inkribbon796 · 3 years
Being New in Town
Summary: Yancy’s in a new town with his family and meets the weird neighbor kids that live on the hill.
A/N: Another Visitation Day.
I’ve written a couple human AU stuff. None of them are really canon to each other. I just like writing them when my brain lets me.
A lot of this was based on the Distractible episode: “Kids are Stupid” where Mark details the times he and his brother harmed their neighbors as kids on multiple occasions.
Yancy’s accent in this might be a little different than his usual one because he’s a kid but I tried to stick to the spirit of it.
Yancy didn’t like moving around. He really didn’t like it.
He would finally make friends, only to lose them in his next move.
His parents promised him that they’d settle somewhere after his father retired from the military. But Yancy believed that was never going to happen.
It hadn’t yet after all.
But now Yancy was in a new town. After a week of wandering around with his mom to the supermarket, he wanted to go and play.
Fortunately there was a small patch of woods next to him and the instant his mom let him go, he was racing out to it. He’d never lived by the woods before and Yancy was very excited.
It wasn’t a big patch of woodland and half of it consisted of black berry bushes that hadn’t been trimmed back in a couple weeks.
But to Yancy he felt like he was stepping out into the middle of nowhere. As if he’d stepped into a fairy tale or one of his games.
While he was walking around he started to hear some kids talking.
“You think it’ll hold?”
“Oh yeah, it’ll be great.”
Yancy looked around a tree to find two boys overlooking a steep hill. The path down it was lined with gravel. The sides of the trail were overgrown with blackberry bushes.
There were two boys, looking almost the same age. One had a brown fedora in his hands. The other had a pencil behind his ear and a spiral notebook in his hands.
They had a wheelbarrow, the wooden sides flipped down. It had cardboard taped all around the top and a cardboard tube the boys had taken and saved from the holiday season.
All of it was wrapped together and fixed to the metal wheelbarrow with cheap, clear letter tape.
One of the boys looked over at his friend — brother? — and spotted Yancy.
And he smiled.
“Hey,” Author said.
“Uh, hey,” Yancy greeted nervous. “What’ya playin’?”[1]
“Playin’[2] with a wheelbarrow,” Author lightly kicked the wheelbarrow’s back wheel. “Neat, huh? Wanna[3] play?”
“Uh, yeah,” Yancy stepped around the tree. “What’re yah doin’ with it?”[4]
“What’s your name?” Illinois asked.
“Yancy,” Yancy grinned, eager for friends. “What’s yers[5]?”
“I’m Illinois,” he grinned.
Author didn’t say anything until Illinois roughly elbowed him.
Author rolled his eyes, “Author.”
“No it’s not,” Illinois told him.
“Shut up!”
“Imma[6] tell Dames,” Illinois threatened.
Author glared at him.
Yancy was nervous, but waited for the two of them to look back at him.
“You wanna[3] go first?” Illinois said.
Yancy smiled. “Really?”
“Yeah, go on,” Illinois grinned.
Practically jittering, Yancy climbed into the nice little hole the two boys had left in their cardboard contraption.
“You ready?” Author asked.
“Yeah!” Yancy grinned in excitement.
And then Author pushed it down enough for gravity to take the wheelbarrow down the incline.
Yancy screamed a bit in pure childlike excitement. But a couple feet down the trail one of the wheels hit a dip in the path wrong and tipped over into the thorn bushes.
In surprise and alarm, Yancy screamed.
The tape that loosely held the cardboard together sheared apart and Yancy rolled into the thorns.
He started crying.
Illinois and Author were looking in horror from the top of the hill.
After a bit, Yancy exited the thorn bushes, crying and all scratched up.
“I-I-I-I’m gonna[7] go home guys,” Yancy sobbed, hobbling away.
He would go home and his mother would stare at him in horror. Helping to patch him up and take all the thorns out.
Illinois and Author were back at the hill, still sared and horrified.
“We’re dead,” Author said. “Uncle Dames is gonna[7] kill us.”
Illinois, spurred by terror kicked the cardboard off the wheelbarrow and with Author’s help, hid the cardboard in different places around the thorn bushes. Then they dragged the wheelbarrow to the other side of the woods where Illinois lived with his foster dads in a different neighborhood.
