irmise · 6 months
"We did have a very unified idea about what we should make sure happens. The idea, which initially was Andy's, was this is a love story of Rick and Michonne" - Danai Gurira about co-creating TOWL with Andrew and Scott
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He's been the number 1 stan since the very beginning!
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bakathief · 2 years
Hi I love your art and your story SC I been reading this story since 2020 I just want to say keep up the great work queen 💕 I can’t wait for ch33 part 14 come out
Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words and support and following my art and comics!! 💕💕❤️ i hope you‘ll enjoy the future pieces as well! I‘ll do my best to improve and stick to the updates though I might have to add a break soon. 💦
also thank you, you‘re the first one to call me queen and I feel tempted to put that on my resume lol
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keykeylocke · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Hyungwon!!! 🎂
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Photos of Bowie wearing Michael Fish taken at his residence Haddon Hall at the time by Keith MacMillan for "The Man Who Sold the World" (1971)
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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King and KING
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happykjd · 1 year
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mocksterling · 2 years
You know I just realized we're all missing a very important question. Would Kon be nominated for Prom King? Even better, would Kon nominate and advocate himself for the title of Prom Queen? God, I can see the headlines now.
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danixiulin · 12 days
When your very own protection fails to protect you and backstabbing you and your divinely made kings in stray kids. Know karma is real. You now owe all of us a karmic debit that will either be paid off or I will power will it into this lifetime to pay off. Angels and archangels got my back. My knowledge is my power.
Revenge we get even.
Stays keep shit posting on GOT7.
This will be the biggest rise through the ashes for me and us a Fandom and as a wholesome family of idols.
Stays keep streaming and we will rise up those charts more. For leader Bang Chan.
Beauitful will be there with her army of stays. YouTube.
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Elijah wood with fans at Dragon Con looking happy, healthy, handsome, and radiant af ✨️ 💖 ❤️
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irmise · 6 months
And Danai, being the queen that she is, didn't forget to make tell Rick that Michonne is the love of his life!
We have 2 captains on this Richonne ship and I don't see anyone better that them.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Kyle Brofloski/ Eric Cartman (SP FIC) part 3
/A player with lies/
Fatass can actually move? Kyle gets overly pissy for no good reason and Stan needs a damn break
Slight warning ⚠️ the characters name says it all, if you're not comfortable with the ship then this isn't for you, but if you are then hop on in and enjoy the ride ☆
It was a beautiful morning, three boys waited patiently for the bus to arrive, it was a Friday, meaning it's time to finally take a break from school after a hell of a week.
Stan was on his phone as he scrolled effortlessly through his social media, liking randomly posts with out putting to much thought on it.
Kyle yawned tirelessly as he was still caught on doing extra work for school the last few days because of his lack of attendance from last month, so yeah, sucks for Kyle.
And dear Kenny found himself watching some porn shamelessly with out earphones on, as he grinned watching big boobs appear on screen.
The absence of their fourth friend wasn't too noticeable, as Cartman had the tendency to do shit in the morning after breakfast making him come either too late or too early depending on the scheme he's doing.
A blonde beaming boy walked their way, placing himself infront of them, a little too cheerful for their liking.
"Morning to you, Butters," Stan commented, more like a question than a greeting.
"Mornin' hasn't Eric arrived?," he asked glancing at his spot.
Neither bother answering as it was obvious he hasn't.
"Geez, he must be really excited today," He commented as he took out his phone and typed in some music, Kyle arched a brow confused.
"Let me guess, he's 'excited' to lay in bed, doing absolutely nothing, eating junk food for two days straight." Kyle sarcastically said, making the other two boys laugh.
Butters tilted his head, bewildered as he eyed him. Making Kyle feel insecure about being stare down like if he didn't know what he was talking about. He knew the fatass, no one should make him feel like he didn't.
It's Cartman, what else could Cartman be possibly excited for during the beginning of the weekend? If it isn't to lay down in bed and do nothing, mostly school related. Even though he doesn't do much of that either during the week, but still, he had an excuse.
