#kids double bunkbed
samblerg · 10 months
Kids Room in Denver
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Large, rustic children's room with a brown floor and gender-neutral carpeting White walls in a children's room
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seacircus · 9 months
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Dallas Transitional Kids Example of a medium-sized transitional kids' bedroom with white walls and a beige floor that is gender-neutral.
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heich0e · 4 months
the itadori house always smells faintly of clean laundry.
it's not because the two boys who live there are particularly diligent about staying on top of their housework—the towering pile of recyclables in the corner of the kitchen is proof enough of that—but it's because the first time yuuji had tried to do his own laundry, he used way too much detergent. the ensuing tsunami of soap suds had flooded nearly half-way across the tiny apartment—coating the floors, the baseboards, and anything else in its path, in a slippery (though pleasantly fragranced) froth that took DAYS for the two brothers to clean up. it must have sunk in to the floorboards, or there must still be traces of it lingering in nooks and crannies that they couldn't reach, because even now, years after the catastrophe, the scent still lingers.
even though the mere mention of the incident still makes a vein of irritation throb in sukuna's forehead, and makes yuuji hang his head in shame, you don't mind the smell. it's familiar after all these years. it reminds you of this place.
you burrow your face down into the cushion of the living room sofa. it's raining today, and a bit humid, so the scent of detergent is particularly strong.
you're nearly asleep when a voice interrupts your quiet moment of relaxation.
"i should start charging you rent, y'know."
you don't open your eyes, even once you hear the words that come from above you. even without looking, you can picture the scene: sukuna leaning over the back of the sofa that you're sprawled across, his weight resting on his elbows as he peers down at you with his usual scowl. it's not the same scowl he shows to everyone else—the one that makes people shrink back under his gaze—this is a softer version of the same expression, dulled by familiarity. if you were more optimistic you might even say it was blunted by affection.
"stop pretending to sleep, kid." you feel his hand grasp your hip, shaking you lightly. "i know you're faking."
you feel a smile threatening to pull at your lips so you turn your face towards the pillow—the one you bought for the sofa, since the itadori brothers' idea of home decor is limited to creased posters for old mafia movies nobody's ever heard of and women with their tits out taped to the wall—and you burrow down to hide your expression from view.
"you're such a nuisance," sukuna groans, and then you feel the sofa dip. you figure he's pulled himself over the back of it now, based on how you feel him kneeling overtop of you with your legs straddled between his own. you're on your belly, but you can feel him rest back on his haunches, trapping your feet underneath him as he sits. "can't you nap at your own house?"
"too tired," you finally rasp out, daring to peek at him over your shoulder.
"and i'm not?" he scoffs, lifting his hand and pushing his hair back from his face. he's still half-dressed in his work uniform—a pair of slacks from the security company he's been working at part-time for the past few weeks, and a white t-shirt that he usually wears underneath the short sleeved button down that matches the trousers. "i just worked a double—been up since 4."
he does look tired, now that you have the chance to look at him. his hair is a bit dishevelled and he's got dark circles under his eyes. sukuna always looks a bit exhausted—and has since grandpa passed away and he took on the responsibility of raising yuuji. but it's particularly noticeable right now.
"and i can't even come home and take a nap on my own couch because there's a freeloader here."
you bite the inside of your cheek, wiggling around a bit underneath him so you can lay on your back.
"charge me rent then," you parry back to his complaint, and he cocks an eyebrow at your challenge. "i want a bed though. s'only fair."
"we'll get bunkbeds for yuuji's room, then," sukuna quips.
"don't wanna bunk with yuuji," you counter again, "he snores."
sukuna pauses, staring down at you. he leans forward slowly, his hands pressing into the couch cushion on either side of your waist as he dips towards you. "only one other bedroom in this place, y'know—"
you do know. it's why you said it.
"—and i have no plans to give up my bed."
sukuna is close to you now. too close, in any other circumstance, but this is one entirely of your own creation. a circumstance that feels more like an inevitability than anything, given the tension that's been crackling between the two of you lately, ever since he rescued you that night at the bar.
"didn't ask you to give it up," you say quietly, your eyes flickering across his features until they eventually settle on his lips.
sukuna makes a little noise in the back of his throat, close to annoyance, but not quite. distinctly tortured in nature.
"you really, really are a nuisance, y'know that?"
his hands are on your hips now. not like when he'd shaken you awake—this touch is greedier, needier than that passing graze. his fingertips slip up underneath the hem of your shirt until they brush against your bare skin, and the contact makes your body flush with heat.
"yuuji's gonna be back from class soon," you murmur softly, your gaze flickering back up to sukuna's heavy-lidded eyes. his nose twitches a little in annoyance, knowing you're right.
sukuna backs away a little, his hands slipping back out from underneath your shirt.
you sit up and catch his wrist in your hand, and his eyes widen in surprise. your faces are close together now—so close you can smell the cinnamon gum on his breath. he stole a pack from you a few days ago, and clearly he's still chewing it.
you can't smell the laundry detergent anymore.
