#sbi wings au
closet-thing · 2 years
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My contributions to the @voicesfortheblade charity raffle! Congratulations to @cryptid_brainrot, part 2 of your prompt will be posted tomorrow! (sbi winged au)
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elementic-symphony · 1 year
SBI art that I’m actually proud of
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nomsfaultau · 8 months
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Partake of the Father’s flesh that you might become one // For SBI Whumptober prompt Betrayal & Mindcontrol. Fic is here.
“Philza’s last I love you was mangled in Wilbur’s jaws.”
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depressedlandry · 8 months
Elytrian wing design rant
I'm writing an SBI fic, with hybrids, of course, and I've been brainrotting on my design for Elytrian hybrids, so I really want to share what I have for them so far. So, on Origins SMP(one I have the barest of minimum knowledge of, so bear with me here), Philza is an Elytrian. And he's got Crow wings, meaning he has bird wings. And I'm pretty sure the actual Origins mod portrays Elytrians as a feathered origin. But, 'Elytra' aren't actually bird wings, theyre the protective shell on beetle wings, I decided to make Elytrian wings a mix of both. Basically, Elytrian wings have some kind of insect's wings(Moth, butterfly, beetle, damselfly, etc.) underneath the feathers of a bird(Crow, cardinal, blue jays, whatever, you get the gist.) And I was really excited about this, so... I drew some wings. Now, not all of these are actual wings of characters from my fic, I just wanted to have fun.
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Lemme know what you think, if it's trash or not. I'm kind of a beginner artist ;-;
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asksintheapartment · 2 months
this isn’t good for you ranboo, and atp if everyone is going to refuse my help, or think I’m going to leave or I don’t care, bc I know you think it, I’m just gonna leave…-ca
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Technoblade has always had wings, ever since they grew when he was a toddler. Most of the foster homes he's been part of struggle to really care for him and all of his hybrid needs. Not their fault, not really. But a few years ago, he was placed with a family of avians that took him (literally) under their wing and, just last year, adopted him for good.
He's happy and looking forward to being part of this family.
However, a special day sneaks up on him, bringing back old feelings that rival with a new want.
Preening day.
SBI has wings and Techno is touch starved and wants to join but can't get the words out and SBI understands that and wait for him patiently.
First fic for 2023 and it's a gift for fellow rat @rerith!! I present you with a 10k oneshot of fluffy grooming with winged SBI, and of course, Techno centric. I cranked out the remaining 6k words of this in one day, so I might miss some typos and grammar mistakes anything that could've been made better with thorough editing.
But oh well. I leave to go pass out for the night. Hope you enjoy!
Happy reading!
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midnightmarev · 4 months
For the Wings of Fire enjoyers that may or may not reside in the QSMP community, I need your help.
I am in the process of making a Rainwing OC to replace Wilbur in an AU that's been at the back of my mind for a VERY long time, and I can't decide on a name for them. They're a kind of adventurous spirit and left the rainforest as a dragonet cuz they wanted to see what else there was, the other Rainwings just scoffed and shrugged, not even noticing when they didn't return. They now live with Phil, Techno and Tommy (not gonna spoil their tribes or backstories lol) :3
The names I am thinking of are
Egret (a tropical elegant bird (not far from regret, like I'm regretting making Wilbur a character))
Lyre (like the Lyrebird (it also sounds like liar, which is what Wilbur is (the character isn't)))
Canary (again, a bird)
Nightingale (another bird lol)
Airy (kinda like they've got their head in the clouds, according to the other Rainwings, at least)
Juniper (a berry. Only put this on the list for if I wanna make them a humanoid OC as well sometime in the future)
What do we think?
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ender-princee · 1 year
pov: you read my fic that has bedrockbros, twinsduo, and goldenduo as of the newest chapter. And its got wings and a prophecy that they're all ignoring because fuck fate, and found family.
Brothers. They are brothers.
And it's cool, so you should definitely read it. (It's got second picture vibes for like the first 15 chapters before shit starts to hit the fan.)
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It's that link right there!! Click it. /nf
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sbi-au-ideas · 2 years
Tommy used to love this wings. He lived out in the rainforest, in a big treehouse that held 12 other avians like him. They were hiding from Wingless humans, after the declaration that Avian humans were an endangered species 20 years ago.
His mother had taken her family and friends and fled to the rainforest after they declared it, and had Tommy a few years after.
Tommy knew why they lived out in the rainforest, but his mother spared him on a few very important details. So, when he went into the big city searching for a gift, he wasn’t as afraid as he should’ve been.
He ended up meeting a lovely wingless man named Technoblade, who tried to lead Tommy into the backroom, away from the spying eyes of the patrons of his bookshop. Tommy, ever trusting, let himself be pulled away. There, he met someone else named Wilbur!
With hindsight, he realizes that they had been trying to keep him from getting spotted. Past Tommy didn’t know this however, and after they hung out for a few hours and he was given two beautiful antique disks, he flew out of their shop.
He learned to regret that decision almost immediately.
They caught him. Using technology far more advanced than Tommy had ever seen, they tore him out of the sky and stuffed him into a cage.
What his mother never told him was how avians like him are treated.
When he made it to the Main Enclosure (he hates that name-) a friendly avian named Phil explained what his mother never did.
Avians are exactly like wingless humans. Same relative intelligence level, same emotional complexity- hell, most Avians have learned and fluently speak other wingless languages! They lived together peacefully for hundreds of years! Logically, there should be no reason for Avians to not be treated with the same respect as other humans. The only difference between them and the wingless are the appendages on Tommy’s back.
Yet, here Tommy is, locked away in a something called a “nature reserve” all because of the two, beautiful wings that he used to love.
Avian’s are an “Endangered Species,” although Phil says that they only started really hunting them down 15 years ago. After most Avians were captured, the public quickly stopped considering them intelligent, instead regarding Avians as animals who excelled at mimicry.
Phil doesn’t leave his side for a moment after Tommy admits to his youth, and- although he would never say it out loud- he appreciates the comfort that Phil’s presence brings, especially with him being so far from his home.
He refuses to stay here, though. No matter what- he will find a way out.
Unbeknownst to Tommy, a revolution begins to stir on the streets.
Wilbur finds the two antique disks he gave Tommy, the young, bright Avian that stumbled into his and Techno’s shop that afternoon. He finds them on the dirty alleyway floor, both cracked down the center and broken in every which way.
No other evidence is there, but Wil knows what happened.
Tommy. The boy that had spoke with him and Techno for hours after closing in fluent English, that rattled off his passion for animals and birds like his second nature.
