#kingsland imagine
chloe-skywalker · 11 months
For You - Robb Stark
Robb x fem!reader Baratheon/Lannister
Warnings: GOT, incest mentioned
Word count: 718
Summary: Y/n’s uncle has been captured in the war between her blood family and her family by law. The one person that really cared about her growing up. Will her husband kill the one person closest to his wife?
Authors Note: I know Jaime did a lot of crap to the Starks but I like this story and I’m not sorry. 
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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Robb stood there in their shared tent staring at his wife. He knew she was hurting but was bottling it up. She didn’t want to look weak or like a traitor to their men but Robb knew it wasn’t healthy. He could see it taking a toll on her and that was starting to hurt him as well. Once the last person had left the tent and they were alone Robb decided it was time to talk about it. “I am sorry my love.”
“For what your Grace?” Y/n asked confused on what he had to be sorry for.
“I know it hurts you to see him typed up out there.” Robb stated, cutting straight to the chase but still wanting to be considerate of her feelings.
It was silent for a few minutes. Y/n had a feeling that he had been wanting to bring this up for awhile. But Y/n didn’t know how exactly to explain how she felt about the situation.
“He is my uncle. He’s the only person that’s always been there for me and supported all my decisions.” Y/n couldn’t even begin to explain all that Jaime had done for her in her life. “My father could give a crap about us kids and my mother only cares about power. Jaime, he actually cares.”
Robb had seen first hand when they visited Winterfell how her parents were. And he saw how close she was with her Kingsgaurd uncle. “I’m sorry.”
Robb knew they had good parents growing up, one’s that cared. His wife didn’t have that.
“And if the rumors are true than I guess, he’s my blood father.” Y/n feared  saying it out loud. Not anything against her ‘Uncle’, but the fact why would anyone want to be around or love the child of incest. She had a hard enough time finding love  just having Lannister blood run through her veins. “That makes me someone you shouldn’t be with.”
Y/n dropped her head trying to hide her tears and defeated expression. She had truly come to fall in love with her husband and now because of her family's mistakes she could lose him.
Robb rushed over to her cupping her cheeks and pulled her inot a passionate kiss. “I love you, I do not care about who your parents are. My love for you will never change. That I promise.”
Y/n gave him a watery smile. “I love you to my wolf.”
“I won’t kill him.” Robb spoke up after some time.
Y/n pulled back to look at her husband, giving him a sad but appreciative smile. The fact that he wants to spare Jaime for her is heartwarming, but she knew he couldn't. “You can’t promise me  that. As much as you’d like to, you can’t. If your men-”
“Fuck what my men want.” He cut her off. He was King of the North now he could do what he wanted.
“He injured your father.” Y/n continued back with sad eyes.
“He’s not the one that killed him.” Robb pulled her closer by the hips. Yes she had a point with both things. But so did he.
“I’m sorry-”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Robb cut her off again. She was not to blame for anything that had happened.
“They’re my family, and they're tormenting yours. Their the ones doing all this.” Y/n hated that she was put into the middle of everything just because of blood and marriage.
“You’ve been with me the whole time. You have had no part in it. In any of it, so none of it is your fault. You are not to blame. They’re tormenting you as well by putting you in the middle of all this.” Robb pulled her against his chest with an arm around her waist holding her to him, while the other rested on the back of her neck. Looking her in the eye’s to prove his seriousness. “I won’t kill Jaime. For you I won’t. But the other Lannisters. . .”
Y/n nodded knowing what he meant. “I know. . . Thank you.”
“You are my wife, my Queen. You do not need to thank me.” Robb shook his head. With him she’d always have a voice. He would never dictate her life.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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sanflawoah · 1 month
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HotD x Shogun x monsterverse hell.
What if Toranaga claims Ghidorah, the true three-headed dragon, and guards the far east of the known world, shielding it from the prying eyes of the west.
Or Toranaga brought Ghidorah to join the Dance of Dragons and horror ensues.
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icestorming · 1 month
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Rhaenyra triumphant.
Or what I imagine their dialogue would be once Rhaenyra is back in kingslanding
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madame-fear · 1 month
Okay but like am I the only one that thrives on angst?? Because imagine if Jacaerys and his young wife, who he by the way only married for the support of The Arryns, had marriage problems because there’s always been tension between her and Baela (just an idea, I love my Baela bc she’s my girl!!) as Jacaerys was supposed to be married to her instead..and might I mention that reader was shipped off to Dragonstone by herself to give birth to her son and she’s been alone and scared all the time, until she’s brought back to Kingslanding after her mother in-law, Queen Rhaenyra, finally claimed back the throne with a peace treaty between the Hightowers. His wife is so so shy and alone because she’s only used to being with their baby, and Jacaerys is just absolutely worried for her because he hasn’t visited her at all due to his duties as heir and it just so happens that his wife thinks he hates herr 💔💔 (this was a bit long..but idk)
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ೀ amira speaks.ᐟ : the so awaited Arryn reader fic is here !! Hope it was what you expected, and overall enjoy it! Thought this was longer than 3.6k words! 😭🤲💗 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : ∿ request above! ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 3.6k
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : angst to fluff. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Jacaerys Velaryon x Arryn!Wife!Reader.
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After many years of a long, nearly never ending war, it had finally subsided— bringing peace for once and for all. It had been the same war that provoked the death of innocent people, and the one responsible for your marriage with Prince Jacaerys, as well.
A rather complex marriage, you’d say it was— though, it was an engagement that could only be expected. Betrothals and marriages had never been done for the sake of genuine love, but only for the sake of allies & tying deeper bonds between the Houses; helplessly falling in forced, unhappy marriages.
There had been little to no time for any of you two to establish some sort of proper relationships between each other. It worked as an engagement with the sole purpose of gaining support from House Arryn amidst the war with the Greens. “A betrothal, in exchange for support”, and it served with it’s purpose as it should in a way, you guessed.
Except, for the looming tension that came along your marriage.
Jace’s previous betrothal to Lady Baela, firstborn daughter of the Rogue Prince, wasn’t unbeknownst to you; a betrothal that had to be broken off when you appeared in the picture, as the support from the Arryns would be placed as number one priority— with Jacaerys marrying you as the one and only condition for yet another ally. It was inconvenient, but very much needed.
The growing tension between you and his previous betrothed notoriously loomed in the air as soon as you both met one another— being presented with little to no words from Baela, and most of the time, all the endless attempts you did in order to establish a good relationship with her, were dismissed; thrown into the wind, as you were given a cold stare, with no words said... Being walked right past, left ignored.
Often times, you could feel her contemptuous stare fixed on you, each time you were sat next to Jacaerys.
Solitude had leisurely grown as a frequent monster lurking in your surroundings. “I can’t do anything about it, I can’t act as an intermediary to your relationship.” was the strict response given to you by your future Lord Husband, when speaking your mind regarding how the Lady Baela gave you a cold shoulder, despite the constant friendliness you had to offer.
Jacaerys didn’t seem to care much at all. You swore that the eldest Velaryon prince was as indifferent towards you, as his previous betrothed was— maybe, he even resented you for breaking off his already arranged betrothal. And you couldn’t say you didnt understand the situation, however.
Years of having known, trusted, each other, growing by each other’s side... Having their betrothal arranged for years— you could even silently observe the way in which they gazed at each other, occasionally. All of that had only been for it to turn into ash & dust when the time to seek support from allies had come.
But what other choice did you have, except none at all? Had you any blame, at all? Were you truly the one at fault? The growing solitude and the hefty weight of guilt was nearly asphyxiating. You felt desperately trapped in an escapeless labyrinth, being fully aware of how you had no one at all to release each one of your thoughts to— with your betrothed often giving you a cold shoulder as well, or simply, being far too engaged in his duties. Each private conversation, managed to quickly be dismissed; you had been forced to be kept to yourself, in a way.
All for a war between kin. All for the sake of allies. And you, right in the middle of it all.
Things hadn’t grown to become any better at all by the time you fell pregnant with your first child— with his child. Much less considering it was all still under the looming tension of war felt in the atmosphere.
Dragonstone had become your temporary home; one you had been sent to all by yourself, still being with child. Taking proper care of yourself throughout your pregnancy had been a difficult task, considering how the general situation provoked a constant state of fright and concern to you. Alone, with no one else to rely on; finding mere solace in talking to yourself... Or, rather, talking quietly to your unborn child.
It wasn’t exactly the healthiest thing for the fragile conditions you were mentally experiencing— it simply deepened that inner void, those bitter feelings of loneliness; poisoning you slowly with every quiet tear you dropped late at night in your chambers, after holding on to the knot that formed on your throat during the day.
The rocky castle had been the same place where you had birthed your child— a healthy boy, much to your fortune. Something that the Gods had finally graced you with. And that grace was, providing an heir for your husband... Though, you had given birth to your babe in the mere company of a few maids, and maesters. Your own mother-in-law couldn’t be there by your side, as much as she deeply desired to. Your own husband, with his duties as Rhaenyra’s heir, couldn’t assist, either— and much less, your own blood.
The Gods have a strange way of treating you, you thought. Blessing you with an heir to your husband, and, simultaneously, remaining to provide you with solitude throughout the entire way.
Not long passed after you gave birth, that war had finally subsided, moving from Dragonstone to King’s Landing with a small babe in your arms. Queen Rhaenyra had made peace treaty with the Greens, allowing her to claim her birthright, the Iron Throne, for once and for all— bringing a wave of relief, tossing aside a hefty weight burdening you.
Of course, just one small bit of a burdening weight had been removed from your life, and you dared to say, it was the most important heaviness lingering on the atmosphere— yet, you still had your own issues to solve. Moving all by yourself with a small baby boy towards the Red Keep wasn’t an easy task either, it simply stirred the occasional anxiety you suffered, along with bitter loneliness.
Those series of events happened in, what you considered, to be such a short time lapse— barely allowing you to process your wedding ceremony, the looming tension between you and his previous betrothed, not being able to have properly bonded with your husband as you married for mere alliances, having very little bonding with your mother-in-law, living in a whole different place from one day to another, having a babe, and moving once again this time with your child after the peace treaty...
... And you could keep naming each, and every single one of the little things that provoked an asphyxiating knot on your throat; one you had to bitterly swallow and keep to yourself. How could you not be overwhelmed with the circumstances?
You had grown used to being alone, with only the company of your little boy to keep your sanity hanging from a fragile, fraying thread. You briefly, and very feebly managed to interact with the rest of the members of House Targaryen— but you never throughoutly engaged in a deeper bond with them, or were often seen walking around the large halls, once the war had finished and you moved to the Red Keep.
The war had passed immediatly after the peace treaty with the Hightowers. No usurper on the Throne, no more dead men and innocent people— and all the burden you carried behind of you now, was that of the lurking solitude haunting you. It was just your small, sweet boy and you to spend time together; the one whom you found some warmth, despite still being practically a babe. Though, you couldn’t occasionally help but long for the company of anyone else from your new family.
At the present moment, you spent time on your private chambers. your little boy rested on your lap, as you quietly sat on the ground. On his hand, was a dragon wooden toy which he played with— making some cooing sounds. He had been your only companion for the moment, managing to spare you from any feelings of loneliness from the moment you had learned you were with child, being the one you often spoke to despite not receiving back an answer.
A faint grin graced your lips, with your hand gently caressing the back of his hair. You craned your head gently, releasing a soft chuckle at the sight of your boy engaged into his own world. You both were almost headed to sleep, but you preferred to spend some more time together— enjoying the quietness of the night, and the peace that came along.
The stillness looming in the atmosphere had been interrupted by a soft knock sounding twice against the wooden doors of your chambers. Raising your sight curiously as your boy remained playing in your lap with the wooden dragon toy. Not often having many visitors at the late hours of the night, you softly muttered “Come in.”
The door was gently swayed, revealing to be your Husband the one who knocked, closing the door behind him— which, it wasn’t a common occurence, for him to visit you in your chambers. The constant duties of the eldest Velaryon prince, on his role of being his mother’s heir to the Throne, were more than time-consuming; occupying the entirety of his attention.
But of course, with you being his wife, mother of his son, having shared little to nothing — plus having married only for alliances — and having some previous marriage problems regarding his broken betrothal, could only burden his thoughts. You had done an important effort to be a proper wife to him, one that couldn’t pass unnoticed.
You married to support what his mother fought for, you managed the notorious tension there was between you and his previous betrothed— you had given him a son, birthing all by yourself, and moved to Dragonstone, and then the Red Keep all by yourself, as well; only for him to spend his days focused on what was asked of him, leaving little time to even pay you and your baby son a short visit.
Guilt was overriding him in a constant, haunting manner. It was only natural for Jacaerys to be consumed by his preoccupied feelings towards you. Perhaps, you didn’t often engage or bond together in a convenient way, and you might’ve had troubles before when it came to discussing about your uneasy relationship with Lady Baela— but that didn’t mean he didn’t love you, much less notice your strenght in every sense.
It was only fair to show his appreciation, and his concern for your wellbeing.
“Hope I’m not troubling both of you with my presence?” Jace said in a lighthearted manner, with a faint grin appearing on his rosy lips, tilting his head briefly. His presence had been quite a surprise for you, and that expressed on the looks in your features, along with some tension in the air— not being used to being visited by Rhaenyra’s heir, your husband. Which, if anything, it deepened the looming guilt on him.