"i didn't tell you to stop," you remark lightly, leaning back so you're splayed out against the sofa once more. you stare up at him, waiting for him to process what you've said—watching the thoughts play out across his uncharacteristically shocked face. "i just meant that you should hurry up and do it already."
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rockethorse · 9 months
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4t2 Shell Challenge - LunaSims "TinyGalaxy" Family Home
Got another 4T2 shell challenge for you! Not only is it on a 1x1 lot, it was actually made with an even SMALLER limitation - this is a TS4 "micro home", aka 60 tiles!! (Well, ok, plus a couple extra to account for differences between TS4 and TS2, but don't sue me.)
The original TS4 TinyGalaxy challenge was posted by LunaSims on YouTube, who set the additional challenge of trying to make it a family home. So this is a fully-furnished TS2 micro home which can support 4* Sims, though it is not a starter home, costing a little over §50k.
More pics & DL link below!
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The first floor is kitchen/dining, with a fireplace and bookshelf, plus access to the bathroom (typical 2x3 affair).
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The stairs have been placed with Nopke's mod so even if you don't have that mod, your Sims should hopefully still be able to walk underneath them. The stairs function, but be mindful that Sims will still not be able to walk over the third tile that usually cuts out the flooring (here under the left side of the desk) if you decide to move/delete furniture. They can still access things placed on top of it, e.g. the phone.
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The two bedrooms! The kids could make better use of their space if you were to use CC bunkbeds, but it's still perfectly serviceable as-is.
*Of course, in TS2, two Sims can only sleep in this double bed if you have a mod that allows them to access inaccessible beds. Two single beds will easily fit in this room, so this house can still support four Sims, but if you play a completely vanilla game, then as presented, this house is only really built for three Sims. (Does anyone play without that mod, though?)
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Lastly, the small yard. There's a little veggie garden, some skilling objects, and more kids' playstuff. There's also an apple tree out the front.
Technically outdoor spaces enclosed with fences are supposed to count against TS4's "tiny home" tile counter, but there are ways to totally cheese that in-game, so nobody cares. Landings for modular staircases (such as the ones by the front and back doors) also don't count as floor tiles in TS4 like they do in TS2, so I gave them to us for free.
But there you are! A functioning TS2 micro family home on a 1x1 lot. I've playtested it and everything should be accessible & functional, even the storage under the stairs. I think LunaSims's original roofing on this shell was super super cute and it even looks good in TS2!
Download Little Stars Family Home @ SFS
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haute-pockette · 2 years
More Turtle Tot Headcanons cause this is all I think about
You know how they all fit in Splinter’s hands at first and now they’re human sized?
Yeah, they had a lot of growing pains to catch up to the growth curve of humans
They didn’t just feel it in their legs though they also felt it in their shells
Splinter kept lots of kids Tylenol in stock for really bad nights the boys couldn’t fall asleep because of it
The boys now have a deep hatred of anything bubblegum flavored cause that’s the only flavor of medicine Splinter ever got for them
They used to all sleep in a crate full of blankets together when they were itty-bitty
They were so used to turtle piles none of them wanted their own room when they were big enough to have separate beds
They’d share a bed then a bunkbed was thrown together
But it wasn’t long after that their personalities got distinct enough to want their own spaces
Mikey would regularly ‘sleepover’ in his brother’s rooms 
Leo and Donnie would also sometimes sneak into each other’s room for night time cuddles after nightmares
If everyone was having a bad day though it was most common for Raph’s room to be filled with turtles
Raph used to have a lisp as a kid
He practiced copying Lou Jitsu’s lines to try and get rid of it
But when he’s really stressed or talking too fast it tends to make itself present again
Donnie spent a lot more time in water when he was little
He hated the feeling of his shell being dry
So they tied a sponge to his back to keep him moist and protect his shell
Mikey used to get hiccups all the time and he’d cry if they made him wake up
I know I said in another post that Donnie is the most flexible, but that’s only in the spine
Mikey is hyper-mobile (aka double jointed) which helps him fit his longer limbs into his shell
It freaked Splinter out the first few times he saw the baby bend his fingers backwards
The first time they went topside Splinter took them to a playground in the middle of the night
The spiral slide and the jungle gym were the two biggest hits
Leo loved the swings and tried to loop over the bar
He managed to get parallel with the ground but wound up launching off the swing and into the wood chips 
Crying ensued and they went home to get him some cartoon bandaids and hot chocolate
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
Kiri and Spider have been best friends since the beginning
They met when Kiri was still an infant and Spider around 2. He still wasn't allowed to leave the labs but he snuck in to one of Kiri's checkups
He was a climber and a builder - hence his name - and so it was hard to keep him out of where he wanted to be
So when the toddler heard another cry in the building it was only a matter of time before he found it
He wanders, stumbling through the offices he's confined to and sneaking until he reaches the Avatars
Jake is there, Kiri in his arms, sitting next to Ms. Grace's tank. He's talking and it sounds like a story which Spider loves so he of course toddles his way over. He climbs into the Na'vi's lap without regard for his size, skin, or the fact that he's only met Jake a handful of times.
