#kitchen remodel in Louisiana
sustainablehomes01 · 3 months
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling in New Orleans
In the vibrant city of New Orleans, homeowners seek to enhance their living spaces to reflect the city's unique charm through kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects. These endeavors not only breathe new life into homes but also add value and functionality to accommodate modern lifestyles.
Consider the following five essential points when embarking on Kitchen and bathroom remodeling New Orleans:
Reflect Neighborhood Flavor   
New Orleans boasts a rich cultural heritage, and many homeowners choose to infuse their kitchen and bathroom designs with components propelled by the city's one of a kind character. This seem include consolidating conventional cabinetry with complicated specifying, selecting installations and equipment that radiate Southern charm, or utilizing warm, gritty tones reminiscent of Louisiana landscapes.
Prioritize Functionality
Well-maintained kitchens and bathrooms are key, especially in a city known for its culinary delights and hospitality. Focus on highlights that upgrade ease of use and comfort, such as sufficient capacity arrangements, optimized countertop space, and the integration of keen innovation to streamline everyday tasks.
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Stay Educated About Local Trends
New Orleans has its own unique and beautiful design shaped by its cultural influences. Keep side by side of local design trends and preferences when planning your rebuild. Whether it's embracing bold colors, incorporating reclaimed materials for a touch of history, or coordination building components inspired by French and Spanish influences, aligning your design choices with local tastes can upgrade the appeal of your renovated spaces.
Consider Climate and Environment
The climate in New Orleans, known for its hot summers and high humidity, influences design choices significantly. It's crucial to select materials and finishes that can withstand these environmental factors while preserving aesthetic appeal. Moreover, prioritize the creation of well-ventilated and moisture-resistant spaces to advance solidness and comfort.
Collaborate with Professionals
Successful kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects require expertise and attention to detail. Partner with experienced professionals who understand the nuances of renovating homes in New Orleans. From architects and designers to contractors and craftsmen, assembling a skilled team can offer assistance you accomplish your remodeling objectives effectively and effectively.
Kitchen and bathroom remodeling New Orleans offer exciting opportunities to revitalize and personalize your home while honoring the city's cultural heritage. By incorporating local flavor, prioritizing functionality, staying informed about trends, considering climate and environment, and collaborating with professionals, homeowners can embark on transformative renovation journeys that elevate their living spaces to new heights of beauty and functionality.
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deanohgorman · 1 year
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Pantry (New Orleans)
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This 1924 New Orleans, Louisiana home was remodeled in 2021 and it's fabulous. 5bds, 5.5ba, $2.425M.
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Enter a large reception hall.
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The sitting room is lovely in deep blue with a white marble fireplace and wide crown molding.
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Off the sitting room is a matching dining room with a lovely marble art deco fireplace.
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Beautiful light gray kitchen remodel has a distinctly French look. I like the black counters and how they contrasted the island with white.
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Next to the kitchen is an elevator.
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Love how they hid the laundry in closet so the bath looks beautiful.
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Look at the size of this shower. Love the bench.
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The primary bedroom is lovely. Enough room for 2 large shelving units and a corner fireplace. I like the details over the doors and the color of the muted color of the room. There's also a very light gold pattern on the ceiling, complemented by the gold chandelier.
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This beautiful bedroom is also spacious.
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It has a walk-in closet with a chandelier.
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And, it has a nice en-suite.
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Small home office has doors to the garden.
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A luxurious bath with an armoire and a chaise.
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Cute smaller bedroom has a corner fireplace, too.
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The baths in this home are all beautifully done.
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Wonderful upper deck.
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The garden is so pretty, it has to be professionally landscaped.
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Behind the house is a large, gorgeous pool and a second residence.
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Some may call it a guest house, but it's full sized home.
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This is beautiful, I wouldn't mind living in this house.
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 years
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Babe and Gene were finally married! Gene had been able to round up enough time off of work to actually have a wedding and go on a little vacation time.
So here Babe and Gene were at Gene’s parents house. Gene’s parents weren’t able to make it to the wedding and Babe had never met Gene’s parents and saying he was scared was an understatement.
“Hello, hello!” A short lady with black and gray hair answered the door.
