#eustass kid x oc
latanyalove · 1 month
Stay the Night with Me
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Pairing: Eustass Kid x Y/N
Dialogue: “Stay the night with me. Please…” 🧲😡
A/n: It's very long so get ready for this 9,413 long story which is also going to have a Part 2 :) .I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
Taglist: @stuckinthewrongworld for the idea!
"Stay the night with me. Please…" The plea hung in the air, charged with emotion. The magnetism of desire clashed with a hint of frustration.
The request was simple yet layered with unspoken words, begging for a response. The intensity of the moment lingered, waiting for a decision to be made.
The silence that followed seemed to stretch endlessly, filled with anticipation and uncertainty.
Each heartbeat echoed loudly in the room, underscoring the weight of the request and the gravity of the unspoken emotions that hung in the air. . . .
Eustass Kid, also known as the "Captain" of the Kid Pirates, is a notorious and feared pirate in the One Piece world. With his magnetic powers and fiery temper, he is not someone to be messed with.
Eustass Kid strikes fear into the hearts of both his allies and enemies alike, as his magnetic powers allow him to manipulate and control metal with deadly precision.
Combined with his explosive temper, he is a truly terrifying force to reckon with on the high seas. 
You, being the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates, had heard of the infamous Eustass Kid and his crew. They were known for their brutal methods and lack of mercy towards their enemies.
So when your crew unexpectedly crossed paths with the Kid Pirates, you were on high alert.
Luffy and the rest of the crew seemed more relaxed with the Kid Pirates, maybe it was because they had defeated many enemies side by side or maybe Luffy was too gullible into trusting him so easily.
But not you. You weren't going to fall for his tricks.
You sat far from the group, who looked like they were having the time of their lives, while you glared straight at the red-haired pirate with cautious eyes. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Eustass Kid than meets the eye, and you vowed to keep a close watch on him, ready to defend yourself and your crew if necessary.
"Hey, why aren't you with the group celebrating?" Nami said curiously behind you.
Startled by Nami's sudden voice, you turned around quickly, trying to hide your unease. "Oh, I just needed some fresh air," you replied, forcing a smile.
"So why are you staring at Kidd like that?" Nami teased, sitting beside you.
You hesitated for a moment, then leaned in closer to whisper, "I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about him just doesn't sit right with me. I think there's more to him than meets the eye, and I don't trust him."
"Or maybe," Nami started, leaning closer, "You just like him,"
"No way!" you jumped back, feeling your face heat up. "That's not it at all! I just have a gut feeling about him, that's all."
Nami smirked mischievously and nudged your shoulder. "Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that."
Nami then stood up, said goodbye, and walked over to the group, leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you continued to observe Eustass Kid from afar, you couldn't help but wonder what secrets he was hiding beneath that intimidating exterior. . . .
The atmosphere suddenly shifted as Sanji and some of Kid's crew finished preparing the feast. The cheers and laughter grew louder, and even Luffy couldn't contain his excitement.
"Y/N, the food is ready," You opened your eyes to see Killer standing over you, his mask covering his face as usual.
Killer, the stoic and enigmatic member of the Kid Pirates, rarely showed any emotion. His mask concealed his face, adding to the air of mystery surrounding him. It was hard to read his intentions or gauge his reactions, making him an even more intriguing figure to watch closely.
As he extended a hand to help you up, you couldn't help but wonder what lies behind that enigmatic facade.
With a yawn, you took his hand and stood up, ready to join the festivities.
Unfortunately, you had to sit beside Kid to eat as all the other seats were taken. As you took your place beside him, you couldn't shake off the feeling of unease and curiosity, wondering what secrets he was hiding and if they would ever come to light.
As you ate, you noticed that Kid was always tense even when he laughed, his body language betraying a constant state of alertness. It was as if he carried a weight on his shoulders, constantly on guard.
It only fueled your suspicion that there was indeed something more to him than meets the eye.
Suddenly, Kid stopped eating, his eyes darting around the room with a heightened sense of vigilance. His grip on his utensils tightened, and a frown creased his forehead as if he had sensed something amiss.
"I have to go," he said, suddenly standing up and walking over to where the ships were anchored.
Everyone was confused for a while but then they went back to talking to each other except Killer.
Killer's gaze remained fixed on the spot where Kid had disappeared to, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. It was clear that he knew more than he let on, and you couldn't help but wonder what he had seen or sensed that made him so focused on Kid's departure.
Despite Killer's intense gaze and the mysterious departure of Kid, you chose to dismiss any concerns and immerse yourself in the joyous celebration.
It was a time to revel in the camaraderie and enjoy the feast, leaving any thoughts of hidden secrets and enigmatic figures for another day.
As the night wore on and the merriment continued, you found yourself in a friendly competition with Zoro to see who could hold their liquor better.
Shots were poured and downed, laughter and cheers filled the air, and for a fleeting moment, all thoughts of Kid and his mysterious aura faded away as you focused on the exhilarating challenge at hand.
"Okay, I give up," you declared, placing the bowl back onto the table. The drinking competition had taken its toll, and you were finally admitting defeat.
As you leaned back in your chair, feeling the effects of the alcohol, your mind couldn't help but wander back to the enigmatic figure of Kid and the unanswered questions that still lingered in the air.
As you stumbled away from the festivities, a nagging thought tugged at the back of your mind, reminding you that there was still much to uncover about Kid and the secrets he held.
As you stumbled towards the ships, the sound of a muffled voice reached your ears, growing louder with each step.
It sounded like a scream, piercing through the night air with an intensity that sent chills down your spine. Your heart raced as you followed the sound, the darkness shrouding the source of the scream adding to the sense of unease and mystery that surrounded Kid's sudden departure.
You quickened your pace towards the ships, your footsteps echoing through the quiet night. Suddenly, a loud bang reverberated through the air, causing the Kid Pirates' ship to tremble slightly.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realised that there was more to Kid's disappearance than meets the eye.
It was when you saw something red out of the corner of your eye, but it disappeared as soon as you turned to get a better look. The fleeting glimpse left you with a sense of unease and a nagging feeling that there was a deeper mystery surrounding Kid's disappearance.
"I can help you!" you yelled, your voice slurred because of the alcohol. But your words seemed to get lost in the night, swallowed by the darkness and the unsettling silence that followed.
Your vision then went black, and you went unconscious, collapsing onto the ground. The last thing you heard before succumbing to darkness was the distant sound of footsteps approaching, leaving you with an unsettling sense of dread and the lingering question of what had truly transpired that night. . . .
You woke up with a massive headache, the events of the previous night still hazy in your mind. As you tried to piece together the fragments of your memory, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister had unfolded while you were unconscious.
You didn't remember how you had ended up in bed yesterday, yet here you were, tucked in your bed with no recollection of how you got there.
The missing hours only added to the mysterious puzzle surrounding Kid's disappearance, leaving you desperate for answers and determined to uncover the truth.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed, wincing as the throbbing pain intensified. The room spun as you stood up, and you had to steady yourself against the dresser.
As you stumbled towards the bathroom, you couldn't help but wonder if the events of the night before were somehow connected to your own sudden blackout.
You splashed cold water on your face, hoping to clear your mind and shake off the remnants of the alcohol-induced haze.
As you looked at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't help but notice a faint red mark on your neck, as if someone had grabbed you forcefully.
The realisation sent a shiver down your spine, as you began to suspect that there might have been more to your blackout than just excessive drinking. The red mark on your neck hinted at a possible altercation or even an encounter with someone who had a vested interest in Kid's disappearance.
Feeling a renewed sense of urgency, you quickly changed your clothes and headed out, determined to retrace your steps from the night before and gather any clues that could shed light on what had happened during your blackout.
As you walked onto the deck of the Thousand Sunny, the talking became louder, and you realised that the voices were coming from your crewmates and Kid's crew who were gathered around, deep in conversation.
"Who could have made such a big hole?"
"Maybe there's a wild animal around. Hehehe!"
"Ahhh! I think I have a wild-monster phobia!"
Curious about their discussion, you jumped off the ship and landed close by. Nami, who seemed relieved to see you, looked over at you and gestured you over.
"Apparently someone or something made a hole in Kid's ship, which means that they can't sail for a while," Nami explained, her voice filled with concern.
As you joined the group, you couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in your gut. The timing of this incident and your blackout seemed too coincidental, making you wonder if there was a connection between the two.
"We're trying to figure out who or what could have done it. Any ideas? You were the second to leave after Kid left."
You looked around but he wasn't there. "Where is Kid?" you asked anxiously, scanning the faces of your crewmates for any sign of him.
"He's still asleep," Nami replied, her brow furrowed with worry. "Killer mentioned that Kid was knocked out cold when he checked on him earlier. So, it couldn't have been him who made the hole in the ship."
So who did you see then? Maybe it was your mind tricking you but then why do you have a mark in your neck?
As you went over to look at the damage, you noticed a familiar scent lingering in the air - the same scent that had filled your nostrils during your blackout.
This realisation made your heart race, as you began to suspect that the person responsible for the hole in Kid's ship was none other than the one who had grabbed you forcefully.
"What's that mark on your neck?" a voice said behind you, causing you to turn around in surprise.
It was Killer, Kid's loyal right-hand man, who had a concerned look on his face as he pointed at the mark.
He was looking at you with a mix of concern and suspicion, as if he already knew the answer to his own question.
"I don't know," you stated, fully facing him, "but it looks like you do." The intensity of the situation heightened as you locked eyes with Killer, realising that he might hold the key to uncovering the truth behind both the hole in the ship and your mysterious mark.
Killer sighed before gesturing over to the bench nearby, indicating that you should sit down and have a serious conversation. It seemed that he was ready to reveal the truth behind the incident and the mark on your neck, finally shedding light on the unsettling events that had taken place.
Reluctantly, you took a seat next to Killer, your heart pounding with anticipation. As he reached out to examine the mark on your neck, you flinched, still wary of his intentions.
"Trust me," Killer said softly, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I had nothing to do with this. But there's something you need to know, something that might explain everything."
The mark on your neck was unlike anything you had ever seen before. It was a metalic, etched into your skin with roughness and harshness. As Killer carefully inspected the mark, you couldn't help but notice his focused expression.
After a few moments, he retrieved a small bottle from his pouch and showing it to you.
"What is it?"
"It's a medicine for when we get hurt by...." Killer paused, dropping a few drops of the medicine into his hands and rubbing them together.
"By what?"
"By Kid," Killer replied, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and concern. "There is a time every year around now when Kid is not himself. At first, it wasn't bad but now, it's unbearable to even hear his anguishing yells."
"So it was him that was yelling yesterday," you muttered to yourself, finally connecting the dots.
"Why are you telling me this?" you turned to him, your voice filled with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. Killer met your gaze, his eyes filled with determination.
"Because you're the only one who can help us stop him," he said, his voice steady.
"I've heard about your devil fruit," Killer said, his voice hopeful. "You can remove pain away from a person, right? We believe that your ability is the key to stopping Kid and preventing further harm."
You kept quiet, thinking about the weight of the responsibility that had just been placed upon you. It was a daunting task, but deep down, you knew that if there was a chance to stop Kid and protect others from his uncontrollable rage, you had to take it.
"I don't know if it will work," you explained, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Usually, my ability works to alleviate pain that is inflicted by a person or object. I've never tried to remove pain that is generated by the body itself. But I'm willing to give it a try if it means stopping Kid and protecting others from harm."
Killer nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "We understand the risks," he replied, his voice filled with determination. "But we believe in your power and know that you're our best chance to bring an end to Kid's torment."
"Okay, I can try, but there is no guarantee that something will happen," you cautiously agreed. "I'll do my best to use my ability and see if I can alleviate Kid's pain. But we need to be prepared for the possibility that it might not work."
"That's all I ask for," Killer said, gratitude evident in his voice.
As soon as you touched your neck, you felt like nothing was there. It was as if there was nothing there in the first place.
Though before you could compliment the medicine and its effectiveness, a voice caught your attention from far away.
"Jaggy! You're finally awake! Your ship has a hole. Shishishi!" Luffy's voice yelled, interrupting the serious conversation.
"Stupid monkey! You probably broke it!" Kid's voice yelled, frustration evident in his tone.
You quickly stood up and ran over to where the voice came from, eager to see what was happening and hoping that Luffy hadn't caused too much trouble.
As soon as you came into view, Kid caught you immediately and had eye contact. His expression turned from frustration to surprise, and for a moment, you could see a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes.
"Jaggy! Where are you going?"
"Away from here."
You quickly walked closer to them, realising what Kid was trying to do. He was trying to distance himself from the vulnerability he had shown in that moment, pushing you away to protect himself from further emotional exposure.
"Y/N, where did you come from?" Luffy commented.
"I came to talk to Kid," you answered, your voice calm and determined.
Kid halted and turned around to face you, his eyes locked with yours. There was a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his gaze as he carefully studied your expression.
He then walked over and towered over you, his imposing figure casting a shadow. The intensity of his gaze did not waver as he leaned in closer, as if trying to unravel the mystery behind your calm and determined demeanor.
"What do you want to talk about?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.
"I know what you're facing. Let me help you," you muttered, your voice filled with empathy and understanding. Kid's skepticism softened slightly, and he took a step back, allowing a brief moment of vulnerability to flicker across his face once again.
His gaze shifted from Killer, who stood in the distance, to you, and then back again. It was clear that Kid was torn between trusting you and protecting himself.
"You can't help me, no one can," Kid muttered in frustration, turning around to walk away from you.
As you watched him walk away, you crossed your arms, a determined look in your eyes.
"I knew he was going to do this," Killer said, now standing beside you, "you don't have to try anymore," he reassured you, his voice filled with concern. But you couldn't give up that easily. You knew that behind Kid's tough exterior, there was someone who needed to be understood and supported.
"But I can't just give up on him," you replied, your voice filled with determination. "He may push me away now, but I believe that deep down, he still needs someone to understand and support him."
Despite his resistance, you knew that you wouldn't give up on him that easily. You were determined to break down the walls he had built around himself and show him that he didn't have to face his struggles alone.
Plus, the quicker you can help him, the quicker his ship will be fixed and the both of your crew can separate and probably never see each other again.
You were doing it solely for the sake of fixing his ship and ensuring the smooth separation of your crew, with no ulterior motives or personal gain involved. . . .
The ship was going to take a while to repair by Franky's calculations so you had a lot of time to study Kid and the pain he was having.
Fortunately Robin was interested in basically anything to do with pain so it was easy enough to find a collection of books about the pain that Kid was feeling.
As you got to know Eustass Kid better through Killer's stories, you learned about his arm and the constant phantom pain he experienced. Despite his tough exterior, you could see the pain in his eyes whenever he clenched his fist or winced in discomfort.
You would spend nights upon nights reading about the phantom pain and how to release the pain but there was nothing like that. The thing you discovered in your research was that phantom pain is a complex phenomenon that is not fully understood, and there is no definitive method to release or eliminate the pain.
One thing you were determined to find out was whether your devil fruit powers could somehow alleviate Kid's phantom pain. You knew that even if there was no specific information on it, you wouldn't give up without trying every possible solution.
Even though Kid had started to avoid you after you confronted him, you were determined to find a way to help him. You believed that your devil fruit powers had the potential to alleviate his phantom pain, and you were willing to try every possible solution, regardless of his avoidance.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
One night, both of the crew members were sitting by the fire after a long day of repairing Kid's ship and you made sure you were sitting beside Kid.
