sapphire-and-ice · 4 months
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New art up on My Patreon!
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all-about-that-rec · 2 years
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The Pirate and the Princess (GL) - Help Needed! (Not an episode) | WEBTOON
Share to help! I really love this comic, and the author's wife is going through really big medical troubles
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wutbju · 9 months
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Robin Colette Giddley, a beloved member of the community and a dedicated professional in the Hospitality Industry, passed away on September 20, 2023, in Greenville, South Carolina. She was born on July 19, 1962, in Dennison, Texas.
Robin was educated at Napoleon High School and graduated with the Class of 1980. Continuing her academic pursuits, she went on to graduate from Bob Jones University with the Class of 1984. Her commitment to education laid a strong foundation for her future endeavors.
Throughout her life, Robin exhibited exceptional dedication and passion in her career. She made significant contributions to the Hospitality Industry, leaving an indelible mark on those she served. Her attention to detail and warm demeanor made every guest feel welcome and valued.
Beyond her professional accomplishments, Robin had a variety of hobbies and interests that brought her joy and fulfillment. She had a deep love for reading and found solace in exploring literature. Additionally, she had an appreciation for architecture and enjoyed looking at old houses. Robin found peace in visiting historical cemeteries, where she reveled in their beauty and reflected on the lives of those who came before us. The mountains and beaches brought her tranquility as she marveled at the wonders of nature.
Family was of utmost importance to Robin. She cherished every moment spent with loved ones and leaves behind a legacy of warmth and love. Robin is survived by her loving husband Jeffrey Giddley, whose unwavering support uplifted her throughout their journey together. She leaves behind a beautiful family comprising Jessica Giddley (Daughter), Jay Giddley (Son), Josiah Giddley (Son), John Giddley (Son), Jedidiah Giddley (Son), Jared Giddley (Son), Jayson Giddley (Son), J. Roger Cox (Father), Sherry Cox (Mother), Sonya Cox (Sister), Jada Cox (Sister), Joshua Cox (Brother), and Joshua Giddley (Step-Son).
Robin's devotion to family extended to her grandchildren, who held a special place in her heart. She will be deeply missed by her 11 cherished grandchildren: Grace, Alex, Ethan, Abby, Esmerelda, Apollo, Avonlea, Laylah, Braxton, Jack, Aaliyah and Ryker. They will forever remember the love and affection their grandmother bestowed upon them.
In addition to her grandchildren, Robin was also blessed with two great-grandchildren: Kirianna, and Scott. Their presence brought immense joy to Robin's life-a testament to the lasting impact she had on future generations.
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historyhermann · 2 years
Webcomics Focus: "The Pirate and the Princess"
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The Pirate and the Princess tells the story of a princess whisked away by a pirate. She goes on a sea-going adventure and what she learns turns her world upside down.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog, and Wayback Machine. This was the twenty-first article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on December 22, 2021. Also, this post has been slightly changed from the original.
The Pirate and the Princess, by Sapphire, is a historical romance centered around two characters: Princess Kirianna of Altira, an optimistic, intelligent, and dutiful woman, and a pirate captain who appears to be an intimidating man.
As a warning, this review discusses some spoilers for The Pirate and the Princess!
Kirianna is ready to meet a suitor but is not having much luck. That is, until she happens upon the pirate captain, telling him her true interests. Before she is about to accept Philippe's marriage proposal, the Captain barges in. She is captured in hopes of getting her father to pay a ransom. Her father agrees, but she is taken away, even though this wasn't the original plan.
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The Pirate and the Princess has compelling characters and storyline. Kiri realizes that marriage is political. She is about to marry before she is whisked away to a pirate ship, the S.M. Hellfire. It was interesting to see Tristan, the cook on the pirate ship, challenge her on marrying at such a young age (20), and on the logic behind an arrange marriage itself.
I liked how Kiri goes from not trusting the pirates to realizing they aren't bad people after all. They are shown as anything but villains or monsters who are out to get anyone. Her change of heart begins with Tristan, the cook, the cabin boy Finnean, and later with other crew members. All of them act like a family.