The Avian that has been sent away to spend the rest of his life in a “Nature Reserve.”
Something Wilbur could’ve stopped- but he didn’t. He hadn’t tried hard enough, and now the blonde haired, blue eyed boy with a charm unlike any in the city- is gone.
When Wilbur comes back home with the shattered remains of Cat and Mellohi, and Techno looks at them with a pinch in his eyebrows, Wil can tell he’s made the same conclusion.
They have to save him. Save all the avians that the government has abused in their cry of “serving the weak.”
But they’re going to need the cities help. Luckily, Wilbur and Techno already have experience with convincing the government to listen.
Wilbur opens the group chat labeled “L’manburg.”
Inspiration taken from @sunnyvicky’s dream!
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kawaiikenna · 5 months
Hi! I wrote a thing! I’ve gotten myself sucked into the DSMP fandom cause of my little sister and I decided to write something for it. :3 Here’s the ao3 link for those that want to keep up with this fic because I will not be tagging people if/when I update. Time Lapse on ao3.
Tommy loses his memory and gets taken in by Tubbo and Ranboo. Plot twist, Tommy is actually Prince Theseus of the Antarctic Empire and the imperial family, his family, is looking all over for him. Sadly they don’t think to look in the little village of Snowchester.
Heavily inspired by the 1987 film ‘Overboard’. Just with the romcom bits switched out for friendship and found family. :3
Without further ado here’s the first chapter of the fic!
Ranboo wasn’t entirely certain about what happened or even how it happened. But when Tubbo had come back from his trip into town with a bloody and very much unconscious teen about their age there wasn’t much time to ask questions. Instead they busied themselves with helping Tubbo clean and bandage the mystery teen’s wounds. There weren’t many, thank Prime above, but there was a pretty severe gash that ran across his forehead and ran a bit into the matted and dirty blond curls. Ranboo suspected that that specific wound would be trouble in the future. They would need to take him to the healer in town to make sure nothing was wrong.
For now the teen was sleeping on their ratty couch in their tiny front room. His clothes were pretty much destroyed so Ranboo started to mentally go through some items that might fit the sleeping teen. He would probably want to change when he woke up sooner or later. They might have a set of pajamas floating around that should fit.
“I think he’s some kind of noble.” Tubbo finally said after a long moment of silence. “Because even if his clothes are all dirty and kind of destroyed-“
“Kind of?” Ranboo interjects, sarcasm prominent in their tone.
“-they’re made of ridiculously high quality fabric.” Tubbo finishes with a mildly teasing glare aimed at his platonic husband. “He has to be someone high up because I’m pretty sure that the trim on his shirt is actual gold.”
Ranboo hums. “Did he have any kind of jewelry on him when you found him? Nobles usually carry something with their family crest or a coat of arms on it.”
Tubbo shakes his head. “No. If he did then whoever did this to him probably took it. We’ll have to wait ‘til he wakes up.”
Ranboo sighs softly as they gather up the various items from the open med kit on the floor. “I’ll put this away. Why don’t you go take a shower. You’re covered in blood and dirt.”
Tubbo scrunches his nose in disgust, only just noticing how gross he was from the whole ordeal. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
And with that Tubbo ambles off into the bathroom, leaving Ranboo to finish cleaning up. After everything is picked up and packed away, they decide to start up dinner. It’s a bit early but they might as well get started since there wasn’t much else to do.
By the time they were finishing up Tubbo came out of the bathroom, hair still dripping and towel around his neck. With Tubbo’s normally fluffy hair laying flat against his head you could actually see the little horns that were normally completely covered. His ears flicked about, trying to get the water off of them.
“I made dinner.” Ranboo says as they dish up their own plate before sitting at the tiny table.
“Awww, Boo, you shouldn’t have. And I mean that. It was supposed to be my night to cook.” Tubbo says as he dishes up his own plate.
Ranboo shrugs nonchalantly. “I think you’ve had enough stress for today considering you found and helped someone that was fairly injured.”
“I’ll take dish duty tonight and do dinner tomorrow night. But thank you. I appreciate you.” He says the last bit with more than just a little bit of overdramaticness that made Ranboo roll their eyes with the fond softness in their gaze.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It took nearly two full days before their guest finally woke up. Ranboo was incredibly anxious with how long it took him to wake up whereas Tubbo was more excited to finally find out what had actually happened. Ranboo had been changing the teen’s bandages when he opened his eyes. It had entirely startled Ranboo to the point that they ended up teleporting outside of not just the room, but the entire house. Putting them squarely in the front yard at the very edge of the property. Tubbo poked his head into the room to see what the commotion was about where he found a dusting of purple particles where Ranboo had been.
“Um, hi?” Tubbo says when he finally notices that their guest had woken up.
The teen just looks at him with a slightly confused expression before squinting. “Hi?” He responds. His voice is rough and croaky sounding. “Where, where am I?”
“You’re in my and Ranboo’s place.” Tubbo answers as he hands the teen a half full bottle of water. The teen accepts and drinks it with little trouble.
“Ran-boo?” The teen questions, his confusion becoming more prominent in his voice and expression. His voice sounds a little better but not much.
“Yeah, Ranboo’s the one that was here when you woke up. I guess you scared them enough to make them teleport out of the house. They’ll come back in when they’ve had a chance to calm down.” Tubbo moves to sit on the chair across from the couch.
“Oh.” The teen says, turning his head to look back up at the ceiling. His brow furrows before he asks another question. “Where exactly, is here?”
“We’re in Essempi, in one of the northern provinces. The closest town to here is called Snowchester. It’s close-ish to the border. I found you in the forest not far from here.” Tubbo tilts his head with a curious gleam in his eyes. “How did you get there anyways? Snowchester is the only town for miles and miles. The only other thing out here is the Antarctic military base about 50 miles from the border. Which is like another 75 miles from Snowchester.”
There’s a long silence. Tubbo almost asks if the teen had heard him when he finally answers.
“I don’t know.” Is all he says.
“Ok. Well, that’s not optimal but we’ll come back to that.” Tubbo says.
Just then the front door opens to reveal Ranboo on the other side. They calmly walk inside and shut the door. They notice just what they had walked into and slumped into themselves out of shyness. Their tail coming to wrap around their left leg as they nervously thread their fingers together.
“Um, hello.” They say quietly, not daring to look up from the ground. “I’m glad you’re awake now. We were getting really worried about you.”
