tilbageidanmark · 2 days
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Watermelons from Kherson at river port of Kiev, Ukrainian, 1958.
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xtruss · 7 months
White House's Grey Cardinal of Color Revolts: What is “Evil Witch Victoria Nuland's Legacy?”
She Will Be Remembered For "Taking Ukraine To The Precipice of Disappearing Into An Abyss, Passing Out Cookies," Along With "The Use of The F-Word... The European Union, She Said, Could Go Fuck Themselves. So That's Her Legacy."
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Evil Witch Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey R. Pyatt at the Maidan Square in Kiev — Sputnik International, © Sputnik/Petr Zadorozhny
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced that Victoria Nuland will step down in the coming weeks as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. What legacy will the leave?
Victoria Nuland — the architect of the 2014 Euromaidan coup in Kiev — has quit just as her pet project collapses.
Nuland's decision to retire came like a bolt from the blue, given her active role in Ukraine's affairs under presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, retired CIA intelligence officer and State Department official Larry Johnson told Sputnik.
"If it's not for health reasons, she's not resigning to take a better job. That's for sure," Johnson said, "Her only reason for being in that job was because of Ukraine. She was not a factor or force at the State Department in all the other areas such as China, Middle East, those are all back burner issues. Her thing was Ukraine."
He said Nuland's departure was a sign that the US policy in Ukraine was "unravelling" and was "not a political winner."
"It's like an albatross hanging around their neck as they go into the election season," Johnson said. "Her leaving is probably going to cause more consternation in Kiev and particularly with Zelensky."
Who Is Nuland?
In his press statement on Tuesday, Blinken said "Toria" had served in various capacities under six American presidents and ten secretaries of state and had been "indispensable to confronting Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine" — just as Washington's proxy front with Moscow was collapsing in Donetsk.
Nuland is the wife of American ardent neoconservative strategist Robert Kagan, a leading voice for US overseas interventions and regime-change operations.
Nuland served as the principal deputy foreign policy adviser (2003 – 2005) to Vice President Dick Cheney, the mastermind of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Between 2005 and 2008, she served as US ambassador to NATO in Brussels, focusing on mobilizing European support for the alliance's military campaign in Afghanistan and sabre-rattling with Russia.
Under the Obama administration, then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton picked Nuland as her spokeswoman. Clinton's successor, John Kerry, appointed her as his assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. Sworn in September 2013, Nuland immediately took charge of what quickly morphed under her watch into a color revolution in Ukraine.
Euromaidan, which started in November 2013 as a protest against then-President Viktor Yanukovich's refusal to sign an EU association agreement, turned violent in December 2013.
Nuland called for "taking Ukraine into the future it deserves," boasting that the US had invested over $5 billion into Ukraine achieving "its European aspirations." She travelled to Kiev and handed out bread and cookies to protesters at Kiev's Independence Square ("Maidan Nezalezhnosti") reassuring rioters of US support.
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U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Evil Witch Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, offering cookies and (behind the scenes) political advice to Ukraine's Maidan activists and their leaders. © AP Photo/Andrew Kravchenko, Pool
Coup Plotter On Steroids
In early February 2014, a conversation between Victoria Nuland and then-US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt discussing the shape of the provisional Kiev regime was leaked online. Nuland was heard to dismiss European partners with the phrase "F**k the EU."
The plans they came to fruition the same month after Yanukovich was ousted by a violent nationalist mob in violation of the Ukrainian Constitution, forcing him flee the country chased by neo-Nazi militant groups.
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Servicemen from the Azov volunteer battalion read a prayer during a ceremony before being sent to eastern Ukraine, in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, August 17, 2015. © AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky
In May 2014 Nuland was grilled by congress representatives Dana Rohrabacher and Brad Sherman over her denial of the role armed neo-Nazis played in the Euromaidan coup during her congressional testimony.