At first, it seems curious that the Captain has a dress to give Kiri. However, it is later revealed that the Captain, who overthrew the previous captain, Adrian, is a woman in disguise. She looks androgynous and is not very hyper-masculine, unlike some other crew members. As the comic goes forward, Kiri and the Captain are drawn toward one another. For instance, the Captain helps Kiri when she is terrified by a thunderstorm and later reveals her name as "Mathias" and later as Maria, which turns out to be her real name.
The webcomic, which has more than 80 episodes, is written and illustrated by Sapphire, with new issues posted every Sunday. This is her first webcomic. It was originally written in 2013 by Sapphire and her girlfriend, now wife. According to Sapphire, it was rewritten four times before it came to the current version!
Some of the webcomic's strongest features are its vibrant colors and style, whether the characters or the backgrounds. They jump off the screen, whether the comic is read on a computer or a mobile device.
The webcomic deals with heavy topics such as homophobia, child abuse, sexual assault, death, and more, making clear that assaulting a woman is not okay. Even Kiri is in shock after accidentally killing a man, and her world is turned upside down when learning the truth about her father.
There are also classic themes of evil, devious characters like Samuel and those despicable in another way, like Kiri's father. I liked the quieter, less tense moments of the comic too. This includes when Kiri finds a black cat, with heterochromia, on the ship and names it Bartholomew, or when she reads a book to the crew.
Apart from Kiri and Maria, it was confirmed that Adrian is bisexual, Tristian is a closeted gay man, Nathaniel is a trans man, and there are many possible ships among the characters. According to Sapphire, in a Q&A, the story was influenced by The Princess Bride, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Goonies, Peter Pan, Treasure Planet, and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. 
The same Q&A confirmed that the story will be long, with 40 chapters coming to a total of 218 pages or over 145,000 words! Since it is a historical romance of sorts, it is based loosely on the 18th century and how pirates lived. Another Q&A said that all the characters are in the LGBTQ community.
The Pirate and the Princess is one of the many recent stories which have focused on or featured pirates. This includes the space pirates in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Resistance, and Star Wars Rebels. There's also the space pirate doppelgangers in Cleopatra In Space's "Pirates" episode, the sea pirate captain Lukkage in Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, Santiago Montes, an eight-year-old sea pirate in Santiago of the Seas, or the space pirates in Edens Zero.
The webcomic also reminds me of the Mysticons episode "The Princess and the Pirate," where Zarya Moonwolf, a magical warrior, and Kitty Boon, a sky/air pirate, embrace each other. Their romantic relationship was confirmed by series creator Sean Jara. Unfortunately, a kiss between them was not included in the episode. Opposition from a specific show partner caused to be not be included even though Nickelodeon supported the kiss!
The Pirate and the Princess makes me think about the recently concluded anime series Fena, Pirate Princess. That series shares some of the same themes as this webcomic, although unintentionally.
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The Pirate and the Princess is available to read on WebToon.
You can find Sapphire on Twitter. The webcomic can be supported on Patreon.
© 2021-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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leafstep · 5 years
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@sapphire-and-ice has the best Pirate babies
I wanted to draw a people, so I stole my Wife's OCs for a night, and drew them.
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devilssnarerp · 7 years
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As a young child Kiri was constantly laughing and joking around with her brothers and mum.  She was a free spirit who hated being told what to do and had a hard time following rules.  She was an avid learner, anything that interested her from a funny shaped cloud to the history of the long-dead muggle Roman empire, and on almost any given evening would have to be dragged out of some tree or another where she had settled herself with a book.  Three older brothers made her tough and, accident-prone as she was, there was never a time when Kiri was without at least one visible cut or bruise from the time she was a toddler.  Each year as her brothers got older she watched them go off to Hogwarts and though she loved and missed them terribly for a while, she eventually grew apart from the boys who were once her best friends in the world.  Still, she had always been sweet at heart and made new friends easily, and on those days when she played only with herself, she rarely felt truly alone.
