#kidiplier au
alcordraws · 6 years
One last thing before i disappear to go write.
I have quite a few comics in the works but working on them all at once is exhausting. So which one do you want to see me go through and finish first?
-Magical Mishaps
-Kidiplier au
-youtuber possession au
-su au
-through the maze
(I'm on mobile so i can't do links, but each one should be easy to search up on my blog)
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kenmarlenn · 7 years
jollyjameson replied to your post
two words: toddler. leashes.
(About the AU where the Egos are all 5-and-under-year-olds who Teamiplier have to babysit)
Some of those kids certainly need it. Strollers work better for the younger egos, the two and three year olds (that’d be Ed Edgar, Bim Trimmer, Googleplier, and Silver Shepherd). The others, depending on how well behaved they are on any given day or in general, get the toddler leashes or a hand to hold. Dark doesn’t need a leash or a hand, he acts like a perfect little angel all the time. He has the most freedom out of all of them - he is the oldest after all. Wilford, specifically, is the one who needs a leash. He tends to be like an overeager Chica, and drags around whoever’s holding on the other end.
The Host likes to sit on Tyler’s shoulders, so he can be really tall (There’s more details to narrate when you’re up high!), and other egos catch on and try to get their turn to be tall too. Amy has her hands held at every single moment, and many of the kids follow her around like little ducklings. They just adore her, each in their own special way. Katheryn goes full on Mom Friend mode, and is the best at keeping even Wilford in line. She also supervises the playtimes with Chica and Marzipan. Ethan is the best at entertaining the kids, with his backflips and improv ability that lets him invent new games on the fly. Mark is busy trying to keep all of this under control, care for their new charges, and figure out what to do with all these kids (because he... made them right? This is kinda his responsibility?). He’s also a bit worried about some of the egos specifically, like Dark - he made them. They may be kids, but he knows what they’re capable of.
I went off on a tangent, but it’s a really cute idea (with limited angst because I say so), so I want to think about it more. Everybody talk to me about it more.
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alcordraws · 7 years
Remember Kidiplier AU?
I sure do! I haven't been able to work on it, but i definitely have stuff still planned for it
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alcordraws · 7 years
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All the kiddos together
-Dark: Aggressive, assertive Can usually charm his way into getting whatever he wants, but has a short temper. Gets angry if he gets denied, shell cracks easier. Tends to feel guilty of his actions after his outbursts unless he feels justified. Got into an argument with the Author and ended up hitting him with his own bat. The Author’s sight didn’t disappear immediately and might have already showed signs of going before the incident, but Dark still feels he’s at fault. Hast the Host and Google as his protégés of sorts and are all rather intelligent. Often gets frustrated that he can’t watch tv in color. When his anger gets particularly bad, he has a habit of dropping things into the void.
-Wilford: Cheerful, unpredictable Tends to be unrealistically optimistic as well as frustratingly literal. He is not allowed near weapons or sharp kitchen utensils. He’s protective of the younger egos, in particular Bim, the Host, and Yandere. Loves dressing up and often paints Yan’s nails. He rarely gets hurt and heals quicker than the others, although he takes the same amount of time to recover from internal illnesses. Is often regarded as Dark’s twin.
-Host/Author Quiet, cunning/aggressive cunning As the Author: eloquent as he is vulgar and prone to fits of violence when people don’t cooperate with him. Had a wooden bat that was later replaced with a plastic bat. As the Host: tends to be underestimated. Soft-spoke and elegant, but still has the occasional temper tantrum though not as easily set off. Loves to read and is a fantastic storyteller. Can only narrate the immediate area around him and is dependent on his cane.
-Googles Sassy, calculating Blue: doesn’t like being told what to do and becomes defensive when ordered around. Smart-mouthed and gets easily grumpy. He’s the most logical of the Googs and hates getting derailed. Would prefer for his brothers to stay away from Dark. Oliver: small and timid, would rather find the least violent way to resolve a problem. Orville (red): tiny terror, chaotic. Good friends with Yan. Likes the most destructive solution to a problem. Oxnard (green): apathetic and would prefer not to deal with the problem. Keeps to himself but willing to fight for his brothers.
-Bing Excitable, loud Goes around pretending to do cool tricks on a skateboard. Very protective of Bop. Thought fidget spinners were a lame trend until he realized they actually helped him. He’s not the only one who uses them. Gets into fights with Orville and has a rivalry with Blue that only he takes seriously.
