#kku kku kka kka
I'm sorry for your aegyo trauma
I felt normal to me than i remembered i used to jooheon (monsta x) aegyo
bro jooheon's aegyo idk why but it's so natural when he does that im not a fan of aegyo at all but i'm very normal about his aegyo
wooyoung however... his kku kku kka kka is the most hilarious aegyo i've seen in my life idk if its the lifelessness is his eyes when he does that or just the fact that it's wooyoung who does that but god i always bust a lung when i see him doing that
jooheon's cute tho no one can deny that no one should deny that
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starrywinters · 7 years
7 Minutes!AU — Park Jihoon Fic
requested by anon!
genre: fluff
synopsis: both jihoon and you secretly loves each other, both of you are oblivious to the other’s feelings but everyone else can clearly see it, and you don’t confess until you play 7 minutes in heaven.
Ever heard of the saying, “A guy and a girl can be best friends and stay as best friends”? Yeah, that’s a lie. One will bound to fall for the other, if not maybe both will fall for each other. Sometimes at the right time, sometimes at the wrong.
“Hey Y/N! Mommy said we kiss the one we love when we’re older. So. when we’re older, I’m definitely going to give you many many kisses!” Stretches his arms as far as he can to emphasize his point.
That was said by a five-year-old Park Jihoon, your childhood friend since diapers. The one who is always there to mend your pain away and sooth your anger.
“LEE DAEHWI. YOU LIL-” You began, stomping your feet and splashing droplets of water everywhere, sentence cutting off as Jihoon pulls you into a hug. You wetting his entire self in the process. It was just like any other day where Lee Daehwi, your best friend, would pull a prank on you. One time it was tampering with your alarm clock, another time with a caramel ONION. Yes, onion, instead of an apple he used an onion.
This time, a bucket of water and a classroom door was involved. You can already guess what happened. You opened the door to your first period class and the whole bucket of water fell. On you. Not on Jihoon, who was standing beside you the whole time. No, it fell on you.
Already a Senior in high school, Daehwi has still not grown out of his childish side. Sinking yourself more fully into Jihoon’s warm embrace, you slowly calm down. The thought of getting revenge on Daehwi at the back of your mind. Standing at the doorway, your face nuzzled into the crook of his neck, someone can be heard clearing their throat behind you. Bae Jinyoung, Daehwi’s accomplice in most of his pranks and Daehwi’s #1 best friend.
Grinning, waggling his eyebrows, and winking at you two, “Hey lovebirds, stop blocking the doorway and keep your PDA indoors please.”
Never separating from your hug, “Shut up Jinyoung, you and Daehwi got her mad again. When will you two stop?” He pats your head slowly, lulling you into a sleep. But at the same time, it isn’t helping your situation as your heart begins to pound against your chest harder and faster. Yes, you have a mAJOr crush on Park Jihoon, your childhood best friend. What a surprise.
“Dunno, maybe never?” Seeing that you aren’t paying attention to them anymore he mutters to Jihoon, “We’re doing this for your sake bro, let us live a little. These are the only chances where you are bold enough to hug Y/N. When will you confess to her?”
Unfortunately for Jihoon, that was when you came back to the real world, finally separating from Jihoon’s hug. “Confess what? And to who?”
“N-nothing! Jinyoung is just saying nonsensical things like he usually does, le-let’s go to class, the bell’s about to ring.”
The bell rang as lunch period began
Literally stomping to your table, Jihoon right behind you, you see Daehwi sitting with Jinyoung, chatting very animatedly. ’Hah, not anymore you little devil.’ Wringing the collar of his shirt in your hands, “LEE DAEHWI. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP WITH THE DAMN PRANKS. IT’S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE.”
And here comes Jihoon, your personal teddy bear. Bringing you into another hug, you hiding your face in the crook of his neck again, slowly calming down your anger and breathing. During that whole process of you trying trying to calm down, your stomach growls. Loudly. To hide from further embarrassment, you dig your face further into Jihoon’s neck and curl yourself up, practically sitting on his lap.
Across from you sits Jinhwi, witnessing everything, “Eewww, guys, please. I feel like throwing up.” Dramatically, ”Jinyoung, take me to the restroom.”
“You can go yourself, you have legs.” And he indulges himself with his slice of pizza, ignoring the nonstop blabbering to the right of him. Offended, he turns to you and Jihoon, but ends up staying mum since you were still sitting on Jihoon’s lap as he’s hugging you. Daehwi knew you were still mad, so he proposes a compromise.
“Ok so Y/N, i’m sorry I pulled another prank on you, this will be the last time. I promise. So to make it up to you– HEY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!??1”
Repositioning yourself so you’re facing him, head against Jihoon’s chest, you glare at him. If glares could kill, Daehwi would’ve been long gone already. “What?”
“As I was saying, to make up for my childish actions, i’m inviting you to the party I got invited to last period. It’s this Saturday at Kang Daniel’s place. You know, the popular jock?” As expected of the ever friendly chatterbox Lee Daehwi.
Closing your eyes, you feel Jihoon’s grip tighten around you (be it unconsciously or not, you really liked it) and you focus on the vibrations as he talks, “I don’t know Daehwi, Y/N doesn’t do parties. You know that.”
“Ok but, just give this one a chance. You can leave early if you don’t like it, but at least stay there for 5 minutes? C’mon! It’s senior year, please?”
’Curse Daehwi and his cuteness. Evil otter lookalike.’ Were the thoughts that ran through your head as you stood outside your door, pouting, waiting for Jihoon to arrive. Wherever you go, Jihoon goes. You dragged him with you to the party since you didn’t want to be alone, plus you needed a savior if ever Daehwi or Jinyoung comes up with something fishy at the party. Which they will do, you can feel it.
“I don’t get it, why do I have to be here,” childishly stomping your feet, you complain to Jihoon.
Jihoon chuckling, “Because you fell for Daehwi’s cute acts. Like always.” Shaking his head in amusement.
“lisTEN, you do too ok?? Don’t target only mE.”
Knocking on the front door of captain of the dance team, Kang Daniel, you were let in and greeted by him. You can tell he’s a teeny bit tipsy as he leaned in to give you a hug, but you don’t even know him?? Jealous, Jihoon drags you away and closer to him. In the back, he can see Daehwi giggling to Jinyoung. Narrowing his eyes at them. ’Now, what is their motive?’
Yes, this isn’t their first time trying to set him up with you. They’ve been trying ever since they’ve met the both of you, almost giving up as they felt discouraged since they were getting nowhere. But once they found the both of you are actually really in love with each other, their motivation skyrocketed.
