#kimda funny though
bionicle-ramblings · 3 months
I had an epiphany
How could I be so BLIND!?
I was wrestling a problem with the solution staring me in the face, and I ignored it!
If I want to write a multichapter dark fic with different moving pieces, there's such an easy way to do it!
Fr, it should not have taken me as long as it did to reach that conclusion. You'd think that would be my go-to for writing nearly ANYTHING
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gamerbearmira · 10 months
🌻 I adore this new (old, lol) Werewolf AU! This one just has less familial animosity than the one where Alma and Mira and the only werewolves, and on a selfish note I like escaping that sorta thing with these stories, hehe. I feel so bad for Isa and Dol, but I also love AUs like this one and Mama!Isa where the grandkids support one another even if they have to do so from their parents and Alma.
I wonder if Isa ever had a moment where she was tempted to tell Julieta that this was going on. Juli seems to care so much for her daughters that I feel like she would be an ever adoring person prepared to help anytime her kids are on the line, so I wonder if Isa was ever exasperated and thought about telling her mom? Probably "rationalized" herself out of it with something like, "Mama already has so much to deal with healing everyone so I shouldn't put this on her as well", but I feel like Isa mighta been tempted when she got overwhelmed.
I just like the idea of the kids realizing that their parents might help or care for them even if they never truly ask for help, since kids should ALWAYS feel like their parents are supportive and never worry about jealousy or anger or disgust from their parents. AUs where the parents are bitter or cruel just never stick well with me quite as much, hehe.
I'm glad you do cause I love it as well❗❗ definitely one of my face tbh. But as you may or may not know, any grandkids bonding au. <3333 BUT YEAH. A lot less of than jealousy thing. If anything, confusion, but its chill.
And oh yeah, Isabela definitely has thought about telling Julieta. Especially when she was younger, she felt so overwhelmed, and all she wanted was her mothers help. But you are right in the fact that she thought it would only add onto Jylieta's plate, so she never said anything. She was so scared too. And so many times over the years did she almost tell her :(
Anyway Julieta figured it out anyway. Like she wasn't born yesterday 😭 Bruno never noticed for obvious reasons (though he did have a cryptic vision, just never connected the dots) and Pepa likely would have noticed, but given she doesn't seem them after every goes to bed or at night after dinner, she doesn't know.
But like Isabela was in the kitchen and like. She barely slipped but enough for Julieta to notice and Isabela tried to play it off. Juleita was like "You know I know right" and Isabela kimda blue screens and has to process it. But once she does? She is SO relieved dawg. She finally has at least one person to confide in. Julieta is glad that Isabela finally told her, at least to her face. And while she does want Isabela and Dolores to tell the other family members, she doesn't pressure them into doing it immediately.
I think it's funny because, at least when in her half/partial form, Isabela is taller so she's just hunched over while Julieta comforts her.
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You'll never guess the flower Isabela grows in her hair in this form (it's really obvious 💀).
More drawings, but you can tell where I gave up. Don't look too hard. I cropped it cause I hate the drawing on the left, sorry Isabela <\\3
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harukirai · 9 months
Wow, I didn't know that about Terra! I'm surprised they were so upfront about that! Maybe her girlfriend was supposed to be Daryl, or they were going to make Locke into a woman who was going to be her girlfriend, kind of like Terra was originally supposed to be a male character. It seems like the idea was reworked for Fang and Vanille's relationship in XIII. (Also Lightning seems like a lesbian.) Thanks for the reply, I'm so pleased!