They hid the wheelbarrow in the back of the house and then walked into the front door.
Dark caught them walking in. “Oh, boys, you two had fun?”
“Yep!” Illinois smiled a bit too tightly. “Real fun. Lots of fun. Thanks.”
Dark just stared at them but after not seeing any blood or bruises and the front and back of the house looked fine, he didn’t push it.
Kids were weird.
So the two kids had snacks.
The little episode hidden from Dark for now.
After all, Yancy and the two boys would wind up being friends eventually.
Accessibility Translations:
1. What are you playing?
2. Playing
3. Want to
4. What are you doing with it?
5. yours?
6. I’m going to
7. going to
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kingofmeatballs · 2 years
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*drumroll* And here it is!
Ah yes, the homoeroticism of lighting a cigarette from another man's cigarette
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vargamour · 2 years
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A dynamic duo kickin' ass and takin' names in a gritty action universe baybeeeee
Yall can keep your egos, just gimme gunfights and backflips and im happy yo ajsbdbd
✨️Reblogs appreciated✨️
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xp-factor · 2 years
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I knew you would too
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ar-bi-trary · 2 years
so if yancy's tattoos appear out of his control (lore confirmed by mark now), tattoo soulmate au when?
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ender-selfships · 2 years
Poorly describe your f/os. Now.
pr*ship/c*mship/antianti/whatever you're calling yourself FUCK OFF.
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softladyhours · 3 years
trying to take yancy out on a day trip is like trying to control an excited puppy
put that boy on a leash or you might loose him when hes trying to figure out how automated doors work
You taking Yancy and ur dog on a walk KSJDKSJ
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prinxejeanne · 2 years
Just as I get notified of yours, I WAS SENDING YOU THE SAME ONE LOL
So Illinois/Yancy? 🤣
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crazyw3irdo · 3 years
Inmate Yancy challenges you to a battle!
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(and ofc you know tumblr so click on the image for higher quality)
a redraw of a piece i did in april of last year. i guess his scraggy and snubbull evolved since then?
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here’s the original for comparison lol. you know what that is? growth.
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lady-raziel · 5 years
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How mark sees yancy stans
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marksdaughter · 5 years
all of y’all swooning over yancy and illinois but who REALLY has my heart is jimmy the pickle ;)
y’all really stanning a murderer and a indiana jones copy 🤡
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Days of Childhood
~::~ 10 Years Ago ~::~
Summary: 5+1, Visitation Day. Yancy palling around with his family. All taking place within the same week.
A/N: Bim and Yan are currently 21, making Yancy and Kay 22, and Illinois and Arthur 23. Meaning that here they are 11, 12, and 13 respectively.
5. Arthur- Bugs Alive:
“Come on, hurry up,” Arthur called out, his notebook clutched to his chest as he ran off, Yancy was struggling to keep up with all the rocks and tree roots.
The two boys were running around the spooky woods surrounding the Manor. No wild animals, except for insects and rats, could be found. Normally people who entered the woods became lost and died. Dark took great pains to hide the skeletons that could be found within the unhallowed woods.
Yancy only caught up when the young Author had stopped at a fallen tree that was covered in mushrooms and other fungi, moss covering the rotting wood in sickly patches. He looked giddy and excited, holding a large jar along with his notebook.
In later retellings, Yancy would admit to this being a huge red flag.
“There you are slowpoke,” Arthur shoved the jar into Yancy’s hands. “I need some bugs so I can study them for my stories.”
Unsuspecting, Yancy smiled, “Can I look at them too?”
The young author shrugged, “Sure, whatever.”
“Did you hear?” Arthur started, smiling mischievously, cracking his notebook open. “Dark gave me a nickname, like the kind his network have.”
“I thought we weren’t allowed to join,” Yancy reminded in confusion.
“Well I’ve got one, that means I’m better than Illy,” with a couple quick words, the entire tree trunk violently flipped over, exposing dozens of types of teaming insects out in the open. “No one else here has one but me.”
Yancy frowned at the snide look on his older adopted brother’s face, “Bim goes by Junior.”
“He doesn’t count,” Arthur snapped angrily, and ripped the jar away and started scooping up insects, uncaring if they crawled over his hands to get away from him. “Wil gave him that.
