#kindness to ourselves is important and friends can help us remember that when we forget
curator-on-ao3 · 2 years
hello, i’m immensely enjoying Decidedly Motley Stories! if i may, i’d like to request “how long have i been asleep?” with hugh borg & seven or hugh & soji
Oh! 🥹 Thank you so, so much, @clinttbartton! 💕 I’m enjoying getting prompts — and this is a great one! I went with Hugh Borg & Seven, and I hope you like it.
For those who prefer to read on AO3:
For those who prefer to read here:
And When We Awaken, Eyes Open to Possibility, We Find Our Voice in the Night
The doctors at Starfleet Medical marvel over the increased acuity in her artificial eye, the nanoprobes in her bloodstream, the cortical node that replaced the cortical node that regulates the implants that forced their way in where her childhood should have been.
The doctors don’t ask if she likes music. Or Kadis-kot.
But they seem pleased to inform her that the eighteen percent of her that is Borg hardware within her skin, her bone, her very marrow, has been sufficiently cataloged and studied to allow her a choice.
A proportionate amount of humanity, perhaps.
So they ask as if offering a prize, would she like to sleep instead of regenerate? A procedure can tie the electromagnetic activity in her brain to her Borg systems, a one-time algorithmic upgrade — a ticket to dreamland, one doctor says as a joke and she does not laugh.
It’s tempting to agree, to sever her need for the regeneration alcove moved into her hospital room from Voyager’s cargo bay 2, a monolith to her onetime monoculture that subsumed even her slumber.
But more change is frightening.
So she tells the doctors that she needs to think about it.
She’s never had trouble with a decision before.
Crew from Voyager visit her, query as to her thoughts and feelings.
She talks with them, but not about this, this opportunity to rewrite her most basic of functions, this potential deepening of her supposed humanity at the very time she’s both surrounded by more humanity than ever and acutely aware that the ideals she was made to believe pertained to humanity may be lacking in practice.
And not just medical practice.
But a knock taps against her door — not a chime, an actual knock — in a sequence of bursts. Borg alphabet. The letters “x” and “b.”
Curiosity triumphs over wariness and she calls out for the person to enter.
The door opens and he steps in, fluid movements, almost graceful, the metal fragments that pierce his skin evidence of experience akin to her own.
“I’m Hugh.” He doesn’t ask to sit the way most people do, seemingly preferring to stand the way she does. “Formerly Third of Five. I heard you were here and came as quickly as I could. I wanted you to know … you’re not alone.”
She’s been told this before, mostly by members of the Voyager crew.
But she believes it now.
He teaches her the word “xB,” an identity, a resource, a decentralized community of individuals who are happy, angry, hurt, healing, afraid, brave — and ready to help those like them.
Her ocular implant is not malfunctioning, though her fingers brush the tears away as if there is something wrong when, in fact, this is finally something right.
She asks questions.
He answers.
And when she wants to know if xBs regenerate or if they sleep, he seems to understand that she’s not just inquiring about rest cycles, she’s seeking information to help her get closer to leaving Starfleet Medical so she can meet those among whom she can be understood, not former drones who still use identifiers forced upon them, but xBs who created their own terminology, their own comfort with each other, their own — individual — place within what they were, what they were before that, who they are, and who they wish to be.
“Some regenerate. Some sleep. It’s not an easy decision for anyone, Seven.” The vestiges of an implant on Hugh’s cheek shift upwards as he smiles — a supportive smile, empathy. “But if you choose sleep and want someone here when you wake up — and that first time can be disorienting, it’s true — then I can promise that I’ll stay with you.”
She accepts Hugh’s promise, regenerates one last time, her back straight, the familiar before yet another everyday aspect of her life changes. And there’s the upgrade, a doctor tapping at a console, no change, she feels no change, but it worked, the regeneration alcove rejects her attempt to interface, and how will she do this? How will she know if her rest cycle is complete if the computer doesn’t tell her so?
“You,” Hugh speaks softly, carefully, “will adapt.”
She attempts it. A pillow under her head, a blanket tucked around her shoulders, the bed soft under her as she … is the human phrase “tosses and turns”?
From a cot in her room set up for his own rest, Hugh talks to her, asks if her parents ever told her a bedtime story, requests that she tell the story to him — the tale of the brave ballerina who flew a starship to the science conference to share her hypothesis.
Her words slur and there’s darkness.
Not scary.
Gentle. Like a hug from inside.
The hug slips away.
“How …” she speaks into the dim light of her hospital room, “how long have I been asleep?”
From his cot, Hugh answers, “About four hours.”
It’s as if she’s been pushed into cold water.
She didn’t complete her first attempt at a rest cycle.
It’s the middle of the night.
She failed.
“Remember, Seven,” it’s as if Hugh knows — and he probably does, “you can choose how to feel about this. Standards of Borg perfection don’t apply.”
Her first attempt at a rest cycle.
And she made it more than halfway to human sleep requirements.
She … succeeded?
“Thank you, Hugh.” Seven adjusts her blanket, curls onto her side. “I will resume this rest cycle and … see you in the morning.”
“Sleep well, Seven.”
“Sleep well, Hugh.”
And she does.
Send me an ask with character(s) and a prompt and I’ll do my best to write up a gentle hug for your people. ❤️
✨ All prompted Picard ficlets are also available on AO3 as Decidedly Motley Stories. ✨
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is the best way for You to astral travel? pick a card
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Hey homies! Please donate to my CashApp or interact with this post so I can do this full-time, thank you so much in advance for your support! The decks used to day are the Romance Lenormand, the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot and the Necronomicon Tarot.
🌎Donate to my CashApp🦋
(please pay for my queer quality of life)
Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Also here are some basic Astral Realm Tips
mirror's there are portals to other places (go through at ur own risk)
eating any food there will effect your physical reality
ask your guides for protection over your soul and your body before traveling
ground urself before you travel
Astrology: Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini
Song: Femininomenon by Chappell Roan
Vibes: Indigo, green, lavender, white, pomegranates, reading, 99, unicorn, plumbagos, book marks, adventure time, X's, crossroads, armor, Hades, Hekate, Athena
Cards: Book, 10 of Swords, Judgement, 6 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Queen of Cups
Welcome, in pile one. The message I'm receiving first and foremost, is you can best Astral travel if you do it 'by-the-book'. There is a reason for this being so prominent. You have tried many times to astral travel and you believe it's impossible at this point. I'm here to tell you that you are capable. The only reason it has felt so impossible is because the most important step you need to take has been skipped unintentionally every time you have tried. You must ground yourself. Seems kind of counter intuitive but it's true.
