#kjell bergqvist
letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Slim Susie (Smala Sussie) (2003) Ulf Malmros
September 30th 2022
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lifewithaview · 26 days
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Kjell Bergqvist and Johan Widerberg in Springfloden (2016) S2E9
Mette and her team get closer to solving the case, but the police aren't the only ones closing in. Journalist Popovic makes a breakthrough and now it seems that everything is connected, but who murdered Bengt Sahlman? At home in Stockholm, Stilton makes both an unexpected and unwanted visit to Luna's boat.
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movienized-com · 5 months
Trolltider - legenden om Bergatrollet
Trolltider - legenden om Bergatrollet (Serie 2023) #MatildaGross #OssianSkarsgård #KjellBergqvist #HampusHallberg #KatarinaEwerlöf #MalteGårdinger Mehr auf:
SerieJahr: 2023- Genre: Abenteuer / Familienserie Hauptrollen: Matilda Gross, Ossian Skarsgård, Kjell Bergqvist, Hampus Hallberg, Katarina Ewerlöf, Malte Gårdinger, Nour El Refai, Helmon Solomon, Henrik Dorsin, Claes Månsson, Mimmi Cyon, Emma Broomé, Annika Hallin, Samuel Astor, Razmus Nyström, Hulda Johannsdóttir, Lena-Pia Bernhardsson, Ted Åström, Magnus Ehrner, Ville Virtanen…
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watchingalotofmovies · 10 months
Slim Susie
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Slim Susie    [trailer]
A young man returns to his hometown to look for his missing sister.
It's quite funny even though I thought it at times uses a few too many gimmicks like weird camera angles and quick cuts.
But it has a lot of energy, aided by some dynamic music beats, and it's fun to see how everything comes together at the end.
So overall a great low budget film.
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jayfinch · 10 months
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Slim Susie
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littlehenrikehd · 10 months
Okej, tre avsnitt in i julkalendern som gav mig ångest i Oktober-November. Hur känner vi ?
Det allra viktigaste med en reboot/remake är att den nya måste kunna stå på egna ben och tillföra något som orginalet inte hade (Se Ducktales 2017). En bra reboot/remake är inte en rak kopia av orginalet, det är en förbättring som står separat från orginalet.
Det är dessa kriterier jag har haft i åtanke när jag sett på julkalendern hittills, och än så länge har jag inga större klagomål.
Musiken, kostymerna, effekterna, och scenografin, är alla otroligt bra genomförda. Dem efterliknar orginalet på ett sätt som återskapar den mysiga stämningen utan att få en att önska man hellre tittade på den istället.
Just scenografin är något jag haft riktigt kul med. En av det största anledningarna till att Trolltider 1979 är min favorit julkalender är hur dom byggt stora verisioner av små saker, vilket jag älskar. När jag fick höra om rebooten var jag rädd för att dem antingen skulle strunta i den här aspektern, eller låte cgi sköta det vilket inte hade haft samma känsla. Men hör och häppna !
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Vi har en sko-säng ! Vi är så tillbaka ! Jag kan nu dö lycklig.
Vill även påpeka introt med fotstegen och hur överlycklig jag blev när jag först såg det.
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Hur som haver, över till story och skådespel.
För dom som inte har sett Trolltider 1979 så är årets julkalender en remake på en fyra avsnitt lång storyline från orginalet. Denna storyline var också en av det mer intresanta ur hela julkalendern så det är ingen överaskning att just den blev vald att expanderas. Och jag måste säga att jag gillar ändringarna.
I orginalet vaknar Bergatrollet efter en 500 års lång sömn för att sedan vara vaken i 500 år osv. När han vaknat tar han även ett troll fånge för sällskap. Mer än så är det inte. Så bärnstenen, Bergatrollets estetik och status som ond, och människornas involvering är alla nya. Och det är här som jag personligen ser att de bakom årets julkalender har en kärlek till orginalet.
De såg potentialen och valde att expandera på det. Vilket är hur en bra remake börjar; med kärlek och viljan att göra något mer.
När det kommer till skådespelarna har jag inte heller några klagomål.
Som jag sa i min trailer break-down/reaktion, så är Nour El Refai skit bra i rollen som Mara, speciellt den här verisonen av henne. Hon har en olycksbådande aura kring sig och lyckas vara hotfull utan att verka direkt ond eller elak, och man kan se att hon har kul i rollen. Har fortfarande problem med hennes kostym, men whatever.