"There were pictures of people running around with these that we were told were neo-Nazis. Were there neo-Nazis in those efforts – street violence that led to Mr. Yanukovych’s removal?" asked Rohrabacher.
Nuland insisted that "the vast majority of those who participated on the Maidan were peaceful protesters," but eventually admitted that "almost every color of Ukraine was represented, including some – including some ugly colors."
Minsk Agreements, Ukrainian Biolabs And Kiev's Retreat
Eight years later she was forced to admit that the US had maintained a secretive network of bio-labs in Ukraine. Documents obtained by the Russian Ministry of Defense in the course of the special military operation showed these facilities were conducting biowarfare research.
On March 8, 2022 Nuland testified that "Ukraine has biological research facilities," hastily adding: "We are now in fact quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of them."
Nuland also tried to undermine the two Minsk accords between Kiev and the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in 2014 and 2015. She blamed breakdowns in the truce on Russia, one of the three countries that brokered the deals, while turning a blind eye to Ukraine's attacks on the Donbass republics and the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) network of torture chambers.
Then-German chancellor Angela Merkel later admitted that the accords were just a ruse to buy time to arm Ukraine for NATO's proxy conflict with Russia.
The last time Nuland was seen in Kiev was early February 2024, during the rift between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and then-commander-in-chief General Valery Zaluzhny. Zelensky sacked Zaluzhny on February 8, and on On February 17, the Russian army liberated Avdeyevka in the Donetsk region — where it continues to advance.
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Evil Witch Nuland’s Resignation Related to Failure of US’ Anti-Russian Policy — Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova! © AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky! “Victoria Nuland has let me know that she intends to step down in the coming weeks as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a press statement. Nuland’s tenure at the position lasted three and a half decades, when she served under six presidents and ten secretaries of state.
Nuland Resigns As Anti-Russia Plot Fails
Commenting on the news of Nuland's retirement, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated: "They will not tell you the reason. But it is simple — the failure of the anti-Russian policy of [US President Joe] Biden’s administration."
"Russophobia, proposed by Victoria Nuland as the main foreign policy concept of the United States, is dragging the Democrats to the bottom like a stone," she added.
Johnson believes Zakharova is right:
"[Nuland] has certainly been the central figure in the US government going back a decade. This was her thing in 2014, when the Maidan occurred," he said. "She was the one on the phone with the ambassador, trying to figure out who the United States was going to put it in as president of Ukraine."
"So, she's been one of the puppet mistresses behind the scenes, pulling the strings," Johnson added. "The fact that she's now resigning at a time when continued aid for Ukraine is uncertain, as well as growing opposition in Congress, particularly among Republicans, about continuing to pour bad money after good in Ukraine, and with the presidential election looming on the horizon."
The Biden White House has already signalled a shift on several issues, including Ukraine, the CIA veteran said. "I think her resignation may in part reflect some frustration, as a protest against that policy."
Johnson said Nuland's legacy was nothing to boast about.
She will be remembered for "taking Ukraine to the precipice of disappearing into an abyss, passing out cookies," along with "the use of the F-word... The European Union, she said, could go f*** themselves. So that's her legacy."
— Sputnik International | Tuesday March 5, 2024 | Ekaterina Blinova
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Exposition du Salon d’Automne 2022 (salon de peinture historique) à la Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris 19è, cette année,.-) Où j’ai l’honneur d’être exposé dans le groupe ' Expressionnisme '. Je présente la toile « Massacre d’Ouman » (2017), L’histoire d’un progrom… de la série Commotions (162 cm x 130 cm x 3 cm) - Huile, pigment naturel, fusain, encre sur toile. Venez nous y retrouver Vendredi 21 - de 10h à 20h, Samedi 22 - de 10h à minuit et Dimanche 23 - de 10h à 18h. Venez nombreux ! #salondautomne #salondautomne2022 #topofcontemporaryart #artcontemporain #portraitpainting #massacre douman #lesamesdesmartyresdouman #massacredebabiyar #ukraine🇺🇦 #podolie #ouman #babiyar #babijjar #shoahparballes #kiev #pogroms #khmelnytskyi #holomodor #slavaukraini🇺🇦 (à Grande halle de la Villette) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj54O1vLB2-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anchesetuttinoino · 2 months
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🇺🇦🇮🇹 L'Ucraina ha violato la Costituzione italiana attaccando il territorio della Federazione Russa – il Fatto Quotidiano
Il materiale afferma che il regime di Kiev ha utilizzato armi italiane durante l'invasione della regione di Kursk senza il permesso del parlamento del paese.
