#kim hwiyoung angst
slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. angst. breakup. warnings. some language. fighting. crying. mention of drinking. angst. hwiyoung is kind of a jerk in this, reminder that this is just fiction-- it's not meant to accurately represent the real idols. pairing. hwiyoung x reader. wc. 1.1k. request. no. a/n. based off of drive5 if it wasn't already obvious... uhh sry in advance for this????? i promise i love hwiyoung idk why i wrote this lmfao
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“You’ve changed, Youngkyun.” You mutter tensely. Youngkyun always has the aircon set 2 degrees too cold in his car, and a shiver runs up your spine. You always hated the cold, yet despite that, you had stupidly fallen for him. He’s like a block of ice, yet no matter how much you tried to melt him with your warm heart, he stayed chilly.
Youngkyun grips the steering wheel a bit tighter, flipping on the left turning signal and turning onto the highway. His foot pushes on the gas slightly as he matches the speed of the other cars on the highway. He still doesn’t respond to you.
You let out a shaky sigh and look out your window, “Did you ever love me? Why did you ask me out a year ago if you never intended on paying attention to me in the first place?” You wait for a second, wondering if that would get him to utter even a word in reply— even just a hum that he had heard you. 
But, no. He’s always the same. Stuck up in his own world, self-obsessed and unfeeling. You wonder how his friends even put up with him? It’s as if he had no thoughts or feelings. Even when you tried to discuss something that directly affected him, he didn’t even care enough to listen. 
“I don’t even know why I agreed to date you. You’re such an asshole.” You tell him through gritted teeth, a bit louder this time. “I hope whatever poor girl you ‘fall for’ next drops your ass before you have the chance to brutally misuse her like you did with me.”
Again, he stays silent, spiking your nerves just a bit above the limit. Your eyes sting with tears but you blink them back. You won’t cry because of him. He doesn’t even deserve that much. You hear him take a breath, and you turn to look at him, wondering if he’ll finally say something back to you.
“If you had so many problems with me, then why did you decide to date me?”
You hate that response. You hate how calm he is when you’re about to reach your breaking point. You hate that he doesn’t have the decency to at least apologise to you before he spews more of his nonsense. It’s like a stab straight through your chest. If he had ever loved you, even for a second, he would at least apologise for upsetting you before interrogating you.
“Oh, so it’s my fault, is it?” You let out a laugh, and it’s filled with disbelief at his actions. “It’s my fault? I was holding our relationship together for months while you went out drinking and paid no attention to me! I always held out hope that one day you would treat me the same as when we first met. But since January I’ve never seen even a speck of feeling in your eyes. Is it amusing to see me try so hard!? Do you find joy in my struggles to get this relationship to work— only to inevitably fail cause it will never work out with just one of us trying?” You spew, letting all your built up frustration flow out, hitting him like bullets. You were sure he had already built a repelling force field around himself to block you out; one that would only make the bullets bounce back to hit you.
“You wasted your time trying to get it to work.” He whispers.
“I wanna get off.” You breathe out, feeling like the doors of the car were slowly closing in on you. It was suffocating being in the same cramped space with Youngkyun, where everything just brought up old memories.
The necklace that you had gifted to him was still hanging from the rearview mirror. He had never worn it. You realize in an instant that him hanging it there wasn’t a compliment to you. He never wanted it in the first place.
“We’re on the fucking highway, Y/n.” He points out, as if you weren’t capable of noticing that before.
“Just pull over and let me out here. I’ll get a fucking taxi.” You spit back angrily.
“Shit, you’re so impatient. You can wait 5 minutes for me to reach this exit.” He says angrily, somehow pushing your anger up even more. You let the first tears slip down your cheeks. You hate being around him in this way. You feel like he’s slowly ripping you to shreds— limb by limb, leaving you broken beyond repair.
You do your best to stay silent and not let your muffled crying reach Youngkyun’s ears. It would be too humiliating for you to bear. The 5 minutes it takes to reach the exit feels like 5 hours. Youngkyun pulls over to the side of the road, stepping on the break harshly. You jerk forward slightly, and wonder if he’s doing it on purpose. You open your car door in a rush, trying to get out as soon as possible, but you feel him grip your wrist. You turn back around and stare at him, eyes burning to take in his features one last time.
“I’m not the only one who changed.” He says slowly before letting go of your hand. The blaring honks of cars behind you is almost deafening, some of them trying to find a way to get past Youngkyun’s black car blocking the road without causing an accident. You get out of the car and slam the door shut without another word to him.
It takes a second to register your reality. You stand still on the sidewalk for a few minutes, breathing in the crisp cold night air and letting the tears fall freely. You don’t know how far away from home you are, but you know that you’re not in any hurry to get back. You just soak in the moment. You were done with him— finally, you were free from him. You wanted to laugh, but it just came out as harsher sobs. 
If he hadn’t changed, would it have worked out?
If you hadn’t changed, would it have worked out?
You stare up at the sky, sniffing your last tears away. It’s dark and a mesmerising blue; it’s beautiful. You wonder if Youngkyun was also looking at the night, contemplating how cruel it had been to both of you. Though, with a scoff you realize that he wouldn’t care. This would all pass by for him like it was nothing, because it had already been too long to recall the last time he had cared for you.
↳ sf9 taglist: @eternalgyu
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key201303 · 6 months
There’s a week left for my birthday 🥳
What would you say if love shot series made a comeback as my birthday special?? 👀👀
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milkybonya · 3 years
love me without labels
warning: a little nsfw (it never goes further than making out, though !), mentions of alcohol/drinking, curse words, Hwiyoung calling you princess (in the most gender-neutral way)
pairing: playboy!college!Hwiyoung × never been loved!(gn)reader
summary: y/n is just a little sick of never having dated anyone or doing anything remotely similar, so they call upon their college's playboy to teach them just what it all feels like. and then they maybe sorta accidentally fall in love <3
word count: idk but it's 1k+ but definitely less than 5k maybe i think
[a/n]: btw i dont know how to kiss either so pls ignore anything thats wrong :")
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another shitty day at your shitty college, sitting in the shitty front row of the shitty lecture hall. the prof who clearly doesn't want to be there any more than you do begins his boring lecture. his monotone voice makes you drowsy and you almost fall asleep... until you feel someone kicking you from behind.
snickers follow the kicking when you turn around, as Hwiyoung and his cohort try to hold back their laughter, looking away from you. clearly, one of them kicked you. clearly, they're tryna mess with you.
you look forward at the prof, who somehow is noticing none of this even though you're right at the front. what's more surprising is that Hwiyoung is behind you, though, and not at the back of the lecture hall.
"can i help you?" you quietly ask the annoying people behind you.
"why are you glaring? go back to your nap, y/n," Hwiyoung spits out, laughing.
you shake your head and turn back to the front, unbothered. they're like this with everyone, annoying like school kids even though you're in your junior year of college now.
once class ends, you make your way out of there as quick as possible, overhearing one of Hwiyoung's friends saying, "clear signs that y/n lives a lonely life."
you scoff hearing that and roll your eyes, but you know it's true.
waiting for the bus, you watch as Hwiyoung leans against his huge, obnoxious motorcycle. he runs his fingers through his hair, holding his helmet with his free hand. you just know he knows people are watching and loves it. some pretty girl walks up to his and he hugs her in a way that suggests something more than friends... although, many of the people in his life are more than friends.
"Hwiyoung sleeps around with everyone, doesn't he?" you overhear someone also waiting for the bus saying.
"that's the 5th girl i've seen him with this week, and it's only Tuesday."
you shake your head, and right as you do, Hwiyoung meets your eyes. maybe you're imagining things, but you can swear he's looking at you when he throws you that smirk before riding off with that girl holding onto him.
hugging your pillow tightly, you fight back tears as another episode of your favourite k-drama ends. the two leads end this episode with a passionate kiss, and you squeeze your pillow.
when will that ever happen to me, you think, frowning.
your phone vibrates and you check who messaged you. it's your friend, sending you photos of them on a date with their s/o yet again. you groan at the horrible timing and let your body fall backwards onto your bed.
for some reason, Hwiyoung comes to mind. he must be having so much fun with that girl right now, you think.
to lighten your sour mood, you reach into your fridge for some drinks and start blasting some of your favourite happy songs. dancing the night away in the dark of your apartment, lit only by a few candles and your TV screen, you feel drunk as time passes.
luckily, you're on your own, so you won't make any mistakes, right?
hm, i wonder what Hwiyoung is up to, your drunken mind thinks. your drunken mind also tells you that it would be a great idea to text him right now.
HWiyoung! whats uo ?
y/n? why are you messaging me?
ok ridue. your're so mean
what's ridue? is everything okay?
okay? hah! since when have htings every been okay?
life sucks ! i';m so lovey nnnn i'im so loneoly,,,, i'm oloveby
okay, i have no clue what you're saying right now.
your phone slips out of your hands as it starts to ring, and you bend over to pick it up. Hwiyoung's calling, and you don't hesitate even for a moment before answering.
"y/n, can you tell me why you're messaging me like that?" he asks. "i'm busy right now, you know."
"yeah, with that bitch?" you spit out.
"what bitch? i guess you're right, cause i'm talking to a bitch on the phone right now, huh."
"fuck you!"
there's a moment of silence as Hwiyoung seems to realize what's happening.
"are you drunk right now, y/n?"
"drunk? what's that? krunk? hahaha!" you slur, falling onto your bed.
"listen, i don't know why you messaged me when you're drunk, but contact someone else to come help you out, okay?" Hwiyoung says before hanging up.
your phone falls to the ground again as you shut your eyes, falling asleep.
bzzzz. bzzzzz. bzzzzzzzzzzzz--
"y/n! wake up!" your friend screams into your ear when you finally answer his call.
"class is starting and attendance is mandatory, remember? we're watching our classmates present, today!" Taeyang tells you.
"oh, fuck!" you shriek, sitting up... but a splitting headache forces you back down onto the bed.
"you better come here in five minutes, or you'll lose a huge chunk of your grade," Taeyang says before hanging up.
he sounds just like a professor, you think to yourself.
for the sake of these free attendance marks, you manage to throw some clothes on, chug some water and fill your water bottle before leaving. you just know you look like a mess, but you couldn't care less right now.
you make it just in time, hobbling over to where Taeyang has saved a seat for you in the back.
"why do you look so... god, you smell like alcohol!" Taeyang whines.
"shut up," you groan, drinking from your water bottle.
"so you were drunk last night, huh y/n?" Hwiyoung asks, walking behind you to find a seat.
you ignore him and he smirks, continuing to walk past you.
"what the hell was that?" Taeyang asks.
"i don't know... all i know is that i need to find myself an s/o, 'cause i'm going insane."
Taeyang shakes his head at you.
"i have no clue what you're on about, and i don't even want to know."
that night, you're drinking again. this time, you're not drunk, sticking to only one can and something that has low alcohol content. it helps you think more clearly, and you wonder about what the solution to your lonely problem could be.
some people are fine with being single, but it's not that way for you. people make fun of you for it and it drives you insane, it's damaging your mental health and your grades are plummeting because of it. it may sound dramatic, but it seems like you can't do anything until you get an s/o.
why can't you get an s/o?
it has nothing to do with looks, nor personality. is it... your lack of experience? your lack of skill? but how can you gain any of those things without an s/o in the first place...
you gently pat your head, urging it to find an idea.
oh! Hwiyoung! Hwiyoung is the answer! as a notorious player, teaching you how to do something like kissing for example won't be a big deal, right? it's not like he's devoted to any one s/o... he's always sleeping around with anyone, so maybe you could turn yourself into one of those people to gain the experience you need to date?
your logic is a little insane, but it seems to work. with the alcohol in your system providing you with all the confidence you need, you send a message to Hwiyoung before shutting off your phone and heading off to bed, satisfied with yourself.
hey, Hwiyoung! firstly i'm sorry for drunk-texting you. i actually have a favour to ask. this is super absurd... i don't think i can even say it through text. could you come to my apartment tomorrow, saturday afternoon, so i can explain? my address is ________
the next morning, you wake up to the sun hitting your face. you sit up and stretch, checking your phone to see who texted you. there's a messaging from Hwiyoung saying he'll be there at 3.
huh? there's a message from Hwiyoung?!
you type out a message to say you've changed your mind, then delete it. it just wouldn't make sense for you to back out without even having told Hwiyoung what all of this was about.
you could always lie when he gets here and make up some other favour... but it just wouldn't make sense.
you're caught in a strange place and all you can do is wash up, eat breakfast and at least try to study before Hwiyoung gets there.
[a/n]: joker by big naughty fits this part really well and i just can't explain why.. it's like the soundtrack
the doorbell to your apartment rings and you jump off your desk, racing to open the door. you take a few deep breaths first, straighten your shirt and then enter.
"hi, y/n..." Hwiyoung says in a deep voice. he opts for awkwardly waving at you rather than hugging or shaking your hand, since he doesn't know you all too well.
he looks around your apartment right away when he steps inside and removes his shoes. this is all so y/n, even though i don't even know them that well, he thinks to himself.
"so what's the favour, princess?" he asks, sitting on your couch.
your ears twitch at the sudden pet name.
"well... why don't i grab you a drink first. do you want tea? coffee?" you ask, just trying to avoid the inevitable.
"coffee should do it," he says, leaning back.
you can't help but admire how good he looks as you make the coffee. his hair is slightly wet and very curly, sticking to his forehead because of the rain outside. his tight, black jeans don't miss a single curve of his legs, and the black leather jacket that he wears over his white t-shirt shines under the ceiling lights.
you suck in a breath and look away, returning to the coffee packets and mugs in your hands.
"here you go," you say, finally handing him a mug.
he thanks you and blows over the drink before taking a sip.
"now will you tell me what i'm here for?" Hwiyoung asks, eyeing you.
you scratch the back of your head, nervous but ready to just get it over with.
"yeah, so... i need you to teach me something. i'm not sure who else i can ask."
Hwiyoung raises an eyebrow at you, clearly intrigued.
you clear your throat and sit up straight, heart racing in your chest. hey, if this gets weird or he doesn't agree, you can just move on and avoid him for the rest of your life!
it won't be that easy, though.
you squeeze your eyes tightly shut.
"i need you to teach me... how to kiss," you mumble, hoping he heard you.
"how to kiss?" he repeats but louder.
you nod, avoiding his eyes, and he smirks at you.
"well where did you get that filthy idea from, princess? are you just tryna get in bed with me?" he asks, the tone of his voice low.
"no! no, i swear no! this is genuinely just.. kissing and nothing else!" you clarify.
he cocks his head to one side, still smirking at you.
"well, what's in it for me?"
you bite your lip. you hadn't thought that far...
"my grades are suffering. if you could help me with that, i'd appreciate it," Hwiyoung offers.
"tutoring? sure, i can definitely tutor you!" you agree.
Hwiyoung nods.
"are we starting right away today, or?" he asks.
your heart races at the thought, and you stay silent.
"okay, looks like you need some time. what day, when and where am i meeting you?" Hwiyoung asks.
"Same time, same place, same day of the week as today," you say.
He nods again, standing up to leave.
"sounds great. i'll see myself out, then, princess."
Hwiyoung leaves, his half empty coffee cup still steaming on the coffee table. you're left wondering how this all ended up working out.
exactly a week later, you're just the same. peacefully studying at your desk, or trying to, when the doorbell rings and you jump up to open the door. Hwiyoung looks the same, too. his hair still long and curled, his clothes still black leather jacket on white tee over black skinny jeans.
"am i teaching you first or are you teaching me first?" he asks, setting down his bag.
"i think it would be better for my anxiety if you taught me first," you say, knowing you wouldn't be able to focus on tutoring if you knew that Hwiyoung would be kissing you just moments later.
"okay.. are you fine with sitting on the couch?" Hwiyoung asks.
you nod, and the two of you sit beside each other. there's a huge gap between the two of you, and Hwiyoung chuckles.
"come closer. i can't just kiss the air, princess," he points out.
you shuffle forward 'til you're close enough.
"okay... so what exactly am i teaching you? the types of kisses? how to kiss?" Hwiyoung asks.
"how... to kiss," you mumble.
"okay, princess. so, have you kissed before?" Hwiyoung asks.
you shake your head, no, and he grins as you hang your head low.
"so i'll be your first kiss? is that... okay?"
you look up at him, a little shocked that someone like him is concerned about someone like that. nonetheless, you nod, yes.
"okay, well, when you kiss... you can't just go straight in, or your noses will hit each other's and that'll suck. you have to go in with your head tilted, like this."
naturally, Hwiyoung's hand reaches up to hold the back of your head. he draws close, tilting his head to demonstrate. his lips are just centimetres away from yours, but he doesn't let them touch. you let out a huge breath of air after he moves away. your heart was racing and he hadn't even kissed you, yet! so what would a kiss with Hwiyoung be like then?
"S-so... did you get that?" Hwiyoung falters, clearing his throat and hoping he won't stutter again.
something was off about that... something was off when he leaned in. immediately, he felt his face getting red and his heart hammering in his chest. that stuff never happens to him. maybe it's 'cause he's being put on the spot and asked to teach how to kiss?
"yeah, i got it," you mutter, nodding along.
"it's also helpful to do stuff with your hand. you noticed how i was holding the back of your head, right? stuff like that makes it better and more... enjoyable?"
"so i should hold the back of your head, too?" you shyly ask.
"only, if you want, princess. you can also hold the person's face or cheek or whatever, like this--"
Hwiyoung large, warm hand cups your left cheek. his thumb swipes back and forth over your face.
"doing something like this is good, t-too," Hwiyoung stutters yet again, blown away by how the contact of his hand and your soft face is making his heart race again.
he carefully pulls away, weirded out by his own emotions.
"what else?" you ask, eager to know more.
"uh... well some people also like to run their fingers through the other person's hair... or have their arms around the other person's shoulders, waist or neck. sometimes rubbing their back, sides... it's all up to you. i think it'll just come naturally to you in the moment when you figure it out, princess," Hwiyoung explains.
you nod, pressing your lips together.
"i'll try actually kissing you this time, if that's okay," Hwiyoung says.
you slowly nod.
"just close your eyes and try to follow me, okay? it's okay if it's messy or weird. you'll figure it out with time."
for some reason, Hwiyoung feels the need to be gentle with you. that's why he keeps clarifying, asking if you're okay, and taking things so slowly.
he holds your face in both hands and leans in... then he stops and lets out a laugh.
"close your eyes, princess. it's so much easier that way. and there's no need to pucker your lips like that."
you feel super embarrassed but do as he says, and this time, Hwiyoung properly closes the gap between the two of you.
his lips feel soft and magical on top of yours. your hands, which are at your sides, ball into fists as butterflies rage within you. so this is what it must feel like, you realize.
Hwiyoung finds himself stroking your cheeks with his thumbs as his lips are still pressed to yours. it's a completely unconscious gesture, and so is him gently tilting your head back to deepen the kiss. he feels your lips part as you let out a gasp, and he wastes no time in entering with his tongue, exploring the inside of your mouth.
he pulls back to chew on your bottom lip slightly before he realizes that he's completely gone overboard and he should probably stop, now. so, he slowly pulls away, your face still in his hands until he lets go.
the way you're glowing makes his heart race even faster, and so does the way your eyelids slowly flutter open.
"i-i'm really sorry, i went overboard--" Hwiyoung starts.
"is that what it's like?" you ask.
"is that what... kissing is like?"
"uh... yeah?"
you burst into a smile, touching your lips with your fingers. Hwiyoung's face becomes a mirror of yours, a smiling mess.
"i-i think it's best we stop here for the day, princess. can you tutor me now, instead?" Hwiyoung asks.
you nod, telling him you'll grab your notes from your room and will be back. in the meantime, Hwiyoung shakily reaches for his own things. he feels so weird... his heart has not stopped pounding and he wonders if it's some kind of health problem. his face and ears feel hot. he tries to remember if this has ever happened before with any of the other people he's been with... but no. perhaps it's just your shyness rubbing off on him!
when you come back, you help him go over the most important things: the units that will be on the upcoming tests. you kindly explain and re-explain anything that Hwiyoung doesn't understand, help him go through some practice problems, and even help him make a test review.
hours pass with the two of you studying like that, until you notice your living room has gone dark. the sun has set!
"oh... i should probably get going," Hwiyoung says, starting to pack up.
"but you didn't even eat anything! i'm so sorry--"
"no, it's okay, princess. you can feed me next time, okay? i'll be off," Hwiyoung says, standing up and quickly walking to your door.
you watch him open it and step out, closing it behind him.
during the week, at your classes, you and Hwiyoung act like strangers. it's only on those saturday afternoons that the two of you get intimate.
on another one of those afternoons, you're tugging at Hwiyoung's hair as he kisses you deeply. he lets out a moan right into your mouth before he breathlessly pulls away.
"princess, that... had no right to feel that good," he says, stroking his own hair and wondering why he felt so good when you pulled on it.
"that means i'm doing a good job, right?" you ask, smiling brightly.
