#kitchen cabinet backlighting
fauxboy · 1 year
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Contemporary Kitchen New York Eat-in kitchen idea with a large, modern u-shaped porcelain tile backsplash, an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, dark wood cabinets, marble countertops, white backsplash, stone tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances, and a peninsula.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
The Agency P2
Media - The Queens Gambit Character - Benny Watts Couple - Benny X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Sweet AF Word Count - 1428
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I took my suitcases in hand and approached the stoop of the Brooklynn townhouse, Benny shut the door of the beetle and came up behind me, 
"Down here." he said as he headed down the stairwell to a lower apartment, 
"oh..." I was taken back but I followed a little sheepish, 
I walked down after him being careful on the dark stairs, before he headed down a second set so I continued to follow even if the place seemed dirty and smelt like odd socks. He unlocked a tall metal door and headed inside so I quickly went inside. 
"... oh." simply fell from my mouth as I saw the place, 
It was a basement, the door behind me,  a wall to my left with a few backlight switches and a hook where he hung up his jacket and hat, a railing to my right, a shelf of books just down the stairs, A door beside the shelf open that lead to a water closet, the apartment had maybe three lights hung overhead, one over the small kitchen that had perhaps four cabinets and an old battered fridge, a small lamp over the stovetop, one over the table where a vase with some white roses sat, and one above a small living space with no sofa just a pile of pillows on the floor, an old ratted rug, a small foldable coffee table covered in magazines, another two bookshelves filled with books, a round leather ottoman and a matching leather chair, a lamp beside it as well as a lighter stand beside a well-used record player. The furthest wall had a small desk with a stool by a wall of clippings and pictures, the back wall was just plane brick with a few trophies on a ledge, I was shocked to see the shower and bath sitting in the corner beside the fridge with a sink and mirror between the shower and the chair, An interior window and frosted glass door lead to the bedroom where the bed was made up.
I slowly walked down and did my best not to react as my face would give me away, Benny headed through fixing his hair and tidying the coffee table a little pushing the magazines into a pile.
My eyes for a moment caught the glimmer of the knife still on his belt, and one single thought ran through my mind.
'Oh god... He's gonna kill me. He has a knife. this is the basement of a serial killer. I am gonna be freaking skinned and made into soup!' 
"It's not much but... it's home," He said, 
"Mhm," I nodded, 
"What do you think?" he asked, 
I thought for a moment before squeezing on the handle of my suitcase and forcing out some words, "It... is... cosy."
he chuckled, "Yeah, that's uhhh one way to put it," he nodded, "Here let me," He took the cases from my hands and tossed them on the bed, "Did you fancy a coffee?"
"Ohh uhh yes please," I nodded,
"Alright, take a seat and make yourself cosy," he smiled indicating to the rest of the apartment, 
I nodded so he headed to the kitchen, I gulped but slowly headed deeper into the apartment, I smoothed my dress under me as I took a seat on the leather chair, having to put my feet to the side as the chair was so low. I looked around a little and caught my eyes on the box of records beside the player, so I flicked through them a little seeing the sort of music he had. "You mind I put some music on?"
"Oh no go ahead, you take cream or sugar in your coffee?" 
"Both, in decent helpings please."
"Hu, I'm a black coffee myself." he said, "I should have creamer in here..." he opened his fridge and I saw it was pretty empty with only some milk, some creamer, some cheese and a very battered pad of butter. "Ahh I do, and it... is in date that's surprising," 
I did chuckled a little until I found an album I liked so I took it from the dust cover and the cardboard sleeve sat it on the player and dropped the needle down to soon enough hear Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks playing from it,
"Ooohh good choice," he chuckled as he brought me over my coffee in a paper takeaway cup,
"Thank you," I nodded taking a tender sip, 
"You're welcome," He smiled sitting his on the table, he brought the Otterman over and took a seat on it.
For a while we each just sat sipping our coffee, luckily the music filled the quiet air. Until he broke it,
"I suppose we both have... a lot of questions," 
"I'm sure we do," I nodded, "One each?"
"One each," he nodded, "So, why did you sign up for the agency?"
"Loaded the first question," I blushed a little, "Uhh well... I uhh I had been unsuccessful for many, many years and frankly, I just got tired of trial and error, just sort of wanted to have an understanding of intentions." I explained, "Plus my parents... not so subtly pushed me," 
He chuckled, "Yeah, I get that. kinda the same reason I did. No dating, not messing around just straight to the point," He nodded, "You're turn,"
"Uhh well... why is there a window into your bedroom?"
He laughed, "I don't actually know, I promise I'm not a weirdo." He says, 
"You do seem relatively... normal,"
"Normal? My god I'm hurt." he joked, 
"Sorry," I laughed,
"It's alright, I'm sure normal is a compliment to most people,"
"I meant it as one," I nodded, "You're turn,"
"Ughh well... this is my kinda, first run with the agency, have you been with them long?"
"A couple of years, a couple of false starts but uhh..." I coughed as I didn't want to finish the sentence,
"I won't ask," he nodded, "That's your business,"
"Why do you carry the knife?"
"Ohh... this is for protection," he rested his hand on his hip, 
"From whatever. Better to be safe than sorry." He smiled, "What do you do?"
"Ohh professional homemaker as of the moment,"
"makes sense," he nodded, "your turn,"
"what do you do?"
"Ohh," He smiled and picked up a magazine from the table and handed it over to me it was a magazine called 'Chess Review' and his photo was on the cover, "I play chess, professionally. Currently, US champion aiming for grandmaster and world champion down the road, Also wrote a chess book so that helps with the finances."
"They mentioned you were big into chess," I chuckled setting the magazine down, 
"Yeah, I figured they would," he chuckled, 
"I tried to dress accordingly," I looked down at myself,
"Well you look very beautiful," He smiled as he moved a little closer and rested his hand on my own, I blushed as our eyes met, "Sorry I-" he went to move back but I took his hand again and he smiled, 
"You're turn," I smiled,
"I know is early, we uhh haven't really known each other that long and this is a pretty BIG decision but can I ask... if you like me? At least the initial introduction of me?" 
I blushed but he was right we hadn't known each other very long, but we only had a week to make up our minds if we wanted to call this all off or if we wanted to go through with it so really we both knew our intentions, and we knew the clock was ticking on this decision, "I admit, I do like you benny, you seem very nice, and handsome and I'd really like to spend more time with you,"
He smiled, "Yeah I feel the same way too, I think this could maybe work out between us?"
"I think its possible,"
"Well... I'm happy to take a gamble Y/n," He chuckled, "Oh- shit-" He got up ran a hand through his hair, "I completely forgot," He muttered as he went to the table, he picked up the small vase with the white roses and brought it over, "I uhh I got these for you," 
"Awww thank you," I smiled happily taking the vase and giving the roses a smell, they smell so sweet and fresh, "You didn't have to do that Benny,"
"Well I wanted to get you something, and I thought it might make the place seem a bit more... cosy for you for this week," 
"Well thank you very much Benny that's very kind of you," I smiled giving his cheek a kiss, 
"You're welcome Y/n," he blushed a little, "I did book us somewhere tonight... for dinner? if you wanted too?"
"I'd like that," 
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Hi, hope you can see this…can I request a Oneshot or a Scenario for Tokyo Revengers? Which the Toman boys got converted into toddlers and the reader (who’s the only one how didn’t got converted into a toddler) have to take care of them?
Hey! Sorry for the delay, but here we go! This was so much fun to write! I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it for you :)
Summary: The Tokyo Revengers boys were turned into toddlers! It's up to you, Emma, and Hina to keep them in one piece!
Word Count: 1826
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Insistent and unrelenting banging on your front door roused you from sleep. Beside you, your phone vibrated against the nightstand, reverberating loudly through the wood. You rolled over with a groan, stretching your muscles to try and relieve yourself of the urge to ignore whatever was going on in favor of more rest.