When Kiri got older and lost her mother, her outgoing personality changed greatly.  The heartbreak of losing the person she loved most in the world crushed her, and once her father and brothers proved how little they cared for her, Kiri withdrew into herself completely.  She became shy and very introverted, rarely speaking to anyone, instead preferring the company of the family peacocks her grandmother was said to have adored. Still, as different as she seemed to other people, Kiri believed herself to be the same sarcastic, stubborn, fun-loving and slightly rebellious girl she had always been.  While she didn’t love to play the sport herself - heights were so not her thing - Kiri loved to watch the quidditch games between her brothers; they may have ignored her presence for fear of their father finding out, but they couldn’t stop her from laying on the grass below them while they tossed around a quaffle.  It relaxed and invigorated her at the same time, and it’s a love she’s held on to throughout the years.
Once at Hogwarts and away from the house that was still haunted by the ghostly memories of a family that once loved her, Kiri began to relax a little, back into her former self.  While still a bit on the quiet side, she was no longer a timid little girl afraid of an angry father.  She had grown much more into herself, and finally been able to accept herself for who she is; Kiri knew she would never be perfect, but she liked who she was and that was okay.  Yes, she stole and cheated and lied when she needed to, but she did what she had to to get by.  It had been a long time since she had learned the harsh lesson that when it came down to it nobody was going to look out for her except herself, so she took her caring and sweet side and buried it as best she could under layers of indifference and hardness, only letting her true self show through to the few friends she cared about enough to risk exposing her weaknesses to.  It’s those moments when she’s in the company of her new little makeshift family that she’s constantly smiling, laughing, and bubbly as she was when she was a little girl.
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Kiri grew up on a rather large family estate in the outskirts of Northampton, England with her parents and brothers.  Though her father worked seemingly endless hours at his job in the trade of high-priced foreign magical objects, she had a fairly normal childhood - a loving mother, three rough-and-tumble older brothers, and as much play time as she could possibly fit in.  Their home was located in a muggle community so Kiri grew up with tutors rather than attending a public school, where she would be forced to keep quiet and shrug off the questions about the odd things people had seen when passing the Camden house; as extensive as the grounds were, daring children were prone to climbing the high ivy-covered walls to spy on the mysterious family within, and every so often one would catch a glimpse of a stray bludger or the rugs shaking themselves out on the back porch.  The last thing the Camdens wanted was for their children to have to grow up lying.
While they were instructed to give a wide berth to their neighbours, Kiri and her brothers spent many weekends attending parties at the homes of their parents’ friends and coworkers.  There they got to socialize with other kids, make friends outside of each other, while the adults discussed what could only be boring topics.  It was at one of these parties, when Kiri was ten years old and her brothers had long-since been sent off to Hogwarts, that her life changed forever.  She was playing with some of the little toddlers when her mother came and dragged her quickly away, returning to the family home without her father.  Kiri was thoroughly confused, but did as her mother asked and packed a bag full of clothes, but before she was halfway done she heard the crashing of furniture and delicate decorations downstairs; running to the stairs to see the cause of the commotion, she witnessed her father standing over the very still body of her mother, splayed awkwardly on the floor.  Afraid and unsure what had happened, Kiri ran back to her room and hid.  What seemed like hours later her father came to find her, and coldly told her that her mother had left them, and was never coming back.
The next year was the loneliest of Kiri’s life.  He brothers were gone, and no matter what her father said she knew her mother would never have left her.  She had seen her mother lying on the floor, and young as she was there was no doubt in her mind that her father had murdered the only parent she had ever really known.  He ignored her now, bringing in a full time nanny to take over the caregiving Kiri’s mother had once provided, and never stayed in the same room as her for longer than he had to.  For a while it bothered her, this sudden abandonment for reasons unknown, and she cried herself to sleep for weeks on end.  There had never been any real closeness between Kiri and the man who raised her, but the fact was he was her father.
And then he wasn’t.
