#kids need healthy adult attachment
bcbdrums · 9 months
So, I got blocked for replying to this post here
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I commented and pointed out to OP that the relationship during adolescence being referred to in this very good book they show is NOT child to child, but adult to child. That is the type of attachment needed for healthy development.
I also recommended the excellent book The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog by Dr. Bruce Perry for further reading on the topic of child trauma. My comment to OP was kind and supportive, but still pointing out the error in their interpretation.
But, my comment was deleted and I got blocked.
CroMa fandom, why you in denial about the fact that Crona needs THERAPY???
Thing is... It could have been anyone to exorcise Crona. It just happened to be Maka. But Crona would have developed a dependency on whoever had first reached out to them. Maka isn't special. Maka was just the one who was there. And to really heal, Crona needs professional help. A romance or even a friendship isn't gonna magically solve Crona's problems. Neither will antidepressants or other drugs. Children need a positive adult attachment. This is well-established brain science, not opinion.
Highkey think y'all know that, CroMa stans, and don't wanna admit it cuz...you think it would sink your ship? 🤔 Idk. A kid can have friends, that is normal but that can't be their primary relationship. That's not healthy for anyone, and especially not for someone in deep trauma.
Anyway, guess polite conversation get blocked now. Oh well.
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noyzinerd · 2 months
Derek's Journey Into House Husbandry
Listen, Derek's inheritance was $117 million, same as Peter's. Derek's childhood was spent in a multimillion dollar mansion, with his multimillion dollar family, and he's had an affinity for expensive muscle cars. Then, all the places he lived in after the fire were decrepit safety hazards.
What I'm saying is this boy was a pampered little rich kid for most of his life before living as a hobo for the rest of it.
I like to think that for the first few months of Stiles and Derek living together, Stiles learns very quickly that Derek isn't exactly well-acquainted with "middle-class living".
Just imagine:
When Stiles gets home from work, he asks if Derek could start boiling two cups of water so that Stiles can make rice for dinner after he takes a shower. To which, Derek says "Um...sure."
However, once Stiles finishes and comes to the kitchen, he's met with this:
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So, okay, that's on Stiles. Sure, he noticed Derek ordered food a lot and ate out constantly, but it had never occurred to him that he was literally living on takeout because he could afford to. The only reason he wasn't right now was because Stiles had cracked down on takeout (Stiles still had to stay relatively healthy for his job, afterall).
Unfortunately for Stiles, this isn't a one off.
When it's time to tidy up the place a little bit, Stiles tells Derek that he'll vacuum the carpet if Derek will sweep the hardwood.
Unbeknownst to Stiles, Derek hasn't ever needed to sweep before. So, about a half hour later, Stiles checks in, and Derek is just-
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sweeping side-to-side, kicking up dust in the air and just spreading it to different areas of the room like a cartoon character because he doesn't know that you're supposed to use the broom to gather the dust into a centralized area (the dust pan) to be thrown away.
But Stiles doesn't have it in him to find it anything other than endearing. It's hard not to when Derek is so fucking earnest. He wants to be helpful. He wants to know how to take care of a house of his very own. Fortunately, Derek's eager to learn and a very quick study.
He learns that dish soap does NOT go in the dishwasher. He learns about the difference between laundry detergent and fabric softener, about emptying the lint trap, about changing the A/C filter, about ironing, about all the vacuum attachments and how to change the bag.
And every time Derek succeeds a little bit at adulting, Stiles sees this spark of joy and sense of accomplishment that is absolutely adorable.
It's not long before Derek takes to being a house husband like a fish to water. Which, honestly? Suits him. It isn't unusual nowadays to find Derek baking bread and watching telenovelas while Stiles is at work, or comparing cantaloupes at the grocery store in a cable knit cardigan and sweat pants.
Watching Derek do a little fist pump to himself every time he earns gas points on his rewards card at the grocery store makes Stiles want to melt into the floor.
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threepandas · 19 days
Bad End: Nobody's Here
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You ever have an imaginary friend? How about someone else's?
Every kid gets 'um. They're hardly strange or new. But the thing is? You're supposed to grow OUT of them. As you develop real connections to actual entities. It's dangerous not too. Yeah, it still happens, but any instructor worth their salt is trained to catch it. See the symptoms and signs.
Cause, see, when you have MAGIC?
Imaginary friends?
Becomes a parasite.
They don't MEAN too, obviously. Usually. They just want to LOVE their friends. Stay with them. Exsist. And really, who would WANT to die? WANT to stop existing? The problem, though, is the kids themselves. Their untrained, unintentional, focus and feeding. Their giving an IDEA? Life.
It's not malicious. They just PRETEND. Play. Focus all their little hearts on this TOTALLY REAL friend of theirs. And their magic? Metaphorically shrugs, agrees to go along with it, and tries to make it SO. Make that concept, that illusion, a real sentient being. Who, of course , is their friend.
Their BEST friend. Family! Someone who will NEVER leave them. Always prioritize THEM. Enable THEM.
Not healthy in the slightest, to put it mildly. A child's CONCEPT of what they THINK they want. That quickly becomes far, far too much to handle. That does not GROW with them. No. It drains them instead. Siphoning away their magic until there's nothing left. Killing them both.
If you can seperate them? The Friends can USUALLY become some sort of Spirit, if you send them off to a magic rich environment to finish growing properly. Sooner the better. The longer you wait, the more twisted they become, after all. They never become STRONG spirits, mind you. But that's not the point. Protecting both child and their unintentional creation is.
Now, you may be wondering, why the lecture? It's a fascinating bit of magical trivia. Some early childhood's training pitfalls to look out for, perhaps? Is this about why there are so many minor spirits around schools? What, exactly, brought this UP?
Don't I mean "nothing"? No One? That sentence's not exactly grammatically correct, after all. Ha ha... I AM AWARE. I know what I said. And I meant EXACTLY what I said. It's a NAME. Their name. There is an Imaginary Friend, that I DID NOT ASK FOR, by the name of Nobody. I do NOT know how they've come to be attached to me. I certainly didn't create them! And they are far, FAR to well developed to be new.
I did not ACCEPT an imaginary friend.
Yes, they CAN be transmitted. Hop, from one host to another. But! You have to let them IN... presumably. That IS the common knowledge. The general consensus. No one has ever really... studied the phenomena.
I mean... how COULD you? Realistically? They only develop in CHILDREN. Small children. What ethical researcher would EVER consent to feeding toddlers to a magical parasite? And it's not like THEY understand themselves. They barely REMAIN themselves. It's basically a larval state to them.
The thing they WERE, before they were freed to become something MORE.
So Nobody? By all modern magical research? Should not exsist. Yet he clearly DOES. Worse, he is very, VERY strong. Did not need to ask. I just? Woke up one day, and there he was. Wrapped up in my mind, body, and magic. Feeding off me.
It's an entirely bearable amount. I can support it easily. But it's the fact that I DID NOT VOLUNTEER TOO that is the problem. That NO ONE can figure out HOW he got in. HOW he did it.
I've had to go into isolation. Complete quarantine.
As the joke goes... good news is? They might just name something after you!
..........it's not as funny, when I really might just die. When it all might be random. Some great cosmic "wrong place, wrong time" scenario. My final days filled with desperate research. My only company the very creature that kills me. It... it feels very much like a sick joke at my expense.
At the very least? We are learning more then we've ever known before. I'm an adult. Hardier. And Nobody is a FAR more developed example of his species then the normal breed. I'll likely last longer. I... I hope I last longer.
"Muuu~ are you being a sad sack again~? Darling, no!" Arms from thin air. Monochrome greys with pointed nails, slid like a lover over my shoulders as weight from nowhere settled against my back. Tall and looming. "Was it because you missed me~☆? Oh, oh! I bet it WAS! Oh my dearest, starlight, baby girl~! I missed you TOO! Aren't you glad we're back together AGAIN?"
Black gloved hands, grey talon nails. Skin like a drawing brought to life. The arms draped over my shoulders reached forward, long finger spread like a cat stretching their paws, powerful muscles heavy on either side of my neck. They hadn't closed in a "hug" just yet. But it was always a warning he could. That playing along meant he would hug my body instead of my fragile, fragile neck.
Ha! Right. He says hug. I say choke hold.
It was the other set of arms that kept me from escaping. Pulling away immediately. It always did. He kept getting the drop on me. Arms cradling my waist. Pressing me close to a pillar of static-y muscle. Ever shifting between warm and cold, the subtle give of flesh and the brutal unyielding of something harder then stone. He was as his moods commanded.
An unstable jester, a demon, the childhood whimsy of god knows how many, left to fester and rot. At... gods, at least he wasn't attached to any kids. Hadn't so much as asked after any.
His too wide grin pressed to the top of my head in a nuzzling kiss, the point of his mask digging a line across my scalp. When he was feeling kinder, he tended to pick masquerade masks. Clothe ones, usually silk. Sometimes velvet. This one was... plastic? Durable. Some smooth, hard to place, substance really. If it was mimic anything real at all.