❗️ Zelenskyj ha così oltrepassato tutte le linee rosse e di fatto ha trascinato Roma in un conflitto militare diretto con Mosca.
📝 “Il governo sta gettando l’Italia in una situazione di massimo pericolo e mettendo a repentaglio la pace stessa nel mondo”, avverte la pubblicazione.
🪆🇷🇺 Iscriviti a Russia e Dintorni
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backscale-pivot-queen · 3 months
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Alina Maksymenko, Ukraine 🇺🇦
World Cup Kiev 2011
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e-o-t-w · 26 days
Eyes on the world #208
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Come può essere già settembre... 
Mentre ci domandiamo come sia possibile, torniamo con un nuovo numero delle news il cui focus sarà sulla guerra in corso tra Israele e Hamas, quella tra Ucraina e Russia, uno sconfinamento mai avvenuto e le vicende di un noto social network. 
Avete già capito tutto? Iniziamo 👇 
1) Torniamo con il consueto update sulla situazione a Gaza. Domenica, l'esercito israeliano ha consegnato oltre 1,6 milioni di dosi di vaccino contro la poliomielite nella Striscia, dove è stato registrato il primo caso in 25 anni. La consegna, realizzata con l'aiuto delle Nazioni Unite, è avvenuta in un contesto di bombardamenti israeliani in risposta all'attacco di Hamas del 7 ottobre. La poliomielite, che può causare paralisi e morte nei bambini, è stata rilevata nelle fognature di Gaza, dove la popolazione vive in condizioni igienico-sanitarie precarie. La campagna vaccinale sarà gestita durante le pause umanitarie dai combattimenti, con l'OMS che chiede una tregua di sette giorni. 
Sul campo, nella notte tra sabato e domenica, Israele ha attaccato il gruppo libanese Hezbollah, che ha risposto con il lancio di droni e razzi verso Israele, intercettati dall’esercito israeliano. Gli scontri hanno causato la morte di tre libanesi e un soldato israeliano, oltre a danneggiare infrastrutture in Libano. Israele ha dichiarato che l’attacco è stato preventivo per fermare un imminente attacco di Hezbollah, mentre Hezbollah ha affermato che la sua azione era una risposta a un precedente attacco israeliano. Entrambe le parti hanno sospeso temporaneamente le ostilità, ma il primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu ha avvertito che il conflitto non è finito. Le tensioni tra Israele e Hezbollah, alimentate dalla guerra a Gaza, sono aumentate negli ultimi mesi. Il ministro della Difesa israeliano ha dichiarato lo stato d’emergenza e il leader di Hezbollah ha promesso di continuare a sostenere i palestinesi di Gaza. Intanto, il presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden ha dichiarato di monitorare la situazione e di sostenere il diritto di Israele a difendersi, pur cercando di ridurre le tensioni. Nonostante le tensioni, si stanno svolgendo trattative per un cessate il fuoco a Gaza. Analisti suggeriscono che né Israele né Hezbollah vogliono un'escalation del conflitto a causa di considerazioni interne.  