After months of feigned sleep and ears pressed to doors, Kiri managed to piece together enough of the story to satisfy her curiosity, and cast aside any love she still felt for the man she had lived with for the first 11 years of her life.  Around a year before she was born, the Camdens had joined some sort of social group dedicated to the purification of society; of what, she didn’t know.  That was about the time her father’s business really picked up and he began spending more and more time away from his family.  Her mother continued to go to the parties with her sons, and then she began to go alone, and stay very late into the night.  When Kiri was born her mother ceased attending the events, devoting her time instead to the newborn child, her first daughter.  Over the ten seemingly normal years that then passed, Kiri’s father had grown suspicious; he had been away for months during the time the girl would have been conceived, and even with his wife’s protesting that Kiri had been born very premature, she had weighed a perfectly average 3,000 grams.  On the night of her mother’s death, some new detail had apparently come to light about just how many late nights Mrs. Camden had spent with the social group all those years ago.  Kirianna Camden had been born out of an affair kept secret for over a decade, and the man she thought was her father disowned her for her mother’s crime.
Out of what little love he had left for her, Kiri was permitted to continue living in his house, though that was as far as his affection went.  If she spoke too much he would lash out at her, either with harsh words or, occasionally, his fists.  She never knew what he said to her brothers, but as time went on they played with her less and less.  The books in her family’s rather large library became her only friend, and the once beaming, bubbly little girl became quiet and timid, afraid to say the wrong thing.  The week of her 11th birthday brought her a letter from Hogwarts, and she couldn’t have been happier.  Mr. Camden, no doubt relieved he would no longer have to look at her, gave her enough money to buy her school supplies and sent her on her way.  That was the last time she saw him for two years.
From the train window on September first, Kiri waved only to her nanny, who had come to see her off.  The kindly old woman had tears in her eyes at seeing her young charge off on her first great adventure, but the girl felt nothing but excitement.  Hogwarts was the unknown, sure, but it couldn’t be worse than the home she was leaving behind, full of ghosts of her mother and the father she once thought loved her.  This was a chance to reunite with the old friends she had once played tag with at their parents’ parties, make a name for herself, find out where she belonged - she had to belong somewhere, and it sure wasn’t with the family she had grown up with.
Over the years Kiri spent every holiday either at the castle or with her friends’ families, returning to her own home only for the summers, wherein she did her best to avoid her brothers and father as best she could.  The easiest way to do this seemed to be by venturing out into the muggle world, spending time at their library reading their strange, non-moving books, and watching their children play odd sports on the weekends.  Over the summer she turned 15 she even went as far as to get a job at a local restaurant, where she learned how to cook a bit and, more importantly, how to blend in with muggles.  The pocket money she earned over that summer and the next bought her a cat she could take back to school with her.  It wasn’t much, but the cat became her own little family and a great comfort to the girl who had lost everything she thought she loved.
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(I.)  Despite finding out that her father was not actually her father, Kiri has yet to discover the man she is actually related to.  On those days when she finds her mind wondering toward that missing piece of her history, she does her best to convince herself that it doesn’t matter.  Perhaps he would love her and take her in as his own, but perhaps the opposite would be true; maybe he has a family now, one that he won’t want his little accident child ruining for him.  No, she continually convinces herself, she has grown accustomed to being alone, she has her friends and her cat and that is all the family she needs.
(II.)  Kiri’s three brothers (Grantham, six years older; Osias, five years older; Rhodri, four years older) were once her closest friends and some of the people she loved most in the world, but after the death of their mother and the discovery that they didn’t share the same father as they’d always believed, the boys were forced to disown Kiri as their father had, in order to remain in his good graces.  Since then they haven’t spoken to Kiri much, even once they had moved out of the family home to being their lives as adults.  Kiri is unsure whether they are aware that their father murdered their mother, and is too afraid to ask.  None of them have never tried to make contact with her since leaving Hogwarts and moving out on their own, and Kiri sees no reason to initiate contact herself.  As far as she is concerned, they are not her real family.