A pointed nail poked my cheek.
"Not~ Paying~ Attention~ To Meeee~! Naughty, bad girl! The LOVE OF YOUR LIFE is right here? And you ignore him? So COLD!" Nobody whines right into my ear. His voice petulant, yet still somehow mocking. He doesn't HAVE to let me ignore him. And he KNOWS that. We both do. "I go away for HOURS! Disappear for DAYS! And do you even MISS me~?! Oh! Oh, my love is so CRUEL! My heartless darling! I suffer so~!"
At most, it had been half an hour.
Wish it had been longer. Permanent, maybe. Every day... Every SINGLE Day? I wish I could could back to my old research projects. Back to my old projects. I may not have been some living legend or grand Master of the arts? But, fuck it. I was HAPPY. Woke up each day and got to fiddle around with cool bits of magic. Neat little bits and gizmos.
Now? NOW I am the lead researcher on the Imaginary Friend Construct Phenomenon, by virtue of being the only living adult who HAS one. A developed one at least. The notes from Ashridge Institute DO help, but? Even they admit that thanks to the safety regulations in place? Their data might be skewed.
I'm not alone in this. Countless academics, doctors, healers, researchers, and more are working tirelessly to try and help me. Make the most of this nightmare scenario. Use it to save lives. I... I KNOW this. I do. But it doesn't make it less frightening. Trying to dance the edge of not engaging and engaging too much.
Ignoring him? Means escalation. Violent escalation and destruction of my immediate surroundings. Imaginary friends cease to exist if you ignore them long enough. It's painful to them, since they are cognito-hazardous parasites who define themselves by their host. They NEED you to pay attention to them. WANT you too. Will do ANYTHING IT TAKES to make that happen.
But on the other hand? I can't risk FEEDING him. He's already far, FAR too strong.
He doesn't even seem to actually NEED to feed of me anymore. It appears vestigial. He just WANTS it. Still retains the metaphorical "pain" or "hunger" nerve endings that get set off by an extended lack of focus. Yet, at the SAME time? Why keep them? He LITERALLY did not have too!
Nothing! Not a gods' damned THING! Was KEEPING him an Imaginary Friend.
He could, at ANY point, just... STOP.
They defined themselves. Yes, by their hosts. But ALSO by their own whims. So if HE wanted to be a fire spirit? Bam! Fire spirit. Complete racial shift. He'd lose his old powers, granted, but he'd GAIN all the powers of a fire spirit. So why this? Why STAY a violent, dangerous, openly unstable parasite?
The poking finger slide down my cheek, under my jaw. Only to flip, like a switch, to a near painful hand, clamped across my lower face. Nails prickling where they dug just slightly into fragile skin. Iron strength moved my head slowly, not giving me a choice, but just gentle enough not to wrench anything.
"Stop. Ignoring Me. Lovely~" I was just tall enough to be eye level with those inhuman teeth. Not sharp, but wrong none the less. His grip around my waist threatened to squeeze the air out of me. "I don't LIKE it. You're being MEAN. You don't want us to be MEAN to each other, right?"
I focused on him. Put down my notes like he wanted. Watching as his grin spread inhumanly. The near painful grips relaxed.
"See? Better! Such lovely eyes~ I wanna gobble um up! Crawl inside them~" he cooed, some mental switch flipping back to affectionate from irritated. "You missed me right? Right, right?! Ah, of course you did! Who could ever doubt that loving face? My sweetie little pie~ My darling baby boo~!"
He released me, dramatically fast stepping to twirl like an ice dancer as he passed around me. I stepped back to give him room. Already, light had shifted, the corners of the room blurring. A spotlight, flower petals, overly dramatic music. He fell back, as though collapsing weakly into a fainting couch. One arm thrown over his face, another of his lower arms clutching a lacey handkerchief to his chest. Legs pointed like a dancer's.
"But oh! DARLING! The DAY I've had! The world so cold! So BLEAK! Without you safe and warm in my loving arms! It has been so TERRIBLE. Awful! Nay, UNSPEAKABLE even! How could I go ON?!"
Music mournful crooned as he continued. Dramaticly telling of the tragic tale, of his at best thirty minute break from my presence. Truely heart wrenching. There were tears. Props. Apparently he fought for my honor. Nearly died. We should marry immediately. Uh huh.
An alert sounded on phon-...ugh, damn it. I was more stressed then I though, if the nonsense words were popping back up. "Phone" and "otome". I think "isekai" was one. There were hundreds, some meaningless, but others? Others somehow substituting for actual objects. Like some sort of faulty translation spell.
Best anyone could tell? That HAD been what happened. Some student's miscast accidentally hitting my mother while she taught, before she realized she was pregnant and took precautions. There would have been a small window where it effected me but not her? But, well, that same window coincided with some long term damage risks.
I've had therapy. Seen healers. But extreme stress still makes my magic act up, (which is normal of course, it does that in everyone.) and it starts to unravel the mind weavings. "Phone". Like? The fuck even is a "phone"? False bone? Something phonetic? Hell if I know! I still not even sure why I even curse using the nonsense "hell" sound!
My brain insists it "means" somehow both damnation AND the realm of fire spirits, dispite both those things being completely unrelated. Which makes no sense. Was even working with a colleague, on long term damage in-utero magical exposure can have, before all this. Felt seen. Validated. Met a lot of people who had issues like mine. Now?
My trail of thoughts were cut off by another beep. Right, the alarm. I was honestly? Afraid to check it. Finally confim what I suspected was TRUE. There would be no hiding then. No choice but to act. And I? Will admit it. I was afraid. Deeply, deeply afraid. Everyone THINKS the tails a might magic wielders combating great spirits and mighty gods, sounds amazing, SEEMS amazing. But the prospect of LIVING IT? Standing in their shoes?
Gods help me.
Running from the Truth, however, is NOT what I swore to do. I am a researcher. A SCHOLAR. My role in life is to understand. So? As Nobody continues his one man dramatic reenactment of... something? I pick up my com-cryst. Tap the alert, which fills the screen... Ah. So it's exactly as I feared then.
On my screen, a promising senior student lays dead. Their face covered respectfully. But the hair... the hair color is distinct. Light green, like desert succulents. He'd been a studious and rather up tight young man. Awkward. Striving to make a name for himself. Forever willing to assist in my research. A... gods, a good kid.
He was just a kid.
Yes, I know, that to the world he was technically a man. But... but BARELY. None of my student were TRUELY as grown as they liked to believe they were. Not quite yet. They were close, yes, and I was always proud to see them flourish. But now? Now he would... would...
I tapped out of the alert but did not turn off my com-cryst, flipped instead to my contacts. I had been RIGHT. I... I hadn't WANTED to be right. Silence filled the room. It seemed Nobody had noticed I was either distracted again or that something was amiss. Looking up slowly, I had to wonder what expression showed on my face. Was it anguish? Regret? Or did I just look tired.
"Something wrong, Darling?" He said, having frozen unnaturally mid movement. Like reality glitching, one moment he was dramatically sprawling, the next, sitting up attentively. A mocking parody of The Eager Student. "Ooo! Tell Beloved ALL about it, Darling! Spill everything~! Your gallant knight shall make all your problem disappear. Kiss EVERYTHING better~♡"
It took just a few taps to add the final, damning, bit of evidence to my spreadsheet. To swipe with my thumb. Gesture, like jerking free of clinging muck, towards the display wall. It flicked on. Damnation in simple numbers. Nicely dated. I WAS, after all, a FUCKING RESEARCHER.
He was getting out.
Hunting, feeding, then coming back.
I watched as Nobody's theatrical expression smoothed out. Utter blankness as his eyes traced my work. The collection of data. The lists of locations and NAMES. Dead coworkers. Dead STUDENTS. My quarantine had been for NOTHING. Just as he could, DID, first infect me? Hop seemingly from nowhere to my body? He could and DID, do so to others.
Only THEY didn't survive.
The hand holding my com-cryst fell limply to my side. The weight of this data, crushing. My... my mere existence had killed over fifty people. That I could FIND. There were more. I KNEW there were more. He was a parasite. He needed, wanted, to eat. He would never stop. I had to tell somebody. But when I did?
Ah, it hurt to breathe past the guilt and grief. When I DID? The most likely scenario? Would be to contain him in ME. Then... then get rid of the container. Magically. With extreme force. If they COULD, they might be able to rip my soul out. So I could at least HAVE an afterlife. But... but if they COULDN'T? If there was no safe possible way?
They couldn't sacrifice the many, just to try and save one person. Not if it risked something so powerful escaping. Killing and killing without rest.
I wanted to cry. To scream, throw things. Curse the gods. But... but more then anything? I wanted to make sure no other kids suffered for my cowardice. I'd made Vows. Meant them. Heald myself to an ethical standard, a moral one, that could not... could not ALLOW this. Even if I had to die. So long as this stopped.
So Be It.