You shook your head gently, looking down at your son timidly, using your index finger to delicately caress him on his cheek. “Not at all, we were spending some time before heading to sleep.” you muttered in response. “Is anything the matter? Has something happened?” you inquired with slight concern, furrowing your eyebrows, lifting your gaze once again, staring into his dark coffee eyes. The innocence on your features were most beloved by him, managing to properly appreciate them as, now, it was just the two of you in the room— no duties in between, no one else to bother you.
Jacaerys shook his head. “Nothing’s the matter, fortunately.” he answered, with a tone of relief. His lips frowned for a split second, thoroughly processing his words before continuing. “I... Simply wished to pay you, and our son, a visit— as I haven’t been able to do so lately with my duties as my mother’s heir.” his eyes lingered on the ground shyly, before returning to stare at your own. “I wanted to know if you were doing alright as well, and if you felt comfortable around, of course.”
The expressions on your face softened leisurely. “Oh,” your lips partly opened in surprise, stuttering for a moment, before closing them rather quickly. You had been momentarily taken aback by his unexpected statement, as you had never shared a private moment like this with him before. It had been a situation you would have never guessed you would ever experience, yet, here you were— and it felt as if the world surrounding you stopped for a second.
You swallowed thickly, looking down over your boy, who stared at his father, and then at you. “Keep playing with your toys, my love. I will be right back.” pressing a smooch on your son’s forehead, you carefully moved him so he would sit on the rug decorating the room beneath both of you. A wide, almost toothless smile graced his features, before continuing to play with his own toys as you stood, and approached Jace.
It was almost admirable how much of a dedicated, loving mother you were, Jace thought to himself, staring at the scene— with a grin helplessly increasing on the corner of his lips. Your hands turned into fists, meekly fidgeting with the fabric of your dress. You almost couldn’t stare at him in the eyes, allowing him to notice as well a growing fluster in your cheeks.
“I-I’m... Doing quite alright.” the words came off whispered, and stuttered, from your lips, “We have been managing together all this time, after the war.” you mentioned, staring at your boy — who was absorbed into his own innocent world — before returning to stare at Jacaerys. “Thank you... For asking.” the eldest Velaryon smiled sweetly at you, noticing how you very faintly stared at him in the eyes.
“I’m quite relieved to hear so.” he replied back, in a low, casual tone, continuing to offer a kind grin to you as his eyes guided themselves towards his baby boy playing in the background. Brief moments of awkward silence passed, with a palpable tension in the atmosphere.
You had been given little time — to not say , none at all — to bond with each other, before your wedding ceremony. You knew nothing about one another, and it could only be expected that you would be awkward in each other’s presence. But now that the war had ended, the possibility of engaging in a proper, sweet manner with each other was now given. You could softly hear Jace take a deep breath, before continuing to talk with you.
“I came to visit you to offer my apologies, as well.” furrowing your eyebrows, your stare darted at his own— which lingered on the ground, noticing a rosy taint beginning to cover his cheeks. “What for?” it was a rather innocent ask, or at least, Jace considered it to be that way. With a lingering guilt that weighed constantly on him, offering his apologies felt very little with everything he actually owed you, after all the things you had done for him.
The heir nibbled on his lower lip for a moment, allowing himself to properly process in words each and every single little thing he had to thank you, and apologise for. “For many things, I dare to say.” he scoffed in a teasing way, provoking a frowny grin to grow upon your lips, as you kept delicately fidgeting with the fabric of your dress in a discreet manner. “One of the things I would like to apologise for the most, is for... Not simply not visiting you, and our baby son due to my duties as heir— but for having given you a cold shoulder all this time, in a way.”
Your expressions began softening, not uttering a single word to allow him to continue. The looks on your face were almost puzzling to him, as it contained several emotions— all mostly ranging from surprise, to a... relieved one. But mostly, a shyly relieved look began expressing itself all across your features. “I never expressed to you my admiration for your strength and courage. Much less, I have given you my gratitude for marrying me and giving me an heir, all in order to gain new allies amidst war.”
“You have done everything by yourself. Moved to Dragonstone alone, birthed alone, and moved to the Red Keep after the peace treaty all by yourself, with our boy. I often scorn myself for not having done the slightest effort of accompanying you.” it was true. All this time, you had grown to be used only to the presence of your little child offering you solace, and company.
Hearing his words shed a light of understanding to the implicances of war when it came to the perspective— after all, being heir to the Throne is not easy at all, much less when your birthright is usurped. But for Jace, being an heir occupied with his duties, before and after war, was no excuse to give offer you a piece of his genuine love and admiration. If anything, he resented himself for not having visited you earlier.
“There hasn’t been a single moment where I haven’t thought about you, or haven’t grown any more preoccupied. And I’m sorry for not having shown it earlier, when I should have. Your efforts have never passed unnoticed.”
A gentle sigh spurred from you, nibbling shyly on your lower lip, with your gaze meekly darting towards the ground. Hearing such statement coming from him felt almost surreal, considering each moment you spent alone, wondering to yourself if your husband felt mere disdain towards you after breaking off his previous betrothal to Lady Baela. You had to process the moment for several seconds, leaving a few seconds of silence to hang in the air until you gave your response, but you couldn’t deny that a part of you was satisfied to know his true thoughts about you.
“I would’ve thought you... Resented me for breaking off your betrothal, and occupying the place of Lady Baela.” you muttered timidly, maintaining your eyes gazing at the floor. His eyes widened faintly in surprise. Gods, your words didn’t help with the intensely growing guilt-feelings he suffered, almost as if your statement sharply stabbed him in the heart— how could he ever resent you?
You had nothing to do with anything. You simply did your required duties, what was asked of you.
Jace stood silent for a moment, “How could I ever resent you?” he began, a certain desperation, and disbelief, vibrating on his tone upon hearing your statement. It almost shattered him, knowing you thought that— and all because his mind was consumed in war strategies and responsibilities as heir. The tip of his index finger placed itself on your underchin, delicately — yet firmly — lifting your face so you would stare at each other.
His dark coffee eyes stared profoundly into your own, “I could never resent you for something that was not your choice, much less after all the efforts you did.” you swore you could feel a knot beginning to form on your throat, from both the overwhelming sensation of having thought all this time that Jacaerys disdained you, and from content. “The idea of breaking off my betrothal to Lady Baela and become used to your presence for alliances might have been complicated initially, but I could never resent you for it.”
“Quite the contrary, I have grown to love and silently admire you.” both his hands had gone to cup your cheeks affectionately, taking the moments of quietness to admire every inch of your features. That was, before his arms rapidly embraced themselves around you, tightly wrapping you into a hug. One of his hands went to the back of your head, interwining his fingers in between your hair, as his other hand softly moved up and down, caressing your back; nuzzling the tip of his nose against your hair in a discreet manner— finding comfort in your sweet scent.
For a moment, you stood there, being firmly hugged by Jace, as you leisurely processed the — quite abrupt — situation. Your eyes had widened slightly in surprise, only to feel your body relaxing a few seconds after the eldest Velaryon held you in the warmth of his arms, slowly giving into the embrace. Your arms delicately wrapped themselves around his own body, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. A wide range of emotions came afloat at the moment, but all you could feel, was a gleeful sensation of relief.
What you had so longed for, had been finally given in your life— to seek and find comfort in your husband.
“All I can only do, is constantly cherish the lucky fact of your existence, I have never felt a single ounce of resentment, or hatred.” he muttered, continuing to nuzzle his nose against your hair in a loving manner, before firmly pressing his lips against your temple for several seconds. “I hope you can forgive me, and know that I’ll be visiting and spending time with both of you more often— because I adore you, immensely.”
The ghost of a soft, shy grin began growing on the corner of your lips. You knew everything would be alright, from now on— it would all be less dreadful, and less lonely, knowing that your husband would now be accompanying you in a proper manner.
The Gods did have a strange way of treating you, but all for an ultimate good.
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yanderenightmare · 13 days
Aemond Targaryen
♡ TW: arranged marriage, implied incest, HOTD in general
♡ fem reader
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Aemond took Vhagar, and you took his eye for it. It became the day your family tore down the middle. Your mother, heir to the throne, retreated with all of you back to Dragonstone, where you’d been hiding for a longer time—once again leaving Kingslanding in the hands of its dying King and the surrounding Greens.
You think it’s all the same, really—you’d rather stay away from that place anyway. Of course, you regret having taken your uncle’s eye. It was, after all, not even your fight—nor was it very ladylike. But you can blame your mother for that. She never taught you temperance—or any manners at all, for that sake. Still, blinding one’s own family isn’t right. And yet, it’s a sin you learn to live with over the years spent removed from its victim.
On Dragonstone, you’re free—on dragonback, for the most part. You’d long left the matters of the court to your brothers. Jace was the one who’d be King after your mother, while Luke would be Lord of Driftmark, and you’d stay here—on Dragonstone. By yourself and to yourself. You’d still have to marry, of course, there’s no way around it—but like your mother, you’d get to choose for yourself. That much, you have no doubt.
If you could, you’d always stay on Dragonstone, isolated from anywhere else, but it seems, once again, Kingslanding calls for your return. The King has taken a turn for the worse, and with it, your mother has grown wary of her claim. And so, the heir to the throne and her family along with her were all to voyage home.
You sigh as you look at the approaching castle. It’s not how you remember it, but whether it’s uglier or smaller or something else entirely isn’t clear to you as you watch from the ship. When all this bickering and uncertainty would end, you couldn't know but hoped it would be soon so that you could return swiftly. In a way and in a thought you would never voice out loud, the King’s death would bring about a much-needed calm in your family. Your mother would take the throne as is her birthright, and all else would be put to rest.
Oddly, no one came to welcome you when you arrived. Even your red Targaryen banners had turned green in your absence, as if the groundskeepers had neglected their duties and let the weeds grow as they pleased. No doubt, it would be yet another troubling topic over dinner.
But not one you’d bother yourself with. You make your way to refamiliarize yourself with the grounds instead—walking down a hundred turning memory lanes in the castle as if trying to find the center of a maze. You remember why you left this place—barren halls, all filled with nothing but the whispers of your hair color not being silver. Such things didn’t reach across the waters—they couldn’t touch you back on Dragonstone. Being back doesn’t feel much like a homecoming at all—more like a return to something foreign—even though that makes little sense.
You tell your assigned kingsguard to escort you to your chambers, but on the way, you hear the chimes of something more compelling. And following it, you find yourself on the balcony of the training arena.
And oh—you hardly recognize him. Tall and lean, all riddled with taut muscles he’s sharpened like the blade held in his grip. His hair is neatly combed, long, and perfectly silver like moonlight off a lake. The only thing disrupting it is the black leather patch covering his eye. And while you watch him swing his sword all so mercilessly but with a certain grace you’ve never before seen, you can't help but imagine you're the straw doll he's practicing on.
His eye meets yours without warning. One moment, he’s focused on his training and the next, he’s zeroed in on you.
You can’t help but flinch, skirting back as if the railing had suddenly burnt you. And then, well, shamefully, you very nearly ran away—skittering back into the maze as though wanting to find someplace to hide.
You want to return to Dragonstone. More than a yearning now, it’s almost a must. You’re nearly fetching your dragon from the pit to leave immediately, but you know that wouldn’t be proper. Your mother would be upset with you, and you’re not one to disappoint her. She has enough worries as is. You wouldn't make yourself one of them. And so you stay.
Your maids bathe you and then help you get dressed. And then you join the rest of your family for supper—dreading the presence you’d felt earlier, knowing he’d be there as well.
You keep your gaze fixed on your meal, and yet you can feel his one-eyed stare from across the dinner table. Neither of you looks anywhere else. And neither of you speak.
Aegon says many things—none of which you hear—though, possibly slights about your origin. It seems he and your brothers are arguing. But it’s nothing new. The King, your grandfather, the poor old man, shares words of family and love to defuse the tension once and for all. But you can’t agree—not when the one-eyed glare feels to lash out at you like the fire of an untamed dragon.
The Queen, of all people, salutes your mother. It seems genuine enough. And still, you don’t feel her sons share in her show of respect.
Jace rises and offers Helena to dance—ever the dutiful son. Luke follows in his lead and offers the same to Rhaena. And then, much to the twist of your own empty stomach—your plate of food untouched—Aegon also rises and takes a drunken step in your direction.
Still, he’s the lesser of two evils around the table. But shortly after taking his second step, he’s beaten to the punch by said greater evil. His hand reaches out, yet you don’t dare acknowledge the offer. Coated in goosebumps, you feel frozen.
“Didn’t you hear the King, dear niece?” he speaks—lowly in a hush. “The family feud has been resolved now. We ought to usher in its newfound peace while it lasts. You and I more than anyone. Take my hand and let us dance atop grievances, dead and buried.”
You recognize the threat in his words. To deny him would mean rejecting said peace. And so, with a deep exhale, you lay your hand in his death grip and follow him to the floor. And now you really feel no different from that battered straw doll in the arena.
“You’ve grown up rather beautifully since last we saw each other,” he says.
You know you ought to utter a thank you, but no words dare escape the choke of your throat as he positions an all but crippling paw on your waist—the other in the air pressed flatly against your own.
