#kidd pirates
vampenjoyer · 4 months
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latanyalove · 1 month
Stay the Night with Me
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Pairing: Eustass Kid x Y/N
Dialogue: “Stay the night with me. Please…” 🧲😡
A/n: It's very long so get ready for this 9,413 long story which is also going to have a Part 2 :) .I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
Taglist: @stuckinthewrongworld for the idea!
"Stay the night with me. Please…" The plea hung in the air, charged with emotion. The magnetism of desire clashed with a hint of frustration.
The request was simple yet layered with unspoken words, begging for a response. The intensity of the moment lingered, waiting for a decision to be made.
The silence that followed seemed to stretch endlessly, filled with anticipation and uncertainty.
Each heartbeat echoed loudly in the room, underscoring the weight of the request and the gravity of the unspoken emotions that hung in the air. . . .
Eustass Kid, also known as the "Captain" of the Kid Pirates, is a notorious and feared pirate in the One Piece world. With his magnetic powers and fiery temper, he is not someone to be messed with.
Eustass Kid strikes fear into the hearts of both his allies and enemies alike, as his magnetic powers allow him to manipulate and control metal with deadly precision.
Combined with his explosive temper, he is a truly terrifying force to reckon with on the high seas. 
You, being the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates, had heard of the infamous Eustass Kid and his crew. They were known for their brutal methods and lack of mercy towards their enemies.
So when your crew unexpectedly crossed paths with the Kid Pirates, you were on high alert.
Luffy and the rest of the crew seemed more relaxed with the Kid Pirates, maybe it was because they had defeated many enemies side by side or maybe Luffy was too gullible into trusting him so easily.
But not you. You weren't going to fall for his tricks.
You sat far from the group, who looked like they were having the time of their lives, while you glared straight at the red-haired pirate with cautious eyes. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Eustass Kid than meets the eye, and you vowed to keep a close watch on him, ready to defend yourself and your crew if necessary.
"Hey, why aren't you with the group celebrating?" Nami said curiously behind you.
Startled by Nami's sudden voice, you turned around quickly, trying to hide your unease. "Oh, I just needed some fresh air," you replied, forcing a smile.
"So why are you staring at Kidd like that?" Nami teased, sitting beside you.
You hesitated for a moment, then leaned in closer to whisper, "I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about him just doesn't sit right with me. I think there's more to him than meets the eye, and I don't trust him."
"Or maybe," Nami started, leaning closer, "You just like him,"
"No way!" you jumped back, feeling your face heat up. "That's not it at all! I just have a gut feeling about him, that's all."
Nami smirked mischievously and nudged your shoulder. "Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that."
Nami then stood up, said goodbye, and walked over to the group, leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you continued to observe Eustass Kid from afar, you couldn't help but wonder what secrets he was hiding beneath that intimidating exterior. . . .
The atmosphere suddenly shifted as Sanji and some of Kid's crew finished preparing the feast. The cheers and laughter grew louder, and even Luffy couldn't contain his excitement.
"Y/N, the food is ready," You opened your eyes to see Killer standing over you, his mask covering his face as usual.
Killer, the stoic and enigmatic member of the Kid Pirates, rarely showed any emotion. His mask concealed his face, adding to the air of mystery surrounding him. It was hard to read his intentions or gauge his reactions, making him an even more intriguing figure to watch closely.
As he extended a hand to help you up, you couldn't help but wonder what lies behind that enigmatic facade.
With a yawn, you took his hand and stood up, ready to join the festivities.
Unfortunately, you had to sit beside Kid to eat as all the other seats were taken. As you took your place beside him, you couldn't shake off the feeling of unease and curiosity, wondering what secrets he was hiding and if they would ever come to light.
As you ate, you noticed that Kid was always tense even when he laughed, his body language betraying a constant state of alertness. It was as if he carried a weight on his shoulders, constantly on guard.
It only fueled your suspicion that there was indeed something more to him than meets the eye.
Suddenly, Kid stopped eating, his eyes darting around the room with a heightened sense of vigilance. His grip on his utensils tightened, and a frown creased his forehead as if he had sensed something amiss.
"I have to go," he said, suddenly standing up and walking over to where the ships were anchored.
Everyone was confused for a while but then they went back to talking to each other except Killer.
Killer's gaze remained fixed on the spot where Kid had disappeared to, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. It was clear that he knew more than he let on, and you couldn't help but wonder what he had seen or sensed that made him so focused on Kid's departure.
Despite Killer's intense gaze and the mysterious departure of Kid, you chose to dismiss any concerns and immerse yourself in the joyous celebration.
It was a time to revel in the camaraderie and enjoy the feast, leaving any thoughts of hidden secrets and enigmatic figures for another day.
As the night wore on and the merriment continued, you found yourself in a friendly competition with Zoro to see who could hold their liquor better.
Shots were poured and downed, laughter and cheers filled the air, and for a fleeting moment, all thoughts of Kid and his mysterious aura faded away as you focused on the exhilarating challenge at hand.
"Okay, I give up," you declared, placing the bowl back onto the table. The drinking competition had taken its toll, and you were finally admitting defeat.
As you leaned back in your chair, feeling the effects of the alcohol, your mind couldn't help but wander back to the enigmatic figure of Kid and the unanswered questions that still lingered in the air.
As you stumbled away from the festivities, a nagging thought tugged at the back of your mind, reminding you that there was still much to uncover about Kid and the secrets he held.
As you stumbled towards the ships, the sound of a muffled voice reached your ears, growing louder with each step.
It sounded like a scream, piercing through the night air with an intensity that sent chills down your spine. Your heart raced as you followed the sound, the darkness shrouding the source of the scream adding to the sense of unease and mystery that surrounded Kid's sudden departure.
You quickened your pace towards the ships, your footsteps echoing through the quiet night. Suddenly, a loud bang reverberated through the air, causing the Kid Pirates' ship to tremble slightly.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realised that there was more to Kid's disappearance than meets the eye.
It was when you saw something red out of the corner of your eye, but it disappeared as soon as you turned to get a better look. The fleeting glimpse left you with a sense of unease and a nagging feeling that there was a deeper mystery surrounding Kid's disappearance.
"I can help you!" you yelled, your voice slurred because of the alcohol. But your words seemed to get lost in the night, swallowed by the darkness and the unsettling silence that followed.
Your vision then went black, and you went unconscious, collapsing onto the ground. The last thing you heard before succumbing to darkness was the distant sound of footsteps approaching, leaving you with an unsettling sense of dread and the lingering question of what had truly transpired that night. . . .
You woke up with a massive headache, the events of the previous night still hazy in your mind. As you tried to piece together the fragments of your memory, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister had unfolded while you were unconscious.
You didn't remember how you had ended up in bed yesterday, yet here you were, tucked in your bed with no recollection of how you got there.
The missing hours only added to the mysterious puzzle surrounding Kid's disappearance, leaving you desperate for answers and determined to uncover the truth.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed, wincing as the throbbing pain intensified. The room spun as you stood up, and you had to steady yourself against the dresser.
As you stumbled towards the bathroom, you couldn't help but wonder if the events of the night before were somehow connected to your own sudden blackout.
You splashed cold water on your face, hoping to clear your mind and shake off the remnants of the alcohol-induced haze.
As you looked at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't help but notice a faint red mark on your neck, as if someone had grabbed you forcefully.
The realisation sent a shiver down your spine, as you began to suspect that there might have been more to your blackout than just excessive drinking. The red mark on your neck hinted at a possible altercation or even an encounter with someone who had a vested interest in Kid's disappearance.
