#kit herondale carstairs
drublaccthorn · 2 years
Kit : I am leeeegally changing my name to Kit Herondale-CARSTAIRS! surprise Jem, now we’re connected to life and there’s nothing you can do about it!
Mina, handed a paper and pen to Jem : if you sign here, it’ll be official!
Jem : *cries in DAD*
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Tessa really said “Don’t want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do” and married Will Herondale.
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achaiapelides · 1 year
Kit's Diary
Chapter 16
Dear Ty,
I'm sorry I didn't write anything for the last few days. I was so exhausted from all the trips we made, that I fell asleep the moment I went to bed and didn't even think about you. Well, lies, I still think about you. Your ghost still haunts me in my dreams. (Ok stop with the cheesiness Kit! That happens, when you listen to Taylor Swift too much!) What I mean is, that I still think about you in every spare minute and I still miss you, but when I think about you it doesn't hurt as much. First I was scared that I would fall out of love with you and loose all my feelings for you, but I talked with Tessa about this and she said that she feels the same with Will, but that doesn't mean that she loves him any less than when he was alive. It's just that she got so used to thinking about Will and the pain that comes with it, that she got used to it. And I got so used to the fact that I can't be with you right now and have so much else to do, that it doesn't hurt as much. Just like when a child gets vaccinated and the doctor distracts them while giving them the shot. The needle is still there, but it doesn't hurt as much.
But enough about me still pining for you. Surely you want to know what I did the last few days. Or you don't. But I'm telling you anyways because this is still a diary.
So, on Tuesday we rented bikes at the holiday resort and then rode them to the neighbouring town Knokke which is in Belgium. There we went first to a museum about the birds that live in the area. It was very interesting. You would probably like it here. The first part of the museum was inside and you could do a test, how much you know about the birds while learning new things about them. In the end, you can print out your result. Afterwards, you can go into a park outside, where you can watch some of the birds. There, we met some experts who gave the young birds trackers around their feet to be able to locate them later. In a hut that was build in the beach area we found another bird expert, who didn't work at the park but still explained some interesting things to us. Sadly, I didnt really understand much, but I'm sure you would have understood everything. After the walk through the park, we also walked through the national park, which is located right across the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. On the walk we encountered some cows (?), that were laying around right on the walking path. No, they didn't run away from their farmer, they just live in the national park. So, we hesitantly walked by the cows, when Mina had the glorious idea to run to the biggest of the cows and pet it. I really thought it would get annoyed or scared and try to attack Mina, but apparently a little human is not scary enough for them, so it let her pet its face. Then a little cow also let me pet it. It was so cute. I even forgot to take a picture of it, but I'm pretty sure one of my pare Jem or Tessa took one. I will ask them. When we finished the walk, we were able to enter the museum again to go all the way up to its roof so we could take a look at the whole are surrounding the building. They also installed these big binoculars where you have to pay a few cents to use it for five minutes. Naturally, that's exactly what Mina wanted to do, so we all took turns with the binocular. There are many fields surrounding the museum and we could even spot some more cows on another field, but I'm pretty sure they were another breed, as they seemed to have black fur.
Then, Mina complained about being hungry, so we ate at the Café, which is located in the same building. We all ordered hot chocolate and some waffles, since Belgium is famous for its waffles. Which they deserve, to be honest.
(Omg, as I'm writing this, I can hear some cats fighting outside of my window. They sound so funny. Haha. Oh no, my laughing scared them away. Sorry, cats.)
Anyways, back to Tuesday. After eating the waffles, we paid, and rode our bikes to the beach, where Mina and I swam in the sea again and collected a lot of shells.There are these beautiful, long onesn that I absolutely have to show you and we even found one that looked like a sunset.
In the afternoon we went back home, where Tessa taught me how to cook spaghetti, while Mina run around the house, very proudly displaying the knowledge of how to pronounce "binoculars" and showed the plush dove, that she bought in the gift shop of the museum around the house. After dinner I was very tired and immediately went to bed. Mina joined me to cuddle and I guess we both fell asleep. Tessa found us and took a photo of us, which I'm not going to show you. Like never ever. It's very embarrassing. I drooled so hard on the cushion. Ew.