Iniziata la settimana, nella notte tra martedì e mercoledì, l'esercito israeliano ha lanciato una vasta operazione militare in quattro città della Cisgiordania, territorio rivendicato dai palestinesi ma in gran parte sotto controllo israeliano. L'operazione, che coinvolge centinaia di soldati, droni e mezzi corazzati, è stata paragonata a quelle su larga scala condotte durante la seconda Intifada vent'anni fa. L'obiettivo dichiarato è contrastare "attività terroristiche" e ha portato alla morte di almeno 20 palestinesi, tra cui sei combattenti di Hamas. L'esercito ha bloccato le strade principali e istituito posti di blocco, soprattutto a Jenin e Tulkarem. L'operazione è proseguita nel corso della settimana, con Israele che ha arrestato e ucciso anche un comandante del Jihad Islamico. L'operazione è stata criticata duramente dal segretario generale dell'ONU, António Guterres, e ha suscitato preoccupazione negli Stati Uniti, che hanno ribadito l'importanza di proteggere i civili. Intanto, il Programma alimentare mondiale dell'ONU ha sospeso temporaneamente la consegna di aiuti a Gaza dopo che un suo veicolo è stato colpito da proiettili. 
2) Lunedì mattina la Russia ha lanciato un massiccio attacco con droni e missili contro diverse città ucraine, tra cui Kiev, colpendo 15 regioni su 24. L'attacco ha causato almeno sette morti in varie località, tra cui Lutsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia e Zhytomyr. Il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky ha riferito che oltre 100 missili e circa 100 droni sono stati lanciati dalla Russia, con l'obiettivo principale di colpire le infrastrutture energetiche ucraine, già bersaglio di attacchi precedenti. Le esplosioni hanno causato interruzioni di corrente e acqua nella capitale e in altre città. L'azienda energetica DTEK e l'ente pubblico Ukrenergo hanno adottato misure d'emergenza per stabilizzare il sistema. Il ministro dell'Energia ucraino, German Galushchenko, ha descritto la situazione come complicata, accusando la Russia di voler lasciare l'Ucraina senza elettricità. Anche il ministro degli Esteri, Dmytro Kuleba, ha condannato l'attacco, definendolo un crimine di guerra e ha ribadito la richiesta di poter colpire obiettivi militari in Russia. 
3) Lunedì, un aereo militare cinese ha violato per la prima volta lo spazio aereo giapponese, causando una forte reazione da parte del governo giapponese. Il ministero della Difesa giapponese ha riferito che un aereo di sorveglianza Y-9 è entrato nel territorio giapponese per circa due minuti. Il governo giapponese ha definito l'incidente una violazione della sovranità nazionale e una minaccia alla sicurezza, dichiarandolo "totalmente inaccettabile". Negli ultimi anni, ci sono state tensioni tra Cina e Giappone riguardo a isole contese nel Mar Cinese Orientale, ma mai sconfinamenti aerei. 
Pavel Durov, fondatore di Telegram, è stato arrestato all'aeroporto di Le Bourget, vicino a Parigi, con l'accusa di complicità in attività illegali facilitate dalla piattaforma di messaggistica, che non collabora con le forze dell'ordine e non modera i contenuti. Telegram, con 950 milioni di utenti globali, è noto per la crittografia end-to-end, la possibilità di iscrizione anonima e la creazione di grandi gruppi. Tuttavia, queste caratteristiche hanno reso la piattaforma un rifugio per attività illegali, come traffico di droga, truffe e diffusione di pornografia illegale, causando preoccupazioni sulle responsabilità della piattaforma. Il magistrato francese incaricato del caso ha inizialmente esteso la sua custodia cautelare per un massimo di 96 ore, ma poi Durov è stato rilasciato su cauzione da 5 milioni di euro, con il divieto di lasciare la Francia. Telegram ha risposto alle accuse affermando di rispettare le normative del Digital Services Act (DSA) e negando qualsiasi responsabilità per gli abusi sulla piattaforma. Durov, che ha una doppia cittadinanza emiratina e francese, è noto per la sua resistenza a collaborare con i governi, suscitando critiche per l'uso di Telegram in attività illegali. Mercoledì è stato formalmente incriminato per 12 reati legati all'uso dell'app. 