“Ma,” Gene smiled and hugged her tight. A taller man coming behind her that looked similar to Gene, same facial structure, same dark dark hair and piercing blue eyes.
“This must be Edward,” his dad smiled at the red head.
“Hello, everyone except for Gene calls me Babe so you can call me that if you’d like?” Babe babbled nervously.
“You’re all good sweet heart.” Gene's mom pulled him into a hug as well.
“I’m Cedric and this is Maud.” Gene’s father spoke.
“I’m working on dinner if you boys want to go on pack.” Maud spoke, clasping her hands together.
“Let me lend a hand in the kitchen Ma,” Gene smiled.
“I’ll help Babe take your guy’s bags up.” Gene's dad grabbed Gene's suitcase and Babe’s like it was nothing shoking Babe.
“Okay,” Gene smiled and kissed Babes cheek and dismissed himself to the kitchen with his mother.
“How do you like Louisiana Babe?” Cedric asked as he walked up the stairs of the house. Babe noticed that everything in their house was a very neutral set of cool colors. The walls were painted a light gray with lots of windows to let in the natural light from the bayou.
“Me and Maud built this place when she was pregnant with Gene. We wanted somewhere nice to raise him in nature. My parent’s and her grandparents were first generation immigrants from France, “We wanted Gene to have the best.”
“Nice,” Babe swallowed nervously as Cedric opened the door to what Babe assumed was Gene’s childhood bedroom. Babe could very much tell that they were from France . There was a window seat with pillows on it for sitting.
It screamed Gene, there were bookshelves with med books, and other books.
“So what are your intentions with my son?” Cedric asked looking up from where he had set Gene and Babe’s suit cases down.
“What?” Babe looked up confused and almost taken aback by the sudden confrontation.
“You won’t hurt Gene. Correct?” Cedric suddenly turned into something scary that Babe was hoping would end.
“No, No of course not I love Gene with everything inside of me.” Babe put up his hands in defense.
“Good,” Cedric nodded, “Come help me split wood outside.”
Babe just nodded and followed Cedric downstairs and out the back. There was a shed and a pile of cut logs, Cedric opened the shed and came out with two axes. Babe took the one Cedric handed to him carefully.
“Ever split wood before, Babe?” He asked pulling a cigarette from his flannel pocket and a lighter.
“No, no sir.” the red head shook his head.
“Well you’re gonna learn,” Cedric grabbed a log and set it on the stump of what Babe assumed was an old tree. He swung the ax and the log split in two. Babe gulped nervously. He wasn’t really the muscles of anything, that was Bill.
Babe did the financing and business part of the bar when they first opened where Bill and Joe did the remodeling.
Cedric moved the split wood into a pile and grabbed another log setting it onto the stump.
“Now Babe you gotta aim towards the center.” Cedric spoke and the cigarette bounced between his lips, “You gotta swing and lay it hard.” Cedric then demonstrated the swing a few times. Babe did as he had shown him and the log spit just a tad bit.
“Oh,” Babe looked down, ashamed of himself.
“It’s okay, we'll practice more.” Cedric smirked and clapped Babe on the shoulder.
Babe sat next to Gene at the table at the dinner table as Maud took the lids off of the pots for dinner.
“Ma made her shrimp creole, with rice and steamed vegetables.” Gene smiled as he began to serve himself.
“Sounds wonderful, I’ve never had creole before.” Babe looked at Gene then to Maud and Cedric.
“Well she makes the best creole in all of Louisiana,” Cedric looked over to Maud.
“I’m excited to try it,” Babe scooped himself some rice thena scoop of the creole.
“It’s a little spicy Babe,” Gene winked.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be fine Gene.” Babe rolled his eyes and took a fair scooping of the creole on his plate.
Gene watched as Babe ate it and swallowed, then Babe’s face turned just as red as his hair.
“Is it too spicy?” Gene teased as Babe grabbed his hydroflask and started downing water.
Babe nodded and he started letting the tears spill and his nose ran.
“Let’s get him some ice cream.” Maud smiled and stood up from the table, she grabbed a pint of ice cream out of the freezer and a spoon and handed to Babe.
“He’s from south philly give him a break.” Cedric looked over at Gene and laughed.