(Just found out that one of the fighting cats outside was Church. He looked at me with such an angel face I got another laughing fit. Haha)
On Wednesday morning we decided to do something calm that day, so we just went to the shops and bought some postcards and a small kite for Mina. I also bought a blue cap and a hoodie. Sadly, the only hoodie that would fit me was pink, but since I don't possess any toxic masculinity, I bought it anyway.
Lucky for Mina and her kite, it was very windy, so we went to the beach afterwards and managed to fly the kite. We had packed some sandwiches, so we spend the whole day at the beach and ate ice cream on the way home. After dinner I almost immediately fell asleep again.
Yesterday, we went to Sluis, which is a small town a few kilometres away from Cadzand, where we explored the shops and took a look at the old windmill in the middle of the town. I bought a snow globe in the gift shop. Also, the church there is apparently getting turned into a house to live in, like Shadowhunters do it for their institutes. Maybe it will be an institute some day.
In the afternoon, when we returned home, we saw two bunnies in a garden that looked time they were kissing each other and shortly afterwards a whole bunny family. Obviously I had to take pictures. At home, we wrote post cards for the people we know and when I brought them to the post office, I saw a postcard in a shop with a drawing of two bunnies kissing. I don't know why, but I bought it and another stamp, and WROTE YOU A POSTCARD. Yes. A postcard. No, I don't know what was wrong with me at that moment, but I put it into the postbox before I could rationally think about it and panic. I did that when I returned home. So yeah, if you received a postcard with two kissing bunnies on it, that was me.
Anyways, here are some of the pictures I took in the last days: (loads of bunnies, some of the cows, a windmill and the church I was talking about)
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Now I have to go, because we're going to a town called Breskens today.
Lots of love (and kissing bunnies)
Kit ♡
Author's note:
Here I am, back from the dead. And not even on a Monday. Embarrassing. I was so stressed the last few weeks, that I forgot to continue writing. And the next few weeks, I have some exams, so I don't think there will be a lot of updates following this one until September. But don't worry, afterwards I will hopefully update every Monday again.
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winesharksea · 5 months
cats bringing hunted offerings to their owners but it's jem humbly depositing new slang he heard at the bakery in front of kit for an explanation
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mayaheronthorn · 14 days
BREAKING NEWS: The Shadowhunters Chronicles (2007 - 2029) just received a 55 minute standing ovation from me in my living room after rereading it for the 200th time
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helenofblackthorns · 4 months
I think there should be a scene in twp where Emma, Kit, and Ash all stand in a room together and cause Julian, Ty, and Dru to simultaneously come to the horrifying realisation that they all have the same type (blonde. Jace Herondale adjacent.)
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literarylarkspur · 4 months
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this is one of my favorite parallels in the shadowhunter chronicles
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outerspacess · 6 months
I think about this more often than I’d like to admit.
“Whoever you have loved, and however you loved them,” said Jem, “anyone you loved would be lucky.”
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rinadragomir · 5 months
TSC characters auditioning for Simon's band
I did another thing
P. S - Christopher is auditioning twice because he wanted to and asked me to add him
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cortanasdaisies · 7 months
julian really thought he's going to get a moment of peace in twp because the parabatai mess is over... no good sir, your brother did necromancy to bring his dead twin back and your other sister is gonna be dating the son of the man you hate the most rip
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illustratinghan · 7 months
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tessa was so excited for jem to come home with kit from training to show the new addition she added to the wall at cirenworth!
characters by @cassandraclare 💛
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tys-kitty · 1 year
Me after reading the 20th book about some angel descendants fighting demons and dealing with their very emotional love lives
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“He recognized and accepted this strange new feeling: that he would rather be hurt himself than hurt Alec.”
Because he was his first of many things, Alec Lightwood’s blue eyes brought colour into Magnus’s life, his piercing gaze steadied him. He loved him enough to let him go but he also loved him enough to always hold onto him, it wasn’t the sort of love that ended in flames but in fact it was the sort love that grounded those flames just like the steady stream of water ends the burning embers. He was the boy of his dreams, and despite the fact that he had fallen in love multiple times, this one was different because you know it when you know it’s going to be the worst heartbreak of your life, even if you’re immortal, some things never change. Magnus knew it, he knew it right then when he thought that he’d rather set himself up in flames than hurting Alec even slightly. He knew there was only one way out and that was to make Alec his.
