#kidge trash
kidge · 2 years
some cute pidge and keith gifs i love ❤️💚
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lambyprincess · 3 years
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hewwwooo !!! dis is mi first time making a editt / moodboard,,, >\\\< of course mi had to do it of mi comfort ship ,,, KIDGEEE !,,, this a sfw agere couple headcanon ! pidge is a regresser and keith is the care taker hehe❤️💚 i do not owl any characters ! and the one of keith and pidge cuddling is a screenshot edit >< so all credit goes to those people i just made the moodboard hehe ,, i hope you follow me i will be trying to post more moodboards and headcanon post (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) ! 💚❤️
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artisinal-cheese · 4 years
Yknow what cracks me up, upon rewatching Voltron: Legendary Defenders S7 E6 when they get stranded in the Abyss.
When they get pushed into space while trying to push the lions together they catch eachother in a certain way.
Lance and Hunk catch eachother by the hand, Allura grabs Pidge by the waist Pidge grabs Lance by the Arm and pulls him by her chest. Allura catches Keith by the hand and Keith grabs Hunk by the foot.
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So while Keith is talking he sees this:
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Some time goes by and this becomes the linked formation.
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Meaning Keith got jealous that Allura had Pidge by the waist that he went in between them.
Idk why but this cracks me up thinking what the excuse for moving to linking arms was for him to seperate them, also somewhat explains why he snaps at Allura later...or I would like to think.
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angelmancy · 3 years
Keith crushing on Pidge and acting all tsundere about when others try and ask what's up with the two of them
That's it. That's the post.
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vultruntrash · 6 years
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I figured out how to draw Keith
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alubanana · 5 years
To Change the Sun - Chapter 26
Chapter Warnings: N/A, unless you want to count cleaning
Characters: Keith, Pidge, and trash floofs
Summary: Who knew cleaning could get so heartfelt? 
The green floof made a soft trilling noise in his ear.
“Pidge,” Keith said again, a bit more desperately. For all he knew, the caterpillar had decided he looked like a very tasty snack and wanted to have him for lunch. For all he knew about it, that might as well have been true.
“Okay, okay!” Pidge sniffed, rubbing tears of mirth from her eyes. “I-It’s just the floofs they--they can sense really powerful emotion.”
“They can?” Keith eyed the green fur out of the corner of his eye.
Read it here! 
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sillygurl1021 · 6 years
I'm Such Voltron Trash!
I ship EVERYONE! Love every ship! Love every character! Love the story! LOVE VOLTRON Overall!!!! I just want everyone to have a happy ending! 😭
Although my fave, aka wife, is Pidge and my OTP is Plance, I love all them and every ship (like i literally just mentioned lol)
There's Plance (MyOTP!)
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I'm not going to go and search all these ships a day (I only do that with my OTP lol) but it doesn't mean I won't ❤️, comment, or repost!
What's your Voltron OTP?
I'm sure I missed ships and most ships I dont really know the names so let me know lol
Share if you feel the same! Please don't hate!
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panicatthekogane · 5 years
I found this horseshit on Facebook and when I find who's responsible I'll break your fucking legs 🤢
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astxlphe · 6 years
I love that Keith understands Pidge’s nonsensical signalling. It’s cute
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thesnowidol4life · 6 years
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kidge · 1 year
i need good kidge fics like a good amount of fluff yet also some soft-ish nsfw dms and asks are open for sending fics or just askksss
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ziablackkat · 6 years
Kidge shared bed AU
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@musakopanda for you~ enjoy!
Sorry it's so short, and cringy, and full of mistakes.... Art is not mine!
Keith sent a glare at Shiro while Pidge glared at Hunk. Lance just smirked. The three (with the help of Coran and Allura) had made Pidge's room inhabitable then stated she would stay with Keith until it was fixed.
The thing is, they didn't just mess everything up, they also put a hole in the wall (That was Allura). Pidge collected a bag of clothes and was shoved into Keith's room when it was time for them to sleep.
Akwardly they moved around each other to get ready for bed, Pidge ended up next to the wall while Keith was on the edge of the bed. Pidge let out a small breath as she inhaled the scent of Keith. It was calming and she relaxed and fell asleep meanwhile Keith could not calm down.