“I, on the other hand, am too hideous to look at, it seems,” he adds when you don’t answer. Voice lowering even more so into a brisk whisper that no one but you would be able to hear, “Won’t you face me, dear niece? And gaze upon the atrocity you dealt when we were children.”
Finally, you pick your head up. “I—” You falter just as quickly—his smile catches you completely off guard. Still, your eyes go to the scar escaping his patched eye—deep and unforgiving where you’d ruthlessly slashed your knife. You swallow thickly. “You have my deepest regrets, uncle. There hasn’t been a day I haven’t asked the Gods for forgiveness.”
To that, he laughs. “There’s no need. I long forgave you.”
There’s an utterly misplaced joy in his eyes you’ve never before seen. And you’re left wondering if he’s really the same Aemond you remember.
“Not a blade has struck me since,” he says, simpering. “In a way, I ought to thank you for it. It seems it’s given me luck.”
He doesn’t seem grateful, despite his words. Yet, he doesn’t sound spiteful, either. You don’t know what to make of it. If anything, he seems satisfied with something.
“Anyway, it’s not right for a man to bear ill will towards his wife.”
Your brows furrow. And a creeping chill befalls you. Certainly, you heard him wrong, or he misspoke, or you’ve misunderstood something somehow.
“Oh? They haven’t told you?” he asks—his lips curling further at the corners. “Oh, dear niece—why do you think you’re here? Just visiting?” he snickers.
You still don’t understand. Or maybe it’s that you refuse to. Looking at him desperately in wait for him to stop laughing and explain the joke, even if it’s on you.
“The King spoke of peace, but peace, as you must know, isn’t brought about without payment.”
You remain silent. Still waiting to have your doubts eased.
“Oh, do I have to spell it out for you?”
Despite his sigh, he doesn’t look any ounce worth of exasperated—no, rather amused.
“You’re unwed. As am I,” he finally clarifies, and yet it does nothing to dispel your troubled head. “Marriage has always been the Targaryen way. I’m surprised you didn’t know,” he continues unbothered, a certain nideness to his tone, “But then again, you and your kin aren’t very Targaryen at all, are you?”
You don’t humor the insult. After all, you were way more concerned with what he’d said about marriage.
“Don’t worry. It’s not what matters. Not to me, at least,” he says. “I, for one, welcome our union.”
Your feet follow his lead as he dances with you in the palm of his hand.
“It’s rather poetic, isn’t it?” he smiles again. “You took my eye. And so, dear niece, I shall take your hand and everything attached to it.”
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the20thangel · 2 months
Lost to a Blackwood
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Summary: (request) The Targaryen reader thought she would marry Aegon because they are very close, but her mother weds her to Benjicot for an alliance. Benji is all for it, but she is still against it even after they get married. Benji gets possessive after he hears talk of Aegon and her being in a brothel together, and he decides they should finally do their duty of making an heir, but also shove it in Aegon's face.
Tags: 18+, Smut, jealousy, MDNI
Word Count: 2.0 K
You were walking fast through the slim allies of Fleebottom, holding onto your hood from falling and revealing your platinum hair and identity as the proud Targaryen princess and daughter of Princess Regent Rhaenyra. As you passed by one slim ally, you nearly trip if it were not for the person you were holding onto, Your uncle Ageon. You tried to stifle your giggles as he smirked at you, leading you into a brothel. 
You and your Uncle were very close growing up, ignoring the tensions of the greens and blacks trying to burst into court. You imagined marrying him; he was different when he was with you; others never saw the side he only showed you. You daydreamed of your wedding to him and a marriage life. Unfortunately, your mother had other plans. She trampled your dreams of marrying Aegon and forced a marriage with a man from a lower house, Benjicot Blackwood. The Blackwoods were loyal supporters of your mother, a quality that you will give them, but other than that, you found no other benefits. Once you heard of your potential marriage, you raged at your mother, how she was following King Viserys' footsteps and forcing her into a marriage she did not want, with a man she could never love. 
Your mother stated that you were young and didn’t fully know Aegon and that she was thinking about the betterment of the realm and your happiness. This only brought you rage. How could she say she thought about your happiness when blocking the aspect that would have made you happy? 
So four moons later, House Blackwood arrived in Kingslanding, and you married your now husband, once infront of the weirwood tree and the other in the sept. Your Husband Benjicot was a fierce warrior and a kind man. He was sweet and treated you lovingly, never forcing you into anything, only touching you on your wedding night. You almost felt bad when he was so kind and loving. He brought you gifts and tried his very best to create a relationship between the both of you, but he was not Aegon. He was not the person you enjoyed Dragon Flying with. He was duty, but Aegon was love. 
So when Aegon invited you to flee your constraints for one night to feel free and explore the city with him, you took his hand and ran. Entering the Brothel, you blushed at the sight and sounds coming from the rooms inside the pleasure house. Walking around, Aegon walked behind you, pressing his body to yours. His arms wrapped around your waist as he led you to a room where a woman was performing and allowing the man to take her from behind. Growing hot, you stifle a moan from escaping your mouth as you feel Aegon’s body slowly grind itself on yours. His lips find your neck, his hot breath bringing goosebumps to your skin. His arms move up and down your body, one hand grasping your breast and the other going between your legs. You leaned your neck to the side, giving him more access to your neck. Your excitement grew at his attention. 
“Your husband will never bring you pleasure like I will, little dragon,” Aegon whispered huskily, continuing to tease you in between your legs. 
Aegon grinned as he heard your gasps and his teasing, squeezing your thighs as he reached to pull your skirt up, both growing more aroused as the woman’s moans grew louder. 
“After tonight, anytime you lay with your husband, you will be wishing it was me instead, forcing yourself to imagine me on top of you, imagining that I am pushing my seed inside of you.” he continued to tease. 
You gave a soft sob, trying to push his fingers closer to your cunt, growing increasingly wet with his words. Making him darkly chuckle. 
“Not to worry, love. Give your husband a black-haired spawn, and after that, I shall place every paled-hair babe you wish. He can raise them like his own, but you and I will know they are mine.” He proposed, moving his fingers up and down your clothed cunt. 
Your mind was foggy from the teasing pleasure; you didn’t fully take in his words; you just needed release. 
“Please, Aegon…” you pleaded, grasping his hand and trying to push him closer. As he chuckled, preparing to insert his fingers, he paused. A man came to him and whispered that Aemond had entered the pleasure house and was witnessed crying in the arms of a brown-haired woman. Aegon’s smile grew dark. He wanted to find his brother, so he pushed you away from his body. Ignoring your outcry protests and leaving with his companion, commanding you to return to the castle, he would find you after. 
You stood there in shock for a moment, trying to process that he did leave you alone in the pleasure house. Your shock grew into fury as you ran out, embarrassed at what had happened. Aegon left you to taunt his brother, forgetting your moment together… this was not your Aegon. You angrily sunk back into your rooms, throwing your cloak in fury as you tried to calm yourself. Your body is still reeling from the denied release and embarrassment. As you paced angrily in the room, the door revealed Benjicot, who had worriedly spent an hour looking for you. He sighed in relief seeing you but soon grew concerned at your anger. 
He walked towards you, wanting you to notice him, but you didn’t pay any attention to him, not until he grabbed your arm, forcing you to stop and glare at him. You needed to be alone, so you grunted and tried to push yourself away when he grasped your other arms, staring at your neck. You froze, realizing that Aegon had left a mark.
Ben stared at the mark on his wife’s neck, feeling an ugly monster of jealousy blooming in his stomach. Reaching to touch the mark, you growled, still reeling; you jerked your body away from him. 
“Don’t…” you hissed, glaring at him. 
Ben froze at your tone, furrowing his brows at your irritation. 
“Where were you?” he asks, trying to be gentle with you, but his emotions become short as your temper and the mark taunt him. 
Wanting him to leave you be, you condescendingly smirked at him, “I was with Aegon… there, are you happy? I was with Aegon in a pleasure house…. He left this mark on me; he said he could pleasure me-” 
“Did he take you…” grunted Ben, jealousy burning him hot, walking towards you. 
As you walked backward due to Benjicot’s stalking, you didn’t want to back down. 
“If he had, what would you do? He has a dragon. He—” you gasped as he pushed you towards the bed. 
“Answer truthfully, wife… did…he…take…you?” he asked, his eyes storming as he stared down at you. 
Your chest was rising up and down, feeling the heat grow again, “No, he left for another business…” you answered. 
Ben felt slight relief, knowing that you hadn’t fully betrayed him.
 Looming above you, he asked, “Did you want him to take you?” 
“He promised he could make me feel better pleasure than I would with you,” you replied, moving your legs slightly to control your excitement. Which only grew as you heard him growl again. 
You gasped as Ben grabbed your legs, pulling you roughly to him, and he placed your legs around his waist and grinding once long and hard against you. Biting your lip, you tried to block a moan from leaving your lips. Your excitement rose as he grabbed your arms and placed them above your head. 
“I think, wife, it's time we fulfill our duty to provide an heir for our families…” Ben raised his eyebrow slightly, looking down at you before he commanded, “Strip.” 
Your eyes widened at his command, looking at him in disbelief. 
Ben raised a brow as she smirked at your shock, “I said strip wife, and wait.” 
He gave you a pointed look, waiting for you to start stripping. Once you started stripping from your blouse and skirt, you noticed he had left for the desk, writing something quickly before stepping out. After the moment, he walked back towards you, stripping as he stalked back to the bed. Climbing on the bed, he took your legs again and wrapped them around his legs, grinding roughly against you. 
Gasping, you threw your head back, feeling his lips on your neck. You couldn’t control your body, your arms wrapping on his head. 
Ben grinned, licking a spot on your neck as he spoke, “Aegon only warmed you up for me, but believe me, after tonight, you will forget any thoughts regarding Aegon.” 
 As he continued to grind, you tried your best to fight against the pleasure from him, “Don’t count on it, husband.” 
Ben’s smirk grew as he bit the top of your breast, feeling your body shake and a moan leave your lips. 
“Is that a challenge, wife?” taunted Benjicot as he teased your nipples. 
“It's the truth-ugh,” you moaned, feeling him enter your soaking cunt, remembering how thick he was inside of you. 
Ben waited a moment, letting you mold to him, “I accept your challenge, my dragon princess.” 
Before you can retort, you squeal in pleasure as he quickly exits and pushes back in roughly and deeply. 
The Raven lord, pounding into his dragon wife, was enjoying every gasp, moan, and whimper with each thrust he smacked into you. 
Your body moving along his strong thrust, and you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling, knowing you were using the war. 
Ben's grunts grow louder as his pacing grows faster and harsher. Your bodies are smacking together as you finally allow yourself to fall into pleasure. 
“Yes… Ben… ugh… fuck…yes..yes!” you moan, feeling him give attention to your clit, making circles, pushing you closer to your release. 
“MMH… WHO DO YOU BELONG TO?” Grunts Ben, raising a leg higher, groaning in delight as you scream from the intense pleasure. 
You reach to hold on to him, raking your nails down hard as he thrusts deeply into you. 
“You, BEN…I’m yours and only yours,  BENJICOT!” you shout, tears streaming down your face. You were trying to anchor yourself, overwhelmed by the edging. 
Unbeknownst to you, Aegon walked in cocky, only to freeze at the sounds and sights infront of him. He sees Benjicot Blackwood thrusting roughly into you, your body shaking and moving with each trust. The bed was creaking and groaning from your husband's hips, smacking into you. Your eyes closed as you moaned out Benjicot’s name in pleasure, wrapping your legs tighter once Ben lowered your leg down to his waist again. 
Benjitcot heard the chamber door, growing proud that Aegon took the bait. Let him see that you were made for a Blackwood’s cock only. Stopping, he smirked, hearing your whimper in protest. 
“Can Aegon ever make you feel as good as me?” he asked confidently. 
You sobbed, wanting release and your husband to continue moving. 
You blurt word vomit, needing him, “No! Aegon can never compare to you; please, Ben, fuck me…I need your cock…fill me up the brim with your seed, now, please!” 
Groaning at your words, Ben pulled out before starting again his pattern of thrusting in and out hard and deep. 
“That’s right, my love, my cock was made for your cunt… you will take my seed and forget about Aegon…” 
You moaned loudly, pressing your hips firmly to him, letting yourself release into pleasure, milking your husband’s seed as he filled your womb. Both know that a babe will take root soon in your womb. You sighed happily at the feeling, hoping to convince him again to take you again and again until you could not walk. You never noticed Aegon, who grew red with rage, as he ran away from the scene, knowing he had fully lost you to Benjicot Blackwood.
After coming down from your high, Benji took you into his arms, kissing your shoulder, staying inside of you, watching as you slowly fell into slumber. Your marriage isn’t perfect, but he felt it was now going in the right direction. 
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little-spicy · 2 years
Robb Stark x !Baratheon Reader
Summary: an alliance of house Baratheon and house Stark was going to set place in Winterfell. Y/N Baratheon and Robb Stark were to be wed and be man and wife.
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THE EARLY MORNING WAS CRISP AND COLD, the warm breath that Y/N emitted could be seen in the air.
She held her coat close to her as she watched the morning sunrise. She felt sad as this would be the last moment she would be a young maiden. She would be married later in the afternoon and she felt frightened.
