#kindergarten lilly
juju187hin · 27 days
🇧🇷:apenas um desenho de nugget x Lilly 🩵🧡
🇺🇲:just a nugget x Lilly drawing 🩵🧡
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🇧🇷:nugget sendo um cavaleiro salvando sua princesa chamada linda Lilly, e no final ganhou um beijo na bochecha como recompensa por ter salvado a vida da linda Lilly e seus amigos. 🥰😍
🇺🇲:nugget being a knight saving his princess called beautiful Lilly, and in the end he got a kiss on the cheek as a reward for saving the lives of beautiful Lilly and her friends. 🥰😍
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sometimes-online · 10 months
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jujubin-123450 · 1 year
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Lilly × nugget 💙🧡
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angelbarelywrites · 2 months
♡ slashers scenarios | y’all accidentally adopt a kid (part 2)
♡ fandoms; House of Wax, Hannibal (TV)/Silence of the Lambs, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Hannibal Lecter
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡cw; parenthood, kidnapping, mentions of violence. basically don’t tell these guys you want a kid ig
♡notes; another sparse selection but i don’t think Billy Lenz is allowed within 100 yards of a school so it is what it is
also I hate how much I’m starting to love Bo oh my god
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Vincent Sinclair
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> he’s a nurturing man- to his brothers and you
> hell he babies Jonesy too
> even so, he’s shocked when you mention offhandedly that he’d make a good father
> he denies it vehemently
> even as the golden child he grew up in hell
> no way he’d know how to do any of it right
> but you just gently laugh and shake your head, insisting but not pressing it
> it makes him think
> and think and think
> he didn’t know much about kids, but you’d be a great parent
> and you wouldn’t lie to him- maybe he’d be at least an okay father
> families don’t come through often
> and when they do, Lester leaves them be
> if they ever get to Ambrose on their own, the town stays off- none of the Sinclairs want anything to do with harming children
> but mistakes happen, and Bo is freaking out
> a little girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes was sleeping in the back of a car while he took care of her parents, and he didn’t realize until far to late
> she’s maybe 3, and awfully scared and quiet- but when they bring her in the house she walks right up to you and Vincent
> she hugs your leg and finally smiles when Vincent kneels down to show her that Jonesy is a nice dog
> Bo is in shock when you volunteer to adopt her, but Vincent is in quick agreement
> she’s nonverbal, but you look through her family’s things to find out her name - Lilly Henson, or something to that affect .
> Lilly Sinclair has a much better ring to it anyways, doesn’t it?
Bo Sinclair
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> he’s the type that if you mention that you want a kid to this man, he asks what color
> he is endlessly devoted to you
> and while he never wanted a kid before, he’s always so insistent you make him a better man
> so some snot nosed brats would complete the picture perfectly
> he’s not super serious about it, not really
> you have plenty of time to plan for a family
> and he’s the type to want biological children if possible- he’s so used to white picket fence suburbia-type ideals
> when a car pulls up to the gas station, he stops when he sees the infant car seat in the back
> he’s about to tell the parents to move along- but then he sees the second matching one
> something - probably his overinflated self worth - tells him he’d be a much better father to twins that these chucklefucks
> and you want a kid anyways! would two be much better
> they’re not identical- he’s not not disappointed by the fact, but they’re still adorable
> a boy and a girl a bit over a year, with big brown eyes and infectious giggles
> he’s beyond proud when he strides in with them
> “daddy’s home!”
> he thinks you might actually kill him this time
> but then Charlotte - the girl based on what’s embroidered on her blankie, reaches for you and you melt
> you’re still scolding him as you happily take Theodore too
> but he knows you’re beyond thrilled
Hannibal Lecter
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> he’s always wanted a successor
> quite frankly it never had to be his child - or a child at all
> he thought about taking younger serial killers in the making under his wing more than once
> to teach them the art of culinary cannibalism and the finer points of flaying people
> but it’s far too dangerous - especially with you around
> you’re the one thing that trumps his egomania
> so he lets it be for the time being
> but one day, he takes on a special case at work
> a young boy who recently lost his parents very violently
> he’s in kindergarten, and expresses most everything through his rather advanced drawings
> you don’t interact with his patients- even though he works from home you’re pretty skilled at dodging them
> but on the way out that afternoon the little boy- Peter, his name is, runs out before his social worker and smack dab into you
> she apologizes on his half profusely but you’re so sweet with the boy
> you pick up his dropped drawings and comfort him- he’s quite upset he may have hurt or angered you
> he gives you a huge hug and Hannibal can see the fond, parental look on your face
> after that it’s quite simple to draw up the paperwork
> he’s already in foster care, and it only takes a few false documents to make the courts think that Hannibal’s custody is the best place for little Peter
> you learned long ago that it’s best not to question how or why Hannibal does something when he gets like that
> and either way you’re content with your new little family
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lonleywriters-blog · 10 months
Hello, there! Can you do some Jennifer Check x reader headcounts where reader meets Jennifer for the first time. The reader has a baby and a boyfriend and Jennifer falls in love with reader after the readers boyfriend runs off? Thank you.
Yes I love Jennifer so much!