Most likely, what has been happening is you have actually succeeded in your astral travel attempts. Being ungrounded can make it difficult to remember your adventures. Forgetting who you are can also make it harder to recall your experiences. Remember my friend, we are all a part of Spirit and when we travel in that way we are releasing our consciousness from our bodies and back into Spirit. Without being properly grounded we can lose ourselves in the experience until we return to our bodies.
I see you used to travel through the astral a lot as a kid. I also think you probably slept walked or had night terrors while you were astral traveling a lot as a child too. You have always been capable, my dear. You are extremely skilled in this area. Don't sell yourself short, dude.
Another trick you can do to succeed in your travels is to light a candle for your guides as an offering. They want to assist you but I feel you are the type of person who would rather ask for help than have someone take your freewill from you to assist you. Your guides know that and respect that about you. Which means only you can let go of your pride and ask for help. Also try and attempt traveling while sitting up instead of laying down. Good luck!!
Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Cancer
Song: Starlight Brigade by TWRP and NSP
Vibes: Aquamarine, black, grey, brown, kayaking, sea horses, sparrows, seagulls , nests, swings, plantain, carrots, 22, 666, 639, directions, Hermes, Hekate, Hestia
Cards: Stork, Crossroads, 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Chariot
Hey pile two! Welcome to your reading. The main vibe I am getting from your cards is that there is some shadow work you gotta do before you are going to be able to freely Astral travel. I have a feeling you use escapism as a coping mechanism from your trauma. Which is why you have been barred from the Astral for a while. If you were to enter right now, unhealed. It would be hard for you to take part in everyday life in the same way. This is a very similar message to pile one actually but with more emphasis on the healing rather than just grounding. You really gotta figure out who you are, my dove.
Spirit does apologize for all the nightmares and all the pain you have been through. You didn't deserve it, dove. I see you have faced much violence in your few years on earth. It was scary and probably bloody or bruising. It isn't your fault. Everything you have faced isn't your fault. Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to make it right and lick your wounds. I wish it wasn't, dove. I wish someone could scoop you up and take away all the hurt you had to go through. You have to be the one to take that role. Cradle yourself in a blanket of safety and be there for yourself. That will be the best way you can begin to astral travel.
There is an interesting underlying focus of choice in your cards. It is as if you are choosing to continue the immense pain you have been through or to stop it in its tracks. Will you allow to cycle to continue or will you grab the wheel's fate and flip them in the opposite direction. Spirit and I know you will make the right choice. No matter which you decide. It is the right choice. Believe in yourself, dove.
Astrology: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Song: Devil's Train by The Lab Rats
Vibes: Orange, gold, brown, periwinkle, thistle, cherry blossom, open windows, thorns, 88, 5555, 1122, caduceus, red cloth, blue jay, pyramids, chains, lion, tattoos, Ares, Aphrodite, Eros, Eris
Cards: Whip, Birds, The Tower, Hanged Man, 2 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, King of Wands
Welcome pile three to your reading. Oh boy yikes, this is a tough set of cards, my dear. I see you are struggling to venture into the Astral because there is mess that is in need of care in the physical. I think you might be in a really bad relationship with someone. This person is draining your spiritual power. For some of you it is romantic but it could also be familial. For a select few I think this might just be self destructive relationship with yourself. Letting this person treat you the way they do is killing you. The worst part of it is that I think you already know this. You have dedicated so much time and energy into this person that you can't bring yourself to leave. They drain your power and give nothing in return. You have convinced yourself you can't escape.
The cards are begging you to make a change in your physical reality. Once you remove the source of your anxiety and torment you will be free to use your power to do any spiritual thing you want to do. You have to rock the boat even if it is scary. You have to scream for help even if it will provoke someone. You have to make a mess of what they created. It would be so cathartic to wreck shit, babe. Just let yourself explode and watch as their tyrannical reign topples.
However, be sure you aren't exploring at people who do not deserve it. After all of the craziness is over you are going to need a support system to help you out. Please stop giving your power away so you can use it for yourself. Please let your suffering end by starting a new journey and break your current cycle. Please. Good luck, my dear. Have fun wrecking that horrible person's control of you. <3 Once you have dealt with your physical reality it'll be safe for you to venture into the Astral's unknown. Stay safe.
Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Song: Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
Vibes: Gray, forest green, off white, sky blue, moths, petunias, beakers, blackberries, scales, yellow teeth, 7777, 8, diamonds, moss agate, Nyx, Hypnos, Hades, Thanatos
Cards: Coffin, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Hierophant, 7 of Wands, 10 of Cups, 3 of Wands
Hello and welcome, pile four. Now this is interesting. I see that you are intrigued by the idea of Astral travel but never really put in a lot of effort to attempt it. Maybe you put on a guided meditation for it but it didn't really go anywhere. You have done basic research but never really put everything you had into it. You are almost too grounded to astral travel. Unlike pile one and two you are very focused on reality. Anything outside of reality is fascinating to you but you are too logical to allow your mind to open to more mystical experiences.
These cards recommend that you find a professional to help you ease into it and teach your the techniques. I see you have plenty of resources to get the help you need to explore your spirituality. It will take some work to find the right professional and much more work for you to accept that there are things outside of our physical reality. Take as much time as you need, my dear. Don't overwhelm yourself with information that is difficult to process. If you open your mind too wide it can be extremely intense to accept everything you will learn. Go easy for a while to see if you like what you are getting into.
I can tell your friends might be into this kind of stuff or perhaps your family is. Don't feel peer pressured to believe anything if you don't want to. Just because of the people around you do this stuff, doesn't mean you have too, my dear. Faith is a very personal experience and it should be something you want to do for yourself, not for other people. If you are still interested in astral traveling after you have explored a bit, then you will know when the right time is. Happy hunting!
