finilia · 2 years
Story idea
Listen to this I loved the idea of almost same age Gaon and Yohan and their children specifically Elijah and Gaon’s adopted son are Marrying!!!!! So Elijah and lets just name Gaon’s son as Jun ho want their fathers to have a frinedly relationship as they are going to be in laws to each other's child .
But..... they get to close but does not show it much till Elijah and Jun ho are married and have went away for their honeymoon to Switzerland.
Gaon and Yohan who are now lonely beings have been staying in each other's company slowly getting too close for in laws are supposed to be .
What do you think should I make this a thing?
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daklin2777 · 2 years
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Family Reunion - Untitled Part 10 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1313103257-family-reunion-untitled-part-10?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=daklin2777&wp_originator=SK3c0O9cPa9HJBtJv%2BBm0BiwlA%2BlX26lftcBfoRCNk533QWOZadamcBHuSdXq0Mn61NCdSUN%2B78SJtDTTnrIJm1p81u1yR9Z5yeMtZd8xt7%2FY3efeQmZNiRkG13o9b2j What happen in Switzerland ( sorry guys more of an adventure story/alternate story ). Lose a family member , gain a family member , found a family member. And they though they would have a normal life. Birds of a feather flock together. With family members like these , why do enemies even try.
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somisuga · 10 months
KimGaon 김가온 - Model 모델 | Fitting 3/4 Concept 1/3 | @kimgaon 10월 김가온 촬영회...
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holywitchlady · 3 years
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                                                          Walk                                                                                                                         Men 
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seoulide · 3 years
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The Devil Judge - Jung Sun Ah icon
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pellinor-princess · 3 years
Love changes you. Makes you soft. Pushes you to be vulnerable. There's no logic to it...you know that. Your intellectual mind realises that. And yet you go on to mold your plans, your life and even your being to the shape of the person you're utterly and irrevocably in love with.
Yohan embodied this change in his personality as his love for Gaon molded him.
It began almost as a challenge. A threat. A want.
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It transformed into something more. A need.
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Eventually got exposed as open desperation.
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And finally culminated in devastating helplessness as Yohan thought he'd lost Gaon.
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Imagine a man, shaped and toughened by the trials of his painful past, risking it all...just to have another man by his side. Simply because Kang Yohan couldn't imagine not having KimGaon in his life.
"You've become my person. I'm confused by these strange emotions you evoke in me. I'm scared that listening to my heart over my head won't end well for my plans or for me. But I can't help it. I want you too much. I need you more than I could ever imagine. I'd do anything to have you. I'm leaving all my reason behind because when has love ever listened to reason.
Kim Gaon, it seems to me that in you...I've finally found the fire I'm willing let burn me for eternity."
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blbeloved · 3 years
CONGRATULATIONS to the #LawfulHusbands 🥳💑🥳
2021 Teabing Awards
Bromance of the Year 1st place < Devil Judge >
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finilia · 3 years
I can't take it anymore! part-3
I see many people like this type of Gaon so here is the part 3 .
Gaon and Yohan usually sleep in the same room but since Gaon set the no sex and nipple touch rule , Gaon has been sleeping in the original guest room that he was occupying when he came to this house after the accident.
Gaon has not been able to sleep at all since the rule was obeyed. He moans his lovers name multiple times like a prayer to take away gaping void in his intestines and itch in his nipples.
Gaon could not take it anymore. He woke in the middle of the night , his feet automatically took him Yohan's room. he opened the door , he saw Yohan sleeping peacefully in his bedroom. He slowly got close to the bed and lied down beside Yohan.
He saw that Yohan's hands were out of the blanket. Gaon could not think of anything but the details of Yohan's rough hands and how they felt on his chest.
He slowly brought Yohan's hands to his sensitive nipples. The moment they touched his the sparks flew infront of Gaon's eyes as he moaned loudly feeling his release in his pants.
His pants were soaked with cum. Yohan woke up with a jolt, confused at Gaon's crouched figure twitching time to time.