As the night went on, you watched Kid carefully for any signs of pain, hoping for an opportunity to test your theory. You then noticed a slight grimace on his face as he shifted in his seat. It was a subtle but telling indication that the phantom pain was still present.
You could see the pain etched on his face and without thinking, you reached out and gently placed your hand on his amputated arm.
To your surprise, Eustass Kid's tense muscles began to relax and the pain seemed to subside.
So your devil fruit does work on the pain that is generated by the body.
He looked at you with shock in his eyes, unable to believe that the pain he had been carrying for so long had finally eased. Kid's expression softened, and a mix of gratitude and disbelief crossed his face as he whispered, "How... how did you do that?"
"I told you that I could help you," you muttered, letting go of his arm. "Now don't you feel better?"
He nodded, still speechless, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude.
It was a moment of validation for both of you, confirming that your determination and belief in your devil fruit powers had paid off in helping alleviate Kid's phantom pain.
"Good, now I'll be going to sleep early," you muttered, standing up and walking back to the ship.
Usually when you used your devil fruit on people who are injured, you would only get the smallest headache and that was hardly the case but when you used it on Kid, you felt like all of your energy was drained out of you.
As you made your way back to the ship, you could feel Kid's gaze burning into your back. His eyes followed your figure, filled with a mix of shock and disbelief. It was clear that the impact of your ability to alleviate his phantom pain had left him speechless, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
"What happened?" Killer asked, nudging Kid's arm, breaking the silence that had settled over the two of them.
Kid looked at him, his expression still filled with shock and disbelief, before finally finding his voice. "I don't know," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But whatever it was, it worked."
"What worked?"
Kid stated, his voice filled with awe, "She stopped my phantom pain, just like she said she would."
"Really! Hehehe, that's great!" Killer replied, "I knew she could do it."
"I want her to be in my crew," Kid muttered to him, his voice filled with a newfound determination.
"What did you say-"
"Hey Luffy! Let Y/N join my crew!" Kid yelled to Luffy, who was sitting at the other side of the table.
The rest of the crew turned their heads in surprise, but Luffy simply grinned and nodded. "Sure, why not? But Y/N has to agree to it first."
"Huh!" the crew members said in unison, their eyes widening in shock and disbelief. They had never expected Kid to make such a sudden request, especially considering how fiercely independent he had always been.
Kid grinned to himself as he drank the alcohol, his mind filled with excitement and anticipation. . . .
You didn't know why, but you noticed that Kid was staring at you more often, his eyes lingering on you with a mix of curiosity and admiration.
It seemed that your ability to reduce his phantom pain had sparked a newfound interest in you, and he couldn't help but wonder what other hidden talents you possessed.
You didn't pay any mind to it. It was normal to be interested in someone if they helped you get over a pain that affected you.
The feeling would fade eventually and when that happens, the both of you will be separated into your crews and we will be enemies again.
However, despite his initial interest in you, Kid hardly came to you anymore for his phantom pain. It seemed that your ability had truly worked, providing him with the relief he needed.
As a result, the connection between the two of you began to fade, and the reality of being enemies once again became evident.
For some reason, you couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness as the connection between you and Kid began to fade.
Even though you knew it was inevitable, a part of you had grown accustomed to his presence and the brief moments of camaraderie. As the reality of being enemies once again became evident, you couldn't shake off the feeling of longing for that connection.
So much for doing it solely for the sake of fixing his ship and ensuring the smooth separation of your crew, with no ulterior motives or personal gain involved.
"Ahhh! Y/N! Y/N!" Usopp's voice came to play, waking you from your thoughts as you remembered that you were doing a job before you started to contemplate.
You turn around to see the long-nosed Usopp running towards you, holding his back in pain. It seems like he's injured himself again during the job, and you can't help but sigh, realising that there's always something happening when you're part of this crew.
"What happened, Usopp?" you ask, concerned.
"Luffy hit me with a big plank and now I think I'm going to die," Usopp cried out, rubbing his back.
You sighed again, "You're not going to die Usopp,"
"You're just being dramatic as usual," you said with a smile, as you activated your healing ability and placed your hand on Usopp's back, extracting his pain with a gentle touch.
The familiar warmth flowed through your fingertips, relieving his discomfort and reminding you once again of the unique gift you possessed.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Usopp said gratefully, giving you a hug before running back to where he came from.
As you watched him go, a bittersweet feeling washed over you. While you were glad to have the ability to help your crewmates, it also served as a constant reminder of the inevitable separation of Kid and returning to being enemies.
When you turned around to walk away, your eyes were met with red/orange ones in the shadows of the trees, which belonged to Kid. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine, making it clear that the connection between the two of you was far from faded, and the lines between friend and foe were blurred once again.
"Kid, is something the matter?"
"N-no, there's nothing," he answered, his voice barely above a whisper, as he turned around to walk away.
But the lingering tension in the air and the unspoken words between you both made it clear that there was definitely something bothering him.
You ran over to him and stood in front, blocking his way, as another sigh escaped your lips.
You could feel the tension in the air as Kid's face turned red. It was clear that something was bothering him, but he seemed hesitant to share it with you.
You stood in front of him, blocking his way, and asked again, "Kid, is something wrong? You can tell me."
"It hurts again," Kid muttered, gesturing to his amputated arm. His face was twisted in pain and his body contorted as if he was suffering greatly.
You smiled warmly before placing your hand gently on his arm, feeling the tension in his muscles. With a firm grip, you slowly began to massage the area, applying just the right amount of pressure to extract the pain and ease his discomfort.
As you worked your magic, you could feel his muscles relaxing and his breathing becoming more steady. Finally, after a few minutes, you removed your hand and looked up at him with a reassuring smile, knowing that you had helped alleviate his pain.
Kid, slightly gasping for breath, looked down at you and managed to utter a sincere "Thank you".
You graciously responded, "You're welcome. You know you can always ask me to do that for you, I am at your service."
Kid, feeling embarrassed, averted his gaze and turned away. As he did so, he lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head, perhaps hoping to distract himself from the awkward situation.
"I wanted to apologise," he started, his tone contrite and apologetic. He looked directly into your eyes, hoping to convey the sincerity of his words.
His heart felt heavy with regret as he continued to speak, "I remember that I held you wrongly and caused a mark to be on your neck."
"Ah, that thing is what you are referring to!" you exclaimed, your mind drawing a blank for a moment before you realised what it was that was being discussed.
"I am truly sorry for my actions and the hurt they caused. Please forgive me."
"It's completely understandable that you reacted the way you did. Given the pain you were experiencing at that time, it's natural to respond in a way that reflects your emotions."
"I'm sorry," he said softly, looking down at his feet.
You expressed doubt with the question, "I'm still alive, aren't I?"
His eyes widened with astonishment as he gazed upward, caught off guard by your words.
"Yeah you are still alive," he replied, his voice slightly hesitant and reserved.
"Good, if not, who would be able to stop you from making another hole on your ship," You joked.
Eustass Kid's flushed and red face perfectly complemented his lipstick as he was overcome with a mix of emotions, causing his blood to rush to his cheeks.
The vibrant hue of his makeup reflected the intensity of his feelings, creating a striking and powerful appearance that captured the attention of everyone around him.
"I made something for you," he muttered, avoiding eye contact.
Curiosity piqued, you gently probed, "What is it?"
Sheepishly, he handed you a small, beautifully crafted necklace. The intricate design and attention to detail spoke volumes about the effort he had put into making it, leaving you touched and speechless.
Taking a closer look at the small, beautifully crafted necklace, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. "Kid, it's beautiful," you said breathless at the sight of it.
"You really went all out, didn't you?" you chuckled, teasingly.
Kid's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and he stammered, "I-I wanted to make something special for you...to show you how sorry I am."
"Thank you so much, Kid. This means the world to me."
Kid nodded before walking away nervously, a mixture of relief and anxiety evident in his movements. The weight of his apology and the vulnerability he had shown hung in the air, leaving you with a newfound understanding of his sincerity and the depth of his remorse.
You smiled, touched by Kid's gesture, before delicately tying the necklace around your neck. As the pendant rested against your chest, the cool metal against your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of forgiveness.
It's not like being friends with him is against your own rules right?
As you felt your heart pounding in your chest, you couldn't help but wonder if your feelings for Kid went beyond friendship. The intensity of your emotions raised questions about the nature of your relationship and whether it was possible to cross that line without breaking your own rules.
There was no point in even thinking about it. After all, you were just a mere crew member and he was part of The Worst Generation.
The boundaries between friendship and something more were blurry, but you knew that navigating the complexities of a romantic relationship with Kid would be a challenge you weren't sure you were ready to take on.
But deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling that Kid's gesture meant more than just pity. The sincerity in his eyes and the effort he had put into making the necklace hinted at something deeper, something that made you question the boundaries of your relationship.
"This is too much," you muttered to yourself before you walked to where you were supposed to be 20 minutes ago. As you hurriedly made your way to your destination, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within you - gratitude, confusion, and a lingering curiosity about what could lie beyond the boundaries of friendship with Kid. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Nami laughed teasingly, "I told you that you loved him!"
"Come on, Nami, don't start with that again," you replied, rolling your eyes playfully.
"So it took you three weeks to figure out your feelings," Nami stated as she peeled a tangerine. "That's a slow burn if I've ever seen one."
"Why don't you stop judging and give me advice?" you muttered, stealing a slice of the tangerine and dropping it into your mouth.
"Advice? Gurl, you need to take your butt out there and tell him how you feel," Nami answered, eating the rest of the tangerine.
"Did you not hear a word of what I just said?" you asked, lying back on the chair.
"Yeah, you don't want to disrupt the relationship between the two pirate crews right?" Nami said with a sly grin. "But hey, sometimes you have to take a risk for love. Who knows, maybe you and Kid could be the ultimate power couple of the seas!"
"That's not real advice, Nami," you groaned into your hands, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. "I can't just jeopardise everything for a potential romance. I need to think this through and consider the consequences."
"You think too much," Nami commented, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and take a leap of faith. Life's too short to overthink everything."
As you were going to respond, the door opened and revealed Killer, Kid's first mate and closest confidant. The sight of him caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but wonder if he had overheard your conversation with Nami.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?"
You nodded before saying goodbye to Nami, who had a grin on her face. As you walked towards Killer, you couldn't shake off the feeling that he had indeed heard your conversation. Your heart raced, unsure of what he might say or how he might react.
As you closed the door behind you, you faced Killer and asked, "Is something wrong?" His expression seemed serious, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over you.
"During this day every year, I've recorded that Kid's phantom pain increases threefold," Killer said, his voice filled with concern. "I know you care about him, and I wanted to warn you that he might not be in the best state of mind right now."
"I thought you should know, since you're the only one who seems to have a calming effect on him. It's important that you understand the impact you have on him."
You nodded in understanding, grateful that Killer had shared this information with you. As he started to walk away, you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of responsibility towards Kid and his well-being, knowing that your presence had such a profound effect on him.
"Umm, Killer, can I ask you for a favor?" you said hesitantly, hoping he would agree.
He turned around with a curious look, his gaze fixed on you. "Of course, what do you need?" Killer responded, his tone indicating his willingness to help.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
"I appreciate you providing this room for me", you said, sitting on the new bed.
"It's no problem," Killer said, leaning against the door frame on the other side of the room. "I'm glad I could help. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask."
You nodded, grateful for Killer's support, and he closed the door behind him, leaving you alone to gather your thoughts.
Feeling a mix of emotions, you then laid on the bed, trying to process the weight of Killer's words and the newfound responsibility you held in Kid's life.
The room felt heavy with the realization that your presence could make a difference in someone's well-being, and you couldn't help but wonder how you could best support Kid during his struggle with his phantom pain.
"Umm, Killer, can I ask you for a favor?" you said hesitantly, hoping he would agree.
He turned around with a curious look, his gaze fixed on you. "Of course, what do you need?"
"Since Kid may need my help during the night, can I stay over at his ship for tonight?" you asked, hoping that Killer would understand the urgency of the situation.
Killer's expression softened, and he nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, I think that would be a good idea. Kid will appreciate having you there for support."
Why did you ask him that? Why were you on Kid's ship? This was definitely going to cause some problems for both of the crews if they saw where you were.
"You think too much," Nami commented, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and take a leap of faith. Life's too short to overthink everything."
You sighed, remembering Nami's words. Sometimes, you just have to trust your instincts and do what feels right in the moment.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as you lay on the bed, knowing that your proximity to Kid's room could potentially complicate things.
There is only one purpose for your presence here, and that is to help Kid.
Laying down on the bed, you tried to get some sleep, hoping that a good night's rest would help clear your mind and prepare you for the challenges ahead. However, thoughts of the potential complications lingered, making it difficult to find peace in the midst of your newfound responsibility.
You held the necklace that Kid made for you tightly, feeling its familiar weight against your chest. It brought you a sense of comfort and reminded you of the connection you shared with Kid.
As you drifted off to sleep, you hoped that your presence on Kid's ship would ultimately bring more good than harm. . . .
In the eerie darkness, Kid found himself paralysed with fear as he witnessed Victoria, his beloved, trapped in a nightmarish scenario, fading away before his very eyes.
Her anguished cries echoed in the void, sending shivers down his spine. Despite his desperate attempts to reach out and save her, he was rendered powerless, a mere spectator to her tragic demise.
As the nightmare unfolded, a sinister force seemed to take hold of the dream, twisting and distorting reality.
Suddenly, you appeared in the scene, just as you had that fateful night a week ago, drunk and stumbling. Kid's heart raced as he desperately tried to make sense of your presence in this haunting nightmare, unsure of the role you played in the twisted reality unfolding before him.
Kid's body started to move without his command, running towards Y/N. Panic and confusion filled his mind as he tried to regain control, but his limbs seemed to have a will of their own.
The closer he got to Y/N, the more intense the feeling of dread became, as if his own instincts were warning him to stay away.
In a surge of terror and desperation, Kid's hands clenched around Y/N's neck, his grip tightening as he lifted them off the ground. The place filled with the sound of Y/N's gasps for air, mingled with Kid's anguished cries, as the nightmare took a horrifying turn.
"K-Kid, I can help you," you muttered, gasping for air, desperately trying to convey that you were not the enemy in this twisted nightmare. Your words hung in the tense air, a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Kid would snap out of it and release his grip on your neck.
Kid also hoped so too, that his body would listen to him and leave you alone.
But of course, since it was a nightmare, Kid's body remained under the control of the sinister force, tightening his grip even further. The glimmer of hope quickly faded as Y/N's vision started to blur, their consciousness slipping away as the nightmare reached its horrifying climax.
Your hand then touched his arm and suddenly Kid felt refreshed, as if a surge of energy had coursed through his veins. The effect of your devil fruit powers seemed to break through the grip of the sinister force, loosening Kid's hold on your neck.
As his senses returned, Kid's eyes widened with horror at what he had almost done, his trembling hands releasing their grip as he fell to his knees, overcome with guilt and relief.
Y/N lay motionless on the ground, gasping for air and clutching your throat, the remnants of Kid's grip still visible on your skin. The weight of guilt and relief washed over Kid, leaving him paralysed with the realisation of what he had almost done.