Kjell Bergqvist slaktar också i rollen som Gorm. Han har en mycket mjukare stämma än Stig Järrel som spelade Gorm 1979, men han behärskar sig lika väl och framför en ansvarsful men något impulsiv och vresig ledare.
Jag kommer inte gå in på dom andra karaktärerna eller skådespelarna, men överlag ser det bra ut. Är dock fortfarande lite osäker på Henrik Dorsin som Vätten, men vi får se.
Så, slutsatsen; Trolltider 2023 är helt okej, till och med bra. Det är än för tidigt att säga säkert hur man tycker, men jag har kul än så länge. Det märks att människorna bakom julkalendern lagt ner tid och kärlek under produktionen för att få den så bra som möjligt och att Trolltider 1979 ligger varmt om hjärtat för dom. Detta är ingen lat nödlösning för att svt inte visste vad dom skulle göra, det är ett passionsprojekt. Och mer kan jag faktiskt inte be om.
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Be who you are for you priiiiiiiiiidddeee
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krakabank · 6 months
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| Besökarna (1988) by Joakim Ersgård | starring Kjell Bergqvist, Lena Endre and Johannes Brost | Horror/Thriller |
Besökarna (Eng. title The Visitors) is a Swedish horror/thriller movie I watched some time ago with a friend. We mostly chose it at random as it was on Netflix and we have a thing for old semi-tacky movies.
The plot centers around a young couple, Frank (Kjell Bergqvist) and Sara (Lena Endre) who move in to a secluded old house in the countryside with their two children. As one might imagine strange things start happening; wallpaper keeps falling down without explanation and wet footsteps appear in the attic. Frank contacts a paranormal investigator, Allan (Johannes Brost). Together they investigate the mysterious attic and unravel the house's history.
The movie is very much a product of the 80's and far from a masterpiece. It is a fun time though and does manage to get some suspence going, although I have a hard time calling it scary. The vibe is kind of silly in an accidental yet charming way. The effects and acting are good enough. The movie also features a fed up mailman just trying to do his job goddammit. I do think it's interesting and fun that the husband is the one who knows about the ghost and is thus the one deemed crazy, all too often I think movies rely on the "delusional hysterical woman" thing.
Funny quotes:
"Ja men skratta då för fan!" roughly translating to "Fucking laugh then!"
And following a conversation about peacock sexual dimorphism at the dinner table:
"Hanen måste göra sig fin för honan och sen kan dom para sig."
*slams glass on the table*
"I det här huset säger vi knulla!"
"The male needs to make himself look nice for the female and then they can mate."
"In this house we say fucking!"
Overall I think it's worth a watch if you're into horror and older movies! It might be hard to find an English translation or subtitled version though(?)
My score would be maybe a 6/10 for production and a 7/10 for enjoyment.
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ilovetheideaofu · 2 years
Ossian Skarsgård is going to be in a new Swedish Christmas show on SVT
“Trolltider" back as this year's Christmas calendar in SVT
"Sune's Christmas meets The Lord of the Rings"
By: Elvira Knudsen/TT
44 years have passed since one of the most appreciated Christmas calendars in television history, "Trolltider" was shown for the first time. This year it is time to bring it back to life, in a new vintage. "Sune's Christmas" will meet "The Lord of the Rings", says director Lisa Farzaneh.
In Vårby gård outside Stockholm is a large studio where a fairytale world has been built. It is dark and cool in the building and in the middle of all the technology and props move trolls with black eyes and pointed ears.
This year's Christmas calendar is called "Trolltider - the legend of the Mountain troll". Kjell Bergqvist, Malte Gårdinger, Ossian Skarsgård, Nour El-Refai, Helmon Solomon and Matilda Gross are some of the actors.
This year's Christmas calendar "Trolltider - the legend of the Mountain Troll" is recorded here during the spring. There is a high tempo during the recording, as 24 episodes are to be recorded in ten weeks.
Famous names such as Kjell Bergqvist , Nour El-Refai and Malte Gårdinger can be seen among the actors .
We take the memory of old "Troll times" and translate it to today. It will be a new story but more exciting. "Sune's Christmas" should meet "The Lord of the Rings", although it should be suitable for the whole family, says Li said Farzaneh.
Even though it will be a new story, the audience will once again get to know several characters who were there back in 1979. The fairy Dorabella, the sullen witch Mara, the dutiful wether, the grumpy master of power Gorm and the kind, but slightly stupid troll Kotte, are all the characters who are now back.