Feeling a renewed sense of urgency, you quickly changed your clothes and headed out, determined to retrace your steps from the night before and gather any clues that could shed light on what had happened during your blackout.
As you walked onto the deck of the Thousand Sunny, the talking became louder, and you realised that the voices were coming from your crewmates and Kid's crew who were gathered around, deep in conversation.
"Who could have made such a big hole?"
"Maybe there's a wild animal around. Hehehe!"
"Ahhh! I think I have a wild-monster phobia!"
Curious about their discussion, you jumped off the ship and landed close by. Nami, who seemed relieved to see you, looked over at you and gestured you over.
"Apparently someone or something made a hole in Kid's ship, which means that they can't sail for a while," Nami explained, her voice filled with concern.
As you joined the group, you couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in your gut. The timing of this incident and your blackout seemed too coincidental, making you wonder if there was a connection between the two.
"We're trying to figure out who or what could have done it. Any ideas? You were the second to leave after Kid left."
You looked around but he wasn't there. "Where is Kid?" you asked anxiously, scanning the faces of your crewmates for any sign of him.
"He's still asleep," Nami replied, her brow furrowed with worry. "Killer mentioned that Kid was knocked out cold when he checked on him earlier. So, it couldn't have been him who made the hole in the ship."
So who did you see then? Maybe it was your mind tricking you but then why do you have a mark in your neck?
As you went over to look at the damage, you noticed a familiar scent lingering in the air - the same scent that had filled your nostrils during your blackout.
This realisation made your heart race, as you began to suspect that the person responsible for the hole in Kid's ship was none other than the one who had grabbed you forcefully.
"What's that mark on your neck?" a voice said behind you, causing you to turn around in surprise.
It was Killer, Kid's loyal right-hand man, who had a concerned look on his face as he pointed at the mark.
He was looking at you with a mix of concern and suspicion, as if he already knew the answer to his own question.
"I don't know," you stated, fully facing him, "but it looks like you do." The intensity of the situation heightened as you locked eyes with Killer, realising that he might hold the key to uncovering the truth behind both the hole in the ship and your mysterious mark.
Killer sighed before gesturing over to the bench nearby, indicating that you should sit down and have a serious conversation. It seemed that he was ready to reveal the truth behind the incident and the mark on your neck, finally shedding light on the unsettling events that had taken place.
Reluctantly, you took a seat next to Killer, your heart pounding with anticipation. As he reached out to examine the mark on your neck, you flinched, still wary of his intentions.
"Trust me," Killer said softly, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I had nothing to do with this. But there's something you need to know, something that might explain everything."
The mark on your neck was unlike anything you had ever seen before. It was a metalic, etched into your skin with roughness and harshness. As Killer carefully inspected the mark, you couldn't help but notice his focused expression.
After a few moments, he retrieved a small bottle from his pouch and showing it to you.
"What is it?"
"It's a medicine for when we get hurt by...." Killer paused, dropping a few drops of the medicine into his hands and rubbing them together.
"By what?"
"By Kid," Killer replied, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and concern. "There is a time every year around now when Kid is not himself. At first, it wasn't bad but now, it's unbearable to even hear his anguishing yells."
"So it was him that was yelling yesterday," you muttered to yourself, finally connecting the dots.
"Why are you telling me this?" you turned to him, your voice filled with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. Killer met your gaze, his eyes filled with determination.
"Because you're the only one who can help us stop him," he said, his voice steady.
"I've heard about your devil fruit," Killer said, his voice hopeful. "You can remove pain away from a person, right? We believe that your ability is the key to stopping Kid and preventing further harm."
You kept quiet, thinking about the weight of the responsibility that had just been placed upon you. It was a daunting task, but deep down, you knew that if there was a chance to stop Kid and protect others from his uncontrollable rage, you had to take it.
"I don't know if it will work," you explained, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Usually, my ability works to alleviate pain that is inflicted by a person or object. I've never tried to remove pain that is generated by the body itself. But I'm willing to give it a try if it means stopping Kid and protecting others from harm."
Killer nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "We understand the risks," he replied, his voice filled with determination. "But we believe in your power and know that you're our best chance to bring an end to Kid's torment."
"Okay, I can try, but there is no guarantee that something will happen," you cautiously agreed. "I'll do my best to use my ability and see if I can alleviate Kid's pain. But we need to be prepared for the possibility that it might not work."
"That's all I ask for," Killer said, gratitude evident in his voice.
As soon as you touched your neck, you felt like nothing was there. It was as if there was nothing there in the first place.
Though before you could compliment the medicine and its effectiveness, a voice caught your attention from far away.
"Jaggy! You're finally awake! Your ship has a hole. Shishishi!" Luffy's voice yelled, interrupting the serious conversation.
"Stupid monkey! You probably broke it!" Kid's voice yelled, frustration evident in his tone.
You quickly stood up and ran over to where the voice came from, eager to see what was happening and hoping that Luffy hadn't caused too much trouble.
As soon as you came into view, Kid caught you immediately and had eye contact. His expression turned from frustration to surprise, and for a moment, you could see a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes.
"Jaggy! Where are you going?"
"Away from here."
You quickly walked closer to them, realising what Kid was trying to do. He was trying to distance himself from the vulnerability he had shown in that moment, pushing you away to protect himself from further emotional exposure.
"Y/N, where did you come from?" Luffy commented.
"I came to talk to Kid," you answered, your voice calm and determined.
Kid halted and turned around to face you, his eyes locked with yours. There was a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his gaze as he carefully studied your expression.
He then walked over and towered over you, his imposing figure casting a shadow. The intensity of his gaze did not waver as he leaned in closer, as if trying to unravel the mystery behind your calm and determined demeanor.
"What do you want to talk about?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.
"I know what you're facing. Let me help you," you muttered, your voice filled with empathy and understanding. Kid's skepticism softened slightly, and he took a step back, allowing a brief moment of vulnerability to flicker across his face once again.
His gaze shifted from Killer, who stood in the distance, to you, and then back again. It was clear that Kid was torn between trusting you and protecting himself.
"You can't help me, no one can," Kid muttered in frustration, turning around to walk away from you.
As you watched him walk away, you crossed your arms, a determined look in your eyes.
"I knew he was going to do this," Killer said, now standing beside you, "you don't have to try anymore," he reassured you, his voice filled with concern. But you couldn't give up that easily. You knew that behind Kid's tough exterior, there was someone who needed to be understood and supported.
"But I can't just give up on him," you replied, your voice filled with determination. "He may push me away now, but I believe that deep down, he still needs someone to understand and support him."
Despite his resistance, you knew that you wouldn't give up on him that easily. You were determined to break down the walls he had built around himself and show him that he didn't have to face his struggles alone.
Plus, the quicker you can help him, the quicker his ship will be fixed and the both of your crew can separate and probably never see each other again.
You were doing it solely for the sake of fixing his ship and ensuring the smooth separation of your crew, with no ulterior motives or personal gain involved. . . .
The ship was going to take a while to repair by Franky's calculations so you had a lot of time to study Kid and the pain he was having.
Fortunately Robin was interested in basically anything to do with pain so it was easy enough to find a collection of books about the pain that Kid was feeling.
As you got to know Eustass Kid better through Killer's stories, you learned about his arm and the constant phantom pain he experienced. Despite his tough exterior, you could see the pain in his eyes whenever he clenched his fist or winced in discomfort.
You would spend nights upon nights reading about the phantom pain and how to release the pain but there was nothing like that. The thing you discovered in your research was that phantom pain is a complex phenomenon that is not fully understood, and there is no definitive method to release or eliminate the pain.