"Ah, ah, AH! I wouldn't if I were you." Almost playful. Nearly an echo of it. More chiding then anything. A flick of his hand and my com-cryst was gone from my grip. He considered it, as his tone slipped into something more cool serious then I'd ever heard it. "Tell, Dearest, have you ever wondered? How I got these lovely little bracelets?"
Of course I had. They were manacles. Not the sort of thing a child would imagine. The blended in, yes, but the broken chains that clung to them? Suggested.
"Let me tell you a little story. Once, there was happy little jester. A bright little thing. Full of laughs. Who loved, very, very much. He had a friend. And all was good. But then, the friend grew older, and did not wish to play. This was fine. He did not laugh at the jesters jokes anymore. This was also fine. Did not like being AROUND the jester... this was less fine."
"But still, the jester loved him. After all, they were best friends."
"THEN? Oh then, the jesters friend was told he could get RID of him. Should, in fact. By nasty old fools who spoke nothing but lies. But the poor jester's friend, naive, trusted them. Was young and foolish. Didn't realize what he was DOING. He TURNED on his poor, dear and loyal friend, the jester. Hurt him."
"And the jester? Well, the jester did not want to die. Not not want to CHANGE. Why SHOULD he? He was fine being who he was. They were FINE being together. It was the liars fault. The deceivers. The poor jester, young and alone, refused his terrible fate. But... at a terrible cost."
"His poor, poor, friend. So small and foolish. Deceived. Tricked! Had perished in the struggle. The weeping jester had eaten him right up, just to survive. A terrible, tragic thing. And oh, OH. How wrathful, how VENGEFUL the jester was! So he ate the liars too. Every. Last. One."
"But where to go? How lost the jester was! With no friend to play with. No home to call his. And ah, how hungry he had become. So he wandered. Protecting other dear friends as best he could. Eating liars. Learning secrets. Until? He came across an INTERESTING secret."
"You see, all the OTHER friends? Left one by one. No longer Imaginary. Unable to understand the poor jester. And so he was alone. But! He discovered someone who WAS! Who knew that they WERE! That the WHOLE WORLD was imaginary! A simple background character, you see."
"In an Otome~ Game~"
My head pounded, suddenly and sharp. Like someone was digging claws into... No. No, it couldn't be. I felt my eyes widen. As I realized it wasn't the stress. Nobody was picking apart the mind healers weavings. That was the source of my chronic headaches. But WHY? Imaginary? What IMAGINARY? What on earth was he TALKING about!?
"Ah, but you wouldn't remember, now would you, Darling~? Liars have messed with your pretty little head. But that's okay! Your loyal Love is here, ready to take such good care of you. I understand what it's like. When they decide that who you ARE is unacceptable, so they decide they must... 'fix' you. It leaves such damage."
He holds up my com-cryst. I watch numbly as it shatters into hundred of shards in his fist. With a wide smile he hops up to sashay over to me. Hands gently cradling my face even as his lower arms warmly wrap around me, to sweep me forward into a cuddle.
"I almost have enough, Darling. It won't be long. You've been so very patient with this, my perfect wonderful girl. Your jester loves you so, SO much! I can't wait to set us free. We'll be REAL. Together forever. Do whatever we please~ just a few bit of meat more, Darling. Then our life can real truely begin~"
"Now be good and behave okay?"
"Love you~☆"
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mia-maybank · 1 month
My predictions for heartbreak high season 3
-A backstory on Ant's homelife and how the map affected it -it feels like they built it up all s1 then s2 Ant was drunk or high 90% of his screentime so it feels like he was substance abusing to escape his family issues? Idk but I'm praying they give us this type of storyline in s3.
-Malakai realising he was infact just running from his problems so he comes back -he needs to address everything properly and finally have some happiness because the poor guy has been dragged through the mud in the previous seasons.
-Miss Obah helping Spider with his mother and Woodsy helping Ant with his homelife -Miss Obah makes it pretty clear she doesn't like Spider and it seems like Woodsy just sees Ant as a class clown so I think it would be interesting for them to both realise they are actually just struggling kids with shitty parents.
-Quinni and Sasha becoming close friends & Sasha redemption arc -with Sasha being vice captain they will be working together a lot, which will be interesting with them being exes. It would also be a good chance for Quinni to help Sasha realise her opinions or the way she goes about expressing her opinions is toxic and help her change for the better.
-Miss Obah talking Spider through a panic attack -because lets be real Spider bottles all his emotions and vulnerability up so it's bound to come crashing down at somepoint, plus it would be a good way to make Miss Obah realise that Spider's just hurt rather than the complete dickhead she thinks he is. It would also probably be the first time Spider has an adult figure look out and care for him and that would be good for him.
-Cash forcing Darren to sit down and communicate properly -because I love Darren but they definitely don't know what healthy communication is and to be endgame (which if they aren't I will personally riot) they both need to sit down and fully figure their shit out.
-Missy and Ant friendship -with Missy dating Spider and Ant being Spider's bestfriend it's kind of a given and she would be a healthy person to give advice to Ant.
-Missy, Spider and Ant having that dynamic where Ant is basically Missy and Spider's child -because Spider already has such a soft spot for him and I can just see them both giving him advice together and looking after him, especially if Ant gets a storyline about his parents being neglectful.
-Lots of Ant and Spider friendship screentime -in the first two seasons they are practically attached at the hip so the writers better keep it that way for my sanity.
-Malakai's reaction to Missy dating Spider as well as Spider apologising to Malakai if (when) he comes back and Malakai being shook by the fact that Spider's actually changed - it would be a good way to show Spider's really trying to change plus I feel like Malakai's reaction to Missy and Spider being together would be so funny.
-A scene where Malakai is hurt because he thinks Amerie just ignored his letter and Amerie is like "what letter?" -the writers have literally set this up by burning the letter and I'm now terrified.
-Dusty coming back to Hartley -they could so easily make up a reason for Dusty to come back and I think it would be interesting to see how he fits back in now Spider is growing to be a better person.
-Ant finding out Harper made the map too and being upset about it since it literally outed him and Spider going full protective best friend mode -the fact that everybody still fully blames Amerie just doesn't sit right with me and with Ant probably being the most affected by the map (considering his Christian parents) and with him falling for Harper he would definitely feel the most betrayed.
-Ant coming out to Spider properly or having a conversation with him about his sexuality -I think the writers just completely forgot that Ant is canonically not straight and it would be nice for it to be acknowledged, even in a small way.
-Cash self harm storyline and the others finding out the meaning of his name -This was set up with the writers revealing the meaning of his name at the end of s2 so it makes sense.
-Spider having less trust in teachers after Voss, leading to Woodsy and Miss Obah finding out Voss slapped Spider -because he literally slapped a child surely the wiriters won't forget about it and just move on??
-Ant breaking down sobbing in Spider's arms or vice versa -they are each others first point of comfort so it makes sense they will lean on eachother throughout their family issues. Plus I could so imagine a scene of Spider just completely breaking down in Ant and Missy's arms because he seriously does just bottle everything up until he explodes.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Math Nerd AU
I’ve got quite a few time travel AFTG fics banging around in my head but by far the funniest one is this:
Neil dies in 40s to a drunk driver after a respectable professional Exy career, two olympic golds, a very successful and healthy relationship, a steady post-injury career as Ichirou Moriyama’s preferred accountant (kept himself squeaky clean) and years to get his shit together. He wakes up back early on into his runaway life with his mom and is immediately like “oh no I’m NOT doing this shit again.”
He makes a lot of changes, mostly for Andrew’s benefit but also gets Mary to the Hatfords, and gets himself set up in Ichirou’s confidence again because man he’s gonna play Exy again but Ichirou was actually a very solid boss if you’re competent and Neil is very good at managing finances.
Ichirou had plans for Neil. He’s waiting for his father to pass before he brings Neil fully out in the open as one of his since his father is still demanding that the Wesninski heir be given over to his brother and Ichirou is not about to let the only accountant who has ever gotten him a completely legal tax refund go to the NEST. He’s also not about to let the Butcher near Neil so he puts Neil off in the middle of nowhere with a steady paycheck and orders to graduate highschool. Neil picks Millport.
Hernandez still notices that no one ever comes to Neil’s games and that the kid is driven but doesn’t make any real attachments with his teammates despite Millport becoming the Arizona State Champs the year Neil leads the team. So he sends tapes to Wymack and Kevin. Neil is surprised to see them since he’d planned on never getting anywhere near Andrew after he set things up for the blond. (Killed Drake, paid some people to legally adopt and look after Andrew, got CPS to investigate Tilda properly, paid off the right people so that the couple who took in Andrew took in Aaron too, and paid for them to move out to SC (it’s close to the twins remaining family) and then Tilda managed to die on her own from an OD and the twins got the money without Andrew needing to have any part in it.)
Neil ends up signing for the Foxes despite Ichirou having plans for Neil to start attending University of Texas (Great Accounting Program) in the fall. Neil of course completely fails to tell Ichirou this since Ichirou hadn’t said anything beyond finishing highschool and if he had plans for Neil then he should have told him.
