#kiki's delivery service AU
artsyriv · 11 months
TAZ NC Day 4- Bakery AU
Hello! For day four of @taznovembercelebration I got Bakery AU. BUT, most of my knowledge of bakeries comes from Kiki's Delivery Service! So what was supposed to be a very brief little ficlet turned into 2k word Angus' Delivery Service.... Enjoy!
"Now, are you sure about this?" Kravitz wrung his hands nervously, checking to make sure that Angus' bowtie was straight and his clothes without wrinkles. "We can always wait until next month."
"It's ok, Dad." Angus gave an award-winning smile, which made Kravitz' heart melt. "I'm ready. Plus I have Junior with me!" Angus' jellyfish companion floated over and stole the wizard hat from atop his head. "Hey!" Junior plopped the hat atop its cap and Angus smiled. "See, I can handle this."
"But you're such a young wizard, Angus." Kravitz smoothed down Angus' curls. "Are you really ready? Like, I trust you to make that decision for yourself, but-"
The train whistle blew and Angus picked up his luggage. "Bye Dad!" He rushed on to the train. "Come on, Junior!"
"All aboard!" The conductor called out, but Angus was already aboard by then. Kravitz smiled and shook his head. Angus was a tenacious boy, he would be ok out there on his own. He hoped, at least. 
Angus pulled down the train window and waved to his Dad. "I'll see you in a year!"
Kravitz sank back against a brick wall as he watched the train pull away. A year was a long time without his boy, but he trusted him to write, so he let out a deep breath, hoping that whatever adventures would find the boy would be kind. 
Angus was so excited, he couldn't stop alternating between looking out the window and reading his book. This was all so new and exciting to him. His hat, a glimmering blueish purple with gold constellations, went from being on his head to being down next to him to being on Junior's cap. 
Despite his excitement, after about an hour, he found himself slowly nodding off to the countryside passing by. Junior curled his tendrils around Angus' shoulder, as if a scarf, and the two rested for a while. 
Angus only woke to "Next stop, Raven's Roost." being blasted over the intercom. He stretched and gathered his things, including his hat, which earned him a few strange glances from the people around him. He noticed now that this was almost entirely a different crowd than the one he had seen when he had first boarded the train. How long had he been asleep?
He followed a few people off of the train once it stopped and he found himself overwhelmed by sights and smells immediately. 
The train station was at the base of a hill and the other people began the trek up so Angus followed, not wanting to seem that out of place, even though holding a floating jellyfish and wearing a large floppy wizard hat wasn't doing him any favors. 
When he reached the top though, he took a moment to take in the scene. Before him were rock pillars with suspension bridges between each one with a crystal blue lake far below. Angus leaned forward slightly to see some people swimming far below, but he stepped back almost immediately, the height giving him some vertigo. 
He walked across the first bridge and found himself in a busy commerce district. People were shouting and offering different goods, but Angus didn't have need for new clothes or fancy dishes. Some people stopped and stared at him so he offered an awkward wave and Junior copied the motion. For some reason this was even more disconcerting to people who stared even more. Angus' cheeks burned and he ducked into the first shop he could find that was a little bit out of the way. 
"Oh no!" A woman rushed past him. Angus noted that she smelled like fresh baked bread. Curious, Angus followed her to where she was standing by the entrance to the shop. "Of course this would happen at the busiest time of day."
"What's the problem, ma'am?" Angus asked after a moment. She turned to look at him and Angus could feel his confidence disappearing. He was just a little boy, wearing a wizard hat that was too big for him, and he was trying to be useful. 
She smiled gently. "There was a woman who just came through here, she has red hair and was wearing green coveralls. She bought a donut as well as some other things but accidentally left her donut here. Can you try and deliver it to her?"
Angus nodded. "Yes, ma'am!" He grabbed the donut and handed it to Junior. "Come on Junior!" With a wave of his wand, he took off faster than normal, running and dodging through the crowd. It took him a couple minutes but he eventually found the woman, who was looking through her bag with confusion. "Excuse me!"