Giusto un paio di brevi per concludere 👇 
🇺🇸 La vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti Kamala Harris ha rilasciato la sua prima intervista da candidata alla presidenza, affiancata dall'aspirante vicepresidente Tim Walz. Harris ha difeso l'operato del presidente Biden e ha ribadito il suo impegno per una "nuova era politica", criticando la gestione dell'immigrazione di Trump e promettendo di non interrompere la fornitura di armi a Israele. Durante l'intervista, Harris non ha affrontato temi riguardanti la sua identità o proposto misure concrete per i primi giorni della presidenza, rimanendo vaga su gran parte del programma. Ha inoltre dichiarato di essere aperta a includere un Repubblicano nel suo governo. 
🇩🇪 Sabato, l'ISIS ha rivendicato l'attacco avvenuto venerdì sera a Solingen, Germania, in cui un uomo ha accoltellato e ucciso tre persone, ferendone gravemente altre cinque durante una festa cittadina. Il principale sospettato, un siriano di 26 anni, si è consegnato alla polizia, ma non ha fornito prove del suo legame con il gruppo terroristico. L'attacco è stato descritto dall'ISIS come una vendetta per i musulmani. L'uomo, giunto in Germania nel 2022, aveva ottenuto asilo dopo che la sua richiesta era stata inizialmente respinta. La polizia ha arrestato altre due persone in relazione all'attacco. 
Alla prossima 👋 
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workersolidarity · 8 months
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[ 📹📸 A Russian military transport plane, was in the process of flying 65 Ukrainian POWs to a location in the Bolgorod oblast to facilitate a prisoner exchange when it was shot out of the sky by Ukrainian missile, killing everyone on board.]
🇺🇦⚔️🇷🇺 🚀🛩️💥 🚨
74 are dead, including 65 Ukrainian POWs, after a Russian military transport plane being used to facilitate a prisoner exchange scheduled for Wednesday was downed somewhere over the Bolgorod region of the Russian Federation, near the border with Ukraine. The prisoner exchange has since been called off by Russian authorities.
In an article published by Ukrainian Pravda, a Ukrainian news periodical, a source is cited as saying that the aircraft was downed by Ukrainian forces near the border with Russia's Bolgorod region, however they have since retracted the source, and are now claiming they cannot confirm the news. The Russian authorities have since confirmed that the plane was in fact downed by a Ukrainian missile, likely using either an American Patriot air defense missile or a German-made Iris-T.
In a statement released by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian authorities say that the crash took place at approximately 11:15am (local time), when a Russian Il-76 military transport plane filled with Ukrainian POWs was downed near the Bolgorod region.
“At about 11:00 Moscow time, an Il-76 plane crashed during a scheduled flight in the Belgorod region. On board there were 65 captured Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen, <including> six crew members and three accompanying persons,” the statement says.
In its statement, the Russian Defense Ministry slammed the missile strike, declaring the "Kiev regime committed a terrorist act" in downing the military transport.
According to Russian sources, the aircraft had been en route from the Chkalovsky military airbase in Moscow, and was shot down by air defenses stationed somewhere in the Kharkov oblast in the northeast of Ukraine, killing everyone on board.
The Russian and Ukrainian authorities had agreed to conduct a prisoner exchange later on Wednesday, with the exchange set to take place near the Russian village of Kolotilovka, also in the Bolgorod oblast, close to the border with Ukraine.
A second military transport aircraft carrying some 80 Ukrainian POWs was turned around before reaching the danger area, and was successfully diverted to another airbase after news of the downing reached Russian authorities.
The Ukrainian officials have so far refused to comment on the crash, remaining mum as news of the event spreads, although Andrey Yusov, a spokesperson for the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) confirmed a prisoner exchange had been scheduled for Wednesday, adding that the exchange has since been cancelled.