(III.)  With her fifth year booklist came a shiny new Hogwarts prefect badge, something she had not at all expected.  Responsible, yes; reliable, yes; but Kiri had always believed herself to be concerned with herself first, and others far second.  With the exception of her friends, she really didn’t bother herself with worrying about the well-being of others, and Lord knew she had always seen rules as more of guidelines than anything else.  Still, she reasoned with herself, perhaps the point of making her a prefect was to turn that around and force her to care about others, and the rules.  Her first year as prefect was a breeze, though probably not what the Headmaster had hoped for when he chose her; she had a tendency to let her friends and housemates get away with more than they should, and frequently neglected her duty by skipping the mandatory meetings and patrols.  For her sixth year Kiri has vowed to be better, if only to look a bit more appealing for her future employers and give her something to do.
(IV.)  Kirianna was named for her mother’s grandmother, an incredibly accomplished healer who had travelled the world for most of her long life in search of new herbs with magical healing properties.  Young Kiri grew up hearing hundreds of stories about her amazing great grandmother and the exotic places she had seen, which is a main reason why Kiri has always craved adventure.  Unfortunately, she never got the chance to meet her namesake and idol, the old woman having died on the very same day young Kiri was born at the ripe old age of 123, but her mother made sure Kiri knew her great grandmother had wanted her to use her wand in the hopes that it would bring the girl good luck in her travels.
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sariithecat · 3 years
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I’ll show here too the Dtiys I did of Kirianna as a pirate from @/sapphire-and-ice ‘s webcomic The pirate and the princess on Webtoon/ Tapas! I had a lot of fun experimenting with colors and practicing some digital inking
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maebird02 · 2 years
Princess Kirianna has been raised for two purposes; marriage and succession. As a dutiful, intelligent, and optimistic girl, she came to terms with her fate long ago, and simply longs to be content. The last thing she expected was to be pulled into a life of piracy, by a woman in disguise who has a strange grudge against her father, and a secret of her own to hide.... LGBT/WLW+ Story! Updates every Sunday Reading this will make your day better. #The Pirate and the Princess #webcomic #WEBTOON
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usheadlinesnews · 4 years
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Kirianna and Lachlan Poole share image displaying every thing they pack into van to go travelling
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sapphire-and-ice · 4 months
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Kiri for Pride <3
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marianclum-blog · 5 years
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My gardi is Kirianna 🖤😈 . . #beemoov #mycandylove #sladkiiflirt #eldarya #eldaryaoc #anime #animeart #animegirl #request #commission #digital #digitalartworks #chinomikobeemoov https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_n8sbifuZ/?igshid=1phniaj68cnn8
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atlantattkp · 5 years
Real Wedding: Kiriana & Darren - Wedding Guides and Tips
Real Wedding: Kiriana & Darren – Wedding Guides and Tips
New Tip: Real Wedding: Kiriana & Darren Shared by Expert Bridal Advisor in Atlanta, GA…
Kiriana & Darren’s tied the knot in Auckland, New Zealand and they had a Rustic DIY theme. From the beautiful venue, the fairytale lights to Kirianna’s dreamy off-the-shoulder tulle gown, we love all the magical details of their wedding day. When you see the following photos, you’ll agree that the Kiriana &…
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leafstep · 4 years
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A Tiny Princess!
All she needs is a Tiny Pirate
Honestly, if you haven't read The Pirate and The Princess on Webtoons, what are you doing??
@sapphire-and-ice I drew Kirianna ♡
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devilssnarerp · 7 years
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Congratulations KIRSTIN! You have been accepted as Kirianna Camden. Please go through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours. If you need more time, make sure you send a message to the main.
I’m so glad to have another sixth year with Kirianna’s arrival, especially since she’s so different from the personalities that we have at the moment. Slytherin will surely be a difficult place for the halfbloods as time goes on, and it’ll be incredibly interesting to see how Kiri survives and keeps her sanity through it all. Welcome to Devil’s Snare!