Throughout the night, Daniel and a few other guys consecutively tries to approach you, to get you to have a few drinks with them. Most of the time, Jihoon’s the one rejecting the offers, rarely do you ever get a chance to say (not like you’ll ever accept anyway).
Other than that, you actually had fun. Jihoon didn’t, he spent majority of the time glaring guys off.
A few minutes later, Daehwi bounces towards your direction, yelling out, “HEY Y/N, JIHOON! LET’S GO PLAY A GAME WITH THE OTHERS, JINYOUNG’S ALREADY THERE SAVING US A SPOT.” Pulling on your right arm and Jihoon’s left, “C’MON LET’S GO!”
And that’s how you found yourself sitting on the floor in a bedroom with many other people, staring at the spinning bottle on the floor. You still don’t understand the point of this game, ’what’s the name of it again? 7 minus oven? What? What kind of-.’
The first round’s pair was chosen, Ong Seongwoo and Kang Daniel (ONGNIEL(((;). They came out 7 minutes later, hair and clothes disheveled. What the heck is this game? Lost, you look to your right, where Jihoon sat. Understanding your confused gaze, he shrugs. ’I don’t know either Y/N.’
Your heart was beating rapidly, your breath hitching. You felt dizzy, nervous, your palms are sweaty. You’re pretty sure if the lights were on, the bright pink that dusted your cheeks can be easily seen. How you ended up here? You were chosen by the bottle for the third round, the other person you’re not sure who.
“H-hey, I’m Y/N. What’s your name?” Hoping to start a conversation and not do what the previous pairs did, you ask for the identity of the other person.
You feel movement, shifting closer and closer to you. He pulls you into a hug, at first you panic. Thrashing in his hold, trying to get out, but once you recognized the warmth the body radiated and the feel of the body you stop. What didn’t stop, however, was your beating heart. And that is where you are now.
You feel another set of heart beats, coming from the person who is currently holding you. “Jihoon? Why’re you holding onto me?”
“Because I don’t know when the next chance I’ll get to bravely hold you in my arms is. I’m a coward, I’m not able to hug you in broad daylight or for no reason. I want to do this now to get everything over with. Y/N, you’re literally the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. You were there for me when we were young, you never left me. Even when I was going through that phase where I stayed away from you for a few weeks because you had cooties -feeling offended, “NO I DID NOT, YOU HAD COOTIES NOT ME”- You dealt with the pain in the butt I am, and you dealt with my terrible fashion sense. Thank you for being my best friend, but I don’t think I can stay a ‘best friend’ anymore. I’ve fallen for you, hard. I’m in love with you, since 6th grade actually, and I want to take this to the next level, if you’ll let me. So, Y/N, will you agree to date this pink-colored loving boy and do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?”
Taking a few minutes to gather your thoughts and keep your heart from leaping out in joy, he nervously smiles awaiting your response.
“I-i yes! YES! I will, I’ve been in love with you since 6th grade too, when you first came to school dressed in pink. Not giving a care to what others thought about you and how you kept moving on, always trying to make me happy by hugging me to calm me down. So, yes, I will date you and I will be your boyfriend.”
Leaning further into the hug you look up at him, leaning up closer you initiate the first move. Slowly moving forward, you peck him slightly on the lips–and that is when the door opens.
Bae Jinyoung is stood there, grinning like he won the lottery, “Oho, what’s this? Are you two finally together?” Speeding off towards Daehwi, he screams, “DAEHWI! DAEHWI! HWIIIIIII, I WON THE BET, PAY UP BRO!”
Upset, you chase after him (Jihoon once again on your tail) “YAH! BAE JINYOUNG, LEE DAEHWI, YOU BETTED ON US?!?!???”
Sitting on Jihoon’s laps, the amount of PDA done intensifies. This time it’s more romantically than platonically. Small and short kisses were being stolen from time to time, staring into each other’s eyes were happening more often, and playing with each other’s fingers became a small competitive game between the both of you.
“GUYs, where is the gratefulness?? We don’t deserve this diSRESPECT especially since we helped get you two together.”
“Shut up Daehwi, you’re just jealous Jinyoung hasn’t asked you out yet.” (JINHWI(((((;)
y’all i typed this at 4AM and i kind of squealed, giggled, and smiled (very widely) as i typed this story…uhM like my heart??? was?? melting???? and i need to stOP???
anyway! i hope you like it! ♡
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kpop-stan23 · 3 years
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gfriendunited · 6 years
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© 꾸까 | do not edit
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kangdaddy-niel-blog · 7 years
My favorite fancam video of Jihoon
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prodbyteez · 4 years
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kku kku kka kka
please do not re-upload or use without credit
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dr-m-r-ma · 6 years
Part 2 / 2
Genre: fluff Rating: PG-13 (language) Group: Monsta-X
Summary: Lina and her friend Mel sit down at a cafe and catch up while listening to the songs the cafe plays. Little do they know, they sat down next to Monsta X.
Disclaimer: This is 100% fictional and my own story. It is unrelated to the actual events and real persons of Monsta X and Starship. Lina Kim is a completely made-up character that I created for this fanfic. Parts will be written in Korean with English translations. I did not major in English/Korean, nor was I ever strong in English/Korean grammar, so there will be grammatical mistakes. This fanfic is written in third person and past-tense for ease of writing.
Suddenly, Lina’s phone vibrated and a tune flowed out.
“Ay 난 너의 악당들을 모두 하나같이 뱅 뱅 뱅 뱅 하늘을 슝슝 그냥 막 하늘을 날아다녀 슈퍼맨”
Everyone froze when the lines were rapped in the most adorable high pitched voice. Lina slammed her hand on her phone and quickly picked up the phone while Mel couldn’t contain her laughter.
“어 엄마” (Translation: “Yeah mom”) Lina felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she answered her mother. In the corner of her eyes, she noticed the group next to them whispering and shaking. ‘Great, they’re also wheezing at  my ringtone….’
On the other side, her mom asked, “뭐가 그렇게 시끄러워?? (Translation: What’s so loud there??) Also what time are you coming home?”
Lina waved Mel down to quiet down and replied, “It’s just Mel laughing -- I think we’re going to get dinner so maybe after 10?”
Her mom said, “Okay, let me know when you’re ready to leave and be careful driving!” They both hung up and Lina turned to Mel, who was still trying really hard to stifle her laughter.
“Wow that’s one wild ringtone, what is it even,” Mel gasped in between her giggles.
Lina sighed, “Umm… it’s one of the rappers from Monsta X rapping his line in a cute way on ASC. I thought it would be fun to use it as an alarm… but I forgot I also set it as my parents’ ringtones….”