Jake, to his credit, catches the tiny human with a free palm under his butt. Paying no heed to the flabbergasted look on the mans face, he peers down to stroke the girls cheek
He flies for a moment while Jake tries to keep them apart but then the girl has his hand in her palm
She blinks up with big eyes and Spider offers a giant toothless grin: there was no going back after that
Neteyam comes with Kiri
He's Spiders age but double his size, 2' taller for the 2 months he's younger
Still, Spider doesn't let the few kids his age on Pandora get away. He's a social butterfly and opts to conquer Neteyam's introverted ways.
And so he toddles after the blue boy everytime he comes with his sister
Kiri is growing fast, especially next to human growth standards, but she still has a ways to go to meet Spider, so her big brother will have to do
It's 3 months of toddling after him, pulling his tail, and playing with the pretty beads adoring his hair while Neytiri tries desperately to keep the little human away from him
But, once again, containing Spider is mission the adults surrounding him have yet to accomplish
And so Neteyam finds himself with a little blonde flea attached to his side
He chases the younger boy through the halls, giggling at the tiny hisses Neteyam lets out when he catches him. He pulls his tail and climbs onto his big boy bed - he can use the grown up bunks now! - while Neteyam tackles his obstacles with ease.
The other boy is shyer but Spider has learned how to rile him up by now
They play for the hour or two that Jake spends with Kiri getting monitored in the labs. If Neytiri is there then it's harder, but Spider can normally get a story for them at least.
It continues on for a while with Kiri joining them as she starts to crawl, then toddle with their hair or her brothers tail in her fist
And it seems that gets Spider a little too comfortable
Namesake on full display, he tries to climb the bunkbed ladders of the bunk room while Neteyam is chasing him
He's gotten far too big for most of Spiders tricks to slow him down so the child thinks this is his chance to get a rare upper hand
Except bunk beds are tall and metal is slick and maybe Spider isn't really that much of a big kid yet
He really does try to catch himself but its too slippery and he hits the ground hard
The scientists around the lab don't like it when he cries and really does try to keep it in, but his arm really hurts and he can't help but let it escape
He waits for Neteyam to mock him or tell him to stop but instead finds himself craddled against the boys chest.
"Shhhh, shh, 's okay Spi, just stop cryin'. I-I'll get my Daddy and Uncl' Norm." Spider only shakes his head and cries more, clinging to the other boys beads.
"No'uh, 'm okay. 'm a big boy."
Neteyam stutters for a minute before he nods. The two boys stay curled on the floor for a few minutes then with Spiders arm cradled between them.
"Don't worry, 'm here Spi. Every'tings okay."
Their relationship is never as close as the others growing up but there's an understanding between them the others never have
They're equals, the two oldest brothers.
They might be opposites but they've got one another's backs...even if that's just taking left while the other takes right to corner Lo'ak at highcamp.
Neteyam never made friends easily
Spider forced himself into the picture and his siblings never really got a choice in the matter
Sure, being the Ole'ekytans son meant some of the other kids would clamor for his attention but he never did good at being more than casual
Responsibilities stack on him like like the berries on Tuks tarts: he doesn't have the time or strength to devote to anything else
His siblings are enough though. There's a war and he can't loose focus or they'll get hurt
He left them once and lost Spider - he won't let it happen again
It gets lonely though
He chases after his kid brother and protects his sisters from as much as he can but...there's no one to look after him
Then he meets Ao'nung
Ao'nung is brave and cool and gets it in a way his siblings just can't
He may not have grown up in a war but he has a little sister and another on the way - he knows the responsibility of an important father and its addicting to have that person in his life
They lean on eachother, quietly, and he finally has something for himself
He tells him things he never told anyone else
He talks about his fathers expectations and pressure, his mothers trauma, his worry over the human they left behind, and his fear for Kiri's future. He talks about Lo'ak running into danger and Tuk losing her innocence and Ao'nung talks about his anger. About the fear he has of whats to come, about Tsireya and how he worries this will break her. He's weak around him and Neteyam savors it.
