#kirk only has love for one pointy eared half human
imperiuswrecked · 4 years
A fanfic idea I don't have enough plot to make work is Namor and Spock swap places in time and space. So Jim Hammond finds himself with a completely different pointy-eared, black-haired, half-human. And Kirk is completely baffled when what appears to be Spock's buff shirtless cousin is running around loudly bellowing "Jim! Jim! Where are you?"
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(art by Nick Perks)
The Trouble with Transporters (and Sorcerer Supremes) 
Jim Kirk turns to his first officer after Jim finished materializing on the deck of the transporter room aboard the Enterprise, his mouth already partway open to ask a question but instead of the cool Vulcan science officer in his blue uniform Kirk is surprised to find a man, with dark hair, pointed ears, and unusually impressive eyebrows. Oh the man was also nearly naked, his well muscled body showed off a strong body and glistening abs as though he had just popped out of the nearest ocean. Only the small green scaled swim trunks preserved any modestly. The other difference between his Vulcan and this near look alike was the sheer unrestrained anger on the man’s face.
“STRANGE. YOU SON OF A- the universal translator was unable properly reference the language the man’s tongue slipped into, it sounded like a siren shrieking with the bass rumble of whale sounds aiding by clicks like a dolphin would use. It seemed the man knew English as well as this foreign language. Kirk reasoned that the words were insults but he was more concerned with where Spock was and who this man was. The man in question stopped his angry speech and gesticulating to finally noticed his surroundings.
“You are not Strange.”
Jim gives Scotty a look and then turns back to the man, “No, but it would seem you are... very strange. Tell me, who are you and where is Spock?”
The man ignores him and instead looks around, “Jim!”
Startled that the man knew his name though he could swear that he had never seen him before Jim responds, “How-”
Too late, the man was walking away, calling out “Jim” over and over again, Kirk hurries after him followed by Scotty and it’s only then that he notices the small white wings on the strangers ankles. Catching up to him in the halls Jim puts his hand on the man’s shoulder, “Say just wait-” the next thing Jim knows he is looking up at Scotty’s face from the floor of the hallway, stunned he wheezes a bit before taking Scotty’s hand and standing up to find the almost naked alien, for surely he must be one with those features, ranting at him.
“You would DARE to touch a Prince of the Blood?!”
“I would dare that and a lot more if you don’t tell me where Spock is you pointy eared bastard.” Jim yells back at him, his blood racing. 
The alien was strong and could probably snap him like a twig but if Spock was in danger then Jim would do anything to find him and bring him home. Jim rushes the alien, intending to give him a quick punch in the face but Namor meets him and they fight. Bones arrives on sight and stuns the both of them. Jim goes down, but Namor roars “Imperius Rex!” before turning to face the new threat to his person.
- Meanwhile on Earth, some distant time in the past -
“Fascinating. You say that your magic, the magic that has brought me here through time and space, was intended for another? Somehow the Enterprise’s transporter and you drawing on the energies of the universe have collided and yielded unexpected results.” Spock contemplates his tea and the two men he was sitting with, one called Strange, a doctor and a magician, and the other called Jim, an Android and a hero. The similarities between this Jim and his own were their names and that they both had fair hair, yet their demeanors were entirely different. He was in a place called the  Sanctum Sanctorum, where Jim had come to find Namor after Stephen was supposed to have magically transported him to the Sanctum from Jim’s side.
“Very much so,” Stephen Strange replies, “Oh the studies I could do with this. Learning how to switch others’s places could come in handy when dealing with the dark forces of the multiiverse.” The Doctor sips his own cup of tea.
“As intriguing as this is, don’t you think we should work on switching them back?” Jim says, the slightest unease hinting his words, worried about what mess Namor would have gotten into during the time they were puzzling this out.
“I suppose I must work now to return you Mr. Spock, to your place and Namor to his, he won’t be very happy about this.” Stephen sighed, “It will take a few hours for my magical strength to return.”
“Indeed, I would imagine that my Jim would not be welcoming to what he would perceive as an intruder aboard the Enterprise.”
- Meanwhile aboard the Enterprise some distant time in the future -
War raged on as Jim and Namor fought over the captains chair.
“I say that I should sit here, I am a Prince!” Namor crosses his arms and stays sitting in the chair.
“Prince or pauper, that is the captains chair and you are not the captain, nor are you one of my officers, so move before I-.”
Bones pulls Kirk aside, “Jim for once in your life THINK, we need his cooperation. You saw what happened when we tried to stun him it only made him angrier. If Uhura had not calmed him down and spoken to Namor in his language then we might still be trying to patch holes in the ships hull. We’ll find Spock and get this sorted out, so what if he wants to sit in the chair!”
“Principle of the matter Bones, its the principle of the matter!” Jim hissed. Bones gives him a look and Jim presses his lips together before turning back and speaking to Namor, “Since you are our... guest, I suppose you may have the chair.”
Namor smirks, Kirk calculates how many ways Namor could hurt him if Jim were to haul the smug sea bastard from his chair to the nearest airlock. Chekov groans and hands over some units to Sulu, losing the bet they had made. Uhura rolls her eyes before returning to her console trying to find a way to get a message to Spock. Bones sighed, wishing he had a drink. 
After the pair had been calmed down from their earlier fight, and taken to the medical bay to be checked over Bones had found that while Prince Namor wasn’t human, he was not fully alien either, or rather Atlantean, he was a half of both much like how Spock was a hybrid of Vulcans and Humans. He wished he could have studied Namor more but the Prince’s patience was short and Uhura was needed on the command deck. Namor followed her here and now he sits in Jim’s chair and flirts with Uhura, she seemed to be flattered by the Prince’s words, the man wasn’t hard to look at either. Uhura intercepts a message from Doctor Strange claiming that he had Spock and was going to attempt to switch them back, Strange’s voice was verified by Namor and a few moments later Scotty’s voice crackles on the intercoms, “Captain! Something is happening in the transporter room, I would suggest you all get down here.” 
In the transporter room Uhura bids a farewell to Prince Namor, whom had already pledged his undying love to her with promises of her becoming his Princess in Atlantis with a marriage proposal and promises of all the riches in the sea, she refuses politely and his dejection is clear. Namor presses her hand to his lips in a gentlemanly manner, brushing a soft kiss across her knuckles, “My Lady, if you should ever find yourself in my time then do not hesitate to come find me, and if you should ever find yourself in any peril merely call upon me and I shall come to your aid.”
“I can take of myself, my star crossed Prince, but do take care of yourself.” Her voice stern but not unkind.
“My lady, I apologize if you feel I have offended you. I can see you are a very capable and beautiful woman. However it is the time for me to leave... alone, unless I can convince you to join-”.
Jim cuts in and steers Namor towards the teleporters, “Yes, yes, yes, good bye Prince Namor, let’s hope you never have issues with teleportation again.” He shoves Namor into the shifting lights, unspoken is the words “good bye and good riddance”.
As Namor’s form is replaces with Spock’s, Jim breathes a sigh of relief, then throws his arms around the Vulcan in a hug, “SPOCK.”
Spock’s eyebrows rose with surprise, “I was barely gone a few hours, I would not think my presence would be that missed.”
The crew laughs, Kirk’s voice is muffled against Spock’s shirt, “You have no idea.”
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alexshakestheworld · 4 years
Fics Rec
Below are some of my favorite fanfics of all times. Most of them would probably be from AO3 (Archive of Our Own ) but sometimes I scout for fics outside of AO3 as well, if I find something worth reading I would put it here too.
I do read fanfics from multiple fandoms but I would make sure to include a tag so that you can know if there is any fic about your OTP in my list.
❤️Spirk (Star Trek: Spock x Jim Kirk): my favorite pairing of all times, though I prefer the AOS version to the TOS. I have read these fanfics so long ago that I can’t remember the content (so I apologize for the lack of my own comment/review) but if I bookmarked them they must have been good enough lol
Once Upon a Time (A Fairy-Tale Love Story) (by littlebirdtold): 47,461 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In a universe with no Federation, where First COntact never happened, Jim Kirk is your average popular guy. On Christmas Eve, thanks to a series of strange events, Jim finds himself in a parallel universe where the Milky Way is under the control of an alien race and ends up as a servant in the residence of the Royal House of Vulcan. As he starts adapting to his new life, Jim’s curiosity fucks everything up - but hey, Vulcans shouldn’t have told him that he isn’t allowed to enter this wing of the palace; Jim has never been good at following rules. Or, this is the story of how Jim Kirk became a Princess (“Prince Consort, Bones!”) of the United Planets of Vulcan Kingdom.
Honestly, go read every single one of littlebirdtold’s fanfics. He/she/they are incredible and I’m still waiting for his/her/their comeback.
In the Shadows (by scifishipper): 25,202 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Accused of treason and stranded on Vulcan, Cadet Jim Kirk is offered a solution to his problems: bond with Ambassador Sarek’s son, someone he has never met. When he finally meets his betrothed at the ceremony, the Vulcan’s face is disfigured by cruel scars. Now, penniless and trapped, Jim finds himself committed to a reclusive stranger with a dark past. Has he sealed his fate forever or is there hope for the two of them to find love?
A sequence that you never learned (by annataylor): 64,624 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim’s humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen
Logical Erotics (by EntreNous): 63,458 words/12 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Just returned from a difficult space mission and about to begin teaching at Starfleet Academy, Spock chooses a logical way to relieve stress: a sexual encounter with someone he’ll never meet again. But when Spock discovers his partner of one night is Jim Kirk, a promising new cadet at Starfleet he’s torn between his rational decision to avoid intimate relationships and his increasing fascination with Jim. As Spcok’s normally orderly life starts to spin out of control, will his obsession with Jim prove his salvation or his undoing?
The Vulcan Heart (by obsidienne): 110,110 words/15 chapter  
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Where two halves make a whole...eventually. (Post-STID
I remembered that my friend recommended this fic to me and I was a bit hesitant at that time because I have never read anything this long. But it turned out to be such a great fic that I appreciated his recommendation every day.
Unexpected (by foreverandeveralone): 10,339 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Cadet Jim Kirk doesn’t understand why everyone who is not nice to him always has bad consequences. Basically, Jim doesn’t know he is dating the Vulcan version of Sylar, who never forgives anyone who does bad things to his human.
Interesting fic if you love both Star Trek and Heroes.
The Door (by Pouxin): 77,118 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock and Jim both have their doors. Jim wants his to be open. Spock wants his to be closed. An alternative STID things. With more literature. And esoteric faffing. And sex.
Kicked From Inside (by Stella_Notecor): 32,246 words/18 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Drugged by aliens with an aphrodisiac that impregnates males is NOT how Jim Kirk imagined falling into bed with his first mate. That’s exactly how it happens though, and dealing with the consequences - including an angry girlfriend, a pointy-eared baby, and a chief-medical-officer who’s against the whole thing - will force Jim and Spock together, whether they like it or not.
My Golden Sun/Kin-Kur Las’hark T’nash-Veh (by giddytf2): 123,262 words/30 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: When Jim feels thet first gush of slick soaking down the inner seam of his pants, he shuts his eyes and turns his face away from Spock towards the mottled-stone wall of their solitary cell. Spock is staring at him. Spock has no idea what’s just happened, what’s just begun. Spock has no idea that their situation is about to get so much worse. Fuck, Jim thinks, curling up into a ball of bruises and ragged gold, his arms quivering and clutching his bent legs. Fuck my life for being a goddamn Omega.
(Or, a Star Trek: AOS story post-Into Darkness in a universe where both Alpha/Beta/Omega gender dynamics and pon farr exist, with Jim being an Omega going into heat and Spock experiencing his first pon farr while trapped in a cell with Jim. Oh my.
Time of Need (by sunshine (sunshinepiveh)): 33, 669 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock’s pon farr comes early due to the destruction of Vulcan. Nyota is unable to cope with the stark brutality she finds as reality hits home. The captain will have to take necessary actions.  
Weekend Lover (by ValiantBarnes (Cimila)): 30,017 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The one night stand Jim Kirk has with the Vulcan passing through Riverside is a welcome break from the monotony. It’s good, very good, but so fucking weird Jim’s sure he’s never gonna forget it. He’s not quite expecting to run into Spock again in san Francisco. A second one night stand turns into a weekend, turns into a lot of weekends, turns into Bones joking that he’s living half his week at Spock’s apartment. But! But, and this is very important: they’re not dating. What also turns out to be important is Spock’s job, which Jim never bothered getting the details of. Starfleet Academy Instructor and cadet?... Less fine.
❤️HotchReid (Criminal Minds: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid): unpopular pairing but they are definitely in my top 5 pairings for sure
Don’t Ever Look Back (by kadeeleigh): 15,848 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a case in California, Hotch and Reid’s secret angers Morgan
This fic features a nice amount of case investigation content, an extremely protective and slightly irrational Morgan, and a remarkably sexy and confident Dr. Spencer Reid.
Arranged Marriage (by VincentMeoblinn): 18,196 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: When Reid decides to leave the BAU due to his painful crush on Hotchner, the man proposes an extreme way to avoid him leaving or them breaking the fraternization rules - by proposing
A marriage-before-romance fic. Slightly unconventional plot and relationship development (but it is fiction after all so no big deal) but generally cute.
Convergence (by Chestnut_NOLA): 33,232 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid, newest addition to the BAU has been dreaming of art and murder. In denial that his telepathy has returned, Spencer must work with his team and his boss Sentinel Aaron Hotchner to find the Unsub. Will love help Spencer control his gift or will the darkness in his mind destroy not only himself, but Aaron as well?
It is the second and my favorite fic in the Transference series. If you are into the fantasy genre, Sentinel/Guide bond to be specific, I highly recommend this one.  
Healing Touch (by Rivermoon 1970): 21,981 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Mpreg
Summary: Spencer has been watching his Alpha for a while and knows something is wrong. When Aaron collapses during a case the whole team worries. What they find out about his marriage to Haley will shock all of them and when Spencer is asked to help Aaron with his recovery how will their friendship change?
The abuse part is rather brief mentioned than thoroughly described, so do not worry too much (I can’t stand extreme angst). Nice relationship development. If you like Omegaverse, give this fic a try.
Take Me Home, Country Road (by wednesdays___child): 8,698 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Aaron gets a call that his mother is not well. She wants her eldest son to bring home the pretty young doctor he’s been dating. The problem is that Aaron has failed to tell his family that the pretty young doctor is a colleague...and male
A fluff fic at its core. Cute happy ending. My to-go fic when I want to read something short and light before bed.
Lightning Only Strikes Once...Maybe Twice (by Dazeventura6): 16,433 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a custodial interview Aaron and Spencer are stuck in a time loop. Can they break it? Or will they be stuck forever?
Set after the Hardwick incident. The content is something that I wish it happened in the series. A much needed fix-it fic.
Mine (by non_andare): 6,115 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hotch has never noticed Reid before; he’s an inconspicuous Omega who naturally submits and Hotch likes his Omegas to have fire. Then Spencer starts dating another Alpha and all Hotch can think is one word. Mine.
Reid/OC is briefly mentioned but the fic is mainly about Hotch/Reid. Fluff with a bit of angst but eventually happy ending. Jealous Hotch and shy Reid is a nice combo tbh.
Criminal Bonds (by VincentMeoblinn): 26,107 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Child Death
Summary: Reid was framed for embezzlement a year ago. Hotchner pleaded guilty to several murders. They meet in prison where reid is regularly abused by the stronger inmates until Hotch takes him under his wing
Alternate Universe where Reid is not a part of the BAU. Prison romance. Slight twist at the end but ultimately a happy ending (in my opinion)
Wolf Moon (by Ahmose_Inarus): 117,736 words/34 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Alpha Werewolf Aaron Hotchner is far from pleased when Spencer Reid joins the team...The presence of the young werewolf is not welcome...but when Hotch learns that Spencer Reid was raised by a human mother after being abandoned by his werewolf father, he takes him under his wing. And perhaps he has found more than a friend in the younger wolf...But there’s an Alpha Female in the territory who is far from please...she’s had her eyes on Aaron Hotchner for a long time, and won’t let anyone stand in her way
An Omegaverse story. A bit long but worth every minute. The relationship between Hotch and Reid is so cute that it can take my frustration (and anger) against the antagonist away.
The Librarian and the Dad (by DarkJediQueen): 9,039 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating; Explicit
Summary: It started out as a little crush. Then it became so much more.
Cute. Cute. Super cute. Part 12 of the A Universe of Meetings series, which include multiple Alternate Universe stories. Check out the whole series if you are into Alternate Universe.
Solace (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 4,701 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A Hotchner/Reid rewrite of The Angel Maker episode
Again, a fix-it fic I would like to actually happen.