She was told her entire childhood that Robb Stark would be her betrothed. Her father and his father were friends and her father knew the best way their houses could come together was through marriage.
She was the oldest, being one year old than Joffrey and the only one of her family to have her fathers brown curls.
Of course her mother despised the agreement, she believed her daughter was worthy of a better suitor but nonetheless it was still set in stone.
Robb Stark was definitely different from what she imagined. She knew it could of been worse, he was a gentleman and kind, showing her the home that was soon to be shared.
And she could tell he was just as nervous was her. They were both young and knew their duties were required one day.
Y/N tried not to think of it as she felt the sun rise and felt the heat of the sun rest on red cheeks.
"Excited for the big day?" A voice said and Y/N jumped and turned to see her uncle Tyrion coming forward.
"Excited to be married and away from my family?" She asked her uncle sighed and stood beside her.
"It's probably better, you and I both know that kingslanding is no place for someone like you." He told her.
"And what am I?" She asked and he chuckled.
"Truthful, kind, surprising you turned out that way considering how your mother is." He said and she laughed.
"Don't say that too loud, mother can hear everything." She told him.
"That's because your mother is a wicked witch, have I taught you nothing from my bedtime stories?" Tyrion asked and the both laughed.
"I do, even though I know how my family is, I'll still miss them." She said and looked down at her uncle. "Especially you, what will I do without my favorite uncle?"
"You'll adapt, you'll grow that's a good quality you have as well." Tyrion said. "Just know that you'll be taken care of, that Robb stark is a good man, I hate to admit but he's a good man."
"Thank you." Y/N stared at the sunset and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Time to start the day?"
"Of course, let's go." Tyrion said and walked with his niece.
Both of them taking of the future and of the past, making Y/N feel at ease from the words of her uncle.
After the small walk and talking with her uncle, she returned to her chambers and only a few moments of peace lasted until her hand maidens came in and began to get ready for the wedding.
She smelled of lavender and lilac, and her long brown curls fell perfectly. She felt refreshed and as they dried her, she saw her wedding gown laying on the bed.
Soon her mother, Lady Stark, and her soon to be sister Sansa had come in to help.
The Stark women came to bring Y/N gifts to welcome her into their home. Sansa had helped make a veil for Y/N and Lady Stark had brought a beautiful brooch of the Stark family to welcome her.
She felt so honored by the kindness of the Stark family, of course she could tell there was never a dull moment.
"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be alone with my daughter." Cersei told the Stark ladies and the nodded.
"Of course, see you at the wedding my dear." Lady Stark said and Sansa followed behind and left the two women alone.
Cersei looked at her daughter and smiled, she placed her hands on her daughter's cheek and led her to the dresser.
"Let me do your hair." Cersei said and Y/N nodded and felt content as her mother brushed through her hair. Feeling as if they were home in the castle. "This will be the last time I do it, then you'll do it for daughters of your own."
"I'll miss this." Y/N said sadly. "You always made the prettiest braids."
"Your grandmother did the same thing for me when I was a child." Cersei told her. "You remind me so much of her, my mother was so kind and i remember the day you were born, I could just feel my mother's presence in you."
As Cersei continued to brush, Y/N but her bottom lip and felt the creeping question she always had when it came to her betrothal.
"Mother, is it scary?" Y/N asked her. "I mean I know you didn't marry father for love, how did you do it?"
"Wine, lots of wine." Cersei said, bitterly and grabbed a chunk of hair and brushed it softly. "Overtime it did help that I had children, I had you, that's all that mattered."
"Do you think he'll make me happy?" Y/N asked and Cersei scoffed.
"I wouldn't count too much on that, sometimes it's just an alliance, remember that." Cersei told her and Y/N grew silent. "Are only duty is to marry and bring honor to our house through marriage and bare many children."
Y/N nodded and the two of them fell silent as Cersei continued to do her daughter's hair.
Cersei loved all her children but something about Y/N was special. She was her first, the first one of her children to truly live. She looked up at Cersei and when she did it felt as if nothing mattered.
Her daughter looked up to her and still does, Cersei knows the type of person she is, but the warmth and innocent eyes of her daughter made her feel human and her softer side was only seen by her.
Cersei didn't care of that her daughter wasn't Jaime's all she cared was that her daughter was protected. She truly had a place for her little doe.
"Lets get you in your dress." Cersei said as Y/N looked in the mirror and saw her hair up in a beautiful braid.
She followed her mother and helped her in her dress. She tied up her corset and helped her to the tiniest detail, knowing this would be the last time she would.
"You look beautiful." Cersei said as she led Y/N to the mirror. Y/N felt truly beautiful, she forgot for just a moment what awaited her and felt happy with how she looked.
"Thank you mother." Y/N said and turned to her mother and hugged her tightly. Cersei held her daughter right and tried not to cry.
The women heard a knock on the door and Cersei wiped the tears away quickly and cleared her throat.
"Come in." Cersei said and the door opened to reveal Robert Baratheon, Y/N's father.
"You look so beautiful my little doe." Robert said and came over, he took her hands and took a long look at her.
Y/N blushed and smiled as her father looked down at her with such pride. He thought Lyanna was the most beautiful but at that moment, his daughter was the most beautiful thing he had seen.
"Let us go." Robert said and Cersei sighed and grabbed her veil and placed it over her. "Robb will treat you right, he's a noble man."
Cersei fought the urge to bite back but knew better than to do it. Y/N walked along her mother and father as they began to walk.
Each step they took Y/N began to fully realize she was getting married.
Many people were at the Godswood, the heart of Winterfell and where Lord Stark wanted the ceremony to be.
The tree stood beautiful before them, the faint redness of the leaves contrasted with the white snow. The birds chirped and the small murmurs of the people from Winterfell and the guests that came from Kingslanding.
Her mother parted from her reluctantly and went to where her brothers stood and Robert guided Y/N down the snowy path.
Y/N could see Robb in his bear skin cloak, his face freshly shaven and his eyes were full of emotions. Fear, admiration, and another one she couldn't figure out.
She felt her heart race as she came closer and closer to him. As Y/N and Robert came up to Robb, Robert smiled down.
"Take care of her." Robert said and walked over to his wife.
Robb looked at Y/N and he smiled, she blushed at his gaze and the Septon interrupted their eye contact.
"You may now cloak your bride and bring her under protection." The Septon said and Robb did so and placed the large cloak over her shoulders.
Robb then placed his hand on her back to bring her closer to the Septon and he continued.
"My lords and my ladies, we stand here to unite these two houses as one. Princess Y/N Baratheon and Lord Robb Stark as one flesh, one blood, and one soul."
The Septon pulled out a ribbon and grabbed both of their hands. Y/N's hands were shaking as the Septon took her hand and when Robb placed his hand on top of hers he took it gently and squeezed.
"In the sight of all who sees and in the eyes of the gods I hereby bound these two souls, binding them as one." The Septon spoke. "You may kiss your bride."
Robb looked at Y/N and leaned down to kiss her softly. When they kissed it felt strange, an unfamiliar feeling crept up and Y/N didn't know what it was but she liked it.
The feeling of his warm lips against her made her forget of everyone around them, ignoring the sounds of their cheering and screams of the houses being united.
They parted their kiss and looked at each other with bewilderment. Y/N smiled first and made Robb smile back, he kissed her left cheek softly and the both turned to the crowd in front of them.
"I present to you Lord Robb Stark and Lady Y/N Stark." The Septon spoke and everyone erupted in applause once more.
After the wedding ceremony the feast that was held afterwards was a party to remember. For once everything seemed peaceful and joyful.
Cersei was actually civil with her brother Tyrion, Robert was blinding drunk yet, and even Joffrey was not as unpleasant as usual.
Everyone cheered and praised the happy couple, giving them their blessings and kind words.
It seemed everyone was so engrossed with the feast that Robb took Y/N away from the loud noises and back to their now shared chamber.
Y/N and Robb were still in their wedding garments, Y/N was able to get her braid undone and her long hair flowed behind her back. They were both unsure of what to do, and stood in front of each other in nervousness.
"I- uh- I know this isn't- that this is-" Robb was then was cut off by Y/N.
"Strange?" Y/N said and Robb nodded and sighed in relief.
"Yes." Robb answered. "We don't have to-"
"I- I want to." Y/N said, her face turning red. "I just want you to know, I know I'm not the ideal girl you intended to marry but I want to be the best wife I can."
Robb's eyes softened at her words, she cupped his cheeks.
"I don't want to be like my mother and father." She told him. "I want to be an ally, a companion, so much more than just an alliance."
She kissed both his cheeks and he grabbed her waist and pulled her close.
"I'd like that, I want you to know that I will be an honorable man."'Robb told her and held her tight. "I know I'm not the man you wanted either but I promise you I'll treat you as an equal."
Y/N nodded and grabbed his hand and placed it on top of her shoulders and guided him to take off her dress. The world felt still and they both felt as if they couldn't breath once Y/N's dress fell on the floor.
Robb then got on his knees and kissed up her thigh, she blushed bright red and felt electricity as she felt every kiss on her thigh.
She tried to hide a moan but Robb heard her and that's what made him feel bold, snap.
Robb suddenly got up and picked her up bridal style, she squealed as he placed her on the bed.
Y/N looked up to Robb and the look in his eyes held lust. She watched as Robb moved his hands across her body and felt her body tingle and goosebumps erupted.
He placed her on the warm bed, layered with thick blankets, and the soft feel of sheep's skin.
Her long hair fell back as Robb looked down at her, his eyes filled with lust.
"Gods, you're beautiful." He said and kissed one of her breast, causing her to squirm.
He smiled while continuing to kiss her, he went up to her neck and up until he reached her lips.
She kissed him and touched his cheeks gently. As they pulled apart they put their foreheads together and both caught their breaths.
"It's going to hurt for a second, I'll be gentle I promise." Robb told her and she could feel her tummy flutter as he grabbed his cock and rubbed it through he folds, touching her clit over and over.
She felt terror rise in her chest as she awaited the pain, all her life after she gotten her maiden hood, her maids, mother, and septas told her of the pain of her wedding night.
She felt his cock slide through and she hissed, she immediately put her hand on his arm and squeezed. He stopped and saw the tears fall.
"I'm sorry." He said and kissed her cheeks and waited for her to allow him to move.
"It's alright." Y/N told him and looked up to him with glossy eyes. "You can move, love."
The nickname she gave him made his heart swell and he moved at a slow pace, he tried not to cum as he felt her warm, tight walls grip him.
She felt the uncomfortable burn of being stretched and as he continued to move, the more bearable it was. The soon burn began to make her stomach flutter, and her breath hitch.
Robb watched as her expression changed from pain to pleasure. It made Robb swell with pride as his wife felt pleasure and leaned down and kissed her as his pace didn't stop.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped into his auburn curls. As they released each other from their kiss, she threw her head back with a moan.
"Please." She begged and Robb smirked, leaning down to her her ear.
"What? What do you need?" He asked tauntingly, and pulled back slowly and slammed back into her and she yelped in surprise.
"Please, don't hold back." She looked at him and touch her hand on cheek. "Fuck me."
She kissed him once more and he moaned in her mouth and obliged to her and began to fully pound into her.
He was feral, he was relentless and fully in heaven as she milked him.
"I-I'm, oh gods!" She yelled and felt her walls clamped down onto his shaft.
She felt him shudder in pleasure as his ropes of cum began to fill inside her.
"Gods, yes." He moaned and jolted as he moved his cock in and out slowly, coming down from his high.
She felt goosebumps on her arms and legs as she began to breathe heavily from her first orgasm.
Robb pulled out of her and she felt full of his seed as he collapsed beside her. She moved to her side to face him, the faint glow of the candles and fire shone on his face.
The look of happiness and content from his face made her heart swell.
"Hi." She said to him, which caused him to chuckle.
"Hi." He said and she felt her cheeks redden.
He put his hand on her hip and he could feel the goosebumps rise.
"So that was-" Robb couldn't find the words and she finished for him.
"Amazing." She said and he nodded, he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly.
"Now that you're my wife, I won't be able to get enough." He said and she shuffled closer to him and he held her in his arms. "I meant what I said."
"What?" She asked and looked up at him.
"I'd treat you as an equal, my wife and a friend." He said and Y/N laid her head on his chest. Smiling hearing those words and hearing the sound of his heart beating.
"Thank you." She said and moaned as she felt Robb touch her clit and made her squirm in his arms.
"What do you say, lady stark, another time?" He asked and felt his cum coat her thighs and smeared his cum around as lube and she could feel herself getting wet again.
"Yes, my lord." She said and Robb growled and got on top of her, she giggled as he enveloped her in his arms and kissed him.
She felt happiness in his arms, and held him close. Both of them later in the night tangled in each other and asleep together.
Both of them glad that they were husband and wife.
A/N: HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!! Ty for reading and I also wanted to add I'm doing commissions!!!! Just message me and I can show you some of my pieces or go to @ peytonmunson on insta!
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myladysapphire · 4 months
His Sapphire Princess (VIII)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 1,385
CW: angst
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
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disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n its been so long since i last wrote this, i had honeslty completey forgotton about all of my fics, i do hope the writting isnt too different and that you all enjoy! sorry its short!