"Please, not you too," he muttered, his voice filled with a mixture of anguish and desperation, as he stared at your motionless body on the ground. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Kid woke up in a jolt, sweating profusely. He looked around, relieved to find himself in his own bed, safe and sound.
It took a moment for him to realise that it was all just a nightmare, but the guilt and fear still lingered in his mind.
As the night went on, Eustass Kid's arm continued to bother him. Kid lay awake in the darkness of his quarters aboard the Kid Pirates ship.
The memory of losing his arm in a fierce battle replayed in his mind, causing him to grimace in pain as he felt the phantom ache that still haunted him. The room was suffocatingly silent, except for the occasional creaks and groans of the ship as it managed against the dark waters.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his missing arm, causing Kid to sit upright with a gasp. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he clenched his teeth, trying to push away the pain that felt all too real.
He longed for a distraction, something to take his mind off the agony that had consumed him.
Just then, a soft knock sounded at his door, followed by the creak of the hinges as it opened slowly. Kid's first instinct was to lash out, but he stopped himself when he saw who stood before him - you, your concerned gaze locked on his troubled face.
"I... I heard you groaning in pain. Is everything alright?" you asked, your voice filled with genuine worry.
Kid's initial reaction was to brush you off, to insist that he was fine, that you should leave him be or even question how you were on his ship. But as he saw the genuine concern in your eyes, he hesitated.
For a brief moment, he let his guard down, allowing the vulnerability that he usually kept hidden to surface.
"My arm... it still hurts sometimes but it's worse now. The pain never really goes away at this time," Kid murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Do... you want me to help you?"
At first, Eustass Kid was taken aback by your offer even though you've been helping him for weeks now.
"Yes... please," Kid replied, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.
You could see the hesitation in his eyes, but you also saw the genuine need for companionship. Without a second thought, you agreed to stay.
It's not like anything would happen right?
As you adjusted to the darkness, you realised that Kid was shirtless, revealing the scars that covered his muscular chest and arms. The sight took you by surprise, but you quickly averted your gaze, focusing instead on the pain that was etched across his face.
You slowly walked up to him, his eyes never leaving you. His eyes held a mixture of pain, longing, and vulnerability, as if they were windows to a soul that had experienced more than its fair share of hardships.
In that moment, you could see the depth of his emotions, the weight he carried on his shoulders, and a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, you could provide him with the solace he desperately needed.
You sat down on the edge of his bed, reaching over to his amputated hand when he grabbed you with his other hand. His grip was surprisingly gentle, as if he was afraid of breaking you.
"Kid?" you questioned, your voice filled with concern as you met his gaze. "Are you okay? You can talk to me, you know."
Despite the fact that he was generally regarded as an independent person, he could not deny that he had a strong desire for someone to stay with him tonight.
He wanted you. He needed you.
"Stay the night with me. Please..." he finally spoke, his voice laced with vulnerability.
Your eyes widened at his statement, surprised by the depth of his vulnerability and the sincerity in his plea. The weight of his words hung in the air, and you found yourself unable to resist his request.
"I'll stay," you said, your voice gentle and reassuring. "What do you want me to do?"
Kid's reply was a soft whisper, barely audible in the darkness. "Just... stay with me," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability.
Gently, he pulled you closer by your hand, his touch both tender and desperate, closing the physical distance between you.
The warmth of his touch and the vulnerability in his eyes made it clear that all he needed in that moment was your presence.
Placing your hand close to Kid's head, you felt the softness of Kid's hair against your fingertips, which made your heart skip a beat.
As Kid's hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, a wave of goosebumps cascaded over your body, electrifying every inch of your skin that his touch grazed. The intensity of the moment heightened, revealing the depth of his longing and the raw vulnerability he entrusted to you.
"What do you want?" you repeated, your voice a gentle whisper.
"I want you, even if it's only for tonight," he confessed, his voice filled with a mixture of desire and desperation that sent shivers down your spine.
"What about the others?" you muttered, your mind racing with thoughts of the potential consequences.
"I just want you here with me," Kid replied, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and determination. "I don't care about the others. All I need is you."
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
In that moment, Kid took it as a sign to cup your cheek and lean closer, his lips gently brushing against yours, igniting a fire within both of you.
His lips were soft and warm, molding perfectly against yours as they moved in sync. The gentle pressure and the taste of his kiss sent a rush of heat through your body, making you forget about everything else except the intense connection you shared in that moment.
As the kiss deepened, Kid's tongue gently traced the outline of your lips, seeking permission to explore further. Your heart raced with anticipation as you granted access, allowing the kiss to become even more passionate and intoxicating.
His tongue danced with yours, exploring the depths of your mouth with a hunger that mirrored the intensity of his longing. Every stroke and caress of his tongue sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, erasing any doubts or hesitations that lingered in your mind. In that moment, all that mattered was the intoxicating taste of him and the electrifying connection you shared.
You reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, your chests rising and falling rapidly as you both tried to catch your breath. The intensity of the moment had left you dizzy, and you needed a moment to collect your thoughts and reassess the situation.
Kid's lipstick was definitely smuggled all over your lips, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. The taste of him lingered on your tongue, a reminder of the passionate connection you had just experienced.
"I like the taste of your lips on mine," he muttered, his voice still filled with longing. The words sent a thrill down your spine, igniting a desire within you that mirrored his own.
"Well, if you like the taste of my lips, maybe you should try them again," you replied with a playful smirk, unable to resist the magnetic pull between the two of you.
"If you're offering, I wouldn't want to deny you another taste," Kid responded with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Only if you promise to make it even more unforgettable than the last time," you said, your voice dripping with seduction.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull between the two of you, he captured your lips once again, his kiss even more passionate and intoxicating than before.
As you kissed, Kid's hands gently slid down your back, pulling you closer and causing you to straddle him. As the kiss deepened and his hands explored your body, one of Kid's hands slipped under your shirt, sending shivers of anticipation down your spine.
The touch of his warm skin against yours heightened the intensity of the moment, fuelling the desire that burned between you. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You woke up to the smells heavily of metal and copper, the remnants of the passionate encounter with Kid still fresh in your mind. As you took in the scent, a mix of desire and satisfaction washed over you.
You opened your eyes to see Kid's peaceful face beside you, his breathing steady and his lips slightly parted. The sight filled you with a sense of contentment and a desire to continue exploring the depths of your connection with him.
The sunlight streaming through the curtains caught your attention, and you realised that it was morning. The soft glow illuminated the room, casting a warm, golden hue over the tangled sheets and the two of you intertwined within them
As you watched Kid sleep, a sense of gratitude washed over you, knowing that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
The things you said last night haven't escaped your memory.
However, deep down, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness that this passionate encounter with Kid was only meant to be a single night. The bittersweet feeling lingered as you admired Kid's peaceful face, wishing for more moments like these to come.
You slowly got out of his bed, gently releasing Kid's grip and tiptoeing towards the door.
As you looked back at his sleeping form one last time, you couldn't help but wonder if fate had other plans in store for the two of you, and if this unforgettable night was just the beginning of something more. . . .
Why can't you stop the pain in your heart?As you thought, gripping your shirt, you realised that the pain in your heart cannot be stopped because it is an emotional pain that stems from deep within.
"Stay the night with me. Please..." he finally spoke, his voice laced with vulnerability.
"I'll stay," you said, your voice gentle and reassuring. "What do you want me to do?"
Kid's reply was a soft whisper, barely audible in the darkness. "Just... stay with me," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability.
The warmth of his touch and the vulnerability in his eyes made it clear that all he needed in that moment was your presence.
Placing your hand close to Kid's head, you felt the softness of Kid's hair against your fingertips, which made your heart skip a beat.
As you ran your fingers over the necklace Kid had made for you, the memories of last night stayed in your mind, reminding you of the deep connection you shared.
You weren't going to deny that you had fallen in love with Kid.
Eustass Kid's vibrant red hair was wild and unkempt, adding to his rugged and unpredictable appearance. The fiery colour of his hair reflected his fiery personality and his willingness to take on any challenge.
He possessed a towering and imposing physique, adorned with a labyrinth of battle scars and metallic implants seamlessly integrated into his arms and shoulders.
You couldn't help but find Kid's rugged appearance and fiery personality incredibly attractive.
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
You remembered the promise you made to him - this was only for one day and at the time, you thought it was enough for you but now you regret it.
You longed for the feeling of his hands on your skin, the way they would trace delicate patterns and send shivers down your spine.
You were torn between your desire for more and your initial agreement to only stay for one night. The memories of his touch haunted you, and you couldn't help but yearn for more than just one night together.
Yet, you knew that breaking your promise would only lead to more complications and heartache.
Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door, interrupting the bittersweet longing in the air.
"Come in," you said, your voice slightly shaky as you tried to compose yourself. As the door opened, you put on a brave face, hoping that no one would see the traces of tears that lingered in your eyes.
The door revealed Nami with a worried look, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of distress. You quickly wiped away the traces of tears and put on a smile, masking the pain that still lingered in your heart.
"Hey, Nami," you greeted, trying to sound cheerful. "What brings you here?"
"Kid just left with his crew, and you were the only one who wasn't there to see him off," Nami explained, her voice tinged with concern. "I wanted to make sure you're okay. Is everything alright?"
"I'm okay," you replied, forcing a smile. "Thanks for checking in, Nami."
She sat on your bed and sighed, her eyes filled with understanding. "I can see that something is bothering you. You don't have to pretend with me, you know," Nami said gently.
"I know," you said, touching the necklace again, "But there was no way anything would happen even if I sent him off."
"So he didn't ask you?"
"Ask me what?" you asked curiously.
"That dinner when you left early, Kid asked Luffy if he could have you join his crew and surprisingly Luffy agreed but if you agreed to it too,"
You were speechless at Nami's words. Kid asked Luffy to join his crew? Why didn't he ask you? Did he think you were going to reject his offer?
Did he not see how much you longed for him? Did he not feel the same connection as you did? The questions swirled in your mind, filling you with a mixture of regret and confusion.
"Why didn't he ask me?" you muttered out loud, the words escaping your lips before you could stop them.
Nami assured you, "You can ask him next time we bump into each other. Maybe he just didn't find the right moment to bring it up. Don't worry, I'm sure there's a reason behind it."
"I guess," you muttered, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over you.
Eustass Kid, does he not realise how smitten you have become with him that he's using you as a toy for his own entertainment without even knowing?
Part 2?
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swampstew · 14 days
Turn Back Time ~ Devil Fruit Reveal
Thanks to the amazing @apirateslifeforbudgie for helping bring this bizarre fruit to life! In my brain the design was more pretzel-like held together with a cherry stem, but tbh if I saw something like that irl I wouldn't eat it, much less make my girls eat it!
I call it the fuse fuse fruit but maybe I should call it the Rebecca Sugar fruit considering the concept is entirely inspired by Steven Universe :3 Like most devil fruits, it was destined to reach both Candy and Andrea, and even has the audacity to be dual colored exactly to the besties color schemes.
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This weird lil thang gives its user (or in my AU - users) the ability to fuse organic and non organic items to other items to create something entirely new. It only works for organic x organic or non-organic x non-organic fusing -- so far anyways.
Additionally, it also has the power to defuse an item back to its base components. Think a pie - it can be reverted back to all the original ingredients used to make it.
Awakened - this fruit is fucking terrifying. It can fuse anything big or small to be whatever the user wants it to be. It defies the line of fusing organic and non-organic matierals together, going as far to even fuse different species together! It all depends on the image the user has in mind as the final result. That said, its de-fusing power is even more terrifying. Not only can it be used to reduce an item to its base components - but shit - AWAKENED? that shit will revert an item to fucking minerals and ATOMS.
:D That's all for now folks!
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jaim-inhothekid · 3 months
⚠︎ 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡
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[ W.C ! ] : 2k
[ Summary ! ] : Eustass 'Captain' Kid has a serious problem with jealousy. His girlfriend, Vera, gets frustrated with his overreaction after seeing her being friendly with a random vendor. Killer is called in to help. | NSFW ; OC x Canon
⌗ ✎ Author's Note : This is a work commissioned by the lovely @punkgibsons !! If you're interested in commissioning me as well, here's my sheet!
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Eustass Kid has a plethora of issues, that much is obvious even to those who only know him by name and face on his wanted poster. His reputation precedes him, always did – Once as the violent rookie with a trigger temper and sharp tongue who carried the biggest bounty between the supernovas, leaving a bloody trail of civilian deaths in his wake. Then as one of the pirates who defeated an emperor of the sea during the raid on Onigashima, either way, Eustass Kid has always been known for being bad news. Some would argue that he put the ‘worst’ in worst generation.
But out of all the issues Kid has going on, the most obvious has to be his possessiveness. Eustass has a nasty jealous streak over his things and over his people. Much like a kid who had never been taught to and therefore hates the concept of having to share – what's mine is mine, what's yours is yours. Kid doesn't see the problem in being a little cautious, especially over his girlfriend, Vera. Men out there are nasty, he knows it better than anyone, is it really that much of a crime to not want some slimy pig to get all touchy with his girl? No, no he doesn't think so.
And Eustass makes his thoughts well known when his fingers dig sharply on the meat of Vera's arm in a steel grip as he drags her back to Victoria Punk grumbling and cursing under his breath. Vera's voice serves merely as background noise to the enraged man, complaints over the harshness of his touch and pleads to let her explain the situation fallen on deaf ears, those that were flushed a bright red at the tips – something that happened when Eustass got worked up, the flush only grew when pointed out as he got even more worked up with the addition of embarrassment. Vera kept her face covered with her free hand as they made their way back to Victoria, out of shame from the scene her boyfriend caused – the offenses being a destroyed vendor's stand and said vendor collapsed on the ground, cradling his bloodied face – and mouthed timid “I'm sorry's” to the townsfolk that caught her gaze.
Upon reaching the ship, Eustass threw the door of his quarters open with such force that the walls shook from the brutal blow. He was not at all softer to close it, either, the windows vibrated in protest when it was slammed shut. And Vera was pushed to stand in the middle of the room as Eustass leaned back against the door, arms crossed and nostrils flared, a grotesque scowl twisting his handsome features.
“Are ya fuckin’ stupid? Seriously, tell me– ‘cause you gotta be fuckin’ with me” Kid spat, his lips twisting in a snarl – it's a rethroical question, obviously. His clenched jaw and the bulging vein in his forehead indicate it very clearly. “Ain't no way you're that fuckin’ dumb!”
Vera alerts her gaze to a random point of the room, looking for anything interesting enough so she can focus her attention on – to escape from the oppressive weight of those burning irises. “... You got it all wrong,” Vera sighed, mentally chastising herself for sounding so meek. At least she found something to focus on, the scraps of metal Eustass has the nasty habit of leaving around at random, she gives him maybe until the end of the day before he trips on one of the piles. “The– The vendor was just being polite! And there was no need to break his stand or his nose! You overreac–”
“Am I, Vera? AM I?” Kid raised his voice, gesturing wildly at himself to further emphasize his questioning – smiling exasperatedly, running his hand through face and up to his hair, combing it back with his fingers. He was always so expressive, even more so when frustrated and angry, and in this case, jealous. “He was just being politeee-n!” Kid mockingly imitates the sound of Vera's voice, high pitched and grating in a poor attempt to recreate her soft tone, she scowls at the childish display. His mocking grin falls back in that enraged snarl, like the flip of a switch. “Yer always givin’ me that bullshit, no one ever flirts with ya– NOOO, ‘COURSE NOT! WHY WOULD THEY? I'm always overreacting! Right?!”