Dr. Reid and Agent Hotchner (by E_Ng714): 21,013 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: The BAU has hit a rocky patch, and appears to be falling apart. There is something going on with Hotch, but no one can figure it out. Cruz orders all of them to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Dr. Reid’s presence isn’t welcome by Aaron, at least not at first.
Alternate Universe story. They are both slightly out-of-character but not too annoying. Hate to love. A bit of angst but eventually happy ending.
Forgive Me For All I Could Not Become (by DegrassiFanatic): 105,975 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (there’s sex scenes though lol)
Summary: In which Reid has always been good at hiding things. He hid his father’s departure and his mother’s illness from social services. He hid his addiction from his team. He hid his sexuality from the world. He hid his inappropriate feelings from his boss. That is until he’s bleeding out in Hotch’s arms, in an abandoned church, in Oklahoma. From there on out, Hotch and Reid learn to make a complete mess out of each other.
Definitely in my top 10 HotchReid fanfics. I didn’t expect much when I started because I usually don’t read over-100k-word-Teen and Up Audiences-fics but this one turned out to be perfect and it literally saved me from a rough week.
A Different Kind of Solitude (by kyrdwyn): 15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: NC-17/FRAO (For Adults Only)
Summary: When Aaron and Spencer are trapped together by an unsub, things change between them while the team searches for their lost friends.
It is said “trapped by an unsub” but honestly the situation is not that bad. I tend to think in a positive way that this is a chance for HotchReid to get together. Pretty cute and domestic fic actually.
Home you know (by jetplane): 14,030 words/11 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: When Reid is diagnosed with cancer, he finds himself relying on Hotch for care and support. But spending so much time together forces each man to confront the feelings he has for the other, and it’s only a matter of time before their friendship evolves into something more.  
Go Home, Omega (by goobzoop)
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, mean Hotch
Summary: Pretty much Hotch is bigoted about Omegas and Reid is let on the team cause he’s a genius, which Hotch hates, but then Reid learns to stand up for himself cause he’s super kickass and sweet and deserves the world
Oneiroi and Hephaestus (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 31,231 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What if Reid was one of the Yellow-eyed demon’s special children?
If you like both Supernatural and Criminal Minds, this crossover fic is one to go for.
Come Undone (by EloquentDossier): 77,180 words/22 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Spencer Reid forgot to take his suppressants two mornings in a row, it really shouldn’t have been a big deal. He had them in his bag at the hotel, and as long as he took one that evening, he’d be fine. What he couldn;t have prepared for, however, was the lab the latest victim worked at going into an at least twenty-four-hour-lockdown while he was in it. When Aaron Hotchner was asked to aid his subordinate through what would otherwise be an agonizing heat, he’d had several reservations, one of which had been the consent issue: Omegas couldn’t legally consent to sex during heat unless it was twenty-four hours in advance. With every concern rebutted logically (because of course the Bureau had an Agent Consent form in case of emergencies), he finally agreed. Of all the possible repercussions, however, neither man expected the one they received.
Or that time no one expected the Alpha to accidentally bond to the Omega while the Omega remained unaffected.
Cursed (by Black_Lotus): 60,254 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Centuries ago Vasile Stolojan, the bastard son of Vlad the impaler, was cursed to be a Vampire. Many years later he has a new name, Aaron Hotchner, and a curator job at a prestigious museum in America but the pain he feels for his lost love remains, until he meets the new Docent, Spencer Reid, who looks exactly like his lover. Is it possible that after six hundred years the man he loves has been reincarnated?
I LOVE this fic.
Yours (by NimueOfTheNorth): 17,232 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spencer knew what he wanted in a relationship, and after years it looked like he found everything he dreamed of in Aaron. Now; if only Aaron’s past experiences and guilt complex wouldn’t get in the way.
❤️Niam (One Direction: Liam Payne x Niall Horan): while everybody is going crazy for Stylinson and Ziam, here I am rooting for Niam lol
Break my fall (by niamcuddles): 147,428 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Being a police officer was never an easy job, Liam wouldn’t have imagined that it’d bring someone like Niall into his life and that they could ever grow so close under these circumstances. If they only would’ve known who the guy was that giving them so many sleepless nights.
With Your Love (by brainstorm): 57,448 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Liam’s life was nothing like a normal twenty-two year old guy. Raising a kid on his own was probably the hardest thing he’s ever had to face but he wouldn't change his little boy for the world. He never thought he’d find someone that was good for both him and his son, but that changed fast the day he met his son’s new teacher.
Closer (by niamcuddles): 209,765 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Niall’s pretty sure he doesn’t actually have a real crush on the rick and arrogant guy he’s been attempting to teach how to golf, but there’s something about him that just won’t allow Niall to say no. Not even when he gets made a very unexpected offer.
From the day that I met you (by niamcuddles): 272,394 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Partying and having a good time are probably two of Niall’s favorite things, he just wouldn’t have thought that a night out would end with him getting to know Liam, or that their paths would cross a lot more often than just this once. But somehow they happen to be more helpful to one another than expected.
Like the angel you are (by niamcuddles): 164,367 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: To be honest, Niall has already given up on his life ever getting any better, he’s used to being on his own and not being looked after, so maybe not even a way too caring stranger can help change that.
Too Much Too Soon (by brainstorm): 47,353 words/3 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Niall stands up for himself for the first time ever but things don’t turn out the way he wanted them to and he finds himself struggling between the way he’s always been or the way he wants to be. It’s a matter of time to know who’ll win, his mind or his heart. (sequel to “For You, My Love”)
Like the air I’m breathing (by niamcuddles): 81,307 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Niall is four years younger than Liam and he is sick of being the little brother, that is until Liam suddenly finds a girlfriend and cuts Niall out of his life completely.
Now we are (by niamcuddles): 143,082 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam’s kind of keeping a busy schedule right now, his whole life seems to basically only consist of work and studying, so what he really can’t need at this time are friends who constantly want to hang out, but above that, 19 year ole uni students who can’t take no as an answer.
For what it’s worth (by niamcuddles): 120,800 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam has trouble figuring out his life and what he really can’t stand are loud, talkative and clingy people, but he would’ve never thought that getting rid of Niall could be this hard.
Something I need (by niamcuddles): 87,735 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: 16 years is a very long time, but Niall still remembers all the things he and Liam have gone through together
❤️Gramander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Original Percival Graves x Newt Scamander): I honestly don’t remember how I stumbled into this couple fandom but they do have several great fics. For some reason I only bookmark this one though.
Here We Are (by Miss_Lv): 22,177 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg
Summary: Percival had long given up on the idea that he would find an omega mate, he ver seemed to fit what they were seeking in a husband, always too rough, not gentle enough. But then he meets Newt Scamander and the omega is utterly perfect to him, with his shy smiles and tendency to run headlong into danger. Catching vipers in his hands and keeping nifflers for company, Newt is nothing like the typical demure omega and Percival is lost before he can even think to resist.
❤️Jack O’Neill x Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): Like I don’t even know their ship name for real…
I Walk Alone...No More (by Joy): 17,955 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel finds love in another universe. Quantum Mirror Story.
Even though it was not original Daniel and original Jack ending up together, but in the end it was still Jack and Daniel, and I was happy with the ending.
Pulling Threads (by Joy): 13,241 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel’s place in the world seems to be going nowhere. After what happened with The Others, sending him back, he’s got some thinking to do about what happens next. Does he go to Atlantis, forget about Earth? Or stay at the SGC in a role he’s not entirely sure is his. Then Jack invites him to dinner and his future is changed forever.
Civilians (by LadyRa): 46,557 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: AU ending to Point of View. What if the AU Samantha hadn’t been willing to let go of Jack?
Instinct (by AuroraNova): 27,783 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel Jackson is an unconventional, career-focused omega. It’s going to take one special alpha to win him over. Jack O’Neill is determined to be that alpha.
Strange Interlude (by ELG): 228,960 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel discovers that in other universes not only the uniforms are different… Jack and Daniel’s friendship has been under strain for some time but when Daniel is kidnapped by an AU Teal’c very different from our own, it’s up to Jack to save him. An AU Jack, however, complicates the situation considerably. 
❤️Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (I ship Stucky so as a matter of fact, I ship the actors as well)
Sugar Daddy (by orphan_account): 91,139 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sebastian is a broke and abandoned college kid trying to scrape up enough money to pay for rent and tuition. When he meets Chris, an accomplished architect who takes him under his wing, he doesn’t understand what his friends keep calling him until he looks it up for himself.
❤️Harringrove (Stranger Things: Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)
Bite Your Tongue And Choke Yourself To Sleep (by trashcangimmick): 21,173 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve is going to grad school in Chicago. Life is comfortable. Life is stable. Steve is doing great and he really wishes everyone would stop asking.
Set the Record Straight (by MischiefManaged97): 35,054 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve was a little nervous about making things right with Billy after their fight. Steve just wants to apologize and relax, but Billy may have other ideas.
You’re the best I’ve ever had; you’re the worst I’ve ever had (and thet keeps fuckin’ with my head) (by determinedlove): 52,697 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg, Intersex
Summary: Steve Harrington loved his status in the world and his life. He had great friends and babysat two amazing kids (but don’t tell them he said that). So what if he couldn’t sleep in his room sometimes because the house was just too damn big and the quiet didn’t help keep the nightmares at bay. So what if the new guy at school was everything he had been warned away from? He could play the game just as well as he could. But then Will goes missing. And the new guy proves to be everything people warned him about and so much more when no one else is around.
❤️Namjin (BTS: Kim Namjoon (RM) x Kim Seokjin (Jin)): These two are just so adorable together.
Pack Mentality (by resonae): 9,452 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Namjoon is possessive.
The Professor’s Wife (by EquinoxSolstice): 12,163 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Everybody knew Professor Kim was already married. It was actually the first thing they asked the man during the first day of classes, with one brave student asking the question out loud for everyone to hear. The older man responded with deep dimples and a raised left hand, letting everyone see the plain, silver band glittering on his ring finger. But, as one Jeon Kungkook found out, they were all completely, terribly wrong. What? The Professor didn’t say he had a wife.
Why Three is Better Than Two (by lulublue1234): 35,298 words/23 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin is a bit of a stalker. Smitten with a Father-son duo. Where Yoongi is the most adorable child ever created.  
The Shaman and the Exorcist (by metastacia): 145,258 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin doesn’t believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he’s kind of a big deal at his university; he’s a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn’t remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money. Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there’s a certain honey shaman at his university who’s stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he’s not happy about it because haunted people pay good money. So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
Fate Led Me To You (Now Let me Love You) (by MinMinnieMin): 58,382 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin did not believe he’d ever have a happy ending. How many happy endings did you ever hear an unmated Omega with a child have? But fate is a funny thing. What’s meant to be will always find its way. And Kim Namjoon tries his best to get Seokjin to see that. Because of fate, they found each other.
❤️Broyo (Prodigal Son: Gil Arroyo x Malcolm Bright): I seem to have a soft spot for couples with noticeable age difference
To be Normal (by holyfudgemonkeys (erraticallyinspired)): 70,399 words/26 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: Malcolm has a terrible encounter while out trying to be ‘normal’ and get roofied. He doesn’t report it and tries to move on but winds up pregnant. He turns to Gil for support who is there with open arms. As they work through the choices Malcolm has to make and Gil is just there more and more their relationship evolves into something more intimate and romantic than either of them could ever have planned for.
❤️Hannor (Detroit: Become Human: Hank Anderson x Connor): Again, another couple with considerable age difference
Arrival (by coffee666): 83,075 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hank just wanted help around the house for Cole. He never expected such a goofy thing that laughed and hummed and protected Cole with all of his being. Connor is not like other androids - but neither of them truly know how deep those differences go.
The Opposite Life (by Speckeh): 38,612 words so far
Status: Incompleted (9/10 chapters)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: 17 years and 9 months ago, Connor decided to start his own family, alone. He falls in love with the voice sample of Donor 55719, as the mysterious man talks about a mundane life. It’s everything he wished for. After 17 years of loving the two minute voice sample that fathered his children, what will Connor do when that voice suddenly appears in his life?
By Default//By Design (by Make_It_Worse): 9,211 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Connor, an overworked clothing designer, who is also a huge brat. Hank, an HK800 android model, who isn’t having any of it.
❤️Hannigram (Hannibal: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham)
With a Crown of Stars (by thehoyden): 33,536 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When the call connects, Will says, “I know what kind of crazy I am, but I’m not this kind of crazy.”
“Will?” Dr. Lecter says.
“Yes, hi, sorry,” Will says. “It’s me. There’s a baby on my porch.”
Taken for Rubies (by emungere): 76,842 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Crossdressing, Feminization
Summary: Will invites Hannibal over for dinner. Hannibal brings him wine and flowers. A dissection of their pasts and the slow convergence of their domestic lives.
❤️Rinch (Person of Interest: John Reese x Harold Finch)
Pallas’s Rosefinch (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 55,536 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Summary: Harold needs John. John needs Harold. And that’s the way I like it!
Difficult To Name aka Titles Are Difficult (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 51,710 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John is a retired pro who comes back for a special client. For those who fear a BDSM themed story, please note that this is a tender love story.
Milk and Cream (by hallulawy): 33,388 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Out-of-character
Summary: Story between John (Alpha, 35, general practitioner) and Harold (Omega, 27-ish, entrepreneur, five-month-pregnant). They are not married (yet).
❤️Noah Reid x Dan Levy (They play Patrick and David in Schitt’s Creek if you don’t know)
Fries Before Guys (by wildxwired): 29,065 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Six weeks ago, Home (on a) Plate showed up in front of the MTV building in West Hollywood and started providing the locals with quite possibly the most amazing and inventive variations of grilled cheese sandwiches and cheese fries every Monday and Thursday, between the hours of 12 and 2. It wasn’t just the melt -in-the-mouth gooey goodness that had people clambering around the truck, or the insanely fair prices that were usually nowhere to be found on the rest of the street food in LA, but the fact that this was all served up by some hazel eyed specimen with the forearms of a god probably didn’t hurt either.
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honeyyoni · 4 years
Welcome to the last part of my mini series about the Qmx Star Trek figures.
Qmx launched in 2016 a series of high-quality action figures to celebrate the 50th anniversary of TOS. I am lucky to own a little collection of them and introduce them to you.
From the first time I watched TOS, I was crazy about one pointy eared scientist. I was a little girl and always sat totally confused in front of the TV, puzzling why all the weekly changing and barely dressed Ladies (almost) always ignored the most handsome half human being I've ever seen and looked instead at this honey blonde guy beside him. Today, decades later, I know that this was the concept of the show and the honey blonde guy who got at least in the show the majority of the female attention, represented the classical hero.
I'm sure you already know who the honey blonde guy is I'm talking about:
Today we will boldly got to complete the holy trinity of Star Trek with the amazing Captain James T. Kirk. Sorry but I had to put him in such a heroic pose.
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The gentleman you see in front of his box is the re-issue version of Kirk that Qmx released quite lately.
I don't own first issue Kirk because I became aware of this marvelous figures very late in 2017 or so and only bought Spock and later Bones. So I was very delighted to hear that Qmx would do a re-issue of Kirk and Spock.
So without any further due, let's check out our favorite Star Fleet Captain and start with his box.
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From the release of Scotty on, they changed the design of the boxes. On the right you see first release Spock's box as a reference, because first release Kirk's box looks the same.
I like this first release boxes especially because they open and close like a book, very unboxing friendly. The new boxes show a picture of the figure on the front and slide open and close. And, as I already mentioned in another review, I'd like it better if they kept one design for all but it is as it is, so let us have a look at the most important thing: the figure itself.
Re-issue Kirk has a good quality body with a very good articulation that allows him to strike very lifelike poses just like his first release crew mates. Although when I hold Kirk and Spock in my hands I have the feeling Spock's body is slightly heavier.
Coming to his uniform, from the release of Scotty on, Qmx improved the fit of the shirts.
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Kirk's shirt is better fitted than those of his two favorite senior officers and also the sleeves are a bit longer, good to hide joints in dynamic poses.
And of course, just like first issue Kirk, re-issue Kirk has a soft little pad around the tummy area sewn into the underwear - yes, I'm not kidding, to make this figure as accurate as possible to the real captain, he has a tummy.
The pants of all gentlemen are similar to each other and also the boots seem very similar to me although I heard that some people say the boots of the re-issued version would be glossier.
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The insignia on the chest are quite identical except for Kirk's appear slightly bigger (so slightly that it is not really visible in this picture).
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Looking at the insignia on the sleeves instead you will notice a big difference. While Bones and Spock's look very detailed and dimensional, re-issue Kirk's look more like painted on the cuff. But they are accurate for each of the gentlemen's different ranks.
You may also notice that re-issue Kirk's relaxed hands are different from Spock and Bones, but I will come to the hands later and continue with Kirk's accessories first:
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A Captain has not only very curious officers but also a lot of paperwork to do! Or let's better say: virtual paperwork.