“Oh my god AS AN ALARM hahaha you’re crazy!”
Mel continued to snicker without noticing the prickly glances now coming from the employees as well as the group next to them. Lina’s eyebrows crinkled as she dropped her head low to avoid the glances. She texted Mel:
“Stfu we’re being hardcore stared at by the employees AND the weird group next to us”
Mel glanced down curiously at her phone before reading it and looking around. She peeked at the employees, who were chuckling at them, then looked at the group next to them. Mel noticed they were trying to hide their faces but were struggling to keep their voices down. She caught sight of one of the group’s eyes, and started to say something as the next song played.
Lost In The Dream - Monsta X
“La la la la la La la la la la”
Mel looked at Lina and looked back down at her phone, which buzzed with a string of messages from Lina:
“???” “Another one???” “They never play the same artist three times in a row…?” “Wait I’m gonna get water -- one of the employees just motioned me over”
Lina got up and walked over to the water station, where an employee they met a few times stood next to. Mel watched them talk and curiously saw Lina’s face twist into what seemed like shock and embarrassment.
She shivered when she realized they were being watched by the group next to them, so Mel took the chance to stare back. With a frown on her face, she stared at two of the guys. The two guys didn’t turn away and simply stared amusingly, which made Mel even more confused. She glanced at the others in their table, and eventually each one of them showed more of their faces to Mel.
And then it clicked.
Lina walked back nervously, glanced at the group, then sat back down. As she typed into her phone to tell Mel what she had just heard, a foot flew deep into her shin under the table.
“WHAT THE F-- OW?!?!?” Lina whisper-yelled. She looked up at Mel and Mel pointed towards the group.
*Cough* *Cough*
“Uh.. Hello…” One of them lifted his hood and revealed himself.
Rubbing the spot she was kicked and feeling the pain, Lina thought, ‘wait… if I can really feel this pain… then… this guy who looks like Minhyuk with Minhyuk’s voice… IS MINHYUK???’ She blinked a few times and stared, shell-shocked by the situation. She noticed the other guys also lifting their hoods and hats to reveal their faces a little more. Her eyes widened. ‘Damn I thought the employee was pulling a prank on me….’ Lina snapped out of her stupor when her phone buzzed quietly. She glanced down quickly and noticed a text from Mel.
“dReAm CoMe TrU!!!!”
Lina’s gaze slowly rose up to look at Mel and she scowled when Mel cackled silently. Minhyuk tapped the girls’ table and asked, “아, 근데 한국사람이죠?” (Translation: “Ah, but you’re Korean right?”)
Startled, Lina flinched before answering, “ㅇ-어… 네….” (Translation: “U-uh… yes….”) She didn’t know what else to say, since the whole situation seemed absolutely crazy… and the fact that she had been fangirling about Monsta X right next to them was somewhat very embarrassing.
There was a moment of silence before Minhyuk spoke to her again. “근데… 그 벨소리… ㅎ 주헌이 목소리죠?” (Translation: “But… that ringtone… lol is Jooheon’s voice, right?”)
Feeling the heat rise up to her cheeks and even up to tips of her ears, Lina nodded and looked away. The members laughed quietly while Lina slowly slid her foot to tap against Mel’s feet. She hoped Mel would get the signal and make an excuses to escape the situation, but even as she continued to quietly tap, Mel made no moves. Lina peeked at Mel and frowned when she saw Mel smiling evilly while eating the leftover food. ‘Dammit Mel, pretending like you don’t know why I’m tapping your feet!!’
“그럼 우리 주헌이 애교 좋아하는거죠?” (Translation: “Then you must like Jooheon’s aegyo, right?”) Minhyuk then turned to Jooheon, who was peeking from the side between Minhyuk and Wonho. “애교 좀 보여드려~” (Translation: “Show her some aegyo~”)
Jooheon poked his head out further and smiled, revealing his deeply sunken dimples. Mel gasped, “oh my god, SO MUCH AEGYO.” Surprised by Mel’s reaction, Jooheon laughed nervously and whispered to Minhyuk, “잠깐만, 벌써 애교 좋다고 그러는데???” (Translation: “Wait she’s already saying she likes me aegyo though???”)
Minhyuk turned to Mel and explained, “Ah, no, that’s not right aegyo. He has… another aegyo. Real aegyo.” He motioned to Jooheon and Jooheon sighed, giving short glances towards Lina. Lina looked curiously and cheered him on with a smile, since he looked like a small nervous animal.
“꾸꾸까까?” (Translation: “Kku kku kka kka?”)
With a peace sign slapped against his face, the rapper’s face turned beet red. Lina stifled her laughter successfully and managed to croak out, “감사합니다…” (Translation: “Thank you…”)
Jooheon covered his face with his hands before replying in a muffled voice, “어우 아니에요 죄송...해요….” (Translation: “Oh no I’m… sorry….”)
Lina looked at Mel, who was visibly shaking and had her fingers scrunched up from the cringe. Thankfully, the other members of Monsta X cracked, laughing openly at Jooheon’s famous aegyo. Jooheon pursed his lips bashfully, revealing his dimples once again, and lightly punched Minhyuk. Lina heard him whisper to the older boy, “이렇게 하고 어떻게 물어봐!!” (Translation: “How can I ask after doing this!!”)
Lina raised her eyebrows and leaned forward to ask, “뭐… 물어볼거 있어요?” (Translation: “Do you… have something to ask?”)
Jooheon hid behind Minhyuk’s shoulders and peered out like a small dog, and answered, “아-아니에요….” (Translation: “I-it’s nothing….”)
Mel, who could understand most of what they were talking about, nudged Lina and joked, “Maybe he wants you to delete the ringtone and use this aegyo as your new ringtone haha.”
“Ohh… uhh….” Lina hesitantly looked at Jooheon, who didn’t understand Mel’s words and simply looked back at her confused. She still liked the cute rap more than Jooheon’s signature aegyo, so she didn’t want to delete it, but if he was asking for it… then…. However, at the last minute, I.M. reached out and quickly said, “Wait, no, that’s not… what he meant.”
I.M. looked at Jooheon, who looked to Minhyuk, as if silently asking for help with his eyes. Minhyuk whispered something into Jooheon’s ear and Jooheon frowned, whispering something back, while I.M. looked on uneasily. Sensing the discomfort, Lina laughed, “제가 잘못 들었나봐요.” (Translation: “I must have heard wrong then.”) She lightly kicked Mel’s shoe and glanced towards the door, hoping Mel wouldn’t ignore the signal this time.
Thankfully, Mel stretched and got out of her seat while saying, “Aww it would be nice to stay longer… but we have to pick up my cat from my brother’s place, remember?”