“Nah, I wasn’t worried about you. I knew that you’d wake up at some point.” Tubbo says with nearly imperceptible faux confidence. Ranboo glares at Tubbo. It doesn’t take long for him to crack. “Ok, ok, maybe I was a little worried. But only a little!”
Ranboo nods. Now feeling a bit more comfortable they look at the blond teen. “If I know Tubbo, and I do, he probably forgot to introduce us. So I’m Ranboo.” They put their right hand on their chest. “I’m an Enderman hybrid. And that’s Tubbo.” They gesture to the other. “He’s a goat hybrid. What’s your name?”
The teen hesitates for a moment before saying, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Tubbo asks sarcastically though his tone sounded a little harsh. “You lose your memory or something?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I literally just woke up somewhere I don’t know with people I don’t know. Yeah my head’s a little fucky and I can’t remember a lot at the moment so cut me some fucking slack!” The teen suddenly bursts out. His face pinched into an angry expression.
“I’m just trying to help dude! Calm down!” Tubbo shoots back.
“Ok!” Both Tubbo and the teen startle when Ranboo raises their voice. “Yelling and cursing won’t solve anything.” They glare at Tubbo again then turn to the teen. “If you don’t remember your name we can always come up with something to call you right now until you remember. That way we have something to call you instead of just calling you ‘boy’ or something.”
The teen opened his mouth before closing it then opening it again, almost like a fish. He sat in an almost contemplative silence before giving them some kind of answer.
“I-I think it started with the letter T?” He knits his brows together in a kind of desperate concentration. As if it was on the tip of his tongue but just out of reach.
“T? Alright then I’m just going to start saying names that start with the letter T.” Tubbo replied, an almost evil smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Ranboo thinks about trying to stop him but thinks better. So instead they just sigh heavily and go into the kitchen to hopefully find a snack or something. This was going to be quite a process but hopefully a short one.
“How about, Tim.”
“What the fuck? No.”
“Ha! You hesitated! I’m going to call you Theodore from now on.” Tubbo crows in victory. A smug smirk on his face.
The temporarily named ‘Theodore’ gives the other a death glare. “If you value your life you will not call me that.”
“Okayyyy. Fine, fine, how about Tobias?”
“Isn’t that your name?”
“Eh, legally it is but I don’t use it so you can have it.”
He rolls his eyes. “Gee. Thanks.”
“Uhh, Taylor?”
“Isn’t that a girl's name?”
“It’s actually a unisex name.” Ranboo pipes in when they come back from the kitchen, snack in hand.
“Huh. Anyways, no. Not my name.”
And hoo boy, did that get a reaction. The teen’s face screwed up in an odd kind of anger. The kind that speaks of siblings teasing each other. “I hate that name. You know I hate that name.” The same kind of venom as a hissing wet kitten is put into those words. He crosses his arms and legitimately pouts.
Tubbo and Ranboo glance at each other. So some kind of nickname for Thomas was their best bet.
“Tommy?” Tubbo tries hesitantly.
The teen looks up. Recognition in his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Cool. Looks like we figured out your name boss man.” Tubbo says as he stretches his arms above his head.
“Huh. I guess so.” Tommy answers. His name was Tommy. That sounded familiar but almost not quite right. He elected to ignore the feeling.
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It had been a few weeks since Tubbo had found Tommy in the woods. Since then they had settled into a cozy routine. Some days Tommy would stay at home with Ranboo to help them clean and prepare meals. Other days Tommy would join Tubbo when he would go into town to sell various knickknacks and such as well as buy groceries and supplies for the week. And when Tommy found himself with some free time he would sit out in the chilly autumn air and try to remember things.
The healer in town had told him that he did lose his memory but to not worry. With how Tommy had lost his memory it should come back. Whether slowly as things just popped up as he continued to live life or suddenly all at once from a single trigger.
Tommy had hoped that it would slowly come back to him. Some things did, like how he woke up and knew that he had a family, but most things didn’t. All any of them could do was hope for the best. They had already checked around town to see if anyone recognized who Tommy was but there was no luck.
The only rumors they heard about nowadays were about the youngest prince from the Antarctic Empire. Apparently he had gone missing during a visit to one of the Military bases. None of the villagers knew which base the prince had been visiting so there was no way of knowing if Tommy could possibly be the prince. But with all things considered, it was a fairly low probability. So they didn’t look into much more.
Instead the three of them prepared for winter the best they could. First and foremost they needed to get Tommy outfitted with his own snow gear. Otherwise it would be far too much of a hassle to try and piece together things that they had around the house. It would also make it easier for when they all needed to go somewhere. With that out of the way, and a fairly pretty penny spent, they turned their attention to other things that needed to be done to get ready for winter.
Gathering blankets, storing away extra food, chopping or procuring wood for the cold days and even colder nights that lay ahead, things to keep themselves preoccupied during the expected weeks snowed in. Some things Tommy knew how to do, others not so much. When the winds took a turn for much colder temperatures they stayed inside and canned a good portion of their fresh produce. That way they could enjoy them throughout the winter when access was limited. Tommy had been put on bedroom winterization duty.
It was a strange thing for Tubbo to witness for the first time. After Tommy had been staying with them for at least two weeks, when they finally got around to clearing out their guest room to set it up for Tommy to stay in. In the beginning they all stayed in their separate rooms but after a few nights, Tommy somehow convinced them to all sleep in the master bedroom together. Once they had all moved in, the single full sized mattress was traded in for a king. Soon after Tommy turned it into what could only be described as a nest. Comforters made up the base as smaller, thinner blankets were intricately woven together to build up the sides. Inside were a plethora of pillows and various thickness blankets. There were even a few stuffies hiding amongst the bedding.
At first they thought that Tommy was some kind of avian hybrid but he didn’t have wings. So the only reasonable explanation was that Tommy was raised by an avian hybrid. Meaning that they passed some of those habits and such onto Tommy when raising him. Which was a great thing to learn since that meant they were just that much closer to figuring out who his family was.
They spent many days and nights working themselves nearly ragged to prepare for winter. It was worth it though. So that when the first snowfall came they were able to tuck themselves away in the warmth of their small cabin. All of them with a steaming cup of chocolate or tea in hand as they watched the snow fall outside the window to the soundtrack of the fire snapping and crackling.
During one of those snowed in weeks, Ranboo tried to teach Tommy how to knit. It didn’t end well. Somehow Tommy had gotten himself completely tangled up in the yarn then ended up throwing the knitting needles at Tubbo when he laughed at him. That then turned into a light hearted tussle where Tubbo was ensnared in the yarn still wrapped around Tommy. Tubbo ended up with not quite a black eye but a decent sized bruise on his left cheekbone from the needles thrown at him. Tommy now sported several small cuts and his own bruise that started blooming across the right side of his jaw from where he had tripped and smacked his jaw on the leg of the wobbly coffee table.