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boltedgarlic · 21 days
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updated: 05/16/2024
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gvsgvsgv · 1 month
home renovation contractors
Termite repairs and excellent kitchen and bathroom renovations are provided by Madisonville-based general contractor Northshore Renovations and Contracting. Our knowledgeable staff is committed to providing outstanding customer service and superior craftsmanship. As we serve Mandeville, Covington, and Madisonville, Louisiana, we work hard to make your house the best it can be. Speak with us right now about your remodeling requirements!
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Who Requires Rigging Certification Training
Inspecting an old home or vast premises that contain dark and dingy corners carefully before moving in is essential. The moist areas not only entrap water but may be overrun with molds, too. This infestation is a health hazard that can pose severe risks to one’s health and property. The building structure may deteriorate once the molds convert it into their haven. The molds or their spores may not always be visible. Being down with allergies regularly is a sure-shot indication of molds in the property, though. The best way to identify their presence and take remedial measures is to have professionals inspect the area thoroughly. ​ The National Association of Mold Professionals (NAMP) has designed a course to identify molds by educating the students. This specific training course is aimed at people hoping to take up mold inspection as a profession. The student may opt for the mold certification online, which provides complete knowledge about molds and informs the student about protection from hazards.
A non-profit organization, the NAMP courses are recognized as the best nationwide. The certification training is in high demand among the following:-
Almost anyone likely to come across molds during work can join the training course and earn the requisite certificate. The students taking the course usually include:-
· Home Inspectors · Builders · Remodelers · Plumbers · Electricians · HVAC Contractors · Pest Control Contractors · Carpet Cleaners · Fire, Flood, and Water Restoration Contractors · House Designers · Architects · Engineers Interestingly, the NAMP Mold Inspection and Remediation course has been approved for professionals engaged with the following associations:
· National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI) - 16 CEUs · The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning & Restoration Certification (IICRC) - 1 CEC · ASHI® - 2 Membership Renewal Credits. · The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) - 16 CEUs · State of Louisiana Mold Remediation Licensing - 24 Hours
The working individuals may find it hard to make time to attend classroom training. This certification training course can be taken online at one’s convenience. The student can log in at a convenient time once they have registered. The time is not too stringiest either, with six months being the limited period for completion. The student becomes informed about the following once the course is completed successfully:
· The role and services offered by a National Association of Mold Professionals (NAMP) Certified Mold Inspector · Discussion on the characteristics and health impact of fungi and the signs that indicate the presence of toxic mold · Understanding various ways to control mold · Identification of the mold detection tools used by professional inspectors · Use of special personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect oneself · Identification of the areas and methods used to inspect the exterior & interior of building premises, attics, basements, crawl spaces, foundations, roofs, and kitchens, bathrooms, and other rooms, including passageways
· Knowledge of mold testing procedures and related legal requirements · The right interpretation of laboratory results Heavy machinery operators are advised to take the certification training approved by OSHA to ensure safety when rigging certification training cranes or operating heavy machinery. 
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comptonlouisiana · 3 months
Top-Rated Remodeling Contractors Near Me - Get a Free Quote Today!
Looking for 'remodeling contractors near me' in Louisiana? Compton Louisiana offers local homeowners top-tier remodeling services. Whether you're updating a kitchen, transforming a bathroom, or renovating your entire home, our expert team brings creativity, craftsmanship, and a commitment to customer satisfaction to every project.
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platinumplumbingsla · 11 months
Kitchen Remodeling Contractors in Shreveport, Louisiana
Kitchen remodeling Shreveport LA is a food paradise. But in order to prepare these dishes, a well-equipped kitchen is required. To create a cooking space that is both functional and stylish, you may need to remodel your kitchen.
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Entablature is renowned for creating modern translations of New Orleans architecture. In this kitchen remodel, they made good use of the narrow tall windows common in shotgun houses. They framed the room with wood and added a dainty backsplash and textured range hood.
Woodshapers create custom kitchens that are functional and beautiful. They focus on blending form and function by incorporating open-layout kitchen concepts and customized cabinetry installation. They also handle countertops and flooring installations.
Shapers have rotating cutters that cut the edges of stock, and they are often more powerful than routers. They can also be reversible, which makes them useful for cutting decorative curves and shapes.
