missmyloko · 2 years
Hi Justine, I'm glad you are fully recovered by now, many thanks you very much for your kind answers, were really helpful:) thank you very much.
Today I have another one, following the recent mishedashi of hanafusa okiya, could you please give us some information about their foundation, history and current Okasan?
And also who else whore that famous kimono that you point out in the mishedashi post you did?
Also could you talk us about their formers geikos. kikuno, kikutsuru and kikumaru, who had great careers and were really popular but "recently" quit a few years ago, you can also mention please their famous onesan? (I can't remember the name but read. Awhile ago she was a very successful one that took this as their last little sisters.
About the ones that I mentioned we can see them appearing in the Kikuyu's documentary back in 2005, and they can also be seen in some videos of the Miyagawacho odor, bs there is even a interview with kikumaru just before she retires, but they were not very public so they remind still kind like. Mystery. As well is quite interesting how this okiya hasn't debut any maikos or geikos In so long, I believe they take their time on it because each of their girls requires a lot of work to be that popular as they are and maybe, is quite admiring in my opinion
Before I go, has been a kikutshino there?
Thank you in advance Justine
my best regards
To be honest, I don't know too much about the history of Hanafusa, beyond that they've been open since at least the 1980s and their current okasan is former geiko Kikumi. Kikumi is the biological mother to Kikusana, so one day we may see Kikusana take over Hanafusa. Nearly every Hanafusa maiko has worn that famous kimono at one point or another, whether it was for their misedashi, Shin Aisatsu, or Setsubun. It really stands out, so you shouldn't have a problem finding photos of it (just search for individual geimaiko's names). Kikuno debuted first of the three girls in 2000, followed by Kikutsuru in 2002 and Kikumaru in 2004. Kikumaru debuted directly as a geiko, so she didn't have a maiko period. All were the imōto of Kikuryū (菊柳). After Kikuryū retired her three imōto would then be onesan to the next bunch of Hanafusa girls, including Kikuyū, Kikune, and Kikuyae for Kikuno, Kikusana for Kikutsuru, and Kikushino for Kikumaru. Girls tend to come in waves for okiya, so it's not unusual for them to have many debut in a couple of years and then have none for a long stretch. It's just how the karyukai goes ^^
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geimaikospottingsl · 1 year
Daimasa Ochaya
Daimasa Ochaya by Miharu 美春 Via Flickr: Attended the ozashiki at Daimasa Ochaya for the first time. Served by Kikuyae-san, Kikushino-san and Kikimaru-san from Hanafusa okiya. It was fun!
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ayashiame · 2 years
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Being silly at Japonica event. Toshinami - Toshiyue - Toshiemi - Kikushino
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geisha-kai · 7 years
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Hassaku 2017: the Hanafusa okiya family - maiko Kikusana, Kikuyae, geiko Kikuno, and Kikushino by  norimatsukawa on Instagram
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ  Geisha-kai on P a t r e o n || Instagram
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geimei · 7 years
Thank you for answering my question! I can't seem to find any information/pictures of Kikuryu. I don't suppose you have any? Also, was Kikuno the onee-san of the retired Kikushino?
She can be found in two old odori programmes, this one is the Kyo Odori programme of 2005, the year she retired, and in the Kyo Odori programme of 2000. Odori programmes from the 1990s and early 2000s are a little bit scarce, especially Kyo Odori programmes, so I couldn’t find more but the person I’ve linked you to (Caitlin Downey on Flickr) is still actively collecting and scanning them, so I’m sure that there are more to come.
I also found two pictures of her performing during odori, number 1 and 2. Kikuryū was active during a time before instant-image-sharing was around and everyone had a phone with a pretty decent camera in it constantly with them, so there aren’t that many pictures of her to be found in the Internet.
That’s the thing with “older” Geiko in general (basically everyone who was around before ca. 2010), they usually didn’t have that many pictures taken of them, nowhere near comparable to today. If they did, it was for professional photoshoots, which used to be rarer, or special occassions like Misedashi, Erikae, Odori, maybe visits from very specials guests or birthdays. Of course most okiya and jimae Geiko already had cameras, but the pictures they took on those were usually only taken for private use.
And no, Kikuno was not Kikushino’s onee-san, her onee-san was Geiko Kikumaru, who debuted in 2004 directly as a Geiko and retired in June of 2016. Kikumaru was the last imouto of Kikuryū.
Kikuno was the onee-san to Kikuyū, who debuted in November of 2004 when Kikuno herself was still a Maiko, and retired in December of 2012, to Kikune, who debuted in October of 2006 and retired in May of 2012, and to Maiko Kikuyae, who debuted on the 19th of January 2016 and is still around.
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junkosl-blog · 6 years
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Here are some lovely pictures from Saturday’s Higashiyama Hanatoro Odori! My neesans performed two amazing dances, and I hope everyone who attended had a lovely time.
Starting from the top is Kikutsuru-san, Kikumaru-san, Kikune-san, and then Kikushino-san. They all look very beautiful!
Visit Kyoto in Second Life!