With her best acting skills, Lina slid out of her seat and replied, “Ooh you’re right. Forgot about that.” Mel cleaned up the trays and headed to the back to put them away. As Lina started to pack her bag, she glanced at the boys. ‘Man, the mood’s kind of awkward… but it would be such a waste if I didn’t get a picture....’ Nervously, she walked over to Jooheon, and asked, “가기전에 사진… 하나… 찍어도 되요?” (Translation: “Before I go can I… take one… photo?”)
Jooheon’s eyes widened. He stammered, “ㅇㅏ ㄴ-네… 같이…?” (Translation: “Uh y-yes… together…?”)
Lina nodded, and he got out of his chair to stand next to her. She pressed the power button to turn on the camera, but failed to realize he would see her lock screen -- which was a fan taken photo of himself. She yelped, “앜!” (Translation: “Ack!”) and swiped quickly to turn on the camera. When she glanced at Jooheon, he smiled widely and wiped his forehead a bit before posing.
She tried to smile, but seeing his dimples react live on her phone next to her face gave her the jitters and she couldn’t stop her hand from shaking. Jooheon chuckled and took her phone. He softly whispered, “제가 잡을게요. 하나...둘...셋!” (Translation: “I’ll hold onto it. One… two… three!”)
She pressed the photo gallery and gave her approval at the photo, even though she looked awkward and bright red. Mel came back and nudged Lina.
“Hey, we have to go.” She smiled at Monsta X and waved bye, and Lina followed. She politely bowed and said, “너무 시끄러워서 죄송했어요… 그리고 애교하고 사진 고마웠어요! 그럼.” (Translation: “Sorry for being too loud… and thank you for the aegyo and picture! Then.”) She bowed once more and headed out with Mel.
Mel got in the car first and as Lina opened the car door, Mel yelled, “Hurry up and turn on the car!! It’s so hot outside and your car is so stuffy!” Lina rolled her eyes and started to get in.
“잠깐만요!!” (Translation: “Wait!!”)
Lina looked to her side and gasped to see Jooheon running over to her. With one eyebrow raised, she looked at him with wide eyes and tilted her head in confusion. He looked around the area before asking, “어…. 카카오톡이든… 라인… 아니면 트위터… 있으세요?” (Translation: “Uh…. Do you have KakaoTalk… or Line… or Twitter??”)
Lina stared at him blankly for a hot second, before slamming the door shut when she heard Mel gasp. She looked at him, stunned by his question, but softened up when she noticed how shy he looked in the moment. He couldn’t meet her eyes, his foot was nervously tapping the ground and he gripped his phone tightly. She quietly asked, “아까 물어보고 싶었던게… 혹시…?” (Translation: “Was this perhaps what you… wanted to ask before…?”)
Jooheon blushed and nodded his head once. She internally squealed at the sight before composing her mental state. Lina replied, “카톡하고 트위터는 있는데 트위터를 거의 안 써요….” (Translation: “I have both KakaoTalk and Twitter but I rarely use Twitter….”)
“두-둘다 주세요.” (Translation: “P-please give me both.”) Hearing him trip over his words made Lina’s heart melt, and when he handed her his phone with a blank memo, she typed in her usernames for both apps. As she typed, she couldn’t believe what was happening. Even when Mel was yelling from inside the car, “IT’S TOO HOT IN HERE… LITERALLY” Lina could only pay attention to the information she input into Jooheon’s phone… into Jooheon’s phone!
When Lina handed back his phone, she knew she was burning up from blushing too hard, but noticed he was bright red as well. He looked down at his phone and smiled at her. She smiled back, and in that moment, it seemed like they were in their own worlds… until Mel reached over to the driver’s seat and slapped the window from inside. Lina snapped out and looked down, horrified to see Mel sweating buckets. Jooheon as well, seemed worried and said, “빨리 가야하네요.” (Translation: “I see you need to leave soon.”) He lightly touched her shoulder while saying goodbye, “그럼… 연락… 할게요.” (Translation: “Then… I’ll… contact you.”)
With that, he ran back inside. Lina opened the door and slowly turned on her car, turning on the AC for Mel. Mel screeched, “BITCH I WAS DYING INSIDE -- ALSO DID HE ASK FOR YOUR CONTACT INFO?!”
Lina’s head turned slowly to Mel, and silently, she nodded. Mel gaped, which made Lina gape as well. They both screamed at each other until Lina felt her phone vibrate.
“이주허니 has added you”
Mel yelped as Lina added him back right away.
“Wait, even if he talks to you, you shouldn’t respond right away. Pull when he pushes, you know… what’s the word… oh 밀당!! (Translation: pushing & pulling)” Mel took the phone out of Lina’s hands. Lina rolled her eyes and huffed as rolled out of the parking spot. However, her phone had vibrated again. She didn’t get very far and only managed to drive halfway towards the exit, only to park in another spot.
“아까부터… 계속 봤는데 되게…” (Translation: “I kept looking at you… since before and…”)
“귀엽다고 생각했어요…” (Translation: “I thought you were really cute…”)
“그래서 이렇게… 연락처를 물어봤어요…” (Translation: “So that’s why… I asked you your contact info like this…”)
“혹시 내일 시간있어요?” (Translation: “Do you perhaps have time tomorrow?”)
*** THE END ***
A/N: I struggled with the ending lol I started it without knowing how I was going to end it so... also bc I was fleshing out other fic ideas... but oh welllll
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micheotji-ah-yeah · 7 years
Son: mom, why is my friend's name Choding?
Me: because his Dad is Kang Daniel.