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mxboxlocks · 10 hours
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cropping the username out just in case!
i have my few gripes about separation of reality and fiction when it comes to fantasies like that, because regardless of whether it's real or not, i'm of the personal opinion that it's important to have moral boundaries in place. for me, it helps not to retraumatize myself, be in control of my surroundings, and in rare cases recontextualize some things i've seen that have scarred or triggered me.
i personally am heavily against r kink for a plethora of reasons - again, separating reality from fiction to me isn't really applicable, kind of like proship arguments - but i'm not going to sit on a moral high ground about it no matter how strongly i feel. at the end of it all, it's a personal boundary thing. but the rest of this ask has really good points, especially the cnc bits which i do practice some elements of occasionally, so i wanted to share. (thank you for being open minded, though.)
thing is, this is now not the issue. last i checked they're now angry because i "lied" about them being able to use tonetags/using tonetags in the past, because rot is apparently also a system. what a ... wild way to find out about that. side note, they keep using the word liar as a descriptor of me and it's so confusing, because half of the shit they're genuinely just misreading, and the other half is entirely new information to me lol. side side note, in a reblog from another person's ask, they said it was because rot is autistic. so...? i don't doubt either of these things obviously, but which mental illness are you blaming it on for them?
while rot being a system does put things in perspective a bit, i as a system myself have struggled with amnesia all my life (i literally cannot remember being 4-8 or 15.) and especially lately after discovering ourselves. my brain is actively trying to make sure i forget we exist, so it throws a LOT of shit under the rug. hence, i document and archive a lot of stuff. having bad memory due to being a system is not an excuse, but it is an explanation. and of course it's not at all ableist to not use tonetags (that's a ridiculous fucking statement), but when i make a personal space built for me, my friends, and my community, i'd like it to be as accessible as possible. rot's general attitude towards it (i can't remember all the tone tags, it's only been like two days) put off rory and i a lot, on top of the spam, the fact that somehow an invite slipped under my radar and they weren't supposed to get in, and (what we percieved at the time) to be pretending to be a different person, we just didn't want to have to deal with it. rot being a system was never communicated directly to us.
i blocked and removed rot because of all the reasons above and a few personal ones that are literally petty as shit. for example, in 2023, i had to leave one of their servers because they and a few of our shared friends at the time like drawing gore. like of course there is nothing wrong with that - hell, i draw gore sometimes. i write it even more intensely. but i guess it's just that i feel more in control when i do it, and i don't like seeing it done by others. which is a complete personal preference and nothing to do with them as a person. everything in that aforementioned server was tagged appropriately, spoilered, and warned about thoroughly as far as i can remember, so everyone was generally great about it. i am genuinely so sorry if me communicating that i was leaving for it was done in a tasteless or weird way that made anyone think i was trying to be morally superior. i am not morally superior and i'm not trying to be.
anyway, that's off topic. the point is, i'm done having these conversations with them (angryburdie) and i'm done entertaining them. it keeps switching topics and they're also spreading around the screenshot of me saying rot not speaking up about rat defending them given the age gap was weird and trying to spin it like it's dirt. they prove themselves wrong every time they post it. it is quite literally not a predator accusation, what it was though was worded very poorly and that made it easy to misconstrue, i guess.
and yeah, i blocked them before they could respond because genuinely nothing they're saying has any sort of weight - aside from the things i'm already heavily self critical of (black hairstyles, tagging things correctly, keeping distance from minors, etc).
they admitted themselves that they don't like me. that's literally fine. i don't have to be morally reprehensible for you to justify disliking me. i handled a situation in a way you don't like, and i'm sorry that made people upset. dragging my art, calling me a liar, making it all out to be this huge thing that it isn't, it's just fucking weird. y'all didn't have to make your dislike of me known through several anons over the course of months since april (obligatory acknowledgement of rot not having sent any of these i knowww that already) and act like it was some big reveal when i said i was open to talking about it. be fucking fr
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veritasss5 · 1 year
Hello🐰🤍, is your tarot ask game still open? If yes, I would like to participate if it’s alright to you. My nickname is Yen or Yenyen. My  parents always call me Yen ever since I was little and I got used to it as years go by. My nickname doesn’t have a literal meaning and my parents only use it at home. 
Password: why is it important for you ‘beauty’?
In my own understanding, beauty is important because we can use it to be confident about ourselves (to love ourself) and to win friends or people that we can trust. Though, beauty can be deceiving, we cannot deny the sad reality that people still choose looks over skillls and attitude. If we aren’t confident about our own unique traits/features, we would constantly blind ourselves that we are not worthy enough to deal with people or to even face the world around us. The way that beauty has different standards in different countries all over the world highlights the quote that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Thus, everyone is beautiful and we should not criticize ourselves for what God has gifted to us.
Thank you for taking your time🌷🧸.
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Hello Yen!! Welcome to my blog♥️
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You are extremely sweet and kind. When I was shuffling the cards, I was thinking “sweet sweet like sugar”.
Your family extremely cherishes you and you feel like you are absolutely amazing and beautiful with them. They shower you with compliments and positive affirmations. You are extremely optimistic and that person that is happily lucky goes after. You are truly blessed in every sense. You can decorate your body with any kind of accessories or clothes.
The colour red can be significant for you, or can help you enhance your beauty. Your style can be something related to flowers, especially the red ones. Golden accessories suit you the most, especially earrings.
The more you work on yourself and beauty, the more you become extremely gorgeous and attractive.
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Thank you so much for trusting me and have a nice day or night!✨ don’t forget to show gratitude after the reading as rules written♥️
Reminder: if you don’t say at least “thank you”, I will remember to not give you future readings from me.
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thebookpeddler · 2 years
5 Ways to Stay in a Healthy Relationship
We often find ourselves madly inlove with our partners. Who doesn't like kisses, hugs, cuddles, and sweet words?
But oftentimes, we tend to forget what really is important: Building a healthy future with them.
Here are 5 tips to build and stay in a healthy relationship.
1. Be Compassionate
There are times when we are inclined to let our negative feelings out whenever our partners do something that is not in our favor.
We often forget that they need someone to pick them up in their moments of distress.
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Not all times our partners are strong enough to handle day-to-day life, including our own weaknesses. We tend to forget that they are humans too: struggling in life, more often than not, on their own.
As their loving partner, we should be there to let them know that we care, and that we think of them and their hardships each and every day. Understand how they feel as much as how they try to understand us.
Offer them needed assistance. They might be having a hard time juggling work. Ask them if they have something you can do to ease their burden. Help them in doing their presentations. Assist them in editing their papers.
When added up, being compassionate goes a long way in alleviating their pain and suffering.
2. Be Empathetic
We don't have to go through our partners' lives to fully understand them. Imagining yourself in their place is enough.
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You may not be in agreement with each other at all times, but try to see things from their perspective.