Time goes by and he gets hurt. His arm might never be the same as it was and his ear still rings with the echoes of gunshots but he has his brother back and his family is safe
Neytiri finally, finally lets Spider come home but it's not over
He doesn't think it ever will be
But Ao'nung slips his hand into his and maybe he'll be okay
Maybe he doesn't have to do this alone
Rotxo was Ao'nungs first friend
They were friends from the first time they sat through lessons together and they've been attached at the hip ever since
Rotxo knows Ao'nung will be a great Ole'ekytan but he'll need a right hand and Rotxo is ready to step up
For a long time he thinks maybe he'll be more than that but the Sullys arrive and they both find that path a different way
Still, they're eachothers person
They back one another up no matter what and there is rarely one without the other
In training they pair up, have joint moves that they make just for themselves and know the others gaps or weaknesses like its their own
Tonowari didn't want to train them for war but they didn't want to risk being unprepared
So when the sky people reach their waters, they spend every hour they can steal with one another
They spar and wrestle and carve more weapons
Their hands shake with fear and adrenaline but they keep their thighs pressed to the others and carry on
Rotxo gains muscle mass and Ao'nung learns to use a bow Neteyam carved. They grow their skills, their strength, but also their fear
Unlike the Sullys, they didn't grow up with war on the horizon
They don't know what's coming and cling to each other while they can.
No matter what, they know they can rely on the other
It isn't until they see Quaritch dead that they'll let go of the breath they're holding but they hold the other up until then
Nothing could pry them apart and nothing that tries will walk away
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wheelie-butch · 7 months
Scott + The Wolfpack Bedroom Layout Ideas
I was talking with my gf about this and basically I was thinking about what the bedroom situation looks like at Scott's house.
I don't think Scott shares a room with the Wolfpack (5 guys in 1 bedroom is a lot) but also if you have 5 kids in the house, letting 1 have his own room and making 4 of them share seems really unfair. If it's a 3 bedroom house (so 1 bedroom for their grandma and 2 for the boys) then I think you'd probably allocate it like 3 kids in the bigger one and 2 in the smaller one, which would be Scott + one of the Wolfpack. However, I don't think the Wolfpack would sleep in separate rooms (separation anxiety central over here lol).
So, what I am headcanoning the layout as is: one bedroom has a bunkbed and a single, this is supposed to be for the 3 of the Wolfpack who are more in wolf form. I like to headcanon that they used to be in human form like Scott and Alpha (what I call the leader, just bear with please lol) more when they were younger and started feeling happier in wolf form more over time, which is why the furtinure setup is for human form. What actually happens is Alpha still sleeps in there, usually on one of the beds or will put bedding on the floor, and the others will either curl up on the floor or on the beds still in wolf form. It's an absolute tip in there and it's more of a cosy/gross nest situation more than beds being used properly.
And then in Scott's bedroom, it's supposed to be him and Alpha sharing, but in reality that hasn't happened for years (I like the headcanon the wolfpack only went REALLY hard on the being inseparable thing once they started elementary school.) They've got a bunkbed and Scott sleeps on the bottom but Alpha's top bunk just gets used for storage really. Sometimes Scott's grandma suggests they get rid of the bunkbed and get him a double to himself but he likes keeping things the way they are in case Alpha does ever want to share with him again. In general he's too happy-go-lucky to ever feel lonely about it and it's nice having his own space more or less to keep all his Pokeman stuff and have friends over, but sometimes at night he can hear the Wolfpack talking until late and that's a tiny bit sad...
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ntshastark · 9 months
.......hello 👀
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MAWS liveblog: part 1 (1x01-1x02)
Episode 1
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BABY BOY!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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she's angry and also a vicki vale fan, i love her 😭
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AND SO DOES HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YES HE'S BABY!!!!!!!!!!
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hmm i like lois having a more established career at the point she meets clark, but i can work with this (sv!lois hadn't even graduated yet and she's my fav so)
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he's so in love with her already, we love a man with taste
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loving this dynamic already
everything is so ultra-tech-y, there's tablets with holograms, computers with stupid transparent screens, all weapons are laser
and yet, the newspaper is not only still printed but also delivered by kids
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love the uncanny blue of clark's eyes
gotta admit, i'm not a fan of lois also being instantly into clark, i like when he's instantly into her but she's too career-focused to even pay him any attention, and is also a bit mean to him (but he likes it) (bonus points if there's a bit of a rivalry going on bc he keeps getting scoops and she can't figure out how)
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now that's better >:3
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omg captain america
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what do these lasers even do, his clothes are intact????
this poor man experiencing pain for the first time in like 20 years probably
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wait then whose tie was it??????
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Episode 2
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now i REALLY want to know how they developed the language, bc i don't think it's ever been spoken before
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NOOOOOOOO THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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isn't that the name of, like, that one kryptonian hero that was nightwing's sidekick or something?? (don't wanna google it in case there's maws spoilers)
wonder if it's gonna be a plot point or just a easter egg
wait i think the base for the spoken kryptonian was latin (which is a pity, i was hoping for hebrew)
i'm not saying i dislike this lois, but... she's a bit too quirky and immature... :/ i get that they're younger here than in most adaptations but i mean, smallville!lois was even younger and she's perfect
but it's ok, it's a children's cartoon, i can live with it.
oh my god they gave him a magical girl transformation
full disclosure: i'm not really into anime, so this does nothing to me except make me :/ that we're not getting the "baby blanket sewn by martha" version
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ma'am the word you're looking for is definitely not shorts
the animation on this series is really not that good with expression tbh, like, the voice actors are going hard and the character is just =[]
i wasn't huge on the art style bc i thought it was too anime-like but one thing you definitely can't say about anime is that it's not expressive, so it's feeling like a lose/lose situation over here lol
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i mean, come on
ugh, references to the classic superman theme always Get Me
wait, there's a regular bedroom but also a bunkbed in the living room? who designed this apartment????