Yes, Kirk comes with the kind of tablet he sometimes used in the show, mainly in the early episodes if I remember correctly.
To me it's a funny piece, I just think it would look better if the pad would show something and not be blank.
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Apart from this pad and pen, Kirk comes with a Communicator and Phaser as well as hands to hold this accessories and a very funny pointing hand as well as a hand to knock down somebody annoying.
Re-issue Kirk is only available with this accessories. First issue Kirk instead was available as a standard version just with the same accessories and as an exclusive version that included a Phaser Riffle. However I don't remember if he ever used this in the show, I just remember it from some early promo pictures.
Kirk's relaxed hands are just like Scotty's a bit out of scale compared to the hands of the first issue figures. But it is not too bad.
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They still put a lot of love to the detail into thise figures, they gave Kirk his (in?)famous little tummy and even considered the height of the real actors. Just like in the show, Kirk is shorter than his Vulcan First Officer.
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And the head sculpt is a real master piece from the lifelike eyes to the kind of slightly smirking facial expression that is very character like IMO.
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There you have all the gentlemen together and ready to boldly go where no action figure has gone before!
If you are interested in the review of the other gentlemen, you can find it here.
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Star Trek 2009 Rewatch #79834: Random Thoughts
- The opening sequence always makes me cry. I don’t think there will be ever a time where it WON’T make me cry. 
- It is so James T. Kirk to come out of the womb during a ship wide emergency. Totally on brand.
- BB SPOCK!!!! He is precious and pure. Zachery Quinto’s Spock is so vulnerable and tender. I want to hug him in his snuggly Vulcan sweater! *incoherent fan girl noises*
- This time around I really noticed what a presence Sarek is in Spock’s life as a father. It wasn’t something I noticed until after being much more familiar with the Prime Timeline, but Sarek telling him, “You will always be a child of two worlds, for this I am grateful, as I am grateful for you.” This just blew me away and broke my heart into a thousand splintering pieces. It just made me realize that if Prime Sarek hadn’t been such a douche of a Dad, Spock would have been much more stable of a person, much more confident in his human and Vulcan sides. Sure, he will always struggle between his two sides, but Quinto’s Spock embraces emotion and the expression of it in a much more relaxed and less tumultuous way. I mean Spock making out with Uhura within turbolifts or on a transporter pad is so scandalous! Prime Spock would NEVER in a thousand years be caught doing that, he would have rather died. Literally. Just watched Amok Time, and Spock was literally going to just let himself die before he told anyone on the ship about his little problem. I know many TOS fans have had problems with the Kelvin timeline portrayal of Spock, but that is because since the timelines were changed, very important and key points in the character’s lives changed. Just ask the question, if Sarek was a much warmer father figure in Spock’s life, if they were able to bond much deeper, how would that change Spock? Quite significantly! The strained relationship that Prime Spock had with his father is essentially the crux of his entire character and identity. It is what made him who he was, the Spock we see in TOS - so desperate to mold and fashion himself into a Vulcan, to suppress all his emotions, all to seek the love and approval of his father. Sarek loved Spock, always, but by not validating his human half, he kind of screwed up his kid for life - so Spock Prime’s path to inner peace was a difficult one. A path that Quinto’s Spock will never have to take because his father, after a Vulcan fashion, supports his son, especially after they both lose Amanda and their home planet. Sarek admitting he A. loved his wife and B. admitting this to Spock? Doubly scandalous! The Kelvin Universe is really quite knowledgeable of the canon, and purist Star Trek fans don’t give it that credit. They weren’t just going to make a carbon copy of the TOS series, but were wanting to change and bring all the characters we know and love into new vistas. I think it is brilliant. I have heard within the grapevine of the Internet that JJ Abrams did not care very much for Star Trek, but essentially saw the Star Trek films as a stepping stone for Star Wars. Well, I say, J.J. Abrams did so much more for the Star Trek canon for something he supposedly didn’t care about than anything he did for Star Wars, which was a complete mess. So, I’m okay with that. It is obvious he had a writing team that cared about the canon, and it shows. This time around, this whole movie just broke my heart. I LOVE STAR TREK SO MUCH.
- Kirk and Spock meeting for the first time at the Federation board hearing. “Who is that pointy-eared bastard?” Me: *in Crow T. Robot’s voice* “In love! You’re in love!”
- I feel like Dr. McCoy just permanently carries with him hypos of various things just so he can conveniently use them for underhanded and scathingly brilliant ideas.
- Pavel Andreievich Chekov. *cries* *rolls over* *cries a lot*
- Hikaru Sulu and his fencing. SO BADASS. I was so cheering him on even more!
- You know, another thing I noticed was Captain Pike. In the Prime timeline, as seen through Star Trek Discovery (and will be seen in the up and coming Star Trek Strange New Worlds), Pike is a surrogate father to Spock, and helps him in so many ways, giving him that emotional and spiritual guidance that Sarek wasn’t able to give him. That made me realize that Pike is both Spock and Kirk’s Space Dad! In both timelines where either of them did not have a father, Pike steps in and helps guide both of them in the right direction. I’m just - this just makes me feel a lot of feelz, okay? PIKE IS THE BEST DAD IN THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE.
- I still get a kick out of Spock Vulcan nerve pinching Kirk and tossing him on a cold, frozen, and dangerous planet like he is yesterday’s lunch. Don’t be messing with this Vulcan, bro. 
- I still can’t believe Scotty transported Archer’s beagle into the void! How could you Scotty?!!? My poor Puppy and his pup!
- The moment when Kirk realizes he is falling in love with Spock: when he meets Spock Prime. And really you know - same. I mean seriously, he has hearts in his eyes every single time he interacts with Spock afterwards, even when he is antagonizing him into being emotionally compromised, which he was enjoying a little too much. 
- The moment when Spock realizes he is falling in love with Kirk: “I would cite regulation, but I know you would simply ignore it.” - “See, we are getting to know each other.” Spock has much more control, though.
- Spock and Uhura making out on the transported pad is still just GOLD. And everyone is just like: 👀👀👀 *awkward*. “So her first name is Nyota?” - “I have no comment on the matter.” 😂
- “I will be monitoring your frequencies.”
- I loved the repeated imagery of Kirk struggling on the edge within Nero’s ship during his big fight scene, which mimics his childhood struggle on the edge during his rebellious incident. Seriously, Kirk’s character arc is meticulous crafted within these movies. There is no detail left unattended, and I just love it. 
- Actually, Kirk gets his ass beat A LOT in this film. Wow. He gets beat up literally by everyone basically. 
- Spock calling Kirk “Jim”. That’s when you know it was the point of no return.
- There is a black hole in space consuming the enemy ship of a notorious and crazed criminal who has just committed genocide of one planet and was trying to do so on your home planet, and your first thought is literally nothing else other than, “How can I use this situation to impress Spock?” 
“You show them compassion may be the only way to earn peace with Romulus. It's logic, Spock. Thought you'd like that.”
“No, not really. Not this time.”
- You know, I’ve really come to realize that the TOS crew are INSANE. Brilliant, beautiful, incredible, but insane.
- Spock meeting Spock and giving life advice to Spock. This is totally on brand.
- Spock Prime: “Thrusters on full...” *sobs into the fabric of spacetime*
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datasfaveslampoem · 4 years
A bad fan fic
Anyway, last night I said I’d post a bad AOS fan fic I wrote when I was 15. It’s under the break. Be warned though, this is genuinely really bad.
“Captain’s log, stardate 2259.76.
“The Enterprise is on its last day of patrolling the Romulan Neutral Zone. I’m looking forward to R&R on Starbase Twelve in three days time.”
 There was a relaxed atmosphere on the Bridge of the Enterprise. However, it was over in a moment.
“Captain, two Romulan ships decloaking directly ahead,” Ensign Chekov said as two large ships appeared on the viewscreen.
Kirk stood up dramatically. “Hail them,” he said, waving a finger vaguely.
“They’re coming onscreen,” Uhura said.
A Romulan came on the viewscreen. He was a man with a bowl cut and a v-shaped ridge on his forehead. His face was heavy and grim.
“This is Commander Tarkin of the Romulan Star Empire,” he said. “You are now entering Romulan space. Remove yourselves or be destroyed.”
“Commander, under the Romulan Neutral Zone treaty, this is our territory,” Kirk said.
Commander Tarkin went offscreen.
“They’re firing phasers,” Sulu said.
“Red alert,” Kirk said. “Raise shields and brace for impact.”
A red alert siren went off in the background. Suddenly, everyone flew around as some disrupter fire hit the Enterprise. Kirk was knocked back into his chair. He tried standing up again, but then sat back down.
“Captain!” Spock exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine babe,” Kirk said. Spock almost smiled.
“But Sulu, my man,” Kirk continued. “Lieutenant Sulu, evasive action delta four.”
“Aye sir,” Sulu said. “Evasive action delta four.”
“Fire phasers when ready,” Kirk said.
“Firing phasers.”
On the viewscreen, several bursts of phaser fire were hitting the Romulan warbirds. The Romulan ships continued to fire their disrupters, but many of their hits missed the Enterprise. The Starfleet ship had the greatest defense of them all: a thick set of plot armour.
Suddenly, one of the Romulan warbirds fired its plasma weapon.
“What the fuck’s that?” Kirk asked.
“Some kind of torpedo,” Chekov said. “I’m engaging full impulse.”
The Enterprise shifted left. The plasma torpedo still came ever closer to the ship.
“Sensors indicate it could be some kind of plasma weapon,” Spock said. “It appears to lose potency the further it travels.”
“Can we outrun it?”
The plasma weapon hit the Enterprise.
“Not that time,” Sulu said. “Shields down to twenty-three percent.”
“Fuck,” Kirk said. “Alright, fire a full spread of torpedoes. Get ‘em.”
“Aye sir, firing torpedoes.”
The Enterprise fired a full spread of photon torpedoes. They hit the Romulan warbirds directly on the shields. This didn’t matter though as both warbirds fired their plasma torpedoes back.
“Full speed ahead,” Kirk said. “Give us warp one.”
“Aye captain,” Chekov said. “Full speed, preparing for warp.”
The first of the plasma torpedoes hit. Consoles burst all over the bridge; sending smoke and sparks all over the place. ‘Twas chaos.
“Shields are down,” Sulu said.
“Can we still get to warp?” Kirk shouted over the exploding consoles.
The second plasma torpedo hit. The Enterprise was shaking up and down like it was the kid on the bed in The Exorcist.
“No,” Chekov said. “Engines are down.” He paused for a moment and then shouted, “Sir, we’re getting reports that the Romulans are beaming in all over
“Sir, Commander Tarkin is hailing us again,” Uhura said.
Kirk rolled his eyes. “Fucking alright, okay?” he said. “I get it. He’s taken the Enterprise and he wants to gloat.”
“Sir, I don’t think he’s gonna let you ignore him.”
“Alright, put him up.”
Tarkin appeared on the viewscreen.  “My soldiers have taken over your ship, Captain, and now we’re going to drag you back to Romulus,” he said. “And believe me, my soldiers won’t mind killing you or your crew in the process. I’d suggest you cooperate.”
“Fuck you, Commander,” Kirk said. He signaled for Uhura to take him off the viewer. A moment later, he was gone.
“Engineering reports being taken by the Romulans,” Uhura said. “So does Sickbay. Hold on, sir, all the main sections report being taken by the Romulans.”
“Lieutenant, are we the only place on this ship not taken by the Romulans?”
“Reports indicate so, sir.”
At that point, two Romulans stormed onto the bridge with their disruptors drawn.
“You will set course for Romulus,” the lead Romulan said.
Kirk nodded. Chekov and Sulu set a course and engaged it.
The lead Romulan walked up to Spock. “Commander Tarkin wants an audience with you, Vulcan,” he said. “He will be beaming over within the hour.”
Spock looked at Kirk.
“Sorry babe,” Kirk said. “I think you’re gonna have to deal with him.”
“Will the Commander be expecting anything resembling the human custom known as a gobby?” Spock asked.
“A gobby?” the Romulan replied.
“Trust me, he’s good at them,” Kirk said. “I know. But Mister Spock, if Tarkin’s a gentleman, he won’t ask you for that straight away.”
“Captain, Engineering reports two fatalities in their section,” Uhura reported. “Two ensigns tried to overpower a Romulan centurion.”
“Lieutenant, tell all decks not to resist the Romulans until further notice,” Kirk said.
 Half an hour later, Spock stood in the Enterprise’s briefing room. Commander Tarkin was on the other side of the table. The Romulan Commander had offered Spock a very alcoholic drink of Romulan extraction, but Spock had refused.
“You fascinate me, Vulcan,” Tarkin said. “Are you aware you’re the only one of your kind on the Enterprise?”
“I am aware,” Spock said.
Tarkin turned dramatically and looked Spock directly in the eye. “And your affair with the communications officer, Lieutenant Uhura?” he inquired. “Do you not think it strange?”
“The only strange thing here is that you think Uhura is the one I’m with,” Spock said. “Everyone knows Kirk’s my one true love. But no, it’s not so strange to be with a human. Rare, perhaps, but not strange. You forget that I myself am half human.”
“But you’re also half Vulcan,” Tarkin said. “You certainly act like one.”
“Through choice, Commander. My Vulcan side has always been dominant.”
“Mister Spock, on Romulus, you would be treated like scum for being a half breed.”
“To be treated differently on the basis of being of differing parentage is most illogical.”
“Is it? Can a half human, half Vulcan be held to the same standards as one of pure blood? Of pure lineage, undivided loyalties?”
“One can only be expected to the best of their abilities, Commander. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“The Senate has provided very specific standards as to what is to be expected of a Romulan soldier. Are you telling me the Federation has no such standards for Starfleet officers?”
“If you speak of the duties a Starfleet officer is expected to perform, the Federation has such standards.”
“I meant a sharp intelligence rise in a matter of months,” Tarkin said. “The result of genetic engineering.”
Spock raised his eyebrow. “Commander, genetic engineering has been illegal on most Federation worlds for over a century.”
Tarkin took a sip of his drink, and then another. He then nodded. “Yes, of course. You don’t want the best of the best for Starfleet; you don’t see yourselves as soldiers. That’s why when the new war comes, we will conquer you all.”
“Many officers already have high IQs on joining the Academy, Commander, and it does provide a large amount of physical training.”
“A mass injustice, Mister Spock. You could be so much more powerful if you’d just engineer your officers.”
“I’m forced to wonder if such a policy is truly ethical. How would one properly judge a person’s abilities if everyone is engineered?”
“Yes, I suppose. You’ve given me much to think about, Mister Spock. Fuck off back to your quarters or something, yeah?”
And so Spock left.
 Captain Kirk was in his quarters when he heard Spock’s recount of his encounter with Tarkin. McCoy was there too, and gave the Vulcan a grim look.
“Damn it, Spock, I’m a doctor, not a detective!” McCoy said. “What’s genetic engineering got to do with this?”
“Doctor, genetic engineering may be the source of the Romulans’ sense of universal superiority,” Spock said. “Whatever real gains they might have in speed and strength could be lost if they don’t see us as an actual threat.”
“Spock, could we use this to our advantage to retake the Enterprise?” Kirk asked.
“Their overconfidence could allow us to cause a distraction,” Spock replied. “A very temporary distraction.”
“You pointy eared bastard! You’re not seriously suggesting a full on assault?” McCoy said.
“I was thinking more of a surgical strike.”
Kirk smiled and interlaced his fingers. “I want you to provide this distraction in the next few hours. Do you think that’s possible, darling?”
“Yes sir,” Spock said.
 One hour and forty-five minutes later, Spock entered the briefing room again. Tarkin was still there, now drunker than ever before. Spock sat down and poured himself a drink.
“So you’ve come back, Mister Spock,” Tarkin said. “And I see you’re being more fun this time, yeah?”
“Indeed,” Mister Spock said, taking a sip of the drink. “I found myself fascinated by your mention of military grade genetic engineering. Such things have not been practiced on Vulcan for many hundreds of years.”
“Of course they haven’t,” Tarkin said. “We’re the offshoot who liked that stuff, aren’t we?”
“Perhaps you could tell me more about it,” Spock said. “The science behind it must be quite interesting, and I am a scientist.”
“That’s classified information, Vulcan,” Tarkin said.
“I doubt I’ll be able to write a report about it to Starfleet,” Spock replied.
Tarkin skulled the rest of his drink. “Fuck it, why not?” he said. “But you better not tell anyone, alright?”
 Kirk and Scotty entered main engineering fifteen minutes later. Their phasers were drawn. The chief shot two guards as he approached a systems monitor.