-Bop Sweet, mischievous Shy around new people and the stronger egos. Slips into Simmish babble when nervous. Tends to be very friendly and is happy to go along with Bing’s pranks. Loves music and wants to learn to play as many instruments as possible. Can do minor sound manipulation and mimicry. Would normally go around in only his vest if not for Bing’s insistence that he’ll get sick.
-Dr. Iplier Persistent, blunt Worries a lot over the Host and tends to be a bit of a hypochondriac. Is very gentle when patching up Bim. Is the least squeamish. Can see the worst thing that has or will happen to someone within three hours. He’s one of the calmer kids but know how to work a knife.
-King of the Squirrels Kind, somewhat defensive Loves animals but especially squirrels. Is sad that that he can’t have peanut butter due to Ethan’s allergies. Good at climbing trees, bad at coming down.
-Jims Mischievous, blunt Look up to Bim and are protective of him. News Bim can see people getting hurt and weather Jim can see the weather for the day.
-Bim Shy, charismatic Though initially very shy around strangers, once comfortable he is very charming. Actually enjoys the spotlight. Still tends to prefer plants to people but is good at acclimating. Usually covered in bandaids from sticking his hands in brambles or thorn pricks from cacti and roses. Has occasional mischievous streaks in which he’ll spend the day with Wilford messing with people. Strong reality warping powers that he’s especially bad at controlling. Gets cold easily.
-Silver Excitable, loud Has good intentions but things tend to go bad for for him anyway. Jumps off jungle jim even though he knows he can’t fly.
-Ed Blunt, somewhat greedy Would willingly sell any of the other kids. Wants a pony and is upset no one will buy him a real one.
-Yandere Deceptively sweet, aggressive Looks like a precious little angel but is always ready for murder. Has childish crushes that change every other day. Also not allowed near sharp kitchen utensils. Gets along like a (literal) house on fire with Orville. Loves cute frilly clothes and anyone who makes fun of him for it is instantly dead. When in a snapped state, only the older more experienced egos or Mark are allowed to approach.
-Artie Quiet, reserved Often has terrible nightmares and has a tendency to talk to his red man doll. Suffers from spooky child syndrome and has a thousand yard stare. Loves to paint and is often covered from head to toe in paint splatter. Finger paints but because he has a tendency to suck his thumb, paints must be checked for toxicity. Also gets cold easily.
Feel free to ask questions!!
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alcordraws · 7 years
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Bunch of colored sketches for the kidiplier au I'm thinking about
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alcordraws · 7 years
Does Kid!Host still have his peepers? Or did they get knocked out of Kid!Author's skull when Kid!Dark used it for batting practice?
The Host still has his eyes after being hit by Dark. When Dark discovers that the Host has gone blind, he feels guilty and he tries to use his powers to the help bring his sight back but. Kid!Dark doesn't have the control or finesse for something as delicate as returning sight so he messes up not once, but twice and the Host pays the price for it, losing not just his sight but also his eyes.
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alcordraws · 7 years
Let's have some kid Yan, Artie, and Orville playing dress up
Orville sit on Yan’s bed, not entirely interested in their game of dress-up. Yan gives him sad eyes every few minutes, but he still refuses, insistent that he’s comfortable in his shirt and jeans. Yan sticks his tongue out at him and goes back to putting little bows in Artie’s hair, bright red to match his neckerchief. 
He has to admit that Artie looks nice in his loose, pale pink shirt and white cardigan and though he’s a little surprised Yan has a skirt small enough to fit him, it looks nice, a deep dark red to match his eyes. Yan has a good taste in fashion for a nine-year-old, Orville supposes. He’s forgone his usual school uniform, instead donning a simple black dress with a white collar. He looks cute and Orville had even conceded to help pick out a nice hat to go with it. 
But the both of them keep shooting him suspicious looks and Orville’s sure Yan’s put one too many bows in Artie’s hair, his beret lying abandoned on the night stand. His suspicioins are comfirmed when Artie tackles him (and really it’s no problem, he’s the tiniest seven-year-old Orville’s ever seen), but then Yan’s also screaming and jumping on him, a wild smile curling on his small face. 
“Let me dress you up!” he cries, and Orville shouts no, he doesn’t wanna and they can’t make him, even if Yan cries (because he knows Yan’s fake crying and not because he’s a jerk). 