"He.. hasn't told you guys? Oh hamburgers," he looked around, "I think I said too much then," he tried dashing off but Kenny stopped him by placing his hand on his chest pushing him backwards.
"What're you talking about, Butters?," Stan asked, now placing his phone in his pocket.
The blonde scratched his neck nervously before spitting out the truth, "you guys may not know this, but there gonna be a roller derby in town tonight, I thought Eric had already told you guys but-"
"What're you talking about, Butters?," Kyle snapped, gripping on to his shoulders shaking him frantically, "what could possibly Cartman do and hide from us?," He blurted out almost daring.
"Yeah, dude, Cartman's an awful liar, normally he'd come running to us if he was excited about something just to tell us all about it," Stan defended Kyle's argument, even though he found his reaction a little overeating.
"That's what I thought!," Butters exclaimed, letting loose from Kyle's grip, "I figured Eric would've told you by now cause he's been in it since sixth grade. "
"Since sixth grade!?," Kyle blurted out in disbelief, "that's bullshit, Butters. Are you fucking with us? Cartman can't take something seriously for that long!."
"Kyle's right," Kenny chimed in, confused and a little skeptical, "Besides, if Eric's been so serious about something that he's soo into, he would've told me by now."
"And 'in' what!?," Kyle remarked.
"Well if you guys actually let me finish speaking I could explain to you guys what's going on!," Butters snapped now tired, making them all go silent.
"Like I was saying, I'm surprised Eric hasn't told you. Because I do believe he takes it seriously, I've been with him during his games before and he looks.. well, seriously about it?," he explained trying to pick the right words to use, looking at the boys who watched him with odd looks, "guys, Eric's been in the South Park roller derby team for three years, and you guys haven't even realized it? I believe even Clyde knows it! Today's a really important game for him, and he's been waiting for it for the past three months."
Kyle felt his world shattered.
Theres no fucking way.
This is bullshit, he's calling bluff right there.
"Fuck you, Butters," He spat bitter, poking him in the chest aggressively, causing the boy to startle, "FUCKYOU, if you're still willing to pull up this type of shit with Cartman! Trying to mess with us this early in the fucking morning!," Butters slapped his finger away from him, glaring.
"Look Kyle, if you don't believe me then that's all on you, jewboy," he barked back mimicking Cartman's nickname on him, making Kyle snarled.
"Okay guys, calm down," Stan placed himself in the middle of the two boys.
If there someone who's capable on getting to Kyle's level was an angry Butters.
"Butters, you don't have like any proof you could show Kyle or something?," Stan inquired, still skeptical himself.
Butters huffed, as he scroll through his phone shoving it harshly to Kyle's face, earning a groaned from the boy.
"If that isn't enough, why don't you scroll through the south park derby page, ask the coach himself or wait? Ask fucking ERIC!," he screeched out, face heated in temper.
"Dude, chill your hawaiian is showing," Kenny tried calming him down, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't like being called a lying snake," He huffed once more, shoving Kenny's hand away.
Kyle scrolled frustrated through the photos Butters had showed them, they were all separated in a folder called 'Eric' pretty much all the folder had were photos and videos where Eric was included in, or taken with. Or stupid selfies the fatass will take in Butters phone.
What he was frustrated about was that seemingly enough, Eric and Butters were in some type of rally, fat boy grinning wide as Butters thumbs up while being taken the picture.
Date: October 28th, two years ago
On another, it was just Eric seemingly stretching his leg out in some booth, having roller skates on, a white helmet and some gym looking clothing as he glared to what it seemed like nothing but in the background they were plenty of people meaning he must've been glaring at someone.
Date: November 15th, one year ago
Then there was another where Cartman stood full picture, revealing his entire outfit; like a uniform with the number 9 plastered in the front, some red shorts too small for his ass and roller skates on, some black ankle and elbow patches, a green helmet in hand with a white stripe as he posed like he was about to run, grinning confidently.
Date: December 1st, one year ago
And another one, he felt himself being hit by an avalanche of rocks each second he look through each photograph.
Cartman looking forward, some other players beside him showing off their backs, it seemed the photo was taken from a far not as far, but far enough to tell he was about to race and Butters was probably just watching from the crowd.