Pidge. Was. Sharing. His. Bed. She was less then a foot away. Curse Shiro and the others!
After a while, he finally fell asleep. It was about 3 am when the door opened and quiet whispers came into the room.
A few clicks of a button and they were out. Allura giggled as they looked through the pictures and sent them to Krolia before putting one as Keith's background and a different one for Pidge. Once they were done, they all went to their rooms and went to bed.
Pidge opened her eyes to be met with a black shirt, a part of arms were wrapped around her as well. When she looked up, she was met with Keith's adorable sleeping face, which didnt help her situation. He was holding her to tight for her to get away so she ended up giving up.
Let's just say it was a really awkward day, and to make things even more awkward, Lance took both their heads and made them kiss. everyone else was happy and all they could think was, hdohrjeowgeuiwveiqheiekgeidbshdokdgidbdgodbrhkdjwopqyeiwjf
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lambyprincess · 3 years
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heres a cute kidge playlist hehe❤️💚 i hope you enjoy it :3 and listen to it i really love it !! 🎸🌿 ah yes long distance kidge headcanon? yess 💚❤️
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artisinal-cheese · 4 years
I know Kidge shippers are trash but look....I'm trash.
But heres the thing. They have such similar character arcs.
-They both hated school/where an outcast (even had the same anime style seat by the window that they looked out on)
- Both have a close bond with Shiro. Shiro was basically a big brother/legal guardian of Keith and while Shiro was head of Voltron and even into the later seasons he was basically a space dad to Pidge.
- Both were rule breakers and did not give a damn about the consequences.
- Both grew from being absolute loners to working as a team.
- I think its a canon trait that every Black Lion Paladin is attracted to smart people. (Zarkon/Honerva) (Shiro/Adam)
- Almost all of season 8 features Kidge. They are always sitting together or standing together and there are so many times in the begining of battles where Keith's instinct is to use Pidge's weapons.
But I think the thing that really soldified it for me was when they were traversing in Honerva's mind and Keith got seperated on the otherside of the mind barrier.
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Allura is the first to sink and Lance dives for her, Pidge grabs Hunk's Hand and Keith grabs Pidge's hand. And as everyone else sinks into the darkness he keeps trying to pull her out. If he can atleast get her out then she can figure out what's going on, right?
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He's grasping with both hands desperate to pull her out, meanwhile her hand is weak and slack, she is likely passed out already.
As her hand slips through his grasp and disappears, leaving him alone on the other side of the barrier that was like tar to the rest of Voltron, but like obsidian to him he goes mad.
Shooting and beating at the surface in hopes that it will break.
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When he realizes he is powerless, he falls to his knees in defeat, its cathonic. He was always a lone wolf kind of guy so should'nt this be what he wanted? I mean the only one who was important to him in Voltron before was Shiro, but he's not here. So why is he so devastated?
Cut to Pidge panting as her mind ajusts to the darkness and she calls out for the rest of the team.
To be honest I know there is a 5 year difference in age (counting Keiths 2 years with his mom that equated to 2 weeks regular time) and that she's technically a minor at this point. But I imagine that Keith briefly dates Acxa, and that when that relationship ends then he gets with Pidge.
The way I ship Kidge is that Pidge has a small crush on Lance (the way she helps Lance get a gift for Allura, or the slight bafflement and looking away when she hears about the Allurance date) and that Keith has a crush on Pidge that shes just obvious to, and she thinks that being the resident techie means that she's naturally close to the Black Lion Paladin (since she was close with Shiro).
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pidgance · 7 years
pidge, showing the paladins all the trash versions she made of them: and look i made a trash keith!
pidge: see? his arms are crossed because he’s mad at all the other trash paladins for annoying him.
pidge, turning to look at keith: you like it?
keith, choked up: it’s fine
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asheuwubert · 6 years
*taps mic*
um pidge being a dwarf barbarian and keith being a half-elf fighter in monsters and mana/d&d au and going on adventures and having a gimli and legolas type thing going on :)
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