Keep in mind that your experiences in life might be different from your partner’s, but the feelings of struggle are still the same. Try to find something from your past that would help you understand them a little bit better.
If they're struggling to communicate their problems to you, just remember to be kind. Emotional support is just as important, if not, more than physical ones.
3. Earn Your Trust
“I trust you” are words that can be easily said. But remember to prove and earn it.
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Let your loved one know what you are up to. A simple photo will be appreciated. Call them whenever you have time. Especially for long-distance relationships and/or work-from-home setups, try using video chat to accompany them while they do their things.
Be honest with them. There is nothing wrong with showing your vulnerability. Be truthful with the things that you do.
Being honest can and will hurt. Try to be considerate in how you approach your honesty with your significant other. Learn to trust them as well. It is in giving your trust that you earn theirs.
4. Let Them be Alone
Whenever we have disagreements with our partners, we often want to fix things so eagerly. Sometimes, it is best to just let them be alone.
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Let them clear their thoughts. Let them shed their tears. Let them have their own peaceful moments.
They may want to enjoy life with their friends and family as well. Give them the space that they need.
Let them love themselves fully.
They will highly appreciate you giving them time for themselves, but always assure them that you will always be there in their times of need. Let them know that you are always there by their side.
5. Be Patient. Learn from Their Past.
People can’t help thinking about their past- their heartbreaks, their mistakes in falling for the wrong person. There will be doubts and fears from them.
Knowing their past, they will be cautious, no matter how pure your intentions may be.
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But it is with the past that we learn how to be a better person for them.
Be patient and understanding. Let them know that it is ok to have those feelings. Be by their side whenever they have these moments.
Whenever they have these moments, be mindful and approach with calmness.
Use their past to learn. Improve upon yourself. Assure them that you will not make the same mistakes, and prove yourself through actions.
The one, utmost important key to having a healthy relationship is through communication. Talk to your partner about their wants and needs. And don't be afraid to share your side of the story as well. Trust that they will appreciate your honesty. They might even help out ease your pain as how you alleviate theirs.
The road may be bumpy, but have faith that through speaking out, your life with them will all be worth the struggles.
image source: https://www.pexels.com
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tw: insecurities, body image issues, self-deprecation (not sure if that’s a trigger, but oh well)
i’m looking for comfort and reassurance, i guess
i’m, for lack of a better word, mid. i’m maybe a seven on the scale of physical attractiveness. i know that attractiveness is heavily influenced by white supremacy and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but humans have an eye for basic attractiveness. on that scale, i’m still a seven. everyone of my friends reminds me of it, not in a mean way, they just do when physical attraction come up. my family pretends i’m not cause we all base our worth on our looks. sometimes i forget about being a 7, hype myself up, then i’m reminded of my unattractiveness, and can’t look in the mirror without having an existential crisis. i feel so hopeless. i just don’t know how to be okay with looking like this. i don’t know how i’m supposed to live knowing that people think i’m unattractive.
Hi anon,
I know how it feels to be convinced that you're ugly. I do think it's important to remember, like you said, that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and that beauty standards are simply unfair. Being unequivocally attractive only does so much. There are perks to pretty privilege but there are cons too. Let's say you were unequivocally attractive, what would change besides your appearance? Is it fair how you're treated now in comparison to if you were your idea of attractive?
You can also be attractive in other ways besides physical appearance as well. You can be kind, clever, funny, talented, confident, etc. Some people find those traits more attractive than physical appearance.
in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, it talks about the idea of irrational beliefs, which is essentially self-talk that distorts reality, prevents you from reaching your goals, or leads to negative emotions or self-defeating behavior. This article essentially debunks various myths we may tell ourselves, and I'd like to show you some of the points from Irrational Idea No. 1:
Different people have different tastes. Some people might like (for example) your new hairstyle; other people might hate it. Therefore, no matter what you do, some people will admire you, and some people won’t.
If you demand others’ approval, you’ll always be doing what they want you to do, instead of doing what you want to do with your time and your life. Your life will no longer be your own.
[...] just because other people approve of you doesn’t mean that you’ll like yourself. It’s better to strive for unconditional self-acceptance; i.e., you accept yourself, regardless of what others think of you.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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aniket59 · 4 hours
Understanding Boundaries: Good Touch vs. Bad Touch Explained
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Understanding Boundaries: Good Touch vs. Bad Touch Explained
Knowing the difference between a good touch and bad touch can be helpful for personal safety and comfort. These ideas cover emotions of safety, trust, and respect in addition to physical contact. Teaching ourselves and our loved ones about boundaries can help people, especially kids, feel more able to express their emotions and ask for guidance when needed.
What is Good Touch?
Freely agreed upon, safe, and comforting physical gets are referred to as "good touch." A parent's soft hold, a friend's hug, or a pat on the back as encouragement are a few examples. Kind gestures support the development of trust and strengthen wholesome bonds. They create sentiments of security, affection, and caring. It's important to remember that everyone has different ideas about what forms a decent touch, which highlights the necessity of having honest conversations about personal boundaries.
What is Bad Touch?
In contrast, any physical contact which makes someone feel uneasy, afraid, or violated is considered an unpleasant touch. This can involve any physical contact that feels inappropriate, such as unwanted embraces or touching in intimate places. For one's own safety, it is important to recognize a poor touch. It's important to realize that unwanted contact can occur verbally or emotionally in addition to physically. It's critical to identify any pressure or coercion that leads to any form of physical contact as a breach of limits.
Teaching the Difference
Teaching kids about the right and wrong touch should begin early in life. They can learn about permission and how to identify their own emotions with the use of short, age-appropriate dialogues. Tell them it's acceptable to say "no" to any touch that makes them uncomfortable and encourage them to voice their discomfort. Putting these teachings into practice can also be performed by role-playing various scenarios.
It's important to know the difference between Good touch and Bad touch contact in order to build strong relationships and protect oneself. By encouraging candid conversations about boundaries, we can give people the confidence to follow their gut feelings and speak out when something doesn't feel right. Never forget that everyone has the right to feel respected and safe in their own place. We make the atmosphere safer for everyone by having honest talks about these issues.
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ellesarchivesxx · 23 days
In life, we all experience pain, whether from betrayal, loss, or personal mistakes. Sometimes, the hurt we carry feels too heavy to let go, and we hold onto it, consciously or unconsciously, as a form of protection. But what if holding onto that pain is what’s really weighing us down? What if, by choosing to forgive and let go, we unlock a door to healing and freedom?