You fumbled for your phone, which stopped ringing as you slammed your hand on it. The backlight from the screen was bright in your dark room, blinding you momentarily.
15 missed calls.
“What the…” you whispered, clicking on the call log. A mix of Emma and Hina’s names filled the screen.
The banging on your front door started again, causing you to drop your phone. The noise was much louder this time. Panic began to sink in. What if something had happened overnight? You shot from bed, tripping over your feet as you scooped up the nearest jacket and all but sprinted to the front door. You unlocked the door and pushed it open, only to be pushed back against the wall when Hina and Emma rushed in, talking over each other frantically.
“What took you so long to answer?” Emma sputtered, clearly out of breath.
You looked between them both—they looked okay. 
“What happened? Is someone hurt?” You were panicked. They would never show up like this if something weren’t wrong.
“Not hurt, exactly,” Hina muttered.
Emma and Hina stepped aside, and your eyes were drawn to the space between them, where seven tiny toddlers stood. Something about the grumpy little faces looking up at you seemed familiar. Unruly blond hair pinned back at the top, a braid down another's head, lavender, long black, two more blondes, and one that looked like tiger stripes… 
You gasped, slapping your hands over your mouth. These were the boys. All the boys. But they were the size of toddlers, pushing and shoving at each other, filling the room with childish laughter. 
“What the fuck?” You stammered. 
“We don’t know!” Emma threw up her hands and nudged little Mikey off her leg as he pulled on the hem of her shirt. “Mikey quit!”
“Hungry!” Mikey yelled, voice silencing the other boys. The noise suddenly turned into demands for food. 
You knelt so you were at eye level with them all.
“Hey, guys. You all hungry?” 
Shouts of “yes” and trampling feet rushed past you further into your apartment. Almost all, at least. Little Kazutora walked up to you silently and put his arms out. You scooped him up, straddling him on your hip as you moved towards the kitchen, Emma and Hina at your back.
“Do you think they know what’s going on?” You shot over your shoulder. 
Hina squeaked as Takemichi, Chifuyu, and Baji ran past her, chasing each other around and jumping off the furniture. 
“Boys!” You raised your voice to get their attention. They stopped in their tracks, looking at you with wide eyes. “Not on the furniture—you’ll get hurt. Got it?”
The two unruly blondes nodded quickly, and Baji pouted, his lower lip sticking out under his fangs. Draken and Mitsuya giggled at their friends getting in trouble. 
“How did you do that?” Emma said as she looked through your cabinets for food. “They’ve been like this all morning. I’m never having kids.”
“Little siblings, remember?” You adjusted Kazutora as you reached for bowls and spoons. All you had was cereal to feed them. “It’s how Mitsuya and I bonded. Whole having to raise little ones while you were barely grown thing.”
You three worked in tandem, getting them all settled with of bowls of cereal in front of the TV, putting on some unknown kid show full of colors and music to keep their attention. This was the craziest thing you had ever seen. This was something you would see in a B-rated movie on prime TV. Mikey was the first to finish, dropping the spoon on the table where it clattered loudly. He got up from his spot and began to make his way towards the couch, presumably to fall asleep like he did whenever he ate, but Mitsuya caught him by the tail of his shirt before he could get too far.
“You need to pu’ your stuff ‘way, Ikey.”
You, Emma, and Hina stifled giggles at how Mitsuya couldn’t quite say Mikey’s name. Mikey stomped back to his bowl and picked it up, going to the kitchen to deposit it in the sink, barely tall enough to get his hands over the lip of the counter. He stuck his tongue out at Mitsuya as he collapsed on the couch, his eyes closing instantly.
“What do we do with them now?” Hina was looking at Takemichi with worry painted across her delicate features.
“Entertain them, I suppose?” You offered the solution at a loss yourself. “We don’t know how it happened or if it will reverse.”
“You mean they might be stuck like this?” Emma groaned. “I’m too young for this.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose.
You snapped your fingers. There was a park around the corner from your apartment. 
“Emma, why don’t you stay here with Mikey while Hina and I take the rest of the boys to the park?” If you could get their energy out and get them to sleep, maybe that would reverse the effects. 
The six that were still awake all looked at you at the same time, excitement painted across each face. You were slowly putting together that they didn’t just look like toddler versions of themselves; they were the toddler versions. You shushed them as they all started talking at once, pointing at the sleeping form of Mikey. They all instantly quieted down, shushing each other. 
You and Hina were out the door not five minutes later, keeping a close eye on Baji and Draken as they ran down the walkway. 
“Red light!” You called to them as they got too far, and they both froze, waiting for the adults to catch up impatiently. 
Kazutora held one hand, clinging closely to you, and Mitsuya held your other. Hina was carrying Takemichi on her back as he rambled about everything he could see, and Chifuyu was holding her free hand, swinging it back and forth, bright eyes taking in his surroundings.
“How did you all round them up?” 
Hina reached for Chifuyu as he ran ahead to join Draken and Baji. She sighed, giving up on trying to keep him close.
“We were all at our house last night. When I woke up this morning, they were all,” she gestured widely, encompassing all the boys in the motion.
You nodded. You were supposed to be with the group hanging out last night, but after a long day at work, all you wanted was to go home and climb into bed. Hina leaned down so that Takemichi could press the button to cross the busy street, the park within sight. When the little man on the panel lit up, all the boys raced across the street, even Kazutora, desperate to get to their favorite pieces of the playground.
Pushes on the swings turned into helping on monkey bars and watching tiny bodies fly down the slides. Each one demanded your attention the longer you were there, getting jealous of the others if your or Hina’s eyes weren’t equally divided. Slowly, each boy began to sit on the nearby benches, finally running their energy out. 
“Baji!” You called for the only one who was still going strong. “We gotta go, buddy. Everyone else is tired.”
“No!” Baji yelled back, folding his arms across his chest. 
You raised an eyebrow at Baji as Mitsuya walked up to you, requesting that you pick him up where he tucked his head into your shoulder, exhaustion quickly overtaking his not-so-little-anymore body.
“Baji, you either get over here, or I will come get you,” Hina said sternly, a clear mom voice coming out. 
Baji kicked at the ground a little before giving in and coming to join the group. You grunted as you adjusted Mitsuya to be a little higher.
“I swear, he’s gotten bigger since we got here.” Hina looked over at you, but her attention was captured by Draken, who was now at the top of her hip. He may have always been the tallest one, but he was defiantlytaller than he was this morning. You looked him over, and he flashed a smirk back up at you, more in line with a kid rather than a toddler. 
“Let’s get them back,” you said as you grabbed Baji’s hand before he could wander off again. He yawned widely, giving into the handhold quicker than you thought he would. 
Settled back in your apartment, all the boys collapsed on the couch, piled on each other like a pile of puppies. 
“They’re all bigger. Even Mikey,” Emma whispered as you all gathered back in the kitchen, the only place you could talk freely without fear of waking them.
“Maybe it means this is over?” Hina peered around the corner for a quick look, giving you both a thumbs up, signaling they had fallen asleep already.
They all stayed asleep for hours, and it seemed like they morphed each time you looked at them. Tiny limbs extended into lengthy, awkward teenage phases. Draken stirred first, the sounds of grunting as he untangled himself from the group drawing your attention. He was taller than you again as he stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before enveloping you in a hug like he usually would.
You stiffened for a second before he pulled back and looked at you, a questioning look crossing his face when you didn’t hug him back.
“What?” He grumbled.
“Are you back to normal?” You looked him over. He seemed normal. 
“What’da mean?” 
You pointed back to the couch where the rest of the boys were still slowly returning to normal. Drakens eyes shot open as he took in the frames of his friends.
