ribbonpinky-art · 3 months
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doodle of Poppy for mah dear friend @kindpopstar
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becdecorbin · 1 year
Sorry for the weird question! So is Stylus and Stylish bad? Cuz the post confused me and I'm not sure what to think now 😅💦
oop sorry i don't get notifications for when there's something in my inbox.
Stylus should be fine, iirc Stylish got bought out and is now riddled with spyware. from what I understand, Stylus is a fork of Stylish.
edit: oh yeah also, https://userstyles.world/ is the place for userstyles, userstyles.org used to be the place idk what happened to it.
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hostess-of-horror · 1 year
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@minnesotamedic186 @mimizzin @salamifuposey @color-cacophony @randomrabbidramblings @pastelprince18 @deezeyrabbidy @kindpopstar @sneklover @bramble-scramble
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faffreux · 1 year
thinking about tiny accidentally shrunk Jolligig bc of the doodles @kindpopstar​ sent last night and had to doodle this real quick
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captainmvf · 3 years
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First collection of Art Fight Attacks and Revenges!
In order: @swanno-arts @kindpopstar @endercoil @vhsmushrooms @madladart @neutralkilling @fishyfrog @localtelephonebooth ~Swamperite13 @dawndrawsstuff
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drunkin-kong-donic · 5 years
YOUR D6 ART IS SO GOOD there are not of people in the sonic fandom who like the d6 lol, so seeing literally any recent content of them makes me happy!! ALSO I LOVE HOW YOU DRAW ZAZZ OMG?? ;; a handsome dirty man
GOSSHHH... BLESS YOU SO MUCH!!! IM SO GLAD THERE ARE OTHERS WHO RECOGNIZE HOW AWESOME THEY ARE. I mean, I know there are fans out there, but I’m glad to gather them to my humble little blog hehe... I can’t believe i hated them when i first joined the fandom a few months ago. PPL just need to give em a chance and appreciate ‘em for what they are. Then again I’ve always strayed towards minor characters. THANKS FOR THE ASK... HERES A OLYMPICS ZAZZ WAVING LIKE CRAZY like he did in the Rio Olympics trailer sobbb...(he was so happy to be there lol) I hope he gets a shirt in the new one (I doubt it but i can wish upon a crashing moon mech) 
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tomatomagica · 5 years
Hi sorry if you get asked this alot aaah;;;; But what tools you use to lineart and color? ;o; I love how crisp your art looks sdjsdjnhf ;o;
for crisp art you gotta draw on big canvases, i usually i draw on 5000x7000px and 300 dpi
my brushes are pretty ordinary i don’t use anything besides standard brushes in Clip Studio Paint (°ヘ°)
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lesserknownhusbands · 6 years
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Shade Man from the Mega Man classic series (Mega Man 7), this is his Mega Man Gigamix look!
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strawbunniiee · 3 years
A Girl and a Ghost
My first ever legit fanfic!! i may even write a second chapter fkdnkfd
spoiler alert: its about phantom and his fren of course
I hope you like it!! feel free to let me know what you liked about it!!
@salamifuposey @monsterbride99 @kindpopstar hi i saw you guys on that fanfic that monsterbride (idk what 2 call u a) wrote (REALLY GOOD FANFIC BTW PLEASE READ IT IF U HAVENT ALREADY) i hope you like this one,, also im a fren of fupos ive known her for awhile i hope yall likey,,
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, it was such a lovely day in the peaceful town of Cornerville.
But Jawaii, unlike usual, was not as happy as the day around her.
She had recently moved to this lovely little town a few days ago, however she was worried that it was just going to be the same as things were back in her old town. Being feared by everyone for what she was.
Now Jawaii, despite having the appearance of an innocent purple haired little girl, was an alien goddess of destruction, due to having a father who happens to also be a god of destruction and chaos.
Her destructive nature and tendency to get violent at times if anyone had harmed her or a friend of hers caused everyone to fear her… when that was not at all what she wanted. She never wanted to be feared or hated by people. All that she truly wanted was a friend.