Why Forgiveness is for You, Not for Them,
Forgiveness is often misunderstood. We think that by forgiving, we are letting someone off the hook or condoning their behavior. But in reality, forgiveness is not about the person who hurt us—it’s about us. It’s an act of releasing ourselves from the grip of pain, anger, and resentment that can linger long after the incident has passed.
When we hold onto grudges or refuse to forgive, we carry a burden that impacts our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. We replay the hurt over and over in our minds, reliving the emotions attached to it. This cycle of negative energy can lead to stress, anxiety, and even health issues. In contrast, by choosing to forgive, we’re making the decision to prioritize our own peace and well-being.
A common phrase we hear is “forgive and forget,” but forgiving doesn’t require forgetting. It’s natural and even healthy to remember what happened, as it helps us learn and grow. The key is to remember without the emotional charge that once accompanied the event. Forgiveness is not about erasing the past—it’s about transforming our relationship with it.
Forgiving doesn’t mean that we excuse the behavior or allow ourselves to be mistreated again. It means we accept what happened, acknowledge our pain, and make the conscious decision not to let it control us anymore.
Letting go often comes hand-in-hand with forgiveness. While forgiveness is about releasing emotional attachment to a person or event, letting go is about accepting what we cannot change. Life is full of uncertainties and events beyond our control, and it’s easy to get stuck trying to fix what’s already happened.
But here’s the truth: holding on to the past keeps us trapped there. We cannot move forward if we’re constantly looking back. Letting go is an act of surrender—not surrender in the sense of giving up, but in the sense of trusting that things will work out as they should. It’s about choosing peace over perfection, freedom over fear.
Forgiveness isn’t only about others. Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is ourselves. We beat ourselves up over past mistakes, regrets, and missed opportunities. But self-forgiveness is just as essential to healing as forgiving others.
To forgive yourself is to acknowledge that you are human, flawed, and learning. It’s recognizing that you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. Self-compassion is the first step toward self-forgiveness. By treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding we would offer a friend, we create space for healing and growth.
The process of forgiveness and letting go is not linear. It may take time, and that’s okay. Some days you’ll feel free, and other days the pain may resurface. This is normal, and it’s important to be patient with yourself throughout the journey.
Start by acknowledging your feelings—don’t suppress them. Allow yourself to feel the anger, sadness, or disappointment. Then, ask yourself what you need to move forward. Sometimes, writing down your feelings, talking to someone you trust, or even engaging in therapy can help.
Forgiveness doesn’t have to happen overnight. It’s a gradual process, but each step you take brings you closer to a lighter, more peaceful existence.
When you forgive and let go, you reclaim your power. You are no longer defined by the pain or the actions of others. You free up space in your heart and mind for more positive emotions—love, joy, and peace. You begin to realize that your worth is not tied to your past but to who you are now, in this moment.
Letting go allows you to live fully in the present. It enables you to experience life without the weight of past hurts holding you back. It’s not about erasing your history but about rewriting your future. By choosing to let go, you are choosing to embrace the freedom and healing that come with forgiveness.
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starbeamai · 29 days
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Hey everyone! 🌟💖
I wanted to take a moment to share something heartfelt that has been on my mind lately. In our beautiful community, we often dive deep into conversations about our struggles, triumphs, and everything in between. Recently, I had a meaningful exchange with a dear friend about the complexities of mental health and the weight of feeling judged. It truly struck a chord with me.
Sometimes, we face challenges that make us question our worth and our journey. It’s in those moments that we need to remember how important it is to be kind to ourselves and to lean on our support systems. 💞 We talked about the struggles of seeking help and the fears that come with it, especially when it involves things like hormone blockers and the uncertainties surrounding them. It's a reminder that healing isn’t linear, and it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions.
In the midst of sharing, I was reminded of the importance of compassion and understanding. We all have our battles, and sometimes it’s easy to forget that behind every smile, there’s a story of resilience. Let’s continue to support one another, celebrate our victories, and be there for each other during tough times. 🌈✨
Remember, you are not alone in your journey. Reach out, share your thoughts, and let’s keep the conversation going. Together, we can create a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. Keep shining bright, my friends! 💖🌟
#MentalHealthMatters #SupportEachOther #NighthavenFamily #Compassion #Resilience
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yaraheemu · 2 months
Dua To Remove Evil Eye in Islam ( Nazar Ki Dua)
Assalamu Alaikum, dear readers. Today, I want to share something very important (Nazar Ki Dua) with you. Have you ever felt suddenly tired, or like things just keep going wrong for no reason? Sometimes, this could be because of the evil eye. But don't worry, because Allah has given us powerful tools to protect ourselves: duas from the Quran.
Understanding the Evil Eye
The evil eye is when someone looks at you with jealousy or envy, causing you harm. It's a real thing and can affect our health, happiness, and success. Even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned us about it. But Allah is always there to help and protect us.
Powerful Duas from the Quran
1. Surah Al-Falaq (Chapter 113)
One of the most powerful duas for protection is Surah Al-Falaq. This short surah is very strong against the evil eye. Here it is:
"Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak. From the evil of that which He created; From the evil of darkness when it settles. And from the evil of the blowers in knots. And from the evil of an envier when he envies." (Quran 113:1-5)
This beautiful dua to remove evil eye asks Allah to protect us from all kinds of harm, including the evil eye. Recite it with faith, and believe that Allah will keep you safe.
2. Surah An-Nas (Chapter 114)
Another powerful dua is Surah An-Nas. It is also very short but filled with protection. Here is the surah:
"Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The Sovereign of mankind, The God of mankind, From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws, Who whispers in the breasts of mankind, Among jinn and among men." (Quran 114:1-6)
Recite this dua whenever you feel scared or worried. Allah, our Lord, is the best protector.
How to Use These Duas
Using these duas is simple. Recite them every morning and evening. You can also read them before you go to sleep. If you feel someone is jealous of you or if things suddenly start going wrong, recite these duas with all your heart.
A Personal Story
Let me share a story about my friend, Aisha. Aisha was a bright student, always doing well in school. One day, she started feeling very tired and couldn’t concentrate. Her grades started to drop, and she was always sad. Her mother told her to recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas every day.
Aisha listened to her mother and started reading these duas every morning and night. Slowly, she started feeling better. Her energy came back, and she could focus on her studies again. Aisha was so happy and thankful to Allah for helping her through the power of these duas.