She looked up and smiled as Angus delivered the donut. "Thank you so much! Please give this to Julia for me."
Angus took the note, nodded his thanks and ran back. 
Julia was waiting for him just inside the door. "Glad to see you made it! Oh, by the way, I'm Julia!"
"Angus." Angus stuck out his hand and Julia gave him a nice firm handshake. "Oh, the lady told me to give you this note!" He reached into his vest pocket and retrieved the note. 
"Thank you for helping me not forget my lunch! That delivery boy you hired really is something else." She read out loud. She looked up and beamed at the boy. "If you want a job that is, you are welcome to become the delivery boy for here."
Junior twirled and made some musical notes and Angus laughed. "I don't know where I'll stay yet, but I am inclined to take you up on the offer."
"Oh, we have a spare room out back. As long as you help out from time to time, you're welcome to it. I'm sure Maggie won't mind. Right, Mags?"
"What was that, Jules?" A big burly man with auburn hair came out from the back with two fresh trays of bread. He set them in the cases and then looked up. Angus gulped. This man had a long scar across his face, and he looked intimidating but he smiled gently. "Who's this?"
"This is Angus. I just said we had a room out back and offered him a job as a delivery boy."
"Hi Angus, I'm Magnus!" Magnus came out from around the counter, dusting off his hands on his apron. He took the boy's hand in both of his and shook it firmly. Angus could feel it throughout his whole body. "Welcome to our bakery. I like your hat!"
Angus smiled and ran his fingers over the constellation pattern on his wizard hat. "Thank you, sir."
He knew he was going to like it here. 
There was a wizard who worked next door, making potions and spells and transmuting things. Angus on his days off would just go and stare wide eyed as he worked. This wizard had an incredibly long braid that almost reached the floor and smaller braids with trinkets were woven into it. Angus had so many questions but he didn't have the nerve to go and ask. He worked hard each and every day, but was finding it harder to get out of bed and do things, much less do magic. Magnus had watched him with a furrowed brow and said something to Julia about "burnout", Julia had turned around and given him some time off. And then one day, Angus woke up and he couldn't find Junior. 
He had gone to every other shop in the Craftsman Corridor and could feel the tears of loss and fear forming in the corners of his eyes when he heard a lofty voice say, "Angus!"
Angus looked up and hastily wiped away his tears when he noticed the wizard was talking to him. "M-me?"
The wizard made a big show of looking around him, his hat jingling as he turned this way and that. "Yes, I'm talking to you. Do you see any other Anguses around? Come on inside." He swept his robe around and went back into his shop. 
Angus sniffled and followed the wizard inside. The inside beyond the counter was even more magical than he could have imagined. Lights hung from the sky that twinkled like stars, and potions and tomes lined every wall. And there in the back of the room was a giant Junior. 
Ok, so it wasn't Junior, but it was clearly the same species. Angus heard harmonizing and realized that Junior was floating right by the bigger jellyfish and the lights inside of both of their bells were rotating gently. 
"Cool, isn't it?" Angus jumped before realizing the wizard was standing beside him. "I'm Taako by the way, always nice to meet a fan!"
Angus nodded, going back to watching the two jellyfish. Taako laughed. 
"That's Fisher, he's a voidfish. Although I see that you are already familiar with voidfish." He gestured to Junior. "The question is how?" He looked down at the boy, casual, cool, no hint of malice. 
"My dad gave him to me as my familiar, sir!" Angus answered honestly. Taako's eyebrows rose to where they were hidden by his hat. 
"Your dad?" Taako started to pace slightly. "Didn't realize he had a kid."
"Wait, you know my dad?" Angus held up a hand. 
"Used to. Summer flings, ya know?" Taako waved dismissively. 
"MY DAD HAD A SUMMER FLING?" Angus squeaked out. 