"well let's move to the homework i gave you last week so i can see if you're doing a good job, too," you say.
Hwiyoung pouts slightly but still pulls out his work. you sit close to him as you explain, and he can't help but stare at your side profile as you talk.
"Hwiyoung? are you daydreaming again? i asked if you could explain how you got to this answer."
"a-ah, yeah..."
after another hour of tutoring him, Hwiyoung leaves your apartment. his legs feel weak as he walks towards the elevator. reaching for his chest, he feels his heart racing yet again. this really isn't good.
he pulls out his phone and asks to meet with an old friend of his.
"wait so... this person you didn't care for at all asked you to teach them how to kiss, and now you're catching feelings?!" Chani clarifies.
Hwiyoung puts down his glass, hard, onto the bar counter.
"no, i'm not catching feelings! i'm telling you i'm getting heart problems whenever i go there, and it's been getting worse," Hwiyoung explains.
"have you ever caught feelings before?" Chani asks his friend.
Hwiyoung blinks back in response, staying silent.
"exactly, so of course you wouldn't know that this is what it's like to catch feelings."
"no... it can't be. right?" Hwiyoung asks, taking a long sip of his drink.
"it definitely is. and you're telling me you're always sad when you have to stop kissing them, that every move they make drives you insane, even though they don't kiss you well. man, if that isn't catching feelings, then i don't know what is!"
"i don't know anything about them, though. i only see them on those saturday afternoons," Hwiyoung says.
"do you want to know more about them?"
"yeah," Hwiyoung mindlessly mutters.
"well, there you have it. you're literally whipped!"
"huh? wait, no--"
"just accept it, Hwiyoung. accept it and go learn more about them, already. i've been worried about you. you always fuck people without feeling a thing but pleasure. you've never cared for anyone except for your friends, and even then, all your friendships are fake except ours."
Hwiyoung tightly holds the glass in his hand. Chani's right, but it hurts.
"quit being a coward, okay? just see where your feelings take you!"
sat in your lecture hall, you scramble to copy Taeyang's notes. he watches over you, shaking his head.
"i can't believe you went to a party again this saturday and didn't get to do your work. firstly, you went without me, secondly, how do you keep going every single saturday?" he asks.
you tell him to shut up so you can finish writing, until a tall body approaches you, towering over you. when you look up, you meet eyes with Hwiyoung, who has a nervous expression on his face.
"hi, y/n. is the spot next to you taken?" he asks.
"yeah it--" Taeyang starts, but you cut him off.
"no! you can sit, if you'd like," you say.
Hwiyoung thanks you in a low voice and takes a seat, pulling out his stuff to start studying.
"wow, Hwiyoung is actually prepared for class? Shocking." Taeyang remarks.
"actually y/n has been tutoring--" Hwiyoung starts. you quickly cover his mouth with your hand.
"Hwiyoung's just changed, i guess!" you say, panicked.
Taeyang throws you a weird look, but doesn't question things any further. you move your hand away and mumble an apology to Hwiyoung, who just smirks at you.
once class starts, the three of you are silent as you focus on the lecture. Hwiyoung doesn't make a ruckus anymore, and you feel proud to see he's actually started to change after you began tutoring him.
"hey... wanna go to a place you like to grab some food?" Hwiyoung asks you once the lecture ends.
you don't know why he's suddenly attempting to befriend you, but you can't say no to him, either. Taeyang has to rush off to his next class, and you tell him you'll fill him in on things later. he throws you a wink before he leaves, and you yell at him to stop being so annoying.
"have fun getting laid," he whispers in your ear before running off.
Hwiyoung watches your interaction with Taeyang while smiling wildly. so this is how you treat your loved ones? this is how you joke around with your friends? why is his heart fluttering ?!
"let's go! i know a good off-campus place that's nearby," you declare.
you don't realize it, but a lot of people are watching you and Hwiyoung. some of them even try to take stealthy photos, too. Hwiyoung is used to this, but he doesn't want you to get hurt by the rumours that they'll probably be spreading.
he takes off his leather jacket and throws it on your head.
when you question him for that, he just says, "keep it on, princess. a lot of people are watching, and i don't want you to get hurt by any rumours they could spread about you."
you wear it like one of those runaways in a historical kdrama, who wears a robe over their head to hide themselves.
"should we just run?" you ask Hwiyoung, looking up at him.
he smiles slightly and nods. you don't even think about it when you reach for his hand and start to run, pulling him along with you. everyone on campus wonders who the daring person is that is pulling Hwiyoung along with intertwined fingers, and why and how you're making him smile so hard.
neither of you notice the stares anymore, though. even Hwiyoung is entirely fixated on you and the way you breathlessly laugh as you try to run to the place you were headed.
once you finally make it there and pull open the door, the two of you shake yourselves off and walk inside, still laughing. Hwiyoung then takes in the place you brought him too, trying to remember every detail.
the two of you talk over food as if you're normal friends, not strangers who would meet once a week to do each other favours. Hwiyoung asks you a lot of questions and the conversation never runs dry. he nods and listens carefully each time you answer, and you can imagine him jotting down your answers--that's how earnestly he listens to you.
you start to see him in a new light. not as the popular jerk of your campus anymore,, but as someone you maybe actually care for? and want to spend time with? yet you can't help but worry about if he even feels the same way at all.
by the time the two of you leave, it's dark outside. Hwiyoung offers to walk you home, but you say it's all good.
"call me when you get home at least, okay?" he asks as you walk further away.
you nod, but then wonder why he asked you to call and not text. still, you end up calling him, and your phone call with him lasts way past midnight.
he listens to you fall asleep, your answers turning into hums until all he hears are your soft breaths.
"sleep well, y/n," he says before hanging up.
Hwiyoung spends more time with you from that day on, and Taeyang is very suspicious. he notes the way Hwiyoung looks at you with genuine care and adoration, not the empty lust he'd usually look at people with.
"y/n... i think Hwiyoung likes you," Taeyang tells you one day in the library.
"what?!" you exclaim, almost dropping your bag that you had just picked up.
"he looks at you... in a certain way... like he loves you."
you shake your head at Taeyang, but secretly wonder if his words could hold any truth to them.
"hey, y/n! and Taeyang!" Hwiyoung greets you both.
Taeyang raises an eyebrow at you, probably trying to point out how Hwiyoung said your name first.
"ready to go?" Hwiyoung asks, and you both nod.
he had texted you saying he wants to take you both somewhere and that it's a surprise. you feel suspicious about all this, but you find it hard to say no to Hwiyoung.
you walk in between the two boys, listening to Taeyang's complaints about a professor for one of your classes. Hwiyoung slips his hand into yours, taking your hand with his into his pocket. when you look up at him, he simply smiles while looking at the ground.
butterflies rage within you and you furrow your eyebrows together, trying to get it to stop.
"everything okay, y/n?" Taeyang asks.
"y-yeah," you stutter in response.
Taeyang continues talking, Hwiyoung continues stealing glances at you while he holds your hand, and you continue trying to get the heart fluttering feeling in your stomach to stop.
"where are you taking us, Hwiyoung?" Taeyang asks.
Hwiyoung smirks, then says, "don't kill me, but i'm taking you to a party. a lot of my old friends are there, and honestly i'm just a bit sick of them. i'd rather hang around with you two..."
"well then you could've ditched the party and we couldv'e went elsewhere?" Taeyang points out.
Hwiyoung shakes his head and says, "no, they'll kill me if i don't show up. you'll do me this one favour, right?"
Hwiyoung starts rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb, and you feel electricity all over your arm. your breath hitches in your throat and you can't think clearly.
"well... if y/n's okay with it," Taeyang says.
Hwiyoung looks at you with an expression that you can't resist... and that's how you end up at a loud house party. it's not a place you'd usually be at.
Taeyang gets drunk just 20 minutes in and joins the people who are dancing in the livingroom, leaving you and Hwiyoung to yourselves. Hwiyoung keeps you close, your arms looped. you, on the other hand, keep a close eye on Taeyang.
"are you worried about him?" Hwiyoung asks, concern on his face.
you nod, and Hwiyoung calls over one of his friends.
"Chani! can you do me a favour? can you keep an eye on that boy right there?"
Hwiyoung's friend, Chani, rolls his eyes but walks over to the livingroom, taking over the dj booth and watching over Taeyang.
"is that okay?" Hwiyoung asks.
you nod, but still feel slightly uneasy.
"are you okay?" Hwiyoung asks, pulling you closer.
you don't know how to respond. you're not sure if it's because you're pressed this close to Hwiyoung that you feel so warm or because it's so packed in this house.
Hwiyoung's lips curl into a tight smile.
"i'll just say hi to a few more people and then we can leave, okay? they'll be too drunk to even notice we're gone," Hwiyoung says.
you pout at him but still follow his lead as he introduces you to people that you doubt you'll ever remember later. his introductions lead you to a bedroom where a few people are talking.
"your s/o?" someone asks Hwiyoung, looking at you.
he smiles in response but doesn't say anything. it makes you feel uneasy.
"well, we're off for some more drinks. you can have this room to yourselves," Hwiyoung's friend says before the group of people leave.
you and Hwiyoung are left alone in that room, all to yourselves.
"well... we should leave, now," Hwiyoung says, moving towards the door.
yet something within you makes you stop him. you reach out to pull on his sleeve.
"Hwiyoung... i need to make something clear," you say, "what are we? what's going on with us? we stopped meeting on weekends to... do whatever we were doing before and now we're acting like friends... but suddenly you take hold of my hand like it's nothing?"
you feel relieved getting all of this off your chest. it's all been like an itch, bothering you in the most lowkey of ways but eventually making you lose your cool.
"we.. can be whatever you want us to be, princess," Hwiyoung says in a low voice, taking your hand in his.
"but what do you want us to be?"
"i don't know. i'm not fond of labels and i don't really get them, but i just want to be close to you, princess. i want to listen to you, be here for you and have you at my side at all times."
you blink at him as he speaks, and he smiles.
"i want this, too," he says before he suddenly presses his lips to yours.
as if you've been yearning for this, your instincts immediately take over. your mouth knows to follow his lead, your hands know to gently pull on and stroke Hwiyoung's hair, and you still feel just as many butterflies as you always have.
you pull away for a second to catch your breath, and you meet Hwiyoung's eyes. like Taeyang told you, there's something different about them. they sparkle and you can see yourself inside them.
you're about to lean in again, but Hwiyoung gently stops you.
"i'm scared i'll take things too far, so let's stop here, princess" he almost whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead before guiding you out of the room.
you feel dazed as he guides you out, calling a drunk Taeyang over and helping him walk as the three of you head back to campus to part ways. all you can think about is how you know exactly what you and Hwiyoung are, but at the same time, you know nothing at all.
with Taeyang safely home, Hwiyoung walks you home, and it's then that you muster up the courage again to clarify things once more.
"Hwiyoung... do you... like me?" you ask.
he takes a hand out of the pocket of his jeans and uses it to grab hold of one of yours.
"i guess so," he says.
his lack of confidence makes you uneasy, yet again.
"does this mean we're lovers?" you ask.
"do you want us to be?" Hwiyoung asks back, looking at you.
you nod, yes, and he smiles, patting your head.
"then we're lovers, 'til death do us part," Hwiyoung says, dramatically.
both of your laughs fill up the night and Hwiyoung swings his arm in yours, pulling you closer.
well, this isn't the happy ending you'd imagined. your first 'relationship' isn't even a proper relationship at all, but you've still got someone to love and be loved by, right?
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Wild | Hwiyoung | (a, f)
Summary: A collection of various moments from your life with Hwi, both happy and sad. Word count: 3.1k ♫ Troye Sivan - Wild
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The sun is warm on your skin. You feel it permeate your muscles all the way to the bone, making you both drowsy and excited, ready for anything from adventurous to straight up stupid dangerous ideas. 
If the look Hwiyoung is giving you is any indication, he shares the sentiment, drunk on the hot summer ambience as much as you are. His hand keeps brushing against yours and it’s distracting in the best way possible. It’s like your skin catches on fire every time you touch. Sometimes you tease him by linking your fingers together for just a second before pulling away. The street you’re walking through is relatively narrow and hidden, but you can never be too careful. 
Maybe it’s precisely because the street doesn’t allow too much space between your bodies, or maybe it’s just the dangerous heat that makes you gravitate towards each other. Soon it’s not just your hands that brush against each other, but your shoulders bump together. Your arms touch, pressed together and you look up only to see him already looking at you with that gummy smile of his. His face glows with that smile and it hurts how much you love him. You could kiss him right now, but you don’t.
You’re pretty sure you’ve been transported into Wonderland because the street is so narrow suddenly that your bodies are flush against each other. Hot brick wall is scorching your back through the thin material of your shirt and you can’t breathe. Not with the way Hwiyoung is looking at you, his dark eyes boring into yours with an unreadable expression. They keep falling down to your lips. Trapped between the wall and him, between his arms on either side of your head, you can’t escape. You don’t want to, unlike your heart which very much tries to break free from your ribcage.
And suddenly you hear him sigh, low and deep, almost a growl and then time stops. His lips are on yours, demanding and impatient. Your lips part to let him in, you allow yourself to forget about the world. It’s just you and him, two beings of stardust and flesh, so close you’re suffocating and yet the kiss is the only reason you’re still breathing. Your lungs don’t agree but you don’t care. 
Until he pulls away and you feel like he took a piece of you with him. There’s a strange void in your chest that wasn’t there before. Without realizing, you follow his lips, kissing him once more. It’s short and feels strangely like goodbye. 
He pushes himself off the wall and the street is suddenly wide enough that you both can walk comfortably side by side. You don’t talk about the kiss, you don’t talk much at all, as if what just happened was just an illusion seen in a heat haze.
Darkness envelops your naked bodies as you lie on the bed, a tangled mess of limbs. You’re not sure if there’s any border separating you two anymore or if you’ve become one single entity, sharing one body and one mind.
The light of a street lamp shines through the blinds, drawing yellow stripes across his skin. He’s beautiful and you can’t take your eyes off him, burning the image of this moment into your memory. If you could, you’d have it tattooed on the inside of your eyelids so you could see it every time you close your eyes.
You’re so absorbed in the dreaming you don’t notice him taking your hand at first and only snap out of it when you hear him chuckle lowly. Your gaze shifts towards your palm against his. He has bigger hands than you, you already knew that from all the times you’ve held hands. And you know he finds it endearing, but it still makes you smile fondly at him as he stares at your connected hands in fascination.
“You’re so small,” he whispers. It occurs to you he probably doesn’t realize he’s smiling when he says it. It makes your heart ache.
“No, it’s just that you’re so huge, Hwi,” you chuckle, but it looks like he isn’t really listening, lost in his own world so you let him talk, listening silently. You wish you could capture this moment or that it could last forever.
“So small and vulnerable,” he goes on, shifting his hand slightly, pushing against yours with little force, “All mine to protect.” His fingers slip through yours as he holds your hand, fingers intertwined just as perfectly as the rest of your bodies.
“You’re mine,” he repeats as he absent-mindedly brings your hand to his lips and presses them against your skin. You wonder what’s gotten into him, whether he’s just slow to shake off the post-orgasmic bliss today or if he’s just too tired to make sense. Whatever the case, you love it. 
“All yours,” you agree with a satisfied smile, reaching out with your free hand to caress his cheek, then jaw, before you let your hand fall down to where his heart is beating. He looks up, finally seeing you properly and his smile grows wider. His free hand reaches out too, and slides to the back of your neck to bring you closer to him. Your noses bump together, making him chuckle. It’s like he’s drunk on you, slowly intoxicating you with himself as well.
He teases you, brushing his lips against yours but never allowing the kiss to happen. You whimper, cuddling closer. That makes him satisfied enough to give in, meeting you halfway and kissing you deeply. He crawls over your body, craving your body once more in the dark night. 
It’s raining and yet the air is awfully hot. It feels like a slap in the face as you step out of the cool apartment and stand on the balcony next to him. You hand him one of the cold beers you’re holding and he accepts it with a grateful hum, returning the favor by opening both of them. You follow his example and lean your elbows on the railing, looking down at the bustling city.
You clink the cans together and take a long sip of the bitter drink. It feels nice though, somehow it fits the atmosphere and calms your nerves. Hwiyoung leans to the side, bumping into you to make you look at him. You do and you smile, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“You think we’ll ever get to do this every day?” he asks, looking into the distance, over the buildings and parks and people walking the streets.
“Every day?” you muse, “Nah, I think I’d prefer to stay in and drink cocoa in the winter.” He scoffs at you, gently nudging you with his elbow. You chuckle, rubbing your cheek against his shoulder in apology.
“I really don’t know. I hope we do, but I guess we’ll only get there when we’re all wrinkly and old,” you say in the end, and somehow it feels both wrong and just right. The words leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth, much like the beer you’re drinking. He gives a thoughtful hum too, staying quiet for a few seconds.
“You won’t put up with me for that long,” he chuckles, but you catch the slight waver in his voice. You don’t understand his obsession with the thought of him being insufferable.
“Or maybe it’s gonna be you who’ll get annoyed with me,” you counter. It feels weird to say out loud, especially since you don’t normally allow yourself to think about it. You believe that anything could happen any time, so it’s best to focus on the present, the good things while you have them.
“Never,” he murmurs, taking another long sip of the drink and you join him. It makes you feel better somehow, and you wonder whether you’re both like this because of the weather. Your clothes stick to your skin, you feel sweaty and disgusting, it’s a given that you’d both be more irritable.
“I’ll love you even if you look like a raisin in the sun,” he sighs with a fond smile, making you giggle.
“Well, I’d love to say something cheesy to that too but I’m pretty sure you’ll look like a god even when you’re hundred, so...” you trail off, making him groan. 
“I think that was cheesy enough,” he rolls his eyes but he’s smiling again and that’s all you wanted.
“So, to another hundred years together?” you suggest a toast and he easily bumps your can with his.
“Deal. But don’t complain later,” he warns you as he finishes the drink with a long gulp.
“I’d never, Kyun.” 
It’s not your first fight, far from it. Usually it’s just a misunderstanding or a stupid little thing combined with a lot of stress that starts the argument, and perhaps this is the same, but it feels different. You’re trying to figure out why but you’re exhausted and don’t have the strength to think. 
His eyes are bloodshot and glassy, tears trailing down his cheek still and you guess you don’t look any better, but he looks so much like a tiger chased into the corner of its cage that it both scares you and makes you feel in awe. 
Now that everything’s been said - the truths, the cruel lies and the deepest fears - you’re both hurting. Neither of you meant to hurt the other, not for real, but it’s just something that happens during arguments. It was just the heat of the moment that made you lash out, bottled up emotions that momentarily turned you into monsters, yet you both have human hearts and in the end, they’ve been broken. 
You’re both terrified and wounded. You’re aware of it as much as he is. Yet you stay in your respective corners of the room, hesitant to approach the other. How would you even go about it? You don’t trust your voice not to break and it’s hard to breathe without choking as is, so talking is out of question. 
You don’t want to approach him physically either. Somehow it’d feel awkward to hug him now, to hold his hand or even just put a hand on his shoulder, despite knowing that perhaps the whole situation would clear out more quickly if you were close enough to feel each other’s body. It’s hard to stay mad with somebody if you can feel their warmth, smell their soothing scent and remember everything you’ve been through so far. But that’s not possible right now.
Or you could get away from the room, from the apartment, take a walk and cool down. Maybe that would be the best for both of you, if not for the fact that both of you are too emotional right now, too sensitive and not in the right state of mind. Experience taught you that if one of you leaves after the argument, the other can’t help but think that it’s the end and the person they’ve loved the most is not returning. Perhaps you could go out together and walk in silence, but the whole affair of putting on shoes together, grabbing your jackets in unison wouldn’t feel right when done in frustration, not accompanied by the loving looks and soft conversation.
So all that’s left is the tense silence and hesitant looks, chests heaving with heavy breaths.
In the end, Hwiyoung caves in first and stalks out of the bedroom, gaze directed firmly to the ground. He’s going to be in the living room, most likely curled on the couch, bawling, and it hurts you even more but you don’t have the strength anymore and so you too curl down on the bed and cry your eyes out.
It must be hours later because the room is much darker now and you feel like you’re having a really bad hangover. The tears are dried on your cheeks and you realize you must’ve fallen asleep. It’s hardly surprising, considering how worn out you felt after the fight.
Memories are slowly coming back to you and you wince at them, at the damage you’ve both caused. You’re not sure how you are supposed to even look at him after everything, but you know you need to - because while you might be feeling like the worst person alive and be afraid to come out of the room in case you bump into him, you know he’ll be feeling too guilty to move and will keep blaming and destroying himself and you can’t stand that.
You open the door softly and make your way to the living room just as quietly. As you’ve expected, he’s there, curled under a blanket, hugging a pillow. His fluffy hair is a mess around his face. You know he’s awake because his back tenses as you come closer. If you weren’t feeling this beaten already, it would stab at your heart, but you’re too tired of fighting and feeling like shit and you suppose he must be too.