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ok the woman is probably amanda waller and the military guy is very likely general lane, but who tf is this tumblr sexyman-looking bitch supposed to be
ok, final impression? it's cute, it's fun, most of the issues i have with it can be answered with "it's a children's cartoon". i'm glad a new generation of kids is being given a new superman series, which is the important thing here (and i mean, the cartoon that got me into superman was fucking krypto the superdog, so). can't wait to get my little cousins and nephews into it!!
the biggest disappointment is probably lois and clois, tbh. she might even eventually develop into a more accurate version of the character, but the get-together that they're going with is definitely not how i'd prefer (and the early-on identity-porn era is my favourite for them, so it's double the :/). but it's ok, there's tons of other adaptations and comics out there that do show them that way (and more on the horizon! here's hoping 'superman: legacy' delivers, the casting is already amazing so 🤞🏻)
anyway, i'm gonna be going through the eps kinda slowly bc i'm pretty busy, so it's definitely not gonna be like my usual half-a-season-in-one-sitting liveblogs (god i miss having vacations)
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I hope you feel better mentally and physically after your break, Mod
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//I'm not.
//Just gonna say right now, bluntly, that somehow, I am even worse in terms of mental health than I was before I left. And it's a crying shame because I was really looking forward to going away.
//But I know exactly who is to blame for it. I don't want to go too deep into details, but let me just share the basic experience I had.
//To elaborate more on what happened while I was away, I basically went to Alton Towers with my family for three days.
//Alton Towers, for those who don't know, is a theme park, and my god it is fucking terrible. The three days I spent there were quite possibly the worst theme park experience I've ever had, and I can chock it up to three things.
//Exhibit A: Every single main ride is randomly closed with little to no reason.
//I kid you not when I tell you that 80% of the park's main attractions were closed at random intervals, some at the most inconvinient timing. This includes The Smiler, Galactica, Rita, Thirteen, Hex, Oblivion, Spinball Whizz and Nemesis. Most of which are the park's MOST POPULAR attractions. There were also not one, but TWO instances where I and my family got to the front of an hour-long queue, only to be told there and then that the ride was cancelled and closing for the near future. And the reason mainly had to do with the weather. The weather did get bad at points, but Oblivion in particular shut as a result of very light raindrops, which I thought was unnacceptable.
//Exhibit B: The Hotel Service is awful.
//The one thing about the hotel that was good was it's buffet and food, but that's it. The story here is that prior to coming, we ordered a luxury room with three adult beds and one child bed for my younger sister, and do you know what we got? A room with one double-bed and a child's bunkbed, all of which had rock-hard mattresses. But apparently, this is exactly what we ordered online, and this is what the people at the suite count as luxury. I struggled to get to to sleep on the first night and at one point even ended up sleeping in the bath. Which was somehow more comfy.
//But the last exhibit, and by far the worst one of the lot:
//The staff and services are openly ableist and mysoginistic.
//The park has a system called "Special Access" which is essentially a queue for people, like me, who suffer from physical or mental disabilities. The idea is that it allows the people in that queue priority access to the rides faster than those in the main queue. This however, is a load of bullshit.
//On every ride that used the acccess pass, people from both the main queue and paid fastpass access queue would be let on in far greater numbers than the disabled access people. For Smiler in particular (which we didn't get to ride at all because of exhibit A), I actually counted how many people went in from each queue at one point.
Main Queue: 40 Fastpass Queue: 20 Disabled Queue: 2
//And this is not an exaggeration. the first two are rounded, but literally, only 2 to 4 people from the disabled queue are allowed in at a time. There's also the fact that staff on other settings do not give special treatment to disabled people, even when it is needed. For example, there aren't any ramps for restaurants on steps. If you suffer from a disability, physical or mental, you are not treated with the care and hospitality that you deserve and/or need at this place, and they'll sacrifice your fun for the majority.
//As for the whole misogyny thing, there was also a point on the first day where we went and did a ride and came back to do the same ride later. The difference was that one of the staff members was a woman and the other was a man. Both of them did the exact same task, and I couldn't help but notice that the manager of the ride was picking on the woman for making minor mistakes but said nothing to the man who did the same thing move for move. Then later, one of the staff members was keeping a black lady with kids from accessing a certain area of the park, only letting her through when her husband showed up.
//Bottom line is Alton Towers is a horrible theme park run by sexist and ableist cunts who don't care about your feelings so long as they make money. DO NOT GO THERE.