One thing you were determined to find out was whether your devil fruit powers could somehow alleviate Kid's phantom pain. You knew that even if there was no specific information on it, you wouldn't give up without trying every possible solution.
Even though Kid had started to avoid you after you confronted him, you were determined to find a way to help him. You believed that your devil fruit powers had the potential to alleviate his phantom pain, and you were willing to try every possible solution, regardless of his avoidance.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
One night, both of the crew members were sitting by the fire after a long day of repairing Kid's ship and you made sure you were sitting beside Kid.
As the night went on, you watched Kid carefully for any signs of pain, hoping for an opportunity to test your theory. You then noticed a slight grimace on his face as he shifted in his seat. It was a subtle but telling indication that the phantom pain was still present.
You could see the pain etched on his face and without thinking, you reached out and gently placed your hand on his amputated arm.
To your surprise, Eustass Kid's tense muscles began to relax and the pain seemed to subside.
So your devil fruit does work on the pain that is generated by the body.
He looked at you with shock in his eyes, unable to believe that the pain he had been carrying for so long had finally eased. Kid's expression softened, and a mix of gratitude and disbelief crossed his face as he whispered, "How... how did you do that?"
"I told you that I could help you," you muttered, letting go of his arm. "Now don't you feel better?"
He nodded, still speechless, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude.
It was a moment of validation for both of you, confirming that your determination and belief in your devil fruit powers had paid off in helping alleviate Kid's phantom pain.
"Good, now I'll be going to sleep early," you muttered, standing up and walking back to the ship.
Usually when you used your devil fruit on people who are injured, you would only get the smallest headache and that was hardly the case but when you used it on Kid, you felt like all of your energy was drained out of you.
As you made your way back to the ship, you could feel Kid's gaze burning into your back. His eyes followed your figure, filled with a mix of shock and disbelief. It was clear that the impact of your ability to alleviate his phantom pain had left him speechless, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
"What happened?" Killer asked, nudging Kid's arm, breaking the silence that had settled over the two of them.
Kid looked at him, his expression still filled with shock and disbelief, before finally finding his voice. "I don't know," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But whatever it was, it worked."
"What worked?"
Kid stated, his voice filled with awe, "She stopped my phantom pain, just like she said she would."
"Really! Hehehe, that's great!" Killer replied, "I knew she could do it."
"I want her to be in my crew," Kid muttered to him, his voice filled with a newfound determination.
"What did you say-"
"Hey Luffy! Let Y/N join my crew!" Kid yelled to Luffy, who was sitting at the other side of the table.
The rest of the crew turned their heads in surprise, but Luffy simply grinned and nodded. "Sure, why not? But Y/N has to agree to it first."
"Huh!" the crew members said in unison, their eyes widening in shock and disbelief. They had never expected Kid to make such a sudden request, especially considering how fiercely independent he had always been.
Kid grinned to himself as he drank the alcohol, his mind filled with excitement and anticipation. . . .
You didn't know why, but you noticed that Kid was staring at you more often, his eyes lingering on you with a mix of curiosity and admiration.
It seemed that your ability to reduce his phantom pain had sparked a newfound interest in you, and he couldn't help but wonder what other hidden talents you possessed.
You didn't pay any mind to it. It was normal to be interested in someone if they helped you get over a pain that affected you.
The feeling would fade eventually and when that happens, the both of you will be separated into your crews and we will be enemies again.
However, despite his initial interest in you, Kid hardly came to you anymore for his phantom pain. It seemed that your ability had truly worked, providing him with the relief he needed.
As a result, the connection between the two of you began to fade, and the reality of being enemies once again became evident.
For some reason, you couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness as the connection between you and Kid began to fade.
Even though you knew it was inevitable, a part of you had grown accustomed to his presence and the brief moments of camaraderie. As the reality of being enemies once again became evident, you couldn't shake off the feeling of longing for that connection.
So much for doing it solely for the sake of fixing his ship and ensuring the smooth separation of your crew, with no ulterior motives or personal gain involved.
"Ahhh! Y/N! Y/N!" Usopp's voice came to play, waking you from your thoughts as you remembered that you were doing a job before you started to contemplate.
You turn around to see the long-nosed Usopp running towards you, holding his back in pain. It seems like he's injured himself again during the job, and you can't help but sigh, realising that there's always something happening when you're part of this crew.
"What happened, Usopp?" you ask, concerned.
"Luffy hit me with a big plank and now I think I'm going to die," Usopp cried out, rubbing his back.
You sighed again, "You're not going to die Usopp,"
"You're just being dramatic as usual," you said with a smile, as you activated your healing ability and placed your hand on Usopp's back, extracting his pain with a gentle touch.
The familiar warmth flowed through your fingertips, relieving his discomfort and reminding you once again of the unique gift you possessed.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Usopp said gratefully, giving you a hug before running back to where he came from.
As you watched him go, a bittersweet feeling washed over you. While you were glad to have the ability to help your crewmates, it also served as a constant reminder of the inevitable separation of Kid and returning to being enemies.
When you turned around to walk away, your eyes were met with red/orange ones in the shadows of the trees, which belonged to Kid. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine, making it clear that the connection between the two of you was far from faded, and the lines between friend and foe were blurred once again.
"Kid, is something the matter?"
"N-no, there's nothing," he answered, his voice barely above a whisper, as he turned around to walk away.
But the lingering tension in the air and the unspoken words between you both made it clear that there was definitely something bothering him.
You ran over to him and stood in front, blocking his way, as another sigh escaped your lips.
You could feel the tension in the air as Kid's face turned red. It was clear that something was bothering him, but he seemed hesitant to share it with you.
You stood in front of him, blocking his way, and asked again, "Kid, is something wrong? You can tell me."
"It hurts again," Kid muttered, gesturing to his amputated arm. His face was twisted in pain and his body contorted as if he was suffering greatly.
You smiled warmly before placing your hand gently on his arm, feeling the tension in his muscles. With a firm grip, you slowly began to massage the area, applying just the right amount of pressure to extract the pain and ease his discomfort.
As you worked your magic, you could feel his muscles relaxing and his breathing becoming more steady. Finally, after a few minutes, you removed your hand and looked up at him with a reassuring smile, knowing that you had helped alleviate his pain.
Kid, slightly gasping for breath, looked down at you and managed to utter a sincere "Thank you".
You graciously responded, "You're welcome. You know you can always ask me to do that for you, I am at your service."
Kid, feeling embarrassed, averted his gaze and turned away. As he did so, he lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head, perhaps hoping to distract himself from the awkward situation.
"I wanted to apologise," he started, his tone contrite and apologetic. He looked directly into your eyes, hoping to convey the sincerity of his words.
His heart felt heavy with regret as he continued to speak, "I remember that I held you wrongly and caused a mark to be on your neck."
"Ah, that thing is what you are referring to!" you exclaimed, your mind drawing a blank for a moment before you realised what it was that was being discussed.
"I am truly sorry for my actions and the hurt they caused. Please forgive me."
"It's completely understandable that you reacted the way you did. Given the pain you were experiencing at that time, it's natural to respond in a way that reflects your emotions."
"I'm sorry," he said softly, looking down at his feet.
You expressed doubt with the question, "I'm still alive, aren't I?"
His eyes widened with astonishment as he gazed upward, caught off guard by your words.
"Yeah you are still alive," he replied, his voice slightly hesitant and reserved.
"Good, if not, who would be able to stop you from making another hole on your ship," You joked.