You sit down at the edge of the couch, hand gently reaching out to comb through his messy, tangled locks. “May I?” you ask and you feel him nod before he starts shifting, putting the pillow he was hugging away and scooting to the wall to make space for you. He raises the blanket to invite you to lie down next to him and you gratefully accept.
You lay your head down on his arm and he brings you closer to him, his second arm around your waist. You hug him back, nuzzling into his neck. You stay like that for a moment, getting used to being this close again, touching and being touched.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs into your hair, barely audible.
“I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean it - any of it,” you apologize as well. Just thinking about the horrible things you’ve told him could make you cry again.
“Same here,” he sighs, pulling you closer, “Let’s never fight again, please? I hate it.” He begs and you nod even before he finishes the sentence. It’s an impossible promise, but you need it anyway.
“Same here, let’s never do it again,” you repeat after him.
Leaning against the doorframe, you watch him stare out of the window, his eyes following the raindrops chasing each other across the glass. He’s been spacing out a lot lately. On days like this, he doesn’t even notice when you come home until you make an attempt to get his attention. You see the guilt in his smile each time that happens, but you can’t feel upset. After all, you’re nervous too.
You decide you’ve watched him enough and join him on the sofa, startling him slightly. There it is again - the guilty smile and soft apology. You shake your head, reminding him that he doesn’t need to apologize and climb into his lap. It catches him by surprise, but you can see he’s happy about the new position. His hands are around your waist almost immediately, securely holding you close. You comb your fingers through his hair, helping him relax before you speak.
“We’ll handle this, okay?” you tell him softly, “It’s not the first time, and it’s not the last time. I’ll still be here when you come back.” You try to be as reassuring as possible but you know he’s going to be stubborn and worried no matter what you do.
“I know, but I’m gonna be away for months, baby,” he sighs, nuzzling into your chest, ear right above your heart. “I will miss you,” he confesses softly, “And you’ll miss me too and it’s just not fair to make you wait for me like that.” You let your hand fall from his hair to his face, gently stroking his cheek.
“I knew what I’m getting myself into when we started dating. And you did everything you could to stop me, remember?” you tease him, pinching his cheek lightly. He whines, but ultimately ends up chuckling too at the memory. 
“I guess I was too hard on you, but it still wasn’t enough,” he ponders with a smile. Your hand returns to his hair, scratching over his scalp.
“Yeah, so don’t worry so much, okay? Besides, we'll keep in touch. We’ll text each other, we’ll call and facetime, it’s not that bad,” you try to encourage him but he shakes his head against you.
“I won’t be here to hold you,” he complains softly, “And I won’t be here when you’ll be having a hard time.” You sigh, kissing the top of his head.
“Love, you’re always here for me. I don’t need you to be physically present to feel reassured, okay? And it goes the other way around too. I won’t be there when you’ll be struggling either, or when you feel lonely and want to cuddle,” you try to explain.
“I’ll have hyungs to cuddle with,” he chuckles suddenly, making you laugh too. 
“Okay, so you get all sulky on me because you’re worried about making me wait for you and all that and yet you’re replacing me before you even left? Ouch, Youngkyun, ouch,” you scold him dramatically.
“I was joking, you know I only like to cuddle with you,” he whines in protest but it’s too late, the damage has been done.
“No, no, I understand, let me just text them to cuddle you as much as possible because you just can’t wait-” as soon as you start reaching for your phone, he takes advantage of your position and throws you onto the sofa, towering above you with a cute pout. You chuckle at him, giving up and inviting him back into your arms again. He gladly lies down on top of you, nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You let him rest for a bit before speaking up again. 
“My point is, Kyun, that everything will be alright. I don’t mind waiting for you, and I will love you all the same when you return,” you reassure him again and he nods against your skin.
“And I will love you,” he sighs, “I just don’t wanna be without you.”
“Well, I think you should enjoy it. Once we’re old you won’t have to travel all the time and will get to live a relatively normal life, and then you’ll be stuck with me all day every day,” you joke but you feel him smile with fondness, and not amusement.
“I think I’m really looking forward to that,” he whispers, pressing a kiss against your collarbone.
You stay quiet after that, even he slowly relaxes and in the end you spend a nice afternoon together, full of laughter and sharing kisses. You don’t know what it is about the image of growing old with him that makes you so calm and happy, but as long as he feels the same way, you decide not to analyze it too much.
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babysubinnie · 3 years
anything but a rebound // kim youngkyun (hwiyoung) - requested
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👼 pairing:: kim youngkyun (hwiyoung) x reader 👼 genre:: fluff, angst (ish) 👼 based on this anon::  i really love all ur writings! i saw that u whipped for hwiyoung sf9 😏. can i request about him please? he whipped me too 👍 👼 summary:: going through a breakup is hard but when the person to help you out of the breakup is your one and only ult bias hwiyoung, something is bound to happen. especially when there’s alcohol involved. 
that night, the person that i didn't ever want to leave my side, the person that was there for me since the very beginning had told me that he didn't want to see me anymore. my boyfriend for at least 5 years. i had both earbuds in as i walked down the hallway to the vending machines, taking a quick look at the options. no alcohol. but why would they have alcohol at a hotel vending machine? as i was standing in front of the vending machine i realized i had no makeup on. well actually, i cried it all off, then wiped it off. my eyes were swollen and i had no protection if i were to bump into a cute guy.
"do you need a drink?" i leaned up against the machine and someone stood in front of me. i was staring at the ground thinking about what i could do right now. i looked up to meet eyes with sf9's hwiyoung. i didn't know what to do. i was in the middle of the hotel hallway with hwiyoung, not to mention I looked like complete shit.
"yes." i nodded biting my lip avoiding all eye contact because i was insanely embarrassed. there was nothing more embarrassing than this. i was going to their concert tomorrow. TOMORROW. that was the only reason i stayed at the hotel for the night so i could go to the concert the next day.
he looked around to see if there was anyone around and grabbed my wrist pulling me into his room. chani was in the room and i automatically ran into the bathroom. i almost screamed because chani was in the room, chani and hwiyoung are both my biases since forever and now you’re telling me i’m in the same room as both of them.
"who was that? you didn’t tell me you had a girl?" he screamed before walking over to where i was and leaned his head on the door frame smirking at me. he looked me up and down putting his hands in his pockets before turning to look at hwiyoung who was opening the fridge.
"she's not that pretty though. she's pretty but not that pretty." he commented while looking at hwiyoung before turning to look me up and down again. my mouth dropped open and i walked over to him stopping when we were shoulder to shoulder.
"you're not that good looking either." i shrugged scoffing then walked over to hwiyoung who was sitting on the bed. chani turned around laughing before rolling his eyes. why in the world would I say that to the world's most gorgeous maknae?
"i'm going over to rowoon. you guys are boring me already. nice meeting you hwiyoung’s girlfriend.” he smirked then took a bottle of soju before walking out of the room.
"sit." hwiyoung smiled at me opening the soju bottle before handing it to me. as i took it out of his hand, i bit my lip and sat down next to him. in all my years of stanning sf9, i never would have thought that i would be drinking with one of the members.
"you're an idol but you have this much alcohol in your room? are you trying to get in trouble?" i sounded like a mom but honestly i was just trying to make conversation. the only reason i said this was because he brought out a case of soju and put it on chani’s bed. i looked at him with wide eyes while he laughed.
"you know me well." he rolled his eyes replying to me sarcastically before taking a bottle for himself and two shot glasses handing one to me. i laughed shaking my head bringing the bottle to my lips. his eyes widened as he watched me chug majority of the bottle.
"exactly. what if i was a stalker that was waiting for one of you guys to come out?" i shrugged putting the bottle in my lap glancing up at him to see what his reaction to my comment would be. he rolled his eyes not even bothering to look up at me taking a shot.
"you clearly aren't." he shrugged while i continued to drink straight out of the bottle because i definitely didn't expect him to reply with that. after that, he didn’t ask me why i was drinking this much or if i was okay.
"and just like that you know me that well huh?" i started to giggle and i leaned back onto the bed on my elbows still keeping eye contact with him. we then just started talking, and drinking and eventually we were so drunk that we didn't even know what we were talking about. the rest of the night was a blur.
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i woke up to two arms holding me tightly with his hands rested at my waist. i looked up and it was hwiyoung. i fucking fell asleep in hwiyoung's arms. kim youngkyun. from sf9. i was just as shocked as i was last night when he found me standing in the middle of the hallway. i tried to get out of bed but i couldn’t because his grip was too strong. my head was pounding and i felt like i was dying.
i looked over at hwiyoung and he looked so peaceful sleeping there. i went through all of the events that happened to make sure i didn't do anything bad. it all started with me in the hallway, then he brought me to his room, chani was called me pretty but not really, and we drank. that was it. i didn't remember anything else. just as i was about to get out of the bed as a second try, but hwiyoung grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his arms.
"this is the first time that i've gotten to hold a girl like this. let me hold you for longer." he wrapped both arms around me and held me tight. my heart fluttered at every word that he said. i nodded into the crook of his neck smiling to look up at him after nodding.
"y/n, i won't treat you like your boyfriend did. i'll treat you like a princess. i'm never going to let you go." he pulled away to look at my face and as i made eye contact with him, i blushed bright red. he smiled before pressing his lips to mine then moving to hover over top of me to kiss me again.
"hwiyoung!" all 8 boys slammed the door open and invaded the room before they froze in one spot when they saw the two of us in bed together.
"holy shit, chani did they sleep together?" youngbin laughed with zuho while looking at chani. embarrassing as this situation was, i covered myself with the blanket peeking at hwiyoung who was just as embarrassed but still confident. he laughed and pulled the blanket off to show just my eyes.
"how would I know? i was with rowoon all night." chani laughed shrugging after glancing at the two of us winking at me in the process. i scoffed remembering what he had said to me last night.
"glad you went-" just as hwiyoung was about to expose the two of us, i covered his mouth telling him to cut it out before i realized that i had just shut hwiyoung up so i covered myself with the blanket again to hide from my ults, but i heard hwiyoung laughing from outside the blanket. this man is going to kill me.
"they're so cute. i ship." inseong laughed to taeyang while the hwiyoung was still trying to lift the blanket off of me. i took the blanket down so you could only see my eyes, and i was looking at sf9. this was real. i glanced at hwiyoung and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"all 9 members are here in the same room as you. you won't get this chance again, baby."
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onef1lm · 3 years
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“don’t you dare take another step.” you yell, voice shaky from the tears you spilled earlier.
your boyfriend was about to risk his life again trying to protect you. with the previous one resulting in him being in a coma for 4 days, you weren’t letting him have his way anymore.
he looks at your fragile state, eyes puffy and reflecting the fear you felt of losing him. hwiyoung is almost convinced to stay, but he remembers the promise he made to himself.
“i’m sorry, love. we were supposed to have a quiet life, i’m afraid my past won’t let me. i promise i’ll come back, safe and sound.”
you both know he was lying. yet you lie to yourself, praying that he’ll be safe. hwiyoung walks over and embraces you tightly, kissing your forehead.
he leaves quietly, similar to how he leaves you a few hours later.
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
City of Major
Summary: Major Yoo Taeyang makes every excuse he can to see you, he likes you but unknowingly, he has also fallen into a plan intricately crafted by you and Captain Kim Youngkyun
Genre: Mystery au? [Warnings: descriptions of anxiety (fear of death; recurrent traumatic memories and cues for them to resurface whether verbal or situational; repulsion towards an individual concerning sex + the individual's involvement in a sexual crime but not the principle offender), mentions of guns, death (murder and death of another team, many witnesses), sexual assault (also referred to as rape) and physical assault (refers to the physical assault as a punishment, implications of reinforcing hierarchy in a derogatory manner) references to being dispatched in the military, result of civil wars/indirect reference to poverty]; Fluff-flu; smut (so brief that if you blink, you'll miss it)
Characters: Yoo Taeyang x reader x Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, refer to here for more; For more SF9, read here, for iKON, read here and for optional bias writings, read here
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As he steps outside the building and slips past the guard, the cool air becomes his. He adorns a striped shirt with subtle colours so that he does not stand out particularly in the dark, except for the occasional illumination by the streetlights over- head. His steps are light, careful not to alert the two people ahead, in this case, he makes sure to tread lightly. One eye is out on his surroundings, for stray animals or motorbikes. A third carefully watches him from the back, smiling at the unknown.
There's nothing in sight, at least for the next metre or so. Youngkyun's first time following a pair just so happens to be the two of you. One of the two is Major Yoo Taeyang, not forever defined by his numerous accomplishments but by his dutiful services to the military. The second of the two is you, never sought-after despite your unlawfulness, but penned by your achievements towards the community.
Now that Youngkyun's been drafted to this base- coincidental occurrences, not anything that either he or the Major would wish for, he can tell the truth. Some people will believe him like the higher-ups who have let their doubts about the Major's reports fester for months but wave at him when they see him. Ruthless killer. Others will doubt but come around. There's nothing Youngkyun can do now, but sit and wait on his pot of gold.
For every moment that he remains in the proximity of a place that worships an individual such as the Major, Youngkyun is reminded, very frequently of what he had to undergo whilst he was taking orders from him. He's close when you and the Major pause, right in the middle of the street as if you have done this many times before, automatically, with no fear of being interrupted. Then again, it is the place itself. It is deserted for miles with boundless high-rise buildings. Youngkyun slips into a dark corner, watching you from there. It's the side entrance to one of the buildings, two staircases to navigate in the dark.
Your safety has been on his mind since the first time you've been involved, with him, in this plan. Except him, everyone is in the right place. He is supposed to be in bed, snoring to the lull of soothing dreams. But when he remembered what was occurring today, his eyes snapped open with a blurry view of his ceiling. Half asleep and just like that, he got out of his bed and dressed in a hurry, not bothering to question the rationality of his actions.
His eyes squint to make out the figures, looking away when they meet, connecting their lips in the dark of the night. They pull apart and exchange something, most likely words of affirmation. Guiltily, he begins to move when they do. He pulls back, slithering back into the unlit corner. Further down, away from the figures, close to Youngkyun, he sees an automatic light perk on from the corner of his eyes. There are no alleyways either. So, there is someone else behind him.
Youngkyun sighs, he can't move unless whoever's following him does. He looks both ways, making sure that he doesn't lose the direction you headed in or get caught in a two-way intersection with the person behind him. Ahead is an alleyway, narrow and enclosed by two large green bins with black tops. Youngkyun makes a run for them. He looks behind as he runs, twice turning his head in caution before slipping into the small space.
He sighs when he gets there, he's locked. The bins are against the wall and he's standing in between them. It feels like he's floating, an obvious interpretation because although little light catches his figure, anybody could see him. 'I'm not great at this'., he thinks, racking his head for a solution. The figures now disappear out of sight. Not being able to crouch or look past the wall, he turns his attention to the figure that was following him.
You've left, he sighs. He also takes two steps back, quickly, out of extreme caution, instinctively raising his hands. A figure clutches the gun with both their hands, pointing it at his face. Their posture is relaxed, far from the average- not bent at the knees or directing a glare at Youngkyun. There's real fear that fills his system, freezing his legs to the ground and hands at the side, unable to reach for his gun. A hand pats his trousers and it's taken away.
The fear is much more prominent now, clutching Youngkyun's throat, squeezing it. It's more of a tug than a squeeze. A figure, enshrouded in black emerges from behind, swaying a little as it makes its way to oblivious Youngkyun. It presses into the tufts of his hair and touches the scalp. ''Don't move'' a scruffy voice says from behind him, walking to the front where Youngkyun can see him. The figure that made himself apparent never leaves his gun's aim on Youngkyun’s tummy when he clamours Youngkyun's pockets for any weapons that he may be carrying.
Youngkyun's throat runs dry and his fingers begin to tremble. He looks at the figure in front, not tearing his eyes off him. They finish, chuckling as they pocket his weaponry, only weaponry.
The one on the left has black hair, brown eyes, and wears a skin tight shirt, made from the material of gym clothes along with cargo trousers. Youngkyun knows who he is, by face not by personality. He tailed Youngkyun and his group- peeking from behind buildings, on foot rather than in a car. Everybody wanted to see the husband of an undercover cop that day. They have contacts everywhere, from the owner of the restaurant in the building to the guard sitting inside, payment to the gang in the area perhaps.
Youngkyun can take the two but is outnumbered by weapons. The figure on the right is unknown to him. His dark circles are prominent, uniform worn-out, maybe from a recent mission. Youngkyun had heard of it but they could not track them. 'Or maybe that isn't it', Youngkyun thinks. The figure is bulky and imposes his presence by towering over Youngkyun's one point seven nine metre frame. He has a scar on his chest, a diagonal line, peeking out from his shirt and an unshaven beard.
''Come with us, our-'' the one on the left speaks.
''Why'd you search me?'', Youngkyun asks.
''Formality. Our boss wishes to speak to you, over.. certain misunderstandings.''
''What misunderstandings?''
''Over Major Yoo Taeyang's report, from the next state over.'' he said, whispering the last bit.
''I can't give you that information, details are confidential.'' Youngkyun says, pushing the most terrible of memories away. They came first.
''You murdered that reporter didn't you?'' he says, predetermined, rehearsed, as if he knew that they would come to this point.
Youngkyun feels a slight chill run through his hands in the warm, damp air of the night. Sweat clouds his back, staining his top in various places. He feels cold, his blood freezing. They sound so convinced about it.
''Come on, soldier'' the one on the right impatiently grabs Youngkyun's hand, hustling him forward. He's stopped by the one on the left.
Pulling his hand from the bulky man's grasp, Youngkyun states, ''You have some misunderstandings as well. That man is dead not because of me.''
The man makes a face as if he has heard everything he needs to. ''You have all the reason in the world to deny it. Let's go.'' he says.
The gun pointed at his torso, an easy angle to just pull the trigger is only out of sight when Youngkyun sits in the car. It's classy, a contrast to the two men.
They are efficient but not by much of the standard. From hasty steps behind him to the accidental flickering of the light, everything was predictable, save for the man hiding in the pitch black of the alley. Neither of them caught him flinching then.
''You'll meet her.'' the driver says, he was the one on the left of medium height and novice, almost- professional with this new experience. Youngkyun jumps at the word her. The driver chuckles, ''Slow down, she's not enthusiastic to see you.''.
The bulky man sitting next to him speaks up, ''Just a formality.''.
Youngkyun repeats the words, staring out of the window.
The driver drops the passengers off outside a dark blue building, decorated with luxurious apartments. A ground floor apartment's lights are on and people are moving about, happily dancing and giggling to music that can be heard by Youngkyun and the ruffian man.
The two pause to stare at the scene, Youngkyun is unimpressed, motivated by other feelings but the other guy is in mock awe. They press on, the guy says nothing all the way up the three flights of stairs. They pass by an elevator each time but make no move to use it. Easier to run away if they were being shot at.
You sit in the apartment, taking in a deep, good breath after hastily preparing for Youngkyun's arrival. Youngkyun knew you way before you were indoctrinated into your family's business. You were stubborn, righteous and had a few sets of rules that you lived by, no matter what. You were also justice-loving, ironic given that your family's business wasn't selling groceries or something, it was one of gangs in the area.
Youngkyun knew that Yoo Taeyang wanted to use your family. But that's as far as he knew. It was only half the story. If you were not going to use Taeyang back, you would not hesitate to shoot him. You wouldn't kill him to honour one of your principles. That did not mean that you wouldn't harm him towards the point of death.
You proved yourself with all the experience your family could provide you with. You knew that Taeyang was climbing up ranks in his head and trying to make it reality too, by buying off your family. It went from little stocks in the business to sleeping with you, every time he had a day off. He wasn't a bad guy either, just a little narcissist with twisted values from his father.
He insisted that he had good intentions. But people committed the worst crimes in humanity with their good intentions.
The figure nodded to you, leaving Youngkyun at the door. Youngkyun was relieved to see you but that went away quite quickly. Much more was what you were wearing, night clothes. Lace loose at the shoulders fell shortly below your buttocks, another strip tied around your waist. You left the door open and turned to the living room.
He shut the door behind him, locking it, taking his shoes off and admiring the open space. There was very little in the middle except for an antique glass table on a large, comfortable rug. Plush red sofas with jewels embedded in the handles stood out against the wall, two tall glass cupboards filled with ornaments and foreign gifts from around the world were placed in the corners.
You sat on one side of the glass table with your back against the sofas while Youngkyun took the opposite, crossing his legs and placing his hands firmly on his knees. His breath stopped short when you raised your arms to remove your hair tie, letting hair fall all over your shoulders.
You noticed his eyes following your movements. You chuckled, ''What do I have for you? Is that your question.''
''Uh-yes, yes it is.'', he says, clearing his throat.
You chuckle, wondering why this nervous behaviour of his. ''Is your behaviour flighty because of those men?'', you question.
''Yes you should stop doing that. It scares me every time.'' he says, with more confidence, leaning on his palms.