“So what’s your nickname then?” Yancy asked.
“Dark calls me “his little Author” neat huh?” Arthur smiled proudly as he screwed the cap on and smiled at the jar.
“Yeah,” Yancy leaned in to look at the bugs. “So where are you going to hide them? Dark’ll get mad if you bring them into the house.”
Arthur wrote another couple of words and his bat appeared at his feet, a smile on his face, “What do yah mean, Yanc?”
Yancy scurried back with his hands as Arthur brought the bat onto the jar, crushing many insects as others frantically tried to escape. The young author crushed one trying to flee, bringing up his notebook and making sure they all froze in place. “Where do you think you’re going?”
Sick to his stomach, Yancy tried to scoop up some of the insects, the little crawlers freed from Arthur’s powers when they touched his hand, and he flung them into the safety of the bushes.
“Hey, they’re mine!” Arthur shouted. “Don’t throw them away.”
“Run little bugs,” Yancy scooped up some beetles and a worm and threw them into the bushes.
With a couple flourishes of his wrist, an equal number of bugs that Yancy had saved, exploded. “I can kill them faster than you can take them.”
Yancy stuck out his tongue, scooping up another beetle, “You can’t stop me!
Their game continued, Yancy running back to the Manor with a bloody nose and Arthur more than a bit scratched up.
4. Illinois- Heroes and Villains:
Inside the Manor there were two young boys running around the house, one as, and the other who was in a kid’s brown fedora that tended to fall over his eyes was 13.
“Stop running,” Illinois yelled at Yancy. “You’re the hero, you’re supposed to chase me.”
“Youse always play the villain, I’s want a turn,” Yancy yelled back at him and tripped over the rug, crashing hard on the ground.
“Oww,” Yancy grumbled as Illinois jumped onto him and started tying up his feet.
“Gotcha!” Illinois cheered, “now it’s . . .”
The older boy paused for a bit, “You okay.”
“Yeah it just hurts,” he complained.
“Oh,” Illinois stopped and finished tying him up, grabbing a blanket that had been left on the couch. “You can be the villain for a little bit long if you want.”
“Youse gonna ta drag me ta jail?” Yancy asked, smiling and giggling when Illinois rolled him onto the blanket.
Illinois grabbed the blanket and began dragging it towards, “You’re going to jail for stealing a candy bar!”
“No!” Yancy yelled overdramatically.
Illinois picked up a corner of the blanket and began dragging him towards the nearest closet. They passed Dark who was outside his office and looking at them, unimpressed.
“You two aren’t playing that game again are you?” He asked.
Illinois adjusted his hat so it wasn’t over his eyes, “Yes?”
Dark groaned, “Play that outside, you’re going to break something.”
“OK, Dad,” both Yancy and Illinois agreed and Illinois began dragging Yancy and the blanket towards the door.
Because both of them were turned away they missed the scared look on Dark’s face at the title they’d give him. Fear that quickly gave way to a colder mask. “It’s Dark.”
Both the boys frowned,, correcting themselves before Illinois finished dragging Yancy onto the back patio and then carried him down the stairs to the lawn where he grabbed a couple croquet pins and made a little small fence around him. Both boys unaware that Dark was watching them from the balcony
“There,” Illinois said proudly, hands resting on his hips. “I won.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Yancy complained. “Whatever. Untie me already.”
Illinois tapped his chin, “Nah, untie yourself.”
“Noisy!” Yancy yelled. “Get back here!”
Then Yancy noticed a danger sticking out of the ground. Quickly Yancy rolled over and grabbed the knife and began cutting himself free.
“Hey!” Illinois began racing for the patio stairwell door as Yancy finished cutting himself free. Since the knots were tied by a thirteen-year-old and Illinois hadn’t actually meant to keep him trapped indefinitely, it didn’t take long.
However, now Yancy was chasing Illinois around with a knife in his hand as the boys ran up the stairs. Dark quickly snatched the knife out of his hand the first chance he got.
“Dark, he cheated!” Illinois called out.
The Entity was just sipping from his coffee cup as the two boys raced around him. “You’re the villain now, get away from him.”
Yancy and Illinois kept running around the backyard until they got exhausted and Dark brought them inside for a nap and a snack.