“Holy fuck, I thought that was just a bad dream.” He looked around, suddenly realizing he was in yourapartment, not Takemichi’s.
“Nope,” Hina popped the ‘p’ in the word, blowing gently on her cup of coffee.
The restored Draken stood with you in the kitchen while the others slowly woke up, returned to their original forms. The sun was setting when Chifuyu finally woke up, all his friends waiting patiently for him to join them. He sat up and stretched his returned-to-normal arms over his head, groaning overly dramatically as he did.
“You guys would not believe the dream I had. Wait, why are we here?” He looked at you all, eyes bouncing between each person.
“Wasn’t a dream, man,” Baji said as he flipped through the channels on the TV. 
“I’m never drinking again,” Kazutora said as he leaned his head against your shoulder. You patted his head affectionally, laughing at your bizarre day. 
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theravenmuse · 1 year
The angsty Opening of Good Omens Season 3:
Melancholy music playing so softly that it’s hardly noticeable. Panning over an empty bench in the park, a lonely Bentley parked on the street, and then to Crowley’s flat.
Talisker bottles are all over the place. We slide through, past some very neglected looking plants, to the bedroom. The bed is empty but the sheets are messed up. We pan up towards the ceiling and Crowley is splayed out there, asleep. He twitches, makes a face, whimpers. He’s having a nightmare.
Crowley startles awake and takes a few seconds to gather himself. He drops down to the floor, finds a bottle that still has a bit of whiskey in it, and starts drinking. He stalks through the flat. His usually smooth saunter is jolty, disconnected. He snarls at the plants as he passes them but doesn’t spare them more than that. They’ve fallen so far that there’s no hope for them. But Crowley’s fallen too, so it’s hardly his place to dole out punishment.
He finishes the whiskey and opens several cabinets looking for another. There’s nothing. He’s going to have to go out again. He hates going out now. Because every time he goes out he can’t help thinking about going to the bookshop. He doesn’t want to go to the bookshop.
He finds his keys and his glasses. He doesn’t bother straightening out his clothes, which look worse for wear. He goes down to the street and there’s a couple standing between him and his Bentley. They’re flirting. Crowley snaps his fingers and a flock of pigeons startles up and flies right into the couple, sending both of them into a frenzy as they fight off the birds.
Crowley gets into the Bentley and the radio starts playing “Love of My Life”. Crowley turns the radio off and peels away at demonic speeds.
[cut to another scene here. Probably Muriel in the bookshop. IDK]
Back to Crowley’s flat. He’s coming in with several paper bags filled with Talisker bottles. He sets them on the kitchen counter without putting the bottles away and takes a sip from one.
The phone rings. Crowley’s head snaps up. The phone continues ringing. Crowley stalks through the flat, bringing his whiskey with him, and eventually reaches his office. He stalks a half circle around the desk so that he’s standing between it and the window for some backlighting. Crowley’s face is in nearly full shadow.
We hear Aziraphale over the phone, starting to leave a message. “Crowley, will you please…”
Crowley picks up the phone and immediately drops it back into the cradle, hanging up the call. He takes a large drink of Talisker. He stalks back through the flat and sprawls on an uncomfortable looking couch. He snaps the TV on and keeps drinking.
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junayedstore · 2 years
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Motion Sensor Light Wireless LED Night Light USB Rechargeable Night Lamp For Kitchen Cabinet Wardrobe Lamp Staircase Backlight #wirelessled #motionsensor #backlight #kitchen #ccabinet #wardrobe #junatedstore @junayedstore_ https://www.instagram.com/p/ClS_RfbpId0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uro-veneer-world · 6 months
Navigating the World of Laminates and Veneers at Best Laminate Shop in Bangalore - Uro Veneer World
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In the realm of interior design and home décor, few elements hold as much transformative power as laminates and veneers. These materials are the unsung heroes of furniture and surface aesthetics, offering versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal. 
Bangalore, a city known for its vibrant culture and burgeoning design scene, is home to many laminate and veneer shops, but one name stands out among the rest - Uro Veneer World.
Located in the heart of Bangalore, Uro Veneer World is more than just a showroom; it's a destination for those seeking the perfect blend of functionality and beauty in their living spaces. 
With a vast array of laminates and veneers sourced from reputable manufacturers around the globe, Uro Veneer World offers a curated selection that caters to every taste and requirement.
So, what exactly sets Uro Veneer World apart from other laminate and veneer shops in Bangalore? 
Let's delve into the world of laminates and veneers and explore the unique offerings of this esteemed establishment.
Visit Uro Veneer World Today!!!
One Stop Destination for all your interior needs at Uro Veneer World.
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Buy the Largest Collections of Laminates in Bangalore for your Home Decor Today at Uro Veneer World.  
Understanding Laminates and Veneers : -
Before we dive into the offerings at Uro Veneer World, it's essential to understand the difference between laminates and veneers.
Laminates are synthetic materials composed of multiple layers of kraft paper, decorative paper, and melamine resins. These layers are compressed and bonded together under high pressure and temperature. 
Laminates are highly durable, scratch-resistant, and available in a plethora of colors, patterns, and textures, making them an ideal choice for kitchen cabinets, countertops, and furniture surfaces.
On the other hand, veneers are thin slices of natural wood, typically sourced from species like oak, walnut, cherry, or maple. 
Unlike laminates, which are manufactured, veneers showcase the natural beauty and grain patterns of real wood. 
Veneers are applied to substrates such as plywood or MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard) to create a luxurious and authentic aesthetic. They are commonly used for cabinetry, wall paneling, and decorative elements.
For those looking to infuse their living or working spaces with timeless elegance, Uro Veneer World is undoubtedly the go-to destination for Laminate aficionados in Bangalore.
Elevate Your Kitchen Aesthetics with Uro Veneer World: Bangalore's Premier Laminate  Store in Bangalore
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Dive into the world of Uro Veneer World and transform your living spaces into showcases of unparalleled design brilliance.
Visit Uro Veneer World Today!!!
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The Uro Veneer World Experience : -
Walking into Uro Veneer World is akin to stepping into a design enthusiast's paradise. The showroom boasts an extensive collection of laminates and veneers, thoughtfully displayed to inspire and guide customers in their design journey.
Whether you're drawn to the timeless elegance of wood veneers or the contemporary allure of high-pressure laminates, Uro Veneer World offers an unparalleled selection to suit every preference and budget. 
From rich, dark hues to light, airy finishes, the options are endless, allowing customers to unleash their creativity and bring their vision to life.
Moreover, Uro Veneer World prides itself on its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Each product undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure durability, longevity, and performance. 
Whether you're a homeowner, interior designer, or architect, you can trust Uro Veneer World to deliver top-notch products that exceed expectations.
Explore the widest collection of veneer, plywood, mica, acrylic laminates, PVC laminates, WPC wall cladding, backlight highlighters, designer MDF and many more products for your interiors.
Transform your kitchen into a space of beauty and functionality with the Best laminates from Uro Veneer World, where innovation meets timeless design.
Expert Guidance and Customization : -
One of the standout features of Uro Veneer World is its team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing personalized service and expert guidance. 
Whether you're embarking on a residential renovation project or furnishing a commercial space, the knowledgeable staff at Uro Veneer World is on hand to assist you every step of the way.
From product selection to customization options, Uro Veneer World offers a seamless and hassle-free experience tailored to your specific needs. 
Whether you require assistance in choosing the perfect veneer for your kitchen cabinets or advice on coordinating laminates for a cohesive interior scheme, the experts at Uro Veneer World are passionate about helping you achieve your design goals.
Uro Veneer World in Bangalore stands as a beacon in the industry, offering a perfect blend of aesthetics, quality, and innovation. 