''I'm sorry, maybe next time.'', you say, carefully taking into account his anxiety. ''You weren't supposed to be there today.'' you continue.
Why were you there? is the question.
''I've made my mind up. The recording? Push the date up further, today. I'll do it today.'' Youngkyun almost rambles on. He'll kill two birds with one stone today.
''You don't-'' you start. He really doesn't have to. He should take his time and prepare.
''I have to, you should now. The full story.''
You sigh, ''come with me.'', standing up and walking in the direction of your room.
Youngkyun walks past you to inspect the room, purely out of instinct. You motion with your hand and tell him to do as he pleases before he turns to you and apologises. He had this right. A surge of anxiousness overcomes him, for many reasons.
Youngkyun had been with you before and you had been there, to see him break multiple laws. Him. You were a middle ground, neither here nor there or a grey area between your rival gang and the police. You knew snippets of what Youngkyun had been through on his missions under Yoo Taeyang. You needed to hear the full perspective from him. From someone who had observed and been through it all.
Youngkyun knows that you want to help him. Nothing of semblance to push his anxiety further down the edge, like hidden cameras or audio equipment, the newest probably hidden somewhere, in something easy to look over like an ornament.
You had no ornaments in the room, except for the paintings. Painted by you, having taken over hours and hours to complete, to reach that stage of luxury. Taking a seat to calm his spinning head, he faintly clutches the rich covers underneath. They give him warmth, which he doesn't need in this weather and the urge to fall asleep on them.
You haven't moved from your place behind him, watching him search the place with inquisitive, trained eyes, meant to detect things. ''It's safe here'' you are soft about it, trying to encourage him, coax it out of him.
''He will go to jail.'', he says after a pause.
''Evidence?'', it can't be circumstantial.
''Eyewitness testimony.''
''Who?''. He is one of the witnesses.
''Can't say now.'', protecting them.
''What did he do?''. Another way of asking, How did he do it? Earn his rank plus the commendation of his seniors?
You sit next to him, holding a recorder in your hand, urging him to say it again as you begin. ''Major Yoo was the one who sent those soldiers to stop the raid of a gang on the resources held at another base. They expected them to be armed but they did not expect them to know that they were coming.''
''Where was this?''
''Past the front entrance of South Central, two blocks down.''. It didn't mean anything to you.
''Did he give those orders himself?''
''That he did.'', a preamble to all of Taeyang's troubles.
''What happened to those soldiers, Captain?''
''They died, we have reason to believe that they were ambushed. A reporter working in the area colluded with the gang, soldiers- ten individuals sent there to stop the attack on a high status official. Presumably a raid on the base's resources, had tons of it all stacked and going nowhere, not to the hungry people in the village. Major must have not known, none of them made it back because of the information he had shared with the reporter. The failure was the result of planning irresponsibly.''
''He must have changed his report when he realised his mistake. They noticed so many people missing and investigations were open for quite some time. But Taeyang's elaborate, smart as hell, first reason he got that position, that and his capabilities in the field, calm and composed. He reported it differently, worded it in a way that allowed him to evade responsibility. It was premature, they didn't have enough information to go in in the first place but they were still sent.''.
Easier to control his wrong-doings from there, once you are high in status, people will come for you. Being high-status is also the fastest way to lose your job, if you aren't careful, you think. It is one of the cautions you are aware of as a leader.
''He's done it before.''. Youngkyun thinks. He isn't actively working on this case. They need a draft, someone to summarise it up. Surely they have asked other members of Youngkyun's team to do the same. Investigations into the Major have been conducted for sometime now. It is only now that they made themselves apparent.
''Done what?''. The closer you get to the truth, the harder it is to ask him questions. Especially given the fact that you were new to this. You didn't know what questions to ask. You wish he would just tell you everything, straight up.
''Frame someone else for his mistakes, must give him immense anxiety.''
''Anything is relevant right now.''.
''When I was under his orders, he made the mistake of replacing a code book. Going out would make it look like our country was in a pretence to the other, they had a contract or something. It was burned when we got it back, he was let off, save for his assistant.'', he clenched his teeth about. You knew about this.
''Pinned it on him?''
''I don't even know if that's possible. He had officials gloss over their reports, to cover for him because of what they believe he can achieve. To escape like that, he murdered once and he'll do it again, trust me.''
''Murder?''. You held back any visible frustrations now. Pushing him would gain nothing. ''Anything else?''
''He let go of a man from the same place as where the soldiers were killed. Committed sexual assault and homicide but Major let go of him.''
''Why is that Captain?'', you said, horrified, already unsettled, finicky, nervous at the hair tips.
''The man was protected by the gang- high in status, high enough for them to intervene and protect a life. Major could not start a war so he cut a deal, 'let go of the village and they'll release him'. All went well.''. Ironic for them to protect a life. Could it hint that there were discrepancies in the leadership?, you ask yourself but don't say anything about it.
''It's not out jurisdiction if the individual is not from here.''
''oh, but she is, was, the head of the resistance group, dual-nationality.''
''That's a lot of things to tie him for.'' you murmur, sighing at the boat-load of information.
''Tie him?'' he asks, curious. Are you considering punishing the Major by the law?, he thinks. You always did say that the law moves slower than it should.
There is no answer from you. You want to deny his question that you know he is currently asking. You could give it a try, again.
''Why were the resources held up?'', you continue.
''Take control of the resources y/n, take control of the village. Probably used it as leverage but not sure what. They don't have a lot to offer but the gang does, information on other gangs. Taking other's out would risk them gaining more power and we couldn't have that.''
''You think Taeyang has something to do with this?''
''He doesn't run the tide on that, his friend does, childhood friend. But you can't assume that she's going to help him, I know her and she wouldn't. She's got a mole in camp.''
''We'll have to come back to that.''. Human nature. It isn't even in your intention to come back to this topic. You want to know.
''I'll find out about it.''. It's a place to start, to wrap the mission up in bow tie and send it off.
''Don't get yourself into danger.'', you say, genuine about it and eager to prove him wrong. He thinks that you could care less about him. The like has always been there.
He nods, resting his head in his palms, elbows digging into his thighs. He takes your advice to heart. At this moment, he finds it harder than ever to separate you in his world from his profession. He wants you but how does he tell you about it?
''If you knew and you yourself did not die- were there groups?''
''Three, back up and because the villages are huge too. More soldiers means that work can be carried out in a time efficient manner. I wasn't in their group, one day- a day after the first four weeks were over they came and told us. They relayed the news, ''They're dead''. It was so professional, they answered the how's. It hurt y/n, it hurt all over. I wasn't in the same group as them but I ate with them, joked with them, worked with them outside of our team, together. We are one team less, y/n, one team less. That was a lot for us to think about, compartmentalise but we didn't have enough time to do it. We ended up covering for them, breaking our backs, taking orders while some bullshit went on in the background.'' Youngkyun ends it frustrated, referring to the rape and the injustice that that man was let go. Tears rim his eyes, he clenches his fists at the thoughts, recounting those painful memories.
You grasp his hand, soothingly running your finger over the clenched skin, waiting for him to relax before you pull yourself closer and take him into your arms. He tries his best not to cry right there. He lets go of his tense posture and snuggles into the warmth you have to offer which you take as a good sign.
You find yourself unhappy for him, pained rather. That he holds all of that, in there, this sensitive guy with un-coped, heavy amounts of emotional trauma at the back of his head. You feel for him. You run your fingers through his hair and kiss the side of his head, letting him go to sit up straight.
You want to say something but nothing is to be said. Words are meaningless right now. You sit in silence for some time, enduring the harsh humidity that makes your skin dry, waiting for him to snap out of it- everything, when he is ready.
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'Let's go!'' Sanghyuk would have said, pulling Major Yoo towards the restaurant to ease the awkwardness they felt with him. Lee Sanghyuk was one of the few soldiers killed in the blast of gang members and weapons. Taeyang tries his best not to think about it. Better profile for lying, he thinks.
He walks alone to meet a different correspondent. The staff politely greet him but turn their heads down and ignore him. Perhaps they have heard the nasty rumours about him. He finds you sitting on the far side, right in the corner, wedged in a seat for two and he smiles brightly. He can't tell if he really likes you or not, lines are beginning to blur. Some things are just not part of the plan.
He greets you, wrapping his arms around you in a loving embrace. ''You visited! Is this your first time at the base?'', he asks. You like to think that he's put a lot of effort into this relationship. Sometimes you like to think that he sits on his bed at night, runs over the conversations he's had with you and picks apart little details. You find it humorous. But it's a real possibility.
He loves your lips, especially when they touch his skin. He lingers over yours, pressing softly, feeling you for the first time this afternoon. Your hand curiously travels his uniform when he pecks your cheeks, your neck. You know where this is going.
He swoops in for your lips, taking you by surprise. Again?, he thinks. Delectably, he wonders why. He thinks of nothing; his groin stirs. ''Do you want me to show you around? Or go home?'' he whispers.
Your coffee, not touched at all, full to the hilt, is left there. It's a short walk to your car. He tugs you along, looking back and smiling, very obviously excited. The next question is car or home? He walks faster than normal, something callous is on his mind.
Pretence or not, in this relationship, the both of you want something out of it. His motive is far more clearer than yours. That's what Youngkyun had also asked you, ''What'd you want out of this thing, with him?''. It was hard to explain. You wanted almost nothing and you were not stuck so why were you here?
He takes you home, yours more specifically. It's in the same building as the apartment that Youngkyun had visited but a couple of floors away. If he was to find you, he would look in the wrong place, not ever knowing that you were nearby. In the elevator, upwards, he firmly clutches your waist. You try to squirm out of his gasp. It's the moment of truth. About the man that he let away, it comes to mind and you are repulsed.
You feel the need to get away from him. He's behind, slipping his arms around your waist, feeling your tummy, pressing kisses of air at your neck and you can't take it. You endure it all the way up, occasionally cracking a smile, hoping he's not going to ask about the gloom on your face on the ride up. You'll answer his questions, but not his arguments.
The doors open, without a hitch or some noise, closing away when you step into the extra bright sunshine that decorates the hallway floor and it's walls. Your mood is ruined but his? Strong and going on. He tugs you to your apartment, flashing back a smile which credit is due, momentarily makes you smile. The feeling his smile evokes is temporary, replaced by visual flashes of what he must have done.
You push them away, cautious enough on your feet to alert yourself of what he has done. You have distance because you never saw it with your own eyes. They were not your family members, nor your friends or distant relatives. You have to hand him over to Captain Kim but not whilst torturing yourself in the process.
''Let's go'' he says in a genuine tone of voice. You are surprised and have to remind yourself. Anticipation builds up, creeps into your skin with goose-bumps or tiny tremors, maybe only tiny to you. You chuckle and throw a smile that you hope looks like one, entering your apartment. ''The chapter can close here if you want too'' Youngkyun had asked you, out of concern for your well-being. He had told you what he had to, the same disgustingly gruesome but life-changing details as on the night the two of you had recorded it.
It would be given to them, the team consisting of high-ranking members, higher than the Major, someone that Youngkyun and his team know and trust, enough to find something in their investigative line into Taeyang's immoral doings. Youngkyun knows that he can't hide it anymore. He will be punished for holding back information. However, you will always admire his efforts to save his team and pull through, even when under the harsh gaze of secrecy that threatened to break their backs.
Taeyang doesn't miss the shadow of the figure sitting on the sofa as you kick off your shoes and enter the apartment. He's not shaken, just walking in like you'd walk into a store or something, curious. That is all. Kyun has confidence, the one that had been previously broken down. That estimation of how far in the future Taeyang will be behind bars as opposed to the confidence in Taeyang which he has none of.
Taeyang looks back, not as menacing as the manner in which you thought he would appear. He smiles. Like a knowing kind of smile. It makes your shiver from behind the counter. Kyun is closer to Taeyang than Taeyang is to you. Kyun could reach over the table if he attempted something. It could turn into a fight and he would be off with you- for negotiation or worse, since neither of them had weapons.
Which is why you choose the kitchen. It's open, giving you a view of both of them and contains all the objects you can turn into weapons in one place. It's also close to the front door. You could reach it in a couple of steps. If you ran fast enough. Taeyang is silently thinking as he pulls a chair and seats it opposite Youngkyun with only the barrier of the coffee table in between.
Taeyang smiles. You can see the curve of his cheekbones rise, even from behind him. He's not threatened, that's for sure. There is no hint of exasperation present. He moves to say something but doesn't, anything could give him away but none would be enough to implicate him. Some sort of unrivalled anger is provoked within you at that thought.
It's painful to watch this. They stay silent, waiting for the other to speak or maybe they have some unspoken agreement to stay like this. Placing all the weight of your palms on the marble countertop, you shift to the other foot, easing the pain you feel from standing. Youngkyun momentarily leaves his focus from Taeyang to look at you. He sees frustrated eyes but misses the look in Taeyang's.
There's a splodge of anxiety that belittles Taeyang. It nags at him for letting a loose end like Youngkyun onto the base, save for the fact that he has no control over that. Then it is for letting Youngkyun run his mouth. When you are in a position so high, people just wait for a chance to grab you down. He feels furious towards Youngkyun but also understanding. There is conflict. But eventually, the growing resentment wins.
When Youngkyun loses focus, out of concern when he hears you sigh, Taeyang stops thinking. He takes it as a moment of opportunity. It can't save him, but it can make him feel better. Seeping violence in and dismantling his opponent when at their weakest is what he was trained to do. That kind of mindset isn't trained but forced, coerced upon in circumstances of extreme danger and high mortality rate.
It's so fast. So sudden, in fact, too sudden. In your eyes, Taeyang gets up, only half way. His knees are still bent when he leans across the table, not by much. And swings a crack at Youngkyun's face. More specifically his jaw. The area between his ear and chin, not landing completely on the cheek. You don't see Youngkyun wring back.
First is a sound, a groan like the time he had come to you. He was bleeding from a fight, the closest place to come, he had said at the time but now, it is less worse. Your breath hitches. Perhaps you've been holding your breath for so long. You aren't sure. Taeyang could go feral, you aren't sure of that either.
You begin to take a step back. Only a second or two or three later, Youngkyun reels from the shock of being hit. He sits upright, fuming internally, displaying stern patience. His face is almost expressionless, save for the occasional unclenching of the jaw that was hit. He doesn't instantly react, waiting. You don't know what to think.
It’s like a power move, for Taeyang to put Youngkyun in his place before Taeyang would be sent to a worse form of hell, one below dignity for him. Like a punishment, you deserve more than this but this is all I can give you, Taeyang said in other words. Youngkyun reacts instantly when Taeyang gets up with his legs straight and feet tipped in the direction of the door.
He wouldn't run but he could come for you. You had feared it and now, it is about to come true. Youngkyun looks at you as he stands up, telling Taeyang, ''Don't do it.''. Taeyang instead chuckles, disarming Youngkyun, ''I'll walk''. Just then, as Taeyang hits the last syllable, soldiers arrive. Straight through the door. You hadn't heard the lock turning or boots thudding in the hallway.
First sight of them has Taeyang gritting his teeth. He complies, like a mouse in a game of chase. It burns him. He complies, seething at Youngkyun who chuckles. After he leaves, Youngkyun takes a seat, dropping his head into arms. He sighs, partly in relief, partly in the party that had just begun and maybe because, the bigger part of his deal was to keep Taeyang away from you.
You are stuck there. Where you chose to stand and where you are standing now. You try to move, to go to Youngkyun but it feels like Taeyang could burst through the door at any moment. In the face-to-face sense, you didn't know what Taeyang could do. Youngkyun senses it when you don't move. He expects the shuffling of footsteps but not absolute silence.
He gets up, coming to you, reaching for your hand and clasping them together. You hum, looking at him, shifting weight from one foot to the other. You try a smile, failing and then laughing at it which has him smiling too. ''You're okay, he's not coming back. That- what you saw, he can't try anything.'', he softly drops off to your listening ears, reaching to grasp your cheek and like turn-taking, you pull yourself closer to him too. He reaches for you in that moment, connecting your lips to his, softly moulding to yours.
He feels relief in letting you pour out the fear you felt, discarding it away in favour of being in arms. Letting him pick you up and take you to the sofa. Letting you gasp for breath when he lets go, placing you on the sofa with your legs on his thighs. ''I want to help you.'' he says, almost stumbling over his words to try and explain to you that he wants to help, only if you want.
He pauses after his whispers, his lips so close to yours that if you were to give a response, no matter how subtle, he'd know. You mull at his prospect, mind blank, looking like you are thinking. ''Stop asking.'' you say, so soft that it came across as a request, although feeling like a command, one stop sentence. He nods, instantly, absorbing your words, having his breath taken away by how you bring him down on your lips, knotting your fingers through his hair.
''We'll get you out of this gang, this place.'', he murmurs, sitting you down on his lap.
Taeyang could come back, there was a high chance that that event could occur. He was what? The best or second-best rumoured equal to the one in first place? With these people who you called soldiers beguiling you to stay, drawing you till you suffocated, now was the wrong time for Youngkyun's plans of staying with you.
''How? There's no way out, Kyun. They won't be so happy, to drag me back this time.'' you say, sucking in a sharp breath, fiddling with his clothes. He doesn't have a plan, at least not right now. All he wants to do is to get you away from here. Set up life somewhere else, away. The two of you don't have a plan, not yet.
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Fervent whimpers leave your lips and desperate fingers clutch tightly at the bedsheets, pleasure overwhelming your sex with the way his cock pulls out and fills you again. He's sweating, core clenching from snapping his hips against yours, absorbing every detail of your body beneath him as you ask him to let you release. The sound of skin slapping and the smell of sex coats the room. Fragrance leaks onto your inner thighs at the end but it doesn't stop him, not from kissing your lips and leaving a trail of heat all the way to your inner thighs, and repeating it, again.
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sanfl0werrr · 3 years
he thinks to himself way too often, that you’d never associate yourself with him. but more often than not, he’d found you circling around him at every moment.
which was weird to him, in fact. because when he’s with you, and when you’re with him, there’d be a never-ending argument about the most random things.
“i personally think that living forever would be disastrous,” he voiced out his opinion, “it would be… repetitive and boring.”
you raised a brow, “imagine living through history and being alive to tell the story! i think it’s amazing to see how the world changes, and of course, the things you’d learnt from experiencing two different eras.”
“but that’s the thing,” he sighed, shaking his head, “you’d have to keep adapting to changes. wouldn’t that be tiring?”
“depends on the individual, really. but if it was possible, i’d be able to have all the time to do the things i’d want.”
he saw how your eyes sparkled, and unintentionally laughed out loud.
he laughs out loud again, put his hands up in defence, “i didn’t mean to laugh that loud.”
“it’s just that, i find it funny at how we’re arguing on the most random-est topics that comes up,” he chuckled, “and why is it only us?”
deep down, he knows he’s not the hopeless romantic everyone thought he is and truth is, he didn’t even know if he could love someone as much as they loved him.
and despite knowing all that, he loved spending time with you and all the random arguments that’s involved. he loved the way you got competitive, and how your eyes lit up every time your argument won against his.
he loved them all.
you scratched your head in confusion, “was it not obvious enough?”
and you watched how his once expressionless face turns into one you couldn’t decipher. you didn’t know if he was on the same page as you.
but when he uttered a question back, you laughed to your heart’s content and were now convinced that he was, in fact, on the same page as you were.
he thinks again to himself, that you’re better off without him, but of course, more often than not, he finds you always around him, just like all those years back, where you’d always circle near him.
and again, it felt weird. because this time, he knew this couldn’t last forever and selfishly speaking, he wanted it to last forever.
“i take it back,” he suddenly confessed as he stared at you, “what i said before? i take it all back.”
“what are you talking about?” you laughed in confusion as you fold the clothes into the cabinet, “take what back?”
“that i didn’t want to live forever.”
“because if it’s with you, i want to live forever,” he breathes out as he reclines to his bed, his eyes never leaving your side.
you let out a forced laugh, “wasn’t all that just a rhetorical question?”
“then,” he continued on, “rhetorically speaking, i’d live forever with you. that’s all i need.”
you turned around and crossed your arms, not wanting to show that you were choked on tears, “i take it all back too.”
“i wouldn’t want to live forever,” you sigh in exasperation, “i don’t want to live in a world where there’s no you.”
and unintentionally, he laughed out loud.
he should have known by now, that you were the hopeless romantic in this relationship. and deep down, he knew that if it wasn’t you, he wouldn’t have loved at all.
he realised how selfish it sounds, that he’d want to live forever with you. but as a person who’s like a ticking time bomb, even if it’s a second more, he’d want to be with the person he loved most.
and he knew the moment he utter those words, the one in pain will be you, because you’d still have to continue on living with his last words haunting your mind.
that wasn’t what he wanted, not at all.
“i’m sorry for liking you,” he laughs it off, “i’m sorry for putting you through this.”
you scoff slightly in frustration, “i didn’t ask for any of this.”
and for a moment, he doubted his ears. did his hearing ability deteriorated because he was sick? and to fail at that moment?