Son: how about meㅡ
Me: no more questions now Kku Kku Kka Kka
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nunufujimi · 4 years
( sambungan yg bawah)
Ktika aku bicara sperti iu tiba2 ia bilang inginpergi ketoilet dan mninggalkanku smntara tnpa mmnutup telfonnya
stelah aga lma mnunggu lalu ia kmbali dn langsung bilang" udah ya mau nelfon bapaku dulu " dngn terburu2 ia mematikan telfonnya , aku percaya dia mnelpon ayahnya tpi stelah mnelepon ayahnya ia tak kmbali mneleponku pdahal ia bilannya "dulu" klo "dulu" kan hrusnya ia balik lagi tpi telfonnya tak kunjung datang sampai malam pdhal ia berkali2 buka wa nya ditengah itu aku sempat curhat kekaira mulai btanya tntng hal 2 yg terjadi dan mulai mnanyakan tntng pndapat2 ku wajar atau tidak
Pertama "ka knpa yah klo lgi g ada perlu2 amat kadang dia acuh trus klo stia p aku udh nyinggung sdikit tntang "kita" mskipun balasannya cpet klo dh ngomongin itu ritmenya tiba2 berubah kadang chatt cpet tiba2 melambat kdng chatt ku dislip doang kadang jdi dientar2in blsnya kdng bermenit2 smai berjam2 malah kdang g dibls smpai kita ganti topik 😔, pdhal akucman bcanda dikit dngn bilang" brti dunia setuju sma kita " tpi sgitu menghindarnya😔,wajar ga sih ka mnurut kka bukannya obrolan2 kecil kya gitu pnting yah biar hubungan ngga bosan ko klo dia justru malah enci dn sensi bngt dengernya pdahal dulu dia nyambung2 aja klo ngomongin tntng kia direspon2 aja ,tpi skrng kosgitunya ka sdih kali raanya aku,wajar ga sih😔,
Kairapun mmberi kurespon dngn berkata " adha klo aku yah sebagai wanita klo yg namanya sayang pasti dia ga bakal ngebiarin chatt adha , apalagi klo lgi nomongin tntng hubungan hrusnya nyambung2 aja" " iya justru itu ka aku bingung pdhal dulu g gitu 😔"
Coba adha tanya tntng prasaanya lagi sma dia "
"Udh sering ka tpi responnya slalu gitu jwbnnya kadang2gbner2 ssuai sama ygditanyain" pda ahirnya ia slalu marah dan ngancam putus ,
Lalu obrolan kita berlangsung cukup panjang dan ia mmberi respon lagi" tpi ya dha klo aku ga salah klo aku ngliat dri chatt kalian kanyanya wulan stengah hati sama adha"
Dalam hatikupun merasa bgitu ,akuslalu berfikir hubunganku miripskali dngn hubungan kakaku
Dimana kakaku brpacaran dngn laki2 yg lbih muda stu tahun drinya lalu ia aku sring bertanya kpdanya " yong gimnasifahmi" ah gitu aja pokonya iyong mah udah gatau lagi "knpa" dia suka marah2 ga jls krna cmburu brlebihan klo chattnya g dibls lama dikit dia suka nyangka iyong lgi chattan sma cowolain kadang dia suka marah2 krna ktakutan iyong main sa cwo lain,"
Aku mngerti posisi laki2 nya yg bersikap g jlas dan tiba2 sensi gitu kana sifatnya mirip dngn ku yg krna jarak aku takut kehilanan perhatiannya terkadang takut chatt ku jdi dinomor duakan ktika mlihatnya sringon tpi lma skali balasnya
Tpi sbnernya aku tdk terlalu mmpersala kan itu tpi yg slalu mnjdi pikiran dan mnjdi msalah bagiku adalah " sikap nya yg slalu dingin stiap brbicara tntng hubungn " pdhal dulu tdk gitu mknya kau slalu mmastikan smoga itu bukan tnda ia sudah bosan dngnku dngn sring bertanya hal2 yg sama tpi aku mlah sering kna marah dan diancam putus pdhal andainya dri dulu ia mnjwb nya dngn sesuai pertanyaan skali aja tnpa harus marah2 dan mngancam putus ,,aku g kan mngulang prtanyaan itu krna aku brtnya itu hanya karna untuk mmastikan klo dia masih bner2 mncintaiku sperti dulu pdahal aku terus bertanya dan memastikan itu hanya krna takut khilangan ia yg dulu masih bnar2 menyayangiku dngn tidak mnghindari obrolan tntng kita tpi ia malah marah dan akhirnya keraguanku tak pernah terjawab atas sgala kjanggalan ini😔
Lalu kka mu lanjutkan ceritanya " iyong mah udah ga tu mau giman kedepannya " lah terus gimana ,iyong sbnernya masih sayang atau ngga sma dia" gtau iyong mah kasian ajah dia dulu prnah smpainangis2 wktu mau diputusin kya anak kecil ilfeel jdinya skrng dia lgi kasian juga lgi sakit2an sma bapanya juga kna types " lah terus gmna critanya itu klo iyong nikah , mnjalani hubungan tpi tnpa perasaan" yah makanya iyong g mau tau jalani aja dulu" ih aneh" dan disitu akupun mlamun cukup lama smbil jalan "dngn sifat wulan yg kya gtu blakngan ini ..apa wulan juga bgitu yah sma aku" aku memikirkannya smbil sedih dan takut krna drcritnya saja mirip kita tpi disisi lain aku berharap smoga wulan ngga kaya gitu ,karna aku akan sakit jika selama ini aku tau kalau ternyata wulan hanya mnghargaiku dan menjalani hbungan dngn ku tanpa perasaan" krna jika ditanya tntng prasaan ia slalu acuh ta acuh sperti sudah malas skali untuk mmbahasnya dn ktika aku bilang bhwa kakaku bertengar dngn pacarnya tpi ia malah senang krna diputuskan dngn bilang" kkku berntem sama pacarnya trus dia diminta g nghubungi laki2 nya lagi ti malah seneng ., cerita mereka itu mirip crita kita tau tpi bdanya merekaputus tpi klo kita masih langgeng ,makanya u bersyukur bngt punya pacar kya kmu aku bersykur kmu masih bertahan sampai saat ini ,makasih yah wulan " tpi ia mmbalasnya dngn wajah yg biasa dngn kata2 yg seakan mngingatkan klau dia sudah sbnernya sudah bosan dan ingin udahan sma aku tpi mungkin hnya krna msih ada butuh wktu itu atau mungkin msih ngrasa ga enak karna aku udh bnyk bntunya atau mungkin hnya krna sbagai tnda mengargai saja makanya ia masih bertahan smpai skrng ini