“I’m taking the impulse engines offline, Captain,” Scotty said. “We’ll be dead in the water before we even enter the Neutral Zone.”
Kirk shot a Romulan who entered a nearby corridor. “Inform Lieutenant Uhura,” Kirk said.
 Tarkin stumbled onto the bridge. “Report!” he screamed.
“The impulse engines have gone offline, Commander!” a Romulan centurion replied.
“Signal the warbirds,” he said. “Tell them to double back and guard us.”
Spock now entered the bridge.
“You did this, didn’t you?” Tarkin said.
“That’s a most illogical assumption,” Spock said. “I’ve been drinking with you for the last twenty minutes.”
Sulu and Chekov entered the bridge with their phasers drawn. The moment the turbolift doors closed behind them, they opened fire.
Tarkin reached for his disruptor, turning his back to Spock. The Vulcan took the opportunity and nerve pinched the Romulan Commander.
Chekov pressed the intercom. “Captain, the Bridge is secure,” he said.
“Very good,” Kirk replied. “Place the Commander under arrest and set a course for Starbase Twelve. Signal any nearby Starfleet ships for assistance.” He paused for a moment and said, “Sulu, my man, go to red alert as well, yeah?”
The Starfleet crew started mashing buttons. The red alert klaxons went off as the Enterprise reentered impulse speed.
Captain Kirk entered the bridge and took his chair.
“The Romulan warbirds are closing fast,” Sulu said.
“Do we have warp speed again?”
“No sir, not for another three hours.”
Chekov pointed at something dropping out of warp on the screen. “Look sir, the fleet’s come,” he said.
Indeed, it was the fleet. Four ships had dropped out of warp and had opened fire on the warbirds.
“The warbirds are backing off,” Sulu said.
“Incoming message from the Farragut, sir,” Spock said. “They’re saying they’ll drag us to starbase.”
“Send them our thanks, Mister Spock.”
0 notes
startrekandwars · 7 years
Struggles of a captain
Word Count: 6538
Tags: alcohol, illness
Summary: Bones and Spock are down on the surface of a planet leaving Jim to his own devices trying to keep his ship and his kids in line while trying not to imagine the worst
It’s not easy being the captain of the Enterprise, a good husband (for two wonderful husbands), and a good dad. Especially when you’re dealing with a half Romulan for an adopted daughter and you’re the stepfather of a certain Georgian Doctor’s daughter. One who knows how to use the turbo lift. “Jimmy! Saavik hacked into the ship’s library again!” Joanna McCoy exclaimed, approaching the Captain’s chair without hesitation. It took a solid month to get her to call him something other than Captain Kirk. Jimmy was at least progress.
“Jo… one minute and then we can go deal with Saavik okay? Mr. Sulu, you have the con.” The blonde captain responded before grabbing his step-daughter’s hand and walking towards the turbolift. “Now let's go see your sister and see why she hacked into the library.”
“Okay, Jimmy… she’s in your room.” Jo answered. Looking up at him. “When are daddy and Spock gonna be back from the surface?”
“I don’t know yet Jo. We’ll find out soon. They still have some work to do down there.” He answered softly. Hesitating before picking her up and walking out of the turbo lift. “Besides, your dad has Spock. They’ll be fine.” That was more for himself than for Jo. “The best first officer and the best CMO in Starfleet can handle anything.”
Jo made a face. “Jimmy- you’re a dork.” But she wrapped her arms around him as he walked out of the turbo lift to head to his room.
“So your dad tells me. I find that I don’t believe it.” Jim countered with a grin. “Besides, I can’t be a captain aaaaand a dork. The two don’t get along well at all.” He teased with a grin before opening the door. “Saavik, i know you’re under the desk with a data PADD.”
A little girl with pointy ears, hardly older than six appeared at that statement. “Daddy…” she then broke into a dead sprint and crashed into Jim’s knees. “How did you know?”
“I know everything that happens on this ship,” Jim answered with a grin, barely preventing himself from falling. “Now why did you hack into the ship’s library? You know if you want to read something you just have to ask me, Sa-mekh, or dad.”
“You were on the bridge, Sa-mekh and dad are both on the surface…” Saavik answered softly, still clinging to Jim’s legs. “You have work to do.”
“Yes I do. You could’ve asked Aunty Chris though. She would’ve been able to help,” Jim gently ran his fingers through her curly hair. He’s the stepfather and right now the only one present. “I have an idea. Why don’t we all go to the bridge. That way you can ask me what you’re allowed to read and I can work, how does that sound?”
“That sounds acceptable,” she answered with a grin before collecting her data PADD from under the desk.
Jo frowned. “Dad said we weren’t supposed to go on the bridge though.”
“Well, it's a good thing I’m not dad. Besides, then I can keep an eye on you two. I win.” He answered, setting Jo down and messing up her hair. “Grab your data PADD too, that way you have something to do. And if you ask nicely, I bet Aunt Nyota might even continue language lessons.”
The taller girl pondered this before deciding her stepfather had a point and grabbed her PADD. Looking at Saavik. “You need shoes, Saavik.”
“No I don’t. Daddy didn’t say I need shoes on to go to the bridge,” she countered indignantly.
“No I didn’t. But you know sa-mekh. Go put on shoes and then we can go to the bridge.” Jim answered before he heard a comm.
“Bridge to Captain Kirk.”
“Captain Kirk here, what is it?” Jim slipped out of the cool dad mode into captain mode in a heartbeat.
“Commander Spock and Dr. McCoy are asking for another hour on the surface before they finish.” Nyota responded.
He sighed a little. “Tell them they have it. I’ll be back on the bridge shortly. And remind Mr. Spock that he gets to read the bedtime stories tonight so he better not be late.” Then he glanced down at the two girls staring up at him as he released the comm button. “Looks like it's just us for dinner tonight girls. Now let's go to the bridge.” He gently picked both Saavik and Joanna up (years of carrying Spock pays off) and started to walk back to the bridge. He didn’t really switch out of captain mode though.
“Daddy… would it be acceptable if I asked Uncle Pav to braid my hair?” Saavik asked softly. Clinging to Jim’s shirt.
“‘Course it is sweetpea. Don’t know if he’ll have the time to but you can always ask, Saavik.” He responded gently. Entering the turbo lift and shifting Saavik just enough to actually activate it to go to the bridge.
Saavik giggled and tried to look at Jim seriously. “I am not a sweetpea. I’m Saavik. A sweet pea is a veggie that doesn’t taste very good.”
Jim groaned. “I see that sa-mekh hasn’t gotten to explaining that I am an illogical human and will use pet names, basis aside.” He placed a kiss on top of her head. “We’ll work on that one, Saavik.”
“Like how dad calls me and Jo darling and little one?” She asked. Looking at her older sister.
“Yeah, like that. Spock says they’re both illogical but he doesn’t mind when they use that stuff on him. It's just a term of affection, Saavik. Like when I call you my little sister.” Jo answered with a slight shrug. “Or when dad calls you his little fairy princess or when he calls me his little peach.”
Jim beamed as he walked out of the turbo lift and set both of the girls down on the bridge. “Now what is the rule while you two are on the bridge?”
“No pressing buttons,” they both answered before walking over to Nyota. Jim just nodded and walked up to his chair and sat down, absently resting his chin on a closed fist.
Saavik sat next to Spock’s empty station and started to do some of her homework. Jo sat next to Nyota and the two were starting to practice french quietly on the bridge.
Which was fine by Jim. It left his mind the ability to wander and try to figure out what could possibly be taking Spock and Len so long on the surface. It was just go down, check out the federation guys there, maybe collect some samples and then come back. It shouldn’t have taken more than two hours maximum. He didn’t let his anxiousness show. He had too much practice for that. But his heart skipped a beat when Nyota said there was an incoming message. “Put it on screen, Ms. Uhura.”
“Captain- We may have a bit of a- Hell, get Saavik and Jo off the bridge… they don’t need to hear this,” Bones stated. Looking from Jim to his two little girls. “Its starfleet stuff, Jojo, we’re fine.”
Jim knew he was lying but nodded a little. “Jo, why don’t you take Saavik down to see Aunty Chris. She’s in sickbay.” Both girls looked concerned, but Jim pasted a smile on his face. “Its boring work stuff, I promise. I may fall asleep while Len is explaining it. Go.”
The pair walled to the turbolift with Sulu not even asking to go with them. He knew that smile too well. Jo and Saavik didn’t yet.
Once the doors closed he looked at bones. “What’s wrong, Bones… please tell me Spock wants to adopt a dog.”
“It is not that simple Jim… and no I don’t.” Spock countered, appearing on the screen with a cut on his forehead. “There has been an issue with the native-”
“You should be laying down, Spock. There’s two issues. Natives want Federation folks off and there’s a virus down here I haven’t seen before. You can’t send someone else down, this thing is fatal.” Bones answered. “And it only seems to affect kids. Spock and I can’t come back, we may both be carrying it.”
Jim stiffened and looked at them both. “I don-”
“It's fatal to any child with Vulcan heritage.” Spock clarified softly. “Which would mean that Saavik would be the one to get it…”
Jim closed his eyes and the rest of the bridge crew just looked down at their stations. “Can you cure it, Len? Is there a possibility Spock might-”
“I’m working on it Jim… I have a vaccine that will work for Saavik and Jo… but I can’t guarantee it will stop Saavik from getting it. And I don’t know if Spock might end up manifesting symptoms… we’re playing it by ear right now. But I’m doing the best I can.”
“I know you are. Just… try to fix this, Len… I have no intention of leaving the two of you down there.” Jim answered. “And Spock- don’t give Len a heart attack. Jo will have my head.”
“Jojo wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Bones grumbled. “I’ll keep you updated. Give them our love for now.” Then the communication cut out.
Jim didn’t break. He didn’t cry. His expression didn’t change. It was as stoic as a vulcan’s for once. For one day he has to lie to his girls that their other dads will come back safe and sound. And he doesn’t even know if Spock is going to survive the night. “Mr. Sulu report to the bridge.” He was sitting straight up in his chair.
It was a few minutes before Hiraku Sulu arrived back on the bridge and just looked at the senior crew. “It's bad… what can we do sir?”
“Mr. Sulu, you have the con. Ms. Uhura… if anything changes on the surface you let me know… I have to pretend that everything's alright.” And in a quick few steps, Jim Kirk left the bridge again to go find his two daughters.
Once in the turbolift he just rested his head against the wall and tried to breathe out any tension in his body. He ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times before he stood up straight and adjusted his shirt. Then he stepped out and walked to medical again before pasting a more realistic smile on his face. “Hey there you two. Being good for Aunty Chris?”
Saavik walked up to Jim this time. “Are sa-mekh and dad okay?”
“Yeah. They just have to spend more time on the surface than we planned on. So looks like I have to read the stories tonight unless you two can guilt Scotty into reading them.” He picked Saavik up and just held her as close to him as he could. As if he was afraid to loose her. “Now what do my two favorite girls want to do for dinner? We can have pizza or get chinese… and since Bones isn’t here to say no we could have ice cream for dinner. But you would have to promise not to tell.”
Joanna just walked over to Jim and frowned up at him. She thought something was up and she knows her dads. “Jimmy…”
“Can we have chinese? I like the veggie stirfry.” Saavik interrupted quietly, just clinging on to Jim.
“Sure thing princess. What about you Jojo? You want chinese?” He asked. Grinning a little bit.
The older girl nodded a little and grabbed Jim’s hand. Giving it a small and worried squeeze. “No… I’d rather have pizza.”
“Pizza and chinese. Looks like we’re having a mix of things for dinner.” He just grinned down at her and squeezed her hand back. “Let's go eat and you two can tell me about your day.” Anything to distract himself. To distract them.
“I thought you knew everything that happens on Enterprise.” Saavik countered.
“I do. But right now I’m dad not Captain Kirk. Dad doesn’t know what you two did today.” Jim countered gently as he walked his girls towards the cafeteria. “Dad was busy being a captain, now he’s trying to be dad. So what did you two do today?”
Joanna sighed a little bit and then started to talk. “I did my english homework and I did my science research… Aunt Nyota is continuing my French lessons. I drew a picture for daddy to keep in sick bay.”
“I completed lesson five that sa-mekh had made for me today,” Saavik answered with a smile and rested her head against Jim’s shoulder. “And I’ve been practicing writing in Vulcan.”
Jim just smiled and nodded a little bit. “So you were both being good until you decided to hack into the ship’s library.”
“I wanted something else to read… it was only logical.” She countered slowly. Rubbing her eyes before brightening up some as they approached the cafeteria. As if hiding that she was actually tired.
“Don’t think I didn’t see that little one. After we eat I’ll read you a story, you can wash your hair and put on pjs and then you’re going to bed. Saavik.” Jim answered gently, setting her down at a table and then messing up her hair.
Jo grinned a little bit and sat next to her sister. “Ha. You have to go to bed early.”
“Same thing for you, Jojo.” Jim answered with a small, more real smile. A tiny piece of hope. Not that it was going to last. Not when he knew that down on the planet below to people he loved with his whole heart were fighting to save lives and may never be able to come back because of the little girl with dark curls sitting next to her older sister. Her very human older sister. Who could scowl like her very human father. He blinked away his tears and just made sure he had what both of them wanted before walking back to them with their food and silverware.
Both girls looked up at Jim and grinned before starting to eat. And he just sat down across from them, teasing them gently and sometimes messing up their hair. Making them laugh the whole time. Just making sure they smiled so if tomorrow he had to give them bad news they had a whole evening for being happy.
Then he scooped up both of his girls and spun them around. The rest of the crew present was amazed that with the bad news he knew he could still smile and make them both laugh. “Before you say anything Saavik, I know exactly what Spock would say, and you know what? You’re still little.” He answered when his half romulan part vulcan and human daughter was trying to protest through the giggles.
Then he started to tickle Joanna with his free hand until the trio were now on the ground in a fit of giggles in the middle of the cafeteria. Jim at the bottom of the pile, still managing to tickle both of them. Jim even laughed a little bit as he tickled them until he finally stopped so they could all catch their breath. So what he was a Starfleet captain, in that moment he was a dad. “I think… I think I won that time.” He laughed, which sounded more like a wheeze since he was still trying to catch his breath before just wrapping his arms around both of them. “Now we need to get off the floor and go back to the room.” He already knew the lecture he was going to get. The cafeteria is not the location for a tickle war. It was unbecoming for a starfleet captain to end up in a small pile of giggling girls, but he didn’t care.
Saavik just yawned a little bit and snuggled into Jim, deciding that he was a good pillow. “I do not want to move.”
“Well then I guess I’ll have to carry you.” He answered, shifting so that he could hold Saavik. “Are you gonna walk Jojo or do you wanna be carried too? It's only fair that i  offer.”
“I can walk, Jimmy.” She answered before sitting up, getting off of Jim and standing up. “Come on Jimmy! I wanna pick the story.” She answered, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him up.
He just stood up and smiled some. “Alright, alright. Lead the way princess.” And without missing a beat, Joanna McCoy started to pull him towards the turbolift. Although she was pretty sure something was up. Behind his smiles, no matter how bright, were sad eyes. Eyes that held a painful secret.
Saavik was half asleep against Jim, her head just resting against his shoulder, trying to stay awake. “Will sa-mekh and dad be back tomorrow?” She asked softly.
Jim blinked a little bit and the mask he was wearing slipped some. “Of course they will, little one. They’ll be back tomorrow and you may be able to convince sa-melh that he needs to read you two stories since he missed today.” He smiled again and placed a kiss on her forehead. “They’ll both be back when you two are asleep.”
She just nodded a little and rested her head back on his shoulder. “Okay…”
Jim smiled a little bit and then walked towards his (now joint) room. Since he, Spock, and Leonard could all share one room but the girls needed their own. So they took down a wall and put in a door. And put in bunk beds. He opened the door to the girls’ room and set Saavik down on her bed. “Now do you want to wear your red pjs or your blue pjs, Saavik?”
“My green ones,” she answered, sitting up on her bed looking at her dad and holding her teddy bear.
“You can’t wear your green pjs. They’re too big, Saavik.” He countered, holding up her two options. “Blue or red, little one?”
Saavik eventually took her blue ones.
Jo is the reason Bones can never find his shirts because she grabbed one of his shirts before going to the bathroom to shower.
“When Jo’s done showering,I’ll read you both a story okay?” He answered softly as he let Saavik change, looking through all the stories they could possibly pick from. “Now, what story do you think that Jojo will pick? Dad always reads a princess story, sa-mekh tends to pick poetry.”
“I don’t know… Joanna likes lots of stories.” Saavik answered quietly, walking over once she had her blue pjs on and grabbing at Jim’s shirt. “Are they really going to be okay?”