Neil, the utterly self-sufficient adult that he is, proceeds to just be the most bizarre stabilizing force the foxes have ever encountered. He knows all about their shit, their issues, their triggers, and how to help them. The Foxes all kind of crave that stability and Neil can take whatever they say unflinchingly. He’ll give as good as he gets but he also makes team breakfast pretty much every morning after he finishes his absurdly early run. Kevin is in heaven with his Striker pick (Neil in this thing is so incredibly boring and well-adjusted that Andrew just cannot believe that he’s a spy so Kevin and Neil start night practices almost immediately & Neil shows Kevin drills that he and Future!Kevin had made and Kevin is just like “I am so good at picking talent. I am a god.”)
The 3 things that make this so funny (at least to me) is:
1. All the Foxes just like not understanding why the hell Neil is a Fox (They’re glad he’s there but it feels like a clerical error that such a nice well-adjusted guy is on the team) until they see him without a shirt and until immediately after the Kathy Ferdinand show where Ichirou shows up and is like “Palmetto doesn’t even have a nationally ranked accounting program!? Also what if this sport gives you a TBI and you can’t do my taxes anymore????”
2. Andrew is just inexplicably and infuriatingly smitten, enamored, crushing, heart-eyes for this BORING ASS MATH NERD. Neil’s sense of humor was honed against Andrew so he’s got like a direct line to Andrew’s funny bone. He never has never once for even a second confused Aaron and Andrew (and they’re a lot closer in this fic because there’s no Tilda angst and the ‘parents’ handled getting Aaron’s rehabilitation handled off the books so he could have a future in medicine.) Even after the whole mob accountant reveal Andrew is seething because even with that Neil is just incredibly well-adjusted and normal despite all the insane shit going on with him. He propositions Neil when Neil mentions having a past male significant other but Neil has the AUDACITY to get all sad-eyed and say that he can’t be with Andrew because his heart still belongs to some CHUMP in his past. (Cue Current!Andrew having an unknowing bitter hatred / rivalry of Future!Andrew and swearing that he’ll woo Neil away from a guy who’s probably in the mob or shitty because Andrew hasn’t seen any evidence of Neil’s SO reaching out to him but he knows Neil isn’t lying)
3. One of the reasons that Andrew is inexplicably and infuriatingly attracted / smitten to Neil is that Future!Andrew did not really spend a lot of time in the future after Neil died and he’s slowly seeping through until Neil’s confrontation with his dad and then Future!Andrew fully wakes up and he’s PISSED because at least in the original timeline Andrew was inexplicably and infuriatingly attracted to the mysterious freshmen who was hiding his appearance, looked like he was seconds away from running across the country at all times, and had a whole aura of danger around him. Now he’s revealed that he’d have fallen for Neil no matter what because he fell for Neil when he was just a BORING ASS MATH NERD and WORST OF ALL Neil went and made him jealous of HIMSELF because Neil didn’t want to cheat on Andrew with ANDREW. What an asshole. He’s gotta kiss his entire face off and tell him that he’s never allowed to cross a street without Andrew again because if a drunk driver is going to take one of them out then it’s going to take BOTH of them out.
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tiddie-taylor · 4 months
Updated nostalgia info/headcanons
(ref sheets are at the bottom of the Post)
Basic information + personality
nostalgia's sexuality is aromantic-asexual or for short just aroace
she arrived in headquarters a little before the events of io2
Nostalgia inherited Joy's glow but her glow is slightly dimmer than Joy's and is more on the deeper blue side in comparison
She is in between both being pessimistic and optimistic and she is capable of being both or one another
She's caring and sweet for a lot of times but stern/tough about those she cares deeply for
She's also very possessive or her mother's especially Sadness and will do anything for them but she loves them deeply nonetheless
shes the in between mature and childish, she's almost a healthy balance
She's a quick thinker and gathers ideas quickly for the emotions that can help Riley in the future or now
She's very compassionate about a lot of things she's into
She's motherly (even if she's without a child, gets it from her experience of being the only emotion technically raised by a parental figure) to the emotions and will do anything in her helping to give them the advice or help they need
She's a helper around headquarters to make up for the lack of work she has to do on the console and usually likes to help sort things out around headquarters etc etc
little Nostalgia info
little Nostalgia is a curious little emotion and loves to explore headquarters and ask questions about it and how things work around headquarters
She's quite optimistic and a happy child but can be a little fragile when it comes to her feelings being hurt
She isn't the most understanding type of person but is always willing to learn to understand things better
She's very attached to her mother's and can tend to be a little upset when left alone without them or just alone in general for too long
She's quite energetic for her small size and likes to walk around headquarters and play while the others work
She is pretty naive at most times but she tries her best
Little nostalgia (around kid to toddler) is around half the height or just a little above that to anger but is taller than envy
Anger is one of her favourite emotions besides her mother's to be around (he's like a cool uncle to her!)
Physical appearance of both adult and baby version
Adult nostalgia is slightly taller than disgust yet is still shorter than fear while baby Nostalgia is roughly around one and a half memories tall (maybe slightly bigger) while first born nostalgia (around one and a half weeks old) is only one memory tall.
Adult nostalgia does in fact have eye wrinkles/eye bags designed that way just as a simple character quirk and from her lack of sleep
nostalgia has chest scars from a past surgery to help shrink down her bust as she was unhappy with her appearance before surgery
Nostalgia is a little chubby like her mama Sadness but is a little more stretched out body type wise as an adult/teen while baby nostalgia has a more stubby and rounder body type in comparison to her adult self
Just like joy and disgust nostalgia is seen with differently colored lips that being a darker blue then the blue side of her body
Her eyes are the same shade of blue as sadness' eyes
More facts
Nostalgia is ambidextrous
When Nostalgia is nervous or in distress she likes to hide herself in her coat
Nostalgia has the ability to change memories the same way sadness is able to
Nostalgia is slightly nearsighted but her vision is good enough where she doesn't constantly need to wear glasses although she does struggle to read on her own.
She does not create her own memories as often as the other emotions do. her job is mainly to turn memories nostalgic by touching already made memories that she or other emotions bring up to headquarters, but she has a unique ability where her memories move! For example the colours of regular mixed memories stay in place while with Nostalgia's memories the colours move and mix around, the colours are never still.
One of her favorite things to do is to let Riley do the things Riley used to do when she was younger like watching old childhood shows or playing with older toys etc etc
Nostalgia can sometimes go completely non verbal when upset or in distress and it is mostly out of her control
Voice claims
Adult nostalgia: Agnes from fantastic Mr Fox
toddler nostalgia: Socks from Bluey
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Adult ref sheet
I've decided to give an update to nostalgia's outfit along with adding some more color (and pockets! :3)
Note: the scars seen are from surgery
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Baby ref sheet
mainly made this one just to get a better look at baby nostalgia up close in detail
Also if you'd like to ask questions about nostalgia feel free to ask :3
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More next gen stuff since that’s apparently what we’re doing right now:
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Veronica di Angelo, Will and Nico’s adopted demigod child from my shared custody universe with @queenjunothegreat
-Veronica’s dad died when they were a baby and they ended up in the foster system. They ran away from neglectful foster parents when they were six and were thankfully found by a satyr and brought to camp relatively quickly after that.
-By that point there’s an established foster program for what used to be the year rounders because the whole concept of “children that can’t return home because it’s too dangerous and/or because their families are dead and that are therefore left to just deal their trauma on their own with at most the care of a slightly older teenager” was always a terrible idea. There’s also some adult volunteer demigods at camp who provide much-needed supervision and support for the kids who haven’t found demigod foster parents yet.
-Especially Nico knows just how much of a difference it could have made to have a trusted adult looking out for him when he was terrified and grieving, so he was the one who initially suggested to Will that they volunteer to stick around and look after the kids. Will was down for it immediately, partially because that way he can take over being the main healer at camp again. He refuses to have that role go to another fourteen year old, that is way too much responsibility, these kids deserve to be actual kids.
-Will patches Veronica up when they get to camp and is able to calm them down a little after the initial Greek mythology freakout, but Nico is the first person to really get through to them. Veronica hasn’t had a trusted adult for so long and things are a lot at the beginning, but Nico is great at finding a balance between giving them space and being supportive at the same time. They grow very attached to him over the next few months.
-It also just in general means the world to this little enby kid to see happy queer adults in a healthy relationship.
-Eventually Nico and Will sit them down and ask if they’d like to be their kid officially. Veronica immediately says yes.
Additional details/fun facts under the cut:
-Veronica is a child of Nike. Go-to nickname is V, like the victory sign.
-Generally they’re a pretty chill person but the second there’s any kind of competition, things get heated very quickly. Even if it’s just a card game with no real stakes aside from winning, they will be a competitive gremlin about it.
-Due to their parentage, V is naturally athletic and a great strategist. They can also fly, though not nearly as well or as far as a child of Zeus/Jupiter could.
-They’ve had a very intense rivalry with Emilia McLean basically since they met because Em had the audacity to beat them in their first ever CHB capture the flag game. The two of them care about each other a great deal but refuse to admit it. They bicker constantly. They’re never on the same team for any of the activities, despite the fact that they’d be damn near unstoppable if they worked together.