Yohan: 'Gaon-ah , what happened?'
Gaon whipped his head towards his lover. He pulled Yohan's hands towards his cherry red nipples. He moaned again , feeling Yohan's rough hands on his chest.
Gaon: 'I can't take it anymore, hyung! Please make a mess out of me. Touch my nipples , they have become itchy and I can't even go a second without your hands on my chest.'
Yohan shivered at this sudden but deliciously attempt at seduction. He felt himself hardened in his pants. Squeezing one of Gaon's nipples , making him moan again . Yohan noticed Gaon's soaked underwear.
Yohan: 'You came just from feeling my hands on your nipples. You bitch in heat.'
Gaon shivered in pleasure at the obscene nickname used for him , but he did not mind being called bitch in heat till he gets Yohan's hands on his itchy nipples and his huge cock impaling his intestines.
Gaon: Yes , Yes , I am a bitch in heat , slave of your dick . Now impale my insides , I want to feel full again. I want to be filled your cum inside me.
Yohan's had full hard on now. He groaned , he pulled Gaon in his lap, squuezing his butt so roughly that there might imprints of his hands on Gaon's ass. He liked the thought of his marks on Gaon's pale white skin. He started rubbing his nose in Gaon's nape.
Yohan: Remeber Gaon-ah, if you are not able to walk anymore for a whole week , that will be your mistake.
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daklin2777 · 3 years
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Aftermath - Alone (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1123962391-aftermath-alone?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=daklin2777&wp_originator=s0CvdwsYVXfbPzSq1MYug84KOfXG%2BWOVIgdPrXqYKtWfeEG6gaP55rqtUIwOMPzOpGaf1WGvby%2FMPa6RWxSTgJeJvKqAdOugmSy%2FDlHg5XcolJofLoNQLPmQtv0AMoof My idea of what happened to Gaon after episode 16. The aftermath and realization of what he had done and being left alone in Korea.
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simplygot7 · 3 years
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Jinyoung’s Instagram Update.
"고마워요 thank u🐥 #아가새 #악마판사 #김가온"
[TRANS] "Thank you thank u 🐥#Ahgase #TheDemonJudge #KimGaon"
trans cr: JustForJinyoung
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goldensnowy · 3 years
Omg thank you, finally i got my ao3 acc widjdjqjsbhsiw gonna fill the tag for kangyohan/kimgaon
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holywitchlady · 3 years
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roseprincesugden · 2 years
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finilia · 3 years
Kim Ga On
You know a lot of people think that Gaon is a guy who is influenced quite quickly by if you about it he was never betrayed by the people around him for a very long time. Son-hyun was a devoted friend and a companion throughout these years after Gaon lost his parents. After that many of his classmate showed visible hostility towards him . Therefore he knew who were not his friend but when he met Min jeong -ho he thought that he finally found a father or an adult to look upon . Min jeong-ho came when he was at his worst and vulnerable state.
If you have noticed Ga On is a type of person who can give his life for the people he treasured. He was hesitant when Min jeong-ho asked him to always look out for Yo han because in his own views Yo han was a person who was already hurting and making trouble only for those who were truly hurting other people without conscience.
Ga on is naive because he has never first hand experienced betrayal.
He everyone except the person he should believe in, Kang Yohan.(In my views though ,others can tell em whom should have Ga On trusted in except Soo-Hyun)
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daklin2777 · 2 years
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Family Reunion - Blast from the past (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1205967444-family-reunion-blast-from-the-past?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=daklin2777&wp_originator=ENtAr0IZofgp%2FzEobwY2p7GdrauIwM6yXgnwt%2B8ZkZSs70rpknZxNljMl1mkhL0wtrCh%2Fs640hmwy6sAvEVEbtEYojhubs%2BiQXVVf6YDlc%2BojtWioxvc%2FC1g9ps39j2x This is a short story ( I think) after Gaon was reunited with Yohan and Elijah.
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