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achaiapelides · 1 year
Kit's Diary
Chapter 15
Dear Ty,
today we left Paris to spend a few days in the Netherlands. In Paris, we visited the Louvre, the church Notre Dame and of course the Tour Eiffel, which looks beautiful at night. Tessa also told me stories about Matthew Fairchild, the parabatai of her son James, who always was fascinated with Paris and run away with James' wife Cordelia to the city. I tell you, the drama is perfect. Tessa should totally write a book about them. Lol.
But we only stayed in Paris for three days. The day we arrived (Saturday), the day we explored the city (Sunday) and the day we left (Monday). So in addition to that, we only visited the Paris Institute and ate the famous French breakfast, which was very expensive, but totally worth the prise. So delicious. If cookies ever go extinct, I might survive with croissants, too. Also, I found out, that Americans pronounce croissant wrong. It's not "craysant", it's pronounced somehow like "cruwasoh". I can't really write out how it's pronounced, because it ends with this French nasal o-sound.
Anyways, after the breakfast on the third day we packed our stuff and portalled to the Netherlands. For the next days, until next Sunday, we are staying in a holiday home in a village called Cadzand-Bad. The house has three bedrooms, a living room and kitchen and three bathrooms. Now we can all shower at the same time. Lol. But the room Tessa and Jem are sleeping in is really the best in the whole house. It has a giant window, so big that basically the whole wall is the window. Here are some pictures:
This is the house:
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Tessa and Jem's room:
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Mina and my rooms (they look the same):
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And the living room / kitchen:
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Source: Verhuurburo Cadzand
After we arrived at noon, we went to the beach. It was still very warm and we decided to swim in the sea. First I was a bit shocked because, obviously, the North Sea is way colder than the Pacific in Los Angeles. But after a few minutes it wasn't that cold anymore and Mina and I attacked Jem and Tessa with the water. Note to self: Never attack a warlock with water! Mina suddenly decided that she wasn't on my side anymore and came up with a new game: Making-Kit-As-Wet-As-Possible. Or rather, Mate-Kish-Wet. When she archived that goal with the help of her parents, we put our normal clothes back on and walked back to the house through the street where all the shops are. We also bought some fish called Kibbeling and some North Sea shrimp.
Back at the house we ate dinner (the Kibbeling with fries), showered (not at the same time because the water pressure wouldn't be good) and went to bed. There, I texted Dru, who is staying with Emma and Julian because she also has holidays at the academy. She had asked me to meet in London, but since I'm not in England right now, I had to decline. But I send her a lot of pictures from Cadzand and now she's happy again. She apparently also showed them to Julian, who decided that the sunset here looks so beautiful that he had to come here, too, to paint it.
Obviously you also need to see the pictures, so here they are: 
The sunset:
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The street with the shops:
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And Cadzand from above:
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Now, I'm going to sleep before I fall asleep in this position. That might not be great for my back.
Good night and sleep well.
Love, Kit
Author's note:
The photos of the sunset were taken by me, when I was in Cadzand last year, the other photos were not taken by me, but the source of them is linked.
Also, we actually wanted to rent this house for our next vacation, but somebody else was faster than we were, so Kit is now living in it instead.
And, yes, the next posts will be about Cadzand. Because I like it there so much.
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clockwork-carstairs · 8 months
the dark artifices has so many moments that just floor me. when diana opens up to gwyn and he tells her she’s the bravest woman he’s ever met and gently asks, Can I hold you? when kieran feels betrayed and mark kneels in front of him to ask for forgiveness and tells him I love you, I wish you could believe me. when julian says to emma “I’ll love you if I never touch you” and emma thinks, I love you more than starlight. kieran telling mark “you are all that exists on the earth and under the sky that I do love.” julian telling dru that “you’re the heart of this family”. ty and kit being each other’s reasons to stay. livvy’s protectiveness over ty; livvy telling julian she wants to be like him. kierarktina dancing together and all being stunned after. there is just such fierce and fragile love in this series in so many different forms, i’m so soft for all of them
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mayaheronthorn · 5 months
Jem birthed Kit, this sas runs in the family
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