Cartman's t-shirt said 'South Park derby' plastered big in the back part, words adorned around the large 9 with a goofy cow logo.
Date: January 4th, actual year
He shoved the phone back to Butters, as he glared to the ground defeated. The plan was too elaborate for it to be fake, and there were more photos in there than just those he analyzed.
He clenched his fist tight, and gritted his teeth, holding his head high as he saw Butters leave.
"Wow, I guess Cartman is in the roller derby team," Stan finally spoke out after brief seconds of silence.
"Yeah, I suppose so," Kenny then added.
The silence was now unbearable, Kyle kept contemplating what he just learned. Glancing at the bracelet he held around his wrist 'tsk.'
Stan and Kenny awkwardly shared a concerned look to their friend.
"Maybe Cartman was just too embarrassed to admit it to us?," Stan suggested, trying to relieve the tension that was now formed.
"Probably thought we'd ripped on him, which we definitely would had," Kenny agreed, both boys eyeing the redhead who just stood there unresponsive with a nonchalant expression.
"'Embarrassed' but not embarrassed enough to tell Butters?," he finally snapped, turning his fuming glare at them, "Don't you guys feel betrayed?."
"No," Stan admitted nonchalantly," it's really not a big deal dude, it's not like we all don't play a sport ourselves?," he kept on blabbering, "I play football, you play basketball and Kenny plays with pussy."
"Yeah," Kenny nodded.
"You guys don't get it, we've been friends with Cartman for YEARS, dealt with his shit for years and still, he can't even tell us about being on the derby team? It's not like we haven't seen him do more embarrassing shit! Why all of the sudden is he running off discreetly to play some stupid sport!?," by this point he was all spiteful and riled up, "that bastard doesn't treat us like friends! He treats us like- like some lab rats he likes to test with.
I'm tired of his fucking shit!."
Both boys stood listening not daring to say a word, just letting him spit all his anger out, they've learned by now that it's always best to let Kyle vent out all his frustrating opinions before they spoke out their own.
They knew well enough that he wasn't in all finished.
After like a minute they glanced at each other more surprised that he hadn't added anything else than discovering about their fat friend's secret.
"Well, what you want us to do Kyle? It's not like we can do much." Stan commented.
"Y'know what?," Kyle said with a thoughtful face as he tapped his feet contemplating some type of plan, "maybe we should teach Cartman a lesson about 'friendship' and where it leads people when you overtake advantage of it."
Both boys stared at the red head worrisome not knowing the type of shit they had gotten in to.
"Like what?," Stan follow along, still uncertain about it.
"We're gonna go to that rally and make him fucking lose that so precious game he's been craving for so long."
Bewildered the boys looked at Kyle, speechless.
'My god'
"Kyle, I don't think that's a good idea," Stan tried to reason with him.
"Dude, Cartman does this type of shit with us all the time! This is no different," he blurted out, placing his hands on his hips, "Besides, we have reasons!."
"We do?," Kenny added confused.
"Yes. We do," He said sternly, "he makes us deal with his crap all the time, and we just let him step on us everytime he wants? Cartman little derby game is our payback from all the shit he's made us go through as children! Technically, we're not doing anything wrong," he tried justifying his actions as he walked in circles.
"Dude, you sound like Cartman," Stan blurted out baffled.
"¡IDONOTSOUNDLIKECARTMAN,GODDAMMIT!," he screeched out loud causing them to wince.
Kyle has never felt more betrayed than what he's feeling right now, he doesn't know why this has got him so badly. But it became personal.
He really thought he was already figuring out Cartman and the douche bag, again, makes him reconsider everything!
It's like he's doing it on purpose, he sighed scribbling in his notebook, thinking of a plan to sabotage Cartman's game tonight.
Garrison kept blabbering about his upcoming wedding for like the 100th time of that week, they all already wished he got married and get that shit over with.
He looked to his side, glancing at Cartman who was making paper planes alongside Kenny, throwing it to their sides all dramatic and random flying across the room, among the students. Innocently batting their eyes as Garrison scold them.