"Let's not talk about this anymore." Taako climbed up the shelves and grabbed a book. "Here. Take this and your fish and go."
Angus looked at the title. "But sir, why give me a book on magic?"
"I'm going to teach you more magic, duhhhhhhhh." Taako pushed the brim of Angus' hat down around his eyes. 
"But sir, I can't do magic right now." Angus held the book to his chest. "I will try very hard, b-but my magic isn't working."
"It isn't, huh?" Taako looked at him carefully. "Oh I see it now." Angus' clothes were disheveled, his hair uncombed, his eyes tired. Taako softened slightly. "Maybe we should focus on something else first." He ran his fingers along the spines of books until reaching the perfect one. "How do you feel about detective novels?"
Angus found that he had quite the knack for figuring out mysteries, and began to solve them around the bakery. Who was stealing all the muffins? Magnus. Who ate a spoonful of frosting by itself? Magnus. Ok, so it was mostly Magnus who was the culprit, but it was fun. 
The biggest mystery came around his six months of living in Ravens Roost. Magnus and Julia were whispering to each other constantly and sometimes Taako would join them, but they stopped as soon as Angus walked in. It was frustrating, and there seemed to be more envelopes arriving at the bakery than normal, but Julia insisted on taking care of the mail now for some reason. Angus' brow remained furrowed and he came no closer to solving the mystery even though he gave it all his effort. 
"Knock knock." A deep, kind voice said at the door to his room. 
"Five more minutes, dad." Angus rolled over and then his eyes opened wide. "Dad?"
Kravitz stood in the doorway and opened his arms for a hug. Angus nearly barreled him over with his enthusiasm. "Hello, Angus. I missed you dearly."
"You talk like an old person." But Angus' face was buried in Kravitz's shirt, soaking the material. Kravitz laughed. 
"Taking more than magic lessons from Taako, I see." Kravitz looked down the steps where Taako was giving him a thumbs up. 
"Taako's really cool, Dad. Did I tell you about the time that we-" Angus babbled on and on, oblivious to the silent looks and flirting happening over his head between the two adults present. 
"Breakfast is ready! Come on you hooligans!" Julia called into the courtyard. Taako offered his hand to Kravitz to help him up from his kneeling position. This time even Angus noticed how the touch lingered between the two, and he smiled. Yeah, life in Raven's Roost was pretty awesome.
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invisible-hand · 2 years
Thanks to this art, Kiki's Delivery Service Thorki is the next thing my scattered brain wants to focus on. Thor is born a rare exception to the witches are girls rule, so his mom goes ahead and trains him as one. She takes in Loki who was cast out of his witch family for being trans and a shape shifter. So when it's time for both to go on their young witch journey as teens, Loki travels as Thor's cat, and they head off to find a new place to explore.
The folks in the city they land in are pretty nervous when a huge teen boy shows up on an axe declaring he's the new witch in town, but strange emergencies keep arising that Thor can help with, and it endears him to the locals. Just like Kiki does unusual witch duties, Thor ends up as a sort of local hero/handy strongman who pulls people from sinking boats and also can relocate a car for you by chaining it to his flying axe for a fee.
Loki meanwhile is brewing up potions and skin care products in their lodgings next to the bakery to bring in money...when he's not prowling the town as a cat causing mayhem and mischief that Thor then cleans up.
At night Lokitty hops onto their bed after Thor climbs in, then transforms in his human form and they settle their daily disputes 😗😗🍆🍑 and then snuggle up to sleep.
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gravitywonagain · 2 years
the best kiki's delivery service au is actually wen yuan as kiki, the twin jades running the bakery, wei wuxian as ursula (the boss bitch painter in the woods), and jingyi as tombo
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When witches turn eighteen years old, it’s customary for them to be sent out into the world, to practice their magic and find their calling. So when Eddie Munson’s birthday passes in July, he packs a suitcase, says goodbye to his Uncle Wayne—the best garden witch in the tri-county area, ask anyone!—zips his cat into the neck of his leather jacket (whom he’d cleverly named Kitty when he was six years old), climbs on his broom, and sets off for the city on the coast.