Eustass Kid's flushed and red face perfectly complemented his lipstick as he was overcome with a mix of emotions, causing his blood to rush to his cheeks.
The vibrant hue of his makeup reflected the intensity of his feelings, creating a striking and powerful appearance that captured the attention of everyone around him.
"I made something for you," he muttered, avoiding eye contact.
Curiosity piqued, you gently probed, "What is it?"
Sheepishly, he handed you a small, beautifully crafted necklace. The intricate design and attention to detail spoke volumes about the effort he had put into making it, leaving you touched and speechless.
Taking a closer look at the small, beautifully crafted necklace, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. "Kid, it's beautiful," you said breathless at the sight of it.
"You really went all out, didn't you?" you chuckled, teasingly.
Kid's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and he stammered, "I-I wanted to make something special for you...to show you how sorry I am."
"Thank you so much, Kid. This means the world to me."
Kid nodded before walking away nervously, a mixture of relief and anxiety evident in his movements. The weight of his apology and the vulnerability he had shown hung in the air, leaving you with a newfound understanding of his sincerity and the depth of his remorse.
You smiled, touched by Kid's gesture, before delicately tying the necklace around your neck. As the pendant rested against your chest, the cool metal against your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of forgiveness.
It's not like being friends with him is against your own rules right?
As you felt your heart pounding in your chest, you couldn't help but wonder if your feelings for Kid went beyond friendship. The intensity of your emotions raised questions about the nature of your relationship and whether it was possible to cross that line without breaking your own rules.
There was no point in even thinking about it. After all, you were just a mere crew member and he was part of The Worst Generation.
The boundaries between friendship and something more were blurry, but you knew that navigating the complexities of a romantic relationship with Kid would be a challenge you weren't sure you were ready to take on.
But deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling that Kid's gesture meant more than just pity. The sincerity in his eyes and the effort he had put into making the necklace hinted at something deeper, something that made you question the boundaries of your relationship.
"This is too much," you muttered to yourself before you walked to where you were supposed to be 20 minutes ago. As you hurriedly made your way to your destination, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within you - gratitude, confusion, and a lingering curiosity about what could lie beyond the boundaries of friendship with Kid. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Nami laughed teasingly, "I told you that you loved him!"
"Come on, Nami, don't start with that again," you replied, rolling your eyes playfully.
"So it took you three weeks to figure out your feelings," Nami stated as she peeled a tangerine. "That's a slow burn if I've ever seen one."
"Why don't you stop judging and give me advice?" you muttered, stealing a slice of the tangerine and dropping it into your mouth.
"Advice? Gurl, you need to take your butt out there and tell him how you feel," Nami answered, eating the rest of the tangerine.
"Did you not hear a word of what I just said?" you asked, lying back on the chair.
"Yeah, you don't want to disrupt the relationship between the two pirate crews right?" Nami said with a sly grin. "But hey, sometimes you have to take a risk for love. Who knows, maybe you and Kid could be the ultimate power couple of the seas!"
"That's not real advice, Nami," you groaned into your hands, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. "I can't just jeopardise everything for a potential romance. I need to think this through and consider the consequences."
"You think too much," Nami commented, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and take a leap of faith. Life's too short to overthink everything."
As you were going to respond, the door opened and revealed Killer, Kid's first mate and closest confidant. The sight of him caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but wonder if he had overheard your conversation with Nami.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?"
You nodded before saying goodbye to Nami, who had a grin on her face. As you walked towards Killer, you couldn't shake off the feeling that he had indeed heard your conversation. Your heart raced, unsure of what he might say or how he might react.
As you closed the door behind you, you faced Killer and asked, "Is something wrong?" His expression seemed serious, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over you.
"During this day every year, I've recorded that Kid's phantom pain increases threefold," Killer said, his voice filled with concern. "I know you care about him, and I wanted to warn you that he might not be in the best state of mind right now."
"I thought you should know, since you're the only one who seems to have a calming effect on him. It's important that you understand the impact you have on him."
You nodded in understanding, grateful that Killer had shared this information with you. As he started to walk away, you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of responsibility towards Kid and his well-being, knowing that your presence had such a profound effect on him.
"Umm, Killer, can I ask you for a favor?" you said hesitantly, hoping he would agree.
He turned around with a curious look, his gaze fixed on you. "Of course, what do you need?" Killer responded, his tone indicating his willingness to help.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
"I appreciate you providing this room for me", you said, sitting on the new bed.
"It's no problem," Killer said, leaning against the door frame on the other side of the room. "I'm glad I could help. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask."
You nodded, grateful for Killer's support, and he closed the door behind him, leaving you alone to gather your thoughts.
Feeling a mix of emotions, you then laid on the bed, trying to process the weight of Killer's words and the newfound responsibility you held in Kid's life.
The room felt heavy with the realization that your presence could make a difference in someone's well-being, and you couldn't help but wonder how you could best support Kid during his struggle with his phantom pain.
"Umm, Killer, can I ask you for a favor?" you said hesitantly, hoping he would agree.
He turned around with a curious look, his gaze fixed on you. "Of course, what do you need?"
"Since Kid may need my help during the night, can I stay over at his ship for tonight?" you asked, hoping that Killer would understand the urgency of the situation.
Killer's expression softened, and he nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, I think that would be a good idea. Kid will appreciate having you there for support."
Why did you ask him that? Why were you on Kid's ship? This was definitely going to cause some problems for both of the crews if they saw where you were.
"You think too much," Nami commented, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and take a leap of faith. Life's too short to overthink everything."
You sighed, remembering Nami's words. Sometimes, you just have to trust your instincts and do what feels right in the moment.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as you lay on the bed, knowing that your proximity to Kid's room could potentially complicate things.
There is only one purpose for your presence here, and that is to help Kid.
Laying down on the bed, you tried to get some sleep, hoping that a good night's rest would help clear your mind and prepare you for the challenges ahead. However, thoughts of the potential complications lingered, making it difficult to find peace in the midst of your newfound responsibility.
You held the necklace that Kid made for you tightly, feeling its familiar weight against your chest. It brought you a sense of comfort and reminded you of the connection you shared with Kid.
As you drifted off to sleep, you hoped that your presence on Kid's ship would ultimately bring more good than harm. . . .
In the eerie darkness, Kid found himself paralysed with fear as he witnessed Victoria, his beloved, trapped in a nightmarish scenario, fading away before his very eyes.
Her anguished cries echoed in the void, sending shivers down his spine. Despite his desperate attempts to reach out and save her, he was rendered powerless, a mere spectator to her tragic demise.
As the nightmare unfolded, a sinister force seemed to take hold of the dream, twisting and distorting reality.
Suddenly, you appeared in the scene, just as you had that fateful night a week ago, drunk and stumbling. Kid's heart raced as he desperately tried to make sense of your presence in this haunting nightmare, unsure of the role you played in the twisted reality unfolding before him.
Kid's body started to move without his command, running towards Y/N. Panic and confusion filled his mind as he tried to regain control, but his limbs seemed to have a will of their own.
The closer he got to Y/N, the more intense the feeling of dread became, as if his own instincts were warning him to stay away.
In a surge of terror and desperation, Kid's hands clenched around Y/N's neck, his grip tightening as he lifted them off the ground. The place filled with the sound of Y/N's gasps for air, mingled with Kid's anguished cries, as the nightmare took a horrifying turn.
"K-Kid, I can help you," you muttered, gasping for air, desperately trying to convey that you were not the enemy in this twisted nightmare. Your words hung in the tense air, a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Kid would snap out of it and release his grip on your neck.