Vera huffs and rolls her eyes, stepping back to sit on their shared bed. Scowling up at the red haired man with her arms firmly crossed over her chest, she watched silently as he worked himself up over nothing. Childish, embarrassing, even. A whopping 6 foot and 9 inches worth of a whole – not quite, maybe ¾, disregarding the arm – grown ass man throwing a tantrum over petty jealousy.
“What?” He growled, face darkening and a dangerous glint shining in his eyes, menace hanging in the air “Why t’fuck are ya staring at me like that?”
Vera kept her mouth shut, crossing one leg over the other as her foot tapped impatiently against the floor, she looked at her empty wrist in a mocking imitation of how one would check their watch and then glanced back at the man, clear exasperation in her features. Are you done?
“Yer gonna be like that, huh?” Eustass clicks his tongue, kisses his teeth, a small huff leaving his mouth – expressive, noisy, overwhelming – the way he holds himself reflecting perfectly on all of his actions and general approach to life. The way his face momentarily falls into a mask of indifference was almost convincing, the calm before the storm, Vera knew him too well to think that he was done. “Fine, great. Fuckin’ awesome.”
Vera gave him the shoulders, looking straight at the wall, was she lowering herself to his level by offering the silent treatment? Maybe, was it just as childish? Yeah, definitely. But still, this was far from the first and definitely not even close to the last time Kid pulled a stunt like that. It was upsetting to have all of her interactions with strangers seen with malicious eyes – she was just friendly, what's so wrong with that?
Vera's thoughts were cut short when Kid took a large fistful of her dark curls, forcefully turning her head to face him again– and the first thing in her field of vision was his cock, thick and flushed pink, adorned by a ladder of golden piercings that followed the curve of his shaft, throbbing along with the fast beat of his heart.
“Y'Don't wanna talk to me? Fine,” he growled, a smug sneer tugging at his lips at Vera's immediate flustered reaction. He bucked his hips slightly, making the tip bump against the plush of her bottom lip, a small trail of precum left behind. “Talk to this cock, then”
Might as well, right?
Vera opened her mouth only partially, feeling cheeky. She didn't want to be too eager and comply with his demands right away, she was still angry at him, dammit! – even though the sight alone was enough to send a wave of pleasure running down her spine and made her momentarily forget what she was even mad about. Eustass was having none of it, sticking the rough pad of his thumb past her lips, he forced it open by pressing firmly against the roof of her mouth. Immediately sticking his cock inside the moment she gave him room for it.
“That's it, brat” Kid hissed, a mean smirk on his face as he used her throat as a free use sleeve. The little choked gargles and the enclosing warmth of her throat constricting around his dick made Kid suck his bottom lip between his teeth, “That's the best thing that pretty trap o’ ya's can do”
Eustass had an iron grip on Vera's head – fingers interlocked within the thick curls, he bullied his shaft into the wet cavern of her throat carelessly, his piercings making a soft clink! clink! Whenever they scraped over her teeth. His nostrils flare and a shuddered curse forces its way out of his throat when Vera hollows her cheeks and takes his shaft into her hand – jerking it once just to make his tip peek out from the foreskin, her tongue swiping over the slit to collect the pearls of precum forming on it. Kid's eyes roll to the back of his head.
“Fuckkkk, I love that slutty mouth–” He groaned, tossing his head back at a particularly hard suckle on his tip, he had half a mind to pursue his lips before a whimper could come out. “Fuckin’ minx” He growled, taking his hand off her scalp to harshly pinch her nose – cutting of her air supply. Eustass slammed his dick into the back of her throat a few more times until fat tears formed on those pretty eyes and her hands went to grab his thighs, nails digging at his tensed muscles. With a devious smirk, Kid pushed her off his dick and into the bed with a hard shove to her forehead.
Gasping for air, Vera barely had time to reconnect with her surroundings before Kid was on her again. Pinning her body down and laying in between her legs, forcing them to spread wide open to accommodate the width of his waist – taking both her wrists into one hand, he trapped her hands in front of her body. Kid kissed her with the hunger of a man who haven't had a meal in months, licking into her mouth and tasting himself on her tongue, sucking and biting on her lips until they swelled and bruised, a thin line of spit connected their mouths when he pulled away, pressing his forehead against hers and growling darkly against her lips.
Vera's thighs snapped open and she couldn't move her wrists– how?! She looked down, startled, blinking at the newfound metal restraints – a spreader bar digging into the supple skin of her thighs, with a chain connecting to the improvised handcuffs around her wrists, from the scraps on the floor, of course.
“Be a darlin’ and stay ‘ere,” Kid winked, delivering a swift spank to Vera's still clothed pussy. Laughing when her legs twitched against the restraints and whined, such a bully. “Not like ya’ can go anywhere else” He scoffed, giving her body one last, appreciative once over before tucking his dick back into his pants and exiting the room. Leaving her there in that vulnerable position.
It didn't take too long before Eustass came back with a familiar figure by his side, Killer. Vera couldn't help but flush bright red at being under the gaze of the two men – even though Killer was no stranger inside their bedroom, in fact, he was familiar to the point of not even being considered a simple guest anymore. The blonde smirked knowingly at her when he took notice of her flustered look.
“Is he being too hard on you, pretty girl?” Killer rasped on that low, rough tone of his. And Vera felt her bottoms getting more ruined by the second – the fabric damp with her dripping arousal.
“Too hard on ‘er my ass” Kid retorted, his lips drew back into a snarl. Nodding his chin at Vera's direction, they walked further into the room – Killer locking the door behind him as they came to stand over the bed, looming over Vera. “Sluts like ‘er aren't satisfied with just one man”
“That true, pretty?” Killer asked, a mean grin spreading over his face as he cocked his head down at her. Vera pouted, batting her eyelashes innocently at the blonde. “No, you're not a slut, pretty girl. I know you aren't–”
Killer's knee dipped on the mattress next to her head, cradling her neck softly as he sat down and eased her head to lay on his lap, teasingly close to the hardened bulge in his pants. Kid followed his lead, kneeling in between Vera's spread thighs – she gasped loudly as the redhead ripped at her bottoms, the thin fabric dangling in slashed pieces over her hips as her cunt was exposed, the candidly messy scenery of her spread legs and glistening core had Kid hungrily licking his lips at her.
“– But we know you love being fucked like one”
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kingofthe-egirls · 8 months
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collab with the "sunflower supernovas" ;)
special dedication to @stargirldelight since eustass is her official sweetheart 😈
(cw: stranded on a deserted island, she shows up with a gun but safety is on, reader is scarred along her face, she's stranded as well, sex, creampie, someone sees them after sex)
(a/n: i've never written for eustass before! i hope yall like him lol sorry if he's ooc, i haven't seen much of him besides wano hehe)
Songs: "Hey Little Songbird" from Hadestown (except she's Hades)
words: 2.1k
There’s no metal on this island.
Not even underground.
I huff, still standing on the beach where I washed up. Where’s Killer?
And, more importantly, where the fuck is my ship?
I start by scouting the coast.
It’s rocky, barely even sand, more like sharp shells and smooth pebbles. My boots crunch over the gravelly shore as I scan the horizon, eyes squinting against the brilliant sunlight. It’s like this island is somehow closer to the sun than the rest of the planet. I smirk; must be somewhere in the middle, then.
Seagulls call overhead, and I shield my eyes with my mechanic’s arm: no ship in sight. No News Coo, either.
Well, shit.
Something snaps the brush behind me, several feet off from the coast. I swirl, cape swinging soaked and heavy from my aching shoulders. I shrug it off, letting it slop to the ground with a disgusting squelch. It smells like seaweed, and the salty ocean still clinging to its fur is draining my soul. I grimace; I liked that cape.
Snaps come again, and I focus on the higher ground of the forest’s edge to see a girl stepping out. She’s wearing a tattered nightdress, slashes through the middle and the sleeves are all but torn off. She’s pretty.
She’s holding a gun.
“Stay back!” She commands, shaking where she stands, and I laugh. Can’t help it—the tiny thing is a cub that thinks it’s a tigress. I slap my mechanic’s arm across my knee, finally getting some reprieve from my marooner’s misfortune.
“Sorry,” I say, spreading my chapped lips in a sloppy grin. My lipstick feels dry and cracked, and it sort of splits my bottom lip as I smile. I cough, suddenly, the seaweed and saltwater still getting to me.
“Oh!” She cries, dropping the gun and rushing toward me. She’d left the safety on, the shit-for-brains.
“Ya weren’t holding that right,” I say, before coughing up a mouthful of seawater. “Safety’s still on, too.”
She frowns, but stays close enough to hover over me. “S-sorry,” she says, fluttering small hands over my ribs, my waist. I want to buck her off—to wave her away and ask for help with finding my ship, but she smells like flowers so I let her stay.
“What’s your name?” I ask, hoarse. She has strong arms, and sharp eyes. Her collarbones jut out like raw-cut diamonds. She frowns at my midsection, her face coming up to only my sternum. She’s short.
“Y/n,” she speaks plainly.
“Sweet name,” I say, and then brush her off finally. She seems like a castaway, just like me. “Stranded?”
“Mm,” she nods, standing farther back with her arms crossed. Her hair is wet. “How bout you?”
“Same,” I say, before stepping around her to continue scouting the coast. There has to be a sign, somewhere, of what the fuck happened to my ship. I slink off two metal gears, spinning them around my head as I step over broken shells. She sucks in a breath, and I turn.
“So you’re a power user,” she says, stepping along after me. Her feet are bare, and the shells must hurt. She winces, slightly, but I don’t stop her.
“Isn’t it obvious?” I sneer again, strides covering more ground than three of hers: she has to jog to keep up.
She scrunches her nose.
“Sorry,” she steps on a particularly sharp stone, and stops. I sigh, holding out my metal arm. She stares, but I don’t move, so she steps closer. Her silhouette is barely covered by the shredded remnants of her cotton nightdress.
I slide my arm around her, hoisting her atop my metal shoulder like a parrot. She sits, awkwardly at first. She scrunches her nose again—a sign of displeasure, and I stop. “What, metal seat’s not so comfy? Ya got a sensitive ass, or somethin’?”
She snorts.
“Sorry,” she says again, so I shift her around to the other side. Her weight is warm, and surprisingly comfortable. “What’s your story?”
So I tell her.
We scout as far as we can before the sun starts to set. She says she has a camp set up in the middle of the woods, but it’s too far to get to before nightfall. So, we start gathering firewood while I rearrange my metallic supplies to make a sort of lean-to for shelter. Not my most elegant work, but shit still gets the job done. She returns with an armful of sandy driftwood.
She has sand in her hair.
She flicks the tangled strands across her shoulder, struggling to focus on the flint in her hands with the messy curls getting in her way.
“Here,” I say, tossing her a small metal washer. She stares at it, silent. I roll my eyes, but crouch behind her to run her curls through the eye of the metal nut. She shivers, goosebumps starting to form along her exposed skin. “Cold?” I ask, before thunking down heavily on the other side of the campfire.
She strikes at the flint, sparks catching on the fluffy twigs she found in the forest. She blows smoothly on the sparks, and soon enough the rest of the wood is catching. I’m surprised: fire-starting isn’t so easy, for most people.
“Surprised?” She asks, flames reflected in her sharp eyes. I shake my head, but she snorts. She’s crouching in front of the fire, on a sheet of metal so her feet don’t hurt. “Survival skills are actually something I’m good at,” she sniffs, smoke filling the air between us. “I was my ship’s forager, for a while. Scouting out into the wilderness, seeing if there’s treasure.” She seems proud of her journeys.
She scrunches her nose to the side again, her lips twisting sourly. “Since they left me here as a fucking castaway, yeah. Was.”
“Sorry,” I say, legs splayed out in front of me. She shakes her head.
“S’not your fault.”
She speaks with bitterness, like she’s chewing on lemon slices.
A wolf's howl calls out from the wilderness. She flinches, and I don’t. I scruff a hand through my still-wet hair. I wish I wasn't shivering, still recovering from the seaweed and saltwater. “So, how long have you been here?”
She stares at me with haunted eyes. “Three years.”
“Shit,” I say, staring back at her with a revised admiration. She shrugs.
“News Coo doesn’t come here,” she sprinkles dried pine needles on the fire, and the orange sparks flare. “So there’s no way to send a message, unless you can find a cork and a bottle.”
“Have you?”
I swallow, shifting in the sandy beach. Shells and stones crackle under me. The fire smells like turpentine: the pine sending curls of fragrant smoke up into the sky. “Smoke signals?”
She smiles.
“Sure, if you like wasting time.”
She’s strong, like me.
She reminds me of my friend, so long ago, who I named my ship after. I want her to see my ship. I want to see her on my ship. She tilts her sandy head, scars crisscrossing under her eyes. Claw marks, probably from the wolves we heard howl in the distance. I lick my lips; she mimics my movement, but slowly. She looks like a shark, analyzing her soon-to-be prey. 
I cock my head, “You’re coming home with me." My throat is dry and cracked like the lipstick on my face. We need fresh water, and soon. She flicks her dark eyes up to me, alight with something not unlike starvation. It sends chills down my spine, despite the campfire’s heat. I smirk, slow and shitty like Killer always hates. “I have a ship and crew, I dunno where they are, but they’ll find us. And we could use a survivor like you.”
She shrugs. “Sure, if your ship magically shows up, I’ll start working for you.”
I scruff a hand through my hair, swirling nerves in my belly for the first time in a while. I see something feral inside her, shining like the sharp edge of a knife’s blade.
I was wrong:
She is a tigress.
She’s straddling me, my chest bare as she scrabbles with my belt buckle. She’s feral for sure, starving for intimacy and lucky me: I washed up just in time.
She scratches sharp fingers over my torso, cracked and dirty nails leaving red marks along my skin. She sniffs deeply, leaning forward to bury her face in my stomach. She's drinking in my skin, my scent, my sneering lips as she leans up to steal another sloppy kiss from me. She pulls back, smears of red lipstick scarlet and pretty along her scarred face. She's fucking hot as hell.
And she's pulling down my pants, boxers and all, and straddling me again to start sinking slowly onto my cock raw. She's feral, hissing through her clenched teeth as my aching hardness stretches her out. She's warm, and velvety soft. I grip her hips, hissing as we both feel the splitting pleasure of the first second of sex. She's scrunching her eyebrows, and I stroke her hip bones beneath her dress. They're sharper than they should be.
Yeah, I'm definitely taking her home with me.
She starts riding me slowly, lowering herself all the way down to the base of my cock. She takes the barrel swiftly, starting to speed up. "Fuck," I groan, sparks shooting through me as she grips me tighter. Her pussy's so fucking sweet, sucking me up all sloppy as she slams her hips down into mine. I stroke her lower back as it arches, shushing her as she starts to whimper on my length. "Sweetheart," I say, and she glimmers down at me with feral eyes. Like gleaming embers. Her hair is messy, having come undone from the makeshift metal ribbon.