Once he gets there, Eddie’s not entirely sure where to go. He’s never actually been to the city before, but he’d heard so many stories—from classmates and friends, from travelers passing through his small town who’d come searching for Wayne’s recipes, from the witches who returned after their year-long apprenticeships—that he’d known since he was thirteen that he had to see it for himself. He wanders the cobblestone streets with his broom and his bag and marvels at the crowds. He watches a magician perform on the street—doesn’t miss it when he slips a card up his sleeve or shifts a coin through his fingers, but it still makes him smile—before he stumbles onto a ‘help wanted’ sign in a shop window. Kitty lets out a tiny meow from where she’s tucked under Eddie’s chin, like she’s trying to get his attention. Eddie glances down at her and she shifts her gaze from his face to the sign and back again.
“Alright, I hear ya,” Eddie murmurs, grinning and cupping a hand over her head for a quick pet.
A tiny bell jingles overhead as Eddie pushes open the front door. Immediately, he’s met with the smell of baking bread and sugary frosting. He breathes deep, giving Kitty another pat on her head. He stands at the counter for a moment before a boy around his age appears from the back room.
“Hi, welcome to The Bakery. What can I help you with?” The boy is grinning wide, wiping his flour-covered hands on his apron. He’s got soft brown hair and eyes to match. Eddie meets his gaze and feels himself blush.
“Um, you have a ‘help wanted’ sign in your window?” Eddie hooks his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing at the sign.
“Oh! Yeah, we just put that up today actually. We’re looking for a delivery person,” the boy is still grinning, eyeing Eddie’s broom. “I’m Steve.” He holds out his hand over the counter for Eddie to shake.
“Eddie.” Steve’s hand is surprisingly soft when Eddie shakes it.
“The job comes with a room over the bakery, our hours are from 6am to 5pm every day but Thursday, and we’d like you to start immediately.”
“Oh, um. Just like that?”
Steve grins again. “I may not be smart, but even I know not to turn away a witch when one comes knocking.” He knocks his knuckles against the wooden counter and Eddie returns his smile. “Come on, I’ll show you the room.” Steve turns to head back the way he came and Eddie takes a moment to look down at Kitty. She blinks at him, all-knowing, and it makes Eddie blush again. He rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out at her before following behind Steve.
He follows Steve out the bakery’s back door and up a set of wooden stairs that lead from the garden to a small deck, where Steve pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks one of the two doors. He gestures for Eddie to step through the doorway before following behind him.
“The room is furnished, there’s a small stove there in the corner with a sink and a washroom just over there,” Steve gestures to a door on the opposite wall from the tiny bed. “My apartment’s the next door over and I have a full kitchen, which you’re welcome to use if you need to. Here’s your key,” Steve drops the warm piece of metal into Eddie’s palm, “and I’ll have the spare key to my place and the bakery for you tomorrow. Make yourself at home and head down to the bakery tomorrow morning.” Steve pats him on the shoulder before heading back out of the tiny room and down into the bakery.
Eddie is left to do nothing but blink at the empty space Steve had left behind. He’s not entirely sure what just happened, but he’s pretty sure he’s landed both a job and a place to stay. Not bad for his first day in the city.
A year passes and Eddie is happy. He writes to Wayne and tells him all about Steve and the recipes he tries out in the bakery. Tells Wayne that he suspects that Steve might have some witch blood he doesn’t know about; the things he can do with buttercream are pure magic. Eddie visits Wayne once for his birthday—it’s a long way by broom—weighed down by pastries and cakes that Steve insists he take home with him.