Jennifer Check x mother reader after father runs off hc's
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So Jennifer is most likely why he ran off
She is not above threatening or killing and we all know this
She probably first got her crush a month into your friendship
She knew he would stay in the way and the sooner the better
She came over to your house when you told her
She brought snacks, movies, wine, self care, and kid melatonin
It was 9 pm anyway so your kid was on the way to bed
She would lay in your bed and comfort you
Helps you clean, watch the baby, and keep up with yourself
She practically moves in at that point
You end up asking her to stay at the house and permanently stay
She accepted and moved in as soon as two days
She is so good with your daughter
Your daughter loves hanging out with "mamma Jenn"
It only took about three months till you fell for her
She had been laying on your chest, you both laying down after a long day watching Lilly
You were stroking her arm and she asked if you would date her
You accepted of course, I mean your kid already accepted her as a mother
She is the best when dating you
She helps with rent and groceries
She absolutely spoils you and Lilly
She uses her power to her Lilly into the best kindergarten
You never have to worry again
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fbfh · 1 month
tristan dugray with baby fever
no bc we've already established a LOT about Tristin. he's dedicated. obsessivley so, even. once he HAS you he doesn't get jealous in a petty way as much as in a puffing out his chest birds acting eccentric to defend their turf way. when he gets jealous the pda goes in FULL SWING. he is so shameless and has just a little sprinkle winkle of bull energy. so you would think that his baby fever comes from this obsessive lovey dovey I want everyone to look at you and know you're mine place right???????? not quite. like it does but not till later. Tristin's baby fever is soul crushingly gut punchingly triggered by watching you interact with a little kid. Chilton is a k-12 school, so this probably started late in your senior year. there was some little kid who was new and got horribly lost and ended up in the high school building instead of the kindergarten building. you and Tristin saw her hiding behind a bench and you stopped to help her. Tristin stood nearby, watching the way you crouched down and introduced yourself in a gentle voice, the softness of your demenor to not scare her. you told her you get lost all the time, and it's normal for a new school to feel scary until you get used to it. you smooth her hair and tell her chilton is really fun and the other kids are nice. you tell her how great the cafeteria is and how cool the junglegym is at recess. you offer to help her find her kindergarten room, and Tristin watches with wide eyes and changing brain chemistry as you scoop up this adorable little kid wearing a backpack as big as she is and walk over to him.
"This is my friend Tristin. Tristin, this is Lilly. Do you wanna walk with us to the kindergarten building?"
Lilly tries to say hi but hides shyly as you chuckle. Tristin walks with you two all the way across campus as you two show Lilly all the cool statues and portraits, all the old trophys and class photos along the way. Tristin works his magic, charming giggles and smiles out of Lilly as you two turn a terrible first day into a pretty good one. You each hold one of her hands and swing her along as you finally reach the kindergarten building, smiling and giggling right along with her until she's safely dropped off at her kindergarten room. Mrs. Benning, the teacher, thanks both of you profusely. Before you part ways, you give Lilly a hug and high five for good luck. Mrs. Benning sends ahead a note so neither of you get in trouble for missing class, and I swear to god, Tristin does not stop thinking about it for weeks.
Flash forward a couple years, Tristin is almost out of college and ready to step into the marketing department of the family business, just like his parents and grandparents planned. One day he gets a call from his dad, telling him that his cousin Honor's baby shower is coming up soon, giving him the details of when to be there and what to bring, but he kind of stops listening after that. Honor's having a baby? like, his cousin Honor? the one that's not too much older than you and him? he stares at you sitting on the floor in front of a mirror, doing your makeup and wearing one of his shirts with the coffee he made you at your side, and suddenly he can't stop thinking about a little toddler that looks just like the both of you running over and sitting in your lap while you do your makeup. calling you mama, shaking a rattle or whatever toddlers play with, wearing those little pajamas with the feet on them... and now it's all he can think about. he knows his dad and grandpa have had his life planned out for him since before he was born, he always knew the timeline was graduate, marriage, kids, take over the family business and he really never had like... a resentful "I hate my destiny" phase with it. Up until high school he was very much in the "oh that's years away that doesn't have anything to do with me and my life yet" mindset. then he met you. and now, standing in the doorway of your shared bedroom in your shared apartment watching you get ready, Tristin is overcome with desire. he wants you. he wants a life with you, he wants to hear you say that he's the father of your child. he wants an unbreakable, irreversable bond of every possible kind with you. chemical, social, legal, eveything. he wants to cuff you, to lock you in. he wants to sleep at night knowing that your and his babies, toddlers, kids, are sleeping soundly in their cozy rooms right down the hall, that you get to sleep next to your husband Tristin, the father of your children Tristin. he wants to hear people call you Mrs. Dugray, wants to bump up his old man to a grandpa, prove to his dad how a dad should treat his children. he wants to break the godforsaken generation cycle that always seems to come with the generational wealth, and raise your kids to be loved and happy and secure. and in that moment, he speedran through all the stages of baby fever to stage 4 extreme terminal the baby fever is baby fevering kinda baby fever. god help you, the (surprisingly short) span of time between now and when you get pregnant???? he's going to be more insufferable than ever.
I will be writing more about how insufferable and nightmare and evil /pos tristin is with baby fever just not in this ask cause it's getting too long. send me more excuses to talk about this.
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eternal-naptime · 2 months
*Mr. Zer0 came to the kindergarten again*
Hi, as you see me made a new hand. Thank you.
"Good to see that you and Lillie got along. She's usually not the type to mesh well with people."
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seiya234 · 7 months
man who would speak true
"You're not supposed to be here."