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
you can’t just say you lived in a demonic-level house and then say nothing more 😭 what happened there, i got knoowwww
sdfghjkl okay okay just a general tw for spooky shit because I will be going into detail.
brief backstory: my grandmother is a Weird person who tries to do things spiritually that she knows nothing about, like building a small altar and doing a “water ceremony” during sukkot one year and it was…….non traditional and very questionable. like it’s fine if you do that as a practice but she’s very ignorant and did it Wrong. the first house she lived in that i also lived in was a double wide with an office built onto the back and we turned that office into my bedroom. it was the place my grandmother was in the most while living there bc she was a bookkeeper, and I had the worst nightmares and anxiety that literally woke me up with panic attacks and I would roam the house at night crying before falling asleep on the couch. my mom did an intense prayer session in there and then I never had problems with that again. then years later we had to stay with my grandmother at her current house for about 2-3 years while we were between houses, and she has a belligerent alcoholic husband now. that’s important because he adds to her issues that makes the demonic shit Worse. (also bonus fact that adds lore: I stayed over at this house while my older sister was house sitting for the weekend and I saw a shadow figure standing at the end of the bed the second the lights turned out. nearly pissed myself.)
the main spooky shit: me and my 2 sisters slept in 2 bunkbeds in the guest room my grandmother used as a library while my parents slept in the actual guest room. there’s a narrow hallway that starts at the top of the stairs and turn’s immediately to the right to go to the guest rooms and the bathroom was directly across the hall from the library room, the master bedroom was directly to the left right at the top of the stairs. that’s important. I’m a night owl so most of the shit happened to me while I was up and about sometimes as late as 4-5am. one night I was sitting at the dining room table playing the sims on my laptop and i heard a feminine voice I didn’t recognize say my name. no one else was awake. I heard the same voice 2 more times, once while I was in the shower (I asked everyone and no one knows what I’m talking about) and then again being downstairs at night. I’ve seen a white figure walk across the the front windows, like just outside them, really quickly. I said Goodnight to the living room bc my grandmother has a million cats and turned to walk upstairs, I felt breathing on the back of my neck and it felt like someone was behind me the whole way up. I added a name after goodnight and never broadly addressed the room again and never had that happen again. several times, I left the library room to go to the bathroom and my grandmother’s door (left cracked for the cats) would swing open, pause, and close again like someone looked to see who had come out when everyone was ASLEEP.
I firmly believe I was pushed down the stairs. one second I was walking down just fine and the next I was on my ass on the landing but my feet didn’t slip out from under me and I hadn’t stumbled. I would see figures as a reflection in the door of the microwave move out of my peripheral, I would look and no one was there, not even a cat. my grandmother has terrible nightmares about demons trying to kill her and would wake us all up with her screaming in her sleep and it scared the shit out of us every time. she said she had seen a demon in the house before but my mom wouldn’t elaborate to us kids. my little sister and i both felt uncomfortable turning our backs to the corner by the door of our “room” because it felt like something was there. overall the house felt loud. like you don’t realize how much until you leave and suddenly it’s SO quiet.
(bonus: my brother-in-law has experience with mediums and ghost hunters, and has allegedly seen a ghost in the form of an old woman that appeared in his room he’d never seen before, and he claimed to see shadow figures around the border of the small property the house was on multiple times and has been followed by one to the barn across the street as well.)
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Perfect Study Setup for Bunk Beds and Double Decker Beds for Kids
Discover the Perfect Study Companion: Pluto Height Adjustable Table and Chair Set – Complements Your Kids' Bunk Bed or Double Decker Bed For Kids for an Organized and Fun Learning Space!
Shop Now At: https://alexdaisy.in/kids-beds/bunk-beds
#bunkbed #doubledeckerbedforkids #alexdaisy
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alyhumphrey · 1 month
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8th - 10th April Patterdale Weekend. You were so excited about the double bunkbeds and sharing a dorm with other kids. You love big get togethers with the highlight being a big Easter egg hunt on the last day and the ‘rolling crew’. Henry’s highlight the bubbles
Your description ‘top notch weekend’
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 3 months
How to Pick the Right Area for Your Beach Rental
A beach vacation is a classic holiday getaway but can be expensive. Renting a beach house can be a convenient and cost-effective alternative to standard beach resorts.
Instead of being restricted to tiny rooms at a hotel with a hundred other guests, your group can have the run of a spacious, private house, and you won’t have to compete with other vacationers for a choice spot on the beach or by the pool. You’ll also have use of the kitchen, patio or deck, and entertainment center.
However, finding the perfect beach rental requires more than skimming through online ads and picking the first house with decent photos. Location is everything, as the saying goes. Here are some considerations when choosing the right area for your beach rental.
 First, Decide What You Want 
Beach houses come in many different types, so it’s crucial to decide what’s important to you. A home right on the beach is convenient but will cost more. You may be willing to save by walking a couple of blocks. For the younger crowd, some beach houses include water sports facilities like a boat or jet skis. If you want privacy, you may want to get a home with a private beach area. If you’re traveling with kids, you may look for a home with extra rooms, a pool, or a game room.