Eddie starts to learn the landscape of the city, learns when to fly over the coastline and when to keep tight to the city streets. He makes his own posters, starts to do some deliveries after hours too, which leads him to meet all sorts of interesting people. He meets artists and performers, writers and teachers, even the man who services the big clock at the center of the city (which Eddie finds particularly impressive).
He spends time with Steve. Steve is funny and smart, despite what he’d said the first day Eddie had met him. He can cook, not just bake, and he insists that Eddie joins him for dinner at least three nights a week. At first, Eddie had tried to say no to Steve’s invitations, thinking that Steve was just being polite, but Steve had insisted and Eddie realized that Steve was actually pretty lonely. He wasn’t from the city and he didn’t have much family; he’d come here when his parents had died. He’d apprenticed with an older woman named Claudia, who’d left the bakery to him when she’d retired not too long ago. Steve’s eyes go soft whenever he mentions her. Her son, Dustin, still helps them around the bakery three days a week, counting down the days until he leaves for university (he only ever relays the amount of days and Eddie’s pretty bad at math, but by his count, Dustin’s still got about three years to go).
Steve also talks about his best friend, Robin, who’s away at art school. Steve is hoping when she comes back in the spring, she’ll work at the bakery decorating the cakes. Eddie’s surprised to learn that Robin is also a witch; he hadn’t known many witches to go to art school.
The year passes in dinners and picnics, in deliveries and odd jobs, and when spring is finally turning over into summer again, Robin arrives home to the bakery.
“Stevie!” A voice calls from the front of the shop, scratchy and warm, drowning out the jingle of the bell. Eddie is sat on the counter in the back room, completely entranced by the way Steve’s arm muscles jump under his skin as he kneads bread dough. He’s barely listening to some story Steve’s telling about something Dustin had done the other day.
Eddie watches as Steve stops what he’s doing completely. “Robbie?” A smile spreads across Steve’s face, quick and involuntary. He doesn’t even pause to wipe his hands before he’s rushing into the front of the shop. Eddie watches through the door as a pretty girl with short blond hair throws her arms around Steve’s neck. He lifts her off the ground, spinning her around, leaving flour fingerprints across the back of her navy t-shirt.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming today?” Steve asks when he’s finally returned her to an upright position on her own two feet.
“Because then it wouldn’t have been a surprise, dingus.” She pokes a finger into his ribs and he half-heartedly tries to shove her away.
Watching them, Eddie feels something tighten in his chest that he can’t quite explain. He knows this is Robin—he’s seen pictures of her before—knows she’s Steve’s best friend, but this is more than mere friendship. This is something else entirely. Something magic. Eddie’s a good witch. He knows true love when he sees it.
“You have to meet Eddie,” Steve says before calling through the doorway, “Eddie, come meet Robin!”
Eddie hops off the counter and does as he’s told.
A few weeks later, Eddie wakes with a pounding headache. There’s a breeze coming through his window off the coast and it makes him shiver. He coughs and looks around for Kitty, but she isn’t curled in her usual spot on his pillow. Eddie sniffles.
He pulls himself from his bed and feels dizzy. He washes his face and drinks some orange juice before he heads down to the bakery.
“Wow, you look awful,” Robin says by way of greeting. She grimaces as he comes through the doorway.
“Gee thanks,” Eddie grumbles half-heartedly in her direction. His voice sounds heavy and hoarse.
Steve crosses the room from where he stands in front of the ovens and presses the back of his hand to Eddie’s forehead. “Eddie, you’re burning up. You should go back to bed. I’ll bring you soup later.” He pushes Eddie in the direction of the back door.
“But the deliveries,” Eddie mumbles, eyes already half closing as he dreams of getting back into his sleep-warm bed.
Steve smiles softly. “Don’t worry. Robin and Dustin can handle it.” Eddie glances behind Steve at Robin, who nods at Eddie reassuringly.
“Okay.” Eddie’s voice is a whisper and then he’s stumbling back up the stairs and falling into his bed. He wonders again where Kitty’s run off to.