Well, it didn't seemed Kenny was too affected by being lied by his BEST FRIEND, was he really the only one who cared to complained? He looked at Stan that was flipping through his textbook not caring for the world.
Cartman seemingly looked in a good mood which just added to his wrath.
He huffed as he rested his chin on his hand.
"Dude, are you sure about this?," Stan asked as he zipped his jacket covering the vegetal oil they had planned on sneaking in, "what if Cartman actually gets injured?."
"Do you really care if he does?," Kyle asked skeptical, glancing at a couple of people who walked in the stadium.
"Good point," he added as he grabbed his phone and dialed Kenny, "Dude, did you bring it?."
"I'm on my way dudes, I couldn't find the cheapest brand I could afford but I found some cheap brand on wish," he said frantically as he was running while talking on the phone.
"Whatever dude, just don't die on us," Stan meaningless said before hanging up, "I can't believe we're actually doing this."
"This is for the best, Stan. Think about all the things Cartman has done to us, think about the time he's ripped on you, call you names, taunting you because you have a girlfriend and show you not even an ounce of respect," the redhead kept reassuring to his friend.
Stan frowned as he contemplated his words, now nodding assertively, "yeah, you're right. Fuck that fatass! He's never treated me with respect no matter how many times I followed through his stupid shit and called him a friend," He blurted out, a he held his fist high on to his chest, more confident.
"Atta, Stan," Kyle beamed patting his friend in the back, now turning to look at a panting Kenny.
"I-Im herE.." he continued panting as he took out some marbles out of his jacket to show them.
"Okay, cover those, we don't want to get caught," Kyle shove the marbles back inside his jacket.
They went inside, buying a ticket and glancing at the huge crowd. They didn't know roller derby was that a huge deal for people, the place was packed.
They spotted Butters in one the seats there, headed twoards the boy as they sat next to him.
Butters turned their way, "Oh, geez, you guys actually made it? Does that mean Eric already told you about the derby?," he asked casually, as he sipped from his soda.
Kyle smiled forcefully as he nodded, "yup," he lied.
"Cool," Butters beamed as he waved at some random player there, knowingly who that was.
"So when does the game start?," Kenny asked from the forth seat at the end of Stan.
"You mean the jam?," Butters corrected unfazed, chugging on some chicken nuggets, "the first pass still hasn't initiated. They're still waiting for the seats to be full, and it normally just starts at eight it's still six thirty."
They look at each other not knowing well about how that sport worked, they didn't looked deep in to it.
"Okay, so when does second round start?," Stan added, earning a scoffed from the blonde.
"Didn't Eric bother to explain you guys?," He rolled his eyes, sipping loudly on to his soda purposefully making the other three boys annoyed.
"In derby they're not precisely called 'rounds', they're jams that consistent on a timer of 2 minutes, that, or the lead jammer decides to cut it short," He continued to explained to them, as he beamed waving another player in the rank, "we could say the end of the first period will be thirty minutes in during jams, cause they're two periods. A game last sixty minutes you guys."
They blinked in confusion.
"And.. what exactly are jams again?," Stan winced out apologetically, as Butters groaned annoyed and roll his eyes in response.
"What's hard to understand?," Butters exclaimed in disbelief, "first pass; choosing the lead jammer, no points counted. Second pass; the pointer starts and the first jam is started."
"Dude, what's a jammer?," Stan asked still confused.
"And how the hell do we count a point?," Kenny added.
Butters frowned, "you guys didn't talk to Eric did you," he guessed out making the three boys look at him with blank stares.
"Look, Butters, where here. That's all that matters," Kyle chimed in, as he extended his arm around his shoulder making him arched a brow.
"My god. What're you guys planning to do." He immediately pointed out, realizing their motivates.
One of the perks of being around Cartman for so long is to recognize a liar, manipulative, two face bitch a mile away trying to take advantage of his naive behavior. This knowledge is something Butters holds dear on to, as it's gotten him out of many messed up schemes from his peers before, even from Eric himself. Giving him a boost of confidence while contradicting someone is he didn't agree on what they're doing, saying or opinion. He felt a little more freeing knowing he can atleast not take shit from his friends when he didn't feel like doing so unlike with his parents.