The pale woman, the jaw bone of a deer in her hand, was initially too engrossed in her task to hear Willow's statement. She had fallen to her knees where the water met sand, and was digging as deep of a hole as she could with her hands.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
The woman, so pale white that she should have been burnt already under the sun in the sky, dropped the jawbone in the hole, and quickly filled the hole back in. The water rushed over it, quickly rinsing the sand off the woman's hands and removing any evidence of the hole entirely.
Willow didn't try digging up the jawbone. It had been too long buried in her.
"You're dead," she finally managed to say.
"I am," the pale woman agreed, standing up and shaking the last bits of sand and water from her hands.
"Why are you here then?"
Ms. Lilly smiled, showing the teeth that were rotten, the gums that were red and swollen, before looking pointedly down at Willow's stomach.
"Just a friendly reminder."
(she fed me words that I could not taste)
"Hey Lucy Ann?"
Lucy Ann looked up from under the massive wide brimmed hat she hadn't needed in decades.
"What's up?"
"Can I ask a weird question?"
"Sure Willow. Is it, 'Why can't my brother strike out against a kindergartener?'"
Willow looked up to where her brother was indeed getting trounced by another child under four feet tall, one of the kids in Vivi's class.
"Lucy Ann he's not supposed to win against the kids."
"I'm just saying he should put up more of a fight. Anyway, what were you going to ask me?"
"Is there any like, folklore about like, how vampires came about? Like how do you get vampires?"
"That's a lot of 'likes' for you. Are you okay Willow?"
Willow smiled wanly. She wasn't sure.
"Yeah I'm fine."
(i had no tongue, it had been replaced)
Decades later, looking back on it, Willow didn't know why she did what she did that day.
Certainly it wasn't the first time that she was facing certain death.
And certainly it wasn't the first time that for one reason or the other, she was on her own, with no help.
(could she call Dipper? at any time? absolutely.
but was it wise, to call a demon every time you needed to escape death? even if that demon was your uncle?
dipper had told her no himself)
Willow had faced a hundred people before who wielded magic and blades and almost took her life, faced a hundred people who weren't phased by her fire, who matched her toe to toe, left cuts and scars on her.
But tonight she was cold, she was tired, she had been wondering before this why on Earth she found herself going out three or four nights a week looking for trouble, and did it even really fucking matter when nothing she did seemed to make a dent in the amount of power hungry weirdos that wanted to take a bite out of her home-
and then Jerry- fucking Jerry- dodged the fire she had lobbed at his head and cut a slash across her stomach.
It hurt. It hurt a lot.
It hurt a lot and Willow didn't have time to stop and assess if it was just skin or if he had cut down to her muscle, didn't have time to back up and take one second to fucking think because he was swinging that stupid goddamn meteor knife that he spent ten minutes mansplaining to her about before trying to kill her and-
Another swipe, making an x on her stomach, and Willow snapped.
While he was still close to her she clapped her hands on his shoulders, bringing him in close to her face, close enough to kiss. She looked deep into his eyes, and while he was confused by the turn of events, Willow pulled.
She felt his anger at her, anger that she would interrupt his plans to raise Mo'xiah the Fevered, anger that she was actually able to fight back; she felt that anger and she pulled it into her.
Felt the confusion as he realized that her fingers were gripping his shoulders so hard that they the nails were breaking the skin; she felt that confusion and she pulled it into her.
Felt the fear as he realized that he couldn't break eye contact, the fear as the knife dropped from fingers gone numb, the fear as his muscles loosened and relaxed as Willow effortlessly sorted through every single emotion he had ever felt;
She felt it all. She pulled it into her, and she fed it into the dark ocean that was her heart. She pulled and pulled until she felt Jerry finally go limp in her hands.
Willow let go, and he fell at her feet.
For a second she felt nothing.
Then she felt everything.
Her heart was beating fast, too impossibly fast, and she could feel her skin burning, her body vibrating from the energy that she had pulled into her.
She could feel the wounds in her stomach begin to heal, could feel the muscle fibres stretch towards one another and begin to mend, the skin rapidly sealing up as well. The ankle she had rolled yesterday gave a loud pop before a wave of relief.
Her wounds were gone- but she was still so hot, still so very hot, because she was full full full and there was no outlet for what she had taken. Before Willow could do anything though, her body made up its mind for her; on her legs, the many tiny ropy scars that she had gained over 25 years of life began to slowly melt away, fading into her limbs as the skin smoothed out, became taut.
Her scalp felt funny; Willow held up the end of her braid only to see her hair growing before her eyes, longer and thicker until it broke free of the hair tie she had put in. The nail polish she had put on earlier that day was rapidly wearing off, as new nail came shooting out of the beds of her fingers.
At her feet, Jerry's body breathed in, breathed out. But she had hollowed him out, scooped everything about him out like ice cream and popped it in her mouth.
Just like Ms. Lilly.
It didn't.... the horror she felt as a teenager was not here this time.
Probably because Jerry deserved it.
That was probably it.
Still shaking, Willow dragged Jerry's body out of the basement, to leave it on the lawn for someone to find and take care of.
It should have been an effort to drag the dead weight of Jerry.
It wasn't.
They met once a week for cards and catching up at Acacia’s trailer in Bend. Reina would go visit friends or family in Gravity Falls, Willow drove the hour and a half, and Hank had a standing ride from Uncle Dipper in exchange for a box of ice cream sandwiches. They all spent the night in one bed, just like they were kids and in the morning one of them would make Stancakes.