Once the two boys had finally calmed down some, Ranboo helped them untangle themselves from the yarn. And even with the two sporting battle wounds there were only smiles to be had. From there Tommy and Tubbo decided to get started on dinner. Talking jovially between the two of them as Ranboo continued to sit quietly on their armchair, knitting away.
Winter was a somewhat lazy season. Most of the time was spent making the various knickknacks and crafts that Tubbo took into town to sell. Although there were a surprising amount of times that the three of them had to get up on the roof to shovel the snow off.
“It’s because the original cabin is so old.” Tubbo answers when Tommy asks why they had to do it. “If there’s too much weight on the roof from all the snow there’s a high chance of parts of the ceiling, if not the whole ceiling, collapsing in.” He continues to keep throwing shovelfuls of snow off the edge of the cabin roof. The snow mound at the bottom is almost as tall as the damn roof at this point. “The expansions and add-ons are less likely to collapse since they’re so new. But since this portion of the roof is not only old but flat as well, we have to be extra careful when the snow starts piling up.”
“We’ve been able to put more supports in so this old gal can hold way more weight than when Tubbo and I first moved in, but it’s still better practice to just shovel the snow when it starts getting too high.” Ranboo adds on, only slightly out of breath and leaning on their snow shovel. “I’d really rather not wake up from the ceiling collapsing on top of me.”
“True, good point.” Tommy says. He shovels with just a bit more vigor now. He’d rather not wake up from the roof collapsing on him either.
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By the time the snow finally started to let up and showed the first signs of possibly melting, Tommy had read just about every book in the house, semi-successfully learned to knit a wonky and fairly misshapen scarf, and could make potato stew without looking at the recipe.
With spring slowly coming upon them it marked nearly six full months since Tommy had come to live with Tubbo and Ranboo. Tommy hadn’t remembered a lot in that time but he had come to accept that he possibly wouldn’t get any more of his memories back at all. So instead he spent his time enjoying what he had.
“Tubbo! Hurry the fuck up! We’re already a half hour late getting to town for the market and we still have to pick up groceries!” Tommy shouts from his place by the door. He’d already packed up what they needed to take into town and was now just waiting on Tubbo so they could leave. “If you don’t get your ass in here in the next thirty seconds I will fucking leave you!!”
There’s a thump from the bedroom that they all share. Sounds like Tubbo was finally finished getting ready. Good, they were wasting daylight here. Tubbo came scrambling out of the bedroom. His hair a fluffy mess and his clothes bunched up in some places like he hadn’t pulled them on fully or properly.
“Fucking finally.” Tommy said in a mocking manner, though the slight smile on his lips spoke of fondness instead. “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” Tubbo responds, his voice a bit muffled from the hoodie he was pulling on.
Once on their way, the two lapse into a comfortable silence. It isn’t warm enough for the animals to have woken up yet so the only sounds they could hear were their own footsteps and breaths. The walk to town doesn’t take too long but it still leaves Tommy slightly out of breath. He still isn’t used to walking this far with so much weight on his back.
Snowchester was fairly large but was still considered a village. It had at least one chain grocery store but the rest of the businesses were all mom and pop shops that had been there for generations. The outdoor market had been moved inside for the time being considering that there was still at least four feet of snow on the ground. Which was better than the twelve feet they’d had for months up until recently but still too much for the outdoor market.
They walked down Main Street, heading towards the market, when they passed a music store. The front window caught Tommy’s attention almost immediately. He stopped and stared through the glass at a beautiful grand piano. It had definitely seen better days but it was perfect. While staring at it, vague memories of laughter and music echoing through impossibly large rooms flitted through his mind.
At this point Tubbo had noticed that Tommy was no longer walking beside him. Looking over his shoulder he spots Tommy staring through a shop window.
“What you looking at?” Tubbo asks as he walks back to where Tommy stands.
Instead of answering, Tommy heads into the shop. He walks up to the counter where a kind looking older man sits. Tommy assumes that he’s the store owner. The man smiles warmly as Tommy approaches.
“What can I do for you young man?” The possible store owner asks.
“That.” Tommy points over his shoulder to where the piano sits silently. “Would you allow me to play it?”
The store owner gives Tommy a pondering look. “Do you know how to play?”
“I-I think so?” Tommy responds, not quite as confidently as before. Could he play?
“Hmm. Sure, I’ll let you play. I don’t get many people to come in and it’s nice to see young folk taking an interest in musical instruments.” The older man smiles widely then gestures towards Tommy then the piano. “Let’s see what you got kiddo.”
Tommy just nods as he heads over towards the piano. He takes off his coat and pack and hands them to Tubbo then sits on the piano bench. Tommy stares at the keys for a bit. He can hear music being played but would he be able to play it? Was that something he could do?
Hesitantly, he presses a key. A clear strong note rings out in the silent store. Tommy presses another key. The two notes don’t sound right together. But then something happens. It’s almost as if something clicks into place, providing Tommy with years of knowledge that he didn’t remember he had. His hands positioned themselves over the keyboard then confidently started to play a song.
It was slow at first. Each note purposefully played in a way that almost sounded like grief. But there was a budding hope that started to grow and bloom as the song progressed. A beautiful melody that echoed in Tommy’s ears. Everything sounded correct but it felt as if something was still missing. As if there were other parts that were needed for the whole and full experience.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tommy could’ve sworn he caught just the barest glimpse of long pink hair woven into a complex braid, the sound of a violin accompanied. Then there was a quick shining flash of gold rimmed glasses and a red beanie as a bow was dragged across the strings of a cello. The two played in tandem to the melody as his fingers deftly pressed the keys, completing the song in a way he couldn’t even begin to imagine. But when the song came to an end and Tommy looked around, he could only see Tubbo and the store owner there with him. Had he imagined them?
The owner clapped enthusiastically as he walked towards Tommy. “I’ll have to say young man, that was some of the best playing I’ve heard in a long while. My name is Jonathan and you’re welcome to come back and play anytime you’d like.”
Tommy thanked him then hurried out of the shop. Tubbo sputtered the entire way to the market.
“Dude! When were you going to tell me that you could play the piano?!” Tubbo shouts after Tommy.