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aimachat23 · 3 years
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okiya.tmblr.comHanafusa Okiya (Miyagawacho)*Updated* Geiko Kikumaru Geiko Kikuno Geiko Kikutsuru Geiko Kikutsuru (and Geiko Kikuyu behind her) Geiko Kikuyu Maiko Kikushino And here is a photo of the Kiku-sisters in front of the Hanafusa Okiya...
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aimachat25 · 4 years
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Hanafusa Okiya (Miyagawacho)*Updated* Geiko Kikumaru Geiko Kikuno Geiko Kikutsuru Geiko Kikutsuru (and Geiko Kikuyu behind her) Geiko Kikuyu Maiko Kikushino And here is a photo of the Kiku-sisters in front of the Hanafusa Okiya...
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icazakura · 8 years
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floating-flowers · 9 years
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Hanafusa family with their new minarai Kikuyae (source)
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missmyloko · 8 years
Weekend Update 19/2
I was out all day today so I haven’t really had a chance to do anything except to answer your questions, so there’s no feature posted today (sorry!). I will be honoring a request that will focus on the arts that maiko and geiko practice tomorrow, but it will likely be in two parts as I do want to be thorough, so look forward to it over the next few days ^^v Karyukai News -Mameaki (まめ章) of Tama (多麻) in Gion Kobu had her misedashi on Thursday (February 16th). -Mamesaya (豆沙弥) of Shibata (柴田) in Gion Kobu will be having her misedashi on March 1st. -Kikushino (菊志乃) of Hanafusa (花ふさ) in Miyagawa Cho has now been confirmed as retired. -Mamechō (まめ蝶) of Shibata (柴田) in Gion Kobu has also retired. However, she will now be the okasan of the Izumimasa (泉政) ochaya! -The new minarai in Pontocho is Ichisato (市沙登) of Masunoya (桝之矢)! Her onesan is Ichiemi (市笑) of Tanmika (丹美賀) and her misedashi is expected to be happening soon. -Kimitoyo (君とよ) of Toshikimi (利きみ) in Miyagawa Cho is now a senior!  Blog News -The deban for the 2017 Miyako Odori and Kyo Odori have been posted! So far there’s only the participants and the tea ceremony schedule listed, but I’m slowly adding scene names and the rotational schedules as well. -What’s In a Kimono? Part 6 looked at an antique kosode from the Edo Period. -I’ve managed to get my hands on two very rare books this week, so I hope to review them as soon as they arrive! Meanwhile, I do plan on adding a new review this week (sorry for the wait!). -Mylo’s Pick of The Week looked at the progression of Chikaharu (千賀遥) of Komaya (駒屋) in Miyagawa Cho. -The Random Fact of The Week looked at the maiko and geiko who are biological sisters. -Some news for people who have been waiting patiently: I finally hit 500 legitimate (non-porn or bot) subscribers! So, in keeping with that I’ll be hosting a live stream on Tuesday, February 28th at 22:00 GMT (5PM EST, 2PM PST), likely on Facebook Live. So, if there’s a specific question that you want answered during the stream but can’t watch it live then make sure to mention that if you send in a question. Otherwise, I’ll be answering your queries live for an hour, so feel free to pick my brain! I will post a video of it afterwards for those of you who can’t make it. -On the same note, thank you to everyone who sends in questions to me everyday, and a thank you to everyone who stops by my blog just to read them! Your support has been great and I’m happy that I can continue to teach you all something new ^^
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geimaikospottingsl · 1 year
Hassaku 2023 by Mari Lenoirre Via Flickr: Today we traveled to Hanafusa Okiya for Hassaku. Pictured: Komayaka Okiya and Hanafusa Members; Geiko Toshiha, Geiko Kikutsuru, Geiko Kikumaru, Jikata Toshinami, Maiko Kikushino, Maiko Toshimomo, Maiko Kikuyae, Maiko Toshiyue, Maiko Toshiemi, and Shikomi Suki.
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ayashiame · 2 years
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I did not really get many nice photos from the Okinawa event.
But I thought this photo of Kikushino was nice. So I'll post it on here. ^_~
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geimei · 7 years
Isn't there usually an announcement for when maiko (& especially geiko) retire? It's very out of the blue :(
Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn’t. When Maiko or Geiko retire because of health issues or because they want to get married like Makino it’s often announced. Being forced to retire due to health reasons is very sad and shows that the respective Geimaiko would have wanted to continue working and getting married is usually a very happy thing, so many people want to share that.
But the Maiko or Geiko can always try to keep matters as private as possible, if she doesn’t want everybody to know about it and, due to the very private and confidential nature of the karyukai, it often stays private until after they have retired already.
With Maiko Fukuchika, Fumikyo and Geiko Kikushino for example, we didn’t know for months after they retired, and only because they didn’t show up during big events and/or weren’t on the odori-performers list. Some Geimaiko want to announce their retirements and the dates, some prefer to just leave quietly, without much of a “blow”. Also, sometimes retirements happen quite abruptly.
I was very shocked and saddened about the news, too, but none of them would have left without good reason and I hope that they find happiness in their new lifes.
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ichirikiteahouse-blog · 12 years
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floating-flowers · 10 years
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Great news! Maiko Kikushino of Hanafusa okiya is wearing sakkou (indicating that she will soon either have erikae or quit the maiko profession). Let's hope we see another erikae in Hanafusa soon :)
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