Kid also hoped so too, that his body would listen to him and leave you alone.
But of course, since it was a nightmare, Kid's body remained under the control of the sinister force, tightening his grip even further. The glimmer of hope quickly faded as Y/N's vision started to blur, their consciousness slipping away as the nightmare reached its horrifying climax.
Your hand then touched his arm and suddenly Kid felt refreshed, as if a surge of energy had coursed through his veins. The effect of your devil fruit powers seemed to break through the grip of the sinister force, loosening Kid's hold on your neck.
As his senses returned, Kid's eyes widened with horror at what he had almost done, his trembling hands releasing their grip as he fell to his knees, overcome with guilt and relief.
Y/N lay motionless on the ground, gasping for air and clutching your throat, the remnants of Kid's grip still visible on your skin. The weight of guilt and relief washed over Kid, leaving him paralysed with the realisation of what he had almost done.
"Please, not you too," he muttered, his voice filled with a mixture of anguish and desperation, as he stared at your motionless body on the ground. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Kid woke up in a jolt, sweating profusely. He looked around, relieved to find himself in his own bed, safe and sound.
It took a moment for him to realise that it was all just a nightmare, but the guilt and fear still lingered in his mind.
As the night went on, Eustass Kid's arm continued to bother him. Kid lay awake in the darkness of his quarters aboard the Kid Pirates ship.
The memory of losing his arm in a fierce battle replayed in his mind, causing him to grimace in pain as he felt the phantom ache that still haunted him. The room was suffocatingly silent, except for the occasional creaks and groans of the ship as it managed against the dark waters.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his missing arm, causing Kid to sit upright with a gasp. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he clenched his teeth, trying to push away the pain that felt all too real.
He longed for a distraction, something to take his mind off the agony that had consumed him.
Just then, a soft knock sounded at his door, followed by the creak of the hinges as it opened slowly. Kid's first instinct was to lash out, but he stopped himself when he saw who stood before him - you, your concerned gaze locked on his troubled face.
"I... I heard you groaning in pain. Is everything alright?" you asked, your voice filled with genuine worry.
Kid's initial reaction was to brush you off, to insist that he was fine, that you should leave him be or even question how you were on his ship. But as he saw the genuine concern in your eyes, he hesitated.
For a brief moment, he let his guard down, allowing the vulnerability that he usually kept hidden to surface.
"My arm... it still hurts sometimes but it's worse now. The pain never really goes away at this time," Kid murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Do... you want me to help you?"
At first, Eustass Kid was taken aback by your offer even though you've been helping him for weeks now.
"Yes... please," Kid replied, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.
You could see the hesitation in his eyes, but you also saw the genuine need for companionship. Without a second thought, you agreed to stay.
It's not like anything would happen right?
As you adjusted to the darkness, you realised that Kid was shirtless, revealing the scars that covered his muscular chest and arms. The sight took you by surprise, but you quickly averted your gaze, focusing instead on the pain that was etched across his face.
You slowly walked up to him, his eyes never leaving you. His eyes held a mixture of pain, longing, and vulnerability, as if they were windows to a soul that had experienced more than its fair share of hardships.
In that moment, you could see the depth of his emotions, the weight he carried on his shoulders, and a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, you could provide him with the solace he desperately needed.
You sat down on the edge of his bed, reaching over to his amputated hand when he grabbed you with his other hand. His grip was surprisingly gentle, as if he was afraid of breaking you.
"Kid?" you questioned, your voice filled with concern as you met his gaze. "Are you okay? You can talk to me, you know."
Despite the fact that he was generally regarded as an independent person, he could not deny that he had a strong desire for someone to stay with him tonight.
He wanted you. He needed you.
"Stay the night with me. Please..." he finally spoke, his voice laced with vulnerability.
Your eyes widened at his statement, surprised by the depth of his vulnerability and the sincerity in his plea. The weight of his words hung in the air, and you found yourself unable to resist his request.
"I'll stay," you said, your voice gentle and reassuring. "What do you want me to do?"
Kid's reply was a soft whisper, barely audible in the darkness. "Just... stay with me," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability.
Gently, he pulled you closer by your hand, his touch both tender and desperate, closing the physical distance between you.
The warmth of his touch and the vulnerability in his eyes made it clear that all he needed in that moment was your presence.
Placing your hand close to Kid's head, you felt the softness of Kid's hair against your fingertips, which made your heart skip a beat.
As Kid's hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, a wave of goosebumps cascaded over your body, electrifying every inch of your skin that his touch grazed. The intensity of the moment heightened, revealing the depth of his longing and the raw vulnerability he entrusted to you.
"What do you want?" you repeated, your voice a gentle whisper.
"I want you, even if it's only for tonight," he confessed, his voice filled with a mixture of desire and desperation that sent shivers down your spine.
"What about the others?" you muttered, your mind racing with thoughts of the potential consequences.
"I just want you here with me," Kid replied, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and determination. "I don't care about the others. All I need is you."
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
In that moment, Kid took it as a sign to cup your cheek and lean closer, his lips gently brushing against yours, igniting a fire within both of you.
His lips were soft and warm, molding perfectly against yours as they moved in sync. The gentle pressure and the taste of his kiss sent a rush of heat through your body, making you forget about everything else except the intense connection you shared in that moment.
As the kiss deepened, Kid's tongue gently traced the outline of your lips, seeking permission to explore further. Your heart raced with anticipation as you granted access, allowing the kiss to become even more passionate and intoxicating.
His tongue danced with yours, exploring the depths of your mouth with a hunger that mirrored the intensity of his longing. Every stroke and caress of his tongue sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, erasing any doubts or hesitations that lingered in your mind. In that moment, all that mattered was the intoxicating taste of him and the electrifying connection you shared.
You reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, your chests rising and falling rapidly as you both tried to catch your breath. The intensity of the moment had left you dizzy, and you needed a moment to collect your thoughts and reassess the situation.
Kid's lipstick was definitely smuggled all over your lips, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. The taste of him lingered on your tongue, a reminder of the passionate connection you had just experienced.
"I like the taste of your lips on mine," he muttered, his voice still filled with longing. The words sent a thrill down your spine, igniting a desire within you that mirrored his own.
"Well, if you like the taste of my lips, maybe you should try them again," you replied with a playful smirk, unable to resist the magnetic pull between the two of you.
"If you're offering, I wouldn't want to deny you another taste," Kid responded with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Only if you promise to make it even more unforgettable than the last time," you said, your voice dripping with seduction.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull between the two of you, he captured your lips once again, his kiss even more passionate and intoxicating than before.
As you kissed, Kid's hands gently slid down your back, pulling you closer and causing you to straddle him. As the kiss deepened and his hands explored your body, one of Kid's hands slipped under your shirt, sending shivers of anticipation down your spine.
The touch of his warm skin against yours heightened the intensity of the moment, fuelling the desire that burned between you. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You woke up to the smells heavily of metal and copper, the remnants of the passionate encounter with Kid still fresh in your mind. As you took in the scent, a mix of desire and satisfaction washed over you.
You opened your eyes to see Kid's peaceful face beside you, his breathing steady and his lips slightly parted. The sight filled you with a sense of contentment and a desire to continue exploring the depths of your connection with him.
The sunlight streaming through the curtains caught your attention, and you realised that it was morning. The soft glow illuminated the room, casting a warm, golden hue over the tangled sheets and the two of you intertwined within them
As you watched Kid sleep, a sense of gratitude washed over you, knowing that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
The things you said last night haven't escaped your memory.