 Set a Budget
Sure, you want the get the most for your travel dollars, but you also want to be careful not to go overboard on spending. A housing budget can help ensure you don’t get carried away. It can also help you narrow down your choices.
The length of your stay is also a consideration. A more expensive house might be more comfortable, while a cheaper rental might enable your group to stay longer.
 Get the Exact Address
Many ads describe beach rentals by their distance from the water. But a home that’s an easy, two-block walk to the beach may be better than one that’s just 100 feet from the shore but with no way to get there. When you have the exact address, Google Maps can show you the area around the home, including beach views and access.
 Consider Living Arrangements
With a larger group, sleeping arrangements are important. Some beach rentals claim to accommodate 20 people, but only if they double up on bunkbeds or queen-size beds. On the other hand, kids are great at bunking up, and most enjoy it. To avoid unpleasant surprises, think carefully about where everyone will stay. Examine the floor plan and photos carefully and make sure the space has what you need.
 Research the Location
Safety is important when you’re on vacation; many people are relaxing and less vigilant than at home. It’s advisable to stay in a safe area with a low rate of violent and property crime. You won’t want to come back from a day at the beach only to find your personal belongings are gone.
Likewise, you’ll want to know what restaurants, stores, and other amenities are close. Since you will probably be eating at home some of the time, you’ll want to make sure you can get groceries conveniently. But you will also probably want to try local restaurants. A home with nothing nearby except a pizza delivery shop can quickly become tiresome. On the other hand, a home located near several all-night bars can make it hard to sleep.
 Check Customer Reviews
Reviews by previous renters will tell you about the experiences of others who’ve stayed at a house. Customer reviews are a great way to get honest assessments of a rental and help you decide if it’s worth your time and money.
Many owners attempt to sugarcoat their houses by downplaying less desirable features in their property descriptions. Customer reviews can help you find out the pros and cons of each property. But remember that the customers who post reviews are usually the ones who had either a great time or a terrible time, so don’t rely solely on reviews when making your decision. 
The lack of any reviews doesn’t necessarily mean a property is undesirable. It may just be a new listing. If you have questions, you can contact the owner directly to collect more information and get a better feel about the property.
 Stick With Well-Known and Reputable Platforms
There are several popular rental sites including Airbnb, Vrbo, and Vacasa. Sometimes the same property is listed on multiple platforms with different rates. So, it can pay to comparison shop. A reputable platform assures you of a smooth and secure reservation process.
 Different platforms have different features. For example, Airbnb is the market leader and enables renters to filter properties by dozens of criteria. Vrbo runs background checks on all hosts and offers alternative accommodations if anything goes wrong on arrival.
  Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Key West Tiki Boat
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Things people might be surprised to find out about you! [True or False 2] pt. 2
Created by joybucket
I daydream about what it would feel like to be pregnant. 🤰 I want to be pregnant. 🤰 I’m too scared to sleep on the top bunk of a bunkbed. I’m afraid of heights. I’m afraid of snakes. 🐍 I’m afraid of spiders. 🕷️ I’ve never been stung by a bee. 🐝 I’m quiet, but I have a lot to say. I’ve been homeless. I’ve lived on the streets. I wear glasses. 🤓 My hair is dyed. I haven’t seen my natural hair color on my head in years. I express myself better in writing than out loud. I sing in the shower. 🚿 I believe in miracles. ✨ I believe in the supernatural. ✨ I’m an atheist. I’m gifted. I’m unique.  I’m spiritual. I’m creative. I like being alone. I want to forget the past. I’m still haunted by my past. I’ve had Toxic Shock Syndrome. I’ve left school early because of cramps. I’ve never owned an iPod. I’m not normal. 👽 I have an overactive imagination. 🦄 I’ve made my own ice cream. 🍨 I’ve lived on a farm. I love farm animals. I’ve owned a horse. 🐎 I’ve taught an exercise class. I can touch my nose to my tongue. 👅👃 I can lick my elbow. I’m double-jointed. I have a rare allergy. I don’t celebrate Christmas. 🎄 I’ve never seen snow. ❄️ I can’t dance. 💃 I can’t sing. I’m tone-deaf. I’m biracial. I’m a first-generation immigrant. I’m single and not waiting for a boy/girlfriend. I can play the guitar. 🎸 I can play the piano. 🎹 I can play the saxophone. 🎷 I can play the violin. 🎻 I can tap dance. 👯‍♀️ I can do a back tuck. I can do a back handspring. I still use my fingers to count in math. I hate my middle name. I love little kids. I love animals. I love gross things. I can fall asleep at will. I can make myself cry at will. I can read minds. I’ve built a robot. 🤖
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 8 months
432 of 2023
Things people might be surprised to find out about you! [True or False 2] pt. 2
Created by joybucket