“were you expecting me to say that? to lash out at you because you fell sick?”
he heaved a sigh of relief, “you scared me. i really thou-“
you stopped in front of him and rolled your eyes with a lopsided grin, “it’s not your fault.”
“neither of these are yours to blame.”
“we’re just two individual beings that fell in love by fate, but it seems like what’s truly destined for us are different.”
“but whatever’s ahead of us, i will worry about it when i get there. just for today, let me love you like i always have, just like i did in the beginning.”
you watched, once again, how his expressionless face turned into one you couldn’t decipher. you laughed as you held onto his hands, it felt like deja vu.
“can i love you as well?” he chuckled to his heart’s content, his eyes never leaving your side ever.
and you now knew the answer to the question he asked before, the question he uttered from the moment you confessed, “you’ve loved me enough to last me a lifetime, love.”
you let out a small laugh, basking in his presence, because who knows how long this was going to last? you and him were two beings in love with each other, but it wasn’t as if either of you could defy fate.
he saw that you were deep in thought, and decided to say something to lift the mood, “when we meet again next time, let’s argue more than we did this time.”
and you laughed, feeling dumbfounded, “you’d still want to argue next time?”
“there’s still so many topics we’ve yet to cover, and you know how it is,” he nudged you softly, smiling with a glint in his eyes.
“how what is?”
“that love grows as you fight.”
and once again you laughed, “you must have a lot of love in you, huh?”
“because the love is for you,” he let out a low chuckle, “because it’s for you, it’ll never be enough.”
“it’s overflowing even as i lay here, watching you and talking to you. even when we argue, it’s overflowing.”
“alright,” you sigh in defeat at his revelation, “you win this time round.”
“we’ll argue when we meet again. for now, let’s just stay like this. no more arguments today.”
“okay,” he voiced out sleepily, “goodnight, my love.”
“sleep well,” you whispered softly, fully knowing that your time with him was up.
it was the last ever i love you’s and the last ever goodnight.
that night together ended up being the night he went away, and you think to yourself in his stead this time.
both of you were only in love, has it always been this bittersweet?
you think to yourself again, letting yourself smile a little as you thought of him, “i’ll see you next time, my love, and in all our lives after that.”
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9h4mn · 4 years
you, who | sf9
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➞ sf9 as the type of guys you had a crush on
➞ fluff, pinning, slight! angst, unrequited love
➞ in filipino, they call it kilig and its basically like that butterfly in your stomach exploded which leaves you a flustered mess. what are some of the nine different types of guys that causes you to feel that way?
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warnings: insecurity, mentions of divorce, mentions of kidnap attempt, ghosting
the senior type
this type of crush is older by a year or two and has this sort of vibe. in school, he has this dazzling smile, kind personality, and an easy to approach demeanor
also known as this genius gentleman
you can see that he isn't like your previous crushes who were rude to you
he drinks respect women juice on the daily
at one point, he will most likely be the one who helped you in a problem regarding school
again he is easy to approach and conversations can flow so easily between the two of you
on inseong's graduating year, you had gained enough courage to try and confess to him
the plan was simple: approach him when he's free, bring him somewhere private, then confess your feelings
its simple — you thought it was simple — but things aren't that easy
of course he would end up liking her, the perfect girl and your classmate
she was beautiful, smart, kind, and tall
you can't even hate her when you want to
but you hope, even just once, that someone out there would choose you over her — its unfortunate that this someone isn't inseong
the brother's best friend type
this type of crush is someone your family has known for some time. he has also most likely saw you in your awkward phrase
don't worry the both of you have seen each other's awkward phrases
your brother always has youngbin over and if not then its your brother who is at youngbin's
they were two peas in a pod never to be separated
however, if your brother teases you too much youngbin is there to the rescue
something about how your brother shouldn't stress our sister
thats right, he had already sisterzoned you but despite that you still like him
your friends helped you in getting over him and all he had to do was smile for that wall to crumble
you were hopelessly in love with a guy who will never see you as a woman
when a few years have passed and you're already living in your college's dorm, you had received an invitation
what was it you ask? youngbin's wedding invitation and you were invited
even until the very end, he had always seen you as his little sister
the boy next door type
this type of crush is your neighbor from a much better family. of course your family is nice but they were almost like the picture perfect family
you and jaeyoon happened to be of the same age so when your parents found out they urged you to befriend him
you were lucky that jaeyoon was as sweet as he appeared to be because if he was wicked in the inside you would't have able to survive
staying over at each other's house and watching movies became your thing until jaeyoon's perfect family cracked
his father got swamped in heavy workload and what did his mother do? she cheated on him and got pregnant
his parents' fights were really terrible while they were processing the divorce
at times he would even sleep over at your house with his sister following him
in his time of need, you never once abandoned him
it didn't came as much as a surprise when you and jaeyoon began to date
time may choose to be cruel but when you have each other, everything will be ok
the class clown type
this type of crush brings life inside the classroom. everyone laughs at his jokes, even teachers, and he is safe from many things because they just like him like that
you are probably the class president and what does it mean when dawon is your classmate? headaches
seriously though you're the one who gets embarrassed for him
through the years you have been the class president, dawon was always your classmate
it was expected that you'd be annoyed of his antics with how long you've been dealing with him
your relationship changed when he crossed the line and made you cry
since that day you met a new side to the class clown, a boy with a broken past and high expectations — that was the true dawon
hurting you was never his intention. he had also thought that you found things annoying
as he spends more time with you, many classmates begin to notice how that strict and stern president softened
during school festival, you had held his hands and confessed, all while the fireworks began
who would have thought that the class president and class clown would be a good pair?
the unattainable type
this type of crush is always taken by your sister or best friend. it doesn't matter which one of the two, he will always date someone close to your heart
you had met him as that person's crush and as a good friend/sister you tried to find out more about this guy
approaching him, sharing conversations, and finding out his interests were your priority
so when you fell for him and find yourself unable to sleep at night due to thinking of him? you knew you were doomed
everything began for her so why were your feelings acting up?
seeing the obvious sparks, you had continued with your original plans and even began to play the role of the matchmaker
you see both zuho's and your friend/sister's struggle with expressing their feelings for each other
they were shy and reluctant, without you it would have been hard for them to strike a conversation without getting flustered
eventually they began to date
and what does it leave you?
the one who gave up on love for the sake of her other loved ones
the popular type
this type of crush is always receiving confessions but for some reason is still single. he is the epitome of a perfect guy sculpted by the gods
there is a high chance that he even has a fanclub of some sort going on
rowoon is that popular
so you liked him because he is popular? no, there is more to rowoon then just that
he is caring, he likes to nag, sometimes he boasts himself too much for your liking, he is almost like a mother too
why do you know all that? you are rowoon's shield against his fangirls
and it all began simply because he noticed how indifferent you were to him
at one point he had even proposed a fake dating idea
seokwoo, you naive fool. thats how shojou love stories begin
of course you declined and he knew how to respect that
your relationship stayed that way until you began to get a fanclub yourself
rowoon only knew the extent of his feelings through jealousy
it had reached a point where he had accidentally blurted out his feelings
well remember that fake dating ploy? there was no need when both your hearts were already beating for each other
the closed off type
this type of crush is like a loner. he isn't necessarily avoiding people and he's more on the shy side. his height and gaze just makes him look intimidating
you sat behind him in class and though it seems stupid since he was tall and could cover your entire body — it was the exact reason you liked sitting behind him
you could draw during class and not get your sketchbook confiscated because of him
the day had come when you would absentmindedly draw taeyang
at first you could defend it as you appreciating pretty things but when you had stopped to draw in class just to stare at taeyang during class? uh-oh
it worsened when you saw taeyang dance for the first time
imagine his surprise when that smol girl who sits behind him began to talk to him nonstop and even does her best to include him
people had began to talk but you weren't the type to get bothered
instead it was taeyang who got worried and even told you to stop talking to him
what did you do? you straight out confessed to him
if he wasn't going to notice all the signs you've given then its time to just blurt it out
you succeeded in flustering him but not at making him believe in your words
maybe one of these days yoo taeyang will understand your feelings but for now you could just settle with this — the silent boy all flustered because of you
the "i always see him" type
this type of crush is someone who doesn't go in the same school as you but somehow the both of you always cross paths
and no neither hwiyoung or you are intentionally following each other
you first crossed paths with him at the playground and you two merely walked past each other
then many more circumstances began to present itself and now you and hwiyoung can't help but make faces at each other when you locked eyes
yes, while technically strangers you can act like that with him
the first moment the both of you truly talk to each other was when someone tried to kidnap you
you would have fought back but it was nearly impossible with how sudden you were grabbed
hwiyoung then arrived for your rescue. he simply kicked that kidnapper and you were free
that night while you two were waiting for the police, you shared jokes and laughter as if you both knew each other for a long time
there were more moments of you and hwiyoung but alas it was just memories of your youth
years and years have passed but you could never forget the boy who made your heart race back in high school
you don't know what happened to him
he just stopped appearing one day and since then you haven't saw him again
it was as if he never existed and he was just your dream
the childhood friend type
this type of crush is someone you had known since you were young and you even grew up alongside him
for sure both your families shipped you
yeah its kinda weird how adults are rooting for a relationship between their barely 5 years old children
both of you were like the butt of the cooties joke, i know immature children at it again
also can see you two having those cute matching clothes when you were much younger
now sometime before high school the both of you got in a huge argument and it ended in bad terms
people who knew you two were shocked on how you became enemies
heated glares and rude remarks were thrown to each other at every moment possible
you don't know how it got to this point. it was a stupid argument and the fact it was enough to end years of friendship? just how little does chani think of you?
but of course this anger slowly turns into pain
you just want your best friend back
and luckily for you, he thought the same
it was a slow process for the both of you to mend things to the way it was before
the argument, though stupid, really caused a heavy rift
when you and chani had gotten close again, it was the first time spring became clear to you
you like your best friend — that was even the reason you argued with him
however, despite being aware of your feelings, you never made a move
maybe if you were braver back then you could have known that he had also liked you
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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daybreakx · 5 years
The Seeker
➵ hogwarts au, slytherin! hwiyoung x slytherin! neutral reader, enemies to lovers kind of.
➵ not requested. I just love Hwiyoung and I couldn’t help myself. 
➵ warnings: magic inaccuracies, mentions of infirmary, Hwiyoung acts like a brat, a mean ravenclaw for a change,
➵ word count: 3.5k
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Hwiyoung knew he was screwed. 
He knew it the moment the bludger hit him and he felt the air leave his lungs, and although he wasn’t flying too high, the hit against the sand had made everything worse, so much, that he didn’t even remember being taken to the infirmary, or anything else three days after that.
And then, the words he dreaded came out of Zuho’s mouth: “You can’t play Quidditch anymore”. It wasn’t permanent, or that’s what Zuho had rushed to say after seeing Hwiyoung’s expression, but his team captain was already looking for someone to replace him, which didn’t help Hwiyoung to feel any better.
“At least he’s asking for your opinion” Zuho shrugged “You can help to choose your replacement”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Hwiyoung scoffed.
“I guess” Zuho gestured once again, a litttle shyer this time. “I’m sorry about this”
Hwiyoung sighed for the hundreth time in the day, he had finally left the hospital wing, with his arm on a sling and he’d faced looks of pity from a lot of people, he didn’t need his friend apologizing as well. “It wasn’t your fault”
Zuho still felt guilty, being the Beater and having your own Seeker thrown out of his broom by a bludger always felt like you weren’t doing a good job. Plus, Hwiyoung was his friend, not only his team member, and seeing him hurt was painful for Zuho as well. 
“I still have duelling club, I guess, unless Flitwick thinks I’m too maimed for that” Hwiyoung’s attempt of being ‘optimisitc’ only made Zuho feel worse, but he couldn’t help it, and his mood was going to be one thousand times worse the next day, at the Quidditch tryouts.
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“What are they doing here?” Hwiyoung groaned, eyes immediately fixing on you.
“Uh... trying out for Quidditch, I guess?” Rowoon was trying to be supportive of his friend as well, but Hwiyoung’s ever growing bad-temper was making the Hufflepuff go through hell as well. “Where are you...? Hwiyoung, no!”
Before anyone could stop him, Hwiyoung was in front of you, the same pissed expression you’d seen a million times before was installed on his face. “You’re not trying out for Seeker” he declared, his index finger pointing at you. 
“Why not?” raising both eyebrows, you pushed his hand away from you “The spot is available right now”
“Not for you” he repeated, annoyance clear.
“You don’t make the rules, Hwiyoung” you shrugged “Plus, I asked Baekho and he said yes, he’s the Captain”
“Hwiyoung, knock it off” Rowoon placed a hand on his shoulder, giving you an uncomfortable smile “He’s not taking being out of the team too well...”
The long-haired boy pushed Rowoon’s hand off his shoulder, “This is not about me being off the team! It’s about them” he pointed at you once again.
It wasn’t a secret how much Hwiyoung disliked you. Having to ‘deal’ with you in whatever aspect just pissed him off, and you honestly found it amusing. Competition was motivating for you, not a drag like Hwiyoung made it for himself. He had enough dealing with you during classes, and on Duelling club, where Professor Flitwick had to interfere in your duels more than once so you’d put an end to the confrontation before hurting each other with complicated spells not even he remebered teaching you. And now you were once again being a nuisance, following him into the Quidditch team, just to prove a point: You could do everything Hwiyoung did.
Rowoon looked mortified as Hwiyoung continued his tantrum and you stood there blank-faced, holding the broomstick you’d borrowed from Taeyang, while your parents sent yours from home. “Are you done?” you questioned, looking at the nonexistent watch on your wrist.
“What do you mean am I done?” Hwiyoung scoffed “You’re not trying out for Seeker”
“Watch me” you smiled, walking away from both boys and into the field.
Rowoon technically had to drag Hwiyoung to the bleachers before he went looking for Baekho to yell at him as well, and sat down next to him, giving him a warning that he should behave, in the end he’d get a say in whoever would be the new Seeker for Slytherin. But still, much to Hwiyoung’s dismay, you were the quickest to catch the Snitch out of everyone who tried out. It would be stupid to vote against you, but he still did.
And of course, everyone, even Zuho, ignored his call. 
“What’s the point of asking for my opinion if you’re going to ignore it?” Hwiyoung complained, following Baekho as he kept the Quidditch balls in the chest.
“I didn’t expect your opinion to be stupid, Hwiyoung”
“I’ve told you a hundred times it’s temporary, and they’re a good player, we need one specially for the match against Gryffindor”
Hwiyoung rolled his eyes. “You could have chosen anyone else”
“I think it’s time you face whatever unidentified feelings you have for y/n and grow up” Baekho ennounced, growing annoyed himself, he closed the chest with a loud thud and turned to Hwiyoung “They’re staying as a substitute Seeker and that’s final”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNIDENTIFIED FEELINGS I DON’T...” Hwiyoung trailed off, face burning red from both embarassment and indignation. 
“I said what I said” Baekho called before leaving Hwiyoung standing in the middle of the field by himself.
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It was true that being the new Seeker for Slytherin was making you gain a lot of attention. It wasn’t something that you liked too much, but still accepted it as best as you could.
You weren’t happy about the issue that had given you, in the end, the spot of Seeker on the team, unlike what a lot of people including Hwiyoung himself thought, but he was too stubborn (or stupid) to understand that. You were never able to talk some sense into Hwiyoung, who seemed determined to continue on disliking you, no matter what you did.
“Good luck out there” Chani laughed, standing next to you before you left for the field to start the Quidditch match. 
“You’re going to need it more than me, Chani” you smiled at him.
It was some innocent teasing between Seekers, plus, Chani wanted to bother you a little becuase no matter how much he fought with Hwiyoung, he still felt really bad that his friend was out of the team, although he knew it wasn’t your fault.
You were actually very nervous about the match, it was important for you to make a good impression and not make everyone in Slytherin regret choosing you as their Seeker so you felt a lot of pressure. Luckily, it turned out to be an easy match, despite having Chani as your direct opponent for the Snitch, you managed to catch it before him. 
“I told you you’d need it more” you patted Chani’s back playfully, taking off your Quidditch gloves.
“Ha-ha, it’s beginners luck” he replied, you could tell he was low-key annoyed, but that was usual Chani whenever he lost, it was in his nature, at least he wasn’t trying to fight you like he did with Hwiyoung. The latter was the one who probably wanted to fight you, leaving as soon as you caught the Snitch, back to the Slytherin dorms willing to disappear and save himself from the everyone celebrating your game, but it was during dinner that he finally snapped.
“You did awesome!” a first-year Slytherin celebrated “I’m so glad we beat Gryffindor! We might even win the Quidditch Cup!”
“Maybe” you smiled at him “But it’s all the team who’s making it possible you know...”
Hwiyoung was just a few seats away, but he was paying attention to everything. When it came to him, people didn’t applaud as much, of course it was a win for Slytherin, but half of the time everyone said he was part of the team because his family used intimidation to get him in, or that he was great at charms and dueling because he’d learnt Dark Magic all of his life. Nobody said any of that to his face, but Hwiyoung still knew.
He got up, getting the attention of the rest of the Slytherins around and stomped out of the Great Hall. You winced, knowing he must have felt pushed aside all day, you just wanted to talk to him, although it was certain he would reject your reassurance.
“Hwiyoung” you called after him, as he was on his way to the exit “Wait a second” 
He turned around with a groan, giving you the chance to see perfectly the way he rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”
“I just- Well, are you alright?” you looked down for a moment, suddenly getting insecure as you stood in front of him. 
Hwiyoung scowled again, “Why do you care out of nowhere? Isn’t this what you wanted all along?”
“I never-”
“Oh, please” he cut you off “All you do is ruin everything for everyone else, specially me, I wish you would get out of the way. Why can’t you just disappear?”
You stood frozen in the spot as he spoke, his words weren’t supposed to hurt you the way they did. You knew Hwiyoung, and you’d gotten used to bickering with him every single time you were close, but this was different from that, his words were dripping venom and his eyes were the coldest you’d ever seen them. It hurt, when it wasn’t supposed to hurt. Moreover, pretty much everyone had heard it, you weren’t even sure as to why they were paying attention to you two, both you felt extremely humiliated. Turning around once again, the former Slytherin Seeker left you standing on the door of the Great Hall alone.
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“I think you need to apologize” Rowoon said “Everyone heard you, and even if they hadn’t, what you said still wasn’t nice”
Hwiyoung glared at his friend but didn’t say anything, it still didn’t hit him that he had crossed the line. He thought everything would go back to normal, they way it usually did and you two would be bickering by lunch. But it wasn’t like that, in fact he didn’t see you for a couple days, not in the Common Room or in the Great Hall, and deep down he felt a little concerned but would never admit it.
“Where’s y/n?” he finally asked another of the  Slytherin kids, since the duelling club was getting together and technically everyone was there, except for you. 
The kid shrugged, “I heard Zuho say they dropped out of duelling club, they had enough activities already”
“It was just this and Quidditch” Hwiyoung insisted “Plus, I haven’t seen them in the Common Room or-”
“I don’t know” the kid cut him off “Why don’t you just ask them?” 
Hwiyoung shook his head, staring at them like they just told him he would grow another head overnight. Still, it made him uncomfortable that you were out of the duelling club, and given the look he was getting from a few other Slytherins, he knew he had at least a little to do with it.
It was only confirmed by Zuho later, when he said you’d mentioned it at Quidditch practice, saying it wasn’t a big deal and you’d be fine without duelling club, but Zuho also said that Baekho had to convince you to stay as Slytherin’s Seeker. 
You were trying to study for Herbology in the Common Room, the book opened in front of you as you sat with your legs crossed on the floor. None of the information seemed to stick to your brain no matter how much you reread it, you certainly needed a distraction but you also needed to get your studying done.
“I thought you’d vanished from the castle” Hwiyoung crossed the door to the Common Room, standing in front of your working space. 
“Are you talking to me?” you didn’t look up, though you had no idea what the name of the Flesh-Eating tree from the picture was, you turned the page.
“Of course I’m talking to you” Hwiyoung let out a low scoff “You see anyone else here?”
You closed your book, and still not glancing over at Hwiyoung, picked up your bag from the floor. “I don’t see anyone here” you strode to your side of the dormitories slowly.
“Wait– are you– are you still angry?”
“I don’t get angry at strangers” you spoke over your shoulder before finally getting inside the dorm, leaving Hwiyoung planted in his place, his mouth slightly agape.
He learned what you mean the hard way, of course, since you were out of duelling club and no one else wanted to duel him without having a whisper of ‘dark magic, etc’ going around the room, or when you didn’t even flinch as he called your name in the Common Room, and everyone stared at him until he looked back at them, and when you got paired up for an Astronomy project and all you said to him was ‘it’s done’ before giving him a parchment full of information and you kept your own, not even discussing anything with him. Hwiyoung’s friends had given up on telling him to say sorry, because he wasn’t going to, and honestly, at this point they thought you wouldn’t even take his apologies, plus, at least there wasn’t anymore fighting. 