That day, she was sitting by the pond in a forest near the town, skipping rocks on the pond.
“It’s so lonely out here…” she mumbled.
In the distance, she heard the laughter and cheer of the… the normal children. The ones that weren’t inherently evil. She frowned and sighed in envy of these happy humans.
She knew she couldn’t make friends with these children, of course… everyone knew what she actually was. Of course, who would even want to have a being of pure evil for a friend?
Jawaii began to sit down on the rocks and weep silently. Do I really have to live like this..? In complete loneliness? With no way to ever fix it…?
After a few minutes of crying, she composed herself. She decided to stop tossing rocks into the pond and explored deeper into the woods.
But during her walk, the woods began to grow thick and spooky. Almost as if it was haunted by ghosts. This did not deter Jawaii, though, as she in fact adored ghosts. She loved reading about them in books and saw them as very interesting creatures and always wanted to meet one someday.
She began to happily skip through the spooky woods until she began to hear a voice singing in the distance. It was deep, haunting almost, and had a heavy French accent to it.
“Wuh… huh? Who is that?” she wondered aloud. She followed the voice. The young alien girl wanted to find out just who this mysterious singer was.
She brushed through the bushes, got pricked by thorns, and at some point encountered a very large bug, which scared her out of her flesh. Jawaii hated bugs.
Eventually, she ended up at an old, abandoned village. The voice sounded very clear and loud here.
This has GOT to be the place where this dang voice is coming from. thought Jawaii.
Jawaii found something almost soothing about the voice… it was a bit of a spooky voice, but it was also very relaxing, almost.
It wasn’t long before she had found the mystery singer. Much to her surprise, it was a giant ghost rabbit! He was well dressed in a fancy slightly torn up blue coat and a red undershirt. The mysterious bunny had white hair resembling a powdered wig as well as a curly mustache.
Jawaii thought about what she wanted to say to him, as he hadn’t seen her yet.
“Um… Hi!”
The ghostly rabbit stopping singing and turned around, very startled that someone was there.
“Oh! Oh my… I certainly didn’t expect to have an audience.” he said, with his hands behind his back nervously.
Jawaii’s face fell. “Are you… scared of me too? Like everybody else is?” she glumly asked.
“Why, of course not! I’m not scared of you… and I must say, I’m surprised you’re not scared of me either.”
“Why would I be? I’ve always wanted to meet a ghost ever since I learned what they are!” Jawaii chirped, happy to learn that this potential new friend was not scared of her.
“...Really? Y-You’re not scared of me? Most humans are, anyways…” The ghost said, taken aback.
“Oh… well, I’m not a human.”
“Then… not to sound rude of course, but what are you?”
“...I’m an alien destruction goddess. Don’t be scared of me… please...”
He paused for a moment in surprise. He wasn’t expecting to meet an alien, but certainly not an alien goddess.
“You’re an alien? How interesting!” he replied. “And a goddess as well? I never thought I would meet one!”
Jawaii breathed a sigh of relief.
“...What is it?” The ghostly rabbit asked.
“...Nobody has EVER been not afraid of me before… it feels so nice to have someone finally be nice to me for once, y’know? I’ve been feared by so many people… it isn’t fun. My destructive nature has gotten me into so much trouble and it’s caused people to be terrified of me. Dad says that it’ll be easier to control with age, but… people are usually scared of me for what I am.”
Jawaii began to cry again. The ghost looked so heartbroken to see her upset and hearing what she had to go through.
“Oh, you poor child, you’re only so young… I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Please don’t cry…” he said. “Pardon me, I’m not the best at giving comfort… it simply hurts to see people like this.”
Jawaii couldn’t believe that someone… someone was comforting her? Was this a dream? It was a wonderful feeling of course, but one she wasn’t used to and never really felt before. And this was someone she had just met!