I daydream about what it would feel like to be pregnant. 🤰 I want to be pregnant. 🤰 I'm too scared to sleep on the top bunk of a bunkbed. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of snakes. 🐍 I'm afraid of spiders. 🕷️ I've never been stung by a bee. 🐝 I'm quiet, but I have a lot to say. I've been homeless. I've lived on the streets. I wear glasses. 🤓 My hair is dyed. I haven't seen my natural hair color on my head in years. I express myself better in writing than out loud. I sing in the shower. 🚿 I believe in miracles. ✨ I believe in the supernatural. ✨ I'm an atheist. I'm gifted. I'm unique. (everyone is) I'm spiritual. I'm creative. I like being alone. I want to forget the past. I'm still haunted by my past. I've had Toxic Shock Syndrome. I've left school early because of cramps. I've never owned an iPod. I'm not normal. 👽 I have an overactive imagination. 🦄 I've made my own ice cream. 🍨 I've lived on a farm. I love farm animals. I've owned a horse. 🐎 I've taught an exercise class. I can touch my nose to my tongue. 👅👃 I can lick my elbow. I'm double-jointed. I have a rare allergy. I don't celebrate Christmas. 🎄 I've never seen snow. ❄️ I can't dance. 💃 I can't sing. I'm tone-deaf. I'm biracial. I'm a first-generation immigrant. I'm single and not waiting for a boy/girlfriend. I can play the guitar. 🎸 I can play the piano. 🎹 I can play the saxophone. 🎷 I can play the violin. 🎻 I can tap dance. 👯‍♀️ I can do a back tuck. I can do a back handspring. I still use my fingers to count in math. I hate my middle name. I love little kids. I love animals. I love gross things. I can fall asleep at will. I can make myself cry at will. I can read minds. I've built a robot. 🤖
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Low bunk beds with stairs offer more safety and security than similar beds without stairs. The stairs provide the most stable surface for children to walk on and have an integrated, sturdy handrail. Moreover, they connect the lower and upper bunks so that a child is covered from both sides when climbing up to the top bunk.
Children can sustain injuries when falling from a bunk bed. This is particularly true for toddlers, as their reasoning skills are not yet developed. Moreover, older children are also prone to injuries due to falling off the bed. They usually suffer cuts and bruises on their head and neck. Injuries caused by falling from a bunk bed are even more likely when toddlers are playing with parents and older siblings.
They give kids more space
Bunk beds give kids more room and are a great solution for a child's room. Not only can they offer more sleeping space, but they can also double as extra space for sleepovers. Sleepovers are an integral part of childhood for many children, and a bunk beds with stairs gives them a more comfortable place to stay.
Bunk beds with steps are also great for maximizing storage space. You can purchase steps with deeper drawers for more storage. They also offer extra support to kids' feet, making them safer. Additionally, these beds offer a safer way to climb to the top bunk. Some stairs have a handrail for added security, making them even more convenient.
They have storage
The best part of a bunk bed with steps is that it comes with plenty of storage. The cubbies are great for keeping your belongings organized. The staircase unit also comes with a dust panel on the back of it, so the contents will stay dust-free. The steps also have wooden knobs so you can easily remove them.
Most people choose a bunk bed with steps as it's inexpensive. These beds are made with comfortable material and are great for two kids sharing a room. They also have plenty of storage space to keep their personal things. They can even have a trundle for added storage.
They are easy to assemble
Building a bunk bed with steps isn't difficult if you follow the proper instructions. If you don't, the structure may not be sturdy or stable. Worse, it may fall over. While most bunk beds are sold with instruction manuals, they are not always easily found. In addition, you could possibly misplace them, so it's best to follow the instructions that come with the l shaped bunk bed .
Purchasing a bunk bed with steps allows you to avoid these worries. These beds come with a built-in desk that doubles as a dressing table or study area. They also have three drawers and are the perfect height for a standard computer chair with arms. They also come in a variety of colors, including green. You can even place a potted plant on the top bunk for a nice movie night setup.
They come in a variety of styles
Bunk beds with steps come in many different styles and designs. Many of these beds feature built-in storage drawers and are durable. You can choose a style that will reflect your child's interests or preferences. Choosing the right style can be a challenge, but there are several factors to consider when making your decision.
If you want to avoid the hassle of assembling a bunk bed, you can purchase a plan that is already pre-cut and ready to go. It will walk you through the construction process step-by-step. If you aren't comfortable doing it yourself, consider hiring a carpenter to build the bed for you.
Style is another important consideration when choosing a triple bunk beds . Style defines the visuals and textural nuance of the piece and sets it in harmony with the surrounding decor. Styles can range from a relaxed, cabin-themed look to a more modern, direct minimalist look. If you want to go for a style that resembles the interior of a cabin, consider a one-legged bunkbed. The builder used construction-grade pine and hemlock for the rungs.
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