OOC INFO -- About the Player
Name & Age:
Kirstin, 21
Preferred Pronouns:
Timezone & Activity Level:
Anything Else:
Character Name:
Kirianna “Kiri” Skye Camden
Age & Year:
Sixth, Sixth Year
July 11th
Northampton, UK
Blood Status:
Face Claim:
Nina Dobrev
As a young child Kiri was constantly laughing and joking around with her brothers and mum.  She was a free spirit who hated being told what to do and had a hard time following rules.  She was an avid learner, anything that interested her from a funny shaped cloud to the history of the long-dead muggle Roman empire, and on almost any given evening would have to be dragged out of some tree or another where she had settled herself with a book.  Three older brothers made her tough and, accident-prone as she was, there was never a time when Kiri was without at least one visible cut or bruise from the time she was a toddler.  Each year as her brothers got older she watched them go off to Hogwarts and though she loved and missed them terribly for a while, she eventually grew apart from the boys who were once her best friends in the world.  Still, she had always been sweet at heart and made new friends easily, and on those days when she played only with herself, she rarely felt truly alone.
When Kiri got older and lost her mother, her outgoing personality changed greatly.  The heartbreak of losing the person she loved most in the world crushed her, and once her father and brothers proved how little they cared for her, Kiri withdrew into herself completely.  She became shy and very introverted, rarely speaking to anyone, instead preferring the company of the family peacocks her grandmother was said to have adored. Still, as different as she seemed to other people, Kiri believed herself to be the same sarcastic, stubborn, fun-loving and slightly rebellious girl she had always been.  While she didn’t love to play the sport herself - heights were so not her thing - Kiri loved to watch the quidditch games between her brothers; they may have ignored her presence for fear of their father finding out, but they couldn’t stop her from laying on the grass below them while they tossed around a quaffle.  It relaxed and invigorated her at the same time, and it’s a love she’s held on to throughout the years.
Once at Hogwarts and away from the house that was still haunted by the ghostly memories of a family that once loved her, Kiri began to relax a little, back into her former self.  While still a bit on the quiet side, she was no longer a timid little girl afraid of an angry father.  She had grown much more into herself, and finally been able to accept herself for who she is; Kiri knew she would never be perfect, but she liked who she was and that was okay.  Yes, she stole and cheated and lied when she needed to, but she did what she had to to get by.  It had been a long time since she had learned the harsh lesson that when it came down to it nobody was going to look out for her except herself, so she took her caring and sweet side and buried it as best she could under layers of indifference and hardness, only letting her true self show through to the few friends she cared about enough to risk exposing her weaknesses to.  It’s those moments when she’s in the company of her new little makeshift family that she’s constantly smiling, laughing, and bubbly as she was when she was a little girl.
Kiri grew up on a rather large family estate in the outskirts of Northampton, England with her parents and brothers.  Though her father worked seemingly endless hours at his job in the trade of high-priced foreign magical objects, she had a fairly normal childhood - a loving mother, three rough-and-tumble older brothers, and as much play time as she could possibly fit in.  Their home was located in a muggle community so Kiri grew up with tutors rather than attending a public school, where she would be forced to keep quiet and shrug off the questions about the odd things people had seen when passing the Camden house; as extensive as the grounds were, daring children were prone to climbing the high ivy-covered walls to spy on the mysterious family within, and every so often one would catch a glimpse of a stray bludger or the rugs shaking themselves out on the back porch.  The last thing the Camdens wanted was for their children to have to grow up lying.
While they were instructed to give a wide berth to their neighbours, Kiri and her brothers spent many weekends attending parties at the homes of their parents’ friends and coworkers.  There they got to socialize with other kids, make friends outside of each other, while the adults discussed what could only be boring topics.  It was at one of these parties, when Kiri was ten years old and her brothers had long-since been sent off to Hogwarts, that her life changed forever.  She was playing with some of the little toddlers when her mother came and dragged her quickly away, returning to the family home without her father.  Kiri was thoroughly confused, but did as her mother asked and packed a bag full of clothes, but before she was halfway done she heard the crashing of furniture and delicate decorations downstairs; running to the stairs to see the cause of the commotion, she witnessed her father standing over the very still body of her mother, splayed awkwardly on the floor.  Afraid and unsure what had happened, Kiri ran back to her room and hid.  What seemed like hours later her father came to find her, and coldly told her that her mother had left them, and was never coming back.