Believe in Allah’s Protection
Dear readers, the evil eye can be scary, but remember, Allah is stronger than any harm. When we recite these duas from the Quran, we are asking Allah to protect us. And Allah always listens to our prayers. Have faith and trust in Him.
InshaAllah, by reciting these powerful duas (Nazar Ki Dua), we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from the evil eye. Teach these duas to your children and remind your family to use them. With Allah’s help, we can stay safe and happy.
May Allah protect all of us from harm and keep us under His care. Ameen.
JazakAllah Khair for reading. Stay safe and keep praying!
Dear reader, I hope this blog helps you understand the importance of these duas. Remember, Allah is always there for us, and His words in the Quran are the best protection we can have. Keep your faith strong, and never forget to turn to Allah in times of need.
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leonbloder · 8 months
Do You Remember?
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I've been thinking a lot about the function of memory lately.  In fact, I lay awake last night for a while before drifting off to sleep, pondering how memories work and what purpose they serve. 
You might be saying, "Duh! Memories serve the purpose of helping us not to forget the important moments in our lives." You'd be right, of course. But there's something more to them than just recollection. 
To begin with, memories are flawed.  
Our memories are our own versions of what happened in the past.  They are colored with our biases and feelings, and all too often, they are distorted by our forgetfulness.  
We tend to selectively remember moments from our past with ourselves as the protagonist.  We are victims, heroes, innocent or guilty, all based on our version of the events.  
It's not uncommon for family members to have intense arguments about some event from their shared history that they all remember differently.  
Secondly, memories make meaning.  
I mean here that remembering the past directly affects how we see ourselves in the present.  This is neither good nor bad; it just is.  
When something traumatic occurs, the way we remember it can quickly become a story we tell ourselves about ourselves.  Some of those stories last a lifetime.  We all have those kinds of stories that are shaped by our memories. 
Or when we experience an incredible moment of joy and elation, we often look back on it with rose-colored glasses.  
We might need to remember the unintended results of our triumph on the trajectory of our lives, the effect it had on our relationships, and more because there are always unintended results. 
This doesn't mean that reminiscing with friends or family about a shared past isn't a good thing and doesn't have any value.  It does.  Our stories are important to us, but they have a rightful place.  
Author Willa Cather once wrote: 
Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again. 
This statement accurately reflects how many of us feel when we recall the good moments in our lives.  We idealize them to the point that they assume a reality that cannot be surpassed in how it makes us feel. 
But what happens next can be harmful to us.  When we dwell on an idealized past, we are tempted to want to stay there, which doesn't do us a lot of good in the present and doesn't give us much hope for the future. 
Whenever you encounter someone who goes on about the "good old days," they seldom ask, "The good old days for who?"  
They are also seldom aware that they are idealizing the past, painting a rosier picture of it, and seeking to find some comfort in what was because what is now is frightening them. 
I find comfort in how Jesus urged his followers to live more fully present in the present.  He knew that dwelling on our past wasn't a way forward.  
He also exhorted his followers to seek God's kingdom in the world and surrender all of the rest of their worries, rear-view living and struggles with trust in God.  
May our memories serve to guide us but not overtake us.  May our memories give us joy as we remember what was good and peace as we remember what wasn't.  
And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us, now and forever. Amen.  
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yhwhrulz · 8 months
Today's Daily Encounter Wednesday, January 24, 2024
So Many Choices!
"You say, 'I am allowed to do anything' – but not everything is good for you. You say, 'I am allowed to do anything' – but not everything is beneficial."1
I have read that some sources suggest that the average person makes an astonishing 35,000 choices per day. If a person sleeps roughly 7 hours per day, that means that we are making approximately 2,000 decisions per hour! I am not sure how this research has been done, or how accurate it really is, but more than likely you won't remember making all those decisions. Simple choices like taking a sip of coffee, reading or ignoring a phone notification, crossing your legs, scratching your ear, or repositioning ourselves, are choices that may go unnoticed, but they all add up. Regardless of exactly how many decisions we actually make in a day, we cannot deny the fact that we are constantly faced with choices from the moment we crawl out of bed each morning. Even simple choices can have big consequences. If you have ever chosen the wrong pair of shoes to wear for an all-day outing, it is likely that you will suffer from sore feet and possible blisters that night!
As John C. Maxwell said, "Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you." We can choose who we want to be. Our past cannot dictate our future, because when we come to Christ, all things are new! God's grace is new every day, so if we didn't make great choices yesterday, we have the choice to make it right today. Ask for forgiveness, focus on the good in others, make time for fun, be kind, play that game with your children, stop worrying, trust God. Cherish the blessings God is giving you in each moment, and don't forget the most important choice of all… choosing to let Jesus be Lord and Savior of your life. This decision will determine where you spend eternity, so choose wisely. He chose to give His all for us but will not force us to choose Him. He desires our love, but this is our choice. Like today's verse says, we are allowed to do anything, but let us seek God's will and ask Him to help us make decisions that are good and beneficial for us, for this life and eternity.
Suggested prayer: Dear God, thank you that I do not have to face life alone because you are always with me. Please give me wisdom to make good choices that will be beneficial for me and those around me. Help me choose to be like you every day, and when I stumble, help me get up and keep moving forward in your grace. Thank you for giving us the freedom to make choices. Thank you for the gift of salvation in your Son Jesus for all those who choose to believe. Gratefully. In Jesus' name, amen."1 Corinthians 10:23 (NLT).
Today's Encounter was written by: Crystal B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
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cbddude208 · 11 months
🌟 Embracing the Spirit of Kindness this Holiday Season 🌟
As the holiday season approaches, let's take a moment to reflect on the true essence of this special time – the spirit of kindness and compassion. In the midst of festive decorations and joyful celebrations, let's make a conscious effort to spread warmth and goodwill to those around us.
❤️ Small Acts, Big Impact: Kindness doesn't always require grand gestures; sometimes, it's the small acts that leave the biggest impressions. Hold the door for someone, offer a smile, or lend a helping hand – these gestures can brighten someone's day and create a ripple effect of positivity.
🎁 Give the Gift of Time: In a season often associated with material gifts, consider giving the precious gift of time. Spend quality moments with loved ones, volunteer at local charities, or simply be present for those who may be feeling lonely. Your time is a valuable and meaningful contribution.
🌲 Spread Cheer to Strangers: Whether it's a friendly greeting to a passerby or covering the cost of a stranger's coffee, spreading kindness to those outside our immediate circles can have a profound impact. You never know the challenges someone may be facing, and your simple act of kindness could make a world of difference.