In 1979, the Christmas calendar "Trolltider" was shown for the first time. In 1985, it was repeated.
Honoring the memory of "Trolltider"
"Trolltider - the legend of the Mountain Troll" is said to be based on an old legend. In it, the mighty Mountain Goblin ruled over the North, but together the four peoples – the goblins, fairies, witches and humans – managed to put him to sleep with the help of a magical amber.
But one day someone finds the stone and breaks the spell that keeps the troll asleep. Then the human Saga and the troll Love find each other and together they try to find the stone and use it to prevent the Mountain Troll from waking up and taking over the world again.
When a classic Christmas calendar is brought back to life there is some concern about disappointing people, but according to Lisa Farzaneh it's mostly a "peppery nervousness".
We want to honor the memory of "Trolltider". I belong to the generation that enjoyed that Christmas calendar the most. As long as you honor it and keep what was good, I think you can feel the same love, she says.
Kjell Bergqvist plays the troll Gorm.
"Like entering a fairy tale"
The main characters Saga and Love are played by Matilda Gross and Ossian Skarsgård , son of Stellan Skarsgård , respectively . They see it as a great opportunity to be included in the Christmas calendar.
For me it is unimaginable and I am very grateful. It's a nice story and a nice script. It is a dream to be included in the Christmas calendar because it is something extra special, it is something popular. It's really wow, says Matilda Gross.
I say the same. I've always seen the Christmas calendar and it's always cool. This Christmas it will be special when you see yourself. It's so much fun to be in this environment, says Ossian Skarsgård.
Today, a scene from the first episode is being recorded. It takes place in the troll village where all the trolls live in their little huts. There is snow on the ground and lanterns hang from the ceiling. Outside the image is a smoke machine that contributes to the foggy forest environment.
It really is like entering a fairy tale. It will be a cozy Christmas calendar, says Matilda Gross.
A nice friendship
Ossian Skarsgård, who plays the troll Love, describes his character as someone with two sides.
He is a bit of everything. Playful, curious and nonchalant. He is also a bit rough on his sister but she deserves it. All this is very new to me, but it's fun to play someone other than myself, to be this troll, he says.
Love becomes close friends with Saga, who is a character full of energy and who always stands up for others. Matilda Gross describes Saga as a brave girl who never gives up and who constantly wants things to happen.
The filming of the Christmas calendar hasn't been going on that long, but already a friendship between the two actors has started to emerge, just like in the story.
Saga and Love develop a very nice friendship. They have a common goal and they do it together, says Matilda Gross.
In December 2020, in connection with the Christmas calendar turning 60 years old, SVT conducted a poll in which the most memorable Christmas calendar of all time would be chosen. Then "Trolltider" ended up in third place. When it was shown in 1979, it became so popular that it was repeated a few years later. Now that it is to be recreated, according to Lisa Farzaneh, it will be important to hold on to the memorable.
I have clear memories of invisible tracks in the snow and that it is a bit whimsical. This is going to be great, she says.
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spaciousreasoning · 2 years
More Streaming
There’s new stuff we’ve been watching after finishing off some of the things mentioned in the last installment. Thankfully, it’s not like TV used to be, given the continuing availability of new things.
We are currently in the middle of the latest season of “Shetland” from BritBox. Based on the characters from the Ann Cleeves novels about a police force in the far north of Scotland. This is the final season for lead actor Douglas Henshall, who plays Detective Jimmy Pérez, but the series will evidently continued without him.
Just wrapped recently was the second series of “Bäckström,” playing on AcornTV. The title character, portrayed by Kjell Bergqvist, is a Swedish detective who is brilliant but incredibly obnoxious. His only friend is a young neighbor boy because everyone else is driven away by his boorish behavior, including most of his colleagues.
Also on AcornTV is a brand new series, “Recipes for Love and Murder,” based on the first novel in a series by Sally Andrew. Set in a small community in South Africa, it stars Maria Doyle Kennedy at “Tannie Marie,” a cook and writer for the local paper, who fills her advice column with recipes designed to solve the problems for people who have written to her.
Another AcornTV offering is “Mystery Road: Origins,” a prequel to the existing series and movies about a detective in Australia’s outback, set in the late 1990s. Jay Swan returns to his hometown and faces a mysterious gang of robbers. Mark Coles Smith plays the younger version of the character originally portrayed by Aaron Pedersen.
