they are fireproof so-”
“I got you something too” he said cutting off my rambling by summoning a box from his shadows. I was frozen for a moment, before reaching out and delicately taking the box from his hands. I slowly untie the bow closing the box as I remove the decorative paper. I open the box to reveal a dagger. A beautiful dagger. It was simple steel, but the blade seemed to glow like it was made of the moonlight, the pommel had a dark purple crystal set inside of it and the grip felt perfect in my hand like it was made for me. “I had Nesta help as it was being forged, so it is a sister to Ataraxia and imbued with her magic, you’ll have to give it a name all powerful weapons have names” he said as I stared at the gift, silver lining my eyes at the generosity from the male beside me.
“I’ll have to think of one suitable for it” I said softly “Thank you Az, I don’t- I don’t know what to say”
He pulls me into a gentle embrace, I can’t help but feel calm as his familiar scent of night-chilled mist and cedar envelops me. “I should get back downstairs” he says softly “Mor wants to go to Rita’s for celebratory drinks and dancing” I nod at his words “Thank you for the gift y/n, it means more to me than I can express” His shadows envelop him as he winnows back to the party, back to his fiancée.
After taking a moment to compose myself, I make my way back downstairs to the party. As I enter Feyre’s eyes meet mine and I shake my head gesturing “no” to the high lady. She gives me a shallow nod understanding that I couldn’t tell Az. Mor pulls me into an enthusiastic hug and announces they are leaving to Rita’s and invites me along. I gave her a poor excuse that I had too much to drink and had a headache. She gave me a sad look but didn’t push me to join them, perhaps she too knew all about my predicament and like the others was giving me space to process the night.
Once they left and the house was quiet, I returned to my bedroom closing the door softly behind me and press my back against it; my legs gave out and I slide down the door, pulling my knees to my chest and stare at the dagger Az had gifted me.
“What am I going to name you” I mutter to the dagger running through various words in the old language and suddenly remember one that means to be calm and unworried, to have a sense of quietness, and to be still. All things that I need in my life right now.
“Iremia” I say to the dagger, it seems to glow in the light at its new name. “I'll name you Iremia”
Next Chapter ->
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acourtofthought · 9 months
Each character has a certain vibe that they give off, an aesthetic.
Elain's aesthetic, the imagery that makes up who her character is:
She had come alive here, and her joy was infectious
Elain was laughing among a circle of beautiful friends, flushed and brilliant.
“My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles.”
The suite was filled with sunlight. And seated in a small chair before the sunniest of the windows, her back to us, was Elain.
Elain had always been gentle and sweet
To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind.
She had been always so full of light.
“What can I get you, Elain?” Only with Elain did she use that voice. But Elain shook her head once more. “Sunshine.
She was a rose bloom
the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her.
"She loved balls and parties.”
Elain politely refused, taking up a spot in one of the wooden chairs set in the bay of windows. Also typical.
Her sister’s delicate scent of jasmine and honey lingered in the red-stoned hall like a promise of spring, a sparkling river.
Elain would love this place. So many flowers, all in bloom, so much green—the light, vibrant green of new grass—so many birds singing and such warm, buttery sunshine.
But Elain … The Spring Court had been made for someone like her.
replaced by a gown of amethyst velvet, her hair half-up and curling down to her waist. She glowed with good health
"happiest in nature" <- direct SJM quote
Tumblr media
Elain is life and nature. She's love and smiles and sunshine and kindness, bright and happy things - colorful things.
But there are examples of things that we're told go against her aesthetic:
As if any bit of darkness was abhorrent. As if to chase it away.
She was a rose bloom in a mud field. Filled with galloping horses.
“Will—will many of these soldiers die?”
Elain … She’d taken one look at us in the swaying grasses outside that wagon, the legs and assets on display, and turned crimson.
She refused the knife Cassian handed her, though.
Nesta didn’t seem to care as she bent over. As she took up his fallen head and lifted it. Lifted it in the air and stared at it—into Hybern’s dead eyes, his gaping mouth. She did not smile. She only stared and stared and stared. Savage. Unyielding. Brutal. “Nesta,” Elain whispered.
But Elain had given it back—had pressed it into Azriel’s hands after the battle, just as he had pressed it into hers before. And then walked away without looking back.
Elain in black was ridiculous.
The cruelty of the Hewn City troubled her.
wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court … It sucked the life from her.
Gone was the ill-suited black dress from the ball
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Darkness, death, suffering, cruelty, violence. These are things that completely go against who Elain is and things that are synonymous with the NC, even among the IC.
It's not that people can't imagine Elain in Illyrian leathers or black dresses with daggers strapped to her thigh, sneaking around in the shadows. Headcannons are all well and good.
But if you actually like the Elain that the author has written her to be, then why would you want her to change in the actual series?
Elain can do more and become more, just as Yrene did in TOG, without losing the parts of her character that make her who she is.
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But this is actually a mistranslation (and pretty homophobic on the translators part)
All Shilial says is if Bam is actually a woman. They added the gay and aroace part probably just to middle finger the people who headcannon him as such. And if that is the case, then they don’t deserve to translate anything. Fucking dicks
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harperbrynne · 1 year
Imagine Manon showing up in Prythian saying: Where is he? Where is Dorian?
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the-messenger-hawk · 1 year
top 5 ToG headcannons (?)