"Well good luck with that," Butters hummed out as he heard their improvised plan, "if you guys want to actually sabotage Eric's skates you're gonna need to do it now before the jam starts. Their break is thirty seconds long before a next jam starts and their longest break is a minute long on mid period, so you should guess, Eric has no plans on taking his skates off," he said nonchalant, now gesturing a snack seller to come towards him, purchasing a bag of gummy bears.
He held in front of Kyle, "these are gonna be for Eric cause he's gonna win no matter what," he said in a confident manner, intending to provoke the red head.
Kyle frowned, "just you wait!," He screamed as he stormed off to the benches, Stan following behind.
'Fucking asshole, who does he think he is?'
He kept on walking ignoring his best friend's complaints, as he halted abruptly, the whole damn reason he was here was because of Cartman, and he didn't even bother to even check if he was there at all. But now, holy damn. Now he couldn't just ignore him. He stood far apart near the circuit track chatting with all his teammates next to the penalty box.
'Wow' his eyes widen, bewildered. He's seen Cartman's in his derby uniform in Butters pictures, but the real deal was entirely different.
It felt like his surroundings just stopped moving as Cartman was the only person there that moved in a very slow dramatic way. Everything becoming blank an fuzzy as the only color there that blossom was Cartman.
And no matter how far Cartman was from him, he felt like he was the closest thing there that his eyes couldn't unfocused on.
'Kyle, dude!'
"Huh?," he asked now seemingly confused, turning to look at Stan.
"The oil?," He reminded him.
"Right," He blurted out continuing to move, side eyeing Cartman; as he turned his back flipping off some players from the opposite team.
'Oh god'
He stopped again dumbfounded, contemplating how well those shorts complemented his hips and-
"Ah?," He asked startled by the abrupt tone, "right!," He reminded himself, as he shook his head running twoards the benches were the players kept their belongings.
They searched through the bags looking for Cartman's, but they couldn't find it.
"Kyle, look!," Stan pointed out, were the coach sat in a empty bench with a bag seemingly not his.
'That's Cartman's,' he felt it.
"I'll distract him, and you sabotage his skates," Stan ordered, shoving him the oil as he approached the coach.
He nodded, as he slowly pulled the bag away as Stan had forced the coach to help by leading him to the bathroom as he had faked puked.
He opened the bag and looked through Cartman's things, he gripped on to the skates beaming relieved that he hadn't put them on yet. He took the oil from his pocket and opened the lid accidentally dropping it inside the bag. He reached out for it and gripped on to a folded piece of paper.
He examined it closely and seemingly enough, it was definitely a very old careless torn off polaroid folded by the middle. He flipped it open, and found four boys popped up posing silly as one flipped off the camera, another beaming mischievous, the other peace signing smiling, and lastly another making a goofy face.
Those four boys were them.
He felt himself contemplating between the bottle of oil or the polaroid photo, feeling himself softened, unsure of what to do.
He gulped, "C'mon, dude, Cartman's coming," Stan said worrisome, as he grasped his arm dragging him away to their seats.
"So? Did you manage to oil them in time?," Stan asked expectantly, sitting down.
He nodded reluctantly knowing damn well he didn't.
The jam was about to start, as the players got in position. For what Butters had told them, Cartman was the pivot, so he placed himself in the pivot line alongside the opposite team's pivot which is infront of the blockers and lastly behind them, the jammers.
A pivot being the one that normally leads the blockers signaling the strategies that will be put to use, also being the only teammate there that could turn into a jammer during a jam.
Apparently the first pass is where they choose for the the lead jammer.
Then second pass is when the score begins to count.
Or something like that for what he understood.
Kyle bit his nails nervously, watching Cartman smirking mockingly the other pivot. The red shorts and white shirt with the added helmet suit him so well it even looked grossly cute.
He rubbed his face with his hands, he wasn't thinking straight, literally.
He rubbed his legs as he heard a whistle blow initiating the first pass.
He digged his nails on his legs, seeing Cartman skate on the rank was extremely..
"Don't worry, dude, we'll get him next time," Stan reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder in a comfort gesture. Probably thinking he looked upset that the 'plan' failed.