"Sweetheart?" She mimics, as sarcastic as can be. I snicker, and start bucking up into her from below. She's scrabbling at my collarbones, suddenly bowed forward as she shivers with an orgasm. "Shit–," she whispers, "S'good, shit!"
I start fucking her recklessly now, swelling inside her as I get closer to my own climax. Shivers are running up and down my spine, the shells and sea glass crunching beneath my movements. She's smaller than me, and I don't want to snap her in half, but…
With her strangled cries and squeezing pussy, it's all I wanna do.
So she takes it, as hard and fast as she can, and she slurs swear words into the skin of my neck. She bites the skin, breaking it as she slurps at my pulse point. Shit, she likes it rough.
"S-slow down, sweetheart," I say, squeezing my hand between us so I can thumb at her clit. She hisses, teeth bared, as she pushes up from my chest to arch her hips how she likes.
I send her over another sweet climax, and she's sighing and slowing down.
"How's that?" I ask, squeezing her waist in both hands. My thrusts are stuttered now, sparks in my blood, as the white edge of an orgasm creeps through the edges of my vision. She nods, teeth sunk into her lower lip, and I cum.
Shit, shit shit shi–
"Holy shit–," I grunt, eyes squeezing shut as I pump her full of sperm. She gasps, stilling under my bruising touch, and I hope there won't be that many marks on her already scarred body.
Someone calls from offshore.
"Fuck!" She screams, scrambling off of me and backwards through the shells. She stares at the ocean, and I groggily see the sharp teeth of the ship I call home. Killer is standing on the prow, waving with his scythes overhead. She stands, straightening her tattered nightdress, and I follow suit. Squirming, she glances at me, and I smirk as I see spunk trickling down her calf and ankle onto shells and pebbles. I shove my softening cock back into my trousers, and buckle my belt. She's laughing now, shaking her head with her hands on her cheeks.
She stares at me.
"Welcome aboard, sweetheart."
She rolls her eyes, and I smirk.
"Scout y/n, at your service," she salutes, and I laugh out loud. She snickers, knocking her shoulder into mine as we start walking to meet the ship.
She's gonna look so good standing on that fucking prow.
"Oh," she turns to me, eyes blazing, "I still have stuff at my campsite. Telescopes, survival kits. Sake," she raises an eyebrow, and I feel my lips crack as my smirk widens.
"Y'know what, sweetheart?" I grab her hand, and squeeze it tight. She matches my grip strength, and I stumble. She laughs, a deep belly laugh that sends sparks down my spine. I shake my head, smiling, "You're gonna fit right in."
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shanalikeanna · 15 days
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It only took me 10000000 years because of various reasons, but here is my part of my trade with @mandiemegatron !!! Honestly I love that when I asked her where she wanted the setting to be she just said "Space". And I mean, in One Piece anything man can imagine can happen so. Space it is LOL. (I love you so much Mandie) Anyway I hope you like it!!!!! As always I had a lot of fun with this one. Although I do have to question Kid's taste in pants.
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emptystove · 25 days
Sparrow - Ch 4
One Piece Fanfic (Drama/Romance/Suspense)
Pairings: E. Kid x Reader, Sabo x Reader, Lucci x Reader (one sided)
Rating: EXPLICIT, 18+ ONLY
Chapter Summary: Decisions are being made by all parties in NWC.
Links to AO3, Wattpad -- Fanfic Master List
Chapter 4: Decisions, Decisions
CP9 Headquarters, NWC Central District
It had already been too long. 
The chances of finding you decreased the longer you were missing. The thought of being out of arms reach of you for this long was painful enough, and he knew it would only get worse as time marched on. Watching you, touching you, savoring your scent. His memories of you weren't enough anymore. Being in your presence and experiencing something new from you, it was the only way he could calm his tormented mind. 
And finally tasting you again. After so very long. If that didn't make him lose himself, the look on your face after he kissed you certainly did. You actually smiled at him. And it wasn't the wry grin you wore when you thought you were being cheeky, it was genuine happiness, contentment. He had only seen you look at him like that once before, and like a sickness invading his very being, it left the feeling of something warm blooming in his chest. Something more than the feral desires you always seemed to elicit from him. 
God, he wanted that feeling back. He would do anything to see you look at him like that again. And if he couldn't have that, he would have the next best thing. He would break through your icy shell like he had done so many times before. He would make you feel something for him as intensely as he felt for you. And if he couldn't have your adoration, he would gladly accept your fear. As long as the intensity was enough. As long as you felt it only for him. He would make you experience fear like you never had before. You deserved it after everything you did to him. 
They would know that fear soon enough, everyone who dared to help in your foolish escape. 
If you didn't have help, he would have already had you back where you belonged. He would be providing you with the appropriate punishment at this very moment. His nostrils flared at the thought. 
"Are you even listening to me?"
How long had she been standing there droning on?
"Report," Lucci demanded coldly. 
Kalifa's posture remained poised and professional even as she let out an exasperated sigh. "We tracked her signal to an abandoned warehouse on the edge of the West District city limits. It seems her tracker was removed and left there. We were able to leverage a few other departments to assist in raiding the remaining safe houses we know about, but there has been no other trace of her."
Lucci sat at the small conference table with one leg crossed over the other. He remained staring out the window as she spoke, taking in the quiet city below. 
"You really made a mess of this one. I don't know how you got your little project approved in the first place. She was never going to be one of us, especially with you training her. If you wanted a pet, you should have locked it up at home, not brought it in and pretended to give it a job."
Lucci turned a menacing eye toward Kalifa. "If there's nothing else." 
Time, it seemed, was not on his side. He didn't care to entertain whatever misplaced opinions she had, especially when it came to him and especially when it came to you. No, the longer you spent away from him the more time those terrorists had to fill your pretty little head with lies. It didn't matter what you were before he found you. You belonged with him now. She may have been right about one thing though. He should have kept you locked away where no one could find you. 
"There is one other thing," Kalifa's tone maintained it's callous professionalism. "Orders from above are to kill her on sight. After your embarrassing display in the subway, they don't want to risk her giving away information about our organization."
"She didn't know anything vital. Even if she told them everything she knew, it wouldn't give them an advantage over us."
"I think you and I both know her very existence gives them an advantage over you." She watched him carefully behind her pristine glasses. "Even if I'm wrong about that, would you actually consider going against their orders?"
Lucci stood and fully turned to face his fellow CP9 member. When he spoke, his tone was as cold and callous as hers was. "We're intelligence officers... We don't care who we face if we have orders."
"Good. Now that that is clear, I'm heading down to finished questioning the criminals we picked up from the station. They aren't anyone we have files on, likely new recruits. We will have to be efficient if we are to get anything out of them before they expire. I really wish you had been more careful with them, but I supposed it's rare for you to leave anyone breathing at all."
"I'll speak with them as well."
Kalifa turned to leave but shot Lucci one last glare in warning. "Fine, but don't expect to use that machine on them. Besides the fact that using it on your little Sparrow started this whole mess, Vegapunk has them restricted from use after one of the prototypes went missing." 
Lucci's eyes narrowed. She turned to exit without waiting more than a moment for a response. If she suspected him of anything more than she had already explicitly stated, there was no way she was willing to confront him or report him to anyone else. Despite how she held herself, it was clear that she was afraid of him. 
He saw her fear through her plastic façade, and it disgusted him. It was so pathetically basic. He remembered the fear on the faces of those who took you from him. It was palpable. He could smell it even as they hid themselves like rats in the shadows. Their fear wasn't misplaced though. For those who managed to remain alive, he looked forward to watching that expression cement into their features as they left this life. 
They wouldn't answer his questions. If the flame emperor was involved, and he was, the fodder he left behind wouldn't know anything of worth. That didn't mean they were completely useless though. 
Whatever he decided to do next, he would have to be careful. He had to get to you before any other agents could. Once he had you back, he could lock you away where no one else could touch you again. Whether it was the RA, the government, or any other pest who thought they could keep you away from him, it didn't matter. He would cage his Sparrow again no matter who tried to stop him. 
Before he could make any of that happen, he had one more thing he needed to do while it was still fresh in his mind. 
Kid's Body Shop, NWC South District
"What the hell is this?" 
Kid moved to the side and turned towards the kitchen entrance, allowing you to see two slightly flustered blonds in the doorway. 
Before either of you could answer, Sabo took quick strides to where you still sat atop the kitchen counter. "When we saw you weren't in the office..."
He trailed off as he took in the sight of you. You were calm, and despite the alcohol you were holding, it was obvious now that you were just here attempting to clean yourself up. 
"I need to tell you something, and it might be difficult to hear," Sabo began, shifting his gaze to his own feet.
"I already know," you replied matter-of-factly. 
Sabo and Killer turned to glare at Kid. 
"What the hell, Eustass?" Sabo's frustration was felt in every word. "I thought we agreed-"
Kid dramatically rolled his eyes at the blond before interrupting him. "I didn't agree to shit, and I didn't tell her either."
"I picked the locks on my handcuffs and listened to everything you said from the hallway," you stated calmly before taking another sip of your beer and glancing back towards Kid. "You really should invest in better restraints if you plan on trying to tie me up again."
Kid raised a brow and sent you a wicked grin that Sabo didn't miss. Before either of them could respond, Killer broke the tension. 
"You seem awfully calm about all of this."
"Yeah, I guess I should probably be freaking out, huh?" You replied thoughtfully before turning to Sabo. "I'm not sure why you would lie, but I'm not sure I believe it. Either way, it seems like you don't want to torture or kill me right now, so it's a big step up from Cipher Pol."
Sabo fumbled with his wallet a few moments before freeing a small item and handing it to you. 
It was a photograph. The edges were worn, and it had a slight discoloration from what looked like being left in the sun for too long. In the center, there were two people laughing, each with an arm around the other's shoulder. A blond boy with bright blue eyes who looked around seventeen and a slightly younger girl. That strange feeling of familiarity was creeping back into your gut. You brushed your thumb across the smaller of the two deliriously happy figures in your hands. It was you. 
"That's, uh," you started, pausing to let out a long sigh. "Ok, so maybe I do believe it."
It made sense. Even without the photographic evidence of you being all chummy with the second most powerful person in the Revolutionary Army, it made sense. You hated your life with CP9, and it only took a year with them to risk death over staying there another minute. They never gave you any details about yourself more than what was necessary. At the time, you assumed it was because they were all assholes who cared more about their orders than their own people. Well, that was true, but the secrecy could all too easily be explained by the fact that they didn't actually know any details about you. You hated how easily you accepted their lies, but at the time being one of them had made sense. You already had the skills of an agent ingrained in you, even if you didn't have your memory. That along with who you saw when you first woke up and what you saw him doing... 
"So what happens now?" 
You needed to stop dwelling on things in the past that you couldn't hope to change, and you needed to start looking to the future. You definitely had things you wanted. Getting your memories back was still number one on your list, but now you had a second goal that might be more attainable. The only problem was you didn't know enough about the people in this room. Before you would let them in on your intensions, you needed to trust that they wouldn't try to stop you when the time came. 
"Right now, we have to prioritize keeping you safe and hidden from the government. And as soon as we can, I'd like to get you looked at by a doctor."
You perked up a bit at that idea. "To look at my brain?" 
"Exactly," Sabo grinned. "We are going to do whatever we can to get your memories back."
You were trying hard not to get your hopes up, but you couldn't stop yourself from smiling. 
"We're still trying to find somewhere we can bring you in the meantime. In the last few hours, eight of our safe houses have been raided."
Your smile fell instantly. "They got raided after I left. Were they...," You swallowed hard. "The ones that were raided... Did I know about them?"
Sabo studied your face. You could tell he knew exactly what you were thinking. You didn't want to believe you were a rat, especially if you had been with the RA as long as they claimed. Just like that your head was swimming again with questions you couldn't answer. 
"There's no way to know how or when they came across that intel. I can promise you this, though. The (Y/n) who disappeared would have sooner died than give up anything on her friends." It was strange. Even though you couldn't remember speaking to him before a few hours ago, you knew he wasn't lying to you. "Right now we need to focus on keeping you hidden. I'll have to take you with me until we can find a place. It's a bit risky but-"
"Tsh. A bit risky?" Kid snorted.
"Didn't you mention CP9 had a 'special interest' in catching her?" Killer agreed. 
"It's not just CP9. Lucci will take this personally." Sabo sent you a look that said he'll definitely be asking you more about that later, and you avoided his gaze by glancing at the digital clock on the wall. "It's been over 4 hours since I ran. I'm guessing you took me here straight away, right? If he had any suspicion that I could be here, he wouldn't hesitate. And I don't see anyone banging down the doors to this place, so it's safe to say they have no idea I'm here. If they are busting up your safe houses, they want to flush me out. Moving me now, especially without another secure location available, is exactly what they want us to do."
Killer turned his attention to Kid, but he was busy scowling at a blank space on the wall, idly flipping the knife in his hand.
 You couldn't risk getting caught now, not before you got the chance to get a second opinion on your messed up brain. 
"I won't be any trouble," you tried.
All three men gave you skeptical looks.
"Ok, I won't be any more trouble. Honestly, I'll curl up on a pile of tires or chill behind some boxes. You won't even know I'm here." 
 Sabo didn't wait for Kid to reply. "I'm afraid that's not an option. I can't afford to continue paying them to hide you here."
Damn. Maybe you shouldn't have gone so hard at the redhead earlier. Offering you a beer was more hospitality than you should have expected anyway. The way those two spoke, it was clear that they weren't really a part of the Revolutionary Army. Even if they were, you had willingly taken part in missions working against the RA for the last several months. They had no reason to help you further, and you had nothing to give them in return. 
"Alright," you sighed. "What's the plan then? Some sort of disguise so I won't get spotted?"
"She can stay."
The two blonds turned towards Kid in surprise. He was still looking away as he spoke, but he casually turned to Sabo as if he was agreeing to nothing more than lending him a pencil. 
"I still expect what you already agreed to though." 
Killer continued eyeing Kid while Sabo turned back to you. You gave him a sheepish smile. You wanted him to be ok with the situation, and you didn't know if it was because you needed his help or because you were starting to like that strangely familiar feeling you got when he looked at you with those striking blue eyes.
Sabo turned to Kid. "You don't do anything for free."
"I don't willing help the damn government get what they want either. Shut up before I change my mind," Kid huffed, turning to Killer as he strode out of the room. "Shop opens in a few hours. Take her upstairs to crash, and make sure she fucking stays put this time." 
Crashing sounded good. Almost as good as knowing you didn't have to spend the next who knows how many hours trying to find another hiding place. With the absolutely absurd realizations that came to light in the last few hours, you looked forward to another dreamless sleep where you didn't have to face your new bizarre reality.
You looked down at your hands to find you were still holding Sabo's picture. You held it out for him to take, but he shook his head. 
"Keep it. I have more." His smile was sweet but laced with regret. He held up a gentle hand but stopped before he could touch you. "I'll contact you as soon as I can."
And with that, Sabo was gone, leaving you alone with Killer. 
You knew he was waiting to take you upstairs, so you got ready to jump off the counter. You hesitated as you looked down at the kitchen floor. It wasn't as bad as the train station by far, but dammit you just got done cleaning off your feet. You were wondering how you might convince them to let you borrow some shoes when you noticed Killer had moved to stand in front of you. He turned his back to you and crouched down.