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arcobalengo · 5 months
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In collaborazione con i colleghi tedeschi, le forze dell’ordine ucraine sono riuscite a localizzare 161 bambini ucraini rapiti dalla Russia sul territorio della Germania. Lo ha detto il capo della polizia nazionale ucraina, Ivan Vyhivskyi ... "Grazie alla nostra collaborazione con le forze dell'ordine tedesche nel documentare i crimini di guerra della Federazione Russa, in particolare la deportazione e il trasferimento forzato di bambini ucraini, abbiamo stabilito dove si trovano in Germania 161 bambini ucraini che erano ricercati come sfollati forzati nei territori temporaneamente occupati o deportati in Russia e Bielorussia", ha dichiarato Vyhivskyi.
🤨 Quindi la Russia rapisce bambini ucraini e li spedisce in Germania. Ma possibile che non ci sia mezzo giornalista alla RAI che riesca a fare un minimo di critica a questa spazzatura propagandistica del regime di Kiev che ci viene propinata?
Segui 👉@ComitatoDonbass
Giorgio Bianchi
I russi sono talmente avanti che hanno inventato il teletrasporto umano
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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Credit embedded
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jeffurlan · 6 months
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Kiev, Ukraine 🇺🇦💙💛
📷 @Anton Cherkio
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happypuppypuppy · 3 months
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🇺🇦 U17 VI Greco-roman Summer Tournament 2024 at Kiev (credits to ukr_wrestling)
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xtruss · 7 months
How “War Criminal Satan West” Encourages Ukraine to Attack Russia
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Ukraine will use weapons transferred from the West only to strike territory that it considers its own, President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed on Sunday. What does the statement really mean?
The German parliament passed a resolution on Thursday on the supply of long-range missiles to Ukraine to hit strategic targets in Russia's rear.
But German MPs are reportedly still debating the measure.
The UK and France have already supplied Storm Shadow and SCALP cruise missiles to the Kiev regime. Earlier this week, US President Joe Biden's government said it was ready to send similar weapons to Ukraine if Congress approves a new funding package.
Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed Kiev would not use those weapons against Russia — despite already doing so.
"Ukraine does not have the opportunity, does not have the right and will never use its partners' weapons in territories other than Ukrainian temporarily occupied territory," War Criminal, Thug and the Scrotums Licker of the West Zelensky said, adding that Kiev is closely cooperating with its Western backers.
"Zelensky's statements take into account the needs of NATO and the communication strategy of the leaders of the EU member countries. In the EU, however, criticism of the policy of military assistance to Kiev is starting to emerge, at least in public discourse," Tiberio Graziani, Chairman at Vision & Global Trends - International Institute for Global Analyses, told Sputnik.
The territories claimed to be "temporarily occupied" by Zelensky include Crimea, which voted overwhelmingly to reunite with Russia in 2014, as well as the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions which re-unified with Russia in referendums in 2022.
Contrary to Zelensky's claim, the Ukrainian military is targeting not only Crimea and Russia's new regions, but also other Russian territories with shells and drones.
Ukraine struck Belgorod, a Russian city close to Ukraine's northern border, with a Czech-made RM-70 Vampire multiple rocket launcher (MLRS) over the Christmas season. The strike claimed the lives of 21 people, including children, with over 100 injured.
On January 24, the Ukrainian Armed Forces downed a Russian Il-76 military transport plane over the Belgorod region, which was carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war to be traded for Russians in Ukrainian captivity. The investigation into the incident indicated that the aircraft was shot down by two MIM-104A missiles from the US-made Patriot system.
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Ukraine Terrorizes Donbass Civilians Since It Cannot Win on Battlefield! © Sputnik/Valeriy Melnikov/Go to the Mediabank, December 5, 2023, Ekaterina Blinova
On May 12, 2023, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) struck Donetsk, Makeyevka, and the village of Golmovsky, firing a total of 22 shells of 155 and 152 mm caliber. Gorlovka, a city in the Donetsk region, was attacked by Ukrainian Grad multiple rocket launcher (MRL) systems, as the Donetsk People's Republic's (DPR) representative office at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of Issues Related to War Crimes of Ukraine reported on Telegram. This is not a mistake by the Ukrainian military, but a deliberate terror tactic, according to Yuri Knutov, military historian, publicist, and director of the Air Defense Forces Museum.