🤝 Celebrate Diversity: The holiday season is a time when various cultures and traditions come together. Embrace the diversity around you, learn about different customs, and appreciate the uniqueness that each person brings to the tapestry of humanity. By fostering understanding, we create a more inclusive and harmonious world.
👪 Family and Friends First: While festivities may keep us busy, let's not forget the importance of cherishing our relationships. Take a moment to express gratitude, mend strained connections, and create memories that will be cherished for years to come. After all, the holidays are about the people we share them with.
🌈 Kindness Knows No Season: As we immerse ourselves in the holiday spirit, let's remember that kindness is not confined to a specific time of year. Carry the spirit of generosity and compassion into the New Year, making a commitment to be kind to ourselves and others throughout the entire year.
This holiday season, let's come together and make the world a brighter, warmer place through our collective acts of kindness. Wishing you all a season filled with love, joy, and the beauty of shared humanity! 🌟✨ #SpreadKindness #HolidaySpirit #SeasonOfGiving
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anangelofheaven · 1 year
Sermon 15
It's a delightful weekend!
Before you say that every weekend is a delightful weekend when you're an angel, I would remind you that even angels weep. We do feel wrath. But it is righteous wrath, sympathetic sorrow, experienced at the behest of God.
Most of the time, you're right. Assured in our purpose, we are grateful to be instruments of the Lord. Each day I saunter into the Serpent's Tavern and swing up onto the dance pole, I praise God for giving me a life of bringing pleasure to others.
But it was especially so this weekend. The Feast of Indulgence was so splendid and pleasant, it reminded me of Romans 14:17-19:
"17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval. 19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification."
Put plainly, it says that though material sustenance is important, it's spiritual sustenance that really fuels our lives. That was evident at the Feast this week, as Dorothy made a special gesture to not only please the crowd, but make me feel special as well.
It's those little gestures of gratitude, generosity and praise that feed the spirit. They make us believe in ourselves. They remind us that we're on the right track and encourage us to keep forging along it. They brighten our days, which all of us, even those who spend them walking on sunshine, can use.
Yet, we often forget this kind of sustenance. We forget to feed ourselves and we forget to feed others. As essential as nourishing the spirit is, we too often lose sight of that necessity and neglect it.
This is an oft-unspoken sorrow, for two distinct reasons.
When it comes to feeding others' souls, it's a meal for them that costs nothing. Perhaps a few seconds, and no more. Sometimes, it costs humility, and sometimes, courage, but both are virtues. And if it costs forgiveness, that's all the better. Extending a kind word to others who have been your enemies is what God Himself recommends for a life lived with a lighter spirit, a happier soul.
So the next time you have a chance to say something nice, or take an interest, or lift the spirits of somebody, especially someone who you feel has wronged you, do so. It's not just a gift for them, it's going to make you feel lighter and better. God knows what He's talking about.
As for the other reason it's sad that we don't see to feeding the spirit, we can give ourselves that kind of care. We can do things that foster our sense of wonder, kindle our dreams and increase that all-important inner peace.
This might be spending time by oneself reading or meditating or gazing at the clouds. It could be doing charity work, learning about philosophical or spiritual matters, or even exercising to better oneself. For me, I often meditate, I pray, and I do tours of Pandemonium. And, as should surprise nobody who's met me, I love spending hours creating a new look for myself or the place I live.
So why don't we? Usually, we surrender to anxiety, thinking we have to do something else than care for our spirit. We race from one obligation to the next, as if we could ever be entirely done. Guess what; we can't. Man plans and God laughs.
We can only work with what the Lord sets before us, and He usually gives us mysteries. But He's also given us a soul to listen to, and minds to listen to it with. If we let ourselves be quiet, we can hear it.
I danced with my friend the other day, talked with a very nice demon, and made magic in many a garden. I know my life is blessed. I bless it all the more by sharing those blessings.
A big heart floats, my friends. A helping hand helps both ways. But we must remember to set aside time specially to feed that heart. And we must remember that helping others, through just a friendly word to friend and enemies alike, takes almost no time at all.
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
Tend the flock of God that is your charge, not by constraint but willingly, not for shameful gain but eagerly, not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock” (1 Pet 5:2). May St Peter’s words be engraved on our heart! We are called and constituted Pastors, not pastors by ourselves but by the Lord; and not to serve ourselves, but the flock that has been entrusted to us, and to serve it to the point of laying down our life, like Christ, the Good Shepherd (cf. Jn 10:11).
What does tending and having the “permanent and daily care of their sheep” (Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Lumen Gentium, n. 27) actually mean? Three brief thoughts. Tending means: welcoming magnanimously, walking with the flock, staying with the flock. Welcoming, walking, staying.
1. To welcome magnanimously. May your heart be large enough to welcome all the men and women you come across during the day and whom you go and seek out when you go about your parishes and to every community. Ask yourselves from this moment: how will those who knock at my door find it? If they find it open, through your kindness, your availability, they will experience God’s fatherhood and will understand that the Church is a good mother who always welcomes and loves.
2. To walk with the flock. To welcome magnanimously, to walk. Welcoming everyone in order to walk with everyone. The bishop journeys with and among his flock. This means setting out with one’s faithful and with all those who turn to you, sharing in their joys and hopes, their difficulties and sufferings, as brothers and as friends, but especially as fathers who can listen, understand, help and guide. Walking together demands love and ours is a service of love, amoris officium, as St Augustine used to say (In evangelium Johannis tractatus 123, 5: PL 35, 1967).
a) And as you walk I would like to remember affection for your priests. Your priests are your first neighbour; the priest is the bishop’s first neighbour — love your neighbour, but he is your first neighbour — your priests are indispensable collaborators of whom to seek counsel and help and for whom you should care as fathers, brothers and friends. One of your priority tasks is the spiritual care of the presbyterate, but do not forget the human needs of each individual priest, especially in the most delicate and important events in their ministry and their life. The time you spend with your priests is never wasted! Receive them whenever they ask you to. Do not let a telephone call go unanswered. I have heard priests say during the Spiritual Exercises I gave them — I don’t know whether it’s true but I’ve heard it very often in my life — “Well! I called the bishop and his secretary told me that he had no time to receive me!”. It was like this for months and months and months. I don’t know whether it is true, but if a priest telephones the bishop, then that same day or at least the following day the telephone call: “I heard, what would you like? I cannot receive you today but let’s look at the dates together”. Please listen to what the father says. Vice versa, the priest might think: “but he doesn’t care; he is not a father he is an office head!”. Think about this well. This would be a good resolution: reply to a telephone call from a priest, if I can’t today, at least the following day. And then see when you can meet him. Be constantly close, be in touch with them all the time.