Eddie is in and out of consciousness for three days. He has strange dreams, some of them nightmares where monsters chase after him as he tries to fly away on his broom; others are about Steve and Robin and even Dustin, good dreams of the life he’s made here for himself.
Steve keeps his promise and brings him soup every day, helping Eddie sit up against his pillows and even helping Eddie spoon the broth into his mouth. Eddie thinks he maybe should be a little embarrassed about it, but it’s so nice and comforting that he can’t. It reminds him of home, of recipes from Wayne’s garden.
Robin comes to sit with him on the second night, stroking his hair and humming lullabies while he drifts off.
On the third day, when Eddie is starting to feel better, Kitty finally reappears. Eddie asks her where she’d run off to, but she doesn’t answer. She’s been keeping secrets lately.
After three days, Eddie finally returns to work. Steve gives him the first delivery, tells him Dustin and Robin can continue to help out, just for a few days, so Eddie doesn’t overexert himself. Eddie nods.
He ties the tiny pastry box to the handle of his broom and mounts it on the sidewalk outside. He kicks off from the cobblestones. Nothing happens. Flying had always come easily to Eddie. It was second nature to him, something he never really had to think about. Not all witches could fly, but Eddie can’t really remember a time when he couldn’t.
He tries to kick off from the sidewalk again. Again, nothing happens. Eddie can feel the panic rise in his chest. He swallows, tries again. Still nothing.
He hears himself let out a small whimper and he’s glad Steve’s gone back inside and can’t hear him. He glances through the shop window and sees Robin’s clever eyes watching him. She meets his gaze. He can see the naked concern there. He swallows again.
He climbs off the broom and unties the package. He carries both as he re-enters the bakery.
“Something’s wrong,” he says to Robin and Steve.
“What do you mean?” Steve asks coming out of the back room again.
“Dunno,” Eddie replies. “Broom’s broken or something. Can’t fly.” He shakes the broom in his hand.
“Does that happen?” Steve’s brow furrows. Eddie shrugs.
“Maybe you’re still sick,” Robin says. “You should go back to bed. Try again in a few days.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” Eddie looks down at his feet. He passes the box to Robin and then decides she’s right. Decides he should go back to bed.
“Don’t worry, Eddie,” Steve says, reassuringly. “It’ll pass. Robin and Dustin can keep doing the deliveries for a little while.”
Eddie’s magic doesn’t come back. It’s not just the flying either. Kitty stays away longer. Eddie finds himself misunderstanding her more often than not. He keeps messing up simple cleaning spells and the easy home remedies he’s been brewing since before he can remember.
He takes his broom out every night and under the cover of darkness tries and tries and tries again. Sometimes he feels eyes watching him from Steve’s apartment, but when he glances up, all he can see is the flutter of curtains.
After three weeks of a miserable, magic-less existence, Robin knocks on the door of Eddie’s small room.
“Wanna talk?” She asks from the doorway.
Eddie considers saying no. Instead he nods and gestures toward his small kitchen table. She sits.
“I saw you practicing,” she says, diving right in.
“Yeah.” Eddie doesn’t try to deny it or even play dumb and ask what she means. She’s a witch. She’ll know. “Flying used to be like breathing. I didn’t even notice I was doing it half the time. Think I learned to fly before I could even walk. Now it’s all I think about. Feels like something’s missing now, like my lungs or, like, a part of my heart or something.”
Robin nods, knowing. “That happened to me, you know. Lost my magic. Felt like I lost an arm.”
Eddie swallows. “What helped get it back?”
“I met Steve,” she says softly, a fond smile playing around the corners of her lips. “I left home earlier than other witches. I never really fit in. I wanted to go to school. Didn’t know if I even wanted to practice my magic at all. My parents said if I stuck it out, I could leave when I was fourteen. So I did. I waited and counted the days and finally it was time. Spent a year in the city. I loved it. But then, one of my friends… something happened to her.” Robin looks sad and twists her fingers together, fidgeting. “She had to leave the city. When she left, I got really sick. Couldn’t do magic for almost a year.”