The next year was the loneliest of Kiri’s life.  He brothers were gone, and no matter what her father said she knew her mother would never have left her.  She had seen her mother lying on the floor, and young as she was there was no doubt in her mind that her father had murdered the only parent she had ever really known.  He ignored her now, bringing in a full time nanny to take over the caregiving Kiri’s mother had once provided, and never stayed in the same room as her for longer than he had to.  For a while it bothered her, this sudden abandonment for reasons unknown, and she cried herself to sleep for weeks on end.  There had never been any real closeness between Kiri and the man who raised her, but the fact was he was her father.
And then he wasn’t.
After months of feigned sleep and ears pressed to doors, Kiri managed to piece together enough of the story to satisfy her curiosity, and cast aside any love she still felt for the man she had lived with for the first 11 years of her life.  Around a year before she was born, the Camdens had joined some sort of social group dedicated to the purification of society; of what, she didn’t know.  That was about the time her father’s business really picked up and he began spending more and more time away from his family.  Her mother continued to go to the parties with her sons, and then she began to go alone, and stay very late into the night.  When Kiri was born her mother ceased attending the events, devoting her time instead to the newborn child, her first daughter.  Over the ten seemingly normal years that then passed, Kiri’s father had grown suspicious; he had been away for months during the time the girl would have been conceived, and even with his wife’s protesting that Kiri had been born very premature, she had weighed a perfectly average 3,000 grams.  On the night of her mother’s death, some new detail had apparently come to light about just how many late nights Mrs. Camden had spent with the social group all those years ago.  Kirianna Camden had been born out of an affair kept secret for over a decade, and the man she thought was her father disowned her for her mother’s crime.
Out of what little love he had left for her, Kiri was permitted to continue living in his house, though that was as far as his affection went.  If she spoke too much he would lash out at her, either with harsh words or, occasionally, his fists.  She never knew what he said to her brothers, but as time went on they played with her less and less.  The books in her family’s rather large library became her only friend, and the once beaming, bubbly little girl became quiet and timid, afraid to say the wrong thing.  The week of her 11th birthday brought her a letter from Hogwarts, and she couldn’t have been happier.  Mr. Camden, no doubt relieved he would no longer have to look at her, gave her enough money to buy her school supplies and sent her on her way.  That was the last time she saw him for two years.
From the train window on September first, Kiri waved only to her nanny, who had come to see her off.  The kindly old woman had tears in her eyes at seeing her young charge off on her first great adventure, but the girl felt nothing but excitement.  Hogwarts was the unknown, sure, but it couldn’t be worse than the home she was leaving behind, full of ghosts of her mother and the father she once thought loved her.  This was a chance to reunite with the old friends she had once played tag with at their parents’ parties, make a name for herself, find out where she belonged - she had to belong somewhere, and it sure wasn’t with the family she had grown up with.
Over the years Kiri spent every holiday either at the castle or with her friends’ families, returning to her own home only for the summers, wherein she did her best to avoid her brothers and father as best she could.  The easiest way to do this seemed to be by venturing out into the muggle world, spending time at their library reading their strange, non-moving books, and watching their children play odd sports on the weekends.  Over the summer she turned 15 she even went as far as to get a job at a local restaurant, where she learned how to cook a bit and, more importantly, how to blend in with muggles.  The pocket money she earned over that summer and the next bought her a cat she could take back to school with her.  It wasn’t much, but the cat became her own little family and a great comfort to the girl who had lost everything she thought she loved.
(I.) Despite finding out that her father was not actually her father, Kiri has yet to discover the man she is actually related to.  On those days when she finds her mind wondering toward that missing piece of her history, she does her best to convince herself that it doesn’t matter.  Perhaps he would love her and take her in as his own, but perhaps the opposite would be true; maybe he has a family now, one that he won’t want his little accident child ruining for him.  No, she continually convinces herself, she has grown accustomed to being alone, she has her friends and her cat and that is all the family she needs.