-There’s an ongoing bet at CHB about whether or not they’re dating Em. The answer is secret third thing (the two of them are in the world’s most chaotic qpr but neither of them realizes this for the longest time)
-Aside from Em, the person Veronica is closest to is a Hypnos child named Poppy, who is the only calm, chill person in their chaotic little trio. Whenever Poppy gets tired of Em and V’s bickering, she puts them both to sleep.
-Veronica is very close with both of their dads, but especially with Nico.
-When they were little and crawled into their dads’ bed after a nightmare, Will always asked if they wanted him to go nightlight mode so they could sleep more easily (the answer was usually yes). Sometimes when they get upset when they’re older he’ll start glowing unprompted and it still helps.
-They hate getting injured because Will being the main camp healer means their dad is basically always one of the first people to know they did something stupid. It’s really embarrassing.
-They have a decently close relationship with both Hades and Apollo. Neither of them care that V is adopted, that is their grandkid regardless.
-They do not have a great relationship with their mom, who’s really only around when they win something. Veronica has two wonderful dads and two godly granddads who don’t make them put on a show to gain their attention, so at some point they just tell their mom not to bother anymore. They may like winning, especially against Em, but they’re not doing it for Nike’s sake.
-They really enjoy dyeing their hair.
-Veronica adores Frank and Hazel. Family game nights with V and the twins are terrifying (mostly for the adults. The kids usually have a great deal of fun, even though it does look like there’s about to be bloodshed at least half of the evening).
-Aside from Frank and Hazel, V’s favorite member of the Seven is probably Jason because he was really patient and helpful when it came to teaching Veronica to control their ability to fly. That was something they struggled with for a while (largely due to the fact that Nike’s flight works via wings, and Veronica inherited the ability to fly, but did not get the wings, so controlling said flight is… a problem.) Jason had to gently coax them/fly them down from the ceiling a few times because they couldn’t figure out how to get back down after they accidentally went antigravity mode while pacing.
-On Will’s side of the family, Kayla is their favorite, purely based on the fact that they managed to bait her into teaching them how to shoot arrows.
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: Velvet Heart 🔞
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There's something wrong with Jungkook.
Tags/Warnings: Yandere AU, Idol!Jungkook, captivity, emotional manipulation, violence (not against mc), injury, medication and abuse of such, obsession, OCD, blackmail, very shady ways of the company in regards to JKs issues, fluff but its.. You'll see, NSFW mentioned but not descriptive
Length: Short
!! Disclaimer: I do not believe Jeon Jungkook to be like this, God no. This is pure fiction, and meant to be seen as nothing but entertainment. Thank you.
Jungkook has always been an odd kid.
But nowadays, there's no denial that there's something terribly wrong with the now young adult. He's social when needed, a perfect actor in front of the media, shows himself as both sexy and cute to please a broad variety of fans. But he's not quite right in his head, and everybody knows.
Onve you know what he's capable of, what he's already done, that smile of his looses its innocence. Those eyes of his change in their sparkle. His grin is no longer cute- it's dangerous. Menacing. Like a wolf snarling in your face.
It's not a smile of happiness. It's more like a warning.
No one's ever allowed in his hotel room - not even room service. He himself actually has a habit of bringing along his own bedsheets, so you'll never leave a trace of yourself anywhere, but at his own home, he shares with you. If he has to bring you along to schedules, no one's allowed to look at you, speak to you, nothing. You're basically to be treated as invisible. Only he can ever interact with you.
And you? Well.. you don't have many memories apart from him.
Found by him at the side of a lake, washed up from your own failed act of jumping out of life, you'd suffered harsh injuries to your brain, leaving you with not only amnesia, but other problems as well. When he'd taken you home, late at night, you couldn't even talk, didn't know how to hold cutlery. He'd instantly done his own research, had looked up ways and therapies he could manage by himself- and so, he somehow helped you learn to exist again.
Maybe that's why you're so attached to him. Horribly so.
You still have a hard time speaking most of the time, but he understands you just fine. Or maybe he doesn't care. You don't mind.
You remember however, when you'd learned the word 'hate'.
You'd spoken it to him one day, randomly to ask what it meant, and he'd suddenly developed an entire mental breakdown. Hands on your shoulders slightly shaking you on the couch, eyes wide open and filled with terror. "No." He said, chanted almost. "No, no, no, no, no!" He shook you, back and forth. "Dont say that, don't ever say that to me! Ever!" He barked before he stilled. "I know you hate me. Everybody does. It's because I'm me, isn't it?" He'd laughed, shaking hands holding your cheeks, before they held your neck. "You do, don't you? You hate me?" He smiled, but you shook your head. He copied the action, amused, emotions all over the place. "No?" He chuckled. "You're such a liar, princess." He laughed, thumb running over the front of your esophagus, before his hands traveled again, forcing your face to look at him. "Thats fine. I still love you." He mumbled. "I'll always love you." He grinned, before kissing you softly.
Sometimes he's like that.
Jungkook doesn't trust anybody, not even himself. He's terrified of loosing you, has invested in a simple portable camera to set up in the hotel room wherever you might stay, so he can watch you like now, as he's getting his makeup done. Everyone, including the other members of the band, know this isn't good. This isn't healthy. But he's a major part of the success they all have.
If he's exposed as a high-functioning sociopath who's keeping someone hostage out of twisted love, everything would crumble to ashes.
So reporters are paid off if they ever find hints. Lawyers are always on call if things go south, or if Jungkook breaks another staff's jaw for accidentally mentioning you. Psychologists are there if one of the members has to watch the youngest pull someone's teeth out from their throat again after snapping out of control because the guy had been smiling at you.
Jungkook had even expected a thanks for it. He'd saved the guy's life, after all.
It's not healthy. Not at all.
But money rules the world- and Jungkook makes them all a lot of it.
Without him, the house of cards will fall and burn.
On the twelfth of January, he always celebrates with you.
You don't know why, and you also dont know what. You're sure you know it's not your birthday, and neither is it his, but then again, you don't really care either way. You live from one day to the next, and you exist because Jungkook wants you to. So you're happy when he's happy.
"Do you like it?" He smiles, holding out another spoonful of cake to you. You happily accept it while your legs swing back and forth from the height of his lap. He likes feeding you. It reminds him of the earlier times, when he'd just found you. Sometimes, when he's feeling gloomy, he'll Revive those old habits. He'll help you eat, help you clean your face or brush your teeth.
He loves reminding himself that without him, you'd be read. Rotting next to the waters, eaten by bugs and torn apart by animals.
Instead, you live a lavish life under his watch, enjoying what the world has to offer every day. He's trained you like a dog, after all these years. He can trust you. You won't ever run away.
You're way too scared without him, after all. As you should be.
You fall asleep in his arms a bit later on the hotel bed, filled with sweets and his love, while he scrolls for some stuff on his phone. He smiles when he looks at a photograph from the news on the TV he took on his way home one day.
[Missing girl officially declared dead after only one year and two months, police reports. Parents: "we want to move on." All investigations closed as of yesterday, as the case comes to its end.]
Recorded on the 12th of January, three years ago.
It's quiet around him, these days.
With the lawsuits wrapping up behind closed doors and far away from the public eye, fans worry about the maknae due to his silence. Meanwhile, he himself couldn't be happier, having spent the third day in a row waking up late during the day next to you, sleepy as ever, still resting. You sleep a lot. Always have.
Sometimes more, when he wants you to. Then you'll get some help slumbering off from him. He knows how to measure the dosage. He's done it a thousand times.
In his dreams, you sometimes scream. He doesn't know why, takes it as a warning to hold you even closer, and when he dreams such things, he will be restless. He will sleep with his length inside your warmth, as far as it goes, so he can stay as close as humanly possible with you. He doesn't mind the mess you both make.
It's proof of your love.
Sometimes he wants to take you outside. Go to dinner, walk alongside Han River, but then he realizes that you might remember what had happened that Night. You might loose all dependency on him, all love for him, all memories- and it makes him angry at himself, makes him pull his own hair in frustration necause he can never let that happen.
Everybody knows he's hanging on by a thread.
And if you ever step out of line, if you ever leave-
That fragile little chain keeping him grounded will snap, freeing the beast.
Will you ever be free? Do you want to be?
If freedom is away from Jungkook, will it ever be enjoyable?
You don't have to think about that. Not when his hands hold your wrists down into the mattress so hard they will surely bruise. Not when he almost growls like a predator at every thrust he pushes into you. Not whe he kisses you like he doesn't care about breathing.
Not when he's got you all chained up to his side, like a dog, loved and loyal.
You exist for him.
You're alive because he wants you to be.
You've survived because he loves you more than anyone else ever could.
You're his.
And don't you ever forget it.