“A year?” Eddie asks, mouth hanging open. “I can’t not fly for a whole year.”
Robin hums. “You figure it out. You have to. Some days it’s more noticeable than others.”
“But you met Steve. And you got your magic back?” Eddie prompts.
“Yeah. It’s like that saying, you know the one? ‘True love makes the best magic.’” She says it like she’s said it a hundred thousand times before.
Eddie grumbles. “Don’t think I’m gonna fall in love and magically fix my flying problem.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t say anything about falling in love.” Robin smiles again, big and bright this time. “There’s more than one kind of true love.”
Eddie thinks about what Robin had said to him for days. He turns it over in his mind again and again and again.
He starts laying out treats for Kitty. He misses her. Even before he got sick and lost his magic, he’d started to leave her behind more and more on his deliveries. He’d realized he could fly faster without worrying about her falling from inside his jacket.
She’s hesitant, but she starts coming back more. When they sleep, she returns to her place on Eddie’s pillow and Eddie feels good with the soft, warm weight of her next to his head as he slowly drifts into sleep.
Before he’d gotten sick, he’d taken on too many deliveries. He’d stopped having time to chat with the customers, to hear the little stories of their lives, of cleaning the clock tower at the center of town or a new plot point one of the writers had just figured out. He’d missed hearing the explanations of what celebrations he was delivering cupcakes or tarts or heart-shaped cakes for. Delivering on foot gave him a lot more time to stop and watch the street performers, to help tourists with directions. On foot, Eddie began to appreciate the city again, like he had before, when he’d first gotten here. When it felt like he’d been dropped right into the center of a dream realized.
He starts having more dinners with Robin and Steve. He’d stopped doing it so much, not wanting to feel like a wonky third wheel. But they slot him in right next to them, right in the middle. They fill him in on inside jokes and old stories. Sometimes Dustin joins them and Eddie tells stories of Wayne and the strange people who used to appear on their doorstep in search of some of his magic.
Eddie starts to feel happy again.
A week after he talked to Robin, Eddie brings his broom out into the center of the street. It’s close to dusk, the sun low in the sky, and the bakery is closed for the day. Steve, Robin, and Dustin stand shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk, waiting.
Eddie breathes deep. He swallows. Breathes again. And then he mounts his broom like he has a million times before. He grips the polished handle. He feels it thrum beneath his fingertips. He takes another deep breath, closes his eyes, and kicks off from the cobblestones.
There’s a strange sort of hush to the street. Eddie can’t tell if he’s in the air. He squints an eye open and sees Steve, Robin, and Dustin waving up at him. He can’t help the grin that spreads across his face. He lets out a shout.
He does a few circles around, just above their heads, while they all scream and clap for him. Eddie can’t help but laugh. He’d missed this.
When he finally lands, they all rush to hug him. Dustin lets go first and then Steve.
Robin’s arms are still around him when she whispers into his ear, low enough so only he can hear it. “See? True love magic.” Eddie smiles again and gives her one last tight squeeze before letting go.
Dustin and Robin head back inside, leaving Steve and Eddie to stare at each other in the empty street. Steve is still grinning, his hands in his pocket.
“How’s it feel?” Steve nods toward the broom.
“Feels like breathing,” Eddie tells him, closing the space between them. Steve’s cheeks flush and Eddie doesn’t miss the way his eyes flick from Eddie’s gaze down to his lips and back again. Steve licks his own lips. “Feels like home.”
Steve is breathing a little harder now as Eddie continues to slowly close the distance between them.