Shreveport is a culinary paradise. But it takes a well-functioning kitchen to prepare these dishes. This is why kitchen remodeling is a popular home improvement project.
Vintage partners with exceptional artisans and subcontractors to make sure that the owner’s vision is implemented. They also ensure a consistent flow of information to the client throughout the process. They provide detailed cost information and a construction schedule. They also send site progress photos to the owner on a daily basis.
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sustainablehomes01 · 4 months
Transform Your Space - Kitchen Remodel Services in Louisiana
Embarking on a journey to revamp your kitchen is a thrilling venture, especially when considering the distinctive charm of Louisiana homes. If you're contemplating a kitchen upgrade in the Pelican State, here are four indispensable factors to guide you in selecting the perfect kitchen remodel service in Louisiana:
Southern Sophistication
Elevate your kitchen with a remodel service that appreciates and integrates the unique architectural styles synonymous with Louisiana living. Opting for local expertise ensures a kitchen transformation that not only meets your needs but also harmonizes seamlessly with the cultural and aesthetic tapestry of the region.
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Tailored Elegance
Seek out a remodel service that understands the importance of personalization. Your kitchen should be a reflection of your style and lifestyle. A service offering customized design solutions ensures that every inch of your kitchen is tailored to your preferences, creating a space that is as functional as it is beautiful.
Artistry in Every Detail
Craftsmanship is the backbone of any successful kitchen remodel. Choose a service renowned for its meticulous attention to detail, from the intricacies of cabinetry to the finesse of flooring. Quality craftsmanship not only enhances the visual appeal of your kitchen but also guarantees durability and longevity.
Prompt Precision
Time is a valuable commodity, especially during a remodeling project. Opt for a service with a reputation for delivering results on schedule without compromising on quality. Timely project completion ensures that you can savor the delights of your revamped kitchen without unnecessary delays.
Selecting the ideal kitchen remodel service in Louisiana involves embracing the essence of Southern living, demanding personalized elegance, appreciating meticulous craftsmanship, and insisting on prompt precision. By focusing on these four points, you can embark on your kitchen remodeling journey with confidence, knowing that you're in capable hands.
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informationvine · 2 years
Reasons Why You Should Get House Additions in Louisiana
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If you want to build a house addition in Louisiana, the first step is to apply for a building permit. This will require basic information about your property and the addition that you're planning. Before applying, you should check the local requirements, as these will vary by parish. Some parishes may accept applications online and process them quickly, while others require a formal appointment and review process.
The cost of building a house addition in Louisiana will depend on several factors. The size of the addition and the amount of clearing required can determine the total cost. You will also need to budget for window and door installation. Permitting is another factor in the cost of a house addition, so make sure you understand the process of permitting before beginning the work.
In Louisiana, house additions are a great way to improve the value and energy capacity of a home. The state's warm climate makes it a popular location for home additions. The humidity is mild year-round and the plant life is very varied. For this reason, many people want to add a house addition in Louisiana. Whether you want to make your home more spacious or add a master suite, a house addition will enhance the value and potential of your home.
Regardless of the size of the addition you're planning, there are building codes for Louisiana house additions that can help you stay safe. There are also new amendments to the building code in Louisiana that take into account seismic activity. These changes in the building codes are designed to help protect the health and safety of homeowners and communities.
Another benefit of house additions in Louisiana is that it makes it more energy efficient and can help you save money on utility bills. These improvements will also reduce your carbon footprint, which is important in a place like Louisiana. The Department of Energy's Louisiana Save Energy Now program provides incentives and tax breaks to encourage home owners to make more efficient homes.
Another great option for house additions in Louisiana is to remodel your kitchen. The kitchen is the hub of Creole cooking and family gatherings, so hiring a contractor who knows how to design a modern and functional kitchen is essential. In New Orleans, it has become even more important to have a professional kitchen due to its renaissance of fine dining.
In addition to creating an elegant new kitchen, house additions can improve the functionality of a home. A well-designed addition can make a house feel larger, while also adding more square footage. If you're considering an addition, remember to choose a design that respects the original character of the home and neighborhood.
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I cannot resist a beautiful New Orleans, Louisiana home and this 1890 side hall Victorian has history- it was once home to the First Church of Divine Fellowship of Spiritualism (who knows, maybe it has some interesting spiritual activity). 2bds, 2ba, $799K (a NOLA home for under $1M).