Yesss~ ToG thoughtss crafting go
1. I honestly go back and forth between a couple variations of the same theory, but I honestly don't believe that the 'princes' (but mostly Wangnan) actually have parents. Either its the clone theory, or the insistent terminology of "seed of the King" has more significance than we know (I like this one). Added to that, Wangnan 'inherited' something the others don't have (the horns/his title/the Sword), and may or may not have named himself. 2. Bam/or whatever may be possessing his body is some form of beast of destruction/demon, and Rachel is aware of this. The first time Bam saw her, she appeared to have entered the cave wielding a knife, as though she were expecting to get attacked by something, and has confessed that she "fears the night." This might play a part in how easily monsters like Thryssa and the Leviathan adjust to him. Kinship.
3. This is a silly self-indulgent one but, Miseng is related to the Ha Family. Her true power and berserk mode brawling potential reads like something you would expect from the Ha Family and I would not be the slightest bit surprised if it was revealed that she has Great Family ties. She's noted as having a 'strong soul' and is surprisingly durable for such a young girl as well.
4. Rachel knows Arlene personally, and may have even been taught by her. Rachel has mentioned Arlene a number of times, and each time with some degree of familiarity, so I have to assume that they knew each other as well. We know that Arlene left the Tower (somehow) according to her journal and Bam ended up in the cave as a result, so it makes sense that Rachel came into contact with him through some interaction with her.
5. Zahard is similar to Bam in that he has also "consumed" some kind of eldritch being, and made it part of him. This may be an intentional effort of his part to become "less human," possibly to escape fate.
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towerfandoms · 4 years
khun college au headcanons with bam and gf?
-Ok so Khun is that one really rich kid thats super popular. Let’s face it, he’s hot af, super smart, aethletic and lowkey a douche 💀 Obviously he’d be popular... and not just with the ladies 😳
-Manz probably does finance and business. I can definitely see him the type to try and inherit his fathers company yknow the old cliche. I doubt he’d do any after school clubs willingly- you and Bam probably had to force him to join yours.
-Speaking of which yes, you all do after school activities together no questions asked. I feel like Khun would lowkey be like well since he has to do this yall may as well join the book club. Bam would probably also really enjoy the book club as well as other less intense stuff like arts and cooking.
-Khun would 100000% be a disaster in the cooking class (hes a rich kid what do you expect). Bam is canonly good at cooking and you were decent- yknow gotta be a good housewife for daddy Khun🤩🤩 Khun tried super hard to make food for you but... it just wasn’t it... Like you accepted everything he made and tried to eat buuuuut :/ kinda nasty bro. Bams cooking on the other hand was absolutely amazing, spectacular, divine. Khuns very very competitive so he would try to compete with Bam and have you as a judge which put you in a very tight position. Overall cooking with these two dumbasses is an experience that everyone should have 😌✨
-Bam probably does teaching or social studies??- idk the thing to be a social worker. He likes helping people and obvi in the webtoon it’s people he cares about but this is a modern au so shhh.
-He’s one of the quiet kids, doesn’t really talk to anyone. You had known Bam since high school tho so yous we’re still best friends.
-After classes, you three would all go to your local cafe and (attempt) to do your homework. Usually it’d just end up with you and Khun messing with each other and Bam actually doing his hw.
-You and Khun share a class together and lemme tell you this boy is the BIGGEST distraction. He’s super smart so he already knows everything but he’d be super bored. Sometimes he’ll like doodle on your copy, drawing hearts or your name. He’ll try to talk to you and you have to do everything you can to make this boy pay attention. The only time you actually learn something is when he goes to sleep.
-When you two have tests you and Khun both go to the library and he tries his best to tutor you but you’re just too focused on his stunning face. I mean who can blame you like have you seen this man. 
-Besides I feel like Khuns a strict teacher, he takes no bs. So if you’re not paying attention he will not hesitate to whack you on the head with your work sheet questions. Still he’s a good teacher despite how evil he may be.
-But yeah college is amazing with your sexy bf and cute best friend 🥺🥺 I’m going college next year so please pray I find a khun and fall in love with him and we live happily ever after xx 😍
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starryhiraeth · 1 year
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(Fanfics based on Throne of glass by Sarah.J.Maas)
Taylor swift x TOG
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crumbledcastle28 · 3 years
SJM Universe
Azriel Shadowsinger: Masterlist
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I’ll Be Fine
Welcome Back (part two to I’ll Be Fine) *SMUT*
Dance With Me
Book Worm
On The Floor *SMUT*
Good Morning *SMUT*
Wingspan *SMUT*
Keep Talking
Worst Fear—Worst Nightmare
Test Me
Not Tonight *SMUT*
Young God
Sex Habits *SMUT*
Unexpected (multi-part)
Part 1
Part 2 *semi-SMUT*
Part 3 *SMUT*
Ruhn Danaan: Masterlist
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Sweet Relief *SMUT*
Rowan Whitethorn: Masterlist
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miss-spookhead · 4 years
hottake: nile probably played papa's (insert food name)eria when she was younger and was literally. the best at it
also she might have gotten nicky to play/get obsessed with papa's pizzaria so now joe finds him up at like midnight on the communal computer that almost none of them use insulting that fuckin bitch kahuna in italian because he didn't get a 100% score on his expert pizza making skills
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