Disaat itu ia mlah bals kta2ku sperti ini" kmu juga klo trus2an kya gitu nnti bisa beneran lohcemburuan itu bisa menghancurkan semuanya loh ..mau nih bnerann??" Ia tiba2 berkata seperti iu ddngn entengnya sperti memang sudah ingin mengungkapknya sejak lama tpi krna tertahan bbrapaalasan , aku sontak kaget dn bilang g mau atuh
Stelah telpon itu beakhr akupun ji heran dan berkata dlam hatiku " loh knpa yah ko tiba2 diabilang kya gtu , apa emg dia udh g ada prasaan sma aku apa emg dia udh pngn putus sma aku atau jngn2 crita kita emg sama kyacrita kakaku yg dimna lki2 nya khwatirkhilngn perempuan nya yg dulu dngn perubahan responnya mknya dia sring tiba2 emosi sdngkan kkaku hnya berusaha brtahan dngn alasn mnghargai dan kasian sdngkan diblik itu perasaan nya sudah tidak ada
" klau hubungan ku slama ini kya gitu.. sdih amat ya aku" bgitu pikirku
Sbnernya aku ada alsan suka nnyain cowonya kkaku untuk mmbandingkan dngn hubungaku atas respon2 wlan krna tindan2 dan prtanyaan2 cowonya mirip dngn apa yg aku tanyakan dan lakukan sdangkan pndapat yg kku berikan aku anggap sbgai jwbn wulan yg tk pernah dia ucapkan krna entah knpa stiap jwbn yg kka ku critakan untuk pcrnya yg tk pernah ia ungkapkan lngsung seakan mnjwb prtnyaanku yg sllmaini takpernah bnar2 dijwb scra terbuka jdi sekan jwbn kakaku itu mwakili jwbn wulan sbagi org yg sma2 wanita
Intinya kkku bilng sbnernya ia bertahan hnya krn kasian dan mnghargai
Sbnernya ia udh gsuka sma cowonya krna kkku anggap diasuka marah ga jlaspadahal sbnernya ia cman ngin mmastikan kkku msih syang atau ngga sma dia
Trus kkku bilang sbnernya dia udh g sayang krna diaanggap kekanak2an krna suka cmburu brlebihan gituh
Dan iajuga blang sbnernya prasaannya udah biasa aja krna sbnernya wktu nrima dia aja krn mnghargai kberaniannya aja ngga lebih jdi klo nnti putus biasa aja krna dia juga udah bosen sma cowonya
Dngr tu aku brfikir jahayt jug yh kakaku diem2 ngjalanin hubungan tnpa rasa kasian cowonya
Aku jdi sring mikir gmna yhklo seandainya apa yg dipikirin wulan slama ini sma kkya yg dipikirinkakaku sakit kali aku nanti
Smoga aku ga kaya gitu tpi enah knpa aku mrsa kya gitu krna ceritaku mirip crita kakau smpai ahirnya semua terjawab saat wulan memutuskanku dihari itu
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sipeacheng · 7 years
This is a companion post to this list of vocabulary found in the song.
The romanization is not based only on the literal translation of the hangul characters; it is based on how the characters actually sound when put together. For example, while many sites romanize “아낀다” as “agginda,” the word should actually be pronounced as “akkinda,” so I’ve romanized it this way to make it easier to understand.
Ayo, ayo / Seventeen, yup! You know what?
yo-jeum-ma-rya nae-ga-ma-rya saeng-ga-gi man-ha 요즘말야 내가말야 생각이 많아 These days, you see, I have a lot of thoughts [These days, you see, I’ve been thinking a lot]
yo-jeum-ma-rya neo-e-ge ma-rya hal ma-ri man-ha (yo-jeum-ma-rya) 요즘말야 너에게 말야 할 말이 많아 (요즘말야) These days, you see, I have a lot to say to you (these days)
nae-ga jom i-sang-hae 내가 좀 이상해 I feel a bit weird
mal-su-ga jeo-geo-jyeo 말수가 적어져 I’m not talking as much
chin-gu-deu-ri da geok-jeong-hae (yo-jeum-ma-rya) 친구들이 다 걱정해 (요즘말야) My friends are all worried (these days)
ne a-pe-man seo-myeon shim-ja-ngi ttwi-eo-seo 네 앞에만 서면 심장이 뛰어서 My heart races only when I’m in front of you
haeng-do-ngi seo-tul-leo-seo mi-an-hae 행동이 서툴러서 미안해 So I’m sorry for my clumsy behavior
a-jik-do jo-jeo-ri an-dwae 아직도 조절이 안돼 I still can’t control it
na gat-go nol-ji jom mal-lae 나 갖고 놀지 좀 말래 Please don’t play around with me so much
wae ja-kku front-ha-neun-geon-de 왜 자꾸 front하는건데 Why do you keep putting up a front?
mo-reu-get-da mo-reu-get-da 모르겠다 모르겠다 I don’t know, I don’t know
eo-tteo-ke-deun doe-get-ji 어떻게든 되겠지 What’s going to happen?
geu-ni-kka nae ma-reun neo-reul da al-go shi-peo 그니까 내 말은 너를 다 알고 싶어 So, what my words mean is that I want to know everything about you [So, what I’m trying to say is, I want to know everything about you]
neo-reul no-rae-hae yoo-hoo neo-reul no-rae-hae yoo-hoo 너를 노래해 yoo-hoo 너를 노래해 yoo-hoo I’ll sing you yoo-hoo I’ll sing you yoo-hoo
ip-su-ri mal-la-do hal-ma-reun hae-ya-ge-sseo 입술이 말라도 할말은 해야겠어 Even if my lips are dry, I need to say this
a-kkyeo neol a-kkyeo neol hyeon-gi-jeung nal jeong-do-ro 아껴 널 아껴 널 현기증 날 정도로 I adore you, I adore you, enough to get dizzy
(a-kkin-da) yo-jeum-ma-rya nae-ga-ma-rya (yo-jeum-ma-rya) (아낀다) 요즘말야 내가말야 (요즘말야) (I adore you) These days, you see, I (these days)
(a-kkin-da) (yo-jeum-ma-rya nae-ga-ma-rya (yo-jeum, yo-jeum-ma-rya) (아낀다) 요즘말야 내가말야 (요즘, 요즘말야) (I adore you) These days, you see, I (these days, these days)
eo-jjeo-da-ga nu-ni bu-shi-neun-ga 어쩌다가 눈이 부시는가 How can you dazzle so much?
i-gi-jeo-gin oe-mo gyeom-son-han seong-pu-meul bwa 이기적인 외모 겸손한 성품을 봐 Your looks are selfish, but I see your humble personality [You’re so pretty that it’s selfish, but your personality is so humble]
yeo-gi gam-hi eo-di-ra-go no-ngi a-nya 여기 감히 어디라고 농이 아냐 This isn’t the place to joke around
neo-ui mae-ryeo-ge dae-han sa-shi-reul go-han-da 너의 매력에 대한 사실을 고한다 I’m telling the truth about your charms
nal bo-go ut-neun ge jo-ha-seon-ji 날 보고 웃는 게 좋아선지 Do you smile when you see me because you like me?
a-ni-myeon geu-nyang u-seu-wo bo-i-neun geon-ji 아니면 그냥 우스워 보이는 건지 Or is it just because I seem light to you?