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant,” Hank said, for the fifteenth time today.
“I can’t believe you aren’t saying ‘Thanks for taking a bullet for the team and giving Mom and Dad a grandbaby.’” Acacia stretched. “Though I guess it IS my duty as the eldest child-“
Willow and Hank groaned, and as they threw cards at a laughing Acacia, Willow wondered at how…okay this all felt?
She never expected this….. well maybe to be fair, she really didn’t know what to expect as an adult. Looking back, now that they were 25, their childhoods had been so deep, so filled with wonder and magic, terror and blood… Gravity Falls was their whole world, their little fiefdom, and with the safety of a demon uncle, a mobster grunkle, and a Mabel behind them, the triplets were allowed a level of freedom to explore that few kids their age had.
Willow was terrified when it came time for college, time to leave Gravity Falls and figure their lives out.
(terrified because Hank wasn’t coming with her and Acacia-)
But it had turned out… alright?
Bend was good for Acacia….well, ish. Both her and Hank could see from a mile away that Acacia was desperate to feel safe, and quite frankly- Willow looked down where she saw two bright spots in the still flat stomach of her sister- speed running domesticity.
Willow had never seen it coming.
But it was Acacia’s choice, and after some gentle prodding and some considerably less gentle sibling fights, Hank and Willow had agreed to leave it at that.
Anyway, all things considered, Bend had been good for Acacia. She had taken to riding her bike through the badlands, and getting artistic inspiration from the scrub and the desert. Reina and her were frequent patrons of the last Blockbuster Video, still holding on thanks to the VHS revival, and they went downtown every week for dinner and a stroll. It was smaller than Willow thought her sister would ever want, but it suited her well.
“Hey Willow can you help me pick up these cards and I’ll shuffle?”
“Sure Hank.”
Hank had blossomed in Portland. No one else could see it but her (okay maybe Uncle Dipper did? Hard to tell to be honest) but Hank always had a Presence that filled whatever room he was in. Maybe he wasn’t as loud as Acacia or as flashy as Willow, but Hank was always attuned to the world around him in a way that neither she or Acacia were.
It just took moving to Portland for Hank to not only realize it, but to begin to tread through the world with a heavier step than before.
Quite frankly, it looked like Hank was about to be on some weird shit and Willow couldn’t wait to see where this was going.
As for Willow herself, well…
(“Hey, Willow-?”)
Willow had seen the world. She did an exchange year in Japan during college and the time on her own for the first time in her life was as equally valuable as the time exploring another country-
(“Uh, Wills?”)
-but ultimately there was no other place in the world for her than Gravity Falls, no other home than the Shack, no-
Willow started. Hank and Acacia were looking at her somewhat incredulously.
“What’s up?”
Acacia shook her head. “Girl you were lost in the sauce. We’ve been trying to get your attention for five minutes now.”
“You have?”
Hank nodded. “Yeah. When did you learn to shuffle cards?”
Willow looked down.
Her hands, which had all her life undexterously refused to learn how to shuffle, were now effortlessly going through round after round of shuffling the deck.
Willow didn’t know how to shuffle cards.
But Jerry did.
“Willow, are you okay?”
(i only spoke truth but it only brought death)
The second time came a year later. Once again, even reflecting on it, Willow couldn't place her finger on why then, or why that person.
Just that she was in yet another fight for her life, and Julia had managed to get the upper hand and now Willow was lying on the ground, the bat in her hands the only thing keeping Julia from putting her hands around Willow's neck to strangle her.
Their faces were close, close enough for Willow to feel the heat of Julia's breath, see the hate in the other woman's eyes-
Quick enough for Willow to rear up and kiss Julia. The other woman was utterly surprised for a second, but a second was all Willow needed, because again she began to pull.
The garrote dropped from Julia's hands as Willow deepened the kiss, drawing from Julia her hate, her sorrow, her fear. Willow felt Julia's hands hit lightly against her sides, fighting like a bird in a cage but Willow had Julia now, her fingers clinging so tight bruises were blooming underneath them.
Willow drank every emotion out of Julia, felt the soul inside shake with confusion and then settled down, wiped clean prematurely. Willow didn't let go because there was some ice cream left at the bottom of the bowl, something she could sense, something on the tip of her tongue-
the lightning in Julia's brain, the rush of blood through her veins, the fairy lights of every nerve ending, the steady pump pump pump of her heart, once Willow could feel it, it was so easy to draw it in as well, to feed it to the dark and roaring ocean within herself.
Julia spasmed, then fell limp in Willow's arms. Willow let her down gently onto the ground.
She didn't check for a heartbeat.
She knew where it had gone.
And the rush as her lungs decided to start fucking working for the first time in their lives was...
Well it was kind of delicious, really.
"Fancy seeing you out here."
Willow sat down on the ground next to Lucy Ann. Inside of Hank's new home, the party continued on apace.
"The noise was a little much for me," Willow said weakly. Her head ached, but it wasn't from the noise.
"Sure...." But Lucy Ann thankfully let it drop.
Willow leaned her head against the fence, the pressure easing her headache slightly.
"Would you like to hear a story?"
Willow started. She looked at Lucy Ann but the vampire's face was dead serious.
"I would love that."
Lucy Ann rolled her glass in her hands. "I heard this tale in Florence a long time ago. I had met up with a group of young men and women at church, and we left town for their country house- holed up there for two weeks telling stories."