Also the ages of the characters as i myself keep getting confused (and i've changed some of the ages a little): Visenya - 17, Aemond - 18, Jace - 14, Luke - 11, Aegon - 20 , Heleana - 19
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With her mother being the heir, she had expected a much grander greeting. She pictured a courtyard full of eager lords and ladies, eager to see her mother after years away from court. And yet as her mother stepped out of the carriage the courtyard was barren; the few lords and ladies that were there seemed shocked and unaware of our arrival. It was clear the once welcoming feeling had gone with them when they had left for Dragonstone. 
Their greeting party solely consisted of lord Beesbury, seemingly the only council member still loyal to her mother, it even seemed that the keep itself was not what was for their return as shown by the replacement of Valyrian symbols with symbols of the seven. The home she, her brothers and parents knew was long gone, and the short years they had been away had changed the keep and people greatly.  The Hightowers had easily asserted themselves into power, and it was clear that they now ruled, perhaps in her grandsires stead. With the court laced with green gowns, and the higher necklines that Alicent seemed to adore, all influecne her mother had had been removed or hidden away. 
Not that it was surprising, as most who were loyal to her mother had too moved to dragonstone alongside them. It seemed Daemon was right about the red keep becoming a viper pit, full of hightower loyalsits. 
She had quickly left her family to go find Heleana, in hopes to see nothing had changed between them, though they exchanged letters, though less so since the birth of the twins, the letters she received now were filled with rhymes and poems in them, a part of her feared her dreams had become to strong and overtaken her. 
She knew all about Aeogns life, a little of their children, it appeared Aegon was the only one keen to keep her updated on anything in the keep and seemed eager to answer her letters, though they were mostly stained in wine and gods know what else. 
But it seemed that in her years away from kingslanding the halls had turned themselves into a labyrinth, the muscle memory of walking throughout the castel had vanished, and she was left a wandering mess. 
Though she had eventually heard the clashing of swords, orienting herself somewhat, as she realsied she was about to approach the training yard.
She first saw her brothers, watching the duel in awe, enough awe to capture her own attention and move her sights to said duel. 
He had grown into what she could only describe as a Valyrian god. With his long silver hair and sharp features, he was even more handsome than she imagined,  
and even more talented with a sword than she would have expected. 
He moved with such grace and finesse it was hard to predict his next move, nor his thinking behind them. Perhaps he was just used to ser criston having a sparring partner, but the way Aemond moved to defeat him could only be described, at least the Visenya was…hot.  His movements were a dance, as was the way his face light when we one, even more so when he saw her brothers. The smirk he wore could not be mistaken as welcoming if anything it was menacing, but also gleeful that her brothers, that lucerys the boy who took his eye, could see the man he had grown into.
she also smirked to herself, proud of him in some possessive way. Even more proud when his face went from gleeful spite to its own form of possession at the sight of her.
They had not seen each in years, ever since that fateful night of his thirteenth name day. 
And it was clear he had missed her, clear as he quickly stopped taunting her brothers with the offer to duel to move towards her, as if she was the very oxygen he needed to breathe.
And yet, she made no effort to move towards him. Despite the want and longing to see him again, the desire to be with him and now seeing him in his entirty, all she felt was hurt, abandonment and pain.
Visenya had never felt more alone than when she returned from Winterfell to Dragonstone. With only the letters form Cregan and Aegon as company. The only scrapes she would see of Aemonds life were Aegons complaints at him spending too much time with a sword or book, and when he was not with them he was with Vhagar.
Though she had had her family on dragonstone she always felt like an outsider. As if she was watching them love and be loved and she was simply an audience member, watching from the outside.
Hells her mother had treated her that way since Jace was born. 
But with Ameond he never made her feel like an outsider. And so too loose contact with the one person who made you feel truley seen, well it felt like she was dying. Drowning with no one to pull her back up to the surface.
And yet he looks at her and all of a sudden she is finally being pulled free and her life is hers again.
But she can’t help but still feel abandoned. Why did it take her coming to kings landing, for their wedding, to finally be seen once more.
“My bethrothed” He proclaimed, the smug expression once again returning to his face. “Have you come to see me defeat your brothers?” he questioned, sending Jace and Luke a taunting glare. 
Finally moving into the training yard, making sure to sway her skirts as she went, she proclaimed “I have not, bethrothed” she then smirked looking over to Jace “ i do not wish my bethrothed to be so humiliated as to befeated by his bride's baby brother” she sent him a glare. A glare she hoped was filled with  years of hurt and anger to him.
He laughed “oh Princess, i do not know if you understate me or seriously overestimate your dear brothers abilities”
she shrugged, a look of nonchalant crossing her face, “i do not care which, then again i do not care much to see the outcome of such a duel” 
She was sure she heard her brothers say something but neither her nor Aemond acknowledged it, their eyes and ears only focusing on one thing.
“Then why grace us with your presence if you do not wish bto be so thoroughly entertained?” he questioned, his smile remaining taunting.
“Am i not allowed to wonder where i please, in my own home?” she snapped.
“my my, back for a few hours and we are already calling it home, have you missed me so truly betrothed?” he questiond.
“what was there to miss? with no letters or name days gifts to remember you by, oh i could even argue i forgot you, especially with all the bids for my hand i have received since our bethrothal” she smirked
Aemonds eye turned visicous, his smile flattering. His eye too began to show the hurt that she hoped her eyes portrayed.
He stepped forward, his sword taken from him and placed on the rack. His full focus moved away from the tauting he thought to be fun and games, and now stood and looked almost worried, and all too serious.
“forgotten?” he whispered, “ I am truly that forgettable my dear Visneya?”  His voice was quieter, more hurt, and spoken so sofltley it was clear their conversation should be held under more private cirmunsatnces. 
“i-“ she  could not say it, not now, she frankly didn’t even want to think about it. To be so vulnerable, especially when she knew he wasn’t the same Aemond she had first been bethtothed to, that she had grown alongside. 
Luckily Jace inruptupted the two, eager to end what was begining. “Sister,” she said, grabbing her arm, “we should go to our chambers and settle in, should we not?” he spoke, his eyes begging to leave.
She turned to look at Luke, he looked on the verge of tears almost, worried that at any moment Aemond might snap and steal his eye in an act of revenge. 
She nodded, grabbing his arm, and sending one last look to Aemond.
next part
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freya-captain · 1 month
Ten-second trivia: WHO’s the father of Aegon’s baby?
Imagine the King’s first and Omega son Aegon was found out to be preggo without getting married. Rumors were flying around Kingslanding and everyone in the city was guessing who fathered Aegon’s unborn children. This became the number one topic in all the taverns, gambling houses, or even brothels.
Games were set and the hot candidates were his siblings, Helaena and Aemond Targaryen. Some others bet their money on the Rogue Prince, Daemon Targaryen, Harwin Strong (in this universe he didn’t leave KL) and Ser Criston Cole, the princes’ master-at-arms.
Aegon at first experienced pregnancy heat and been sleeping, not knowing all of these. When he woke up, he found it all entertaining and quite enjoyable. He refused to reveal the baby’s father no matter how Alicent forced him to. He wandered in Red Keep and pissed off everyone he met including the King’s Hand, Otto Hightower.
The votes changed everyday with every news updated. Like Ser Criston escorted Prince Aegon to Kingswood the other day or Helaena was flying dragons with Aegon today. When Rhaenyra and her family visited KL, there was rumors about the princess decided to take her younger brother as the second wife as Aegon the Conqueror.
Meanwhile Jacaerys Velaryon wondered why no one assumed it could be him. Aegon was like “cause you are too righteous and pure as virgin in the smallfolk’s eyes. Now stop pouting and come listen to our baby’s heartbeats”
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bonniebird · 5 months
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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Hey B! Can I please get an Aemond Targ imagines. Aemond has a crush on a highborn lady that lives in the keep or in kingslanding but his cousin from essos arrives and starts stealing her attention from him. Aemond x fem reader plz. Jodie Cormer and Viserys dany's brother for the face claims please.
You watched quietly from one of the landings of the large castle halls as everyone rushed around. Nobody seemed to notice you today. It wasn’t strange for highborn lords or ladies to look at you as if they had no idea why you were standing near them. Ordinarily, if you passed the king you would curtsey, perfectly, and he would smile and nod to you, sometimes asking how Helena was. You would answer most loyaly, a staunch defender of all Helena did. 
But today no one stopped to greet you or ask after the princess. It felt strange that no one wanted to hear what you had to say about Helena. That was, after all, why you were there. Your father had set his ambition upon residing in the Red Keep at the king's service. But having achieved his goal, he found that he wanted to return home. Your mother, who hated Kings Landing, had been more than happy to leave. But you had managed to befriend the princess. She was a few years older than you but you were both quieter and gentler than those that typically lived in the city. The pair of you had started a shy friendship and soon, finding yourself invited to her side at every occasion you found yourself following her around during feasts and dances. 
The two of you became so attached that she threw a fit when you left with your family. So much so that gold cloaks were sent to fetch you from the Kingsroad as your family began their return home. Helena had greeted you at the gates of the keep as if you had just returned from war and it was quickly agreed that you would be taken under the care of House Hightower and stay at the keep with Helena. 
Footsteps behind you and rushed talking broke you out of your thoughts. Blinking a few times you turned and found the Queen whispering to one of her maids, gesturing for them to leave her. 
“What is happening?” You asked as she approached. The cold sternness on the queen's face left as she looked at you and smiled, reaching for you. She wrapped arms with you and the two of you walked the halls together.
“The king has relatives from Essos arriving. He is… beginning to worry the keep is not grand enough.” She sighed in a tone of voice that made it clear Alicent thought the fuss was ridiculous.
“But… He is the king. Why should he care what someone else thinks?” You asked and she scoffed and smiled.
“Exactly what I said. According to my father, there has always been some sort of contest between the king and his… cousin… uncle. I think his cousin. Though with these Targaryen marrying customs…” Before she could finish she trailed off. The two of you had walked towards the entrance of the keep where a group of people were hanging Targaryen banners. Aemond was walking towards the two of you, dragging Aegon behind him so quickly that Aegon’s feet skittered over the smooth floor as he helplessly tried to find his footing.
“There you are!” Alicent said as she dropped your arm and went over to greet them.
“Why do I have to be here? I hate him.” Aegon grumbled. He gave you an uncomfortable grin which fell from his face when Alicent scolded him, pulling him away towards his rooms. No doubt hoping to sober him up before the ship from Essos arrived.
“Who is it that everyone is so upset about?” You asked Aemond. He had taken a moment to answer a question for one of Alicent’s maids. Nodding to her she scurried away as he turned to you.
“My cousin's father.” Aemond said stiffly. While Aemond turned away to instruct a group of men, carrying a statue on which was the correct corridor to take, you went over all the Targaryen’s you could name and tried to figure out just which relative it could be. Finding the list too complicated to keep track of, you nodded slowly and fell into step with Aemond as he began to walk down the long corridor away from the stairs. 
“We are to greet them at the docks this afternoon.” You muttered as you recalled Helena informing you of the trip to the docks over breakfast. Aemond grumbled to himself and he sighed.
“I had hoped he would come by himself. He’s bringing his son. The eldest one.” Aemond said as he stopped at a window and glared out towards the sea.
“You do not get along?” You asked. Aemond sighed and said nothing as a boat came into view in the distance. A maid called you away before you could talk anymore and ushered you to Helena’s rooms. Alicent entered a few moments later with dresses for both of you. Helena’s was a light grey velvet with pale green adornments stitched over the back, down the sleeves and around the neckline in a style that the princess favoured. Your own was similar though less grand than the princesses. Once Aliencet had approved of you both the three of you trekked through the halls to a small carriage. 
“Why he could not dock at the private docks…” Alicent grumbled to herself as she wafted herself with a green hand fan. Helena reached for your hand and squeezed it encouragingly.
The carriage ride was short however the three of you were left in the carriage while it was secured and the heat began to build. When the door finally opened the breeze was bracing. Cole helped Helena and the queen out, walking away and leaving Aemond to quickly hurry over and help you down the step out of the carriage. 
“This must be your young wife!” You heard a loud booming voice over the crowd that had gathered to see the king and the visitor. Looming over the crowd you could see a huge ship, larger than even the ships Lord Corlys would travel in.
When Helena became nervous and looked for you to link arms with someone tugged you forward and away from Aemond who had managed to hide the both of you from sight behind three lords each taller and wider than the last.
“I hope we can leave soon.” Helena whispered to you as her arm twisted with yours and she clutched your hand.
“With such a grand feast prepared I can not imagine we will be here long.” You said quietly as you turned away from the procession that passed. One of the white-haired young men stopped and looked at you both. Helena groaned under her breath as he began to come closer. Her grip on your arm tightened and she looked at him with such a stern expression it was a wonder he had the courage to come closer.
“Cousin.” He drawled out sweetly. Helena said nothing but bowed her head slightly in a jerked nod. His eyes flicked to you and then he did a double take as he smiled. “You… you are new.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, my lord.” You said quietly and dropped a little in a small curtsy. Helena’s grip on your arm refused to loosen and when you rose again you could see several of Cole’s men over the boy's shoulder. They looked rather worried.