“I didn’t know until today. It kinda just happened. One second I had no idea what I was doing and then bam, I played whatever song that was pretty much perfectly.” Tommy says as he starts to unpack in their booth space. “I’m also pretty sure that song has accompanying cello and violin pieces. At least if my memory is right, which let’s face it, it’s not in the best shape.”
“True, true.” Tubbo starts to help set up their booth alongside Tommy. “Are you going to go back and play again?”
Tommy doesn’t say anything for a long moment, as if carefully considering his words. “Yeah.” He finally answers. “I think I will. If it’s the only thing that I can remember then I want to hold on to it. It’s not like I know when, or even if, my memory will come back.”
Tubbo hums and they finish setting up their booth. It was going to be a long day.
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issybettyx · 1 year
Tommy unreliable narrator au
1. Idk what unreliable narrator is, i’m not googling it simply to see how this turns out
2. This is being written out of boredom because i’m waiting for my computer to cool down before watching the final episode of limited life (i started watching it last night)
3. I hardly ever write angst anymore, but this is simply my origins, so enjoy the angst
4. I also never write in first person, so it might be shit and the tenses might be off, so don’t question it
5. I also hardly ever write bad parent phil, and i always make wilbur and techno good people. But hey, anomalies are good sometimes
6. I’m not listening to angsty music, i’m listening to one direction, trust me it’ll make this writing better
Tldr; tommy has never had anyone to trust, so he finds himself trusting people he shouldn’t
Trigger warnings: manipulation
All I ever wanted was a constant.
It’s all anyone wants in this world, really, and I’m not sure how others found theirs.
I used to have Tubbo, I met him when we were seven and he tried to tackle me in the playground to prove a point to his other friend at the time. Of course, I hated him for it, but he helped me up and dusted the dirt off my shirt, so I decided I liked him. Everything good comes to an end eventually though, and he betrayed me, just like everyone else in this fucking world.
I never really had parents either, which most people can rely on for many things. My childhood was a blur for the most part, jumping between foster homes, some admittedly worse than others, before finally escaping at sixteen.
That’s how I found myself in the Arctic, a chilly place with strange people.
Newspapers littered the floor no matter where I walked, and most weeks I’d find myself staring at screen-shotted camera footage of the local villains. After asking a civilian about it, they told me about the following;
Soot was a tall, masked man with a knack for fire and explosives. His features mostly went unknown, but brown hair was known to peak out from under his hood, and hazel brown eyes glared at anyone who dared approach him. The clothes he donned were simple, a yellow jumper matched with black cargo trousers, a long brown trench coat over his shoulders.
Blade was even taller, but people speculated that was only because of his boots, the heels higher than should be possible for him to fight as well as he does. Most well known for carrying a broadsword and easily defeating everyone he faced, bright red eyes hidden behind a pig mask. No one knew his hair colour, most likely because he was much more careful with hiding his identity than Soot. However, his clothes were much more regal than Soot’s casual outfit, with a poets shirt and a long red cloak, similar trousers to the other. A crown was placed on his head, gold with an emerald on the front.
And then, last but definitely not least, was Corvine. The only winged man on Earth, whose pitch black feathers could be found dotted around the country. Unlike his teammates, most of his features were on display; long, blonde hair fell onto his shoulders, shining blue eyes are shown through a black crow mask, the only thing covering his identity. A black turtle neck was his chosen shirt, with a dark green hooded cloak, the same black trousers as his teammates.
Together, they were the SBI.
SBI weren’t the only villains of the Arctic, however, as there was a greater organisation named the ‘Antarctic Empire’, which the civilian told me was to show how they believed in morals and duties that were opposite to what the Arctic taught their citizens.
Trust had been difficult since Tubbo decided to leave me, so obviously I didn’t believe everything this person told me. A villain, by dictionary definition, is the person responsible for specific problems or damage. Who was to say what they’d done was a problem for the greater public? After-all, it was government ran news stations who told the people about these villains.
So, I decided to find out for myself.
It was tricky to find them, understandably, but after three weeks of trying to bump into them, a pig mask stared back at me in the dead of night.
“You shouldn’t be out here kiddo.”
Kindness, protection, concern.
“Well I don’t exactly have a bed time.” I returned at the same pace the other had spoken, not being able to match Blade’s deep voice and monotonous tone. However, the man let out an amused huff.
Human. Human. Human.
“Go home, it’s dangerous out here, and trust me when I say you don’t want to see Corvine.”
“Well, that’s kind of what I’m here for.” I reply easily, and the shock on the other’s face is hardly noticeable, but I saw his lips part for a split second.
“You? Wanna become a part of the Empire?” He asked, clearly disbelieving even when I nodded incessantly. “Good luck with that one.”
“I’m stronger than I look.”
“You’d be good bait.”
Resourceful, cautious, facetious.
“You underestimate me, Blade.”
The sound of feet landing beside us filled our ears. Blade flinched, I simply looked.
There stood Corvine, his wings spread out behind him, an eyebrow raised just over his mask, a smile on his lips as he stared directly at me, blue eyes blinking with a hint of suspicion.
“Who’s the kid mate?” He asked, the question clearly not directed towards me but rather his teammate, who didn’t manage a reply in time.
“I’m Tommy, Tommy Innit, and I have a proposition for you.”
Corvine paused, clearly contemplating something as his wings slowly pulled behind him.
Human. Human. Human.
“And what may that be?”
“You know I’m powerful, you can feel it.” Corvine paused again, and I grinned, hands behind my back as my feet rocked on the pavement. “I would like to join the Antarctic Empire.”
I expected several things.
Maybe to be shoved away, taken to a local orphanage, maybe even to be killed for talking to people with a bad reputation.
Instead, Corvine smiled, it was bright and happy and everything that made my chest uncomfortably warm, a skipping feeling in my heart that I couldn’t explain if I was given years to name it.
There was no malice in the dimples that had formed on his cheeks, no ill intentions in his blue eyes, but a strange form of pride that only powered my want to join them, to stand beside them, to make sure they didn’t regret taking me on.
Corvine smiled, and I knew I’d done something right.
“So, this isn’t the main base, we’ll take you there after a few weeks and we’re sure we can trust you, however some of the Empire are here currently that I’d like you to meet.” Corvine explained, footsteps silent as he made his way through the hall. Since we started the journey back to a safe location, Corvine’s wings had been pulled behind him, whether it was to seem less threatening or because he was simply relaxed, I don’t think I’ll ever be entirely sure.
“Soot!” Corvine called into the building, hands around his mouth to project his voice more. Blade continued on through the building, leaving his sword on it’s rack before falling onto a sofa, picking up a book and completely ignoring everything around him.