Ho / Yeah
ji-geum ja-ril chat-go it-da-myeon 지금 자릴 찾고 있다면 If you’re looking for a spot
nae yeop-ja-ri-ga jo-ha bo-yeo 내 옆자리가 좋아 보여 The spot next to me looks good
neo-e-ge gwan-shim man-ha 너에게 관심 많아 I pay a lot of attention to you
shin-bal sa-i-jeu kka-ji-do   신발 사이즈 까지도 Even right down to your shoe size
Oh, oh
a ji-geum neo ttae-me bu-ri-na 아 지금 너 땜에 불이나 Ah, I’m on fire right now because of you
na-reul shik-hi-neun geon mu-ri-ya 나를 식히는 건 무리야 It’s impossible to cool me down
a ji-geum neo ttae-me bu-ri-na 아 지금 너 땜에 불이나 Ah, I’m on fire right now because of you
mo-reu-get-da mo-reu-get-da 모르겠다 모르겠다 I don’t know, I don’t know
eo-tteo-ke-deun doe-get-ji 어떻게든 되겠지 What’s going to happen?
geu-ni-kka nae ma-reun neo-reul da al-go shi-peo 그니까 내 말은 너를 다 알고 싶어 So, what I’m trying to say is, I want to know everything about you
neo-reul no-rae-hae yoo-hoo neo-reul no-rae-hae yoo-hoo 너를 노래해 yoo-hoo 너를 노래해 yoo-hoo I’ll sing you yoo-hoo I’ll sing you yoo-hoo
ip-su-ri mal-la-do hal-ma-reun hae-ya-ge-sseo 입술이 말라도 할말은 해야겠어 Even if my lips are dry, I need to say this
a-kkyeo neol a-kkyeo neol hyeon-gi-jeung nal jeong-do-ro 아껴 널 아껴 널 현기증 날 정도로 I adore you, I adore you, enough to get dizzy
(a-kkin-da) yo-jeum-ma-rya nae-ga-ma-rya (yo-jeum-ma-rya) (아낀다) 요즘말야 내가말야 (요즘말야) (I adore you) These days, you see, I (these days)
(a-kkin-da) (yo-jeum-ma-rya nae-ga-ma-rya (yo-jeum, yo-jeum-ma-rya) (아낀다) 요즘말야 내가말야 (요즘, 요즘말야) (I adore you) These days, you see, I (these days, these days)
neo yeo-gi gi-dae-do dwae 너 여기 기대도 돼 You can lean right here
neo-ui a-peum na-ro deo-peo-do dwae 너의 아픔 나로 덮어도 돼 You can cover your pain with me
ne sok-ma-eum bu-reo 네 속마음 불어 Tell me what’s inside your heart
nun-chi-chae-gin yeok-bu-jok 눈치채긴 역부족 I’m aware that it’s not enough
Can’t fake it no more
kkeu-reo-ol-lyeo sok-do 끌어올려 속도 Crank up the speed
twing-gi-neun geon i-jjeu-me-seo kkeut-nae-go 튕기는 건 이쯤에서 끝내고 Stop playing hard to get
i-je na-do han-beon bul-leo bo-ja 이제 나도 한번 불러보자 Now, let me call out to you, too
Baby, you are my angel
neo-reul no-rae-hae yoo-hoo neo-reul no-rae-hae yoo-hoo 너를 노래해 yoo-hoo 너를 노래해 yoo-hoo I’ll sing you yoo-hoo I’ll sing you yoo-hoo
ip-su-ri mal-la-do hal-ma-reun hae-ya-ge-sseo 입술이 말라도 할말은 해야겠어 Even if my lips are dry, I need to say this
a-kkyeo neol a-kkyeo neol hyeon-gi-jeung nal jeong-do-ro 아껴 널 아껴 널 현기증 날 정도로 I adore you, I adore you, enough to get dizzy
(a-kkin-da) yo-jeum-ma-rya nae-ga-ma-rya (yo-jeum-ma-rya) (아낀다) 요즘말야 내가말야 (요즘말야) (I adore you) These days, you see, I (these days)
(a-kkin-da) (yo-jeum-ma-rya nae-ga-ma-rya (yo-jeum, yo-jeum-ma-rya) (아낀다) 요즘말야 내가말야 (요즘, 요즘말야) (I adore you) These days, you see, I (these days, these days)
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5 things that make you happy
Tag: List 5 things that make you happy and tag 10 of your followers from your notifications list! Thanks @cafe101 for tagging me hehez
1. FOOD (esp. Spicy)
2. Clear beach (like clear sand and no seaweeds :((( )
lol ya’ll know thats only 5 but eh
@jihoonslattee @rosesoftruth @jsmmn2002
@haechance @lirmy @protectravixx @kimjqngin @woojinyoung @pinksungwoon
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gfriendunited · 6 years
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© 꾸까 | do not edit
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monstaxwh · 7 years
(TRANS) MONSTA X for 韓流ぴあ (Hallyu Pia) Magazine (March 2017 Issue)
Q. Describe each other: SHOWNU I.M: Soft both inside and outside. Manly and a 'follow me' type of person. The more you know him, the funnier he is and he gets the most laughs out of us. Minhyuk: He becomes a beast when he is hungry. Wonho: I call him ‘charisma hulk’. Shownu: I’m shy, so I tend to hesitate or do things awkwardly. Apparently people find it hilarious.
Q. Describe each other: WONHO Minhyuk: You can describe Wonho in one word: Sexy ♥ Whether he’s laughing or angry, he’s always sexy. I think it is because of his lips. MONSTA X: (All agree) Kihyun: The gap of when he's talking and when he is not is huge. Wonho: I won’t deny it.
Q. Describe each other: KIHYUN Shownu: Bright, proactive, and always hard-working. Strict to himself. Wonho: It is cool that he can make a meal just from what is in the fridge. Kihyun: I am good at making Kimchi Jjigae, Ramen, and Pizza.
Q. Describe each other: HYUNGWON Kihyun: As you can see, he’s good-looking and also a good dancer. He must’ve known since he was born he is handsome.  Shownu: Really not a morning person. Kihyun: He doesn't wake up at all, so I gave up trying to wake him. Wonho: If I tap him, he wakes up though... Hyungwon: I’ve never considered myself as handsome. MONSTA X’s ikemen (T/N: Japanese for ‘handsome guy’) are Wonho and Kihyun... And then me (laughs).
Q. Describe each other: JOOHEON Wonho: He is good at showing manliness and also great at rapping and dancing. He has a good personality and has the kindness to accept all the teasing we do to him. Music-wise, he is a member that I have a lot to learn from. Please anticipate Jooheon’s self-produced songs in the future! Minhyuk: He has a lot of aegyo, and no one can do ‘Kku Kku Kka Kka’ as well as him. Jooheon: Thank you... This is kind of embarrassing.
trans by @potatoestorm ; take out with full credit.