“I wish to get out of this heat.” Alicent’s voice called out over the crowd. Helena took this as an opportunity to yank you backwards as she moved towards the carriage. You crashed into Aemond who kept you steady. He gave you a look that you imagined was an attempt at encouragement before seeming to realise he was still holding you by your shoulders and letting you go so that Helena could continue her retreat.
“Ridiculous performance.” Alicent complained as she joined the two of you in the carriage. Cole slammed the door shut and shouted for the queen’s guard to escort the carriage back to the keep. She looked over at the both of you and reached across the carriage to touch your forehead. “We shall be resting today. I do not care what that beast of a man wants. We’ve been out in this heat too long.”
It quickly became obvious why everyone was on edge about the Targaryen’s for Essos. The father, Maehagor Targaryen, was a foul man, rude, lude and greedy. He seemed to be in constant competition with the king, so much so that Daemon was sent for at the request of Viserys who, to you had always seemed rather gentle and kind, had lost his temper one evening due to Maehagor’s comments about bedding Alicent. Daemon responded with a letter refusing to appear until Maehagor returned to Essos. Alicent refused to be alone with him due to his constant remarks towards her and she barely tolerated him during group dinners.
Luckily you didn't have to put up with Maehagor. You did however have to deal with his son, Daelon. At first, he had seemed rather charming and you didn’t mind helping entertain him as he joined you and Helena for walks in the Keep gardens or warm afternoons lazed in the cool shade. But once Aegon and Aemond joined the group things changed rather quickly. It seemed that Daelon took after his father in more than just looks. He out drank Aegon and antagonised Aemond so that they argued every time they saw each other. 
 It was early evening and everyone had reached their limits with the guests. Helena had retreated to her rooms claiming that she needed to rest. The queen had vanished into her rooms as well leaving you with little to do. 
“Aemond?” You asked gently as you found him. He was sitting alone in the courtyard looking up at the Weirwood tree. He glanced towards you and, upon seeing it was you, made little effort to move on the bench he occupied.
“I needed a moment's peace.” He muttered. You walked closer and sat, forcing him to scoot over on the seat.
“Why does your father not send them home? Everyone is so unhappy.” You asked and he huffed. There was a tense pause before Aemond answered bitterly.
“My father does not think enough of me to share such decisions.” He stood and then stopped as someone walked to the entrance of the courtyard. Daelon spread his arms wide as he sauntered over to the two of you.
“Cousin… Are you joining us for the meal this evening.” Daelon immediately turned his attention from Aemond to you. You felt Aemond step closer and his stare fixed on Daelon who seemed unphased.
“I… have been invited by her grace, the queen.” You said hesitantly. He smiled and reached out, squeezing your face between his fingers. You winced and tried to pull away but his grip squeezed until Aemond intervened. 
“You know perhaps I shall ask my father to have the king give you to me. You will like Essos.” He grinned as he let Aemond pull his hand from your face, turned on his heels and left as quickly as he arrived. You stared after him and blinked a few times.
“Are you alright?” Aemond asked without looking at you. Aemond had always been rather kind to you so it surprised you when you found yourself unable to find words without letting out a small sob and nodding instead. He looked worried as you turned and fled to find Helena.
Dinner quickly approached. Despite her best efforts and objections, Helena couldn’t stop you from being herded down to the dining hall. “Mother! Grandfather! What he said was upsetting, you cannot expect (Y/N) to join us!” She whined, having given up on all else but their sheer devotion to her.
“Helena I am sorry…” Alicent started. Finding nothing new from her mother Helena whipped her attention solely to her grandfather who seemed rather startled by the girl's ferocity, gentle and nurturing as it was, it was still quite the challenge.
“I have tried to have (Y/N) sit between you and Aemond or next to your mother. I can make no promises though.” Otto admitted. This for the moment placated Helena. She took up your hand and clutched it tightly as everyone filed into the room. You felt the Queen’s nervous grip on your shoulder as she squeezed before letting you go as she moved to be greeted, taking her seat beside the king. Helena rushed you all to your seats, which was met with no objection from Aegon as he liked to be bearishly drunk before even setting eyes on Daelon. Seeing silvery hair from the corner of your eye as you sat beside Helena you turned with a smile to thank Aemond for coming to your rescue in the courtyard only to find Daelon. He had slouched down into Aemond’s seat seconds before Aemond couldsit. Judging from the clutch Otto had on Aemond’s wrist and the way he pulled Aemond’s hand from the back of the chair, Otto had prevented Aemond from tipping Daelon onto the floor.
“We meet again.” Daelon said. His voice was smooth and charming though it had a tone to it that made you tingle unpleasantly. Making you feel rather like a rabbit who had just realised its companion was a wolf. Your smile became so strange and twisted that even the king glanced at you with a frown. You found that even with your best effort. You could not improve the grimace on your face.
Having spent a long time as Helena’s most adored guest at the Red Keep you had endured a great many awkward dinners. Though the Targaryen house enjoyed celebrating their triumphs, you were never actually sure if any of them liked each other. This dinner, however, made all of the ones before seem like casual, even joyous occasions.
It began with everyone sitting. After Daelon has stolen Aemond’s seat Otto guided Aemond to sit opposite his mother, he then took up a place at the end of the table leaving a large space beside Aegon on the other side of the king intended for Maehagor. 
Maehagor, in a moment of great wisdom or madness, decided to squeeze on the corner of the table between Otto and the queen instead.
There were three courses to the meal. During the first Maehagor called Otto an old fool and said that it was his turn to be the hand which was met with a round of awkward laughter. During the second round, the queen accidentally stabbed Maehagor’s leg with her fork when he scooted his chair too close for her liking. At the same time Helena, having been helpfully passing you sauce in a hot serving dish, dropped it on Daelon’s lap which caused him to let go of your hand, which he had taken up and refused to let go of, despite a polite request from you and a rather rude comment from Aegon, hop up from his chair and shout before hurrying out of the room. The final course was never actually served. In fact, the maid that brought it to the table was sent right around the room and back out like an animal on a race track. The poor woman seemed rather glad to flee the room. You were all excused by Alicent who was trying to mediate a fight between the king and Maehagor who began shouting at each other so loudly that Cole had to come in and escort Maehagor out. 
Having had enough for the evening you slowly made your way to your rooms. The air in the corridors was cool, a light breeze followed you through the halls. The faint sounds of the last birds settling for the night filled the air and you found yourself smiling as you dawdled to enjoy the moment a little while longer. You stopped when you heard low talking. Leaning closer towards the corridor that opened up into a balcony, overlooking one of the courtyards you listened carefully after glancing around to make sure no one would catch you.
“I won't let you.” Aemond’s voice came out sharp and clear.
“Let me. Your father will do anything for us to return to Essos.” You cringed at the sound of Daelon’s voice. Aemond scoffed and there was some shuffling. Curiously you crept round the corner and peaked down into the courtyard. You could see Aemond stepping closer to Daelon in a threatening manner.
“Why not find yourself some girl in Flea Bottom?” Aemond’s tone was harsh as if he were holding himself back. You couldn’t see Daelon’s face but you could see his shoulders move as he laughed.
“You see it is not the girl I want. It’s revenge. The moment I set eyes on the two of you I could see it. So I'm going to steal her away from you.” Daelon’s words were sharp and spat out at Aemond who was stirred to anger before you could wonder who they were talking about. Daelon flinched as Aemond swung at him and Cole rushed across the courtyard. 
“You will do no such thing!” Aemond shouted as he escaped Cole to dive for Daelon who had laughed as he practically danced his way out of Aemond’s reach. 
“I’ll take all the girls I want. That (Y/N). A fine treat for myself when I return to Essos.” Daelon said wickedly. You felt panic prick you and for a moment you froze.
Had you been foolish enough to believe that your friendship with Helena, that your mother’s friendship with the queen would protect you from the desires of the dragons? Cole glanced up at you as you jumped back to avoid being seen. You weren’t sure if he saw you or if he stopped Aemond from swinging again. You had already turned to flee as your mind swam with fear. The king wouldn’t really send you to Essos. Not when he went to such great lengths to negotiate with your family to have you stay. But he was the king. Had your father led when he said he’d negotiated? Had the king demanded your presence and it was given? If so… would you be able to find a way to avoid being sent off?
The fear of your own thoughts had your breath angrily clawing at your throat as a painful tight feeling built up. Hurrying past the door to your rooms you continued to Helena’s.
When you reached her rooms you burst in and flung yourself down on one of her bench seats. 
She fussed while you tearfully tried to explain what was said. Alicent was fetched by one of the maids who, unable to decipher your sobbed distress, were convinced something dreadful must have happened. You faintly heard Cole’s voice as the tear-blurred figure of Alicent hurried towards you, hugging you tightly to her chest as you blubbed and sniffed.
“Mother? What happened.” Helena asked after a few moments when she realised that you were too upset to find words that could give her any sense of what you’d gone through.
“From what Cole has explained to me… Daelon has threatened to take (Y/N) back to Essos with him.” Alicent explained which started you crying again. Helena gasped and clung to you. Alicent had warned you both during the carriage ride home of what she heard Daelon did to his women in Essos. All were dreadful, so much so that Alicent had only informed you of the list of tragic and terrible summing everything else up with a simple warning. 
When she had managed to calm and settle you Alicent stormed from the rooms. She made her way to the King’s quarters, knowing Viserys and her father were still in a deep discussion on what to do if Maehagor decided to stay in Westeros. She threw the doors open, startling everyone who looked overly nervous. When she saw Aemond she understood why.
“Alicent.” Otto said as he gestured to Aemond. His tone was pleading.
“That is not sufficient!” Aemond bellowed and for a moment she feared that the boy might strike his own father. Alicent raised an eyebrow and stepped forward.
“Aemond. Calm yourself.” She cooed but she shook her off. His breath was hard and heavy, his hair tangled and messy. There was a smudge of blood running down from his nose and a wild look in his eye.
“No! He has admitted what he plans to do! (Y/N) has served our house well. Does that not earn her protection from being sold off to stop someone annoying you?” Aemond barked out. He glared at his father who looked as if he himself thought Aemond might lash out. Viserys eventually held his hands up.
“If she agrees then…” Viserys said and glanced at Otto. Alicent scoffed and shook her head as she gripped Aemond’s arm, pulling him back so she could take a turn to unleash her own fury.
“Agrees? She weeps in your daughter's arms for fear of being shipped off across the seas to some dreadful monstrous boy because of a petty rivalry that the two of you have with your kin.” Alicent glared at Viserys and then at Aemond whose expression softened.
“What would you have me do?” Viserys asked as if he was at his wit's end. Alicent sighed. She had told Viserys several times what he needed to do.
“Summon them! You know how he feels about Daemon. Demand his presence and Rhaenys’ too. She will keep him in line. We all know Maehagor is afraid of her.” Alicent was stern as she spoke and Otto did his best to agree with her. He had suggested something similar days ago as had most of the council. “You are the king and you let this man come here and torment your keep.” With that Alicent left, storming from the room with a fury that seemed more ferocious than the fire Viserys was sat before. Aemond hesitated and followed her.
“Mother.” He muttered as he hurried to catch up with her.
“You will need to defend her.” Alicent said as she stopped. She had her back to Aemond and he stopped a few paces behind her, hesitant to approach.
“(Y/N)... I…” Aemond started to say but she turned, gripping him by the shoulders.
“Maehagor is the kind of man who will do anything. You know he has been trying to interfere with your father's rule since it began. He is so shameless he had no choice but to retreat to Essos. His son is worse. (Y/N) is strong and brave. But she is gentle-hearted and sheltered. I swore to her mother I would take care of her. Seven help me if that beast of a man takes her.” Alicent spoke in a harsh tone he hadn’t heard for many years. She was almost as furious as she had been the night he lost his eye. It made his stomach turn with nerves.
“Daelon. He said he wants revenge.” Aemond said nervously. She frowned at him and let him go. For a moment, just one, there was a glint of fury in her eyes as if she were accusing him of a great many wrongs. All the ills man had caused her, Helena and you were thrust at him with that look and he withered under the glare.
“Revenge for what?” She asked.
“There… there was a tourney. The one I was in after Rhaenyra left Kingslanding. The one for Aegon’s name day.” He muttered and stared down at the floor. She said nothing and even without looking up he could feel her anger burning into him. “I ignored Cole’s advice to let Daelon win and… humiliated him.”
“A tourney… I have sworn to defend that girl as if she is my own and she may be snatched from our protection because of a tourney contest between boys!” Alicent’s tone was sharp and Aemond shrank back as if he had been struck. She said nothing more to him, her dress storming around her, whipping the fabric into a furious sea of soft swishing sounds as she furiously walked away. 
Alicent’s fury remained. So much so that when Daemon and Rhaenyra arrived with their brood of wildlings they had given Aemond sympathetic looks and mildly friendly gestures when they greeted the travellers. 
You had been summoned to dinner by the king. He had sent Otto himself to invite you along with his word as king that you would be safe. When you walked down the hall two bluish figures seemed to float out of the semi-dark corridors around you and fell into step on either side of you. 