However, deep down, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness that this passionate encounter with Kid was only meant to be a single night. The bittersweet feeling lingered as you admired Kid's peaceful face, wishing for more moments like these to come.
You slowly got out of his bed, gently releasing Kid's grip and tiptoeing towards the door.
As you looked back at his sleeping form one last time, you couldn't help but wonder if fate had other plans in store for the two of you, and if this unforgettable night was just the beginning of something more. . . .
Why can't you stop the pain in your heart?As you thought, gripping your shirt, you realised that the pain in your heart cannot be stopped because it is an emotional pain that stems from deep within.
"Stay the night with me. Please..." he finally spoke, his voice laced with vulnerability.
"I'll stay," you said, your voice gentle and reassuring. "What do you want me to do?"
Kid's reply was a soft whisper, barely audible in the darkness. "Just... stay with me," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability.
The warmth of his touch and the vulnerability in his eyes made it clear that all he needed in that moment was your presence.
Placing your hand close to Kid's head, you felt the softness of Kid's hair against your fingertips, which made your heart skip a beat.
As you ran your fingers over the necklace Kid had made for you, the memories of last night stayed in your mind, reminding you of the deep connection you shared.
You weren't going to deny that you had fallen in love with Kid.
Eustass Kid's vibrant red hair was wild and unkempt, adding to his rugged and unpredictable appearance. The fiery colour of his hair reflected his fiery personality and his willingness to take on any challenge.
He possessed a towering and imposing physique, adorned with a labyrinth of battle scars and metallic implants seamlessly integrated into his arms and shoulders.
You couldn't help but find Kid's rugged appearance and fiery personality incredibly attractive.
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
You remembered the promise you made to him - this was only for one day and at the time, you thought it was enough for you but now you regret it.
You longed for the feeling of his hands on your skin, the way they would trace delicate patterns and send shivers down your spine.
You were torn between your desire for more and your initial agreement to only stay for one night. The memories of his touch haunted you, and you couldn't help but yearn for more than just one night together.
Yet, you knew that breaking your promise would only lead to more complications and heartache.
Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door, interrupting the bittersweet longing in the air.
"Come in," you said, your voice slightly shaky as you tried to compose yourself. As the door opened, you put on a brave face, hoping that no one would see the traces of tears that lingered in your eyes.
The door revealed Nami with a worried look, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of distress. You quickly wiped away the traces of tears and put on a smile, masking the pain that still lingered in your heart.
"Hey, Nami," you greeted, trying to sound cheerful. "What brings you here?"
"Kid just left with his crew, and you were the only one who wasn't there to see him off," Nami explained, her voice tinged with concern. "I wanted to make sure you're okay. Is everything alright?"
"I'm okay," you replied, forcing a smile. "Thanks for checking in, Nami."
She sat on your bed and sighed, her eyes filled with understanding. "I can see that something is bothering you. You don't have to pretend with me, you know," Nami said gently.
"I know," you said, touching the necklace again, "But there was no way anything would happen even if I sent him off."
"So he didn't ask you?"
"Ask me what?" you asked curiously.
"That dinner when you left early, Kid asked Luffy if he could have you join his crew and surprisingly Luffy agreed but if you agreed to it too,"
You were speechless at Nami's words. Kid asked Luffy to join his crew? Why didn't he ask you? Did he think you were going to reject his offer?
Did he not see how much you longed for him? Did he not feel the same connection as you did? The questions swirled in your mind, filling you with a mixture of regret and confusion.
"Why didn't he ask me?" you muttered out loud, the words escaping your lips before you could stop them.
Nami assured you, "You can ask him next time we bump into each other. Maybe he just didn't find the right moment to bring it up. Don't worry, I'm sure there's a reason behind it."
"I guess," you muttered, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over you.
Eustass Kid, does he not realise how smitten you have become with him that he's using you as a toy for his own entertainment without even knowing?
Part 2?
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vee-lo0 · 3 months
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Oh how you’ve grown
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threi · 10 months
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mvrtaiswriting · 10 months
So excited for the writing event!!! Can I please request drunk prompt #7 with Zoro or Kid? I think it would be super funny for either of them to be really awkward the next morning after drunkenly kissing someone. Or maybe the reader drunkenly kissed *them* and now they don't know if she actually likes them or not.
Eustass Kid x prompt 7 (drunk prompts) - “did i… did we kiss last night?"
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HELLO HELLO! thanks for requesting this i love this psycho bitch so much. hope this meets your expectations eheh this was slightly longer than others cause you know i love my characters to overthink everything just like me <333 enjoy!!
gender neutral reader | 913 words.
reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated ♡ if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee. -> from this event.
The softness of the blankets was gentle against your skin as you woke up from one of the best nights of sleep you ever had. That, if only the terrible headache that held you hostage in your bed would disappear. Even the tiniest glimpse of light filtering through the curtains was too much to bear - it only made your headache worst. Yet, there wasn't the tiniest residue of energy in your body for you to get up and block out the sun - so you laid in bed, throwing your blanket over your head and waiting for the pain to go away.
Enjoying the quietness of the ship, you closed your eyes trying to remember what had happened the night before - memories of the party came to you in a blur. They flashed before your eyes in a confusing sequences, making it hard to distinguish what really happened from what might have been just a dream. You didn't even remember how you made it to bed - the last thing you remembered was laying against your captain's shoulder, probably too drunk to sit still in your own place.
Yet there was something more to it, a memory that you couldn't quite grasp - a memory that felt more like a feeling, a phantom sensation still washing all over your body. It wasn't the nausea, nor the terrible headache; it was different, it was better.
Grazing your fingers against your lips, memories from the night before became clearer - did you dream it like all those times before? Was it all on your head? Or did you really kiss Eustass Kidd? These questions pounded your head as a subtle anxiety settles into your heart - the room around you starts to spin again, but this time not because of the alcohol. The idea of confessing your feelings to Kidd, to your captain, sent you spiralling - it was only a crush, after all.
Wrong. It wasn't only a crush - it was shivers down your spine every time his strong hands laid on your shoulders, it was your heart running faster every time he'd fight against an enemy, it was you melting into a stupid puddle every time he'd call you brat or some other stupid nicknames that you really should have minded but never did.
Forcing yourself out of bed, you dragged your body to the kitchen. The insufferable headache you woke up to was now gone, and you definitely needed a good meal and some water. You almost forgot about the whole kiss thing when you heard familiar footsteps made their way to the kitchen. Your fight or flight response was activated immediately, quickly slamming the door of the fridge and ready to leave the room before he could catch you.
"Took your sweet time to get up, uh?"
Kid roared from behind you, making you jump, a small laugh leaving his mouth making him less intimidating. Yet, you could feel his body almost pressed against yours, his taller figure towering you and making you feel ridiculously small even without having to look at him. Nodding in response, you were quick to move away from his trap, taking a few steps back.
"Yes, I.." you stumbled on your words, scratching the back of your head, panic quickly settling into your chest as you try to come up with something.
"Drank too much. I know."
Kidd cut you off, an unusual reassuring smile forming on his lips as he took a bottle of water from the fridge, throwing it at you.
"Don't even know how I made it to bed."
"Anything else you don't remember?"
Kidd asked. What you heard, however, was more similar to the sound of a ticking bomb about to explode.
"Don't think so." You chuckled, praying you were right - that there was nothing else to remember from the night before, that you didn't stupidly spread on top of him and slurred god knows what to him. Kidd only nodded in response, looking somewhat disappointed - there were no jokes, no sarcastic remarks, no angsty comment. Just an uncomfortable silence and an expression that you couldn't quite decipher.