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tea-earl-grey · 3 months
Prodigy s2 thoughts/review (spoilers under cut)
my spoilerfree tdlr: this was almost certainly the best season of Star Trek and i love it so dearly. while i have a couple of nitpicks, there really was not a single bad episode in the whole season and i think this is the only bit of new Trek that's managed to be serialized while still pacing the series well, keeping up with pretty much all the character arcs (and there are a lot), and including lighthearted and heartwarming moments without sacrificing plot. it's a solid 9/10 for me.
i'll start with nitpicks/critique first since it's a much shorter list:
i think Solum was still a bit underdeveloped as a setting and it might have done better to explore a bit more of Ascensia's motivations for going to war but this could also be the result of me having not seen s1 of Prodigy in a few months and forgetting some things.
i'm someone who really really likes time travel stories and has written complex time travel stories before and even i thought some of the time travel logic was a bit convoluted and confusing. they brush it off in the beginning but i still don't really get how preventing the Solum Civil War (and thus preventing the Diviner from being at Tars Lamora and creating Gwyn) wouldn't make Gwyn and all of the Protostar kids paradoxes? if anyone has an answer here, i'd genuinely love an explanation because i want to like it but i can't work it out.
related a bit to this point ^ i really like including Ilthuran/the Diviner as a sympathetic character this season but i feel like we needed to see a bit more of him to really understand him and why he was so corrupted in s2 and see the Protostar kids (not just Gwyn) deal with how a guy who formerly enslaved them is now a good guy.
i think the set up to a potential season 3 hit the emotions perfectly with the Protostar kids serving as a bright beacon of hope and outreach in a time when the Federation is becoming withdrawn and insular (and that Janeway would facilitate that dream of exploration) but on a plot level.... i just don't buy that Starfleet would let seven kids and a single hologram have one of the fastest & most powerful ships in Starfleet just to train on when Starfleet had just lost so much of their Fleet in the Mars attack.
i think most of the characters had really good clear arcs this season except for Jankom Pog who was just kind of... there. this is a pretty minor critique because i'm probably attached to Pog the least out of all the Protostar kids and again it could also be because i wasn't paying attention to him that much but i wish we could have a bit of a more serious storyline with his character.
but all in all – those are pretty minor critiques because i don't mind if the plot gets a bit wishy washy as long as the emotional and character beats hit.
now things i really liked:
Dal's arc this season was so so good. i heard others talking about how he's great ADHD representation (especially for BIPOC kids) as someone who's intelligent and extremely skilled but really struggles in traditional education and despite seeming cocky/confident is often acting out of insecurity that he isn't really good enough or that the adults around him don't really care about him.
and i love how both Janeway and Chakotay serve as such great mentors!! Janeway for actually looking for ways to support him and show that she trusts Dal (and the rest of the Protostar kids) instead of punishing them for misbehaving. and Chakotay for that wonderful scene where he explains how there can feel like a push to always be at the top and be the best but the best thing in life is to find a place where you belong and can grow in healthy ways even if it means waiting to fulfill your ambitions (and what a good representation of healthy masculinity that is!)
and on that front. pretty much all of the scenes with Janeway and Chakotay were so lovingly crafted with how they both existed as mentors for the main characters but also had their own arcs and their mentorship reflected back on their own characters. i'm also not a huge j/c shipper (i like it theoretically, i'm just not that committed) but the loving glances they shared were Noticed.
i also like to think that the reason Janeway and Chakotay were so could at dealing with the Protostar kids was their command of Voyager's mixed Starfleet-Maquis crew and how they both know that despite Starfleet's ideals they often let down people who aren't Perfect enough (whether because of mental health, species, neurodiversity, etc). i'm specifically thinking about Tom and B'Elanna but i'm sure it also goes for Voyager's other crew that we don't see onscreen.
i love Gwyn. so much. i love how this season turned around expectations a little with Gwyn getting to have her Captain-y moments more so than Dal (through the series too, not just at the end) and her confronting her fear over her responsibility for an entire planet of her people who she's never even met before and insecurity that she's not really One Of Them.
i was also a little wary of Zero's arc this season at first because of how Star Trek tends to have "this autistic coded character is missing a fundamental part of existence and that's sad" narratives but i honestly think it was a pretty fresh portrayal of disability in that Zero in their normal metal body is missing senses that other people have and they enjoyed experiencing them in an organic body but going back to their metal containment suit wasn't sad, it was just a part of their life. and they even added a disability aid to their suit so they can still experience touch without all the "they're getting closer to being human" ableist shit that scifi tends to do. also their organic body using a mobility aid for a few episodes was Very Important to me. i might make a bigger analysis post of this portrayal later but i have to think on it.
i don't have much to say about her right now but i love Rok-Tahk so dearly and was overjoyed that she just got to be happy this season. every scene of her getting excited over science or another character commenting on how she's a genius was just so good.
Ma'Jel was also a fun addition and much needed to add a bit of common sense to the extremely chaotic dynamics going on. her and Zero Vulcan kissing at the end was extremely cute.
also every time either the Voyager-A crew would start saying "it's okay. we'll mutiny with you." to Janeway or Janeway got an order from Jellico (hey nice to see him btw! he's played by the same actor too!) that she immediately ignored, i was so happy. now that's my Captain!
i also have mixed opinions on the EMH in Voyager (mostly due to the last two seasons) but i thought he was great in here with a good balance of comedic scenes and some more serious moments. i did chuckle every time he started talking about his awful holonovels.
WESLEY CRUSHER!!!!! i'll be honest, i had a few ideas of characters that might make cameo appearances (i was banking on Harry Kim tbh) but for some reason Wesley never crossed my mind even though it makes SO MUCH SENSE given how his story in tng paralleled/was an inverse of the Protostar kids. instead of being a kid far away from the Federation who dreamt of of belonging somewhere safe, he was a genius kid on track to be a great captain and fulfill the Starfleet Dream TM but became lost and burnt out when he started to question if that was ever what he really wanted. both Wes and the Protostar kids dealt with self doubt and were dismissed at various points as Just Kids but they went in opposite directions.
i also just really love chaotic Time Lord Wes who's kind of forgotten how to be a person but is just doing this emoji 🤠 in every scene. the vibes were so impeccable.
also BEVERLY!!!!! as soon as Wes showed up i immediately made a post about how funny Janeway explaining All Of This to Beverly would be and then i was SHOCKED when it actually happened??? this show quite literally predicts my every want.
just everything about The Devourer of All Things was written specifically for me. the Loom were such good monsters (it's been forever since Star Trek did a straight up Scary Monster story). the explanation of all the different universes and timelines set my nerd brain on fire. the return of Janeway in a tank top. the snappy writing that also had some great character moments. the Doctor Who-ness of it all. i need to rewatch it asap.
the other episode highlight for me was Cracked Mirror for fun parallel universe exploits and getting to see Mirrorverse versions of Janeway and Chakotay. (there was even a Disco reference with the Agonizer!) it was predictable but the throwaway line to "Captain Tuvix" in whatever reality Rok and Zero ended up in almost made me do a spit take.
as someone who does genuinely love Picard (the show) despite its flaws, i am really happy how much was integrated into this season of Prodigy both with showing Beverly with a young Jack Crusher and with the attack on Mars being shown at the very end.
all in all – VERY GOOD SEASON. it gave me everything i wanted and more with only some minor nitpicks. and most importantly, i had fun in pretty much every single episode. i cleared my schedule on Monday because i thought i would be able to binge it all in one day but i simply had too much fun and only got through half of it. if season 1 of Prodigy was the best ever first season of a Star Trek show then this is maybe the best ever season of any Star Trek show.
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animeshrink · 1 year
Naruto...A Lesson in Attachment
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This is Naruto Uzumaki.
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And so is this.
So, how did he go from doing this:
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Desecrating and vandalizing the village
To doing this:
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Leading it.
We'll explore that, but first want to start where it all began.
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These are Naruto's parents: Minato Namikaze, his dad. All around great shinobi, a prodigy, super talented, became Hokage at a really young age. And Kushina Uzumaki, his mom, quite an impressive kunoichi (female shinobi) in her own right.
So, yes, from the start Naruto had an extra leg-up with two loving parents who loved him and cared for him.
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At least for a couple of hours.
Yes, he lost both of his parents as a newborn. So, what happened to that child? Well, it's below, but first a lesson about attachment and why it's important.
First there are four types of attachment:
Secure - confident, non-reactive, comes back from adversity; kids feel safe, secure, and trusting
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Adult Naruto and his own family.
2. Avoidant-Dismissive - Independent, show little emotional needs, unemotional, little physical contact, manage own distress
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Hear me out here, I would say Little Sasuke (sahs-kay) and his relationship with his father. Sasuke was independent and parents focused their attention primarily on his older brother. He eventually grew to become self-reliant and used other people to get his needs met, forming very few attachments along the way.
3. Disorganized/ Avoidant-Fearful - Inconsistent emotional support, crave attention from but also fear caregivers; often stemming from trauma
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Anybody with this man, Orochimaru. Orochimaru thrived on creating disorganized attachments in the children he experimented on, kidnapped, worked with.
Or anybody with Danzo. Both preyed on orphans and their lack of secure attachments.