“...No, it’s okay. This is more than enough… more than I’ve ever been comforted before… especially by a stranger. Most of them are either terrified of me or are sent to kill me or capture me.” she replied sadly.
The rabbit ghost’s ears flopped down in sadness and concern for her. “I am so terribly sorry… I wish there was something I could do about your rather unfortunate situation.”
The two sat in awkward silence for the following moments, not knowing what to say.
“Anyways, on a more light-hearted note I suppose, we’ve been talking for a while yet we don’t even know our names. I am Tom Phan, but you can also call me Phantom.” he said.
“That’s a really cool name actually! I like it!” chirped Jawaii.
“Aww, why thank you!” Phantom replied.
Jawaii beamed. “My name is Jawaii!”
“I like your name as well!”
The two began to talk for a long while and had a very long and cheerful conversation. They talked about their lives, things that they liked to do, etc.
But before they knew it, it was already lunchtime.
“Oh, crud! It’s lunchtime, I gotta be home or Mom’s gonna kill me!” exclaimed Jawaii.
“Ah… that’s truly a shame. I very much enjoyed our little chat.” said Phantom.
“I had fun too! But well… I guess this is goodbye…”
Jawaii felt genuinely saddened by having to leave Phantom, possibly never being able to see him again. He was the only person apart from her family who seemed to care for her.
She sighed and turned to walk away.
“Wait, wait! Before you go…”
Jawaii turned around. “Huh?”
“I know we just met… and our time together has been short… but how would you like to be friends?”
Jawaii began to tear up. She was NEVER asked by anyone to be her friend these days.
She immediately ran up to the giant ghost rabbit and gave him a hug.
“...I would love to.”
He smiled and gave her a hug back.
“I hope you have a nice lunch, Jawaii.”
“...Thank you, new friend.”
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kindpopstar · 3 years
Twitch streaming now! (artfight)
Hey hey ya'll! I'm starting some artfight sketches! If you haven't, please follow my twitch if you're ever interested! 👀👀👀👀
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ashuribbon · 5 years
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An art request for @kindpopstar, who wanted me to draw Vampire Cookie and Cocoa Cookie!! I had a lot of fun drawing the two!
We got October coming through, but it’s almost two months away until Christmas, too! A nice festive combination for Trophy Race, I must say (if only they had magic candies)!
Reblogs are much appreciated!!
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ribbonpinky-art · 1 year
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birthday gift for the sweet @kindpopstar​ of her self insert Poppy, and Hyness ❤️❤️
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becdecorbin · 4 years
kindpopstar replied to your post “Curious, but how do you make the models for second life? I've seen...”
Ah! Thank you so much! ;;v;; I'll be sure to look into it sometime!
yw! Second Life avatar modding can seem intimidating at first but if you get into it, it’s super fun.
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hostess-of-horror · 1 year
@minnesotamedic186 @mimizzin @pastelprince18 @deezeyrabbidy @kindpopstar @salamifuposey @randomrabbidramblings @bramble-scramble @color-cacophony
So, Medic wanted me to spread her hopes on how The Phantom Show DLC is going to end.
Prepare to be emotionally devastated.
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Basically, Medic hopes that the ending of the DLC is a twist where Phantom is actually trying to be a better person but is betrayed by the Heroes under the assumption that he was up to no good.
And so. Phantom retaliates as the villain they came to expect.
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melancholictunes · 5 years
Hiya hiya! Random person coming through. Has your xp pen artist 12 pro have any problems in the past few weeks since christmas? Cuz mine's screen keeps flickering and its driving me mad lol, and I was wondering if you experienced problems with it at the moment? ;o; Again, sorry for the random ask! I wanted to know if anyone else with the same item is experiencing it,,,
For me, the glitching was because of my pc and the software itself. So no it has not. Probably best to ask on their website about the glitching so they can help solve it for you! However, no glitching was on my xp pen 12 artist pro so far. @kindpopstar
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captainmvf · 5 years
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AF Attack for @kindpopstar !! 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
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