Also had a similar thought, but for the love of god the only optional/implied- scrapped girlfriend i found is celes(in that one time terra played with the thought of falling in love and flirt with celes only to reject the idea of love) which is with the other guy in the end, im replaying it in english its my next game after finishing 5(which i dont have much of left of).also yeah it feels like the scrapped concept was rewritten into 13! Thats why i was so happy with the inclusion(and yeah i restarted playing 13 in english for the first time and lightning does sound kimda gay, which id preffer than the hope implication that this game have for some reason in jp. Like i love hope, he grew to be a fine man only to be put back into a child in lightning returns which for the love of god i cant stand, let the kid grow, have his relationship with lightning be maternal& non romantic please my personal headcanon is that lightning is a mother figure to hope and hope brings her softer sides, as in what babies, kitten and puppies bring out of pple and for some reason pple really do ship them and im livid. Pretty sure there's no official love interest for claire cause in the toriyama's eyes she is his wife, no man can have her thats why the only pple she is soft for is serah and hope is no threat for Toriyama)
Also im stuck in the sahz vanille segment in the forest when you change weather i hate the bosses idk why but my adult brain is somehow worse in the game then i was before(like dont get me wrong i did get stuck allot but usually in the summon fights or like later game fights idk if the xbox version is bugging on me but im seriously stuck and thats what sparked my replay of the series )
(played it on pc before so idk what i did or is the steam version easier but i wanna get to fang already and im stuck even though i looked at tutorials ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
*also just jumped to xiii-2 to replay that one on english as well(the whole xiii trilogy i experienced back in the day in japanese i think my original version was on ps3, but i lent most of my collection when my first ps3 died so ill get that back only when my cousin will visit next)
So im cringing at some of the differences there too. But on funny note i think its hilarious that vanille and fang had an Australian accent, cause in japanese its okinawan i think and the implication are hilarious. Especially on fang it sounds just 100% like she had a huge lesbian vibe in japanese as well and text wise more so but i cant her va in english did such a great job im in tears like most of the cast sounds good in the first game but the 2nd in english 8s evan whackier than the jp and havent gotten to lightning returns yet but i cant wait to see that one dog scene in english, but yeah sorry for gushing i really love thise games and its hard to find pple who played them let alone acknowledge the gays in the games especially in the western sides of the internet (like besidesa handful of actual queer players who actually got far enough in the games & few dudes who just love vannile and fang cause they are fetishizing the lesbians & ignoring the whole lot of representation the games gave us through the years- which is the problem with subtleity cause like in ffvx it was straight out changed in localization cause oh no the guys will be pissed if manly-man macho m'gee over here is fancying the glasses twink 'god forbid' ತ⁠_⁠ತ)
I just really love those game and dont get me wrong in not looking at it in queer centric goggles all the time or thats all i wanna talk about but when i finally find pple to talk about the games with usually after a while when the subject comes and im gushing about how i love fang & vanille /gladio& ignis or even now with 16's terredion pple outside of the very small queer internet bubble is usually get all pissy about it and bitter(which is shocking to happen now in 2023 but its more centered around the 'im not homophobe but not everything is about that) when dude chill all i was talking about is that hey thats the 3rd gay dragoon in a row. (Ignis is kinda a dragoon too, since his moveset with lance equipped is very similar to Arenea)
But yeah not the point so imagin my surprise actually talking about ffxiii queer reps and suddenly most ofy notes is from xiii focused blogs i was sure long dead/new ones ive never seen before.
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kazeofthemagun · 3 years
All you are is a weapon, you say? (Takes Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Kaze] and Weapon Focus [Kaze] to get an extra +1 on Attack rolls with Kaze.)
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"The Magun and I are one in the same. This Weapon is my very heart. You are not worthy of wielding it."
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peroxideprinces · 3 years
!!! share winged!sbi thoughts???
well am i glad you asked pulls up google doc from last month
okay so!!! philza minecraft!!! i feel like in the au he would have very well kept raven wings!!! he’ll have techno preen them after he flies :]
i think they would like like this!!! (photo of a raven by the way asdflkfdskl)
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maybe white spots on the top of the wings to look similar to the elytra!! ravens are often associated with loss n if this fits into the dsmp, i think it makes sense dsfakljfdlkj
techno!!! i think he would have dove wings for no reason other than pretby fksdfjdkl his would also be well kept because he n phil wouldn’t let each other hurt their wings fdsakjlfjlksd
they would look like this!!!
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they would probably be a coral pink color to match with his hair!!! doves sometimes can represent hope n peace, which i think would be a really funny misnomer because techno kimda,, doesnt spread either of those things FDSKJLLKJDFS
wilbur!!!! i think he would have tawny owl wings because i said so <3,, in the au, they would probably be constantly preened by either phil or tommy because of how much he flies,,, if it fits into dsmp, they would probably not be taken care of at all after erets betrayal
they would look a little like this!!!
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they would actually look exactly like this nevermind,,, anyway!!! tawny owls n owls in general mostly symbolize death!!! do with that what you will :]
tommy!!! i think he would have strawberry finch wings!!!! his would be kept well n preened in every instance (unless dsmp,, they go to shit after wilbur dies) fdskljfdsljk
they would look like this!!!
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they’d probably be a bit more red but this is the general idea!!!! strawberry finches symbolize joy n high energy!!! i just think it fits afsdkljjfklds
theres more in this au that have wings that arent in sbi but i dont have time to find photos rn dfaskljjdlksf might tell you about them after i get out of the shower if you want though!!!