He blinked a little bit and then he kneeled in front of her. “Of course they are. They’ve never let us down yet. Best CMO and Best First Officer in the fleet.” He smiled a little bit and then gently picked her up and set her back down on her bed. “They’ll be okay, Saavik.”
Jo walked out with her hair soaking wet and in one of Leonard’s shirts. It came down past her knees and the sleeves were too long, but it was comfortable anyways. She just sat next to Jim and Saavik. “Can you tell us a story about one of your adventures on Enterprise, Jimmy? You always tell the best stories.”
He sighed and leaned back. “You want a story huh? Well… Lets see… We went to a planet once it was perfectly peaceful, but things started to become strange… the crew started to see visions and holograms. Like princesses, dragons, knights, ninjas. All that sort of stuff. So we investigated.and as we looked, Spock and Bones even started to see things.”
“Did you see anything, Jimmy?” Joanna asked softly, leaning into him.
“Yeah I did. But it wasn’t fun. It was someone who was mean to me when I was little. Dad saw characters from a book. Sa-mekh saw his mom. We continued to investigate after I got side tracked and we found out that the whole planet was meant to make the perfect paradise for everyone. Once we found that out I authorized shore leave for everyone and they had a really cool and personalized vacation.” He said softly. Moving Joanna so he could tuck Saavik in and then put Jo on the top bunk. “And everyone was safe. Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite.” He tucked Jo in and then walked towards the door. “Lights 0 percent.”
Jim then walked into what was going to be his very empty room and just sat at his desk, pulling out one of the fews bottle of alcohol he kept. Andorian Ale. That stuff would get anyone drunk. He poured himself a tall glass of it and then slowly started to drink it feeling like a piece of shit. He lied to them. He sent Spock and Leonard on a possible suicide mission. And he would have to choose between his kids to decide if he was going to beam his husbands back or abandon them so he could keep their girls alive.
Down on the surface, Leonard was glaring at the samples. “Damnit- the cells still die… i’m running out of options and time here, Spock.”
“We have already tried changing the vaccine… is it possible it is acting differently because of the body temperature?” Spock asked, looking over the results.
“No. I tried that. The vaccine works on kids just fine but for an adult- it’ll kill them. I’ve tried proteins, sugars, and amino acids and none of them are working.” Len grumbled. Staring at the offending samples. “We can’t go back to enterprise until I can kill this thing without it killing us…”
Spock paused. “You are certain that we are both infected?”
He sighed. “If you weren’t before you are now because you’ve been working so close to me for the past 8 hours. I’m sorry Spock… Jim’s probably a mess. Hell if the girls know… we may have to tell them to leave.”
“That is not an option, Leonard. As Jim puts it; you are the best CMO in the entire fleet. And you haven’t let him down yet. I have no intention of permitting you to start now,” Spock countered firmly, placing a kiss on his husband’s cheek. “Lets run another possible vaccine. Perhaps there is something we have over looked. It affects children and is dormant in adults until the other vaccines have been introduced so what changes between that.”
“Our immune systems and our hormones…” Len muttered. “Spock you’re a genius! I’d kiss you but I have to test this. And I need a blood sample. Sorry darlin’.”
“Hypos do not affect me negatively, ashayam.” Spock countered calmly. “Though I fail to see what I have told you.” Watching his husband’s eyes and just thinking over what he said.
“A child’s immune system is more vulnerable. It hasn’t seen as much. Can’t defend itself effectively from pathogens. An adult’s has seen more and is more prepared for pathogens. It has an arsenal of things it can use. The adults weren’t immune to it- their immune systems could fight it. That wasn’t a cold; it was the same virus. Another thing that changes are the hormone compositions. A child has different hormones than an adult in the sense of amounts. As long as that is true a hormone based virus would respond differently. Every treatment I’ve come up with triggered a more random immune response and the production of the hormones that the virus was attacking,” Len answered as he started to test his theory. “Vulcans have different hormones than humans so naturally it would present differently and when a vulcan is no longer in control as to how their body functions-”
“They are more susceptible to illness. Which is why vulcan children were affected. They have less control.” Spock finished slowly, watching his husband work against the clock. “So if this works…”
“We can call off quarantine and go home.” Len answered with a nod. Watching the samples react to the new treatment. “Come on… work… please work…”
Spock gently took his free hand and then squeezed Leonard’s hand. Watching before pulling away and making a hypo.
“Spock- wait just a goddamned minute here we don’t know if it will even work and if it doesn’t-”
“You once told me that being a father meant that you didn’t always think about yourself. You thought about your daughter. Right now, I am thinking about Jim, Saavik, and Joanna. Even the entire Enterprise… they need you more. And it appears to work just fine on the human sample.” And with that, Spock stabbed Leonard with the hypo and then stepped away. “Spock to Enterprise… Dr. McCoy can beam up now under decontamination. His clothes may carry the pathogen.”
“Spock- Damn it let me help you! Enterprise do no-” and with that Bones was beamed aboard without much hesitation. Leaving Spock and the colonists on the surface. In the transporter room Len looked at the poor guy operating the consul. “Send me back. Now.”
“I’m sorry Dr. McCoy… the planet is on quarantine. No one goes down. No one comes up. Although you’ve been cleared of the pathogen.”He answered softly. “Until Commander Spock or Captain Kirk say otherwise… You can’t go down there.”
Leonard just stared at the transporter platform. Waiting. Hoping.
Spock watched the samples and sighed. Both came back positive. He made another hypo for himself and pocketed it before making enough for the colonists and distributed them. Once every adult had been given one, Spock injected himself and waited a few seconds. “Spock to Enterprise. I am ready to beam aboard under decontamination settings.”
“Damn you spock and making me worry more than I had to. Twenty full fucking minutes.” Bones grumbled. Waiting till he saw Spock before glaring at him. “You just had to be the hero.”
“Logically speaking, it was more important for you to make it back to Enterprise before I did.” Spock countered calmly, placing his hand on Leonard’s shoulder gently in a reassuring motion. “Now I believe we have three people we need to check in on.”
Bones just nodded a little bit. His hazel eyes were still furious. “You’re right. But this conversation is NOT over. Pointy eared hobgoblin.” He continued to grumble as they walked out of the transporter room towards the turbolift.
When they got inside, some of the human’s anger went away. “What do you think Jim told them Spock? What if Jo and Saavik think we’re never coming back? What if-”
“Len, I would be more concerned with what Jim is thinking right now over the girls. They are most likely asleep do to some reassurance from Jim.” Spock started by cutting his husband off. “Jim however may not have let himself be so hopeful and may be expecting the worst. I would say it is safe to assume that he is letting himself wallow in whatever nightmarish fantasy his mind has constructed. Torn between his daughters and us.”
“Let's hope he didn’t break out the alcohol… because if that’s true Spock, he’s going to be a mess in the morning.” He responded. Leaning into the walking space heater. “Oh look, its our floor. After you, Spock.”
The half-vulcan raised an eyebrow and then walked out of the turbolift to the captain’s quarters. Where Jim was most likely to be at this hour.
Hesitating before opening the door, they both shared a look and then walked in to find Jim, at his desk, with a tall glass of alcohol and a suspiciously empty bottle. In Jim’s defence it wasn’t a very large bottle. But the sight was enough for Bones to walkover and snatch both of them away. “James Tiberius Kirk- what the hell were you thinking.”
Jim looked from his hand to the doctor who took the alcohol away from him. “Shhhh…. they’re ‘sleep. An’ I wasn’ thinkin’... I thought I was gonna have ta choose ‘tween them and you two.” His face even showed it. He looked broken. Tears had streaked down his face and left salty trails on his face. It wasn’t pretty. He was a mess.
Spock walked over and closed the door. “James… when have we ever let you down to provoke such a line of action?” He gently placed his hand on his blonde and annoyingly stubborn husband’s face.
“He wasn’t thinking about us, Spock.” Len stated after studying Jim’s face. “I’ll get my hangover cure hypo… and then check out his liver if you turn on the shower and get him pjs.” It was no secret that as a child Jim Kirk had been let down constantly. Abandoned. Sure he kept hope but it was hard. Especially when someone he loved left him. Its the reason he was so touch starved. It's the reason he doesn’t abandon his crew. It's the reason James Tiberius Kirk was trying to drink away his fears of having to abandon his husbands or risk killing one of their daughters just to have them. Its why that would break his heart and then some.
Spock only blinked a little before realizing what Len ment. “Very well, ashayam… T’hy’la… should there ever be a next time, refrain from using alcohol to drown your pain… I would rather you bruise your hands. It means you could still be captain.” Then Spock walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the water warm up some.
“Sure thing, Spock.” Jim answered before slouching in his chair. Closing his eyes. “‘M glad you both came back.”
“Jim…” Len just wrapped his arms around him and held him. “Don’t ever think for a second we won’t try to come back.” He used that same hugging motion to hypo Jim in the neck. “But that’s what you get for being dumb enough to drink close to half a bottle of that andorian stuff. Not even Scotty tries to do that.”
Jim mumbled something incoherently and kept his arms around Bones. “I love you two… you went down and I didn’t tell you that.”
“Ashaya, we already know. Very few people would try so hard to be a father of two very different children and not complain about it while being a starship captain.” Spock commented calmly from the door of the bathroom. “Not with the past you have. You don’t have to continually tell us you love us; we see it in how you act. In the words you say. In the ones you don’t. And we love you too.”
“With all our hearts. Even when you’re being an idiot in command gold. And when was the last time you ate? If your answer is breakfast you’re going to eat something before going to bed and you won’t get to pick.” Leonard added. Gently untangling himself from the hug. The guilty look on Jim’s face answered his question. “Damn it… I wish you weren’t so damn good at hiding your pain. It’d make it easier to make sure you’re actually alright. Shower first. Spock and I will come up with something for you to eat and then you can sleep.”
“I’m going to take that as doctor’s orders and go showed.” Jim answered softly before standing up and wrapping his arms around Spock gently. Then he actually walked into the bathroom and got out of his clothes to shower.
“He’s going to be the death of me, Spock. I can already see it.” Bones declared as he stripped off his shirt and then his thermal under shirt to just end up sprawling on the bed. “He’s going to do something and then I’m gonna end up dead. Don’t know what yet but it's going to be something.”
“He has every right to be so worried about that, Leonard. And with that in mind his behavior is very understandable I have every doubt that he will be the death of you.” The unspoken he will most likely end up dying before either of us hung heavy in the air between them both. “I am going to check on Saavik and Joanna.”
“If you wake them up, you get to make sure they go back to sleep.” Len countered, still laying on the bed. “I’ll see them in the morning, like a sane person who knows that they will insist on you reading the story you owe them.” Saving lives and trying to make sure that they could go back to Enterprise at the end of the day is enough to make anyone feel exhausted. Especially when almost everything that could’ve gone wrong did.
“I am well aware of what they will request.” Spock countered before walking out to poke his head in on the sleeping children he almost didn’t get to see again. He walked in as quietly as he could and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark before he could confirm that there were two sleeping forms on the bunk beds. The smaller one clinging to a stuffed animal on the bottom bunk, the older one curled up under blankets on the top bunk. Satisfied that they wouldn’t wake up he walked further in and gently brushed their hair back behind their ears while they slept and then made sure they were actually tucked into their blankets; knowing full well they would be a mess by morning.
Then he walked out and sat on the bed next to Leonard and just gently brushed his fingers through the exhausted doctor’s hair. “You need to sleep, ashaya… “
“I can’t sleep until Jim comes back. I wanna make sure that he’s okay.” He countered sleepily. “Guy’s had a rough day and it’s not going to be a pleasant morning if he wakes up to an empty bed. He’ll think this whole thing was a dream.”
“You know I can hear you, Len?” Jim stated with his hair soaking wet and wearing pjs. “And I’m still the Captain of the Enterprise… I know better than to cling to false hope. And I know that you have work.” Although that didn’t stop him from laying on top of Spock, knowing full well that it most likely didn’t bother him. His head ended up on Leonard’s chest.
Bones just groaned a little bit. “Your hair is soaking wet, Jim. I can move so you can not be on top of me.”
He raised an eyebrow and then shook his head. “Nah, you get to suffer with my wet hair. This is retaliation for you scaring the living shit out of me and making me lie to Saavik and Jo.”
Spock suppressed a small smile and just looked at Jim. “And you laying on top of me is supposed to be a punishment?”
“Nah… You were just sort of in the way so I decided to lay on top of you. Besides, Len is half asleep and if I’m gonna torture him with my wet hair I might as well make sure I’m not actually laying on top of him.”
“You still have to eat, Jim, no torturing your doctor until you’ve eaten something that resembles a meal. You’re not getting out of this one any time soon.” The good doctor countered calmly, looking at Jim and gently nudging his shoulder. “Come to think of it- both of you need to eat something, neither of you have been eating regularly recently so you both get to suffer and just eat some real damn food.”
“Looks like we’ve been caught, Spock.” Jim answered before sitting up and getting out of bed. “Ice cream counts as food right?”
“No it doesn’t. Eat a sandwich Jim, it won’t kill you.” Len countered, smiling very softly. “Don’t make me watch you two eat. I just want to sleep right now. Lights 30 percent.”
Jim and Spock both sighed a little bit and then walked to the replicator to actually get some food to eat something to humor the sleepy doctor. They both decided on Jim getting a sandwich and Spock getting a bowl of plomeek soup and then they sat down across from each other to eat.
“So he really wanted us to eat huh? When was the last time he ate something?” Jim asked, starting to eat his sandwich after a moment. He hadn’t realized that he was actually hungry until he started to eat.
“He consumed something that qualifies as ‘food’ around lunch time,” Spock responded as he started to eat his soup. “Which is better than either of us as we have not eaten since breakfast. Joanna and Saavik ate lunch and dinner though, correct?”
The blonde just nodded as he took a bite out of his sandwich and shrugged slightly. As long as Leonard wasn’t being a hypocrite he was alright with being required to eat every now and then. He swallowed before trying to speak, “I’m surprised he actually ate. He’s normally worse than both of us when he’s working.”
“He was not alone, Jim. There was no reason for him to be worse than us. He was not alone,” Spock countered calmly. “And he’s still awake.”
“An’ I can hear you both.” Len responded, putting a pillow over his head. “I just wanna sleep.”
Jim just laughed a little bit and set his sandwich down and walked over, placing a kiss on the doctor’s cheek. “So sleep you stubborn old doctor. We have earplugs somewhere.”
Len grumbled and moved the pillow, whacking Jim lightly with it before rolling over and hiding away from the blonde. “Go eat, Kirk… lemme sleep.”
Spock actually smiled at that and just continued to eat his soup. Watching his illogical humans. Knowing full well Len wouldn’t remember this in the morning.
Jim walked over to spock and finished his sandwich, as if to spite the sleeping Doctor. Knowing full well that technically Leonard was the one who won.
Spock finished his soup and just watched Jim before actually saying something. “Lights 0 percent.” Then he walked to the bed and took his boots off. Setting them at the edge. “Ashayam, do not make me wake Leonard up to tell you to sleep.”
He just laughed and took up his spot in the middle of the bed and just snuggled in between the two of them. Letting the lights stay off and just placed a kiss on both of their cheeks. “I’m just glad you two are okay.”
And they would’ve stayed asleep until the door opened and Spock lifted his head. Two sets of footsteps entered and they both climbed onto the bed. Saavik managing to elbow Spock and Jim before wedging herself between them. Joanna crawled over all three of them, elbowing Jim and Spock (and knees to the stomach) before snuggling in between Jim and Leonard. Len just wrapped his arms around his little girl and the stubborn captain.
Jim grinned (after the initial pain of being crawled on disappeared) with Saavik kind of sprawled over Spock and Jim.