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Conclusion : -
In a city as dynamic and diverse as Bangalore, finding the right laminate and veneer shop can make all the difference in transforming your living spaces into havens of style and comfort. 
With its unparalleled selection, commitment to quality, and expert guidance, Uro Veneer World emerges as the premier destination for discerning customers seeking the best in laminates and veneers.
Whether you're revamping your home or designing a commercial space, Uro Veneer World offers a world of possibilities to elevate your interiors and create a lasting impression. 
Step into their showroom, explore their extensive collection, and let your imagination soar - the world of laminates and veneers awaits at Uro Veneer World.
Explore the widest collection of veneer, plywood, mica, acrylic laminates, PVC laminates, WPC wall cladding, backlight highlighters, designer MDF and many more products for your interiors.
Transform your kitchen into a space of beauty and functionality with the Best laminates from Uro Veneer World, where innovation meets timeless design.
Visit Uro Veneer World Today!!!
Contact Us for more info!!!
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lightkuo · 1 year
Creative Ways to Illuminate Your Home with Lighting
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Lighting is a vital element in interior design, and it goes beyond just illuminating spaces. Creative lighting can enhance the ambience, highlight architectural features, and add a touch of drama to your home decor. For instance, spending money on buying a Dior Aqua Bottle will never be wasted. In that way, this blog will explore some innovative ways to accent your living spaces with lighting, transforming your home into a beautifully lit sanctuary.'
Under-Cabinet Lighting:
In the kitchen, under-cabinet lighting can brighten your workspace and add a warm, inviting glow to your kitchen. It's practical and aesthetically pleasing. Rather than using a single pendant light, consider creating a cluster of pendants at varying heights on the Baccarat Dessert Rack. This creates an intriguing focal point, especially above a dining table or kitchen island.
Floor Up lighting:
Placing lights behind furniture or potted plants can create a stunning visual effect. This technique adds depth to your room and draws attention to specific features. Incorporate LED lighting into your shelving units to showcase your books, collectibles, or decor pieces. This subtle backlighting can make your items appear as if they're floating.
Wall Sconces: 
Wall sconces provide ambient lighting and serve as decorative accents. Install Matrice Vases and wall sconces in hallways, bedrooms, or living rooms to cast a soft, flattering light on your walls. Illuminate your art collection with dedicated picture lights. These fixtures focus on your artwork, adding drama and sophistication to your home.
Outdoor Lighting:
Outdoor lighting can highlight architectural details, pathways, and landscaping, making your home inviting and safe after dark. Investing in smart lighting allows you to customize the colour and intensity of your lights to suit different moods and occasions. You can control your lighting remotely and even set schedules for automated changes.
To conclude 
By experimenting with different lighting techniques and fixtures, you can design a living space that's well-lit, visually captivating, and harmonious.
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banixelectronics · 1 year
Illuminate Your Space with Style: The Versatility of Neon Flexible Strip Lights
Neon flexible strip light infuses our residential, commercial, and recreational areas with that timeless charm. These lights emulate the unique glow of conventional neon without the fragility or excessive energy usage associated with it by employing flexible tubing loaded with LED lights. The end result is an eye-catching lighting system that presents countless design possibilities.
Unlimited Color Scheme: The wide variety of colors that neon flexible strip lights give is one of their most alluring qualities. These lights may be adjusted to your tastes, whether you want to create a calming, monochrome ambiance or a lively, dynamic environment. The options for color are essentially endless, ranging from cozy, cozier tones to vibrant, energizing tints.
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Simple Installation: Even people with little DIY knowledge may easily install neon flexible strip lights. The strips may be easily attached to a variety of surfaces, including walls, ceilings, furniture, and artwork, thanks to the adhesive backing. You may quickly modify your environment thanks to this simple installation technique.
Energy Efficiency: Neon multicolor strip light are much more energy-efficient than conventional neon lighting. Since LED technology uses less electricity and produces less heat, it is a greener alternative that also lowers your energy costs.
The possibilities for neon flexible strip lights are endless. They provide the chance to improve both residential and business areas because they can be utilized both indoors and outside.
Neon Flexible Strip Lighting Ideas for Under Cabinet Lighting: Installing neon flexible strip lights behind cabinets can completely transform your kitchen. This provides attractive accent lighting as well as useful work illumination for preparing meals.
Accent Wall Art: To give depth and perspective to your room, use neon strip lights to frame paintings, mirrors, or bookcases that are hung on the wall.
Highlight: Install neon strip lights behind your headboard to improve the looks of your bedroom. The mellow, diffused lighting makes the space feel warm and welcoming.
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Setting up neon flexible strip light India all around your TV or projector screen can up the ante on your home theater experience. The soft backlighting eases eye strain and give your entertainment space a cinematic feel.
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ledstriplight123 · 1 year
"Modern Glow: Elevate Your Décor with LED Strip Lights"
Adding LED Strip Light to your room can improve its aesthetic, atmosphere, and functionality. Here are some suggestions for maximising the use of LED strip lights in your area: 
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Accent Lighting: To draw attention to specific architectural details, works of art, or ornamental components in your room, use LED strip lights. Install them along furniture edges, behind cupboards, or along shelves to produce a delicate and eye-catching accent lighting effect. 
1. Lighting for Mood: LED strip lights may change the atmosphere of a space. Pick hues that go with the atmosphere you want to create. Choose warm colours like warm whites or soft whites for a soothing ambience. Choose strong colours or dynamic color-changing alternatives if you want a lively and energising atmosphere. 
2.Task Lighting: Adding LED strip lights to work places, kitchen countertops, or reading nooks will increase functionality. The LED strips' focused illumination can improve vision and facilitate tasks. 
3.Cove Lighting: To produce an indirect, gentle glow, install LED strip lights in coves or other recessed spaces. This method gives a room depth and warmth, creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere. 
4.Backlighting: Backlighting surfaces or objects produces an eye-catching effect. To create a striking and fashionable backlighting effect, use LED strip lights behind TVs, mirrors, or headboards.Installing LED strip lights underneath cabinets can illuminate your kitchen countertops. It is easier to operate in the kitchen with this's practical lighting and lovely look. 
5.Lighting outdoors: Use LED strip lights in all of your outside areas. Patios, decks, and walks can be lined with waterproof or weather-resistant LED strip lights to provide a decorative touch and increase safety.LED strip lights can be used to improve entertainment areas like home theatres and game rooms. For a more immersive experience, select color-changing choices and synchronise them with your audio or video system. 
6.Custom Installations: Use your imagination to create one-of-a-kind installations with LED strip lighting. On the walls or ceilings, create lighting symbols, patterns, or forms. LED strips' adaptability allows you to create unique lighting designs that match your preferences and style. 
7.Smart Control: Take into account employing smart LED strip lights that can be managed by voice assistants or smartphone apps. This makes your lighting setup more convenient and customizable by enabling you to quickly modify colours, brightness, and effects.Consider the
layout, power source, and any other accessories or connectors you may need when carefully planning your LED strip light installation. Make sure you have the equipment and materials required for a successful installation by taking measurements, outlining your plans, and checking your supplies. 
For accent lighting and showcasing architectural details in your space, LED strip lights might be a great option. A guidance on using LED strip lights for this objective is provided below: 
Find the main points: Choose the architectural elements or regions you want to emphasise. It might be a wall niche, a column, an alcove, or another unique design feature in your room. 
Select the ideal LED strip lights: Choose LED strip lights that have the colour temperature and atmosphere you want. Think about things like adaptability, colour choices, and brightness. Make sure the LED strip lights' length corresponds to the area you wish to draw attention to. 
Make the installation plan: Calculate the length needed to adequately cover the architectural feature. Take into account the power source for the LED strip lights.Make sure the surface is dry and clean before you begin cleaning and preparing it for the LED strip lights. To guarantee proper adhesion, clean the area of any dust, dirt, or oil. 