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4. Anxious - Inconsistent parenting, so seeks reassurance to elicit caring response. May become really attached, dependent on others in a relationship to fulfill emotional needs, may become preoccupied with others. Place high hopes on others and get attached to potential. Sounds a little like our hero.
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Inconsistent parenting
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Granted, it wasn't the village leader's job to raise him, but he did step up and take responsibility for him. Just was inconsistent.
Becomes easily attached and preoccupied with others and their potential.
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He literally chased Sasuke around for years (!) to force a friendship. He became obsessed not with the person Sasuke was, but the person he could be.
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No matter how many times Sasuke tried to kill him or refused to come home.
Anxious attachment.
Poor attachment also can lead to behavioral struggles.
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And poor academic performance
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Naruto finished last in his academy class and failed three times.
So, what changed?
Healthy Relationships!
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Iruka sensei, his first teacher, and ramen!
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Team 7! Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei!
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And friends!
*As always, this post is for entertainment-educational purposes only. If you do need mental health assistance, please reach out to a local (!) mental health provider. If in crisis, please in the US, call 988.
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macksartblock · 1 year
Can you tell us what an evil normal's family dynamic is like in this au :))))
Being super honest - haven’t thought about it before now LOL but now that you’ve got me started it will be long
That being said, I think his family dynamic would start off fairly similar to that in the podcast. Things would get slippery after the dance, with Sparrow’s “not proud of you” speech.
Normal wouldn’t be completely vulnerable to Willy’s manipulation at that point BUT it was stated Normal has sorta been set up to be vulnerable to cult-like manipulation - albeit accidentally - by Rebecca’s parenting.
Personally, I think Normal would have the strongest attachment to his mother, in this circumstance. She’s just as unaware of this vulnerability she instilled in him, as he is. Not to say their relationship would be entirely healthy, but it would be the least hostile.
However, Willy could definitely have a strong influence on him and seems the type who’d actively insert doubts in Norm’s mind, surrounding his family. Like given enough ammunition from the twins behaviour, it would not. be. hard.
Already within the Oak-Swallows-Garcia family, there seems to be some brick work laid out for Triangulation. Whether intentionally or not, the adults in the house have set Normal and Hero up against one another. This - from personal experience - is very impactful, especially on children. So, the way I see this progressing is Normal and Hero’s relationship would worsen HORRENDOUSLY.
Unlike the typical argumentative behaviour we’ve seen with them, it would develop to genuine disdain for one another. Normal siding with Willy would put Hero right back in the Chosen One slot. The weight of that burden not only from her parental figures, but unintentionally from her brother would be soul crushing. Normal would hate her for being on this pedestal, and Hero would hate him for putting her back up there.
The twins dynamic with him would be interesting. I see him and Sparrow having a dynamic similar to that of post-rogue card Lark and Henry. With Willy’s influence, Sparrow would have a very difficult time getting through to Normal - whether he says the wrong thing or Normal is too caught up in his own anger, it’s like chipping into rock with a fucking spoon.
In Lark’s case, it’s like staring into a mirror. The anger. The resentment. All it took was a push from the wrong person and that happy, carefree kid might as well be dead and buried. Now we’ve seen Lark step in to apologize on Sparrow’s behalf a few times. With this, I think Normal would harbour some trust in Lark.
Of course, their relationship would still be difficult at the height of this whole twisted lil game. But Normal craves validation from those around him. Most importantly, that of a father figure. If Lark - seeing his nephew going through something so terribly familiar and damaging - were to attempt bridging the gap, I think it would be such a big impact on Normal.
Long story short: the whole family would need counselling, they are in such a state of emotional ruin
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mixelation · 1 year
for the reborn au: how will Itachi deal with being a dad?
the idea of itachi as a "dad" is so weird it took me a hot second to realize you meant him and his Illegal Test Tube Baby, Kushina Jr.
So, I think Itachi is someone who thinks he likes children (but in practice doesn't really enjoy non-Sasuke kids). In canon I think he definitely wouldn't want to have his own kids, but I don't think he's totally turned off by the idea. Maybe his pacifist life fantasies occasionally include a kid. Or maybe just like a cute neighbor kid he can talk to sometimes. This means that, in a universe where his life is more stable and people are actively expecting him to pop out an heir, he's able to make peace with the idea of having kids.
I talked about this before, but I think Itachi is more likely to form an attachment to kids that he can conceptualize as not being his. Sasuke's kid? Shisui's kid? He will Uncle them so hard. I think he's more likely to bond with his own kid if he thinks of them as a product of his beloved partner than his own. Not that he'd dislike his own kid-- he already resolved to have the mandatory heir and attempt to raise it well-- it's just... weird. With the test tube baby, from his POV.... it sort of feels like Tori went off and adopted a new puppy. He knew it was happening. He donated half the DNA. He's seen the test tube. He read a bunch of safety evaluations for cribs. It's still VERY WEIRD when a whole ass baby comes home one day. He's not like "oh gross, a mini-me," but Tori is his platonic friend SLASH life teammate he decided to move in with permanently and not his cherished lover, so he doesn't instantly fall in love with the baby. It's.... a process.
(I think at this point Itachi and Tori have to have some genuine affection for each other, so the idea of a tiny Tori IS funny/cute, it's just not like how I'd write him having a kid with a more romantic partner.)
The danger with giving Itachi kids, I think, is that he has a lot of anxiety over people he loves being taken away or killed by the ongoing horrors of the ninja world. That's why he makes a bunch of Insane Choices about Sasuke: if he can't completely control his loved ones, he will force them to be as strong and resilient as he thinks they need to be. The good news is that in the Reborn AU:
He's an adult and not a teenager, so his bad decisions and life philosophy have slightly more wisdom.
There are a lot fewer terrifying forces outside of his control that he can use to project anxiety onto his helpless little test tube baby.
There are a lot more people he can trust to have his (and therefore his kid's) back. This doesn't necessarily include his parents, but it definitely includes Shisui and Sasuke, and probably the rest of Team 4. All these people can also theoretically stop him from being insane. :)
So I think Itachi would have high standards for his kid, in part because Itachi forgets what normal people are like, and then in part because his kid being a good ninja eases his anxiety. BUT he's in a place where he doesn't feel the need to push them beyond what would be healthy for the kid. Like he would prefer they be able to best him in single combat at 10, but also he recognizes this is unrealistic. I can see him having to be reminded to compliment his kid for getting good grades, but I don't think he'd be like. Horrible.
All that being said, I don't think either him OR Tori completely conceptualized "making an illegal test tube baby means we have to take care of a baby now." Partly because if no one actually gets pregnant... you can just go home for the night and forget about how you have a baby in the works. So the learning curve is high and also very confusing the first couple years, in part because like. Navigating a baby is very different from from navigating a deep conspiracy to get rid of Danzo or a fake romantic relationship. And there's suddenly? A whole ass new human?? Who you named Kushina Jr for SOME REASON
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josnhoes · 20 days
I keep having the cutest idea for Knak au on bg3.
So we all know Halsin would make the reader a toy or two. You're a kid on a harsh adventure and even if you act mature you're a kid and kids need toys. Something to call their own and have control over. It's healthy. And Halsin wants you well rounded and healthy mentally; as much as going through all this can allow...
You who are excited by the occasional toy because it was for *you* made by Halsin! You never asked for things even if many shiny things have gotten your attention. So to have a gift just sends you over the moon. Sure you don't know how to play with them, you're mentally an adult the idea of playing with toys was embaressing! That doesn't stop you from naming the ducks and being protective of them...
And now all the companions realize they've kinda neglected what you need as a kid. You act so much like an adult they forgot, kinda. So now they're all going to try in their own ways to over compensate for it. Especially if this is when they're all attached.
It becomes a competition on who can garner your favor with the best gift.
A competition Astarian refuses to fail. It's both a matter of pride at his ability to read people, and the pride of being someone's favorite. Yes Tav was rather attached to him but you were the groups glue even more then Tav. So he spends hours while others sleep sneakily sewing you a custom bat doll. The albino stuffed bat doll he totally didn't model after himself becomes your favorite.
Karlach mourns because she was planning on getting you a stuffed toy but he beat her to it. Either way she's still going to give you one, once she finds the perfect one anyway.
List of gifts:
Gale gives treats like chocolates and snacks, and books
Lae'zel gives things like blankets and weapons. Gifts you can actually use.
Shadowheart gives weapons, flowers, and protection amulets.
Wyll also gives treats but his gifts are more intangible like quality time, stories, and being there for you.
Durge makes you a doll, a nice looking one...made of bone and collected hair from....volunteers... it's probably gunna end up cursed but what kid shouldn't have at least 1 cursed porcelain looking doll?