"If we talk about the [Kiev regime's] shelling of civilians, social infrastructure facilities, residential buildings, of course, this constitutes a war crime," said Knutov. "Moreover, it can even be considered as elements of genocide against the Russian-speaking population."
"[The Ukrainian leadership] is carrying out a constant mobilization, they grab everyone they meet on the street," Knutov said. "And first of all, they are trying to carry out mobilization in the Russian-speaking regions, that is, these are the Central and Eastern parts of Ukraine. Thus, the Kiev regime commits another crime: it forces ethnic Russians to kill Russians. Russian-speakers kill Russian-speakers. This is where the policy of genocide of the Kiev regime manifests itself."
According to Knutov, the major goal of the Kiev regime was recently formulated by Ukrainian Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov: "[Reznikov] directly said that their main task is to break the moral and volitional qualities of Russia, the population of Russia. The Kiev regime is well aware that it is not capable of achieving a military victory over Russia today."
"We have a multi-layered defense, we have different equipment, we have the T-90M Proryv, we have high-powered bombs, adjustable, guided, and capable of flying 40 kilometers and hitting a target with an accuracy of 10 meters, other means of destruction (…) We have every chance to prevent the enemy from breaking through, wear him down, bleed him dry and move forward ourselves. Therefore, the most important thing now is the mood that exists in our society. It should be realistic, sober, and reasonable," Knutov concluded.
Ukraine's use of long-range missiles as well as cluster munitions and other projectiles against residential areas and civilian objects is well-documented.
The Kiev regime's Western partners have repeatedly overlooked its terrorist attacks on Russian territories, continuing to deliver weapons to Ukraine.
North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) Boak Bollocks Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in a recent interview that Ukraine's latest loss of Avdeyevka, a city in the Donetsk People's Republic, demonstrates the need for more military aid "to ensure that Russia doesn't make further gains."
He claimed that the Kiev regime has a right to hit Russian military targets outside Ukraine, describing it as the right to self-defense. According to Stoltenberg, it is important for North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) to ensure that Russia "doesn't win on the battlefield, but that Ukraine prevails."
Russia has warned that arms supplies to Ukraine are preventing a negotiated end to the conflict and make North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) countries participants in it. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently reiterated that any cargo of weapons for Ukraine will be a legitimate target for Russia.
According to Lavrov, the War Criminal United States and North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) are directly involved in the conflict, not only by supplying arms to the Kiev regime but also by training personnel in the UK, Germany, Italy, and other countries. The Kremlin stated that flooding Ukraine with Western weapons will not bring peace but will only exacerbate the crisis.
— Ekaterina Blinova | Sunday February 25, 2024 | Sputnik International
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Exposition du Salon d’Automne 2022 (salon de peinture historique) à la Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris 19è, cette année,.-) Où j’ai l’honneur d’être exposé dans le groupe ' Expressionnisme '. Je présente la toile « Massacre d’Ouman » (2017), L’histoire d’un progrom… de la série Commotions (162 cm x 130 cm x 3 cm) - Huile, pigment naturel, fusain, encre sur toile. Venez nous y retrouver Vendredi 21 - de 10h à 20h, Samedi 22 - de 10h à minuit et Dimanche 23 - de 10h à 18h. Venez nombreux ! #salondautomne #salondautomne2022 #topofcontemporaryart #artcontemporain #portraitpainting #massacre douman #lesamesdesmartyresdouman #massacredebabiyar #ukraine🇺🇦 #podolie #ouman #babiyar #babijjar #shoahparballes #kiev #pogroms #khmelnytskyi #holomodor #slavaukraini🇺🇦 (à Grande halle de la Villette) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj54C_wrgdo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nuagederose · 7 months
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following up to my original post for “vostok” (the antarctic mermaid and the pinned post—the dtiys for that goes all the way to may 1, too!), i give you my prompts for mermay around the world. i tried to get all the continents—it’s tricky here with the states because we’re such a melting pot of cultures and dialects, so i picked two of the cities i can readily represent through art (i was going to use new orleans or nashville but i’m slightly more drawn to vegas and hawai’i).