The Velaryon twins. Stony guards at your side that didn’t budge and were so stern in their defence even Daelon kept his distance. Jace hurried forward to help you to your seat and he sat on one side with Baela and Luke sat with Rhaena on the other. Rhaenyra sat with Alicent talking quietly while Daemon watched Maehagor from across the table with a neutral look that made him all the more menacing. Rhaenys sat beside the king while the rest of the family scattered around the table. Helena was opposite you and gave you a hopeful smile. You returned one to her and she beamed in relief.
“Thank you.” You said quietly into the air before you. Baela reached over and gently squeezed your arm for just a moment before reaching for her cup while Rhaena smiled to herself and nodded. The meal was consumed with awkward silence. Broken only by murmurs between Otto and Corlys at one end of the table and Rhaenyra and Alicent at the other.
When the meal was finished Daemon loudly dismissed ‘the youngsters’. No one objected though Maehagor clearly wanted to. Luke and Jace rushed to sweep up Daelon in conversation and stopped his approach as Helena joined her Velaryon cousins in hurrying from the room with you.
“I am sorry you were so upset.” Helena said to you as you stopped by her door. She kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly.
“It is alright Helena. It wasn’t your doing. I am grateful for…” You trailed off and smiled awkwardly. You weren’t as close with the twins as you were with Helena and you weren’t sure if thanking them for their aid would offend them. After all, they seemed like the sort to think defending anyone from the likes of Daelon was part of their duty. Baela, sensing your dilemma cleared her throat before saying.
“Well, Daelon is a beast, more so than Aegon and all who come across him deserve protection of their own.” She spat out Daelon’s name as if it disgusted her to say it. Rhaena shyly agreed with her sister and said their goodbyes to Helena who hurried off into her room to see her children to bed. Aemond approached you shortly after. Baela and Rhaena waited to see if you wanted to speak with him before relinquishing your safety to him.
“I hope you find good rest.” Rhaena said cheerfully to you while Baela and Aemond stared at each other until Rhaena pulled her sister away.
“I am sorry.” Aemond said awkwardly. You frowned then sighed.
“That your cousin is a beast?” You asked and he chuckled then, quickly, looked rather guilty. He shuffled and fiddled mindlessly with the dragon fastings on his shirt. He walked with you down the corridor, the short distance from Helena’s door to yours.
“He would not be so fixated on you if it were not for me.” He stopped outside your door and gave you a rather shameful look. 
“Your mother said why he was doing this. Because of the tourney. She was very angry about it but mostly because of Daelon.” You explained and he winced. You reached out for his hand but he pulled away slightly. “It is not your fault he can not let that go.”
“That is one reason he is interested.” He said quietly and his hands dropped down by his side. You waited, wanting him to go on and explain but Aemond’s mouth was firmly shut and he simply gestured to your door. Realising that for tonight at least there would be nothing more from Aemond you retreated to your rooms. 
“Oh sweet (Y/N)! I am so in love with you that my cousin plans to kidnap you in vengeance for a childhood slight.” Aegon sang out loudly as your door shut and cackled as Aemond turned on him and wrestled him away from your door, his hand over his brother’s mouth as Aegon continued.
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writingwenches · 1 month
Iron Price – fish out of water
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summary – small drabble about a House Greyjoy character, dreaming of going to the capitol to be a fancy lady, and taking her life into her own hands.
contains – Reader/You (she/her), no physical description, potential mysteries. Set before or at the beginning of the Dance
pairings – could go with either Team Green princeling, or anyone else if she came to the Red Keep sooner. Let me know if you're interested in this type of character and anything you'd like to see~
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You had been trained to pay the iron price, broken by the salt and sweat of the sea. The Iron Islands offered little in the way of comfort, the craggy stone shores, and rocky terrain did not make for an easy ride or leisurely stroll. You were made to work for your pleasures. 
While others of the islands spend time reaping and whoring, you find your comfort in life’s simpler work. You take your time on your needlework, even though your mother never required it of you. You learned to read from books of great histories left behind by the Maesters banished from the Keep by your father for questioning his authority and the authors of the Drowned God. 
You weren’t sure what you believed, other than your fondness for maps. You have sailed the oceans of the world through the tapestries and scrolls, treasured by the Greyjoy fleet. New and updated maps from all over the known, and unknown world, flowed into the Keep with every tide. 
You could only imagine what treasures hid behind the walls of a real keep. A real castle, not some spit of stones in the sorrowful sea, surrounded by rocks and grey, but rather the grandness of the Red Keep in Kingslanding, surrounded by flying dragons and handsome lords. 
You were on a voyage in the cold and unforgiving north when you heard news of your father’s death, a long and treacherous one lead by your elder brother, The Red Kraken. He immediately ordered his fleet home, to claim his rightful place on the Salt Throne, as was his birthright. 
Your brother sat upon the Seastone Chair and called you and your younger sister before him. You were all so similar in ages, your childhood had been tangled together as Dalton had aged. You had grown custom to following his orders, as a faithful crewmate to the fierce captain. 
He had been the one to make fun of you for your likes of girlish things, tossing your embroidery overboard whenever he found you hiding it from the other crew. He knew of your desires, and he denied you anyway. 
“The Crown has sent a raven, all the way from King’s Landing,” he laughed, admiring the fancy paper, curled up tightly into a scroll. “They offer me a position on their councils, and a place in their halls.” It was clear that your brother had no intention of bending any knees and wearing fancy dress. 
“Dacey,” the new Lord Greyjoy mentioned to your younger sister, “you shall sail to King’s Landing with our answer. You can offer yourself to them, take a salt husband, whatever you wish, I care not–“
“Brother!” you pleaded, “You know it has been my wish to–“ 
He stopped you, not interested in what you had to say. “You are too valuable to loose, sister. You follow my orders too well,” he smiled a toothless grin, “I could not hope to lose you.”
You knew him to be cruel, you were a lowly member of the crew, only fit to scrub the deck and wrap the sails. Your brother mocked you, not allowing you to follow your dream. 
“Brother, please,” you try to bargain with him, try to make him see reason. “I could be an asset to you, I could sail to the capitol in your stead, I could represent House Greyjoy–“ 
“You!” he shouted, rising from his place on the Seastone Chair. “Are not fit to call yourself Greyjoy, you have not earned the name.”
“And yet my sister younger has?” he challenge, turning your ire onto the girl. 
“You are simply jealous!” she countered, knowing it to be true in her bones. “You are not true iron born. I bet mother bedded some weak landwalker to come up with something as ugly as–“
You struck your sister with your closed palm, aiming for her nose but hitting her eye. The two girls scrapped at one another until their brother pulled them apart. “My word is final!” he demanded, putting an end to the womanly foolishness. 
“Presenting, Lady Dacey, of House Greyjoy, envoy from the Iron Islands,” the booming voice called as you are ushered into the great throne room of the Red Keep. It was more glorious and wondrous than you could have ever imagined. The hall was so high, you could practically imagine a dragon flying beneath the domed roof. The columns were carved with detailed conjurings of battles won with dragon fire and blood. 
The ladies were all dressed in gowns so fine and fashionable, you could hardly stop yourself from reaching out and feeling each unique fabric your eyes had never seen before. 
You had arrived, at your new life. You had made it. And you had paid the Iron Price. 
“Your Grace,” you bow before the King of the Seven Kingdoms. “It is truly an honor,” you smile. “I can not wait to serve you in any way I can.” 
“It is good to see an Iron Islander in their rightful place, on their knees before the throne,” the eldest brother said, his eyelids heavy as he gazed down at you. 
“Your namesake changed our traditions, yes,” you spoke, your head still bowed respectfully. “We only bow to one king, and he sits upon the Iron Throne.” 
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marvelita85 · 2 months
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- are u insane?
- carefull who you are talking to wife....
- only an imbecile could parade the sigyl of our own house through the streets of kingslanding... a dragon head for everyone to see Targaryens are not gods as everyone thought, they are just like everyone else because that is a dragon and is no longer alive
- is a traitor dragon princess...
- oh now I know where that dumb idea came from... and he is still going to be your hand? I just can imagine where you are going to finish with this kind of ideas husband...- you were pissed, sad, raged, imprisoned in that keep with all your enemies
Aemond knew you were right the idea of Meleys being parade over the streets of kingslanding made the Targaryens look weak and he was a Targaryen - you wearing green disgusted me....- Aemond turn to look at her wearing that red and black dress wearing her Targaryen pin representing her oun dragon...- we are made of fire Aemond, and not even your mother could ever understand that...- Alicent who was present looked at you stuned with the same fire your mother confronted king Viserys
You just turn walking inside...you walked the corridors playing with your wedding ring , you entered your chambers and as you were closing the door your husband hold the door entering behind you
- do you have any idea how bad you made me look in front of everyone at court...
- thats not me Aemond, thats the people that surround you who cant stand Targaryens who always wanted dragons to died... as your grandfather, Cole, your mother you are the only one who studied the history of our ansestors and really believe in it.... your father wanted us united because he believed in it too
- there is still something you are not telling me...
- you will think is stupid..
- try me...- you knew about Aegon's dream, telling Aemond wasnt your idea but you knew Aemond was the only one of Alicent children who understood the meaning of being a Targaryen and what dragons represent
- you know what Vaghar means to you, the same Vermithor means to me, they are what make us who we are, without them we are just like everyone else...- you looked at him one more time and made a disgusted gesture... and take that clothes off - Aemond gave a little smile and looked at you sitting in front of you relaxing his shoulders
- why dont you come and take it off yourself ābrazȳrys as you seem to hate it so much - you walked closer grabing one of the claps reaping part of his chestcover he smirked humming grabbing you from your hips
- it is just us Aemond, anyone else is dragon bate...- and for Aemond you were right even he hated his sister he loved you, and even he wanted the rest of your family death he wanted to protect you even if he had to exterminated both your family you were going to prevail
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kjwaikiki · 2 months
Funny HOTD idea:
I just had this very funny idea that when Rhaenyra and her family come to Kingslanding to defend Lucerys claim and the Greens see their nephews and sister after so many years it is season two Jacaerys with the curls that they see.
The reason for this is that I want everyone to see Jacaerys and be shocked at how pretty he is. Particularly I want Helaena to see this and immediately be angry at her mother. Here is an incredibly attractive, noble, kind young man who she could have been married to.
Helaena knows that there were talks of a betrothal but that her mother pushed for her to wed Aegon. She made her peace with it and it helped that last time she saw Jace he was a child. Helaena does not want to be married to Aegon but she also does not want to be married to a child.
But Jace is back now and he is gorgeous and kind and dances with her. I just have this hilarious image in my head of Helaena just blue screening when she sees Jace and then looking at her mother all offended like: I could have married that!!!!! And instead you married me to that!!!! (Cue a drunk Aegon who is sweaty and smells like Flea Bottom).
I just want to see Helaena go off on her mother. “Not only did you put in motion the Dance of the Dragons where pretty much everyone in our family will die and the dragons will go extinct leading to our house being almost eradicated BUT you also married me to a drunken rapist when I could have married JACAERYS!!!! Do you HATE me!!!!!”
I just get such a kick out of imagining kind, docile Helaena going full Targaryen on her mother over her nephew. She is so indignant that she did not get to marry pretty, noble Jacaerys and now because of her mother Baela gets to. Although Aegon the Conqueror did have two wives…
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murmel-malt · 3 months
Hedaera Targaryen - 97 AC
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Viserys Targaryen x Hedaera Targaryen (OFC) prev / next wordcount: <1k summery: my answer to the question: what if Viserys and Daemon had a little sister? canon divergent dance of the dragons au featuring canon and original characters.
chapter summery: Four years after her own wedding, Hedaera attends her cousin Aemma’s wedding to her brother Daemon and ruminates on what has happened since she married Viserys.
A/N: note that english is not my first language so there will probably be some grammar mistakes.
97 AC - Kingslanding
Daemon and Aemma’s wedding is nearly as grand as her Viserys’ had been. Once again the great hall is filled to the brim with decorations and guests and music and conversation, and the long table for the royal family at the foot of the Iron Throne to preside over the masses. The tables are laden with the finest food and Aemma is decked out in white and light blue and the silver circlet holding her veil in place, is matching the one on Daemon’s head. She looks happy Daera thinks; a far happier bride than she had been four years ago.
They are older now; Aemma being five and ten and Daera three and ten. She doesn’t feel very different, but everyone is telling her that she is now almost a woman, grown and ready to fulfill her wifely duties. She has yet to be pushed into the marriage bed, despite having flowered and plans to avoid it for as long as possible. Which probably isn’t for that much longer. The King is getting impatient, according to her Lord Father. But they will have to force her if they want her to share Viserys’ bed. There’s not a bone left in her that wishes to please any of her grandparents or father anymore. Instead they should be pleased that she has not run off or thrown herself from some tower. She has thought about it on occasion. Both about running away and throwing herself from the highest tower of the Red Keep. About the latter only in her darkest moments though and only twice.
The Queen and her Lord Father seem to have finally understood the consequences of their actions. No longer is Daera referring to them as Grandmother or Father, Alysanne is ‘her Grace, the Queen’ and she had flinched as if struck the first time Daera had addressed her this way. Her Father simply is ‘Prince Baelon’ and there is always a distance between them now, physically and emotionally. Everytime Daera looks into their eyes and sees the pain her behavior inflicts on them all she can think is: “Good. I hope this hurts you as much as you have hurt me.” She no longer feels guilt over these thoughts. It was them that hurt her first, now they simply reap the fruits of their hard labor. 