Because being a dad can be hard, but sometimes it's worth it in the end. Like getting to have everyone he loves in the same space. On the Enterprise, exploring the final frontier
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Family moments, tears and smiles
It’s not easy being the captain of the Enterprise, a good husband (for two wonderful husbands), and a good dad. Especially when you’re dealing with a half Romulan for an adopted daughter and you’re the stepfather of a certain Georgian Doctor’s daughter. One who knows how to use the turbo lift. “Jimmy! Saavik hacked into the ship’s library again!” Joanna McCoy exclaimed, approaching the Captain’s chair without hesitation. It took a solid month to get her to call him something other than Captain Kirk. Jimmy was at least progress. “Jo… one minute and then we can go deal with Saavik okay? Mr. Sulu, you have the con.” The blonde captain responded before grabbing his step-daughter’s hand and walking towards the turbolift. “Now let’s go see your sister and see why she hacked into the library.” “Okay, Jimmy… she’s in your room.” Jo answered. Looking up at him. “When are daddy and Spock gonna be back from the surface?” “I don’t know yet Jo. We’ll find out soon. They still have some work to do down there.” He answered softly. Hesitating before picking her up and walking out of the turbo lift. “Besides, your dad has Spock. They’ll be fine.” That was more for himself than for Jo. “The best first officer and the best CMO in Starfleet can handle anything.” Jo made a face. “Jimmy- you’re a dork.” But she wrapped her arms around him as he walked out of the turbo lift to head to his room. “So your dad tells me. I find that I don’t believe it.” Jim countered with a grin. “Besides, I can’t be a captain aaaaand a dork. The two don’t get along well at all.” He teased with a grin before opening the door. “Saavik, i know you’re under the desk with a data PADD.” A little girl with pointy ears, hardly older than six appeared at that statement. “Daddy…” she then broke into a dead sprint and crashed into Jim’s knees. “How did you know?” “I know everything that happens on this ship,” Jim answered with a grin, barely preventing himself from falling. “Now why did you hack into the ship’s library? You know if you want to read something you just have to ask me, Sa-mekh, or dad.” “You were on the bridge, Sa-mekh and dad are both on the surface…” Saavik answered softly, still clinging to Jim’s legs. “You have work to do.” “Yes I do. You could’ve asked Aunty Chris though. She would’ve been able to help,” Jim gently ran his fingers through her curly hair. He’s the stepfather and right now the only one present. “I have an idea. Why don’t we all go to the bridge. That way you can ask me what you’re allowed to read and I can work, how does that sound?” “That sounds acceptable,” she answered with a grin before collecting her data PADD from under the desk. Jo frowned. “Dad said we weren’t supposed to go on the bridge though.” “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not dad. Besides, then I can keep an eye on you two. I win.” He answered, setting Jo down and messing up her hair. “Grab your data PADD too, that way you have something to do. And if you ask nicely, I bet Aunt Nyota might even continue language lessons.” The taller girl pondered this before deciding her stepfather had a point and grabbed her PADD. Looking at Saavik. “You need shoes, Saavik.” “No I don’t. Daddy didn’t say I need shoes on to go to the bridge,” she countered indignantly. “No I didn’t. But you know sa-mekh. Go put on shoes and then we can go to the bridge.” Jim answered before he heard a comm. “Bridge to Captain Kirk.” “Captain Kirk here, what is it?” Jim slipped out of the cool dad mode into captain mode in a heartbeat. “Commander Spock and Dr. McCoy are asking for another hour on the surface before they finish.” Nyota responded. He sighed a little. “Tell them they have it. I’ll be back on the bridge shortly. And remind Mr. Spock that he gets to read the bedtime stories tonight so he better not be late.” Then he glanced down at the two girls staring up at him as he released the comm button. “Looks like it’s just us for dinner tonight girls. Now let’s go to the bridge.” He gently picked both Saavik and Joanna up (years of carrying Spock pays off) and started to walk back to the bridge. He didn’t really switch out of captain mode though. “Daddy… would it be acceptable if I asked Uncle Pav to braid my hair?” Saavik asked softly. Clinging to Jim’s shirt. “‘Course it is sweetpea. Don’t know if he’ll have the time to but you can always ask, Saavik.” He responded gently. Entering the turbo lift and shifting Saavik just enough to actually activate it to go to the bridge. Saavik giggled and tried to look at Jim seriously. “I am not a sweetpea. I’m Saavik. A sweet pea is a veggie that doesn’t taste very good.” Jim groaned. “I see that sa-mekh hasn’t gotten to explaining that I am an illogical human and will use pet names, basis aside.” He placed a kiss on top of her head. “We’ll work on that one, Saavik.” “Like how dad calls me and Jo darling and little one?” She asked. Looking at her older sister. “Yeah, like that. Spock says they’re both illogical but he doesn’t mind when they use that stuff on him. It’s just a term of affection, Saavik. Like when I call you my little sister.” Jo answered with a slight shrug. “Or when dad calls you his little fairy princess or when he calls me his little peach.” Jim beamed as he walked out of the turbo lift and set both of the girls down on the bridge. “Now what is the rule while you two are on the bridge?” “No pressing buttons,” they both answered before walking over to Nyota. Jim just nodded and walked up to his chair and sat down, absently resting his chin on a closed fist. Saavik sat next to Spock’s empty station and started to do some of her homework. Jo sat next to Nyota and the two were starting to practice french quietly on the bridge. Which was fine by Jim. It left his mind the ability to wander and try to figure out what could possibly be taking Spock and Len so long on the surface. It was just go down, check out the federation guys there, maybe collect some samples and then come back. It shouldn’t have taken more than two hours maximum. He didn’t let his anxiousness show. He had too much practice for that. But his heart skipped a beat when Nyota said there was an incoming message. “Put it on screen, Ms. Uhura.” “Captain- We may have a bit of a- Hell, get Saavik and Jo off the bridge… they don’t need to hear this,” Bones stated. Looking from Jim to his two little girls. “Its starfleet stuff, Jojo, we’re fine.” Jim knew he was lying but nodded a little. “Jo, why don’t you take Saavik down to see Aunty Chris. She’s in sickbay.” Both girls looked concerned, but Jim pasted a smile on his face. “Its boring work stuff, I promise. I may fall asleep while Len is explaining it. Go.” The pair walled to the turbolift with Sulu not even asking to go with them. He knew that smile too well. Jo and Saavik didn’t yet. Once the doors closed he looked at bones. “What’s wrong, Bones… please tell me Spock wants to adopt a dog.” “It is not that simple Jim… and no I don’t.” Spock countered, appearing on the screen with a cut on his forehead. “There has been an issue with the native-” “You should be laying down, Spock. There’s two issues. Natives want Federation folks off and there’s a virus down here I haven’t seen before. You can’t send someone else down, this thing is fatal.” Bones answered. “And it only seems to affect kids. Spock and I can’t come back, we may both be carrying it.” Jim stiffened and looked at them both. “I don-” “It’s fatal to any child with Vulcan heritage.” Spock clarified softly. “Which would mean that Saavik would be the one to get it…” Jim closed his eyes and the rest of the bridge crew just looked down at their stations. “Can you cure it, Len? Is there a possibility Spock might-” “I’m working on it Jim… I have a vaccine that will work for Saavik and Jo… but I can’t guarantee it will stop Saavik from getting it. And I don’t know if Spock might end up manifesting symptoms… we’re playing it by ear right now. But I’m doing the best I can.” “I know you are. Just… try to fix this, Len… I have no intention of leaving the two of you down there.” Jim answered. “And Spock- don’t give Len a heart attack. Jo will have my head.” “Jojo wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Bones grumbled. “I’ll keep you updated. Give them our love for now.” Then the communication cut out. Jim didn’t break. He didn’t cry. His expression didn’t change. It was as stoic as a vulcan’s for once. For one day he has to lie to his girls that their other dads will come back safe and sound. And he doesn’t even know if Spock is going to survive the night. “Mr. Sulu report to the bridge.” He was sitting straight up in his chair. It was a few minutes before Hiraku Sulu arrived back on the bridge and just looked at the senior crew. “It’s bad… what can we do sir?” “Mr. Sulu, you have the con. Ms. Uhura… if anything changes on the surface you let me know… I have to pretend that everything’s alright.” And in a quick few steps, Jim Kirk left the bridge again to go find his two daughters. Once in the turbolift he just rested his head against the wall and tried to breathe out any tension in his body. He ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times before he stood up straight and adjusted his shirt. Then he stepped out and walked to medical again before pasting a more realistic smile on his face. “Hey there you two. Being good for Aunty Chris?” Saavik walked up to Jim this time. “Are sa-mekh and dad okay?” “Yeah. They just have to spend more time on the surface than we planned on. So looks like I have to read the stories tonight unless you two can guilt Scotty into reading them.” He picked Saavik up and just held her as close to him as he could. As if he was afraid to loose her. “Now what do my two favorite girls want to do for dinner? We can have pizza or get chinese… and since Bones isn’t here to say no we could have ice cream for dinner. But you would have to promise not to tell.” Joanna just walked over to Jim and frowned up at him. She thought something was up and she knows her dads. “Jimmy…” “Can we have chinese? I like the veggie stirfry.” Saavik interrupted quietly, just clinging on to Jim. “Sure thing princess. What about you Jojo? You want chinese?” He asked. Grinning a little bit. The older girl nodded a little and grabbed Jim’s hand. Giving it a small and worried squeeze. “No… I’d rather have pizza.” “Pizza and chinese. Looks like we’re having a mix of things for dinner.” He just grinned down at her and squeezed her hand back. “Let’s go eat and you two can tell me about your day.” Anything to distract himself. To distract them. “I thought you knew everything that happens on Enterprise.” Saavik countered. “I do. But right now I’m dad not Captain Kirk. Dad doesn’t know what you two did today.” Jim countered gently as he walked his girls towards the cafeteria. “Dad was busy being a captain, now he’s trying to be dad. So what did you two do today?” Joanna sighed a little bit and then started to talk. “I did my english homework and I did my science research… Aunt Nyota is continuing my French lessons. I drew a picture for daddy to keep in sick bay.” “I completed lesson five that sa-mekh had made for me today,” Saavik answered with a smile and rested her head against Jim’s shoulder. “And I’ve been practicing writing in Vulcan.” Jim just smiled and nodded a little bit. “So you were both being good until you decided to hack into the ship’s library.” “I wanted something else to read… it was only logical.” She countered slowly. Rubbing her eyes before brightening up some as they approached the cafeteria. As if hiding that she was actually tired. “Don’t think I didn’t see that little one. After we eat I’ll read you a story, you can wash your hair and put on pjs and then you’re going to bed. Saavik.” Jim answered gently, setting her down at a table and then messing up her hair. Jo grinned a little bit and sat next to her sister. “Ha. You have to go to bed early.” “Same thing for you, Jojo.” Jim answered with a small, more real smile. A tiny piece of hope. Not that it was going to last. Not when he knew that down on the planet below to people he loved with his whole heart were fighting to save lives and may never be able to come back because of the little girl with dark curls sitting next to her older sister. Her very human older sister. Who could scowl like her very human father. He blinked away his tears and just made sure he had what both of them wanted before walking back to them with their food and silverware. Both girls looked up at Jim and grinned before starting to eat. And he just sat down across from them, teasing them gently and sometimes messing up their hair. Making them laugh the whole time. Just making sure they smiled so if tomorrow he had to give them bad news they had a whole evening for being happy. Then he scooped up both of his girls and spun them around. The rest of the crew present was amazed that with the bad news he knew he could still smile and make them both laugh. “Before you say anything Saavik, I know exactly what Spock would say, and you know what? You’re still little.” He answered when his half romulan part vulcan and human daughter was trying to protest through the giggles. Then he started to tickle Joanna with his free hand until the trio were now on the ground in a fit of giggles in the middle of the cafeteria. Jim at the bottom of the pile, still managing to tickle both of them. Jim even laughed a little bit as he tickled them until he finally stopped so they could all catch their breath. So what he was a Starfleet captain, in that moment he was a dad. “I think… I think I won that time.” He laughed, which sounded more like a wheeze since he was still trying to catch his breath before just wrapping his arms around both of them. “Now we need to get off the floor and go back to the room.” He already knew the lecture he was going to get. The cafeteria is not the location for a tickle war. It was unbecoming for a starfleet captain to end up in a small pile of giggling girls, but he didn’t care. Saavik just yawned a little bit and snuggled into Jim, deciding that he was a good pillow. “I do not want to move.” “Well then I guess I’ll have to carry you.” He answered, shifting so that he could hold Saavik. “Are you gonna walk Jojo or do you wanna be carried too? It’s only fair that i offer.” “I can walk, Jimmy.” She answered before sitting up, getting off of Jim and standing up. “Come on Jimmy! I wanna pick the story.” She answered, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him up. He just stood up and smiled some. “Alright, alright. Lead the way princess.” And without missing a beat, Joanna McCoy started to pull him towards the turbolift. Although she was pretty sure something was up. Behind his smiles, no matter how bright, were sad eyes. Eyes that held a painful secret. Saavik was half asleep against Jim, her head just resting against his shoulder, trying to stay awake. “Will sa-mekh and dad be back tomorrow?” She asked softly. Jim blinked a little bit and the mask he was wearing slipped some. “Of course they will, little one. They’ll be back tomorrow and you may be able to convince sa-mekh that he needs to read you two stories since he missed today.” He smiled again and placed a kiss on her forehead. “They’ll both be back when you two are asleep.” She just nodded a little and rested her head back on his shoulder. “Okay…” Jim smiled a little bit and then walked towards his (now joint) room. Since he, Spock, and Leonard could all share one room but the girls needed their own. So they took down a wall and put in a door. And put in bunk beds. He opened the door to the girls’ room and set Saavik down on her bed. “Now do you want to wear your red pjs or your blue pjs, Saavik?” “My green ones,” she answered, sitting up on her bed looking at her dad and holding her teddy bear. “You can’t wear your green pjs. They’re too big, Saavik.” He countered, holding up her two options. “Blue or red, little one?” Saavik eventually took her blue ones. Jo is the reason Bones can never find his shirts because she grabbed one of his shirts before going to the bathroom to shower. “When Jo’s done showering,I’ll read you both a story okay?” He answered softly as he let Saavik change, looking through all the stories they could possibly pick from. “Now, what story do you think that Jojo will pick? Dad always reads a princess story, sa-mekh tends to pick poetry.” “I don’t know… Joanna likes lots of stories.” Saavik answered quietly, walking over once she had her blue pjs on and grabbing at Jim’s shirt. “Are they really going to be okay?” He blinked a little bit and then he kneeled in front of her. “Of course they are. They’ve never let us down yet. Best CMO and Best First Officer in the fleet.” He smiled a little bit and then gently picked her up and set her back down on her bed. “They’ll be okay, Saavik.” Jo walked out with her hair soaking wet and in one of Leonard’s shirts. It came down past her knees and the sleeves were too long, but it was comfortable anyways. She just sat next to Jim and Saavik. “Can you tell us a story about one of your adventures on Enterprise, Jimmy? You always tell the best stories.” He sighed and leaned back. “You want a story huh? Well… Lets see… We went to a planet once it was perfectly peaceful, but things started to become strange… the crew started to see visions and holograms. Like princesses, dragons, knights, ninjas. All that sort of stuff. So we investigated.and as we looked, Spock and Bones even started to see things.” “Did you see anything, Jimmy?” Joanna asked softly, leaning into him. “Yeah I did. But it wasn’t fun. It was someone who was mean to me when I was little. Dad saw characters from a book. Sa-mekh saw his mom. We continued to investigate after I got side tracked and we found out that the whole planet was meant to make the perfect paradise for everyone. Once we found that out I authorized shore leave for everyone and they had a really cool and personalized vacation.” He said softly. Moving Joanna so he could tuck Saavik in and then put Jo on the top bunk. “And everyone was safe. Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite.” He tucked Jo in and then walked towards the door. “Lights 0 percent.” Jim then walked into what was going to be his very empty room and just sat at his desk, pulling out one of the fews bottle of alcohol he kept. Andorian Ale. That stuff would get anyone drunk. He poured himself a tall glass of it and then slowly started to drink it feeling like a piece of shit. He lied to them. He sent Spock and Leonard on a possible suicide mission. And he would have to choose between his kids to decide if he was going to beam his husbands back or abandon them so he could keep their girls alive. ~*~*~ Down on the surface, Leonard was glaring at the samples. “Damnit- the cells still die… i’m running out of options and time here, Spock.” “We have already tried changing the vaccine… is it possible it is acting differently because of the body temperature?” Spock asked, looking over the results. “No. I tried that. The vaccine works on kids just fine but for an adult- it’ll kill them. I’ve tried proteins, sugars, and amino acids and none of them are working.” Len grumbled. Staring at the offending samples. “We can’t go back to enterprise until I can kill this thing without it killing us…” Spock paused. “You are certain that we are both infected?” He sighed. “If you weren’t before you are now because you’ve been working so close to me for the past 8 hours. I’m sorry Spock… Jim’s probably a mess. Hell if the girls know… we may have to tell them to leave.” “That is not an option, Leonard. As Jim puts it; you are the best CMO in the entire fleet. And you haven’t let him down yet. I have no intention of permitting you to start now,” Spock countered firmly, placing a kiss on his husband’s cheek. “Lets run another possible vaccine. Perhaps there is something we have over looked. It affects children and is dormant in adults until the other vaccines have been introduced so what changes between that.” “Our immune systems and our hormones…” Len muttered. “Spock you’re a genius! I’d kiss you but I have to test this. And I need a blood sample. Sorry darlin’.” “Hypos do not affect me negatively, ashayam.” Spock countered calmly. “Though I fail to see what I have told you.” Watching his husband’s eyes and just thinking over what he said. “A child’s immune system is more vulnerable. It hasn’t seen as much. Can’t defend itself effectively from pathogens. An adult’s has seen more and is more prepared for pathogens. It has an arsenal of things it can use. The adults weren’t immune to it- their immune systems could fight it. That wasn’t a cold; it was the same virus. Another thing that changes are the hormone compositions. A child has different hormones than an adult in the sense of amounts. As long as that is true a hormone based virus would respond differently. Every treatment I’ve come up with triggered a more random immune response and the production of the hormones that the virus was attacking,” Len answered as he started to test his theory. “Vulcans have different hormones than humans so naturally it would present differently and when a vulcan is no longer in control as to how their body functions-” “They are more susceptible to illness. Which is why vulcan children were affected. They have less control.” Spock finished slowly, watching his husband work against the clock. “So if this works…” “We can call off quarantine and go home.” Len answered with a nod. Watching the samples react to the new treatment. “Come on… work… please work…” Spock gently took his free hand and then squeezed Leonard’s hand. Watching before pulling away and making a hypo. “Spock- wait just a goddamned minute here we don’t know if it will even work and if it doesn’t-” “You once told me that being a father meant that you didn’t always think about yourself. You thought about your daughter. Right now, I am thinking about Jim, Saavik, and Joanna. Even the entire Enterprise… they need you more. And it appears to work just fine on the human sample.” And with that, Spock stabbed Leonard with the hypo and then stepped away. “Spock to Enterprise… Dr. McCoy can beam up now under decontamination. His clothes may carry the pathogen.” “Spock- Damn it let me help you! Enterprise do no-” and with that Bones was beamed aboard without much hesitation. Leaving Spock and the colonists on the surface. In the transporter room Len looked at the poor guy operating the consul. “Send me back. Now.” “I’m sorry Dr. McCoy… the planet is on quarantine. No one goes down. No one comes up. Although you’ve been cleared of the pathogen.”He answered softly. “Until Commander Spock or Captain Kirk say otherwise… You can’t go down there.” Leonard just stared at the transporter platform. Waiting. Hoping. Spock watched the samples and sighed. Both came back positive. He made another hypo for himself and pocketed it before making enough for the colonists and distributed them. Once every adult had been given one, Spock injected himself and waited a few seconds. “Spock to Enterprise. I am ready to beam aboard under decontamination settings.” “Damn you spock and making me worry more than I had to. Twenty full fucking minutes.” Bones grumbled. Waiting till he saw Spock before glaring at him. “You just had to be the hero.” “Logically speaking, it was more important for you to make it back to Enterprise before I did.” Spock countered calmly, placing his hand on Leonard’s shoulder gently in a reassuring motion. “Now I believe we have three people we need to check in on.” Bones just nodded a little bit. His hazel eyes were still furious. “You’re right. But this conversation is NOT over. Pointy eared hobgoblin.” He continued to grumble as they walked out of the transporter room towards the turbolift. When they got inside, some of the human’s anger went away. “What do you think Jim told them Spock? What if Jo and Saavik think we’re never coming back? What if-” “Len, I would be more concerned with what Jim is thinking right now over the girls. They are most likely asleep do to some reassurance from Jim.” Spock started by cutting his husband off. “Jim however may not have let himself be so hopeful and may be expecting the worst. I would say it is safe to assume that he is letting himself wallow in whatever nightmarish fantasy his mind has constructed. Torn between his daughters and us.” “Let’s hope he didn’t break out the alcohol… because if that’s true Spock, he’s going to be a mess in the morning.” He responded. Leaning into the walking space heater. “Oh look, its our floor. After you, Spock.” The half-vulcan raised an eyebrow and then walked out of the turbolift to the captain’s quarters. Where Jim was most likely to be at this hour. Hesitating before opening the door, they both shared a look and then walked in to find Jim, at his desk, with a tall glass of alcohol and a suspiciously empty bottle. In Jim’s defence it wasn’t a very large bottle. But the sight was enough for Bones to walkover and snatch both of them away. “James Tiberius Kirk- what the hell were you thinking.” Jim looked from his hand to the doctor who took the alcohol away from him. “Shhhh…. they’re ‘sleep. An’ I wasn’ thinkin’… I thought I was gonna have ta choose ‘tween them and you two.” His face even showed it. He looked broken. Tears had streaked down his face and left salty trails on his face. It wasn’t pretty. He was a mess. Spock walked over and closed the door. “James… when have we ever let you down to provoke such a line of action?” He gently placed his hand on his blonde and annoyingly stubborn husband’s face. “He wasn’t thinking about us, Spock.” Len stated after studying Jim’s face. “I’ll get my hangover cure hypo… and then check out his liver if you turn on the shower and get him pjs.” It was no secret that as a child Jim Kirk had been let down constantly. Abandoned. Sure he kept hope but it was hard. Especially when someone he loved left him. Its the reason he was so touch starved. It’s the reason he doesn’t abandon his crew. It’s the reason James Tiberius Kirk was trying to drink away his fears of having to abandon his husbands or risk killing one of their daughters just to have them. Its why that would break his heart and then some. Spock only blinked a little before realizing what Len ment. “Very well, ashayam… T’hy’la… should there ever be a next time, refrain from using alcohol to drown your pain… I would rather you bruise your hands. It means you could still be captain.” Then Spock walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the water warm up some. “Sure thing, Spock.” Jim answered before slouching in his chair. Closing his eyes. “‘M glad you both came back.” “Jim…” Len just wrapped his arms around him and held him. “Don’t ever think for a second we won’t try to come back.” He used that same hugging motion to hypo Jim in the neck. “But that’s what you get for being dumb enough to drink close to half a bottle of that andorian stuff. Not even Scotty tries to do that.” Jim mumbled something incoherently and kept his arms around Bones. “I love you two… you went down and I didn’t tell you that.” “Ashaya, we already know. Very few people would try so hard to be a father of two very different children and not complain about it while being a starship captain.” Spock commented calmly from the door of the bathroom. “Not with the past you have. You don’t have to continually tell us you love us; we see it in how you act. In the words you say. In the ones you don’t. And we love you too.” “With all our hearts. Even when you’re being an idiot in command gold. And when was the last time you ate? If your answer is breakfast you’re going to eat something before going to bed and you won’t get to pick.” Leonard added. Gently untangling himself from the hug. The guilty look on Jim’s face answered his question. “Damn it… I wish you weren’t so damn good at hiding your pain. It’d make it easier to make sure you’re actually alright. Shower first. Spock and I will come up with something for you to eat and then you can sleep.” “I’m going to take that as doctor’s orders and go showed.” Jim answered softly before standing up and wrapping his arms around Spock gently. Then he actually walked into the bathroom and got out of his clothes to shower. “He’s going to be the death of me, Spock. I can already see it.” Bones declared as he stripped off his shirt and then his thermal under shirt to just end up sprawling on the bed. “He’s going to do something and then I’m gonna end up dead. Don’t know what yet but it’s going to be something.” “He has every right to be so worried about that, Leonard. And with that in mind his behavior is very understandable I have every doubt that he will be the death of you.” The unspoken he will most likely end up dying before either of us hung heavy in the air between them both. “I am going to check on Saavik and Joanna.” “If you wake them up, you get to make sure they go back to sleep.” Len countered, still laying on the bed. “I’ll see them in the morning, like a sane person who knows that they will insist on you reading the story you owe them.” Saving lives and trying to make sure that they could go back to Enterprise at the end of the day is enough to make anyone feel exhausted. Especially when almost everything that could’ve gone wrong did. “I am well aware of what they will request.” Spock countered before walking out to poke his head in on the sleeping children he almost didn’t get to see again. He walked in as quietly as he could and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark before he could confirm that there were two sleeping forms on the bunk beds. The smaller one clinging to a stuffed animal on the bottom bunk, the older one curled up under blankets on the top bunk. Satisfied that they wouldn’t wake up he walked further in and gently brushed their hair back behind their ears while they slept and then made sure they were actually tucked into their blankets; knowing full well they would be a mess by morning. Then he walked out and sat on the bed next to Leonard and just gently brushed his fingers through the exhausted doctor’s hair. “You need to sleep, ashaya… “ “I can’t sleep until Jim comes back. I wanna make sure that he’s okay.” He countered sleepily. “Guy’s had a rough day and it’s not going to be a pleasant morning if he wakes up to an empty bed. He’ll think this whole thing was a dream.” “You know I can hear you, Len?” Jim stated with his hair soaking wet and wearing pjs. “And I’m still the Captain of the Enterprise… I know better than to cling to false hope. And I know that you have work.” Although that didn’t stop him from laying on top of Spock, knowing full well that it most likely didn’t bother him. His head ended up on Leonard’s chest. Bones just groaned a little bit. “Your hair is soaking wet, Jim. I can move so you can not be on top of me.” He raised an eyebrow and then shook his head. “Nah, you get to suffer with my wet hair. This is retaliation for you scaring the living shit out of me and making me lie to Saavik and Jo.” Spock suppressed a small smile and just looked at Jim. “And you laying on top of me is supposed to be a punishment?” “Nah… You were just sort of in the way so I decided to lay on top of you. Besides, Len is half asleep and if I’m gonna torture him with my wet hair I might as well make sure I’m not actually laying on top of him.” “You still have to eat, Jim, no torturing your doctor until you’ve eaten something that resembles a meal. You’re not getting out of this one any time soon.” The good doctor countered calmly, looking at Jim and gently nudging his shoulder. “Come to think of it- both of you need to eat something, neither of you have been eating regularly recently so you both get to suffer and just eat some real damn food.” “Looks like we’ve been caught, Spock.” Jim answered before sitting up and getting out of bed. “Ice cream counts as food right?” “No it doesn’t. Eat a sandwich Jim, it won’t kill you.” Len countered, smiling very softly. “Don’t make me watch you two eat. I just want to sleep right now. Lights 30 percent.” Jim and Spock both sighed a little bit and then walked to the replicator to actually get some food to eat something to humor the sleepy doctor. They both decided on Jim getting a sandwich and Spock getting a bowl of plomeek soup and then they sat down across from each other to eat. “So he really wanted us to eat huh? When was the last time he ate something?” Jim asked, starting to eat his sandwich after a moment. He hadn’t realized that he was actually hungry until he started to eat. “He consumed something that qualifies as ‘food’ around lunch time,” Spock responded as he started to eat his soup. “Which is better than either of us as we have not eaten since breakfast. Joanna and Saavik ate lunch and dinner though, correct?” The blonde just nodded as he took a bite out of his sandwich and shrugged slightly. As long as Leonard wasn’t being a hypocrite he was alright with being required to eat every now and then. He swallowed before trying to speak, “I’m surprised he actually ate. He’s normally worse than both of us when he’s working.” “He was not alone, Jim. There was no reason for him to be worse than us. He was not alone,” Spock countered calmly. “And he’s still awake.” “An’ I can hear you both.” Len responded, putting a pillow over his head. “I just wanna sleep.” Jim just laughed a little bit and set his sandwich down and walked over, placing a kiss on the doctor’s cheek. “So sleep you stubborn old doctor. We have earplugs somewhere.” Len grumbled and moved the pillow, whacking Jim lightly with it before rolling over and hiding away from the blonde. “Go eat, Kirk… lemme sleep.” Spock actually smiled at that and just continued to eat his soup. Watching his illogical humans. Knowing full well Len wouldn’t remember this in the morning. Jim walked over to spock and finished his sandwich, as if to spite the sleeping Doctor. Knowing full well that technically Leonard was the one who won. Spock finished his soup and just watched Jim before actually saying something. “Lights 0 percent.” Then he walked to the bed and took his boots off. Setting them at the edge. “Ashayam, do not make me wake Leonard up to tell you to sleep.” He just laughed and took up his spot in the middle of the bed and just snuggled in between the two of them. Letting the lights stay off and just placed a kiss on both of their cheeks. “I’m just glad you two are okay.” And they would’ve stayed asleep until the door opened and Spock lifted his head. Two sets of footsteps entered and they both climbed onto the bed. Saavik managing to elbow Spock and Jim before wedging herself between them. Joanna crawled over all three of them, elbowing Jim and Spock (and knees to the stomach) before snuggling in between Jim and Leonard. Len just wrapped his arms around his little girl and the stubborn captain. Jim grinned (after the initial pain of being crawled on disappeared) with Saavik kind of sprawled over Spock and Jim. Because being a dad can be hard, but sometimes it’s worth it in the end. Like getting to have everyone he loves in the same space. On the Enterprise, exploring the final frontier
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speedygal · 8 years
sleeper ship AOS McCoy au
This is long. Kelvin version of sleeper ship McCoy au.
The year is 2230. SS Kelvin is returning to Earth from a failed colony and it is going to be rerouted on Mars that needs a new colony. A sudden anomaly appears letting out a gigantic ship. The Narada comes through and attacks the Kelvin immediately. Eighty thousand pod’s are ejected. George Samuel Kirk a synthetic android and Winona is a human who goes into labor early due to the stasis pod ejecting and a malfunction occurring. A synthetic medical officer’s escape pod clutches it and boards it. George and Winona share one last conversation. The conversation is cut short with the naming of James T. Kirk. Our scene pans over with a doctor’s three year old watching the news after the survivors are taken to Mars. The tale of a pointy eared alien with eyebrows causing this tragedy. Winona goes to Riverside, Iowa. This is when humans are then aware they are not alone. Klingons take the Narada and it’s crew captive.
The media jumps at the chance to profit over the Romulan attack by rebooting Galaxy Quest. Galaxy Quest takes a sharp turn from a hopeful, bright well recognizable show with a non-military group into a gritty,dark tv show regarding space travel and abiding the prime directive and the Meechan’s are replaced by a new antagonist. This alienates potential viewers and star fleet officers, but the original and previous versions of Galaxy Quest are preferred over the new reboot including spin offs, movies,books and so on. McCoy is in Georgia for most of his life until Jocelyn and Joanna. Then David dies and along comes a divorce. He goes to Riverside, gets drunk,and is recruited by Captain Pike to join star fleet. McCoy meets Jim. They are assigned room mates. Three years later, there is a kobyashi maru and Jim passes it. Jim and McCoy are in a relationship. This passing enrages Star Fleet and he has a panel. McCoy is annoyed and knows Jim is going to be tossed out of Star Fleet. Jim gives a reasonable answer on why he did what he did. Unbeknowst to them and Nero, rements of the original timeline have arrived close by Earth and coming for a crash landing.  As a result Nero never launches the attack on Vulcan and keeps waiting.  Jim passes the panel. McCoy gives Jim the gibb slap. Winona is visited by a man who resembles George along with two men. Winona does not call the authorities on them as a result and embraces her son despite how different he is from her  little boy. The man introduces her to his husband. They both don’t know if their other husband is still alive as he had dejected the shuttle craft in order to preserve their lives because the main hull is larger than the other half. They both have felt the bond severed. They help around the house and actively encourage her to return into space as a engineer. Christmas rolls around and Winona introduces her son and his boyfriend to their other selves ad announces she is returning to space but on Starbase 1. Kirk Prime and Jim share the same feeling of ‘THAT’S STILL NOT IN OPEN SPACE,MOM!’ The McCoy’s get along with each other sharing notes to each other about their respective Jim. McCoy Prime and Winona embarrass Kirk Prime by showing Jim’s baby pictures to McCoy with hazel eyes. The Kirk’s sulk away to the porch and talk about their father, the stars, and responsibility. McCoy Prime learns more of this Jim’s allergies. McCoy Prime writes a number of planet civilizations and descriptions that he may need a hypo for and what to be prepared for. McCoy Prime lures his other self to a clinic and vaccinates him for xenopolycythemia. McCoy Prime and Kirk Prime both warn the two that the world is going to be darker and different including trusting aliens, separately, at the same time. McCoy Prime and Kirk Prime wistfully watch the three leave and so McCoy decides to make a sehlat. No one knows what he created but he apparently created ten others for familys around town for protection. Star  Fleet gets involved and they get crushed by Kirk Prime talking their way out of the scenario. And promise them that they are sterile.
Apparently, they are not sterile.
Cue clans of Sehlat adapting to Earh.
Two years later, the larger part of the craft crash lands on Delta Vega Kirk Prime and McCoy Prime have spoiled their sehlat,ashaya, rotten. And he loves them dearly. He’s like a overgrown german sheperd with a heart of gold. Jim and McCoy are assigned to the SS republic with forty-three thousand in stasis colonists. Jim and McCoy are married and they were given away by their counterparts while Winona went deeper into space and her starship went missing. USS Mayflower with four hundred fifty people aboard going to a medical conference. However, the SS Enterprise is completed sooner than expected and they are transferred to the SS Enterprise as back up officers. Jim is a red shirt. McCoy is a medical officer. The SS Enterprise is manned by two hundred thirty synthetic star fleet officers including Montgomery Scott. The Narada attacks one month into their voyage. Captain Pike registers what this means. They quickly get rid of the Narada via tricking it into the sun and it is destroyed instantly. Star Fleet is notified of the threat being eliminated and there’s a huge celebration. Captain Pike is paralyzed for the time being. Number One relieves herself of command. The starship is put into autopilot since everything is in limbo because Mr Scott, Scotty, refuses to take command. Scotty takes another option. Instead ,he sends all the synthetics into hibernation mode until the end.