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Sorry this is late! Hope y'all enjoy anyways. @marithlizard and @maripr wanted to be tagged, so here ya go.
For those of you who dont like to watch videos:
Question 1: What is the most challenging part about playing Ozpin?
"Ya, ya know see, that's a really good question. I think um, the most challenging part about playing Ozpin is the nature of his voice is though, kinda litty (I cant tell if that's what he said) thats its um, its challenging to find… hes not shouty or anything. So if I have to express a lot of different emotions I have a narrower band then the characters I play that are weirder or most expressive, right. He always sounds calm and kimda put together. But then the final of the different notes in between there can be a little bit… That's probably the biggest part. Great Question." -Shannon
Question 2: What's your favorite Ozpin ship?
"Its so funny, you are now the second person that has asked this question and um, I don't know any of them. I don't personally have a favorite one. I'm always like 'hey whatever you want to ship. Thats cool with me. Like, whatever your deal is.' I dont want to say that's better or this is better. But there was one that I had never heard of before that was this person's favorite its Ozpin and Professor Oobelck?" -Shannon
"Uhhh… Coffee Mocha." -Me (I said coffee instead of café…)
"That's the one! What was that ship name and I just…" -Shannon
"I like the cloqwork ship. Uh, Ozpin and Qrow." -Me
"I love it. What are some other ones? I don't even- I don't even know what else is there." -Shannon
"There's an Ozglyn one which is Ozpin and Glynda. There is the new Ozpin and Theodore one now that Before the Dawn is out. There is…… Ozpin and Ironwood…" -Me
"And what is that called?" -Shannon
"Its like Ironclock or something." -Me
"Ironclock, ok." -Shannon
"There is probably a Ozpin and Lionheart one…" -Me
Question 3: If you could pick a happy ending for it, what would Ozpin's ideal happy ending be?
"Oh…. I can't say because I know what actually the ending is which is also my ideal happy ending and if I say it your gonna be like 'Ah! Shannon spoiled it.' Later and I did it (not sure if that's what he said but I'm going with it.) Just lines up with ya ok. That's great. So… I gotta keep you guessing." -Shannon (is this good news? I'm takin it as good.)
Question 4: Um, so I'm told that you did artwork. Do you have any new artworks coming out for your art?
"Uuh. Its mostly just personal stuff. Nothing big time. But I got a twitch show that's gonna be coming up in about a month so do you guys like critical roll?" Shannon
"I love critical roll." -Mom (Guys, what is critical roll???)
"Well ok then, if you like everyg (I dont know) we've got one coming up." -Shannon
"I actually have a friend that works with uh uh was it critical roll? (Mom, pls stop looking at me) I think it was she was like the HR manager or something." -Mom
"Oh, that cool. Awesome. Well, that's great. Ya so, that's what I got coming up. Well, stay safe in the quarentine. It looks like a lot is cooling down (listen guys. I have no idea anymore I'm trying.) I will hoepfully see you soooon!  Byeee!!!" -Shannon
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bhe-che-dire · 3 years
A guide for new Kpop stans
Famous people you'll hear about despite being a monostan:
Jackson Wang: he's a member of Got7, a 3rd gen group. He' a rapper and also has his own songs.He's known in the kpop industry for being a whole ass meme. Funny, cute, friends with sort of everyone. Got7 stan or not, you'll be wipped fpr him.
Jyp: he's the ceo of Jyp labels: one of tge biggest music companies in kpop. He's known for being reason of embarassment for his idols lol, but he's also kimda dorky and a whole ass meme too (jackson is from his company). He was an Idol long time ago but he still likes to perform, even though we all would appreciate if he didnt.
Yg: he's the CEO of YG labels: another huge music company. Unlike Jyp, no one likes for real. He's rude and a bastard and doesn't let his idols do much. Blinks (blackpink fans) especially dispise him.
Bang Pd: he's the ceo of Bighit labels, the company that debuted BTS. He's a good person and a great meme material.
Hwasa: she's a member of Mamamoo and a great singer known for being the one who breaks the korean beauty standards. She said that if she can't fit in the beauty standards, she'll make her owns and all of us respect her. She's the queen.
Jessi: another woman who breaks the traditional korean standards. She is open mouthed, not shy at all and very savage and sassy. She's honest, intimidating and we all must respect her.
(ill do a p2)
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