Peel off the LED strip lights' adhesive backing and carefully position them along the architectural element to attach them. Make sure the strip is straight and firmly adhered. LED strip lights with flexible and bendable characteristics may be needed for curved or uneven surfaces. 
Hide the LED strip lights: To retain a neat and seamless appearance, conceal the LED strip lights by mounting them within grooves, recessing them into recessed channels, or using trim to conceal the strip. This attracts attention in a refined manner. 
Connect the power source to the LED strip lights in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to power the LED strip lights. Make sure the power source can handle the voltage that the LED strip lights need. 
Check and correct: To check the illumination effect, turn on the power source. To get the desired illumination and effectively highlight the architectural details, adjust the positioning or angle of the LED strip lights as necessary. 
Optional: Include controls and dimming: Use a dimmer switch or controller to change the LED strip lights' brightness. This enables you to alter the lighting and atmosphere to further improve the ambiance.
Installing the finishing touches Take a step back and assess the total impact. Ensure that the lighting emphasises the architectural aspects as planned by making any necessary modifications. Make sure there aren't any hot spots or uneven illumination by taking the time to balance the lighting levels. 
Keep in mind to adhere to safety precautions and the manufacturer's directions for proper LED strip light installation and usage. LED strip lights can produce magnificent accent lighting with careful planning and execution, giving depth and visual intrigue while showcasing the architectural beauty of your area. 
LED strip lights provide a flexible and innovative lighting solution that may be used in a variety of do-it-yourself applications. Here are some suggestions for DIY projects where LED strip lights can be used: 
Lighting for Custom Furniture: To provide distinctive and captivating lighting effects, attach LED strip lights to furniture items. To make shelves, cabinets, or tables appear to be floating, light the underneath of them. To produce a subtle, ambient glow, incorporate LED strips onto headboards, workstations, or side tables. 
Create lit exhibits or improve your artwork using LED strip lighting. Backlighting can produce a dramatic visual impact on artworks or photography. To illuminate translucent materials, such as stained glass or acrylic panels, construct lightboxes or frames using LED strips. 
Cosplay & costumes: To add a colourful and dramatic lighting element to your cosplay or costume creations, use LED strip lights. Use them to produce luminous accents, illuminated clothing effects, or light-up accessories. LED strips that are flexible are excellent for fitting around costumes. 
Use LED strip lights for room decor to give your place a unique personality and sense of flair. To create a subtle light, line the edges of mirror, window, or door frames. To draw attention to your prized possessions, attach LED strips to bookcases, picture frames, or shelving systems. 
Projects for the outdoors: Use LED strip lights to extend your DIY creativity to outside areas. Use waterproof LED strips to illuminate patio edges, garden borders, and walkways. LED lights can be wrapped around trees, fences, or pergolas to create a wonderful atmosphere for outdoor parties. 
Signage and Lettering: Use LED strip lights to make personalised signs or lettering. You can use the strips to create letters or symbols to spell out words, phrases, or motivational sayings. Your signage initiatives can benefit from the attractive and attention-getting use of LED strips. 
Party and event decorations: Add LED strip lighting to your celebrations and gatherings. To create a mood, make brilliant backdrops, translucent curtains, or vibrant accessories. LED strips
with color-changing capabilities can be used to make dynamic lighting effects or to match with music. 
Automotive Enhancements: Use LED strip lights to decorate the inside or outside of your car. To create a modern and fashionable style, install them in the footwells, under the seats, or along the dashboard trim. For the grille, headlights, or taillights, use LED strips as accent lighting. 
DIY Photography Lighting: Use LED strip lights to build your own lighting rigs. Utilise them during picture shoots as fill lights, accent lights, or to create unique lighting effects. Flexible color-temperature-adjustable LED strips make it easier to create the ideal illumination settings. 
Holiday decorations: LED strip lights may add a festive feel to your home over the holidays. For a colourful and enchanted ambience, drape them around Christmas trees, stairways, or windows. LED strips can be used to make DIY lit ornaments or wreaths. 
When utilising LED Strip Lights in DIY projects, keep in mind to take safety precautions and to read the manufacturer's instructions. Use appropriate power sources, pay attention to electrical safety procedures, and ensure adequate wiring. LED strip lights may improve your DIY projects and make your ideas come to life with a little imagination.
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quarry-asia · 1 year
Your kitchen is not just a place for you to cook but is also the heart of your home. It's where you gather with family and friends to share meals and make memories. So why not make a statement with your kitchen and add great ambiance to your space?
The Quarry curated Statement Collection with one-of-a-kind best luxury Italian slabs that combine natural elements with modern designs. They create a stunning and sophisticated look for your kitchen. The Quarry has curated the best luxury marble in India from around the world with over 40 of the world's most luxurious marble, granite and rare Onyx, handpicked by The Chief Curator from Brazil, Madagascar, France, Italy and more.
A statement wall, kitchen island, countertop from the Quarry’s Statement Collection adds a pop of colour to your kitchen with a tinge of extravagance. You can go for a slab with bold hues that complement your cabinets and countertops. The bacteria resistant BactoFinish for kitchen countertops is a game-changer. Additionally, our densification process that makes surfaces resistant to stains is an innovation.
You can choose something loud, or go for something more subdued that adds warmth and cosiness to your space. The possibilities are endless, with so many colours, patterns and textures to pick from.
Biancanero, which travelled all the way from South America, is a mixture of the darkness of the night and the sunlight. Each slab depicts a different hour of the night, with magic that will fill your heart and home. Its dark base colour and shimmering gold veins create a sense of calm and luxury, while its shiny finish adds a touch of glamour to the space. Incorporating this beautiful slab into your bedroom will make for a stunning look, making a loud and luxurious statement.
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Fusion Wow
Here's a fusion of colours, energy and ideas to wow you from South America. This distinctive multi-coloured quartzite has natural hues of deep greys, creams and rust. The green tones in the stone are reminiscent of lush forests and rolling hills, while the brown colours bring rich soil and earth to mind. The copper and rust tones add a touch of warmth and depth, creating a sense of comfort in the kitchen. This quartzite's unique combination of colours and textures will make a statement and become a focal point of your space.
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Labradorite Lemurian
Labradorite Lemurian is a unique and rare slab that can add a touch of magic and mystery to any space. Its deep-coloured palette ranges from black-green to deep black with iridescent blue patches, giving it a striking and otherworldly appearance. Handpicked from Madagascar, this natural stone is a rare creation that is sure to stand out. When backlit, the stone can completely transform a space, creating a stunning display of colour and light.
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This luxury Granite, from Madagascar, with bold strokes of green and white intrusion, is a true masterpiece, resembling a painting to the eye. This stunning natural stone will surely make a lasting statement. The bold strokes of green create a sense of energy and movement, while the white intrusions add a touch of lightness and brightness to the stone. Bring home a slab and make your kitchen make a statement for you.
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If you want to add a touch of class and luxury to your kitchen, look no further than Zurich. This stunning slab from South America features an abundance of brown, white, and grey veining across the slab, making it ideal for backlighting or a glamorous setting. The veining in Zurich creates a sense of depth, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. When backlit, the slab comes alive, creating a stunning display of light that is sure to impress and make a statement.
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A natural stone from The Quarry Curated Statement collection in your home can amp up the ambiance like no other. Pick from a range of the best luxury Italian marble, granite and rare onyx from The Quarry collection and make a statement today!
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xingtia · 2 years
Hot knowledge: the difference between galvanized iron sheets and galvanized aluminum sheets
Aluminized steel sheets, also known as aluminized iron sheets or hot-dipped aluminized iron sheets. Aluminized steel sheets are made of an aluminum-zinc alloy structure, which consists of 55% aluminum, 43% zinc, and 2% silicon solidified at 600℃.