(II.) Kiri’s three brothers (Grantham, six years older; Osias, five years older; Rhodri, four years older) were once her closest friends and some of the people she loved most in the world, but after the death of their mother and the discovery that they didn’t share the same father as they’d always believed, the boys were forced to disown Kiri as their father had, in order to remain in his good graces.  Since then they haven’t spoken to Kiri much, even once they had moved out of the family home to being their lives as adults.  Kiri is unsure whether they are aware that their father murdered their mother, and is too afraid to ask.  None of them have never tried to make contact with her since leaving Hogwarts and moving out on their own, and Kiri sees no reason to initiate contact herself.  As far as she is concerned, they are not her real family.
(III.) With her fifth year booklist came a shiny new Hogwarts prefect badge, something she had not at all expected.  Responsible, yes; reliable, yes; but Kiri had always believed herself to be concerned with herself first, and others far second.  With the exception of her friends, she really didn’t bother herself with worrying about the well-being of others, and Lord knew she had always seen rules as more of guidelines than anything else.  Still, she reasoned with herself, perhaps the point of making her a prefect was to turn that around and force her to care about others, and the rules.  Her first year as prefect was a breeze, though probably not what the Headmaster had hoped for when he chose her; she had a tendency to let her friends and housemates get away with more than they should, and frequently neglected her duty by skipping the mandatory meetings and patrols.  For her sixth year Kiri has vowed to be better, if only to look a bit more appealing for her future employers and give her something to do.
(IV.) Kirianna was named for her mother’s grandmother, an incredibly accomplished healer who had travelled the world for most of her long life in search of new herbs with magical healing properties.  Young Kiri grew up hearing hundreds of stories about her amazing great grandmother and the exotic places she had seen, which is a main reason why Kiri has always craved adventure.  Unfortunately, she never got the chance to meet her namesake and idol, the old woman having died on the very same day young Kiri was born at the ripe old age of 123, but her mother made sure Kiri knew her great grandmother had wanted her to use her wand in the hopes that it would bring the girl good luck in her travels.
Aspen, 2 kelpie hairs, 9 ¼ inches, fairly rigid
Vanilla, fresh rain, and very old books
Kiri’s biggest fear is being utterly and completely alone.  On the odd occasion when she encounters a boggart, she sees no one but herself, alone in an empty, dusty room, and is overcome with the feeling of being forgotten.
The worst moment of Kiri’s life was seeing her mother’s body on the floor of their front hallway, lifeless; it was the moment her whole life changed.  When she is unfortunate enough to encounter a dementor, Kiri hears the tell-tale crashing of furniture and decor she has come to associate with her mother’s desperate attempt to escape her father before she was slain.
In its true corporeal form Kiri produces a patronus resembling a snow leopard, a keen and powerful symbol.  It accurately reflects how she tends to fly under the radar, but when push comes to shove she explodes with potential and action.  Being so gentle and sweet, people tend to underestimate her, but on the rare occasion when she strikes they never forget how wrong they were.
Though Kiri is unsure if it is a true memory or one she conjured up in her young mind many years ago when she refused to accept that her mother was dead and her father and brothers had disowned her, the thought she uses to produce her patronus is of a picnic in their own backyard. One rare day when she was no more than seven Kiri’s father was at home rather than working, her brothers were back from school, and her mother had suggested they pack up their lunch and eat it on the grounds instead of indoors, as it was sunny. Kiri remembers her parents sitting on a classic red checkered blanket, setting out plates of food on the ground while she and her brothers played tag nearby, nearly running straight through their lunch on more than one occasion. Everyone was laughing, even their stoic father; Kiri can’t remember a happier or more care-free time in her life.
Anything Else:
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sapphire-and-ice · 1 year
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Maybe I should just post all my mini comics here since people are abandoning twitter again huh. Anyway, Kiri's a gambler now.
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