"Lucy Ann, I've read that book-"
"Yes well Boccaccio didn't put everything in, now listen."
Chastened, Willow sat back.
"Do you know how we got the first vampire?"
She remembered asking a few months ago but
"Um, no."
"Yeah no one does, it's probably some science shit. But I like the explanation that the Master of Florence gave me in that house, while the young ones were telling their own gentle stories. So-"
A shiver went up Willow's spine and the top of her head tingled."
"Once upon a time there was a cowherd. Most of his time was spent far from his community, keeping an eye on the cows as they grazed until it was time to bring them home for slaughter or for milk.
This year, however was different. This year there was a drought. He kept them out as long as he could but little by little the ponds and oases all dried up. He began to turn them back to the community, where there was a river, but they were several days away.
And all the while he was thirsty. So, so very thirsty. He tried to go as long as he could because he knew they were close to home but his mouth was so terribly dry.
So one night, when the herd was asleep, he crept up to one cow and slit a vein in it's throat, and when the blood flowed out, he drank it like it was the coolest spring water.
The next day they made it home."
"Now-" A gnat flew into Lucy Ann's throat and she coughed for a second, before taking a drink of something that was far too thick to be wine. She started again.
"Now, this man was not special in what he had done. He was not the first or the last person to try and use blood like water, in order to survive. But this man... he could not stop thinking about what he had done. How the blood, body hot and bitter with iron, had gushed into his mouth. How the salt iron taste lingered on his tongue for days afterward.
How he hadn't told anyone what he had done.
He kept thinking about it. And thinking about it. The action running on replay in his mind.
Until finally it came time to butcher an old cow for its meat. He was alone in the shed. No one would bother him. So he slit a vein in the cow's throat and the pleasure that it brought him was so great he came on his feet."
Willow jerked and Lucy Ann looked at her over her wine glass for a long second, before continuing.
"The problem here was not the blood, nor the hunger. The problem was that once was not enough. For it was only days later that the man made sure he was alone and took his knife out and drank from his herd again.
Soon he found himself drinking from the herd every day. The man was clever, so good at managing his habit! He discovered which veins he could open without harming the cow over much, learned quickly to change cows, figured out the best times when no one would spy him and ask what he was doing.
For several months he lived for the time of day when he would surreptitiously take a drink or two from his herd. His wife worried for him: his skin was turning greyish in tone and he no longer took her to bed. He thought he had it under control, even as he sharpened his teeth with a file in order to bite instead of using the knife. Biting was so much less efficient than the knife but it brought him closer to the blood. The biting felt... good.
And it never occurred to him that he should be worried about that.
Finally, again, the time came to slaughter one of the herd. The man was so horribly excited; the last time he only had taken a few drinks, for he did not know what he was doing. Though he was now taking from his herd two, three times a day, it wasn't enough for him. He needed more.
It was him and the cow. For once he didn't use his teeth, but instead the knife. He slit it's throat and immediately pressed his mouth to the wound, letting the blood shoot into his mouth.
Every time before he would stay until he needed to breathe, but not this time. His hunger was so great that it drove him to stay. His body cried for breath but he only plugged his nose and clung tighter to the cow, his fingers digging into its skin. The blood was flowing with each pump of the cow's heart but it wasn't fast enough so he began to suck. He drank until his stomach hurt and then past that, drank until his stomach swelled and then past that, drank until his stomach was distended, rock hard and painful to the touch and it. still. wasn't enough. Because do you know what the lesson here is Willow Pines?"
Willow shook her head.
"The lesson is, it will never be enough. He drank until his stomach almost burst, and the blood was coming up through his nose because there was no room and it still wasn't enough. Because he woke up the next day, went to drink from the herd like normal but the spark, the rush he craved? It was gone. He had killed a cow by gorging on it's blood until it finally lost too much and there was no going back. It tasted like ashes in his mouth. He took care of the herd and went home to his wife, and his children. That night he noticed something.
He noticed how good his wife smelt. And he noticed how fast his children's hearts beat.
He noticed that for three days before he called every single one of them into the shed in the back.
And when he had eaten his family, he tried to go outside, but the sun had noticed his terrible hunger, and began to burn him for his sin. It was only in the cool of the night that he could finally leave the shed. But it didn't matter. Anything human in him was gone, and all that was left was a hunger that walked on two legs."
Lucy Ann finished her glass.
"Because this man could not control his hunger, his hunger controlled him. So great was his hunger that it grew unleashed from him, became alive within his blood- it gained a capital letter even. So great was this Hunger that one night the man wasn't careful and instead of killing his food, his food woke up, even Hungrier than the man himself."
She paused. "Anyway that's why we think vampirism might be a virus."
Willow was frozen.
Lucy Ann smiled. It wasn't a nice smile. "Thanks for listening to my story. I'm going in now." And she skipped inside while Willow felt like she was going to pass out.
There was a six month period, where Willow did not go out cult bashing.
If anyone asked, Willow told them that she was taking some time to do some self reflection and soul searching.
And that was true!
But no one needed to know that soul searching was because Willow was getting ready to go out one night and found her mouth watering in anticipation.
"We call it the apple."
Willow didn't protest at Ms. Lilly sitting on her beach. That boat had sailed long ago.
"The vampires," Ms. Lilly began to lecture as Willow sat down next to her, "have the Kiss. But theirs is a true virus." She paused. "Maybe. The community is still not sure about that."