Aluminized steel sheet has good heat resistance, heat reflection, and corrosion resistance, and their mechanical and physical properties are better than cold rolled steel plate. Due to the superior performance of aluminized steel sheet, it has been widely used in our daily products. Such as automobile mufflers, household appliances, etc.
The surface of aluminized steel sheet has a characteristic smooth, flat, and gorgeous star pattern, and the base color is silvery white. The special plating structure makes it excellent corrosion resistance. The normal service life of zinc aluminized sheet is up to 25 years, and the heat resistance is very good, and it can be used in a high-temperature environment of 315℃; the adhesion between the plating and the paint film is good, and it has good processing performance, and it can be stamping, shearing, welding, etc.; the surface conductivity is very good.
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Applications of aluminized steel sheet:
Construction: roofs, walls, garages, soundproof walls, pipes and modular houses, etc.
Automobile: muffler, exhaust pipe, wiper attachment, fuel tank, truck box, etc.
Home appliances: refrigerator backsheet, gas stove, air conditioner, electronic microwave oven, LCD bezel, CRT explosion-proof belt, LED backlight, electrical cabinet, etc.
Agriculture: Pig house, chicken house, granary, the pipeline for a greenhouse, etc.
Others: heat break insulation cover, heat exchanger, dryer, water warmer, etc.
Galvanized iron sheets are coated with a layer of metallic zinc to prevent corrosion on the surface of the steel sheet and to extend its service life. galvanized iron sheets are mainly used in construction, light industry, automotive, agriculture and fishery, and commercial industries. In the construction industry, galvanized iron sheets are mainly used in the manufacture of corrosion-resistant industrial and civil building roof panels and roof grilles; in the light industry, galvanized iron sheets are used in the manufacture of appliance housings, civil chimneys, and kitchen appliances; in the automotive industry, galvanized iron sheets are mainly used in the manufacture of corrosion-resistant parts of cars; in the agriculture and fishery industry, galvanized iron sheets are mainly used in the storage and transportation of grain and the freezing and processing of meat and aquatic products; in the commercial industry, galvanized iron sheets are mainly used in the storage and transportation of materials and packaging appliances.
galvanized iron sheets and aluminized zinc sheet which is good
In terms of the production process, galvanized iron sheets are a little more difficult. Galvanized iron sheets can form electrode protection, and corrosion resistance can be effectively improved. As for the cost performance, you cannot simply say which one is better, but it depends on which one can meet your needs and which one you choose. If galvanized iron sheets are enough to meet your needs, there is no need to spend more money on zinc aluminized sheets.
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lisabelle · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Gabba Goods Multi Color 6 Foot LED Light Strip with Remote.
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Welcome to Joseph and Mike’s apt. where they pack so much style in only 600 sq. ft. It’s a Bohemian chic showplace in New York City. 
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When they lived in California, they had space, but in NYC, with limited square footage, they still proudly adopted a maximalist style. Doesn’t their living room look amazing, though? From the living room you can see their fabulous kitchen.
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You can see the pretty tile thru the open shelving, but the backlighting really makes it stand out. The small kitchen is also equipped with marble counters and smoky glass-front upper cabinets. 
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The bedroom doesn’t have a closet, but it’s large enough to accommodate an armoire and large storage unit. They made the room white with black trim to make it appear larger and the pop of color is in the bright cloth. By using a cloth, there’s no headboard to take up more space and they were able to put in a bench, instead.
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They made the most of the small bathroom by removing the tub and preplacing it with a beautiful double shower and a long sink.
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documenting the current state of the lair bc i will miss this place, the office will be one of the last things to be packed but i realized almost nothing in this weird office nook was bought new on purpose. bolded is shit i bought new. if u keep ur head on a swivel and beg borrow and steal eventually you will have a serviceable patchwork workspace. i need a wider and longer desk but that’s a problem for future me
chair + PC + webcam + headphones + air purifier: scammed out of work
chair + PC + webcam + headphones + air purifier: scammed out of work
enamel top table: craigslist, same sale as the kitchen table and chairs ($50?)
dented pink garbage can: stolen from my housemate two houses ago
black fake anglepoise lamp: stolen from same housemate
filing cabinet that holds tools: salvation army ($10, i don’t want to talk about how much the tools inside cost)
brass fake anglepoise lamp: amazon ($40?)
pillow: friendsmas gift
milk crate foot rest: stolen from my dad who stole it from my mom when they got married, my grandpa probably stole it at some point from a local dairy
spider plant: stolen cutting from umass
birdsnest fern, air plant: Home Depot ($6 total?)
baby Boston fern: gift from my sister
carnival glass goblet: uhhh idk probably a thrift store in high school?
my diplomas and a postcard from the museum of sex are usually hanging up but they’re packed bc i would prefer not to dox myself, did have to buy new frames so they all matched (i don’t want to talk about how much my degree cost)
posters, out of sight of webcam
maplesoft, APS: freebies
space tourism, think galactic: justseeds ($20 total?)
moon map keyboard mat: Etsy ($25)
blue apple keyboard: fished out of a dumpster at umass
drawn and quarterly hardcover serving as a monitor stand: goodwill
round brass enamel-topped stag box what holds my dice for ttrpgs: goodwill? along with the carnival glass this is something ive had since high school
planner: moleskine; stickers; Etsy ($30 total?)
mug: gift from a friend i dropped and glued back together bc im a sentimental bitch
mouse, monitors, backlights: scammed out of work
out of sight, a little 3D printed clippy thing that keeps charging and headphone cords up off the floor, scammed out of the makerspace
the step-button extension cord that turns on and off all the backlights and the black anglepoise lights at once: did have to buy this one myself ($10)
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Across the Universe, Chapter One
Description: All the medical training in the world couldn’t prepare Ethan for a terminal brain cancer diagnosis.
Warning: Major angst and eventual character death ahead.
Preview: “Ethan? What is it?”
Ethan didn’t meet her eyes. When he spoke, she had to lean closer to hear him. “Glioblastoma multiforme.”
The weight of his words almost took her breath away. Her chest tightened as she tried to convince herself she’d heard wrong. “That’s… that’s terminal…”
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He was always the first one to wake up.
Ethan awoke before his alarm, to the early rays of sun bathing the room in soft golden light. He stifled a yawn and opened his eyes. His body curled around Olivia’s, his arm draped over the curve of her waist, the same way they’d fallen asleep.
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. She’d been living in his apartment for over a month and each morning he still awoke in awe that he got to wake up with the woman he’d been longing for lying next to him.
Ever the heavy sleeper, she remained peacefully oblivious to his gaze fixated on her. Ethan pressed a soft kiss to the back of her head and quietly slipped out of bed. He made his way into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker. As he started breakfast, he heard the alarm ringing in the bedroom.
A couple minutes later, Olivia shuffled into the kitchen, yawning and wearing Ethan’s shirt from the evening before.
“Morning,” she yawned. She hugged him from behind, squeezing his waist and pressing a kiss to the nape of his neck. “Something smells good. I assume it’s not pancakes.”
“Hilarious. I made eggs.”
“Not as good as pancakes, but it’ll do,” she teased, helping herself to a serving and taking a seat.
“I suppose it’ll have to. I don’t think pancakes will become a reality anytime soon.” Ethan reached into the cabinet and found the bottle of aspirin.
Olivia frowned when he swallowed a dose with a sip of water. “Is your head bothering you?”
“A little bit, but it’s not serious.”
Unconvinced, she watched him closely. “You wouldn’t be taking anything for it if you weren’t really uncomfortable. That’s the second headache you’ve had this week. They’ve both happened early in the morning, too.”
Ethan leaned down and kissed her. “Don’t worry about it.”
“If I were the one having headaches out of nowhere, you’d be nagging me.”