Still on AcornTV — which is definitely worth the few bucks we pay each month — is “The Sounds,” which we finished recently, a Canadian-New Zealand production. A Canadian couple moves to New Zealand to escape family drama, only for the husband to go missing. A number of strings are left dangling, but so far there is no report of a follow-up series.
Over on Hulu is a comedy called “Reboot,” about an attempt to resurrect a 20-year-old sitcom. It stars Keegan-Michael Key and Judy Greer as the parents of the dysfunctional family, with Paul Reiser as the show’s original creator who wrests control of the reboot from his daughter, who pitched the idea.
Doubtless there are certain shows I’m forgetting at the moment, but we are looking forward to a couple more coming from BritBox: “Sherwood,” starring David Morrissey and inspired by real life murders in Nottinghamshire, England, in 2004; and “Karen Pirie,” from the novels of Scottish crime writer Val McDermid, about a young female detective who specializes in cold cases and has “a quick mouth and a tenacious desire for the truth.”
Finally, from AcornTV, the third series of “My Life is Murder” starts next week. Starring Lucy Lawless as private detective and former police officer Alexa Crowe, the first series was set in Melbourne. She moved to Auckland for the second series and remains there in the new shows.
With all of this entertainment, it’s a wonder we find time for anything else in our lives. But this is all confined to the evening. We seldom turn the TV on before the sun goes down.
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rorqvist · 5 years
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”Mycket intressant på TV denna veckan” Godkväll allihopa! Det har varit bra program men framförallt mycket intressanta ämnen som tagits upp på TV denna veckan.
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kompasskurs · 3 years
Jag skrattar alltid gott åt den här sketchen. Den har kanske inte så mycket med verkligheten att göra, men har ett visst underhållsvärde om ni frågar mig. 😊
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lifewithaview · 9 months
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Kjell Bergqvist and Kjell Wilhelmsen in Springfloden/Spring Tide (2016) Episode 7
Olivia is determined to retrieve Sandra's computer from Borell's house. The house is heavily guarded so it could be a dangerous mission, but a couple of drawings of the building should swing the pendulum in her favour, and being on her own will not stop Olivia in her quest for the truth.
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deprotagonisten · 4 years
Win een thuiskijkcode voor Bäckström!
In de crimeserie Bäckström moet een bekende detective een mysterie oplossen. Bij ons kun je een thuiskijkcode winnen, dankzij @LumiereBeNL. Laat je een reactie achter? Nu te zien op lumiereseries.com en vanaf 22-5 op Dvd @ThePublicityCy #Backstrom
Zijn we weer met een mooie nieuwe winactie voor een thuiskijkcode. Dit keer is dat de crimeserie Bäckström, die online te zien is op lumiereseries.com en vanaf 22 mei ook verkrijgbaar is op Dvd. Vertel ons via ons blog, Twitter, Facebook en/ of Instagramwaarom je deze serie zo ontzettend graag wilt zien en wie weet win jij wel één van die twee codes. Maaaaarrr, je wilt vast wel weten waar de…
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kwebtv · 6 years
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Julia Ragnarsson and Kjell Bergqvist in “Springfloden”. 
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nordicwannabe-blog · 3 years
"Kommissar Bäckström" Staffel 2
"Kommissar Bäckström" Staffel 2 - die beliebte Serie aus #Schweden geht weiter
Hej, viele fragen sich, wann kommt endlich Staffel 2 von “Kommissar Bäckström”? Es gibt gute Nachrichten: Seit Anfang März bis Juni 2021 finden in Göteborg und Umgebung die Dreharbeiten zur zweiten Staffel statt. Kjell Bergqvist spielt erneut den leicht misanthropisch veranlagten Ermittler, der stolz auf seine außerordentlich hohe Aufklärungsquote verweist und überzeugt ist, dass ihm da keiner so…
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miriamvowen · 4 years
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NORDIC NOIR Bäckström acquired by Acorn TV in the UK — The Killing Times Acorn TV has acquired Swedish series Bäckström, and confirmed its transmission date. The series stars Kjell Bergqvist as the titular alcoholic, corrupt detective who must solve a case where it appears a woman has died twice… spanning from Sweden to Thailand, with natural disasters, human violence, and everything in between on the table, will Evert Bäckström get […] NORDIC NOIR Bäckström acquired by Acorn TV in the UK — The Killing Times
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