"Kidd?" you called, causing him to turn towards you once again. He only raised an eyebrow in response, waiting for you to continue
"Did I.. did we kiss last night?"
You finally blurted out, your words rolling off your tongue before you could think it all through. Kidd's features immediately softened, his usual cockiness coming back to surface.
"What if we did?", he barked back, staring up and down at you.
Crossing his arms across his chest, he laid against the doorframe of the kitchen as the most annoying smirk appeared on his face - this was fun, seeing you blushing like a teenager without being able to look at him.
"I don't know. Sorry, stupid question."
You tried to brush it off, faking a smile and waving him goodbye - you just wanted to run, wash off the horrible wave of embarrassment and just forget about the whole thing. Kidd, however, was not really thinking about letting you go. His hands were quick to grab your wrist, pulling you closer to him. In a fraction of seconds he had you trapped in his embrace, your body pressed against his muscular chest.
"Want to give it another try?" he whispered, one of his hands already cupping your cheek whilst the one lazily slid down to the small of your back.
"If it wasn't that memorable, I must make up for it."
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sashi-ya · 4 months
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𝐄𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐝 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐠𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝
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lamina-tsrif · 10 months
If you are still doing the palletes, I think Kid + #10 would look great
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+ the first draft that is nothing like the finished vers under cut
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ner0w0w0 · 11 months
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Unexpected encounter between 2 crews
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attyattlaw · 5 months
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Heat - 5/6 for 6 fanarts meme that i definitely havent forgotten
o i forgot the timelapse gkjhlk
i unfortunately only remembered to turn on the recording after the sketch
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0ynes · 6 months
Hopefully they will see each other again. I miss this 3 idiots.
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eustassslut · 6 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eustass Kid doesn't do love. He does one night stands, hookups and lust. He simply just does not do love, it isn't a word in his vocabulary. Sure he sings about it frequently but those aren't songs Kid has written himself; those are Heat's songs dedicated to whoever he's in love with that week.
Love is real, he knows that. He's seen it with his parents, Heat with his many lovers and felt it in its platonic form for his fellow band members. But love just isn't for him. He has no need for it in his life. He's always seen love as a distraction; something that seeps into your life, overtaking it and soiling your motivation like a bad addiction as it conquers you. Kid can't afford distractions in his career when he's worked so damn hard to reach the halls of fame. "Love will always be a fucking waste of my time and energy," he reminds Heat every time the bluenette tries to encourage him to trial the dating pool, "Why would I pursue some relationship with some pathetic loser and force myself to fall in love with someone when hookups exist?"
Kid knows his outlook on relationships and love is unusual, practically unheard of when taking his family (a bunch of gross sappy goth and punk couples) into consideration. Eustass Kid technically has all of the makings to be a true romantic but, unlike his sworn brother Killer, he just can't stand any of that shit.
At least that's what he thought, until he meets you.
Kid has know about you since he was young, fresh into his career and full of dreams to become a star. It's incredibly hard not to know who you are considering how long you've been supporting them. You're loyal, he'll give you that, a proud fan since they were a small cover band filming in Wire's garage with dreams for the stage. He has no idea what could possibly possess someone to have such blind faith in the weird metal band with wacky hairstyles and horrible videography. I mean, Wire's head was cut out frame for most of their covers and Kid was rocking an attempt at a emo haircut. Why had you stuck around so long to watch them grow into their careers? Why were you still so dedicated to giving them all your money? And why did he find himself caring so fucking much about what you wanted?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Happy belated fictober! There's been a lot of Kid Pirates as a rock band art lately so I have been very inspired to create a fic series based around them as a famous band, here is a sneak peak of Eustass Kid's fic.
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matchadobo · 1 year
KIDD; 3 times he almost said i love you and 1 time he actually did
summary: kidd is someone who is not a man of words but by actions. those 3 times where he said words that was his equivalent of i love yous and that 1 time he actually uttered it. wc: 2126 tw: fem reader, mentions of nsfw but no actual seggs, fluff? no angst, kidnapping, i think this was just me rambling about him again hadbhasbs
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those three words.
how much you long for those words.
you look at him, and it's all you could think about. it's all that you want to say to him. it's just words really, yet he gave it so much meaning. yet you'd feel your heart flutter through the breezy sea when you think about how he'll say it to you. you'd feel yourself being completely drawn to him, each time he parts his lips to talk to you. his love feels so distinctive, so delicate and so amatory for a coarse man like him.
there were three occurrences where he almost said it. rendering you the same flustered mess under his spell.
the first one was that one time where you two were on night watch, getting drunk on beer and on each other's company. the cicadas chorusing with the cacophonous laughter from the both of you. breaths reeking of liquor, eyes burning of weariness. your skin felt cold under the chilly nights of the approaching winter nights. the inner heat brought by the alcohol, insinuating the pink tint on your cheeks and the mild dizziness in your vision. shoulders and fingers touching each other from time to time with a hint of underlying intimacy known to the two of you whenever the both of you gets a little too touchy.
seated close to each other under the full moon, glistening on your and his's skin, radiating each other's features and growing more in love with one another, feet hanging down above the calm current of the sea, the cool breeze whisking away the weariness of midnight. you shivered under the arctic gust washing over you, you took another chug of alcohol before you felt an arm around you.
he called, "hey, buttercup." pulling you closer and wrapping his furry coat around the both of you. "you're shivering like a damn wet dog, c'mere."
you melted under his touch, feeling all hot and bothered all of a sudden. you hid your face under your hair, blushing at the sight of your thighs dangerously close to each other. his flesh arm settled around your waist, a firm yet tender grip leaving your head in a flurry and your heart rabbiting in your chest.
"what's got you all quiet, doll?" he teased, playfully leaning down your ear. he watched how you perked up and tried avoiding his gaze, his heart bursting in affection to you.
"s-shut up it's cold." you nudged him lightly.
"y'know." he paused before nudging you back a little. "you feel good in my arms, name."
your world stopped and your ears rang. you looked up at him and it felt like the church bells rang. you felt more lightheaded than before. and all you could focus on was how profusely your cheeks heated under his gaze. you inmediately looked away, trying to regulate your heartbeat. hearing him say those kind of words was foreign, given that whatever you two have right now is blurry. for him to drop hints like that drove you insane. as the night got deeper, you slowly lost yourself and fell asleep in his embrace. later in the morning, you found yourself tucked in his quarters, yet the space beside you was empty.
the next one was when you were held captive by a pirate you formerly didn't perceive as a threat, you got careless and almost gotten yourself killed. you were missing for two days yet it felt like decades. these pirates almost played with you and strip you off of things other than your possessions. it irked you how they looked at you like you were some kind of food. things started looking hopeless for you. will kidd come? is the crew going to save you?
it was your fucking fault in the first place. why will you sit there, hands tied up by the ceiling, and think that your captain will save someone like you? when you got held captive by these lowly pirates, you're already pathetic and not deserving to be a part of his crew anymore. he doesn't want someone as weak as you, someone puny enough to be captured by nobodies like these fuckers. he sure as hell forgot about you, he doesn't need a weakling to drag down everybody in the victoria.
plus, is there really something between the two of you? or are you just someone to keep his bed and cock warm? there never really was something exclusive in the relationship you two were in. you enjoyed his company and so was he to yours. neither of you tried to poke around and find out what it is you two have. scared of shattering the delicately formed glass encasing this thing between the two of you.