Trusting, bored, uninterested.
“What?! I’m busy!”
“I don’t care come downstairs!” Corvine yelled back, receiving a loud groan in return, and then a door slamming, and then much louder footsteps.
The civilian was right, he was tall.
And also completely maskless.
The man paused half way down the stairs, brown eyes wide as they stared directly at me.
And then, he groaned again, making his way down the rest of the steps before standing in front of Corvine, a frown adorning his face.
“You could’ve told me we had a visitor.” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest before staring at me, a hint of curiosity in his eyes that I couldn’t find a way to explain.
“This is Tommy, he’s going to be your apprentice.”
“Sorry what?” We both asked, and I couldn’t help but pause, glaring at the other who clearly returned the sentiment.
“I don’t need training-“
“And I don’t need a child following me around all day! Techno’s bad as it is!”
Corvine sighed, pinching the nose of his mask as he muttered words to himself I couldn’t quite catch. “Well Tommy can’t just become a member of the organisation, Blade’s busy enough as it is, and I have to run the entire fucking thing! So you’re the next candidate.”
“Why not Nihachu? She’s way better than me!”
“What did we say about complimenting others to get yourself out of things you need to do?”
Manipulative, argumentative, adamant.
But smart, resilient and devoted.
“Not to do it.” He mumbled back, and Corvine simply sighed again, walking away from the two and walking through a doorway, the door slamming shut behind him. And then, Soot turned back to me, eyes squinted as he stared, so I simply copied, hands balled into fists at my side. “What’s your power anyway?”
“None of your business.” I spat back, hardening my glare.
“Well it kind of is, considering I have to train you and all.”
“I can go without training my powers, you’d be too shocked to do anything about it.”
When Soot groaned and finally broke the eye contact, I found myself looking at the sofa where Blade sat, book in hand and hood pulled down, revealing french plaited pink hair.
“Like the hair Blade, really brings out your eyes.” I comment, he doesn’t even register that he heard it.
Embarrassed, fond, stubborn.
“Alright child-“
“For the third time today I’m not a child.” I insist, but Soot goes undeterred, walking away and only leaving me to assume to follow.
“Your room is the one on the left at the end of the hall, come to training room C at 7am sharp and I’ll show you around the building.” Soot explained, stopping outside of the door he’d mentioned before turning back around, something dangerous flickering in his eyes that I almost laughed at. “But if you even try to escape and reveal our whereabouts, you will be killed on the spot, do I make myself clear?”
“Clear as day big man.” I reply easily, but the man’s glare only hardness, leaving me to push into the room and shut it behind me.
After a quick scan of the room - checking for cameras as always, can never be too careful - I fall onto the bed, eyes drooping shut the moment my head hits the pillow.
Shorter one today cus i hate writing in first person, probably won’t continue this because first person just reminds me of wattpad and third person is simply superior
A few things to take note of:
Sbi aren’t actually good people in this fic. Irl they’re the best, in this au however Phil is only looking to capitalise on the power and vulnerability Tommy possesses. Techno is genuinely indifferent iferent, he doesn’t care of Tommy’s existence, he doesn’t care if he moves in and becomes a part of the team, he simply doesn’t care. Wilbur genuinely hates him, it’s not a fond insulting or teasing arguments like Tommy believes, but simply his raw emotions and feelings.
There are a few main bits where the unreliable narrator gives off this idea that SBI are good people. For example when Phil smiles.
No one has ever really shown Tommy affection in his life, apart from Tubbo who ‘abandoned’ him (Tommy pushed him away). So when Phil smiles, despite Tommy’s trust issues, he takes it as a positive thing.
Phil: smiles
Tommy: oh my god affection thank you i need a family you are now my father im so glad i made you proud and i wont stop at anything to make you continue to be proud
Phil: woo a child who i can manipulate and send him on death riddled missions without having to sacrifice my children :D
However, when he meets Soot and finds that he’s ‘Manipulative, argumentative, adamant.’ he basically says ‘nah bro these people mean no harm, let’s look at the positive side’ and makes these negatives into positives.
Some part of him understands these people don’t truly love him for him, but rather are going to keep him around for what he’s capable of. But he doesn’t want that part of him to be known, he wants someone to trust, he wants protection, he wants a family he can love and so he pushes it aside. Tommy looks at Wilbur and aspires to be him, Wilbur looks at Tommy and wishes for his downfall.
If you want fluff out of this au, just know if I was to continue it the person who would genuinely become Tommy’s family would be Techno; his indifference is because of lack of knowledge, he sees a bright eyed kid with aspirations he assumes he’d never achieve and finds he doesn’t want to be a part of it. But then he sees Tommy’s true intentions, his underlying need to be understood and loved, the want and need so strong that he lies to himself to get what he wants, and he feels bad because he knows what that feels like.
Anyways, I’m off to go read, ily all and i hope you all enjoyed this lil thing :)
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closet-thing · 2 years
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Part 2 of the prompts for the @voicesfortheblade charity! All donations went to the sarcoma foundation. (sbi winged au) Philza coming up tomorrow, his wings are killing my hands.
(Part 1)
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imaginemcyt · 1 year
growing up with sbi would include...
synopsis: what it's like to grow up part of the minecraft family in a semi-canon sbi au.
tw: mentions of fighting, some hurt/comfort. i think that's it!
listen to: runaway by aurora, seven by taylor swift, soldier poet king by the oh hellos, poet by bastille
inside jokes with tommy. obscure references that nobody else understands, it's like a secret language. someone will say something and you two will look at each other before bursting into laughter.