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shiromiruma · 7 years
i’m just gonna say it. i have made a pact to protect park jihoon, the creator of ‘nae maeum soge jeojang’ and new edition of ‘kku kku kka kka’ and the one who gets embarrassed after doing his aegyo, and i solemnly swear to shield him from the hate and always give him love and support!
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pecanduendorfin · 5 years
Quotes Tentang Dituduh Sama Orang Lain
Web drama: Best Mistakes (Ep. 12)
YT Channel: KOK (King Of Korean-drama) TV
지현호: 너 그 날 기억나냐? 우리 축구하다 늦은 날.
(Neo geu nal gi-eong-na-nya? U-ri cyuk-gu-ha-da neu-jeun nal)
Hyeonho Ji: Kamu inget waktu itu nggak? Waktu kita telat (gara-gara) main sepakbola.
지현호: 똑같이 지각인데, 선생님은 소주호만 감싸더라.
(Ttok-ka-cyi ji-ga-kin-de, seon-saeng-nim-eun so-ju-ho-man kam-ssa-deo-ra)
Hyeonho Ji: Kita emang sama-sama telat, eh tapi guru itu malah baik hati sama Juho So.
지현호: 왜 반장까지 물들이냐고.
(Wae ban-jang-kka-ji mul-deu-ri-nya-go)
Hyeonho Ji: Beliau bilang kalo kita itu bisa jadi pengaruh buruk buat si ketua kelas (Juho So).
지현호: 제일 늦은 건 걔었는데.
(je-il neu-jeun geon gye-eot-neun-de)
Hyeonho Ji: Padahal, dia (Juho So) yang datang paling telat (terakhir).
지현호: 난 아직 나를 잘 모르겠는데.
(nan a-jik na-reul jal mo-reu-get-neun-de)
Hyeonho Ji: Aku sendiri belum tau.
지현호: 나 빼고 다른 사람드른, 이미 결론 내린 거 같애.
(Na bbae-go da-reun sa-ram-deu-reun, i-mi gyeor-ron nae-rin geo ka-tae)
Hyeonho Ji: Tapi keliatannya orang-orang tuh, kecuali aku, udah bisa bikin kesimpulan sendiri.
김연두: 나도 그래. 한번은, 학교에 소프트렌즈를 끼고 왔었거든?
(na-do geu-rae. Han-bo-neun, hak-kyo-e so-peu-teu-len-jeu-reul kki-go wa-sseot-geo-deun?)
Yeondu Kim: Aku juga (pernah ngerasain hal yang sama). Waktu itu kan, aku pernah pake kontak lens ke sekolah.
김연두: 시헙 착욕으로 받아서.
(syi-heob cyak-yo-geu-ro ba-da-seo)
Yeondu Kim: dapet gratisan gitu sih, jadi aku cobain aja deh.
김연두: 근데 애들이 다 그러는 거야. 원일이냐고 원래 이런 애 아니지 않냐구.
(keun-dae ae-deu-ri da geu-reo-neun geo-ya. Weo-ni-ri-nya-go weon-lae i-reo-nae a-ni-ji a-nya-gu)
Yeondu Kim: Tapi, anak-anak (siswa/i) lain pada bilang kalo aku tuh nggak pantes pake itu.
김연두: 바로 뻬서 버렸어.
(ba-ro bbe-seo beo-rye-sseo)
Yeondu Kim: Jadi, ya aku ambil aja terus dibuang deh.
김연두: 조금만 그게 옷거나 노래를 흥얼거리거나. 욕을 해도 그래. 나답지 않다구. 그럽 때마다. 내가 대체 어떤 애지?
(jo-geum-man geu-ge ot-geo-na no-rae-reul heu-ngeol-geo-ri-geo-na. Yo-geul hae-do geu-rae. Na-dab-ji an-ta-gu. Geu-reob ttae-ma-da. Nae-ga dae-cye eo-tteon ae-ji?)
Yeondu Kim: Kalo aku lagi ketawa keras, nyanyi berdehem, atau ngomong kata kasar, mereka selalu bilang kalo kebiasaan itu nggak mencerminkan diri aku yang biasanya. Tapi, setiap aku denger (perkataan mereka itu), aku malah jadi heran sama diri sendiri, “Sebenernya aku ini anak macem apa sih?”
김연두: 싶은데. 뭐 그냥. 조용하고 안 꾸미고. 초록색 가방에 문제집이나 잔뜩 넣어 다니는 범생이젰지.
(syi-peun-de. mwo geu-nyang. jo-yong-ha-go an kku-mi-go. Cyo-rok-saek ka-ba-nge mun-je-ji-bi-na can-tteuk neo-heo da-ni-neun beom-sae-ngi-jet-ji)
Yeondu Kim: Aku rasa kayaknya mendingan aku jadi anak pendiam, cuek sama penampilan, dan jadi murid pekerja keras yang selalu bawa tas hijau berisikan buku yang banyak.
…… (Catat. Di titik2 ini sebenernya ada percakapan lagi, tapi aku nggak cantumin biar kalian tau intinya apa)
김연두: 그러니까 너도 너무 신경 쓰지 말라구.
(geu-reo-ni-kka neo-do neo-mu syin-kyeong mal-la-gu)
Yeondu Kim: Jadi nggak usah khawatir.
김연두: 편결을 가지고 있는 사람들 중에 대부분이 널 모르는 사람들이잖아.
(pyeon-gyeo-reul ka-ji-go it-neun sa-ram-deul ju-nge dae-bu-bu-ni neol mo-reu-neun sa-ram-deu-ri-ja-na)
Yeondu Kim: Kebanyakan orang yang doyan suuzon (ke kita) tuh orang yang gk kenal siapa diri kita sebenarnya.
김연두: 니가 제대로 알려주면 돼.
(ni-ga je-dae-ro a-ryeo-ju-myeon dwae)
Yeondu Kim: Kamu bisa jadi orang yang memperbaiki itu.
김연두: 그럴 필요가 없는 사람이라면, 그냥 무시하면되지.
(geu-reol pir-yo-ga ob-neun sa-ra-mi-ra-myeon, geu-nyang mu-syi-ha-myeon-dwe-ji)
Yeondu Kim: Dan kalo mereka memang orang yg gk pantes buat kamu (temenin), ya dicuekin aja, lagi.
김연두: 너 한테, 중요한 사람들한테면 신경 쓰라니까.
(neo han-te, jung-yo-han sa-ram-deul-han-te-myeon syin-kyeong sseu-ra-ni-kka)
Yeondu Kim: Mendingan fokus aja sama orang yang memang pantes buat kamu (temenin).
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winkhoonie · 7 years
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