The King is the only one who doesn’t care and Hedaera now thinks that he never cared to begin with. Not about her or about any of his daughters. She barely knows any of them but she has heard stories about them. How Viserra had been so desperate to avoid being sent North that she had tried to seduce Hedaera’s father. Baelon hadn’t helped her either. He had stood by his father’s decision, a loyal son to King Jaehaerys at the expense of his sister.
Viserys will be different when he is King, Hedaera decides. For one, she cannot imagine him ever being as scary as Jaehaerys; the thought is so ridiculous it nearly makes her laugh. Her brother just doesn’t have that air about him. Not now and not ever, she is afraid. Daemon even at four years younger can be scarier than Viserys; and Rhaenys, too. It is a very unfortunate thing that only the future king does not. Perhaps she as his Queen will have to make up for it. She puts the thought aside. She will not let her brother’s shortcomings ruin her mood. 
From her seat beside Viserys she gazes across the hall instead, making note of the attendants and testing herself if she can remember all the names belonging to the faces and sigils on display. Many of the guests are Vale Lords, which is not a surprise given Aemma’s father Rodrick was Lord Paramount of the Vale. She imagines his recent death is still weighing on her cousin but the celebrations seem to have lifted her spirit. Not even Daemon seems able to dampen it, and apparently he hasn’t even tried. On the contrary, he looks almost happy, if Daera is to judge. 
He has generally been more agreeable ever since he had claimed Caraxes last year. He is the only one of them that has a dragon now after Balerion’s death only a year after Viserys had claimed him. Some had taken it as a bad omen and that Viserys might turn out to be a bad king or something ridiculous like that. The dragon had been old, simple as that; and eventually even dragons died. It was only a matter of time. And honestly, Hedaera doesn’t need the death of a dragon to know that Viserys might not be a good king, she simply knows her brother.
Daera hadn’t even been allowed to try to claim a dragon. Four years ago they had told her that she was too young, now they pretended that as the future Queen and mother it was too dangerous for her. It was a weak excuse but she had no power to argue or contest it. Another reminded how powerless she was. Viserys of all people had comforted her, telling her that not having a dragon wasn’t so terrible and that perhaps it simply wasn’t her time yet. It had been a nice gesture and had actually helped a little bit but it still stung whenever Daemon talked about Caraxes.
It made her feel less than and that was infuriating because she knew she wasn’t. She was a Targaryen, the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and if she did not get to have a dragon, well, then she would have to become the dragon.
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a/n: this is a short one. sorry people.
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rolling-storm-writing · 3 months
True Father-  (Helaena x M! Reader)
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʙᴏʀɴ ꜱᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴀᴇᴍᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴀᴇɴᴀ & ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ/ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟᴀᴇɴᴀ. ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ꜱɴɪᴘᴘᴇᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ’ᴅ ɢᴇᴛ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ.
It took everything to keep yourself in the good graces of hawking eyes that loomed from stone perches.  How’d it always been when kneeling to pick up a wandering spider, spindly legs creeping over your fingers until crossing the bridge to hers.
The two of you more focused on caring for the bugs and birds that crossed kingslanding to find you.  “She’s an idiot” Aegon would grumble to his younger bother, both still watching the two of you below.
They’d always be watching.  As the years passed and bodies grew to carry smaller ones.  Your hands smoothing over the fabric of Helaena’s gown and the rounded curve of her belly.  Always there and lingering while Aegon slithered away to brothels and Aemond sadly departed for classes.
You would remain with her, even while her siblings grew to hate yours.  “I could never hate you…” her voice soft in your imagination, eyes dancing over the written words of her most recent letter to you.
It the early day when no light from the sun reached the tower you wrote back to her.  Scribbling down on the pages and waiting for the ink to dry before sealing the letter shut.  Packing a bag with toys and gifts to bring and shower the twins with.
Arms open as the small bundles of white hair jumped to you.  “Hello my darlings !” Strong arms hoisting the twins up as they squealed in excitement.  Excitement Helaena could only join as she crept closer in.  The privacy of the woods allowing the soft press of your lips to hers, foreheads pressed close and tired eyes able to rest.
While always loyal to your family the burden of the war grew heavy on weary shoulders.  Declaring for Aegon only if it meant the safety of Everyone for what your mind planned.  Even in the dead of night with another letter being written the sound of thundering feet filled the halls.  The guards at your door ushering you awake as a great commotion filled the castle.  
“What- what has happened !?” Came quickly from you as Helaena came into view.  Jaehaera pressed tightly to her chest as you pushed past the worrying ladies, “they killed the boy…” was all the words she could muster.  Eyes glassy and distant even when meeting your own.  
The night didn’t go much better on as emotions quickly ran high and far higher.  Spending it soothing Jaehaera while Aegon came and quickly broke down.  Perhaps hearing your own screams didn’t come easy as the still room made a mockery of you both.  
Hand in hand, looking over at the blood drenched cradle while Jaehaera slept cradled in your arms.  “We should go” was all that you managed to whisper holding her hand tighter.  
The sack in her free hand almost non existent as quietly the dragon pit was relieved of Dreamfyre.  
Touching down and walking uninterrupted until the black council stood before.  Face splattered with dried crimson and Helaena’s stained hands, setting the thudding sack onto the table.  The dark crown of rubies and sapphire eye spilling out with each head of silver hair in accompaniment.
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myladysapphire · 1 year
My Lady Strong (I)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 1,645
CW: childbirth, Aegon being Aegon, Bullying, child abuse, fear of the dark, refrences to torture, loving parents, oc is described to have brown hair, streaked with silver and purple eyes
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire charecters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all charecters are his  except for my OC          
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When Rhaenyra fell pregnant for a second time, she knew it would be different.
For the birth of Jacaerys, her pregnancy was followed with mass celebrations, house Veleryon showering her with gifts, proud that a child with Velaryon blood would sit on the iron throne. But after his birth, the celebrations ceased. Whispers swept through the court, questioning his birth. But after a few months, many came to the agreement it was his grandmother Rhaenys Baratheon’s blood shining through, she once looked more Baratheon than Targeryen and the child was merely taking after her.
But then she fell pregnant again, and though she was once more greeted with celebrations, the court held its breath.
One child born with the Baratheon looks was one thing, genetics was a mystery and it was pure chance he had brown hair and eyes.
But if this child too had the ‘Baratheon looks’ then it would all but confirm the rumours queen Alicent spun.
But that was not why Rhaenyra felt this pregnancy to be different, unlike her first pregnancy, she had different symptoms, morning skinniness, new cravings, and where before she had always had clear skin she was getting pimples and spots. She hoped for a girl, having always wanted a little sister, and now she would have a daughter. She had only ever imagined having girls, and though she was not disappointed at having a boy when the masters spoke of their predictions of it being a girl, she got a little jump in her step.
So, when she went into labour, whilst the court held its breath waiting for the legitimacy of her children to be confirmed, she held her excitement over having a daughter.
The day of her labour was not cheerful, the skies were grey and cloudy and when her contractions began rain fell from the sky, a storm from Stormsend having reached KingsLanding.
With the wind rattling against the windows, and thunder striking down from the sky, the family waiting outside, Viserys pacing the halls. Alicent biting her nails. This labour was tough, though Jacaerys birth had been easy, this had taken double the time his had, her screams, louder than even the storm raging outside. And when it all stopped the family feared the worse.
The young prince Aemond, only eighteen moons old had awoken, screaming insisting he is with his mother. Only to arrive just in time to hear his niece's screams and his eldest sister's laughter.
He rushed into her room, not even allowing time for his father to check on his daughter, before jumping up (as well as a toddler could) and sitting next to his sister insisting on holding his niece. Tired from the labour Rhaenyra agreed.
When her father and Alicent finally entered, they were quick to approach. Alicent caught a glimpse of black hair streaked with silver.
“A girl?” Viserys questioned, smiling down at the babe in Aemonds arms.
Nodding, Rhaenyra smiled “Aemma” she declared, causing a delighted laugh to leave Viserys mouth.
“She looks just like her, the Arryn genes are strong with her it seems, she even has your mother’s eyes.” And she did, Arryn blue eyes, not violet, as she had dreamed, but perfect.
She had attempted to take Aemma back from  Aemond, but he had not let go, simply smiling and babbling to his niece, his Aemma.
As the years went by Aemond continued to stay with Aemma, scarcely letting her stray from his sight, his hand always holding hers. Where one was, the other was always near. Being the only two without a dragon, his never hatching, and her own destroyed along following the storm on the day of her birth, they had the same lessons, with no dragon lessons, they were very rarely apart.
Aemma had grown into a sweet, beautiful, and intelligent girl. Her looks compared to that of her great-grandmother, Daella, alongside her sweet nature. She had an innocence around her, being the middle child and only girl of her mother, her mother wished to preserve the child-like wonder for her daughter, wishing to grant her daughter the childhood of being the heir and the only child of a king stolen from her. Aemond was all too pleased to keep her like this, wanting to preserve her wonder, her need for him. Though book smart, the sheltered life she lived kept her from the real world. She was even protected from rumours, though they still were whispered, all desired to keep her from them.
She was a kind girl and underserving of the cruelty of court, but even that did not protect her from her family. Alicent had always been fond of her, always allowing her near her children, being kind, braiding her hair and even commissioning gifts for her. She was close to Heleana, the pair, whenever Aemond left her alone, often found each other’s company. Aemma was one the few people to share her interest in insects, even going out of her way to collect any that she thought Heleana might enjoy. But Aegon and her brothers were another story. Aegon was a jealous person, envying his niece for the kindness his mother never found him, so he took it out on her.
When Jacaerys let slip Aemma’s fear of the dark, an idea struck him.
The black cells.
Aemma rarely slept alone, with Aemond often sneaking in and sleeping with her, hating the moments apart even when they sleep. When he was sick, they often slept apart, his fear of catching his illness, however little or contagious it was. And her chambers always had candles lit for when she did sleep, a reassurance that whatever lurked in the dark was stopped by the glow of a candle.
Aegon waited for Aemond to fall ill, for a time he knew she would be alone. And snuck into her chambers, her brothers by his side.
It was the dead of night, the boys aged 9 and 6 tired but willing to please their uncle, snuck into her rooms and carried her through the keep down to the third level of black cells.
Being a deep sleeper, she didn’t wake once, not even flinch when Aegon picked her up and then dumped her in the cells.
They had run off giggling, thinking it a brilliant prank, and a way to cure her of her fear, as Aegon put it.
They had thought it would be overcome morning, that she would wake in the dark before finding the door and leaving.
None of them expected her to be locked in there for a week, they did not know the doors were locked and only opened from the outside.
The keep was in disarray searching for her, neither boy spoke up, fear of their punishment keeping them.
Aemond was driving everyone mad, ordering and screaming for her to be found. He was normally a shy quiet boy, unsure of himself. But with his Aemma missing all that was left of him was a madman.
The rest of the keep was in disarray. All guards were on the lookout for the princess, searching high and low. She had completely disappeared, without a trace.
The boys were growing nervous, they couldn’t admit to what had been done and they feared the black cells too much to return and retrieve her.
Aemma had woken in complete darkness, she could even see her hand it was so dark.
She could hear screaming as if they were her own, but she didn’t notice, she didn’t even notice as she crawled forward in her small cell and pounded on the door, begging to be let out. Or as she threw her guts up after hours of screaming and pounding.
She did notice when it all went quiet. When even her screams stopped when the screams of the criminals being tortured turned quiet.
She didn’t know how much time had passed, there was no way to tell day from night.
She slept when she collapsed, her tears lulling her into a tormented sleep, her stomach empty and churning.
She had no food nor water, the dungeon master had no clue she was down here, and no one did.
 Not until a week had passed and Aemond dreamt of the black cells. She had refused to rest till she was found, but collapsing from exhaustion lead to his dream, leading his startling awake, and his racing to the cells. Ser Criston Cole was quick to follow him, though he did not care for the girl he still had a duty as a kingsguard. She was found after three hours of searching, three hours of Aemond shouting and ordering guards to search every cell on every level.
Ser Harwin Strong found her, he and her mother had, like Aemond, not stopped, fearing the worse, had not rested. When he found her she was sitting in the corner, head between her legs, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down her face. She was thin, with chapped lips, her face red and puffed with her never-ending tears.
She screamed when the light poured in, shuffling back into her corner.
“Aemma” Harwin breathed, before alerting the rest of the guard, Aemond came running over, taking her into his arms.
“Aemma” he cooed, taking her hand, she had flinched back from Harwin when he took her hand, but with Aemond she took it, and jumped in his arms, tears falling from her eyes once more. “it’s ok…it’s ok… your safe now” he spoke softly, stroking her hair.
Maesters were quick to attend to her, she was weak and dehydrated. And her mind was still in a panic. She refused to let go of Aemond, using him as a shield when her brothers and Aegon paid her a visit.
She never said who had done it, but her distance and new timid nature around her brothers and uncle was proof enough for Aemond.
But he couldn’t do anything, he was a victim of their bullying. Though they never did something similar or remotely as cruel again, Aemonds crazed state was enough for them to leave Aemma and him alone, at least until the pink dread.
a/n more of an intro chapter, half edited
next part
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