You blinked a few times. "What are you doing?"
"You just cleaned off your feet right? Hop on. We have to cross through the shop to get to the stairs, and I'd rather you not track any of that through my room."
You slipped yourself onto Killer's back, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. He held onto your thighs just above your knees as you let him carry you to-
"Wait, did you say you're taking me to your room?" 
"If you prefer, I can leave you in Kid's."
"Uh, I, um," you stuttered as you wondered if they actually did expect something in return for letting you stay with them. 
Killer's shoulders moved up and down as he suppressed a chuckle. "Don't worry, girl. No one will go into my room while you're in there, including me."
His room was surprisingly spacious and clean. It even had a small attached bath, and you were eager to wash the rest of the grime off of you with a hot shower as soon as the large blond man stopped hovering by the door.
"Alright, well, thanks again. I'm just going to shower and crash now," you hinted for him to get the fuck out. 
"There's just one other thing that's been bothering me."
"Just one thing?" You quipped.
"Yeah, I have to admit. I've been dying to know ever since you mentioned it back in the office."
He didn't seem like the type to beat around the bush, but he was hesitating. You raised a brow and motioned with your hand for him to ask what was on his mind already.
"What exactly did Sabo do on the train that made you think he was a pervert?"
Of all the things to be bothered by after everything he learned about you, and that was what was on his mind. You didn't even try to stifle your giggles as you approached him at the door.
"He didn't do anything." 
You laughed harder as he tiled his head at you in obvious disbelief. 
"Goodnight, Killer. And thanks again for everything." 
He waved you off and retreated into the hall as you closed the door and locked it. You leaned against the door and breathed deeply. It must have been the lack of sleep and traumatic evening mixing with your beer, because thinking about these three new people in your life had you grinning like an idiot.
What had you gotten yourself into?
. . .
. . .
. . . 
. . . L o a d i n g . . .
. . . 
. . .
. . .
E M R   O n l i n e
. . . 
. . .
. . .
T e s t  S u b j e c t  0 2 9  S e l e c t e d
. . . 
. . .
. . .
S y n a p t i c  L i n k  E s t a b l i s h e d
. . . 
N e w  R e c o r d i n g  I n  P r o g r e s s . . . 
Author's Note:
Author: Killer, what are you doing getting our MC so giggly? You aren't listed as a love interest in the tags! Killer: *flips his gorgeous blond locks and crosses his arms, perfectly framing his broad chest.* Author: *dies and goes to heaven*
Well, there you have it. I know this wasn't as suspenseful as previous chapters, but we gotta get this plot rolling if we are going to get MC to see her doctor any time soon!
Let me know what you think, and as always, thank you so so much for reading and commenting!
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matchadobo · 29 days
The Beginning of the End
 A plague has now weaved its way through civilization. This is a story that took place in the mystical town of Scotland where Aberrants take after the mythical creatures derived from legends of the land. In the world of the dead, a tale of romance may unfold between the living. 
Yviskos Vesalius strives to find all the zombie variants. On her way to do so, she stumbles upon Eustass Kidd who’s on a mission to return to his group. In the grim aftermath of a devastating plague, Yviskos and Kidd found themselves navigating the treacherous remains of civilization with Law and Luffy, their paths converging in a world overrun by the undead as they discover the Aberrants that parasitize humanity. Drawn together by a shared sense of curiosity, Yviskos and Kidd find themselves growing closer with each passing day, their bond deepening amidst the ever-present threat of danger. In a world where survival is paramount and love seems like a distant dream, they discover that sometimes, the most unexpected connections can blossom into something warm.
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from left to right: character in combat, character in default outfit/stance, character in prev/current job
#1.1-LOGUETOWN | #1.2-LOGUETOWN | #2-SKYPEIA | #3-FLORIAN TRIANGLE | succeeding chapters are TBA
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okay, i've planned everything in this story. the outline and romance progression, all i need to do is execute it >:). that's what i lacked in my first oc (i'm so sorry margaret my baby). i hope my enthusiasm stays and i finish this with you guys. i have already written chapters until #4.1 but chapter 1.1 and 1.2 are the only ones ready to be published TT.
regarding the drawing representations, i plan to color thoseeee someday HAHDHDSABHA LMAO but i really do /srs. this is just a reference for you guys. i just want to give something to you guys since i was absent and inactive for so long.
i've been wanting to flesh out a zombie apocalypse au for so longgg i'm so happy to be incorporating this wish to my craziness for kidd <3 but that's basically the point of this story HDASJAJASJ just wanna write sumn for kidd in a zombie apocalypse soooo if there's anything sloppy here pls be gentle i welcome criticisms and appreciations <3
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inkys-anime-blog · 1 month
Concept was asked for by @lovemesomefanfic846. This will probably be multiple parts, I haven't had a fic flow this nicely for me in ages.
TW: Violence. It's the Kid Pirates.
Eustass Kid x OC
Sparks seared Morgan’s hands, the bite of fire made sharper by her chilled flesh. She dug her teeth into her lip, a second pain to distract from the first. It worked, enough. Her hands steadied on her tools, trying to coax new life back into the power cells.
She’d slaved away at these stupid things; making sure every piece of wiring was secure, the plates were slotted perfectly so they wouldn’t slip. Seas, she’d even stolen the impact dials, carved them apart to precision, made them work in perfect concert with her creation.
And it was a seas-damned battery that was going to get her killed tonight. The injustice of it all could make her scream. Instead, Morgan dug her teeth deeper into her lip, stifling the noise.
Slaves couldn’t own property. That meant her gloves, and they were significant property at that. The amount that she won her owners made them turn a blind eye, but it was with an understanding. She didn’t give them evidence that she was stealing random parts, they didn’t ask.
With a press of her makeshift tool, light began to spill from the channels at the sides of the glove. Morgan could have screamed in triumph.
Instead, she eased the clench of her jaw, running her tongue over the crimson welling from her lip.
It hardly mattered. She stood, sliding the gloves onto her hands. She flexed, stretched, tried to ignore the heavy press of the collar around her neck.
Just a taste of the blood to come.
The first fight was a breeze, as always. Some scrawny teenager who overswung, every movement rigid with the knowledge that failure only meant pain, and that pain only began in the ring.
Morgan tried to make those fights go quick. Better for the crowd. Better for the kid. Though, as she watched the latest underfed slave get dragged from the ring, not necessarily better for her.
She flexed, then cracked her knuckles. Tiny sparks of power shivered through her forearms, droplets in the bucket of her battery packs. Barely enough to be counted, but it wasn’t as if Morgan was turning anything down at this rate.
“Don’t look now. But keep your eye out for the redhead in the back.”
Morgan looked down to see one of the other slaves, a quick-tongued boy named Grythen, handing her a bottle of water. She raised a questioning eyebrow, taking it. Speaking while a couple hundred eyes were on her didn’t seem like the strongest plan.
“I’ve seen his face on wanted posters.” Grythen hissed. “I’ll see if he tried to make an offer for you, he’s been staring at you.”
Morgan took a swig of water, splashing some onto her face. It brought a sharp shock of coolness to her sweaty skin, and freckled the strands of hair dangling in her face. It dripped down her neck, soaking the few strands there, too.
And as she handed the bottle back, Morgan turned and looked directly at the pirate captain that Grythen was so concerned about.
He was hard to miss. A shock of bright red hair drew her eyes to the back row, where he sat with a group of men. Equally as rough, but they seemed to be talking amongst themselves, taking bets, making jokes. But this man? His eyes were trained in on her.
The man next to the redhead, a masked man with a wild mane of blonde hair, leaned in and seemed to say something.
“Begin round two!”
Morgan tore her gaze from the pirates at the top of the arena, throwing herself to the ground to avoid the wild charge of her opponent. She landed with her forearms striking first, absorbing the impact as much as possible.
She rolled to a crouch, raising her arms as two vicious kicks swung at her head. She blocked both with ease, then grabbed the man’s foot and yanked hard, sending him sprawling beside her.
For the first time, Morgan was able to get a good look at him. Scars running over the rigid muscle that hung off his frame. He was built for quick, strong blows. But a single look at his practically triangular body told Morgan he would be quick to topple and even quicker to run out of stamina.
He managed a blow to her face, only partially blocked by a quick raise of her guard. The impact sent her head flying to the side, but she kept her ground.
More importantly, her gloves were singing with the force of the blow, power cells sending thin lines of light up her forearms and to her clenched fists.
Morgan rose to her feet, running her tongue over her teeth to taste the cool iron tang of her blood.
Her eyes dropped to the man opposite her; just a loose handful of barely thought-out maneuvers and a heaping pile of misplaced confidence.
She grinned, feeling the blood slide down her chin to plop softly on the arena floor. Seas, they were making these just too easy.
With a ragged cry of anger, the man lunged for her again. Morgan didn’t try to sidestep him, didn’t even knock aside the fist careening for her chest.
Why bother?
The impact shook her frame, but he’d slid his dumb, ugly head right into range.
Morgan swung with both fists, on either side of the man’s face.
All of the stored kinetic energy from his attacks sprung from her gloves, slamming into his face with the force of a battering ram.
He was unconscious before he hit the floor.
Morgan delicately sidestepped his falling body, even giving him a sturdy kick to the ribs. It wouldn’t have been the first time someone tried to strike her when they were down, and their masters weren’t particularly invested in a fair fight.
Stepping away from his body, Morgan rose her fist to the crowd, earning a cacophony of boos and cheers. Newcomers would have lost significant money on the slender, average-looking woman, but people who’d seen her before knew better.
Of course, Morgan had her fair share of getting pounded into the ground. But recently? She’d been raking in enough money to earn a good bit of food and a pat on the head from the owners. The better she was fed, the stronger her body, the sharper her mind was to improve her impact gloves.
And the better I become…
Morgan’s eyes drifted to the announcer’s booth, where her wretched scumbag of a master was sitting, salivating over her victory. That familiar fire roared through her veins, hungry and roaring.
The sooner I get to feel your neck snapping under my hands.
“Not bad!” A voice called over the crowd, quieting most in their confusion. The man with the red hair had stood, a wicked, red-stained grin on his face. With a shivering certainty, Morgan knew his eyes had never left her, not for a moment of her fight.
“That’s Eustass Kid!” the frantic whisper from the crowd was just loud enough for Morgan to catch. “He’s been terrorizing the South Blue for years!”
“Tell me, woman.” the man, apparently Kid leaned forward, his vicious smile only spreading as he eyed her up and down. “How many people would you kill tonight to be on my crew?”
Morgan felt like he’d stepped into the ring with her, circling, waiting to strike at the slightest sign of her weakness. The only way to survive it was to show him that her fangs were just as nasty.
“I don’t kill other slaves, Kid.” she snarled. “Bad for business.”
“Bad for business, huh?” Kid’s eyes gleamed in the low light. They were narrow, sharp, the same bloody scarlet as his hair. “I think I like the sound of that.”
His fist clenched in the air. Suddenly, a rush of cool air pressed onto the skin of Morgan’s neck, raising goosebumps down her arms.
“You don’t kill slaves.” he repeated as her slave collar fell to the ground. “But what about your masters?”
The hush had spread across the entire room, stunned silence at how quickly the balance had shifted in a couple of sentences, the wave of a hand.
Morgan grinned.
With a burst of speed, she raced across the arena, flinging herself into the air and towards her target.
She was just able to register the look of abject horror on her master’s face, just before her fist shattered the glass between then in a single punch.
It was as if the sound had broken the room from a trance; slavers, civilians and bet-takers running from the underground arena as fast as their legs could carry them. Screaming soon filled the space, echoing off the cavern walls. It was joined by the delighted roar of laughter, the sound she knew in her gut belonged to Eustass Kid.
But in that moment, nothing else existed. Only herself. Her fists.
And the man who’d owned her since she was a child, covered in brilliant fragments of glass and crawling away on legs that had frozen in terror.
Morgan couldn’t help a soft laugh at the sight, stalking closer until she stood over him. “You have no idea” she murmured, striking down and snatching the man by the throat. “How long I’ve been waiting for this.”
A hot tear splashed from his face, landing on her forearm. It didn’t have the time to soak into the fabric.
Morgan didn’t know how long she’d stood there. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Taking in the sight of her greatest achievement.
Boots crunched on the glass behind her. She didn’t turn, didn’t lift her arms in defense. A man like that could snap her like a twig, gloves or no.
So instead, she asked the question burning in her mind. “One.”
She turned, watching the hulking form of Eustass Kid tower over her, dark against the arena lights blazing in through the shattered glass. “Today, I’d kill one. Tomorrow? As many as you put in front of me.”
The man leaned down until his face was an inch from hers, breath hot on her face. “Seas, woman. That’s what I like to hear.”
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sunnsartbook · 9 months
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“Anna & Kid - Two Who Fit Perfect Together”
“Like little explosions? Come, lend me hand you some strength”
“You pretty strong for a half blinded Woman!”
“That's rich, coming from you....”
― Anna/ANN (OC) & Eustass Kid
Hey! YO! I created an OPTC Unit. Comin' in w/ OC Anna and Cap. Kid in disguise in Onigashima. Im really love the Game "One Piece Treasure Cruise" so i did make my own unit. Im still planning on making a whole Artwork for this Unit with some Story. For those who wonders what that green sparkling is; Anna used pretty often in Oni Fights, an technique that she copied by her brother called Hotarubi .
No pairing btw. Anna respect him as an good and strong companion and even as an Friend. He may even ask her to join his crew. Just because Ann isn't in any affiliation/crew.
Check for more infos the Outfit storys! ANN disguise & ANN Oni
Fck my english today, im out!
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Christmas Date (Kid x Pearl)
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Kid scratched the back of his head as he was being bombard by joyous Christmas music, he tired walking towards another part of the path to avoid the happy carolers. He hated this holiday he couldn’t stand how excited everyone was. They didn’t fear him as they normally would instead giving him season greetings and smiling. He glared at a couple who smiled at him and wished him well, they seemed unaffected by his scowl.
“Don’t glare at them,” Pearl said, “Be polite,” she was probably one of the few people not scared of him and could get away with lecturing him. He stared at her before grumbling under his breath hating the cheesy Christmas decorations and the music playing from speakers.
“Why do we have to go on walk?” he questioned, “we could have had our date on the ship,” he was still grumbling. He wanted alone time with his beautiful girlfriend and sharing her with these merry people on this special holiday wasn’t his style.
Pearl giggled, “We are going out for dinner to enjoy our time together and watch the snow,” all romantic books had the boyfriend take the girl out for dinner then the snow falling creating a romantic atmosphere and did help that people weren’t scared Kid as they normally would be.
Kid sighed as he tried to adjust himself in the suit he had to wear for this date. Killer had found and helped him wear it. He glanced at Pearl as she was wearing a lovely pearl colored dress with fur trimming. She looked beautiful.
“So, we go on this date then what?” he questioned.
“I am not sure, but it is nice to get off the ship,” she said as she was also humming holiday tunes.
He stopped her in her tracks as they were under a mistletoe, “I can think of a few things,” he grinned wrapping his arms around her waist.