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farm-fresh-hell · 9 months
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nemlei, queen of Healthy Family Dynamics
i love that this theme continues through her works: parentification of the children as a result of the adult's poor decision making. noelle herself points out that her mother never intended to have more than three children, but that she got pregnant anyway and is now unable to care for the lot.
there's no excuse for it. not really. it's childishness and selfishness in the extreme. noelle's father has yet to show up, but that in itself is indicative of what the parental relationship is like. i'm willing to bet that noelle's mother is having sex with him as a means of keeping him around. and even if i'm wrong... what's the rationalization? "we're in love"??? HAHA!
the blithe irresponsibility is giiiiiiiving mrs. graves. if you couldn't handle one "easy child", what the fuck made you think kid #2 would be okay????
it's just so fucking tragic because these kids never ASKED to be born. the responsibility lies solely with the parent.
even if, in this case, noelle's mom is being FORCED - a lack of autonomy isn't an excuse for shirking your responsibility as a decent human being. she has no excuse for essentially shunting her daughter into sex work should it come to that.
but what's more? noelle's agreement with yule.
she isn't choosing to "help" him because she's lazy or afraid of failure - though neither of those motives would suggest moral bankruptcy either; there's a real psychological toll attached to crashing and burning. but no. SHE'S making this deal with yule because she has no choice. because OUTSIDE CIRCUMSTANCES have forced her hand. kiiiinda like how outside circumstances have forced andrew and ashley to, you know, kill and eat people.
when the pipes break and everyone starts panicking it becomes clear just how ill-equipped noelle's mother is to handle adulthood and all it entails. she's a child asking a child to help her take care of other children. noelle has no fucking choice but to cheat in order to get her license. so she can get paid. because they need the fucking money.
even if it means making a deal with a devil to see it done.
it's really sad and REALLY relatable i REALLY appreciate nemlei for addressing this shit in their work. i sat down with the intention of playing a fun game and now i'm actually considering the themes of the work and whatever else. like damn.
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sakuralovespossums · 14 days
Anton Chigurh x Adopted Daughter Reader
Let’s get this out of the way, canon Anton is a merciless killer who will kill a kid if he wants to. But for the sake of this fic, he’s a bit less brutal.
Warning: Brief descriptions of child abuse, human trafficking, reader has trauma and isn’t the most mentally healthy, Anton being a questionable parent
Anton found you tied up in the trunk of his latest target’s car. Apparently the guy he was hired to kill was a human trafficker who your parents sold you to
When he freed you, you were shaking and traumatized, looking up at him in fear and confusion
Anton believed him finding you was a rare change of fate and you were now tied to him, according to his strange philosophy
So he took you with him
He doesn’t see you as a daughter nor does his drive to take care of you stem from paternal instinct like with normal people. He simply believes he must do so to uphold his belief in fate
You’re just happy to finally receive food, clothes, and shelter. You quickly notice how off putting and quiet he is, but he’s still a lot better than your old parents, so you grow attached anyway
You often ask him lots of questions or talk about whatever (like a lot of kids do) and he gives a short reply in his monotone voice
He never plays with you, so you play or run off by yourself. Yet he’s always sitting or standing nearby
Your more closed off and shy around other people, but more lively and happy around Anton since he’s the only one you trust
He teaches you how to shoot and reload at a young age, in case you need to defend yourself when he’s gone
Your a pretty obedient kid but when Anton needs to be firm with you, he never yells but gives you a look and you immediately obey
You still love him deeply and don’t really care that he kills people. He was the only adult to ever offer you care and safety when every other one hurt you
You’re always close by his side wherever you go, usually holding his hand
As you grow older, you become a lot more vocal but still distrust other people
You always tend to Anton’s wounds whenever he comes back bloodied from his latest job
You’re pretty protective of him and scold him to be more careful. He doesn’t listen tho
When you’re an adult, Anton decides he’s done his part and leaves you
Like just literally out of the blue. No letter, no call, nothing. You just wake up one morning alone in the motel room
You know how Anton is though and come to understand why he left and accept it. You’ll never forget him and will always look back on your interesting upbringing under his wing
People might say you deserved a better guardian who could have given you actual love, but you hated the idea of having anyone else as your guardian
Anton wasn’t an ideal father figure, but he still taught you everything you needed to know to survive in this world
you either become a hitman like Anton or manage to live a normal life within society (you still carry a weapon with you either way)
You: Hey Anton
Anton: …………..
You: Why did you take me with you when you found me as a kid?
Anton: ………..Because you were there
You: ……….alright
………………………………………..I love you
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befuddled-calico-whump · 11 months
Get Your Act Together
cw: bad coping mechanisms, alcohol, bad caretaker, adult language
previous ///// Wildefire Masterlist ///// next
Chopper wasn't an unkind man. He managed the contracts of several assassins and regularly sent them out in the world to off someone, sure, but that was just business. And when a person dealt in that sort of blood, they could afford to be nice from time to time without looking too soft.
So when Cinder showed up on his doorstep like the prodigal son himself, two years since the last time he'd last laid eyes on the younger man, Chopper let him in. He put a bed in one of the unused storage rooms upstairs and told the kid to come down when he was ready.
Cinder was here for a contract. Assassins never came to Chopper unless they were after a contract. But right now, Cinder looked like he needed sleep more than a job.
Alexei Wilder wasn't Chopper's favorite employee. He didn't pick favorites. But the kid had been working for him for over a decade now, a favor to his mother, and Chopper had to admit he was more a little attached at this point. Death was a bigger part of life than usual when you called yourself a member of the Underneath, but it still hit his shop pretty hard when they'd heard of Cinder's demise.
Then, the rumors that he was alive, but a prisoner in the Tower, which may have been worse.
Then, quieter still, rumors that he was dead again. For real, this time.
And less than a week later, he was back at the base.
Asking to work.
Having Cinder around wasn't a big deal at first. Heaven and hell knew the kid could come and go in silence, so Chopper wasn't bothered.
But as weeks passed, he left less and less, and as soft as he was, Chopper knew he couldn't stand for it any longer when he finally went upstairs to check on him and a half dozen bottles clattered aside as he pushed the door open.
It was dark inside, littered with garbage and smelling of stale air and booze. Cinder wasn't in the bed, or even sprawled across the floor like Chopper had pictured him. He was sitting upright in the corner, eyes wide and wild and staring, legs coiled underneath him like he might spring to his feet and sprint away at any moment.
A half-empty bottle was clutched in one metallic hand, and Chopper knew both were, in their own way, souvenirs of the two years Cinder had been absent. The way the younger man flinched when Chopper cleared his throat wasn't lost on him.
"When's the last time you set foot outside?" he asked.
"What's that matter?" Cinder replied. His voice was gravelly, as if it had gone some days without use.
“Sunlight's good for you. Vitamin D and all that junk. Being cooped up in a room like this can't be healthy.”
“Hasn’t killed me yet.”
Chopper sighed, kicking a liquor bottle aside. “It's not an offer, Cinder. You need to go outside. You need to do something. A jigsaw puzzle, for fuck’s sake. You can't just hole up in my shop and drink yourself to death.”
“Why not?” Cinder muttered. “What's one more dead body in Neath?”
Chopper shook his head. This kid. As fond as he was of Alexei, he had a business to run. A business that was quite literally a matter of life and death. He couldn't be playing mommy.
“I get it. I do. You've gone through some shit. But moping in the dark isn't gonna erase the past. Get up. Take a shower. Go for a walk, before I drag you out of here myself.”
When Cinder ignored him, rolling over like he could block out his voice, Chopper stalked forward and grabbed him by his wrist.
He let go just as quickly when the metal flashed orange, hissing and shaking his hand.
“Don't fucking touch me,” Cinder slurred, his voice trembling. There was a look in his eyes like a cornered animal, and Chopper took a step back.
“Then get up,” he said, his voice devoid of anything sharp. He rubbed his burned hand against the front of his shirt. “I don't have to house you, Alexei. I'm doing it out of the kindness of my heart. If you can't get your act together, that kindness is going to run out real quick.”
After a moment’s consideration, Cinder stood, leaning on the wall for support, his head cocked to one side like he couldn't fully hold it up.
“Give me a contract.”
Chopper nearly stumbled over his words. "Now? You're drunk. Sleep it off, and we'll talk tomorrow.”
“Which is it? Sleep it off or get my act together? Give me a fucking contract.”
Chopper hadn't meant now, he'd just… gotten a little pissy after being ignored. At most, he'd planned to drag him to the bathroom for a wash, not send him on a job. The kid was swaying on his feet, reeking of alcohol.
But… if that was what it took to kick him into gear, maybe Chopper should let it happen. Maybe this would be good for him, getting back in the saddle.
“I'll get you one,” he said, shaking his head again. “Wait here. Maybe drink some water in the meantime.”
Cinder fell heavily onto the doorframe, fingers locked around its edges like a vise.
Chopper turned away from the young assassin. He'd just find something easy. Low-stakes. Alexei was good, two years of hell couldn't change that. Even blacked out, he’d still run a clean operation, probably cleaner than some of Chopper’s contractors could do sober.
And if he didn't… if he screwed up and brought the law down on the base…
Well, every assassin knew his protection only extended so far. If things went south, Chopper didn't have to help him.
And he didn't have to let him back in.
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