Yan’s a cheater though and he once again turns on the sad eyes, except now he has Artie doing it too, both of them pinning him with their large red eyes. Orville is a Google, but he’s too weak for them. 
“Fine”, he grumbles, setting Artie down when Yan finally releases him from his weirdly strong grip. 
They help him pick out something soft and comfortable, in reds like Artie. It’s not actually that bad and in the end, Orville (reluctantly) admits he’s having fun.  
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alcordraws · 7 years
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@taylorplays Kid Host is far less adept at handling bad vision. So. He doesn't read the signs, can't tell what they are. All he knows is that there's agony crashing into his skull like when his bat was slammed into the back of his head all that time ago and he collapses gracelessly to the ground, hands clawing at his eyes and screams tearing from his throat. And the stimuli around him doesn't help, his head threatening to crack between the roar of the crowd and the roar of his vision and. It's not good. There's sobs wracking his tiny body and it's harder to escape because for all the prying eyes, not a single one offers a comforting hand. Someone is kind enough to carry him to the nurse, but it still feels like hours for him to come out of it.
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alcordraws · 7 years
Friend!Dark kid au
Friend!Dark in the kid au is basically the best big brother. He hangs up all of Artie's drawings of him on his wall (and swears he'll murder Wilford if he tells anyone), he guides the Host around when they're in a new area and he's not completely confident on relying solely on his powers or his cane. Dark shows Yandere how to get blood out of his clothes and waters Bim's plants when no one else remembers to.
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alcordraws · 7 years
Okay, real talk, imagine having to TEACH the egos in the kid!AU
It's a bunch of kids with various levels of patience and various levels of add/adhd, not to mention the developing powers some are trying to learn to control. Some would be pretty easy but having them in one room together? That would be nightmarish.
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alcordraws · 7 years
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@fleecal he's my son
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alcordraws · 7 years
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Artie in a dress and makeup + a bow in his hair you’re welcome
(Submitted by @galaxy-starheart) After the stuff yall put me through in the discord I deserve this
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alcordraws · 7 years
Oh my goodness, imagine Dadiplier's reaction the first time Silver switched to his normal persona; thinking Silver had finally grown out of that phase, then turning the corner and seeing Silver right there in his outfit? Then turning around and seeing the other persona?? He starts to think he somehow missed one of his kids for all these years.
He’s so confused like
When did he get another set of twins? And why does everyone act like they’re not twins? And then he discovers that oh, it’s still just Silver, and it’s a good thing he’s very patient and supportive. If this is what it takes for Silver to express himself then so be it. 
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alcordraws · 7 years
Ok ok, so I have a thing for the kid egos AU. Since I ship Bim and the Jims, I got this idea. Imagine Wilford telling them about LGBTQ+ for the first time, and Bim and the Jims just look at each other for a moment. It takes a while for an attraction to develop between them, but after knowing that it wasn't bad, they embraced it and got together! :3 (Sorry I'm not the best at wording stuff. Also I love you blog!)
Oh man none of these kids fit conventional norms, just imagine Yan being upset because some jerks teased him about his skirts and Wilford comes in and assures him he's allowed to wear whatever the heck he wants (and maybe he's a little too indulgent in letting Yan get bloodthirsty as payback).And the Jims are blown away because they can both?? Be happy with Bim??? And Wilford's like yeah, obviously, he's having none of that unhealthy love triangle bs. These kids are so happy.
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alcordraws · 7 years
for the kid AU: I know that you said Dark sends things into the void when he looses control. What if he can't always control where he is himself? Like, he gets upset or wants to be left alone, and He just... disappears. Like he'll be gone for a few days and reappear. Bonus: Does he have parental figures in the void, like Cthulu?
He's gone in a poof of black smoke, mcr ringing softly in the distance. And of course, he may have escaped a lecture from Mark and teamiplier, but that won't stop the great lord Cthulu from scolding him. He has a few other eldritch horror dad in the void, but they're not around as often.
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alcordraws · 7 years
In Kid AU, you said Bim and Artie get cold easily. Any reason why?
They're both very small, especially Artie as the youngest. Plus, the presence of the Red Man is like a constant chill. Bim tends to be delicate and gets sick easily as it takes a lot of energy to keep his powers in check.
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