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simpforroses · 1 year
A Rebirth’d Alliance is Rigging Up to Set Sail Soon 🏴‍☠️ : HCK Alliance (Heart-Charlotte-Kid Pirates)
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Michelle - @simpforroses
Crew: Heart Pirates
Fun Fact: After losing her family to slave poachers, who were more than happy to take Hairong refugees as slaves, she wounds up being adopted by a detective & adopts his trade. She is the wielder of the Yume-Yume no Mi
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Star - @starrybrujita
Crew: Charlotte (Big Mom) Pirates
Fun Fact: She found her way to Whole Cake after escaping from Punk Hazard as an experiment, given she’s a Stellarian—cousins to the Lunarians. During her time there, she works as a pastry chef under Big Mom & has a love for conchas
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Lari - @fireflykaizoku
Crew: Kid Pirates
Fun Fact: She fell into the Kid Pirates after encountering them while trying to escape from a slave auction on Sabaody. Her assertiveness allows her to keep up with her captain and she gets along well with the crew with her love for glam rock
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swampstew · 18 days
SwampStew Shenanigans!
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I'm hoping that framing it like a calendar will help keep me structured and motivated to post again cause I'm a lazy girl.
Stuff coming up:
April 12 - Captain_CumShot Chapter Update
April 14 - Turn Back Time Devil Fruit Reveal
April 15 - SwampStew Meme
April 17 - SwampStew Meme
April 19 - SwampStew Meme
April 20 - Turn Back Time SBS Card ~ Andrea
April 21 - Turn Back Time SBS Card ~ Candy
April 25 - What's The Magic Word? Chapter Update
April 26 - KillerCook Chapter Update
April 29- SwampStew Meme
April 30 - KillerCook Ask Blog is officially OPEN!
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fandomsallthetime94 · 4 months
Surprise Party (Eustass Kid)
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Since today is the man's birthday, I wanted to post a cute little drabble to celebrate! I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: None
OC Used: Emery
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"Emery, hurry up! Kid will be back soon!" I heard Killer yell as I finished hanging the streamers in the kitchen.
I hopped down off the ladder and brushed my hands off before admiring my handy work. The kitchen was decorated with birthday streamers and balloons that said "Happy Birthday". There was a birthday cake sitting on the table with two candles that made up the number 24 on them.
"Alright, Killer! Get everyone in here!" I yelled as I put the ladder away.
Killer ushered the crew into the kitchen as we all waited patiently for Kid to return. We had docked at a small island and sent Kid out by himself for supplies. He wasn't happy about it, but hopefully this would make up for it.
I started chewing on my bottom lip when I heard Kid's heavy footsteps up on the upper deck. Killer shut the lights off as Kid neared the galley. My heart started racing as the door was slowly pushed open.
The whole crew yelled as Killer turned on the lights. Kid stood in the doorway too stunned to speak as he looked at the sight before him. I walked forward and wrapped my arms around his waist which seemed to snap him back into reality.
"Happy birthday, baby." I said softly.
"Emery... you didn't have to do all this." Kid said, looking at the decorations.
"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to, because I love you." I said, smiling up him.
Kid looked down at me, his golden eyes softening a little bit.
"You're too good to me sometimes." He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Only sometimes," I chuckled. "Now shut up and kiss me."
Kid laughed and placed a passionate kiss on my lips before placing one on my forehead. I scrunched my nose at him before pulling him over to the rest of the crew so that we could finally get the real party started.
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rahonn · 5 months
Eustass Kidd x trans!Original Character
Modern AU
Word count: 2616
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
With loud groan he plopped back down on the chair, feeling slightly better since he managed to get himself huge glass of rum. He honestly didn’t want to come, it was idiotic idea to do middle school reunions to him. Killer was excited to go, though. He wanted to brag about business he and Kidd got going on to the people that believed back then they both would end up as junkies or in a gang. And the plan was to put on clothes they only wore to concerts to add to shock. Kidd complied, secretly wanting to wipe the smirks off some faces when they reveal their client list was longer than 30-page notebook and among them were most known names like Newgate or Mihawk.
But there was one more thing helping him get ready a bit quicker. He wanted to see her. The one girl that was able to keep up with him, strong as hell, always up to something. They weren’t great friends. To be honest. They just sort of understood each other without words. Eyes meeting any time the other had some mischievous plan on their mind, they sort of orbited around each other. Thanks to her being best friends with most popular guy in their school, they were able to meet outside of school and always had to fuck something up. How many times did they run from police, parkouring their way through people’s yards drunk off their asses? How many times they cried laughing after messing up someone’s car or wandered through the forest near her house just to see if she was telling the truth about not being able to get lost?
Kidd smirked. Killer played drums then, he played guitar, just like her best friend. And she could sing, goddamn. She had some set of lungs, that’s for sure. Her loud, booming voice somehow could become soft and hit notes so high one could wonder if she didn’t play a recording of someone else.
He was an asshole kid, he knew that. He was disruptive, often pushed teachers to their limits. Bully, he was one for sure, a leader of his own pack of children-assholes that included his now coworkers Heat, Killer, Wire and few more. And even if he said he never had any regrets, sometimes he asked himself what would happen if he didn’t overhear her telling Wire she liked him at their graduation. Would he ask her to keep in touch? Would he let it go like he did back then? He was only 16 at the time, didn’t know shit about what feelings were and what to do with them. He had many girlfriends since then, it’s not like this was his one and only love.
But somehow, he was still thinking about her now and then, wondering what she was doing with her life? Did she find herself someone worth her time? Did she get together with her then-best friend? Maybe she already had kids and a house? Kidd laughed quietly, no, that’s not possible. She was very vocal about never wanting kids. And it wasn’t really something he just had to know.
Yet, he came to the reunion in hopes he could maybe talk to her, maybe ask if they could keep in contact, you know, just in case her car broke down since he was a mechanic. He sighed deeply, almost inhaling half of his drink.
She wasn’t there.
He overheard class president saying there was just one person didn’t show up and it was her. Kidd still stayed in hopes that maybe, just maybe, she’d come by for few minutes. There were a lot of people there, maybe she was lost between them? Invite told, after all, anyone with spouses and kids could bring them. But no, it’d be impossible to not know she was there, he’d hear her loud laughter. Instead he only heard some dude roar with laughter uncontrollably after their class president said with completely serious face.
Maybe it was better she didn’t come. What if she came with her boyfriend, or worse, girlfriend? Boyfriend could mean he had a chance, but girlfriend would be low blow to his fever dreams.
Why couldn’t he let go of image of her rocking the stage on talent day?
“Hey, man. What are you doing here all alone?”
Kidd looked up to see big guy standing above him. Quickly, he scanned the stranger from head to toe to see, of course, if he was making fun of him or not. But the shaven sides of his head, flannel shirt with black graphic tshirt underneath and bovver boots made him reconsider.
“It’s too loud” he replied, motioning to president’s house behind them. Sure, goody-two-shoes had her life together with three kids and nice house in the suburbs, but it was just too much for him. He was in miserable relationship, at the brink of breaking up, so he’s had enough of watching happy couples for the night. Everyone was married, in long-term relationship or with kids.
“You want to go somewhere with actually good drinks?” new-found companion suggested and Kidd looked up to the stars.
I think it’s time for a change.
“Where did you get this glass?” he asked with neutral tone, watching whimsical glass touch stranger’s lips.
“Oh, I brought it with me. I don’t really like to drink from regular glasses.”
Kidd nodded, sipping his own drink. “Sounds acoustic to me” he cackled, looking into darkness in front of him, already a little bit drunk, hoping maybe she would come out of there
“Yeah” the guy laughed along. Kidd sighed when he sat down in a chair next to him. “I’m Vis.”
“Kidd. Who you came with?” he asked, wondering who from his boring-ass ex-classmates bagged this guy. Oh, fuck what if it was her?
But the guy looked at him weird and flexed his jaw. “Uh, no one, I was in this class.”
It was Kidd’s turn to give the man side-eye. “I don’t remember there being anyone like you and with that name too.”
“Yeah, I’ve changed a little bit. It’s been 15 years after all” Vis laughed. Something in him was awfully familiar to Kidd, but he couldn’t pinpoint what exactly. He rarely wanted to talk with strangers, and this guy was exactly that, because Kidd really didn’t remember him at all. But for some reason it was okay, pleasant even, that he sat there and talked about his life after middle school. “So, I’ve heard you opened car dealership with Killer?”
“Wire and Heat sell cars, I’m the mechanic, Killer’s the guy from electric shit” he corrected common misconception.
“Oh, cool, cool. I work in mortuary now. You know, autopsies and stuff.”
Kidd smirked. “You work with Ava maybe? She always talked about this too.” The guy fell silent for a second, but Kidd didn’t think any of it. Maybe it was sore point for the man, Ava was pretty annoying and kind of like a bully like him too.
Finally, Vis spoke up. “No, I-“
“Vis, my man, there you are!” Heat, drunk off his mind, staggered outside with his shoulder around Wire’s neck, which was hilarious since Wire had to bow down for it to be possible. “Oh, you found Boss. Cool, cool” Heat slurred his words, taking another sip from his bottle. He let go of Wire and the man just flopped on the ground, too drunk to even stand straight. “Hey, you said something about photos earlier, that you have some from graduation day?”
“Oh, yeah, hold on. I’ll send them to you now or I’ll forget” Vis laughed, pulling out his phone and looking down. Kidd frowned. Why was Heat acting so familiar with this guy? Eustass didn’t remember anyone from middle school with this name who hanged out with them. If Vis was one of the grey people back then, Kidd and the rest of his friends probably made fun of him a lot, so why would he act so happy to see them now? It wasn’t possible that they weren’t at least some form of friends for him to not hate them.
“Hey, show me the pic we took all together” Kidd said, leaning a bit towards Vis who pulled up the photo he asked for. Biting his lip a little, he scanned face after face before his eyes fixated on the back row. He remembered the day clearly, they made him, Killer, Wire, Heat, Ava and few other kids stand on the chairs in the back to be able to fit in the picture and they decided to pose like wrestlers. He smiled, remembering the moment they all thought it was the most brilliant idea in the world.
Truly, hilarious.
But he still didn’t see anyone even resembling Vis.
“Remember how you shouted for us to pose?” Heat cackled, plopping down on the grass in front of them, leaving Wire laying where he fell. The guy was too far gone anyway. “We had just a little bit of time to think about it before they took the photo and she- sorry, he didn’t know any wrestlers so he just crossed arms on his chest” Heat took another swig of beer. Kidd furrowed his brows at the statement, with the corner of his eye seeing Vis freeze like a deer in headlights.
“But it was Ava who did that” Kidd looked between Heat and Vis, confused. Heat nodded.
“Yeah, and this was Ava back then” he pointed at Vis with his bottle. Kidd’s face became blank in split second, his mind like a black hole obliterated any thought appearing in his head before he could even think about it.
Vis panicked a bit, seeing the big bulky guy freeze like that. What if he wasn’t as tolerant as Heat said earlier?
“You” Kidd turned to him, so expressionless it was scary. “You were her?”
Vis nodded, scratching his chin covered in few weeks old beard. “Yeah, I was.”
The silence between them stretched uncomfortably. Even Heat sobered up a little, ready to tackle Kidd if he tried anything, because the lack of any reaction was concerning to say the least. “You there?” Heat waved his hand in front of Kidd’s face, kind of snapping him out of whatever shock he was in.
But he still didn’t know how to act. Back then they joked Ava was one of the bros, the dudess, a tomboy, whatever the rest of the nicknames were. She was different than girls in their school. Now it made sense finally. Because she wasn’t a girl, that’s why it never felt like any of the manners were forced. That meant all those years he was thinking about a boy, compared his girlfriend to him. It never even crossed his mind he could be attracted to guys, honestly.
Until now.
Because he looked at Vis, talking with Heat about whatever, with beard on his face, deep voice, lack of tits, and Kidd still felt like he was physically pulled towards him.
And it was a bit scary.
Wasn’t he too old to be questioning his sexual preferences anyway? If he was bi or something, wouldn’t he feel something to any other guy too? How many times he saw a dude shirtless and didn’t really give a fuck aside from judging if he had good muscles and-
Kidd almost jumped up, startling both Heat and Vis, and speed walked back into the house. Looking around frantically, he tested if imagining himself with any guy felt wrong. And honestly, it didn’t. The second he clocked familiar blond hair disappearing in the corridor, he knew what he had to do. He pushed his way to where Killer went and grabbed his arm, stopping him from closing the door. Bathroom door.
“What? Dude, I need to pee” Killer’s annoyed voice didn’t have the same effect it always did.
“I think I like guys too” Kidd blurted out. Killer’s irritation evaporated as he looked at his best friend, watching for any sign it was a joke.
He didn’t see anything like this and suddenly, something clicked in his brain. “You saw Vis?”
“You knew too!?” Kidd let go of his arm. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier he was here!?”
Few heads turned towards them with curiosity lighting up their eyes. Killer muttered that they’d talk in a minute after he used the bathroom and closed the door right in Kidd’s face. Eustass waited with his arms crossed over his chest, thinking everything through once again. Was he really attracted to guys? Or was it just Vis? Was him looking at guys at the beach or on the street truly a sign or was he just comparing them to himself? He looked around once again. Yeah, no, men present here weren’t good looking in slightest. If he had to choose, his group was the most handsome- FUCK.
Killer finally came out and told Kidd to follow him outside. Thankfully, they came out on the other side of the house, so no one was there. “So” Killer started, taking off his face-mask. “Vis came in, Mary asked who he was, because, you know, no one like him were in our class, right? And this is her house, so obviously she wanted to know who she was letting in. Anyway, I overheard him explaining that he transitioned and he was sorry for not letting her know beforehand, because she was really confused. You know Mary, she is strict Christian and didn’t take it very well, so I intervened, took Vis aside and talked to him for a bit. Wire and Heat came over too just as you went outside. That’s why no one told you, you disappeared. And this isn’t something anyone other than Vis should tell you.”
Kidd nodded, agreeing with Killer. “But I’m still confused and don’t know if this is just him or-“
“Kidd, we knew” Killer sighed, crossing arms on his chest. “We just waited for you to notice to be honest. You weren’t exactly subtle with checking guys out” he shook his head slightly.
“You should’ve told me earlier! That’s why my relationships never worked out!” Kidd threw his hands in the air, connecting the dots.
“No, they didn’t work out because you’re an asshole, not because you like men.”
Eustass shot Killer murderous glare, but he knew it was the truth. His whole life he was comparing his girlfriends to literal teenager he remembered from middle school that turned out to be a boy all along.
“So, what now? What will you do with this oh, so sacred, knowledge you acquired?” Killer sighed dramatically, fixing his bangs a little. “What about Veronica?”
“Oh, right” Kidd suddenly remembered about his current girlfriend and pulled his phone out. Quickly, he typed ‘It’s over, bye’ and sent it to her. “Done.”
Killer shook his head. “You’re truly an asshole. Just remember dating men is different than dating women. And you’ve seen how Vis looks now, he could easily turn your face into a bloody paste.” Kidd grinned at his best friend, turning his phone off so the notifications from his ex wouldn’t annoy him.
“And that’s hot” he replied, turning around to go where Heat and Vis were sitting.
Kidd thought everything through and him being, well, himself, he decided to approach the matter straight on. As soon as he saw Wire sitting in his chair and Vis laughing loud, he gritted his teeth. This time he wouldn’t let this huge baby get in the way. He wasn’t a teenager anymore, he knew what he wanted.