"hey mates, i'm thinking pasta for dinner. how does that sound? ...what? what's so funny?" *you and tommy crying of laughter in the background*
you're probably closest with technoblade. it's no secret that wilbur and tommy spend a ton of time together, especially after the creation of l'manberg, so you tend to gravitate towards techno.
techno lowkey really enjoys your presence, you're "marginally less annoying" than your other siblings.
in reality, it's a huge ego boost for him.
you're still super close with tommy, though. you're probably closer to him in age, so you guys hang out together.
you guys have a chore schedule because there was too much fighting over it before.
occasionally you trade chores with tommy, which gets on phil's nerves sometimes but whatever, as long as the chores get done.
wilbur plays you his newest songs to get your opinion on them.
once when you were a kid, wilbur accidentally got gum in your long hair and it had to be cut short. your hair went from knee-length braid to chin length bob thanks to wilbur's gum and phil's handiwork with a pair of kitchen shears.
not quite sbi but some would argue he is (we'll call him sbi-adjacent), you're extremely close with tubbo.
you probably had a crush on him when you were growing up 😭😭
you couldn't help your ten year old self!! he was sweet and he was your age and he was your closest friend! how could you not develop a crush on the bee boy????
maybe it didn't go away and maybe you married him?? and then ranboo gets introduced to the mix and suddenly you're all happily married?? omfg im squealing sorry
you guys are literally the song its nice to have a friend by taylor swift
anyway back to your regularly scheduled sbi content
you're the gardener in your family. techno has his potatoes, yeah, but you have your beautiful garden of sugar cane, wheat, and carrots. you have mushrooms galore and your flower patches? unmatched.
when you were young, you loved hand picking the mushrooms out of your garden for dadza to put in the mushroom stew.
techno used to braid your hair for you when you were young. every day your hair was neatly braided and out of your face.
but lord knows between your habit of tree climbing and your adventures in the creek with tommy and tubbo, the braid would be proper messy at the end of the day.
you'd take a bath and then when you were clean and dressed, techno would braid it for you again before bed.
you'd sit in front of the fire, and he'd braid your hair in silence, but if you asked him to tell you a story, he'd hide a smile and then dive into a tale from greek mythology.
you'd fall asleep there, curled up in front of the fire, and techno would gently pick you up and carry you to your bed, the voices screaming at him to protect you the entire time.
if you get hurt on your little adventures, phil will carefully bandage you up before wrapping you in his wings for a warm embrace.
when you're sad, you usually seek out wilbur. he's the best one to go to out of your brothers. he will give you a hug and listen to you vent, or he'll play you songs on his guitar if you don't want to talk about it.
tommy doesn't know how to handle it if you're upset. if you want a distraction, he's your man. he'll take you to the creek or to visit tubbo, asking what kind of mischief you'd like to get up to, or he's plugging in his video game console, handing you a controller. if you're seeking comfort, look somewhere else because good lord LMAOOO, if you're crying he's probably like "hey what are you doing? stop that" *disgusted face*
techno isn't good at comfort, and he'll most likely ignore you, but he'll let you wear his cloak or rest your head on his shoulder. if you're crying, he might wrap an arm around you and read to you to help you feel better.
if phil sees you upset, he'll wrap his wings around you and let you cry it out before asking you what's wrong. and when phil asks, it's less of a "tell me if you'd like" and more of a "you will tell me what's upsetting you and we will talk it out". he wants to help you feel better and he can't determine the best course of action if you're being secretive about your feelings. he may pry, but he really means well.
techno teaches you how to defend yourself once after a spider catches you off guard in your garden. luckily he was there to protect you, but after that he decided it was time you learn to do that for yourself.
one time you got in trouble at school for fighting a girl and when you got home, phil surprisingly wasn't mad at you. he sat you down at the kitchen table and was like "fighting? really mate? that isn't like you."
you explained to him that the girl was being mean to tubbo and he wouldn't defend himself so you did it.
you didn't get in trouble, instead he gave you a lengthy discussion on how violence isn't the answer, but ended it by saying how he was proud of you for standing up for your friend.
techno was secretly proud that you used some of the moves he taught you.
this got super long my bad 😭 but i could legit go on and on about sbi family dynamic all day long. please let me know if you'd like a part two because i'd be so happy to make one!!
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asksintheapartment · 1 month
it’s gay duh, (ooc IM SO SORRY GUYS FCA GOTTA BE MEAN), and you realize I could kill you if I wanted…right? -ca
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nomsfaultau · 5 months
Dark SBI AU where Philza’s human children were replaced by monsters. Start of ficlet is here.
(sorry for repeating a part im new to formatting ficlets)
The Lambs Wolves Wear part 4
Once the truth came out, “Tommy” was the least likely to wear the skin of his child. The shapeshifting demon slipped in and out of forms like water, powerful and sleek. To him, Tommy was nothing more than another form to play with. Discarded like a toy the demon lost interest in, like Tommy wasn't Philza's whole world. "Tommy" only ever wanted the form to manipulate humans, to appear small and vulnerable and precious. Perhaps the shape changer knew it felt like a gut punch every time Philza remembered those soft blue eyes were only a mask for the monster hiding in what used to be his youngest son.
It helped that his true form hadn’t a chance of fitting inside the home. So Philza found himself spending more and more time trapped in doors so as to force “Tommy” to a smaller, more manageable size. At least he’d learned to be more benign near the cattle and hens, though at times he stirred them into a frenzy, sharp teeth laughing at the chaos. Yet more often than not he wore a corrupted version of the real Tommy, clinging onto Philza’s hip. “Tommy” did little to suppress his four demon horns, mangled wings at time materializing to further ensnare Philza. He was often left covered in shallow scratches and a few nip marks. Nothing dangerous, mind, simply a reminder that at any point "Tommy" could rend him limb from limb.
As often as he confined himself to the home now, it had become nigh impossible to tend the fields, though “Technoblade” had taken to it with glee. The undead legions flickered between rows of grain, having declared war on the weeds. It was harder than it used to be with fewer tasks to distract himself with. Philza found himself stripped of work, the monsters stealing it so that he was left with undivided attention for them.
He didn’t know what to do with himself. But the monsters found a use for him. A flap of tattered demon wings and a small earth quake signaled “Tommy’s” return from a long day of terrorizing mortals or whatever it is he did in his free time. The door slammed open, wind rushing in a gale as a terrible eagle ripped through the home, wings smashing things off the walls and tables. Red eyes gleamed as they found Philza sitting before the fireplace, and at once it dove towards him sharply. Midair, the demon enlarged, smoothly converting from a dive to a pounce. A chimera slammed into him full force, knocking the air from Philza’s lungs. Sharp claws pinned him in place as a lion head began to butt against him roughly, goat horns jamming into his soft underbelly.
“What have I said about shapeshifting in the house, “Tommy”?” A deep growl froze Philza in place, bared fangs inches from his face. The chimera circled a few times, then flumphed into his lap, settling in. “You can’t just-“ a wing shot out, slamming across his face in retaliation. Something hot trickled down his lip. Fire glowed in the back of “Tommy’s” mouth as Philza clutched his bleeding nose. It grew brighter and brighter, “Tommy’s” hackles bristling, but Philza stubbornly tended to his injury. At least, till the lion’s maw part in jagged fangs and the fireball in the chimera’s throat threatened to devour him in flame. Philza jolted, and quickly began to pet “Tommy” with shaking hands covered in his own blood.