"oya? what's got the pretty lady daydreamin'? your weak ass captain isn't comin', aight? so why don't we finally take our turns in enjoying you, aye?" the chorus of disgusting laughters of men and those hungry, predatorial looks they gave you sent goosebumps across your skin. you were about to lose your dignity and you haven't even told him that you love him yet. fucking fantastic.
with all hope lost, your face dropping as these men circled around you in that dark room. a thunderous cannon bolted in the sky and landed on their ship, creating a hole in the basement you were currently in. you finally saw daylight after forty-eight hours.
in a blink of an eye, all the metals in the room and the ship floated into one particular axis where you could vaguely see the figure in the deck as your eyes adjusted to the light. purple lightning was electrifyingly present here and there and the pirates suddenly lost their weapons, all flying towards the figure at the deck. "if you degenerates so much as touch a strand of hair in her head, guarantee your fucking heads to be off your goddamn necks."
hearing that voice in the flesh has kept you sane until now, the voice you want to always wake up to and tell you those three words brought an ear to ear smile in your face. "captain...!" you shakily called, trying to meet his eyes when you feel weaker by the minute.
his gaze landed on you while the other members jumped from into the basement to attack the pirates. chaos unfolded as he held your gaze and got you under his spell again. "found you, shortcake."
he jumped from the deck and untied you himself, his musky scent bringing you butterflies and a sense of warmth and safety. you couldn't stop yourself from burying yourself into his arms and tightly wrapping your limbs around him once he freed you. "i-i thought you forgot about me."
"y'know, i went through hell to find you. even if i want to forget about your dumbass, it'd be impossible for me." he said befote planting a kiss at the top of your head. taking you back a bit, you looked up at him with tear-stained cheeks and buoyant eyes. he parted his lips and said, "i'm fuckin' nuts about you, bunny." he lopsidedly smiled, flicking your forehead affectionately.
the bags under his eyes proved how he didn't sleep in those two days from finding you overnight and throughout daylight. the tired, yet gleeful glint in his eyes as he looked down at you mirrored how much was he was itching to be this close to you in the time of your absence. you later found out from the crew that kidd was more than cross when he found out that you were missing, moreso was the ship in upheaval when he learned that you were kidnapped. he started the search right away, not stopping whether the sun sets or rises, whether storm ensues or the scorching sun burned through his skin, or whether has he eaten meals or not. he wanted to find you, he's yearning for you—he still has so much he wants to do with you, to you. you two then spend the night in each other's arms; crying, laughing, and rambling about arbitrary nothings and somethings as you two seemingly did not heed the sun rising and peeking by the window. killer had to physically drag the both of you away from the bed at the morning.
the last one happened one night. kidd was in bathing in cold sweat. fidgeting through his sleep, he felt tears form at the corner of his eyes. his arm was hurting again, the phantom pain together with the scars of defeat was haunting him. the stinging sensation of torment caving in his chest and rattling his mind. he had his brows furrowed as he was fisting the sheets beside him, mumbling unintelligible somethings.
you awoke at the sound of him sobbing through his sleep, writhing in his mental agony. you pulled yourself up and immediately woke him. as soon as you his eyes opened, you saw how much terror his golden orbs mirrored. his chest heaved up and down, trying to catch his breath and regulate his heartbeat. gnawing at your heart, you choked out a sob as you cupped his face between your hands. "what happened, baby?" you mumbled meekly, voice still drunk from sleep.
after seeing your face and processing whatever happened before, he broke into tears. his cheeks becoming wet and sticky, he pulled you closer and mewled at your chest. choking out sobs as he fisted your shirt, you had your hand by his head and gave him massages whilst your other hand rubbed circles on his knuckles.
he was curled up in your arms, blubbering as he tried to mask the horrors of his nightmare. immediately finding solace in your arms; your usual redolent scent wafting in his nostrils, the soft sheets beneath the two of you.
you let him lay his head on your lap as your back rested on the headboard, soothingly playing with his locks. he snuggled closer to your touch, reveling into rhythm of your voice. your melodic songs that brought heaven to him and lulled him to slumber. just a few seconds before drifting into dreamland, he managed to mumble something. "name."
"hm?" you peeked down at him, the tip of your fingers brushing by the edges of his face.
"you're the kindest thing that ever happened to me."
you jolted awake from your drowsy state. his words repeating like a siren's hypnotic songs in the stormy sea, ears ringing from the melody of his words. your mind going blank and your vision tunneling, all you could focus on was the snoring man on your lap and the spell he put on you.
he had somehow made it clear to you how you're the serenities to his storms, the flowers in his what used to be barren groves, the peace in his tumultuous wars. amidst the madness within him, you're the only benevolence that can regulate his turmoil. in the untamed four blues of world, you were the calm belt of his currents. extinguishing all uglies within him and around him with just one smile, one hug, or one gaze at your sparkling eyes. nurturing the scars of yesterday to a part of him you've grown to love of today.
you'd think to yourself, it's rare for him to say stuff like this. he was never really big on words, he's a man defined by his actions. rather than telling you how much he wants to hold you close; he'd take delight in the tranquility of your shared quarters, fold you in his velvet sheets, unforgiving hips reminding you how much you're a who/re for it, a who/re for him. as opposed to grand romantic gestures; he'd give you little trinkets every day and sizeable figurines on special days all from his handiworks that you'd keep dear and display them on your shelves. and instead of declaring promises; he took your hand that one night, slid his handmade, gold-plated ring in your middle finger, and proclaims to find the one piece with you.
and finally you're here, dressed in that long, white dress that reached the aisle down the church hall. you were facing the man that you're willingly and more than happy to spend your life with. he's looking at you with a nervous yet elated gaze, holding your hand as the pastor (a.k.a. killer) proclaimed you two as one. husband and wife.
"i love you, always fuckin' will." he uttered those three words just before he grabbed your waist and pulled you into a deep kiss, cheers and church bells rang across the halls. it felt like a fever dream, yet here kidd was, shaking you into a reality where you two are spending it together until whenever.
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finally putting this out! this shit has been in the works for too long hdasbfsabbfah i miss tulipboy smmm TT a lot has happened that's why this shit took so long
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Kid Pirates With A Sick!Reader
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➼ Word Count » 0.3k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Hurt/Comfort
Kid has a hard time showing that he cares because a part of him really doesn't. It's not like you need an amputation or anything, you're just bedridden and slightly warmer the normal. A part of him does feel guilty, though, he doesn't mean to come off as unconcerned about your health, he's just unsure how he's supposed to display it. You'll occasionally see him stopping by your room (stopping at the doorway, ain't no way he's getting himself sick too), only for him to ask the dumbest questions. He'll come around, watch you go into a coughing fit, then call out something like, "Are you still sick???" He's not helpful AT ALL, but at least he visits.
Killer is the one who'll take on the responsibility for the majority of your needs. He'll be the one to go and make you soup and keep your hair out of your face while you vomit. He comes around the most often to take your temperature and whatnot, always making sure to disinfect as much of your room as he can manage. Lucky for you, he has tons of masks that he'll make you wear if you ever want to stretch your legs for a moment. He's not a professional and doesn't entirely know what he's doing, but he does more than anyone else will.
Heat is usually there with Killer helping him carry things into your room like blankets and stuff. If you don't get better quick, he might go ask Law, but that's the most he'll do for you.
Wire is another who just sorta shrugs his shoulders to the sounds of you dying next door. You'll get better, and he's not too worried about it. In fact, he might even start shouting at you from across the ship if you become to loud for his liking.
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threi · 10 months
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vertakin · 22 days
Killer doodles I worked on during my stream~ I had fun drawing shaggy bangs ✨
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐄𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐝 - 𝐄𝐏 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝟒 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢
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