3. Kay- The King of the Squirrels:
Kay was arranging some of the stuffed animals he owned into a pile. The young boy had a red blanket tied around his neck. Dark and King were in a bit of an arms race. King always asked for a pet, every birthday, Christmas, and Thursday. Dark, sick and tired of always saying a two-letter word over and over again bet he could find any stuffed animal and if he was ever unable to, Kay could have that animal as a pet.
It was bet Dark had yet to lose, which led to an arms race of Kay finding different names for animals, and a very extensive stuffed animal collection.
Yancy jumped out of the pile, and raised a stuffed platypus above his head, “Found it!”
“Uh, they don’t hunt squirrels,” Kay reminded him.
“What do they eat then?” Yancy asked, trying to get out of the pile without knocking the whole thing over.
“Bugs, worms,” Kay shrugged and grabbed a leopard plushie. “Here, cats can eat squirrels.”
“But I’s like the platty-pus,” Yancy complained.
“Bring them both,” Kay shrugged, and Yancy took the leopard and held both of them in his arms in a warm hug.
Out of all of his siblings, Yancy liked spending time with Illy, but he always thought Kay was the nicest. The boys ran outside, to where Kay had hidden some of his favorite stuffed animals, his squirrels, up into a tree towards the edge of the tree line into the creepy forest. Wil had magicked them all up a treehouse. Dark had been less than impressed, only agreeing to keep the kids’ new “wooden death trap” when Wil demonstrated its sturdiness by getting up and jumping up and down on the thing and not fall through the wood.
King usually spent all his time up in the treehouse. And Yancy waited at the bottom until he could throw the toys up and climb up.
The afternoon was spent peacefully playing with the stuffed animals.
2. Bim- Starlight, Starbright:
Yancy and Bim were out on the front lawn, sneaking out late at night to catch fireflies. Normally Dark let them stay up late all summer collecting bugs and sleeping in the backyard. But for the last few days he’d been keeping them all inside, constantly watching them any time they went near the backyard. He promised them that whatever was lurking around the area would be gone soon and they could go back to enjoying the stars and bugs.
And if Yancy heard Dark screaming and fighting something in what he was pretty sure was a dead, haunted forest, the young boy was too nervous to talk about it with anyone else.
Bim jumped, his glasses almost falling off his face. He caught another firefly in his hands, cupping his hands around it, “Yes!”
Yancy was catching another firefly and carefully putting it in a jar where there were already a dozen fireflies buzzing around inside. After the fiasco with Arthur, he kept a tight grip on the insect jar, even though Bim had never ruthlessly tortured insects before.
The two boys kept putting little lightning bugs into their jar until Bim was finally satisfied. “Yeah, look at them,” Bim cheered. “Aren’t they cool, their little butts glow.”
“Yeah, ain’t they something,” Yancy agreed, before noticing that the fireflies were disappearing from their backyard, as if they were being chased. “I’s think Dark’s comin’ we should get inside.”
Bim frowned, “I didn’t even get my wish.”
“We’ll make it inside, come on,” Yancy began running inside, both boys missing the slowly gathering black mist that was in the treeline as the two boys raced inside and up into Bim’s bedroom. Only then did they giggle a little bit in the darkness, the only light was from the little bugs in their jar.
“Let me make the first one,” Bim reached for the jar.
“No, you’ll let them all go,” Yancy reminded, holding the jar away from him. “Come on, I’s never get the first one.”
He pouted, folding his arms like Wil tended to do, “Come on.”
Yancy moved over to Bim’s window and began to open it as Bim swiped the jar and grabbed one of the bugs, pinning it to his hand with his almost invisible aura. Yancy lunged for the jar to close it, but two glowing bugs escaped through the window. “Hey!”
“I want to be just like Daddy when I grown up,” Bim wished, blowing gently on the insect and allowing it to fly off.
Yancy was carefully getting another lightning bug on his own finger so he could make his own wish: “I’s wanna be a good person.”
Bim scoffed at that, but only ordered, “Give me another bug, I’ve got more wishes to make.”
Glaring at him, Yancy fought over the fireflies until they were all gone and Bim closed the window, all their troubles safely locked out of Manor.