“Feels like magic,” Eddie whispers, before he brushes his lips against Steve’s. He pulls back slightly. “Feels like love.” Steve’s hand comes up to curl around the back of Eddie’s neck, pulling Eddie in close for a real and proper kiss, right there in the empty street, under the setting sun.
now on ao3 :)
(For @outpastthebrakers for commenting on the post where I mentioned this!!!! Warning: this was fully written under the influence of a sleeping pill in abt an hour and a half. Don’t hold that against me :P)
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honehonn3honey · 4 months
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Kiki delivery service x Bakugou inspired by this lovely art
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mercuryrose5 · 26 days
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So for context this is from a Kiki's delivery service au I made with my Brother. (MK is Kiki, I just think that movie fits LMK really well) And we decided Nezha would take the place of Ursula, so me being the Nezha fan I am I had to do a redraw. I'm very proud of this.
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pretty-bratty · 7 months
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When the little witch Peter feels like he doesn't know how to fly anymore, artist Tony helps him find love, inspiration, and excitement for life.
Or "Kiki's Delivery Service" AU for @starkerfestivals Extended AUpril: Artist/Author (card below).
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miyakuli · 2 years
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : Rikaco (twitter / IG)
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stupnny03ske · 5 months
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I came back 😋yeepii
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merrystar · 5 months
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SAMS based Delivery Service AU!
I made this purely to comfort myself and so it will just be a silly, soft little series of doodles and the occasional comic. I’m making full reference sheets soon for everyone involved.
Other characters will be Earth, KC (Casey), Ruin, Solar and more, starring as either people they deliver to or hang with, or fellow witches going about their own duties.
Feel free to ask the characters questions or roleplay with them in the asks. Requests for things you’d like to see them do are appreciated and welcome.
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sharpedgedfool · 7 months
Hi! I have a question about Amy's design in your museum au. I was looking at the designs again and realized Amy has a ring on her ring finger. Is she married? Or is it just decoration to her/her design. If she married, could you tell us who it is? (If it's not spoilers ofc) Sorry if someone's asked this already!
Yeah she's married! Not to anyone from canon tho, she's married a baker, they're both the hopeless romantic type so they're both super mushy. They run a town bakery called the Sweetheart Cafe, they always have heart-shaped somethings on sale so it's become what they're known for. Amy does tarot readings there too sometimes so it's a super popular date location (Amy's super proud about that).
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invisible-hand · 2 years
I've started a Kiki's Delivery Service Thorki AU fic that I've got a few ideas for and will be updating slowly.
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It was no more than three years after Thor’s first broom ride when Loki showed up. He’d simply wandered through their front door one spring day (the door having been left open for the fine, warm air) skinny and dirty and with tears blurring his large, green eyes. Frigga had dropped to her knees before him, petting his greasy black hair and asking him if he was lost. Loki burst into tears at the question, and Frigga clutched the wisp of thing to her as he wailed; and Thor had known on some instinctual, unquestioning level that Loki was now and forever after his brother, as if before he’d simply been missing.
Frigga gave Loki a bath straight away—he was caked in filth—and dressed him in Thor's too-large clothes, then through hiccups and sobs and slurps of noodle soup Loki explained, to Thor’s astonishment, that he, too, was a witch, and that his parents had kicked him out when they found out he could not only take the shapes of animals, but was a boy. Loki had heard tales of a witch in the next town over who was raising her son as one, so after trying and failing to plead his way back into his birth home, he’d walked all the way, asking around for her and begging for scraps of food.
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Some more WitchAU - CPC doodles, because it makes me happy C:
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As much as I love GwenxFrederick, I love an awkward/dorky friend dynamic X3
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jokesitos-art · 2 years
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I think I never posted my Kiki AU concept doodles for Matsuyo as Kiki (ft. Matsuzo as Tombo, and Iyami, Mr. Yowai and Mrs. Yowai as Tombo's friends)
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emily-mooon · 8 months
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While I wait for the only AO3 fic that has Nordegrim to update, I decided to draw witch Stacey as the fic is a fantasy AU and she’s a witch in it.
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herbgroom · 1 year
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obsessed with this bakery near my house called panacea
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