“That’s… not inaccurate,” Ethan admitted.
Olivia rolled her eyes, but dropped the argument. After breakfast, they dressed and left for work. Hand in hand, they walked into the hospital, crossing the atrium and making their way upstairs.
Ethan fought to suppress a groan when they found Bloom already waiting for them. “How can we help you?”
“I just thought I’d drop in to see how the case is going.”
“As expected. The latest test results ruled out several possible causes. We have another set of tests to run today,” Ethan explained as Baz and Tobias joined them.
“Ah. And is there a chance those can be expedited? Our patient’s willing to pay for faster results.”
Annoyed, Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose. “The tests take a few hours. We’re not going to sacrifice quality to save a few minutes.”
“I see. I hope this team keeps solving cases the way you have been, because we have plenty of interest!”
“Fantastic. If you don’t mind, we have work to do,” Ethan dismissed. “Now that we’ve already been sufficiently bothered, let’s discuss the next steps,” he instructed when Bloom left the office.
At the end of the day, Olivia clocked out and found Ethan in his office. He had his attention buried in their patient’s test results and didn’t seem to notice her entrance.
“Ready to go?”
Ethan looked up from the patient file on his desk. Nodding, he set it aside. “Yes. I’m on the verge of going cross-eyed from paperwork.”
“Sounds like you need a distraction.”
“Are you volunteering?”
“Maybe.” She grinned and winked, earning a low chuckle in response. “Let’s get out of here.”
As Ethan stood up and reached for his jacket, he felt the dull ache from earlier returning to his temples. He winced involuntarily.
The motion didn’t go unnoticed. Olivia frowned. “Another headache?”
Ethan shrugged. “It’s from stress. I can’t help but notice they seem to strike when Bloom meddles in our work.”
She gave him a sharp look.  “It worries me. I think you need to have it checked out.”
Ethan shook his head as he slipped into his jacket. “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
“Aren’t you the one who always says not to ignore any symptoms, because they could be part of a bigger picture?” Olivia countered, gently poking her finger into his chest.
At her adamance, Ethan smiled wistfully. “I should have known you would learn to use my own advice against me.”
“Yes, you should have. And you should get some scans. Even if the scans are completely normal, it helps us figure out what is or isn’t causing your headaches.”
Ethan arched a brow, mildly amused at the sincerity of her voice. “You sound remarkably like me.”
She smiled softly, but the determination didn’t leave her eyes. “We have state of the art MRI machines. Let me do one for you. Even if it shows up completely normal, it wouldn’t be a waste of time since we’d be able to rule out some causes.”
“I think I’ve created a monster.”
Olivia tried not to laugh. “Yes, you have. But you know I’m right."
There was no sign of her giving up, so Ethan sighed in defeat and nodded. “Fine.”
Satisfied, Olivia leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. Ethan leaned into it, deepening it for just a moment before she pulled back and flashed a teasing smile that made his heart skip.
“Let’s do your MRI now while nobody’s using the labs. Nobody would ever know. It would be our not so dirty little secret.”
Ethan rolled his eyes but followed her in the direction of the MRI labs. “Now’s as good a time as any. Might as well get it out of the way.” He followed her down the hallway and to the MRI room, empty this time of evening.
When they stepped into the lab, Olivia closed the door. “You know what to do. Take off anything with buttons or zippers, so… strip.”
Ethan stripped down to his underwear. He sat down on the MRI table and leaned back. Olivia took a seat in the observation room and turned on one of the computer monitors. Then she pressed the button to start the scans.
Seconds later, the machine started. Ethan held still as the machine whirred with noise. “Anything?”
“The image is just starting. And… there. Nice and clear. I’ll take a look and-“ When a spot of light caught her eye, Olivia froze. She leaned closer and felt her heart quicken when she saw an illuminated shape on the scan.
Her silence spoke louder than words. Ethan frowned. “What is it?”
Olivia bit her lip, a hard lump forming in her throat. “There’s… there’s a tumor. Near the back of your frontal lobe. It’s close to the base of your skull.”
Ethan fell quiet as he took in her words. He barely contained a sharp breath. “Print the scans. I want to see them.”
Olivia processed the prints and ended the MRI. Once Ethan slipped back into his clothes, she handed him the films. She met his eyes for a brief moment, but he diverted his glance before she could get a read on him.
Ethan pinned the scans to the backlight and stared at them. Sure enough, a spot illuminated. “The shape isn’t particularly distinctive.”
“You’ll need a biopsy to determine what type it is.” Olivia gingerly rested her hand on his arm and hesitated before she spoke. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I’ll schedule a biopsy and work on determining if it’s operable.”
“That’s not what I meant…”
Ethan hesitated, not taking his eyes off of the MRI films. “I know. But there’s no point in getting worked up until we have a definite answer.”
She tried to take reassurance in his words. Letting out a long breath, she focused on everything she’d learned since med school. “There’s a seventy to ninety percent chance it’s benign. Let’s get your biopsy scheduled right away so we don’t waste time.”
“Right.” Ethan nodded tightly. “I’ll find somewhere else to have it done. I don’t want the entire hospital knowing until I know exactly what’s going on.”
“Okay... “ Olivia slipped her hand into his and squeezed. After a moment, he responded, curling his fingers around her hand. She rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb and looked up, her eyes locking with his. His gaze remained almost unreadable, but she could just barely detect the worry he tried to mask.
Ethan cleared his throat and removed the films from the illuminator. He slipped them into an envelope and tucked it under his arm. “I’ll make some calls in the morning.”
“Alright.” Taking his hand again, Olivia urged him out of the room. Silence fell between them as they left the hospital. Neither of them spoke until they were settled in Ethan’s car and he pulled out of the parking lot. “Are you okay?”
Ethan nodded. “Like you said, there’s a seventy to ninety percent chance that it’s operable and benign.”
Whether he was trying to convince her or himself, he didn’t know.
True to his word, Ethan made some calls and arranged for a biopsy two days later. He didn’t want to get people worked up too soon, so he ruled out Edenbrook and Kenmore and scheduled the procedure at Mass General.
He took days off so rarely that he knew Naveen suspected something when he filed for a day off on Friday, but the older man didn’t push him for information.
The procedure went simply enough, the only evidence of it being the small spot on his scalp that had been shaved and sutured. Once he combed his hair over the spot, it was unnoticeable. Nobody questioned his absence and Ethan planned to keep it that way.
Four days after the biopsy, Mass General called him to retrieve his results. Ethan picked them up on his lunch break. He couldn’t bring himself to open the envelope right away. It was ridiculous, he knew, but he didn’t open the envelope until he got back to his office.
Ethan’s hand hesitated over the envelope seal. He groaned and chided himself. Waiting and worrying wouldn’t change a thing, so he sent Olivia a text before he tore open the envelope and read the paper inside.
Reacting to the message the second her phone chimed, Olivia rushed to his office. She closed the door behind her. Immediately something felt off and the color drained from her face when she took in Ethan’s absent expression.
“Ethan? What is it?”
Ethan didn’t meet her eyes. When he spoke, she had to lean closer to hear him. “Glioblastoma multiforme.”
The weight of his words almost took her breath away. Her chest tightened as she tried to convince herself she’d heard wrong. “That’s… that’s terminal…”
Time slowed to a crawl. Neither of them spoke or moved. Olivia’s head spun as she rushed to him and hugged him tight. At first, Ethan didn’t respond.  After several moments, the tension slowly eased from his body and he leaned into her.
“What else do you know?” she whispered. “Maybe it’s early enough that they can get it removed.”
Ethan shook his head almost imperceptibly. “It’s inoperable. Since it’s grown into the brain tissue, complete removal would never be possible. The only option would be a partial removal and treatments that might shrink what’s left.”