1. Yan- Teddy Bear Picnic:
Yancy was sitting out in the back lawn with Yan, a little table between them and as many chairs as the little table could fit with a teddy on each chair. Each bear had on a bow tie and a frilly hat and a full tea party in front of them.
Yan was in a nice little red dress while Yancy was in a bow tie,
Two of the bears belonged to Yan and Yancy respectively, and the other three were politely and quietly “borrowed” from Kay’s collection.
Yan kicked her feet a little bit as she poured tea for the bear next to her.
“Why do you always give tea to her first?” Yancy complained.
“Because Ms. Talia is a lady,” Yan said.
“Youse been sittings’ there pouring her tea fer ferever,” Yancy reminded.
Then suddenly the whole table jolted, Yan and Yancy froze and leaned away from the table, Yan gasping in horror as her hard work was mostly tossed to the floor.
“Rawr! Rawr!” Artie began growling excitedly as he moved underneath the same tablecloth.
“Artie!” Yan got up and stomped her feet angrily. “You wrecked my tea party!”
“I’m not Artie,” Arthur said. “I’m a sea monster.”
“There’s no sea monsters at tea parties,” Yancy reminded sharply.
Arthur frowned, “Then you’re having a lousy tea party.”
“No,” Yan spat. “I don’t want sea monsters at my tea party!”
The young author frowned, before growing a bit and running off with the table cloth.
A chase ensued on the back lawn, the two kids chasing their older brother until they could rip the cloth away and slowly start rebuilding their little tea party. With Artie the sea monster in sea monster jail until the end of the tea party.
+1. Dark and Wil- Bruised Egos and Bloodied Knuckles:
It began simply enough. Arthur had brought a rat into the house, and Kay had been excited. A secret little pet to hide from Dark for a while.
Kay named him Pretzel.
The poor creature barely lasted an hour. It was in debate for the rest of Arthur’s existence on what had happened to the rodent. Whether he was jealous of the rat spending more time with Kay, or he simply got bored of it.
Either way when Kay snuck off to check on Pretzel, the rat was gone with only a couple specks of blood on the floor of its cage.
He angrily went to confront Arthur, who was watching a show with Wil and the other kids. Arthur feigned ignorance and Yancy jumped Arthur for killing another creature, trying to separate him from his notebook and hold him down.
The fight resulted in Arthur getting a black eye, Kay getting some scratches to the face, and Yancy getting one of the last of his baby teeth getting literally kicked out of his skull.
Wil was trying to separate the three boys with his aura, and looked relieved when Dark ran in and grabbed Arthur, the two porting over to the young boy’s room.
With Arthur gone Kay finally stopped fighting and just started crying, Yancy crying a bit at how upset he was.
Yancy was given a lollipop as Kay spoke through his tears. “He killed my rat, he killed Pretzel.”
“There, there,” Wilford waved another lollipop into his hand and did a little magic trick. “You’ll see Pretzel again. He didn’t die.”
“Wil!” Dark walked in, looking unhappy. “Don’t make it worse.”
“Kaylor if you wanted another rat toy I could have given it to you,” Dark reprimanded, summoning up a little rat plushie in his hands and holding it out to the boy. “You shouldn’t be fighting with Arthur over a rat.”
Kay glared at the toy and pushed it away, “I don’t want a toy, I want Pretzel.”
Dark took a deep, audible breath, and handed Yancy the toy instead. “We can’t have a pet, and this is why. Be lucky you got as long as you did with the thing.”
“Pretzel,” Yancy corrected.
Rolling his eyes, Dark corrected, “Pretzel, fine. Be lucky you got any time with Pretzel. No one in the house can control themselves, and any other pet will not last. Hopefully Pretzel escaped on his own.”
Dark picked Yancy up with his aura, setting the boys side-by-side as he talked to them. “Just imagine that Pretzel escaped and is living with the other rats. If that makes you feel better.”
Kay nodded and Dark smiled as he dried Kay’s eyes, “I’m sorry we can’t have the pet you want, and maybe one day you’ll get to actually own a pet.”
Giving a small smile, Dark smiled back and smooth out Kay’s slight curly hair.
Then he turned to Yancy, “As for you.”
“What?” Yancy argued back.
“What were you thinking?” Dark demanded.
“Artie killed Pretzel an’ might use his book ta hurt Kay,” Yancy accused.