A anomaly awakes Leonard McCoy one week later. McCoy sees messages their counterparts had been sending. McCoy is comforted that despite his husband being a red shirt, they are going to be living long enough to be old and wrinkly. McCoy lives in the starship for a year and refuses to awake the others because this is a damn 100 year mission that should be captained by robots for 95 years then replaced by the human crew toward the end. And it is going to lack one extra medical professional. And his pod is broken. The halls are lined in pods. McCoy takes the time to wipe the fog off Jim’s pod to see his face and some days he breaks down and cries  hitting the pod at how unfair it is. Because when Jim awakes, McCoy might as well be dead. Or being near the verge of death. He sends messages back to his counterpart and it takes a week for the messages to return as they get further and further. McCoy Prime’s last reply as they are out of star fleets known boundary between deep space and federation is: It’s going to be okay. Don’t lose him this time like we did. Live long and prosper. And McCoy is left confused on who he exactly means. Joanna has got lots of voice mails from her father but not visual mails because who wants to see their father grow themselves a beard out? He refuses to let her see how being isolated has made him. He feels he is hallucinating and he probably is seeing people walk down the hall. He catches himself talking to a hallucination and chiding them out near the end of the year. He looks ridiclious talking to thin air on the security cameras.
The next year. On the first day of the year, a group of Vulcans arrive. McCoy cracks and hunts them down one by one getting them into the brig. Because he’s pretty sure they are his hallucinations that drive him nuts. Lieutenant Commander Spock accidentally opens Jim’s pod and he has his phaser aimed in the direction of Jim when the man comes stumbling out. Jim sees Spock and is absolutely smitten finding him adorable. "Like come on, that’s one adorable bowl hair cut. AND THE EYEBROWS, OMG I LOVE YOUR eyebrows how do you grow them out. You are so tall. I like your eyes. YOUR EARS ARE SO ADORABLE." Spock finds Jim irrational and illogical.  Spock opens his communicator and requests to be beamed off. Jim inadventurely joins Spock. McCoy discovers Jim is gone and he has a B S. O. D. in a really bad way being unsure if anything is real. He puts himself in the isolation ward for the safety of the ship and himself. He also locked himself in. McCoy grumble how this year started and how terrible it is going to be. Jim is nerve pinched by Spock. Spock intends to return for the captain and has Jim be beamed to the nearest planet that is arctic. There Jim meets (well, more like rescued by) Spock Prime who mistakes him for Kirk Prime and thinks he’s going home but it is not. Spock Prime has been alive, barely, with a severed link.
Jim and Spock Prime share a mind meld with a lot of emotional transference and memories being exchanged. Jim allows himself to have a temporary link with the vulcan on the way to the deserted warehouse to keep the old man alive in the freezing cold. Jim initiates the mind meld after the vulcan collapses to the snow. Spock Prime helps Jim to  the warehouse and explains that is other self is likely going to make a foolish mistake by attacking the starship when there is no reply. Jim realizes someone is aboard the  Enterprise, alive, alone without a companion.  And that’s why Spock was where he was and reacted the way he was, Spock Prime replies it was only logical his counterpart is attempting to retrieve his crewmates. Spock Prime beams Jim to the USS Archer and beams himself to the SS Enterprise to give himself a tour. It’s, different, that he can give credit for. He comes to the isolation ward to find McCoy in the corner, door locked, to see the doctor in a patient’s uniform. Spock Prime lures McCoy out by sweet talking him out talking about his husbands and how loving they are and how ddomestic they are--McCoy finally says, “How can this man I was told not to lose be in the brig?”  McCoy explains about the ordeal and he sees the Vulcan cry. Tears of happiness. Spock Prime convinces McCoy that he is real via a mind meld. McCoy cries into Spock Prime once convinced and shown that Jim is out. Spock Prime stays by the man’s side. Spock Prime takes  McCoy to Sick Bay and socializes with him talking about the differences in sick bay. He also does the standard procedure of using the medical tricorder on McCoy to check for any injury, internal, or covered injury. He uses the appropriate material to repair the doctor. Minutes later,Jim comes into sick bay. And they both sink to the floor. Spock Prime sees his younger self come in with a phaser.
Apparently Nero had attacked the Vulcan and claimed to be from the future. He left after severely damaging the Vulcanian landscape and buildings and there were injured Vulcans a few casualties, Amanda Grayson and Sarek were not among them nor was the ancient hall of thought. Spock is suspicious of his supposedly older self because who would be working with humans who had a part in Nero’s arrival. His brother, Sybok,a well known Healer, killed by the attack. McCoy gets in the way, “If you are goin’ to kill him then you might as well kill me first.” Spock reveals himself to be the elder but younger. McCoy refuses to budge even when the shock sank in. Spock falls to the ground and behind him is Pavel Chekov who appears to be unsure, “Did I not kill him? I didn’t mean to!” Spock Prime takes the communicator and requests the othership be prepared to beam up it’s officers in five minutes. Spock Prime’s red matter is collected and he informs  the captain of the Vulcan ship that he wishes to go home. Home was Earth. To reunite with his t’hy’lara but he needs his temporary link to be dissolved in order to go home and repair that link. Spock Prime shares one final mind meld with Jim and carefully shreds the bond. Spock Prime uses the jellyfish to quickly go to Earth after informing the captain and the crew when it should be used. Jim and McCoy stay awake. McCoy bypasses several regulations and cheats by making Jim captain instead of the long way as much as he does not like it.
There’s a convenient stasis pod malfunction and synthetic pod malfunction. Four hundred thirty synthetics awake. Christine Chapel,Hikaru Sulu,Nyota Uhura, Elizabeth Dehner, Kevin Riley,Gary Mitchell, and Janice Rand are awakened. Scotty, several engineer synthetics, several nurse synthetics,several science synthetics,and several communication officers, and a spare doctor synthetic named Geoffrey M’Benga and several security synthetics are awakened. McCoy recovers from his year long isolation with  people around him. They discover the contact to Earth has been intensified. Jim begins his captaincy trying to find his way to keep his crew alive while exploring new worlds and finding ones that are safe to visit or not. Jim starts out all right but he stumbles. The humans get to see messages from their families. Scotty is quite fine with Jim being captain. No replies from the primes.  It takes a few days but Spock Prime reaches Earth and has a emotional tearful reunion with his husbands at  the house.  They repair the severed link afterwards. Spock Prime wears a beanie when he goes to town with his Jim and McCoy. Spock Prime loves the sehlat. Back on the Enterprise, McCoy is fixing up Jim’s injuries when he introduces a new uniform with a black collar to Jim and a gray star on the chest. It’s a yellow shirt. The machines are hard at work making others like it. Everyone loves the colors: yellow and blue and red. It looks better than the blue suits. McCoy complains about how unsure Jim is about his command decisions and whines that he needs to assign a synthetic as a first officer that relies on logic. The USS Archer comes by with a battered Mayflower with a intact crew but the synthetics are dead. Winona is a engineer who gets to reunite with her son. The USS Archer tells Jim they are escorting the Winona to Earth  and will be joined shortly by NX Enterprise. Jm and Winona share a heartfelt reunion. Jim is shown a holoprogram of the refit starship and it makes his heart soar. He is a sucker for seeing old starships back in action. Eventually he is told that the Federation has decided to induct the Enterprise and oh, the planet they are headed to has some native population but they’ll get along as they are long, long,long lost ancestors in the 19th century., Around sixty-six thousand people populate the planet but their population is going on a decline due to some eugenic program and will be ready to repopulate by the time the Enterprise arrives. With that, T’Pau has arranged for a Vulcan hybrid to be dispatched to the Enterprise. S’Chn T’Gai Spock, after their designated first officer is destroyed and Scotty can’t put him together. Jim lays some ground rules.
1. Do not shoot at Bones.
2. Do not shoot at Jim.
3. Do not shot at Bones if he asks. He is joking.
4. Trust us.
7. Go home at the end of the 100 year mission.
3 YEARS LATER (SEASONS 1 - 3 HAPPENS), KRALL happens, but the synthetics get killed minus Scotty and Dorian. The stasis pods, the outer ring with all of them, spirals out and heads to the starbase yorktown. The Enterprise crew are seperated. Ben and Demora, part of Hikari's family were sent to the USS Yorktown during the beginning of the safe voyage with Spock aboard. Krall feeds off the synthetics life energy. At least the ones that remained which was close to four hundred. He comes across  Captain Pike and Number One who vigerously protects him. The SS Franklin is referred to Jaylah as her house. Nyota and Hikaru are terrified to those humans aboard the starbase with all types of aliens. Jim was contemplating becoming a vice admiral of the Yorktown when the attack had started and had sent in his form. Spock had been contemplating returning to Vulcan for his upcoming Pon-Farr. McCoy has made his decision. He is going after Jim once the mission is over. Krall is killed. Everyone is saved. At least what everyone is left save for the main large group that was left behind in the beginning. Jim changes his mind. Spock, however, does not, as he learns that T'Pring has a friend who is very close to her. And she has shown interest in Nyota Uhura who appears to be in a relationship with Christine Chapel. Spock weighs his conflict. The Enterprise A is unvieled 12 months later. Pavel is reassigned to the USS Reliant during the time as a security officer. Everyone is sad to go but they are happy that he is going somewhere. Pavel cries during their party and they welcome in a new ensign, a muslim navigator with a hijab, and Jim implies he will find a way for her to do her daily prayers. Spock decides to not resign from Star Fleet and decides, "why not?" He plans for Jim and McCoy to be his lek noy. His men of honor. And he prays to Surak that if he fails to go to Vulcan that he die alone. Spock is honestly terrified of dying. Jim promotes everyone. Every single member who is still around from the Battle of Altamid. Spock refuses his promotion. Jim argues but Spock's glare makes him give up. McCoy tries, he fails, getting the same glare. Their Prime counterparts are living with their aged sehlat and are happily married and retired. Jaylah goes to star fleet academy and will become a engineer and gets to be assigned to her new house. In 2286, the wrath of Khan will begin.
End  AU.
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Literature Spotlight Peering Into an Alien Mirror
 Literature Spotlight: Peering Into an Alien Mirror
Literature Spotlight: Peering Into an Alien Mirror
Science fiction is one of my favorite genres. I love it (and I suspect many of its readers love it) because despite its trappings of the future, good science fiction is very much a reflection of the time period in which it is written. One of Sci-Fi's major draws for me is that it can highlight and discuss social issues that might be touchy to talk about in the present day. Through the skillful use of spaceships, aliens, utopian planet colonies, and other 'flight-of-fancy' scenarios, a science fiction author can hold a mirror up to the way our current society deals with an issue by showing how their fictional society does. By reading sci-fi from previous eras, then, we can catch a glimpse of what people of that era were thinking about – and what was considered an acceptable 'flight of fancy.'
The Skylark of Space, written by E. E. 'Doc' Smith in the 1920's, included an equal ratio of women to men on the spaceship – surprising for such an early entry into the genre. However, what is not so surprising is that the women involved are cast in incredibly traditionally 'female' roles – they are the wives of the scientists who invent the spaceship, and play a very motherly role on the ship. In particular, one comedic scene shows the women in the kitchen, trying in vain to make sandwiches in zero gravity. It plays out like a Jules Verne-esque slapstick routine, with the ham and cheese floating all over the room. Tellingly for the time it was written, the only thing the women seem to feel like they can take the initiative to do is fix lunch for the menfolk.
Contrast that with the Original Series of Star Trek, first aired in the 1960's. Star Trek depicts a world where gender no longer matters – a black woman has an important bridge position as the Communications Officer, and even if her lines are mostly comprised of “Hailing frequencies open, sir,” still, nobody bats an eye at a woman doing more than just fixing lunch. Further contrast that with the Expanse series by James S. A. Corey, which began with the novel Leviathan Wakes in 2011. The second book in the series, Caliban's War, contains not one but two female main characters, a Martian space marine and an Earth diplomat. Both are in positions where they are well-respected (though they receive pushback throughout the book, but it's plot-related, not related to simply being female). Both radiate power in different ways and both are treated equally in terms of gender.
Original series Star Trek also dealt with racial tensions. Lieutenant Uhura may have been a well-respected and equally-treated bridge crew member within the context of the show, but the show's writers still received pushback from the network about her place in the story. In the 1968 episode “Plato's Stepchildren,” there is a scene where Uhura (played by Nichelle Nichols) and Captain Kirk (played by William Shatner) share a kiss, widely cited as the first example of a scripted inter-racial kiss on US television. The network wanted them to film the scene both with and without the kiss, so that they could decide later whether to air it. The actors chose to intentionally flubb every take without the kiss so that the network would be forced to air it. The story of that episode serves as a reminder that Original series Star Trek, like most good science fiction, prodded at the boundaries of what was considered an acceptable social construct at the time.
While Star Trek's society treats all races and genders equally where Earth humans are concerned, it does still get a chance to display ideas of racial tensions and play with the theme of racial equality – through the clever use of aliens. Mister Spock is a great example of this – here is an alien as First Officer of an Earth Federation starship, who frequently gets mocked and insulted by the other crewmembers for his pointy ears, his green blood, and his unusual customs. Uhura may have been indicative of what race relations could be, but Spock depicted race relations as they were. Certain episodes also dealt more pointedly with the idea of race prejudice, most notably the episode “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield,” which dealt with the last two survivors of a war-torn planet still hell-bent on destroying each other. This is the famous episode with the 'black-and-white' aliens – their feud was based on which half of their body was black and which one white. While a bit heavy-handed, it does still speak volumes about the sometimes silly things that drive us to war and the dangers of prejudice.
Caliban's War displays racial tensions as well, but in a different way – by highlighting the fact that they are all humans. When I mentioned the two female leads up there, you probably thought of them as different species – perhaps the Martian space marine was an 'alien' and the Earth diplomat was a 'human.' Well, in actuality, they are both human. In fact, the three-way war between the Outer Planets Alliance, Earth, and Mars is essentially an entirely human war – there are no aliens to speak of in the whole book (with one exception – no spoilers!). But the stark differences in lifestyle, outlook, and even physical appearance between someone born on Mars and someone born 'down the well' on Earth leads to them treating each other as aliens. You can easily see, through the diplomat's eyes, how different humans can become in different circumstances, and how these differences could lead them to fail to understand each other on a primal level.
Race and gender are not the only social issues that can be depicted in science fiction. Plenty of other issues are presented, all depending on the time period in which the work is written and the aspect of society that the author wants to explore. Caliban's War includes a scene that will stick with me for months, where the female space marine visits Earth for the first time and chats with a young barista. The barista talks about the Earth policy of having young people work for a few years after high school to make sure they like working before the government spends money sending them to college. The planet has become so over-populated that not everyone needs to work, so those who don't like working can simply go on basic support and devote themselves to leisure. For the space marine, who grew up in a colony where everyone has a place and a job to do, this concept is foreign, almost incomprehensible. By contrasting these two personalities, Corey allows us to consider the ideas of single-payer systems like free university education and healthcare from multiple perspectives, and draw our own conclusions.
This is precisely why one of my favorite recent sci-fi works is Larry Niven's The Draco Tavern. This collection of super-short stories centers around Rick Schumann, the bartender at an alien bar called the Draco Tavern. The stories are between 5 and 10 pages long on average, generally taking the form of a conversation Rick has with one or several of his alien patrons. The stories present little vignettes that bring up a question and then end, leaving the reader to think about their answer. The Draco Tavern's questions range from 'What if you could choose when you died?' to 'If a human kills an alien, should he be subjected to the alien form of punishment?' to 'Should I feel weird knowing that this alien race took samples of my DNA and are using it to lab-grow meat for their own consumption?' The beauty of The Draco Tavern is that it doesn't attempt to answer any of these questions, just present them and leave the reader to chew on them for a bit.
Science fiction may seem fanciful, with all those aliens running around on starships firing photon torpedoes at each other. But in reality, a skilled science fiction author can often tell you more about your own beliefs and opinions by comparing them to those of his aliens than you might ever get from sharing them with a therapist. I've only scratched the surface here, but this deeply personal self-searching that arises from peering into an alien mirror is one of the many things that keeps me coming back to science fiction, time and time again.
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SAT Writing 6
Geometry 5
English Literature 5
American Literature 4
Calculus 3
Prealgebra 3
Answers by Ellen
Blog Posts by Ellen
Videos by Ellen
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