She went on. "But they have it easy. They can take any schlub they see, give them the Kiss, and their child is born. Those like you and me however?"
Ms. Lilly began drawing in the sand. "First we have to decide we want to reproduce- that's the easy part. But then we actually have to find a child, one with abilities like yours and mine. Then of course, step two is not getting greedy and eating your potential child- have you found another like us yet?"
"No," Willow managed to grit out.
"Mmmm, if you think you're hungry now, just wait until someone like us crosses your path. But yes. A child comes into your life. You draw them close. You teach them to reach outside of themselves. You tell them the things they can do that they would have never, ever, imagined on your own."
Ms. Lilly leaned in close and her mouth still smelt of rot. "You push and push and push until finally they eat the apple."
She paused. "And then admittedly that's usually when your child eats you, but no one ever said parenthood was an easy or rational choice."
"I didn't want it," Willow finally said.
"Mmmmm but you chose it!"
"I was 16. I was a child."
"Well. That's what made it so easy."
"Wow. Thank you-"
"Oh my girl, I'm so glad you saw the truth-"
"-for saying something so absolutely gross that it snapped me out of this bullshit."
"Why whatever do you mean?"
"I'm not like you."
"Yes you are. You've eaten the Apple. You've killed now, thrice, and used another's life force to power your own flesh."
"And I will own that, until the day I die. But here's the thing. I don't have to do that."
"But you can't control yourself!"
"Yes actually! Yes I can! The 'not killing people' button is actually very easy to not push."
Ms. Lilly began to sweat. It smelt like iron.
"But my dear, think of the power-"
"The power is not worth my soul. No thank you."
"You need to do this! Or you will-"
"Die? I went seven years between killing you and killing Jerry, and another year between Jerry and Julia. And nothing untoward has happened to me in those time periods. You ate because you wanted to, not because you had to."
The blood was beginning to ooze from Ms. Lilly's pores, the smell of rot becoming increasingly stronger.
"But my girl-!"
"You know, I am hungry as a matter of fact."
"Yes, listen to that hunger!"
Willow smiled.
And she bit Ms. Lilly's head off.
"How did it happen, Lucy Ann?"
Lucy Ann didn't ask what Willow meant, only watched as Willow shuffled cards aimlessly on the table for a minute or five before finally speaking.
"I've... I've never met anyone as old as I am. I think the last time I met someone older than me was in the stands waiting for a match at the Colosseum."
Lucy Ann paused.
"And honestly remembering that conversation now, I wish it had been something more deep than 'pass that neck please.'"
Lucy Ann paused again, for a long while. Willow was getting ready to put the cards away when
"It's about control. Restraint."
Lucy Ann rolled her jelly jam jar of blood between her hands, watching the blood slowly coat the sides as it moved between her hands.
"I am the oldest because, well, okay there is an absolute inordinate amount of luck and grace involved, but I am the oldest because I learned quickly the things I needed to do to survive in this body. Drink, but not too deeply. Don't leave a body because bodies attract attention, no matter what era."
Lucy Ann took a dainty sip and said "And honestly? Killing just for the sake of it? Because you're so wasteful and sloppy you don't care? Has never sat well with me."
"I don't know what that has to do with the sun, why it doesn't touch me any more. I don't know why it took a thousand years for that switch to occur. I don't know why I'm still walking the earth. I'm still hungry. I'm always hungry. The hunger will never go away. And Willow?"
"I am not a 'good' person, let's get that clear. I didn't earn sun privileges because I did some Twilight ass shit."
Lucy Ann sighed and for a second Willow could see the millennia in her eyes, the weight of it on her bones.
"I am not my hunger. My hunger does not control me, I control it. And because of that, I am still here while every single one of my peers eventually fades away. Do you understand?"
Willow smiled.
"Yeah. I think I do."
The hunger never went away.
Her mouth would still water occasionally when she went cult bashing.
But Willow never fed another child the apple.
And even Hungers with a capital H would go to sleep, if you ignored them long enough.
(Now the birds of the air make nests on me)
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mercurygray · 5 months
Hello! I am new to tumblr and Band of brothers fandom. I really don't know tumblr or fandom well. I was reading The darkening sky. It is wonderful, i really liked Marj also ırene. So I found you in here and saw you answered some questions. If it is not make you uncomfortable and take too much of your time, how can i reach people and make friends on tumblr and in the fandom without being awkward and without make anybody uncomfortable?
Hi Lilly! It's very nice to e-meet you! Thank you so much for saying that about TDS - I'm so glad you're enjoying it!!
For someone who says that they're new to tumblr and fandom, I'd say you're off to a fabulous start, as you've already done a bunch of the things I would recommend you do as a fandom newbie.
Make sure your blog is set up so that it looks like a real person runs it, and not a bot. Follow some people that look like they're into the same things you are. Put some stuff in your profile so that people who find your blog know what you're about. (Done!)
Read things, and tell the people who made them that you liked them. Share honest appreciation for the things that make you happy. (Done!)
Find things here on tumblr that you like and reblog it to your blog with nice notes in your tags. If there's an author whose work you really like, reblog posts they make about that work so that more people see it! (Done!)
Reach out to the writers and artists you like here on tumblr and tell them that you liked their work! This could be sending them a direct message, or an ask, like you did with me, or responding to their requests for prompts or askbox memes. (Done!)