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Delightful side hall Victorian has a cheery bright entrance. At the end of a long hall, you come to the stairs, in this particular layout.
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The first room to lead off the hall is a very cozy sitting room with an original fireplace. Notice the pocket doors between the rooms.
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Notice the hall running alongside the rooms. The next room is a spacious dining room with wainscoting and a cool black fireplace. There's also a nook with a bar in the corner.
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Very large kitchen with a decent remodel. Love the little vintage island and who doesn't love a kitchen with an original fireplace?
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A family room with a bathroom and built-in shelving is right off the kitchen.
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But, that's not the only family room. There's another sitting room on the other side of the kitchen and it has another fireplace.
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Nice shower room with a pedestal sink.
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This home goes on forever. Look at this room- it's huge. This is a great casual space for games, and even laundry.
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The side hall continues here towards the back of the house with another entrance on the side.
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The primary bedroom upstairs is very large.
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It has a wonderful big terrace out front.
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And, there's a long bath for both bedrooms to share.
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The 2nd bedroom is a good size and very cozy.
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In the back of the house, there's a lovely porch.
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And a patio surrounded by a lovely garden.
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houstonkitt · 2 years
Space City Kitchen Remodeling Solutions
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Address: 2204a Louisiana St, Houston, TX 77002, United States
Phone: 281-626-5092
Website: https://www.houston-kitchenremodel.com/
The Best Kitchen Remodeling Houston has to offer! Our team of experienced Kitchen remodel Houston can handle both residential and commercial projects. We can tackle anything from small Kitchen renovations to total demo and rebuilds; we have the skills and experience to do it all. Kitchen remodelers not only do they provide kitchen remodeling, but we also provide the high-quality general home remodeling residents can depend on. Remodeling your Kitchen is a great way to add value and elegance to your home. It’s time to bring the chefs kitchen to your house! Our team offers you skilled workmanship and the best quality materials for all of our projects. Call the best Houston kitchen remodeling services locals depend on to get the job done.
Business Hour: Monday-Saturday-8am-10pm
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platinumplumbing1 · 2 years
How to Find the Best Plumbers in Shreveport
If you need plumbing services in Shreveport, Louisiana, you'll want to hire a professional plumber with extensive experience in the area. A professional can handle everything from clearing clogged drains to repairing leaks and installing garbage disposals. In addition, they can help with all manner of carpentry and drywall repairs. They can even help you out with slab leaks. And if you're wondering how to find the best plumber in Shreveport, consider the following list of services.
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A plumber's fee depends on the type of service required and the location. Average rates for plumbers in Shreveport, LA, range for a typical job. These costs are dependent on several factors, including the type of work, the type of plumbing job, the plumber's location, and how much time it takes to finish the job. Further, a plumber may charge a flat rate depending on the size of the job, but you should always negotiate the price before committing to it.
There are many licensed and insured plumbers in Shreveport, Louisiana, and the surrounding areas. Plumbers shreveport is one such company that provides emergency plumbing services. They specialize in bathroom and kitchen remodels, water heater installation, drain cleaning, leak detection, unclogging drains, and repiping. In addition to residential and commercial plumbing services, Plumbers Shreveport also provides a variety of emergency services, including 24-hour emergency response. Listed below are some plumbing companies in Shreveport that specialize in certain areas.
Plumbers Shreveport based in Shreveport, Louisiana, offers a wide variety of plumbing services to residents of the area. The company specializes in drain cleaning and gas leak detection. They also provide gas leak detection and video camera sewer line inspections. Moreover, they install tankless water heaters and offer same-day and emergency services. These plumbers in Shreveport, Louisiana, are licensed and experienced and are willing to go the extra mile to provide their customers with excellent service.
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fa-headhoncho · 3 years
Untitled TFATWS Fic: Part 1
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt/Background: After turning yourself in to the government following the events of CA:TWS, they lock you up for the crimes you committed during your time at Hydra. Spending years there until Captain America got you on parole during the blip to help fight Thanos. Now, after doing community service acts and helping the broken society, when they give the new Captain America the shield, you’re thrown back into a life you didn’t want.