The words left his mouth just as he would have recited them to a patient. But they felt peculiar, as if they carried no meaning. Maybe some part of him didn’t think this was real, or maybe he needed time to process, he didn’t know for sure.
“Oh god…” Olivia let out a shaky sigh and took a deep breath. Determination set into her eyes. She tightened her arms around him. “We’ll get you a second opinion. You never know.”
“Anybody else is going to say the same thing.”
“You don’t know,” Olivia repeated. We can ask Harper. She knows this better than anyone in the country. Maybe she’ll know of something else you can do.”
Ethan shook his head. “No. I don’t want to tell anyone else yet.”
“I mean it,” he insisted. “Until I know what the next step is, I want this to stay between us.” Uncertainty crept into his eyes, but it vanished as soon as it began. He cupped Olivia’s cheek in his hand and urged her closer, stealing a soft kiss. Ethan leaned into it, taking some comfort in the tenderness of it.
“I won’t tell anyone,” Olivia surrendered reluctantly. She gave him one more kiss as he stood up. Before he could leave the room, she touched his hand. “Promise me something.”
“What’s that?”
“You won’t shut me out. I… I know you need time to think about this. It’s… I can’t wrap my mind around it yet, so I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you. Just promise me you’ll talk to me when you’re ready.”
His features softened a little and he nodded. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” Olivia waited until he left the room. Then she found the extra set of scans she’d kept, the ones she’d removed his name from. Anxiety gripped her heart as she tucked the envelope under her arm and made her way to Harper’s office.
 Next Chapter
Note: This is a re-write of my series (under the same title) that I originally wrote in 2019 and never finished. I’m deleting the original one. I have my reasons for putting Tobias on the team and keeping Harper in her original job. Stay tuned!
Tags, part 1
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hansoulo · 4 years
ain’t it a gentle sound (the rolling in the graves) - pt. 6
Pairing: Horacio Carrillo/f!Reader
Warnings: tiny mention of canon-typical violence, fluff!!!! wow imagine that
Word Count: 1.15k
Gif Credit: x by @bobafvtt who is an angel baby that feeds my carrillo addiction
A/N: the ending of this timeline!!! not to worry tho more shall come soon 🤡also ive had “i really like you” by carly rae jepsen stuck in my head since i started this stupid thing and now u all finally get to see why
series masterlist   carrd   playlist 
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You looked beautiful when you slept. You always looked beautiful, it didn't really matter when or how or where, but here - in his bed under morning light - you were iridescent. He’d spend hours looking at you if you let him, mapping out every expanse of your skin until he was dizzy with it. With you. Everything with you is softer around the edges, backlight and glowing from the inside out until the entire world is tinged sunburst yellow. Before he had to leave and it was painted scarlet again.
Horacio didn’t want to think about that now, though. It was Saturday morning on a summer day and your arms were slung around his neck. Everything else could wait.
You moved your head from the pillow beside him to rest on his chest, eyes flirting with the idea of opening. Not yet, please. Let me look a little longer.
“What time is it?” you mumbled, slurring and quiet. Your eyelashes brushed his collarbones as you looked up, heavy-lidded and slow. His hands left your waist to cup at your cheeks, fingers skimming sandpaper-light as they smoothed away the furrow of your brow.
“It’s still early,” he assured you, tracing the shell of your ear. “Go back to sleep.” You nodded, your head a dead weight on your neck as you settled.
Your tone was humorous when you met him with a mock salute, whispered and apparently oblivious to the way he sucked in a breath through his teeth at the words. “Yes, sir.”
⫸ ——– ⫷
“Horacio” you spoke into the pillows, muffled by down and cotton. Turning to face him, you were met with the sight of his bare back, rising slowly as he slept. “Isabella’s crying.”
He made a non-committal noise in the back of his throat, the muscles in his shoulders rippling as he shifted. Snorting slightly at the sight of his bedhead, you contemplated the idea of grabbing a camera before getting up, your legs meeting the slight residual chill of morning air when you lifted the covers. The clock on his bedside table read just past six and you groaned, rubbing at your eyes with a sluggish hand as you walked towards the door. Twenty minutes later she was changed and sated, sleeping quietly again for what you hoped would be at least another two hours. Don’t jinx it.
Your bare feet met the cold tile of his kitchen floor as you stepped forward, mind still fogged over and molasses sticky. You could walk around his apartment with your eyes closed, though, so you weren’t too worried.
Coffee would be nice. Yes. Coffee. Motions slow and rehearsed, you opened the cabinet to bring out the mug with the chipped lip, white china smooth against your hands except for the single grained slope that had worn duller after years of rubbing touch. You leaned against the counter as you waited for the pot to fill, the rough granite pushing into your hip but doing little to wake you any further. The mug was filled shortly after and you forgoed any cream or milk, remembering how he only put in ungodly amounts of sugar. You took a hesitant sip, wincing at the heat and bitterness that stuck waxy to the roof of your mouth. You’d make another cup later. He could keep this one.
Setting the mug down on the small stand beside Horacio’s bed, you looked down at him. He looked handsome when he slept. Younger. Less stern, less hard and commanding the way you knew he could be but chose to quell. (Around you, anyway.) You brushed back the hair curling short on his forehead, biting down on your lip to resist the urge to grin like some love-sick teenager. It would be a little fitting, though. Love-sick. Drunk on it. A thing innocent but still shadowed, pressed down on all sides and smothering sweet. Like the faint trailing of a melody, echoing discordant on its reverb.
You lay back down, allowing yourself to be swallowed by the morning sun.
⫸ ——– ⫷
“Are we still just friends?” you teased, your fingers tracing mindless circles across his stomach. A kiss was placed at the crown of your head, slightly chapped.
“I don’t think we ever were just friends,” Horacio said with a small laugh, the words tickling and making you squirm. Humming quietly, you nodded.
“I guess not,” you agreed, shifting on the bed so you could turn and face him. “After all, I don’t think friends do this,” you said as your mouth scraped the stubble of his cheek, drawing out a small huff that fanned over your face. “Or this,” and you let it trail down to the curve of his jaw, the faint taste of salt sticking onto the dull grooves of your teeth.
You were gentle with it - with this broad, carved man that allowed your curiosities - light and saccharine to make up for all the time you had spent waiting, denying yourself of things readily given - a penance made all the more torturous by the cruelty of its beauty. But you were your own god now. “Or this,” you whispered as you finally reached his mouth.
Horacio’s chin dipped down, eyes tracing the swollen flesh of your lips as the pad of his thumb did the same.
You didn’t really believe in destiny but if it meant this, if it meant him, it was suddenly something more tangible. A body you could hold, arms that you knew would open, something that had somehow - slowly and without warning or notice - turned into someone.
“I like you,” you breathed.
“I like you, too.”
“No, I-,” you said a bit desperately, pleading. The words were hot honey in your mouth, dragged and longing for a thing you already had but were terrified of losing. “I really, really like you.” His small chuckle seeped through your hair, broad arms encircling your waist and pulling you in tighter. Lips met your temple, firm but still tender.
You pushed up from where you lay on the bed, hands splayed across his chest to steady yourself as you looked at the man beneath you. The words you had yet to say hung suspended in the air, enveloping the room in a hazy, gaseous thing that tasted bitter,  a bit like almonds and copper, in the back of your throat. You leaned down, gulping air with another press of your mouth against his, open and slotting easy. It was deeper this time - insistent and repeating all the things you both already took as gospel. I love you. I love you. I love you.
You pulled back, shared breaths falling in tandem between two beating chests. Your voice was quiet.
“I love you.”
“I know,” he smiled, a hand coming to cup the nape of your neck, guiding your head down until his lips ghosted across the bow of your mouth, heady smoke and sandalwood exhales prompting your eyes to close. “I love you, too.”
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