this is inspired by three things:
planetary coalition (the obvious one).
some time ago, i was looking into art of the middle east, namely israel and iran (before the revolution of 1979, of course) and feeling enamored by it all.
the third thing that inspired it was thinking about east asian art and how i’ve always been drawn to it. i don’t know how my mind jumped to it but i thought about angkor wat and block paintings of temples in southeast asia, and my mind being the rocket it is went from there.
***i also don’t want to hear any objections to tel aviv and kiev being on here. if you don’t like it, do your own or use someone else’s list.
i’m dropping these now to give plenty of time to study the art and culture of each city. i’d rather let people be influenced and inspired than appropriate 😉
Kingston (Jamaica) 🇯🇲
Las Vegas (United States) 🇺🇸
Mexico City (Mexico) 🇲🇽
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 🇧🇷
Santiago (Chile) 🇨🇱
Honolulu (United States) 🇺🇸
Manila (Philippines) 🇵🇭
Tokyo (Japan) 🇯🇵
Shanghai (China) 🇨🇳
Phnom Penh (Cambodia) 🇰🇭
Auckland (New Zealand) 🇳🇿
Sydney (Australia) 🇦🇺
Suva (Fiji) 🇫🇯
New Delhi (India) 🇮🇳
Kathmandu (Nepal) 🇳🇵
Istanbul (Turkey) 🇹🇷
Tel Aviv (Israel) 🇮🇱
Cairo (Egypt) 🇪🇬
Yamoussoukro (Ivory Coast) 🇨🇮
Freetown (Liberia) 🇱🇷
Fez (Morocco) 🇲🇦
Porto (Portugal) 🇵🇹
Monte Carlo (Monaco/the French Riviera) 🇲🇨
Geneva (Switzerland) 🇨🇭
Athens (Greece) 🇬🇷
Kiev (Ukraine) 🇺🇦
Prague (the Czech Republic) 🇨🇿
Brussels (Belgium) 🇧🇪
Helsinki (Finland) 🇫🇮
Vilnius (Lithuania) 🇱🇹
Dublin (Ireland) 🇮🇪
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anchesetuttinoino · 4 days
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🇺🇦 Una ragazza ucraina si chiede
Nel 2024 gli ucraini hanno immatricolato più auto sportive NUOVE rispetto al 2021
Ferrari, Maserati, Aston Martin...
Nel 2024 a Kiev sono state immatricolate 3 Rolls Royce Spectre. Per un valore di 1,3 milioni di dollari
McLaren 720s Spider: $ 300.000
Lamborghini Huracan: $280.000
Nel 2023, un ucraino ha acquistato una Bugatti Bolide per 4.600.000 dollari
Chi sono queste persone?
⬆️ Per la Bugatti citofonare famiglia Zelenskyj
Per tutte le altre citofonare ministro degli Esteri, ministro della Difesa, ministro degli interni, ecc...
Il 90% dei soldi che vanno nella lavatrice ucraina tornano agli Stati Uniti ripuliti e se li rubano i politici DEM, le industrie delle armi e i cirmianli che controllano l'occidente. Il 10% resta come mazzetta ai criminali ucraini, da Zelenskyj a scendere...
Tutto questo mentre manda il suo popolo al massacro...
Ora comunque ci aspettiamo che questa ragazza sia infilata come terrorista filo russa nel sito Myrotvorets...
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fidjiefidjie · 2 years
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Bonjour, bonne journée ☕️ 👋
Journée froide à Kiev 🇺🇦 Ukraine 1962
Source :Emanuel Antsis
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