Word Count: 1871 (ahaha, yea)
Reader: Female
Warning: parole officers might be triggering??? idk
Author’s Note: I’ve decided to end my 141 part Wattpad Sebastian Stan imagine book and post on Tumblr instead :’), a happy day. Also, I’M SORRY THAT I LIKE SLOW BURN SERIES OK? Schedule for this series is every Thursday. ALSO IF YOU HAVE TITLE IDEAS FOR THIS SERIES, LMK! PLEASE
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
The sound of your heels echoed throughout the dimly lit room as you make your way through the exhibit. The walls take you back in time, reading how Captain America came to be and all his past accomplishments. They even updated from the last time you were here, documenting the events on the Blip.
You didn’t even know where you were going, absently letting your emotions and feet lead to where it felt you needed to be.
“For a former spy, you’re not really good at sneaking up on someone.” Rhodes’ voice greets you once you open up the curtain to a different area. A small smile sneaks its way across your face seeing the two men in front of you.
“Bit out of practice.” You spit back, walking towards them. “It’s nice to see you again, Rhodie.” You open your arms out to him and he gladly takes the hug. “Hopefully life’s been treatin’ you well.”
“For the most part,” He chuckles out while pulling away from the embrace. You move on to the other man, him happily wrapping his arms around your waist as you wrap yours around his shoulders.
Sam lets out a breath into the crook of your neck before pulling back. “You doing okay?” You ask, looking at his face for any sign of emotion. He nods but there was something in his eye that told otherwise.
You open your mouth to push him for the real answer but Rhodes cuts you off, “Well, I have to get going. It was good seeing you, (Y/L/N), hopefully, we work together soon. Remember what I said, Sam.” With that, he leaves the room to leave you and Sam alone.
The room fills with silence as the two of you turn to the iconic suit and shield in front of you. You try to watch Sam from the corner of your eye but he just stands with his back straight and his eyes forward.
“You know, I’m sure Steve would understand.” You decide to say, clasping your hands in front of you. “I didn’t become as close as you did, but from my time with him during the Blip, he tried his best to help everyone. He had a lot of responsibilities and issues of his own along with having a whole country looking up to him... 
“It was a lot… he opened to me about it one night before… you know.” You admit which makes him finally look at you. “He told me what he was going to do and all I could do is support him… I asked him what he was going to do with the mantle and he said give it to you.” Turning your head, you make eye contact with him. “I asked him if he was sure.”
He lets out a snort at that, shaking his head at you. “Really gotta do me like that?” He wipes his hand across his face then stuffs his hand in his pockets as he turns to face you. “I thought we were having a nice bonding moment and then you had to drop me like that?”
You can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips at his whining. “I’m being serious, Sam, stop.” You hit him on the shoulder. “He said there was no doubt in his mind that you do what needed to be done with the shield. He trusted you and your judgment, Falcon.” You emphasize his hero name which he just rolls his eyes at you.
“Yea, I’m sure he did.” He smiles and then changes the subject, “How’s parole treatin’ ya, still got the collar on?” He gestures to your ankle causing you to lift your dress pant leg, flashing the electric bracelet around your ankle. He lets out a hearty chuckle at it. “Still can’t believe that they have you on a leash.”
“Price you gotta pay for freedom.” You shrug and drop the cloth. There’s a beat of silence between the two of you, both of you taking a glance back at the exhibit and the shield.
“Have you talked with Bucky recently?”
“No, I was going to ask you.” Your heart sinks at the realization. “We’ve been texting a bit but I haven’t seen him since I spent the weekend with him a couple of weeks ago.” You shyly admit and look down at your feet.
“Weekend, huh?”
“Shut it, Sam.” You knock your foot against his. “We didn’t do anything, he doesn’t like me like that. Plus, he wouldn’t even let me spend the night. I had to go to a hotel, he sleeps on the floor, Sam! I’m worried about him.” It took weeks for you to convince him to let you come over and you finally knew why when you step into his apartment. It made your heart sink, it looked like if a Hydra cell got a remodel. “He has two chairs and a tv.”
“Living modestly I see.” He snorts out, covering up whatever he was actually thinking. It’s now your turn to roll your eyes at him, frustrated that he isn’t willing to talk about this. “Hey, he’s still figuring stuff out, okay? He just got all his memories back and he’s still working on living with his past. You should know better than I do to give him time.” His tone is soft as he lightly scolds you. You hang your head at his words, knowing he’s right.