But Hwiyoung didn’t like it at all, everything that he wanted was for things to go back to the way they used to, even if it meant he’d spent all of his time bickering and competing with you. There was no point in competing if neither of you could win against each other.
You frowned when you saw him on the bleachers. If there was one thing Hwiyoung avoided at all costs was showing up at Quidditch practice, and you thought today would be no exception, specially since it was a friendly game between Slytherin and Ravenclaw and you thought he wouldn’t want to hear people cheering for you, no matter how unimportant the game was. 
It was being fun, both teams needing the exercise and enjoying the fact that some people of your respective houses were there though it wasn’t an official match. It wasn’t a big deal, until it became one.
Hwiyoung watched attentively as you yelled something at the other Seeker, descending quickly as the Ravenclaw kid followed making gestures and rolling his eyes, the rest of your teams floating around you to get a better look at the confrontation that not even the captains had begun to stop.
“What did you call him?” you growled again.
“Come on y/n, you know it’s true” he shrugged “And I’m right”
“Take it back” you warned for the first time.
The Ravenclaw snorted, “Take it back? Why?”
“I said take it back” dropping your broomstick, you gave him the second warning.
“What? You’re going to become a Death Eater too?” he looked over at Hwiyoung and smirked at you “I don’t think he’ll like it if you joined”.
It had been a stupid comment, about how it was better that you were the Seeker for Slytherin because he didn’t want to hang around ‘Death Eaters’ like Hwiyoung, and he should have gotten more hurt during the Quidditch match that got him out of the team, and it infuriated you. You knew first-hand about Hwiyoung’s family reputation and how much shit he always got for it, and somehow it didn’t matter how angry you still were at him, you were not going to let someone insult him like that. 
“Fine, if you won’t take it back I’ll make you” you searched for your wand between your Quidditch robes, but before you could do anything at all, Baekho was already on the ground making you turn away from the confrontation. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” the captain hissed “You can’t just–”
“I can when people act like assholes” you cut Baekho off “And he did! You can’t go around accussing people of being Death Eaters!”
There was a collective gasp and Baekho shook his head as the rest of your teammates hit the ground as well. The Ravenclaw Seeker sneered again, “We’re all going to pretend it’s not true?”
“You call anyone that again and I’ll make sure no word comes out of your filthy mouth for a month!” you struggled with Baekho’s arm as he kept you from reaching the kid with your hands, one still holding your wand tightly.
“Let’s go y/n,” this time Zuho grabbed your shoulder after picking up your broom from the grass “You don’t need to waste your time on him”
You followed Zuho after Baekho gave you a begging look, he didn’t want to cause a bigger scene or get his substitute Seeker suspended. Hwiyoung was speechless the whole time, being perfectly able to hear the confrontation and seeing you stand up for him was something he didn’t expect at all. 
You were still fuming in the Common Room, sitting in a couch as Zuho’s cat snaked around your legs waiting for you to lift it on your lap. Zuho had gone to his dorm to change but you remained in your Quidditch gear, waiting for Baekho to get there, he’d probably yell at you again but honestly, it didn’t matter. Instead, it was Hwiyoung who arrived, and once his gaze set on you, he started fiddling with his fingers as he approached the couch.
“Thank you” he said in a whisper, looking down and then into your eyes “Thank you, for wha-what you did back there you didn’t have to”
You looked back at him and sighed, “It was no problem, people shouldn’t say those things about you”
Zuho’s cat went to get Hwiyoung’s attention this time, and the boy lifted him off the ground immediately. “Well, they’ve always said it so...”
“I know” you nodded “But you’re just a brat, not a dark wizard so it’s time it stopped”
Hwiyoung laughed, “I know and I’m sorry”
“Well, you’re welcome, Hwiyoung” you got up, petting gently the cat’s head you turned around to head to the rooms. 
“No wait!” Hwiyoung startled you by how loud he spoke and he gripped your wrist quickly. “Please wait, I have something else to say”
“Uh.. I don’t think... just leave it like this?” you winced, hoping he wasn’t going to say anything about you leaving him alone again, at least no one would see the humilliation this time.
“No,” he let go of your wrist but still bit his lower lip, a little impatient and afraid you’d leave “I am sorry. I’m sorry for what I said the other day, and I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted towards you, please talk to me again”
He sighed, “I’m sorry for– for being an asshole, please talk to me again”
“We don’t talk, Hwiyoung, we fight and bicker and...”
“I don’t care, let’s do that again, I miss you” your hand flew to Hwiyoung’s forehead in a second, trying to confirm he wasn’t sick or something. His face flushed at your touch but he didn’t add anything else.
“You what?”
“I miss you, you don’t even pay attention to me anymore and I know it’s my fault but please, I don’t want you to act like you don’t know me and–” Hwiyoung started a full monologue while you took a step back and sat down on the couch again, Huru had jumped from Hwiyoung’s arms and settled itself on your lap ready for the show as well. “...I don’t have anyone to duel with, and then I realized Baekho was right and I might actually like you like you, which makes me feel so dumb because you probably hate me now...” he shut his mouth immediately. It was probably the most you’d ever heard him speak and you were shocked by everything that he blabbered. “You- You can omit that part...”
“You like me?” 
“I – maybe –”
“Maybe?” getting up and earning a bothered hiss from Huru, you hit Hwiyoung’s shoulder “You are a brat and an idiot! and I’m going to put that silencing spell on you instead!”
“If you’re lying, Hwiyoung I swear I will...”
“I’m not lying,” he lowered his voice “I do like you, you’re incredible and you’ve put up with me for so long... am, am I forgiven?”
You sighed with a hint of amusement, “You are, just because I’ve always thought you’re cute... Did it ever occur to you, that when you have things in common with people, it could work to befriend them instead of just pushing them further away?”
Hwiyoung winced but immediately smiled at you, “You think I’m cute?”
“Do not push your luck right now” you warned, hitting his other shoulder this time. 
“Oh but I will,” he smirked “I’ll duel you for a kiss”
“I am ready to kick your ass again” you grinned back at him, but you were certain that no matter who won, you would still end up kissing Hwiyoung.
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saltys-writings · 5 years
5 and 100 for Hwiyoung pls?
[SF9 - Hwiyoung] 5. “I can’t sleep, can I sleep here?” + 100. “I love you.”
Words: ~1.2k
It’s been a while since you got the invitation to go camping with a few friends of yours and politely refused, but for some reason they just wouldn’t take “no” as an answer. You had your reasons for not wanting to go with them, but even when you brought up all the bugs, the lack of proper bathrooms and the possibility for sudden bad weather during their planned camping trip into the mountains, they somehow turned your words against you and convinced you to come with them. You don’t even remember how they did it back then, all you know is that the dreaded weekend is finally here, and by here you mean you’re currently in the middle of the woods trying to help the others setting up your tents while the sun is slowly beginning to set. The hike up the mountain wasn’t even that bad, however you now crave a proper shower more than anything, and the smell of the food Youngkyun and his best friend are preparing over an open fire makes you realize just how hungry you are.
“I wish I could get rid of all this sweat…” you mumble while doing surprisingly well at setting up the first tent.
“Over there’s a small stream, you can wash yourself there!” one of your friends throws in and you have to focus hard not to shoot him a death-glare. But what other options do you have? You know you won’t be able to fall asleep comfortably anyway, so you should at least try to trick your body into thinking it’s clean. So after having finished off setting up your sleeping accommodations, you try to wash off the sweat and dirt as thoroughly as you can at the source of water.
Dinner tastes surprisingly good and the two chefs earn a lot of praise. Youngkyun’s response in the form of a shy but bright smile showing his gums especially makes you think for just a moment that coming here was worth it after all, but as soon as nighttime falls and you can’t only hear and see but also feel the bugs everywhere (even where there obviously aren’t any), you change your mind. This was a mistake, you think as a shudder runs down your spine and you scratch your leg, your shoulder, your arm, and your other leg, expecting there would be an insect somewhere on your body trying to eat you alive or something. Yes, you are scared of any kind of bug, which is exactly why you didn’t want to come here in the first place. Ladybugs and butterflies are probably the only types of insects you can accept, but seeing them still gives you the creeps. And then there are the monsters you don’t even want to think about… centipedes, earwigs, and of course spiders. A chill runs down your spine and your whole body cringes at whichever one of those could be hiding in your tent tonight, just waiting to scare the shit out of you.
That’s why you don’t really want to go to sleep when the others start leaving the bonfire one by one, but being one of the last people sitting there, you force yourself to move as well. What’s worse is that you’re an uneven number of people, so the others told you as a reward for coming along you were the lucky one to have a tent on your own. Really you’re sure they just didn’t want to share with you because they assumed right that you would be grumpy because they dragged you here in the first place. So you get into your sleeping space and close it up properly after checking for any unwanted intruders everywhere, then lie down somewhat stiffly and definitely not calm enough to fall asleep. Still you force yourself to close your eyes and just think of something else, like your own bedroom in your own home, where you would much rather be right now than on the chilly forest floor, protected only by a thin layer of polyester held up by a few thin metal sticks.
You’re not sure how much time has passed before you hear a familiar voice outside, tapping onto the fabric of the tent. You sit up and open the zipper, being confronted with Youngkyun carrying a blanket and a pillow with him.
“Why…?” In confusion, you can’t even manage to ask a full question.
“I can’t sleep… can I sleep here?” he asks very directly, and you raise your eyebrows, but nod simultaneously.
“Sure…” you mutter and watch him come in. “But please make sure everything is closed up completely!” you add.
“Because of the bugs?” he guesses.
“Ahh… I think I remember you mentioning before that you’re scared of them,” he states, then points to your left. “Can I…?” With a nod you signal for him to make himself comfortable next to you, though having him this close to you in a secluded space makes you feel nervous for a whole new reason. There’s a weird tension in the air as you’re lying there next to each other, your arms touching no matter how you place them.
“You were very quiet today…” he remarks. “Are you okay?”
“Do I seem okay?” you ask back somewhat cynically.
“You really didn’t want to come along, huh?” Now Youngkyun turns his head to look at you and you do the same so your gazes meet and your heartbeat inevitably speeds up a little more yet.
“No… I hate camping, but the others wouldn’t understand that…”
“Shall I tell you a secret?”
“I don’t like it either. But… they said you would come along, so…” Excuse me, what? Things are slowly starting to make sense to you. Did they… force the two of you to go camping so they could set you up…? You gulp.
“Then…” you’re not sure if you should say the words on your mind, but in the end, you figure it’s now or never. “Should we make it likeable?” He gives you a curious look. Instead of letting him ask what you mean, you decide to let your body do the explaining and come closer to him, resting your head on his chest. For some reason that calms you down a little bit, and having him here makes you gradually forget about your other current worries. You feel his fingers slowly finding their way into your hair and look up at him, before he traces them down your jaw until he reaches your chin. Without thinking you kiss him. Breaking contact after a second or so to check for his reaction, he pulls you back in, this time parting your lips with his tongue to kiss you properly.
You don’t know how much time passes that you two spend kissing like that, just taking in the other, exploring each other’s mouths with your own and increasingly letting your hands roam your bodies, but it doesn’t take long until your mind becomes completely blank, and then filled with only him, so that there’s no more space for any kind of fear or worry. Out of breath and feeling how tired your body and mind really are, you finally collapse onto his chest, and he holds you close.
“I love you,” you whisper into the darkness while listening to his heartbeat that’s slowly calming down.
“I love you too.”
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starricksmoustache · 6 years
At the heart of the Ocean: Chapter 1
Here it is, the first chapter! Hope you enjoy! This was especially hard to write, I had some things in mind bu didn’t know how to put it down in words, so if anything seems weird I welcome constructive criticism.
a/n; the reader character will appear in the next chapter!
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PAIRING: spartan!Hwiyoung x siren!reader
GENRE: fantasy, angst, smut
WARNINGS: major character deaths, swearing, sex, alcohol
SUMMARY: Creatures of all kinds inhabit the vast oceans, that’s what makes it such a scary place. Curiousness and greed is a curse and lead many to their deaths. Humans became corrupted over time and for that the mighty Gods’ and Goddesses’ of the Olympus created the siren; a mesmerizing womanly creature born to lure and eat those who dare find what shall not be. Men and women both alike have sailed into the Aegean Sea with the promise of riches made to last a lifetime, only to leave their families without a father, mother, sister or a brother.Over the years the people of Greece learned to not sail into the ocean in fear of what the God’s might do. Youngkyun, a man born in a Spartan family was destined to become a warrior since birth. He was by now 19 and ready to serve his king in the army by his father’s side, the general.
The next day Youngkyun woke up with a light headache. Looking to his right he saw a woman, a blanket covered most of her body but considering his own state he’s pretty sure she isn’t wearing any clothes. The more he took in his surroundings, he felt a strong sense of regret; this had been a stupid choice. He hadn’t drank much the night before so he couldn’t blame the alcohol, only his own stupidity.
Sneakily he stood up and put on his robes as well as the armor, except the helmet. Checking the window he guessed that it was late in the morning, his father and Leonidas would, no doubt, be awake by now.
“Ahhh there he is! We were waiting for you to discuss our plans.” The king was obviously skilled since he Youngkyun was there even without turning around.
“Yes sir. I apologize, I got a bit ahead of myself last night. It will not be repeated!” Youngkyun was ashamed but didn’t let it show on his expressions, instead he looked determined like the words he had said were meant for him more than the king himself.
“It’s okay son. Under other circumstances I wouldn’t let my soldiers get distracted but days before war need to be morale-boosting, I can’t have my men thinking about the women he wants to fuck while lives are on the line.” Youngkyun nodded and felt some kind of relief that he hadn’t really done anything wrong, it was just scandalous considering his position and his father.
“May I ask where my father is, I’m guessing he should be here while we discuss strategies?”
“I’m right here, and I see you’ve finally decided to join us. To spare time I won’t even ask let’s just get straight to business.”
“Yes sir!” It didn’t feel weird anymore for Youngkyun to call his father “Sir” or “General”. They had never really had a loving relationship, the love was there, it just wasn’t acknowledged -that was the women's job. Youngkyun used to call him father, he still does sometimes but ever since he officially started training for his position in the army the general had been strict about sticking to the rules and that also meant calling people by their position.
Some time later everyone on the board had gathered and the plans were discussed one last time now that the General was there to review it and come with suggestions.
Xerxes and the Persians had many disadvantages among them their swords were shorter and their armor weaker. The Persians didn’t specialize in war like the Spartans did, but they had one advantage; they were many.
“Men, prepare the horses, we’ll ride when the sun sets. General you shall stay!” Youngkyun had followed the others outside on the kings orders, but under the meeting he had observed Leonidas, he had seemed distracted. Youngkyun then decided to do something so utterly stupid, if he was to be caught not only would he be severely punished but his father would also have to answer to his crimes. Youngkyun was going to eavesdrop on his father and Leonidas conversation. As soon as anyone was out of sight he hid behind a wall. It was hard to hear but he could make out bits and bits of their conversation.
“-we don’t have a choice, this must be done!”
“Leonidas there must be some other way! Just postpone this I’ll take you to Delphi again, the Oracle could be wrong!”
“And wait for what? For Xerxes and his men to keep killing our men and raping our women? My decision is final, it’s either me sacrificing myself or let this great nation fall to the knees of the Persians. I’m telling you this as brothers in arms, I’m giving you the chance to back away - to take your son and run. The Oracle saw the truth and no Spartan is getting out alive!”
“No, I’ll stay.”
“Then it’s decided we’ll ride at nightfall.”
Youngkyun quickly moved away from the door, right now he had to focus on not getting caught.
By the time he could hear the door opening, he was too far  away for anyone to suspect him of doing something he shouldn’t . All by himself now, he took in what was said during the meeting. It wasn’t hard to figure out that they were walking into a lost battle, the Oracle of Delphi had seen what was to happen. Youngkyun was scared, not of him losing his life, but for his platoon to be depleted. 300 unsuspecting men were walking right into their demise.
He felt heavy, he knew that he couldn’t say anything. All that was left was to fight for Sparta, his family and himself.
“Men, we have ridden to Athen, we have gathered the Greek troops and we have arrived. My scouts have told me that there’s a pass not far from here, there we will perform our formations and lure the Persians in. Not everyone will come back home, but fear not. As long as you keep faith in your brothers and in the Gods, you will ascend. THIS IS SPARTA!”
“THIS IS SPARTA!” Everyone roared following the kings speech.
The five days they had been riding had been tiring, only stopping to eat and sleep meant having to be on guard 90% of the time and it consumed lots of energy But now they were there, at the pass.
A scout soldier had ridden ahead, he had reported that the Persians were to arrive in half a day. Time was short and they would have to prepare quickly with the little energy left. Having traps placed around the pass meant that they would be able to rest more and not focus solely on battle.
“INCOMING!” A lookout called. Everyone immediately took their place. Youngkyun was in arrow position on top of the hill and together with the others brought out his bow.
“On my signal you will shoot. Aim...Steady…………..SHOOT!” And they did. At least a hundred persians must’ve fallen to the fiery arrows. Once again the commander called for them to shoot. This strategy was effective but the arrows would soon end and that would mean that they would have to fight ‘mano a mano’ with swords and shields.
The arrows did as predicted not last long and thousands of Persians were still incoming. The strategy had been changed by using a few men as bait and locking in small groups of Persians to the small pass.
The king had since long seen that they would be overwhelmed so he had asked for Youngkyun to stay back.
Youngkyun never heard Leonidas say that one Spartan was destined to survive, that his fate waited somewhere else. He had although selfishly, decided to keep Youngkyun from harm without it seeming suspicious.
“Son I need you to lead the Greeks away, this is not their destiny.” he had said. And with a look towards the sky he thought back to what the Oracle had said; when the sun sets behind the highest mountain your time is out.
He turned towards the mountains and there it was, the last rays were slightly visible on horizon.
“B- but no I can’t”
“Just obey please. I know you know about my fate, but your fate is to live, now go.”
Youngkyun ran, he ran for his life and he gathered the all the Greeks he could, telling them to retreat and warn their king in Athen.
He was about to turn back around and help the other his brother but was he saw was devastating. The Persians were too many, most of his people had fallen to their swords. In the middle of the battlefield he could see two shadows, the greatest fighters; King Leonidas and his father.
Youngkyun then did something he would forever regret, he ran towards them.
The general could see the familiar silhouette running foolishly out on the battlefield, but his sharp eyes had also caught the bow and arrow aimed towards his son so he did what any father would do.
“LOOK OUT FOR THE SHOOTER!” His warning had distracted the shooter who now had him in his sight instead.
It went so fast, the arrow caught his leg and he was down in an instant. Youngkyuns legs went to a stop. His father had been shot in his place. The arrow wound itself wouldn’t be fatal but the incoming soldier sure would. A shout in his direction took Youngkyun back to reality.
“-need to get him off the field! I’ll cover you! YOUNGKYUN!” On shaky legs he took a stance and ran again to his father's aid. Two other soldier helped carry him all the while blocking incoming attacks.
The safest place was the cliff looking down on the ocean. And that's where they put the general down, behind a rock.
Once they were in a safe place the adrenalin had died down and Youngkyun finally grasped the situation; his father would soon die. In fact every single one of them would except himself.
“Son.” Nothing.
“Son, take a look at me.” With a heavy heart Youngkyun looked, he was met with his father looking the worst he ever had seen him. A pale mess is what he had become. The helmet had been removed earlier and there you could see the eyes, not the lively ones he had always known, no these were dropping and threatening to close every now and then.
“We don’t have long, we both know this so I will be clear. Don’t return home, it’s too dangerous. Make your way to Lesbos and tell them what happened here. You then need to make your way to the Olympus. I can’t tell you what you need to do you will know. But be careful. And for God’s sake, I love you son.”
“I love you too father, b-” Youngkyun couldn’t finish his sentence before someone shouted that the Persians were ascending the the hill. The General then stood up despite the wound.
“Just go son, we will meet again when time decides it” And with that Youngkyun was pushed down the cliff and into the water. 
The last thing he saw was his father raising his sword .
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restlessmaknae · 3 years
masterlist ✦ sf9
angst [🌪]  fluff [☀]  action [♦]  comforting [♥]
✒ dancing through years and mistakes ☀
uni student/dancer!Chani x uni student!dancer!reader/you
Kang Chani was once an annoying little brat whom you hated with all your heart. Now, years later, nothing has changed, but somehow you find yourself practicing with him for the annual dance festival, and you aren’t at all happy about it.
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✒ the devil within 🌪
university student!Dawon (non-romantic)
Who’s the real sinner here?
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✒ Of cat cafés & cute baristas ☀ ♥
cat café barista!Hwiyoung x uni student!reader
In which you fail an exam and catch a cold but stumble upon a cute cat café with an even cuter barista.