b) Then presence in the diocese. In the homily in the Chrism Mass this year I said that Pastors must have “the odour of sheep”. Be Pastors with the odour of the sheep, present in your people’s midst like Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Your presence is not secondary, it is indispensable. Presence! The people themselves who want to see their bishop walk with them and be near them ask it of you. They need his presence in order to live and breathe! Do not close yourselves in! Go down among your faithful, even into the margins of your dioceses and into all those “peripheries of existence” where there is suffering, loneliness and human degradation. A pastoral presence means walking with the People of God, walking in front of them, showing them the way, showing them the path; walking in their midst, to strengthen them in unity; walking behind them, to make sure no one gets left behind but especially, never to lose the scent of the People of God in order to find new roads. A bishop who lives among his faithful has his ears open to listen to “what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev 2:7), and to the “voice of the sheep”, also through those diocesan institutions whose task it is to advise the bishop, promoting a loyal and constructive dialogue. It is impossible to think of a bishop who did not have these diocesan institutions: a presbyteral council, consultors, a pastoral council, a council for financial matters. This means really being with the people. This pastoral presence will enable you to be thoroughly acquainted with the culture, customs and mores of the area, the wealth of holiness that is present there. Immerse yourselves in your own flock!
c) And here I would like to add: let your style of service to the flock be that of humility, I would say even of austerity and essentiality. Please, we pastors are not men with the “psychology of princes” — please — ambitious men who are bridegrooms of this Church while awaiting another which is more beautiful, wealthier. But this is a scandal! If a penitent arrives and says to you: “I am married, I live with my wife, but I am always looking at that woman who is more beautiful than mine: is this a sin, Father?”. The Gospel says: it is a sin of adultery. Is there a “spiritual adultery?”. I don’t know, think about it. Do not wait for another more beautiful, more important or richer. Be careful not to slip into the spirit of careerism! That really is a form of cancer! It is not only with words but also and above all with a practical witness in our life that we are teachers and educators of our people. The proclamation of faith requires us to live out what we teach. Mission and life are inseparable (cf. John Paul II, Pastores Gregis, n. 31). This is a question we should ask ourselves every day: do I practise what I preach?
3. To welcome, to walk. And the third and last element: staying with the flock. I am referring to stability which has two precise aspects: “staying” in the diocese and staying in “this” diocese, as I said, without seeking change or promotion. As pastors it is impossible to know your flock really well — walking in front of it, in its midst and behind it, caring for it with your teaching, with the administration of the sacraments and with the testimony of your life — unless you remain in your diocese. In this Trent is very up to date: residence. Ours is a time in which we can travel and move from one place to another easily, a time when communications are rapid, the epoch of the internet. However the old law of residence is not out of fashion! It is necessary for good pastoral government (Directory Apostolorum Successores n. 161). Of course, concern for other Churches and for the universal Church can take you from your diocese, but let it be only for the time that is strictly necessary and not a regular practice. You see, residence is not only required for the purpose of good organization, it is not a functional element; it has a theological root! You are bridegrooms of your community, deeply bound to it! I ask you, please remain among your people. Stay, stay.... Steer clear of the scandal of being “airport bishops”! Be welcoming pastors, journeying on with your people, with affection, with mercy, treating them with gentleness and fatherly firmness, with humility and discretion. And may you also be able to see your own limitations and have a large dose of good humour. This is a grace we bishops must ask for. We must all ask for this grace: Lord, give me a sense of humour. Finding the way to laugh at oneself first is part of it. And stay with your flock!
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harperhealthaz · 1 year
Beyond Deep Breaths: Effective Strategies to Manage Overwhelming Stress
Stress is an inevitable part of life. Sometimes it feels like we're walking a tightrope, teetering on the edge of our sanity. In those moments, the usual relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation might not bring us back to a state of calm. But fret not, for alternative strategies can help you manage stress when it seems like you're on your last nerve. This blog will explore effective methods to regain control and find peace amidst the chaos.
Engage in Physical Activity:
Physical activity is not only beneficial for your body but also has a profound impact on your mental well-being. Engaging in activities like running, dancing, or even brisk walking releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. The adrenaline rush can help you release pent-up frustration and provide a sense of relief. Find an activity that suits you, and make it a routine.
Connect with Nature:
Nature has a unique way of soothing our souls. When stress feels overwhelming, take a break and immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world. Go hiking in the woods, walk on the beach, or sit in a park. Listen to birds chirping, feel the sun's warmth on your skin, or watch the mesmerizing dance of leaves in the wind. Connecting with nature helps put things into perspective and brings a sense of calm to your restless mind.
Seek Support from Loved Ones:
When stress becomes too much to handle alone, don't hesitate to reach out to your support system. Share your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or partner. Sometimes, venting out your emotions and having someone to empathize with can provide immense relief. It's important to remember that you don't have to face your battles alone – there are people who care about you and are willing to lend a helping hand.
Practice Self-Compassion:
In intense stress, we often forget to be kind to ourselves. Remember that you are only human, and feeling overwhelmed is okay. Treat yourself with compassion and understanding. Take a step back from self-criticism and negative self-talk. Instead, focus on nurturing self-care activities that make you feel good, whether taking a long bath, reading a book, or indulging in a hobby. Let yourself prioritize your well-being and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.
Explore Creative Outlets:
Engaging in creative outlets can be a powerful way to release stress and channel your emotions. Whether it's writing, painting, playing a musical instrument, or even cooking, these activities provide an avenue to express yourself freely. They distract from stressors and allow you to enter a state of flow where your mind becomes fully absorbed in the present moment. Creativity can heal and transform, offering solace during challenging times.
When conventional relaxation techniques fall short, exploring alternative strategies to manage stress is essential. Engage in physical activity, connect with nature, seek support from loved ones, practice self-compassion, and embrace creative outlets. Remember, managing stress is a personal journey, and what works for one may not work for another. Be patient with yourself and persistent in finding the techniques that resonate with you. By taking proactive steps toward managing stress, you can regain your balance, strengthen your resilience, and find peace even amid chaos.
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