If you keep doing the first four things, I'd say you're well on your way. And if you want to, you can also move to step 5:
5. Join a Discord server, if you're interested in finding more people to talk to.
Regarding the awkwardness - it's the internet. I think everything we do here has a small amount of awkward in it. I have found fandom to be much…easier if I remember what it was like to be a kid with a new toy in kindergarten. It's much easier for us to make friends as children because we simply walk up to each other on the playground and admire the fact that both of us have the same character on our lunchboxes. That's what tumblr is like. It's a big playground and we are all admiring the toys we brought.
Now, you're going to start all of these interactions with good intentions. Remember that some people will say no, or just ignore you. This will be uncomfortable, but it doesn't make you a bad person - it just means that person is in a different place than you are. Accepting that 'no', whether spoken or unspoken, is an answer, will go a long way to stopping things from getting uncomfortable.
And remember - these things take time, and that's okay. You're not going to make friends immediately, or meet everyone in a weekend. It's a process. Just enjoy the time you spend being here. Good luck!
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gardenofbookworms · 27 days
today is a very special day and so i am taking advantage of this opportunity to give you all my manga recs before rose kills me :D
(“bee i thought you hated romance there's a lot of bl on here” bl doesn't count okay. shhh)
*note: author and character names are in last-name-first-name format when full name is shown
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Kindergarten Wars by Chiba You
in japan there exists an establishment called kindergarten noir, where children can often be seen running around in the playground out front. though it may look unassuming—this is the safest kindergarten in the world, daily attacked by assassins (such as leo) yet never having lost one single child. rita is one of the staff members, all of which are former convicts with more kills than their age in years and enough baggage to weigh down a jet. her only goal in life? to find a hot boyfriend (and definitely NOT her nicotine addicted swindler colleague). but before that, there’s something that must be done at any cost—protect the children.
the balance in this manga is actual, literal perfection. it’s officially classified as a comedy, and yet there’s a real seriousness behind the characters and their missions that makes it so, so emotional (the end of the asakusa arc…). not only that, but there seems to be a lovebug going around, and of course it’s not complete without the resident manga otaku (luke). the “elite” from another level in fighting aren’t set apart from the others in the kindergarten, either—the characters are constantly unified and there for each other which only made it worse when [redacted].
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Servamp by Strike TANAKA
shirota mahiru is a very simple person. if you see a lonely cat, you pick it up, right? but what if the cat is a vampire, or rather, servamp, and he's just been dragged into the complex world of the supernatural (y'know, vampires, werewolves, demon children splitting in half)? with tensions growing between the seven and the “eighth”, the servamps draw closer to war. and, thinking simply, mahiru and his neet vampire kuro are the only ones who can stop it—and not without help, of course. now, how much of that was a lie?
word is that servamp is ending this year which, nooo…but holy shit is it a good series. everything escalates really really quickly (and ridiculously but that's the charm) but each arc is obviously carefully thought out (sakuya……lilly……ophelia……tsurugi……). the complexity makes it a little hard to follow sometimes, but seeing the way the characters struggle to keep their morals and navigate relationships with each other and more stuff i can't fit here is so, so worth it.
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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead by Aso Haro and Takata Kotaro
tendo akira has a definite zombie apocalypse role—the guy who’s just happy not to go to work. having had his dreams crushed by an exploitative corporation, akira would readily take a zombie apocalypse over another day in the office. when his prayers are answered, he realizes he’s had no free time to be anything other than an employee. so what does he do? make a bucket list, of course! after a reunion with college friend kenchiro ryuzaki, the two travel japan and meet other survivors—shizuka, a strategist whose dream is to become a doctor, and beatrix, a foreigner and samurai who came to japan with bright eyes. hordes and manipulative former bosses may follow them, but they can’t fall to their level—because they’d much rather be eaten by zombies than miss out on a chance to live.
i first found out about this manga through the anime (which is phenomenal but beware for your mental health). the way it kicks off really set the tone—akira tries confessing to his coworker, but it goes nothing like he’d ever plan for—that bittersweet start had me hooked throughout the manga. a lot, if not all, of the circumstances are nothing short of ridiculous, my favorite examples being the zombie shark (defeated by electric punch) and the government robots (defeated with the help of a gamer girl). above all, the bad guys aren’t the zombies! it’s—you guessed it—capitalism (yay!).
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The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All by Sumiko Arai
highschool gyaru oosawa aya is set apart from the rest of her glamorous friends by (mostly) one thing—her music taste. deviating far from the typical, fresh j-pop that everyone seems to listen to, aya prefers her much-treasured american indie rock bands. koga mitsuki, who quickly earns her reputation as “the prince”, is the same way, except she’s on the opposite side of the school spectrum. but it just so happens that mitsuki, one of those “loner-types”, sits right next to aya in class. when their paths cross for real at the record shop where mitsuki works, a case of mistaken identity is the first thing that sets off their relationship—but when you break it down, they’re just two people who really love music.