'Oh God,' he plead merciful, looking Cartman rolling around the track as he 'booty block' a blocker.
He unintentionally bounced his leg frantically, as he keep watching Cartman making sure the jammer pass through with ease.
"We still have the marbles," Kenny reminded, as he was kinda entertained by the game, stealing Cartman's gummy bears from Butters.
But he was already too far off to listen, seeing how a blocker shoulder bumped Cartman's side as he hip trusted his side in response moving him sideways letting his jammer pass through.
Two whistles were heard as the referee gesture south park's jammer as the lead jammer, the crowd cheered as most there were obviously from the town.
Cartman stretched his back, clapping hands with the jammer in a smugly manner.
He quickly stretched down his hands to his toes as he quickly went back to position.
Kyle mentally saving that small moment savoring every second, his leg bounce some more, unknowingly receiving a concerned stare from Stan.
He felt himself heated, as his legs moved frantically, faster, zoning out by the fuzzy and blurry feeling he felt, breathing heavily as he watched Cartman now on his second pass.
He panted, as he tried grasping for air, Stan turned his way giving him a weird look alongside Butters who heard him squeeze.
'Oh god' he thought as he abruptly stood up, dashing to the bathroom, he excused himself as he pushed some people out of the way.
'Hormones, hormones, hormones, stupid hormones!' He screeched angrily smaking his head consistently, earing weird stares from the people around.
He entered the bathroom turning on the sink and splashing water on his face, cooling himself down. Not daring to look down.
He looked at his flustered face, in horror realization, 'there was no fucking way' he eyed his dilated pupils as he gently caressed the side of his eye.
'No. Way.'
Stan dashed after him, entering the bathroom and kneeling beside him as he found his friend curled up in a ball at the floor corner.
"Kyle, what's wrong?," he asked worried.
Kyle hold on to him as he bawled his eyes out, sobbing uncontrollably by the overwhelming emotions.
Stan was left bewildered as Kyle vomit on him still holding him by the arm.
"Dude, chill the fuck out. Tell me what's going on," Stan said sternly holding on to his shoulders making him look at him in the eye.
Kyle swallowed loudly, denying with his head as he stood up tirelessly, "let's just go.."
Stan reluctantly stood up not furthering questioning his friend as he followed behind him brushing off the vomit out off his jacket.
Stan halted looking at his best friend continued walking off, he went to Cartman's bag as he got out a piece of paper writing down 'we need to talk, meet up at yours after your derby race, fatboy -s,' now no longer caring being caught in the rally or snooping in his stuff.
Cartman quickly rolled down town, not caring about ruining his derby skates as he was afraid of possible blackmail by the hippie of all people!
He couldn't even celebrate his victory with the guys by getting pizza, cause he had jolted off like a mad man not being able to enjoy his awsome evening.
He gripped tightly his bag as he got to his side of the sidewalk eyeing Stan sitting in his doorstep.
"What the hell do you want," he pointedly accused, almost slipping down by a small peddle.
Stan stood up looking at the floor with both his hands in his pockets.
"I think Kyle's really affected about you not telling us about being in the South Park derby team," he bluntly admitted, causing Cartman to tilt his head confused.
"Huh?," he said.
"Look, fatass, just.. I think you should talk to him." He frowned, glaring at the floor before glaring at him, "Dude, I'm serious, if you try saying some stupid shit to him I promise you I'll tell everyone about the Jody incident," he threatened.
Cartman flinched, "who told you," he shuddered out.
Stan rolled his eyes, "you weren't really being discreet Cartman it was a public park dude, anyone could've seen you ." He shaked his head dismissively, "look, I don't care if you're gay and shit, I just need you to tell Kyle you didn't mean to hide the derby thing from us."
Cartman spat offended, "he kissed me, dude! Not the way around, I was startled okay!?."
"Yeah, whatever dude. Just talk with Kyle," Stan shrugged off indifferent before walking off.
Cartman grumbled, he couldn't believe Stan had saw the incident with Jody. He really wasn't expecting it! That dude just sent him a letter in his locker and he figured it'd be some chick confessing her overbearing love for him not the ginger kid he manipulated back in forth grade.