✒ against time 🌪 ♥
chaebol!Hwiyoung (Youngkyun) x chaebol!Ong Sungkyung (OC)
Ong Sungkyung has a special ability; she can see the lifespan clocks of everyone except her own. That’s until the day she meets Kim Youngkyun - the boy whom she’s supposed to marry.
Or: Time was literally not on their side.
✒ like the night sky ☀ ♥
punk-rock band member!Hwiyoung x female!reader/you
You realise after getting to know your co-worker (who’s also a part of a punk-rock band) that everyone’s a bit lost sometimes, and there’s always more to people than you would think so.
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✒ hugs before thugs ☀
boyfriend!Jaeyoon x you/reader
In which Jaeyoon cutely misunderstands your tears while cutting onions.
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✒ flowers like you 🌪
florist!Taeyang x OC
He always picked the flowers that reminded him of her until one day she stopped coming.
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✒ heart of a stone ♦ 🌪
cursed prince!Zuho/dragon!Zuho x OC (Hayoung)
When the soon-to-be king is cursed to become a dragon, the future of the whole kingdom doesn’t seem so prosperous anymore.
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babysubinnie · 4 years
main masterlist
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- the gif may change depending on who i’ve got an obsession with that day or that week!  - the list of groups are all in order of debut! - if you wanna see the masterlist for treasure, the boyz, nct, golcha, oneus and enhypen, just press the group name and it’ll take you there :) - some of the road to kingdom groups aren’t here because i have a separate masterlist for them here
f - fluff                 ✨- requested a - angst             🧩 - my favorites             e- emotional       
a/n:: all of this is my own work, that i wrote myself. if there’s any copies, reuploads, or that are copied on any other accounts other than this one, it is not mine.
₴₣9:: anything but a rebound - kim youngkyun // hwiyoung (f) one step forward, two steps back - yoo taeyang (e)
₱Ɇ₦₮₳₲Ø₦::  2am runs - ko shinwon (f) mine - kang hyunggyu // kino (a) down the red - lee hoetaek // hui (f) ✨ don’t hold on - kang hyunggyu // kino (a) ✨ the wrong (?) soulmate - yang hongseok (e) ✨ boys make up faster than girls - yang hongseok (a,f) ✨
Vł₵₮Ø₦:: movie night - jung subin (f) stop talking - han seungwoo (a,f) the worst day to visit -  heo chan (a) your grace - choi byungchan (f, a?) two weeks, two days, and two hours - do hanse (f,a) ✨ every moment with you - han seungwoo (e) ✨🧩 stay or go - han seungwoo (a) ✨
Ø₦₣::  you work for me, not him - lee changyoon // e-tion (f) 1 | 2 dont talk - lee seungjoon (a) you’re late - mizuguchi yuto (f) not jealous - kim hyojin (f, a little bit of a) 1 | 2  whisper game - park minkyun (f) ✨ coco’s love - wyatt (f) ✨
₮Ø1::  count 1, 2 - oh sungmin // jerome (f,e) golden hour - kim jeyou // j.you (f) my thoughts - cho chanhyuk (f) 1 | 2 world klass fuckboy - song donggeon (f) 1 | 2 be my valentine - choi chihoon (f) ✨ cold - choi jisu (f)
₵Ɽ₳Vł₮Ɏ:: dammit wonjin - kim taeyoung (a, f) ✨ embarrassed - park serim (f) clueless - kang minhee (f) my pink gloves - koo jungmo (a, f) 🧩
₱1Ⱨ₳Ɽ₥Ø₦Ɏ::  that boy, keeho. - yoon keeho (f,a) 🧩 the music room - choi taeyang // theo (f)
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yootaesowlwrites · 4 years
Navigation | Regulations | Updates
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What you will find here: Updates for upcoming works, links, blog updates, regulations.
Links: ⌈Masterlist⌋ ⌈Prompts & Scenarios⌋ 
Posting time: 16:00SAST
30th Dec:
Kim Taehyung: Birthday Fic
⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎MAIN QUESTS⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
Kim Taehyung: AU
Kim Taehyung: Prompt
Baek Zuho: Professor AU.
Baek Zuho: Agent AU.
Baek Zuho: CEO Smut Part 2 for this.
Yoo Taeyang: Android AU
Lee Seoho: Wrestler AU
Lee Dong Wook: Seo Moon-Jo / Ryu Soo-Yeol smut
⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎REQUEST QUESTS⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
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⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎WHO I WRITE FOR⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
Lee Dong Wook
Rowoon / Kim Seokwoo
Lee Sangyeon
Jacob Bae
Kim Younghoon
Hyunjae / Lee Jaehyun
Lee Juyeon
Kevin Moon
New / Choi Chanhee
Q / Ji Changmin
Ju Haknyeon
Kim Sunwoo
Eric / Sohn Youngjae
Kim Seokjin
Min yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Lee Seoho
Leedo / Kim Geonhak
Lee Keonhee
Yeo Hwanwoong
Xion / Son Donju
Kim Youngbin
Kim Inseong
Lee Jaeyoon
Dawon / Lee Sanghyuk
Zuho / Baek Juho
Rowoon / Kim Seokwoo
Yoo Taeyang
Hwiyoung / Kim Youngkyun
Chani / Kang Chanhee
Onew / Lee Jinki
Key / Kim Kibum
Choi Minho
Lee Taemin
Bang Chan
Lee Know / Lee Minho
Seo Changbin
Hwang Hyunjin
Han Jisung
Felix Lee.
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
Cha Hakyeon / N
Leo / Jung Taekwon
Ken / Lee Jaehwan
Hyuk / Han Sanghyuk
Lee Hongbin
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⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎BLOG UPDATES⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
Currently thinking of opening requests for a short amount of time.
Working on Revamping masterlists and this masterpost.
Looking for a new desktop theme.
Currently moving locations and will continue writing once I’ve settled in.
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About The Posts / Writing:
— As of 21 May 2021 I will be writing in 2nd POV.
— I’ve recently seen gif creators not liking that writers use their gifs in their writings, so as of 2021 I will not be adding gifs, I will be adding self-made banners to it or requesting banners from atinyfantasytothemoon. (Make sure to follow her and send requests to her for gifs/edits/moodboards)
— I use google translate and/or translation.babylon-software.com to translate sentences if needed, so If anything is wrong... please don’t blame me, although as of September 2020, I no longer translate things and use italics if I want the person to talk in another language. — English is not my first language, neither is Italian, German or any other language besides Afrikaans, however, sometimes My English is better than my Afrikaans but Afrikaans is the language I speak at home with family(mom).
— My blog does contain mature content, if you do not like the idea of reading smut/nsfw content, then my blog is not for you.
— If you are rude, I will block you, any anon hate received will be deleted and blocked, and if you do send it on anon, it says more about you as a person.
— As for smuts, most of the time, if not all of the time, it will be written as unprotected, unless stated otherwise, from my writing P.O.V, the reader will always be on the pill.
— I have tried in the past to write my fics as G/N reader, but I do struggle with it, so most of the fluffs or angsts will be g/n, but the smuts will be female reader. Please note that I am almost not assigning any gender rolls here as I’m writing from a female perspective, and that is the gender I imagine while writing, But this does not mean that you can’t read them if Female is not your gender, I just won’t recommend the smuts then. Please note my fics also wont always be X Reader, since I do add some detail to it about hair and such, which is why I never tag my work with X reader.
— Please make sure to go through the list below to see what I’m comfortable with writing and what not before sending in an ask or a suggestion.
Absolutely NOT:
— Rape. — Suicide. — Self-harm. — Abuse. — Miscarriage. — Cancer. — Incest. — “He cleans you after sex because he thinks of you as a little sister.” — Daddy Kink. — Piss Kinks. — Degrading Kinks. — Non-Con. — Vomit Kink. — BDSM. — Needle Play. — Anal. — Anal play. — Humiliation Kink. — Scat, or any other body fluids that can be used.
Things I’m uncomfortable with and will not write about as of 2022:
— Writing about pregnancies. — Writing About Children. — Writing About Babies.
Q & A:
Q. I thought you said that you don’t write about depression/suicide?
A. I don’t write about suicide, I do however am comfortable enough to mention it in some fics, if I am comfortable enough to write it. I will add trigger warnings and a ‘keep reading’ link, I am not very comfortable with going into detailed depression, and any sort of mental illness.
Q. Do you write threesomes?
A. As of June 24 2021, I do.
Q. Why do you only write SFW for certain people and not NSFW?
A. I just don’t feel comfortable enough to write NSFW with certain people, I don’t write smuts for minors, anyone born after the 2000′s is a BIG no from me, and I won’t consider writing NSFW for anyone born after 2000.
Q. Why are you uncomfortable writing about pregnancies?
A. Because pregnancies make me uncomfortable, I’ve made the decision to never become pregnant, the topic makes me uncomfortable.
Q. Why are you uncomfortable writing about children?
A. Any kind of talk or topic about children makes me uncomfortable, as I don’t want children of my own, and I don’t understand the concept of cooing over a small human, but that is just me.
I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read my fics that contain NSFW/SMUT content, but if you’re under the age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. do NOT take it as educational, it is  fiction!
Thirst asks are welcome, but please do not objectify any idol or person you want to come thirst over, bring your confessions all you want, your sinful thoughts, your soft thoughts, all welcome here.
I’m a little anti-social, but if you want to drop an ask, go ahead, I love seeing them in my inbox, if you want a snippet from any of my works, then please ask, I won’t mind showing a snippet, if you want a hint on what I’m working on, feel free to ask, basically, ask what you want, as long as you don’t come off as rude or as long as you don’t send in hate.
Please do not copy my work and post on any other website without my consent, I don’t take it lightly when my work has been stolen and credit wasn’t given to me, I work hours and hours, sometimes months on my fics and if anyone thinks it’s kind for someone to steal someone else’s hard work and claim as their own, you’re an asshole.
If anyone sees my work on any other site aside from tumblr, please let me know and report it as being stolen as well.
my work is protected by this license.
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Because at first I didn’t see the need to put this here and thought it would be a little obvious that I DO NOT take constructive criticism, but it was not, so here it is.
I do not take it, mostly because everyone has their own direction of stuff, and I’m not gonna please everyone with what I do, my work will never be everyone’s cup of drink, and I’d rather not say something rude if you drop your comment in my inbox.
This stays my blog and I will do on it what I want.
In most recent months, since January 2022, the blog has mostly become a self-indulge blog where I post fantasies, thoughts, dreams and Ideas I had or a friend had, and in between I write things for my friends.
As of 2024, I have decided to open requests every now and then, so keep a look out for when I open them.
Formula 1❅ Formula 2 ❅ Formula E ❅ Lucifer ❅ Teen Wolf ❅ The Originals ❅ The Vampire Diaries ❅ Twilight ❅ WWE ❅ NCT ❅ ATEEZ/Kim Hongjoong ❅
126 notes · View notes
inseongsfoxybae · 4 years
Now and forever
Pairing: Boyfriend Yoo Taeyang + Female Reader x Best Friend Hwiyoung
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Warnings: Amnesia, mentions of drunkenness, break up
Words: 6,5k
Requested: Hi sunshine! First of all, congratulations on starting your blog and I can’t wait for what you’re going to write😚 Second, if it’s not a bother, as a fellow Fantasy, can I make a request for Hwiyoung? Like where the reader and Taeyang are dating, but the reader had an accident which caused her Amnesia, and then she starts remembering Hwiyoung? And whatever ending you feel is right you can do it🥰 Hope that wasn’t too much to ask for.. Although if that doesn’t bother you can I be🐣 anon? Thanks💖
Author's message: Dear 🐣 anon, I'm so sorry I took that long to deliver your request, but I want to say that it's finally here and I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you like it and feel free to send in a new request when you want. Thank you 😊❤️
P.S: As english is not my mother language, it may contain misspelled. Plus, sorry if there’s any other mistakes :)
Synopsis: Blurry memories and an old friend entered in your life again and now you have to decide where your heart lives: in an beautiful past or in an uncertain future.
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A car accident has changed your life forever. Apparently, it was nothing too serious, but the strong impact on your head made you lost your memory completely and the doctors said it could last forever. Since then, the cute boy who has introduced himself as your boyfriend never left your side and, with your parents not being able to take care of you, he was the one responsible for you.
You tried to drive Taeyang away so many times for the past months, but now you finally starting to trust him and accepting his feelings, even if you’re not sure about your own feelings yet. Of course, he never pressured you about anything on your relationship, he just stayed with you and took care of your fragile being. He talks about your favorite things, shows some pictures and videos of your parents, friends and, of course, you too together, so you can know your beloved ones again little by little. 
After several months struggling to back to your normal life, Taeyang finally succeeds in getting you out of the house. On a pleasant saturday morning, he was helping you to prepare some of your favorite dishes for a picnic while hummed sweetly a song he knows you used to love. After all the food is ready, you packed everything and leave your flat to the park right in front your building.
Taeyang found a nice place near the little lake of the park for you to have your first date after a long time, so you both set everything on the blanket and finally were able to spend some quality time together. Taeyang sat down next to you, your knees touching, but he knew he couldn't get closer than this yet, with you still assimilating your feelings and new life. You talked about that beautiful day while eating - the birds singing on the trees, the calm waters of the lake, the sound of children laughing. A little cherry blossom got stuck on your hair and Taeyang took it off delicately and put it on your small hands, using this chance to intertwine your fingers together. You looked up at thim with curious eyes and he whispered a soft “I love you”. 
At that moment, a flash crossed your mind and you suddenly saw a strange face. Startled, you pulled your hands abruptly and your face got pale, your heart pounding hard on your chest. “Y/N, are you okay?”, Taeyang asked worried. “I-I’m okay… I just… I don’t know…”, you looked nervous all of a sudden and Taeyang thought it was about his confession, feeling a little upset. “Don’t worry, Tae. Something weird just passed through my mind, but I’m okay now”, you tried to comfort him. “Did you remember anything?”. “No, it was just a random optical illusion”. ”Are you sure? Wanna go home now?”, he asked started to packed the rest of the food you left. “No, Tae. Seriously, I’m fine. And you promised to take me to a walk on the beach, remember? I still want to go there”, you said holding his hands again. He gave you a little smile and you got all your things and took his car on your way to the beach.
When you get there, the summer breeze blew in your face and you couldn’t suppress a large smile at the feeling of the warm sand underneath your bare feet. Taeyang stared at you fondly and was caught out of guard when you looked at him, his cheeks blushing hard as you laugh at this cuteness. You then pushed him and stuck out your tongue, starting to run away from him. “Catch me if you can, silly!”, you screamed as he started to run behind you. “If I catch you, will you kiss me?”, he screamed back. “Maybe…”, you answered giggling. It gave him strength and, in a blink of a eye, he caught you, hugging you from behind. You both couldn’t stop laughing when he spun you around before turning your body to face him and cupping your cheeks. Your eyes met and he connected your lips in a slow soft kiss but still able to take your breath away while you melt between his arms. 
As soon as you broke away for air and opened your eyes, another image flashed through your eyes with the same strange guy occupying Taeyang’s place in front of you. You suddenly felt dizzy and your vision blurred, almost falling if your boyfriend’s arms weren’t holding you strong. “Baby, what happened?”, Taeyang asked lifting your head. “Tae, I wanna go home now”, you answered breaking his embrace around you. Once you got in your apartment, you told Taeyang to leave you alone. He knew you needed some space and time to process everything, so he just obliged and went home tough he were too worried. You were not rejecting Taeyang, you were just too scared of what’s going on with your mind. “Who is that guy?”, “Why does he insist on appearing right in front of my eyes when I’m with Tae?”. 
When you finally calmed down, hours later, you realized you didn’t say anything about the kiss to Taeyang and immediately text him. 
Y/N: Hi, Tae. I’m sorry for what happened earlier. I think I still need some time to myself. But, please, don’’t worry. It’s not your fault. Hope you understand TT
He answered back right away.
T: Don’t worry with me, Y/N. Are you fine now?
Y/N: Yes, I’m feeling a little better and going to bed now.
T: Okay. You know you can call me anytime if you need something, right?
Y/N: I know, Tae. Thank you <3 Have a good night!
T: Sleep well, Y/N. See you again tomorrow?
Y/N: Sure. Bye :*
Y/N: P.S: I enjoyed the kiss, so don’t give on me yet, okay? ^.^
T: I definitely won’t ;)
As days passing by, your strange visions seemed to be even more frequent and clear, like flashbacks of your life before the accident. Although you tried to disguise the discomfort they caused, Taeyang always noticed something was wrong with you and though he was the problem. “Y/N”, he called you one night when you were walking on the park. “Hm…”, you looked at him. “Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?”, he asked serious. You froze and your mind went blank. “I mean, we’re always together but it seems like you are so far away from me. You’re super affectionate at times, but change completely one minute later… Tell me what’s wrong so I can help you”, he continued. “Please, Y/N”, he insisted when you didn’t speak a word. 
You couldn’t move a single muscle, your heart bit fast, your breath was heavy and you couldn't manage to say a single phrase. All you could that time was crying, sobbing, falling on your knees in a despair your boyfriend couldn't understand. You felt his strong arms embracing you and leaned in on his warm body, your sobbs causing you to shake hard against him. He guided you to sit on a bench and soothed you with small rubs on your back. When you recovered your breath, you managed to whisper a little “I’m sorry” for him. He just kissed your forehead and stayed quiet. Some minutes later, you start to talk again. “I’m having some flashbacks, Tae. Another guy that I don’t know appears on my mind everytime I’m with you and it scares me a lot”. “Why does it scare you?”, Taeyang tried to be strong and stable, but he was scared too. “I don’t even know... I’m just afraid of who he can be or mean to me”. Taeyang tensed around you, but still managed to hold you tighter. “Don’t think about it too much, okay? And I’m always here with you, so don’t worry”, he said trying to comforting you and himself.
Next morning, you were talking to your mom about these visions trying to get some help or advices.
Y/M: What’s he like?
Y/N: He’s a little shorter than Tae, with a long hair and a gummy smile. Do you know someone like this, mom? 
Y/M: Of course I do, Y/N. His name is Kim Hwiyoung and he used to be your best friend when you were kids. But he just disappeared when you graduated on college. 
Y/N: Why did he go away? And why I never saw a picture of him? 
Y/M: No one know why he ran away nor where he lives now. And he never liked to take pictures, that’s right you probably have nothing with him. But maybe Taeyang can help you to find him now. Ask him.
Y/N: Mom, I can’t ask Tae to look for another guy for me.
Y/M: Why not? It’s not like you’re cheating on him. Go and ask him some help.
Y/N: Fine. I’ll try it.
When your boyfriend arrived at your house later that day, you decided to try it out. “Tae, I need you to take me to someone”, you speak in a nervous whisper. “Of course, baby. Who?”, he answered with a sweet smile. “Kim Hwiyoung”, you revealed and Taeyang froze. “Why him?”, he asked with a dark look after a few seconds. “He’s the one on my flashbacks and my mother said he was my best friend but ran away when we graduated. I need to see him now and try to discover why I’ve been having these visions. Do you know where he lives, right?”. Taeyang couldn’t answer, he barely couldn’t breath. He was nervous and lost in thoughts. Why him? Why now?. “Tae, do you know where Hwiyoung lives?”, you insisted catching his attention again. “No, not anymore”, he finally answered. “Does some of the guys know?”. “I don’t know, Y/N. We don’t talk with him in ages”. “Can you ask them? Please…”, you held his cold hands. 
Taeyang reach out for his phone and called someone. After three lost calls, Chani finally answered. “What, hyung?”. “I need you to do me a favor. Now”, Taeyang talked serious. “What favor?”, Chani asked worried. “You know where Hwiyoung lives, right? Send me his address as fast as you can. I’m waiting for your message”, then he ended the call before Chani could speak anything. A couple of minutes later, Chani sent Hwiyoung’s address and added “Hope you won’t do any shit, hyung”. “Don’t worry. It’s for Y/N”, Taeyang simply answered and turned to you. “I got his address. Let’s go there now and back before nightfall”, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the door. “Wait, Tae! Give me a time to get ready”, you whined. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m going with you and nothing bad will happen”, your boyfriend squeezed your hand. “I know, I’m just… nervous”, you whisper. “C'mon. Let’s get this over, huh?”, you nodded and he opened the door. 
About an hour later, you arrived at a small building and got out of the car. “It’s here”, Taeyang said as you left out a nervous “yes”. He held your hand tight and knocked the door. Some seconds passed till a strange guy open it. “Hello, how can I help you?”, he asked a little surprised. “Hi, we’re looking for Kim Hwiyoung. Is he here?”, Taeyang said politely. “He is. What’s your name?”, at his answer you froze and your heart skipped a beat. “Tell him Yoo Taeyang wants to talk, please”, your boyfriend gave a small friendly smile at the guy. “Okay. You can wait at the lobby. I’ll tell him you’re here”. “Thank you”, Taeyang said and both of you entered the building. The room had a minimalist decoration with some instruments and polaroids hanging on the wall, and some soft music resonated through the doors. “It’s a studio”, you whispered to Taeyang. “Yes, he studied music on college and always wanted his own business. I think he got it”, he answered quietly. “Tae, why do you never talk about him?”, you asked suddenly curious. “I thought he was past. But seems he’s still a threat for us…”, Taeyang was cautious with his words. “Threat? What do you mean?”. Before he could answer, the guy appeared once again. “He’s a little busy now and asked what do you want”, he shyly said. “YAH, KIM HWIYOUNG! DO YOU REALLY THINK I’M THE ONE WHO WANTS TO TALK TO YOU? IT’S Y/N, YOU FOOL! Y/N IS HERE!”, Taeyang yelled high enough to any person on that building to hear, making you surprised and even more nervous. 