there are two things that i absolutely adore in this manga. a) MUSIC IS A BIG FOCUS. AHHHH if you can’t tell im also obsessed with music so (btw on spotify i have a playlist of all the songs featured in the manga if you’d like to take a look). really loved the exploration with mitsuki and aya’s feelings about music and also mitsuki’s uncle AND kanna too. and b) the art style is so captivating…the use of green, and especially neon green at that, is so so cool. it kind of reminds me of glitter pen ink with all its shiny-ness. flashy teen romances are definitely not my thing but this series…
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Hirano and Kagiura by Harusono Shou
kagiura akira has never been good at waking up early, despite all his early basketball practices. luckily, he's got his new school dormmate hirano taiga to help him get out of bed. but as the school semester progresses, kagiura begins to realize something—he is horribly, hopelessly, in love with hirano. when he figures out hirano doesn't return his feelings, they enter a compromise; for ten seconds a day, kagiura is allowed to touch him with more affection than just between “friends”. starstruck, kagiura is willing to give him all the time he needs to come to terms with his feelings. but hirano isn't even sure of them himself—kagiura is so, so close to his heart, but are those feelings really romantic? and just how long is he okay with making him wait? and when will they be past the point of trying?
how do i even start to describe this manga. every single chapter i read, there were at least three times i had to put my phone down and take a deep breath. why? because they are so cute rahhhhhh. kagiura’s initial underlying uncertainty about his feelings growing into something he's more sure about is. an amazing reflection of his maturity. meanwhile hirano is still catching up, trying to sort through everything but still cheering his kagi-kun (that's so affectionate i’m gonna cry) on. and obviously, because this is bl and who are we kidding, there's niibashi and hanzawa for comical outsider pov commentary (while i'm on that pipeline, i adore how hanzawa knows and trying his best to be supportive).
“but bee, i thought you had seven recs?” i do, but unfortunately i am lazy af and forgot to write the last summary for given (kizu natsuki). it’s still one of my favorites though. music, romance, and of course, angst. yes it’s bl, shhh. i also highly recommend the bungou stray dogs series (asagiri kafka and harukawa sango) but since that’s a little more widely known (and we trend once a month, if yk yk), i’m not gonna get into it.
hope you enjoyed :DDD
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girlysword · 1 year
Reblog for more votes please
Put what you voted for in the tags and whether you think that is what the class actually chose
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juju187hin · 3 months
🇧🇷:apenas um arte de nugget e Lilly
🇺🇲:just a nugget and Lilly art
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sometimes-online · 2 years
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Heres some doodles of some of the kg characters!  I’m working on how I’ll draw them in my style and I’m kinda happy with this 
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readtilyoudie · 4 months
Okay, Lilly knows.
All right, maybe she doesn’t KNOW, but she knows something is wrong. I mean, come on: she’s been my best friend since like kindergarten. She can totally tell when something is bothering me. We totally bonded in first grade, the day Orville Lockhead dropped trou in front of us in the line to the music room. I was appalled, having never seen male genitalia before. Lilly, however, was unimpressed. She has a brother, you see, so it was no big surprise to her. She just looked Orville straight in the eye and said, “I’ve seen bigger.”
And you know what? Orville never did it again.
So you can see that Lilly and I share a bond that is stronger than mere friendship. 
Princess in the Spotlight (The Princess Diaries #2) by Meg Cabot
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26wh57 · 4 days
Lilly Harrington
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  chapter 1 
October 30th 1984
At the Harrington household it just reached 6am. whilst Lilly was still in a deep sleep still when she heard an irritating noise, knocking on her door.
“wake up” she heard her mother, saying that agitating fleece.
She groaned whilst she was getting out of bed. She was wearing a flowery dressing gown, her pink fluffy socks and her blonde little curls reaching the bottom of her shoulders. She got out of bed and put her school clothes on A stripey coloured top and A red dress over neath it and put her black boots on.
Lilly head downstairs to get her to get her self some breakfast. Normally her parents wasn’t around because they’re either on vacation or business trips. So she word of had to stayed with her Brother Steve. But surprisingly there was already breakfast on the table and her mother was in the kitchen.
“morning,mom” says Lilly
“morning darling, breakfast is on the table do you have everything ready for school?” Says Mrs Harrington
“Yep” Lilly says whilst taking scoops of her breakfast and shoving it in her mouth
“by the way, darling I ironed your Dorthie costume all ready for tomorrow” says Mrs Harrington
“thanks, mom I honestly can’t wait to go trick-or-treating with Erica” Lilly says
Lilly and Erica has been best friends since kindergarten you would never see one without the other.
“Ok now, where’s that brother of yours?” Said Mrs Harrington Stanley
“I don’t know, probably jerking off to his girlfriend” Lilly says in her sassy, discussed way.
“LILLY HARRINGTON don’t use such language” mrs Harrington says while she goes out of the room to go to find Steve
“well, it’s kind of true” Lily said mumbling whilst eating her toast
“morning, morning” Steve says finally coming down the stairs
“oh finally, you’re up now go and have some breakfast and take your sister to school and take yourself to school as well” says Mrs Harrington
“how was your sleep princess” Steve now asking Lilly
“Fine I guess” Lilly says rolling eyes
Lilly has no clue why her brother was starting to be so nice to her because a year ago Steve was just up ignore her, or poke fun at her. Nearly for the past year now Steve has tried to change his ways of being nicer to people specially towards his sister but she didn’t believe it she thought it was all act.
“okay, now you to Need to get going so go go before your late” mrs Harrington said
“Ok ok come on Lilly grab your stuff and let’s go” Steve said
“okay, yeah” Lilly says rolling her eyes
“Bye mom” Lilly says
She grabs her bag and heads out the door
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skellietoonz · 8 months
I really gotta binge the Beetlejuice cartoon in honor of spooky season, maybe even in the server
not only cause Eli and Lilly have major Beej and Lydia vibes now, more than they ever did in the past, but because nostalgia...I remember watching it every day after kindergarten...
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