It took some time for you to come to terms with your past when you turned yourself in after Hydra and SHIELD fell. You took accountability for your actions during your years at Hydra and spent a few years in jail before Steve took action to help you get on parole. That didn’t mean you weren’t fully recovered.
“When are you joining me on the field, anyway?” Sam changes the topic noticing how you went silent and your eyes looked past him. “I could use you on some of my recon missions.” 
A large smile forms on your face at the mention of your parole. “A couple more check-ins and I’m good, I think.” You excitedly inform, “They actually want to talk to me about something, and then it’s the last three months. Saving the world made my good behavior skyrocket.”
“I’m sure it did.” He smiles, “Well, let me know what happens. I’m heading down to Louisiana soon and my sisters want to meet you. She heard about your work with the soup kitchens in New York and she wanted some insight.”
“Really? Give her my number, you know I’d be happy to talk with her. I’ve been thinking about trying to get my officer to convince the big guys to expand my tracking radar so I reach out more.” You start to ramble about the ideas you’ve been having for more community service actions. During the blip, Steve got you into volunteer work and it sparked something inside of you. He said it might give you a new purpose and he couldn’t have been more right.
The two of you spend the rest of the day together, catching up on everything that’s been going on. You didn’t realize how much you missed his snarky comments and banter until he smothered you in it, “making up for lost time”, he said. He continues the bullying by texting back and forth for the next few days.
It was nice to have a friend after everything that happened over the last few years. Steve and Nat were gone so the friendships you built up during the blip were just a memory now. Yea, Bucky and you were friends but it was a bit more complicated than that.
It’s a few weeks after that and they’ve already named some prick the new Captain America. You were frustrated at Sam but you realized that he couldn’t have known that this was going to happen. Especially since when you reached out to him and he was more furious than you were. Bucky was a whole other story. When the press conference aired, he immediately called you and went off about Sam. You couldn’t offer answers so you just told him to talk to him about it. This didn’t involve you.
Now, you were sat at some random government office in DC. You were beyond nervous, leg bouncing and fingers tapping. Kevin, your sweet parole officer, had called you in for an emergency meeting. He didn’t mention anything about the content of it but he assured you not to worry. It didn’t help, though, your mind was scrambling trying to think of anything you could’ve done to break your parole or anywhere you could’ve gone that went outside your tracking radar.
“(Y/L/N)?” The familiar voice echoes through the lobby makes your head snap up. Kevin, your knight in a cashmere sweater, stands there with his hands in his pants pockets. He nods his head, gesturing for you to follow him.
He leads you down a long hallway, stopping at the end of it and holding the door open for you. You send him a grateful smile before entering the office. It was very different from his usual office. The tall windows lined the wall from floor to ceiling, making the already large room feel even more spacious. It was a bit unsettling compared to his close-knit office space located in an old house on the outskirts of DC.
Kevin moves you two to the large conference table on the other side of the room, having you sit before he does. He takes the chair at the head of the table, sighing as he opens the folder and takes a few papers out.
“Sign these.” He slides them over to you but you furrow your eyebrows in response.
“What’s going on?”
“You’re being released.” He announces, leaning back in his chair with a tight-lipped smile on his face. Your jaw drops and your heart picks up but you can’t help but question it. You quickly compose yourself and look down at the papers.
“Isn’t it a bit too early?” You ask while briefly scanning the papers. “I still have two months left, not that I’m not grateful but where is this coming from?” This was happening too suddenly, Kevin was good with warning you about the activities that go on behind the scenes of your parole and he didn’t even mention the thought of an early release.
The brunette man lets out a sigh, running his hair through his long hair. He then leans his elbows on the table with his head propped up on his palms, he opens his mouth to answer but is cut off by the office door opening.
The new Captain America and his sidekick come waltzing in, a few of his goons following as well. He didn’t need the uniform or shield for you to recognize him since his face has been plastered on every channel since they came forward with him. He’s all everyone could talk about.
“He released you.” You barely hear Kevin as your mind goes into spirals. What the hell did this guy want? Why is he even here? What the hell did he want with you?
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