At the mention of your name, on the other side of the closed studio room, Hwiyoung’s heart raced like he just woke up of a nightmare. He immediately got up of his seat and opened the door wide, only to see you standing in front of him after three years, more beautiful than ever. You both were froze, just staring at each other, hearts beating fast and bodies shaking. “I think it’s better if you have some time alone to talk. I’m waiting for you in the car, Y/N”, Taeyang broke the silence and left the building, the tension and old memories being too much for him to bear. “H-hi…”, you tried to start the conversation, but the shocked Hwiyoung just blinked his eyes still not believing it was really you. “Sunbae, won’t you invite this lady to your room?”, the other guy talked for him. “Huh? Ah, okay… Please, ju-just come in…”, Hwiyoung finally spoke, his low voice making you shiver. 
You entered his studio and sat on a small couch on the corner. “Wanna something to drink, lady?”, the guy asked you. “Oh, no… thank you”, you answered and he left, now only you and a standing Hwiyoung in the room. You were feeling very uncomfortable as he didn’t talk anything. “So…”. “Is it really you, Y/N?”, Hwiyoung interrupted you. “Ye-yes, I guess…”, you tried to look fine with that awkward situation. “I knew you had an accident and lost your memory, but do you remember me?”. “I don’t”, you looked at him nervous. “So, why are you here? I know Taeyang would never bring you here for nothing”, Hwiyoung asked finally sitting down on his chair. “I’m… Well... I don’t know exactly what’s going on with me, but...I-I’ve been having flashbacks with you. I mean, I don’t even remember you or our past, but you insist on appear on my mind everytime I’m with Tae...”, you spoke hastily. “So…?”, Hwiyoung seemed to be lost at your words. “So, I’m here to try to figure out what happened. I mean with us, with our friendship. I think it could be the reason of these flashes”, you stared at him waiting for some answers, but nothing came. “I think I can’t help you with that, Y/N. We don’t have anything in common anymore. I’m glad you’re alive and fine, but you shouldn’t see me anymore. I’m sorry”. 
His words hurt you, more than you can expect from a stranger, but you wouldn’t give up so easily. You took a deep breath and started to talk again after some minutes of heavy silence. “Why are you like this? First, you were my best friend and left me and know you don’t even want to tell me why you acted like this?”, you tried to say calmly, but your shaking voice betrayed you. “Past is past, Y/N. You must move on and not remember me”, Hwiyoung words were sharp, and you could see his fists clenching with anger. “Did you do it? Did you forget me?, you asked looking right into his eyes. He sustained the look for some seconds, still quiet, unable to move a single muscle. “No, I didn’t. I tried it in every ways possible, but I never could forget you”, he simply asked an eternity later, sadness waving through his body as the pain of the old memories washed over him. “So why?”, tears now gathering in your eyes. “There was no more space in your life for me, Y/N”, he tried to hold back his tears too. “Why don’t you tell me what really happened?”, you whispered facing your lap. “Do you mind if you talk somewhere else? I need some fresh air.”, Hwiyoung asked cautiously. “No, since you tell me everything I need to know about our past”, you answered and both of you left the building. 
Taeyang was still waiting for you on the street. As soon as he saw you leaving, he came closer and you smiled shyly at him. “Tae, I’m sorry, but I need some time to talk to Hwiyoung. You can go home, I’ll get a taxi when we’re over”, you said reaching for his hands. “I can’t leave you alone with him, Y/N. Let me go with you or let’s go home now”, Taeyang talked serious. “Tae, please. I really need to do this. Now”, you looked deep in his eyes and he simply nodded, his hands moving to the sides of your head. “Call me if you need, okay?”, he pecked your lips and turned to his car, barely locking eyes with Hwiyoung on the way. 
You were in a small cozy café near his studio, the smell of coffee and cakes filling the whole place. “Do you know this place?”, Hwiyoung asked you after ordering two cappuccinos. “No. Is it a important place?”, you asked back. “Yeah, we used to come here after our classes and your official first date with Taeyang was here too. Didn’t he tell you this?", Hwi questioned curious. “Oh, really? He never mentioned this place. I wonder why…”, you looked at Hwiyoung who seemed to be a little awkward. “So… Were you and Taeyang friends too? I mean, before you left?”, you encouraged him to talk. “Actually, not. But he was your boyfriend, so he was always around”, he said with a bothered tone. “You never liked him, right?”, you wondered not exactly waiting for an answer. Hwiyoung kept quiet for a moment, only staring at you not knowing what to say. “You love him and that’s all the matter, Y/N”, he finally said and drank his coffee. 
You both continued your conversation for some hours, Hwiyoung patiently trying to answer all your questions, feeling a little comfortable with you after so many years - he talked about your childhood and teenage, but you still couldn't remember a single thing. 
It was already night when you entered your home only to take a quick shower and plopped down on your bed, immediately falling asleep. When you woke up next morning and walked into the kitchen to make your breakfast, there was a small note on your table: “I had to go home earlier. Call me when you got home. YTY”. Holy shit, Tae! You ran back to your bedroom and reached for your phone - 8 missed calls from your boyfriend. You called him, but he didn’t answer, then you sent a message.
Y/N: I’m so sorry, Tae! I got home late yesterday and just fell asleep. Please, don’t be mad at me TT
Some minutes later, Taeyang answers:
TY: It’s okay, bb. I’m relieved you’re safe. Have free time later? We could have dinner together…
Your heart ached a little with his message, but you had to be sincere.
Y/N: Sorry again, but I already have a commitment tonight x.x
TY: Hwiyoung again?
Y/N: Yes… I like to hear him to talk about our youth and I still have to find out why he left… Are you fine with this?
TY: Not really. But I trust you, so I think it’s okay…
Y/N: Thank you, Tae! Now, focus on your work, I don’t want to bother you.
TY: You don’t bother me at all. And meet me in the park when you come back tonight. I’ll wait for you there. 
Y/N; Okay. See you later :*
You did had dinner with Hwiyoung that night and spent hours talking and laughing with him. And Taeyang did waited for you in the park, but you didn’t meet him nor even called him. After two hours waiting, he decided to go home, but as soon as he got up, he saw you getting off a taxi with a drunk Hwiyoung holding onto your shoulders. It broke his heart and he couldn’t stand this view anymore, so he turned around and walked home into the cold night. 
Early in the next morning, you woke up with someone knocking at your door. You were surprised when you opened it and saw Taeyang standing there, his features looking tired and upset. “Tae, what are you doing out there? You have the keys!”, you asked pulling him in. “Am I still free to simply enter your house?”, he answered not looking at you, a dark expression on his face. “What do you mean?”, as soon as you closed your mouth, Hwiyoung appears on your living room, still rubbing sleepness off his eyes, freezing when he sees you two at the door. 
Your boyfriend stared at you and you could read anger in his look. “Tae, I can explain…”, you reached for his hands. “You don’t have to do it. I see you had fun last night. He got drunk and you brought him home. You lay him down on your guest room and went to your own bed. I know that you’d never cheat on me. I told you I trust you, Y/N”, he interrupted you moving out your grip on him. “So…?”, you cautiously asked. “A simple call… was everything I needed yesterday. But you didn’t care… No, you just don’t care anymore”, he said moving his gaze to Hwiyoung, his voice full with pain and bitterness. “I… I think it’s my time to go”, your friend spoke nervously. “Please, have a talk and make up your problems”, he grabbed his jacket and shoes and passed over Taeyang who was still standing next the door. “I‘m sorry”, Hwiyoung whispered as Taeyang only clenched his fists. “Bye, Y/N. Thanks for letting me sleep here”. You just nodded and he left. 
You turned to your boyfriend again, his body trembling with anger. “Tae, let’s sit on the couch and talk, okay?”, you said only above a whisper. He walked with you, but sat on the opposite side of the couch. Taeyang stared at his lap, feeling unable to look at you when he was so angry. “Tae, I’m so sorry for letting you down”, you quietly said, but he didn’t respond. “Tae… Please, talk to me”, you whined trying to make him look at you, but he didn’t move a single muscle. You reached out for his hand to slightly touch it. “Say something”, you whispered as he sighed deeply and let go of your hand. “You don’t love me, right?”, he murmured. 
He finally lift his head and looked at you, his eyes full of pain and sadness. You didn’t know what to say and froze while tears started to form in your eyes.”You don’t know it, do you? Don’t know what you feel for me, don’t know if you love me”, his words were like knives striking your heart. “Tae…”, you tried to talk, but he cut you off. “You don’t try to love me, you don’t even care about my feelings for you”, he yelled the last part. At this point, tears were falling freely down your face, but why couldn’t you say anything to deny his accusations? Why didn’t you know how you feel about him? Why was only Hwiyoung on your mind for the past few weeks? “Tae…”, you called out for him, “I… I think I just need sometime…”, you couldn’t say much more as Taeyang only stared at you. “I like you, I want you to be happy, but I just don’t know what to do now”, you cried out. “I’m sorry, Tae… I’m really sorry”, you couldn’t control your tears anymore and sobbed right in front of him. He just nodded painfully, got up off the couch and left, leaving you alone there with your crying. 
You sank into misery and stayed at home all day, trying to control your suddenly sadness and confused feelings. Hwiyoung called you several times, but you just ignored him till you hear a slow knock at your door. It was him, a worried expression on his face. “Why didn’t you answer my calls and messages, Y/N?”, he asked entering your house. You didn’t respond, just staring at him as tears tried to back to your eyes. Seeing your messy state of mind, he put his hands on your shoulders and whispered a sweet “What happened? Where’s Taeyang?”. At the mention of his name, you cried again, holding onto him to not fall. “Y/N…”, he hugged you back. “It’s over, Hwi… I told him I need sometime, but he just left and I know he won’t come back”, you yelled in pain against his chest. “Why am I like this, Hwi? Why is it so painful?”, you desperately asked. “Because you love him, Y/N. You love him now as much as you loved him before. You just don’t know it yet.”, he calmly answered, running his fingers through your hair. 
You broke the embrace and look at him. “How… how do you know that?”. “Because I was there before and saw how you were perfect together. He could be himself next to you and was able to do anything for you. I can say the same from you. You were always happy when you were together, even in the most difficult times. That’s love, Y/N”, he told you with a painful look. “Why do you always talk about him this way if you don’t even like him?”, you were confused. “Only him, Y/N. Because only him can take you away from me”, Hwiyoung couldn’t look into your eyes anymore. “What?”, your hands were shaking. “I love you, Y/N. Since we were teenagers. I love you. But I always knew your heart would never be mine. And when you found Taeyang, I immediately knew I had lost you forever. That’s right I left you”. 
Hwiyoung’s eyes were glued at his lap, fists clenched, shaky voice. You stared at him in disbelief, mouth opened on a little “o”, teary eyes trying to control themselves as your head spun with the truth. “Why?”, you finally asked after some minutes of a deafening silence. “Look at me and say it, Hwiyoung! Why?”, your whole body trembling. He raised his head and talked “Your heart was his, Y/N. It was and it still is. Don’t you see that?”. Now, his eyes were fixed on yours, like looking into your soul. “I don’t... I can’t”, you didn’t even know what else you were talking. “Don’t you love him anymore?, he asked serious this time. “I don’t know, right? I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I don’t know who I am anymore!”, you screamed at the top of your lungs as tears fell down your face again. “If you don’t love him, then kiss me!”, he screamed back and you froze. “What?”, you nervously asked. “Kiss me. If you can’t, then you truly love him”, he replied to your shocked being. “Just try it. Only like this, you’ll know if you love him for real”, he assured you. You nodded unconsciously and cautiously came to Hwiyoung, your bodies getting closer, your faces just inches from each other, your eyes closing slightly. But, suddenly, you stopped, you couldn’t do that. You leaned back swiftly and Hwiyoung just nodded already expected it. You stared at the floor. “Hwiyoung, please… Please, leave me alone. This is so much for me”, you now whispered as he placed a little kiss on the top of your head. “I’ll text you later, okay? Call me anytime if you need”, you didn’t move or talk and he left. Once again that day, you were left alone with your own feelings.
Two days had passed and you were going to meet Hwiyoung at a restaurant to clarify some things. “I’m sorry for yelling at you that day”, you sincerely say when you met him. “It’s okay. And I’m sorry for telling the truth like that and for asking for a kiss. I shouldn’t have done that”, he apologized. “No, it’s okay. I would have to know that somehow one day, so… And don’t worry about it”, you answered with a lost look. “Y/N”, Hwiyoung called you. “Did Taeyang contact you?”, he asked carefully, your lost look now sad. “No. He didn’t answer my texts or calls. I guess he really doesn’t want me anymore, right?”, you tried to force a smile, but only tears formed in your eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that, but you shouldn't give up yet. Give yourselves some time and I'm sure everything will be fine", Hwiyoung tried to comfort you and you just hummed in response, but your heart was swallowed in pain. 
You both ate quietly and talked a little more about your past, when your phone buzzed - it was Chani calling you. "Hi, Chani!", you answered trying to look happy. "Hey, noonan! Can you come to the address I'm sending you right now?", he replied worried. "I'm with Hwiyoung now. What happened?". Chani sighed on the other side of the call. "That's right he's like this, then…", he mumbled more to himself that for you. "What's wrong, Chani?", you were getting nervous. "Taeyang hyung is drunk and is making a mess on the pub. He's crying and begging for you. Can you come get him or not? I'm losing my patience with him", he answered visibly annoyed. "Oh my God. Okay, I'm coming. Send me the address and wait till I get there", you rushily replied gathering your purse. "What happened?", Hwiyoung asked when he saw your despair. "Taeyang is drunk and needs me right now", your breathless said. "Okay, calm down. I'll take you there", you nodded and you both paid the bill and left the restaurant. 
When you arrived at the pub, Chani had finally controlled Taeyang, who was (almost) sleeping on the counter. You approached him and softly touched his shoulder. "Tae, let's go home, huh? It's late and you need to rest", you whispered. "I'm not going anywhere without my girl", he messily murmured as tears were forming in the corner of your eyes. "Tae, it's me. Y/N. I'm your girl", you replied trying to hold back your crying. Taeyang opened his eyes and raised his heard when heard your name. "Y/N? Why are you here? You don't want me anymore. Leave!", he was almost screaming but his eyes were full of despair and tears. "I'm here to take you home, Tae. Please, let me take care of you tonight, huh?", you insisted, your tears starting to fall. Your boyfriend continued protesting and struggling to stay on his feet, but after some minutes you and Chani could finally support him on your shoulders and dragged him for his car. Meanwhile, Hwiyoung observed everything from a distance, going unnoticed when you left. 
On the way home, Taeyang fell into a heavy sleep and you and Chani could talk. “Why did you left him? It’s not because of Hwiyoung, is it?”, Chani asked looking at you. “Not exactly. I needed sometime to think and understand what I feel for him. Hwiyoung only was there at the wrong time, I think”, you replied looking away from him. “And did you come to any conclusion now?”, he insisted. “Yes”, you simply answered and faced him. He could read the truth in your eyes and understood you. “I’m glad you already know it, ‘cuz I can’t stand him crying on my ears every time saying he loves you and wants you back”, Chani laughed a little. “Did he tell you that?”, you asked curious. “Of course, every single time since you broke up. He came to my place and cried all day long”, he continued. “Why?”, you wonder. “He loves you, noona. He really loves you. And I think you should tell him the same now that you know how you feel”, he looked at you again waiting for an answer, but you were lost in thoughts, your hands shanking and tears slipping through your face. Then, you stayed quiet till you got your home. Chani helped you to take Taeyang to your apartment and lay him on your bed. “Tell him, noona”, it was his last words before he left you alone with a drunk sleepy Taeyang. 
You looked at your worn out boyfriend with guilty eyes, took off his jacket and lay beside him on bed. You snuggled to him and reached out his face with one of your hands, caressing his still wet cheeks and beautiful features. You could feel your heartbeat increased and all the love you’ve felt for him finally showed up, coaxing you to softly kiss his cheek and hold his hand on his chest. “I love you, Tae… I'm sorry for taking so long to realize this”, you whispered. You didn’t know if he heard you or not, but he squeezed your hand a little and let out a small sigh fall from his ips. You smiled a little and got even closer to his body, both of you calm heartbeats lulling you to sleep. 
When Taeyang woke up in the morning, the space beside him on bed was empty, but he still could feel your warmth and your sweet scent on your sheets, pillows and on his shirt. A small note was on the blanket next to him and he read your little message: Meet me at the park tonight. I’ll be waiting for you. On the nightstand beside him, there was another note: I made you breakfast - it’s on the kitchen table. Don’t forget to eat it ^.^. He got up and walked to the kitchen where his favorite food was resting. On top of it, there was one more note: I have to resolve some things now. Hope to see you tonight. 
You met Hwiyoung at the park that afternoon, the same place where you had your first flashback. You both walked for a while before you stopped near the little lake. “It was here where I saw you for the first time after the accidente. I mean, on my mind”, you told him and sighed. “And now? Are you feeling something different?”, he asked looking at the water. “No. I just see two friends admiring a lake”, you simply said and he chuckled. “What?”, you asked. “Nothing… What’s the next place you want to take me?”, he inquired. Your next destination was the beach, where you saw him for the second time. “And here? Is something different?”, he wondered. “Yes”, you murmured. “My first kiss with Taeyang after the accident was here, but you appeared on my mind right after it”, you chuckled slightly. “Oh, no. I’m sorry”, he laughed too. 
“Hwiyoung”, you called out for him. “Yeah?”. “I understand everything now. I mean, I still don’t know the reason of those flashbacks, but I know it brought you to me one more time, it gave us a second chance…”, you stopped and he hummed for you to continue. “... but also this time it’s Taeyang. As you said, I love him, I always loved him, and he’s my choice now just like he was then”, you stared at him with hopeful eyes as he stayed quiet. “But there’s a difference now”. He looked at you. “What?”. “Taeyang knows you like me, right? That’s right he doesn’t like you either”, you asked. “Yes, I told him before I left. But where’s the difference?”. “The difference is that I know that now too. And it means you don’t have to leave this time”. “I don’t understand, Y/N”. “We finally know what we feel for each other and it’s time for us to learn how to live with that and move on. We still can be friends now that we understand ourselves and we don’t have to say goodbye anymore. You’re my best friend, Hwi, and I love you. Please, stay”, you were looking deeply into his eyes as you can read a sparkling light shining on them. “I’m staying. I promise”, you both smile with his anwer and hugged to seal up your promise.
Later that day, you were back to the park in front of your home, waiting for Taeyang this time. You hadn’t spoken all day and you were not sure if he would show up. Even so, there was you, patiently waiting for your boyfriend to come. One hour has passed. Two hours. And you were still there, already thinking he was mad and didn’t want to see you. You were walking through the park to keep warm when you saw a familiar figure next the lake, looking directly at you. You took some steps in his direction as he did the same in yours. “Tae! I thought you wouldn’t come”, you said when you were close enough from each other. “I wouldn't. But a certain threat told me you were here waiting for hours. And I had to see this beautiful image with my own eyes”, he told you and you both smiled. “I guess we have to thank this great threat, huh?”. “Nah…”, you laughed. “So, why do you bring me here?”, Taeyang asked. “I have something to tell you”, you said -  and it took by surprise how confident you were. “Well, tell me then. I’m all ears”. “Can I hold your hands before I talked?”, your words were careful this time, but he nodded and you could feel his warm hands on your again. 
You took a deep breath and start. “After all this time, I didn’t remember a single thing about my past, Tae, and it somehow scares me. But now, more than ever, I know I have you by my side. And I’m sorry for not realizing it before, but I do now. Yoo Taeyang, my Tae, I love you. I loved you then, I love you now and I’ll love you forever. So, please, I hope you still want me and still love me, ‘cuz I finally realize I can’t live without you anymore”, you told him with teary eyes and heart beating strong against your chest. Taeyang only stared at you for some moments, processing all what you had said, till he tightens his grasp on your hands and brings them to his chest, where his heart was pounding as hard as yours, and opens the brightest smile you’ve even seen. “I love you too, baby. Then, now and forever”, he finally spoke and pulled you closer to kiss you passionately. 
After that, you both went home to cuddle together till sleep in each other’s arms. 
Y/N never recovered her memory, but she learned how to live the present without fearing the future. She and Hwiyoung remained friends. And Y/N and Taeyang built their family and stayed together till their last breath. 
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