And in the end he always got what he wanted.
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theseaumie · 9 months
-Out of the Blue-
Chapter 8- Ultimatum
Hey guys I'm back with a new chapter finally lol! Anyways, Kid and Zeirra finally get some proper interaction, though of course Kid is Kid. Anyways thoughts and prayers for Zeirra lol, she needs it.
The sound of footsteps could be heard as Zeirra shifted on the cot. Her broken wing slung over the side of the bed as she lay there completely dead to the world. Kid walked over to her, studying her face with a heavy frown. He plopped down onto the chair next to her cot, dropping the bag he had been carrying along with him. The bag had been found under the stairs, and Killer had recognized it as the one Zeirra had been carrying with her the other day at the bar. He rolled his eyes, wondering how one person could let their defense down so much, especially on a ship like his. He looked down at the bag, before unzipping the top, and rummaging through it. Killer had already gone through the contents of the bag, the only interesting items being a journal, as well as a locket with two rings attached to the chain. the two had attempted to pry open the locket, but unfortunately, it seemed to be welded shut. As for the journal, Killer had read through it, finding most of the content uninteresting. She was most certainly not a pirate, though according to her journal, she had had run-ins with a few big names. He almost felt bad for reading the more personal pages, but he knew it was important to check for the crew's safety. Kid had taken the journal afterward, reading the content himself even though Killer told him it was fine. If she was going to be on his ship, he wanted to gain as much information on her as possible. Some of the contents made even him cringe, feeling somewhat sorry for the girl. From what he had gathered, she didn't really seem like much of a threat, but that wouldn't stop him from keeping an eye on her. The sound of his rummaging was loud enough to disrupt Zeirra's sleep, her tired eyes opening slowly as she tried to remember where she was. Zeirra blinked slowly, her drowsiness making it hard to focus before her eyes fell on the captain sitting next to her. Internally she panicked, having not quite woken up yet,  but the events of the other day slowly came back to her helping her calm down. She squinted slightly, waiting for her tired eyes to adjust, before she finally noticed him reading. Her foggy brain took a moment to process what she was looking at before her eyes shot open wide.
"Is that my Journal..?"
Kid looked over, a bored expression on his face as he did so. " Sure is, and it's boring as hell". Zeirra was up in an instant, her face twisting with furry as she ripped the book out of his hands. She turned away clearly embarrassed,  as Kid stood up.
"Well sorry my personal life couldn't be more entertaining, I didn't exactly write it expecting a fucking audience". She could feel Kid's larger body looming over her as she broke into a cold sweat. She felt him lean down close to her ear, pressing against her broken wing painfully.
"Ever rip anything out of my hands again, and you'll be fucking fish food do you understand me, wench?". Zeirra swallowed thickly, her hands trembling slightly as she clutched the book to her chest. She nodded slowly, not turning to look at him. Kid tsked, leaning back up before sitting down again. He leaned back in his chair, continuing to rummage through her bag as Zeirra slowly turned around. She could feel her face getting hot with rage as she watched him go through her things. Kid pulled out a dagger from the inside pocket of the bag, examining it before nodding his head in approval of the quality. He placed the dagger into his pocket before looking up to see a very offended Zeirra. He wished he could take a picture of her face, his laughter filling the room as she scoffed loudly. She couldn't believe he would just steal her things right in front of her...well she wished she couldn't believe it, questioning why she even thought he would have standards. She placed her hands on her hips, scowling at him as he continued his crusade through her things. Kid calmed down his laughter, placing the bag back on the floor as he found the rest of the items uninteresting. "What princess, you think I wouldn't just take whatever I wanted from you? Please". He couldn't help but grin, finding her expression quite amusing. "Consider it payment for me not killing you, how does that sound?". Zeirra's expression fell as she looked off to the side, she huffed as her eyes narrowed.
"Well, I don't know why I expected anything else from a pirate... ". Kid grinned, before watching as Zeirra took a seat back on the cot. She still looked completely exhausted, blinking slowly as she contemplated if going back to sleep was even an option. His eyes traveled back to her wings, then to the scar on her forehead. He sighed, running his flesh hand through his hair as he did so loudly.
"Aren't you even a little interested in why I'm here, or would you rather I just throw you off the boat woman?".
Zeirra looked up slowly, with tired eyes. Her expression was completely flat, as she contemplated whether being thrown in the ocean would be worth it. "Oh please Captain Kid, tell me why you've decided to grace me with your presence". Kid narrowed his eyes at her, showing his teeth as he glared in dissatisfaction. "You know, my Second Mate had suggested that you might be a worthwhile asset to our crew... that's why you're even alive, and not at the bottom of the sea right now. I'm really starting to question his judgment though, considering that fucking mouth of yours". Kid stood up, stepping closer to her as she looked up from the cot. Zeirra couldn't help the shiver of fear, as Kid roughly took her face in his flesh hand. He forced her to look up, their eyes locking as he stared down at her intensely. "Just because I haven't killed you yet doesn't mean that I won't girly. Understand this, the only way you're gonna survive on this ship is if you work and listen to every fucking word I say got it? We don't take prisoners on the Victoria Punk, and I'm not about to make an exception for you. Do you understand what I just said?". Kid leaned in even closer, his face mere centimeters from hers. She nodded quickly, a bead of nervous sweat rolling down her forehead. Even if she joked around sometimes, she wasn't ready to die just yet. Kid grinned widely exposing his sharp canines, as he narrowed his eyes.
"Great, then we have an understanding. If I hear even one complaint from you, you're finished though. No second chances, no takebacks. I will fucking end you on the spot. That all being said, if you got any questions speak now. I won't accept ignorance as an excuse in the future got it?".
Zeirra quickly nodded her head before attempting to lean away from him. She swallowed nervously. "Understood".
Kid scowled, getting close to her as she attempted to lean away from him. "You'd better address me properly when you speak from now on, understand stowaway?". Zeirra nodded, watching his expression harden before she opened her mouth. "Yes...Captain". Kid leaned back with a smirk, crossing his arms over his chest as he did. "Now that's more like it". Zeirra breathed a sigh of relief, though she didn't relax. Kid laughed as he turned toward the door, making his way out of the infirmary. He stopped just short of the thresh hold, turning to face Zeirra once more before he left. "I've got shit to do so get some rest. Doc and I will be back in the morning to set that fucked up wing of yours". He grinned before shutting the door behind him, leaving Zeirra alone with her thoughts. She looked around the infirmary before sighing in defeat and just laying back down. She closed her eyes, trying not to think about her situation as she slowly fell back asleep.
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emptystove · 2 months
Sparrow - Ch 2
One Piece Fanfic (Drama/Romance/Suspense)
Pairings: E. Kid x Reader, Sabo x Reader, Lucci x Reader (one sided)
Rating: EXPLICIT, 18+ ONLY
CW: Violence, Language
Chapter Summary: You took nothing with you. No phone, no cash, no weapons, not even a proper pair of shoes. Even intoxicated, he would notice if you took anything with you that wasn't necessary for your task. It was a miracle he allowed you to leave the room in the first place. He had to believe you were only going down the hall. He had to believe you intended to return.
You had to escape.
Links to AO3 -- Fanfic Master List
Chapter 2: Escape
Lucci swallowed hard. He wasn't above taking you by force, in fact, it looked like he was about to. There was just something about seeing you seem willing for him that made him falter. 
He loosened his grip on you and eased back. Reluctantly, he tore his gaze from you to glance at the empty whiskey bottle left on your dresser. 
"There are a few bottles in the kitchen," he stated cautiously. 
"Good, I'll be back in a minute."
His grip on you tightened as you tried to slip away, and you struggled to hold in a whimper. 
"You can go yourself if you prefer. Although, you might find it hard to hide the state of you if anyone else comes looking for a midnight snack." 
He followed your gaze down to his tented pants and finally relented, fully releasing you from his grip. 
"Don't keep me waiting." It was his final warning before allowing you to leave. 
You didn't prepare. You took nothing with you. No phone, no cash, no weapons, not even a proper pair of shoes. Even intoxicated, he would notice if you took anything with you that wasn't necessary for your task. It was a miracle he allowed you to leave the room in the first place. He had to believe you were only going down the hall. He had to believe you intended to return.
You glanced back one final time once you reached the doors to the kitchen. The hall was still empty. Good.
You kept moving, walking calmly and swiftly until you reached the freight elevator. You didn't hesitate to move inside and select the ground floor. There was no turning back now.
The elevator moved agonizingly slow, but somehow you made it down all nine stories. The exit was only a few paces away after you reached the ground floor, and you didn't hesitate to push yourself out and into the dark alley. You almost lost your balance when the cold night air hit you. Your thin cotton t-shirt and shorts did nothing to protect you from the frigid temperatures, but you didn't care. You felt fucking amazing.
You only allowed yourself a second to bask in that feeling before you started running. You weren't sure where you were going. You could figure that out later. Right now, you just had to put as much distance as possible between you and your now former sensei. It wouldn't have taken long for Lucci to realize what you had done. You knew he was already pursuing you. He knew New World City better than you did, especially the district you were currently in. You had to go further, faster. You couldn't take a cab since you had no cash. You could try to boost a car, but that would take time. In the end, your feet made the decision for you as you headed toward familiar ground.
You lost your slip-on shoes as you vaulted over the turnstiles at the subway station entrance. It was a miracle they stayed on as long as they did, but you still cringed as you landed on a floor that looked like it had never been cleaned.
There were only a few trains that were still running this time of night, and you cursed at your own stupidity when you realized none of them were pulled into the station. You hid yourself behind a far column and waited for the next one.
It would be at least another five minutes before the nearest train arrived, but the hairs on the back of your neck were already standing on end. His slow footsteps echoed against the walls of the empty station, announcing his arrival and the end of your pursuit.
"There is no use hiding from me, Sparrow." His low voice carried easily across the platform. 
You knew it was going to be tough to get away, but you didn't think he would find you so quickly.
"You have nowhere left to run."
He had you there. Lucci was standing between you and the exit. The only other way out was by train, assuming you found a way to keep him from following you into it. If you could stall him a few more minutes, at least there would be that option. With a lot of luck, you might even be able to push him in front of it as it rolled into the station. Wishful thinking, but it did still bring a smile to your face.
You slowly peered out from behind your column. There was still a large distance between the two of you, although you knew he could close it in an instant if he wanted to. 
"Come here, Sparrow. Come to me." He spoke as if he was coaxing out a frightened animal, as if he was afraid that you would try to run again. It surprised you since you knew he could kill you any time he wanted. You could see the gun on his belt, and you were shoeless in nothing but your pajamas. 
You took a step out from behind the column, moving parallel to him but no closer.
"Sparrow," he warned. The anger he felt was bubbling further to the surface the longer you made him wait.
You glanced around the station. For a place that filthy, it was severely lacking in debris. There was nothing in sight you could possibly use as a weapon. Your eyes moved to the tunnel where the slowest train that ever existed would eventually arrive. You swore you caught movement out of the corner of your eye, but if the train was that close you would have heard it by now. 
Lucci took a step closer, and your eyes flicked back to him. His gaze swept across the darkened tunnel before landing on you again.
"I'm not leaving here without you, Sparrow. You belong to me, and I'll kill anyone who tries to keep you from me." He was becoming more tense, and the way his eyes were straying to the shadows behind you made you question if he was only speaking to you anymore.
"I guess you'll have to kill me, then," you stated plainly. "I'm not going back."
His fists clenched at his sides and his nostrils flared as he seethed in rage. It felt good to make him lose his composure, even it was because he was about to kill you. 
You squared your shoulders and slightly bent your knees. You knew you didn't have a chance, but you weren't going to go down without a fight. You didn't know if you were as plain and small and unintelligent as Lucci claimed you were, but you knew you weren't a coward. You at least had that.
You waited for him to attack, but it never came. Instead you watched his eyes widen. 
"Don't-" His words were cut off just as darkness fell over the station. You barely had time to register an alarming amount of footsteps before you felt a cloth covering your mouth, pulling you back towards the tunnel. You instinctively gasped for air. That was definitely the wrong move because you recognized the scent as soon as you inhaled it. 
Your body fell limp as you quickly lost consciousness. All you could think of in that moment is how you wished that train conductor would suffer a worse fate than death. 
"I can't believe it. It's really her," Koala thought aloud as she helped get you into the back of the car.
"Did you have to drug her, Sabo?" Robin asked as he put the car into gear. The second all of the doors were closed, he hit the gas. 
"Robin, scan her. If she's got a tracker, we need it out of her now." He sternly dismissed her question, but there was desperation in his voice. He had almost given up on ever seeing you again. Now that you were back, he had to make sure they wouldn't lose you. 
Robin took out a small electronic cylinder from her pocket. She held the object a few inches from your skin and moved it across your body.
"She... She's been gone too long. We have to be careful until we can get somewhere safe," he finally explained. 
Robin gave Koala a worried glance but continued scanning you with her tool until a red light indicated she found what she was looking for. Koala held you down while Robin cut into your arm, removing the small electronic chip with thin plyers. 
"We need to split up. I'll take the tracker and lead them west," Robin offered.
Sabo slowed the car just long enough to let Robin out. He wasn't worried about her. She was the best they had when it came to hiding from the government. She would lead them on a merry chase before eventually dumping the tracker down a sewer grate. She would probably even pick up donuts on her way back to home base. 
"Sabo... what happened to her?" Koala asked from her place next to you in the backseat.
Sabo grimaced. That's what he wanted to know. You were the same you, but you seemed so different. The way you looked at him on the train without a shred of emotion had left him, first officer in the Revolutionary Army, frozen with fear and doubt. What worried him even more was what he heard Rob Lucci say to you just before they pulled you out of there. He pushed the thoughts away as soon as they came. He couldn't let himself get distracted now. 
"The man with her was CP9. We will get to the bottom of this Koala, but we have to find a safe place to lay low until we can be sure we aren't still being followed."
"Ivankov's isn't far from here," Koala proposed.
"No. I don't know if he recognized us as Revolutionaries, but it's safer to assume he did. Knowing that, Iva's is the first place they'll look." Sabo grimaced. "In fact, we can rule out any safe house she knew about before she went missing."
"You don't think she would have given that up to them, do you?"
"Twenty four hours ago, I thought she was dead. I don't know what to think." He checked the rear view mirror before making another sharp turn, aimlessly speeding across the city.
"We can take her to Ace? He was never affiliated with us anyway, but you know he'd do anything you asked," Koala suggested. 
"Can't. He's over in the Grand Line for at least a week. You think the doctor will take her?"
Koala shook her head. "You already owe him enough favors. Besides, do you really want an asshole like him watching over her?"
Sabo let a sly grin form on his face. "No, but that gives me an idea." 
"What is it?"
"I don't think you're going to like it."
"Sabo, did you just turn south?"
"In fact, I'm pretty sure you'll hate it."
"You can't be serious."
"She never met him. We didn't even take him on as a supplier until after she was gone."
"He's a criminal! How can you trust him with this?"
"He hates the government as much as we do, he's done much worse for less cash than I'm willing to offer, and even though he's an asshole, he's a man of his word. If he accepts, he won't betray us."
Koala shook her head as she finished dressing the wound on your arm. She brushed the stray hairs out of your face and muttered under her breath, "This is going to be a disaster."
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