He sighed as he tossed his bag at the door before taking off his skates angrily and bitter, tossing them to the ground as he walked barefoot to Kyle's front door.
He knocked unwillingly, as he placed his arms behind his back hearing steps head down stairs.
"¿Yeah-" Kyle's mouth flattened, gripping on to the door frame, "what you want, fatass?."
"You're hippie boyfriend complained to me you were upset over the rally thing, I didn't know you'd figured it out," he shamelessly rat on Stan.
Kyle frowned, "I don't care," he spat out dryly.
Cartman stared at him for brief seconds; he wore a white t-shirt and some black square patterns bottom pj's. His gaze fell on the now naked wrist, Cartman figure Kyle would eventually take the bracelet he gave him but now looking at his wrist, it made him feel a little disappointed.
Kyle awkwardly hid his hand when he noticed.
Standing awkwardly for seconds that felt like minutes.
Things between them have just been so awkward nowadays, and Cartman hated to admit why.
"Okay, cool.." he blurted out looking at the ground then turning around and walking back home.
"Wait," Kyle spat out, now holding on to his arm stopping him.
Cartman cursed inside him for feeling his heart skip a beat.
"What do you want?," he shoved his hand off.
"I think we should just.. talk about it," he admittedly struggled out, wincing his eyes, "someone has to put an end to it."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Cartman glared defensively, acting like he didn't know.
"Cut the shit, Cartman. You know, I know," he stated firmly, gripping on to Cartman's shoulders making him look at him, "we should just get it out of our chest and move on."
"I don't know what you're talking? I've moved on, Kahal, but it doesn't seem like you have," Cartman continued lying between teeth, "you're making it weird, our dynamic it's just..flopping? And it's your fault! You broke our rule, kyel," he continued pin blaming Kyle.
Kyle glared at him, "Cartman, were not gonna leave from this spot until we finally discuss it. It's driving me crazy."
"Watch me," he dared trying to leave, but was gripped hard on to his arm earning a '¡owe, Kyel that's hurts!,' "okay, fuck! We'll talk just let me go you asshole!," He whined out in a cry, scowling him as he now let him go, rubbing frantically the injured area.
Things weren't going to turn back to normal. They knew that, it was hard to grasp it. And they've tried so hard to shove it off.
He and Cartman hated change, that was something they both openly agreed on.
Their dynamic has always been like that; they've have some bizarre moment between each other and they shoved it off behind the back of their brains trying to not acknowledge it, trying to not take it seriously. Just getting back to their usual banter ignoring whatever happened between them that shook them off from their usual dynamic. Like a intruder invading a home that was built by scratch and decorated with time and being carefully planned; moving all their stuff and placing them elsewhere, stealing them, breaking them pretty much destroying the property they built for years.
They feared for it to happen again, making new barriers and creating knew strategies to prevent the intruder to make his way back in. Putting up locks and blocking the windows.
Not acknowledging how'd it'd affect them physically and mentally.
Making their little spacious home fell more like a trap, tight, suffocating, imprisoned. Being scared to get out but also craving to get out and breath some air, some freedom.
Screeching for help, as they longer couldn't stand those walls, trying to grasp on the little space they had while it slowly killed them.
They figure it wouldn't be any different now, but they were wrong. They just couldn't, they had went to far pretty much breaking a entire wall out, being in for so long inside the opening freely feeling just being too overwhelming for them to welcomed, handle.
No longer having the energy to just block it, as they were just tired, and the damage was too much to build around it with out destroying it more in the process.
Which they have been doing unintentionally, being so.. out of character, feeling more vulnerable around each other, one being uncontrollably unable to handle his anger and paranoia and the other uncontrollably unable to control his stress and obsessions. The bars were just unbalanced and their personalities were going elsewhere, being mix up with so many feelings they can't just grasp in to it all, having to forcefully grab one an drain it dry inevitable taking all their energy out as they couldn't keep up with the ongoing changing feeling. It felt wrong not being able to control their emotions, it was frustrating not being able to grip on to one, knowing your place and how to act.