Bristling fur smoothed, and “Tommy” snuggled in, tearing large rips through the couch and gurgling a thing that couldn’t quite be considered a purr. “You can’t intimidate me every time you want something,” Philza said the moment his voice worked again. Each word tasted like the blood quickly beginning to coat his front.
“Of course I can,” “Tommy” rumbled. “It’s how Hell works.” The viper’s tail wrapped around his ankle, venomous fangs poised above his arteries. “I could say ‘scratch me behind the ears or I’ll poison you’ and you’ll do it.” And so Philza did, after the hiss of a snake nearly buried itself in his flesh. “Tommy” stretched, satisfied, though the viper curled around Philza remained.
“That isn’t how love works, though. If you keep being mean, I might stop loving you.”
Hellish red eyes whipped towards him, shock rounding them. “It can be revoked?” At Philza’s nod, all four of “Tommy’s” ears flattened, a snarl building in his throats. “If you stop loving me I’ll rip you apart.”
“A-and that will just ensure you’ll never get love again.”
The growl died. Confusion twisted the monster’s features, the demon trying to find a way he could threaten Philza without ‘being mean’. Or more aptly, how to weasel out of threat he couldn’t actually fulfill without losing his perceived power. The bafflement only increased exponentially, the demon becoming distraught. “How do I get something if not by force or deception?”
“Love is reciprocal. You have to give it if you want to receive it.” The demon was distrustful of the notion, squinting at Philza as if waiting for the catch. He slowly peeled off the mortal he was crushing, till Philza was face to face with a lion head, demonic eyes piercing him for truth. “That means- that means you can’t hurt me. Or threaten to, either. You have to be nice, like I’ve been to you.”
A giant paw rose, hesitated, then raked across his chest. Philza flinched, pressing back into the couch as much as he could. “Tommy” batted at him over and over, tearing Philza’s shirt and streaking light crimson scratches across his chest. The demon ignored his yelps of pain, his strength unmatched as he pinned the panicking Philza in place. He’d pushed his luck too far, and now he was going to get gutted. He should’ve never tried to set boundaries with a demon. “Stop squirming,” the chimera growled. “You’re making it hard to pet you.”
Philza grit his teeth. Nice. Warm. Fatherly. He bit out a strained smile so he couldn’t scream. “You’re playing too rough, son. You gotta be gentle with me, remember? You’re making me bleed.”
The chimera paused in its attack, frowning. “But blood is how humans bind their vows. You promised to love me, so you must bleed to keep that oath.”
That. Yeah, in retrospect that explained a lot about how cuddling with “Tommy” usually went. Philza had always ended up bruised, nipped fingers and scratch marks. “Humans can keep promises without a blood pact. In fact, that’s how most of them are done.”
“Then how will I force you to uphold it?”
“If you are kind I shall do it of my own volition.”
“Tommy’s” hackles raised. “No you won’t. You would betray me at the first opportunity.”
“Perhaps in hell. Not here.” Philza stroked “Tommy’s” muzzle and slowly began coaxing him to be more gentle. He distrusted Philza’s words, scoffing at them, but seemed willing to try so as to not lose Philza’s affection. Eventually he persuaded the demon to don a weaker, safer form, particularly after the lion head’s nuzzling started trying to bite his arms. A fox curled in his lap, happily purring as Philza ran his fingers through too-hot fur. Occasionally "Tommy" rubbed against him to show affection. Or possibly just to make sure Philza was paying attention to solely him.
“What was Hell like?” Philza asked curiously. Fishing for information was the least dangerous with "Tommy", and given how unintentionally (?) lethal he was that was saying something. But the others were far more conniving in a way the straight-forward demon was not. And Philza needed to figure out how to get his real children back as quick as possible.
The purring stopped abruptly, hackles bristling as the beast grew. Philza braced for an attack that never came. “Tommy” simply looked away from him, resting his head on his paws. “…really, really awful. That’s why I want to stay with you forever.”
Art for this part
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4thebedrockbros · 20 days
The obligatory SBI Hogwarts AU ( fuck jk Rowling tho)
With Phil, a war veteran as a defense against the art teacher, Tommy as a too powerful Gryffondor/Hufflepuff ( not sure ABT that one ) and Technoblade as a cursed Slytherin.
Technoblade is a pureblood with a family into some cult shit ( blood god ect ) that was supposed to be sorted into Ravenclaw but practically begged the hat to put him into Slytherin because he did nit want to deal with his family bullshit. With than the curse of voices, he gets into fight fairly often which causes him to almost always be in detention. ( That's how he meets Tommy and Phil )
Tommy Innit is a muggleborn just a wee bit too powerful and uncontrollable magic, that gets him into trouble at school but also in his everyday life in the Muggle world where he's a foster kid. ( Try to be a witch and a foster kid it's a pain in the ass ).
Philza Craft is a veteran, and also a crow animagus that's been requested to become a teacher at hogwart because the Minister of magic are a bunch of pussies scared of some prophecy. He's a defense against the dark arts teacher and also is responsible for the detention classes. Tommy and Techno basically becomes his responsibilities and if something happens with them he's called immediately ( before their families yes ).
As for other characters:
Tubbo is a pureblood Ravenclaw, and he's terrifying. The guy likes to create spells and testing things he probably shouldn't test with magic. He's also Tommy's best friend and would do anything for him. They meet while shopping for school necessities their first year and become unseperable.
Ranboo is a half blood Hufflepuff/Gryffondor ( again unsure ) with a powerful magic, to cope with it his body just erase memories of times he couldn't control themself. They meet Tommy Purpled and Tubbo in the train during their first year.
Purpled is a muggleborn Slytherin, he wasn't too shocked to develop magic because of all the weird shit around him during his childhood. While people think Ranboo is the most responsible out of them, he takes care of his friend in his own way and is the most responsible one.
Nikki is a pure blood Hufflepuff with a knack for healing magic. She's one of Techno's closest friend and will defend him against rumours spreading assholes.
Slimecicle is a ghost of a Ravenclaw student, thought he tends to hang out in the Slytherin dorms the most to hang out with Quality. When he's not there he tends to spy on students or spook them for fun.
Quackity is a pureblood Slytherin that used to be a dick to Techno but calmed down after getting his ass kicked. He gets along well with Tommy when the blonde didn't know what happened between them but once he learned Toms kinda kicked his ass verbally so they're not as close.
Sam is Charms/Potions teacher that took Tubbo under his wings to avoid mass destruction. He the second teacher to go to if the quatuor of chaos gets in trouble.
Ponk is our resident nurse of course.
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