“How do you know he killed it?” Dark quizzed.
“Because he smashed a jar a bugs an’ he hit me,” Yancy answered as Dark just stoically stared at him.
When Yancy finished, Dark summoned up his favorite candy bar and held it up in front of the young boy.
“Listen to me, Yancy, you need to always protect your siblings, even if sometimes you have to protect them from each other.” Dark had the softest look in his eyes that Yancy had ever seen. When Yancy reached for the candy bar, Dark’s looked hardened and he pulled it away.
“This isn’t a free license to beat up on your brother, do you understand me?” Dark demanded.
“Yes,” Yancy replied earnestly.
Dark smiled and gave him the candy bar. Turning back to Will he said, “Well hopefully Arthur’s calmed down a bit. Can’t leave him in his room all day.”
Dark ripped open a portal in the Void and walked through it, leaving Wil to take the kids back to the living room where then TV was waiting for them.
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regalrain · 3 years
Father’s Day
Tw: Implied neglect, abuse, emotional abuse. Mention of Yancy’s dad.
Venus belongs to @doctordiscord123
It wasn’t really fair to complain, now was it? Both his parents were alive after all, so he wasn’t in mourning on a day such as this. No need to comfort his mother, and he had no siblings to come together to plan with. Which really, as it were, the hypothetical siblings most likely wouldn’t of wanted to either. He hasn’t even kept track of the day in years, besides having a courteous email pre-made and automatically sending to his father, filled with some of his accomplishments. The man loved his bragging rights, even if he could care less about the kid they were attached to.
Well, at least his kid. Illinois wasn’t exactly young anymore, and seeing as he was slowly moving towards thirty, that’s just more reason why he shouldn’t feel all emotional over this day. The day never mattered, and he knew so since he was younger. He tried to brush it off, but his heart always squeezed and his eyes started to sting when he thought on it. All the gifts he gave his father, thrown in the trash or critiqued. That is when his father was even around, and not gone for months on end besides the occasional drop back home, where he still ignored Illinois unless to pick at him. This feeling of sadness, maybe even bitterness... it means nothing, he just needs to move on like he always had and always will.
A year like this won’t be any different after all, and just because he’s hyper aware of the day, sitting here in front of his computer... that’s going to make no difference either. So with a sigh, and a heavy heart, he pushed away from his desk and stood up. His limbs felt like lead, but that didn’t keep him from running his fingers over the brim of his hat, making sure his shirt was tucked in with the other, like it always is. Once that was done, he took a deep breath, wiping at his eyes. When he pulled his hands away, the dark brown of his eyes looked a little misty, but otherwise he looked fine once he wiped his wet hands on his brown pants. The tears blended in as the fabric soaked them up, exactly one of the reasons he wore them. One more day was one more day, and he conquered everyday with that same crooked smirk curling his lips as he looked towards the doorway of his office.
“You ready?”
“Yeah! Dar’s gonna love wha’ Venus got planned fer ‘im! I jus’ needs ta ge’ tha finishing touches-“
Chuckling softly as he heard clanging, followed by a bunch of rapid curses, Illinois started his way to his sweetheart. Father’s Day may be nothing for him, and Yancy can’t exactly celebrate thanks to... well, killing his own father. But Venus wanted their help, so they’d help with the surprise for Dark. A small party was always fun, according to her and Yancy.
“Watch out!”
“Why is there flour everywhere, Sweetheart?!?”
Even if it meant leaving that email, with the blue cursor still blinking.
To: Ernest James
From: Illinois James
Subject: Father’s Day
I’m sorry. I would say I’ll make you proud one of these days, but you’ll never be proud. That’s ok. I’m proud. Maybe one of these days, you’ll care on all you missed. All you did. What you didn’t do. Mother too. I’d say this in person, but I would rather not be hurt more then I already get by my job, which you never ask on. Or on me. I probably won’t even send this email, far too informal for you.
Happy Father’s Day,
Illinois James
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mandatory smoke break while writing a new song
@ambrosiadreamer @greaserink
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abbybubbls · 4 years
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Drew myself with all the Egos I bumped into in order of when I met them in Heist! A day late, but I'm very proud of these!!!
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pixelsbichoice · 4 years
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I’m sorry?? Am I being “cancelled”???
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