It felt so unnatural, and somewhat obsessive being so dependent on each other even when it came to their feelings, characterization and personalities.
Kyle sighed defeated, sitting in the sidewalk, Cartman hesitated before sitting besides him.
Cartman rested his chin in his hand, Kyle half lidded eyes darted to the empty street.
It was time to open up to change.
"So.." Kyle trail off, trying to lighten up the tension between them.
"Kyle, it's clear you don't want to talk about it," Cartman said with a bored face.
"No- I mean I do! It's just.. I don't know were to start," he admitted, looking at the beaming light from the poll from the other sidewalk.
"You mean being some psycho gaywads or about the change of our dynamic?," he guessed, now relaxing his body, shivering lightly as he was already feeling the cold sweep in.
Kyle pouted thoughtful, "honesty? Both," he said, taking out from his sock the bracelet Cartman gave him.
"Seriously? Fucking gross dude," Cartman winced dramatically sticking out his tongue in disgust.
Kyle chuckled unfazed by the comment, "I- I was really angry today cause you didn't tell me about being a south park derby, and somewhat thought I'd be vengeful by throwing my bracelet away, but I just couldn't. I want to have it on me, so I justified myself putting it under my feet for I to continuously stepping on it yet still have it, you get me?."
"Wow, how evil of you," Cartman remarked sarcastic before rolling his eyes feeling a smile crept out his face, "does that mean you've still had it on before today..?" He eyed him expectantly.
"Yeah, dude, I like it. The colors just match well," Kyle nodded admittedly, gently caressing the fabric.
Cartman felt his cheeks heated, flustered embarrassed and slightly flattered, "thanks.." he sighed heavily, "I- I was kinda disappointed you didn't have it on just now," He laughed nervously before playing it off, as he grabbed the bracelet from Kyle's hand and tied it up back on to his wrist.
Kyle let himself smile back by the gesture, letting those feelings invade his now tight fluttered chest.
This felt nice.
"Well now that were being honest here, I was mesmerized by your ass at the derby rally this evening," He shamelessly admitted.
"Woah there, kahal, a little bit too much don't yah think?," he added, a little baffled by Kyle's boldness.
Kyle chuckled, he really enjoyed Cartman's red flustered face. He enjoyed being able to do that.
He leaned forward, "I really liked that kiss," he admitted in a whisper, slyly smirking as he saw Cartman face burning hard red flames, he could swear he even heard a small 'yelp' coming out from his mouth.
Guess the fatass can't find his way to snap back at him, which is a accomplishment on it's own cause Cartman wasn't the one that'll keep his mouth shut always wanting to have the last word into everything even if he had to blabber nonsense to get that.
He squiggle his mouth, moving his eyes fanatically left and right, left, right, left and right again. Kyle cautiously counted each movement, waiting expectantly.
"Me too, jew.." he blurted out after brief swallowing seconds.
"Cool," Kyle nodded, as if he had already knew that.
"About the derby thing, I honestly didn't bothered mentioning it to you guys cause I know the type of assholes you are, not much about.. well it wasn't a you thing," he admitted as he glance the other sidewalk.
Kyle nodded understanding, anger long gone by that point.
"So now what?," Cartman reluctantly asked after another brief seconds of silence.
Kyle shrugged.
They sat for over an hour before being called out by Gerald, who'd ask Kyle to get inside as it was already getting too late. Still not exactly finishing everything they wanted to say but it was enough to bare for the night, Cartman waved goodbye as he left to his home and Kyle stood in his doorstep looking out for Cartman until he saw him get inside his house before reluctantly getting inside himself, contemplating how things unfolded between the two and how good Cartman's gigantic ass looked when he walked off.
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icantspellthings · 4 months
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shibarixrabbit · 1 year
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Daddy, won't you hold my leash? 👉🏻👈🏻
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sassthatsarcasm · 11 months
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jackfrostsander · 2 years
Happy 21:21 to three years ago this amazing boy entered Robbe and our lives and we have loved him ever since! 🥰
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Image credit: @annadriesen2121
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hisgirlfriday439 · 1 year
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